- export all pieces for external use (@rosskevin)
- Kevin Ross (@rosskevin)
- export types for external use (@rosskevin)
- Kevin Ross (@rosskevin)
- I’m not crazy, NPM_TOKEN should work and is not filtered by gh (@rosskevin)
- link fix (@rosskevin)
- Kevin Ross (@rosskevin)
- Set npm registry auth in .npmrc (@rosskevin)
- Kevin Ross (@rosskevin)
- Use NODE_AUTH_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.NPM_TOKEN }} instead to see if npm recognizes it (@rosskevin)
- Kevin Ross (@rosskevin)
- remove workflow split and move secondary publish up in conditional step (@rosskevin)
- Kevin Ross (@rosskevin)
- Publish on npm after default github #2 (@rosskevin)
- Kevin Ross (@rosskevin)
- [bug] some yarn projects with packageManager specified were giving false positive as the monorepo root (@rosskevin)
- Kevin Ross (@rosskevin)
🎉 This release contains work from a new contributor! 🎉
Thank you, Kevin Ross (@rosskevin), for all your work!
- Initial refactoring/implementation of expanded tests and support for npm #1 (@rosskevin)
- Initial commit (@rosskevin)
- Kevin Ross (@rosskevin)