Repository for calculating effective resistance
from Network import *
The Network file either takes two numpy arrays, an edge list (2 x m) and a list of edge weights (1 x m), or a networkx
graph object.
For the edge list and list of edge weights, the network is imported as
from Network import *
E_list = edgelist
weights = edgeweights
network = Network(E_list, weights)
For a networkx
object, the graph is imported as
G = networkx_graph
network = Network(None, None, G)
To approximate the effective resistance, use the Network
class specific command:
network = Network(E_list, weights)
Effective_R = network.effR(epsilon, method)
- epsilon Signifies the amount of relative error in the effective resistance approximation.
- method Specifies the method of approximation to be used - 'ext' is the exact calculation of effective resistance, 'spl' the original Spielman-Srivastva algorithm, and 'kts' as the Koutis et al. implementation.