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Paper Results

This folder presents the actual results used in PacketMill paper.


Each folder contains the following files/folder:

  • Makefile: Can be used to replot the same figures used in our paper.
  • csv folder: Contains the csv files generated by NPF tool.
  • pdf folder: Contains the pdf files generated by NPF tool.
  • A bash script for processing the csv files.
  • A gnuplot script for plotting the figures.
  • PDF files generated by the gnuplot.

Note that you need csvtools and gnuplot to replot the results. You can install them as follows:

sudo apt-get install csvtool gnuplot


The following list summarizes the scenario/experiment for the available results:

  • dual_NIC_fwd: Compares the performance of different metadata management models when a single core forwards mixed-size packets received via two NICs.
  • lto_router: Shows the impact of using LTO and our reordering (LLVM) pass on a router fowarding mixed-size packets with a single core.
  • packetmill_ids: Shows the impact of applying PacketMill to a router+IDS+VLAN.
  • packetmill_nat: Shows the impact of applying PacketMill to a multicore router+NAT.
  • packetmill_router_rate: Shows the impact of applying PacketMill to a router when receiving mixed-size packets at different rates.
  • packetmill_router_wp_5: Shows the impact of applying PacketMill to an emulated network function that performs 5 accesses per packet.
  • packetmill_router_wp_10: Shows the impact of applying PacketMill to an emulated network function that performs 5 accesses per packet.
  • packetmill_router_wp_detailed: Shows the impact of applying PacketMill to an emulated network function that performs different number of accesses per packet. This folder contains 3D figures generated by MATLAB.
  • source_code_router: Compares the impact of different source-code modifications done by PacketMill while a single core runs a router configuration and forward mixed-size packets.
  • xchg_fwd: Compares the performance of different metadata management models when a single core forwards mixed-size packets received via one NIC.