Releases: alibaba/spring-cloud-alibaba
⭐️ Features / Enhancements
- [Spring Cloud Dubbo] Removed Spring Cloud Dubbo module from main branch (#2398)
- [Nacos Config] Support
(#2349) - [Nacos Config] Remove dependency
(#2349) - [Nacos Discovery] Support failure tolerance (#2360)
- [Sentinel] Support Feign client custom configuration (#2342)
- [Sentinel] Optimize circular dependencies (#2400)
- [Seata] Optimize circular dependencies (#2407)
- [Common] Merge 2.2.x to 2022 (#2400)
- [Common] Refactor deprecated code (#2395)
- [Common] Optimize tests and examples (#2406 #2395)
🐞 Bug Fixes
- [RocketMQ] Fixed
when noactuator-starter
(#2406) - [Common] Fixed document content wrong (#2408)
📔 Reference Document
is compatible with Spring Cloud 2021.0.1
, cheers!🍺
🔨 Dependency Upgrades
- [Spring Cloud] Upgrade to Spring Cloud 2021.0.1(#2401)
- [Spring Boot] Upgrade to Spring Boot 2.6.3(#2401)
- [Nacos] Upgrade to Nacos 1.4.2(#2403)
- [Sentinel] Upgrade to Sentinel 1.8.3(#2404)
- [Seata] Upgrade to Seata 1.4.2(#2407)
- [RocketMQ] Upgrade to RocketMQ 4.9.2(#2406)
❤️ Contributors
Thanks for the contributors who worked on this release!
⭐️ Features / Enhancements
- [RocketMQ] Merged 2.2.5-RocketMQ-RC.RELEASE to 2.2.7.RELEASE(#2302)
- [Sidecar] SidecarHealthChecker added CustomerHandler(#2208)
- [Nacos] NacosServiceRegistry optimization(#2185)
- [Nacos] NacosWatch optimization(#1194)
🐞 Bug Fixes
- [Common] Fixed contact infomation invalid(#2278)
- [RocketMQ] Fixed variable judgment bug(#2258)
- [Nacos] Fixed NacosWatch can't be shutdown(#2253)
- [Nacos Config] Fixed document content wrong(#2227)
- [Common] Fixed document content wrong(#2202)
- [Consul] Fixed register metadata to Consul failed(#2157)
📔 Reference Document
2.2.7.RELEASE is compatible with Spring Cloud Hoxton.SR12, cheers!🍺
Spring Cloud Alibaba is live on Spring Initializr and Aliyun Java Initializr now!
🔨 Dependency Upgrades
- [Dubbo] Upgrade to Dubbo 2.7.13(#2249)
- [Spring Cloud] Upgrade to Spring Cloud Hoxton.SR12(#2242)
- [Spring Boot] Upgrade to Spring Boot 2.3.12.RELEASE(#2242)
- [Nacos] Upgrade to Nacos 2.0.3(#2241)
❤️ Contributors
Thanks for the contributors who worked on this release!
⭐️ Features / Enhancements
[Nacos Discovery]
- support for registration of quick failed configuration items #2104
🐞 Bug Fixes
[Nacos Discovery]
- fix nacos don't work in k8s if dns not work alibaba/nacos#5291
- fix that the instance could not be obtained when the instance was not under the default group #2113
- fix NacosWatch impact zipkin tracing #2140
- sample code reformat #2015
📔 Reference Document
2.2.6.RELEASE is compatible with Spring Cloud Hoxton.SR9, cheers!🍺
Spring Cloud Alibaba is live on Spring Initializr and Aliyun Java Initializr now!
🔨 Dependency Upgrades
- [Nacos] Upgrade to Nacos Client 1.4.2 #2097
❤️ Contributors
Thanks for the contributors who worked on this release!
⭐️ Features / Enhancements
[Nacos Discovery]
- support for registration of quick failed configuration items #2104
🐞 Bug Fixes
[Nacos Discovery]
- fix nacos don't work in k8s if dns not work alibaba/nacos#5291
- fix that the instance could not be obtained when the instance was not under the default group #2113
- fix that ak/sk not works on sentinel with NacosDataSource #2135
- sample code reformat #2015
📔 Reference Document
2.2.6.RC1 is compatible with Spring Cloud Hoxton.SR9, cheers!🍺
Spring Cloud Alibaba is live on Spring Initializr and Aliyun Java Initializr now!
🔨 Dependency Upgrades
- [Nacos] Upgrade to Nacos Client 1.4.2 #2097
❤️ Contributors
Thanks for the contributors who worked on this release!
1、剥离 RocketMQ Spring Boot Starter,主要方便自定义功能
12、支持可能常用bean的自定义,需要在配置中指定beanName;如MessageConverter, AllocateMessageQueueStrategy,MessageQueueSelector, MessageListener, TransactionListener,SendCallback, SendMessageHook,ErrorAcknowledgeHandler
2、对spring stream 原生配置参数将充分利用
3、兼容RocketMQ Spring Boot Starter
2020.0.RC1 is compatible with Spring Cloud 2020.0, cheers!🍺
This is the first version that supports the 2020 version of spring cloud, We will release the release version as soon as possible.
Spring Cloud Alibaba is live on Spring Initializr and Aliyun Java Initializr now!
⭐️ Features / Enhancements
[Nacos Discovery]
Optimize the way to get NacosWatch#ThreadPoolTaskScheduler #1823 -
[Nacos Config]
Improved nacos configuration parsing #1531 -
Add new endpoints #1949 -
use AbstractMessageChannel.getInterceptors() to replace ChannelInterceptorAware.getChannelInterceptors() #1503
🐞 Bug Fixes
[Nacos Discovery]
[Nacos Config]
- fix Add a missing configuration item of NacosDiscovery #1772
📔 Reference Document
2.0.4.RELEASE is compatible with Spring Cloud Finchley, cheers!🍺
Spring Cloud Alibaba is live on Spring Initializr and Aliyun Java Initializr now!
🔨 Dependency Upgrades
- [Nacos] Upgrade to Nacos Client 1.4.1 #1920
❤️ Contributors
Thanks for the contributors who worked on this release!
⭐️ Features / Enhancements
[Nacos Discovery]
Optimize the way to get NacosWatch#ThreadPoolTaskScheduler #1823 -
[Nacos Config]
Improved nacos configuration parsing #1531 -
Add new endpoints #1949 -
use AbstractMessageChannel.getInterceptors() to replace ChannelInterceptorAware.getChannelInterceptors() #1503
🐞 Bug Fixes
[Nacos Discovery]
[Nacos Config]
- fix Add a missing configuration item of NacosDiscovery #1772
📔 Reference Document
2.1.4.RELEASE is compatible with Spring Cloud Greenwich.SR6, cheers!🍺
Spring Cloud Alibaba is live on Spring Initializr and Aliyun Java Initializr now!
🔨 Dependency Upgrades
- [Nacos] Upgrade to Nacos Client 1.4.1 #1920
❤️ Contributors
Thanks for the contributors who worked on this release!
⭐️ Features / Enhancements
[Nacos Discovery]
Optimize the way to get NacosWatch#ThreadPoolTaskScheduler #1823 -
[Nacos Config]
Improved nacos configuration parsing #1531 -
Add new endpoints #1949 -
use AbstractMessageChannel.getInterceptors() to replace ChannelInterceptorAware.getChannelInterceptors() #1503
🐞 Bug Fixes
[Nacos Discovery]
[Nacos Config]
- fix Add a missing configuration item of NacosDiscovery #1772
📔 Reference Document
2.2.5.RELEASE is compatible with Spring Cloud Hoxton.SR8, cheers!🍺
Spring Cloud Alibaba is live on Spring Initializr and Aliyun Java Initializr now!
🔨 Dependency Upgrades
- [Nacos] Upgrade to Nacos Client 1.4.1 #1920
❤️ Contributors
Thanks for the contributors who worked on this release!