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File metadata and controls

980 lines (630 loc) · 24.8 KB


let canvas = new Canvas({
  // the attribute below
  root: dom,               // canvas root dom (require)
  layout: {type: 'ForceLayout', options: {}},   // layout setting , integrated or custom , (optional)
  layoutOptions: {rankdir: 'TB'}, // layout options(optional)
  zoomable: true,          // enable zoom canvas (optional)
  moveable: true,          // enable move canvas (optional)
  draggable: true,         // enable drag nodes (optional)
  linkable: true,          // enable connect edges (optional)
  disLinkable: true,       // enable disConnect edges (optional)
  layout: {},              // initialize auto layout (optional)
  theme: {                 // theme (optional) 
    group: {
      type: 'normal',       // Node group type: normal (drag in and drag out), inner (can only be dragged in and not out)
      dragGroupZIndex: 50  // Node group z-index: (optional, Default:50)
    node: {
      dragNodeZIndex: 250  //node z-index/2 (optional, Default:250)
    edge: {
      type: 'endpoint',    // edge connection type
      shapeType: 'Bezier', // edge type:Bezier curve,Polyline ,Straight,Manhattan line,Improved Bezier curve。values : Bezier/Flow/Straight/Manhattan/AdvancedBezier
      hasRadius: false ,   //the rounded corners of the Manhattan Curve: true represents having rounded corners,false represents having right angle. Default value false
      label: 'test',       // edge label
      arrow: true,         // whether to show arrow
      arrowPosition: 0.5,  // arrow position (0 ~ 1)
      arrowOffset: 0.0,    // arrow offset
      arrowShapeType: '',  // custom arrow style
      Class: XXClass,      // custom Class
      isExpandWidth: false,// expand line interaction area
      defaultAnimate: false,// turn on line animation by default
      dragEdgeZindex: 499  // edge z-index (optional, Default:490)
    endpoint: {
      position: [],        // limit endpoint position ['Top', 'Bottom', 'Left', 'Right'],
      linkableHighlight: true,// point.linkable method is triggered when connecting, can be highlighted
      limitNum: 10,        // limit the number of anchor connections
      expandArea: {        // when the anchor point is too small, the connection hot zone can be expanded.
        left: 10,
        right: 10,
        top: 10,
        botton: 10
    zoomGap: 0.001,       // mouse zoom in and out gap settings
    autoFixCanvas: {     // auto expand canvas when drag nodes or edges near the edge of canvas.
      enable: false,
      autoMovePadding: [20, 20, 20, 20]
    autoResizeRootSize: true // automatically adapt to the root size, the default is true
  global: {                // custom configuration, will run through all canvas, group, node, edge, endpoint objects
    isScopeStrict: false   // whether scope is strict mode (default is false)
  // data


root <dom> (Require)

  container: a dom element with width and height, canvas root node

zoomable <Boolean> (Optional)

  whether the canvas is scalable; value type boolean, Default value false

moveable <Boolean> (Optional)

  whether the canvas is movable; value type boolean, Default value false

draggable <Boolean> (Optional)

  whether the canvas is draggable; value type boolean, Default value false

linkable <Boolean> (Optional)

  whether the nodes in canvas can be dragged to add connection; value type boolean, Default value false

disLinkable <Boolean> (Optional)

  whether the nodes in canvas can be dragged to delete connection; value type boolean, Default value false

layout <Object> | <Function> (Optional)

  canvas initialization automatically arranges the layout according to what you set, reference

layoutOptions <Object> (Optional)

  useful when 'layout' value is set in Function.Value of layout options.reference


  canvas theme configuration, default initialization style and interaction, mainly:

  • edge    connection configuration: Default style and interaction of all edges. The dragged edge will also use this configuration.


    • type <String> whether the edge is connected to a node or to an endpoint. Default value node

    • shapeType <String> edge type: Bezier, AdvancedBezier, Flow, Straight, Manhattan, Bezier2-1, Bezier2-2, Bezier2-3, BrokenLine; Default value Straight

    • hasRadius <String> the rounded corners of the Manhattan Curve: true represents having rounded corners,false represents having right angle. Default value false

    • label <String/Dom> edge label

    • labelPosition <Number> edge label position: the value is between 0-1, 0 represents the beginning of the egde, and 1 represents the end of the egde. Default value 0.5

    • labelOffset <Number> the position offset of edge label: the offset value from the label position of edge. The default value is 0, and the unit is px

    • isAllowLinkInSameNode <Boolean> anchor connection restriction: whether to allow anchor connections in the same node

    // labelPosition & labelOffset: the label position is in the middle of edge,offset 20px to the end
      labelPosition: 0.5,
      labelOffset: 20
    • arrow <Boolean> whether to add arrow configuration: Default value true

    • arrowPosition <Number> arrow position: value between 0-1, 0 represents the beginning of the edge, and 1 represents the end of the edge. Default value 0.5

    • arrowOffset <Number> the position offset of arrow: the offset value from the arrow position of edge. The default value is 0, and the unit is px

    • isExpandWidth <Boolean> expand the edge interaction area, default value false. If true, get eventHandlerDom for attach events

    • defaultAnimate <Boolean>_ turn on line animation; Default value false

    • Class <Class> custom extend class

  • endpoint    endpoint config: default style and interaction of all endpoints


    • linkableHighlight <Boolean> point.linkable method will be triggered when connecting, which can be used for line highlighting; Defualt value true

    • limitNum <Number> limit the number of endpoing connections; Default value 10

    • expandArea <Object> the hot zone connected of endpoint: Since the endpoint area may be too small, it provides the property of expanding the hot zone;Default value {left: 10, top: 10, right: 10, bottom: 10}

  • group    group config


    • type <String> group type: normal(can be dragged in and out), inner(can only be dragged in but not out);Default value normal

    • includeGroups <Boolean> whether the node group allows included node groups

  • zoomGap <Number> mouse zoom in and out gap setting; Value between[0-1], Defualt 0.001

  • autoFixCanvas When the node is dragged or the edge is dragged to around the edge of the canvas, the canvas is automatically extended


    • enable <Boolean> whether the canvas is automatically extended; Default value false

    • autoMovePadding <Array> inner margin of the canvas that triggers automatic extension; Default value [20,20,20,20]

  • autoResizeRootSize <Boolean> Automatically adapt to the Root container size; Default value true

global (Optional)

  global Global attributes; object (Option), Default value undefined


canvas.draw (data, calllback)

descripition:the rendering method of the canvas, please note that the canvas rendering is asynchronous rendering


  • {object} data include: groups, nodes, edges
  • {function} calllback *The rendering process is asynchronous, please pay attention to the callback if you need it
draw = (data, calllback) => {}

canvas.redraw (data, calllback)

descripition:the re-rendering method will delete all previous elements and re-render, note that the canvas rendering is asynchronous rendering


  • {object} data new groups, new nodes and new edges
  • {function} calllback *The rendering process is asynchronous, please pay attention to the callback if you need it
redraw = (data, calllback) => {}

canvas.autoLayout (type, options)

descripition:manually invoke automatic layout


  • {string} type layout tyoe
  • {object} options layout params
autoLayout = (type, options) => {}

canvas.getDataMap (data, calllback)

descripition:get all the data of the canvas: nodes, edges, groups


  • {object} data groups, nodes, and edges data
getDataMap = () => {}

canvas.setLinkable (boolean)

descripition:set whether all nodes of the canvas can be dragged to connect edge


  • {true|false} boolean whether to support all nodes can be dragged to connect edge
setLinkable = (boolean) => {}

canvas.setDisLinkable (boolean)

descripition:set whether all nodes of the canvas can be disconnected connecttion


  • {true|false} boolean whether all nodes of the canvas can be disconnected connecttion
setDisLinkable = (boolean) => {}

canvas.setDraggable (boolean)

descripition:set whether all nodes of the canvas can be dragged


  • {true|false} boolean whether to support all nodes can be dragged
setDraggable = (boolean) => {}

canvas.getGroup (string)

descripition:get group by id


  • {string} id group id


  • {Group} Group instance
getGroup = (string) => {}

canvas.addGroup (object | Group, nodes, options)

descripition:Add groups. If the group does not exist, create the group and add nodes into the group; If the group exists, nodes will be add into the current group.


  • {object | Group} object Group: group information or group instance
  • {array< object | Node >} object (Optional) Node information: these nodes will be added to the group. If the node does not exist, it will create these nodes
  • {object} options params
  • {string} options.posType 'absolute or relative' , Identifies whether the coordinates of the node are absolute positioning relative to the canvas or relative to the node group
  • {number} options.padding group padding
addGroup = (object|Group, nodes, options) => {}

This API can not only create new groups, but also select multiple nodes into groups:

canvas.removeGroup (string | Group)

descripition delete the group, but not delete the nodes inside


  • {string | Group} id group id / Group instance


  • {Group} delete Group instance
removeGroup = (string | Group) => {}

canvas.getNode (string)

descripition:get node by id


  • {string} id node id


  • {Node} Node instance
getNode = (string) => {}

canvas.addNode (object|Node)

descripition:add node


  • {object|Node} object node infomation;Node - Node Basic Class
addNode = ([object](./ | Node) => {}

canvas.addNodes (array< object | Node >)

descripition:add multiple nodes


  • {array<object|Node>} Node infomation;Node - Node Basic Class
addNodes = (array<object|Node>) => {}

canvas.removeNode (string)

descripition:delete node


  • nodeId string - node id
removeNode = (string) => {}

canvas.removeNodes (array)

descripition:delete multiple node


  • nodeIds array - multiple node id
removeNodes = (array) => {}

canvas.addEdge ( object | Edge )

descripition:add edge


  • {object|Edge} object - Edge infomation;Edge - Edge Basic Class
addEdge = (object|Edge) => {}

canvas.addEdges (array< object | Edge >)

descripition:add multiple edge


  • {array<object | Edge>} - Edge infomation;Edge - Edge Basic Class
addEdges = (array<object|Edge>) => {}

canvas.removeEdge (param)

descripition:delete edge by id or Edge instance


  • {string | Edge} id or Edge - edge id or Edge instance


  • {Edge} - delete Edge instance
removeEdge = (param) => {}

canvas.removeEdges (param)

descripition:delete multiple edge by id or Edge instance


  • {array} string or Edge - edge id array or Edge instance array


  • {array} Edge - delete Edge instance array
removeEdges = (param) => {}

canvas.getNeighborEdges (string)

descripition:get neighbor edges by node id


  • {string} nodeId - node id


  • {Edges} - Edge instance array
getNeighborEdges = (string) => {}

canvas.getNeighborEdgesByEndpoint (string, string)

descripition:get neighbor edges by endpoint id


  • {string} nodeId - node id
  • {string} endpointId - endpoint id


  • {Edges} - Edge instance array
getNeighborEdgesByEndpoint = (string, string) => {}

canvas.getNeighborNodesAndEdgesByLevel (options)

descripition:find N-level association nodes and edges


  • {Object} options - parameters
  • {Node} options.node - options.node - starting node
  • {Endpoint} options.endpoint - options.endpoint - starting endpoint(Optional)
  • {String} options.type - find direction , optional value all\in\out, default value all (Optional)
  • {Number} options.level - level,starting level is 0 level , default value Infinity
  • {Function} options.iteratee - whether to continue traversing the decision function, return boolean value


  • {Object<nodes: Node, edges: Edge>} filteredGraph - filteredGraph - lookup result
getNeighborNodesAndEdgesByLevel = (options) => {}

canvas.setEdgeZIndex (edges, zIndex)

descripition:set edge z-index attribute


  • {Array<Edge>} edges - edges array
  • {number} zIndex - z-index
setEdgeZIndex = (edges, zIndex) => {}

canvas.setZoomable (boolean, boolean)

descripition:set whether the canvas can be zoomable


  • {true|false} boolean - whether the canvas can be zoomable
  • {true|false} boolean - the direction of zoom。Now it defaults to the two finger direction of MAC, but it is opposite to the mouse wheel direction of Window. Default value: false. If true, the direction is opposite
setZoomable = (boolean, boolean) => {}}

canvas.setMoveable (boolean)

descripition: set whether the canvas can be movable by dragging blank area


  • {true|false} boolean - whether the canvas can be movable
setMoveable = (boolean) => {}

canvas.move (postion)

descripition:set canvas offset


  • {[x, y]} array - x,y
move = (postion) => {}

canvas.zoom (scale)

descripition:set canvas zoom value


  • {float} scale - zoom value between 0-1
  • {function} callback - zoom callback
zoom = (scale) => {}

canvas.getZoom ()

descripition:get canvas zoom value


  • {float} - zoom value between 0-1
getZoom = () => {}

canvas.getOffset ()

descripition:get canvas offset value which by dragging canvas


  • {[x, y]} - offset value
getOffset = () => {}

canvas.getOrigin ()

descripition:get the center point of the canvas scaling, generally following the position of the mouse


  • {[x, y]} - the center point of the canvas's zoom (percentage)
getOrigin = () => {}

canvas.setOrigin ([x ,y])

descripition:set the center point of the canvas zoom, generally follow the position of the mouse


  • {[x, y]} array - the center point of the canvas's zoom (percentage)
setOrigin = ([x ,y]) => {}

canvas.focusNodeWithAnimate (string, type, options, callback)

descripition:focus on some node or group


  • {string} nodeId/groupId - node/group id
  • {string} type - type, node or group
  • {object} options {offset: [0,0]} - focus attribute , such as offset
  • {function} callback - finish callabck
focusNodeWithAnimate = (string, type, options, callback) => {}

canvas.focusNodesWithAnimate (objs, type, options, callback)

descripition:focus on multiple node/ group


  • {object} {nodes: [], groups: []} - node/group id array
  • {array} type - type, node or group
  • {object} options {offset: [0,0]} - focus attribute , such as offset
  • {function} callback - finish callabck
focusNodesWithAnimate = (objs, type, options, callback) => {}

canvas.focusCenterWithAnimate (options, callback)

descripition:focus on the entire canvas and automatically adjust the position and scale of the canvas


  • {object} options {offset: [0,0]} - focus attribute , such as offset
  • {function} callback - finish callabck
focusCenterWithAnimate = (options, callback) => {}

canvas.redo ()


redo = () => {}

canvas.undo ()


undo = () => {}

canvas.pushActionQueue (options)

descripition:add the topmost element to the action queue (undo / redo queue)


  • {Object} options - params
  • {String} options.type - element type
  • {Object} - element data
pushActionQueue = (options) => {}

canvas.popActionQueue (options)

descripition:delete the topmost element from the action queue (undo / redo queue)

popActionQueue = (options) => {}

canvas.clearActionQueue (options)

descripition:delete all elements from the action queue (undo / redo queue)

clearActionQueue = (options) => {}

canvas.terminal2canvas (coordinates)

descripition:onvert the coordinates from screen to canvas


  • {array<number>} coordinates - origin coordinates([x,y])


  • {number} - converted coordinates
terminal2canvas = (coordinates) => {}

canvas.canvas2terminal (coordinates)

descripition:convert the coordinates from canvas to screen


  • {array<number>} coordinates - origin coordinates([x,y])


  • {number} - converted coordinates
canvas2terminal = (coordinates) => {}


  • As shown in the figure, the canvas is scaled, and the coordinates after the movement do not match the coordinates of the original canvas. This method is needed to convert. Special Note: Users who drag and drop nodes pay attention to these two e.clientX and e.clientY, and need to call this method to convert.

canvas.getNodesVisibleStatus ()

descripition:Get whether the node is within the visible area of the canvas


  • {inside} - Nodes inside the canvas area
  • {outside} - Nodes outside the canvas area

canvas.setSelectMode (boolean, contents , selectMode)

descripition: set select mode: Note that select mode and normal drag canvas mode are mutually exclusive and cannot be set at the same time


  • {true|false} boolean - enable multiple select
  • {array} contents - accept select contents(node/endpoint/edge, default node)
  • {string} selectMode - accept selec mode(include|touch|senior),default 'include',include:You can select only if the element all included; touch: You can select only if you touch the element; senior: needs to include all from left to right,select only touch from right to left)
setSelectMode = (boolean, contents , selectMode) => {}

canvas.getUnion (name)

descripition:get union by name


  • {name} string - union name
getUnion = (name) => {}

canvas.getAllUnion ()

descripition:get all unions

getAllUnion = () => {}

canvas.add2Union (name, obj)

descripition:add some union or add union item , used in multiple selection mode


  • {name} string - union name.If not exist, add a new union; if it already exists, add item to union
  • {obj} object - union item
add2Union = (name, obj) => {}

this.canvas.add2Union('my union', {
  nodes: []     // Node instance or nodeId
  groups: []    // Group instance or groupId
  edges: []     // Edge instance or edgeId
  endpoints: [] // Endpoint instance

canvas.removeUnion (name)

descripition:remove union


  • {name} string - union name
removeUnion = (name) => {}

canvas.removeAllUnion ()

descripition:remove all union

removeAllUnion = () => {}


let canvas = new Canvas({...});
canvas.on('type key', (data) => {

event key

  • click on the blank space of the canvas event
  • system.canvas.zoom canvas zoom event
  • system.nodes.delete delete node event
  • system.node.move move node event
  • click node event
  • system.nodes.add add multiple nodes event
  • system.links.delete delete edge event
  • connect edge event
  • edge reconnect event
  • click edge event
  • add group event
  • delete group event
  • move group event
  • add node to group event
  • delete node from group event
  • system.endpoint.limit connection exceeds the limitNum of Endpoint
  • multiple select callback event
  • system.drag.start drag start event
  • system.drag.move drag move event
  • system.drag.end drag end event
  * emit events
emit = (string, obj) => {}

  * accept events
on = (string, callback) => {}

Other API

canvas.setGridMode (show, options)

descripition:set the grid background


  • {true|false} boolean - whether to open
  • {array} options - parameters for grid background
setGridMode = (show, options) => {}

this.canvas.setGridMode(true, {
  isAdsorb: false,         // Whether to automatically adsorb, default value is false
  theme: {
    shapeType: 'line',     // show type,support line & circle
    gap: 23,               // grid gap
    adsorbGap: 8,          // adsorb gap
    background: '#fff',     // grid background
    lineColor: '#000',     // grid line color
    lineWidth: 1,          // grid line thickness
    circleRadiu: 1,        // grid circle radiu
    circleColor: '#000'    // grid circle color

canvas.justifyCoordinate ()

descripition:automatically align nodes / groups on the canvas(must be effective under the grid background)

justifyCoordinate = () => {}

canvas.setGuideLine (show, options)

descripition:set guide line


  • {true|false} boolean - whether to open
  • {array} options - parameters for guide line
setGuideLine = (show, options) => {}

this.canvas.setGuideLine(true, {
  limit: 1,             // limit guide line number
  adsorp: {
    enable: false       // enable auto adsorp
    gap: 5              // adsorp gap
  theme: {
    lineColor: 'red',   // guide line color
    lineWidth: 1,       // guide line thickness

canvas.setMinimap = (show, options)

descripition:enable minimap


  • {true|false} boolean - whether to enable minimap
  • {Object} please refer to the minimap document for details
setMinimap = (show, options) => {}

canvas.save2img (options)

descripition:save canvas to iamge


  • {object} options - saved image parameters (Optional)
  • {string} options.type - image type (png/jpeg/svg , default png) , (Optional)
  • {number} options.quality - image quality (0~1 , default 1) , (Optional)
  • {number} options.width - image width (default canvas width) , (Optional)
  • {number} options.height - image height (default canvas height) , (Optional)


  • {Promise}
save2img = (options) => {}

this.canvas.save2img({type: 'png', width: 1920, height: 1080, quality: 1})
  .then(dataUrl => {
    var link = document.createElement('a'); = 'XXX.png';
    link.href = dataUrl;;

canvas.updateRootResize ()

descripition:need to update location when root canvas moves or size changes

updateRootResize = () => {}