From 855e7129243109b1bc267223153207bffe2b751e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Agustin Allende Como administradores del orden natural, los druidas encuentran anatema las afrentas a la naturaleza. Si realizas estos actos repetidamente, perderás tus habilidades mágicas de la clase de druida, incluido tu lanzamiento de hechizos de druida y los beneficios de tu orden. Estas habilidades sólo se pueden recuperar si demuestras tu arrepentimiento con un ritual @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.7Fd4lxozd11MQ55N] {Atone}. Los siguientes actos son anatema para todos los druidas. Anatema saquear lugares naturales, consumirmás recursos naturales de los que necesitas para vivir cómodamente, enseña el Wildsong a los no druidas. Tu elección de orden druídica añade más anatema, como se detalla en la entrada de la orden. Como senescales del mundo natural, los druidas consideran los anatemas como afrentas a la Naturaleza. Si llevas a cabo dichas acciones de forma repetitiva, pierdes tus aptitudes mágicas de la clase druida, incluyendo tu lanzamiento de conjuros de druida y los beneficios de tu orden. Éstas aptitudes sólo se pueden recuperar si demuestras tu arrepentimiento mediante un ritual de\n@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.7Fd4lxozd11MQ55N]{expiar}. Los siguientes actos son anatema para todos los druidas. Anatemas saquear lugares naturales, consumir más recursos naturales de los requeridos para vivir cómodamente, enseñar la canción salvaje a quienes no son druidas. Tu elección de orden de druida añade otros anatemas, tal y como se detalla en la entrada de la orden. Aumenta el daño del arma de tu innovación en un paso (d4 a d6, d6 a d8, d8 a d10, d10 a d12). Además, obtiene uno de los siguientes rasgos de su elección: versátil B, versátil P o versátil S. Puedes infundir con magia tus interpretaciones para crear efectos únicos llamados composiciones. Las composiciones son un tipo de conjuro especial, que a menudo requiere que utilices la habilidad Interpretar al lanzarlas. Los conjuros de composición son un tipo de conjuro de foco. Cuesta 1 Punto de Foco lanzar un conjuro de foco, y empiezas con una reserva de foco de 1 Punto de Foco. Repones tu reserva de foco durante tus preparativos diarios y puedes recuperar 1 Punto de Foco utilizando la actividad Reenfocar para interpretar, escribir una nueva composición o conectar con tu musa de cualquier otra forma. Los conjuros de foco son potenciados automáticamente a la mitad de tu nivel, redondeado hacia arriba, como los trucos. Los conjuros de foco no requieren espacio de conjuro y no puedes lanzarlos utilizando espacios de conjuro. Adquirir dotes te puede proporcionar más conjuros de foco e incrementar el tamaño de tu reserva de foco, aunque ésta nunca puede albergar más de 3 Puntos de Foco. Las reglas de los conjuros de foco aparecen en la pág. 300. Aprendes el conjuro de composición @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.WILXkjU5Yq3yw10r]{Contrarrestar interpretación} (pág. 386) que protege contra efectos auditivos y visuales. Los trucos de composición son conjuros de composición especiales que no cuestan Puntos de Foco, por lo que los podrás utilizar tantas veces como quieras. Los trucos de composición se suman a los trucos que en su momento elegiste de la lista de ocultismo. Por regla general, sólo las dotes te pueden conceder más trucos de composición. A diferencia de otros trucos, no puedes intercambiar más adelante trucos de composición obtenidos debido a dotes de bardo, a menos que intercambies la dote específica mediante la Reconversión (pág. 481). Aprendes el truco de composición @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.IAjvwqgiDr3qGYxY] {Inspirar valor} (pág. 387), que refuerza los ataques, el daño y la defensa contra el miedo de tus aliados. Puedes infundir tus interpretaciones con magia para crear efectos únicos denominados composiciones. Las composiciones son un tipo especial de conjuro que a menudo requieren que utilices la habilidad Interpretar cuando los lanzas. Los conjuros de composición son un tipo de conjuro de foco. Cuesta 1 Punto de Foco lanzar un conjuro de foco y empiezas con una reserva de 1 Punto de Foco. Repones tu reserva de foco durante tus preparativos diarios, y puedes recuperar 1 Punto de Foco invirtiendo 10 minutos en la actividad Reenfocar para interpretar, escribir una nueva composición o conectar con tu musa de alguna otra forma. Los conjuros de foco se potencian automáticamente a la mitad de tu nivel redondeado hacia arriba, de forma muy parecida a los trucos. No requieren espacios de conjuro, y no se pueden lanzar utilizando espacios de conjuro. Adquirir dotes puede conceder más conjuros de foco e incrementar el tamaño de tu reserva de foco, aunque ésta nunca puede albergar más de\n3 Puntos de Foco. Aprendes el conjuro de composición @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.WILXkjU5Yq3yw10r]{contrarrestar interpretación}, que protege contra los efectos auditivos y visuales. Los trucos de composición son conjuros de composición especiales que no cuestan Puntos de Foco, por lo que los podrás utilizar tantas veces como quieras. Los trucos de composición se suman a los trucos que en su momento elegiste de la lista de ocultismo. Por regla general, sólo las dotes te pueden conceder más trucos de composición. A diferencia de otros trucos, no puedes intercambiar más adelante trucos de composición obtenidos debido a dotes de bardo, a menos que intercambies la dote específica mediante la Reconversión. Aprendes el truco de composición @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.IAjvwqgiDr3qGYxY]{himno valeroso}, que refuerza los ataques, el daño y la defensa contra el miedo de tus aliados. As a champion, you are a warrior in the name of a deity you revere above all others. The most common deities in Pathfinder appear on pages 35–39 of Player Core, along with their edicts, areas of concern, and the benefits you get for being a devotee of that deity. Choose one deity. You become trained in the divine skill listed for your deity. As normal, if you're already trained in that skill, you become trained in a different skill of your choice. Champions care deeply about the edicts and anathema they take from their deity, sanctification, and cause. As with any implementation of edicts and anathema in the rules, these are a tool for roleplaying between you, the GM, and the other players at the table—you're still playing a nuanced character, not strictly following a script. Acts fundamentally opposed to your deity's ideals are anathema to your faith. Learning or casting spells, committing acts, and using items that are anathema to your deity remove you from your deity's good graces. Similarly, using items, spells, or actions that are anathema to the tenets or goals of your faith could interfere with your connection to your deity. For example, assisting with a ritual that raises undead would be anathema to Pharasma, the goddess of death. Many actions that are anathema don't appear in any deity's formal list. For borderline cases, you and your GM determine which acts are anathema. If you perform enough acts that are anathema to your deity, you lose the magical abilities that come from your connection to your deity. The class features that you lose are determined by the GM, but they likely include your holy or unholy trait, your focus pool, and your blessing of the devoted. These abilities can be regained only if you repent by conducting an atone ritual. If your deity doesn't require the specific sanctification you had, your GM might let you retrain your sanctification and cause while still following the same deity. Depending on your deity, their sanctification can make you holy or unholy. This commits you to one side of a struggle over souls. Whether you become holy, unholy, or neither will limit your choice of causes, devotion spells, and feats. If you \"can be\" holy or unholy according to your deity's sanctification entry, you make that choice, and if you \"must be\" holy or unholy, you gain the trait automatically. If the deity lists \"none,\" you can choose only options that don't require the holy or unholy trait. If you are holy or unholy and gain the opposing trait in some way, you lose the previous trait until you atone. Unholy sanctification for a champion can be extremely disruptive to a typical game and should be a player character option only in appropriate adventures or campaigns where the group collectively decides to embrace them. Unholy sanctification and causes are uncommon options. Holy: You gain the holy trait and add that trait to any Strikes you make. You gain the edict, \"Do not knowingly harm innocents or fail to prevent harm to an innocent if your direct intervention could save them\" and the anathema \"Commit murder.\" Even if your game includes behavior outside the Pathfinder baseline, the acts listed there are anathema to you. Unholy: You gain the unholy trait and add that trait to any Strikes you make. You gain the edict, \"Do not put another's needs before your own or those of your deity\" and the anathema \"Commit an entirely altruistic act, such as giving something away in charity\" and \"Put anyone's needs before those of your deity.\" None of these prevents you from performing acts others might consider helpful, but these acts must be done with the expectation that they ultimately further your own goals or those of your deity As a cleric, you are a mortal servitor of a deity you revere above all others. Your deity grants you the trained proficiency rank in one skill and with the deity's favored weapon. If the favored weapon is uncommon, you also get access to that weapon. Your deity also adds spells to your spell list. You can prepare these just like you can any spell on the divine spell list once you can prepare spells of their rank as a cleric. Any of these spells that aren't normally on the divine list are still divine spells if you prepare them this way. Depending on your deity, their sanctification can make you holy or unholy. This gives you the holy or unholy trait, which commits you to one side of a struggle over the souls of the planes and may be referenced in other abilities. If you \"can be\" holy or unholy according to your deity, you make that choice, and if you \"must be\" holy or unholy you gain the trait automatically. If you gain the opposing trait in some way, you lose the previous trait until you complete an atone ritual. Acts fundamentally opposed to your deity's ideals are anathema to your faith. Learning or casting spells, committing acts, and using items that are anathema to your deity remove you from your deity's good graces. Casting spells with the unholy trait is almost always anathema to deities who don't allow unholy sanctification, and casting holy spells is likewise anathema to those who don't allow holy sanctification. Similarly, casting spells that are anathema to the tenets or goals of your faith could interfere with your connection to your deity. For example, casting a spell to create undead would be anathema to Pharasma, the goddess of death. Many actions that are anathema don't appear in any deity's formal list. For borderline cases, you and your GM determine which acts are anathema. If you perform enough acts that are anathema to your deity, you lose the magical abilities that come from your connection to your deity. The class features that you lose are determined by the GM, but they likely include your divine font and all cleric spellcasting. These abilities can be regained only if you repent by conducting an atone ritual. Como clérigo, eres un servidor mortal de un dios al que adoras por encima de todos los demás. Tu dios te concede el rango de competencia entrenado en una habilidad y con su arma predilecta. Aunque el arma predilecta de tu dios sea poco común, obtendrás acceso a dicha arma. Tu dios también añade conjuros a tu lista. Podrás prepararlos igual que cualquier conjuro de la lista de conjuros divinos una vez puedas preparar conjuros de dicho rango como clérigo. Algunos de estos conjuros no figuran normalmente en la lista divina, pero siguen siendo conjuros divinos si los preparas de esta forma. Dependiendo de tu dios, su santificación te puede hacer sagrado o sacrílego. Eso te concede el rasgo sagrado o sacrílego, que te coloca en uno de los bandos de una lucha sobre las almas de\nlos Planos y que puede verse referenciada en otras aptitudes. Si \"puedes ser\" sagrado o sacrílego según tu dios, tú eres quien hace la elección y si \"tienes que ser\" sagrado o sacrílego, obtienes el rasgo de forma automática. Si de alguna forma obtienes el rasgo opuesto, pierdes el anterior hasta completar un ritual de expiar. Los actos fundamentalmente opuestos a los ideales de tu dios se consideran anatemas para tu fe. Aprender o lanzar conjuros, cometer actos y usar objetos que son anatema para tu dios hacen que caigas en desgracia ante el mismo. Lanzar conjuros con el rasgo sacrílego es casi siempre anatema para los dioses que no permiten la santificación sacrílega, de la misma forma que lanzar conjuros sagrados es anatema para los que no permiten la santificación sagrada. Similarmente, lanzar conjuros que son anatema para los principios u objetivos de tu fe podría interferir con la conexión con tu dios. Por ejemplo, lanzar un conjuro para crear muertos vivientes sería anatema para Farasma, la diosa de la muerte. Muchas acciones que son anatema no aparecen en ninguna lista formal del dios. Para los casos límite, el DJ y tú deberéis determinar qué actos son anatema. Si llevas a cabo suficientes actos que son anatema para tu dios, pierdes las aptitudes mágicas que derivan de tu conexión con el mismo. Los rasgos de clase que pierdes los determina el DJ, pero probablemente incluyen tu fuente divina y todo el lanzamiento de conjuros de clérigo. Estas aptitudes sólo se pueden recuperar si te arrepientes llevando a cabo un ritual de expiar. Incluso entre seguidores de la misma deidad, los enfoques varían. En el 1er nivel, seleccionas clérigo de clausura o sacerdote de guerra y obtienes los beneficios de su primera doctrina. En el 3er nivel y cada cuatro niveles posteriores, obtienes otro beneficio de tu doctrina. Incluso entre seguidores del mismo dios, las aproximaciones varían. A nivel seleccionas clérigo de clausura o sacerdote de guerra y obtienes los beneficios de su primera doctrina. A\ nivel y cada 4 niveles posteriores, obtienes otro beneficio de tu doctrina. Al convertirte en druida te alineas con una orden druídica, que te concede una dote de clase, un conjuro de orden (ver más abajo) y una habilidad adicional a nivel entrenado vinculada a tu orden. Si bien siempre serás miembro de tu orden inicial, no es tan raro que un druida solicite estudiar con otras órdenes en busca de una mayor comprensión del mundo natural, y los PJs druidas son de los que más se prestan a mezclar los poderes de diferentes órdenes. Los conjuros de orden son un tipo de conjuro de foco. Cuesta 1 Punto de Foco lanzar un conjuro de foco, y empiezas con una reserva de foco de 1 Punto de Foco. Repones tu reserva de foco durante tus preparativos diarios y puedes recuperar 1 Punto de Foco invirtiendo 10 minutos en utilizar la actividad Reenfocar para comunicar con los espíritus locales de la Naturaleza, o atender a las tierras vírgenes de cualquier otra forma que encaje con tu orden. Los conjuros de foco son potenciados automáticamente a la mitad de tu nivel, redondeado hacia arriba, como los trucos. Los conjuros de foco no requieren espacio de conjuro y no puedes lanzarlos utilizando espacios de conjuro. Ciertas dotes te pueden proporcionar más conjuros de foco e incrementar el tamaño de tu reserva de foco, aunque ésta nunca puede albergar más de 3 Puntos de Foco. Las reglas de los conjuros de foco aparecen en el Capítulo 7, pág. 300. Habilidad de orden Te entrenas en la habilidad indicada. Si ya estás capacitado en esa habilidad, estarás capacitado en una habilidad diferente de tu elección. Dote de druida Obtienes esta dote de druida de primer nivel como dote adicional. Conjuro de la orden Obtienes automáticamente el conjuro de orden indicado en el 1er nivel. Anatema Añade este anatema a los de todos los druidas. @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.classfeatures.Item.POBvoXifa9HaejAg] {Orden de los animales} @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.classfeatures.Item.u4nlOzPj2WHkIj9l] {Orden de la hoja} @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.classfeatures.Item.acqqlYmti8D9QJi0] {Orden de la tormenta} @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.classfeatures.Item.v0EjtiwdeMj8ykI0] {Orden salvaje} @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.classfeatures.Item.NdeFvIXdHwKYLiUj] {Orden de la llama} @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.classfeatures.Item.fKTewWlYgFuhl4KA] {Orden de la piedra} @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.classfeatures.Item.FuUXyv2yBs7zRgqT] {Wave Order} Al convertirte en druida te alineas con una orden druídica, que te concede una dote de clase, un conjuro de orden (ver más abajo) y una habilidad adicional a rango entrenado, vinculada con\ntu orden. Si bien siempre serás miembro de tu orden inicial, no es inaudito que un druida decida estudiar con otras órdenes en busca de una mayor comprensión del mundo natural y los PJs\ndruidas son de los que más se suelen prestar a mezclar los poderes de diferentes órdenes. Los conjuros de orden son un tipo de conjuro de foco. Cuesta 1 Punto de Foco lanzar un conjuro de foco y empiezas con una reserva de 1 Punto de Foco. Repones tu reserva de foco durante tus preparativos diarios y puedes recuperar 1 Punto de Foco invirtiendo 10 minutos y utilizando la actividad Reenfocar para entrar en comunión con los espíritus de la Naturaleza locales o atender a las tierras vírgenes de alguna otra forma compatible con tu orden. Los conjuros de foco se potencian automáticamente a la mitad de tu nivel redondeado hacia arriba, de forma muy parecida a los trucos. Los conjuros de foco no requieren espacios de\nconjuro, y no se pueden lanzar utilizando espacios de conjuro. Ciertas dotes te conceden más conjuros de foco. El máximo de Puntos de Foco que tu reserva puede albergar es igual al número de conjuros de foco de que dispones, pero nunca puede ser mayor que 3 puntos. Habilidad de orden Obtienes el rango entrenado en la habilidad indicada. Si ya estás entrenado en dicha habilidad, obtienes el rango entrenado en una habilidad diferente, a tu elección. Dote de druida Obtienes esta dote de druida de nivel como dote adicional. Conjuro de orden Obtienes automáticamente el conjuro de orden indicado a nivel. Anatema Añade este anatema a los de todos los druidas. @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.classfeatures.Item.POBvoXifa9HaejAg]{Animal} @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.classfeatures.Item.u4nlOzPj2WHkIj9l]{Hoja} @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.classfeatures.Item.acqqlYmti8D9QJi0]{Tormenta} @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.classfeatures.Item.v0EjtiwdeMj8ykI0]{Indomita} @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.classfeatures.Item.NdeFvIXdHwKYLiUj]{Orden de la llama} @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.classfeatures.Item.fKTewWlYgFuhl4KA]{Orden de la piedra} @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.classfeatures.Item.FuUXyv2yBs7zRgqT]{Orden de la onda} Tu patrón te ha enviado un familiar, una criatura mística que te enseña magia y facilita tus hechizos. Este familiar sigue las reglas para los familiares, aunque como es un conducto directo entre usted y su patrón, es más poderoso que los familiares típicos. Tu familiar obtiene dos habilidades familiares adicionales: una de ellas es una habilidad única basada en tu patrón y siempre se selecciona, y la otra es una habilidad familiar adicional que se puede seleccionar diariamente de forma normal. SuEl familiar gana otra habilidad adicional en los niveles 6, 12 y 18. Hechizos: Tu familiar es la fuente y el depósito de los hechizos que tu patrón te ha otorgado, y debes comunicarte con tu familiar para preparar tus hechizos cada día usando tu hechizo de bruja. Tu familiar comienza conociendo 10 trucos, cinco hechizos de primer rango y un hechizo adicional determinado por la lección inicial de tu patrón. Eliges estos hechizos de los comunes.hechizos de la tradición determinada por tu patrón o de otros hechizos de esa tradición a los que tengas acceso. Cada vez que subes de nivel, tu patrón le enseña a tu familiar dos nuevos hechizos de cualquier rango para los que tengas espacios para hechizos, elegidos entre hechizos comunes de tu tradición u otros a los que tengas acceso. Las dotes también pueden otorgar hechizos adicionales a tus familiares. Aprendizaje de hechizos: Tu familiar puede aprender nuevos hechizos independientemente de tu patrón. Puedeaprende cualquier hechizo en la lista de hechizos de tu tradición consumiendo físicamente una versión escrita de ese hechizo en el transcurso de 1 hora. Puede ser un pergamino de ese hechizo o puedes preparar una versión escrita usando la actividad de exploración Aprender un hechizo. Tú y tu familiar pueden usar la actividad Aprender un hechizo para enseñarle a su familiar un hechizo del familiar de otra bruja. Ambos familiares deben estar presentes durante toda la actividad, el hechizo debe estar en la lista de hechizos de tu tradición de lanzamiento de hechizos ydebes pagar el costo habitual de esa actividad, generalmente en forma de ofrenda al patrón del otro familiar. No puedes preparar hechizos del familiar de otra bruja. Eterno: Si tu familiar muere, tu patrón lo reemplaza durante tus próximos preparativos diarios. El nuevo familiar puede ser un duplicado o una reencarnación de su antiguo familiar o una entidad completamente nueva, pero conoce los mismos hechizos que su antiguo familiar conocía de todos modos. SuLa muerte del familiar no afecta ningún hechizo que ya hayas preparado. Tu patrón te ha enviado un familiar, una criatura mística que te enseña magia y que te facilita tus conjuros. Este familiar sigue las reglas de familiares, como es un conducto directo entre tu patrón y tú, es más poderoso que los familiares típicos. Tu familiar obtiene 2 aptitudes de familiar adicionales: una de ellas es una aptitud única basada en tu patrón y siempre se selecciona y la otra es una aptitud de familiar adicional que se puede seleccionar diariamente de la forma habitual. Tu familiar obtiene otra aptitud adicional en los niveles 6.º, 12.º y 18.º. Conjuros: tu familiar es la fuente y el depositario de los conjuros que tu patrón te ha concedido, y debes entrar en comunión con él cada día para prepararlos utilizando tu lanzamiento de conjuros de brujo. Tu familiar empieza conociendo 10 trucos, 5 conjuros de rango y un conjuro adicional determinado por la lección inicial de tu patrón. Eliges dichos conjuros de entre los conjuros comunes de la tradición determinada por tu patrón o de entre otros conjuros de dicha tradición a los que tienes acceso. Aprendizaje de conjuros: tu familiar puede aprender nuevos conjuros independientemente de tu patrón. Puede aprender cualquier conjuro de la lista de tu tradición consumiendo físicamente una versión escrita del mismo a lo largo de 1 hora. Se puede tratar de un pergamino de dicho conjuro, o puedes preparar una versión escrita utilizando la actividad de exploración Aprender un conjuro. Tu familiar y tú podéis utilizar la actividad Aprender un conjuro para enseñarle un conjuro del familiar de otro brujo. Ambos familiares han de estar presentes\ndurante toda la actividad, el conjuro debe pertenecer a la lista de tu tradición y tienes que pagar el coste habitual para dicha actividad, típicamente en forma de una ofrenda al patrón del otro familiar. No puedes preparar conjuros a partir del familiar de otro brujo. Inmortal: si tu familiar muere, tu patrón te lo repone durante tus siguientes preparativos diarios. El nuevo familiar podría ser un duplicado o una reencarnación del antiguo o bien un ser completamente nuevo, pero conoce los mismos conjuros que conocía el otro. La muerte de tu familiar no afecta a ningún conjuro ya preparado. Obtienes el quinto beneficio de tu doctrina: Obtienes el quinto beneficio de tu doctrina: tus rangos de competencia para el modificador al ataque de conjuros y las CD de conjuros se incrementan a rango maestro. Tus rangos de competencia para el modificador al ataque de conjuros y las CD de conjuros se incrementan a rango maestro. tu rango de competencia para las salvaciones de Fortaleza se incrementa a maestro. Cuando consigues un éxito en una salvación de Fortaleza, en su lugar consigues un éxito crítico. Tu rango de competencia para las salvaciones de Fortaleza se incrementa a maestro. Cuando consigues un éxito en una salvación de Fortaleza, en su lugar consigues un éxito crítico. Obtienes el beneficio final de tu doctrina: Obtienes el beneficio final de tu doctrina: tus rangos de competencia para el modificador al ataque de conjuros y las CD de conjuros se incrementan a rango legendario. Tus rangos de competencia para el modificador al ataque de conjuros y las CD de conjuros se incrementan a rango legendario. Obtienes el primer beneficio de tu doctrina: Obtienes el primer beneficio de tu doctrina: obtienes la dote de clérigo @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.hT4INKGtly4QY8KN] {Iniciado de un dominio} (pág. 127). Obtienes la dote de clérigo @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.hT4INKGtly4QY8KN]{Iniciado de un dominio}. tienes competencia a rango entrenado en armadura ligera e intermedia y competencia a rango experto en las salvaciones de Fortaleza. Obtienes la dote general @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.jM72TjJ965jocBV8] {Bloqueo con el escudo} (pág. 253), una reacción para reducir el daño mediante un escudo. Si el arma predilecta de tu dios es un arma sencilla o un ataque sin armas, obtienes la dote de clérigo @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.DfLkIIg2reyYW3a8] {Simplicidad mortal} (pág. 128). A nivel, si obtienes el rasgo de clase @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.classfeatures.Item.0mJTp4LdEHBLInoe] {Defensa divina}, también obtienes competencia a rango experto con las armaduras ligeras e intermedias. Tienes competencia a rango entrenado en armadura ligera e intermedia y competencia a rango experto en las salvaciones de Fortaleza. Obtienes la dote general @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.jM72TjJ965jocBV8]{Bloqueo con el escudo}, una reacción para reducir el daño mediante un escudo. Si el arma predilecta de tu dios es un arma sencilla o un ataque sin armas, obtienes la dote de clérigo @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.DfLkIIg2reyYW3a8]{Simplicidad mortal}. A nivel, si obtienes el rasgo de clase @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.classfeatures.Item.0mJTp4LdEHBLInoe]{Defensa divina}, también obtienes competencia a rango experto con las armaduras ligeras e intermedias. Obtienes el cuarto beneficio de tu doctrina: Obtienes el cuarto beneficio de tu doctrina: obtienes competencia a rango experto con el arma predilecta de tu dios, las armas sencillas y los ataques sin armas. Cuando obtienes un éxito crítico en una tirada de ataque utilizando el arma predilecta de tu dios, aplicas el efecto de especialización crítica de la misma; puedes utilizar tu CD de conjuros en lugar de tu CD de clase. Obtienes competencia a rango experto con el arma predilecta de tu dios, las armas sencillas y los ataques sin armas. Cuando obtienes un éxito crítico en una tirada de ataque utilizando el arma predilecta de tu dios, aplicas el efecto de especialización crítica de la misma; puedes utilizar tu CD de conjuros en lugar de tu CD de clase. tus rangos de competencia para el modificador al ataque de conjuros y las CD de conjuros se incrementan a rango experto. Tus rangos de competencia para el modificador al ataque de conjuros y las CD de conjuros se incrementan a rango experto. Your time spent in contemplation of the mysteries of creation has given you a powerful mind and soul. Your proficiency rank for Will saves increases to legendary. When you roll a success on a Will save, you get a critical success instead. When you roll a critical failure on a Will save, you get a failure instead. When you fail a Will save against a damaging effect, you take half damage. Evitas explosiones con reflejos que un gato envidiaría. Tu rango de competencia para las salvaciones de reflejos aumenta a legendario. Cuando obtienes un fallo crítico en una salvación de Reflejos, en su lugar obtienes un fallo. Cuando fallas una salvación de Reflejos contra un efecto que causa daño, reduces a la mitad el daño que recibes. Evitas las explosiones con unos reflejos que serían la envidia de un gato. Tu rango de competencia para las salvaciones de Reflejos se incrementa a legendario. Cuando sufres un fallo crítico en una salvación de Reflejos, en su lugar sufres un fallo simple. Cuando fallas una salvación de Reflejos contra un efecto que inflige daño, reduces a la mitad el daño sufrido. Eludes el peligro en un grado que pocos pueden igualar. Tu rango de competencia para las salvaciones de reflejos aumenta a legendario. Cuando obtienes un fallo crítico en una salvación de Reflejos, en su lugar obtienes un fallo. Cuando fallas en una salvación de Reflejos contra un efecto dañino, recibes la mitad del daño. Tu daño por especialización en armas aumenta a 4 con armas y ataques sin armas en los que eres un experto, 6 si eres un maestro y 8 si eres legendario. Tu daño procedente de la especialización en armas se incrementa a 4 con las armas y los ataques sin arma en los que tienes el rango experto, 6 si tienes el rango maestro y 8 si tienes el rango legendario. Puedes desafiar al destino y seguir luchando mientras tengas energía divina. Obtienes el hechizo de devoción @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.uGXWkR2h8q9MRzEM] {Hero's Defiance}. Como agente favorito de tu patrón, puedes invocar su poder para una intervención mágica más directa. Un maleficio es un hechizo formado por tu patrón y enviado a ti a través de tu familiar, en lugar de una habilidad que uses directamente. Su patrón espera que usted promueva sus intereses y no acepta con agrado las repetidas solicitudes de ayuda; como tal, sólo puedes usar un hexágono en cada turno, y cualquier intento de usar un segundo hexágono en ese turno falla y las acciones se pierden. Hechizos hexagonalesson un tipo de hechizo de enfoque. Cuesta 1 punto de enfoque lanzar un hechizo de enfoque y comienzas con un grupo de enfoque de 1 punto de enfoque. Recargas tu grupo de concentración durante tus preparativos diarios y puedes recuperar 1 punto de concentración si pasas 10 minutos usando la actividad Reenfocar para comunicarte con tu familiar. Los hechizos de concentración aumentan automáticamente a la mitad de tu nivel redondeado, muy parecido a los trucos. Los hechizos de concentración no requieren espacios para hechizos y no puedes lanzarlos usando espacios para hechizos.Ciertas hazañas te dan más hechizos de concentración. El máximo de puntos de concentración que puede contener tu grupo de concentración es igual al número de hechizos de concentración que tienes, pero nunca puede ser más de 3 puntos. Aprendes a elegir el hexágono @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.aq1yonHeYpbaj3XI] {Patron's Puppet} o @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.rMOI8JFJ0nT2mrCF] {Phase Familiar}, que te permite comandar a tu familiar o defenderlo de cualquier daño, respectivamente. La mayoría de los demás maleficios se aprenden de las lecciones de brujas. HexadecimalLos trucos son hexágonos especiales que no cuestan puntos de concentración, por lo que puedes lanzarlos tantas veces como quieras, aunque aún puedes usar solo un hexágono en cada ronda. Los trucos hexagonales se suman a los trucos que eliges con el lanzamiento de hechizos de bruja y no cuentan para tus trucos preparados. Obtienes un truco hexagonal determinado por tu elección de patrón. Como agente favorito de tu patrón, puedes invocar su poder para conseguir una intervención mágica más directa. Un maleficio es un conjuro moldeado por tu patrón y enviado a ti a través de tu familiar, y no de una aptitud que usas directamente. Tu patrón espera que hagas avanzar sus intereses y no le gusta recibir peticiones de ayuda repetidas; por lo tanto, sólo puedes utilizar 1 maleficio por turno y cualquier intento de usar un segundo maleficio dicho turno falla, perdiéndose la acción. Los maleficios son un tipo de conjuro de foco. Cuesta 1 Punto de Foco lanzar un conjuro de foco y empiezas con una reserva de 1 Punto de Foco. Rellenas tu reserva de foco durante tus preparativos diarios y puedes recuperar 1 Punto de Foco invirtiendo 10 minutos utilizando la actividad Reenfocar para entrar en comunión con tu familiar. Los conjuros de foco se potencian automáticamente a la mitad de tu nivel redondeado hacia arriba, de forma muy parecida a los trucos. Los conjuros de foco no requieren espacios de conjuro, y no se pueden lanzar utilizando espacios de conjuro. Ciertas dotes te conceden más conjuros de foco. La cantidad máxima de Puntos de Foco que puede albergar tu reserva es\nigual al número de conjuros de foco que tienes, pero nunca puede ser superior a 3 puntos. Puedes elegir entre los maleficios @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.aq1yonHeYpbaj3XI]{marioneta del patrón} o @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.rMOI8JFJ0nT2mrCF]{familiar en fase}, que te permiten comandar a tu familiar o defenderlo del daño, respectivamente. Aprendes la mayoría de otros maleficios de las lecciones de brujo. Los trucos de maleficio son maleficios especiales, que no cuestan Puntos de Foco, por lo que podrás lanzarlos con la frecuencia que quieras, aunque sólo puedes lanzar uno por asalto. Los de maleficio se suman a los trucos que eliges con tu lanzamiento de conjuros de brujo y no cuentan\ncontra el total de tus trucos preparados. Obtienes un truco de maleficio determinado por tu elección de patrón. Cuando centras tu atención en un solo enemigo, te vuelves imparable en tu persecución. Obtienes la acción @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.JYi4MnsdFu618hPm] {Hunt Prey}. Cuando centras tu atención en un solo enemigo, te vuelves imparable en tu persecución. Obtienes la acción @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.JYi4MnsdFu618hPm]{Perseguir presa}. Te has entrenado para convertirte en un hábil cazador y rastreador, obteniendo un beneficio adicional cuando cazas presas dependiendo del enfoque de tu entrenamiento. Elige una ventaja de cazador. Te has entrenado para convertirte en un cazador y rastreador hábil, lo que te concede un beneficio adicional cuando Persigues a tu presa dependiendo del enfoque de tu entrenamiento. Elige una ventaja del cazador. Has ideado varias aleaciones que contienen propiedades útiles de varios metales y reemplazas varias partes de tu arma o su munición con piezas de estas aleaciones. La innovación de tu arma es el hierro frío y la plata. Esto significa que infliges más daño a una variedad de criaturas sobrenaturales, como demonios, diablos y hadas. Entiendes completamente tus armas. Tus rangos de competencia para armas simples, armas marciales y ataques desarmados aumentan hasta dominar. Entiendes por completo las complejidades de las armas. Tu rango de competencia para los ataques sin armas, armas simples y armas marciales se incrementa a maestro. Has perfeccionado tus habilidades como cazador a niveles increíbles. Tu rango de competencia para tu clase de guardabosques DC aumenta hasta dominar. Si tienes hechizos de guardián, tu rango de competencia para ataques de hechizos y CD de hechizos aumenta hasta dominar. Cuando usas un arma a distancia en la que tienes dominio, puedes ignorar la penalización si atacas a tu presa cazada dentro del segundo y tercer incremento de alcance del arma. Si tienes un dominio maestro en Percepción,Obtienes un bonificador de circunstancia +4 a las pruebas de Percepción cuando @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.BlAOM2X92SI6HMtJ] {Seek} tu presa, y si tienes competencia maestra en Supervivencia, obtienes un bonificador de circunstancia +4 a las pruebas de Supervivencia cuando @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.EA5vuSgJfiHH7plD] {Track} tu presa. También obtienes un beneficio adicional dependiendo de tu ventaja como cazador. Flurry: Puedes combinar tu dominio de las armas con una hábil puntería para realizar una serie de ataques precisos. Si tienes dominio de maestríacon tu arma, tu penalización de ataque múltiple por ataques contra tu presa cazada es –2 (–1 con un arma ágil) en tu segundo ataque del turno, y –4 (–2 con un arma ágil) en tu tercer ataque y siguientes. del turno. Burlar: Tu dominio de las habilidades te permite abrumar a tu presa. Si tienes dominio experto en Engaño, Intimidación, Sigilo o la habilidad que usas para recuperar el conocimiento sobre tu presa, aumenta elBonificación de circunstancia contra la presa con esa habilidad de +2 a +4. Si dominas la armadura, aumenta la bonificación de circunstancia a la CA contra la presa de +1 a +2. Precisión: Tu dominio con las armas te permite golpear las áreas vitales de tu presa varias veces. La segunda vez en una ronda que golpeas a tu presa cazada, también infliges 1d8 de daño de precisión. En el nivel 19, tu segundo golpe en una ronda contra tu presa cazada inflige 2d8daño de precisión, y tu tercer golpe en una ronda contra tu presa cazada causa 1d8 de daño de precisión. Has refinado tus aptitudes como cazador hasta niveles inconcebibles. Tu rango de competencia para la CD de tu clase explorador se incrementa a maestro. Si dispones de conjuros de guardián, tus rangos de competencia para ataques de conjuros y para la CD de conjuro se incrementan a maestro. Cuando usas un arma a distancia con la que tienes competencia a rango maestro, puedes ignorar el penalizador si atacas a tu presa perseguida dentro del segundo y el tercer incremento de rango de distancia. Si tienes competencia a rango maestro en Percepción, obtienes un bonificador +4 por circunstancia a las pruebas de Percepción cuando @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.BlAOM2X92SI6HMtJ]{Buscas} tu presa, y si tienes competencia a rango maestro en Supervivencia, obtienes un bonificador +4 por circunstancia a las pruebas de Supervivencia cuando @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.EA5vuSgJfiHH7plD]{Rastreas} a tu presa. También obtienes un beneficio adicional que depende de tu ventaja del cazador. Precisión: tu maestría con un arma te permite acertar en múltiples ocasiones en los puntos vitales de tu presa. La segunda vez en un asalto en la que aciertas a tu presa perseguida, le infliges además 1d8 daño de precisión. A 19.º nivel, tu segundo impacto en un asalto contra tu presa perseguida inflige 2d8 daño de precisión y el tercer impacto en un asalto contra tu presa perseguida inflige 1d8 daño de precisión. Ráfaga: puedes mezclar tu maestría con las armas y una puntería hábil para llevar a cabo una serie de ataques precisos. Si tienes competencia a rango maestro con tu arma, tu penalizador por ataque múltiple para los ataques contra tu presa perseguida es -2 (-1 con un arma ágil) en tu segundo ataque del turno, y -4 (-2 con un arma ágil) en tu tercer ataque del turno y ataques siguientes. Ser más listo: tu dominio de las habilidades te permite abrumar a tu presa. Si tienes competencia a rango maestro en Engaño, Intimidación, Sigilo o la habilidad que utilizas para Recordar conocimiento acerca de tu presa, incrementa de +2 a +4 el bonificador por circunstancia contra la misma con dicha habilidad. Si tienes competencia a rango maestro con tu armadura, incrementa de +1 a +2 el bonificador por circunstancia a la CA contra dicha presa. Confías en tu intelecto para elaborar esquemas intrincados, planificando con 10 pasos de anticipación donde otros podrían planear tres. Podrías ser un detective motivado, un maestro de espías al servicio de una casa poderosa, o un aspirante a señor del crimen o corredor de información. Si identificas exitosamente una criatura usando @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.1OagaWtBpVXExToo] {Recall Knowledge} , esa criatura es @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.AJh5ex99aV6VTggg] {Desprevenido} contra tus ataques hasta el comienzo de tu siguiente turno; si tienes un éxito crítico, es con la guardia bajacontra tus ataques durante 1 minuto. Estás formado en Sociedad y en una de las siguientes habilidades de tu elección: Arcanos, Naturaleza, Ocultismo o Religión. Puedes elegir la Inteligencia como tu atributo clave. Has aprendido a defenderte mejor de los ataques. Tus rangos de competencia para armadura ligera, armadura media y defensa sin armadura aumentan a experto. Has aprendido a defenderte mejor contra los ataques. Tus rangos de competencia para armadura ligera, armadura intermedia y defensa sin armadura se incrementan a experto. Has aprendido a defenderte mejor de los ataques. Tus rangos de competencia para armadura ligera, armadura media y defensa sin armadura aumentan a experto. Si tienes una innovación de armadura media o pesada, obtienes acceso al efecto de especialización crítica con tu innovación de armadura. Tu habilidad con armaduras ligeras y medias mejora, aumentando tu capacidad para esquivar golpes. Tus niveles de competencia para armaduras ligeras y medias, así como para defensa sin armas, aumentan hasta dominar. Tu habilidad con las armaduras ligeras e intermedias mejora, incrementando tu capacidad de evitar los golpes. Tus rangos de competencia para armadura ligera, armadura intermedia y defensa sin armadura se incrementan a maestro. Como bardo, a 1er nivel seleccionas una musa. Esta musa te conduce a grandes cosas, y podría tratarse de una criatura física, un dios, una filosofía o un misterio cautivador. Además de esto, cada musa abre la puerta a muchas dotes de bardo posteriores. Si un tipo de inspiración no es suficiente para representar a tu musa, considera la dote @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.a898miJnjgD93ZsX] {Musa variopinta}. Como bardo, seleccionas una musa a nivel. La musa te inspira a llegar a lo más alto y podría ser alguien a quien conoces, una criatura sobrenatural, una ubicación, un dios, una filosofía o un misterio cautivador. Dependiendo del tipo de inspiración que obtienes, tu musa de nivel te concede una dote de bardo de nivel específica y añade un conjuro a tu repertorio. Además, cada musa abre la puerta a muchas dotes de bardo posteriores. Si un tipo de inspiración no basta para representar a tu musa, considera la dote @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.a898miJnjgD93ZsX]{Musa variopinta}. Has perfeccionado tus reflejos esquivando árboles que caen y granizo. Tu rango de competencia para las salvaciones de reflejos aumenta hasta dominar. Cuando obtienes un éxito en una salvación de Reflejos, obtienes un éxito crítico. Has refinado tus reflejos esquivando árboles que caían y tormentas de granizo. Tu rango de competencia para las salvaciones de Reflejos se incrementa a maestro. Cuando sacas un éxito en una salvación de Reflejos, en su lugar obtienes un éxito crítico. No naciste con el poder de lanzar hechizos, ni has pasado años dedicado a la adoración, el estudio o el descubrimiento de secretos místicos. En cambio, tu magia te ha sido regalada por un ser potente, uno que sabe que al empoderarte de esa manera, promoverás la agenda del ser en el mundo, cualquiera que sea. Esta entidad suele ser misteriosa y distante, y revela poco de su identidad y motivaciones. Te dan a conocer su voluntad mediante signos abstractos como presagios, sueños osutilezas similares en lugar de palabras. En lugar de interactuar contigo directamente, tu patrón trabaja a través de un familiar: una criatura mística que te enseña, sirve como conducto para la magia de tu patrón y tal vez incluso te vigila para asegurarse de que estás promoviendo los nebulosos fines de tu patrón. En el nivel 1, elige tu patrón, que determina tu tradición de lanzamiento de hechizos y te otorga la habilidad para esa tradición de magia, tu primera bruja.lección y una habilidad familiar única. No naciste con el poder de lanzar conjuros, ni te has pasado años dedicado a la adoración, al estudio o al descubrimiento de secretos místicos. En su lugar, la magia te ha sido otorgada\npor parte de un ser poderoso, que sabe que potenciándote de esta forma harás avanzar sus planes en el mundo, sean cuales sean. Dicho ser es típicamente misterioso y distante, revelando muy poco acerca de su identidad y de sus motivaciones. Te hace saber su voluntad mediante signos abstractos como profecías, sueños o sutilezas similares en lugar de palabras. En lugar de interactuar contigo directamente, tu patrón actúa a través de un familiar, una criatura mística que te enseña, sirve como conducto de la magia de tu patrón y quizá incluso\nte vigila para asegurarse de que promueves los nebulosos objetivos de aquél. A nivel, eliges tu patrón, que determina tu tradición de lanzamiento de conjuros y te concede la habilidad para dicha tradición de la magia, tu primera lección de brujo y una aptitud de familiar única. Permaneces alerta a las amenazas que te rodean. Tu rango de competencia en Percepción aumenta a experto. Se nota lo casi imperceptible. Tu rango de competencia en Percepción aumenta a legendario. Percibes aquello que es prácticamente imperceptible. Tu rango de competencia para la Percepción se incrementa a legendario. Ha desarrollado una gran conciencia y atención al detalle. Tu rango de competencia en Percepción aumenta hasta llegar a dominar. Has desarrollado una Percepción aguda y una gran atención al detalle. Tu rango de competencia para Percepción se incrementa a maestro. La exposición repetida y la piel endurecida le permiten defenderse del daño. Mientras estás furioso, obtienes una resistencia igual a 3 + tu modificador de Constitución a los tipos de daño según tu instinto. Consulte instintos específicos para obtener más información. Has adquirido técnicas que mejoran tu astucia y habilidad. Su rango de competencia para su DC de guardabosques aumenta a experto. Si tienes hechizos de guardián, tu rango de competencia para ataques de hechizos y CD de hechizos aumenta a experto. Has practicado técnicas que mejoran tu astucia y tu habilidad. Tu rango de competencia para tu CD de explorador se incrementa a experto. Si tienes conjuros de guardián, tu rango de competencia para los ataques de conjuro y para la CD de conjuro se incrementa a experto. Obtienes todas las ventajas de tus armas. Tu rango de competencia en armas marciales, armas simples y ataques sin armas aumenta a experto. Obtienes acceso a los efectos críticos de especialización de todas esas armas y ataques desarmados cuando atacas a tu presa cazada. Obtienes todas las ventajas de tus armas. Tu rango de competencia para las armas marciales, las armas sencillas y los ataques sin arma se incrementa a experto. Obtienes acceso a los efectos\nde especialización crítica de todas esas armas y ataques sin arma cuando atacas a tu presa perseguida. Siempre atento a las debilidades, puedes atacar rápidamente a los enemigos que dejan una abertura en sus defensas. Obtienes la reacción @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.KAVf7AmRnbCAHrkT] {Reactive Strike}. Siempre vigilante ante las debilidades, puedes atacar rápidamente a los enemigos que dejan una abertura en sus defensas. Obtienes la reacción @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.KAVf7AmRnbCAHrkT]{Golpe reactivo}. Obtienes el segundo beneficio de tu doctrina: Obtienes el segundo beneficio de tu doctrina: tu rango de competencia para las salvaciones de Fortaleza se incrementa a experto. Tu rango de competencia para las salvaciones de Fortaleza se incrementa a experto. estás entrenado en armas marciales. Estás entrenado en armas marciales. Tú y tu eidolon trabajan juntos para permanecer alerta a las amenazas que te rodean, lo que te permite percibir mucho más juntos de lo que podrías percibir individualmente. Tu rango de competencia en Percepción y el rango de competencia de tu eidolon en Percepción aumentan a experto. Obtienes la dote general @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.jM72TjJ965jocBV8] {Shield Block}, una reacción que te permite reducir el daño con tu escudo. Obtienes la dote general @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.jM72TjJ965jocBV8]{Bloqueo con el escudo}, una reacción que te permite reducir el daño con tu escudo. Como espadachín, tienes tu propio estilo distintivo que te permite manejar con gracia los eventos cotidianos y las situaciones de vida o muerte por igual. Elige el estilo de un espadachín. Este estilo determina las acciones adicionales que utilizas para ganar estilo y te capacita en la habilidad relacionada con esa acción. Evalúas a tu presa con una mirada. Puedes usar @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.JYi4MnsdFu618hPm] {Hunt Prey} como acción gratuita si es tu primera acción de tu turno. Le tomas la medida a tu presa de un vistazo. Puedes utilizar @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.JYi4MnsdFu618hPm]{Perseguir presa} como acción gratuita si es la primera acción de tu turno. Obtienes el tercer beneficio de tu doctrina: Obtienes el tercer beneficio de tu doctrina: tus rangos de competencia para el modificador al ataque de conjuros y las CD de conjuros se incrementan a rango experto. Tus rangos de competencia para el modificador al ataque de conjuros y las CD de conjuros se incrementan a rango experto. obtienes competencia a rango experto con el arma predilecta de tu dios, las armas marciales, las armas sencillas y los ataques sin armas. Cuando obtienes un éxito crítico en una tirada de ataque utilizando el arma predilecta de tu dios, aplicas el efecto de especialización crítica de la misma; puedes utilizar tu CD de conjuros en lugar de tu CD de clase. Obtienes competencia a rango experto con el arma predilecta de tu dios, las armas marciales, las armas sencillas y los ataques sin armas. Cuando obtienes un éxito crítico en una tirada de ataque utilizando el arma predilecta de tu dios, aplicas el efecto de especialización crítica de la misma; puedes utilizar tu CD de conjuros en lugar de tu CD de clase. Te especializas en toxinas y venenos de todo tipo. Comienzas con las fórmulas de dos venenos alquímicos comunes de primer nivel en tu libro de fórmulas, además de tus otras fórmulas. Su campo de investigación agrega una serie de fórmulas a su libro de fórmulas; estos son sus elementos distintivos. Cuando utiliza un lote de @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.classfeatures.Item.wySB9VHOW1v3TX1L] {Infused Reagents} para crear sus elementos de firma usando @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.classfeatures.Item.Pe0zmIqyTBc2Td0I] {Advanced Alchemy}, crea tres elementos en lugar de dos. Cada vez que subas de nivel,puede intercambiar uno de sus elementos característicos con otra fórmula en su libro de fórmulas. Este nuevo elemento de firma debe estar en la lista de posibles elementos de firma de su campo de investigación. Puedes aplicar un veneno para lesiones que estás sosteniendo a un arma que estás empuñando como una acción única, en lugar de como una actividad de 2 acciones, y puedes cambiar las CD de tus venenos infundidos a tu CD de clase si es mayor. Cuando usas Alquimia avanzada para crear venenos durante tus preparaciones diarias, puedes gastar un lote de reactivos para crear tres venenos en cualquier combinación, en lugar de solo dos del mismo veneno. Has aprendido a crear infusiones alquímicas perpetuas que pueden proporcionar un suministro casi infinito de ciertos elementos simples. Obtienes la capacidad de crear.dos elementos alquímicos de primer nivel usando @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.classfeatures.Item.sPtl05wwTpqFI0lL] {Quick Alchemy} sin gastar un lote de reactivos infundidos. Los elementos que puede seleccionar dependen de su campo de investigación y deben estar en su libro de fórmulas. Cada vez que subes de nivel, puedes intercambiar cualquier cantidad de tus infusiones perpetuas con otras infusiones elegibles. Elige dos venenos alquímicos comunes de primer nivel. Tus infusiones perpetuas mejoran, permitiéndote usar Quick Alchemy para crear objetos más poderosos sin costo. Los elementos que puede seleccionar dependen de su campo de investigación y deben estar en su libro de fórmulas. Elige dos venenos alquímicos comunes de nivel 5 o inferior. Puedes aplicar dos venenos para lesiones diferentes almisma arma, aunque no a una sola pieza de munición. Los dos venenos pueden ser hasta seis niveles más bajos que tu nivel, y no puedes usar los venenos elaborados sin gastar un lote de reactivos infundidos mediante infusiones perpetuas. La aplicación de los dos venenos requiere una acción separada para aplicar cada veneno. Una vez completado, combinas los dos venenos del arma en un veneno doble con la CD más baja de los dos venenos. Este doble veneno sólo es virulento si ambos venenos sonvirulento, y si los venenos tienen diferente número de etapas, el veneno doble tiene un número de etapas igual al veneno con menor número de etapas. El objetivo recibe los efectos de ambos venenos en su etapa actual. Has perfeccionado tus infusiones perpetuas, lo que te permite usar Quick Alchemy para crear objetos aún más poderosos sin costo alguno. Los elementos que puedes seleccionarDepende de su campo de investigación y debe estar en su libro de fórmulas. Elige dos venenos alquímicos comunes de nivel 11 o inferior. Cuando te mueves por terrenos naturales, es difícil seguirte. Siempre obtienes los beneficios de la acción @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.SB7cMECVtE06kByk] {Cover Tracks} en dichos terrenos, sin moverte a la mitad de tu Velocidad. Cuando atraviesas terrenos naturales, eres difícil de rastrear. Siempre obtienes los beneficios de la acción @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.SB7cMECVtE06kByk]{Cubrir huellas} en dichos terrenos, sin tenerte que mover a la mitad de tu Velocidad. You disdain others' reliance on crude contrivances of iron, instead favoring the elegance of fabric, with thread and brocade your panoply. Your mastery of qinggong allows qi-infused fabric to tear flesh, bind blades, and pierce steel. You can create a special weapon, qi-infused fabric, by Interacting to grip a length of cloth of 1 Bulk or less and filling it with your qi. If you Interact to draw the object, you can do this as part of that action. For most unfurling brocade magi, this item is a scarf, sash, ribbon, or a similarly voluminous article of worn clothing, such as long sleeves. You can use the fabric as a bladed scarf. Unlike a normal bladed scarf, you have the option to wield the fabric in one hand instead of two. Its damage die is d4 if held in one hand. If you're wearing handwraps of mighty blows, you can apply any of its runes to the fabric, provided those runes could be added to a bladed scarf. This begins when you wield the fabric and ends when you cease doing so. While in Arcane Cascade stance, the magical energy flowing through your fabric partially animates it to accomplish an even greater range of tricks. If you critically succeed at an Athletics check to @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.Dt6B1slsBy8ipJu9]{Disarm}, you can spend a single action immediately afterward to flick your fabric, causing the disarmed object to fall to the ground in your space rather than in your opponent's. Your fabric gains the grapple trait. If you succeed at an Athletics check to @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.PMbdMWc2QroouFGD]{Grapple} using your fabric, you can spend a single action immediately afterward to pull the creature 5 feet toward you. When you attempt to @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.ge56Lu1xXVFYUnLP]{Trip} a foe using your fabric, the target can be two sizes larger than you instead of one. Conflux Spell@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.JIphJbkWHndtFk72]{Home Among Mulberry Leaves} Te mueves rápidamente a través de obstáculos, ya sean piedras caídas o maleza enredada. Puedes ignorar los efectos del terreno difícil. Como es normal para ignorar terreno difícil, esto también le permite tratar los obstáculos de terreno más difícil como si fueran terrenos difíciles. Atraviesas rápidamente los obstáculos, ya se trate de piedras amontonadas o de sotobosque espeso. Puedes ignorar los efectos del terreno difícil. Como es habitual para ignorar el terreno difícil, esto te permite tratar los obstáculos del terreno difícil mayor como si fuera terreno difícil a secas. Obtienes tu elección de la dote de druida @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.cg816q76S5otM7yD] {Animal Empathy} o @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.ahyQpMVDIqhvXkQ4] {Plant Empathy}. Puedes elegir entre las dotes de druida @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.cg816q76S5otM7yD]{Empatía animal} o @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.ahyQpMVDIqhvXkQ4]{Empatía con las plantas}. Tu relación con el mundo que te rodea se extiende desde lo físico hasta lo mágico. Ciertas dotes te otorgan conjuros de guardián, que son un tipo de conjuros de concentración. Cuesta 1 punto de enfoque (FP) lanzar un hechizo de enfoque. Cuando obtienes tu primer hechizo de guardián, también obtienes un grupo de concentración de 1 FP. Recargas tu grupo de concentración durante tus preparativos diarios y recuperas 1 FP al pasar 10 minutos usando la actividad Refocus para estar en comunión con la naturaleza. Tus hechizos de guardián sonhechizos primarios. Cuando obtienes por primera vez un hechizo de guardián, te entrenas en ataques de hechizos primarios y CD de hechizos. Tu habilidad para lanzar hechizos es la Sabiduría. Los hechizos de concentración aumentan automáticamente a la mitad de tu nivel redondeado hacia arriba. Tomar hazañas puede darte más hechizos de concentración y aumentar el tamaño de tu grupo de enfoque, aunque tu grupo de enfoque nunca puede contener más de 3 FP. Las reglas completas para los hechizos de enfoque aparecen aquí. Te liberas del agarre de un oso pardo o de los efectos nocivos de un veneno con la misma facilidad. Tu rango de competencia para las salvaciones de Fortaleza aumenta para dominar. Cuando obtienes un éxito en una salvación de Fortaleza, obtienes un éxito crítico. Te quitas de encima la presa de un oso pardo o los efectos dañinos de un veneno con la misma facilidad. Tu rango de competencia para las salvaciones de Fortaleza se incrementa a maestro. Cuando obtienes un éxito en una salvación de Fortaleza, en su lugar obtienes un éxito crítico. Barbarian Your rage makes you even more effective with the weapons you wield. Your proficiency ranks for simple weapons, martial weapons, and unarmed attacks increase to master. Magus, Thaumaturge You fully understand your weapons. Your proficiency ranks for simple and martial weapons increase to master. Has aprendido a infligir mayores heridas con las armas que mejor conoces. Infliges 2 daños adicionales con armas y ataques desarmados en los que eres un experto. Este daño aumenta a 3 si eres un maestro y a 4 si eres legendario. Infliges mayores heridas con las armas que conoces mejor. Infliges 2 daño adicional con las armas y los ataques sin arma en los que tienes el rango experto. Este daño se incrementa a 3 si dispones del rango maestro y a 4 si dispones del legendario. Conoces la canción salvaje, un idioma secreto sólo conocido en los círculos druídicos, además de cualquier otro idioma derivado de tu ascendencia. La canción salvaje es un idioma melódico y tonal, que parece más sonidos de animales que una lengua hablada, y su alfabeto implica fractales y espirales, como la disposición de las cámaras de una concha marina, los cristales de un copo de nieve o las frondas de un helecho. Enseñar la canción salvaje a quienes no son druidas es un anatema. El conocimiento que una bruja recibe de su patrón viene en forma de lecciones, que puedes aprender seleccionando hazañas como Lección básica. Cada lección te otorga un maleficio y le enseña a tu familiar un nuevo hechizo, agregándolo a los hechizos que puedes preparar usando tu hechizo de bruja. Obtienes este hechizo incluso si no está en la lista de hechizos de tu tradición. LECCIONES BÁSICAS Puedes seleccionar entre estas lecciones cuando una hazaña u otraEl efecto te otorga una lección básica. Lección de los sueños Obtienes el hexágono @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.NNoKWiWKqJkdD2ln] {Veil of Dreams} y tu familiar aprende @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.o4lRVTwSxnOOn5vl] {Sleep}. Lección de los Elementos Obtienes el hexágono @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.f9uqHnNBMU0774SF] {Elemental Betrayal}. Tu familiar aprende tu elección de @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.y6rAdMK6EFlV6U0t] {Breathe Fire} , @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.W69zswpj0Trdy5rj] {Air Bubble} , @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.jfVCuOpzC6mUrf6f] {Hydraulic Push} o @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.Rn2LkoSq1XhLsODV] {Pummeling Rubble} . Lección de vida Obtienes el hexágono @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.fAlzXtQAASaJx0mY] {Life Boost} y tu familiar aprende @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.yHujiDQPdtXW797e] {Spirit Link}. Lección de protección Obtienes el hexágono @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.dFejDNEmVj3CwYLL] {Blood Ward}; tu familiar aprende @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.aAbfKn8maGjJjk2W] {Mystic Armor} . Lección de venganza Obtienes el hexágono @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.aEitTTb9PnOyidRf] {Needle of Vengeance} y tu familiar aprende @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.R8bqnYiThB6MYTxD]{Phantom Pain} . GRANDES LECCIONES Puedes seleccionar entre estas lecciones cuando una dote u otro efecto te otorga una lección mayor. Lección de travesura Obtienes el hexágono @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.FrKPwgFxWIGMGgs4] {Deceiver's Cloak} y tu familiar aprende @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.tFKJCPvOQZxKq6ON] {Mad Monkeys}. Lección de Sombra Obtienes el @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.vhMCd15ZwNJn0zen] {Malicious Shadow}hex, y tu familiar aprende @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.sRfSBHWHdbIa0aGc] {Chilling Darkness} . Lección de nieve Obtienes el hexágono @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.g4MAIQodRDVfNp1B] {Personal Blizzard} y tu familiar aprende @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.it4ZsAi6XgvGcodc] {Wall of Wind}. LECCIONES PRINCIPALES Puedes seleccionar entre estas lecciones cuando una hazaña u otro efecto te otorga una lección importante. Lección de gangas Túgana el hexágono @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.PcmFpaHPCReNp1BD] {Over the Coals} y tu familiar aprende @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.GP3wewkQXEPrLxYj] {Subconscious Suggestion}. Lección de muerte Obtienes el hexágono @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.nQS4vPm5zprqkzFZ] {Curse of Death} y tu familiar aprende @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.IkGYwHRLhkuoGReG] {Raise Dead}. Lección de renovación Obtienes el hexágono @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.pCvJ4yoZJxDtgUMI] {Restorative Moment} y tu familiar aprende @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.x5rGOmhDRDVQPrnW] {Field of Life}. Lección deBaba Yaga [RARE] Obtienes el hexágono @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.ZyREiMaul0VhDYh3] {Glacial Heart} y tu familiar aprende @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.R5FHRv7VqyRnxg2t] {Wall of Ice}. Usando a tu familiar como conducto, tu patrón te proporciona el poder de lanzar hechizos. Eres un lanzador de hechizos y puedes lanzar hechizos de la tradición de tu patrón usando la actividad Lanzar un hechizo. Como bruja, cuando lanzas hechizos, tus encantamientos pueden rimar, tus gestos pueden ser tan simples como un siniestro dedo que señala o un signo popular complejo, y tu familiar puede incluso hacer eco ligeramente de tus palabras o movimientos a medida que surge la magia de tu patrón. En el 1er nivel, túPuedes preparar hasta dos hechizos de primer rango y cinco trucos cada mañana a partir de los hechizos que tu familiar conoce. Los hechizos preparados permanecen disponibles para ti hasta que los lances o hasta que los prepares nuevamente. La cantidad de hechizos que puedes preparar cada día se llama espacios para hechizos. A medida que aumentas de nivel como bruja, aumenta la cantidad de hechizos que puedes preparar cada día, al igual que el rango más alto de hechizo que puedes lanzar, como se muestra en la tabla de Hechizos de bruja por día. Algunos detus hechizos requieren que intentes un ataque de hechizo para ver qué tan efectivos son, o que tus enemigos hagan tiradas contra la CD de tu hechizo (generalmente intentando una tirada de salvación). Dado que tu atributo clave es la Inteligencia, tu modificador de ataque de hechizo y la CD de tu hechizo usan tu modificador de Inteligencia. Cuando obtienes espacios para hechizos de segundo rango y superiores, puedes llenar esos espacios con versiones más potentes de hechizos de rango inferior. Esto aumenta larango del hechizo, incrementándolo para que coincida con el espacio del hechizo. Muchos hechizos tienen mejoras específicas cuando se elevan a ciertos rangos. Algunos de tus hechizos son trucos. Un truco es un tipo especial de hechizo que no utiliza espacios para hechizos. Puedes lanzar un truco a voluntad, cualquier número de veces al día. Un truco siempre se eleva automáticamente a la mitad de tu nivel redondeado hacia arriba; esto suele ser igual al rango más alto del espacio para hechizos de bruja.tienes. Por ejemplo, como bruja de primer nivel, tus trucos son hechizos de primer rango, y como bruja de quinto nivel, tus trucos son hechizos de tercer rango. Utilizando tu familiar como conducto, tu patrón te proporciona el poder de lanzar conjuros. Eres un lanzador de conjuros que puedes lanzar los de la tradición de tu patrón, mediante la\nactividad Lanzar un conjuro. Como brujo, cuando lanzas conjuros tus encantamientos podrían rimar, tus gestos podrían ser tan sencillos como señalar ominosamente con el dedo o hacer\nun complejo signo popular y tu familiar podría incluso hacerse eco de tus palabras o movimientos ligeramente conforme se activa la magia de tu patrón. A nivel, cada mañana puedes preparar hasta 2 conjuros de rango y 5 trucos a partir de los conjuros que tu familiar conoce. Los conjuros preparados permanecen disponibles hasta que los lanzas o hasta que preparas conjuros de nuevo. El número de conjuros que puedes preparar cada día se denomina tus espacios de conjuro. Conforme subes de nivel como brujo, el número de conjuros que puedes preparar cada día se incrementa, así como el rango mayor de conjuro que puedes lanzar, tal y como se indica en la tabla Conjuros de brujo por día. Algunos de tus conjuros requieren que hagas un ataque de conjuros para ver lo efectivos que son, o que tus enemigos tiren contra tu CD de conjuros (típicamente mediante una tirada de salvación). Como quiera que tu atributo clave es la Inteligencia, tu modificador a los ataques de conjuro y tu CD de conjuros utilizan tu modificador por Inteligencia. Cuando obtienes espacios de conjuro de 2.º rango y superior, puedes rellenar dichos espacios con versiones más potentes de tus conjuros de rango inferior. Esto incrementa el rango del conjuro, potenciándolo para que encaje con el espacio de conjuro. Muchos conjuros obtienen mejoras específicas cuando se potencian a ciertos rangos. Algunos de tus conjuros se denominan trucos. Un truco es un tipo especial de conjuro que no utiliza espacios de conjuro. Puedes lanzar un truco a voluntad, todas las veces que quieras al día. Un truco se potencia siempre de forma automática a la mitad de tu nivel redondeado hacia arriba; esto suele ser igual al rango mayor de espacio de conjuro de brujo de que dispones. Por ejemplo, como brujo de nivel, tus trucos son conjuros de rango y como brujo de 5.º nivel, tus trucos son conjuros de rango. En el nivel 5 y cada 5 niveles posteriores, aumenta cuatro puntuaciones de habilidad diferentes. Puedes usar estos aumentos para aumentar las puntuaciones de habilidad por encima de 18. Aumentar una puntuación de habilidad la aumenta en 1 si ya tiene 18 o más, o en 2 si comienza por debajo de 18. Tu eidolon también obtiene cuatro mejoras de habilidad en estos niveles. Las mejoras de habilidad del eidolon siguen las mismas reglas que las tuyas. Baba Yaga te enseña cómo transferir espíritus a objetos y congelar a tus enemigos. Lista de hechizos oculto Habilidad patrona Ocultismo Cantrip hexagonal @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.yp4w9SG4RuqRM8KD] {Spirit Object} Hechizo concedido @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.8TQiFzGf4feoHeH0] {Chilling Spray} Familiar de la escarcha helada Tu familiar está frío al tacto, su aliento siempre es visible. Cuando lanzas o sostienes un maleficio, puedes hacer que se forme hielo en un @Template[type:burst|distance:5] centrado en un cuadrado del espacio de tu familiar. Esas casillas son terreno difícil hasta el comienzo de tu próximo turno. Nota: La habilidad familiar de este usuario se agregó según las pautas de PFS. Te has vuelto completamente experto en las armas de bardo. Tu rango de competencia en armas marciales, armas simples y ataques sin armas aumenta a experto. Cuando tienes éxito crítico en una tirada de ataque usando una de estas armas o un ataque desarmado mientras una de tus composiciones está activa, aplicas el efecto de especialización crítica para esa arma o ataque desarmado. Te has vuelto completamente competente con las armas de bardo. Tu rango de competencia para las armas marciales, las armas sencillas y los ataques sin armas se incrementa a experto. Cuando obtienes un éxito crítico en una tirada de ataque utilizando una de dichas armas o un ataque sin armas mientras uno de tus compañeros está activo, aplicas el efecto de especialización crítica para dicha arma o ataque sin armas. Utilizas tus habilidades de deducción para realizar cualquier tarea que sea necesaria para resolver el caso. Puedes intentar cualquier prueba que requiera que estés entrenado en una habilidad, incluso si no estás entrenado en ella; puedes intentar cualquier prueba que requiera que tengas un dominio experto en una habilidad, siempre y cuando estés entrenado en ella; y puedes intentar cualquier prueba que requiera que tengas un dominio experto en una habilidad, siempre y cuando tengas un dominio experto en ella. El flujo de magia y tu entrenamiento defensivo se combinan para ayudarte a apartarte antes de un ataque. Tu rango de competencia en defensa sin armadura aumenta a experto. El flujo de la magia de tu lanzamiento de conjuros y tu entrenamiento defensivo se combinan para que te puedas echar a un lado antes de un ataque. Tu rango de competencia para la defensa sin armadura se incrementa a experto. Has aumentado tu habilidad en la elaboración y puedes poner tus dispositivos en un estado de sobremarcha más potente. Te conviertes en un experto en Crafting y, si usas Overdrive con éxito, aumentas el daño adicional en 1. Bardo Tus técnicas mágicas se hacen más fuertes. Tu rango de competencia para modificadores de ataques con hechizos y las CD de los hechizos aumentan a experto. Druida Tu dominio de las fuerzas primarias se ha profundizado, potenciando tus hechizos. Tu competencia se clasifica para el modificador de ataque de hechizos y el aumento de DC de hechizos a experto. Magus Tu comprensión fundamental deLa magia mejora, haciendo que tus hechizos sean más difíciles de resistir. Tu rango de competencia para las tiradas de ataque de hechizos arcanos y la CD de los hechizos aumentan a experto. Oráculo La complejidad de tu poder divino se ha vuelto más clara con el tiempo. Tu rango de competencia para las tiradas de ataque con hechizos divinos y la CD de los hechizos aumenta a experto. Psíquico La autorreflexión te ha aportado un mayor conocimiento deusted mismo y, con él, el poder psíquico. Tu rango de competencia para las tiradas de ataque de hechizos ocultos y la CD de los hechizos aumentan a experto. Hechicero Tu magia inherente responde fácil y poderosamente a tus órdenes. Tus rangos de competencia para las tiradas de ataque con hechizos y las CD de hechizos para hechizos de la tradición de tu línea de sangre aumentan a experto. Invocador Como tu conexión con tuEl eidolon se profundiza, el poder de tus hechizos aumenta. Tus rangos de competencia para las tiradas de ataque con hechizos y las CD de hechizos para hechizos de la tradición de tu eidolon aumentan a experto. Bruja Has aprendido a controlar mejor el poder que te ha otorgado tu patrón. Tu competencia se clasifica para el modificador de ataque de hechizos y el aumento de DC de hechizos a experto. Asistente Práctica extendidade lo arcano ha mejorado tus capacidades. Tu competencia se clasifica para el modificador de ataque de hechizos y el aumento de DC de hechizos a experto. Bardo Tus técnicas mágicas se hacen más fuertes. Tus rangos de competencia para los modificadores al ataque de conjuros y las CD de conjuros aumentan a experto. Druida Tu dominio de las fuerzas primarias se ha profundizado, potenciando tus hechizos. Tu competencia se clasifica para el modificador de ataque de hechizos y el aumento de DC de hechizos a experto. Magus Tu comprensión fundamental deLa magia mejora, haciendo que tus hechizos sean más difíciles de resistir. Tu rango de competencia para las tiradas de ataque de hechizos arcanos y la CD de los hechizos aumentan a experto. Oráculo La complejidad de tu poder divino se ha vuelto más clara con el tiempo. Tu rango de competencia para las tiradas de ataque con hechizos divinos y la CD de los hechizos aumenta a experto. Psíquico La autorreflexión te ha aportado un mayor conocimiento deusted mismo y, con él, el poder psíquico. Tu rango de competencia para las tiradas de ataque de hechizos ocultos y la CD de los hechizos aumentan a experto. Hechicero Tu magia inherente responde fácil y poderosamente a tus órdenes. Tus rangos de competencia para las tiradas de ataque con hechizos y las CD de hechizos para hechizos de la tradición de tu línea de sangre aumentan a experto. Invocador Como tu conexión con tuEl eidolon se profundiza, el poder de tus hechizos aumenta. Tus rangos de competencia para las tiradas de ataque con hechizos y las CD de hechizos para hechizos de la tradición de tu eidolon aumentan a experto. Brujo Has aprendido a controlar mejor el poder que te ha otorgado tu\npatrón. Tu rango de competencia para tu modificador a los ataques de conjuro y tu CD de conjuros se incrementa a experto Asistente Práctica extendidade lo arcano ha mejorado tus capacidades. Tu competencia se clasifica para el modificador de ataque de hechizos y el aumento de DC de hechizos a experto. Tu patrón te contactó en un momento en el que tu fuerza de voluntad estaba a punto de agotarse. Su presencia tranquilizadora era como un aliento y un fuego que volvía a encender una brasa, y su magia te daba la fuerza para continuar y atraer a otros a tu causa. Es probable que tu patrón sea un ser divino como un ángel o un eón que actúa de forma encubierta, aunque existe la posibilidad de que sea una entidad más siniestra que te utilice para fines desconocidos. Lista de hechizos divino Habilidad del patrón Religión Lección del dominio del fervor Tu patrón te ha enseñado que nada puede apoderarse del corazón como la fe, ya sea que se use para inspirar o dirigir. Obtienes el truco hexagonal @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.GeUbPvwdZ4B4l0up] {Stoke the Heart} y tu familiar aprende @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.aIHY2DArKFweIrpf] {Command}. Familiar de Espíritu Restaurado Tu familiar es agradablemente cálido y suave, aparentementepara eliminar las preocupaciones con su mera presencia. Cuando lanzas o sostienes un maleficio, una criatura dispuesta dentro de 15 pies de tu familiar gana puntos de vida temporales equivalentes a 2 + la mitad de tu nivel, que duran hasta el comienzo de tu siguiente turno. Tu patrón te contactó en un momento en el que tu fuerza de voluntad estaba a punto de extinguirse. Su presencia tranquilizadora fue como si el aliento y la fajina devolvieran la llama\na unas ascuas, y su magia te concedió fuerza para perseverar y para atraer a otros a tu causa. Tu patrón es probablemente un ser divino como un ángel o un eón que actúa de forma encubierta, aunque existe la posibilidad de que se trate de un ser más siniestro, que te utiliza para fines desconocidos. Lista de conjuros divino Habilidad de patrón Religión Lección del agarre de la fe Tu patrón te ha enseñado que nada puede embargar el corazón como la fe, ya se utilice para inspirar o para dirigir. Obtienes el truco de maleficio @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.GeUbPvwdZ4B4l0up]{avivar el corazón} y tu familiar aprende @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.aIHY2DArKFweIrpf]{orden}. Familiar del espíritu restablecido Tu familiar es placenteramente cálido y suave, y parece alejar las preocupaciones con su mera presencia. Cuando Lanzas o Mantienes un maleficio, una criatura voluntaria a 15 pies (4,5 m) o menos de tu familiar obtiene tantos Puntos de Golpe temporales como 2 + la mitad de tu nivel, que duran hasta el final de tu siguiente turno. Un libro de fórmulas contiene las fórmulas necesarias para fabricar elementos distintos del equipo común de Pathfinder Player Core; Los personajes de la clase alquimista normalmente obtienen uno gratis. Cada libro de fórmulas puede contener fórmulas para hasta 100 elementos diferentes. Las fórmulas también pueden aparecer en hojas de pergamino, tabletas y casi cualquier otro medio; No es necesario que los copie en un libro específico siempre que pueda tenerlos a mano para consultarlos. Bardo Tu físico se ha vuelto resistente en tus aventuras. Tu rango de competencia para los ahorros de Fortaleza aumenta a experto. Druida Las aventuras han hecho que tu físico sea más resistente. Tu rango de competencia para los ahorros de Fortaleza aumenta a experto. Bardo Tu constitución física se ha vuelto más recia a lo largo de tus\naventuras. Tu rango de competencia para las salvaciones de Fortaleza se incrementa a experto. Druida Las aventuras han hecho que tu físico sea más resistente. Tu rango de competencia para los ahorros de Fortaleza aumenta a experto. Evitas las explosiones con unos reflejos que serían la envidia de un gato. Tu rango de competencia para las salvaciones de Reflejos se incrementa a legendario. Cuando sufres un fallo crítico en una salvación de Reflejos, en su lugar sufres un fallo simple. Cuando fallas una salvación de Reflejos contra un efecto que inflige daño, reduces a la mitad el daño sufrido. Tus actuaciones deforman la mente y hacen que florezcan las emociones, y comprender cómo hacerlo también forja una comprensión incomparable de tu propia mente. Tu rango de competencia para las salvaciones de Will aumenta a legendario. Cuando obtienes un fallo crítico en una salvación de Voluntad, en su lugar obtienes un fallo. Cuando fallas una salvación de Voluntad contra un efecto que causa daño, recibes la mitad del daño. Tus interpretaciones dan forma a la mente y hacen que las emociones florezcan; entender cómo hacer esto forja además una incomparable comprensión de tu propia mente. Tu rango de competencia para las salvaciones de Fortaleza se incrementa a legendario. Cuando sufres un fallo crítico en una salvación de Voluntad, en su lugar sufres un fallo. Cuando fallas una salvación de Voluntad contra un efecto que inflige daño, sufres mitad de daño. Tu incomparable capacidad de inventar y crear ha potenciado tus Overdrives. Te vuelves legendario en Crafting y, con un Overdrive exitoso, aumentas el daño adicional en un total de 3, reemplazando el aumento del overdrive maestro. Bardo Tu dominio de la magia es materia de leyendas. Tus rangos de competencia para modificadores de ataques con hechizos y CD de hechizos aumentan a legendario. Druida Has desarrollado una relación incomparable con la magia de la naturaleza. Tu competencia se clasifica para el modificador de ataque de hechizos y el aumento de DC de hechizos a legendario. Oráculo Puedes aprovecharpoder divino a un nivel que pocos otros pueden igualar. Tus rangos de competencia para las tiradas de ataque con hechizos divinos y la CD de los hechizos aumentan a legendario. Psíquico A medida que tu entrenamiento alcanza su punto máximo, comprendes no sólo tu propia mente, sino también el inconsciente colectivo del que surge todo poder psíquico. Tus rangos de competencia para las tiradas de ataque de hechizos ocultos y la CD de los hechizos aumentan a legendario. Hechicero Demuestras un talento prodigioso para lanzar hechizos. Tus rangos de competencia para las tiradas de ataque con hechizos y las CD de hechizos para hechizos de la tradición de tu línea de sangre aumentan a legendario. Bruja Has perfeccionado tu dominio de la magia que proporciona tu patrón. Tu competencia se clasifica para el modificador de ataque de hechizos y el aumento de DC de hechizos a legendario. Mago Eres un lanzador de conjuros consumado, que combina teoría arcana y hechicería práctica. Tu competencia se clasifica para el modificador de ataque de hechizos y el aumento de DC de hechizos a legendario. Bardo Tu dominio de la magia es de lo que están hechas las leyendas.\nTus rangos de competencia para los modificadores al ataque de conjuros y las CD de conjuros aumentan a legendario. Druida Has desarrollado una relación incomparable con la magia de la naturaleza. Tu competencia se clasifica para el modificador de ataque de hechizos y el aumento de DC de hechizos a legendario. Oráculo Puedes aprovecharpoder divino a un nivel que pocos otros pueden igualar. Tus rangos de competencia para las tiradas de ataque con hechizos divinos y la CD de los hechizos aumentan a legendario. Psíquico A medida que tu entrenamiento alcanza su punto máximo, comprendes no sólo tu propia mente, sino también el inconsciente colectivo del que surge todo poder psíquico. Tus rangos de competencia para las tiradas de ataque de hechizos ocultos y la CD de los hechizos aumentan a legendario. Hechicero Demuestras un talento prodigioso para lanzar hechizos. Tus rangos de competencia para las tiradas de ataque con hechizos y las CD de hechizos para hechizos de la tradición de tu línea de sangre aumentan a legendario. Brujo Has perfeccionado el dominio de la magia que te proporciona tu patrón. Tus rangos de competencia para tus modificadores a los ataques de conjuros y tu CD de conjuros se incrementan a experto. Mago Eres un lanzador de conjuros consumado, que combina teoría arcana y hechicería práctica. Tu competencia se clasifica para el modificador de ataque de hechizos y el aumento de DC de hechizos a legendario. The flourishing plant life that covers your body is a part of you, but it draws nutrients from your blood, making you weaker the more the flowers grow. As the plants grow, you need to spend more and more time recuperating. Recuperating in the sunshine lowers this duration, as it feeds the flowers, speeding your recovery. @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feat-effects.Item.iAePXmGL9bMKBTpv]{Effect: Life-Draining} Mild Backlash You become @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.4D2KBtexWXa6oUMR]{Drenado 1} as the plants feed off your life force. This condition lasts until you spend 3 consecutive actions to rest and do nothing. Moderate Backlash You become @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.4D2KBtexWXa6oUMR]{Drenado 2} and @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.HL2l2VRSaQHu9lUw]{Fatigado} until you spend 20 minutes recuperating by resting and doing nothing. If you spend this time basking in sunshine, it instead takes 10 minutes. Severe Backlash You become @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.4D2KBtexWXa6oUMR]{Drenado 3} until you spend 2 hours napping. While napping, you're @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.fBnFDH2MTzgFijKf]{Inconsciente} and can't take actions or engage in exploration activities, but a creature can wake you with a single action with the manipulate trait. If you spend this time napping in natural sunlight, it instead takes 1 hour. You're fatigued until you can get a full night's rest. Has aprendido a esquivar con armadura ligera o sin armadura. Tu rango de competencia para armadura ligera y defensa sin armadura aumenta a experto. Has aprendido a esquivar llevando armadura ligera o sin llevar armadura. Tus rangos de competencia con las armaduras ligeras y la defensa sin armaduras se incrementan a experto. Tu musa te inspira constantemente a llegar a grandes alturas de habilidad artística. Para muchos bardos, este papel lo ocupa un maestro o un rival, aunque algunos ponen la mira más alta e intentan sobrepasar a los grandes compositores del pasado o abrir una senda completamente nueva. Si tu musa es una criatura sobrenatural, podría ser una que esté enamorada de la interpretación, como por ejemplo un ángel coral o un azata lyrakien; si es un dios, podría ser Shelyn. El arte inspirado por una musa maestro es preciso e inventivo, un logro formalista. Como bardo con una musa maestro, eres una inspiración para tus aliados y confías en tus aptitudes musicales y retóricas. Dote de musa @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.sVjATEo8eqkAosNp] {Composición persistente} Conjuro de musa @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.szIyEsvihc5e1w8n] {Calmar} (pág. 321) Oráculo, Hechicero, Mago El poder mágico ha mejorado la resistencia de tu cuerpo. Tu rango de competencia para los ahorros de Fortaleza aumenta a experto. Bruja El poder de tu patrón aumenta tu resistencia física. Tu rango de competencia para los ahorros de Fortaleza aumenta a experto. Oráculo, Hechicero, Mago El poder mágico ha mejorado la resistencia de tu cuerpo. Tu rango de competencia para los ahorros de Fortaleza aumenta a experto. Bruja El poder de tu patrón aumenta tu resistencia física. Tu rango de competencia para las salvaciones de Fortaleza se incrementa a experto. Has afinado tu lanzamiento de hechizos al más alto calibre. Agrega dos hechizos ocultistas comunes de décimo rango a tu repertorio. Obtienes un único espacio para hechizos de décimo rango que puedes usar para lanzar estos hechizos usando el lanzamiento de hechizos de bardo. A diferencia de otros espacios para hechizos, no puedes usar espacios de décimo rango con habilidades que te den más espacios para hechizos o que te permitan lanzar hechizos sin gastar espacios para hechizos. No obtienes más hechizos de décimo rango a medida que subes de nivel, pero puedes realizar la hazaña Perfect Encore para ganar un segundo.ranura. Has afinado tu lanzamiento de conjuros hasta el mayor de los calibres. Añade 2 conjuros ocultistas comunes de 10.º nivel a tu repertorio. Obtienes un solo espacio de conjuro de 10.º nivel que puedes utilizar para lanzar dichos conjuros utilizando lanzamiento de conjuros de bardo. A diferencia de otros espacios de conjuro, no puedes usar espacios de 10.º nivel con aptitudes que te conceden más espacios de conjuro o que te permiten lanzar conjuros sin gastar espacios de conjuro. No obtienes más conjuros de 10.º nivel conforme subes, pero puedes adquirir la dote Bis perfecto para conseguir un segundo espacio. Tu dominio de la invención y la artesanía mejora tu Overdrive aún más. Te conviertes en un maestro en Crafting y, con un Overdrive exitoso, aumentas el daño adicional en un total de 2, reemplazando el aumento del overdrive experto. Bardo Arrancas los hilos de la magia como las cuerdas de un arpa. Tu competencia se clasifica para los modificadores de ataque de hechizos y las CD de hechizos aumentan para dominar. Druida La magia primordial responde a tus órdenes. Tu competencia se clasifica para el modificador de ataque de hechizos y el aumento de DC de hechizos para dominar. Magus Fortificas tus hechizos con destreza magistral.Tu competencia se clasifica para las tiradas de ataque de hechizos arcanos y la CD de los hechizos aumenta para dominar. Oráculo Realmente entiendes el profundo y complejo poder divino dentro de tu misterio. Tus rangos de competencia para las tiradas de ataque con hechizos divinos y la CD de los hechizos aumentan para dominarlos. Psíquico Has obtenido acceso a los rincones más profundos de tu propia mente. Su competencia se clasifica paraLas tiradas de ataque de hechizos ocultos y la CD de los hechizos aumentan para dominar. Hechicero Has logrado dominar la magia en tu sangre. Tus rangos de competencia para las tiradas de ataque con hechizos y las CD de hechizos para hechizos de la tradición de tu línea de sangre aumentan hasta dominar. Invocador Tu conexión con tu eidolon es lo suficientemente fuerte como para otorgarte dominio sobre los hechizos asociados. SuLos rangos de competencia para las tiradas de ataque de hechizos y las CD de hechizos de la tradición de tu eidolon aumentan hasta dominar. Bruja Has logrado dominar la magia de tu patrón. Tu competencia se clasifica para el modificador de ataque de hechizos y el aumento de DC de hechizos para dominar. Mago Tienes una habilidad superlativa para lanzar hechizos. Tu competencia se clasifica para el modificador de ataque con hechizos yhechizo de aumento de DC para dominar. Bardo Pulsas los hilos de la magia como si fueran las cuerdas de un\narpa. Tus rangos de competencia para los modificadores al ataque de conjuros y las CD de conjuros aumentan a maestro. Druida La magia primordial responde a tus órdenes. Tu competencia se clasifica para el modificador de ataque de hechizos y el aumento de DC de hechizos para dominar. Magus Fortificas tus hechizos con destreza magistral.Tu competencia se clasifica para las tiradas de ataque de hechizos arcanos y la CD de los hechizos aumenta para dominar. Oráculo Realmente entiendes el profundo y complejo poder divino dentro de tu misterio. Tus rangos de competencia para las tiradas de ataque con hechizos divinos y la CD de los hechizos aumentan para dominarlos. Psíquico Has obtenido acceso a los rincones más profundos de tu propia mente. Su competencia se clasifica paraLas tiradas de ataque de hechizos ocultos y la CD de los hechizos aumentan para dominar. Hechicero Has logrado dominar la magia en tu sangre. Tus rangos de competencia para las tiradas de ataque con hechizos y las CD de hechizos para hechizos de la tradición de tu línea de sangre aumentan hasta dominar. Invocador Tu conexión con tu eidolon es lo suficientemente fuerte como para otorgarte dominio sobre los hechizos asociados. SuLos rangos de competencia para las tiradas de ataque de hechizos y las CD de hechizos de la tradición de tu eidolon aumentan hasta dominar. Brujo Has alcanzado la maestría en la magia de tu patrón. Tus rangos de competencia para tu modificador a los ataques de conjuro y tu CD de conjuros se incrementan a experto. Mago Tienes una habilidad superlativa para lanzar hechizos. Tu competencia se clasifica para el modificador de ataque con hechizos yhechizo de aumento de DC para dominar. Cada mecenas tiene una temática, independientemente de su naturaleza o identidad. Este tema describe las fuerzas sobre las cuales el patrón otorga influencia a la bruja. Algunos patrocinadores son multifacéticos, ofrecen diferentes temas y enseñan diferentes lecciones a diferentes brujas. El tema de su mecenas determina lo siguiente. Tu patrón te otorga el poder de comandar increíbles obras de magia. Obtienes un único espacio para hechizos de décimo rango y puedes preparar un hechizo en ese espacio usando el lanzamiento de hechizos de bruja. A diferencia de otros espacios para hechizos, no puedes usar espacios de décimo rango con habilidades que te den más espacios para hechizos o que te permitan lanzar hechizos sin gastar espacios para hechizos. No obtienes más hechizos de décimo rango a medida que subes de nivel, pero puedes realizar la hazaña Verdad del patrón para obtener un segundo espacio. Tu patrón te concede el poder de llevar a cabo grandes proezas mágicas. Obtienes un solo espacio de conjuro de 10.º rango y puedes preparar un conjuro en el mismo utilizando lanzamiento de conjuros de brujo. A diferencia de otros espacios de conjuro, no puedes utilizar los de 10.º rango con aptitudes que te conceden más espacios de conjuro o que te permiten lanzar conjuros sin gastar espacios de conjuro. No obtienes más conjuros de 10.º rango al subir de nivel, aunque puedes elegir la dote Verdad del patrón para obtener un segundo espacio. Estás constantemente inventando y tu habilidad en la elaboración es impecable. Obtienes la dote de habilidad @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.XR95taODq1sq82Du] {Inventor}, incluso si no cumples con sus requisitos previos. Permaneces alerta a las amenazas que te rodean. Tu rango de competencia en Percepción aumenta a experto. Permaneces alerta a las amenazas que te rodean. Tu rango de competencia para Percepción se incrementa a experto. Has purgado la incompetencia de tus técnicas. En tu primer Golpe de tu turno, si obtienes un resultado inferior a 10, puedes tratar la tirada de ataque como un 10. Este es un efecto de fortuna. Las mejores actuaciones requieren una comprensión de tu propia mente y una concentración perfecta. Tu rango de competencia para las salvaciones de Will aumenta hasta dominar. Cuando obtienes un éxito en una salvación de Voluntad, obtienes un éxito crítico. Las interpretaciones mayores requieren la comprensión de tu propia mente y una concentración exenta de fallos. Tu rango de competencia para las salvaciones de Voluntad se incrementa a maestro. Cuando obtienes un éxito en una salvación de Voluntad, en su lugar obtienes un éxito crítico. Has desarrollado una habilidad especial para esquivar el peligro. Tu rango de competencia para Reflex saves aumenta a experto. Tus reflejos son rápidos como el rayo, lo que te ayuda a evitar el peligro. Tu rango de competencia para las salvaciones de Reflejos se incrementa a experto. Haces tiros que otros encuentran imposibles. Tu rango de competencia para tu clase de pistolero DC aumenta hasta dominar. Cuando usas un arma a distancia en la que tienes maestría o mayor competencia, ignoras la penalización por atacar dentro del segundo y tercer incremento de alcance del arma. La experiencia te permite lanzar algunos hechizos de forma más flexible. Para cada rango de hechizo al que tengas acceso, elige un hechizo de ese rango para que sea un hechizo característico. No necesitas aprender versiones mejoradas de hechizos característicos por separado; en cambio, puedes intensificar estos hechizos libremente. Si has aprendido un hechizo característico en un rango superior al mínimo, también puedes lanzar todas sus versiones de rango inferior sin aprenderlas por separado. Si intercambias un hechizo característico, puedes elegir unhechizo característico de reemplazo del mismo rango de hechizo en el que aprendiste el hechizo anterior. También puedes volver a entrenar específicamente para cambiar un hechizo característico por un hechizo diferente de ese rango sin intercambiar ningún hechizo; Esto lleva tanto tiempo como normalmente lleva volver a entrenar un hechizo. La experiencia te permite lanzar algunos conjuros de forma más flexible. Por cada rango de conjuro al que tienes acceso, elige un conjuro de dicho nivel para que sea de signatura. No tienes por qué aprender por separado las versiones potenciadas de los conjuros de signatura; en su lugar, puedes potenciarlos libremente. Si has aprendido un conjuro de signatura a un nivel superior a su mínimo, también puedes lanzar todas sus versiones de menor nivel sin tenerlas que aprender por separado. Si intercambias un conjuro de signatura, puedes elegir otro conjuro de signatura del\nmismo rango de conjuro al que aprendiste el anterior. También puedes reconvertir específicamente para cambiar un conjuro de signatura por uno diferente de dicho nivel sin intercambiar conjuros; esto cuesta el mismo tiempo que reconvertir un conjuro de la forma habitual. Un frío intenso anunciaba la aparición de tu patrón, en pleno solsticio de invierno o en una cima helada en el fin del mundo. Tu patrón puede ser una bruja del invierno, un yai de hielo u otro espíritu del frío, pero una cosa está tan clara como el hielo: su poder no debe subestimarse. Lista de hechizos primal Habilidad del patrón Naturaleza Lección del frío invernal Tu patrón te enseñó de primera mano el poder del invierno al someterte a las heladas y la nieve. Aprendes el truco hexagonal @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.MraZBLJ4Be3ogmWL] {Clinging Ice} y tu familiar aprende @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.g8QqHpv2CWDwmIm1] {Gust of Wind}. Familiar de Escarcha Helada Tu familiar está frío al tacto, su aliento siempre es visible. Cuando lanzas o sostienes un maleficio, puedes hacer que se forme hielo en un @Template[type:burst|distance:5] centrado en un cuadrado del espacio de tu familiar. Esos cuadrados sonterreno difícil hasta el inicio de tu siguiente turno. Un frío tremendo fue el preludio de la aparición de tu patrón en las profundidades del solsticio de invierno o en un pico helado del fin del mundo. Tu patrón podría ser una saga invernal, un\nyai de hielo u otro espíritu del frío, pero una cosa está clara cómo el hielo: su poder no debe ser subestimado. Lista de conjuros primigenia Habilidad de patrón Naturaleza Lección del frío invierno Tu patrón te enseñó de primera mano el poder del invierno sometiéndote a la escarcha y la nieve. Aprendes el truco de maleficio @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.MraZBLJ4Be3ogmWL]{hielo aferrante} y tu familiar aprende @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.g8QqHpv2CWDwmIm1]{ráfaga de viento}. Familiar de escarcha congeladora Tu familiar es frío al tacto, y su aliento siempre es visible. Cuando Lanzas o Mantienes un maleficio, puedes hacer que se forme hielo en una explosión de 5 pies (1,5 m) centrada en una casilla del espacio de tu familiar. Dichas casillas\nson terreno difícil hasta el inicio de tu siguiente turno. Teorizas que los espacios para hechizos son una abreviatura de una energía subyacente que impulsa todos los lanzamientos de hechizos, y has encontrado una manera de modificar la jerarquía de los espacios para hechizos, combinándolos para alimentar hechizos más poderosos. Durante tus preparativos diarios, puedes intercambiar dos espacios de hechizo del mismo rango de hechizo por un espacio de hechizo adicional de hasta 2 rangos de hechizo más altos que los espacios de hechizo intercambiados. Puedes intercambiar tantos espacios para hechizos como tengas disponibles. Espacios de hechizos de bonificacióndebe ser de un rango de hechizo que normalmente puedas lanzar, y cada espacio de hechizo adicional debe ser de un rango de hechizo diferente. También puedes intercambiar cualquier espacio de hechizo por dos trucos adicionales, aunque no puedes intercambiar más de un espacio de hechizo a la vez por trucos adicionales de esta manera. La colección de hechizos que puedes lanzar se llama repertorio de hechizos. En el nivel, aprendes dos hechizos ocultistas de rango de tu elección y cinco trucos ocultistas de tu elección. Puedes elegirlos entre los hechizos comunes de la lista de ocultismo o entre otros hechizos de ocultismo a los que tienes acceso. Puedes lanzar cualquier hechizo de tu repertorio de hechizos utilizando un espacio de hechizo de un rango de hechizo apropiado. Agregas hechizos a este repertorio a medida que aumentas de nivel. Cada vezobtienes un espacio para hechizo (consulta la tabla de Hechizos por día de Bardo), agregas un hechizo a tu repertorio de hechizos del mismo rango. En el nivel 2, seleccionas otro hechizo de rango 1; en el 3er nivel, seleccionas dos hechizos de 2do rango, y así sucesivamente. Cuando agregas hechizos, puedes agregar una versión de mayor rango de un hechizo que ya tienes, para poder lanzar una versión mejorada de ese hechizo. Aunque los obtienes al mismo ritmo, tus espacios para hechizos y los hechizos de tu repertorio de hechizos están separados. Siuna hazaña u otra habilidad agrega un hechizo a tu repertorio de hechizos, no te daría otro espacio para hechizos, y viceversa. A medida que obtengas nuevos hechizos en tu repertorio, es posible que desees reemplazar algunos de los hechizos que aprendiste anteriormente. Cada vez que subes de nivel y aprendes nuevos hechizos, puedes cambiar uno de tus hechizos antiguos por uno diferente del mismo rango. Este hechizo puede ser un truco. También puedes intercambiarhechizos mediante el reentrenamiento durante el tiempo de inactividad. La colección de conjuros que puedes lanzar se denomina tu repertorio de conjuros. A nivel, aprendes 2 conjuros ocultistas de nivel a tu elección y 5 trucos ocultistas también a tu\nelección. Los puedes elegir de entre los conjuros comunes de la lista de ocultismo u otros conjuros ocultistas a los que tienes acceso. Puedes lanzar cualquier conjuro de tu repertorio utilizando un espacio de conjuros de un rango de conjuro apropiado. Vas incrementando tu repertorio de conjuros conforme subes de nivel. Cada vez que obtienes un espacio de conjuro (ver la tabla Conjuros de bardo por día) añades un conjuro del mismo nivel a tu repertorio. A 2.º nivel, seleccionas otro conjuro de nivel; a nivel, seleccionas 2 conjuros de 2.º nivel y así sucesivamente. Cuando añades conjuros, puedes añadir una versión de nivel superior de un conjuro que ya tienes, para poder lanzar una versión potenciada del mismo. Aunque los obtienes al mismo ritmo, tus espacios de conjuro y los conjuros de tu repertorio van por separado. Si una dote u otra aptitud añade un conjuro a tu repertorio, no te concede otro\nespacio de conjuros y viceversa. Conforme obtienes nuevos conjuros en tu repertorio, podría interesarte reemplazar algunos de los que has aprendido previamente. Cada vez que subes de nivel y aprendes nuevos conjuros,\npuedes intercambiar uno de tus viejos conjuros por otro diferente del mismo nivel. Dicho conjuro puede ser un truco. También puedes intercambiar conjuros reconvirtiéndolos durante el tiempo libre. Conociste a tu patrón en el recuerdo de un encuentro aún por venir o en una premonición de algo que pasó hace mucho tiempo, mientras desenredaban y volvían a tejer el tapiz del tiempo y el destino. ¿Tu patrón era un norn? ¿Un heraldo de una deidad como Pharasma, Alseta o la Abuela Araña? ¿Podría incluso ser un solo individuo que aparece en tres o más puntos de su línea de tiempo: múltiples versiones del mismo ser, hilos paralelos que convergen en un solo momento? Lista de hechizos oculto Habilidad patrona Ocultismo Lección de las vicisitudes del destino La dura lección de tu patrón es que el destino no perdona a nadie, subiendo y bajando a su vez para todos. Obtienes el truco hexagonal @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.G0T1xv1FoZ23Jxvt] {Nudge Fate} y tu familiar aprende @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.Gb7SeieEvd0pL2Eh] {Sure Strike}. Familiar de Suerte Equilibrada Tu familiar tiene una mancha en su cuerpo queParece un amuleto de buena suerte o un mal augurio, según el ángulo. Cuando lanzas o sostienes un maleficio, una criatura a 15 pies de tu familiar puede elegir entre una bonificación de estado de +1 a su CA o una penalización de estado de -1 a su CA hasta el comienzo de tu siguiente turno. Conociste a tu patrón en un recuerdo de un encuentro todavía por suceder o en una premonición de algo que pasó hace mucho, al desenmarañar éste y volver a tejer el tapiz del tiempo y del destino. ¿Será tu patrón una norna? ¿Un heraldo de un dios como Farasma, Alseta o la Abuela Araña? ¿Podría tratarse incluso de un solo individuo que aparece en tres o más puntos\nde su línea temporal, versiones múltiples del mismo ser, hebras paralelas convergiendo en un solo instante? Lista de conjuros ocultista Habilidad de patrón Ocultismo Lección de las vicisitudes del destino La severa lección de tu patrón es que el destino no perdona a nadie, alzándose y cayendo por turno para todos. Obtienes el truco de maleficio @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.G0T1xv1FoZ23Jxvt]{empujar al destino} y tu familiar aprende @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.Gb7SeieEvd0pL2Eh]{golpe seguro}. Familiar de suerte equilibrada Tu familiar tiene una mancha en el cuerpo que parece un amuleto de buena suerte o de mal fario, dependiendo del ángulo. Cuando Lanzas o Mantienes un maleficio, puedes elegir para una criatura a 15 pies (4,5 m) o menos de tu familiar\nentre un bonificador +1 por estatus a su CA o un penalizador -1 por estatus a su CA hasta el final de tu siguiente turno. Tu patrón te contactó por primera vez en la hora de las brujas, mientras tu cuerpo yacía paralizado por el sueño mientras tu mente aún no había escapado del mundo de la vigilia. Tu patrón podría ser una criatura del Inframundo o un espíritu del crepúsculo olvidado hace mucho tiempo; lo único que recuerdas de ellos son los inquietantes ojos de la luz de la luna que te ofrecen poder desde la oscuridad. Lista de hechizos oculto Habilidad patrona Ocultismo Lección de los terrores nocturnos Tu patrón te enseñó que la oscuridad puede ocultar todo tipo de cosas que es mejor no ver. Obtienes el truco hexagonal @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.cE7PRAX8Up7fmYef] {Shroud of Night} y tu familiar aprende @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.4koZzrnMXhhosn0D] {Fear}. Familiar de Stalking Night Tu familiar tiene pelaje o plumas de color oscuro, y la luz parece desaparecer en él. Cuando lanzas o sostienes un maleficio y tu familiar está adyacente a un enemigo paraque es @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.DmAIPqOBomZ7H95W] {Oculto} , @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.iU0fEDdBp3rXpTMC] {Escondido} , o sin ser detectado, el enemigo se convierte en @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.TBSHQspnbcqxsmjL] {Asustado 1} . Tu patrón se puso en contacto contigo por vez primera a la hora de las brujas, mientras tu cuerpo yacía paralizado por el sueño mientras tu mente tenía aún que huir al mundo de la vigilia. Tu patrón podría ser una criatura del Inframundo o un espíritu del crepúsculo largo tiempo olvidado; todo lo que recuerdas de él son unos ojos acechantes de luz de luna, ofreciéndote poder desde la oscuridad. Lista de conjuros ocultista Habilidad de patrón Ocultismo Lección de los terrores de la noche Tu patrón te enseñó que la oscuridad puede ocultar todo tipo de cosas que es mejor que permanezcan sin ser vistas. Obtienes el truco de maleficio @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.cE7PRAX8Up7fmYef]{sudario de la noche} y tu familiar aprende @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.4koZzrnMXhhosn0D]{miedo}. Familiar de la noche acechante Tu familiar tiene el pelaje o las plumas de color oscuro y la luz parece desaparecer en él. Cuando Lanzas o Mantienes un maleficio y tu familiar está adyacente a un enemigo del que no está @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.DmAIPqOBomZ7H95W]{oculto}, @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.iU0fEDdBp3rXpTMC]{escondido} o no detectado, el enemigo queda @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.TBSHQspnbcqxsmjL]{asustado 1}. Ninguna palabra salió de los labios de su patrón en el momento en que se conocieron; en cambio, palabras y glifos danzaban sobre su piel mientras símbolos y números nadaban en las profundidades de sus ojos, deletreando su voluntad en un torrente de palabras y sabiduría. Tu patrón podría ser un poderoso archimago, o incluso uno de sus artefactos abandonados, que busca un sucesor. Lista de hechizos arcano Habilidad patrón Arcanos Lección de la supremacía de Glyph Tu patrón enseña que la palabra escrita puede lograr mucho más de lo que parece. Obtienes el hexágono @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.UmXhuKrYZR3W16mQ] {Discern Secrets} y tu familiar aprende @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.TFitdEOpQC4SzKQQ] {Runic Weapon}. Familiar de escritura fluida Tu familiar está cubierto por un patrón que se parece a letras en un idioma desconocido, uno que parece llamar la atención incluso cuando eludecomprensión. Cuando lanzas o sostienes un maleficio, las letras comienzan a cambiar rápidamente, provocando una distracción. Hasta el comienzo de tu próximo turno, tu familiar puede flanquearte a ti y a tus aliados como si fuera capaz de atacar y tuviera un alcance de 5 pies; Este es un efecto visual. Ninguna palabra surgió de los labios de tu patrón en el momento en que os conocísteis; en su lugar, palabras y glifos recorrieron su piel mientras que símbolos y números nadaban en las profundidades de sus ojos, mostrando su voluntad en un torrente de palabras y de sabiduría. Tu patrón podría ser un poderoso archimago o incluso uno de sus artefactos abandonados, buscando a un sucesor. Lista de conjuros arcana Habilidad de patrón Arcanos Lección de la supremacía del glifo Tu patrón enseña que la palabra\nescrita puede conseguir mucho más de lo que parece. Obtienes el maleficio @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.UmXhuKrYZR3W16mQ]{discernir secretos} y tu familiar aprende @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.TFitdEOpQC4SzKQQ]{arma rúnica}. Familiar de escritura fluida Tu familiar está cubierto por un esquema que parece similar a las letras de un idioma desconocido, que parece atraer la atención a la vez que esquiva la comprensión. Cuando Lanzas o Mantienes un maleficio, las letras empiezan a cambiar rápidamente, causando una distracción. Hasta el final de tu siguiente turno, tu familiar puede proporcionarte flanqueo a ti y a tus aliados como si fuera capaz de atacar y tuviera un alcance de 5 pies (1,5 m); éste es un efecto visual. Un único sentimiento irradiaba de tu patrón en el momento en que lo conociste, tan palpable como el calor de un fuego: el deseo de ver cada amapola alta talada y cada clavo orgulloso martillado, ya sea para hacer justicia con rectitud para la gente pequeña o para el impulso básico. ver a los poderosos derrotados. Es probable que tu patrón esté lejos de los niveles superiores de su tipo, como una bruja expulsada de su aquelarre o una cuasi divinidad o un demonio de rango inferior. Esto le deja sólo herramientas más sutiles y débiles para lograr sus fines:maldiciones, maleficios y tú. Lista de hechizos oculto Habilidad patrona Ocultismo Lección de la impermanencia de la fuerza Tu patrón te ha enseñado que el poder se puede tomar mucho más fácilmente de lo que se puede construir. Obtienes el truco hexagonal @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.f45JpY7Ph2cAJGW2] {Evil Eye} y tu familiar aprende @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.J7Y7tl0bbdz7TcCc] {Enfeeble}. Familiar de la miseria continua Tu familiar parece hostil con todas las criaturas excepto tú, y les sisea si se acercan demasiado. Cuando lanzas o sostienes un maleficio, tu familiar puede maldecir a una criatura dentro de un radio de 15 pies de él, prolongando la duración de cualquier condición negativa que lo afecte en 1 asalto. Este es un efecto de maldición. Esto prolonga sólo las condiciones con una duración cronometrada (como \"1 ronda\" o \"hasta el final de tu próximo turno\") y no evita que otras condiciones eliminen las condiciones.medio. Un solo sentimiento irradió de tu patrón en el momento en que os conocísteis, tan palpable como el calor de un fuego: el deseo de ver abatidos a todos los pudientes y machacados a todos los prepotentes, ya sea para llevar la justicia al pueblo llano o por la pulsión básica de ver derrotados a los poderosos. Tu patrón raramente va a pertenecer a los escalones superiores de los de su clase, y será probablemente una saga expulsada de su aquelarre, una casi divinidad o un demonio de rango inferior. Esto le permite tan sólo utilizar herramientas más sutiles y más débiles para conseguir tus objetivos: las maldiciones, los maleficios y tú. Lista de conjuros ocultista Habilidad de patrón Ocultismo Lección de la transitoriedad de la fuerza Tu patrón te ha enseñado que es más fácil arrebatar el poder que construirlo. Obtienes el truco de maleficio @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.f45JpY7Ph2cAJGW2]{mal de ojo} y tu familiar aprende @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.J7Y7tl0bbdz7TcCc]{debilitar}. Familiar de tristeza continuada Tu familiar parece hostil a todas las criaturas que no son tú, siseando a todas ellas si se le acercan demasiado. Cuando Lanzas o Mantienes un maleficio, tu familiar puede maldecir a una criatura a 15 pies (4,5 m) o menos de él, prolongando en 1 asalto la duración de cualquier estado negativo que le afecta. Éste es un efecto de maldición, que prolonga sólo estados con una duración mesurable en el tiempo (como por ejemplo \"1 asalto\" o \"hasta el final de tu siguiente turno\") y no evita que los estados se puedan eliminar de otra forma. Los implementos de armas son los más directos y conflictivos, y representan batalla, lucha y potencialmente violencia. Puedes elegir solo un arma de una mano como implemento, lo que te permite canalizar energías en tu arma, así como sostener tus otros implementos una vez que los obtengas. Los instrumentos de armas están asociados con el traje de martillos y los signos astrológicos del jinete y la espadachina. Tu arma tiembla ligeramente en tu mano, buscando la debilidad de tu enemigo e interrumpiendo sus acciones. Obtienes la reacción @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.dnaPJfA0CDLNrWcW] {Implement's Interruption}. En el nivel 5, cuando adquieres experiencia en armas taumatúrgicas, tu conocimiento instintivo del implemento de tu arma también te otorga el efecto de especialización crítica del arma. Cuando tuEl implemento arremete contra tu enemigo, incluso un disparo cercano acerca el arma lo suficiente como para causar daño. Cuando usas la Interrupción del Implemento y fallas (pero no fallas críticamente) el Golpe, infliges 1 daño del tipo normal del arma, posiblemente aplicando cualquier daño adicional debido a la debilidad del objetivo. Tu arma se dirige a los puntos vitales de tu enemigo, casi por sí sola. Obtienes un estado +2bonificación a las tiradas de ataque contra el objetivo de tu vulnerabilidad de explotación. La forma en que tu implemento se conecta con tu enemigo hace que sus interrupciones sean increíblemente perturbadoras. Ahora interrumpes la acción desencadenante de un golpe con la Interrupción del implemento, en lugar de necesitar un golpe crítico. Campeón, Investigador, Oráculo, Mago Te has dedicado a aprender las complejidades de tus armas. Tus rangos de competencia para armas simples, armas marciales y ataques desarmados aumentan a experto. Druida Has mejorado tu habilidad de combate. Tu rango de competencia para armas simples y ataques desarmados aumenta a experto. Hechicero Entrenamiento yLa magia mejoró tu técnica con el arma. Tu rango de competencia para armas simples y ataques desarmados aumenta a experto. Invocador El entrenamiento y la magia mejoraron tu técnica con el arma. Tu rango de competencia para armas simples y ataques desarmados aumenta a experto. ( Nota: esto se llama Experiencia en armas simples en Secretos de la magia ) Bruja, Mago Por puraexperiencia, has mejorado tu técnica con tus armas. Tu rango de competencia para armas simples y ataques desarmados aumenta a experto. Campeón, Investigador, Oráculo, Mago Te has dedicado a aprender las complejidades de tus armas. Tus rangos de competencia para armas simples, armas marciales y ataques desarmados aumentan a experto. Druida Has mejorado tu habilidad de combate. Tu rango de competencia para armas simples y ataques desarmados aumenta a experto. Hechicero Entrenamiento yLa magia mejoró tu técnica con el arma. Tu rango de competencia para armas simples y ataques desarmados aumenta a experto. Invocador El entrenamiento y la magia mejoraron tu técnica con el arma. Tu rango de competencia para armas simples y ataques desarmados aumenta a experto. ( Nota: esto se llama Experiencia en armas simples en Secretos de la magia ) Brujo, Mago A través de la experiencia, has mejorado tu técnica con tus armas. Tus rangos de competencia para las armas sencillas y los ataques sin arma aumentan a experto. Cuando tu patrón apareció ante ti, se movían con la gracia y ferocidad del desierto, su voz el crujido de los árboles y el sonido de los cascos contra la tierra virgen. Podrían haber sido una reina dríada o una bestia primitiva, pero parecía que toda la naturaleza era suya para defenderla. Lista de hechizos primal Habilidad del patrón Naturaleza Lección de discurso salvaje Tu patrón te ha enseñado las complejidades del habla no verbal, permitiéndote influir y llamar a animales y plantas. Obtienes el truco hexagonal @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.GdN5YQE47gd79k7X] {Wilding Word} y tu familiar aprende tu elección de @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.4YnON9JHYqtLzccu] {Summon Animal} o @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.jSRAyd57kd4WZ4yE] {Summon Plant or Fungus}. Familiar de sentidos agudos Tu familiar tiene ojos brillantes, orejas temblorosas o algún otro signo de los poderosos sentidos de una bestia. Cuando lanzas o sostienes un maleficio,tu familiar obtiene la opción de elegir entre un olor impreciso, un sentido de temblor o un sentido de ondas, con un alcance de 60 pies hasta el comienzo de tu siguiente turno, y puede señalar inmediatamente como una acción gratuita. Cuando tu patrón apareció ante ti, se movía con la gracia y la ferocidad de las tierras vírgenes, su voz era el crujir de los árboles y el sonido de las pezuñas sobre la tierra inmaculada. Podría tratarse de una reina de las dríadas o una bestia primigenia, pero parecía que la Naturaleza fuera suya para defenderla. Lista de conjuros primigenia Habilidad del patrón Naturaleza Lección del habla salvaje Tu patrón te ha enseñado las complejidades de la comunicación no verbal, permitiéndote influenciar y llamar a los animales y a las plantas. Obtienes el truco de maleficio @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.GdN5YQE47gd79k7X]{palabra salvaje} y tu familiar aprende @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.4YnON9JHYqtLzccu]{convocar animal} o bien @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.jSRAyd57kd4WZ4yE]{convocar planta u hongo} a tu elección. Familiar de sentidos agudos Tu familiar tiene ojos brillantes, orejas que se mueven nerviosamente o cualquier otro signo de los poderosos sentidos de una bestia. Cuando Lanzas o Mantienes un maleficio, tu familiar obtiene un sentido impreciso como olfato, sentido de\nla vibración o sentido de las olas, con un rango de distancia de 60 pies (18 m) hasta el inicio de tu siguiente turno y puede Señalar de inmediato como una acción gratuita. Tus defensas mentales se fortalecen. Tu rango de competencia para Will Saves aumenta a experto. La comunión con tu familiar ha fortalecido tu fortaleza mental. Tu rango de competencia para las salvaciones de Will aumenta hasta dominar. Cuando obtienes un éxito en una salvación de Voluntad, obtienes un éxito crítico. La comunión con tu familiar ha reforzado tu fortaleza mental. Tu rango de competencia para las salvaciones de Voluntad se incrementa a maestro. Cuando obtienes un éxito en una salvación de Voluntad, en su lugar obtienes un éxito crítico. Eres amigable, inteligente y lleno de humor, y siempre sabes qué decir en cualquier situación. Tus ocurrencias dejan a los enemigos desprevenidos para la habilidad y velocidad de tus ataques. Estás entrenado en Diplomacia y obtienes la dote de habilidad @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.0GF2j54roPFIDmXf] {Bon Mot}. Obtienes @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feat-effects.Item.uBJsxCzNhje8m8jj] {Panache} durante un encuentro siempre que tengas éxito en un Bon Mot contra un enemigo. El conocimiento que una bruja recibe de su patrón viene en forma de lecciones, que puedes aprender seleccionando hazañas como Lección básica. Cada lección te otorga un maleficio y le enseña a tu familiar un nuevo hechizo, agregándolo a los hechizos que puedes preparar usando tu hechizo de bruja. Obtienes este hechizo incluso si no está en la lista de hechizos de tu tradición. LECCIONES BÁSICAS Puedes seleccionar entre estas lecciones cuando una hazaña u otraEl efecto te otorga una lección básica. Lección de los sueños Obtienes el hexágono @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.NNoKWiWKqJkdD2ln] {Veil of Dreams} y tu familiar aprende @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.o4lRVTwSxnOOn5vl] {Sleep}. Lección de los Elementos Obtienes el hexágono @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.f9uqHnNBMU0774SF] {Elemental Betrayal}. Tu familiar aprende tu elección de @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.y6rAdMK6EFlV6U0t] {Breathe Fire} , @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.W69zswpj0Trdy5rj] {Air Bubble} , @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.jfVCuOpzC6mUrf6f] {Hydraulic Push} o @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.Rn2LkoSq1XhLsODV] {Pummeling Rubble} . Lección de vida Obtienes el hexágono @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.fAlzXtQAASaJx0mY] {Life Boost} y tu familiar aprende @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.yHujiDQPdtXW797e] {Spirit Link}. Lección de protección Obtienes el hexágono @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.dFejDNEmVj3CwYLL] {Blood Ward}; tu familiar aprende @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.aAbfKn8maGjJjk2W] {Mystic Armor} . Lección de venganza Obtienes el hexágono @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.aEitTTb9PnOyidRf] {Needle of Vengeance} y tu familiar aprende @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.R8bqnYiThB6MYTxD]{Phantom Pain} . GRANDES LECCIONES Puedes seleccionar entre estas lecciones cuando una dote u otro efecto te otorga una lección mayor. Lección de travesura Obtienes el hexágono @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.FrKPwgFxWIGMGgs4] {Deceiver's Cloak} y tu familiar aprende @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.tFKJCPvOQZxKq6ON] {Mad Monkeys}. Lección de Sombra Obtienes el @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.vhMCd15ZwNJn0zen] {Malicious Shadow}hex, y tu familiar aprende @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.sRfSBHWHdbIa0aGc] {Chilling Darkness} . Lección de nieve Obtienes el hexágono @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.g4MAIQodRDVfNp1B] {Personal Blizzard} y tu familiar aprende @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.it4ZsAi6XgvGcodc] {Wall of Wind}. LECCIONES PRINCIPALES Puedes seleccionar entre estas lecciones cuando una hazaña u otro efecto te otorga una lección importante. Lección de gangas Túgana el hexágono @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.PcmFpaHPCReNp1BD] {Over the Coals} y tu familiar aprende @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.GP3wewkQXEPrLxYj] {Subconscious Suggestion}. Lección de muerte Obtienes el hexágono @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.nQS4vPm5zprqkzFZ] {Curse of Death} y tu familiar aprende @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.IkGYwHRLhkuoGReG] {Raise Dead}. Lección de renovación Obtienes el hexágono @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.pCvJ4yoZJxDtgUMI] {Restorative Moment} y tu familiar aprende @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.x5rGOmhDRDVQPrnW] {Field of Life}. Lección deBaba Yaga [RARE] Obtienes el hexágono @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.ZyREiMaul0VhDYh3] {Glacial Heart} y tu familiar aprende @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.R5FHRv7VqyRnxg2t] {Wall of Ice}. El conocimiento de un brujo adopta la forma de lecciones, que puedes aprender seleccionando dotes como Lección básica, Lección mayor o Lección Superior. Cada lección te concede un maleficio y enseña a tu familiar un conjuro nuevo, añadiéndolo a los conjuros que puedes preparar utilizando tu lanzamiento de conjuros de brujo. Obtienes este conjuro incluso si no está en la lista de tu tradición. LECCIONES BÁSICAS Puedes seleccionar entre estas lecciones cuando una dote u otra efecto te otorga una lección básica. Lección de los sueños los sueños pueden ser una ventana a percepciones mayores. Obtienes el maleficio @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.NNoKWiWKqJkdD2ln]{velo de sueños} y tu familiar aprende @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.o4lRVTwSxnOOn5vl]{dormir}. Lección de los elementos los desastres naturales y el tiempo desapacible albergan más poder que la más poderosa de las criaturas. Obtienes el maleficio @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.f9uqHnNBMU0774SF]{traición elemental}. Tu familiar aprende @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.y6rAdMK6EFlV6U0t]{respirar fuego}, @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.W69zswpj0Trdy5rj]{burbuja de aire}, @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.jfVCuOpzC6mUrf6f]{empujón hidráulico} o @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.Rn2LkoSq1XhLsODV]{escombros apaleadores} a tu elección. Lección de vida la vida se puede compartir. Obtienes el maleficio @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.fAlzXtQAASaJx0mY]{refuerzo vital} y tu familiar aprende @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.yHujiDQPdtXW797e]{vínculo espiritual}. Lección de protección una onza (30 g) de protección equivale a una libra (450 g) de curación. Obtienes el maleficio @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.dFejDNEmVj3CwYLL]{custodia de sangre}; tu familiar aprende @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.aAbfKn8maGjJjk2W]{armadura mística}. Lección de venganza no tienes porque soportar ni el más mínimo desaire. Obtienes el maleficio @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.aEitTTb9PnOyidRf]{aguja de venganza} y tu familiar aprende @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.R8bqnYiThB6MYTxD]{dolor fantasmal}. LECCIONES MAYORES Puedes seleccionar entre estas lecciones cuando una dote u otro efecto te otorga una lección mayor. Lección de travesura no hay nada malo en alguna travesura de vez en cuando. Obtienes el maleficio @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.FrKPwgFxWIGMGgs4]{capa del embaucador} y tu familiar aprende @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.tFKJCPvOQZxKq6ON]{monos locos}. Lección de sombra una sombra dista mucho de estar vacía: contiene algo de la persona que la proyecta. Obtienes el maleficio @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.vhMCd15ZwNJn0zen]{sombra maliciosa} y tu familiar aprende @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.sRfSBHWHdbIa0aGc]{oscuridad congeladora}. Lección de nieve emula a la nieve, puesto que puede apagar la vida a pesar de su gentileza. Aprendes el maleficio @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.g4MAIQodRDVfNp1B]{ventisca personal} y tu familiar aprende @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.it4ZsAi6XgvGcodc]{muro de viento}. LECCIONES SUPERIORES Puedes seleccionar entre estas lecciones cuando una dote u otro efecto te otorga una lección superior. Lección de muerte la muerte es definitiva, pero no tan ineludible como puede parecer. Obtienes el maleficio @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.nQS4vPm5zprqkzFZ]{maldición de muerte} y tu familiar aprende @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.IkGYwHRLhkuoGReG]{revivir a los muertos}. Lección de renovación la entropía es igual para todos, pero se la puede hacer retroceder con esfuerzo. Obtienes el maleficio @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.pCvJ4yoZJxDtgUMI]{momento restablecedor} y tu familiar aprende UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.x5rGOmhDRDVQPrnW]{campo de vida}. The ailuran eats an amount of silver equal to 10 sp and regains [[/r 1d6[healing]]] Hit Points. An ailuran can subsist by consuming silver instead of normal food. The ailuran eats an amount of silver equal to 10 sp and regains @Damage[1d6[healing]] Hit Points. An ailuran can subsist by consuming silver instead of normal food. A healing potion is a vial of a ruby-red liquid that imparts a tingling sensation as the drinker's wounds heal rapidly. When you drink a healing potion, you regain [[/r (2d8+5)[healing]]]{2d8+5 Hit Points}. A healing potion is a vial of a ruby-red liquid that imparts a tingling sensation as the drinker's wounds heal rapidly. When you drink a healing potion, you regain @Damage[(2d8+5)[healing]] Hit Points. Trigger A foe's Strike reduces you to 0 Hit Points; you were not at 1 Hit Point and you would not be killed. Your confidence borders on self-delusion, but it keeps you going against overwhelming odds. Attempt a Deception check against the attack DC of the triggering Strike. You take a penalty to this check equal to twice your wounded value, if any. If the triggering attack was a critical hit, use the result one degree of success worse than what you rolled. Critical Success You avoid being knocked out and remain at 1 Hit Point. Success You avoid being knocked out and remain at 1 Hit Point, but you increase your @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.Yl48xTdMh3aeQYL2]{Wounded} value by 1. Trigger A foe's Strike reduces you to 0 Hit Points; you were not at 1 Hit Point and you would not be killed. Your confidence borders on self-delusion, but it keeps you going against overwhelming odds. Attempt a Deception check against the attack DC of the triggering Strike. You take a penalty to this check equal to twice your wounded value, if any. If the triggering attack was a critical hit, use the result one degree of success worse than what you rolled. Critical Success You avoid being knocked out and remain at 1 Hit Point. Success You avoid being knocked out and remain at 1 Hit Point, but you increase your @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.Yl48xTdMh3aeQYL2]{Wounded} value by 1. A healing potion is a vial of a ruby-red liquid that imparts a tingling sensation as the drinker's wounds heal rapidly. When you drink a healing potion, you regain [[/r 1d8[healing]]] Hit Points. A healing potion is a vial of a ruby-red liquid that imparts a tingling sensation as the drinker's wounds heal rapidly. When you drink a healing potion, you regain @Damage[1d8[healing]] Hit Points. A healing potion is a vial of a ruby-red liquid that imparts a tingling sensation as the drinker's wounds heal rapidly. When you drink a healing potion, you regain [[/r 1d8[healing]]] Hit Points. A healing potion is a vial of a ruby-red liquid that imparts a tingling sensation as the drinker's wounds heal rapidly. When you drink a healing potion, you regain @Damage[1d8[healing]] Hit Points. A healing potion is a vial of a ruby-red liquid that imparts a tingling sensation as the drinker's wounds heal rapidly. When you drink a healing potion, you regain [[/r 1d8[healing]]] Hit Points. A healing potion is a vial of a ruby-red liquid that imparts a tingling sensation as the drinker's wounds heal rapidly. When you drink a healing potion, you regain @Damage[1d8[healing]] Hit Points. An army ant swarm is a terrifying carpet of stinging insects that devours all in its path. Trigger A creature leaves the swarm's space Effect The swarm takes [[/r {1d6}]]{1d6 damage} as ants cling to the creature and continue biting, dealing @Damage[3d6[persistent,piercing]] damage. High winds or immersion in water reduces the DC of the flat check to end this persistent damage to 5. Any area damage dealt to the creature destroys these clinging ants. Each enemy in the swarm's space takes @Damage[3d6[piercing]] damage (@Check[fortitude|dc:21|basic] save). A creature that fails its save against Swarming Bites becomes @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.i3OJZU2nk64Df3xm]{Clumsy 1} for 1 round. If the creature attempts a concentrate or manipulate action while affected, it must succeed at a @Check[flat|dc:5] check or the action is lost; roll the check after spending the action, but before any effects are applied. The assassin vine is a carnivorous plant with a voracious appetite. Rather than consuming creatures directly, it creates its own fertilizer by entangling prey and squeezing the life from it. Once the plant has killed a creature, it pulls the carcass over to its roots to feed from the decaying flesh. Although an assassin vine lacks eyes, it can detect and track prey through a combination of using its root systems to detect vibrations through topsoil and its leaves to detect heat changes in the vicinity. Although the assassin vine has no real intelligence, its learned behaviors mimic those of cunning ambush hunters. As it is slow moving, the assassin vine typically remains rooted in a single area for as long as it has sufficient prey. Though most often found along woodland trails or swamps, these plants can also be encountered in more rural settlements, poorly tended fields, and vineyards. While assassin vines can't be trained in the classical sense, they can be used as defenses, and woodland-dwelling creatures like goblins and fey have been known to cultivate assassin vines as guardians for less-used routes into their lairs. In such cases, the tenders often seek to make the path more obvious than its disuse would otherwise suggest, while simultaneously working to ensure the bones of the vines' victims are removed to keep their presence a secret, resulting in what appears to be an easy approach to the den but is actually an organic ambush. Mature assassin vines grow to 20 feet long and have smaller vines extending off the main trunk that reach from to 5 to 10 feet in length. The smallest of these vines sprout every 6 inches or so; they tend to grow clusters of full leaves and occasionally bear small berries. A recently fed assassin vine can have bunches of plump, blood-red berries that are juicy and tart but leave a slightly unpleasant iron aftertaste, as if from the faint taste of blood from a bitten lip. Requirements Grendel is grabbing a creature Effect Grendel makes a bludgeoning jaws Strike against the creature he's grabbing. On a hit, the creature also takes @Damage[2d6[bleed]] damage and becomes @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.Yl48xTdMh3aeQYL2]{Wounded 1}, or increases its wounded value by 1 if already wounded. On a critical hit, the creature instead becomes wounded 2, or increases its wounded value by 2 if already wounded. If a creature dies from Tooth Grind, Grendel regains 40 HP; this is a healing effect. Requirements Grendel is grabbing a creature Effect Grendel makes a bludgeoning jaws Strike against the creature he's grabbing. On a hit, the creature also takes @Damage[2d6[bleed]] damage and becomes @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.Yl48xTdMh3aeQYL2]{Wounded 1}, or increases its wounded value by 1 if already wounded. On a critical hit, the creature instead becomes wounded 2, or increases its wounded value by 2 if already wounded. If a creature dies from Tooth Grind, Grendel regains @Damage[40[healing]] HP; this is a healing effect. The morlock tinkers with an adjacent construct or mechanical hazard. They attempt a @Check[crafting|defense:fortitude] check against the construct's or hazard's Fortitude DC. The morlock can't succeed if the target's level is more than double the morlock's. Critical Success The target gains [[/r 4d6[healing]]] Hit Points and a +1 circumstance bonus to attack rolls for 1 minute. Success The target gains [[/r 2d6[healing]]] Hit Points. Critical Failure The morlock injures itself, taking [[/r 2d6]]{2d6 damage} (typically bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing, but potentially a different type at the GM's discretion). @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.bestiary-effects.Item.TEzLEXBZzNCp6flg]{Effect: Instinctual Tinker (Critical Success)} The morlock tinkers with an adjacent construct or mechanical hazard. They attempt a @Check[crafting|defense:fortitude] check against the construct's or hazard's Fortitude DC. The morlock can't succeed if the target's level is more than double the morlock's. Critical Success The target gains @Damage[4d6[healing]] Hit Points and a +1 circumstance bonus to attack rolls for 1 minute. Success The target gains @Damage[2d6[healing]] Hit Points. Critical Failure The morlock injures itself, taking @Damage[2d6] damage (typically bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing, but potentially a different type at the GM's discretion). @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.bestiary-effects.Item.TEzLEXBZzNCp6flg]{Effect: Instinctual Tinker (Critical Success)} The peryton rips out the heart of an adjacent corpse with their jaws. The creature must have died in the last minute. As the peryton rips the heart free and swallows it whole, they regain [[/r 2d6[healing]]]{2d6 HP}, and any non-peryton that witnesses this event must succeed at a @Check[will|dc:21] save or become @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.TBSHQspnbcqxsmjL]{Frightened 1} (or @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.TBSHQspnbcqxsmjL]{Frightened 2} on a critical failure). The peryton rips out the heart of an adjacent corpse with their jaws. The creature must have died in the last minute. As the peryton rips the heart free and swallows it whole, they regain @Damage[2d6[healing]] HP, and any non-peryton that witnesses this event must succeed at a @Check[will|dc:21] save or become @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.TBSHQspnbcqxsmjL]{Frightened 1} (or @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.TBSHQspnbcqxsmjL]{Frightened 2} on a critical failure). 200 HP An intangible field of necromantic energy protects a ravener from total destruction. A soul ward has 150 maximum Hit Points, or 200 if the ravener is level 21 or higher. Whenever a ravener would be reduced below 1 Hit Point, all damage in excess of what would reduce them to 1 Hit Point is instead dealt to their soul ward. If this damage reduces the soul ward to fewer than 0 Hit Points, the ravener is destroyed. A soul ward's Hit Points can be restored only via specific ravener abilities such as Consume Soul, ravenous breath, or vicious criticals. A ravener who goes more than a week without successfully using Consume Soul to feed on a dying creature starves, and their soul ward loses [[/r 1d4[healing]]] Hit Points each day until they feed. If the ravener's soul ward loses all its Hit Points while the ravener still has more than 1 HP, they become a ravener husk. 200 HP An intangible field of necromantic energy protects a ravener from total destruction. A soul ward has 150 maximum Hit Points, or 200 if the ravener is level 21 or higher. Whenever a ravener would be reduced below 1 Hit Point, all damage in excess of what would reduce them to 1 Hit Point is instead dealt to their soul ward. If this damage reduces the soul ward to fewer than 0 Hit Points, the ravener is destroyed. A soul ward's Hit Points can be restored only via specific ravener abilities such as Consume Soul, ravenous breath, or vicious criticals. A ravener who goes more than a week without successfully using Consume Soul to feed on a dying creature starves, and their soul ward loses @Damage[1d4[healing]] Hit Points each day until they feed. If the ravener's soul ward loses all its Hit Points while the ravener still has more than 1 HP, they become a ravener husk. The Sandpoint Devil breathes a @Template[cone|distance:30] of flame that deals @Damage[6d10[fire]] damage. Each creature in the area must attempt a @Check[reflex|dc:26|traits:damaging-effect] save. The Sandpoint Devil can't use Accursed Breath for [[/br 1d4 #Recharge Accursed Breath]]{1d4 rounds}. Critical Success The creature is unaffected. Success The creature takes half damage. Failure The creature takes full damage and is @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.fesd1n5eVhpCSS18]{Sickened 2} by the agonizing pain of its burns. Critical Failure The creature takes full damage and is cursed. The victim's flesh appears charred and burned, and the pain of being burned alive never fully vanishes. The cursed creature takes a -2 status penalty to all checks from the constant pain. Healing doesn't alter the appearance of the burns or lessen the penalty, but removing the curse does. The Sandpoint Devil breathes a @Template[cone|distance:30] of flame that deals @Damage[6d10[fire]] damage. Each creature in the area must attempt a @Check[reflex|dc:26|traits:damaging-effect] save. The Sandpoint Devil can't use Accursed Breath for [[/br 1d4 #Recharge Accursed Breath]]{1d4 rounds}. Critical Success The creature is unaffected. Success The creature takes half damage. Failure The creature takes full damage and is @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.fesd1n5eVhpCSS18]{Sickened 2} by the agonizing pain of its burns. Critical Failure The creature takes full damage and is cursed. The victim's flesh appears charred and burned, and the pain of being burned alive never fully vanishes. The cursed creature takes a -2 status penalty to all checks from the constant pain. Healing doesn't alter the appearance of the burns or lessen the penalty, but removing the curse does. You shoot a blazing ray of light tinged with holy energy. Make a ranged spell attack. The ray deals 5d6 fire damage. If the target is a fiend or undead, you deal an extra 5d6 spirit damage. If the light passes through an area of magical darkness or targets a creature affected by magical darkness, searing light attempts to counteract the darkness. If you need to determine whether the light passes through an area of darkness, draw a line between yourself and the spell's target Critical Success The target takes double fire damage, as well as double spirit damage if a fiend or undead. Success The target takes full damage Heightened (+1) The fire damage increases by 2d6, and the spirit damage against fiends and undead increases by 2d6. [[/r ((@item.level*2)-1)d6[spirit]]]{Leveled Spirit Damage} You shoot a blazing ray of light tinged with holy energy. Make a ranged spell attack. The ray deals 5d6 fire damage. If the target is a fiend or undead, you deal an extra 5d6 spirit damage. If the light passes through an area of magical darkness or targets a creature affected by magical darkness, searing light attempts to counteract the darkness. If you need to determine whether the light passes through an area of darkness, draw a line between yourself and the spell's target Critical Success The target takes double fire damage, as well as double spirit damage if a fiend or undead. Success The target takes full damage Heightened (+1) The fire damage increases by 2d6, and the spirit damage against fiends and undead increases by 2d6. Requirements The void zombie's previous action was a successful feeding tendril Strike against the target creature Effect The void zombie uses its feeding tendril to drain blood from the creature struck. The void zombie regains 4 Hit Points, and the creature is @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.4D2KBtexWXa6oUMR]{Drained 1} until it receives healing of any kind or amount. Requirements The void zombie's previous action was a successful feeding tendril Strike against the target creature Effect The void zombie uses its feeding tendril to drain blood from the creature struck. The void zombie regains @Damage[4[healing]] Hit Points, and the creature is @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.4D2KBtexWXa6oUMR]{Drained 1} until it receives healing of any kind or amount. The werecreature changes into their humanoid, hybrid, or animal shape. Each shape has a specific, persistent appearance. A true werecreature's natural form is their hybrid shape. In humanoid shape, the werecreature uses their original humanoid size, loses their jaws and claw Strikes, and gains a melee fist Strike that deals bludgeoning damage equal to the slashing damage dealt by their claw. In animal shape, their Speed and size change to that of the animal, they gain any special Strike effects of the animal that they didn't already have (such as @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.bestiary-ability-glossary-srd.Item.Tkd8sH4pwFIPzqTr]{Grab}), and they lose their weapon Strikes. Human with fist +10 for @Damage[(1d4+2)[bludgeoning]] damage, or @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.pathfinder-bestiary.Actor.4MwjCsa5O9aAjxSm]{Boar} with Speed 40 feet and tusk for @Damage[(2d6+4)[piercing]] damage. @Localize[PF2E.NPC.Abilities.Glossary.ChangeShape] The werecreature changes into their humanoid, hybrid, or animal shape. Each shape has a specific, persistent appearance. A true werecreature's natural form is their hybrid shape. In humanoid shape, the werecreature uses their original humanoid size, loses their jaws and claw Strikes, and gains a melee fist Strike that deals bludgeoning damage equal to the slashing damage dealt by their claw. In animal shape, their Speed and size change to that of the animal, they gain any special Strike effects of the animal that they didn't already have (such as @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.bestiary-ability-glossary-srd.Item.Tkd8sH4pwFIPzqTr]{Grab}), and they lose their weapon Strikes. Human with fist +10 for @Damage[(1d4+2)[bludgeoning]] damage, or @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.pathfinder-monster-core.Actor.IyhbcdTVmkV4pSju]{Boar} with Speed 40 feet and tusk for @Damage[(2d6+4)[piercing]] damage. @Localize[PF2E.NPC.Abilities.Glossary.ChangeShape] 15 feet. The squirming swill reeks of food that is simultaneously burned and spoiled. A creature that enters or starts its turn in the emanation must succeed at a @Check[fortitude|dc:17] save or become @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.fesd1n5eVhpCSS18]{Sickened 1} (@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.fesd1n5eVhpCSS18]{Sickened 2} on a critical failure). A creature that succeeds at its save is temporarily immune for 1 minute. When a creature succeeds at a Fortitude save to recover from this sickness, it regurgitates a chunk of food that immediately slithers away to join the swill, restoring [[/r 3[healing]]]{3 Hit Points} to the swill. 15 feet. The squirming swill reeks of food that is simultaneously burned and spoiled. A creature that enters or starts its turn in the emanation must succeed at a @Check[fortitude|dc:17] save or become @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.fesd1n5eVhpCSS18]{Sickened 1} (@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.fesd1n5eVhpCSS18]{Sickened 2} on a critical failure). A creature that succeeds at its save is temporarily immune for 1 minute. When a creature succeeds at a Fortitude save to recover from this sickness, it regurgitates a chunk of food that immediately slithers away to join the swill, restoring @Damage[3[healing]] Hit Points to the swill. Arboreal regents and other wielders of powerful primal magic grant temporary sentience to trees in order to protect the forest. Invested with a workable set of instincts and the ability to mobilize and attack, these awakened trees follow the commands of their master and fight to protect their home. The statistics below work just as well for foliage that has become animate via other methods, such as a mystical influence from another dimension, a capricious fey spirit, or the like. Arboreals are guardians of the forest and representatives of the trees. As long-lived as the woods they watch over, arboreals consider themselves parents and shepherds of trees rather than their gardeners. Consequently, while arboreals tend to be slow and methodical, they are terrifyingly swift when forced to fight in defense of the woods. Though they rarely seek out the companionship of short-lived folk-even elves are fugacious in the eyes of arboreals-and have an inherent distrust of change, arboreals have been known to tolerate those who seek to learn from their long-winded, rambling monologues, especially if such pupils also express a desire to protect the timberlands. Against those who threaten their realm, such as loggers eager to harvest lumber or settlers aiming to establish croplands or a town, arboreals' wrath is unwavering and devastating. Perhaps ironically, arboreals are gifted at tearing down what others build-a trait that serves vengeful members of their kind well. An awakened tree takes 5 additional damage from axes. According to the axiomites, their kind rose from the raw mathematical underpinnings of the universe, manifesting as great builders who created the ancient, colossal cities of the Outer Planes and gave life to the mechanical inevitables. According to the aeons, axiomites are part of the Monad, having both risen from and rebelled against it long ago. Since the Convergence, most axiomites have recognized this as a fundamental truth, particularly after the aeons showed the axiomites how the Utopian language has formed as an amalgam of aeon envisioning and formulaic mathematical expression. Most axiomites live in the perfect city of Axis, which they continually act to improve, thus refining the concept of perfection itself. A particular axiomite may look like any humanoid creature, though the particular form it takes on does not affect its abilities. Beneath this assumed form, all axiomites are the same-clouds of glowing, crystalline dust that constantly swirls and congeals into complex tangles of symbols and equations, evincing their existence as literal creatures of pure mathematical law. Axiomites arise from the souls of lawful neutral mortals, particularly those who were, in life, mathematicians, architects, crafters, or philosophers. While these souls do not retain any memories of their lives in the transition into axiomites, their life skills and experiences nevertheless serve a valuable metaphysical resource during formation. Aeons have always been the caretakers of reality and defenders of the natural order of balance. Each type of aeon takes on some form of duality in its manifestation and works either to shape the multiverse within the aspects of this duality in some way, or to correct imbalances to the perfect order of existence. Aeons can bring weal or woe when they appear in a region, and their machinations can raise a nation, raze it, or restore it from ruin. Their reasons are their own, and they rarely share their motivations with others-they simply create the results they insist through their strange envisioning communication are necessary to maintain the balance of the multiverse. As a result of recent shifts in reality, aeons have begun to reassert a presence in the perfect planar city of Axis. To the aeons, this is merely the latest in a recurring cycle, albeit one that mortals have not yet borne witness to. Once regarded as an independent faction, the living machines known as inevitables are now revealed as having been agents of the aeons all along, and while inevitables have their own shared themes and features, they are very much living but constructed manifestations of the aeons' war against imbalance-particularly with regard to how this war is waged against the forces of chaos. Aeons have a name for this cyclic return, in which they welcome the industrious axiomites back to their fold and bring the inevitables once again under their control: the \"Convergence.\" At the onset of the Convergence, a council of pleroma aeons appeared in the Eternal City of Axis, where they revealed that axiomites were wayward aeons, split off long ago to pursue the act of creation. With the latest cycle of change it was time for the axiomites and their creations, the inevitables, to rejoin the aeon cause. While most axiomites and inevitables fell in line, realizing perhaps on a fundamental level of reality that what the aeons said was the truth, some refused to heed the call and waited for the wrath of the aeons-but that wrath has yet to come. The dual-natured aeons have responded to those who have declined in confusing ways. With some they treat and even bargain, while a handful of others they have destroyed, and a few have been exterminated by the axiomites and allied inevitables. But most of these quiet insurgents they leave alone, allowing these axiomites to continue to create in peace and the inevitables to continue with their duties. How-or if-this Convergence will end is as little understood as the aeons themselves. You move the target up to 20 feet, potentially suspending it in midair. When you Sustain the Spell, you can do so again, or you can choose a different eligible target to move. You channel the fury of divinity against your foes. You deal 4d10 spirit damage to enemies in the area, depending on their Fortitude save. Critical Success The creature is unaffected. Success The creature takes half damage. Failure The creature takes full damage and is @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.fesd1n5eVhpCSS18]{Sickened 1}. Critical Failure The creature takes full damage and is @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.fesd1n5eVhpCSS18]{Sickened 2}; while it's sickened, it's also @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.xYTAsEpcJE1Ccni3]{Slowed 1}. Heightened (+1) The damage increases by 1d10. Magic empowers the target to act faster. It gains the @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.nlCjDvLMf2EkV2dl]{Quickened} condition and can use the extra action each round only for Strike and Stride actions. Heightened (7th) You can target up to 6 creatures. A bolt of lightning strikes outward from your hand, dealing 4d12 electricity damage. Heightened (+1) The damage increases by 1d12. You block the target's motor impulses before they can leave its mind, threatening to freeze the target in place. The target must attempt a Will save. Critical Success The target is unaffected. Success The target is @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.dfCMdR4wnpbYNTix]{Stunned 1}. Failure The target is @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.6uEgoh53GbXuHpTF]{Paralyzed} for 1 round. Critical Failure The target is Paralyzed for 4 rounds. At the end of each of its turns, it can attempt a new Will save to reduce the remaining duration by 1 round, or end it entirely on a critical success. Heightened (7th) You can target up to 10 creatures. You unravel the magic behind a spell or effect. Attempt a counteract check against the target. If you successfully counteract a magic item, the item becomes a mundane item of its type for 10 minutes. This doesn't change the item's non-magical properties. If the target is an artifact or similar item, you automatically fail. With a rush of telekinetic power, you move a foe or something they carry. You can attempt to Disarm, Shove, or Trip the target using a spell attack roll instead of an Athletics check. You hurl a loose, unattended object that is within range and that has 1 Bulk or less at the target. Make a spell attack roll against the target. If you hit, you deal bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage-as appropriate for the object you hurled-equal to 1d6 plus your spellcasting ability modifier. No specific traits or magic properties of the hurled item affect the attack or the damage. Critical Success You deal double damage. Success You deal full damage. Heightened (+1) The damage increases by 1d6. A glimpse into the future ensures your next blow strikes true. The next time you make an attack roll before the end of your turn, roll the attack twice and use the better result. The attack ignores circumstance penalties to the attack roll and any flat check required due to the target being @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.DmAIPqOBomZ7H95W]{Concealed} or @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.iU0fEDdBp3rXpTMC]{Hidden}. @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spell-effects.Item.fpGDAz2v5PG0zUSl]{Spell Effect: Sure Strike} This weapon has a wooden shaft ending in a large, heavy metal head. The head of the hammer might be single-sided or double-sided, but it's always capable of delivering powerful bludgeoning blows. You need these tools to create items from raw materials with the Craft skill. Sterling artisan's tools give you a +1 item bonus to the check. Different sets are needed for different work, as determined by the GM; for example, blacksmith's tools differ from woodworker's tools. The axiomite shifts between its humanoid form and that of a cloud of crystalline dust in which strange symbols and equations flash. In this form it gains a fly Speed of 40 feet and can fit through even tiny apertures, similarly to @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.V8wXOsoejQhe6CyG]{Vapor Form}. It can cast spells, but it can't make melee or ranged attacks in this state. It can return to its humanoid form by using this action while in crystalline dust form. @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.bestiary-effects.Item.C9nb9XbnQgbnXpTq]{Effect: Crystalline Dust Form} The azure worm is a deep-blue creature that is more at home in flooded tunnels than dry caves. While an azure worm is a strong swimmer, it prefers to lie in wait within the walls, door, or even ceiling of flooded caverns, ready to spring out and ambush creatures swimming past its hiding spot. The azure worm is particularly hated and feared by Darklands-dwelling cultures, due to the fact that an azure worm that burrows into a tunnel often brings with it waters from the submerged river or lake it calls home. When it becomes obvious that an azure worm is near a Darklands settlement, the inhabitants quickly establishing a hunting party to deal with the menace before it can bring ruin. Cave worms are gigantic scavengers that bore through the depths of the world, eating whatever material they find. Named for their distinctive colorations, these worms are ravenous and display overwhelming destructive capabilities. Cave worms of different colors and abilities lurk in the more remote corners of the world-tales speak of white worms that dwell within immense glaciers or icebergs and gray worms that burrow through the boneyards of long-forgotten ruins, to name a few. Boars are omnivorous mammals, hunted heavily because their meat is considered a delicacy. Boars are most likely to attack humanoids either in self-defense or during their mating season in the winter months, when the males grow an extra inch of tissue to protect their organs as they fight off rivals. Of course, in some cultures boars are trained to become much more aggressive so they can fill the roles of warbeast and guardian. When such boars escape back into the wild, they can become true terrors of the region. While domesticated pigs are a staple of farm life, wild boars are much more dangerous. Foul-tempered warthogs are relatively common, while the lumbering, primeval beasts known as daeodons are less so. Voracious eaters, boars can ravage the countryside in which they live. Boars breed freely, and a pair of boars can rapidly grow to a large family. Boars are a particular nuisance to farmers, as they break into food stores and root through gardens to sate their hunger. The boar Strides twice and then makes a tusk Strike. As long as it moved at least 20 feet, it gains a +2 circumstance bonus to its attack roll. Often tasked with patrolling the borders of their lands, boggard scouts learn to speak another language (typically Common) to make it easier to issue threats and insults toward trespassers. Boggards are aggressive humanoid amphibians that thrive in swamps, marshes, and even some rain forests. Boggards hatch from eggs into tadpoles, fiercely competing for food and even consuming their siblings in that struggle. Over 3 years, the surviving boggards develops arms, legs, and lungs while learning the rudiments of hunting, crafts, and warfare-everything needed to survive in their might-makes-right society. At the top of most boggard hierarchies lords a hulking swampseer imbued with sinister divine magic. Requirements The bunyip is not @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.HL2l2VRSaQHu9lUw]{Fatigued} or already in a frenzy. Trigger The bunyip deals bleed damage to a living creature. Effect The bunyip flies into a frenzy that lasts 1 minute. While frenzied, the bunyip gains a +4 status bonus to damage rolls with its jaws, gains 8 temporary HP that go away at the end of the frenzy, and takes a -2 penalty to AC. @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.bestiary-effects.Item.ScZ8tlV5zS0Jwnqn]{Effect: Blood Frenzy} Requirements The bunyip is not @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.HL2l2VRSaQHu9lUw]{Fatigued} or already in a frenzy. Trigger The bunyip deals bleed damage to a living creature. Effect The bunyip flies into a frenzy that lasts 1 minute. While frenzied, the bunyip gains a +4 status bonus to damage rolls with its jaws, gains 8 temporary HP that go away at the end of the frenzy, and takes a -2 penalty to AC. Requirements The ghast is adjacent to the corpse of a creature that died within the last hour. Effect The ghast devours a chunk of the corpse and regains [[/r 3d6[healing]]] Hit Points. It can regain Hit Points from any given corpse only once. Requirements The ghast is adjacent to the corpse of a creature that died within the last hour. Effect The ghast devours a chunk of the corpse and regains @Damage[3d6[healing]] Hit Points. It can regain Hit Points from any given corpse only once. Saving Throw @Check[fortitude|dc:16] Stage 1 carrier with no ill effect (1 day) Stage 2 @Damage[3d8[void]] damage and regains half as many Hit Points from all healing (1 day) Stage 3 as stage 2 (1 day) Stage 4 @Damage[3d8[void]] damage and gains no benefit from healing (1 day) Stage 5 as stage 4 (1 day) Stage 6 dead, and rises as a @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.pathfinder-bestiary.Actor.VC7rtYR4hLxwg7WZ]{Ghast} the next midnight Saving Throw @Check[fortitude|dc:16] Stage 1 carrier with no ill effect (1 day) Stage 2 @Damage[3d8[void]] damage and regains half as many Hit Points from all healing (1 day) Stage 3 as stage 2 (1 day) Stage 4 @Damage[3d8[void]] damage and gains no benefit from healing (1 day) Stage 5 as stage 4 (1 day) Stage 6 dead, and rises as a @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.pathfinder-bestiary.Actor.VC7rtYR4hLxwg7WZ]{Ghast} the next midnight Requirements The ghoul is adjacent to the corpse of a creature that died within the last hour. Effect The ghoul devours a chunk of the corpse and regains [[/r 1d6[healing]]] Hit Points. It can regain Hit Points from any given corpse only once. Requirements The ghoul is adjacent to the corpse of a creature that died within the last hour. Effect The ghoul devours a chunk of the corpse and regains @Damage[1d6[healing]] Hit Points. It can regain Hit Points from any given corpse only once. When a gourd leshy dies, a burst of primal energy explodes from its body, restoring [[/r 1d8[healing]]] Hit Points to each plant creature in a @Template[emanation|distance:30]. This area is filled with gourds, becoming difficult terrain. If the terrain is not a viable environment for these gourds, they wither after 24 hours. When a gourd leshy dies, a burst of primal energy explodes from its body, restoring @Damage[1d8[healing]] Hit Points to each plant creature in a @Template[emanation|distance:30]. This area is filled with gourds, becoming difficult terrain. If the terrain is not a viable environment for these gourds, they wither after 24 hours. When the grim reaper hits and deals damage with its scythe, it regains [[/r 20[healing]]]{20 Hit Points}, and the target must succeed at a @Check[fortitude|dc:43] save or become @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.3uh1r86TzbQvosxv]{Doomed 1}. If the target is already doomed, the doomed value increases by 1 (to a maximum of doomed 3). When the grim reaper hits and deals damage with its scythe, it regains @Damage[20[healing]] Hit Points, and the target must succeed at a @Check[fortitude|dc:43] save or become @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.3uh1r86TzbQvosxv]{Doomed 1}. If the target is already doomed, the doomed value increases by 1 (to a maximum of doomed 3). Frequency once per round. Effect The imp regains [[/r 1d6[healing]]] Hit Points. Frequency once per round. Effect The imp regains @Damage[1d6[healing]] Hit Points. When a leaf leshy dies, a burst of primal energy explodes from its body, restoring [[/r 1d4[healing]]] Hit Points to each plant creature in a @Template[emanation|distance:30]. This area is filled with tree saplings, becoming difficult terrain. If the terrain is not a viable environment for these trees, they wither after 24 hours. When a leaf leshy dies, a burst of primal energy explodes from its body, restoring @Damage[1d4[healing]] Hit Points to each plant creature in a @Template[emanation|distance:30]. This area is filled with tree saplings, becoming difficult terrain. If the terrain is not a viable environment for these trees, they wither after 24 hours. Requirements The sea devil is not @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.HL2l2VRSaQHu9lUw]{Fatigued} or already in a frenzy Trigger The sea devil deals bleed damage to a living creature. Effect The sea devil flies into a frenzy that lasts 1 minute. While frenzied, the sea devil gains a +1 status bonus to attack rolls with its claws and jaws, gains a +4 status bonus to damage rolls with its claws and jaws, gains 15 temporary HP until the end of the frenzy, and takes a -2 status penalty to AC. The sea devil can't voluntarily stop its frenzy. After its frenzy, the sea devil is @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.HL2l2VRSaQHu9lUw]{Fatigued}. @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.bestiary-effects.Item.ScZ8tlV5zS0Jwnqn]{Effect: Blood Frenzy} Requirements The sea devil is not @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.HL2l2VRSaQHu9lUw]{Fatigued} or already in a frenzy Trigger The sea devil deals bleed damage to a living creature. Effect The sea devil flies into a frenzy that lasts 1 minute. While frenzied, the sea devil gains a +1 status bonus to attack rolls with its claws and jaws, gains a +4 status bonus to damage rolls with its claws and jaws, gains 15 temporary HP until the end of the frenzy, and takes a -2 status penalty to AC. The sea devil can't voluntarily stop its frenzy. After its frenzy, the sea devil is @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.HL2l2VRSaQHu9lUw]{Fatigued}. Requirements The sea devil is not @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.HL2l2VRSaQHu9lUw]{Fatigued} or already in a frenzy Trigger The sea devil deals bleed damage to a living creature. Effect The sea devil flies into a frenzy that lasts 1 minute. While frenzied, the sea devil gains a +1 status bonus to attack rolls with its claws and jaws, gains a +4 status bonus to damage rolls with its claws and jaws, gains 11 temporary HP until the end of the frenzy, and takes a -2 status penalty to AC. The sea devil can't voluntarily stop its frenzy. After its frenzy, the sea devil is @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.HL2l2VRSaQHu9lUw]{Fatigued}. @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.bestiary-effects.Item.ScZ8tlV5zS0Jwnqn]{Effect: Blood Frenzy} Requirements The sea devil is not @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.HL2l2VRSaQHu9lUw]{Fatigued} or already in a frenzy Trigger The sea devil deals bleed damage to a living creature. Effect The sea devil flies into a frenzy that lasts 1 minute. While frenzied, the sea devil gains a +1 status bonus to attack rolls with its claws and jaws, gains a +4 status bonus to damage rolls with its claws and jaws, gains 11 temporary HP until the end of the frenzy, and takes a -2 status penalty to AC. The sea devil can't voluntarily stop its frenzy. After its frenzy, the sea devil is @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.HL2l2VRSaQHu9lUw]{Fatigued}. Requirements The sea devil is not @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.HL2l2VRSaQHu9lUw]{Fatigued} or already in a frenzy Trigger The sea devil deals bleed damage to a living creature. Effect The sea devil flies into a frenzy that lasts 1 minute. While frenzied, the sea devil gains a +1 status bonus to attack rolls with its claws and jaws, gains a +4 status bonus to damage rolls with its claws and jaws, gains 7 temporary HP until the end of the frenzy, and takes a -2 status penalty to AC. The sea devil can't voluntarily stop its frenzy. After its frenzy, the sea devil is @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.HL2l2VRSaQHu9lUw]{Fatigued}. @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.bestiary-effects.Item.ScZ8tlV5zS0Jwnqn]{Effect: Blood Frenzy} Requirements The sea devil is not @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.HL2l2VRSaQHu9lUw]{Fatigued} or already in a frenzy Trigger The sea devil deals bleed damage to a living creature. Effect The sea devil flies into a frenzy that lasts 1 minute. While frenzied, the sea devil gains a +1 status bonus to attack rolls with its claws and jaws, gains a +4 status bonus to damage rolls with its claws and jaws, gains 7 temporary HP until the end of the frenzy, and takes a -2 status penalty to AC. The sea devil can't voluntarily stop its frenzy. After its frenzy, the sea devil is @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.HL2l2VRSaQHu9lUw]{Fatigued}. harmed by cold and water ([[/r {5d10}]]{5d10 damage}, [[/r {2d8}]]{2d8 damage} from areas or persistent damage); healed by acid (area [[/r 2d8[healing]]] Hit Points); slowed by earth A golem is immune to spells and magical abilities other than its own, but each type of golem is affected by a few types of magic in special ways. These exceptions are listed in shortened form in the golem's stat block, with the full rules appearing here. If an entry lists multiple types (such as \"cold and water\"), either type of spell can affect the golem. harmed by cold and water (@Damage[5d10] damage, @Damage[2d8] damage from areas or persistent damage); healed by acid (area @Damage[2d8[healing]] Hit Points); slowed by earth A golem is immune to spells and magical abilities other than its own, but each type of golem is affected by a few types of magic in special ways. These exceptions are listed in shortened form in the golem's stat block, with the full rules appearing here. If an entry lists multiple types (such as \"cold and water\"), either type of spell can affect the golem. The banshee unleashes a soul-chilling @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.FEsuyf203wTNE2et]{Wails of the Damned} (@Check[will|dc:38|traits:void|options:damaging-effect,item:type:spell], @Damage[8d10[void]]). This Wail overcomes silence and similar effects of 5th rank or lower. The banshee can instead use Wail as a three-action activity to overcome such effects of up to 8th rank. The banshee's Wail resonates for 1 round, and any creature that comes within the area during that time must attempt a save against the effect. A creature can't be affected more than once by the same Wail. The banshee can't Wail again for [[/gmr 1d4 #Recharge Wail]] rounds. The banshee unleashes a soul-chilling @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.FEsuyf203wTNE2et]{Wails of the Damned} (@Check[fortitude|dc:38|traits:void|options:damaging-effect,item:type:spell], @Damage[8d10[void]]). This Wail overcomes silence and similar effects of 5th rank or lower. The banshee can instead use Wail as a three-action activity to overcome such effects of up to 8th rank. The banshee's Wail resonates for 1 round, and any creature that comes within the area during that time must attempt a save against the effect. A creature can't be affected more than once by the same Wail. The banshee can't Wail again for [[/gmr 1d4 #Recharge Wail]] rounds. A dero magister takes [[/r {10}]]{10 damage} for every hour they're exposed to sunlight. A dero magister takes @Damage[10] damage for every hour they're exposed to sunlight. When a fungus leshy dies, a burst of primal energy explodes from its body, restoring [[/r 2d8[healing]]]{2d8 Hit Points} to each fungi creature in a @Template[emanation|distance:30]. This area is filled with fungi, becoming difficult terrain. If the terrain is not a viable environment for this fungi, they wither after 24 hours. When a fungus leshy dies, a burst of primal energy explodes from its body, restoring @Damage[2d8[healing]] Hit Points to each fungi creature in a @Template[emanation|distance:30]. This area is filled with fungi, becoming difficult terrain. If the terrain is not a viable environment for this fungi, they wither after 24 hours. When the Grim Reaper hits and deals damage with its scythe, it regains 20 Hit Points, and the target must succeed at a @Check[fortitude|dc:43] save or become @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.3uh1r86TzbQvosxv]{Doomed 1}. If the target is already doomed, the doomed value increases by 1 (to a maximum of @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.3uh1r86TzbQvosxv]{Doomed 3}). When the Grim Reaper hits and deals damage with its scythe, it regains @Damage[20[healing]] Hit Points, and the target must succeed at a @Check[fortitude|dc:43] save or become @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.3uh1r86TzbQvosxv]{Doomed 1}. If the target is already doomed, the doomed value increases by 1 (to a maximum of @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.3uh1r86TzbQvosxv]{Doomed 3}). The flytrap attacks a single target with both its two leaves. The flytrap makes one leaf Strike. On a success, the flytrap deals the damage from one leaf Strike plus an additional @Damage[1d8[piercing]] damage for every leaf beyond the first. On a failure, the flytrap deals the damage from one leaf Strike, but it can't use Improved Grab. It deals no damage on a critical failure. This counts toward the flytrap's multiple attack penalty as a number of attacks equal to the number of leaves the flytrap has. The flytrap attacks a single target with both its two leaves. The flytrap makes one leaf Strike. On a success, the flytrap deals the damage from one leaf Strike plus an additional 1d8 piercing damage for every leaf beyond the first. On a failure, the flytrap deals the damage from one leaf Strike, but it can't use Improved Grab. It deals no damage on a critical failure. This counts toward the flytrap's multiple attack penalty as a number of attacks equal to the number of leaves the flytrap has. Activate Interact Frequency once per day Effect You cast one of the spells contained in your tengu feather fan. Activating the fan takes the spell's normal number of actions. You can also Activate the fan to cast a cantrip you've gained from a heritage or ancestry feat; this activation doesn't count against the fan's uses per day. The DC for spells you cast with your tengu feather fan is your class DC or spell DC, whichever is higher. You can cast the 1st-rank @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.g8QqHpv2CWDwmIm1]{Gust of Wind} spell by activating your tengu feather fan. @Check[fortitude|against:class-spell|traits:air]{Fortitude saving throw} Activate Interact Frequency once per day Effect You cast one of the spells contained in your tengu feather fan. Activating the fan takes the spell's normal number of actions. You can also Activate the fan to cast a cantrip you've gained from a heritage or ancestry feat; this activation doesn't count against the fan's uses per day. The DC for spells you cast with your tengu feather fan is your class DC or spell DC, whichever is higher. You can cast the 1st-rank @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.g8QqHpv2CWDwmIm1]{Gust of Wind} spell by activating your tengu feather fan. @Check[fortitude|against:class-spell|traits:air]{Fortitude saving throw} Illusory pain wracks the target, dealing 2d4 mental damage and [[/r (@item.level)d4[persistent,mental]]] damage. The target must attempt a Will save. Critical Success The target is unaffected. Success The target takes full initial damage but no persistent damage, and the spell ends immediately. Failure The target takes full initial and persistent damage, and the target is @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.fesd1n5eVhpCSS18]{Sickened 1}. If the target recovers from being Sickened, the persistent damage ends and the spell ends. Critical Failure As failure, but the target is @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.fesd1n5eVhpCSS18]{Sickened 2}. Heightened (+1) The damage increases by 2d4 and the persistent damage by 1d4. Illusory pain wracks the target, dealing 2d4 mental damage and @Damage[(@item.level)d4[persistent,mental]] damage. The target must attempt a Will save. Critical Success The target is unaffected. Success The target takes full initial damage but no persistent damage, and the spell ends immediately. Failure The target takes full initial and persistent damage, and the target is @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.fesd1n5eVhpCSS18]{Sickened 1}. If the target recovers from being Sickened, the persistent damage ends and the spell ends. Critical Failure As failure, but the target is @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.fesd1n5eVhpCSS18]{Sickened 2}. Heightened (+1) The damage increases by 2d4 and the persistent damage by 1d4. The tomb jelly splatters some of its substance on a willing undead creature within its reach. The target regains 5 HP and its melee Strikes get the benefits of tomb curse until the end of its next turn. The tomb jelly splatters some of its substance on a willing undead creature within its reach. The target regains @Damage[5[void,healing]|shortLabel] HP and its melee Strikes get the benefits of tomb curse until the end of its next turn. Requirements Aller is adjacent to a tattooed scrap of flesh or to the corpse of a creature that died within the last hour Aller devours a bite of flesh and regains [[/r 4d6[healing]]] Hit Points. If the piece of flesh was tattooed, he is also @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.nlCjDvLMf2EkV2dl]{Quickened 1} and can use this extra action to make a jaws Strike. Aller then can't Consume Flesh for [[/br 1d4 #Recharge Consume Flesh]]{1d4 rounds}. He has one piece of tattooed flesh on his person. Requirements Aller is adjacent to a tattooed scrap of flesh or to the corpse of a creature that died within the last hour Aller devours a bite of flesh and regains @Damage[4d6[healing]] Hit Points. If the piece of flesh was tattooed, he is also @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.nlCjDvLMf2EkV2dl]{Quickened 1} and can use this extra action to make a jaws Strike. Aller then can't Consume Flesh for [[/br 1d4 #Recharge Consume Flesh]]{1d4 rounds}. He has one piece of tattooed flesh on his person. Requirements You're transformed into phoenix form by the monstrosity form spell granted by this feat Effect You dismiss phoenix form while a fiery corona erupts from you as searing light. Each creature in a @Template[type:burst|distance:10] takes @Damage[16d6[fire]] damage with a @Check[fortitude|against:spell|basic] save against your spell DC; creatures that critically fail are @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.XgEqL1kFApUbl5Z2]{Blinded} for 1 round. You gain 8d6 temporary Hit Points. At 18th level and again at 20th level, the burst deals an additional 2d6 fire damage, and you gain an additional 1d6 temporary Hit Points. Requirements You're transformed into phoenix form by the monstrosity form spell granted by this feat Effect You dismiss phoenix form while a fiery corona erupts from you as searing light. Each creature in a @Template[type:burst|distance:10] takes @Damage[max(16,(2*(floor(@actor.level/2))))d6[fire]|options:area-damage] damage with a @Check[fortitude|against:spell|basic] save against your spell DC; creatures that critically fail are @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.XgEqL1kFApUbl5Z2]{Blinded} for 1 round. You gain 8d6 temporary Hit Points. At 18th level and again at 20th level, the burst deals an additional 2d6 fire damage, and you gain an additional 1d6 temporary Hit Points. Cost A bribe worth at least one-tenth of the Currency per Additional PC listed on Core Rulebook 509 (see table below). Doubling this amount grants a +2 circumstance bonus to the check. Requirements You've successfully Gained a Contact. You offer a bribe to your contact to help the heist in some way. Attempt a hard or very hard Deception or Diplomacy check. Success The contact accepts the bribe and you gain 1 EP. Failure You believe you successfully Bribed your Contact and gained 1 EP, but in fact the contact informs the opposition of the attempted bribery, adding 1 AP to the infiltration. The GM can reveal that this Edge Point grants no benefit at any point during the infiltration, as befits the story. Critical Failure As failure, but adding 2 AP to the infiltration. Cost A bribe worth at least one-tenth of the Currency per Additional PC listed on Party Treasure by level. Doubling this amount grants a +2 circumstance bonus to the check. Requirements You've successfully Gained a Contact. You offer a bribe to your contact to help the heist in some way. Attempt a hard or very hard Deception or Diplomacy check. Success The contact accepts the bribe and you gain 1 EP. Failure You believe you successfully Bribed your Contact and gained 1 EP, but in fact the contact informs the opposition of the attempted bribery, adding 1 AP to the infiltration. The GM can reveal that this Edge Point grants no benefit at any point during the infiltration, as befits the story. Critical Failure As failure, but adding 2 AP to the infiltration. Trigger A creature attempts a flat check to target you due to you being @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.DmAIPqOBomZ7H95W]{Concealed} from it Effect You flash your bright scales in the creature's eyes, making it hard for them to pinpoint your exact location. The creature must roll the flat check twice and take the worse result. You designate a single construct within 30 feet that you can see or hear. The construct becomes @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.nlCjDvLMf2EkV2dl]{Quickened 1} for 1 minute and is temporarily immune to this ability for 24 hours. It can use its additional action only to Stride or Strike. You designate a single construct within 30 feet that you can see or hear. The construct is @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.xYTAsEpcJE1Ccni3]{Slowed 1} for 1 minute. The cicadas in your swarm make a droning sound that stimulates a fear response. Each creature within your swarm's space takes @Damage[6d4[mental]] damage and must attempt a @Check[will|against:class-spell] save against your class DC or spell DC, whichever is higher. Critical Success The creature is unaffected. Success The creatures takes half damage. Failure The creature takes full damage, is @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.TBSHQspnbcqxsmjL]{Frightened 1}, and takes a –2 circumstance penalty to Perception checks that require hearing. Critical Failure The creature takes double damage, is @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.TBSHQspnbcqxsmjL]{Frightened 2}, and is @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.9PR9y0bi4JPKnHPR]{Deafened} until the start of your next turn. Frequency once per round Effect Your ostilli turns clear as it converts its stored magic into a bubble of refracting light around you. You become @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.iU0fEDdBp3rXpTMC]{Hidden} to all creatures until the end of your turn. If you Strike a creature, that creature is @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.AJh5ex99aV6VTggg]{Off-Guard} against that attack, and you then become observed. Trigger You fall asleep within 5 miles of Xarwin Manor. Frequency once per 12 hours While you sleep, you experience dreams that verge on nightmares. In these dreams, your mind drifts from your soul, and everything you know feels like it's being drawn up into the dark places between the stars to be devoured. During the dream, you can concentrate on one research topic you've unlocked that you haven't fully investigated. If you choose a topic for which the party has already discovered all research thresholds, you can immediately switch to a different topic. The skill you use and the DC for the check depend on the topic, as detailed in that topic's Dreams venue. If you're not dreaming within the manor grounds, the spiritual link to the malevolence is lessened and you take a -2 status penalty to the check. Critical Success You gain 2 RP. Success You gain 1 RP. Critical Failure You peer too far into the malevolence, which notices your attempt. You manage to break the mental link just before you lose some memories to its ravenous appetite. Increase your malevolence condition value by 1. You drift across the battlefield, striking down foes as you go. You Stride, and you can Strike up to three times at any points during your movement. Each attack must target a different enemy and must be made with a one-handed firearm, crossbow, melee weapon, or unarmed attack. Each attack counts toward your multiple attack penalty, but your multiple attack penalty doesn't increase until you've made all your attacks. Your movement doesn't trigger reactions. Trigger An enemy damages, @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.kWc1fhmv9LBiTuei]{Grabs}, or @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.PMbdMWc2QroouFGD]{Grapples} your ally, and both are within 15 feet of you You free an ally from restraint. If the trigger was an ally taking damage, the ally gains resistance to all damage against the triggering damage equal to 2 + your level. The ally can attempt to break free of effects grabbing, restraining, @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.eIcWbB5o3pP6OIMe]{Immobilizing}, or @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.6uEgoh53GbXuHpTF]{Paralyzing} them. They either attempt a new save against one such effect that allows a save, or attempt to @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.SkZAQRkLLkmBQNB9]{Escape} from one effect as a free action. If they can move, the ally can Step as a free action, even if they didn't need to escape. @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feat-effects.Item.DawVHfoPKbPJsz4k]{Effect: Champion's Resistance} Trigger An enemy damages, @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.kWc1fhmv9LBiTuei]{grabs}, or @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.VcDeM8A5oI6VqhbM]{restrains} your ally, and both are in your champion's aura You free an ally from restraint. If the trigger was an ally taking damage, the ally gains resistance to all damage against the triggering damage equal to 2 + your level. The ally can attempt to break free of effects grabbing, restraining, @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.eIcWbB5o3pP6OIMe]{Immobilizing}, or @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.6uEgoh53GbXuHpTF]{Paralyzing} them. They either attempt a new save against one such effect that allows a save, or attempt to @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.SkZAQRkLLkmBQNB9]{Escape} from one effect as a free action. If they can move, the ally can Step as a free action, even if they didn't need to escape. @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feat-effects.Item.DawVHfoPKbPJsz4k]{Effect: Champion's Resistance} Trigger Your Strike hits an @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.AJh5ex99aV6VTggg]{Off-Guard} creature and deals damage. The target attempts a @Check[fortitude|against:rogue] save against your class DC. It then becomes temporarily immune to your Master Strike for 1 day. Critical Success The target is unaffected. Success The target is @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.MIRkyAjyBeXivMa7]{Enfeebled 2} until the end of your next turn. Failure The target is @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.6uEgoh53GbXuHpTF]{Paralyzed} for 4 rounds. Critical Failure The target is paralyzed for 4 rounds, knocked @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.fBnFDH2MTzgFijKf]{Unconscious} for 2 hours, or killed (your choice). Requirements The companion's last action was a successful Performance check to @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.EEDElIyin4z60PXx]{Perform}. The companion maintains its performance to captivate a single target within 30 feet that witnessed its successful performance. The target must attempt a Will save. Success The target is unaffected and temporarily immune for 1 hour. Failure The target is @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.AdPVz7rbaVSRxHFg]{Fascinated} by the companion for its next action and then is temporarily immune for 1 hour. Critical Failure The target is fascinated by the companion for 1 round. While it remains fascinated, it can't use reactions. Trigger You use the @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.Ah5g9pDwWF9b9VW9]{Rage} action on your turn Use an action that has the rage trait. Alternatively, you can increase the actions of the triggering Rage to 2 to instead use a 2-action activity with the rage trait. Frequency once per hour Effects Light swirls around you, transforming your armor, clothing, and a single weapon in your possession into a specific alternate outfit. While your equipment might look dramatically different, it functions as normal. If someone attempts to discern your identity, they must use a @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.BlAOM2X92SI6HMtJ]{Seek} action to attempt a Perception check against your Deception DC, as if you were using the @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.AJstokjdG6iDjVjE]{Impersonate} action. Your Deception DC against such attempts is 20 + your proficiency modifier instead of the normal DC. Unlike with Impersonate, you don't have to attempt a Deception check to interact with someone to conceal your identity—a check happens only if someone else specifically tries to uncover it. You remain in your sentinel form for 10 minutes or until you use Starlit Transformation again to change back to your normal form. While you're in sentinel form, your transformed weapon shines with starlight and gains a +1 status bonus to damage rolls with the weapon. You can fling bolts of starlight from your weapon with a Strike action, using your melee attack modifier with the weapon. These bolts deal @Damage[1d4[force]] damage, have a range of 60 feet, are affected by your weapon runes, and have the arcane and force traits. Frequency once per hour Effect Light swirls around you, transforming your armor, clothing, and a single weapon in your possession into a specific alternate outfit. While your equipment might look dramatically different, it functions as normal. If someone attempts to discern your identity, they must use a @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.BlAOM2X92SI6HMtJ]{Seek} action to attempt a Perception check against your Deception DC, as if you were using the @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.AJstokjdG6iDjVjE]{Impersonate} action. Your Deception DC against such attempts is 20 + your proficiency modifier instead of the normal DC. Unlike with Impersonate, you don't have to attempt a Deception check to interact with someone to conceal your identity—a check happens only if someone else specifically tries to uncover it. You remain in your sentinel form for 10 minutes or until you use Starlit Transformation again to change back to your normal form. While you're in sentinel form, your transformed weapon shines with starlight and gains a +1 status bonus to damage rolls with the weapon. You can fling bolts of starlight from your weapon with a Strike action, using your melee attack modifier with the weapon. These bolts deal 1d4 force damage, have a range of 60 feet, are affected by your weapon runes, and have the arcane and force traits. Requirements Falrok is adjacent to the corpse of a creature that died within the last hour. Effect Falrok devours a chunk of the corpse and regains [[/r 8d6[healing]]] Hit Points. He can regain Hit Points from any given corpse only once. Requirements Falrok is adjacent to the corpse of a creature that died within the last hour. Effect Falrok devours a chunk of the corpse and regains @Damage[8d6[healing]] Hit Points. He can regain Hit Points from any given corpse only once. harmed by cold and vitality ([[/r 5d10]], [[/r 2d8]] from areas or persistent damage); healed by void (area [[/r 2d8[healing]]] Hit Points); slowed by earth A golem is immune to spells and magical abilities other than its own, but each type of golem is affected by a few types of magic in special ways. These exceptions are listed in shortened form in the golem's stat block, with the full rules appearing here. If an entry lists multiple types (such as \"cold and water\"), either type of spell can affect the golem. harmed by cold and vitality (@Damage[5d10], @Damage[2d8] from areas or persistent damage); healed by void (area @Damage[2d8[healing]] Hit Points); slowed by earth A golem is immune to spells and magical abilities other than its own, but each type of golem is affected by a few types of magic in special ways. These exceptions are listed in shortened form in the golem's stat block, with the full rules appearing here. If an entry lists multiple types (such as \"cold and water\"), either type of spell can affect the golem. Your small, blunt snout and labyrinthine sinus system make you resistant to phenomena that assail the nose. When you roll a saving throw against inhaled threats (such as inhaled poisons) and olfactory effects (such as xulgath stench), you get the outcome one degree of success better than the result of your roll. As a kitsune, you gain the @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.34E7k2YRcsOU5uyl]{Change Shape} ability. You get one @UUID[]{Clan Dagger} of your clan for free, as it was given to you at birth. Selling this dagger is a terrible taboo and earns you the disdain of other dwarves. The creature takes a -4 status penalty to Athletics checks to Swim. Father Skinsaw gains 40 temporary hit points. The creature gains a +1 status bonus to Deception checks. The obcisidaemon chooses one of the following effects. Empower Spell The obcisidaemon gains a +2 status bonus to its spell DCs and spell attack rolls until the end of its next turn. Empower Weapon The obcisidaemon's weapon gains the effects of a greater flaming, greater frost, greater shock, or wounding rune until the end of its next turn. Blackfingers gains a +2 status bonus to attacks and damage with his dagger, but is @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.e1XGnhKNSQIm5IXg]{Stupefied 2}. The creature takes a -1 circumstance penalty to attack rolls and AC, and its jaws Strike doesn't deal electricity damage. Each ally that hears the call gains a +4 status bonus to attack rolls and damage rolls, a +2 status bonus to saving throws, and takes a -2 status penalty to AC. Affected allies must use at least one of their actions to Strike each round, if they are able (even if it means attacking an ally, object, or thin air). The effect duration has been set to the average duration of [[/br 2d4 #rounds]]{2d4 rounds}. Set the duration to the correct value when the effect is added. You take a –1 circumstance penalty to your next skill check to overcome a task during the Dreaded Downpour event. On a critical failure this penalty is –2. Until the creature is restored to its maximum Hit Points, thus closing the wound, Strikes against the creature deal 1d6 extra precision damage. Requirements The ghast is adjacent to the corpse of a creature that died within the last hour. Effect The ghast devours a chunk of the corpse and regains [[/r 2d6[healing]]] Hit Points plus 1d6 for every 2 levels it has. It can regain Hit Points from any given corpse only once. Requirements The ghast is adjacent to the corpse of a creature that died within the last hour. Effect The ghast devours a chunk of the corpse and regains @Damage[2d6[healing]] Hit Points plus 1d6 for every 2 levels it has. It can regain Hit Points from any given corpse only once. Frequency twice per day Effect Nemesis waves a limb or shoots a sinister glance at a single creature they can see who is within 120 feet. That creature's mind is ravaged, and they must attempt a @Check[will|dc:33] save. Critical Success The creature is unaffected. Success The creature takes @Damage[7d6[mental]] damage. Failure The creature takes @Damage[14d6[mental]] damage and is @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.yblD8fOR1J8rDwEQ]{Confused} for 1 minute. Critical Failure The creature takes @Damage[21d6[mental]] damage and is @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.dfCMdR4wnpbYNTix]{Stunned 3}; when they recover from being stunned, they're confused for 1 minute. Choose Fortitude, Reflex, or Will. When Nemesis rolls a success on the chosen save, they get a critical success instead. The ravener treats an attack roll as a critical hit on a roll of 19 or 20, as long as the attack roll was a success. Additionally, whenever the ravener makes a critical hit with one of their Strikes, the target must succeed on a @Check[fortitude|dc:|name:Vicious Criticals] save or gain the @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.4D2KBtexWXa6oUMR]{Drained 1} condition. If the target already has a drained value of greater than 0, their drained value instead increases by 1, to a maximum of drained 4. Whenever the ravener applies drain to a creature in this way, their soul ward gains 5 Hit Points. Trigger A creature the Risen Nemesis can observe critically fails an attack or save Effect The Risen Nemesis revels and gains 20 temporary Hit Points that last for 24 hours. They cannot use Euphoric Cackle again for [[/br 1d4 #rounds]]{1d4 rounds}. Frequency once per day Effect The Risen Nemesis expresses a vengeful interest in a target within 30 feet. The creature must succeed at a @Check[will|dc:42] save or become @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.fesd1n5eVhpCSS18]{Sickened 1} for 1 minute (@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.fesd1n5eVhpCSS18]{Sickened 2} on a critical failure). On failure or critical failure, the Risen Nemesis also gains a +2 status bonus on Strikes and damage rolls against the target until the target or the Risen Nemesis dies, whichever comes first. Trigger The Risen Nemesis critically fails a save Effect The Risen Nemesis curses the creature who created the triggering effect with bad luck by sneering or shouting a cutting insult. The triggering creature must attempt a @Check[will|dc:42] save. On failure, the Risen Nemesis can reroll the triggering roll and take the better result of the two (a fortune effect); the cursed creature must make their next d20 roll twice and take the worse result (a misfortune effect). The Risen Nemesis demands the PCs see how they have wronged them. All PCs within @Template[type:emanation|distance:30]{30 feet} of the Risen Nemesis must attempt a @Check[will|dc:42] save. Regardless of the outcome, the PCs become temporarily immune to this ability for 24 hours. On failure, the PCs are @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.VcDeM8A5oI6VqhbM]{Restrained} by invisible chains of guilt that only they can see (@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.SkZAQRkLLkmBQNB9]{Escape} DC 42). On a critical failure, the PC is also @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.xYTAsEpcJE1Ccni3]{Slowed 1} for 1 minute as they hesitate from a guilty conscience. The secret society member has numerous connections, especially within the broad band of social class from which the society recruits, but stretching further through friendships, extortion, and other forms of influence. Whenever encountering a character from a settlement where the secret society has influence, the secret society member can attempt a Society check with an easy DC for the level of the encountered character if that character is a member of the demographic from which the secret society recruits, and a DC of hard or higher for other characters. The ecorche over-stresses its leg muscles for a massive jump. It loses 20 HP and Leaps up to 120 feet in any direction. If its next action is a Strike or Flaying Flurry, it doesn't fall until after that action. The ecorche over-stresses its leg muscles for a massive jump. It loses @Damage[20[untyped]] HP and Leaps up to 120 feet in any direction. If its next action is a Strike or Flaying Flurry, it doesn't fall until after that action. You're a philosopher of the sword who codifies your study of qinggong along principles arcane and martial. Your blade teaches morality and immortality, and you illustrate its lessons with an academician's rigor. Through your training, you've learned to move about with grace and create opportunity to strike foes. You gain the @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.LQw0yIMDUJJkq1nD]{Cat Fall} general feat, though you benefit from it only as long as you aren't using a shield and are wearing light or no armor. While in Arcane Cascade stance, your steps become even lighter, giving you the benefits of the Quick Jump general feat. When you Fly, @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.d5I6018Mci2SWokk]{Leap}, @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.2HJ4yuEFY1Cast4h]{High Jump}, or @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.JUvAvruz7yRQXfz2]{Long Jump} while in that stance, your movement doesn't trigger reactions. If you take one of these actions, the next Strike you make before the end of your turn with a one-handed weapon in the sword group has greater damage from Arcane Cascade. Increase the extra damage to 4; increase it to 6 if you have weapon specialization, or to 8 if you have greater weapon specialization. You must have your other hand completely free; the extra damage doesn't apply if you have a free-hand weapon or other item in that hand, even if you would normally be able to use the hand for other things. Conflux Spell@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.2C0ftvzTwYgzb3Qt]{Sky Laughs at Waves} You're a philosopher of the sword who codifies your study of qinggong along principles arcane and martial. Your blade teaches morality and immortality, and you illustrate its lessons with an academician's rigor. Through your training, you've learned to move about with grace and create opportunity to strike foes. You gain the @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.LQw0yIMDUJJkq1nD]{Cat Fall} general feat, though you benefit from it only as long as you aren't using a shield and are wearing light or no armor. While in @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.HbejhIywqIufrmVM]{Arcane Cascade} stance, your steps become even lighter, giving you the benefits of the @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.ZBhvJ9O8MvBFAlhq]{Quick Jump} general feat. When you Fly, @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.d5I6018Mci2SWokk]{Leap}, @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.2HJ4yuEFY1Cast4h]{High Jump}, or @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.JUvAvruz7yRQXfz2]{Long Jump} while in that stance, your movement doesn't trigger reactions. If you take one of these actions, the next Strike you make before the end of your turn with a one-handed weapon in the sword group has greater damage from Arcane Cascade. Increase the extra damage to 4; increase it to 6 if you have weapon specialization, or to 8 if you have greater weapon specialization. You must have your other hand completely free; the extra damage doesn't apply if you have a free-hand weapon or other item in that hand, even if you would normally be able to use the hand for other things. Conflux Spell @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.2C0ftvzTwYgzb3Qt]{Sky Laughs at Waves} Your bloodline grants you bloodline spells, special spells unique to your lineage. Bloodline spells are a type of focus spell. It costs 1 Focus Point to cast a focus spell, and you start with a focus pool of 1 Focus Point. You refill your focus pool during your daily preparations, and you can regain 1 Focus Point by spending 10 minutes using the Refocus activity. Unlike other characters, you don't need to do anything specific to Refocus, as the power flowing through your veins naturally replenishes your focus pool. Focus spells are automatically heightened to half your level rounded up, much like cantrips. Focus spells don't require spell slots; you can't cast them using spell slots. The maximum Focus Points your focus pool can hold is equal to the number of focus spells you have, but can never be more than 3 points. The full rules are on page 298 of Player Core. You learn the initial bloodline spell, which is unique to your bloodline. A bloodline entry contains the following information. Tradition You use this magical tradition and spell list Bloodline Skills You become trained in the listed skills. Sorcerous Gifts You automatically add the spells listed here to your spell repertoire, as described in the @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.classfeatures.Item.lURKSJZAGKVD6cH9]{Spell Repertoire} feature. At 1st level, you gain a cantrip and a 1st-rank spell. You learn the other spells on the list as soon as you gain the ability to cast sorcerer spells of that rank. Bloodline Spells You automatically gain the initial bloodline spell at 1st level and can gain more by selecting the Advanced Bloodline and Greater Bloodline feats. Blood Magic Whenever you cast a bloodline spell using a Focus Point or a sorcerous gift spell using a spell slot, you choose one blood magic effect you know to benefit from. You begin play with the benefit listed in your bloodline and can gain others through sorcerer feats. If the blood magic effect offers a choice, make it before resolving the spell. The blood magic effect occurs after resolving any checks for the spell's initial effects and, against a foe, applies only if the spell is a successful attack or the foe fails its saving throw. If the spell has an area, you must designate yourself or one target in the area when you cast the spell to be the target of the blood magic effect. All references to spell rank refer to the rank of the spell you cast. Your bloodline grants you bloodline spells, special spells unique to your lineage. Bloodline spells are a type of focus spell. It costs 1 Focus Point to cast a focus spell, and you start with a focus pool of 1 Focus Point. You refill your focus pool during your daily preparations, and you can regain 1 Focus Point by spending 10 minutes using the Refocus activity. Unlike other characters, you don't need to do anything specific to Refocus, as the power flowing through your veins naturally replenishes your focus pool. Focus spells are automatically heightened to half your level rounded up, much like cantrips. Focus spells don't require spell slots; you can't cast them using spell slots. The maximum Focus Points your focus pool can hold is equal to the number of focus spells you have, but can never be more than 3 points. You learn the initial bloodline spell, which is unique to your bloodline. A bloodline entry contains the following information. Tradition You use this magical tradition and spell list Bloodline Skills You become trained in the listed skills. Sorcerous Gifts You automatically add the spells listed here to your spell repertoire, as described in the Spell Repertoire feature. At 1st level, you gain a cantrip and a 1st-rank spell. You learn the other spells on the list as soon as you gain the ability to cast sorcerer spells of that rank. Bloodline Spells You automatically gain the initial bloodline spell at 1st level and can gain more by selecting the Advanced Bloodline and Greater Bloodline feats. Blood Magic Whenever you cast a bloodline spell using a Focus Point or a sorcerous gift spell using a spell slot, you choose one blood magic effect you know to benefit from. You begin play with the benefit listed in your bloodline and can gain others through sorcerer feats. If the blood magic effect offers a choice, make it before resolving the spell. The blood magic effect occurs after resolving any checks for the spell's initial effects and, against a foe, applies only if the spell is a successful attack or the foe fails its saving throw. If the spell has an area, you must designate yourself or one target in the area when you cast the spell to be the target of the blood magic effect. All references to spell rank refer to the rank of the spell you cast. Devils are evil with a silver tongue, and one of your ancestors dallied in darkness or made an infernal pact. Spell List divine Bloodline Skills Deception, Religion Granted Spells cantrip @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.6DfLZBl8wKIV03Iq]{Ignition}, 1st: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.vLA0q0WOK2YPuJs6]{Charm}, 2nd: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.2ZdHjnpEQJuqOYSG]{Floating Flame}, 3rd: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.IihxWhRfpsBgQ5jS]{Enthrall}, 4th: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.qwlh6aDgi86U3Q7H]{Suggestion}, 5th: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.GaRQlC9Yw1BGKHfN]{Wave of Despair}, 6th: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.uqlxMQQeSGWEVjki]{Truesight}, 7th: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.sX2o0HH4RjJDAZ8C]{Divine Decree}, 8th: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.KtTGLbLG9nqMbUYL]{Divine Inspiration}, 9th: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.jrBa9deU2ULFWvSl]{Falling Stars} Bloodline Spells initial: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.Vctwx1ewa8HUOA94]{Diabolic Edict}, advanced: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.ilGsyGLGjjIPHbyP]{Embrace the Pit}, greater: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.9LHr9SuDLTicdbXs]{Hellfire Plume} Blood Magic—Tongue of Flame Your tongue becomes laced with the fires of Hell, and you can either lash out at a foe with it or swallow it to make your lies more palatable. Either a target takes 1 fire damage per spell rank (if the spell already deals initial fire damage, combine this with the spell's initial damage before determining weaknesses and resistances), or you gain a +2 status bonus to Deception checks for 1 round. @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feat-effects.Item.n1vhmOd7aNiuR3nk]{Effect: Diabolic Blood Magic (Self)} Devils are evil with a silver tongue, and one of your ancestors dallied in darkness or made an infernal pact. Spell List divine Bloodline Skills Deception, Religion Sorcerous Gifts cantrip @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.6DfLZBl8wKIV03Iq]{Ignition}, 1st: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.vLA0q0WOK2YPuJs6]{Charm}, 2nd: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.2ZdHjnpEQJuqOYSG]{Floating Flame}, 3rd: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.IihxWhRfpsBgQ5jS]{Enthrall}, 4th: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.qwlh6aDgi86U3Q7H]{Suggestion}, 5th: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.GaRQlC9Yw1BGKHfN]{Wave of Despair}, 6th: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.uqlxMQQeSGWEVjki]{Truesight}, 7th: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.sX2o0HH4RjJDAZ8C]{Divine Decree}, 8th: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.KtTGLbLG9nqMbUYL]{Divine Inspiration}, 9th: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.jrBa9deU2ULFWvSl]{Falling Stars} Bloodline Spells initial: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.Vctwx1ewa8HUOA94]{Diabolic Edict}, advanced: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.ilGsyGLGjjIPHbyP]{Embrace the Pit}, greater: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.9LHr9SuDLTicdbXs]{Hellfire Plume} Blood Magic—Tongue of Flame Your tongue becomes laced with the fires of Hell, and you can either lash out at a foe with it or swallow it to make your lies more palatable. Either a target takes 1 fire damage per spell rank (if the spell already deals initial fire damage, combine this with the spell's initial damage before determining weaknesses and resistances), or you gain a +2 status bonus to Deception checks for 1 round. @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feat-effects.Item.n1vhmOd7aNiuR3nk]{Effect: Diabolic Blood Magic (Self)} Spell List occult Bloodline Skills Occultism, Performance Granted Spells cantrip: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.gpzpAAAJ1Lza2JVl]{Detect Magic}; 1st: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.6ZIKB0151LUR19Rw]{Ill Omen}, 2nd: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.41TZEjhO6D1nWw2X]{Augury}; 3rd: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.ppA1StEigPLKEQqR]{Wanderer's Guide}; 4th: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.qwlh6aDgi86U3Q7H]{Suggestion}; 5th: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.tcwT97RWKxsJiefG]{Shadow Siphon}; 6th: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.uqlxMQQeSGWEVjki]{Truesight}; 7th: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.rsZ5c0AUyywe5yoK]{Retrocognition}; 8th: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.y2cQYLr5mljDSu1G]{Unrelenting Observation}; 9th: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.qDjeG6dxT4aEEC6J]{Weird} Bloodline Spells initial: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.PaHxcqXihXkkXPsB]{Unraveling Blast}; advanced: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.82gDiXTKsCmdIF6Q]{Invoke the Harrow}; greater: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.BAu5AgqoO556clyK]{Rewrite Possibility} Blood Magic You become enveloped in possibility, represented as multiple versions of yourself from your possible futures overlaid on each other. You gain @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.DmAIPqOBomZ7H95W]{Concealement} for 1 round, but can't use the concealment to @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.XMcnh4cSI32tljXa]{Hide}. Spell List occult Bloodline Skills Occultism, Performance Granted Spells cantrip: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.gpzpAAAJ1Lza2JVl]{Detect Magic}; 1st: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.6ZIKB0151LUR19Rw]{Ill Omen}, 2nd: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.41TZEjhO6D1nWw2X]{Augury}; 3rd: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.ppA1StEigPLKEQqR]{Wanderer's Guide}; 4th: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.qwlh6aDgi86U3Q7H]{Suggestion}; 5th: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.tcwT97RWKxsJiefG]{Shadow Siphon}; 6th: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.uqlxMQQeSGWEVjki]{Truesight}; 7th: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.rsZ5c0AUyywe5yoK]{Retrocognition}; 8th: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.y2cQYLr5mljDSu1G]{Unrelenting Observation}; 9th: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.qDjeG6dxT4aEEC6J]{Weird} Bloodline Spells initial: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.PaHxcqXihXkkXPsB]{Unraveling Blast}; advanced: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.82gDiXTKsCmdIF6Q]{Invoke the Harrow}; greater: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.BAu5AgqoO556clyK]{Rewrite Possibility} Blood Magic You become enveloped in possibility, represented as multiple versions of yourself from your possible futures overlaid on each other. You gain @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.DmAIPqOBomZ7H95W]{Concealment} for 1 round, but can't use the concealment to @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.XMcnh4cSI32tljXa]{Hide}. Catharsis Trigger The event or conditions you must meet to take your Catharsis reaction. Catharsis Activation The benefit when you use Catharsis. Emotional Fervor Benefits you gain for 3 rounds after you use Catharsis. This entry also lists a spell you're able to cast while in your emotional fervor. You must expend a spell slot to cast it. This slot most be of at least the spell's level, and the spell is automatically heightened to the level of slot you expended. Emotional Fallout The effect you experience when your emotional fervor ends. Focus Spell The focus spell you gain if you select the Cathartic Focus Spell archetype feat. Catharsis Trigger The event or conditions you must meet to take your Catharsis reaction. Catharsis Activation The benefit when you use Catharsis. Emotional Fervor Benefits you gain for 3 rounds after you use Catharsis. This entry also lists a spell you're able to cast while in your emotional fervor. You must expend a spell slot to cast it. This slot most be of at least the spell's rank, and the spell is automatically heightened to the rank of slot you expended. Emotional Fallout The effect you experience when your emotional fervor ends. Focus Spell The focus spell you gain if you select the Cathartic Focus Spell archetype feat. Your rage gives you the raw power and size of a giant. This doesn't necessarily mean you revere giants—you might scoff at them or even aspire to slay them! You could instead seem like a giant to other people due to your exceptional strength or larger-than-life emotions and ego. Instinct Ability—Titan Mauler You can use a weapon built for a Large creature if you are Small or Medium (both normally and when raging). If you're not Small or Medium, you can use a weapon built for a creature one size larger than you. You start with one such weapon, which you receive for free. It must be a common melee or ranged weapon, it must have a Price of 9 gp or less (not including the Price adjustment for being a larger weapon), and it must be common or you must otherwise have access to it. It is your personal weapon and has no value if sold unless you later add runes to it, and it has the normal Bulk for a weapon of its size. When wielding a larger weapon in combat, increase your additional damage from Rage from 2 to 6, but you have the @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.i3OJZU2nk64Df3xm]{Clumsy 1} condition because of the weapon's unwieldy size. You can't remove this clumsy condition or ignore its penalties by any means while wielding the weapon. Specialization Ability (7th) Increase the damage from Rage when using a larger weapon from 6 to 10; if you have greater weapon specialization, increase it from 10 to 18. Raging Resistance (9th) You resist bludgeoning damage and your choice of cold, electricity, or fire, chosen when you gain raging resistance. Note: You need to manually apply Clumsy 1 when you enter rage. Remember to alter the size of your weapon to ensure your Instinct Ability works correctly. Your rage gives you the raw power and size of a giant. This doesn't necessarily mean you revere giants—you might scoff at them or even aspire to slay them! You could instead seem like a giant to other people due to your exceptional strength or larger-than-life emotions and ego. Instinct Ability—Titan Mauler You can use a weapon built for a Large creature if you are Small or Medium (both normally and when raging). If you're not Small or Medium, you can use a weapon built for a creature one size larger than you. You start with one such weapon, which you receive for free. It must be a common melee or ranged weapon, it must have a Price of 9 gp or less (not including the Price adjustment for being a larger weapon), and it must be common or you must otherwise have access to it. It is your personal weapon and has no value if sold unless you later add runes to it, and it has the normal Bulk for a weapon of its size. When wielding a larger weapon in combat, increase your additional damage from Rage from 2 to 6, but you have the @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.i3OJZU2nk64Df3xm]{Clumsy 1} condition because of the weapon's unwieldy size. You can't remove this clumsy condition or ignore its penalties by any means while wielding the weapon. Specialization Ability (7th) Increase the damage from Rage when using a larger weapon from 6 to 10; if you have greater weapon specialization, increase it from 10 to 18. Raging Resistance (9th) You resist bludgeoning damage and your choice of cold, electricity, or fire, chosen when you gain raging resistance. You are an unparalleled genius and have discovered a technique that will revolutionize your chosen field-or at least for the time being, your innovation! Choose a revolutionary modification to apply to your innovation. You can also choose an initial or breakthrough modification of the same type instead, if you prefer. You are an unparalleled genius and have discovered a technique that will revolutionize your chosen field-or at least for the time being, your innovation! Choose a revolutionary modification to apply to your innovation. You can also choose an initial or breakthrough modification of the same type instead, if you prefer. Bitter cold heralded your patron's appearance, in the depths of the winter solstice or on a frozen peak at the end of the world. Your patron might be a winter hag, ice yai, or other spirit of the cold, but one thing is clear as ice—their power is not to be underestimated. Spell List primal Patron Skill Nature Lesson of Winter's Chill Your patron taught you the power of winter firsthand by subjecting you to frost and snow. You learn the @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.MraZBLJ4Be3ogmWL]{Clinging Ice} hex cantrip and your familiar learns @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.g8QqHpv2CWDwmIm1]{Gust of Wind}. Familiar of Freezing Rime Your familiar is cold to the touch, its breath always visible. When you Cast or Sustain a hex, you can cause ice to form in a @Template[burst|distance:5] centered on a square of your familiar's space. Those squares are difficult terrain until the start of your next turn. Training and magic improved your weapon technique. Your proficiency rank for simple weapons and unarmed attacks increases to expert. You have particular expertise with guns and crossbows that grants you greater proficiency with them and the ability to deal more damage. You gain a +1 circumstance bonus to damage rolls with firearms and crossbows. This intense focus on firearms and crossbows prevents you from reaching the same heights with other weapons. Your proficiency with unarmed attacks and with weapons other than firearms and crossbows can't be higher than trained, even if you gain an ability that would increase your proficiency in one or more other weapons to match your highest weapon proficiency (such as the weapon expertise feats many ancestries have). If you have gunslinger weapon mastery, the limit is expert, and if you have gunslinging legend, the limit is master. You theorize that spell slots are a shorthand for an underlying energy that powers all spellcasting, and you've found a way to tinker with the hierarchy of spell slots, combining them to fuel more powerful spells. During your daily preparations, you can trade two spell slots of the same spell rank for a bonus spell slot of up to 2 spell ranks higher than the traded spell slots. You can exchange as many spell slots as you have available. Bonus spell slots must be of a spell rank you can normally cast, and each bonus spell slot must be of a different spell rank. You can also trade any spell slot for two additional cantrips, though you can't trade more than one spell slot at a time for additional cantrips in this way. Bard The collection of spells you can cast is called your spell repertoire. At 1st level, you learn two 1st-rank occult spells of your choice and five occult cantrips of your choice. You choose these from the common spells from the occult list or from other occult spells to which you have access. You can cast any spell in your spell repertoire by using a spell slot of an appropriate spell rank. You add to this spell repertoire as you increase in level. Each time you get a spell slot (see the Bard Spells per Day table), you add a spell to your spell repertoire of the same rank. At 2nd level, you select another 1st-rank spell; at 3rd level, you select two 2nd-rank spells, and so on. When you add spells, you might add a higher-rank version of a spell you already have, so you can cast a heightened version of that spell. Though you gain them at the same rate, your spell slots and the spells in your spell repertoire are separate. If a feat or other ability adds a spell to your spell repertoire, it wouldn't give you another spell slot, and vice versa. Swapping Spells in Your Repertoire As you gain new spells in your repertoire, you might want to replace some of the spells you previously learned. Each time you gain a level and learn new spells, you can swap out one of your old spells for a different spell of the same rank. This spell can be a cantrip. You can also swap out spells by retraining during downtime. Oracle The collection of spells you can cast is called your spell repertoire. At 1st level, you learn two 1st-rank divine spells of your choice and five divine cantrips of your choice. You choose these from the common spells on the divine list or from other divine spells to which you have access. You can cast any spell in your spell repertoire by using a spell slot of an appropriate spell rank. You add to this spell repertoire as you increase in level. Each time you get a spell slot (see the Oracle Spells per Day table), you add a spell to your spell repertoire of the same rank. At 2nd level, you select another 1st-rank spell; at 3rd level, you select two 2nd-rank spells, and so on. When you add spells, you might add a higher-rank version of a spell you already have, so you can cast a heightened version of that spell. Your spell slots and the spells in your spell repertoire are separate. If a feat or other ability adds a spell to your spell repertoire, it wouldn't give you another spell slot, and vice versa. Swapping Spells in Your Repertoire As you gain new spells in your repertoire, you might want to replace some of the spells you previously learned. Each time you gain a level and learn new spells, you can swap out one of your old spells for a different spell of the same rank. This spell can be a cantrip. You can also swap out spells by retraining during downtime. Psychic The collection of spells you can cast is called your spell repertoire. At 1st level, you learn one 1st-rank occult spell of your choice and three occult cantrips of your choice. You choose these from the common spells from the occult list or from other occult spells to which you have access. You can cast any spell in your spell repertoire by using a spell slot of an appropriate spell rank. Your choice of conscious mind also grants you additional spells in your repertoire, starting with an additional 1st-rabk spell and two cantrips listed in your conscious mind, which you cast as psi cantrips. You add to this spell repertoire as you increase in level. Each time you get a spell slot (see Table 2), you add a spell to your spell repertoire of the same level. At 2nd level, you select another 1st-rank spell; at 3rd level, you select one 2nd-level spell, and so on. When you add spells, you might add a higher-rank version of a spell you already have, so you can cast a heightened version of that spell. Your conscious mind also adds additional spells to your repertoire as you gain spells of higher levels. Though you gain them at the same rate, your spell slots and the spells in your spell repertoire are separate. If a feat or other ability adds a spell to your spell repertoire, such as the spells you gain from your conscious mind, it wouldn't give you another spell slot, and vice versa. Swapping Spells in Your Repertoire As you gain new spells in your repertoire, you might want to replace some of the spells you previously learned. Each time you gain a level and learn new spells, you can swap out one of your old spells for a different spell of the same rank. This spell can be a cantrip. You can also swap out spells by retraining during downtime. Sorcerer The collection of spells you can cast is called your spell repertoire. At 1st level, you learn two 1st-rank spells of your choice and four cantrips of your choice, as well as an additional spell and cantrip from your bloodline. You choose these from the common spells from the tradition corresponding to your bloodline, or from other spells from that tradition to which you have access. You can cast any spell in your spell repertoire by using a spell slot of an appropriate spell rank. You add to this spell repertoire as you increase in level. Each time you get a spell slot (see the Sorcerer Spells per Day table above), you add a spell to your spell repertoire of the same rank. When you gain a new rank of spells, your first new spell is always the sorcerous gift spell for that rank that's listed in your bloodline, but you can choose the other spells. At 2nd level, you select another 1st-rank spell; at 3rd level, you gain a new spell from your bloodline and two other 2nd-rank spells, and so on. When you add spells, you might select a higher-rank version of a spell you already know so that you can cast a heightened version of that spell. Though you gain them at the same rate, your spell slots and the spells in your spell repertoire are separate. If a feat or other ability adds a spell to your spell repertoire, it wouldn't give you another spell slot or vice versa. Swapping Spells in Your Repertoire As you gain new spells in your spell repertoire, you might want to replace some of the spells you previously learned. Each time you gain a level and learn new spells, you can swap out one of your old spells for a different spell of the same rank. This spell can be a cantrip, but you can't swap out bloodline spells. You can also swap out spells by retraining during downtime. Summoner The collection of spells you can cast is called your spell repertoire. At 1st level, you learn two 1st-rank spells of your choice and five cantrips of your choice. You choose these from the common spells from the tradition corresponding to your eidolon, or from other spells from that tradition to which you have access. You can cast any spell in your spell repertoire by using a spell slot of an appropriate spell rank. Your spell slots and the spells in your spell repertoire are separate. If a feat or other ability adds a spell to your spell repertoire, it doesn't give you another spell slot, and vice versa. You add to this spell repertoire as you increase in level. Each time you get a spell slot (see Table 2–4: Summoner Spells per Day), you add a spell of the same rank to your spell repertoire. At 2nd level, you select another 1st-rank spell. At 3rd level, you add the first 2nd-rank spell to your repertoire. At 4th level you gain your second and your spell repertoire reaches its maximum size of five spells. At 5th level, in addition to adding two 3rd-rank spells to your repertoire, you lose your lowest rank of spell slots. Any time you lose a rank of spell slots, you lose two spells in your repertoire as well. These can come from spells you already know or out of the number of new spells you're learning. On levels in which you don't change your spell slots, you can swap out multiple spells, as described below. Swapping Spells in Your Repertoire As you gain new spells in your repertoire, you might want to replace some of the spells you previously learned. Each time you gain a level and learn new spells, you can swap out one of your old spells for a different spell of the same rank. If it's a rank at which you lose a set of lower-rank slots, you can replace the two in either order. You can also instead swap a cantrip. You can also swap out spells by retraining during downtime. At 6th level and every even level thereafter, you can swap out any number of your spells for different spells of a rank you can cast. When you do, you must keep at least one spell you can cast with your lowest rank of spell slots so you don't end up with slots you can't use. For instance, at 6th level you would need to keep at least one 2nd-rank spell, but all your other spells could be 3rd rank. The collection of spells you can cast is called your spell repertoire. At 1st level, you learn two 1st-rank occult spells of your choice and five occult cantrips of your choice. You choose these from the common spells from the occult list or from other occult spells to which you have access. You can cast any spell in your spell repertoire by using a spell slot of an appropriate spell rank. You add to this spell repertoire as you increase in level. Each time you get a spell slot (see the Bard Spells per Day table), you add a spell to your spell repertoire of the same rank. At 2nd level, you select another 1st-rank spell; at 3rd level, you select two 2nd-rank spells, and so on. When you add spells, you might add a higher-rank version of a spell you already have, so you can cast a heightened version of that spell. Though you gain them at the same rate, your spell slots and the spells in your spell repertoire are separate. If a feat or other ability adds a spell to your spell repertoire, it wouldn't give you another spell slot, and vice versa. As you gain new spells in your repertoire, you might want to replace some of the spells you previously learned. Each time you gain a level and learn new spells, you can swap out one of your old spells for a different spell of the same rank. This spell can be a cantrip. You can also swap out spells by retraining during downtime. Your hybrid study grants you additional spells that can enhance your power in combat. You gain two special 2nd-rank studious spell slots, which can be used to prepare @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.5KobTMrZeZxuXMgl]{Gecko Grip}, @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.Gb7SeieEvd0pL2Eh]{Sure Strike}, @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.MZGkMsPBztFN0pUO]{Water Breathing}, and an additional spell depending on your hybrid study. You add any spells from this class feature to your spellbook. At 11th level, the extra slots increase to 3rd-rank and you add @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.o6YCGx4lycsYpww4]{Haste} and an additional spell depending on your hybrid study. At 13th level, the extra slots increase to 4th-rank and you add @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.A2JfEKe6BZcTG1S8]{Fly} and an additional spell depending on your hybrid study. Laughing Shadow 7th: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.j8vIoIEWElvpwkcI]{Mirror Image}; 11th: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.lONs4r14LEBZRLLw]{Shift Blame}; 13th: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.VlNcjmYyu95vOUe8]{Translocate} Sparkling Targe 7th: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.Fr58LDSrbndgld9n]{Resist Energy}; 11th: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.CIjj9CU5ekeq1oLT]{Warding Aggression}; 13th: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.2BV2yYPfVJ5zirZt]{Mountain Resilience} Starlit Span 7th: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.pZTqGY1MLRjgKasV]{Darkvision}; 11th: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.it4ZsAi6XgvGcodc]{Wall of Wind}; 13th: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.aqRYNoSvxsVfqglH]{Unfettered Movement} Inexorable Iron 7th: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.wzctak6BxOW8xvFV]{Enlarge}; 11th: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.gPvtmKMRpg9I9D7H]{Earthbind}; 13th: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.ksLCg62cLOojw3gN]{Planar Tether} Twisting Tree 7th: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.eIQ86FOXK34HiNLs]{Embed Message}; 11th: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.WsUwpfmhKrKwoIe3]{Slow}; 13th: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.zR67Rt3UMHKC5evy]{Flicker} Your hybrid study grants you additional spells that can enhance your power in combat. You gain two special 2nd-rank studious spell slots, which can be used to prepare @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.5KobTMrZeZxuXMgl]{Gecko Grip}, @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.Gb7SeieEvd0pL2Eh]{Sure Strike}, @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.MZGkMsPBztFN0pUO]{Water Breathing}, and an additional spell depending on your hybrid study. You add any spells from this class feature to your spellbook. At 11th level, the extra slots increase to 3rd-rank and you add @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.o6YCGx4lycsYpww4]{Haste} and an additional spell depending on your hybrid study. At 13th level, the extra slots increase to 4th-rank and you add @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.A2JfEKe6BZcTG1S8]{Fly} and an additional spell depending on your hybrid study. Aloof Firmament 7th: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.Seaah9amXg70RKw2]{Water Walk}; 11th: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.it4ZsAi6XgvGcodc]{Wall of Wind}; 13th: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.DcmWrD0V5PWQQyDm]{Variable Gravity} Inexorable Iron 7th: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.wzctak6BxOW8xvFV]{Enlarge}; 11th: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.gPvtmKMRpg9I9D7H]{Earthbind}; 13th: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.ksLCg62cLOojw3gN]{Planar Tether} Laughing Shadow 7th: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.j8vIoIEWElvpwkcI]{Mirror Image}; 11th: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.lONs4r14LEBZRLLw]{Shift Blame}; 13th: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.VlNcjmYyu95vOUe8]{Translocate} Sparkling Targe 7th: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.Fr58LDSrbndgld9n]{Resist Energy}; 11th: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.CIjj9CU5ekeq1oLT]{Warding Aggression}; 13th: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.2BV2yYPfVJ5zirZt]{Mountain Resilience} Starlit Span 7th: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.pZTqGY1MLRjgKasV]{Darkvision}; 11th: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.it4ZsAi6XgvGcodc]{Wall of Wind}; 13th: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.aqRYNoSvxsVfqglH]{Unfettered Movement} Twisting Tree 7th: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.eIQ86FOXK34HiNLs]{Embed Message}; 11th: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.WsUwpfmhKrKwoIe3]{Slow}; 13th: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.zR67Rt3UMHKC5evy]{Flicker} Unfurling Brocade 7th: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.9s5tqqXNzcoKamWx]{Web}; 11th: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.k9x6bXXpIgAXMDsx]{Whirling Scarves}; 13th: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.ksLCg62cLOojw3gN]{Planar Tether} You disdain others' reliance on crude contrivances of iron, instead favoring the elegance of fabric, with thread and brocade your panoply. Your mastery of qinggong allows qi-infused fabric to tear flesh, bind blades, and pierce steel. You can create a special weapon, qi-infused fabric, by Interacting to grip a length of cloth of 1 Bulk or less and filling it with your qi. If you Interact to draw the object, you can do this as part of that action. For most unfurling brocade magi, this item is a scarf, sash, ribbon, or a similarly voluminous article of worn clothing, such as long sleeves. You can use the fabric as a bladed scarf. Unlike a normal bladed scarf, you have the option to wield the fabric in one hand instead of two. Its damage die is d4 if held in one hand. If you're wearing handwraps of mighty blows, you can apply any of its runes to the fabric, provided those runes could be added to a bladed scarf. This begins when you wield the fabric and ends when you cease doing so. While in Arcane Cascade stance, the magical energy flowing through your fabric partially animates it to accomplish an even greater range of tricks. If you critically succeed at an Athletics check to @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.Dt6B1slsBy8ipJu9]{Disarm}, you can spend a single action immediately afterward to flick your fabric, causing the disarmed object to fall to the ground in your space rather than in your opponent's. Your fabric gains the grapple trait. If you succeed at an Athletics check to @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.PMbdMWc2QroouFGD]{Grapple} using your fabric, you can spend a single action immediately afterward to pull the creature 5 feet toward you. When you attempt to @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.ge56Lu1xXVFYUnLP]{Trip} a foe using your fabric, the target can be two sizes larger than you instead of one. Conflux Spell@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.JIphJbkWHndtFk72]{Home Among Mulberry Leaves} You disdain others' reliance on crude contrivances of iron, instead favoring the elegance of fabric, with thread and brocade your panoply. Your mastery of qinggong allows qi-infused fabric to tear flesh, bind blades, and pierce steel. You can create a special weapon, qi-infused fabric, by Interacting to grip a length of cloth of 1 Bulk or less and filling it with your qi. If you Interact to draw the object, you can do this as part of that action. For most unfurling brocade magi, this item is a scarf, sash, ribbon, or a similarly voluminous article of worn clothing, such as long sleeves. You can use the fabric as a @UUID[]{Bladed Scarf}. Unlike a normal bladed scarf, you have the option to wield the fabric in one hand instead of two. Its damage die is d4 if held in one hand. If you're wearing @UUID[]{Handwraps of Mighty Blows}, you can apply any of its runes to the fabric, provided those runes could be added to a bladed scarf. This begins when you wield the fabric and ends when you cease doing so. While in @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.HbejhIywqIufrmVM]{Arcane Cascade} stance, the magical energy flowing through your fabric partially animates it to accomplish an even greater range of tricks. If you critically succeed at an Athletics check to @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.Dt6B1slsBy8ipJu9]{Disarm}, you can spend a single action immediately afterward to flick your fabric, causing the disarmed object to fall to the ground in your space rather than in your opponent's. Your fabric gains the grapple trait. If you succeed at an Athletics check to @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.PMbdMWc2QroouFGD]{Grapple} using your fabric, you can spend a single action immediately afterward to pull the creature 5 feet toward you. When you attempt to @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.ge56Lu1xXVFYUnLP]{Trip} a foe using your fabric, the target can be two sizes larger than you instead of one. Conflux Spell @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.JIphJbkWHndtFk72]{Home Among Mulberry Leaves} Champion, Investigator, Oracle, Magus You've dedicated yourself to learning the intricacies of your weapons. Your proficiency ranks for simple weapons, martial weapons, and unarmed attacks increase to expert. Druid, Kineticist You've improved your combat skill. Your proficiency rank for simple weapons and unarmed attacks increases to expert. Sorcerer Training and magic improved your weapon technique. Your proficiency rank for simple weapons and unarmed attacks increases to expert. Summoner Training and magic improved your weapon technique. Your proficiency rank for simple weapons and unarmed attacks increases to expert. (Note: this is called Simple Weapon Expertise in Secrets of Magic) Witch, Wizard Through sheer experience, you've improved your technique with your weapons. Your proficiency ranks for simple weapons and unarmed attacks increase to expert. Champion, Investigator, Oracle, Magus You've dedicated yourself to learning the intricacies of your weapons. Your proficiency ranks for simple weapons, martial weapons, and unarmed attacks increase to expert. Druid, Kineticist You've improved your combat skill. Your proficiency rank for simple weapons and unarmed attacks increases to expert. Sorcerer Training and magic improved your weapon technique. Your proficiency rank for simple weapons and unarmed attacks increases to expert. Swashbuckler You've dedicated yourself to learning the intricacies of your weapons. Your proficiency ranks for simple weapons, martial weapons, and unarmed attacks increase to expert. You gain access to the critical specialization effects of all weapons for which you have expert proficiency. Witch, Wizard Through sheer experience, you've improved your technique with your weapons. Your proficiency ranks for simple weapons and unarmed attacks increase to expert. Granted by @UUID[]{Aeon Stone (Pearly White Spindle)} The resonant power grants you resistance 1 to void damage. Granted by @UUID[]{Alchemist Goggles} When making Strikes with alchemical bombs, you ignore lesser cover. Granted by @UUID[]{Alloy Orb (Exquisite High-Grade)} When you activate the alloy orb, select adamantine, cold iron, or dawnsilver. The affixed weapon functions as the chosen material. Granted by @UUID[]{Cold Iron Blanch (Moderate)} Granted by @UUID[]{Warleader's Bulwark} You gain a +2 status bonus to saves against fear effects. Granted by @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.BKnN9la3WNrRgZ6n]{Conduct Energy} You channel energy into your weapon. The weapon deals 1 additional damage per weapon damage die until the start of your next turn. This damage type matches the trait of the triggering action or spell. If your triggering action or spell had multiple eligible traits, you select one of those traits. Granted by @UUID[]{Emerald Fulcrum Lens} You gain a +2 item bonus to saving throws against magic. For the next strike, the ammunition fired from the affixed weapon to transforms into acid, dealing acid damage instead of its usual damage as well as @Damage[1d6[persistent,acid]] damage on a critical hit. For the next strike, the ammunition fired from the affixed weapon to transforms into ice, dealing cold damage instead of its usual damage as well as @Damage[1d6[persistent,cold]] damage on a critical hit. For the next strike, the ammunition fired from the affixed weapon to transforms into electricity, dealing electricity damage instead of its usual damage as well as @Damage[1d6[persistent,electricity]] damage on a critical hit. For the next strike, the ammunition fired from the affixed weapon to transforms into fire, dealing fire damage instead of its usual damage as well as @Damage[1d6[persistent,fire]] damage on a critical hit. Granted by @UUID[]{Energized Cartridge} The ammunition fired from the affixed weapon transforms into your choice of acid, cold, electricity, or fire, dealing damage of the appropriate energy type instead of its usual damage as well as 1d6 persistent damage of the same type on a critical hit. You transform into a Small or Medium animal that wields the fanged weapon in its jaws; the animal matches the animal you are most closely associated with (a lizardfolk would turn into a lizard, a kitsune into a fox, a deer instinct barbarian into a deer, etc.) or a wolf if no specific animal is applicable. While in this form, you can attack with the fanged weapon even though you don't have any hands. However, you can attack only with the fanged weapon and you don't have hands or the ability to hold items. For effects dependent on how many hands you are using to hold the item, such as the two-hand trait, you are holding the weapon in two hands. You can Dismiss this effect, and it ends automatically if you drop the fanged weapon (whether or not of your own volition). In animal form, you gain low-light vision, imprecise scent to a range of 30 feet, and a +10-foot item bonus to your Speed. Granted by @UUID[]{Malleable Clay} The affixed weapon gains the versatile bludgeoning, versatile piercing, and versatile slashing weapon traits for the triggering Strike and all other attacks. Granted by @UUID[]{Malleable Mixture (Greater)} You gain a +3 item bonus to your Fortitude and Reflex DCs against attempts to Grapple, Shove, or Trip you for 10 minutes. The creature takes a -5-foot circumstance penalty to its Speed for 1 minute or until it Escapes (DC 27). Granted by @UUID[]{Mummified Bat} If you have the Blind-Fight feat, you gain imprecise echolocation with a range of 30 feet. Granted by @UUID[]{Nimbus Breath} You gain resistance 5 to electricity and gain a fly speed equal to your land speed or 20, whichever is higher. Granted by @UUID[]{Potion of Swimming (Greater)} Granted by @UUID[]{Predator's Claw} The triggering attack gains the weapon's critical specialization effect. This lightweight mesh fits easily over light armor. The suit is designed to incorporate local flora and ground clutter into the mesh to help you blend in seamlessly with the environment. Due to the abrasive nature of the materials used, this item is unsuitable for use by unarmored characters. You can prepare the suit for use within your current environment by using an exploration activity that takes at least 10 minutes, but sometimes longer if the materials are hard to find or the environment is unusual enough to warrant additional difficulty in preparing camouflage that can blend with it consistently. A suit prepared in this manner grants you a +1 item bonus to Stealth checks while you attempt to Hide or Sneak in the specific environment it has been prepared for. The suit remains usable in this manner until you rest for the night, though it doesn't grant the benefit whenever you aren't in the appropriate environment. The GM might rule that some environments are unusual enough that you can't create a camouflage suit appropriate for the environment. Granted by @UUID[]{Rime Crystal (Major)} After you cast a cold spell by activating the crystal, your Strikes with the weapon deal an additional 1d8 cold damage until the end of your next turn. Granted by @UUID[]{Heavenly Rolling Flames} You gain a fly Speed of 20 feet. Granted by @UUID[]{Rovagug's Mud}, @UUID[]{Rovagug's Mud (Greater)} You have a +2 item bonus to saving throws against incapacitation effects. Any creature within the bright light of the Hollow Star gains a +1 item bonus to Occultism checks. Deros in the bright light shed by the Hollow Star suffer distracting but pleasant hallucinations and strange visions, and they become @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.e1XGnhKNSQIm5IXg]{Stupefied 1} when in this illumination. Granted by @UUID[]{The Hollow Star} Any creature within the bright light of the Hollow Star gains a +1 item bonus to Occultism checks. Deros in the bright light shed by the Hollow Star suffer distracting but pleasant hallucinations and strange visions, and they become stupefied 1 when in this illumination. Granted by @UUID[]{Thurible of Revelation (Moderate)} Granted by @UUID[]{Tiger Menuki} The weapon gains the forceful and sweep traits on the triggering Strike and all other Strikes. Granted by @UUID[]{Tome of Restorative Cleansing (Greater)} The creature gains 3d8 temporary Hit Points. Granted by @UUID[]{Salve of Slipperiness} You are granted a +2 item bonus to Acrobatics checks to Escape or to Squeeze. Granted by @UUID[]{Tricky Liniment} You are granted a +2 item bonus to Acrobatics checks to Escape or to Squeeze. Granted by @UUID[]{Prognostic Veil} The ally gains a status bonus to the saving throw or attack roll equal to the value of your @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.zXZjC8HLaRoLR17U]{Cursebound} condition. Ugly Cute's gift gains the advantages of a @UUID[]{Ghost Touch} property rune and deals an additional 2 force damage on a successful Strike. Granted by @UUID[]{Warding Statuette} and @UUID[]{Warding Statuette (Greater)} The creature gains a +1 status bonus to AC until the start of your next turn. Granted by @UUID[]{Breastplate of Command} Granted by @UUID[]{Orm Choker} You gain a swim Speed of 45 feet, and you gain a +4 circumstance bonus to Stealth checks in water. This luxurious cloak embodies an angel's swiftness. You gain a +3 item bonus to Acrobatics checks and never take falling damage, as your cloak billows like a pair of wings to soften any fall you take. When you invest in the cloak, you either increase your Dexterity score by 2 or increase it to 18, whichever would give you a higher score. If you are unholy, you are @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.xYTAsEpcJE1Ccni3]{Slowed 1} while wearing this cloak. Activate—On Angel's Wings 2 (concentrate) Frequency once per hour Effect The opera cloak transforms into two pairs of brilliant, feathered wings that grant you a fly Speed of 40 feet for 10 minutes. During this time, you gain immunity to paralysis effects and ignore effects that would give you a circumstance penalty to speed. This @UUID[]{bull's-eye lantern} is either stylized after an anglerfish or made from the taxidermy of one. While it can be lit as usual, the anglerfish lantern automatically shines when submerged in water. Activate—Mesmerizing Lights 2 (concentrate, manipulate) Frequency once per hour Effect All creatures within the bright light of the anglerfish lantern must succeed at a @Check[will|dc:19] save or be @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.AdPVz7rbaVSRxHFg]{Fascinated} by the light for 1 round (1 minute on a critical failure). The fascination ends if the light is extinguished. Aquatic animals and creatures with the water trait take a –2 circumstance penalty to this check. Regardless of the result, the creature then becomes immune to this effect for the next 24 hours. In his attempts to recreate the initial feeling of the object he encountered ages ago, the Ash Engineer discovered a different effect, one that would confound his enemies. Ashen weapons are typically coated in a thin layer of ash that gradually returns over the span of a day, even after wiping away. A creature hit by an attack from an ashen weapon becomes surrounded by burning ash, which deals @Damage[1d8[persistent,fire]] damage. This ash clouds the senses, causing the creature to become @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.yblD8fOR1J8rDwEQ]{Confused} for 1 round unless it succeeds at a @Check[will|dc:35] save. On a critical failure, the effect lasts for 1 minute. Activate 1 (manipulate) Ashes of the war god may be applied to armor, a weapon, or mixed into an elixir or potion. Armor The armor becomes +3 major resilient armor for 1 day. It retains any property runes. Elixir or Potion In addition to the normal effects drinking the elixir or potion grant you, you gain a +3 item bonus to Athletics checks and Fortitude saves for 1 hour. Weapon The weapon becomes a +3 major striking weapon for 1 day. It retains any property runes. The asp coil, named both for its slithering striking style and its usage among Aspis Consortium agents, has two forms. In sword form, it resembles an elegant, oddly balanced sword. However, with a twist of the pommel, the blade splits into a series of segments connected by elaborate metal cables. Agents of the Aspis Consortium have access to this weapon. Activate F (concentrate) Trigger You @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.jM72TjJ965jocBV8]{Shield Block} a melee attack with the affixed shield. This slimy green stone glows with a strong light whenever the shield it adorns blocks a melee attack. When the eye is activated, the attacker must succeed at a @Check[fortitude|dc:25] save or become @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.xYTAsEpcJE1Ccni3]{Slowed 1} for 1 minute as its body slowly stiffens in partial petrification. Activate F (concentrate) Trigger You @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.jM72TjJ965jocBV8]{Shield Block} a melee attack with the affixed shield This slimy green stone glows with a strong light whenever the shield it adorns blocks a melee attack. When the eye is activated, the attacker must succeed at a @Check[fortitude|dc:25] save or become @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.xYTAsEpcJE1Ccni3]{Slowed 1} for 1 minute as its body slowly stiffens in partial petrification. This bearskin includes the head and bared teeth of the mighty creature from which it was taken. When worn, the cloak drapes over your head and around your shoulders, imbuing you with a bear's ferocity. If you have the Rage action, while raging you grow jaws that deal 1d10 piercing damage and claws that deal 1d6 slashing damage and have the agile trait. This transformation is a morph effect, and both the jaws and claws are unarmed attacks in the brawling weapon group. You gain the benefits of a +1 weapon potency rune and a striking rune with these attacks (gaining a +1 item bonus to attack rolls and increasing the weapon damage dice by one). If you have an animal instinct and the bestial rage instinct ability, instead of gaining these unarmed attacks, your unarmed attacks from the bestial rage instinct ability gain the benefits of a +2 weapon potency rune and a greater striking rune (granting a +2 item bonus to attack rolls and increasing the weapon damage dice by two). This bearskin includes the head and bared teeth of the mighty creature from which it was taken. When worn, the cloak drapes over your head and around your shoulders, imbuing you with a bear's ferocity. If you have the @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.Ah5g9pDwWF9b9VW9]{Rage} action, while raging you grow jaws that deal 1d10 piercing damage and claws that deal 1d6 slashing damage and have the agile trait. This transformation is a morph effect, and both the jaws and claws are unarmed attacks in the brawling weapon group. You gain the benefits of a +1 weapon potency rune and a striking rune with these attacks (gaining a +1 item bonus to attack rolls and increasing the weapon damage dice by one). If you have an animal instinct and the bestial rage instinct ability, instead of gaining these unarmed attacks, your unarmed attacks from the bestial rage instinct ability gain the benefits of a +2 weapon potency rune and a greater striking rune (granting a +2 item bonus to attack rolls and increasing the weapon damage dice by two). This bearskin includes the head and bared teeth of the mighty creature from which it was taken. When worn, the cloak drapes over your head and around your shoulders, imbuing you with a bear's ferocity. If you have the Rage action, while raging you grow jaws that deal 1d10 piercing damage and claws that deal 1d6 slashing damage and have the agile trait. This transformation is a morph effect, and both the jaws and claws are unarmed attacks in the brawling weapon group. You gain the benefits of a +2 weapon potency rune and a greater striking rune with these attacks (gaining a +2 item bonus to attack rolls and increasing the weapon damage dice by two). If you have an animal instinct and the bestial rage instinct ability, instead of gaining these unarmed attacks, your unarmed attacks from the bestial rage instinct ability gain the benefits of a +3 weapon potency rune and a major striking rune (granting a +3 item bonus to attack rolls and increasing the weapon damage dice by three). This bearskin includes the head and bared teeth of the mighty creature from which it was taken. When worn, the cloak drapes over your head and around your shoulders, imbuing you with a bear's ferocity. If you have the @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.Ah5g9pDwWF9b9VW9]{Rage} action, while raging you grow jaws that deal 1d10 piercing damage and claws that deal 1d6 slashing damage and have the agile trait. This transformation is a morph effect, and both the jaws and claws are unarmed attacks in the brawling weapon group. You gain the benefits of a +2 weapon potency rune and a greater striking rune with these attacks (gaining a +2 item bonus to attack rolls and increasing the weapon damage dice by two). If you have an animal instinct and the bestial rage instinct ability, instead of gaining these unarmed attacks, your unarmed attacks from the bestial rage instinct ability gain the benefits of a +3 weapon potency rune and a major striking rune (granting a +3 item bonus to attack rolls and increasing the weapon damage dice by three). Activate F (concentrate) Trigger You hit an off-guard creature with the affixed weapon This long, hollow proboscis is harvested from the notorious bloodseeker beast and drips a trickle of blood. When you activate the beak, you deal an extra 1d4 precision damage on your damage roll. If you deal sneak attack damage to the creature, you also deal @Damage[1d4[bleed]]. @UUID[]{Effect: Bloodseeker Beak} Activate F (concentrate) Trigger You hit an @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.AJh5ex99aV6VTggg]{Off-Guard} creature with the affixed weapon This long, hollow proboscis is harvested from the notorious bloodseeker beast and drips a trickle of blood. When you activate the beak, you deal an extra 1d4 precision damage on your damage roll. If you deal sneak attack damage to the creature, you also deal @Damage[1d4[bleed]]. @UUID[]{Effect: Bloodseeker Beak} Activate F (concentrate) Trigger You hit an off-guard creature with the affixed weapon This long, hollow proboscis is harvested from the notorious bloodseeker beast and drips a trickle of blood. When you activate the beak, you deal an extra 2d4 precision damage on your damage roll. If you deal sneak attack damage to the creature, you also deal @Damage[2d4[bleed]]. @UUID[]{Effect: Bloodseeker Beak (Greater)} Activate F (concentrate) Trigger You hit an @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.AJh5ex99aV6VTggg]{Off-Guard} creature with the affixed weapon This long, hollow proboscis is harvested from the notorious bloodseeker beast and drips a trickle of blood. When you activate the beak, you deal an extra 2d4 precision damage on your damage roll. If you deal sneak attack damage to the creature, you also deal @Damage[2d4[bleed]]. @UUID[]{Effect: Bloodseeker Beak (Greater)} Usage affixed to a melee weapon Activate R (concentrate) Prerequisites You're an expert with the affixed weapon Trigger A creature in reach of the weapon takes an action with the concentrate trait. Brine dragons are known to distract their foes at just the right moment, and this blue-green scale appears to have come from one of these creatures. When you activate the scale, it cracks open and releases a spray of caustic saltwater at the triggering creature. The creature takes @Damage[2d8[acid]] damage with a @Check[reflex|dc:24|basic] save. If the creature critically fails at its save, its concentration is broken—the triggering action is disrupted. Usage affixed to a melee weapon Activate R (concentrate) Prerequisites You're an expert with the affixed weapon Trigger A creature in reach of the weapon takes an action with the concentrate trait. Brine dragons are known to distract their foes at just the right moment, and this blue-green scale appears to have come from one of these creatures. When you activate the scale, it cracks open and releases a spray of caustic saltwater at the triggering creature. The creature takes @Damage[2d8[acid]] damage with a @Check[reflex|dc:24|basic] save. If the creature critically fails at its save, its concentration is broken—the triggering action is disrupted. Activate 2 (manipulate) Venom from enormous purple worms leaves a victim weakened. Saving Throw @Check[fortitude|dc:32] Maximum Duration 6 rounds Stage 1 @Damage[5d6[poison]] damage and @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.MIRkyAjyBeXivMa7]{Enfeebled 2} (1 round) Stage 2 @Damage[6d6[poison]] damage and @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.MIRkyAjyBeXivMa7]{Enfeebled 2}(1 round) Stage 3 @Damage[8d6[poison]] damage and @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.MIRkyAjyBeXivMa7]{Enfeebled 2} (1 round) Activate 2 (manipulate) Venom from enormous cave worms leaves a victim weakened. Saving Throw @Check[fortitude|dc:32] Maximum Duration 6 rounds Stage 1 @Damage[5d6[poison]] damage and @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.MIRkyAjyBeXivMa7]{Enfeebled 2} (1 round) Stage 2 @Damage[6d6[poison]] damage and enfeebled 2 (1 round) Stage 3 @Damage[8d6[poison]] damage and enfeebled 2 (1 round) An almost-impossible number of axes spring out at a target with lethal force. When a creature enters the snare's square, it's nearly buried beneath a storm of sharpened metal, which deals @Damage[16d8[slashing]] damage (@Check[reflex|dc:33|basic|showDC:all]). This elegant toga is infused with inexhaustible energy to enjoy life possessed by azatas. You gain resistance to poison 20 and become immune to @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.9PR9y0bi4JPKnHPR]{Deafened}. When you invest in the robes, you either increase your Constitution score by 2 or increase it to 18, whichever would give you a higher score. If you are unholy, you become deafened while wearing the toga. Activate—Elysium's Gasp r (concentrate) Frequency once per hour Trigger You are exposed to an inhaled poison Effect Purifying gusts of sweet-scented air swirl around you, making you immune to inhaled poisons for 1 minute. Activate—Elysium's Breath 1 minute (concentrate, healing) Frequency once per day Effect The air around the robe constantly circulates to keep you healthy. For 8 hours, you become immune to diseases spread via inhalation, olfactory effects, and environmental effects that would prevent you from breathing (including being underwater or from being strangled). Activate 1 Interact Made from several oils of differing hues extracted from jellyfish and rare plants, the layers of chromatic jellyfish oil stack to form a rainbow within their vial. For 10 minutes after consuming chromatic jellyfish oil, you gain resistance 15 to precision damage and extra damage from critical hits. While the effect lasts, you ignore difficult terrain caused by moving through tight spaces that aren't tight enough to force you to @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.kMcV8e5EZUxa6evt]{Squeeze}, and you can move 5 feet per round when you successfully Squeeze (or 10 feet per round on a critical success). You can also @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.Tj055UcNm6UEgtCg]{Crawl} at half your Speed. @UUID[]{Effect: Chromatic Jellyfish Oil (Greater)} This small piece of embroidered cloth is inimical to all magic. Activate—Nullify Magic 2 (manipulate) Effect You cover a magic item with the cloth or wave the cloth near a magic effect and attempt to counteract the effect or item. The cloth's counteract check modifier is [[/r 1d20+17 #Counteract]]{+32}, and its counteract rank is 10. Regardless of the result, the cloth of nullification can't be activated again for [[/br 2d6 #hours]]{2d6 hours}. On a success, the effect or item is deactivated for the same amount of time, and its duration, if any, continues to expire during that time. With a successful counteract check, you can instead choose to completely absorb the magic from the effect or item into the cloth of nullification. If you do, both become completely non-magical and their magic can't be recovered, even by the remake spell. The cloth of nullification automatically fails to counteract most artifacts and similarly powerful items This small piece of embroidered cloth is inimical to all magic. Activate—Nullify Magic 2 (manipulate) Effect You cover a magic item with the cloth or wave the cloth near a magic effect and attempt to counteract the effect or item. The cloth's counteract check modifier is [[/r 1d20+32 #Counteract]]{+32}, and its counteract rank is 10. Regardless of the result, the cloth of nullification can't be activated again for [[/br 2d6 #hours]]{2d6 hours}. On a success, the effect or item is deactivated for the same amount of time, and its duration, if any, continues to expire during that time. With a successful counteract check, you can instead choose to completely absorb the magic from the effect or item into the cloth of nullification. If you do, both become completely non-magical and their magic can't be recovered, even by the remake spell. The cloth of nullification automatically fails to counteract most artifacts and similarly powerful items Activate 2 (concentrate) When you activate this alabaster pendant, attempt to Administer First Aid using Medicine with a +1 item bonus to the check. If you succeed, and you were trying to stabilize, the target regains 1 Hit Point, losing the dying condition and becoming conscious as normal. If you succeed, and you were trying to stop bleeding, the bleeding ends. Activate 2 (concentrate) When you activate this alabaster pendant, attempt to @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.MHLuKy4nQO2Z4Am1]{Administer First Aid} using Medicine with a +1 item bonus to the check. If you succeed, and you were trying to stabilize, the target regains 1 Hit Point, losing the dying condition and becoming conscious as normal. If you succeed, and you were trying to stop bleeding, the bleeding ends. Activate F (concentrate) Trigger You deal damage to an off-guard creature with the affixed weapon This knot of copper wire reshapes itself in a new pattern every time its affixed weapon deals damage. When you activate the coil, the damaged creature must succeed at a @Check[will|dc:31] save or be @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.dfCMdR4wnpbYNTix]{Stunned 1}. If it critically fails, it instead becomes @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.dfCMdR4wnpbYNTix]{Stunned 2}. Activate F (concentrate) Trigger You deal damage to an @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.AJh5ex99aV6VTggg]{Off-Guard} creature with the affixed weapon This knot of copper wire reshapes itself in a new pattern every time its affixed weapon deals damage. When you activate the coil, the damaged creature must succeed at a @Check[will|dc:31] save or be @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.dfCMdR4wnpbYNTix]{Stunned 1}. If it critically fails, it instead becomes @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.dfCMdR4wnpbYNTix]{Stunned 2}. Activate F (concentrate) Trigger Your Strike damages a target Made from a treated sliver of cold iron, this talisman allows you to counteract magical effects. When you activate the dispelling sliver, it attempts to counteract a single spell active on the target (counteract modifier +29), with the effects of an 8th-rank @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.9HpwDN4MYQJnW0LG]{Dispel Magic} spell. If you activate the talisman on a successful Dispelling Slice, the talisman attempts to counteract all spells active on the target, in addition to your attempt from Dispelling Slice. Activate F (concentrate) Trigger Your Strike damages a target Made from a treated sliver of cold iron, this talisman allows you to counteract magical effects. When you activate the dispelling sliver, it attempts to counteract a single spell active on the target (counteract modifier [[/r 1d20+29 #Counteract]]{+29}), with the effects of an 8th-rank @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.9HpwDN4MYQJnW0LG]{Dispel Magic} spell. If you activate the talisman on a successful @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.6AXAJuMEMpxU27PJ]{Dispelling Slice}, the talisman attempts to counteract all spells active on the target, in addition to your attempt from Dispelling Slice. This item consists of two magically linked rings: an intricate, gleaming golden ring with a square-cut ruby, and a thick, plain iron ring. When you wield a melee weapon in the hand wearing the golden ring, the weapon's fundamental runes are replicated onto any melee weapon you wield in the hand wearing the iron ring. (The fundamental runes are weapon potency and striking, which add an item bonus to attack rolls and extra weapon damage dice, respectively.) Any fundamental runes on the weapon in the hand wearing the iron ring are suppressed. The replication functions only if you wear both rings, and it ends as soon as you cease wielding a melee weapon in one of your hands. Consequently, the benefit doesn't apply to thrown attacks or if you're holding a weapon but not wielding it (such as holding in one hand a weapon that requires two hands to wield). The rings also replicate property runes from the weapon in the gold-ringed hand, so long as the weapon in the iron-ringed hand meets all the prerequisites for a given rune and is not a specific weapon. The weapon in the iron-ringed hand gains the benefits of those runes. All its own runes are suppressed. When you invest the rings, you can elect for the rings to transfer only fundamental runes, in which case they function as standard doubling rings. This dragon-themed half-mask helps you to navigate through darkness and to notice things from afar—such as helping to find seats in a theater after a show begins, or to pick up details from a show even if you're seated in the back row! You gain a +3 item bonus to Perception checks and never take a penalty to Perception checks based on distance or weather. You gain darkvision, or greater darkvision if you have darkvision. When you invest in the mask you either increase your Wisdom score by 2 or increase it to 18, whichever would give you a higher score. If you are unholy, you become @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.XgEqL1kFApUbl5Z2]{Blinded} as long as you wear the mask. Activate—Dragons See the Truth r (concentrate) Frequency once per hour Trigger You fail a saving throw against an illusion effect Effect The mask attempts to counteract the triggering illusion with a counteract rank of 9 and a counteract modifier of [[/r 1d20+31 #Counteract]]{+31}. You then gain the effects of truesight for 1 minute. This glass bottle appears to be a dragon's breath potion of a specific dragon type (usually red) but has been polluted, making it toxic to use. Activate 1 Interact Effect You drink from the bottle and must succeed at a @Check[fortitude|dc:25] saving throw or become @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.fesd1n5eVhpCSS18]{Sickened 1} (@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.fesd1n5eVhpCSS18]{Sickened 2} on a critical failure) and immediately vomit the potion directly onto yourself, taking damage as though you had failed a save against a standard dragon's breath potion. If you succeed at your Fortitude save, you become sickened 1 but otherwise are able to unleash a breath weapon as normal for a dragon's breath potion of the appropriate type. Usage affixed to a firearm or crossbow Activate f envision Trigger You attempt an attack roll with the affixed firearm or crossbow Requirements You're trained in use of the affixed firearm or crossbow. This simple brass shell casing contains trace amounts of alchemical ingredients and is usually attached to the underside of the affixed weapon's barrel. When activated, it causes the ammunition fired from the affixed weapon to transform into your choice of acid, cold, electricity, or fire, dealing damage of the appropriate energy type instead of its usual damage as well as 1d6 persistent damage of the same type on a critical hit. @UUID[]{Effect: Energized Cartridge (Acid)} @UUID[]{Effect: Energized Cartridge (Cold)} @UUID[]{Effect: Energized Cartridge (Electricity)} @UUID[]{Effect: Energized Cartridge (Fire)} Usage affixed to a firearm or crossbow Activate f envision Trigger You attempt an attack roll with the affixed firearm or crossbow Requirements You're trained in use of the affixed firearm or crossbow. This simple brass shell casing contains trace amounts of alchemical ingredients and is usually attached to the underside of the affixed weapon's barrel. When activated, it causes the ammunition fired from the affixed weapon to transform into your choice of acid, cold, electricity, or fire, dealing damage of the appropriate energy type instead of its usual damage as well as 1d6 persistent damage of the same type on a critical hit. @UUID[]{Effect: Energized Cartridge} The magic within this wooden shield (Hardness 3, HP 12, BT 6) lashes out at your foes as the shield is destroyed. Activate F Interact Trigger The exploding shield is destroyed Activate—Splintering Boom f (manipulate) Trigger The exploding shield is destroyed Effect The shield explodes outward, dealing @Damage[4d6[piercing]] damage to each creature in a @Template[cone|distance:15] (@Check[reflex|dc:19|basic] save). The magic within this wooden shield (Hardness 3, HP 12, BT 6) lashes out at your foes as the shield is destroyed. Activate—Splintering Boom f (manipulate) Trigger The exploding shield is destroyed Effect The shield explodes outward, dealing @Damage[4d6[piercing]] damage to each creature in a @Template[cone|distance:15] (@Check[reflex|dc:19|basic] save). Activate 2 (concentrate) Dark smoke seems to writhe within this obsidian gem. When you activate the gem, make a melee Strike. If you hit and deal damage, the target is @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.TBSHQspnbcqxsmjL]{Frightened 1}, or @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.TBSHQspnbcqxsmjL]{Frightened 2} on a critical hit. If you have the Intimidating Strike feat, increase the frightened condition value caused by the Strike to @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.TBSHQspnbcqxsmjL]{Frightened 2}, or @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.TBSHQspnbcqxsmjL]{Frightened 3} on a critical hit. Activate 2 (concentrate) Dark smoke seems to writhe within this obsidian gem. When you activate the gem, make a melee Strike. If you hit and deal damage, the target is @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.TBSHQspnbcqxsmjL]{Frightened 1}, or @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.TBSHQspnbcqxsmjL]{Frightened 2} on a critical hit. If you have the @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.lkcM4V3VDAtjlR9P]{Intimidating Strike} feat, increase the frightened condition value caused by the Strike to @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.TBSHQspnbcqxsmjL]{Frightened 2}, or @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.TBSHQspnbcqxsmjL]{Frightened 3} on a critical hit. Usage affixed to armor Activate A (concentrate) This piece of bronzite is shaped like an oval with points at both ends. It has a carved flame at its center and is traditionally worn over the heart. You can activate only one flame navette per day. When you activate the navette, you gain the benefit of the fighter's @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.wdkbfWKEjAFXAxto]{Determination} class feat, with a counteract rank of 8 and a counteract modifier of [[/r 1d20+22 #Counteract]]{+22}. If you have the @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.wdkbfWKEjAFXAxto]{Determination} feat, you can use your own modifier if it's better. Usage affixed to armor Activate A (concentrate) This piece of bronzite is shaped like an oval with points at both ends. It has a carved flame at its center and is traditionally worn over the heart. You can activate only one flame navette per day. When you activate the navette, you gain the benefit of the fighter's @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.wdkbfWKEjAFXAxto]{Determination} class feat, with a counteract rank of 8 and a counteract modifier of [[/r 1d20+22 #Counteract]]{+22}. If you have the Determination feat, you can use your own modifier if it's better. Activate 1 Interact Threads of iridescent golden silk wrap around the core of this magical sling stone. When you activate and shoot a golden chrysalis, rather than making an attack roll for your Strike, you cause the chrysalis to unwind in midair to reveal a magical butterfly that flies in a @Template[line|distance:30], scattering golden scale dust that hangs in the air for 1 minute. A creature that enters or begins its turn in the dust must attempt a @Check[reflex|dc:19|name:Avoid Golden Chrysalis|showDC:all] or have its @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.zJxUflt9np0q4yML]{Invisiblity} negated, becoming @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.DmAIPqOBomZ7H95W]{Concealed} instead of invisible. This effect applies both if the creature was already invisible and if it benefits from any new invisibility effects before the end of the invisibility negation effect from the golden chrysalis. Critical Success The target is unaffected. Success The target's invisibility is negated for 2 rounds. Failure The target is @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.TkIyaNPgTZFBCCuh]{Dazzled} for 1 minute and its invisibility is negated for 1 minute. These golden-threaded gloves fit snuggly past the elbows, and imbue all other worn clothing with an aristocratic mien. The gloves grant you a +3 item bonus to Society skill checks. When you invest the gloves, you either increase your Intelligence score by 2 or increase it to 18, whichever would give you a higher score. This gives you additional trained skills and languages, as normal for increasing your Intelligence modifier. You must select skills and languages the first time you invest the gloves, and whenever you invest the same golden gloves, you get the same skills and languages you chose the first time. If you are unholy, you become @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.MIRkyAjyBeXivMa7]{Enfeebled 2} when invested in these gloves. Activate—Heaven's Wings 2 (manipulate, visual) Frequency once per hour Effect You throw wide your arms, putting the golden gloves on full display and causing a blazing halo to form above your head. All enemies within a 40-feet emanation must make a @Check[fortitude|dc:41] save or be @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.TkIyaNPgTZFBCCuh]{Dazzled} for 1 minute (or @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.XgEqL1kFApUbl5Z2]{Blinded} for 1 minute on critical failure). Unholy creatures take a –2 item penalty to their roll. The halo then melts into your body and attempts to counteract any one affliction you are currently suffering of your choice with a counteract rank of 9 and a counteract modifier of [[/r 1d20+31 #Counteract]]{+31}. This life-sized, hollow, golden goose statuette has an open, fanged mouth and an unsettling aura of hunger. Fiends sometimes present it as a gift to mortals whose greed makes them susceptible to temptation. While the golden goose can be used without malice, those who possess such a thing often find its glittering lure erodes their morals over time. Activate Interact Frequency once per day Effect You feed the goose the warm, still-bloody heart of any sapient, non-evil creature who died within the past hour. The golden goose's eyes flare red as it chews the heart into pulp. Once the heart is destroyed, the goose lays a golden egg worth 50 gp, or 100 gp if you murdered the creature for no reason other than to feed the goose. After 12 such eggs are laid, the next time you activate the golden goose, it transmutes your heart to gold. This effect functions as @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.znv4ECL7ZtuiagtA]{Petrify}, with a @Check[fortitude|dc:30] save to resist. If you become petrified, you turn to solid, transparent stone. Your heart becomes a golden egg worth 100 gp, which can be retrieved only by shattering your body. Whether or not you turn to stone, the golden goose dissipates with a honk into sulfurous smoke. While nothing created by the Ash Cult could be considered mass-produced, this +1 striking ruinous hand cannon is by far their most popular design. The sleek body and intricate carving work make it a favorite accessory of certain aristocrats. The carving isn't merely decorative, however. Rather than a traditional maker's mark, Ornmarr etches excerpts of unreadable text onto each creation, hoping that one day his weapons will sing to another as the silver crystal once sang to him. Activate 2 envision, Interact Frequency once per hour; Effect You fire a bolt of void energy, dealing @Damage[2d8[void]|traits:area-damage] damage to all creatures in a @Template[line|distance:60] (@Check[reflex|basic|dc:24] saving throw). Creatures who critically fail their saving throw also take @Damage[1[persistent,void]] damage for 1 minute. This black cape flows more like a vaporous liquid than fabric. The cape grants you a +3 item bonus to Stealth checks. When you invest the cape, you either increase your Dexterity score by 2 or increase it to 18, whichever is higher. Activate R Interact Frequency once per hour Trigger A creature misses you with an attack Effect Attempt a Stealth check against the triggering creature's Perception DC. If you roll a success, you're @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.iU0fEDdBp3rXpTMC]{Hidden} from that creature until the end of your next turn or until right after you use a hostile action against that creature. If you roll a critical success, you're hidden from that creature until the end of your next turn, even if you use hostile actions against that creature. Activate 2 Interact Frequency once per day Effect With a twirl of the cape, you transform yourself into a puff of gray smoke. You cast @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.V8wXOsoejQhe6CyG]{Vapor Form} on yourself. Once restored, Graymist gains these activations. Activate—Diverting Reveal Frequency once per hour Effect Graymist manifests a dangerous-looking assassin, who appears to step out out of hiding at any point you can sense within 60 feet. This allows Graymist to @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.GkmbTGfg8KcgynOA]{Create a Diversion} using his Deception skill, but the closest creature to where the Diverting Reveal appears must attempt a @Check[will|dc:44] save or become so startled by the assassin's sudden appearance that they become @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.dfCMdR4wnpbYNTix]{Stunned 3} (or stunned 6 on a critical failure). The assassin vanishes a moment after the diverting reveal, appearing to go back into hiding. Activate—Traceless Retreat Frequency once per day Effect Graymist casts mislead on yourself and up to three other targets of your choice within 30 feet. Graymist sustains this effect up to 1 minute, during which you cannot activate Graymist and Graymist cannot take any other actions. This snare releases a stream of grease that coats the area, making movement difficult and potentially making the target slippery and clumsy. The square with the snare, as well as three adjacent squares you determine when you set the snare, become difficult terrain when a creature triggers the snare. The triggering creature must attempt a @Check[reflex|dc:22] saving throw. A creature can use three Interact actions to wipe away the grease from a single square or from the triggering creature; removing the grease from the triggering creature ends the effects on it. Critical Success The creature is unaffected. Success The creature is @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.i3OJZU2nk64Df3xm]{Clumsy 1} for 1 round. Failure For 1 minute, the creature is clumsy 1 and must roll twice and use the worse result whenever attempting a Thievery check. If the target rolls a failure at a Thievery check, it gets a critical failure instead. This is a misfortune effect. Critical Failure As failure, but the effects last for 1 hour instead of 1 minute, and removing the grease from the triggering creature requires a 1-minute activity instead of three Interact actions. This set of +2 greater striking flaming feng huo lun is warm to the touch and wreathed in the bright red and orange glow of a constantly flickering flame. While wielded, you gain cold resistance 2, and you treat the effects of environmental cold as one degree lower. Heavenly rolling flames can be Activated only if you wield two of them, and Activating them counts against the frequency for both weapons. Activate—Rolling Flight 2 (concentrate) Frequency once per hour Effect You attach the wheels to your feet, and their constant movement and energy allow you to move through the air. You gain a fly Speed of 20 feet for 10 minutes. While in use in this way, you can't wield the wheels as weapons. You can spend an Interact action at any time to end this effect and re-grip the heavenly rolling flames. If you lack enough free hands to wield them, you drop them in your space. Activate—Speed of Heaven 2 (manipulate) Frequency once per day Effect You cast @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.o6YCGx4lycsYpww4]{Haste} as a 3rd-rank occult spell, but you can target only yourself. This set of +2 greater striking flaming feng huo lun is warm to the touch and wreathed in the bright red and orange glow of a constantly flickering flame. While wielded, you gain cold resistance 2, and you treat the effects of environmental cold as one degree lower. Heavenly rolling flames can be Activated only if you wield two of them, and Activating them counts against the frequency for both weapons. Activate—Rolling Flight 2 (concentrate) Frequency once per hour Effect You attach the wheels to your feet, and their constant movement and energy allow you to move through the air. You gain a fly Speed of 20 feet for 10 minutes. While in use in this way, you can't wield the wheels as weapons. You can spend an Interact action at any time to end this effect and re-grip the heavenly rolling flames. If you lack enough free hands to wield them, you drop them in your space. @UUID[]{Effect: Rolling Flight} Activate—Speed of Heaven 2 (manipulate) Frequency once per day Effect You cast @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.o6YCGx4lycsYpww4]{Haste} as a 3rd-rank occult spell, but you can target only yourself. This suit of +2 resilient chain mail is made of fine white links of a strange and slightly translucent pale metal, and the sleeves and skirt are fashioned into smaller trails that resemble feathers. Unlike normal chain mail, holy chain has no Speed reduction, its armor check penalty is 0, and its Bulk is 1. You gain a +1 circumstance bonus to AC and saving throws against fiends. You appear radiant while you wear the armor, giving you a +2 item bonus to Diplomacy checks against all creatures except fiends. If you're unholy, you're @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.4D2KBtexWXa6oUMR]{Drained 2} while wearing holy chain. You can't recover from this condition while wearing the armor. Activate—Celestial Flight 1 (concentrate) Frequency once per day Effect The armor sprouts glowing wings that grant you a fly Speed of 30 feet. The wings shed bright light in a 40-foot radius (and dim light to the next 40 feet). The wings fade away after 10 minutes. @UUID[]{Effect: Holy Chain} Craft Requirements You're holy. This suit of +2 resilient chain mail is made of fine white links of a strange and slightly translucent pale metal, and the sleeves and skirt are fashioned into smaller trails that resemble feathers. Unlike normal chain mail, holy chain has no Speed reduction, its armor check penalty is 0, and its Bulk is 1. You gain a +1 circumstance bonus to AC and saving throws against fiends. You appear radiant while you wear the armor, giving you a +2 item bonus to Diplomacy checks against all creatures except fiends. If you're unholy, you're @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.4D2KBtexWXa6oUMR]{Drained 2} while wearing holy chain. You can't recover from this condition while wearing the armor. Activate—Celestial Flight 1 (concentrate) Frequency once per day Effect The armor sprouts glowing wings that grant you a fly Speed of 30 feet. The wings shed bright light in a 40-foot radius (and dim light to the next 40 feet). The wings fade away after 10 minutes. @UUID[]{Effect: Holy Chain} Craft Requirements You're holy. Usage affixed to armor Activate F (concentrate) Trigger An undetected enemy hits you with an attack Requirements You are trained in Survival. This talisman is a ring of dried, interwoven pieces of straw. When you activate the hunter's bane, you sense the exact location of the attacker. It becomes observed by you if it was @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.iU0fEDdBp3rXpTMC]{Hidden} from you or becomes hidden from you if it was undetected. If the attacker is behind lead, the hunter's bane has no effect. Usage affixed to armor Activate F (concentrate) Trigger A @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.iU0fEDdBp3rXpTMC]{Hidden} or @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.VRSef5y1LmL2Hkjf]{Undetected} enemy hits you with an attack Requirements You are trained in Survival This talisman is a ring of dried, interwoven pieces of straw. When you activate the hunter's bane, you sense the exact location of the attacker. It becomes @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.1wQY3JYyhMYeeV2G]{Observed} by you if it was hidden from you or becomes hidden from you if it was undetected. If the attacker is behind lead, the hunter's bane has no effect. Activate 2 (concentrate) This cube of blackened iron is affixed to a weapon with an iron chain. When you activate the cube, make a melee Strike. If it hits and deals damage, you can attempt an Athletics check to @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.ge56Lu1xXVFYUnLP]{Trip} the creature you hit. If this knocks the target @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.j91X7x0XSomq8d60]{Prone}, the target takes @Damage[2d6[bludgeoning]] damage from the force of the impact. If you're wielding a two-handed melee weapon, you can ignore Trip's requirement that you have a free hand. Both attacks count toward your multiple attack penalty, but the penalty doesn't increase until after you've made both of them. If you have the Knockdown feat, ignore the normal size restrictions for the trip and increase the damage dice if you knock the target prone to the damage die of your weapon if it's higher than d6. Activate 2 (concentrate) This cube of blackened iron is affixed to a weapon with an iron chain. When you activate the cube, make a melee Strike. If it hits and deals damage, you can attempt an Athletics check to @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.ge56Lu1xXVFYUnLP]{Trip} the creature you hit. If this knocks the target @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.j91X7x0XSomq8d60]{Prone}, the target takes @Damage[2d6[bludgeoning]] damage from the force of the impact. If you're wielding a two-handed melee weapon, you can ignore Trip's requirement that you have a free hand. Both attacks count toward your multiple attack penalty, but the penalty doesn't increase until after you've made both of them. If you have the @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.39CqlOzlHjEhh0E4]{Slam Down} feat, ignore the normal size restrictions for the trip and increase the damage dice if you knock the target prone to the damage die of your weapon if it's higher than d6. Usage affixed to a melee weapon Activate A (manipulate) This miniature club is typically affixed to a weapon by an iron chain. When you activate the cudgel, you use @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.tGXJU6yx7bYuyLvd]{Brutal Finish}, as the fighter feat. You must meet the normal requirements, including those of the press trait. If you have the @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.tGXJU6yx7bYuyLvd]{Brutal Finish} feat, add an additional weapon damage die on a success or a failure to the normal results. Usage affixed to a melee weapon Activate A (manipulate) This miniature club is typically affixed to a weapon by an iron chain. When you activate the cudgel, you use @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.tGXJU6yx7bYuyLvd]{Brutal Finish}, as the fighter feat. You must meet the normal requirements, including those of the press trait. If you have the Brutal Finish feat, add an additional weapon damage die on a success or a failure to the normal results. Usage affixed to a weapon Activate A (manipulate) This small iron band has a shifting weight that helps equalize the affixed weapon's balance. When you activate it, you use @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.h5DzKmKDADGhvmF9]{Certain Strike}, as the fighter feat. You must meet the normal requirements, including those of the press trait. If you have the @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.h5DzKmKDADGhvmF9]{Certain Strike} feat, the failure effect increases to deal the weapon's normal damage. Usage affixed to a weapon Activate A (manipulate) This small iron band has a shifting weight that helps equalize the affixed weapon's balance. When you activate it, you use @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.h5DzKmKDADGhvmF9]{Certain Strike}, as the fighter feat. You must meet the normal requirements, including those of the press trait. If you have the Certain Strike feat, the failure effect increases to deal the weapon's normal damage. Activate F (concentrate) Trigger You fall or attempt an Acrobatics check to Balance Requirements You are trained in Acrobatics A thumb-sized feline carved of rare stone, the jade cat is typically worn as a pendant upon a suit of armor. For 1 minute after you activate the cat, you treat all falls as 20 feet shorter, you are not off-guard when you Balance, and narrow surfaces and uneven ground are not difficult terrain for you. Activate F (concentrate) Trigger You fall or attempt an Acrobatics check to @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.M76ycLAqHoAgbcej]{Balance} Requirements You are trained in Acrobatics A thumb-sized feline carved of rare stone, the jade cat is typically worn as a pendant upon a suit of armor. For 1 minute after you activate the cat, you treat all falls as 20 feet shorter, you are not @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.AJh5ex99aV6VTggg]{Off-Guard} when you Balance, and narrow surfaces and uneven ground are not difficult terrain for you. Activate f envision Trigger You Strike with the affixed weapon Requirements You're trained in the affixed weapon. This small lump of clay is malleable and can be molded into innumerable shapes and forms. When affixed, the clay takes on the appearance of the affixed weapon. When activated, the affixed weapon gains the versatile bludgeoning, versatile piercing, and versatile slashing weapon traits for the triggering Strike and all other attacks for 1 minute. With each attack, the clay changes shape, taking on the appearance of a different weapon that deals damage of the chosen damage type. Activate f envision Trigger You Strike with the affixed weapon Requirements You're trained in the affixed weapon. This small lump of clay is malleable and can be molded into innumerable shapes and forms. When affixed, the clay takes on the appearance of the affixed weapon. When activated, the affixed weapon gains the versatile bludgeoning, versatile piercing, and versatile slashing weapon traits for the triggering Strike and all other attacks for 1 minute. With each attack, the clay changes shape, taking on the appearance of a different weapon that deals damage of the chosen damage type. @UUID[]{Effect: Malleable Clay} Activate A (concentrate) This small brass pin is shaped like a monkey climbing a tree. When you activate this talisman, use a Climb action with a +1 item bonus on the check. On this check and until the end of your turn, if you succeed on an Athletics check to Climb, you move your full Speed during the Climb. If you roll a critical failure, you get a failure instead. Activate A (concentrate) This small brass pin is shaped like a monkey climbing a tree. When you activate this talisman, use a @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.pprgrYQ1QnIDGZiy]{Climb} action with a +1 item bonus on the check. On this check and until the end of your turn, if you succeed on an Athletics check to Climb, you move your full Speed during the Climb. If you roll a critical failure, you get a failure instead. Activate A (concentrate) This talisman is the magically treated corpse of a tiny bat bound in papyrus. When activated, the affixed weapon detects vibrations around you and guides your perception. For 1 minute, you don't need to succeed at a flat check to target @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.DmAIPqOBomZ7H95W]{Concealed} creatures. You're not @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.AJh5ex99aV6VTggg]{Off-Guard} to creatures that are @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.iU0fEDdBp3rXpTMC]{Hidden} from you (unless you're off-guard to them for reasons other than the hidden condition), and you need only a successful @Check[flat|dc:5] to target a hidden creature. While you're adjacent to an undetected creature of your level or lower, it's instead only hidden from you. If you have the Blind-Fight feat, you gain imprecise echolocation with a range of 30 feet for 1 minute. This makes creatures that would be undetected by you because you can't see them hidden instead. Activate A (concentrate) This talisman is the magically treated corpse of a tiny bat bound in papyrus. When activated, the affixed weapon detects vibrations around you and guides your perception. For 1 minute, you don't need to succeed at a flat check to target @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.DmAIPqOBomZ7H95W]{Concealed} creatures. You're not @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.AJh5ex99aV6VTggg]{Off-Guard} to creatures that are @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.iU0fEDdBp3rXpTMC]{Hidden} from you (unless you're off-guard to them for reasons other than the hidden condition), and you need only a successful @Check[flat|dc:5] to target a hidden creature. While you're adjacent to an undetected creature of your level or lower, it's instead only hidden from you. If you have the @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.y2XeMe1F18lIyo59]{Blind-Fight} feat, you gain imprecise echolocation with a range of 30 feet for 1 minute. This makes creatures that would be undetected by you because you can't see them hidden instead. @UUID[]{Effect: Mummified Bat} Activate F (concentrate) Trigger You damage an off-guard creature with a Strike using the Affixed weapon This black strand of leather is tied to look like a peace knot when the weapon is stowed, but it doesn't hamper drawing the weapon. When you activate the knot, the creature you damaged takes @Damage[1d6[bleed]] and is off-guard until the bleed ends. If you have the Twist the Knife feat, the talisman instead deals persistent bleed damage equal to your sneak attack damage. Activate F (concentrate) Trigger You damage an @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.AJh5ex99aV6VTggg]{Off-Guard} creature with a Strike using the affixed weapon This black strand of leather is tied to look like a peace knot when the weapon is worn, but it doesn't hamper drawing the weapon. When you activate the knot, the creature you damaged takes @Damage[1d6[bleed]] damage and is off-guard until the bleed ends. If you have the @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.5Jc2ySGLVi053qpz]{Twist the Knife} feat, the talisman instead deals persistent bleed damage equal to your sneak attack damage. Activate 1 (manipulate) Upon imbibing this potion, you take on the appearance of a specific type of creature for [[/br 2d12 #hours]]{2d12 hours}. The type of creature is determined when the potion is created. For example, you might have a potion of elf disguise or potion of frog disguise. Drinking the potion doesn't impart the knowledge of how long the effect lasts; the GM rolls the duration in secret. The disguise doesn't change your traits or statistics, nor does it give you any of the special abilities of the creature you're imitating. It might affect what items you can hold or wear (for example, your new form might lack opposable thumbs). The potion shrinks you down to a minimum of size Tiny, or increases your size if the creature is larger than you, to a maximum of Large. This does not change any of your statistics, with the exception of reducing your reach to 0 as a Tiny creature. The creature has to be of a specific kind, such as \"leopard\" or \"lion\" rather than just \"cat\", or \"fire giant\" or \"ogre\" rather than just \"giant\", but the potion can't cause you to mimic a specific individual creature. The effects of this potion use the same rules as the @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.AJstokjdG6iDjVjE]{Impersonate} activity of Deception. Onlookers always assume you're the chosen type of creature unless they're actively Seeking. You gain a +4 status bonus to your Deception DC against such Perception checks and add your level even if untrained. Craft Requirements Initial raw materials must include a bit of blood, hair, or flesh of the creature the potion will allow the drinker to imitate. Activate 1 (manipulate) Upon imbibing this potion, you take on the appearance of a specific type of creature for [[/br 2d12 #hours]]{2d12 hours}. The type of creature is determined when the potion is created. For example, you might have a potion of elf disguise or potion of frog disguise. Drinking the potion doesn't impart the knowledge of how long the effect lasts; the GM rolls the duration in secret. The disguise doesn't change your traits or statistics, nor does it give you any of the special abilities of the creature you're imitating. It might affect what items you can hold or wear (for example, your new form might lack opposable thumbs). The potion shrinks you down to a minimum of size Tiny, or increases your size if the creature is larger than you, to a maximum of Large. This does not change any of your statistics, with the exception of reducing your reach to 0 as a Tiny creature. The creature has to be of a specific kind, such as \"leopard\" or \"lion\" rather than just \"cat\", or \"fire giant\" or \"ogre\" rather than just \"giant\", but the potion can't cause you to mimic a specific individual creature. The effects of this potion use the same rules as the @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.AJstokjdG6iDjVjE]{Impersonate} activity of Deception. Onlookers always assume you're the chosen type of creature unless they're actively Seeking. You gain a +4 status bonus to your Deception DC against such Perception checks and add your level even if untrained. Craft Requirements Initial raw materials must include a bit of blood, hair, or flesh of the creature the potion will allow the drinker to imitate. Activate F (concentrate) Trigger You critically succeed at an attack roll with the affixed weapon This claw set in an iron clasp and chain is usually that of a large predator. When you activate the claw, the triggering attack gains the weapon's critical specialization effect. Activate F (concentrate) Trigger You critically succeed at an attack roll with the affixed weapon This claw set in an iron clasp and chain is usually that of a large predator. When you activate the claw, the triggering attack gains the weapon's critical specialization effect. @UUID[]{Effect: Predator's Claw} This gauzy purple veil is embroidered with symbols of divinatory significance. As your curse worsens, the veil ripples in an ever-increasing unseen wind. You gain a +2 item bonus to Religion checks. Activate—Remember the Future f (concentrate) Frequency once per day Effect You gain 1 Focus Point, which you can spend only to cast a revelation spell. If you don't spend this Focus Point by the end of this turn, it's lost. Activate—Twist the Skeins of Fate r (concentrate) Frequency once per day Trigger An ally within 30 feet is about to attempt a saving throw Requirements You have the cursebound condition Effect The ally gains a status bonus to the saving throw equal to the value of your cursebound condition. Craft Requirements You're an oracle. This gauzy purple veil is embroidered with symbols of divinatory significance. As your curse worsens, the veil ripples in an ever-increasing unseen wind. You gain a +2 item bonus to Religion checks. Activate—Remember the Future f (concentrate) Frequency once per day Effect You gain 1 Focus Point, which you can spend only to cast a revelation spell. If you don't spend this Focus Point by the end of this turn, it's lost. Activate—Twist the Skeins of Fate r (concentrate) Frequency once per day Trigger An ally within 30 feet is about to attempt a saving throw Requirements You have the @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.zXZjC8HLaRoLR17U]{Cursebound} condition Effect The ally gains a status bonus to the saving throw equal to the value of your cursebound condition. @UUID[]{Effect: Twist the Skeins of Fate} Craft Requirements You're an oracle. This gauzy purple veil is embroidered with symbols of divinatory significance. As your curse worsens, the veil ripples in an ever-increasing unseen wind. You gain a +3 item bonus to Religion checks. Activate—Remember the Future f (concentrate) Frequency once per day Effect You gain 1 Focus Point, which you can spend only to cast a revelation spell. If you don't spend this Focus Point by the end of this turn, it's lost. Activate—Twist the Skeins of Fate r (concentrate) Frequency once per day Trigger An ally within 30 feet is about to attempt a saving throw or is hit with an attack roll. Requirements You have the cursebound condition Effect The ally gains a status bonus to the saving throw equal to the value of your cursebound condition. Craft Requirements You're an oracle. This gauzy purple veil is embroidered with symbols of divinatory significance. As your curse worsens, the veil ripples in an ever-increasing unseen wind. You gain a +3 item bonus to Religion checks. Activate—Remember the Future f (concentrate) Frequency once per day Effect You gain 1 Focus Point, which you can spend only to cast a revelation spell. If you don't spend this Focus Point by the end of this turn, it's lost. Activate—Twist the Skeins of Fate r (concentrate) Frequency once per day Trigger An ally within 30 feet is about to attempt a saving throw or an attack roll Requirements You have the @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.zXZjC8HLaRoLR17U]{Cursebound} condition Effect The ally gains a status bonus to the saving throw or attack roll equal to the value of your cursebound condition. @UUID[]{Effect: Twist the Skeins of Fate} Craft Requirements You're an oracle. This liquid contains blood from a red dragon. For 1 hour after you imbibe the concoction, you can unleash a red dragon's breath weapon. The potency of the breath depends on the potion's type, based on the age of the dragon whose blood was used to make the potion. Exhaling dragon breath uses a single action. You create a @Template[cone|distance:15] of fire which deals @Damage[4d6[fire]|traits:area-damage] damage. All creatures in the area must attempt a @Check[reflex|dc:23|basic|name:Young Red Dragon's Breath Potion] save. After you use the breath weapon, you can't do so again for [[/r 1d4 #rounds]]{1d4 rounds}. An Red Hand's Satchel is a sturdy leather backpack with two compartments. The main section contains an extradimensional space equivalent to a @UUID[]{Spacious Pouch (Type IV)}, perfect for carrying bulkier alchemist equipment. A secondary partition can hold 2 Bulk of items, 1 of which doesn't count against your Bulk limit. This second compartment can also be activated (see below). Two shoulder straps and a thick belt for the waist hold the haversack on the wearer securely. These straps have pouches and loops for keeping alchemical items handy. They also contain magically expanded alchemist's tools that grant you a +2 item bonus to Crafting checks to create alchemical items. Water and undesirable material can't seep into the haversack, which cleans itself once per hour. When you reach in any part of the haversack, the item you sought is the first one you find. Also, the haversack preserves mundane ingredients, food, and drink inside, so they stay fresh indefinitely. This feature doesn't prolong the duration of magic or alchemical items. Activate 1 command Frequency once per day Requirements You gain batches of infused reagents during your daily preparations Effect You pull one additional batch of infused reagents from the satchel's secondary compartment. If you fail to use these reagents by the end of your next turn, they're lost. Craft Requirements You are an alchemist. Once restored, the satchel gains the following activation. Activate—Instant Alchemy Frequency once per hour Effect You name and then produce a common alchemical item of any level up to level 20 from the satchel's main compartment. This item has the infused trait and remains potent for 24 hours. Make a flat check with a DC equal to the alchemical item's level. On failure, you can't activate Red Hand's Satchel in this way until the next time you make your daily preparations. This small length of red thread is knotted six times, with a loop at each end so it can either be worn as a bracelet or anklet, or hung from a strap. Activate r envision Trigger You critically fail a save Effect The knot unties one of its six knots, altering your fate in the process. Treat your saving throw as if you failed the check rather than critically failed the check. This is a fortune effect. Once the sixth knot unties, it becomes a non-magical red thread. Shields with a retaliation rune use the impact of weapons to generate blasts of explosive force that counterattack foes. Activate F envision Frequency once per hour Trigger You Shield Block a melee Strike Effect You unleash force damage against the creature that made the triggering attack. This attack deals @Damage[8d4[force]] (@Check[reflex|dc:27|basic]). Retribution is a +3 greater striking keen shifting wounding war razor. Activate—Vengeful Slice 1 (manipulate) Frequency once per round Effect You make a Strike with Retribution against a target within 120 feet that you can see and who damaged you within the last minute, as if they were within reach. Once Retribution is restored, it becomes a +3 major striking keen shifting wounding war razor and gains the following additional activations. Activate—Cruel Cut Frequency once per day Effect Choose a target within 120 feet who you can see. That target must attempt a @Check[fortitude|dc:44] save. Critical Success The target is unaffected. Success The target takes @Damage[3d6[persistent,bleed]] damage. Failure As success, but one of their eyes is damaged, rendering them @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.TkIyaNPgTZFBCCuh]{Dazzled}. The target also becomes @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.4D2KBtexWXa6oUMR]{Drained 1}. The dazzled and drained condition are permanent until removed by cleanse affliction or a similar effect. Critical Failure As failure, but @Damage[6d6[persistent,bleed]] damage and the target is @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.XgEqL1kFApUbl5Z2]{Blinded} instead of dazzled, and @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.4D2KBtexWXa6oUMR]{Drained 2} instead of drained 1. If the target is ever reduced to 0 Hit Points or less while under this curse, they immediately die. Activate—Reflect Curse Frequency once per hour Trigger You are about to attempt a saving throw against a curse Effect If you succeed or critically succeed against the curse, it is reflected back to its source and it does not affect you; the source must then attempt a saving throw against the curse. The blade of this +1 greataxe bears a design of a human skull. Whenever a creature damages you with an attack, the skull changes its appearance to look like the face of that creature. You gain a +2 circumstance bonus to your next damage roll against that creature before the end of your next turn. Because the face reshapes each time you're damaged, you get the additional damage only if you attack the creature that damaged you most recently. Activate 1 Strike Each of these unassuming sacks contains enough rotting fruit to provide a fungus leshy with 1 week's worth of rations, along with clusters of stones to help press out the fruit's juices. When you Strike a creature with a sack of rotten fruit, the sack is consumed while the creature takes @Damage[1d4[bludgeoning]] damage and must attempt an @Check[fortitude|dc:15] save. On a failure, the creature is @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.fesd1n5eVhpCSS18]{Sickened 1}. The range increment of a thrown sack of rotten fruit is 20 feet. Lightning crackles from the wings flanking this helm, which is emblazoned with images of valkyries in the service of benevolent deities. You gain a +3 item bonus to Athletics checks and gain electricity resistance 20. When you invest in the helm, you either increase your Strength score by 2 or increase it to 18, whichever would give you a higher score. If you are unholy, you become @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.4D2KBtexWXa6oUMR]{Drained 2} as long as you wear the helm. Activate—Path of the Pegasus 10 minutes (concentrate) Frequency once per day Effect The sacred valkyrie helm casts interplanar teleport to your specifications. When you start this activation, each creature you target with this spell mounts a conjured pegasus who then carries them through reality to arrive at the specified location; each affected creature experiences the 10-minute activation as a kaleidoscopic ride through strange worlds and realities atop a pegasus's back. Activate—Storm's Arms 2 (concentrate, manipulate) Frequency once per day Effect The helm casts a 9th-rank weapon storm to your specifications. At your option, all damage caused by this spell is electricity damage—in this option, the duplicated weapons created by the spell appear to be made of lightning. Saddlebags come in a pair. Each can hold up to 3 Bulk of items, and the first 1 Bulk of items in each doesn't count against your mount's Bulk limit. The Bulk value given is for saddlebags worn by a mount. If you are carrying or stowing saddlebags, they count as 1 Bulk instead of light Bulk. Activate A (manipulate) Applying this filmy salve to a creature helps it overcome magical paralysis. The salve attempts to counteract the paralysis (counteract rank 3rd, counteract modifier +22) Activate A (manipulate) Applying this filmy salve to a creature helps it overcome magical paralysis. The salve attempts to counteract the paralysis (counteract rank 3rd, counteract modifier [[/r 1d20+22 #Counteract]]{+22}) Activate 1 (manipulate) Applying this filmy salve to a creature helps it overcome magical paralysis. If the creature is petrified, it returns to normal, and for removing paralysis, the salve's counteract modifier is +31 and its counteract rank is 6th. Activate 1 (manipulate) Applying this filmy salve to a creature helps it overcome magical paralysis. If the creature is petrified, it returns to normal, and for removing paralysis, the salve's counteract modifier is [[/r 1d20+31 #Counteract]]{+31} and its counteract rank is 6th. This clear crystal pendant contains a drop of blood from a sorcerer that expands and contracts as you cast spells. A sanguine pendant is associated with a specific sorcerer bloodline, and only sorcerers with that bloodline can invest this item. This item gains the trait matching the tradition of that bloodline. The pendant grants a +2 item bonus to both of your bloodline skills. Activate—Blood's Call f (concentrate) Frequency once per day Effect You gain 1 Focus Point, which you can spend only to cast a bloodline spell. If you don't spend this Focus Point by the end of this turn, it's lost. Craft Requirements You're a sorcerer with the associated bloodline. This clear crystal pendant contains a drop of blood from a sorcerer that expands and contracts as you cast spells. A sanguine pendant is associated with a specific sorcerer bloodline, and only sorcerers with that bloodline can invest this item. This item gains the trait matching the tradition of that bloodline. The pendant grants a +2 item bonus to both of your bloodline skills. Activate—Blood's Call f (concentrate) Frequency once per day Effect You gain 1 Focus Point, which you can spend only to cast a bloodline spell. If you don't spend this Focus Point by the end of this turn, it's lost. Craft Requirements You're a sorcerer with the associated bloodline. This clear crystal pendant contains a drop of blood from a sorcerer that expands and contracts as you cast spells. A sanguine pendant is associated with a specific sorcerer bloodline, and only sorcerers with that bloodline can invest this item. This item gains the trait matching the tradition of that bloodline. The pendant grants a +3 item bonus to both of your bloodline skills. Activate—Blood's Call f (concentrate) Frequency once per day Effect You gain 1 Focus Point, which you can spend only to cast a bloodline spell. If you don't spend this Focus Point by the end of this turn, it's lost. Craft Requirements You're a sorcerer with the associated bloodline. This clear crystal pendant contains a drop of blood from a sorcerer that expands and contracts as you cast spells. A sanguine pendant is associated with a specific sorcerer bloodline, and only sorcerers with that bloodline can invest this item. This item gains the trait matching the tradition of that bloodline. The pendant grants a +3 item bonus to both of your bloodline skills. Activate—Blood's Call f (concentrate) Frequency once per day Effect You gain 1 Focus Point, which you can spend only to cast a bloodline spell. If you don't spend this Focus Point by the end of this turn, it's lost. Craft Requirements You're a sorcerer with the associated bloodline. This humble sash can be worn around the waist or across the chest. A sash of prowess often bears a coloration or a pattern that represents the monastery in which you trained but can also sport religious symbology, such as the open hand of Irori. You gain a +2 item bonus to Acrobatics and Athletics skill checks. Activate—Effortless Mastery f (concentrate) Frequency once per day Trigger You succeed at an Acrobatics or Athletics skill check Effect You critically succeed instead. Activate—Reserves of Inner Strength f (concentrate) Frequency once per day Effect You gain 1 Focus Point, which you can spend only to cast a qi spell. If you don't spend this Focus Point by the end of this turn, it's lost. Craft Requirements You're a monk who can cast qi spells. This humble sash can be worn around the waist or across the chest. A sash of prowess often bears a coloration or a pattern that represents the monastery in which you trained but can also sport religious symbology, such as the open hand of Irori. You gain a +2 item bonus to Acrobatics and Athletics skill checks. Activate—Effortless Mastery f (concentrate) Frequency once per day Trigger You succeed at an Acrobatics or Athletics skill check Effect You critically succeed instead. Activate—Reserves of Inner Strength f (concentrate) Frequency once per day Effect You gain 1 Focus Point, which you can spend only to cast a qi spell. If you don't spend this Focus Point by the end of this turn, it's lost. Craft Requirements You're a monk who can cast qi spells. This humble sash can be worn around the waist or across the chest. A sash of prowess often bears a coloration or a pattern that represents the monastery in which you trained but can also sport religious symbology, such as the open hand of Irori. You gain a +3 item bonus to Acrobatics and Athletics skill checks. Activate—Effortless Mastery f (concentrate) Frequency once per day Trigger You succeed at an Acrobatics or Athletics skill check Effect You critically succeed instead. Activate—Reserves of Inner Strength f (concentrate) Frequency once per day Effect You gain 1 Focus Point, which you can spend only to cast a qi spell. If you don't spend this Focus Point by the end of this turn, it's lost. Craft Requirements You're a monk who can cast qi spells. This humble sash can be worn around the waist or across the chest. A sash of prowess often bears a coloration or a pattern that represents the monastery in which you trained but can also sport religious symbology, such as the open hand of Irori. You gain a +3 item bonus to Acrobatics and Athletics skill checks. Activate—Effortless Mastery f (concentrate) Frequency once per day Trigger You succeed at an Acrobatics or Athletics skill check Effect You critically succeed instead. Activate—Reserves of Inner Strength f (concentrate) Frequency once per day Effect You gain 1 Focus Point, which you can spend only to cast a qi spell. If you don't spend this Focus Point by the end of this turn, it's lost. Craft Requirements You're a monk who can cast qi spells. Activate F (concentrate) Trigger You attempt to Grab an Edge but haven't rolled This pyramid-shaped spike is attached to an armor's chest piece. When you activate the spike, it shoots a strand of force to help you gain purchase, giving you a +1 item bonus to the check. If you roll a success on the triggering attempt, you get a critical success instead. If you roll a critical failure, you get a failure instead. Activate F (concentrate) Trigger You attempt to @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.3yoajuKjwHZ9ApUY]{Grab an Edge} but haven't rolled This pyramid-shaped spike is attached to an armor's chest piece. When you activate the spike, it shoots a strand of force to help you gain purchase, giving you a +1 item bonus to the check. If you roll a success on the triggering attempt, you get a critical success instead. If you roll a critical failure, you get a failure instead. This obsidian ring allows you to partially warp your spells through the Shadow Plane, allowing them to strike directly at a target's body. Activate f (concentrate, spellshape) Effect If your next action is to Cast a Spell that requires a spell attack roll against Armor Class, choose Fortitude DC or Reflex DC. You make your spell attack roll against that defense instead of AC. If the spell has multiple targets, the choice of DC applies to all of them. This obsidian ring allows you to partially warp your spells through the Netherworld, allowing them to strike directly at a target's body. Activate f (concentrate, spellshape) Effect If your next action is to Cast a Spell that requires a spell attack roll against Armor Class, choose Fortitude DC or Reflex DC. You make your spell attack roll against that defense instead of AC. If the spell has multiple targets, the choice of DC applies to all of them. This oddly fuzzy buckler resembles the abdomen of a spider. Its defensive side is covered in fine hairs, and two small spinnerets protrude from the bottom of its rim. The spinnerets serve as +2 greater striking shield spikes. Activate 1 Command Frequency once per day Effect You animate the silkspinner's shield. Eight spider legs sprout from the shield's rim, granting you a climb Speed of 25 feet until the end of your next turn. Additionally, the spinnerets animate and produce silk for 1 minute. Successful shield bash Strikes made with the silkspinner's shield during this time entangle the target in silk. The target takes a -10-foot circumstance penalty to its Speeds for 1 round. If your Strike was a critical hit, the target becomes @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.eIcWbB5o3pP6OIMe]{Immobilized} for 1 round instead. Regardless, the target can attempt to Escape (DC 30) to end the effect early. @UUID[]{Effect: Silkspinner's Shield (Animated Strike)} @UUID[]{Effect: Silkspinner's Shield (Climb)} A silvanshee collar appears as a collar of prismatic cloth affixed with a tiny bell, but once worn on the body or affixed to your hair, a Tiny cat wearing a similar (but non-magical) collar appears at your feet. This cat is similar to a silvanshee agathion, but its stats are determined as if you gained the @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.6yPrvbSDaa8glLjn]{Pet} general feat. When you first invest the collar, you must name your silvanshee pet, then build its statistics as detailed in the Pet general feat. The silvanshee has a name (chosen by you) and a unique personality. Whenever you invest the same silvanshee collar, the silvanshee who appears is the same one you named and chose the first time. If you already have a pet, familiar, or other companion that uses the Pet feat, that pet can change its shape as an action to appear as a silvanshee agathion at will (while perhaps retaining some of your pet's cosmetic traits at your option), but this doesn't otherwise alter your existing pet's statistics. As long as you wear the silvanshee collar, you gain a +3 item bonus to Performance checks and a +2 circumstance bonus to Gather Information. When you invest it, you either increase your Charisma score by 2 or increase it to 18, whichever would give you a higher score. If you are unholy, you become @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.i3OJZU2nk64Df3xm]{Clumsy 2} as long as you wear the collar. Activate—Awww! r (concentrate, fortune, visual) Frequency once per hour Trigger You fail on an attempt to Lie or @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.OX4fy22hQgUHDr0q]{Make an Impression} Requirements Your pet can observe you Effect Your pet does something distracting or adorable at the precise moment you failed, allowing you to reroll the failed check and to use the result of your choice as the actual result. Silver weapons are a bane to creatures ranging from devils to werewolves. Silver items are less durable than steel items, and low-grade silver items are usually merely silver-plated. Also known as Ruyi Bang, this +3 major striking greater extending grievous bo staff is a legendary artifact wielded by the Monkey King, Sun Wukong. Unlike normal bo staves, the Staff of Sun Wukong is made of solid iron with two brilliant gold bands at either end. Activate—Meteor Slam 1 (concentrate, manipulate) Frequency once per day Effect You extend the staff with the force of a meteor, dealing @Damage[10d10[bludgeoning]] damage to a single creature within 120 feet and making it @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.MIRkyAjyBeXivMa7]{Enfeebled 1} for 1 day. All other creatures within 10 feet of the target (except the staff's wielder) take @Damage[8d10[sonic]] damage (@Check[reflex|dc:43|basic] save). Activate—Close at Hand f Effect It's said that Sun Wukong tucked this magical staff behind his ear during his travels. When not in use, the Staff of Sun Wukong shrinks to the size and weight of a needle or toothpick, making it highly concealable (+4 circumstance bonus to Stealth checks to hide it from sight). In this form, the item has negligible Bulk. You can Activate this ability again to return the staff to its normal size. Activate—Cloud Somersault 1 (manipulate) Effect You use the shapeshifting capabilities of this relic to propel yourself great distances. You @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.d5I6018Mci2SWokk]{Leap} up to 50 feet in any direction. Destruction Despite being made of iron and gold, mundane heat sources can't damage the Staff of Sun Wukong. Magical fire similarly has no effect on this relic. The only way to destroy this item is to expose it to the intense heat of a specific volcano in the depths of the Songil Sea (though which volcano remains shrouded in myth). Also known as Ruyi Bang, this +3 major striking greater extending grievous bo staff is a legendary artifact wielded by the Monkey King, Sun Wukong. Unlike normal bo staves, the Staff of Sun Wukong is made of solid iron with two brilliant gold bands at either end. Activate—Meteor Slam 1 (concentrate, manipulate) Frequency once per day Effect You extend the staff with the force of a meteor, dealing @Damage[10d10[bludgeoning]] damage to a single creature within 120 feet and making it @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.MIRkyAjyBeXivMa7]{Enfeebled 1} for 1 day. All other creatures within 10 feet of the target (except the staff's wielder) take @Damage[8d10[sonic]|options:area-damage] damage (@Check[reflex|dc:43|basic] save). Activate—Close at Hand f Effect It's said that Sun Wukong tucked this magical staff behind his ear during his travels. When not in use, the Staff of Sun Wukong shrinks to the size and weight of a needle or toothpick, making it highly concealable (+4 circumstance bonus to Stealth checks to hide it from sight). In this form, the item has negligible Bulk. You can Activate this ability again to return the staff to its normal size. Activate—Cloud Somersault 1 (manipulate) Effect You use the shapeshifting capabilities of this relic to propel yourself great distances. You @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.d5I6018Mci2SWokk]{Leap} up to 50 feet in any direction. Destruction Despite being made of iron and gold, mundane heat sources can't damage the Staff of Sun Wukong. Magical fire similarly has no effect on this relic. The only way to destroy this item is to expose it to the intense heat of a specific volcano in the depths of the Songil Sea (though which volcano remains shrouded in myth). You rig a snare to disorient a creature with a quick bash, leaving it with little ability to defend itself. The trap deals @Damage[10d6[bludgeoning]] damage to the first creature to enter its square; that creature must attempt a @Check[reflex|dc:32] save. Critical Success The creature is unaffected. Success The creature takes half damage and is @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.AJh5ex99aV6VTggg]{Off-Guard} for 1 round and @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.dfCMdR4wnpbYNTix]{Stunned 1}. Failure The creature takes full damage and is off-guard for 1 round and @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.dfCMdR4wnpbYNTix]{Stunned 2}. Critical Failure The creature takes double damage and is off-guard for 1 minute and @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.dfCMdR4wnpbYNTix]{Stunned 4}. You rig a snare to disorient a creature with a quick bash, leaving it with little ability to defend itself. The trap deals @Damage[10d6[bludgeoning]] damage to the first creature to enter its square; that creature must attempt a @Check[reflex|dc:32] save. Critical Success The creature is unaffected. Success The creature takes half damage and is @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.AJh5ex99aV6VTggg]{Off-Guard} for 1 round and @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.dfCMdR4wnpbYNTix]{Stunned 1}. Failure The creature takes full damage and is off-guard for 1 round and @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.dfCMdR4wnpbYNTix]{Stunned 2}. Critical Failure The creature takes double damage and is off-guard for 1 minute and @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.dfCMdR4wnpbYNTix]{Stunned 4}. Activate R (concentrate) Trigger You would take damage from a physical attack while you are wielding the affixed shield This clear quartz cabochon attaches to the center of your shield. When you activate the cabochon, use the Shield Block reaction even if you don't have the shield raised and even if you don't normally have that reaction. Increase the shield's Hardness by 5 against the triggering attack. The shield remains raised after the block. @UUID[]{Effect: Swift Block Cabochon} Activate R (concentrate) Trigger You would take damage from a physical attack while you are wielding the affixed shield This clear quartz cabochon attaches to the center of your shield. When you activate the cabochon, use the @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.jM72TjJ965jocBV8]{Shield Block} reaction even if you don't have the shield raised and even if you don't normally have that reaction. Increase the shield's Hardness by 5 against the triggering attack. The shield remains raised after the block. @UUID[]{Effect: Swift Block Cabochon} Activate 1 (manipulate) This thin golden candle bears the symbol of a specific deity emblazoned on its surface, surrounded by the iconography of that deity's faith. A taper of sanctification must be dedicated to a deity who can be sanctified to holy or unholy, and has the corresponding trait. If the deity's sanctification lists both options, the crafter must choose one when the candle is made. Once lit, this candle burns for 1 hour, and it can't be extinguished. When a willing creature spends the full hour within 10 feet of the lit candle engaging in prayer to the deity, that creature's Strikes gain the holy or unholy trait (as appropriate for the candle) until the next time that creature makes their daily preparations. During this time, the creature is bound by the deity's anathema. If they violate anathema, they lose the benefit of the taper of sanctification. A holy creature can't benefit from an unholy taper of sanctification, nor can an unholy creature benefit from a holy one. Activate 1 (manipulate) This thin golden candle bears the symbol of a specific deity emblazoned on its surface, surrounded by the iconography of that deity's faith. A taper of sanctification must be dedicated to a deity who can be sanctified to holy or unholy, and has the corresponding trait. If the deity's sanctification lists both options, the crafter must choose one when the candle is made. Once lit, this candle burns for 1 hour, and it can't be extinguished. When a willing creature spends the full hour within 10 feet of the lit candle engaging in prayer to the deity, that creature's Strikes gain the holy or unholy trait (as appropriate for the candle) until the next time that creature makes their daily preparations. During this time, the creature is bound by the deity's anathema. If they violate anathema, they lose the benefit of the taper of sanctification. A holy creature can't benefit from an unholy taper of sanctification, nor can an unholy creature benefit from a holy one. Four curved blades attached to a sturdy handlebar give the wielder of this close-combat weapon the illusion of having claws that extend from their fist. Adherents of @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.deities.Item.zRmAXj7FSlrMfDeA]{Bastet } favor the tekko-kagi for catching their foes off guard. Four curved blades attached to a sturdy handlebar give the wielder of this close-combat weapon the illusion of having claws that extend from their fist. Adherents of @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.deities.Item.zRmAXj7FSlrMfDeA]{Bastet} favor the tekko-kagi for catching their foes off guard. Activate Interact Frequency once per day Effect You cast one of the spells contained in your tengu feather fan. Activating the fan takes the spell's normal number of actions. You can also Activate the fan to cast a cantrip you've gained from a heritage or ancestry feat; this activation doesn't count against the fan's uses per day. The DC for spells you cast with your tengu feather fan is your class DC or spell DC, whichever is higher. You can cast the 1st-rank @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.g8QqHpv2CWDwmIm1]{Gust of Wind} spell by activating your tengu feather fan. @Check[fortitude|against:class-spell|traits:air]{Fortitude saving throw} Activate Interact Frequency once per day Effect You cast one of the spells contained in your tengu feather fan. Activating the fan takes the spell's normal number of actions. You can also Activate the fan to cast a cantrip you've gained from a heritage or ancestry feat; this activation doesn't count against the fan's uses per day. The DC for spells you cast with your tengu feather fan is your class DC or spell DC, whichever is higher. You can cast the 1st-rank @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.g8QqHpv2CWDwmIm1]{Gust of Wind} spell by activating your tengu feather fan. @Check[fortitude|against:class-spell|traits:air]{Fortitude saving throw} Activate F (concentrate) Trigger You Strike with the affixed weapon This tiger formed of pewter snarls viciously from your weapon's grip. When you activate the tiger, the weapon gains the forceful and sweep traits on the triggering Strike and all other Strikes for 1 minute. Activate F (concentrate) Trigger You Strike with the affixed weapon This tiger formed of pewter snarls viciously from your weapon's grip. When you activate the tiger, the weapon gains the forceful and sweep traits on the triggering Strike and all other Strikes for 1 minute. @UUID[]{Effect: Tiger Menuki} Activate A (manipulate) This greenish, persistent grease can be applied to armor to make it extremely slippery for 8 hours, granting the wearer a +2 item bonus to Acrobatics checks to @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.SkZAQRkLLkmBQNB9]{Escape} or to @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.kMcV8e5EZUxa6evt]{Squeeze}. @UUID[]{Effect: Salve of Slipperiness} Activate A (manipulate) This greenish, persistent grease can be applied to armor to make it extremely slippery for 8 hours, granting the wearer a +2 item bonus to Acrobatics checks to @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.SkZAQRkLLkmBQNB9]{Escape} or to @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.kMcV8e5EZUxa6evt]{Squeeze}. @UUID[]{Effect: Tricky Liniment} This +2 greater striking impactful sansetsukon is made of metal colored pale blue that echoes howling winds when swung and emits the force of a storm when it connects. Activate—Sonic Gale r (concentrate, force, magical) Trigger You critically hit with the twisting gale Frequency once per 10 minutes Effect The energy of your follow-through erupts from your opponent in a wave of concussive energy. You deal sonic damage equal to your normal Strike damage with the twisting gale in a @Template[cone|distance:30] behind your target. Creatures in the area, not including your target, must attempt a @Check[fortitude|against:class|basic]. This +2 greater striking impactful sansetsukon is made of metal colored pale blue that echoes howling winds when swung and emits the force of a storm when it connects. Activate—Sonic Gale r (concentrate, force, magical) Trigger You critically hit with the twisting gale Frequency once per 10 minutes Effect The energy of your follow-through erupts from your opponent in a wave of concussive energy. You deal sonic damage equal to your normal Strike damage with the twisting gale in a @Template[cone|distance:30] behind your target. Creatures in the area, not including your target, must attempt a @Check[fortitude|against:class|basic] save against your class DC. Crafted from black iron, this crude suit of +2 resilient full plate is designed to make you look like a horned demon with your face peering out of the screaming maw of the beast. While wearing the armor, you can attack with the helmet's horns. They're a martial melee weapon with the effects of a +2 weapon potency rune. They deal @Damage[2d8[piercing]] damage and have the deadly d12 and unholy traits. On a critical hit with the horns, the target must succeed at a @Check[fortitude|dc:30] or become @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.4D2KBtexWXa6oUMR]{Drained 1} (or @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.4D2KBtexWXa6oUMR]{Drained 2} on a critical failure). The horns can't be etched with any runes. If you're holy, you're @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.4D2KBtexWXa6oUMR]{Drained 2} and can't recover from this condition while wearing unholy plate. Activate—Demonic Slip 2 (concentrate) Frequency once per day Effect You cast @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.VlNcjmYyu95vOUe8]{Translocate}. Craft Requirements You're unholy; supply one casting of translocate. Crafted from black iron, this crude suit of +2 resilient full plate is designed to make you look like a horned demon with your face peering out of the screaming maw of the beast. While wearing the armor, you can attack with the helmet's horns. They're a martial melee weapon with the effects of a +2 weapon potency rune. They deal 2d8 piercing damage and have the deadly d12 and unholy traits. On a critical hit with the horns, the target must succeed at a @Check[fortitude|dc:30] or become @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.4D2KBtexWXa6oUMR]{Drained 1} (or @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.4D2KBtexWXa6oUMR]{Drained 2} on a critical failure). The horns can't be etched with any runes. If you're holy, you're @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.4D2KBtexWXa6oUMR]{Drained 2} and can't recover from this condition while wearing unholy plate. Activate—Demonic Slip 2 (concentrate) Frequency once per day Effect You cast @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.VlNcjmYyu95vOUe8]{Translocate}. Craft Requirements You're unholy; supply one casting of translocate. This sealed pewter urn contains the ashes of a benevolent ancestor, with a sliver of lingering spirit that strives to protect you. Activate—Doom the Urn r (concentrate) Trigger You would become doomed, or your doomed value would increase Requirements The ashes aren't doomed Effect The ashes in the urn intervene, taking the doomed condition in your place, and you don't gain or increase the value of your doomed condition. Each night when you get a full night's rest, you can reduce your own doomed condition or that of the urn, but not both. Activate—Spirit's Wrath 1 (attack, concentrate, manipulate) Frequency once per round Effect The urn shoots a bolt of void energy at a foe within 30 feet. Attempt a spell attack roll against the target's AC, using a modifier of [[/r 1d20+15 #Spell]]{+15} or your own spell attack modifier, whichever is higher. On a success, the bolt deals @Damage[4d4[void]] damage (doubled on a critical success). This sealed pewter urn contains the ashes of a benevolent ancestor, with a sliver of lingering spirit that strives to protect you. Activate—Doom the Urn r (concentrate) Trigger You would become @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.3uh1r86TzbQvosxv]{Doomed}, or your doomed value would increase Requirements The ashes aren't doomed Effect The ashes in the urn intervene, taking the doomed condition in your place, and you don't gain or increase the value of your doomed condition. Each night when you get a full night's rest, you can reduce your own doomed condition or that of the urn, but not both. Activate—Spirit's Wrath 1 (attack, concentrate, manipulate) Frequency once per round Effect The urn shoots a bolt of void energy at a foe within 30 feet. Attempt a spell attack roll against the target's AC, using a modifier of [[/r 1d20+15 #Spell]]{+15} or your own spell attack modifier, whichever is higher. On a success, the bolt deals @Damage[4d4[void]] damage (doubled on a critical success). Activate A Cast a Spell This fan of vulture feathers scatters on an unnatural gust of wind. If this catalyst is used to cast a @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.J7Y7tl0bbdz7TcCc]{Enfeeble} spell that has been heightened to at least 5th level, instead of targeting a single creature, you cast the spell in a 30-foot-area cone. You don't make a spell attack roll, instead affecting all creatures within the area with the effect the spell would normally have on a hit. This means creatures within the area must attempt a Fortitude save to determine whether they're enfeebled. Activate 1 (manipulate) Vyre's Bliss is a toxin that looks and tastes like fine wine. Saving Throw @Check[fortitude|dc:43] Maximum Duration 24 hours Stage 1 @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.AJh5ex99aV6VTggg]{Off-Guard} and @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.e1XGnhKNSQIm5IXg]{Stupefied 1} (1 round) Stage 2 off-guard, @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.i3OJZU2nk64Df3xm]{Clumsy 1}, and @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.e1XGnhKNSQIm5IXg]{Stupefied 2} (1 round) Stage 3 off-guard, @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.i3OJZU2nk64Df3xm]{Clumsy 2}, and @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.e1XGnhKNSQIm5IXg]{Stupefied 3} (1 round) Stage 4 clumsy 2, stupefied 3, and @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.fBnFDH2MTzgFijKf]{Unconscious} (8 hours) This set of hinged metal plates features studs on the inside of each plate to provide a texture for the pastry cakes you cook with it. You pour batter on the plates, close the device, and place it on a fire or stove to cook. This +1 resilient breastplate is made from shining bronze overlaid with reinforcing golden panels emblazoned with images of loyal soldiers. Wearing this breastplate grants you a commanding aura. You gain a +2 item bonus to Diplomacy checks, but you take a -2 item penalty to Stealth checks to @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.XMcnh4cSI32tljXa]{Hide} and @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.VMozDqMMuK5kpoX4]{Sneak} and Deception checks to @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.AJstokjdG6iDjVjE]{Impersonate}. Activate—Command Bravery 1 (concentrate) Frequency once per day Effect You grant allies within 100 feet a +2 status bonus to saves against fear effects for 1 minute. When you activate this ability, each affected ally who's frightened reduces their frightened value by 1. This +1 resilient breastplate is made from shining bronze overlaid with reinforcing golden panels emblazoned with images of loyal soldiers. Wearing this breastplate grants you a commanding aura. You gain a +2 item bonus to Diplomacy checks, but you take a -2 item penalty to Stealth checks to @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.XMcnh4cSI32tljXa]{Hide} and @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.VMozDqMMuK5kpoX4]{Sneak} and Deception checks to @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.AJstokjdG6iDjVjE]{Impersonate}. Activate—Command Bravery 1 (concentrate) Frequency once per day Effect You grant allies within 100 feet a +2 status bonus to saves against fear effects for 1 minute. When you activate this ability, each affected ally who's @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.TBSHQspnbcqxsmjL]{Frightened} reduces their frightened value by 1. @UUID[]{Effect: Command Bravery} This +2 resilient breastplate is made from shining bronze overlaid with reinforcing golden panels emblazoned with images of loyal soldiers. Wearing this breastplate grants you a commanding aura. You gain a +3 item bonus to Diplomacy checks, but you take a -3 item penalty to Stealth checks to @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.XMcnh4cSI32tljXa]{Hide} and @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.VMozDqMMuK5kpoX4]{Sneak} and Deception checks to @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.AJstokjdG6iDjVjE]{Impersonate}. Activate—Command Bravery 1 (concentrate) Frequency once per day Effect You grant allies within 100 feet a +2 status bonus to saves against fear effects for 1 minute. When you activate this ability, each affected ally who's frightened reduces their frightened value by 1. This +2 resilient breastplate is made from shining bronze overlaid with reinforcing golden panels emblazoned with images of loyal soldiers. Wearing this breastplate grants you a commanding aura. You gain a +3 item bonus to Diplomacy checks, but you take a -3 item penalty to Stealth checks to @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.XMcnh4cSI32tljXa]{Hide} and @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.VMozDqMMuK5kpoX4]{Sneak} and Deception checks to @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.AJstokjdG6iDjVjE]{Impersonate}. Activate—Command Bravery 1 (concentrate) Frequency once per day Effect You grant allies within 100 feet a +2 status bonus to saves against fear effects for 1 minute. When you activate this ability, each affected ally who's @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.TBSHQspnbcqxsmjL]{Frightened} reduces their frightened value by 1. @UUID[]{Effect: Command Bravery} Activate 2 Interact Warpwobble poison causes hallucinations of space bending and stretching, leading to vertigo and an inability to discern a stable place to move. Saving Throw @Check[will|dc:26] Maximum Duration 6 rounds Stage 1 treat all squares as difficult terrain (1 round) Stage 2 treat all squares as greater difficult terrain (1 round) Stage 3 treat all squares as uneven ground (DC 26), treating a critical success to @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.M76ycLAqHoAgbcej]{Balance} as a success, and a success as a success but moving on greater difficult terrain (1 round) Activate 2 Interact Warpwobble poison causes hallucinations of space bending and stretching, leading to vertigo and an inability to discern a stable place to move. Saving Throw @Check[will|dc:26] Maximum Duration 6 rounds Stage 1 treat all squares as difficult terrain (1 round) Stage 2 treat all squares as greater difficult terrain (1 round) Stage 3 treat all squares as uneven ground (DC 26), treating a critical success to @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.M76ycLAqHoAgbcej]{Balance} as a success, and a success as a success but moving on greater difficult terrain (1 round) A whistle of calling appears to be a simple brass whistle. It changes slightly in appearance depending on the type of creature to which it's attuned, depicting small carvings of hooves, feather patterns, claws, or other appropriate motifs. Activate 10 minutes (Interact) Effect You blow the whistle at different tones in the presence of a companion or another allied creature willing to be your mount. At the end of the 10 minutes, the whistle is attuned to that creature. The whistle can be attuned to only one creature at any time, but you can attune it to a new one with another 10-minute activation. Activate 2 Interact Frequency once per day Effect You blow the whistle and the creature to which it is attuned teleports instantly from as far as 1 mile away to an unoccupied space within 30 feet of you. The whistle has no effect if the attuned creature is dead, on another plane, or outside the range. Delicate engravings of spiders and cleomes decorate the silver cover of this magnifying loupe. Anything viewed through these thin spectacles looks crisp and clear, and the earpieces accentuate sounds around you. You gain a +3 item bonus to Perception checks. Activate 1 envision Frequency once per hour Effect The spectacles key in on someone to show you their social cues in perfect clarity. Choose a creature you can see. You gain a +4 item bonus on Perception checks you make to use @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.1xRFPTFtWtGJ9ELw]{Sense Motive} against that creature. This benefit lasts until you Activate the item again in this way. If you're an investigator, you can use this activation as part of the action you take to @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.m0f2B7G9eaaTmhFL]{Devise a Stratagem} or @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.xTK2zsWFyxSJvYbX]{Pursue a Lead}, and you can do the latter even though you can't see the creature. You must choose the same creature you chose for Devise a Stratagem or Pursue a Lead. Once restored, White Cleome's Eye gains the following additional activations. Activate—Look to the Past 1 minute (concentrate, manipulate) Frequency once per day Effect You twist White Cleome's Eye in a clockwise rotation, allowing you to peer back in time, causing it to cast a 9th-rank @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.rsZ5c0AUyywe5yoK]{Retrocognition} spell. Activate—Relive the Past Frequency once per day Effect You twist White Cleome's Eye in a counter-clockwise rotation, allowing you to experience previous events that impacted an object you are touching, causing White Cleome's Eye to cast a 9th-rank @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.5LYi9Efs6cko4GGL]{Object Reading} spell. Effect Your familiar flies around and around an adjacent ally's weapon or hand, dissolving into multiple rings of lightning. Until the beginning of your next turn, the affected weapon or unarmed attack deals an additional @Damage[1d6[electricity]] damage, or @Damage[1d8[electricity]] damage if you Cast a Spell with the air or electricity trait this turn. Your familiar remains in lightning ring form, preventing it from being targeted or taking any actions. Effect Your familiar flies around and around an adjacent ally's weapon or hand, dissolving into multiple rings of lightning. Until the beginning of your next turn, the affected weapon or unarmed attack deals an additional 1d6 electricity damage, or 1d8 electricity damage if you Cast a Spell with the air or electricity trait this turn. Your familiar remains in lightning ring form, preventing it from being targeted or taking any actions. @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feat-effects.Item.QVk0oRgc1pRwhG7U]{Effect: Lightning Armillary} Requirements You Cast a Spell that had the air or electricity traits this turn; Effect Your familiar absorbs excess electrical charge and unleashes a @Template[type:emanation|distance:5] of static electricity that flows into creatures' meridians. Creatures in the emanation that fail a @Check[fortitude|against:spell] save against your spell DC become clumsy 1 until the end of their next turn. If a creature is soaked or standing over or in water inside the emanation, it also takes @Damage[1d4[persistent,electricity]] damage on a failed save. Requirements You Cast a Spell that had the air or electricity traits this turn; Effect Your familiar absorbs excess electrical charge and unleashes a @Template[type:emanation|distance:5] of static electricity that flows into creatures' meridians. Creatures in the emanation that fail a @Check[fortitude] save against your spell DC become @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.i3OJZU2nk64Df3xm]{Clumsy 1} until the end of their next turn. If a creature is soaked or standing over or in water inside the emanation, it also takes @Damage[1d4[persistent,electricity]] damage on a failed save. You gain resistance equal to 2 + half your level against all damage from the triggering attack or effect. Granted by @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.GIr0i1ucWnMSLwJo]{Adamantine Body} You gain resistance equal to 2 + half your level against all damage from the triggering attack or effect. Granted by @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.UiQbjeqBUFjUtgUR]{Assisting Shot} if you hit the target. The next creature other than you to attack the same target before the start of your next turn gains a +1 circumstance bonus on their roll. Granted by @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.UiQbjeqBUFjUtgUR]{Assisting Shot} if you critically hit the target. The next creature other than you to attack the same target before the start of your next turn gains a +2 circumstance bonus on their roll. Granted by @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.UiQbjeqBUFjUtgUR]{Assisting Shot} The next creature other than you to attack the same target before the start of your next turn gains a circumstance bonus to their roll. Granted by @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.u94fcPT5Oukqzql5]{Azarketi Purification} Granted by @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.u94fcPT5Oukqzql5]{Azarketi Purification} Granted @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.GrKurXVdm5lJkE2q]{Blade of the Heart} You plunge your transformed weapon into the heart of a willing adjacent ally, where it phases harmlessly into their body. As you pull the weapon out, your ally's heart inscribes one of the following weapon property runes on your weapon: corrosive, flaming, frost, shock, thundering, or vitalizing. At 16th level, you draw the greater version of the rune instead. Granted @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.GrKurXVdm5lJkE2q]{Blade of the Heart} Your transformed weapon gains one of the following weapon property runes on your weapon: corrosive, flaming, frost, shock, thundering, or vitalizing. At 16th level, you draw the greater version of the rune instead. Granted by @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.0GF2j54roPFIDmXf]{Bon Mot} You are distracted and take a -2 status penalty to Perception and Will saves for 1 minute. You can end the effect early with a retort to your Bon Mot. This can either be a single action that has the concentrate trait or an appropriate skill action to frame their retort. The GM determines which skill actions qualify, though they must take at least 1 action. Typically, the retort needs to use a linguistic Charisma-based skill action. Granted by @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.0GF2j54roPFIDmXf]{Bon Mot} You are distracted and take a -3 status penalty to Perception and Will saves for 1 minute. You can end the effect early with a retort to your Bon Mot. This can either be a single action that has the concentrate trait or an appropriate skill action to frame their retort. The GM determines which skill actions qualify, though they must take at least 1 action. Typically, the retort needs to use a linguistic Charisma-based skill action. Granted by @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.0GF2j54roPFIDmXf]{Bon Mot} You are distracted and take a status penalty to Perception and Will saves. Granted by @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.classfeatures.Item.RXRnJcG4XSabZ35a]{Bloodline: Elemental} You gain a +2 status bonus to Intimidation checks. Granted by @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.IUVzB39pRVyBFOEx]{Elemental Bulwark} You gain resistance against the triggering damage. Granted by @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.tx9pkrpmtqe4FnvS]{Elementalist Dedication} Each day when you make your daily preparations, you can attune yourself to one element of your choice from your elemental philosophy. You gain resistance equal to half your level (minimum 1 resistance) against damage dealt by effects with your attuned elemental trait. This attunement lasts until you next make your daily preparations. Granted by @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.IY86Kvopp4ACuQsw]{Envenom Fangs} <p>The next fangs Strike deals an additional 1d6 persistent poison damage.</p> Granted by @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.IY86Kvopp4ACuQsw]{Envenom Fangs} The next fangs Strike deals an additional 1d6 persistent poison damage. Granted by @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.MRT8BGiIiVYfVcXh]{Eternal Torch} You create a torch-like flame. If you create a flame on a weapon, you still need to use it as an improvised weapon to attack with the flame, just as with a torch. Granted by @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.BQ50m0Jb9qyoPchi]{Familiar's Resolve} You or an ally within 30 feet gain a +2 status bonus to saving throws against effects that would cause you to be doomed or frightened for 1 round. At 14th level, you or an ally gain a +3 status bonus to saving throws against these effects instead. Granted by @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.BQ50m0Jb9qyoPchi]{Familiar's Resolve} You gain a status bonus to saving throws against effects that would cause you to be @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.3uh1r86TzbQvosxv]{Doomed} or @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.TBSHQspnbcqxsmjL]{Frightened}. Granted by @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.classfeatures.Item.eW3cfCH7Wpx2vik2]{Bloodline: Fey} Either you gain a +2 status bonus to Performance checks. Granted by @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.classfeatures.Item.eW3cfCH7Wpx2vik2]{Bloodline: Fey} You gain a +2 status bonus to Performance checks. You and all allies within 30 feet gain a +10-foot status bonus to all Speeds for 1 minute. Granted by @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.hOImeMiRPIRKPPXY]{Fluttering Distraction} The enemy must roll its attack twice and take the lower result. Granted by @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.UJafwv306v75Syy7]{Forcible Energy} The target gains weakness 5 to acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic damage. Granted by @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.classfeatures.Item.tYOMBiH3HbViNWwn]{Bloodline: Genie} Either you gain a +1 status bonus to Deception checks for 1 round, or a target takes a -1 status penalty to Perception for 1 round. Granted by @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.WcvscJpQhbTiefwn]{Geobukseon Retaliation} You gain a +4 circumstance bonus to AC and resistance 2 to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage. Granted by @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.pM0g4ColXTiQ3gTa]{Ghost Strike} The weapon gains the effects of the ghost touch property rune. At 10th level, you can apply this effect to two weapons instead of one. Granted by @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.ABXUfGoeBgCyFasg]{Great Tengu Form} Yu also gain the benefits of 4th-rank @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.wzctak6BxOW8xvFV]{Enlarge} and @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.A2JfEKe6BZcTG1S8]{Fly} spells. Granted by @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.ABXUfGoeBgCyFasg]{Great Tengu Form} You also gain the benefits of 4th-rank @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.wzctak6BxOW8xvFV]{Enlarge} and @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.A2JfEKe6BZcTG1S8]{Fly} spells. You gain a number of temporary Hit Points equal to half your level (minimum 1) that last until the end of your next turn. Granted by @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.familiar-abilities.Item.zwWgHjcU0iZ6gUDY]{Lightning Armillary} Your weapon or hand deals an additional 1d6 electricity damage, or 1d8 electricity damage. You position your weapon defensively, gaining a +1 circumstance bonus to AC until the start of your next turn. Granted by @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.pEFcWRYiWLSjxvkW]{Mental Balm} You or one ally within 30 feet gains a +2 status bonus to Will saves against emotion effects for 1 minute. Granted by @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.JBjRGWVtVaxLckfH]{Mentor of Legends} The target gains temporary Hit Points equal to half your level. You fortify your natural resistances with elemental metal, covering your skin with thick metal. You gain a +2 status bonus to AC and resistance 10 to physical damage (except adamantine), but you take a –10-foot penalty to Speed. If you take fire damage while this ability is active, until the end of your next turn, you deal an additional @Damage[2d6[fire]] damage with all your unarmed melee Strikes. Granted by @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.2h8a6pKhXTXwpJjP]{Premonition of Clarity} Reroll the triggering saving throw with a +2 circumstance bonus. Granted by @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.NMbOfl885pn0Yzu9]{Prepare Elemental Medicine} The recipient is granted a circumstance bonus to saves against an affliction, or a –1 circumstance penalty on a critical failure. If you have @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.qaiwbAb1PaKrZ2O0]{Energy Fortification} and use Occultism to Prepare Elemental Medicine, the recipient gains resistance and weakness to vitality damage and void damage based on the element you chose. Granted by @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.Xw7qG0SHepXx24vl]{Prevailing Position} You leave the stance you were in, gaining a +4 circumstance bonus to the triggering saving throw or to your AC against the triggering attack. Granted by @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.A9WrbBCCdYsmdKGv]{Protective Pose} Creatures gain resistance to your choice of acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic damage equal to half your level. You gain a +1 circumstance bonus to AC until the start of the caster's next turn. Granted By:@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.nn7DiYYWinsSYrZy]{Protective Spirit Mask} Granted by @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.BtZJJClWCpc31Ven]{Push Back the Dead!} The ally gains a +2 circumstance bonus to saves against effects originating from undead. It also gains resistance to damage from Strikes made by undead creatures. Granted by @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.GxkTe4VM7u26uZGI]{Pushing Wind} You gain a +5-foot circumstance bonus to land Speed. Granted by @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.2XmdYW8OsAvjGDG3]{Radiant Circuitry}. Granted by @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.bI0PWJ4c3AOcFDWN]{Silk Bracelet} The silk imposes a –10 foot status penalty to all the target's Speeds for 1 round Granted by @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.XdicxD5jMJ8JSVqk]{Siphon Torment} The target gains temporary Hit Points equal to your level. Effect While working with less experienced Pathfinder allies, you provide vital advice to sharpen your newer colleagues' skills. For any PCs benefiting from a Level Bump and whose levels are lower than yours, you increase the Level Bump's modifier to skill checks to 2. Normal A Level Bump increases a PC's skill check modifiers by 1. Special A PC can only benefit from two mentor boons. Granted by @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.M4ALaFXoQDJGxSsI]{Starlit Transformation} Granted by @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.M4ALaFXoQDJGxSsI]{Starlit Transformation} Your weapon gains a +1 status bonus to damage rolls. You can fling bolts of starlight from your weapon with a Strike action, using your melee attack modifier with the weapon. These bolts deal 1d4 force damage and have the arcane and force traits. When you cast a damaging spell, you gain a status bonus to its damage equal to double the spell's rank. This applies only to spells that don't have a duration and that you cast using psychic spellcasting. Granted by @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.7GeguyqyD1TjoC4r]{Unleash Psyche} When you cast a damaging spell, you gain a status bonus to its damage equal to double the spell's rank. This applies only to spells that don't have a duration and that you cast using psychic spellcasting. Granted by @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.bvOsJNeI0ewvQsFa]{Inspiring Marshal Stance}. Your marshal's aura grants you and allies a +1 status bonus to attack rolls and saves against mental effects. Granted by @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.qOGD3K8VlQAAjsWy]{Intensified Element Stance} Your Strikes and damaging spells deal an additional 1d6 damage against certain creatures, depending on the type of elemental medicine expended. If the person who crafted the elemental medicine expended was legendary in the skill they used, increased this damage to 2d6. Earth acid damage against water creatures Fire fire damage against metal creatures and constructs that are primarily metallic Metal electricity damage against wood or plant creatures and constructs primarily made of wood or plant matter Water sonic damage against fire creatures Wood cold damage against earth creatures and constructs that are primarily made of rock or earth Granted by @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.x9cYkB8DrUBBwqJd]{Ironblood Stance} You enter the stance of impenetrable iron, refusing to yield to any blow. You can make iron sweep unarmed attacks. These deal 1d8 bludgeoning damage; are in the brawling group; and have the nonlethal, parry, sweep, and unarmed traits. While in Ironblood Stance, you gain resistance 2 to all damage. The resistance increases to 3 at 12th level, to 4 at 16th level, and to 5 at 20th level. @UUID[]{Effect: Parry} Granted by @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.fJwsZM6WXwP8EStV]{Strategist Stance} Your marshal's aura grants you and allies a +1 status bonus to Reflex saving throws Granted by @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.1yXmi6vKae6J1A0L]{Stretching Reach} While in this stance, when you wield a melee weapon that requires two hands and doesn't have reach, the weapon gains a reach of 10 feet. Granted by @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.7FRYyKXDKjGoANYj]{Stumbling Stance} You enter a seemingly unfocused stance that mimics the movements of the inebriated—bobbing, weaving, leaving false openings, and distracting your enemies from your true movements. While in this stance, you gain a +1 circumstance bonus to Deception checks to @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.QNAVeNKtHA0EUw4X]{Feint}. The only Strikes you can make are stumbling swing unarmed attacks. These deal 1d8 bludgeoning damage; are in the brawling group; and have the agile, backstabber, finesse, nonlethal, and unarmed traits. If an enemy hits you with a melee Strike while in this stance, it becomes off-guard against the next stumbling swing Strike you make against it before the end of your next turn. Granted by @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.VN6Cws7BBta81AQ9]{Twisting Petal Stance} our body moves like a petal twisting on the wind, confounding your opponents while using their energy against them. You can make gale blossom strikes that deal 1d6 slashing damage. These strikes are in the brawling group and have the agile, finesse, nonlethal, shove, and unarmed traits. While in Twisting Petal Stance, you gain a +1 circumstance bonus to Athletics checks to @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.7blmbDrQFNfdT731]{Shove} and a +2 circumstance bonus to your Fortitude DC to avoid being Shoved. You also gain a +1 circumstance bonus to Deception checks to @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.QNAVeNKtHA0EUw4X]{Feint} and a +2 circumstance bonus to your Perception DC to resist an opponent's Feint attempt. Granted by @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.VN6Cws7BBta81AQ9]{Twisting Petal Stance} Your body moves like a petal twisting on the wind, confounding your opponents while using their energy against them. You can make gale blossom strikes that deal 1d6 slashing damage. These strikes are in the brawling group and have the agile, finesse, nonlethal, shove, and unarmed traits. While in Twisting Petal Stance, you gain a +1 circumstance bonus to Athletics checks to @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.7blmbDrQFNfdT731]{Shove} and a +2 circumstance bonus to your Fortitude DC to avoid being Shoved. You also gain a +1 circumstance bonus to Deception checks to @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.QNAVeNKtHA0EUw4X]{Feint} and a +2 circumstance bonus to your Perception DC to resist an opponent's Feint attempt. Your reputation as a Firebrand precedes you, and you need only make a simple gesture or give a look of recognition to amaze those around you. You're so famous and beloved that even your enemies are fans, and they're shocked to see you here. Choose one target creature who can see you to acknowledge. The target must attempt a @Check[will|against:class-spell] save against your class DC or spell DC, whichever is higher. Regardless of the result, the target becomes temporarily immune to Acknowledge Fan for 1 minute. Critical Success The target is unaffected and becomes temporarily immune to Acknowledge Fan for 1 day. Success The target is @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.dfCMdR4wnpbYNTix]{Stunned 1} and becomes temporarily immune to Acknowledge Fan for 1 day. Failure The target is @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.dfCMdR4wnpbYNTix]{Stunned 2}. Critical Failure The target is @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.6uEgoh53GbXuHpTF]{Paralyzed} until the end of your next turn. Special This feat has either the arcane or occult trait, matching the choice you made when you took @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.gOHBzx5Rqa6TZcrm]{Mesmerizing Gaze}. You're an incredible acrobat, evoking wonder and enrapturing audiences with your prowess. You can roll an Acrobatics check instead of a Performance check when using the @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.EEDElIyin4z60PXx]{Perform} action. If you are trained in both Acrobatics and Performance, you gain a +1 circumstances bonus on Acrobatics checks made to Perform. You're an incredible acrobat, evoking wonder and enrapturing audiences with your prowess. You can roll an [[/act perform skill=acrobatics variant=dance]]{Acrobatics} check instead of a Performance check when using the @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.EEDElIyin4z60PXx]{Perform} action. If you are trained in both Acrobatics and Performance, you gain a +1 circumstances bonus on Acrobatics checks made to Perform. Access Tian Xia origin You've studied the routes by which qi flows through the body. The needles stored in your healer's tools can manipulate its flow and improve health when applied to specific meridian points. You spend a day studying an ally to attempt a @Check[medicine] check to improve their qi against a standard DC for your ally's level. The ally is then immune to all uses of Acupuncturist for 1 week. Critical Success You grant your ally the choice of a +2 circumstance bonus to one downtime activity skill check within the next week, or the ability to roll twice on their next saving throw within the next week against an affliction and take the higher result; this is a fortune effect. Success You grant your ally a +1 circumstance bonus to one downtime activity skill check within the next week. Critical Failure Your ally takes a –1 circumstance penalty to all downtime activity skill checks within the next week. @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feat-effects.Item.fHM9xvCBWrBqcDQY]{Effect: Acupuncturist} Access Tian Xia origin You've studied the routes by which qi flows through the body. The needles stored in your healer's tools can manipulate its flow and improve health when applied to specific meridian points. You spend a day studying an ally to attempt a @Check[medicine] check to improve their qi against a standard DC for your ally's level. The ally is then immune to all uses of Acupuncturist for 1 week. Critical Success You grant your ally the choice of a +2 circumstance bonus to one downtime activity skill check within the next week, or the ability to roll twice on their next saving throw within the next week against an affliction and take the higher result; this is a fortune effect. Success You grant your ally a +1 circumstance bonus to one downtime activity skill check within the next week. Critical Failure Your ally takes a –1 circumstance penalty to all downtime activity skill checks within the next week. @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feat-effects.Item.fHM9xvCBWrBqcDQY]{Effect: Acupuncturist} Trigger An attack or effect would deal damage to you. With your strong will and even stronger body, you shrug off an otherwise devastating blow. You gain resistance equal to 2 + half your level against all damage from the triggering attack or effect. @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feat-effects.Item.ReqVLQUQy7Y91IiB]{Effect: Adamantine Body} Trigger An attack or effect would deal damage to you. With your strong will and even stronger body, you shrug off an otherwise devastating blow. You gain resistance equal to 2 + half your level against all damage from the triggering attack or effect. Frequency once per hour Trigger You Cast a Spell that has the monk trait. he power of your qi soothes your wounds and energizes you for battle. You @Damage[(@actor.abilities.wis.mod + @actor.level)[healing]]{regain Hit Points} equal to your level plus your Wisdom modifier. Frequency once per hour Trigger You Cast a Spell that has the monk trait. The power of your qi soothes your wounds and energizes you for battle. You @Damage[(@actor.abilities.wis.mod + @actor.level)[healing]]{regain Hit Points} equal to your level plus your Wisdom modifier. Requirements You are wielding a ranged weapon. Using your last shot to gauge your accuracy, you can fire off a quick shot to interfere with a foe in combat. Make a Strike with a ranged weapon. If the Strike hits, the next creature other than you to attack the same target before the start of your next turn gains a +1 circumstance bonus to their roll, or a +2 circumstance bonus if your Strike was a critical hit. @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feat-effects.Item.zcJii1XyOne9EvMr]{Effect: Assisting Shot} @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feat-effects.Item.AAgoUuwMvHzqNhIN]{Effect: Assisting Shot (Critical Hit)} Requirements You are wielding a ranged weapon. Using your last shot to gauge your accuracy, you can fire off a quick shot to interfere with a foe in combat. Make a Strike with a ranged weapon. If the Strike hits, the next creature other than you to attack the same target before the start of your next turn gains a +1 circumstance bonus to their roll, or a +2 circumstance bonus if your Strike was a critical hit. @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feat-effects.Item.zcJii1XyOne9EvMr]{Effect: Assisting Shot} You've attuned your core to allow you to phase in and out of the Astral Plane, allowing you to teleport periodically. You can cast @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.VlNcjmYyu95vOUe8]{Translocate} once per hour as a 4th-rank innate arcane spell. Enhancement Your attunement allows you to teleport in a series of quick jumps rather than in one big leap. You can expend your hourly use of dimension door as a free action when you begin your turn. If you do, your Strides are augmented until the end of your turn, allowing you to instantly teleport to any point you could reach with your Speed instead of traversing normally to the location. While augmented, your Strides gain the conjuration and teleportation traits. Your augmented Strides don't trigger reactions that can be triggered by move actions or upon leaving or entering a square, unless those reactions trigger on teleportation. You've attuned your core to allow you to phase in and out of the Astral Plane, allowing you to teleport periodically. You can cast @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.VlNcjmYyu95vOUe8]{Translocate} once per hour as a 4th-rank innate arcane spell. Enhancement Your attunement allows you to teleport in a series of quick jumps rather than in one big leap. You can expend your hourly use of translocate as a free action when you begin your turn. If you do, your Strides are augmented until the end of your turn, allowing you to instantly teleport to any point you could reach with your Speed instead of traversing normally to the location. While augmented, your Strides gain the conjuration and teleportation traits. Your augmented Strides don't trigger reactions that can be triggered by move actions or upon leaving or entering a square, unless those reactions trigger on teleportation. You can cast @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.qXTB7Ec9yYh5JPPV]{Cleanse Cuisine} as a primal innate spell, but only on liquids. You can cast this spell once every 10 minutes. You can also use your innate purify food and drink on a touched creature instead of a liquid to purify their blood, giving that creature a +2 status bonus for 1 minute on their ongoing saves against poisons already present in their body when you cast the spell. @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feat-effects.Item.8rDbWcWmQL0N5FFG]{Effect: Azarketi Purification} You can cast @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.qXTB7Ec9yYh5JPPV]{Cleanse Cuisine} as a primal innate spell, but only on liquids. You can cast this spell once every 10 minutes. You can also use your innate cleanse cuisine on a touched creature instead of a liquid to purify their blood, giving that creature a +2 status bonus for 1 minute on their ongoing saves against poisons already present in their body when you cast the spell. @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feat-effects.Item.8rDbWcWmQL0N5FFG]{Effect: Azarketi Purification} You launch an insightful quip at a foe, distracting them. Choose a foe within 30 feet and roll a Diplomacy check against the target's Will DC. Critical Success The target is distracted and takes a -3 status penalty to Perception and Will saves for 1 minute. @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feat-effects.Item.CtrZFI3RV0yPNzTv]{Effect: Bon Mot (Critical Success)} The target can end the effect early with a retort to your Bon Mot. This can either be a single action that has the concentrate trait or an appropriate skill action to frame their retort. The GM determines which skill actions qualify, though they must take at least 1 action. Typically, the retort needs to use a linguistic Charisma-based skill action. Success As critical success, but the penalty is -2. @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feat-effects.Item.GoSls6SKCFmSoDxT]{Effect: Bon Mot} Critical Failure Your quip is atrocious. You take the same penalty an enemy would take had you succeeded. This ends after 1 minute or if you issue another Bon Mot and succeed. You launch an insightful quip at a foe, distracting them. Choose a foe within 30 feet and roll a Diplomacy check against the target's Will DC. Critical Success The target is distracted and takes a –3 status penalty to Perception and Will saves for 1 minute. The target can end the effect early with a retort to your Bon Mot. This can either be a single action that has the concentrate trait or an appropriate skill action to frame their retort. The GM determines which skill actions qualify, though they must take at least 1 action. Typically, the retort needs to use a linguistic Charisma-based skill action. Success As critical success, but the penalty is –2. Critical Failure Your quip is atrocious. You take the same penalty an enemy would take had you succeeded. This ends after 1 minute or if you issue another Bon Mot and succeed. @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feat-effects.Item.GoSls6SKCFmSoDxT]{Effect: Bon Mot} Your light cleanses souls of fear. When you use @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.ITWUi1r8Z7EtChkB]{Flash of Grandeur}, the attacker is also @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.AJh5ex99aV6VTggg]{Off-Guard} for 1 round. Access Tian Xia origin Your weapon contains a detonation chamber that launches fireworks, sparklers, and black powder pellets that sizzle, twist, and scatter on the ground in a cacophonous manner liable to annoy the entire Celestial Court. All creatures in a @Template[type:cone|distance:15] extending from your innovation take @Damage[(ceil(@actor.level/2)-3)d4[fire]] damage and @Damage[(ceil(@actor.level/2)-3)d4[sonic]] damage with a basic Fortitude save against your class DC; both the fire and sonic damage increase by 1d4 at 14th level and every 2 levels thereafter. The area affected by the cone becomes difficult terrain until the start of your next turn. Creatures moving through this area must succeed at a @Check[reflex|against:class] save against your class DC or take @Damage[2d4[persistent,fire]] damage. Unstable Function You rattle your weapon violently to make it belch out even more pyrotechnics. Add the unstable trait to Celestial Cacophony. The area increases to a 30-foot cone, and all damage dice increase from d4s to d8s. Access Tian Xia origin Your weapon contains a detonation chamber that launches fireworks, sparklers, and black powder pellets that sizzle, twist, and scatter on the ground in a cacophonous manner liable to annoy the entire Celestial Court. All creatures in a @Template[type:cone|distance:15] extending from your innovation take @Damage[(floor(@actor.level/2)-3)d4[fire],(floor(@actor.level/2)-3)d4[sonic]|options:area-damage] damage with a @Check[fortitude|against:inventor|basic] save against your class DC; both the fire and sonic damage increase by 1d4 at 14th level and every 2 levels thereafter. The area affected by the cone becomes difficult terrain until the start of your next turn. Creatures moving through this area must succeed at a @Check[reflex|against:inventor] save against your class DC or take @Damage[2d4[persistent,fire]] damage. Unstable Function You rattle your weapon violently to make it belch out even more pyrotechnics. Add the unstable trait to Celestial Cacophony. The area increases to a 30-foot cone, and all damage dice increase from d4s to d8s. You've practiced the art of fighting with your natural claws, hooking them into prey and thrashing at targets surrounding you. You gain the following two actions, which let you assume specific stances to strike more effectively with your claws. @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.zs4ZMcH9oFSCgkBx]{Claw Stance} @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.IR95FFdO7MtC8C0E]{Talon Stance} You've practiced the art of fighting with your natural claws, hooking them into prey and thrashing at targets surrounding you. You gain the following two actions, which let you assume specific stances to strike more effectively with your claws. @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.zs4ZMcH9oFSCgkBx]{Claw Stance} @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.IR95FFdO7MtC8C0E]{Talon Stance} @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.journals.JournalEntry.vx5FGEG34AxI2dow.JournalEntryPage.RkKrtZMb8Ifrrs2l]{Clawdancer} Repeated entries in Firebrand bragging and flyting contests have taught you how to twist pretty words into concealed insults. When you succeed at your check to @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.tHCqgwjtQtzNqVvd]{Coerce} a creature, the target's attitude toward you improves by one step, to a maximum of friendly, and they don't become unfriendly 1 day later. A small cloud of medicinal herbs heal a creature. The type of herbs depends on which malady you decide to treat: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.yblD8fOR1J8rDwEQ]{Confused}, disease, poison, @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.fesd1n5eVhpCSS18]{Sickened}, or injuries. Target one living creature within 30 feet, who regains @Damage[((floor((max(6,@actor.level)-6)/2)+2)d8+4)[healing]] HP and can attempt a new save against one malady of the chosen kind. If you chose injuries, instead increase the healing dice to d10s. The creature becomes temporarily immune to Dash of Herbs for 10 minutes. Alternatively, you can add the herbs to a dish of food being prepared for up to six people. Creatures who partake in the meal gain the benefits. The herbs' healing effects wear off if not eaten within an hour, though their flavor remains. Level (+2) The healing increases by 1d8. A small cloud of medicinal herbs heal a creature. The type of herbs depends on which malady you decide to treat: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.yblD8fOR1J8rDwEQ]{Confused}, disease, poison, @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.fesd1n5eVhpCSS18]{Sickened}, or injuries. Target one living creature within 30 feet, who regains @Damage[((floor((max(6,@actor.level)-6)/2)+2)d8+4)[healing]] HP and can attempt a new save against one malady of the chosen kind. If you chose injuries, instead increase the healing dice to @Damage[((floor((max(6,@actor.level)-6)/2)+2)d10+4)[healing]]{d10s}. The creature becomes temporarily immune to Dash of Herbs for 10 minutes. Alternatively, you can add the herbs to a dish of food being prepared for up to six people. Creatures who partake in the meal gain the benefits. The herbs' healing effects wear off if not eaten within an hour, though their flavor remains. Level (+2) The healing increases by 1d8. Trigger You hit a target with a Spellstrike. You flow around your foe, using the magic of your attack to carry you away. You @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.d5I6018Mci2SWokk]{Leap}, @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.2HJ4yuEFY1Cast4h]{High Jump}, or @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.JUvAvruz7yRQXfz2]{Long Jump}, and this movement doesn't trigger reactions from the creature you hit. If you High Jump or Long Jump, you don't have to perform the initial Stride (nor do you fall if you don't Stride 10 feet). The lightness of your steps persists after the jump, granting you the ability to land on or walk on the surface of water or other liquids until the end of your next turn. Trigger You hit a target with a @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.QDW9H8XLIjuW2fE4]{Spellstrike}. You flow around your foe, using the magic of your attack to carry you away. You @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.d5I6018Mci2SWokk]{Leap}, @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.2HJ4yuEFY1Cast4h]{High Jump}, or @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.JUvAvruz7yRQXfz2]{Long Jump}, and this movement doesn't trigger reactions from the creature you hit. If you High Jump or Long Jump, you don't have to perform the initial Stride (nor do you fall if you don't Stride 10 feet). The lightness of your steps persists after the jump, granting you the ability to land on or walk on the surface of water or other liquids until the end of your next turn. Your malfunctioning emotional processors make it difficult for you to feel strong emotions. You gain a +1 circumstance bonus to saving throws against emotion and fear effects. If you roll a success on a saving throw against an emotion or fear effect, you get a critical success instead. Your malfunctioning emotional processors make it difficult for you to feel strong emotions. You gain a +1 circumstance bonus to saving throws against emotion and fear effects. If you roll a success on a saving throw against an emotion or fear effect, you get a critical success instead. Access Minkai or Forest of Spirits origin You learn Minkaian traditions about the void and know how to manipulate the five elements to fortify vitality and void energies in the body. When you Prepare Elemental Medicine, you can choose to use Occultism instead of the usual skills. If you do, the medicine also grants the recipient resistance 2 and weakness 2 based on the element you chose. A wood, earth, or water elemental medicine grants resistance to void damage and weakness to vitality damage, and a living recipient loses its immunity to vitality damage for the duration. A fire or metal elemental medicine grants resistance to vitality damage and weakness to void damage, and an undead recipient loses its immunity to void damage for the duration. If you're a master in Occultism, increase the resistance and weakness to 4. If you're legendary, instead increase them to 8. Access Minkai or Forest of Spirits origin You learn Minkaian traditions about the void and know how to manipulate the five elements to fortify vitality and void energies in the body. When you @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.NMbOfl885pn0Yzu9]{Prepare Elemental Medicine}, you can choose to use @Check[occultism] instead of the usual skills. If you do, the medicine also grants the recipient resistance 2 and weakness 2 based on the element you chose. A wood, earth, or water elemental medicine grants resistance to void damage and weakness to vitality damage, and a living recipient loses its immunity to vitality damage for the duration. A fire or metal elemental medicine grants resistance to vitality damage and weakness to void damage, and an undead recipient loses its immunity to void damage for the duration. If you're a master in Occultism, increase the resistance and weakness to 4. If you're legendary, instead increase them to 8. You open a connection to your kinetic gate, large enough for a torch flame to flow. You create a magical, torch-like flame within 120 feet in any color you choose. It's as bright and hot as a torch. You can have it orbit a target willing creature or emit from a target object that's unattended or attended by a willing creature. If you create a flame on a weapon, you still need to use it as an improvised weapon to attack with the flame, just as with a torch. The flame has an unlimited duration. You can have a maximum number of Eternal Torches equal to your Constitution modifier, and you can Dismiss each torch individually. Level (8th) All your torches—even ones you already created—shed bright light in a 60-foot radius (and dim light for the next 60 feet). You open a connection to your kinetic gate, large enough for a torch flame to flow. You create a magical, torch-like flame within 120 feet in any color you choose. It's as bright and hot as a torch. You can have it orbit a target willing creature or emit from a target object that's unattended or attended by a willing creature. If you create a flame on a weapon, you still need to use it as an improvised weapon to attack with the flame, just as with a torch. The flame has an unlimited duration. You can have a maximum number of Eternal Torches equal to your Constitution modifier, and you can Dismiss each torch individually. @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feat-effects.Item.61qS86bjxg8HCJBY]{Effect: Eternal Torch} Level (8th) All your torches—even ones you already created—shed bright light in a 60-foot radius (and dim light for the next 60 feet). Your ability to blend into the background allows you to fade away entirely or appear innocuous even to magical effects. You gain @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.XXqE1eY3w3z6xJCB]{Invisibility} and @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.PRrZ7anETWPm90YY]{Disguise Magic} as 2nd-rank innate occult spells. You can target only yourself with invisibility, and you must be the primary target of misdirection. You can cast each spell once per day. Your ability to blend into the background allows you to fade away entirely or appear innocuous even to magical effects. You gain @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.XXqE1eY3w3z6xJCB]{Invisibility} and @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.PRrZ7anETWPm90YY]{Disguise Magic} as 2nd-rank innate occult spells. You can target only yourself with invisibility, and you must be the primary target of disguise magic. You can cast each spell once per day. Frequency once per hour You are incredible, impeccable, an icon of style and grace—and everyone knows it. In this moment, you are living your fantasy, and no one can shake you out of it. Roll a Deception check. You can substitute the result of your Deception check for one Will save you would be required to attempt in the next minute. Requirements You're in Rushing Goat Stance. You attack in an unceasing flurry of charging headbutts. Stride or Climb and then make a ramming horn Strike. If the Strike is successful, you immediately push the target back 10 feet, then Stride or Climb and make a second ramming horn Strike against them. If the second Strike is successful, you immediately knock the target @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.j91X7x0XSomq8d60]{Prone}, but if the second Strike is a failure or if you're unable to complete all the required actions, you become @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.dfCMdR4wnpbYNTix]{Stunned 1}. Both Strikes count toward your multiple attack penalty, but the penalty doesn't increase until you've made both of them. Requirements You're in @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.BQWGOK0lVmljCunm]{Rushing Goat Stance}. You attack in an unceasing flurry of charging headbutts. Stride or Climb and then make a ramming horn Strike. If the Strike is successful, you immediately push the target back 10 feet, then Stride or Climb and make a second ramming horn Strike against them. If the second Strike is successful, you immediately knock the target @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.j91X7x0XSomq8d60]{Prone}, but if the second Strike is a failure or if you're unable to complete all the required actions, you become @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.dfCMdR4wnpbYNTix]{Stunned 1}. Both Strikes count toward your multiple attack penalty, but the penalty doesn't increase until you've made both of them. Requirements You are capable of using a finisher. You stylishly leap and deliver a powerful finisher. Make a @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.d5I6018Mci2SWokk]{Leap}, @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.2HJ4yuEFY1Cast4h]{High Jump}, or @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.JUvAvruz7yRQXfz2]{Long Jump} and attempt one single-action finisher at any point during your jump; the finisher can't be one that includes other movement, such as @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.Px1QZY0NdO9WAQQS]{Mobile Finisher}. Immediately after the finisher, you fall to the ground if you're in the air, even if you haven't reached the maximum distance of your jump. If the distance you fall is no more than the height of your jump, you take no damage and land upright. When attempting a High Jump or Long Jump during a Flamboyant Leap, determine the DC using the Long Jump DCs, and increase the maximum distance to double your Speed, rather than just your Speed. Requirements You are capable of using a finisher. You stylishly leap and deliver a powerful finisher. Make a @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.d5I6018Mci2SWokk]{Leap}, @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.2HJ4yuEFY1Cast4h]{High Jump}, or @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.JUvAvruz7yRQXfz2]{Long Jump} and attempt one single-action finisher at any point during your jump; the finisher can't be one that includes other movement, such as @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.Px1QZY0NdO9WAQQS]{Mobile Finisher}. Immediately after the finisher, you fall to the ground if you're in the air, even if you haven't reached the maximum distance of your jump. If the distance you fall is no more than the height of your jump, you take no damage and land upright. When attempting a High Jump or Long Jump during a Flamboyant Leap, determine the DC using the Long Jump DCs, and increase the maximum distance to double your Speed, rather than just your Speed. Trigger An enemy attempts a ranged or melee Strike against an ally within 30 feet. Requirements You're wielding two fans, one in each hand. You're trained in snapping and fluttering your fans to draw the eyes of observers around you. You manipulate your fans to create a distraction. The enemy must roll its attack twice and take the lower result. Trigger An enemy attempts a ranged or melee Strike against an ally within 30 feet. Requirements You're wielding two fans, one in each hand. You're trained in snapping and fluttering your fans to draw the eyes of observers around you. You manipulate your fans to create a distraction. The enemy must roll its attack twice and take the lower result. @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feat-effects.Item.1aMjsd08O2v5TNG2]{Effect: Fluttering Distraction} You've trained in drawing the eyes of your audience to specific aspects of your performance through the careful manipulation of your fans and body. While wielding a fan, you can snap open, flutter, or otherwise manipulate the fan to briefly distract observers around you, giving you and adjacent allies a constant +1 circumstance bonus to Stealth checks to secretly Conceal an Object and to Thievery checks to @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.RDXXE7wMrSPCLv5k]{Steal} or Palm an Object. You've trained in drawing the eyes of your audience to specific aspects of your performance through the careful manipulation of your fans and body. While wielding a fan, you can snap open, flutter, or otherwise manipulate the fan to briefly distract observers around you, giving you and adjacent allies a constant +1 circumstance bonus to Stealth checks to secretly @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.qVNVSmsgpKFGk9hV]{Conceal an Object} and to Thievery checks to @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.RDXXE7wMrSPCLv5k]{Steal} or @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.ijZ0DDFpMkWqaShd]{Palm an Object}. You can briefly transform into a paragon of your draconic ancestry. You can cast @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.5c692cCcTDXjSEzk]{Dragon Form} as an 8th-rank innate spell once per day. This spell has the same tradition as your draconic exemplar. When you cast this innate spell, you must transform into your draconic exemplar. However, if you have the Arcane Dragonblood, Divine Dragonblood, Occult Dragonkin, or Primal Dragonblood lineage feat, you can instead choose any dragon of that tradition. You can briefly transform into a paragon of your draconic ancestry. You can cast @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.5c692cCcTDXjSEzk]{Dragon Form} as an 8th-rank innate spell once per day. This spell has the same tradition as your draconic exemplar. When you cast this innate spell, you must transform into your draconic exemplar. However, if you have the @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.oqWclVuvEOh7R5og]{Arcane Dragonblood}, @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.axDwTLGN32Qfv0SD]{Divine Dragonblood}, @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.4xP7rC0gmEb66bAY]{Occult Dragonblood}, or @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.XAsPe0mfxfQpgvCR]{Primal Dragonblood} lineage feat, you can instead choose any dragon of that tradition. You have grown more comfortable with your penchant for supernatural disappearance. The flat check DC of your Fortuitous Shift feat decreases to @Check[flat|dc:11]{11}, and you are no longer @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.TkIyaNPgTZFBCCuh]{Dazzled} if you succeed. You have grown more comfortable with your penchant for supernatural disappearance. The flat check DC of your Fortuitous Shift feat decreases to @Check[flat|dc:11], and you are no longer @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.TkIyaNPgTZFBCCuh]{Dazzled} if you succeed. Access Tian Xia origin Trigger You would take damage. Your armor has a retractable spike-covered shell reminiscent of Hwanggot's heavily armored geobukseon, or \"turtle ships.\" The shell unfolds across your body, giving you a +4 circumstance bonus to AC and resistance 2 to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage until the end of your next turn. Spiked chains propelled by small bursts of black powder also erupt from the shell, dealing 3d4 piercing damage plus 2 persistent fire damage (basic Reflex save against your class DC) to all creatures in a @Template[type:emanation|distance:5]. Access Tian Xia origin Trigger You would take damage. Your armor has a retractable spike-covered shell reminiscent of Hwanggot's heavily armored geobukseon, or \"turtle ships.\" The shell unfolds across your body, giving you a +4 circumstance bonus to AC and resistance 2 to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage until the end of your next turn. Spiked chains propelled by small bursts of black powder also erupt from the shell, dealing @Damage[3d4[piercing],2[persistent,fire]|options:area-damage] damage (@Check[reflex|against:inventor|basic] save against your class DC) to all creatures in a @Template[type:emanation|distance:5]. Your elemental lineage manifests in the polished gleam of precious metals, such as silver and gold, or even rare and valuable skymetals like adamantine or orichalcum. This natural luster enhances your charm; you become trained in your choice of Diplomacy or Society. If you would automatically become trained in both these skills (from your background or class, for example), you instead become trained in a skill of your choice. If you're trained in Society, you also gain the Courtly Graces skill feat. Your elemental lineage manifests in the polished gleam of precious metals, such as silver and gold, or even rare and valuable skymetals like adamantine or orichalcum. This natural luster enhances your charm; you become trained in your choice of Diplomacy or Society. If you would automatically become trained in both these skills (from your background or class, for example), you instead become trained in a skill of your choice. If you're trained in Society, you also gain the @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.JtjnFsOToBLnSRO9]{Courtly Graces} skill feat. Your innovation is augmented with plates shaped to resemble the gaping maws of guardian lions, which you can energize to expel a stream of sonic energy reminiscent of a lion's powerful roar. All creatures in a @Template[type:line|distance:20] from your innovation take @Damage[(ceil(@actor.level/2)-2)d8[sonic]] damage with a @Check[fortitude|against:class|basic] against your class DC. Creatures that fail this save become @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.AJh5ex99aV6VTggg]{Off-Guard} for 1 round. The damage from this effect increases by 1d8 at 10th level and every 2 levels thereafter. Unstable Function You press concealed switches in the guardian lions' plates, extending their reach and power. Add the unstable trait to Guardian Lion Roar. The range of your roar increases to a @Template[type:line|distance:60]. Creatures that succeed (but not critically succeed) at their save also become off-guard for 1 round. On a critical failure when attempting the flat check for this unstable action, you take sonic damage equal to your level instead of fire damage. Special If your innovation is a minion, it can take this action rather than you. Your innovation is augmented with plates shaped to resemble the gaping maws of guardian lions, which you can energize to expel a stream of sonic energy reminiscent of a lion's powerful roar. All creatures in a @Template[type:line|distance:20] from your innovation take @Damage[(floor(@actor.level/2)-2)d8[sonic]|options:area-damage] damage with a @Check[fortitude|against:inventor|basic] against your class DC. Creatures that fail this save become @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.AJh5ex99aV6VTggg]{Off-Guard} for 1 round. The damage from this effect increases by 1d8 at 10th level and every 2 levels thereafter. Unstable Function You press concealed switches in the guardian lions' plates, extending their reach and power. Add the unstable trait to Guardian Lion Roar. The range of your roar increases to a @Template[type:line|distance:60]. Creatures that succeed (but not critically succeed) at their save also become off-guard for 1 round. On a critical failure when attempting the flat check for this unstable action, you take sonic damage equal to your level instead of fire damage. Special If your innovation is a minion, it can take this action rather than you. Access Tian Xia origin Requirements You were the recipient of elemental medicine (see Prepare Elemental Medicine) during your last daily preparations. You expend the elemental medicine in your body to empower your attacks, though you can't consume any more elemental medicine until the next day. While in Intensified Element Stance, your strikes and damaging spells deal an additional 1d6 damage against certain creatures, depending on the type of elemental medicine you expended. If the person who crafted the elemental medicine expended was legendary in the skill they used, increase this damage to 2d6. Access Tian Xia origin Requirements You were the recipient of elemental medicine (see @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.NMbOfl885pn0Yzu9]{Prepare Elemental Medicine}) during your last daily preparations. You expend the elemental medicine in your body to empower your attacks, though you can't consume any more elemental medicine until the next day. While in Intensified Element Stance, your strikes and damaging spells deal an additional 1d6 damage against certain creatures, depending on the type of elemental medicine you expended. If the person who crafted the elemental medicine expended was legendary in the skill they used, increase this damage to 2d6. Your qi, dancing ever diligently toward cultivation, eludes the grasp of the world's muck and mire. When you cast your adapt self or athletic rush focus spells, you ignore difficult terrain until the end of your next turn. Your qi, dancing ever diligently toward cultivation, eludes the grasp of the world's muck and mire. When you cast your @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.GUnw9YXaW3YyaCAU]{Adapt Self} or @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.UGJzJRJDoonfWqqI]{Athletic Rush} focus spells, you ignore difficult terrain until the end of your next turn. Requirements You're in your sentinel form. You announce your name to your enemies, bringing your constellation to bear in a blinding display. Attempt to @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.2u915NdUyQan6uKF]{Demoralize} all enemies within 30 feet. Demoralize loses the auditory trait and gains the visual trait when used this way. In addition to the regular effects of Demoralize, enemies become @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.TkIyaNPgTZFBCCuh]{Dazzled} for 1 minute on a successful check (and also @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.XgEqL1kFApUbl5Z2]{Blinded} for 1 round on a critical success). You can use Majestic Proclamation as a single action if your previous action was Starlit Transformation. Requirements You're in your sentinel form. You announce your name to your enemies, bringing your constellation to bear in a blinding display. Attempt to @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.2u915NdUyQan6uKF]{Demoralize} all enemies within 30 feet. Demoralize loses the auditory trait and gains the visual trait when used this way. In addition to the regular effects of Demoralize, enemies become @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.TkIyaNPgTZFBCCuh]{Dazzled} for 1 minute on a successful check (and also @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.XgEqL1kFApUbl5Z2]{Blinded} for 1 round on a critical success). You can use Majestic Proclamation as a single action if your previous action was @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.M4ALaFXoQDJGxSsI]{Starlit Transformation}. Access Tian Xia origin You meditate to alter your qi, coloring it with your resentment and anger. Until the start of your next turn, whenever you hit a creature with an unarmed Strike, or an adjacent creature deals piercing, slashing, or bleed damage to you, the creature that you hit or that damaged you must attempt a Will save against your class DC. The creature is then temporarily immune for 1 minute. Critical Success The creature is unaffected. Success The creature is @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.TBSHQspnbcqxsmjL]{Frightened 1}. Failure The creature is @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.TBSHQspnbcqxsmjL]{Frightened 2}. Critical Failure The creature is @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.TBSHQspnbcqxsmjL]{Frightened 3} and @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.sDPxOjQ9kx2RZE8D]{Fleeing} until the end of its next turn. Access Tian Xia origin You meditate to alter your qi, coloring it with your resentment and anger. Until the start of your next turn, whenever you hit a creature with an unarmed Strike, or an adjacent creature deals piercing, slashing, or bleed damage to you, the creature that you hit or that damaged you must attempt a @Check[will|against:barbarian] save against your class DC. The creature is then temporarily immune for 1 minute. Critical Success The creature is unaffected. Success The creature is @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.TBSHQspnbcqxsmjL]{Frightened 1}. Failure The creature is @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.TBSHQspnbcqxsmjL]{Frightened 2}. Critical Failure The creature is @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.TBSHQspnbcqxsmjL]{Frightened 3} and @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.sDPxOjQ9kx2RZE8D]{Fleeing} until the end of its next turn. You're an extraordinary teacher, capable of inspiring your students to amazing feats of athletics and ingenuity. Once per day, you can cast @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.KqvqNAfGIE5a9wSv]{Heroism} as an innate divine spell; in addition to its normal effects, the spell also grants temporary Hit Points equal to half your level. You can't cast this spell on yourself. You're an extraordinary teacher, capable of inspiring your students to amazing feats of athletics and ingenuity. Once per day, you can cast @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.KqvqNAfGIE5a9wSv]{Heroism} as an innate divine spell; in addition to its normal effects, the spell also grants temporary Hit Points equal to half your level. You can't cast this spell on yourself. @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feat-effects.Item.jw5uOE1sJ9o9bUEb]{Effect: Mentor of Legends} Requirements You're in Rushing Goat Stance. You rush into your enemies with great and reckless force. You Climb, Stride, or @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.d5I6018Mci2SWokk]{Leap}, then make a ramming horn Strike. On a success, the target of the Strike is pushed up to 10 feet directly away from you. On a critical success, the target is also @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.dfCMdR4wnpbYNTix]{Stunned 1}. Requirements You're in @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.BQWGOK0lVmljCunm]{Rushing Goat Stance}. You rush into your enemies with great and reckless force. You @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.pprgrYQ1QnIDGZiy]{Climb}, Stride, or @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.d5I6018Mci2SWokk]{Leap}, then make a ramming horn Strike. On a success, the target of the Strike is pushed up to 10 feet directly away from you. On a critical success, the target is also @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.dfCMdR4wnpbYNTix]{Stunned 1}. You are, by nature, a thing of gloomy woods and barren wilds, and when you choose show yourself, a bit of this gloom clings to you, obscuring your form with strange distortions or mist. When you stop being @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.iU0fEDdBp3rXpTMC]{Hidden} due to your own actions (not due to someone successfully finding you), you gain @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.DmAIPqOBomZ7H95W]{Concealement} until the start of your next turn as people's eyes find it oddly hard to focus on you. As usual for concealment involving an obvious visual manifestation, you can't use this concealment to @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.XMcnh4cSI32tljXa]{Hide}. You are, by nature, a thing of gloomy woods and barren wilds, and when you choose show yourself, a bit of this gloom clings to you, obscuring your form with strange distortions or mist. When you stop being @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.iU0fEDdBp3rXpTMC]{Hidden} due to your own actions (not due to someone successfully finding you), you gain @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.DmAIPqOBomZ7H95W]{Concealment} until the start of your next turn as people's eyes find it oddly hard to focus on you. As usual for concealment involving an obvious visual manifestation, you can't use this concealment to @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.XMcnh4cSI32tljXa]{Hide}. Requirements You have a foe @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.kWc1fhmv9LBiTuei]{Grabbed}. Your armor includes flame-resistant gauntlets with oil-filled finger joints. These joints can split apart, dousing your opponent in flammable oil and then igniting it. The opponent must attempt a @Check[reflex|against:class] save against your class DC. Critical Success The grab ends. Success The grab ends, and the target takes 1 persistent fire damage. Failure The target takes persistent fire damage equal to half your level. Critical Failure The target takes persistent fire damage equal to your level. Requirements You have a foe @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.kWc1fhmv9LBiTuei]{Grabbed}. Your armor includes flame-resistant gauntlets with oil-filled finger joints. These joints can split apart, dousing your opponent in flammable oil and then igniting it. The opponent must attempt a @Check[reflex|against:inventor] save against your class DC. Critical Success The grab ends. Success The grab ends, and the target takes @Damage[1[persistent,fire]] damage. Failure The target takes @Damage[(floor(@actor.level/2))[persistent,fire]] damage equal to half your level. Critical Failure The target takes @Damage[(@actor.level)[persistent,fire]] damage equal to your level. Your horns flash briefly as you grow in size and ferocity. Your size increases to Large, and you're @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.i3OJZU2nk64Df3xm]{Clumsy 1}. This doesn't change your Speed, reach, or other statistics except as noted here. Your worn equipment automatically resizes to suit your new form, though it immediately returns to its original size if it leaves your possession. This form is the same age and body type as your true form and has roughly analogous physical traits, such as hair color. Using Oni Form counts as creating a disguise for the @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.AJstokjdG6iDjVjE]{Impersonate} use of Deception. You can Sustain your Oni Form for up to 10 minutes, though you must then spend at least 10 minutes in your natural form before using Oni Form again. @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feat-effects.8iLsH0McVDbPGMJ3]{Effect: Oni Form} Your horns flash briefly as you grow in size and ferocity. Your size increases to Large, and you're @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.i3OJZU2nk64Df3xm]{Clumsy 1}. This doesn't change your Speed, reach, or other statistics except as noted here. Your worn equipment automatically resizes to suit your new form, though it immediately returns to its original size if it leaves your possession. This form is the same age and body type as your true form and has roughly analogous physical traits, such as hair color. Using Oni Form counts as creating a disguise for the @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.AJstokjdG6iDjVjE]{Impersonate} use of Deception. You can Sustain your Oni Form for up to 10 minutes, though you must then spend at least 10 minutes in your natural form before using Oni Form again. Access surki ancestry You've bonded with an attached symbiote known as an ostilli. You can bond with only one ostilli at a time since the symbiote emits low-frequency magical pulses that repel other ostillis. You become trained in Ostilli Lore; if you were already trained, you become an expert. The ostilli is a Tiny creature grafted to your body. Like other grafts, it has no Hit Points or Speeds of its own and can't be targeted separately. It can't be removed and dies when you do; in the event of your demise and resurrection, you can bond to a new ostilli during a week of downtime, though you lose any abilities granted by your ostilli bond during that time. Your ostilli is obvious, unless you attempt to cover it with clothing or armor. In such a case, an onlooker can determine you're bonded to an ostilli with a successful Nature, Perception, or Surki Lore check against your Deception DC. Your ostilli must be visible for you to use any of the actions it grants. Your ostilli is constantly siphoning ambient magic from the surroundings, granting you the @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.SN3sVsU7rD2eBfkf]{Repel Ambient Magic} and @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.dwA0wfUaRf4aT0eB]{Spit Ambient Magic} actions. Access surki ancestry You've bonded with an attached symbiote known as an ostilli. You can bond with only one ostilli at a time since the symbiote emits low-frequency magical pulses that repel other ostillis. You become trained in Ostilli Lore; if you were already trained, you become an expert. The ostilli is a Tiny creature grafted to your body. Like other grafts, it has no Hit Points or Speeds of its own and can't be targeted separately. It can't be removed and dies when you do; in the event of your demise and resurrection, you can bond to a new ostilli during a week of downtime, though you lose any abilities granted by your ostilli bond during that time. Your ostilli is obvious, unless you attempt to cover it with clothing or armor. In such a case, an onlooker can determine you're bonded to an ostilli with a successful Nature, Perception, or Surki Lore check against your Deception DC. Your ostilli must be visible for you to use any of the actions it grants. Your ostilli is constantly siphoning ambient magic from the surroundings, granting you the @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.SN3sVsU7rD2eBfkf]{Repel Ambient Magic} and @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.dwA0wfUaRf4aT0eB]{Spit Ambient Magic} actions. @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.journals.JournalEntry.vx5FGEG34AxI2dow.JournalEntryPage.CLx4mTCUxUlPT7Zh]{Ostilli Host} Requirements You're wielding two fans, one in each hand. As you spin around and create wide arching circles with your fans, you manifest a mosaic of peonies that confuses your enemies. Stride twice and then attempt a Performance check against the Will DC of each creature you passed adjacent to. Critical Success The creature is @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.dfCMdR4wnpbYNTix]{Stunned 3} and @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.TkIyaNPgTZFBCCuh]{Dazzled} for as long as they're stunned. Success The creature is @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.dfCMdR4wnpbYNTix]{Stunned 1} and dazzled for 1 round. Failure The creature is dazzled for 1 round. Critical Failure The creature is unaffected and temporarily immune to further uses of Peony's Flourish for 24 hours. Requirements You're wielding two fans, one in each hand. As you spin around and create wide arching circles with your fans, you manifest a mosaic of peonies that confuses your enemies. Stride twice and then attempt a @Check[performance|defense:will] check against the Will DC of each creature you passed adjacent to. Critical Success The creature is @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.dfCMdR4wnpbYNTix]{Stunned 3} and @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.TkIyaNPgTZFBCCuh]{Dazzled} for as long as they're stunned. Success The creature is @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.dfCMdR4wnpbYNTix]{Stunned 1} and dazzled for 1 round. Failure The creature is dazzled for 1 round. Critical Failure The creature is unaffected and temporarily immune to further uses of Peony's Flourish for 24 hours. Either by witnessing or surviving the petrifying stare of a medusa or similar creature, you have learned to petrify those you lock eyes with. You stare at a creature you can see within 30 feet. The creature attempts a @Check[fortitude|against:class-spell] save against the higher of your class DC or spell DC. You must wait [[/br 1d4 #rounds]]{1d4 rounds} before using this ability again. Critical Success The creature is unaffected and temporarily immune to your Petrifying Gaze Mimicry for 24 hours. Success The creature is @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.xYTAsEpcJE1Ccni3]{Slowed 1} for 1 round. Failure The creature is slowed 1 for 1 round and @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.eIcWbB5o3pP6OIMe]{Immobilized} for 1 round or until it Escapes. Critical Failure The creature is @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.xYTAsEpcJE1Ccni3]{Slowed 2} for 1 round and immobilized until it Escapes. Either by witnessing or surviving the petrifying stare of a medusa or similar creature, you have learned to petrify those you lock eyes with. You stare at a creature you can see within 30 feet. The creature attempts a @Check[fortitude|against:class-spell] save against the higher of your class DC or spell DC. You must wait [[/r 1d4 #rounds]]{1d4 rounds} before using this ability again. Critical Success The creature is unaffected and temporarily immune to your Petrifying Gaze Mimicry for 24 hours. Success The creature is @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.xYTAsEpcJE1Ccni3]{Slowed 1} for 1 round. Failure The creature is slowed 1 for 1 round and @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.eIcWbB5o3pP6OIMe]{Immobilized} for 1 round or until it Escapes. Critical Failure The creature is @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.xYTAsEpcJE1Ccni3]{Slowed 2} for 1 round and immobilized until it Escapes. Requirements You're adjacent to or sharing the same space as your familiar. You and your familiar learn the secrets of elemental fire, allowing you to merge together to become a legendary creature—a phoenix. You can cast monstrosity form as an innate occult spell once per day, except you can transform only into a phoenix, and your familiar must be adjacent to you before you Cast the Spell. When you Cast the Spell, your familiar merges into your form. While transformed, you gain the @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.XotRIv6tKRtuAGAF]{Blazing Conflagration} action. Requirements You're adjacent to or sharing the same space as your familiar. You and your familiar learn the secrets of elemental fire, allowing you to merge together to become a legendary creature—a phoenix. You can cast @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.8AMvNVOUEtxBCDvJ]{Monstrosity Form} as an innate occult spell once per day, except you can transform only into a phoenix, and your familiar must be adjacent to you before you Cast the Spell. When you Cast the Spell, your familiar merges into your form. While transformed, you gain the @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.XotRIv6tKRtuAGAF]{Blazing Conflagration} action. Access Tian Xia origin You diagnose your patient, then prepare and administer a dose of elemental medicine to a creature. Healer's tools contain basic ingredients for crafting elemental medicine, though you might also need to gather more potent ingredients from your environment. The medicine's effects last 24 hours, and no character can benefit from more than one elemental medicine at a time. Attempt a Crafting, Herbalism Lore, or Medicine check against a standard DC of the recipient's level (in the case of especially wellknown or obscure afflictions, the GM should apply an adjustment to lower or increase the DC, respectively). As the minute qualities of the patient's condition can change on a day-to-day basis, you must attempt a new check to prepare elemental medicine each day you treat a patient, even if the affliction you're treating doesn't change. You can diagnose and treat up to 6 creatures during your daily preparations, making a separate check for each patient. Critical Success You accurately diagnose your patient. The GM decides the elemental imbalance causing the patient's symptoms (which elements, as well as whether it's in excess or deficiency) and then, using the information from the Pei Zing Elemental Associations table, notifies you what element of medicine is needed to remedy it. With this information, you then accurately identify the elemental property of a given ingredient, and then use it to prepare an excellent elemental medicine that grants the recipient a +2 circumstance bonus to saves against the affliction. Success As critical success, but the bonus is +1. Failure You fail to diagnose your patient. The GM doesn't tell you what elemental imbalance is causing the patient's symptoms, and therefore, you can't prepare an elemental medicine. Critical Failure You misdiagnose your patient. The GM decides the elemental imbalance causing the patient's symptoms and then tells you a different, false diagnosis or notifies you that the elemental ingredient you're attempting to treat the symptoms with is actually incorrect. Either way, your mistaken treatment imposes a –1 circumstance penalty to saves against the affliction. Access Tian Xia origin You diagnose your patient, then prepare and administer a dose of elemental medicine to a creature. @UUID[]{Healer's tools} contain basic ingredients for crafting elemental medicine, though you might also need to gather more potent ingredients from your environment. The medicine's effects last 24 hours, and no character can benefit from more than one elemental medicine at a time. Attempt a @Check[crafting], @Check[herbalism-lore], or @Check[medicine] check against a standard DC of the recipient's level (in the case of especially wellknown or obscure afflictions, the GM should apply an adjustment to lower or increase the DC, respectively). As the minute qualities of the patient's condition can change on a day-to-day basis, you must attempt a new check to prepare elemental medicine each day you treat a patient, even if the affliction you're treating doesn't change. You can diagnose and treat up to 6 creatures during your daily preparations, making a separate check for each patient. Critical Success You accurately diagnose your patient. The GM decides the elemental imbalance causing the patient's symptoms (which elements, as well as whether it's in excess or deficiency) and then, using the information from the Pei Zing Elemental Associations table, notifies you what element of medicine is needed to remedy it. With this information, you then accurately identify the elemental property of a given ingredient, and then use it to prepare an excellent elemental medicine that grants the recipient a +2 circumstance bonus to saves against the affliction. Success As critical success, but the bonus is +1. Failure You fail to diagnose your patient. The GM doesn't tell you what elemental imbalance is causing the patient's symptoms, and therefore, you can't prepare an elemental medicine. Critical Failure You misdiagnose your patient. The GM decides the elemental imbalance causing the patient's symptoms and then tells you a different, false diagnosis or notifies you that the elemental ingredient you're attempting to treat the symptoms with is actually incorrect. Either way, your mistaken treatment imposes a –1 circumstance penalty to saves against the affliction. @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feat-effects.Item.ZqEOsqnGFLI2ob9m]{Effect: Prepare Elemental Medicine} Access Tian Xia origin Requirements You and your eidolon are within 30 feet of one another. Many physical poses can fortify one's health, but some poses need more than one body to accomplish. As you and your eidolon pose in tandem, you each channel qi into a protective barrier in a 30-emanation until the start of your next turn. Creatures within range of either you or you eidolon gain resistance to your choice of acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic damage equal to half your level. In addition, any Medicine check targeting a creature with this resistance gets a +1 status bonus (or a +2 status bonus if you're a master in Medicine). Access Tian Xia origin Requirements You and your eidolon are within 30 feet of one another. Many physical poses can fortify one's health, but some poses need more than one body to accomplish. As you and your eidolon pose in tandem, you each channel qi into a protective barrier in a @Template[type:emanation|distance:30] until the start of your next turn. Creatures within range of either you or you eidolon gain resistance to your choice of acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic damage equal to half your level. In addition, any Medicine check targeting a creature with this resistance gets a +1 status bonus (or a +2 status bonus if you're a master in Medicine). @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feat-effects.Item.qIPl31SfvT993Lyz]{Effect: Protective Pose} Requirements You're wielding a fan. As you spin and glide your fans alongside your allies, you kick up a mild wind that gently carries you all forward. So long as you're holding a fan, you and allies who start their turn in a 30- foot aura emanating around you gain a +5-foot circumstance bonus to land Speed for 1 round; you also gain this bonus to your fly Speed if you possess one, but it can't grant you the ability to fly if you wouldn't otherwise be able to. Additionally, the air impedes the movements of your foes. While holding a fan, the area in a 10-foot aura emanating around you is difficult terrain for all enemies. Requirements You're wielding a fan. As you spin and glide your fans alongside your allies, you kick up a mild wind that gently carries you all forward. So long as you're holding a fan, you and allies who start their turn in a 30- foot aura emanating around you gain a +5-foot circumstance bonus to land Speed for 1 round; you also gain this bonus to your fly Speed if you possess one, but it can't grant you the ability to fly if you wouldn't otherwise be able to. @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feat-effects.Item.AOqlEOF3Q7w9XYFp]{Effect: Pushing Wind} Additionally, the air impedes the movements of your foes. While holding a fan, the area in a 10-foot aura emanating around you is difficult terrain for all enemies. Trigger An enemy within your reach targets you with a melee attack, and you're aware of the attack. Requirements You're in Twisting Petal Stance. You evade an incoming attack by twisting your enemy's tactics in your favor. You gain a +2 circumstance bonus to AC against the triggering attack. If the attack misses you, you can immediately attempt a @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.QNAVeNKtHA0EUw4X]{Feint} or @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.7blmbDrQFNfdT731]{Shove} against the triggering attacker; if you roll a success, you get a critical success instead. Trigger An enemy within your reach targets you with a melee attack, and you're aware of the attack. Requirements You're in @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.VN6Cws7BBta81AQ9]{Twisting Petal Stance}. You evade an incoming attack by twisting your enemy's tactics in your favor. You gain a +2 circumstance bonus to AC against the triggering attack. If the attack misses you, you can immediately attempt a @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.QNAVeNKtHA0EUw4X]{Feint} or @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.7blmbDrQFNfdT731]{Shove} against the triggering attacker; if you roll a success, you get a critical success instead. Your elite shieldmarshal training makes you equally at home in the squalor of Smokeside and the splendor of Skyside. You're intimately familiar with the city's labyrinthine streets and statutes. You become trained in Society; if you were already trained, you become an expert in Society instead. In urban environments, you can attempt Society checks to @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.fJImDBQfqfjKJOhk]{Sense Direction}. You also gain the @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.JtjnFsOToBLnSRO9]{Courtly Graces} and @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.X2jGFfLU5qI5XVot]{Streetwise} skill feats. Your elite shieldmarshal training makes you equally at home in the squalor of Smokeside and the splendor of Skyside. You're intimately familiar with the city's labyrinthine streets and statutes. You become trained in Society; if you were already trained, you become an expert in Society instead. In urban environments, you can attempt Society checks to @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.fJImDBQfqfjKJOhk]{Sense Direction}. You also gain the @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.JtjnFsOToBLnSRO9]{Courtly Graces} and @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.X2jGFfLU5qI5XVot]{Streetwise} skill feats. @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.journals.JournalEntry.vx5FGEG34AxI2dow.JournalEntryPage.ssd83GMzktmP3ZEC]{Shieldmarshal} Access Tian Xia origin Taking inspiration from Desna's image as a giant silk moth in Tian Xia, you've attached a bracelet to your innovation that generates ultra-strong silk strands mixed with venom. You can unleash this substance as part of an attack. Make a melee Strike. If it hits, the target takes damage from the Strike as normal and must attempt a Fortitude save against your class DC with the following effects. Critical Success The target is unaffected. Success The silk imposes a –10 foot status penalty to all the target's Speeds for 1 round. Failure As success, and the target takes an additional @Damage[(ternary(gte(@actor.level,18),3,ternary(gte(@actor.level,12),2,1)))d4[persistent,poison]] damage. The poison damage increases to 2d4 at 12th level and 3d4 at 18th level. Critical Failure As failure, and the target is @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.eIcWbB5o3pP6OIMe]{Immobilized} until the end of their next turn. @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feat-effects.Item.RmJ5qosNpE8DUX2a]{Effect: Silk Bracelet} Special If your innovation is a minion, it can take this action rather than you. Access Tian Xia origin Taking inspiration from Desna's image as a giant silk moth in Tian Xia, you've attached a bracelet to your innovation that generates ultra-strong silk strands mixed with venom. You can unleash this substance as part of an attack. Make a melee Strike. If it hits, the target takes damage from the Strike as normal and must attempt a @Check[fortitude|against:inventor] save against your class DC with the following effects. Critical Success The target is unaffected. Success The silk imposes a –10 foot status penalty to all the target's Speeds for 1 round. @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feat-effects.Item.RmJ5qosNpE8DUX2a]{Effect: Silk Bracelet} Failure As success, and the target takes an additional @Damage[(floor(@actor.level/6))d4[persistent,poison]] damage. The poison damage increases to 2d4 at 12th level and 3d4 at 18th level. Critical Failure As failure, and the target is @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.eIcWbB5o3pP6OIMe]{Immobilized} until the end of their next turn. Special If your innovation is a minion, it can take this action rather than you. Your progenitors suffered greatly at the hands of a curse, a fate you willingly take upon yourself rather than let fall upon others. Once per day, you can cast @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.5OcZ3HBkrRFhSWCz]{Claim Curse} as an innate divine spell. When you do, the target creature gains temporary Hit Points equal to your level. Your progenitors suffered greatly at the hands of a curse, a fate you willingly take upon yourself rather than let fall upon others. Once per day, you can cast @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.5OcZ3HBkrRFhSWCz]{Claim Curse} as an innate divine spell. When you do, the target creature gains temporary Hit Points equal to your level. @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feat-effects.Item.cmwlVYHtp3a1OipU]{Effect: Siphon Torment} Frequency once per 10 minutes You bestow some of your own life energies to mend damage. You touch a non-magical object of 2 Bulk or less, or a magical object of 1 Bulk or less, and you @Damage[(2*@actor.level)[healing]]{restore Hit Points} to the target equal to twice your level}. You lose as many Hit Points as the target regained. This direct transfer of vitality means that no effects apply that would increase the Hit Points the target regains or decrease the Hit Points you lose. This transfer also ignores any temporary Hit Points you or the target have. You can't reduce your Hit Points below 1 using Solidarity. You can't replace lost pieces or repair an object that has been completely destroyed. Special If you have the @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.LKkX8Ft92u0ax6Yh]{Minuscule Mentee} feat, you can use Solidarity to heal your familiar. Frequency once per 10 minutes You bestow some of your own life energies to mend damage. You touch a non-magical object of 2 Bulk or less, or a magical object of 1 Bulk or less, and you @Damage[(2*@actor.level)[healing]]{restore Hit Points} to the target equal to twice your level. You lose as many Hit Points as the target regained. This direct transfer of vitality means that no effects apply that would increase the Hit Points the target regains or decrease the Hit Points you lose. This transfer also ignores any temporary Hit Points you or the target have. You can't reduce your Hit Points below 1 using Solidarity. You can't replace lost pieces or repair an object that has been completely destroyed. Special If you have the @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.LKkX8Ft92u0ax6Yh]{Minuscule Mentee} feat, you can use Solidarity to heal your familiar. You can channel the power of your constellation into a unique technique. You gain either the luminous stardust healing or shining starlight attack focus spell, which you can cast only in sentinel form. When you gain this feat, decide a name for your technique, which becomes the spell's incantation. If you don't already have one, you gain a focus pool of 1 Focus Point, which you can Refocus by spending 10 minutes outside of your sentinel form to reflect on the values of your constellation. Starlit sentinel focus spells are arcane spells. You become trained in spell attack modifier and spell DC, and your spellcasting ability for these spells is Charisma. Special You can take this feat a second time, gaining the focus spell that you didn't gain the first time. You can channel the power of your constellation into a unique technique. You gain either the @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.1H3T9UwxW44Y0YaS]{Luminous Stardust Healing} or @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.yuhhRjqBzFgkKYrq]{Shining Starlight Attack} focus spell, which you can cast only in sentinel form. When you gain this feat, decide a name for your technique, which becomes the spell's incantation. If you don't already have one, you gain a focus pool of 1 Focus Point, which you can Refocus by spending 10 minutes outside of your sentinel form to reflect on the values of your constellation. Starlit sentinel focus spells are arcane spells. You become trained in spell attack modifier and spell DC, and your spellcasting ability for these spells is Charisma. Special You can take this feat a second time, gaining the focus spell that you didn't gain the first time. You've learned to call the primal power of elemental stone to your aid. You gain the @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.k5S2a2a6o2GS5l01]{Stonestrike Stance} action. Special You cannot select another dedication feat until you have gained two other feats from the stone brawler archetype. You've learned to call the primal power of elemental stone to your aid. You gain the @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.k5S2a2a6o2GS5l01]{Stonestrike Stance} action. Special You cannot select another dedication feat until you have gained two other feats from the @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.journals.JournalEntry.vx5FGEG34AxI2dow.JournalEntryPage.YbGa7Rdxh2iQxPfG]{Stone Brawler} archetype. You bind yourself to the very essence of stone. You become trained in Plane of Earth Lore and learn the Terran language. If you are already trained in Plane of Earth Lore, you become trained in a skill of your choice. If you already speak Terran, you learn a common language of your choice. Increase your maximum Hit Points by your level. Special You cannot select another dedication feat until you have gained two other feats from the stonebound archetype. You bind yourself to the very essence of stone. You become trained in Plane of Earth Lore and learn the Terran language. If you are already trained in Plane of Earth Lore, you become trained in a skill of your choice. If you already speak Terran, you learn a common language of your choice. Increase your maximum Hit Points by your level. Special You cannot select another dedication feat until you have gained two other feats from the @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.journals.JournalEntry.vx5FGEG34AxI2dow.JournalEntryPage.wC2H1yHQg1zu18Bh]{Stonebound} archetype. You have power connected to the powerful jann amirs. You can cast @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.pkcOby5prOausy1k]{Read Omens} and 4th-rank @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.XXqE1eY3w3z6xJCB]{Invisibility} each once per day as arcane innate spells, and you can cast detect magic at will as an arcane innate cantrip, heightened to a spell rank equal to half your level rounded up. You have power connected to the powerful jann amirs. You can cast @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.pkcOby5prOausy1k]{Read Omens} and 4th-rank @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.XXqE1eY3w3z6xJCB]{Invisibility} each once per day as arcane innate spells, and you can cast @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.gpzpAAAJ1Lza2JVl]{Detect Magic} at will as an arcane innate cantrip, heightened to a spell rank equal to half your level rounded up. Your body has become a symbiotic hive for a swarm of crawling insects. You can emit your swarm using the @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.E48YTUyreo1kc9GM]{Swarm Forth} action, and you can use the @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.k6ML9SPMxaGJyjqO]{Bite and Sting} action while your swarm is outside your body to command it to attack. Your deep connection to your swarm precludes you from also having an animal companion, though if an ability allows you to have more than one animal companion (such as the beastmaster archetype), you can count your swarm as one. You're immune to any damage from your swarm, and during your daily preparations you can anoint up to five willing creatures with a concoction made from your pheromones to grant them immunity as well. While outside your body, your swarm is Large and has a Speed of 15 feet and a climb Speed of 15 feet. It can occupy the same space as other creatures. While outside your body, the swarm can be attacked. It uses your statistics for defenses but is immune to grappled, @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.j91X7x0XSomq8d60]{Prone}, @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.VcDeM8A5oI6VqhbM]{Restrained}, and mental effects that target only a specific number of creatures. The swarm has resistance equal to your level to physical damage and weakness equal to your level to area and splash damage. Any damage that would be dealt to the swarm is dealt to you instead, though you take damage only once from any ability that includes both you and the swarm in the area of effect (though you take the greater amount of damage). Your body has become a symbiotic hive for a swarm of crawling insects. You can emit your swarm using the @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.E48YTUyreo1kc9GM]{Swarm Forth} action, and you can use the @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.k6ML9SPMxaGJyjqO]{Bite and Sting} action while your swarm is outside your body to command it to attack. Your deep connection to your swarm precludes you from also having an animal companion, though if an ability allows you to have more than one animal companion (such as the beastmaster archetype), you can count your swarm as one. You're immune to any damage from your swarm, and during your daily preparations you can anoint up to five willing creatures with a concoction made from your pheromones to grant them immunity as well. While outside your body, your swarm is Large and has a Speed of 15 feet and a climb Speed of 15 feet. It can occupy the same space as other creatures. While outside your body, the swarm can be attacked. It uses your statistics for defenses but is immune to grappled, @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.j91X7x0XSomq8d60]{Prone}, @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.VcDeM8A5oI6VqhbM]{Restrained}, and mental effects that target only a specific number of creatures. The swarm has resistance equal to your level to physical damage and weakness equal to your level to area and splash damage. Any damage that would be dealt to the swarm is dealt to you instead, though you take damage only once from any ability that includes both you and the swarm in the area of effect (though you take the greater amount of damage). @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.journals.JournalEntry.vx5FGEG34AxI2dow.JournalEntryPage.If0rK2DhKh2CrYKR]{Swarmkeeper} Requirements You're wielding two fans, one in each hand. You can redirect ammunition back at the creature that fired it with sweeping gusts of wind. When Sweeping Fan Block prevents an attack from hitting you, instead of recovering the ammunition, you can make a ranged Strike against the triggering target using the normal attack bonus and damage of your fans as part of the same reaction. You also apply any special effects the ammunition might have. Requirements You're wielding two fans, one in each hand. You can redirect ammunition back at the creature that fired it with sweeping gusts of wind. When @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.dY8LGT6KDcGy93GY]{Sweeping Fan Block} prevents an attack from hitting you, instead of recovering the ammunition, you can make a ranged Strike against the triggering target using the normal attack bonus and damage of your fans as part of the same reaction. You also apply any special effects the ammunition might have. Access Hwanggot origin You learn Hwan temperature classifications for the elements—wood and water are cold elements, while fire, earth, and metal are hot elements. When you Prepare Elemental Medicine, you can alter the environmental effects on the recipient's body. If you created hot elemental medicine, the recipient ignores the effects of severe cold while the medicine lasts. If you created cold elemental medicine, the recipient ignores the effects of severe heat while the medicine lasts. Access Hwanggot origin You learn Hwan temperature classifications for the elements—wood and water are cold elements, while fire, earth, and metal are hot elements. When you @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.NMbOfl885pn0Yzu9]{Prepare Elemental Medicine}, you can alter the environmental effects on the recipient's body. If you created hot elemental medicine, the recipient ignores the effects of severe cold while the medicine lasts. If you created cold elemental medicine, the recipient ignores the effects of severe heat while the medicine lasts. Tian Xia's shining cities belie its empires' long shadow of death, darkened by thousands of years of suffering and injustice. You pursue immortality not through tuft-hunting with Heaven's dragons or their imperial brats; yours is the power to crack its corrupt wheel, for you can now release the ghost gates to expedite the dead's revenge at being cheated of their fates. You cease aging and, regardless of your actual existential state, now register as an undead to effects that can detect undead (such as lifesense or spiritsense). In addition, you learn @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.c3b6LdLlQDPngNIb]{Create Undead} rituals for gashadokuro, jiangshi, and shui gui. On a success with one of these rituals, you gain the effects of a critical success instead. Tian Xia's shining cities belie its empires' long shadow of death, darkened by thousands of years of suffering and injustice. You pursue immortality not through tuft-hunting with Heaven's dragons or their imperial brats; yours is the power to crack its corrupt wheel, for you can now release the ghost gates to expedite the dead's revenge at being cheated of their fates. You cease aging and, regardless of your actual existential state, now register as an undead to effects that can detect undead (such as lifesense or spiritsense). In addition, you learn @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.c3b6LdLlQDPngNIb]{Create Undead} rituals for @UUID[]{Gashadokuro}, @UUID[]{Jiang-shi}, and @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.lost-omens-tian-xia-world-guide.Actor.k5f4vITTc7mclQzH]{Shui Gui}. On a success with one of these rituals, you gain the effects of a critical success instead. Grueling practice has strengthened your tongue or tail to the point where it's become a formidable weapon. You gain a lash melee unarmed attack that is in the flail weapon group, deals @Damage[1d4[bludgeoning]] damage, and has the grapple and reach traits. The attack can be performed with any appendages you used to qualify for this feat. Grueling practice has strengthened your tongue or tail to the point where it's become a formidable weapon. You gain a lash melee unarmed attack that is in the flail weapon group, deals @Damage[1d4[bludgeoning]] damage, and has the grapple and reach traits. The attack can be performed with any appendages you used to qualify for this feat. @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.journals.JournalEntry.vx5FGEG34AxI2dow.JournalEntryPage.hK0lWWhPqiplWuRl]{Thlipit Contestant} At this stage of cultivation, your body is as much spirit as flesh. While still fettered to the physical realm, your form flourishes without needing conventional food or drink, and your natural healing now rivals that brought by scalpel and suture. You become sanctified with the holy trait. When you perform the Subsist downtime activity, you can use Occultism for the skill check (instead of the skills normally associated with your environment). If you do so, this activity gains the vitality trait as you subsist on ambient qi within your environment's dew-laden air and create shelter from solidified emanations of qi. Additionally, when you Refocus, you can also Treat Wounds at the same time. If you do so, you can use Occultism for checks to @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.1kGNdIIhuglAjIp9]{Treat Wounds} and disregard the need for a healer's kit; this activity gains the vitality trait as you circulate healing qi through your own body or transfuse your ally with healing qi. At this stage of cultivation, your body is as much spirit as flesh. While still fettered to the physical realm, your form flourishes without needing conventional food or drink, and your natural healing now rivals that brought by scalpel and suture. You become sanctified with the holy trait. When you perform the Subsist downtime activity, you can use Occultism for the skill check (instead of the skills normally associated with your environment). If you do so, this activity gains the vitality trait as you subsist on ambient qi within your environment's dew-laden air and create shelter from solidified emanations of qi. Additionally, when you Refocus, you can also @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.1kGNdIIhuglAjIp9]{Treat Wounds} at the same time. If you do so, you can use Occultism for checks to Treat Wounds and disregard the need for a @UUID[]{Healer's Toolkit}; this activity gains the vitality trait as you circulate healing qi through your own body or transfuse your ally with healing qi. You sweep across the battlefield in a fluttering of movement honed from years of coordinating perfectly spaced movements alongside fellow dancers. When you attempt to @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.21WIfSu7Xd7uKqV8]{Tumble Through} an enemy's space, you can use Performance instead of Acrobatics. You sweep across the battlefield in a fluttering of movement honed from years of coordinating perfectly spaced movements alongside fellow dancers. When you attempt to @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.21WIfSu7Xd7uKqV8]{Tumble Through} an enemy's space, you can use [[/act tumble-through skill=performance]]{Performance} instead of Acrobatics. Requirements You're wielding a fan. Your fans, one raised up alongside your head and the other alongside your hip, become a blur as you twirl across the battlefield. Attempt to @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.21WIfSu7Xd7uKqV8]{Tumble Through} an enemy's space using Performance; on a success, you can make a melee Strike against the enemy with a fan you're wielding at any point during the movement. On a critical success, the enemy is @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.AJh5ex99aV6VTggg]{Off-Guard} against this attack. Requirements You're wielding a fan. Your fans, one raised up alongside your head and the other alongside your hip, become a blur as you twirl across the battlefield. Attempt to @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.21WIfSu7Xd7uKqV8]{Tumble Through} an enemy's space using [[/act tumble-through skill=performance]]{Performance}; on a success, you can make a melee Strike against the enemy with a fan you're wielding at any point during the movement. On a critical success, the enemy is @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.AJh5ex99aV6VTggg]{Off-Guard} against this attack. Frequency once per minute The laws of magic can limit your mind only if you think you need them, and you've grown past the need for such limits. If your next action is to @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.aBQ8ajvEBByv45yz]{Cast a Spell} of 5th level or lower that has no duration, you don't expend the prepared spell as you cast it. Frequency once per minute The laws of magic can limit your mind only if you think you need them, and you've grown past the need for such limits. If your next action is to @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.aBQ8ajvEBByv45yz]{Cast a Spell} of 5th rank or lower that has no duration, you don't expend the prepared spell as you cast it. Requirements Your Spellstrike is charged, and you're wielding a one-handed weapon in the sword group. Honed through 10,000 battles, your sword's mere light can shatter ambitions and break armies. Make a melee Spellstrike with a sword, with a spell that isn't a cantrip or focus spell. Countless copies of your sword, made of light, fall around you, dealing damage equal to double the spell's rank to each creature within a @Template[type:emanation|distance:10] of the target, excluding you and the target of the Spellstrike. The damage is of the same type dealt by your sword Strike and is treated as cold iron and silver. Requirements Your @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.QDW9H8XLIjuW2fE4]{Spellstrike} is charged, and you're wielding a one-handed weapon in the sword group. Honed through 10,000 battles, your sword's mere light can shatter ambitions and break armies. Make a melee Spellstrike with a sword, with a spell that isn't a cantrip or focus spell. Countless copies of your sword, made of light, fall around you, dealing damage equal to double the spell's rank to each creature within a @Template[type:emanation|distance:10] of the target, excluding you and the target of the Spellstrike. The damage is of the same type dealt by your sword Strike and is treated as cold iron and silver. Trigger You use Arcane Cascade. Your Arcane Cascade sends threads to the four directions, creating a web of strings dyed by your skill and your enemies' blood. The web fills a @Template[type:burst|distance:15] centered on you and is difficult terrain. You can ignore the difficult terrain, and the strings can support your weight, allowing you to walk on them as though you were benefiting from @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.A2JfEKe6BZcTG1S8]{Fly}. The web lasts for 1 minute but ends early if your Arcane Cascade ends or you leave the web. If you Cast a Spell from a spell slot while in the web, the strings glow red until the beginning of your next turn, dealing damage equal to the spell's rank to any creature other than you that moves through the web. The damage occurs at the end of the creature's movement, with a @Check[reflex|against:spell|basic] against your spell DC. A creature can take this damage only once each round. Trigger You use @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.HbejhIywqIufrmVM]{Arcane Cascade}. Your Arcane Cascade sends threads to the four directions, creating a web of strings dyed by your skill and your enemies' blood. The web fills a @Template[type:burst|distance:15] centered on you and is difficult terrain. You can ignore the difficult terrain, and the strings can support your weight, allowing you to walk on them as though you were benefiting from @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.A2JfEKe6BZcTG1S8]{Fly}. The web lasts for 1 minute but ends early if your Arcane Cascade ends or you leave the web. If you Cast a Spell from a spell slot while in the web, the strings glow red until the beginning of your next turn, dealing damage equal to the spell's rank to any creature other than you that moves through the web. The damage occurs at the end of the creature's movement, with a @Check[reflex|against:spell|basic] against your spell DC. A creature can take this damage only once each round. Requirements You're in Kaiju Stance. Like a kaiju, you leave a trail of destruction in your wake. Your shattering earth attacks gain the razing trait. Whenever you succeed with a shattering earth attack while standing on the ground, the earth buckles under the force of the blow, and all the squares beneath you become difficult terrain. Whenever you critically succeed with a shattering earth attack against a creature standing on the ground in an area of difficult terrain, you pummel the creature into the earth; they become @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.eIcWbB5o3pP6OIMe]{Immobilized} until they succeed at an @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.SkZAQRkLLkmBQNB9]{Escape} attempt against your class DC. Requirements You're in @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.RwOGkOLCalt4sqz6]{Kaiju Stance}. Like a kaiju, you leave a trail of destruction in your wake. Your shattering earth attacks gain the razing trait. Whenever you succeed with a shattering earth attack while standing on the ground, the earth buckles under the force of the blow, and all the squares beneath you become difficult terrain. Whenever you critically succeed with a shattering earth attack against a creature standing on the ground in an area of difficult terrain, you pummel the creature into the earth; they become @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.eIcWbB5o3pP6OIMe]{Immobilized} until they succeed at an @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.SkZAQRkLLkmBQNB9]{Escape} attempt against your class DC. Requirements You were born into a lineage of true werecreatures or were afflicted with the curse of the werecreature. You're a werecreature, able to shift between your humanoid shape, an animal shape, and a monstrous hybrid of the two. You gain the beast and werecreature traits. Choose your werecreature type from the table below. Once chosen, this can't be changed. You gain the @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.AmP0qu7c5dlBSath]{Toughness} feat but also a weakness to silver equal to half your level. You gain the @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.34E7k2YRcsOU5uyl]{Change Shape} action. On the night of the full moon, you automatically use Change Shape to assume your hybrid shape, and you can't voluntarily activate or dismiss Change Shape until sunrise. Special If you're a beastkin, you can use unarmed attacks from your hybrid shape while you're in your werecreature hybrid shape. These forms are otherwise separate. Requirements You were born into a lineage of true werecreatures or were afflicted with the curse of the werecreature. You're a werecreature, able to shift between your humanoid shape, an animal shape, and a monstrous hybrid of the two. You gain the beast and werecreature traits. Choose your werecreature type from the table below. Once chosen, this can't be changed. You gain the @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.AmP0qu7c5dlBSath]{Toughness} feat but also a weakness to silver equal to half your level. You gain the @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.34E7k2YRcsOU5uyl]{Change Shape} action. On the night of the full moon, you automatically use Change Shape to assume your hybrid shape, and you can't voluntarily activate or dismiss Change Shape until sunrise. @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.journals.JournalEntry.vx5FGEG34AxI2dow.JournalEntryPage.Zct5tHOoQGwwx7Ia]{Werecreature} Special If you're a beastkin, you can use unarmed attacks from your hybrid shape while you're in your werecreature hybrid shape. These forms are otherwise separate. Requirements You're in Twisting Petal Stance. Your hands move in a hypnotic and distracting flurry that throws your foes off-balance before you cast them away with a violent pirouette. You Step. Then each enemy within your reach must attempt a Will save against the higher of your class DC or your Deception DC; on a failure, they're @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.AJh5ex99aV6VTggg]{Off-Guard} to melee attacks from you and your allies until the end of your next turn. Then, @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.7blmbDrQFNfdT731]{Shove} up to three adjacent enemies; each Shove counts toward your multiple attack penalty, but you don't increase your penalty until after you've resolved all the Shove attempts. Requirements You're in @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.VN6Cws7BBta81AQ9]{Twisting Petal Stance}. Your hands move in a hypnotic and distracting flurry that throws your foes off-balance before you cast them away with a violent pirouette. You Step. Then each enemy within your reach must attempt a @Check[will] save against the higher of your class DC or your Deception DC; on a failure, they're @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.AJh5ex99aV6VTggg]{Off-Guard} to melee attacks from you and your allies until the end of your next turn. Then, @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.7blmbDrQFNfdT731]{Shove} up to three adjacent enemies; each Shove counts toward your multiple attack penalty, but you don't increase your penalty until after you've resolved all the Shove attempts. Fighting in the wilds has honed your understanding of the unique abilities many creatures have. You're trained in Wild Mimic Lore, a special Lore skill that can be used only to Recall Knowledge about creatures to learn their abilities. If you have legendary proficiency in Nature, you gain expert proficiency in Wild Mimic Lore, but you can't increase your proficiency in Wild Mimic Lore by any other means. When you succeed at a Wild Mimic Lore to Recall Knowledge, you gain a +1 circumstance bonus to your saving throws against the next attack or ability that the subject of your Recall Knowledge targets you with. Fighting in the wilds has honed your understanding of the unique abilities many creatures have. You're trained in Wild Mimic Lore, a special Lore skill that can be used only to Recall Knowledge about creatures to learn their abilities. If you have legendary proficiency in Nature, you gain expert proficiency in Wild Mimic Lore, but you can't increase your proficiency in Wild Mimic Lore by any other means. When you succeed at a Wild Mimic Lore to Recall Knowledge, you gain a +1 circumstance bonus to your saving throws against the next attack or ability that the subject of your Recall Knowledge targets you with. @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.journals.JournalEntry.vx5FGEG34AxI2dow.JournalEntryPage.l4isOHQIdkrWLch0]{Wild Mimic} Through rigorous training, you have strengthened your wings, granting you enough thrust to gain additional altitude. When you make a horizontal @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.d5I6018Mci2SWokk]{Leap}, increase the distance by 10 feet up to a maximum of your Speed. Any fly Speed granted by ancestry feats and other permanent wings increases by 5 feet. Through rigorous training, you have strengthened your wings, granting you enough thrust to gain additional altitude. When you make a horizontal @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.d5I6018Mci2SWokk]{Leap}, increase the distance by 10 feet up to a maximum of your Speed. Any fly Speed granted by ancestry feats and other permanent wings increases by 5 feet. @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.journals.JournalEntry.vx5FGEG34AxI2dow.JournalEntryPage.uewu2vWQluT8Jyf1]{Winged Warrior} Bone-chilling, swirling sleet surrounds you, cruel as deepest winter. Surfaces in your kinetic aura are coated in slippery ice. A creature that moves on the ice immediately falls unless it succeeds at an @Check[acrobatics|dc:resolve(@actor.system.proficiencies.classDCs.kineticist.value -2)] check or @Check[reflex|dc:resolve(@actor.system.proficiencies.classDCs.kineticist.value -2)] save against your impulse DC – 2. A creature that Steps or Crawls doesn't have to attempt a check or save. You're immune to this effect. If a creature on the ice is critically hit by one of your water impulses or critically fails at a save against one, that creature is @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.xYTAsEpcJE1Ccni3]{Slowed 1} until the end of its next turn. Bone-chilling, swirling sleet surrounds you, cruel as deepest winter. Surfaces in your kinetic aura are coated in slippery ice. A creature that moves on the ice immediately falls unless it succeeds at an @Check[acrobatics|against:kineticist|adjustment:-2|rollerRole:target] check or @Check[reflex|against:kineticist|adjustment:-2] save against your impulse DC – 2. A creature that Steps or Crawls doesn't have to attempt a check or save. You're immune to this effect. If a creature on the ice is critically hit by one of your water impulses or critically fails at a save against one, that creature is @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.xYTAsEpcJE1Ccni3]{Slowed 1} until the end of its next turn. Trigger You Cast a focus spell. Your roots of qi stand firm, shaking off pains and aches like the returning flowers and leaves shed during winter's snow. You regain Hit Points equal to your level plus the maximum number of Focus Points in your focus pool. Frequency once per hour Trigger You Cast a focus spell. Your roots of qi stand firm, shaking off pains and aches like the returning flowers and leaves shed during winter's snow. You @Damage[(@actor.level + @actor.system.resources.focus.max)[healing,vitality]]{regain Hit Points} equal to your level plus the maximum number of Focus Points in your focus pool. Requirements You are in Kaiju Stance and are touching the ground. You slam the ground and unleash a fearsome roar, sending broken shards of earth flying in all directions. The ground in a @Template[type:emanation|distance:20] around you becomes difficult terrain, or greater difficult terrain if it was already difficult terrain. All other creatures within the emanation take 7d6 bludgeoning damage with a @Check[reflex|against:class|basic] save against your class DC. You then can't use World-breaking Footfall for [[/r 1d4 #Recharge World-Breaking Footfall]]. Requirements You are in @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.RwOGkOLCalt4sqz6]{Kaiju Stance} and are touching the ground. You slam the ground and unleash a fearsome roar, sending broken shards of earth flying in all directions. The ground in a @Template[type:emanation|distance:20] around you becomes difficult terrain, or greater difficult terrain if it was already difficult terrain. All other creatures within the emanation take @Damage[7d6[bludgeoning]|options:area-damage] damage with a @Check[reflex|against:monk|basic] save against your class DC. You then can't use World-breaking Footfall for [[/r 1d4 #Recharge World-Breaking Footfall]]. Access Tian Xia origin You've rigged your armor innovation with a gizmo that can safely synthesize two sea mines a day, holding them in a protected compartment. You must be submerged in water to use this action, and the mines only detonate if they're underwater. You off-load a mine onto an unoccupied square within your reach. The mine is primed to explode when a Small or larger creature moves into its square, or when you Interact to Activate your gizmo's remote detonation button, which explodes a single mine up to 50 feet away. As a 1-minute activity, you can hide a mine. Creatures can detect a hidden mine as they would any trap or hazard, using your Craft DC as the Stealth DC. If you don't Conceal the mine, its position is obvious. Any creature in a @Template[type:emanation|distance:5] around the mine when it detonates takes @Damage[ceil(@actor.level/2)d4[bludgeoning]] damage and @Damage[1d4[piercing]], with a @Check[reflex|against:class|basic] against your class DC. The bludgeoning damage of your mines increases by 1d4 at 8th level and every 2 levels thereafter. Any mines that haven't detonated when you make your daily preparations become inert and harmless. Unstable Function You push the safety limits of your gizmo, forcing it to synthesize and launch additional sea mines, exceeding the daily limit. Add the unstable trait to Xidao Sea Mine Drop. You create up to 3 additional sea mines that you can immediately deploy in different unoccupied spaces up to 30 feet away. Access Tian Xia origin You've rigged your armor innovation with a gizmo that can safely synthesize two sea mines a day, holding them in a protected compartment. You must be submerged in water to use this action, and the mines only detonate if they're underwater. You off-load a mine onto an unoccupied square within your reach. The mine is primed to explode when a Small or larger creature moves into its square, or when you Interact to Activate your gizmo's remote detonation button, which explodes a single mine up to 50 feet away. As a 1-minute activity, you can hide a mine. Creatures can detect a hidden mine as they would any trap or hazard, using your Craft DC as the Stealth DC. If you don't Conceal the mine, its position is obvious. Any creature in a @Template[type:emanation|distance:5] around the mine when it detonates takes @Damage[ceil(@actor.level/2)d4[bludgeoning],1d4[piercing]|options:area-damage] damage, with a @Check[reflex|against:inventor|basic] against your class DC. The bludgeoning damage of your mines increases by 1d4 at 8th level and every 2 levels thereafter. Any mines that haven't detonated when you make your daily preparations become inert and harmless. Unstable Function You push the safety limits of your gizmo, forcing it to synthesize and launch additional sea mines, exceeding the daily limit. Add the unstable trait to Xidao Sea Mine Drop. You create up to 3 additional sea mines that you can immediately deploy in different unoccupied spaces up to 30 feet away. You know how to put on the charm, doing playful tricks to win favor. You are trained in Performance and gain the @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.xqAdXRd2gSQcqp5E]{Impressive Performance} feat. When performing for humanoids, you gain a +1 circumstance bonus to @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.OX4fy22hQgUHDr0q]{Make an Impression} with Performance. Trigger An ally within 30 feet fails a Will saving throw against an incapacitation effect. Some Firebrands can't stand it when their allies are ruining their moment, and you're no different. Your loud and forceful condemnation of an ally succumbing to an incapacitation effect gives them a second chance to impress you and shake off the effect. Your ally rerolls the triggering Will saving throw with a +1 circumstance bonus. Regardless of the result of the save, your ally is temporarily immune to You're an Embarrassment! for 10 minutes. @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feat-effects.Item.zUvicEXd4OgCZ1cO]{Effect: You're an Embarrassment} Your body proves that shadow can't exist without light. Perhaps your eyes glow brighter or your veins occasionally pulse with light. You emit dim light within 5 feet of you. You can activate or suppress this ability as an action, which has the concentrate trait. Additionally, you can force fragments of your shadow to glow and cast @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.WBmvzNDfpwka3qT4]{Light} and @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.WBmvzNDfpwka3qT4]{Light} as occult innate cantrips. Cantrips are heightened to a spell rank equal to half your level rounded up. Your body proves that shadow can't exist without light. Perhaps your eyes glow brighter or your veins occasionally pulse with light. You emit dim light within 5 feet of you. You can activate or suppress this ability as an action, which has the concentrate trait. Additionally, you can force fragments of your shadow to glow and cast @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.WBmvzNDfpwka3qT4]{Light} as an occult innate cantrip. Cantrips are heightened to a spell rank equal to half your level rounded up. You're a shaggy, dark-furred kholo capable of making some truly uncanny sounds. You can cast the figment cantrip as an occult innate spell at will. A cantrip is heightened to a spell rank equal to half your level rounded up. In addition, you gain a +1 circumstance bonus to checks to @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.GkmbTGfg8KcgynOA]{Create a Diversion} and Impersonate when using only your voice. You're a shaggy, dark-furred kholo capable of making some truly uncanny sounds. You can cast the @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.0zU8CPejjQFnhZFI]{Figment} cantrip as an occult innate spell at will. A cantrip is heightened to a spell rank equal to half your level rounded up. In addition, you gain a +1 circumstance bonus to checks to @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.GkmbTGfg8KcgynOA]{Create a Diversion} and Impersonate when using only your voice. Activate A (manipulate) A healing potion is a vial of a ruby-red liquid that imparts a tingling sensation as the drinker's wounds heal rapidly. When you drink a healing potion, you regain [[/r 1d8[healing]]]{1d8 Hit Points}. Activate A (manipulate) A healing potion is a vial of a ruby-red liquid that imparts a tingling sensation as the drinker's wounds heal rapidly. When you drink a healing potion, you regain @Damage[1d8[healing]] Hit Points. You launch an insightful quip at a foe, distracting them. Choose a foe within 30 feet and roll a Diplomacy check against the target's Will DC. Critical Success The target is distracted and takes a -3 status penalty to Perception and Will saves for 1 minute. @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feat-effects.Item.CtrZFI3RV0yPNzTv]{Effect: Bon Mot (Critical Success)} The target can end the effect early with a retort to your Bon Mot. This can either be a single action that has the concentrate trait or an appropriate skill action to frame their retort. The GM determines which skill actions qualify, though they must take at least 1 action. Typically, the retort needs to use a linguistic Charisma-based skill action. Success As critical success, but the penalty is -2. @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feat-effects.Item.GoSls6SKCFmSoDxT]{Effect: Bon Mot} Critical Failure Your quip is atrocious. You take the same penalty an enemy would take had you succeeded. This ends after 1 minute or if you issue another Bon Mot and succeed. You launch an insightful quip at a foe, distracting them. Choose a foe within 30 feet and roll a Diplomacy check against the target's Will DC. Critical Success The target is distracted and takes a –3 status penalty to Perception and Will saves for 1 minute. The target can end the effect early with a retort to your Bon Mot. This can either be a single action that has the concentrate trait or an appropriate skill action to frame their retort. The GM determines which skill actions qualify, though they must take at least 1 action. Typically, the retort needs to use a linguistic Charisma-based skill action. Success As critical success, but the penalty is –2. Critical Failure Your quip is atrocious. You take the same penalty an enemy would take had you succeeded. This ends after 1 minute or if you issue another Bon Mot and succeed. @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feat-effects.Item.GoSls6SKCFmSoDxT]{Effect: Bon Mot} Activate A (manipulate) A healing potion is a vial of a ruby-red liquid that imparts a tingling sensation as the drinker's wounds heal rapidly. When you drink a healing potion, you regain [[/r 1d8[healing]]]{1d8 Hit Points}. Activate A (manipulate) A healing potion is a vial of a ruby-red liquid that imparts a tingling sensation as the drinker's wounds heal rapidly. When you drink a healing potion, you regain @Damage[1d8[healing]] Hit Points. You launch an insightful quip at a foe, distracting them. Choose a foe within 30 feet and roll a Diplomacy check against the target's Will DC. Critical Success The target is distracted and takes a -3 status penalty to Perception and Will saves for 1 minute. @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feat-effects.Item.CtrZFI3RV0yPNzTv]{Effect: Bon Mot (Critical Success)} The target can end the effect early with a retort to your Bon Mot. This can either be a single action that has the concentrate trait or an appropriate skill action to frame their retort. The GM determines which skill actions qualify, though they must take at least 1 action. Typically, the retort needs to use a linguistic Charisma-based skill action. Success As critical success, but the penalty is -2. @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feat-effects.Item.GoSls6SKCFmSoDxT]{Effect: Bon Mot} Critical Failure Your quip is atrocious. You take the same penalty an enemy would take had you succeeded. This ends after 1 minute or if you issue another Bon Mot and succeed. You launch an insightful quip at a foe, distracting them. Choose a foe within 30 feet and roll a Diplomacy check against the target's Will DC. Critical Success The target is distracted and takes a –3 status penalty to Perception and Will saves for 1 minute. The target can end the effect early with a retort to your Bon Mot. This can either be a single action that has the concentrate trait or an appropriate skill action to frame their retort. The GM determines which skill actions qualify, though they must take at least 1 action. Typically, the retort needs to use a linguistic Charisma-based skill action. Success As critical success, but the penalty is –2. Critical Failure Your quip is atrocious. You take the same penalty an enemy would take had you succeeded. This ends after 1 minute or if you issue another Bon Mot and succeed. @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feat-effects.Item.GoSls6SKCFmSoDxT]{Effect: Bon Mot} Activate A (manipulate) A healing potion is a vial of a ruby-red liquid that imparts a tingling sensation as the drinker's wounds heal rapidly. When you drink a healing potion, you regain [[/r 1d8[healing]]]{1d8 Hit Points}. Activate A (manipulate) A healing potion is a vial of a ruby-red liquid that imparts a tingling sensation as the drinker's wounds heal rapidly. When you drink a healing potion, you regain @Damage[1d8[healing]] Hit Points. Activate A (manipulate) A healing potion is a vial of a ruby-red liquid that imparts a tingling sensation as the drinker's wounds heal rapidly. When you drink a healing potion, you regain [[/r 1d8[healing]]]{1d8 Hit Points}. Activate A (manipulate) A healing potion is a vial of a ruby-red liquid that imparts a tingling sensation as the drinker's wounds heal rapidly. When you drink a healing potion, you regain @Damage[1d8[healing]] Hit Points. Illusory pain wracks the target, dealing 2d4 mental damage and [[/r (@item.level)d4[persistent,mental]]] damage. The target must attempt a Will save. Critical Success The target is unaffected. Success The target takes full initial damage but no persistent damage, and the spell ends immediately. Failure The target takes full initial and persistent damage, and the target is @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.fesd1n5eVhpCSS18]{Sickened 1}. If the target recovers from being Sickened, the persistent damage ends and the spell ends. Critical Failure As failure, but the target is @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.fesd1n5eVhpCSS18]{Sickened 2}. Heightened (+1) The damage increases by 2d4 and the persistent damage by 1d4. Illusory pain wracks the target, dealing 2d4 mental damage and @Damage[(@item.level)d4[persistent,mental]] damage. The target must attempt a Will save. Critical Success The target is unaffected. Success The target takes full initial damage but no persistent damage, and the spell ends immediately. Failure The target takes full initial and persistent damage, and the target is @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.fesd1n5eVhpCSS18]{Sickened 1}. If the target recovers from being Sickened, the persistent damage ends and the spell ends. Critical Failure As failure, but the target is @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.fesd1n5eVhpCSS18]{Sickened 2}. Heightened (+1) The damage increases by 2d4 and the persistent damage by 1d4. Activate A (manipulate) Elixirs of life accelerate a living creature's natural healing processes and immune system. Upon drinking this elixir, you regain [[/r 1d6[healing]]]{1d6 Hit Points} and gain +1 item bonus to saving throws against diseases and poisons for 10 minutes. @UUID[]{Effect: Elixir of Life (Minor)} Activate A (manipulate) Elixirs of life accelerate a living creature's natural healing processes and immune system. Upon drinking this elixir, you regain @Damage[1d6[healing]] Hit Points and gain +1 item bonus to saving throws against diseases and poisons for 10 minutes. @UUID[]{Effect: Elixir of Life (Minor)} Activate A (manipulate) A healing potion is a vial of a ruby-red liquid that imparts a tingling sensation as the drinker's wounds heal rapidly. When you drink a healing potion, you regain [[/r 1d8[healing]]]{1d8 Hit Points}. Activate A (manipulate) A healing potion is a vial of a ruby-red liquid that imparts a tingling sensation as the drinker's wounds heal rapidly. When you drink a healing potion, you regain @Damage[1d8[healing]] Hit Points. Activate A (manipulate) Elixirs of life accelerate a living creature's natural healing processes and immune system. Upon drinking this elixir, you regain [[/r 1d6[healing]]]{1d6 Hit Points} and gain +1 item bonus to saving throws against diseases and poisons for 10 minutes. @UUID[]{Effect: Elixir of Life (Minor)} Activate A (manipulate) Elixirs of life accelerate a living creature's natural healing processes and immune system. Upon drinking this elixir, you regain @Damage[1d6[healing]] Hit Points and gain +1 item bonus to saving throws against diseases and poisons for 10 minutes. @UUID[]{Effect: Elixir of Life (Minor)} Activate A (manipulate) Elixirs of life accelerate a living creature's natural healing processes and immune system. Upon drinking this elixir, you regain [[/r 1d6[healing]]]{1d6 Hit Points} and gain +1 item bonus to saving throws against diseases and poisons for 10 minutes. @UUID[]{Effect: Elixir of Life (Minor)} Activate A (manipulate) Elixirs of life accelerate a living creature's natural healing processes and immune system. Upon drinking this elixir, you regain @Damage[1d6[healing]] Hit Points and gain +1 item bonus to saving throws against diseases and poisons for 10 minutes. @UUID[]{Effect: Elixir of Life (Minor)} Activate A (manipulate) Elixirs of life accelerate a living creatures natural healing processes and immune system. Upon drinking this elixir, you regain [[/r (3d6+6)[healing]]]{3d6+6 Hit Points} and gain +1 item bonus to saving throws against diseases and poisons for 10 minutes. @UUID[]{Effect: Elixir of Life (Lesser)} Activate A (manipulate) Elixirs of life accelerate a living creatures natural healing processes and immune system. Upon drinking this elixir, you regain @Damage[(3d6+6)[healing]] Hit Points and gain +1 item bonus to saving throws against diseases and poisons for 10 minutes. @UUID[]{Effect: Elixir of Life (Lesser)} Activate A (manipulate) A healing potion is a vial of a ruby-red liquid that imparts a tingling sensation as the drinker's wounds heal rapidly. When you drink a healing potion, you regain [[/r 1d8[healing]]]{1d8 Hit Points}. Activate A (manipulate) A healing potion is a vial of a ruby-red liquid that imparts a tingling sensation as the drinker's wounds heal rapidly. When you drink a healing potion, you regain @Damage[1d8[healing]] Hit Points. Activate A (manipulate) A healing potion is a vial of a ruby-red liquid that imparts a tingling sensation as the drinker's wounds heal rapidly. When you drink a healing potion, you regain [[/r (2d8+5)[healing]]]{2d8+5 Hit Points}. Activate A (manipulate) A healing potion is a vial of a ruby-red liquid that imparts a tingling sensation as the drinker's wounds heal rapidly. When you drink a healing potion, you regain @Damage[(2d8+5)[healing]] Hit Points. Rarity Uncommon Emotions are powerful, and you can tap into that power to enhance your magic for a time. You learn to harness a particular emotional state under the right conditions, but be warned: emotions are volatile and destructive if left unchecked. The experience often leaves you reeling from the unhindered emotion, requiring a rest or distraction before tapping into it again. Some emotional states, such as love or hatred, require the caster to focus on a specific individual called their emotional focus. Your emotional focus can change over time with you choosing a new focus after an important part of your story is resolved. Work with your GM to determine when this change happens. An emotional focus doesn't get a say in the matter; the cathartic spellcaster's emotions determine the bond. However, making another PC your emotional focus could result in an uncomfortable social dynamic. You should check with that PC's player in advance to see if such a link is acceptable. Prerequisites Charisma +2 or ability to cast spells from spell slots You've learned to harness a particular emotion and mix it into your magic. Choose an emotion from the Emotional States section to be your catharsis emotion. If you don't already cast spells from spell slots, you learn to cast spontaneous spells and gain the Cast a Spell activity. You gain a spell repertoire with one cantrip of your choice, from a spell list of your choice. You choose this cantrip from the common spells on your chosen spell list or from other spells to which you have access on that list. You're trained in spell attack rolls and spell DCs for that tradition. Your key spellcasting attribute for these spells is Charisma. If you can already cast spells from spell slots, you learn one additional cantrip from your spellcasting tradition. If you're a prepared caster, you can prepare this spell in addition to your usual cantrips per day; if you're a spontaneous caster, you add this cantrip to your spell repertoire. You gain the @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.2424g94rpoiN1IPh]{Catharsis} reaction and the @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.EhLvRWFKhZ3HtrZO]{Settle Emotions} activity. Emotional States: Your destructive wrath allows you to harm your foes but causes you pain in the process. Catharsis Trigger An enemy deals damage to you. You can't use this reaction if you're @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.HL2l2VRSaQHu9lUw]{Fatigued}. Catharsis Activation If you're @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.kWc1fhmv9LBiTuei]{Grabbed}, @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.eIcWbB5o3pP6OIMe]{Immobilized}, or @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.VcDeM8A5oI6VqhbM]{Restrained}, you can attempt to @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.SkZAQRkLLkmBQNB9]{Escape}. If you succeed, the creature or hazard imposing the condition on you (if applicable) takes force damage equal to your level. Emotional Fervor When you Cast a Spell from your spell slots, if the spell deals damage and doesn't have a duration, you gain a status bonus to that spell's damage equal to the spell's rank. Spell: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.jsWthW1Qy6tg3SwD]{Draw Ire} Emotional Fallout You become @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.HL2l2VRSaQHu9lUw]{Fatigued} until you Settle your Emotions. Focus Spell @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.UGJzJRJDoonfWqqI]{Athletic Rush} Your powerful sense of wonderment can be infectious and distracting. Catharsis Trigger You or an ally within 30 feet critically succeeds on an attack roll against an enemy's AC or a skill check against one of an enemy's DCs. Catharsis Activation If you're @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.AdPVz7rbaVSRxHFg]{Fascinated} or @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.e1XGnhKNSQIm5IXg]{Stupefied}, you can attempt an additional save to end the effect if it allowed a save. Emotional Fervor When you cast a spell, choose one creature that was hit by your spell attack roll or that failed its saving throw, if any. That creature becomes fascinated with you until the end of its next turn. It's then temporarily immune to this fervor effect for 1 hour. Spell: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.0qaqksrGGDj74HXE]{Revealing Light} Emotional Fallout You become @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.AJh5ex99aV6VTggg]{Off-Guard} until you Settle your Emotions. Focus Spell @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.zul5cBTfr7NXHBZf]{Dazzling Flash (doesn't require a religious symbol) Your commitment protects those you are dedicated to but can lead to dependency. Your emotional focus is an individual creature you're bound to. Catharsis Trigger Your emotional focus takes damage from an enemy while within 30 feet of you. Catharsis Activation Your emotional focus gains a number of temporary Hit Points equal to half your level rounded up. These temporary HP last for 1 minute. Emotional Fervor Your spells that target your emotional focus gain the benefits of Reach Spell. When you cast a healing spell that affects your emotional focus, your emotional focus also gains temporary HP equal to the spell's rank in addition to the spell's effects. These temporary HP last for 1 minute. Spell: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.yHujiDQPdtXW797e]{Spirit Link} Emotional Fallout Until you Settle your Emotions, you can't Cast Spells unless you're adjacent to your emotional focus. Focus Spell @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.rQYob0QMJ0I1U2sU]{Protector's Sacrifice} You let your fear fuel you, rather than consume you, but it burns your endurance. Catharsis Trigger An enemy makes you @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.TBSHQspnbcqxsmjL]{Frightened}. Catharsis Activation Increase your frightened value by 1, to a maximum of @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.TBSHQspnbcqxsmjL]{Frightened 4}. Emotional Fervor You don't take the status penalty from the frightened condition to your spell DCs or spell attack bonus. Instead, you gain a status bonus to spell attack rolls equal to the penalty you would've taken, and your foes take the same status penalty to their saving throws against your spells. Any other statistic takes the status penalty as normal. Spell: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.4koZzrnMXhhosn0D]{Fear} Emotional Fallout You are @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.sDPxOjQ9kx2RZE8D]{Fleeing} for 2 rounds, running from the source of the frightened condition that triggered your Catharsis. If that source is no longer present, you instead flee from the position where you were at the start of your emotional fallout. Focus Spell @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.DU5daB09xwfE1y38]{Waking Nightmare} Your unabashed hatred consumes your soul and causes your foe to falter. Your emotional focus is an individual enemy you detest. Catharsis Trigger You start your first turn in an encounter against your emotional focus or one of their followers. If the encounter includes multiple eligible followers and doesn't include your actual emotional focus, choose one of the followers to act as your emotional focus for this encounter (or until your actual emotional focus shows up). Catharsis Activation You can Step or Stride. You must end this movement closer to your emotional focus. Emotional Fervor Your emotional focus is @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.AJh5ex99aV6VTggg]{Off-Guard} to you and takes a –2 status penalty to saves against your spells. You're off-guard to your emotional focus and take a –2 status penalty to saves against it. Spell: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.TaaMEYdZXQXF0Sks]{Blood Vendetta} Emotional Fallout You become @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.dfCMdR4wnpbYNTix]{Stunned 2}. Focus Spell @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.0H1ozccQGGFLUwFI]{Cry of Destruction} Your unbridled enthusiasm and positive attitude can lead you to success, but you might expend more energy than you planned. Catharsis Trigger You critically succeed on an attack roll or save, or an enemy critically fails on a save against you. Catharsis Activation Reduce the value of any @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.TBSHQspnbcqxsmjL]{Frightened} or @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.e1XGnhKNSQIm5IXg]{Stupefied} condition you have by 1 and end any persistent mental damage you have. Emotional Fervor You gain a +1 status bonus to Performance checks and to the spell attack rolls of emotion spells, and enemies take a –1 status penalty to saves against your emotion spells. Spell: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.tlSE7Ly8vi1Dgddv]{Laughing Fit} Emotional Fallout You become @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.HL2l2VRSaQHu9lUw]{Fatigued} until you Settle your Emotions. Focus Spell @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.gwOYh5zMVZB0HNcT]{Unimpeded Stride} You're joined by the bonds of love and nothing can break that, but love can distract you from other things in your life. Your emotional focus is someone you're in love with; they aren't required to love you back. Catharsis Trigger Your emotional focus takes damage from an enemy while within 30 feet of you. Catharsis Activation If either you or your emotional focus is @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.yblD8fOR1J8rDwEQ]{Confused} or @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.9qGBRpbX9NEwtAAr]{Controlled}, one of you can attempt a new saving throw against one confusing or controlling effect (if it allowed a save), ending the condition if the new save is a success. If both of you are eligible, your emotional focus gets the new save. Emotional Fervor You gain a +1 status bonus to Will saves. If you cast a spell to benefit your emotional focus, this bonus increases to +3 until the start of your next turn. Spell: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.szIyEsvihc5e1w8n]{Soothe} Emotional Fallout You're @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.AdPVz7rbaVSRxHFg]{Fascinated} with your emotional focus for 1 minute. Focus Spell @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.YGRpHU5yxw73mls8]{Soothing Words} To suffer is to know you're alive; to make your enemies suffer as greatly as you have eases your suffering. Catharsis Trigger You gain persistent damage from a foe. Catharsis Activation You gain a number of temporary Hit Points equal to your level. They last for 1 minute. Emotional Fervor You can choose not to attempt a flat check to end persistent damage you're taking. When you cast a damaging spell, you can choose one creature that failed its save or that you hit with your spell attack roll. That target takes persistent damage of the same type the spell dealt, of an amount equal to the highest amount of persistent damage you currently have. You can't choose a creature that's already taking persistent damage. Spell: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.R8bqnYiThB6MYTxD]{Phantom Pain} Emotional Fallout You take an untyped penalty to any damage you would deal with any spell you cast until you Settle your Emotions. The penalty is –1 per spell rank. Focus Spell @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.xn0V2HDrmDWNzPEt]{Savor the Sting} All is well as long as you appear well, but you get caught up in the moment and lose track of what's important. Catharsis Trigger You critically fail on an attack roll or saving throw. Catharsis Activation The critical failure becomes a failure. Emotional Fervor Each time you cast an illusion spell, until the start of your next turn, any critical failure you roll on an attack roll or saving throw is a failure instead. Spell: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.UKsIOWmMx4hSpafl]{Dizzying Colors} Emotional Fallout You momentarily lose track of what's real, becoming @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.yblD8fOR1J8rDwEQ]{Confused} for 1 round. Spell: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.j8vIoIEWElvpwkcI]{Mirror Image} Focus Spell @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.Q25JQAgnJSGgFDKZ]{Veil of Confidence} You attempt to overcome your failings, but your guilt stays with you. Catharsis Trigger An ally within 30 feet drops to 0 Hit Points. Catharsis Activation You Step or Stride. You must end this movement closer to the triggering ally. Emotional Fervor Any spell you cast that restores Hit Points to the triggering ally gets a status bonus to the Hit Points healed equal to the spell's rank, or double the spell's rank if the ally is at 0 Hit Points. Spell: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.kIwA7kwp5E0AC3yM]{Warrior's Regret} Emotional Fallout Your emotional weight crushes you, leaving you @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.e1XGnhKNSQIm5IXg]{Stupefied 2} until you Settle your Emotions. Focus Spell @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.rhJyqB9g3ziImQgM]{Healer's Blessing} Special You can't select another dedication feat until you've gained two other feats from the cathartic mage archetype. Prerequisites @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.dkuY22d3yLUBcqhq]{Cathartic Mage Dedication} You gain the basic spellcasting benefits. Each time you gain a spell slot of a new level from this archetype, add a spell of that spell rank from your chosen tradition to your repertoire-either a common spell or another spell you've learned or discovered. Prerequisites @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.dkuY22d3yLUBcqhq]{Cathartic Mage Dedication} You learn the focus spell listed under your emotion's entry. You can cast it only while in emotional fervor. If you don't already have one, you gain a focus pool of 1 Focus Point, which you can Refocus while you use @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.EhLvRWFKhZ3HtrZO]{Settle Emotions}. Prerequisites @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.dkuY22d3yLUBcqhq]{Cathartic Mage Dedication} Requirements You have a reaction available and aren't prevented from using @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.2424g94rpoiN1IPh]{Catharsis}. You concentrate on your mental state, tapping into that raw emotional energy. Take your Catharsis reaction, causing the catharsis activation and entering your emotional fervor as normal. The fervor lasts only until the end of your turn. At the end of your emotional fervor, you experience the effects of your emotional fallout, as normal. Prerequisites @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.fVP8jX7yRUpyrcVO]{Basic Cathartic Spellcasting} You gain the expert spellcasting benefits. Prerequisites @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.dkuY22d3yLUBcqhq]{Cathartic Mage Dedication} When you use @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.2424g94rpoiN1IPh]{Catharsis}, one ally within 30 feet gains the catharsis activation benefits in addition to you. If these benefits require an emotional focus, they use your emotional focus as they're experiencing an empathic imprint of your emotions. Depending on the activation benefit, it might be impossible to grant it to an ally; for instance, pride could only have an effect for an ally if both you and the ally critically failed the same saving throw against the same effect. Prerequisites @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.IZFw3Do0kBdgwZX0]{Expert Cathartic Spellcasting} You gain the master spellcasting benefits. Rarity Uncommon Emotions are powerful, and you can tap into that power to enhance your magic for a time. You learn to harness a particular emotional state under the right conditions, but be warned: emotions are volatile and destructive if left unchecked. The experience often leaves you reeling from the unhindered emotion, requiring a rest or distraction before tapping into it again. Some emotional states, such as love or hatred, require the caster to focus on a specific individual called their emotional focus. Your emotional focus can change over time with you choosing a new focus after an important part of your story is resolved. Work with your GM to determine when this change happens. An emotional focus doesn't get a say in the matter; the cathartic spellcaster's emotions determine the bond. However, making another PC your emotional focus could result in an uncomfortable social dynamic. You should check with that PC's player in advance to see if such a link is acceptable. Prerequisites Charisma +2 or ability to cast spells from spell slots You've learned to harness a particular emotion and mix it into your magic. Choose an emotion from the Emotional States section to be your catharsis emotion. If you don't already cast spells from spell slots, you learn to cast spontaneous spells and gain the Cast a Spell activity. You gain a spell repertoire with one cantrip of your choice, from a spell list of your choice. You choose this cantrip from the common spells on your chosen spell list or from other spells to which you have access on that list. You're trained in spell attack rolls and spell DCs for that tradition. Your key spellcasting attribute for these spells is Charisma. If you can already cast spells from spell slots, you learn one additional cantrip from your spellcasting tradition. If you're a prepared caster, you can prepare this spell in addition to your usual cantrips per day; if you're a spontaneous caster, you add this cantrip to your spell repertoire. You gain the @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.2424g94rpoiN1IPh]{Catharsis} reaction and the @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.EhLvRWFKhZ3HtrZO]{Settle Emotions} activity. Emotional States: Your destructive wrath allows you to harm your foes but causes you pain in the process. Catharsis Trigger An enemy deals damage to you. You can't use this reaction if you're @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.HL2l2VRSaQHu9lUw]{Fatigued}. Catharsis Activation If you're @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.kWc1fhmv9LBiTuei]{Grabbed}, @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.eIcWbB5o3pP6OIMe]{Immobilized}, or @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.VcDeM8A5oI6VqhbM]{Restrained}, you can attempt to @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.SkZAQRkLLkmBQNB9]{Escape}. If you succeed, the creature or hazard imposing the condition on you (if applicable) takes force damage equal to your level. Emotional Fervor When you Cast a Spell from your spell slots, if the spell deals damage and doesn't have a duration, you gain a status bonus to that spell's damage equal to the spell's rank. Spell: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.jsWthW1Qy6tg3SwD]{Draw Ire} Emotional Fallout You become @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.HL2l2VRSaQHu9lUw]{Fatigued} until you Settle your Emotions. Focus Spell @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.UGJzJRJDoonfWqqI]{Athletic Rush} Your powerful sense of wonderment can be infectious and distracting. Catharsis Trigger You or an ally within 30 feet critically succeeds on an attack roll against an enemy's AC or a skill check against one of an enemy's DCs. Catharsis Activation If you're @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.AdPVz7rbaVSRxHFg]{Fascinated} or @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.e1XGnhKNSQIm5IXg]{Stupefied}, you can attempt an additional save to end the effect if it allowed a save. Emotional Fervor When you cast a spell, choose one creature that was hit by your spell attack roll or that failed its saving throw, if any. That creature becomes fascinated with you until the end of its next turn. It's then temporarily immune to this fervor effect for 1 hour. Spell: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.0qaqksrGGDj74HXE]{Revealing Light} Emotional Fallout You become @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.AJh5ex99aV6VTggg]{Off-Guard} until you Settle your Emotions. Focus Spell @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.zul5cBTfr7NXHBZf]{Dazzling Flash} (doesn't require a religious symbol) Your commitment protects those you are dedicated to but can lead to dependency. Your emotional focus is an individual creature you're bound to. Catharsis Trigger Your emotional focus takes damage from an enemy while within 30 feet of you. Catharsis Activation Your emotional focus gains a number of temporary Hit Points equal to half your level rounded up. These temporary HP last for 1 minute. Emotional Fervor Your spells that target your emotional focus gain the benefits of Reach Spell. When you cast a healing spell that affects your emotional focus, your emotional focus also gains temporary HP equal to the spell's rank in addition to the spell's effects. These temporary HP last for 1 minute. Spell: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.yHujiDQPdtXW797e]{Spirit Link} Emotional Fallout Until you Settle your Emotions, you can't Cast Spells unless you're adjacent to your emotional focus. Focus Spell @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.rQYob0QMJ0I1U2sU]{Protector's Sacrifice} You let your fear fuel you, rather than consume you, but it burns your endurance. Catharsis Trigger An enemy makes you @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.TBSHQspnbcqxsmjL]{Frightened}. Catharsis Activation Increase your frightened value by 1, to a maximum of @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.TBSHQspnbcqxsmjL]{Frightened 4}. Emotional Fervor You don't take the status penalty from the frightened condition to your spell DCs or spell attack bonus. Instead, you gain a status bonus to spell attack rolls equal to the penalty you would've taken, and your foes take the same status penalty to their saving throws against your spells. Any other statistic takes the status penalty as normal. Spell: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.4koZzrnMXhhosn0D]{Fear} Emotional Fallout You are @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.sDPxOjQ9kx2RZE8D]{Fleeing} for 2 rounds, running from the source of the frightened condition that triggered your Catharsis. If that source is no longer present, you instead flee from the position where you were at the start of your emotional fallout. Focus Spell @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.DU5daB09xwfE1y38]{Waking Nightmare} Your unabashed hatred consumes your soul and causes your foe to falter. Your emotional focus is an individual enemy you detest. Catharsis Trigger You start your first turn in an encounter against your emotional focus or one of their followers. If the encounter includes multiple eligible followers and doesn't include your actual emotional focus, choose one of the followers to act as your emotional focus for this encounter (or until your actual emotional focus shows up). Catharsis Activation You can Step or Stride. You must end this movement closer to your emotional focus. Emotional Fervor Your emotional focus is @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.AJh5ex99aV6VTggg]{Off-Guard} to you and takes a –2 status penalty to saves against your spells. You're off-guard to your emotional focus and take a –2 status penalty to saves against it. Spell: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.TaaMEYdZXQXF0Sks]{Blood Vendetta} Emotional Fallout You become @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.dfCMdR4wnpbYNTix]{Stunned 2}. Focus Spell @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.0H1ozccQGGFLUwFI]{Cry of Destruction} Your unbridled enthusiasm and positive attitude can lead you to success, but you might expend more energy than you planned. Catharsis Trigger You critically succeed on an attack roll or save, or an enemy critically fails on a save against you. Catharsis Activation Reduce the value of any @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.TBSHQspnbcqxsmjL]{Frightened} or @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.e1XGnhKNSQIm5IXg]{Stupefied} condition you have by 1 and end any persistent mental damage you have. Emotional Fervor You gain a +1 status bonus to Performance checks and to the spell attack rolls of emotion spells, and enemies take a –1 status penalty to saves against your emotion spells. Spell: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.tlSE7Ly8vi1Dgddv]{Laughing Fit} Emotional Fallout You become @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.HL2l2VRSaQHu9lUw]{Fatigued} until you Settle your Emotions. Focus Spell @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.gwOYh5zMVZB0HNcT]{Unimpeded Stride} You're joined by the bonds of love and nothing can break that, but love can distract you from other things in your life. Your emotional focus is someone you're in love with; they aren't required to love you back. Catharsis Trigger Your emotional focus takes damage from an enemy while within 30 feet of you. Catharsis Activation If either you or your emotional focus is @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.yblD8fOR1J8rDwEQ]{Confused} or @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.9qGBRpbX9NEwtAAr]{Controlled}, one of you can attempt a new saving throw against one confusing or controlling effect (if it allowed a save), ending the condition if the new save is a success. If both of you are eligible, your emotional focus gets the new save. Emotional Fervor You gain a +1 status bonus to Will saves. If you cast a spell to benefit your emotional focus, this bonus increases to +3 until the start of your next turn. Spell: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.szIyEsvihc5e1w8n]{Soothe} Emotional Fallout You're @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.AdPVz7rbaVSRxHFg]{Fascinated} with your emotional focus for 1 minute. Focus Spell @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.YGRpHU5yxw73mls8]{Soothing Words} To suffer is to know you're alive; to make your enemies suffer as greatly as you have eases your suffering. Catharsis Trigger You gain persistent damage from a foe. Catharsis Activation You gain a number of temporary Hit Points equal to your level. They last for 1 minute. Emotional Fervor You can choose not to attempt a flat check to end persistent damage you're taking. When you cast a damaging spell, you can choose one creature that failed its save or that you hit with your spell attack roll. That target takes persistent damage of the same type the spell dealt, of an amount equal to the highest amount of persistent damage you currently have. You can't choose a creature that's already taking persistent damage. Spell: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.R8bqnYiThB6MYTxD]{Phantom Pain} Emotional Fallout You take an untyped penalty to any damage you would deal with any spell you cast until you Settle your Emotions. The penalty is –1 per spell rank. Focus Spell @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.xn0V2HDrmDWNzPEt]{Savor the Sting} All is well as long as you appear well, but you get caught up in the moment and lose track of what's important. Catharsis Trigger You critically fail on an attack roll or saving throw. Catharsis Activation The critical failure becomes a failure. Emotional Fervor Each time you cast an illusion spell, until the start of your next turn, any critical failure you roll on an attack roll or saving throw is a failure instead. Spell: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.UKsIOWmMx4hSpafl]{Dizzying Colors} Emotional Fallout You momentarily lose track of what's real, becoming @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.yblD8fOR1J8rDwEQ]{Confused} for 1 round. Spell: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.j8vIoIEWElvpwkcI]{Mirror Image} Focus Spell @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.Q25JQAgnJSGgFDKZ]{Veil of Confidence} You attempt to overcome your failings, but your guilt stays with you. Catharsis Trigger An ally within 30 feet drops to 0 Hit Points. Catharsis Activation You Step or Stride. You must end this movement closer to the triggering ally. Emotional Fervor Any spell you cast that restores Hit Points to the triggering ally gets a status bonus to the Hit Points healed equal to the spell's rank, or double the spell's rank if the ally is at 0 Hit Points. Spell: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.kIwA7kwp5E0AC3yM]{Warrior's Regret} Emotional Fallout Your emotional weight crushes you, leaving you @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.e1XGnhKNSQIm5IXg]{Stupefied 2} until you Settle your Emotions. Focus Spell @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.rhJyqB9g3ziImQgM]{Healer's Blessing} Special You can't select another dedication feat until you've gained two other feats from the cathartic mage archetype. Prerequisites @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.dkuY22d3yLUBcqhq]{Cathartic Mage Dedication} You gain the basic spellcasting benefits. Each time you gain a spell slot of a new level from this archetype, add a spell of that spell rank from your chosen tradition to your repertoire-either a common spell or another spell you've learned or discovered. Prerequisites @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.dkuY22d3yLUBcqhq]{Cathartic Mage Dedication} You learn the focus spell listed under your emotion's entry. You can cast it only while in emotional fervor. If you don't already have one, you gain a focus pool of 1 Focus Point, which you can Refocus while you use @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.EhLvRWFKhZ3HtrZO]{Settle Emotions}. Prerequisites @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.dkuY22d3yLUBcqhq]{Cathartic Mage Dedication} Requirements You have a reaction available and aren't prevented from using @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.2424g94rpoiN1IPh]{Catharsis}. You concentrate on your mental state, tapping into that raw emotional energy. Take your Catharsis reaction, causing the catharsis activation and entering your emotional fervor as normal. The fervor lasts only until the end of your turn. At the end of your emotional fervor, you experience the effects of your emotional fallout, as normal. Prerequisites @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.fVP8jX7yRUpyrcVO]{Basic Cathartic Spellcasting} You gain the expert spellcasting benefits. Prerequisites @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.dkuY22d3yLUBcqhq]{Cathartic Mage Dedication} When you use @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.2424g94rpoiN1IPh]{Catharsis}, one ally within 30 feet gains the catharsis activation benefits in addition to you. If these benefits require an emotional focus, they use your emotional focus as they're experiencing an empathic imprint of your emotions. Depending on the activation benefit, it might be impossible to grant it to an ally; for instance, pride could only have an effect for an ally if both you and the ally critically failed the same saving throw against the same effect. Prerequisites @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.IZFw3Do0kBdgwZX0]{Expert Cathartic Spellcasting} You gain the master spellcasting benefits. You're a special personality... and you know it. You're not merely comfortable in the spotlight, you crave it. While the traditional celebrity is a musician or another type of performer, you could be known for any occupation. You know how to use your position to command the attention of others or steal it away from those around you. While you're in a room all eyes are on you, and you love it. Your life is a show, and you are here to steal the love and admiration of everyone watching. The more people you have looking at you, the more content you are, and you take every opportunity to show up others when their performances are less than perfect. You gain the Upstage reaction. In addition, when you Earn Income, if the level of the task is higher than your level, you gain a +1 circumstance bonus to your check to Earn Income. Prerequisites Celebrity Dedication Trigger You would gain the fatigued condition. Requirements You are observed by at least three creatures who aren't enemies. As long as you have an audience, you can continue to perform even when you are on the brink of collapse. Indeed, you must—you have an obligation to your fans! You delay the effects of the Fatigued condition for 1 minute or until you are no longer observed by at least three creatures who aren't enemies, whichever comes first. If the fatigued condition has a duration, the duration begins to elapse only after the delay. You can't further delay or prevent the fatigued condition after this ability ends. Prerequisites Celebrity Dedication When you meet someone's gaze, they're unable to look away from you. Choose one target creature you can see and that can see you. That creature must succeed at a Will save or be fascinated with you until the end of your next turn; the DC is the higher of your class DC or spell DC. If the creature succeeds at its save or its fascination ends due to a hostile action, it becomes temporarily immune to your Mesmerizing Gaze for 1 day. Prerequisites Celebrity Dedication You command the attention of all around you with style, ensuring their gaze falls only upon you until the end of your next turn. Whenever a creature in a 30-foot emanation around you attempts a saving throw against a different visual effect, it gets a result one degree of success better than it rolled. This is a fortune effect. When an enemy within the aura attempts to use a visual effect that involves focusing its attention on a particular creature (such as a medusa's Focus Gaze), it must succeed at a Will save against your class DC or spell DC, whichever is higher, in order to target any creature except you. Allies in the aura can attempt to Hide even if they don't have cover, as you are continually providing a distraction. You're a special personality... and you know it. You're not merely comfortable in the spotlight, you crave it. While the traditional celebrity is a musician or another type of performer, you could be known for any occupation. You know how to use your position to command the attention of others or steal it away from those around you. While you're in a room all eyes are on you, and you love it. Your life is a show, and you are here to steal the love and admiration of everyone watching. The more people you have looking at you, the more content you are, and you take every opportunity to show up others when their performances are less than perfect. You gain the Upstage reaction. In addition, when you Earn Income, if the level of the task is higher than your level, you gain a +1 circumstance bonus to your check to Earn Income. Prerequisites Celebrity Dedication Trigger You would gain the fatigued condition. Requirements You are observed by at least three creatures who aren't enemies. As long as you have an audience, you can continue to perform even when you are on the brink of collapse. Indeed, you must—you have an obligation to your fans! You delay the effects of the Fatigued condition for 1 minute or until you are no longer observed by at least three creatures who aren't enemies, whichever comes first. If the fatigued condition has a duration, the duration begins to elapse only after the delay. You can't further delay or prevent the fatigued condition after this ability ends. @Embed[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.13bMIkqXpKt9pxAm inline hr=false] Prerequisites Celebrity Dedication When you meet someone's gaze, they're unable to look away from you. Choose one target creature you can see and that can see you. That creature must succeed at a Will save or be fascinated with you until the end of your next turn; the DC is the higher of your class DC or spell DC. If the creature succeeds at its save or its fascination ends due to a hostile action, it becomes temporarily immune to your Mesmerizing Gaze for 1 day. @Embed[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.7SwpVfxSkPMPMazJ inline hr=false] @Embed[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.AHchBBO8lXCCuVxT inline hr=false] @Embed[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.P092yzkGN4UYYVXB inline hr=false] @Embed[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.PfnlKlLuqKOOhLyK inline hr=false] Prerequisites Celebrity Dedication You command the attention of all around you with style, ensuring their gaze falls only upon you until the end of your next turn. Whenever a creature in a 30-foot emanation around you attempts a saving throw against a different visual effect, it gets a result one degree of success better than it rolled. This is a fortune effect. When an enemy within the aura attempts to use a visual effect that involves focusing its attention on a particular creature (such as a medusa's Focus Gaze), it must succeed at a Will save against your class DC or spell DC, whichever is higher, in order to target any creature except you. Allies in the aura can attempt to Hide even if they don't have cover, as you are continually providing a distraction. @Embed[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.arnSyCl9XfN1qviJ inline hr=false] You are a genteel master of style, culture, and decorum, aware of even the subtlest rules of etiquette. Prerequisites trained in Diplomacy You are a consummate student of dignity, etiquette, and fashion. You become trained in Deception and Society; if you were already trained in either, you become an expert in it instead. You gain the @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.HFv62jIK98S2xw4x]{Influence Rumor} downtime activity. Prerequisites Dandy Dedication, expert in Deception Trigger You observe a target's attitude toward yourself or your allies decrease as a result of an ally's behavior. You know how to maintain a good impression and manage your image, even while keeping uncouth company. Make a @Check[deception|defense:will] check against the target's Will DC. Regardless of your result, the target is temporarily immune to your Distracting Flattery for 10 minutes. Success The target's attitude doesn't decrease as a result of your ally's social blunder. Failure The target's attitude decreases, as normal. Critical Failure Your attempt makes matters worse, decreasing the target's attitude toward you by one step, in addition to any changes from the behavior that triggered this reaction. Prerequisites Dandy Dedication Your time gossiping in fashionable salons keeps you informed on every topic. You are trained in Gossip Lore, a special Lore skill that can be used only to Recall Knowledge, but on any topic. If you fail a check to Recall Knowledge with Gossip Lore, you get the effects of the Dubious Knowledge skill feat. If you have legendary proficiency in Society, you gain expert proficiency in Gossip Lore, but you can't increase your proficiency rank in Gossip Lore by any other means. Prerequisites Dandy Dedication, master in Deception You can lie about having taken an action so convincingly that you acquire all the tangible benefits of having successfully completed it. You can roll Deception in place of a different skill when attempting to Earn Income, Make an Impression, Request, or Subsist. You can use Fabricated Connections to Make an Impression or Request once per day, and you can also use it once per week to Earn Income or Subsist. Prerequisites Dandy Dedication, master in Society You attend all the fashionable society parties, no matter how exclusive they might be. Any time you encounter a social event you would ordinarily be denied access to, such as a coronation, royal gala, or other society function, you can spend [[/r 1d4 #hours]]{1d4 hours} to secure entry without the need for a skill check. You find invitations, invitees looking for fashionable dates, temporary jobs with the caterers, event staff willing to look the other way, or some other mode of access for yourself and your allies. This ability doesn't apply to secret events or other small private gatherings with no staff, dates, or outsiders involved. You are a genteel master of style, culture, and decorum, aware of even the subtlest rules of etiquette. Prerequisites trained in Diplomacy You are a consummate student of dignity, etiquette, and fashion. You become trained in Deception and Society; if you were already trained in either, you become an expert in it instead. You gain the @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.HFv62jIK98S2xw4x]{Influence Rumor} downtime activity. Prerequisites Dandy Dedication, expert in Deception Trigger You observe a target's attitude toward yourself or your allies decrease as a result of an ally's behavior. You know how to maintain a good impression and manage your image, even while keeping uncouth company. Make a @Check[deception|defense:will] check against the target's Will DC. Regardless of your result, the target is temporarily immune to your Distracting Flattery for 10 minutes. Success The target's attitude doesn't decrease as a result of your ally's social blunder. Failure The target's attitude decreases, as normal. Critical Failure Your attempt makes matters worse, decreasing the target's attitude toward you by one step, in addition to any changes from the behavior that triggered this reaction. Prerequisites Dandy Dedication Your time gossiping in fashionable salons keeps you informed on every topic. You are trained in Gossip Lore, a special Lore skill that can be used only to Recall Knowledge, but on any topic. If you fail a check to Recall Knowledge with Gossip Lore, you get the effects of the Dubious Knowledge skill feat. If you have legendary proficiency in Society, you gain expert proficiency in Gossip Lore, but you can't increase your proficiency rank in Gossip Lore by any other means. @Embed[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.0ptK0blZehF3ABha inline hr=false] @Embed[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.1MZ4WNoNoJ4jj5Z0 inline] @Embed[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.7SwpVfxSkPMPMazJ inline hr=false] Prerequisites Dandy Dedication, master in Deception You can lie about having taken an action so convincingly that you acquire all the tangible benefits of having successfully completed it. You can roll Deception in place of a different skill when attempting to Earn Income, Make an Impression, Request, or Subsist. You can use Fabricated Connections to Make an Impression or Request once per day, and you can also use it once per week to Earn Income or Subsist. Prerequisites Dandy Dedication, master in Society You attend all the fashionable society parties, no matter how exclusive they might be. Any time you encounter a social event you would ordinarily be denied access to, such as a coronation, royal gala, or other society function, you can spend [[/r 1d4 #hours]]{1d4 hours} to secure entry without the need for a skill check. You find invitations, invitees looking for fashionable dates, temporary jobs with the caterers, event staff willing to look the other way, or some other mode of access for yourself and your allies. This ability doesn't apply to secret events or other small private gatherings with no staff, dates, or outsiders involved. @Embed[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.P092yzkGN4UYYVXB inline hr=false] All across the world, students in fencing academies practice with their weapons to master one-on-one combat. The libraries of these schools contain troves of information, detailing hundreds of combat techniques, battle stances, and honorable rules of engagement. Those who gain admission to such training classes might duel in formalized settings—and that's certainly the more genteel route to take. However, others assert that there's no better training ground for duels than the chaotic life of an adventurer. In such situations, a flexible, single‑handed fighting style is invaluable. You never know when you'll need an extra hand to shove a foe, haul open a door, or grab valuable loot. You can accomplish such deeds with style and grace. Regardless of your method, fighters such as you are feared across the land. Additional Feats 4th @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.n7nQQR940OvFbw7T]{Dueling Parry}; 8th @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.1p5ErCp33nGOzEsk]{Disarming Stance}; 10th @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.mf2cdCRV8uowOMOm]{Dueling Riposte}; 12th @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.4VbfFPuFpbGLMMKF]{Disarming Twist}; 14th @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.FYz5eQeTox9IDkSd]{Dueling Dance}, @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.mgs7vxq6d3hQoswa]{Improved Dueling Riposte}; 16th @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.1DaSVLJEdJWYOWek]{Guiding Riposte} Prerequisites trained in light armor and simple weapons You are always ready to draw your weapon and begin a duel, no matter the circumstances. You gain the Quick Draw feat, enabling you to both draw and attack with a weapon as 1 action. Prerequisites Duelist Dedication Select one enemy you can see and proclaim a challenge against it. That enemy is your dueling opponent until it's defeated, it flees from the encounter, or the encounter ends. Any time you hit that enemy using a single one-handed melee weapon while your other hand or hands are free, you gain a circumstance bonus to the Strike's damage equal to the number of damage dice your weapon deals. If you attack a creature other than your dueling opponent, you take a circumstance penalty to damage equal to the number of damage dice your weapon deals. Prerequisites Dueling Parry, Duelist Dedication You protect those near to you with a flash of steel and a stroke of good luck. When you're benefiting from Dueling Parry, allies adjacent to you gain a +1 circumstance bonus to AC. If you have Dueling Riposte, you can use it when an enemy within your reach critically fails a Strike against an ally adjacent to you, not just against yourself. Prerequisites Duelist Dedication Dueling is your art, and your weapon is your instrument. You have studied and evaluated a great many combat techniques, which you can review each day without fail to ensure you are prepared for any and every situation that may occur. During your daily preparations, you can swap out any number of your duelist archetype feats for other duelist archetype feats of the appropriate level for which you are qualified. You can't swap out Duelist Dedication or Student of the Dueling Arts in this way. In addition, you can enter a stance from a duelist archetype feat you don't have (such as one listed under Additional Feats) by increasing the number of actions it takes to enter the stance by 1 (typically to 2 actions). You must still meet the stance feat's prerequisites. All across the world, students in fencing academies practice with their weapons to master one-on-one combat. The libraries of these schools contain troves of information, detailing hundreds of combat techniques, battle stances, and honorable rules of engagement. Those who gain admission to such training classes might duel in formalized settings—and that's certainly the more genteel route to take. However, others assert that there's no better training ground for duels than the chaotic life of an adventurer. In such situations, a flexible, single‑handed fighting style is invaluable. You never know when you'll need an extra hand to shove a foe, haul open a door, or grab valuable loot. You can accomplish such deeds with style and grace. Regardless of your method, fighters such as you are feared across the land. Additional Feats 4th @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.n7nQQR940OvFbw7T]{Dueling Parry}; 8th @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.1p5ErCp33nGOzEsk]{Disarming Stance}; 10th @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.mf2cdCRV8uowOMOm]{Dueling Riposte}; 12th @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.4VbfFPuFpbGLMMKF]{Disarming Twist}; 14th @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.FYz5eQeTox9IDkSd]{Dueling Dance}, @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.mgs7vxq6d3hQoswa]{Improved Dueling Riposte}; 16th @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.1DaSVLJEdJWYOWek]{Guiding Riposte} Prerequisites trained in light armor and simple weapons You are always ready to draw your weapon and begin a duel, no matter the circumstances. You gain the Quick Draw feat, enabling you to both draw and attack with a weapon as 1 action. Prerequisites Duelist Dedication Select one enemy you can see and proclaim a challenge against it. That enemy is your dueling opponent until it's defeated, it flees from the encounter, or the encounter ends. Any time you hit that enemy using a single one-handed melee weapon while your other hand or hands are free, you gain a circumstance bonus to the Strike's damage equal to the number of damage dice your weapon deals. If you attack a creature other than your dueling opponent, you take a circumstance penalty to damage equal to the number of damage dice your weapon deals. @Embed[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.0ptK0blZehF3ABha inline hr=false] @Embed[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.9xcvJn3lWXwbkU52 inline hr=false] @Embed[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.0ptK0blZehF3ABha inline hr=false] Prerequisites Dueling Parry, Duelist Dedication You protect those near to you with a flash of steel and a stroke of good luck. When you're benefiting from Dueling Parry, allies adjacent to you gain a +1 circumstance bonus to AC. If you have Dueling Riposte, you can use it when an enemy within your reach critically fails a Strike against an ally adjacent to you, not just against yourself. Prerequisites Duelist Dedication Dueling is your art, and your weapon is your instrument. You have studied and evaluated a great many combat techniques, which you can review each day without fail to ensure you are prepared for any and every situation that may occur. During your daily preparations, you can swap out any number of your duelist archetype feats for other duelist archetype feats of the appropriate level for which you are qualified. You can't swap out Duelist Dedication or Student of the Dueling Arts in this way. In addition, you can enter a stance from a duelist archetype feat you don't have (such as one listed under Additional Feats) by increasing the number of actions it takes to enter the stance by 1 (typically to 2 actions). You must still meet the stance feat's prerequisites. The roar of the crowd and thrill of competitive combat drive you to become the best—and the fame isn't bad either. You always do your best work under the fervent gaze of spectators, and by work, you of course mean violence. Prerequisites Impressive Performance You know how to turn combat into a form of entertainment. You gain the Additional Lore general feat for Gladiatorial Lore. If you were already trained in Gladiatorial Lore, you also become trained in a Lore skill of your choice. At the start of a combat encounter, if you have spectators, you gain a number of temporary HP equal to your character level for 1 minute and you can roll Performance for your initiative. If there are sapient creatures observing a combat encounter, and these onlookers are neither engaged in the combat themselves nor directly assisting any participants, the combatants have spectators. The GM is the final arbiter of whether or not a combat has spectators. Special You can't select another dedication feat until you have gained two other feats from the Gladiator archetype. Prerequisites Gladiator Dedication, expert in Performance You show off your fighting style to discourage your foes. You can use Performance to Demoralize. Prerequisites Gladiator Dedication Trigger You reduce an enemy to 0 Hit Points during a non-trivial combat encounter with spectators. You show off for the crowd. Attempt a Performance check; the DC is determined by the GM but is typically the standard DC for your level or the DC to Make an Impression on the spectators, whichever is higher. On a success, choose one of the following benefits; on a critical success, choose two benefits: Prerequisites Gladiator Dedication You pull punches to give a better show. You don't take the usual -2 circumstance penalty when making a nonlethal attack with a weapon or unarmed attack that doesn't have the nonlethal trait. Prerequisites Gladiator Dedication You're skilled with flashy weapons and can use them to great effect. You have familiarity with the bo staff, dueling cape, spiked chain, sword cane, trident, war flail, and whip. For the purposes of proficiency, you treat these as simple weapons. The GM may add other martial weapons to this list as appropriate for the world or region you are playing in. Whenever you get a critical hit with one of these weapons, you get its critical specialization effect. Prerequisites Play to the Crowd When you successfully Play to the Crowd, add the following to the list of benefits you can choose from: The roar of the crowd and thrill of competitive combat drive you to become the best—and the fame isn't bad either. You always do your best work under the fervent gaze of spectators, and by work, you of course mean violence. Prerequisites Impressive Performance You know how to turn combat into a form of entertainment. You gain the Additional Lore general feat for Gladiatorial Lore. If you were already trained in Gladiatorial Lore, you also become trained in a Lore skill of your choice. At the start of a combat encounter, if you have spectators, you gain a number of temporary HP equal to your character level for 1 minute and you can roll Performance for your initiative. If there are sapient creatures observing a combat encounter, and these onlookers are neither engaged in the combat themselves nor directly assisting any participants, the combatants have spectators. The GM is the final arbiter of whether or not a combat has spectators. Special You can't select another dedication feat until you have gained two other feats from the Gladiator archetype. Prerequisites Gladiator Dedication, expert in Performance You show off your fighting style to discourage your foes. You can use Performance to Demoralize. Prerequisites Gladiator Dedication Trigger You reduce an enemy to 0 Hit Points during a non-trivial combat encounter with spectators. You show off for the crowd. Attempt a Performance check; the DC is determined by the GM but is typically the standard DC for your level or the DC to Make an Impression on the spectators, whichever is higher. On a success, choose one of the following benefits; on a critical success, choose two benefits: Prerequisites Gladiator Dedication You pull punches to give a better show. You don't take the usual -2 circumstance penalty when making a nonlethal attack with a weapon or unarmed attack that doesn't have the nonlethal trait. Prerequisites Gladiator Dedication You're skilled with flashy weapons and can use them to great effect. You have familiarity with the bo staff, dueling cape, spiked chain, sword cane, trident, war flail, and whip. For the purposes of proficiency, you treat these as simple weapons. The GM may add other martial weapons to this list as appropriate for the world or region you are playing in. Whenever you get a critical hit with one of these weapons, you get its critical specialization effect. Prerequisites Play to the Crowd When you successfully Play to the Crowd, add the following to the list of benefits you can choose from: @Embed[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.CL43gGiErw5FUtFQ inline hr=false] @Embed[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.PfnlKlLuqKOOhLyK inline hr=false] Marshals are leaders, first and foremost. Marshals can come from any class or background, though they all share a willingness to sacrifice their own glory for the greater good of the team. Some marshals lead from the front, sword and shield raised, while others may call instructions and encouragements from the rear while providing allied spellcasters with skilled support. Regardless of their preferred method of combat, marshals' ability to bring the best out in every ally is a valuable addition to any group. Though not every marshal is seen by their allies as a source of encouragement. Such marshals strike fear both in enemies and allies alike to inspire competence in battle and ensure that cowardice will not be tolerated. Such tactics are often seen as more practical than cruel, and the results speak for themselves. Quick action and the necessity to fight drive these leaders and their allies forward into the fray of battle. Regardless of what kind of marshal you wish to become, you will lead your allies to glory and victory. While many see marshals as traditionally warriors of martial prowess, anyone could make for a potent marshal. Not every such leader charges into the thick of battle. While doing so may inspire bravery in desperate times, many leaders lead from the safety of the back lines. Spellcaster marshals often lead in this manner. In their mind, the practicality of their own survival outweighs the powerful yet fleeting courage a charge inspires. After all, more battles await in the future, and their skills may very well be needed again. Additional Feats 8th @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.NMWXHGWUcZGoLDKb]{Reactive Strike} Prerequisites trained in martial weapons and either Diplomacy or Intimidation You've combined your social skills and combat training to become a talented combat leader. Choose Diplomacy or Intimidation. You become trained in that skill or become an expert if you were already trained in it. In addition, you're surrounded by a marshal's aura in a 10-foot emanation. Your aura has the emotion, mental, and visual traits and grants you and allies within the aura a +1 status bonus to saving throws against fear. Special You can't select another dedication feat until you have gained two other feats from the Marshal archetype. Prerequisites Marshal Dedication, trained in Intimidation Putting on a grim face for the battle ahead, you encourage your allies to strike fear into their foes with vicious attacks. When you use this action, attempt an Intimidation check. The DC is usually an easy DC of your level, but the GM can assign a different DC based on the circumstances. The effect depends on the result of your check. Success Your marshal's aura grants you and your allies in the aura a +1 status bonus to damage rolls. When you or an ally in the aura critically hit an enemy with a Strike, that enemy is frightened 1. If you're wielding a weapon that has more than one damage die (typically due to a striking rune), you can have the status bonus equal the weapon's number of damage dice instead of +1. Failure You fail to enter the stance. Critical Failure You fail to enter the stance and can't take this action again for 1 minute. Prerequisites Marshal Dedication, trained in Diplomacy You become a brilliant example of dedication and poise in battle, encouraging your allies to follow suit. When you spend this action, attempt a Diplomacy check. The DC is usually an easy DC of your level, but the GM can assign a different DC based on the circumstances. The effect depends on the result of your check. Success Your marshal's aura grants you and allies a +1 status bonus to attack rolls and saves against mental effects. Failure You fail to enter the stance. Critical Failure You fail to enter the stance and can't take this action again for 1 minute. Prerequisites Marshal Dedication You give a quick shout, hoping to shake the fog clouding your ally's thoughts. Choose one target ally in your marshal's aura who is affected by a mental effect that allowed a Will save and has a duration of no longer than 1 minute. That ally can immediately attempt a Will save with a +1 circumstance bonus against the effect's DC, ending the effect on a success. This can't end the effect for any creatures other than your target ally. Regardless of the result of the save, your ally is temporarily immune to Snap Out of It! for 10 minutes. Prerequisites Marshal Dedication, trained in Society or Warfare Lore You find the most strategic options for you and your allies. When you use this action, attempt a Society or Warfare Lore check. The DC is usually a standard-difficulty DC of your level, but the GM can assign a different DC based on the circumstances. Critical Success Your marshal's aura increases to a 20-foot emanation, and it grants you and allies a +1 status bonus to Reflex saving throws. Once per turn, when you succeed or critically succeed at a Recall Knowledge check to gain information about an enemy creature, the target of the Recall Knowledge check becomes off-guard to the next attack made against it by you or an ally in your aura. Success As critical success, but your aura's size doesn't increase. Failure You fail to enter the stance. Critical Failure You fail to enter the stance and can't take this action again for 1 minute. Prerequisites Marshal Dedication You encourage an ally to toughen up, giving them a fighting chance. Choose one ally in your marshal's aura. The ally gains temporary Hit Points equal to your Charisma modifier and a +2 circumstance bonus to Fortitude saves. Both benefits last until the start of your next turn. Prerequisites Marshal Dedication Frequency once per minute You call out a quick cadence, guiding your allies into a more efficient rhythm. Each willing ally in your marshal's aura is quickened until the end of their next turn, and they can use the extra action only to Stride. If an ally uses this extra action, at the end of its turn that ally becomes slowed 1 until the end of its following turn. Prerequisites Marshal Dedication Your fearless charge into battle reinvigorates your allies to carry on the fight. You Stride up to your Speed and make a melee Strike. If your Strike hits and damages an enemy, each ally within 60 feet who saw you hit gains temporary Hit Points equal to your Charisma modifier. These temporary Hit Points last until the start of your next turn. Prerequisites Marshal Dedication You excel at watching your allies' backs and helping them watch yours. Any ally adjacent to you can't be off-guard due to flanking unless you're also flanked. Similarly, while you're adjacent to at least one ally, you can't be off-guard due to flanking unless at least one ally you're adjacent to is flanked as well. Prerequisites Marshal Dedication, Strategist Stance Requirements You're in Strategist Stance. You aim to turn knowledge into power against your foes. Attempt a Recall Knowledge check against an enemy you're observing. Any ally within your aura who's trained in the skill you use to attempt the Recall Knowledge check can use their reaction to Aid you on the check without having prepared to help first. Prerequisites Marshal Dedication With a resounding cry, you rally your ally to take the offensive. Choose one ally in your marshal's aura who has a reaction available. If you spend 1 action, that ally can use their reaction to immediately Stride. If you spend 2 actions, that ally can use their reaction to immediately Strike. Prerequisites Marshall Dedication You've trained in battle formations for a plethora of situations. Choose a formation. Allies within your aura can use their reaction to Stride up to their Speed and take a place in the chosen formation. Allies can't benefit from this movement if there isn't room for them in the chosen formation. If there are more eligible allies than there are available spaces in the chosen formation, you choose which allies benefit. Prerequisites Marshal Dedication, trained in Athletics Trigger An ally succeeds at a melee Strike against an enemy you are both adjacent to. You take advantage of the opening created by your ally to tip your foe off their feet. Attempt an Athletics check to trip the target of the triggering attack. Prerequisites Marshal Dedication You heroically dash into the fray, inspiring your allies to follow. You Stride up to your Speed and make a melee Strike. If your Strike hits and damages an enemy, each ally within 60 feet who saw you hit can use a reaction to Stride, but they each must end their Stride closer to the creature you hit than where they started. Prerequisites Marshall Dedication, Strategist Stance You move strategically forward to draw the enemy's attention away from your allies. You Stride toward an enemy and attempt to Create a Diversion, except you can use Society or Warfare Lore instead of Deception. On a success, in addition to the normal outcome for Creating a Diversion, the enemy becomes fascinated with you until the start of your next turn and can't use reactions against allies in your aura. On a critical success, the enemy becomes fascinated with you until the end of your next turn. Prerequisites Cadence Call Your remarkable breath control and concise instructions allow you to coordinate your allies more effectively, even in desperate situations. When you grant allies the quickened condition using Cadence Call, they can use the extra action to either Stride or Strike, and they aren't slowed 1 on their following turn if they use the extra action. Prerequisites Marshal Dedication Trigger An ally succeeds at a ranged Strike against an opponent in your weapon's first range increment. Requirements You have a ranged or thrown weapon in hand. You capitalize on your ally's attack and use the opportunity to secure a blow of your own, adding to the oncoming barrage. Make a ranged Strike with a –2 penalty against the opponent targeted by the triggering attack. This Strike doesn't count toward your multiple attack penalty, and your multiple attack penalty doesn't apply to this Strike. If this Strike is successful, combine the damage from the attack with the damage from your ally's attack for the purpose of resistances and weaknesses. Marshals are leaders, first and foremost. Marshals can come from any class or background, though they all share a willingness to sacrifice their own glory for the greater good of the team. Some marshals lead from the front, sword and shield raised, while others may call instructions and encouragements from the rear while providing allied spellcasters with skilled support. Regardless of their preferred method of combat, marshals' ability to bring the best out in every ally is a valuable addition to any group. Though not every marshal is seen by their allies as a source of encouragement. Such marshals strike fear both in enemies and allies alike to inspire competence in battle and ensure that cowardice will not be tolerated. Such tactics are often seen as more practical than cruel, and the results speak for themselves. Quick action and the necessity to fight drive these leaders and their allies forward into the fray of battle. Regardless of what kind of marshal you wish to become, you will lead your allies to glory and victory. While many see marshals as traditionally warriors of martial prowess, anyone could make for a potent marshal. Not every such leader charges into the thick of battle. While doing so may inspire bravery in desperate times, many leaders lead from the safety of the back lines. Spellcaster marshals often lead in this manner. In their mind, the practicality of their own survival outweighs the powerful yet fleeting courage a charge inspires. After all, more battles await in the future, and their skills may very well be needed again. Additional Feats 8th @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.NMWXHGWUcZGoLDKb]{Reactive Strike} Prerequisites trained in martial weapons and either Diplomacy or Intimidation You've combined your social skills and combat training to become a talented combat leader. Choose Diplomacy or Intimidation. You become trained in that skill or become an expert if you were already trained in it. In addition, you're surrounded by a marshal's aura in a 10-foot emanation. Your aura has the emotion, mental, and visual traits and grants you and allies within the aura a +1 status bonus to saving throws against fear. Special You can't select another dedication feat until you have gained two other feats from the Marshal archetype. Prerequisites Marshal Dedication, trained in Deception You've learned Devrin Arlos's guileful ways, and his sly teachings help you remind your allies to keep their wits about them. When you use this action, attempt a Deception check. The DC is usually a standard-difficulty DC of your level, but the GM can assign a different DC based on the circumstances. The effect depends on the result of your check. Critical Success Your marshal's aura increases to a 20-foot emanation, and it grants you and your allies a +1 status bonus to skill checks. When you or an ally in the aura Strike an off-guard enemy, that enemy can't use reactions until the beginning of its next turn. Success As critical success, but your aura's size doesn't increase. Failure You fail to enter the stance. Critical Failure You fail to enter the stance and can't take this action again for 1 minute. Prerequisites Marshal Dedication, trained in Intimidation Putting on a grim face for the battle ahead, you encourage your allies to strike fear into their foes with vicious attacks. When you use this action, attempt an Intimidation check. The DC is usually an easy DC of your level, but the GM can assign a different DC based on the circumstances. The effect depends on the result of your check. Success Your marshal's aura grants you and your allies in the aura a +1 status bonus to damage rolls. When you or an ally in the aura critically hit an enemy with a Strike, that enemy is frightened 1. If you're wielding a weapon that has more than one damage die (typically due to a striking rune), you can have the status bonus equal the weapon's number of damage dice instead of +1. Failure You fail to enter the stance. Critical Failure You fail to enter the stance and can't take this action again for 1 minute. Prerequisites Marshal Dedication, trained in Diplomacy You become a brilliant example of dedication and poise in battle, encouraging your allies to follow suit. When you spend this action, attempt a Diplomacy check. The DC is usually an easy DC of your level, but the GM can assign a different DC based on the circumstances. The effect depends on the result of your check. Success Your marshal's aura grants you and allies a +1 status bonus to attack rolls and saves against mental effects. Failure You fail to enter the stance. Critical Failure You fail to enter the stance and can't take this action again for 1 minute. Prerequisites Marshal Dedication You give a quick shout, hoping to shake the fog clouding your ally's thoughts. Choose one target ally in your marshal's aura who is affected by a mental effect that allowed a Will save and has a duration of no longer than 1 minute. That ally can immediately attempt a Will save with a +1 circumstance bonus against the effect's DC, ending the effect on a success. This can't end the effect for any creatures other than your target ally. Regardless of the result of the save, your ally is temporarily immune to Snap Out of It! for 10 minutes. Prerequisites Marshal Dedication, trained in Society or Warfare Lore You find the most strategic options for you and your allies. When you use this action, attempt a Society or Warfare Lore check. The DC is usually a standard-difficulty DC of your level, but the GM can assign a different DC based on the circumstances. Critical Success Your marshal's aura increases to a 20-foot emanation, and it grants you and allies a +1 status bonus to Reflex saving throws. Once per turn, when you succeed or critically succeed at a Recall Knowledge check to gain information about an enemy creature, the target of the Recall Knowledge check becomes off-guard to the next attack made against it by you or an ally in your aura. Success As critical success, but your aura's size doesn't increase. Failure You fail to enter the stance. Critical Failure You fail to enter the stance and can't take this action again for 1 minute. Prerequisites Marshal Dedication You encourage an ally to toughen up, giving them a fighting chance. Choose one ally in your marshal's aura. The ally gains temporary Hit Points equal to your Charisma modifier and a +2 circumstance bonus to Fortitude saves. Both benefits last until the start of your next turn. Prerequisites Marshal Dedication Frequency once per minute You call out a quick cadence, guiding your allies into a more efficient rhythm. Each willing ally in your marshal's aura is quickened until the end of their next turn, and they can use the extra action only to Stride. If an ally uses this extra action, at the end of its turn that ally becomes slowed 1 until the end of its following turn. Prerequisites Marshal Dedication Your fearless charge into battle reinvigorates your allies to carry on the fight. You Stride up to your Speed and make a melee Strike. If your Strike hits and damages an enemy, each ally within 60 feet who saw you hit gains temporary Hit Points equal to your Charisma modifier. These temporary Hit Points last until the start of your next turn. Prerequisites Marshal Dedication You excel at watching your allies' backs and helping them watch yours. Any ally adjacent to you can't be off-guard due to flanking unless you're also flanked. Similarly, while you're adjacent to at least one ally, you can't be off-guard due to flanking unless at least one ally you're adjacent to is flanked as well. Prerequisites Marshal Dedication, Strategist Stance Requirements You're in Strategist Stance. You aim to turn knowledge into power against your foes. Attempt a Recall Knowledge check against an enemy you're observing. Any ally within your aura who's trained in the skill you use to attempt the Recall Knowledge check can use their reaction to Aid you on the check without having prepared to help first. Prerequisites Marshal Dedication With a resounding cry, you rally your ally to take the offensive. Choose one ally in your marshal's aura who has a reaction available. If you spend 1 action, that ally can use their reaction to immediately Stride. If you spend 2 actions, that ally can use their reaction to immediately Strike. Prerequisites Marshal Dedication You've trained in battle formations for a plethora of situations. Choose a formation. Allies within your aura can use their reaction to Stride up to their Speed and take a place in the chosen formation. Allies can't benefit from this movement if there isn't room for them in the chosen formation. If there are more eligible allies than there are available spaces in the chosen formation, you choose which allies benefit. Prerequisites Marshal Dedication, trained in Athletics Trigger An ally succeeds at a melee Strike against an enemy you are both adjacent to. You take advantage of the opening created by your ally to tip your foe off their feet. Attempt an Athletics check to trip the target of the triggering attack. Prerequisites Marshal Dedication You heroically dash into the fray, inspiring your allies to follow. You Stride up to your Speed and make a melee Strike. If your Strike hits and damages an enemy, each ally within 60 feet who saw you hit can use a reaction to Stride, but they each must end their Stride closer to the creature you hit than where they started. Prerequisites Marshal Dedication, Strategist Stance You move strategically forward to draw the enemy's attention away from your allies. You Stride toward an enemy and attempt to Create a Diversion, except you can use Society or Warfare Lore instead of Deception. On a success, in addition to the normal outcome for Creating a Diversion, the enemy becomes fascinated with you until the start of your next turn and can't use reactions against allies in your aura. On a critical success, the enemy becomes fascinated with you until the end of your next turn. Prerequisites Cadence Call Your remarkable breath control and concise instructions allow you to coordinate your allies more effectively, even in desperate situations. When you grant allies the quickened condition using Cadence Call, they can use the extra action to either Stride or Strike, and they aren't slowed 1 on their following turn if they use the extra action. Prerequisites Marshal Dedication Trigger An ally succeeds at a ranged Strike against an opponent in your weapon's first range increment. Requirements You have a ranged or thrown weapon in hand. You capitalize on your ally's attack and use the opportunity to secure a blow of your own, adding to the oncoming barrage. Make a ranged Strike with a –2 penalty against the opponent targeted by the triggering attack. This Strike doesn't count toward your multiple attack penalty, and your multiple attack penalty doesn't apply to this Strike. If this Strike is successful, combine the damage from the attack with the damage from your ally's attack for the purpose of resistances and weaknesses. You have trained in the martial arts, making your unarmed strikes lethal. You seek neither mysticism nor enlightenment, and you don't view this training as some greater path to wisdom. Yours is the way of the fist striking flesh, the hand turning aside the blade, and the devastating kick taking your enemy down. Your training is focused and practical, and since you have turned every part of your body into a weapon, you never find yourself without one. While you might have learned your techniques in a dojo or school focused on training the body, you might just as easily have learned them in street brawls and bar fights, combining instincts with intense athleticism for a deadly combination. Regardless of your origins, your path is one of iron, transforming your body into a deadly weapon. The techniques available are many, but the results are all the same. Whether you attack with your fist, fang, or foot, your prowess is undeniable. Many martial artists seek to master a stance to put form to their flurry of attacks. Such techniques allow one to channel their strength. However, some prefer freedom in form and reject stances altogether. You may find your own style or master one of the forms used by legendary martial artists. Additional Feats 4th @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.VeVHWTrzE3aDm3rx]{Brawling Focus}, @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.bf7NCeKqDClaqhTR]{Crane Stance}, @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.8sy3sHwOHS4ImwvJ]{Dragon Stance}, @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.DqD7htz8Sd1dh3BT]{Gorilla Stance}, @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.ZL5UU9quCTvcWzfY]{Mountain Stance}, @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.7FRYyKXDKjGoANYj]{Stumbling Stance}, @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.BQWGOK0lVmljCunm]{Rushing Goat Stance} @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.VCjAlOvjNvFJOsG5]{Tiger Stance}, @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.VN6Cws7BBta81AQ9]{Twisting Petal Stance}, @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.AN9jY1JVcU20Qdw6]{Wolf Stance}; 8th @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.Sebm8u9jyKPRguNf]{Advanced Monastic Weaponry}, @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.S14S52HjszTgIy4l]{Crane Flutter}, @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.SELSj1vvVLx5cP72]{Dragon Roar}, @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.nRjyyDulHnP5OewA]{Gorilla Pound}, @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.QlBQEkFqiYsU2Y3x]{Momentous Charge}, @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.n2hawNmzW7DBn1Lm]{Mountain Stronghold}, @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.kYA6LkDw4AzKI156]{Stumbling Feint}, @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.6J2ZSGNsXPKPcJGV]{Tiger Slash}, @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.uJpghjJtNbqKUxRd]{Wolf Drag}; 10th @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.qbNo5NLm1eXHkOMI]{Scattering in Spring}, 14th @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.gq1gGsJDLQuQDrhW]{Five-Gods Ram}, @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.EqNhUXGFjk99QzCg]{Whirling in the Summer Storm}, 16th @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.hO4sKslTrSQMLbGx]{Mountain Quake} You have trained to use your fists as deadly weapons and can deliver devastatingly powerful blows with them. The damage die for your fist unarmed attacks becomes 1d6 instead of 1d4. You don't take the –2 circumstance penalty for making a lethal attack with your nonlethal unarmed attacks. Prerequisites Martial Artist Dedication Requirements Your last action was a missed Strike with a melee unarmed attack. You have trained rigorously to use all parts of your body as a weapon, and when you miss with an attack, you can usually continue the attack with a different body part and still deal damage. Make another Strike with a melee unarmed attack, using the same multiple attack penalty as the missed Strike, if any. Prerequisites Martial Artist Dedication Trigger An attack or effect would deal damage to you. With your strong will and even stronger body, you shrug off an otherwise devastating blow. You gain resistance equal to 2 + half your level against all damage from the triggering attack or effect. Prerequisites Martial Artist Dedication You know how to deliver focused, powerful blows that bypass your enemies' resistances. Make an unarmed melee Strike. If this Strike hits, it deals two additional weapon damage dice and ignores an amount of resistance to physical damage (or to a specific physical damage type) equal to your level. This Strike counts as two attacks when calculating your multiple attack penalty. If you are at least 18th level, increase the additional damage to three weapon damage dice. Prerequisites Martial Artist Dedication Frequency once per minute With a burst of effort and speed, you weave a nimble path through your many enemies, striking each in turn as you move past them. You Stride; this movement doesn't trigger reactions. You can attempt a melee Strike up to three times at any point during your movement, each against a different enemy. Each attack counts toward your multiple attack penalty, but your multiple attack penalty doesn't increase until you have made all your attacks. Prerequisites Martial Artist Dedication Frequency once per minute Trigger You critically succeed with an unarmed Strike against an opponent. Your powerful attack causes damage that reverberates through your opponent's body, shaking muscle from bone. The creature takes 10d6 bludgeoning damage with a basic Fortitude save against your class DC. If it critically fails, it immediately dies as your blow tears apart its body internally You have trained in the martial arts, making your unarmed strikes lethal. You seek neither mysticism nor enlightenment, and you don't view this training as some greater path to wisdom. Yours is the way of the fist striking flesh, the hand turning aside the blade, and the devastating kick taking your enemy down. Your training is focused and practical, and since you have turned every part of your body into a weapon, you never find yourself without one. While you might have learned your techniques in a dojo or school focused on training the body, you might just as easily have learned them in street brawls and bar fights, combining instincts with intense athleticism for a deadly combination. Regardless of your origins, your path is one of iron, transforming your body into a deadly weapon. The techniques available are many, but the results are all the same. Whether you attack with your fist, fang, or foot, your prowess is undeniable. Many martial artists seek to master a stance to put form to their flurry of attacks. Such techniques allow one to channel their strength. However, some prefer freedom in form and reject stances altogether. You may find your own style or master one of the forms used by legendary martial artists. Additional Feats 4th @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.VeVHWTrzE3aDm3rx]{Brawling Focus}, @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.bf7NCeKqDClaqhTR]{Crane Stance}, @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.8sy3sHwOHS4ImwvJ]{Dragon Stance}, @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.DqD7htz8Sd1dh3BT]{Gorilla Stance}, @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.ZL5UU9quCTvcWzfY]{Mountain Stance}, @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.7FRYyKXDKjGoANYj]{Stumbling Stance}, @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.BQWGOK0lVmljCunm]{Rushing Goat Stance} @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.VCjAlOvjNvFJOsG5]{Tiger Stance}, @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.VN6Cws7BBta81AQ9]{Twisting Petal Stance}, @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.AN9jY1JVcU20Qdw6]{Wolf Stance}; 8th @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.Sebm8u9jyKPRguNf]{Advanced Monastic Weaponry}, @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.S14S52HjszTgIy4l]{Crane Flutter}, @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.SELSj1vvVLx5cP72]{Dragon Roar}, @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.nRjyyDulHnP5OewA]{Gorilla Pound}, @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.QlBQEkFqiYsU2Y3x]{Momentous Charge}, @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.n2hawNmzW7DBn1Lm]{Mountain Stronghold}, @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.kYA6LkDw4AzKI156]{Stumbling Feint}, @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.6J2ZSGNsXPKPcJGV]{Tiger Slash}, @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.uJpghjJtNbqKUxRd]{Wolf Drag}; 10th @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.qbNo5NLm1eXHkOMI]{Scattering in Spring}, 14th @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.gq1gGsJDLQuQDrhW]{Five-Gods Ram}, @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.EqNhUXGFjk99QzCg]{Whirling in the Summer Storm}, 16th @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.hO4sKslTrSQMLbGx]{Mountain Quake}, 18th You have trained to use your fists as deadly weapons and can deliver devastatingly powerful blows with them. The damage die for your fist unarmed attacks becomes 1d6 instead of 1d4. You don't take the –2 circumstance penalty for making a lethal attack with your nonlethal unarmed attacks. Prerequisites Martial Artist Dedication Requirements Your last action was a missed Strike with a melee unarmed attack. You have trained rigorously to use all parts of your body as a weapon, and when you miss with an attack, you can usually continue the attack with a different body part and still deal damage. Make another Strike with a melee unarmed attack, using the same multiple attack penalty as the missed Strike, if any. Prerequisites Martial Artist Dedication Trigger An attack or effect would deal damage to you. With your strong will and even stronger body, you shrug off an otherwise devastating blow. You gain resistance equal to 2 + half your level against all damage from the triggering attack or effect. Prerequisites Martial Artist Dedication You know how to deliver focused, powerful blows that bypass your enemies' resistances. Make an unarmed melee Strike. If this Strike hits, it deals two additional weapon damage dice and ignores an amount of resistance to physical damage (or to a specific physical damage type) equal to your level. This Strike counts as two attacks when calculating your multiple attack penalty. If you are at least 18th level, increase the additional damage to three weapon damage dice. Prerequisites Martial Artist Dedication Frequency once per minute With a burst of effort and speed, you weave a nimble path through your many enemies, striking each in turn as you move past them. You Stride; this movement doesn't trigger reactions. You can attempt a melee Strike up to three times at any point during your movement, each against a different enemy. Each attack counts toward your multiple attack penalty, but your multiple attack penalty doesn't increase until you have made all your attacks. Prerequisites Martial Artist Dedication Frequency once per minute Trigger You critically succeed with an unarmed Strike against an opponent. Your powerful attack causes damage that reverberates through your opponent's body, shaking muscle from bone. The creature takes 10d6 bludgeoning damage with a basic Fortitude save against your class DC. If it critically fails, it immediately dies as your blow tears apart its body internally You live a life of freedom, taking by force and intimidation all that you could possibly desire. You may be a privateer, raiding and plundering on behalf of a particular nation or another authority, or you may answer to no one but your own capricious whims. Either way, you rely on intimidation, wits, and combat prowess to take what you want from those you deem less deserving. Pirates have much in common with swashbucklers, and many pirates have the swashbuckler class or archetype. Much like a swashbuckler's daring deeds, classic pirate maneuvers are often showy feats intended to impress, intimidate, and gain panache. For example, if you have the panache class feature, Boarding Assault gains the bravado trait. Additional Feats 4th @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.Wx12NUjqTOjFrEoW]{Antagonize}, @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.gjec0ts3wkFbjvHN]{You're Next} Prerequisites trained in Intimidation As a pirate, you sail the seas in search of enemy ships to plunder and great adventures to embark on. You gain the @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.BocFD2KV0qgUC76x]{Additional Lore} general feat for Sailing Lore or for a specific coastal city you have a connection to (such as Port Peril Lore). You ignore the effects of difficult terrain or uneven ground caused by unstable ground (such as the deck of a ship). Additionally, you gain the @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.vZltxwRNvF5khf9a]{Boarding Assault} action. Prerequisites Pirate Dedication You're particularly skilled at wielding the weapons used traditionally by pirates. You gain either the @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.09PurtIanNUPfNRq]{Combat Climber} or @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.iOY6YfGBaOvMNAor]{Underwater Marauder} skill feat, even if you do not meet its prerequisites. You have familiarity with the following weapons: hatchet, rapier, scimitar, and whip—for the purposes of proficiency, you treat any of these weapons as simple weapons. Your GM may add additional martial weapons to this list as appropriate for your world or region. At 5th level, whenever you get a critical hit with one of these weapons, you get its critical specialization effect. Prerequisites trained in Acrobatics and Athletics, Pirate Dedication You run and climb across ropes and rigging almost as easily as on the ground. You gain a climb Speed of 15 feet, but only on ship's rigging or similar ropes. Whenever you succeed at an Athletics check to Climb a rope or an Acrobatics check to Balance on a rope, you get a critical success instead. You aren't off-guard while Climbing or Balancing on a rope. Prerequisites Pirate Dedication You frighten a foe into moving where you want them, traditionally demanding they walk the plank. Attempt to @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.2u915NdUyQan6uKF]{Demoralize} an opponent. On a success, in addition to the normal effects, you can also force the target to Stride up to its Speed immediately. You choose the path the target takes, but you can't force it to move into an obviously harmful space (such as into hazardous terrain or a space where it would fall) unless your check was a critical success. As normal for forced movement, this movement doesn't trigger reactions. The target then becomes temporarily immune to Walk the Plank for 10 minutes. You live a life of freedom, taking by force and intimidation all that you could possibly desire. You may be a privateer, raiding and plundering on behalf of a particular nation or another authority, or you may answer to no one but your own capricious whims. Either way, you rely on intimidation, wits, and combat prowess to take what you want from those you deem less deserving. Pirates have much in common with swashbucklers, and many pirates have the swashbuckler class or archetype. Much like a swashbuckler's daring deeds, classic pirate maneuvers are often showy feats intended to impress, intimidate, and gain panache. For example, if you have the panache class feature, Boarding Assault gains the bravado trait. Additional Feats 4th @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.Wx12NUjqTOjFrEoW]{Antagonize}, @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.gjec0ts3wkFbjvHN]{You're Next} Prerequisites trained in Intimidation As a pirate, you sail the seas in search of enemy ships to plunder and great adventures to embark on. You gain the @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.BocFD2KV0qgUC76x]{Additional Lore} general feat for Sailing Lore or for a specific coastal city you have a connection to (such as Port Peril Lore). You ignore the effects of difficult terrain or uneven ground caused by unstable ground (such as the deck of a ship). Additionally, you gain the @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.vZltxwRNvF5khf9a]{Boarding Assault} action. Prerequisites Pirate Dedication You're particularly skilled at wielding the weapons used traditionally by pirates. You gain either the @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.09PurtIanNUPfNRq]{Combat Climber} or @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.iOY6YfGBaOvMNAor]{Underwater Marauder} skill feat, even if you do not meet its prerequisites. You have familiarity with the following weapons: hatchet, rapier, scimitar, and whip—for the purposes of proficiency, you treat any of these weapons as simple weapons. Your GM may add additional martial weapons to this list as appropriate for your world or region. At 5th level, whenever you get a critical hit with one of these weapons, you get its critical specialization effect. Prerequisites trained in Acrobatics and Athletics, Pirate Dedication You run and climb across ropes and rigging almost as easily as on the ground. You gain a climb Speed of 15 feet, but only on ship's rigging or similar ropes. Whenever you succeed at an Athletics check to Climb a rope or an Acrobatics check to Balance on a rope, you get a critical success instead. You aren't off-guard while Climbing or Balancing on a rope. @Embed[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.dbGocwZV9vJslbgC inline] @Embed[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.1MZ4WNoNoJ4jj5Z0 inline hr=false] @Embed[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.9xcvJn3lWXwbkU52 inline hr=false] Prerequisites Pirate Dedication You frighten a foe into moving where you want them, traditionally demanding they walk the plank. Attempt to @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.2u915NdUyQan6uKF]{Demoralize} an opponent. On a success, in addition to the normal effects, you can also force the target to Stride up to its Speed immediately. You choose the path the target takes, but you can't force it to move into an obviously harmful space (such as into hazardous terrain or a space where it would fall) unless your check was a critical success. As normal for forced movement, this movement doesn't trigger reactions. The target then becomes temporarily immune to Walk the Plank for 10 minutes. @Embed[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.WSndnu3scUYWmbki inline hr=false] You're an expert in espionage and reconnaissance, able to skulk silently through the wilderness to gather intelligence, sneak through enemy lines and report back to your comrades, or suddenly and decisively take down your foes. Your skills ease the difficulty of travel for you and your companions and keep you all alert to approaching danger. It's not just enemies that you scout out; you also survey the land. You're able to discover the easiest routes as safely as possible and remain watchful while moving with speed and subtlety. The responsibility of the party's safe passage depends on you performing your scouting duties with constant and consistent effort. You take pride in your vigilance, and your allies trust your guidance to ensure the safety of everyone traveling. Additional Feats 12th @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.qqe5VmcO1s8iTOfd]{Camouflage} Prerequisites trained in Stealth and Survival You are a highly skilled scout, capable of guiding your allies, detecting imminent threats, and avoiding the attention of dangerous enemies. You can perform the Scout exploration activity at the same time as the Avoid Notice exploration activity. The bonus to initiative you grant when you Scout is +2 instead of +1. Special You can't select another dedication feat until you have gained two other feats from the Scout archetype. Prerequisites Scout Dedication You meander around unpredictably, and then ambush your opponents without warning. Choose one enemy. Stride, Feint against that opponent, and then make a Strike against that foe. For your Feint, you can attempt a Stealth check instead of the Deception check that's usually required, using the terrain around you to surprise your foe. Prerequisites Scout Dedication You have mastered movement in many different environments. You gain the Terrain Stalker skill feat twice, choosing a different terrain each time. If you Avoid Notice while exploring and any allies use Follow the Expert to follow you as you do so, you can choose one of those allies to gain the benefit of any one Terrain Stalker feat you have. Prerequisites Scout Dedication You're able to quickly disappear and then move about stealthily. You Hide, then Sneak twice. Prerequisites Scout Dedication You move faster, especially when traveling, allowing you to scout ahead and report back without slowing your allies. You gain a +10-foot status bonus to your Speed. When calculating your travel speed, this increases to a +20-foot status bonus. Prerequisites Scout Dedication Requirements You are hidden from or undetected by all of your opponents, and you aren't within 10 feet of any enemy. You leap from the shadows to strike your foes. Stride up to your Speed, then Strike twice. If you were hidden or unnoticed by the target of these Strikes, your foe is off-guard against both attacks. Your multiple attack penalty applies normally for both attacks. You're an expert in espionage and reconnaissance, able to skulk silently through the wilderness to gather intelligence, sneak through enemy lines and report back to your comrades, or suddenly and decisively take down your foes. Your skills ease the difficulty of travel for you and your companions and keep you all alert to approaching danger. It's not just enemies that you scout out; you also survey the land. You're able to discover the easiest routes as safely as possible and remain watchful while moving with speed and subtlety. The responsibility of the party's safe passage depends on you performing your scouting duties with constant and consistent effort. You take pride in your vigilance, and your allies trust your guidance to ensure the safety of everyone traveling. Additional Feats 12th @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.qqe5VmcO1s8iTOfd]{Camouflage} Prerequisites trained in Stealth and Survival You are a highly skilled scout, capable of guiding your allies, detecting imminent threats, and avoiding the attention of dangerous enemies. You can perform the Scout exploration activity at the same time as the Avoid Notice exploration activity. The bonus to initiative you grant when you Scout is +2 instead of +1. Special You can't select another dedication feat until you have gained two other feats from the Scout archetype. Prerequisites Scout Dedication You meander around unpredictably, and then ambush your opponents without warning. Choose one enemy. Stride, Feint against that opponent, and then make a Strike against that foe. For your Feint, you can attempt a Stealth check instead of the Deception check that's usually required, using the terrain around you to surprise your foe. Prerequisites Scout Dedication You have mastered movement in many different environments. You gain the Terrain Stalker skill feat twice, choosing a different terrain each time. If you Avoid Notice while exploring and any allies use Follow the Expert to follow you as you do so, you can choose one of those allies to gain the benefit of any one Terrain Stalker feat you have. Prerequisites Scout Dedication You're able to quickly disappear and then move about stealthily. You Hide, then Sneak twice. @Embed[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.0IVnIC6gQUdQyM8b inline hr=false] Prerequisites Scout Dedication You move faster, especially when traveling, allowing you to scout ahead and report back without slowing your allies. You gain a +10-foot status bonus to your Speed. When calculating your travel speed, this increases to a +20-foot status bonus. Prerequisites Scout Dedication Requirements You are hidden from or undetected by all of your opponents, and you aren't within 10 feet of any enemy. You leap from the shadows to strike your foes. Stride up to your Speed, then Strike twice. If you were hidden or unnoticed by the target of these Strikes, your foe is off-guard against both attacks. Your multiple attack penalty applies normally for both attacks. Though the zodiac is known throughout Tian Xia for subtly watching over the continent, sometimes the 12 constellations find more direct action necessary. When a grave threat arises, a zodiac constellation might shine on an everyday student or worker, granting them the power to transform into a powerful alter ego to repel those threats. Though most of these starlit sentinels act covertly when the world is asleep, some become well known either as urban legends or outright celebrities, though usually only as their alter ego. Some might find themselves pulled between the dual pressures of an unassuming civilian identity working in a market by day, and the defender of that same market from rampaging oni or qi-stealing jiang-shi under the light of the stars. Due to a quartet of well-known female sentinels operating out of Goka, many have come to believe that the zodiac chooses only girls as its champions, but the heavens care little for such mortal concerns and are equally likely to grant their power to those of any gender. Starlit sentinels are rare, even in Tian Xia, and individual sentinels are unique; a new sentinel empowered by a given constellation won't awaken as long as the previous sentinel of that constellation is active. Though the zodiac is known throughout Tian Xia for subtly watching over the continent, sometimes the 12 constellations find more direct action necessary. When a grave threat arises, a zodiac constellation might shine on an everyday student or worker, granting them the power to transform into a powerful alter ego to repel those threats. Though most of these starlit sentinels act covertly when the world is asleep, some become well known either as urban legends or outright celebrities, though usually only as their alter ego. Some might find themselves pulled between the dual pressures of an unassuming civilian identity working in a market by day, and the defender of that same market from rampaging oni or qi-stealing jiang-shi under the light of the stars. Due to a quartet of well-known female sentinels operating out of Goka, many have come to believe that the zodiac chooses only girls as its champions, but the heavens care little for such mortal concerns and are equally likely to grant their power to those of any gender. Starlit sentinels are rare, even in Tian Xia, and individual sentinels are unique; a new sentinel empowered by a given constellation won't awaken as long as the previous sentinel of that constellation is active. You've been chosen by one of the constellations of the Tian Xia zodiac. You gain a transformation seal: a mundane-seeming item of light Bulk, such as a ring, brooch, or key, that has the arcane trait. If your seal is ever lost or destroyed, you can gain a replacement by spending 1 week of downtime in introspection to reconnect with your constellation. You, and only you, can transform into your sentinel form by Activating the seal. Activate—@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.M4ALaFXoQDJGxSsI]{Starlit Transformation} 1 (arcane) Frequency once per hour Effect Light swirls around you, transforming your armor, clothing, and a single weapon in your possession into a specific alternate outfit. While your equipment might look dramatically different, it functions as normal. If someone attempts to discern your identity, they must use a @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.BlAOM2X92SI6HMtJ]{Seek} action to attempt a Perception check against your Deception DC, as if you were using the @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.AJstokjdG6iDjVjE]{Impersonate} action. Your Deception DC against such attempts is 20 + your proficiency modifier instead of the normal DC. Unlike with Impersonate, you don't have to attempt a Deception check to interact with someone to conceal your identity—a check happens only if someone else specifically tries to uncover it. You remain in your sentinel form for 10 minutes or until you use Starlit Transformation again to change back to your normal form. While you're in sentinel form, your transformed weapon shines with starlight and gains a +1 status bonus to damage rolls with the weapon. You can fling bolts of starlight from your weapon with a Strike action, using your melee attack modifier with the weapon. These bolts deal 1d4 force damage, have a range of 60 feet, are affected by your weapon runes, and have the arcane and force traits. You can channel the power of your constellation into a unique technique. You gain either the @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.1H3T9UwxW44Y0YaS]{Luminous Stardust Healing} or @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.yuhhRjqBzFgkKYrq]{Shining Starlight Attack} focus spell, which you can cast only in sentinel form. When you gain this feat, decide a name for your technique, which becomes the spell's incantation. If you don't already have one, you gain a focus pool of 1 Focus Point, which you can Refocus by spending 10 minutes outside of your sentinel form to reflect on the values of your constellation. Starlit sentinel focus spells are arcane spells. You become trained in spell attack modifier and spell DC, and your spellcasting ability for these spells is Charisma. Special You can take this feat a second time, gaining the focus spell that you didn't gain the first time. Requirements You're in your sentinel form. You announce your name to your enemies, bringing your constellation to bear in a blinding display. Attempt to @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.2u915NdUyQan6uKF]{Demoralize} all enemies within 30 feet. Demoralize loses the auditory trait and gains the visual trait when used this way. In addition to the regular effects of Demoralize, enemies become @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.TkIyaNPgTZFBCCuh]{Dazzled} for 1 minute on a successful check (and also @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.XgEqL1kFApUbl5Z2]{Blinded} for 1 round on a critical success). You can use Majestic Proclamation as a single action if your previous action was @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.M4ALaFXoQDJGxSsI]{Starlit Transformation}. The bonds of the heart are stronger than any steel, more powerful than any magic. You plunge your transformed weapon into the heart of a willing adjacent ally, where it phases harmlessly into their body. As you pull the weapon out, your ally's heart inscribes one of the following weapon property runes on your weapon: @UUID[]{Corrosive}, @UUID[]{Flaming}, @UUID[]{Frost}, @UUID[]{Shock}, @UUID[]{Thundering}, or @UUID[]{Vitalizing}. The first time you use Blade of the Heart with a given ally, the GM should decide which rune best represents your shared relationship (such as elegant frost for a respected mentor or brash thundering for a boisterous sparring partner); thereafter, each time you use Blade of the Heart with that ally, you draw the same rune. This rune lasts for as long as you remain in sentinel form and counts toward your maximum limit of runes as normal. At 16th level, you draw the greater version of the rune instead. You call out a desperate wish to the stars to save a friend. You gain @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.Hnc7eGi7vyZenAIm]{Breath of Life} as an innate arcane spell, which you can cast once per day only while in sentinel form. Interceding in such a direct way temporarily exhausts your constellation's magic, causing you to revert from your sentinel form once the spell is cast. Just as your constellation traverses the sky, so too can you. When in your sentinel form, you gain a fly Speed equal to your land Speed or 20 feet, whichever is higher. The classic idea of magic is that of a hoary wizard, poring over a crumbling book of spells as years pass. But magic is so much more than that—it's thought, will, and action, and with the right talismans, you can make even the cut of a sword a deeply magical act. This all hinges on the small magical talismans you affix to your gear. You know how to make and use the perfect talisman for any job. The utility of talismans seems endless. They can help swords to swing harder, shields to block better, grant a burst of speed in a desperate situation, and even save one from a lethal fall. This all excites you, but no more than exploring just how far you can push your talent. What are the true limits of these baubles? You've heard rumors and tales of great dabblers like yourself mastering the art of creating and affixing fantastical magical memorabilia. Some say that these great sages have found a way to affix multiple talismans to a single object, circumventing the most fundamental limitation of the art. Whether you were formally trained or picked up the skill as a hobby, your talent is undeniable, and the usefulness of talismans is apparent. Take advantage of every ounce of magic you can manipulate and master these mystical trinkets. You are trained in the use of talismans and similar magical paraphernalia. This training might have occurred in a formal classroom or been an accumulation of folk magic picked up over time. You can craft talismans and know the formulas for all common talismans of your level or lower. You remember talisman formulas and don't need a formula book for them. Additionally, you carry a vast collection of magical baubles you can turn into temporary talismans. Each day during your daily preparations, you can make two talismans with an item level no higher than half your level. You must know each talisman's formula. A talisman created this way is a temporary item and loses its magic the next time you make your daily preparations if you haven't already used it. Any saving throw DC required by a temporary talisman you create uses the highest of your class DC, spell DC, or the talisman's DC. Finally, when you Affix a Talisman, you can (in any combination) affix or remove up to four talismans in the 10-minute span. Special You can't select another dedication feat until you have gained two other feats from the Talisman Dabbler archetype. Prerequisites Talisman Dabbler Dedication You can attach a talisman using only a bit of glue and some string. You gain the Rapid Affixture skill feat, even if you don't meet the prerequisites. When you use it, you can affix or remove up to four talismans in 1 minute instead of just one. You gain the ability to Affix a Talisman as a 3-action activity from that feat at 12th level, regardless of your Crafting proficiency. Prerequisites Talisman Dabbler Dedication With some streamlining to your process and a deeper collection of talisman materials, you make a greater number of talismans every day. You can create two additional talismans during your daily preparations. Special You can select this feat a second time if you are 14th level or higher. Prerequisites Talisman Dabbler Dedication Normally, affixing more than one talisman to an item causes the talismans to be @UUID[Compendium.starfinder-field-test-for-pf2e.conditions.Item.enA7BxAjBb7ns1iF]{Suppressed}, but when you Affix a Talisman, you can specially treat one item you're working on, allowing it to have two active talismans at once. This special treatment ends if you use Affix a Talisman to treat a new item for this ability. The classic idea of magic is that of a hoary wizard, poring over a crumbling book of spells as years pass. But magic is so much more than that—it's thought, will, and action, and with the right talismans, you can make even the cut of a sword a deeply magical act. This all hinges on the small magical talismans you affix to your gear. You know how to make and use the perfect talisman for any job. The utility of talismans seems endless. They can help swords to swing harder, shields to block better, grant a burst of speed in a desperate situation, and even save one from a lethal fall. This all excites you, but no more than exploring just how far you can push your talent. What are the true limits of these baubles? You've heard rumors and tales of great dabblers like yourself mastering the art of creating and affixing fantastical magical memorabilia. Some say that these great sages have found a way to affix multiple talismans to a single object, circumventing the most fundamental limitation of the art. Whether you were formally trained or picked up the skill as a hobby, your talent is undeniable, and the usefulness of talismans is apparent. Take advantage of every ounce of magic you can manipulate and master these mystical trinkets. You are trained in the use of talismans and similar magical paraphernalia. This training might have occurred in a formal classroom or been an accumulation of folk magic picked up over time. You can craft talismans and know the formulas for all common talismans of your level or lower. You remember talisman formulas and don't need a formula book for them. Additionally, you carry a vast collection of magical baubles you can turn into temporary talismans. Each day during your daily preparations, you can make two talismans with an item level no higher than half your level. You must know each talisman's formula. A talisman created this way is a temporary item and loses its magic the next time you make your daily preparations if you haven't already used it. Any saving throw DC required by a temporary talisman you create uses the highest of your class DC, spell DC, or the talisman's DC. Finally, when you Affix a Talisman, you can (in any combination) affix or remove up to four talismans in the 10-minute span. Special You can't select another dedication feat until you have gained two other feats from the Talisman Dabbler archetype. Prerequisites Talisman Dabbler Dedication You can attach a talisman using only a bit of glue and some string. You gain the Rapid Affixture skill feat, even if you don't meet the prerequisites. When you use it, you can affix or remove up to four talismans in 1 minute instead of just one. You gain the ability to Affix a Talisman as a 3-action activity from that feat at 12th level, regardless of your Crafting proficiency. Prerequisites Talisman Dabbler Dedication With some streamlining to your process and a deeper collection of talisman materials, you make a greater number of talismans every day. You can create two additional talismans during your daily preparations. Special You can select this feat a second time if you are 14th level or higher. Prerequisites Talisman Dabbler Dedication Normally, affixing more than one talisman to an item causes the talismans to be suppressed, but when you Affix a Talisman, you can specially treat one item you're working on, allowing it to have two active talismans at once. This special treatment ends if you use Affix a Talisman to treat a new item for this ability. As a vigilante, you have two faces: a public persona, and a secret identity that lets you hide your extralegal actions from polite society. Your secret identity lets you adventure and carry out clandestine missions while keeping the civilians you care about safe. Whatever your purpose—fighting crime, inciting rebellion, sowing chaos—your vigilante identity makes you both hard to pin down and a mysterious, intriguing subject of gossip. While many adventurers prefer to bask in the glory or infamy of their actions, you keep that part of your life a secret. There are various reasons why you might do this. Perhaps you have something or someone in your life that you want to protect from the dangers and threats that your other life. Perhaps you are a public figure, and your alternate life could draw undue attention from your community. It could also be that you don't like attention and wish to retain the ability to step away from it all and relax in peace. Regardless of your reasons, you have a secret identity and will go to great lengths to keep it secret. Vigilantes can have many goals and agendas. Some see them as glory seekers, but more often than not, they are working towards some lofty goal. Perhaps they are trying to inspire a people to fight back against their oppressors. They could be hunting down a crime lord they have a personal vendetta against. Maybe they seek to rebalance the wealth of a nation, stealing from the rich to give to those in need. You are one such vigilante, living a hidden life so you can fight in secrecy. What will you do to keep your secret and continue down your path? Additional Feats 4th @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.qFt6zyWVX1njJf1l]{Quick Draw} Prerequisites trained in Deception You have two identities, each with its own name and abilities. Your social identity is an upstanding member of society, while your vigilante identity is a skilled and cunning warrior. Neither of these identities is a false front; you really are both of these people. If someone attempts to discern your other identity, they must use a @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.BlAOM2X92SI6HMtJ]{Seek} action to attempt a Perception check against your Deception DC, as if you were using the Impersonate action. Your Deception DC against such attempts is 20 + your proficiency modifier instead of the normal DC. Unlike with Impersonate, you don't have to attempt a Deception check to interact with someone to conceal your other identity—a check happens only if someone else specifically tries to uncover your other identity. Changing from one identity to the other takes 1 minute and must be done out of sight from other creatures. As this process involves both physical changes such as clothing and makeup, along with an altered state of mind, other effects that change your appearance don't reduce the time required to change identities. Your two identities are completely distinct. Checks to Recall Knowledge about one of your identities don't reveal information about the other unless the person attempting the check knows both identities are the same person. Effects that detect you based on your identity work only if you are currently in the identity the effect is trying to detect; otherwise, the effect fails as if the target didn't exist. To maintain the separation between your identities, some of your abilities have the vigilante trait. Your class feats and vigilante feats are associated with your vigilante identity, and using them while in your social identity may risk exposing you as a vigilante. If your identity is exposed to the public, you lose the benefits of Vigilante Dedication to disguising yourself, but you can spend 1 week of downtime to create a new social identity. Special You can't select another dedication feat until you have gained two other feats from the Vigilante archetype. Prerequisites expert in Arcana, Nature, Occultism, or Religion; Vigilante Dedication You've learned to hide the magical auras of your gear. During your daily preparations, you carefully tweak any or all of your magic items to appear non-magical. Objects adjusted in this way remain so until your next preparations. A spellcaster using detect magic or read aura must succeed at a Perception check against your Deception DC to see through your obfuscations. Prerequisites animal companion or familiar, expert in Deception, Vigilante Dedication When you are in your social identity, you can also grant a social identity to an animal companion, familiar, or other minion you gained from a class feature. When changing to your social identity, you also change your minion's appearance to that of a socially acceptable creature of its type, such as grooming a wolf to appear as a large dog or disguising a familiar to appear as an exotic pet. Commanding your minion to use unusual magical or combat abilities it gained from your class features or feats while in this social identity risks exposing your vigilante identity. Prerequisites Vigilante Dedication You establish a safe house—a secure space in which to hide your secrets from the outside world. This safe house is roughly the size of two 10-foot cubes. It's in a location you have access to, and it can be part of a larger building or structure, like a hidden room or an underground cave. The safe house protects objects and people inside it from magical detection. This has the effects of Veil of Privacy, using your Deception modifier for the counteract DC and half your level rounded up for the counteract rank. Setting up or moving your safe house takes a week of downtime. The size of the safe house expands to four 10-foot cubes if you're an expert in Deception, eight cubes if you're a master, and 16 cubes if you're legendary. Prerequisites Vigilante Dedication You have built a reputation for yourself in your social identity. Choose one archetype that you meet the prerequisites for. You gain that archetype's dedication feat and can select feats from that archetype, even if you haven't yet gained enough feats in the vigilante archetype to take another dedication feat. These feats become part of your social identity and gain the social trait-for instance, a fighter vigilante could take the wizard dedication feat and have a wizard social identity. Using these feats in your social identity doesn't risk exposing your vigilante identity, but using them in your vigilante identity could put you at risk for exposure. Prerequisites Vigilante Dedication Requirements You are completely unnoticed by the target creature. You can startle foes who are unaware of your presence. Make a Strike against your target. That creature is off-guard against this Strike, as normal. If your Strike hits, the target remains off-guard for the rest of your turn and is frightened 1 (frightened 2 on a critical hit). Prerequisites master in Deception, Vigilante Dedication You can shift between your identities with ease. Instead of spending 1 minute to change your identity, you can now do so as a 3-action activity. If you are legendary in Deception, you can perform this change as a single action. Prerequisites master in Deception, Vigilante Dedication Your disparate identities allow you to defeat magic that detects lies. As long as what you say is true from the point of view of your current identity, you can deceive effects like ring of truth that reveal lies. Prerequisites master in Deception, Vigilante Dedication YYou can take on any number of mundane guises. Whenever you change your identity, instead of taking on your social or vigilante identity, you can become someone completely ordinary. This identity isn't a specific individual—rather, you become a nondescript member of your ancestry, of any gender, and from a mundane occupation such as common laborer, farmer, or peasant. Spells and abilities detect you as if you were this ordinary identity, rather than either of your two real identities, unless they succeed at a counteract check against the same Deception DC used for Vigilante Dedication. Using class or dedication abilities ends this disguise Prerequisites expert in Intimidation, Startling Appearance Your dramatic appearances can frighten bystanders. When you make a Startling Appearance, you can also attempt to Demoralize each opponent within 10 feet to whom you were unnoticed before your Strike. Prerequisites Startling Appearance Your sudden appearance leaves your foe unable to respond. When you use Startling Appearance, if your foe's level is equal to or lower than yours, they are also stunned 1 on a hit, or stunned 2 on a critical hit. As a vigilante, you have two faces: a public persona, and a secret identity that lets you hide your extralegal actions from polite society. Your secret identity lets you adventure and carry out clandestine missions while keeping the civilians you care about safe. Whatever your purpose—fighting crime, inciting rebellion, sowing chaos—your vigilante identity makes you both hard to pin down and a mysterious, intriguing subject of gossip. While many adventurers prefer to bask in the glory or infamy of their actions, you keep that part of your life a secret. There are various reasons why you might do this. Perhaps you have something or someone in your life that you want to protect from the dangers and threats that your other life. Perhaps you are a public figure, and your alternate life could draw undue attention from your community. It could also be that you don't like attention and wish to retain the ability to step away from it all and relax in peace. Regardless of your reasons, you have a secret identity and will go to great lengths to keep it secret. Vigilantes can have many goals and agendas. Some see them as glory seekers, but more often than not, they are working towards some lofty goal. Perhaps they are trying to inspire a people to fight back against their oppressors. They could be hunting down a crime lord they have a personal vendetta against. Maybe they seek to rebalance the wealth of a nation, stealing from the rich to give to those in need. You are one such vigilante, living a hidden life so you can fight in secrecy. What will you do to keep your secret and continue down your path? Additional Feats 4th @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.qFt6zyWVX1njJf1l]{Quick Draw} Prerequisites trained in Deception You have two identities, each with its own name and abilities. Your social identity is an upstanding member of society, while your vigilante identity is a skilled and cunning warrior. Neither of these identities is a false front; you really are both of these people. If someone attempts to discern your other identity, they must use a @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.BlAOM2X92SI6HMtJ]{Seek} action to attempt a Perception check against your Deception DC, as if you were using the Impersonate action. Your Deception DC against such attempts is 20 + your proficiency modifier instead of the normal DC. Unlike with Impersonate, you don't have to attempt a Deception check to interact with someone to conceal your other identity—a check happens only if someone else specifically tries to uncover your other identity. Changing from one identity to the other takes 1 minute and must be done out of sight from other creatures. As this process involves both physical changes such as clothing and makeup, along with an altered state of mind, other effects that change your appearance don't reduce the time required to change identities. Your two identities are completely distinct. Checks to Recall Knowledge about one of your identities don't reveal information about the other unless the person attempting the check knows both identities are the same person. Effects that detect you based on your identity work only if you are currently in the identity the effect is trying to detect; otherwise, the effect fails as if the target didn't exist. To maintain the separation between your identities, some of your abilities have the vigilante trait. Your class feats and vigilante feats are associated with your vigilante identity, and using them while in your social identity may risk exposing you as a vigilante. If your identity is exposed to the public, you lose the benefits of Vigilante Dedication to disguising yourself, but you can spend 1 week of downtime to create a new social identity. Special You can't select another dedication feat until you have gained two other feats from the Vigilante archetype. Prerequisites expert in Arcana, Nature, Occultism, or Religion; Vigilante Dedication You've learned to hide the magical auras of your gear. During your daily preparations, you carefully tweak any or all of your magic items to appear non-magical. Objects adjusted in this way remain so until your next preparations. A spellcaster using detect magic or read aura must succeed at a Perception check against your Deception DC to see through your obfuscations. Prerequisites animal companion or familiar, expert in Deception, Vigilante Dedication When you are in your social identity, you can also grant a social identity to an animal companion, familiar, or other minion you gained from a class feature. When changing to your social identity, you also change your minion's appearance to that of a socially acceptable creature of its type, such as grooming a wolf to appear as a large dog or disguising a familiar to appear as an exotic pet. Commanding your minion to use unusual magical or combat abilities it gained from your class features or feats while in this social identity risks exposing your vigilante identity. Prerequisites Vigilante Dedication You establish a safe house—a secure space in which to hide your secrets from the outside world. This safe house is roughly the size of two 10-foot cubes. It's in a location you have access to, and it can be part of a larger building or structure, like a hidden room or an underground cave. The safe house protects objects and people inside it from magical detection. This has the effects of Veil of Privacy, using your Deception modifier for the counteract DC and half your level rounded up for the counteract rank. Setting up or moving your safe house takes a week of downtime. The size of the safe house expands to four 10-foot cubes if you're an expert in Deception, eight cubes if you're a master, and 16 cubes if you're legendary. Prerequisites Vigilante Dedication You have built a reputation for yourself in your social identity. Choose one archetype that you meet the prerequisites for. You gain that archetype's dedication feat and can select feats from that archetype, even if you haven't yet gained enough feats in the vigilante archetype to take another dedication feat. These feats become part of your social identity and gain the social trait-for instance, a fighter vigilante could take the wizard dedication feat and have a wizard social identity. Using these feats in your social identity doesn't risk exposing your vigilante identity, but using them in your vigilante identity could put you at risk for exposure. Prerequisites Vigilante Dedication Requirements You are completely unnoticed by the target creature. You can startle foes who are unaware of your presence. Make a Strike against your target. That creature is off-guard against this Strike, as normal. If your Strike hits, the target remains off-guard for the rest of your turn and is frightened 1 (frightened 2 on a critical hit). Prerequisites master in Deception, Vigilante Dedication You can shift between your identities with ease. Instead of spending 1 minute to change your identity, you can now do so as a 3-action activity. If you are legendary in Deception, you can perform this change as a single action. Prerequisites master in Deception, Vigilante Dedication Your disparate identities allow you to defeat magic that detects lies. As long as what you say is true from the point of view of your current identity, you can deceive effects like ring of truth that reveal lies. Prerequisites master in Deception, Vigilante Dedication YYou can take on any number of mundane guises. Whenever you change your identity, instead of taking on your social or vigilante identity, you can become someone completely ordinary. This identity isn't a specific individual—rather, you become a nondescript member of your ancestry, of any gender, and from a mundane occupation such as common laborer, farmer, or peasant. Spells and abilities detect you as if you were this ordinary identity, rather than either of your two real identities, unless they succeed at a counteract check against the same Deception DC used for Vigilante Dedication. Using class or dedication abilities ends this disguise Prerequisites expert in Intimidation, Startling Appearance Your dramatic appearances can frighten bystanders. When you make a Startling Appearance, you can also attempt to Demoralize each opponent within 10 feet to whom you were unnoticed before your Strike. @Embed[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.hPfqQpiq6W8RPCxz inline hr=false] Prerequisites Startling Appearance Your sudden appearance leaves your foe unable to respond. When you use Startling Appearance, if your foe's level is equal to or lower than yours, they are also stunned 1 on a hit, or stunned 2 on a critical hit. To go 'viking' is to raid by sea, and thus vikings have spread far and wide. Some have even settled in the very communities they once raided. Vikings traditionally travel in longboats; a score of these warriors might live aboard their ship for days at a time, sailing the seas (or, as they call it, the 'whale-road') to ambush coastal communities. Once they arrive at a settlement, they charge ashore, plundering all they can find and slaying anyone foolish enough to get in their way. The ferocity of viking raids is legendary. Additional Feats 4th @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.w8Ycgeq2zfyshtoS]{Reactive Shield}; 6th @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.tHqlcgcxHXzqLHPZ]{Shielded Stride}; 10th @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.pRqcm5P2ZFihSpVI]{Quick Shield Block} Prerequisites trained in Athletics Vikings spend long periods of time at sea, only to leap from their boats at a moment's notice, charge through the surf, and take their enemies by storm. You're trained in Sailing Lore. When moving through water using your land Speed, you ignore difficult terrain resulting from shallow water, such as in bogs or on beaches. In addition, if you roll a success for your Athletics check to Swim, you get a critical success instead. Special You can't select another dedication feat until you have gained two other feats from the Viking archetype. Prerequisites Viking Dedication You make a ranged Strike with a thrown weapon you already have in your hand, Stride, and then Interact to draw another weapon. Special If you are raging, and end the Stride adjacent to an enemy, that enemy is Off-Guard against the next Strike you make against it with the weapon you drew before the end of your next turn. Prerequisites Viking Dedication From childhood, you have been exposed to traditional viking combat techniques, and you soon learned to handle axe, sword, and shield in battle. Now, you can raid proudly alongside your fellows. You gain the Shield Block reaction. Additionally, you have familiarity with the battle axe, hatchet, longsword, shield boss, shield spikes, and shortsword—for the purposes of proficiency, you treat any of these weapons as simple weapons. At 5th level, whenever you get a critical hit with one of these weapons, you get its critical specialization effect. Prerequisites Viking Dedication Trigger Your Shield Block causes your shield to break or be destroyed. You're used to your shield breaking in the middle of battle, and you're prepared to use a backup or any convenient nearby object to defend yourself. You can Interact to draw a shield on your person or an unattended shield within your reach. If there is an object within your reach that could serve as an improvised shield-for example, a table or chair- you can Interact to draw it with this feat. The GM determines if something can be used as an improvised shield. Your new shield isn't raised until you use the Raise a Shield action, as normal. Prerequisites Viking Dedication Requirements You are wielding a one-handed melee weapon in one hand and a shield in another hand. You charge into battle with shield-splintering fury. You Leap, Stride, or Swim. Make two melee Strikes during this movement, one with your one-handed melee weapon and one with your shield or a weapon attached to the shield (like a shield boss or shield spikes). You can make these Strikes at any points during your movement, and each must target a different enemy. Both attacks count toward your multiple attack penalty, but don't increase your penalty until you have made both attacks. To go 'viking' is to raid by sea, and thus vikings have spread far and wide. Some have even settled in the very communities they once raided. Vikings traditionally travel in longboats; a score of these warriors might live aboard their ship for days at a time, sailing the seas (or, as they call it, the 'whale-road') to ambush coastal communities. Once they arrive at a settlement, they charge ashore, plundering all they can find and slaying anyone foolish enough to get in their way. The ferocity of viking raids is legendary. Additional Feats 4th @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.w8Ycgeq2zfyshtoS]{Reactive Shield}; 6th @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.tHqlcgcxHXzqLHPZ]{Shielded Stride}; 10th @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.pRqcm5P2ZFihSpVI]{Quick Shield Block} Prerequisites trained in Athletics Vikings spend long periods of time at sea, only to leap from their boats at a moment's notice, charge through the surf, and take their enemies by storm. You're trained in Sailing Lore. When moving through water using your land Speed, you ignore difficult terrain resulting from shallow water, such as in bogs or on beaches. In addition, if you roll a success for your Athletics check to Swim, you get a critical success instead. Special You can't select another dedication feat until you have gained two other feats from the Viking archetype. Prerequisites Viking Dedication You make a ranged Strike with a thrown weapon you already have in your hand, Stride, and then Interact to draw another weapon. Special If you are raging, and end the Stride adjacent to an enemy, that enemy is Off-Guard against the next Strike you make against it with the weapon you drew before the end of your next turn. Prerequisites Viking Dedication From childhood, you have been exposed to traditional viking combat techniques, and you soon learned to handle axe, sword, and shield in battle. Now, you can raid proudly alongside your fellows. You gain the Shield Block reaction. Additionally, you have familiarity with the battle axe, hatchet, longsword, shield boss, shield spikes, and shortsword—for the purposes of proficiency, you treat any of these weapons as simple weapons. At 5th level, whenever you get a critical hit with one of these weapons, you get its critical specialization effect. Prerequisites Viking Dedication Trigger Your Shield Block causes your shield to break or be destroyed. You're used to your shield breaking in the middle of battle, and you're prepared to use a backup or any convenient nearby object to defend yourself. You can Interact to draw a shield on your person or an unattended shield within your reach. If there is an object within your reach that could serve as an improvised shield-for example, a table or chair- you can Interact to draw it with this feat. The GM determines if something can be used as an improvised shield. Your new shield isn't raised until you use the Raise a Shield action, as normal. Prerequisites Viking Dedication Requirements You are wielding a one-handed melee weapon in one hand and a shield in another hand. You charge into battle with shield-splintering fury. You Leap, Stride, or Swim. Make two melee Strikes during this movement, one with your one-handed melee weapon and one with your shield or a weapon attached to the shield (like a shield boss or shield spikes). You can make these Strikes at any points during your movement, and each must target a different enemy. Both attacks count toward your multiple attack penalty, but don't increase your penalty until you have made both attacks. Several archetypes allow you to prepare temporary items. Much like the infused items created by alchemists, these temporary items last only a short time before becoming useless. Examples include temporary scrolls created by the scroll trickster and temporary weapons, armor, or adventuring gear created by the @UUID[.rlKxNuq1obXe3m5J]{Scrounger}. Temporary items are clearly not up to the same quality as other items, so they typically can't be sold. If an ability doesn't list how long a temporary item lasts, the item lasts until the next time you make your daily preparations. Any effect created by a temporary item also ends at that time if it hasn't already (unless it's a permanent effect). A stonebound is a devoted sentinel who draws on the power of the earth and stone to protect their people. While stonebound are most commonly found in dwarven enclaves, the practice of binding oneself to the nature of stone is found in the mountains of Garund, Vudra, Arcadia, and in various Darklands communities. A person who binds themselves to stone becomes more resilient to damage, capable of surviving for longer than their unbound counterparts, and often gains a deeper understanding of stone beyond mere knowledge. Historians theorize that this technique originated in Orv and spread from there. The practice of binding to stone is most common where elemental power, especially the essence of earth, is the strongest. This practice has begun to spread to Belkzen, throughout the Darklands, and across the deserts of northern Garund. Most recently, the Martial Mineral Masters in Quain have adopted the technique for their new dojo and flour mill. The most famous stonebound public figure is Sorrina Westyr, Spellmaster for the Pathfinder Society, who spent a decade in the Elemental Plane of Earth. You bind yourself to the very essence of stone. You become trained in Plane of Earth Lore and learn the Terran language. If you are already trained in Plane of Earth Lore, you become trained in a skill of your choice. If you already speak Terran, you learn a common language of your choice. Increase your maximum Hit Points by your level. Special You cannot select another dedication feat until you have gained two other feats from the stonebound archetype. Prerequisites Stonebound Dedication Your body becomes infused with elemental earth. You gain the @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.ihN8gkHSdPG9Trte]{Adopted Ancestry} feat and gain a 1st level oread ancestry feat as a bonus feat, ignoring the limitations of the lineage trait. When you gain new ancestry feats, you can select oread feats in addition to feats allowed by your ancestry and heritage. Prerequisites Stonebound Dedication You learn to call a powerful guardian of earth and stone to your side. You can cast @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.lpT6LotUaQPfinjj]{Summon Elemental} as an innate primal spell once per day, and can only summon elementals with the earth trait. This spell is automatically heightened to half your level rounded up. Prerequisites Stonebound Dedication Your blood becomes thick and sluggish, but no less effective at oxygenating your cells. You can selectively stop your bleeding with ease. Reduce the DC of flat checks to stop persistent bleed damage from 15 to 10, and you can use a single action that has the concentrate trait to gain an early flat check without physically binding the wounds. You recover from the drained condition twice as quickly as normal. Prerequisites Stonebound Dedication You've learned to manifest your connection to stone by conjuring it to your side. You gain @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.zA0jNIBRgLsyTpbm]{Scatter Scree} as a primal innate cantrip. At 8th level, you gain @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.vh1RpbWfqdNC4L3P]{One with Stone} as a primal innate spell once per day. At 10th level, you gain @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.McnPlLFvKtQVXNcG]{Shape Stone} as a primal innate spell once per day. At 12th level, you gain @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.kOa055FIrO9Smnya]{Wall of Stone} as a primal innate spell once per day. Prerequisites Stonebound Dedication Your body and equipment appear to be made of stone as you hold perfectly still. Until the next time you act, you appear to be a statue and do not need to eat, drink, or breathe, but you are @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.AJh5ex99aV6VTggg]{Off-Guard}. Your Deception DC to pass as a statue is equal to 10 + your proficiency bonus (do not apply any other bonuses, penalties, or modifiers). Prerequisites Stonebound Dedication Your flesh takes on the hardness of stone. You gain resistance to physical damage (except adamantine) equal to your number of class feats from the Stonebound archetype. Prerequisites Stonebound Dedication Your body becomes living stone. You don't need to eat or drink and need only 6 hours of rest to feel well rested. You must still rest at least 8 hours and spend 1 hour of preparation to regain resources usable only a limited number of times per day, such as spell slots. You gain a +2 circumstance bonus to saving throws against diseases, poisons, and effects that would cause the @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.6uEgoh53GbXuHpTF]{Paralyzed} or @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.dfCMdR4wnpbYNTix]{Stunned} conditions. When you roll a successful saving throw against a disease or poison, you get a critical success instead. Stone brawlers learn to encase themselves in temporary, magical rock that empowers their unarmed strikes and defends their bodies. Their relationship to stone is often transactional, and they call on the resilient material for utilitarian purposes. Most stone brawlers view rock as a tool to be utilized in the heat of battle, much as a fencer values their sword or a wizard their magic. The practice of conjuring stone is most common where resources are scarce, such as Belkzen, the Lands of the Linnorm Kings, or within the Darklands, where the value and resilience of stone is well known. Prerequisites Constitution +2 You've learned to call the primal power of elemental stone to your aid. You gain the @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.k5S2a2a6o2GS5l01]{Stonestrike Stance} action. Special You cannot select another dedication feat until you have gained two other feats from the stone brawler archetype. Prerequisites Stone Brawler Dedication Your skin takes on the hardness of stone. You gain resistance to physical damage (except adamantine) equal to your number of class feats from the Stone Brawler archetype. Special You cannot select another dedication feat until you have gained two other feats from the stone brawler archetype. Prerequisites Stone Brawler Dedication Requirements You are in Stonestrike Stance. You gather the resiliency of stone to block attacks against you. You gain a +2 circumstance bonus to AC and to any defenses against being Shoved or Tripped until the beginning of your next turn. Prerequisites Stone Brawler Dedication When you enter the Stonestrike Stance, your fists appear to be covered with veins of unrefined ore. Your stonestrike attacks count as cold iron and silver when determining weaknesses and bypassing resistances. Prerequisites Stone Brawler Dedication Your stonestrike attacks deal 1d6 additional damage against constructs, creatures with the earth trait, and earthen objects, such as a stone door. Prerequisites Stone Brawler Dedication You imbue your unarmed strikes with one of the strongest metals. Your stonestrike attacks are treated as adamantine. Rarity Uncommon Gunplay isn't enough to uphold Alkenstar's laws; when firearms are readily available to criminals and the corrupt, relying solely on firepower isn't always the best approach to law enforcement. To stay ahead in their never-ending war against crime and espionage, Alkenstar's elite shieldmarshals instead refine their skills of marksmanship and situational awareness into a potent blend of operational acumen and special tactics. Shieldmarshals study forensics, engineering, law, and etiquette to navigate the city's volatile conditions and politics; advanced lessons include specialized training to deal with criminals using technology as well as tactical analysis for maneuvering in congested urban environments. You've undergone specialized training to help you keep the peace in Alkenstar's sprawling streets. Urban operations are dreadfully complex endeavors; closed doors and high walls conceal suspects and belligerents, while every alley and corridor could be a fatal funnel. As a shieldmarshal, you overcome these complexities by reducing and adapting to uncertain elements. You methodically observe your surroundings, make swift decisions, and actualize best practices to pacify hostiles, rescue hostages, and otherwise meet overall mission objectives. Your elite shieldmarshal training makes you equally at home in the squalor of Smokeside and the splendor of Skyside. You're intimately familiar with the city's labyrinthine streets and statutes. You become trained in Society; if you were already trained, you become an expert in Society instead. In urban environments, you can attempt Society checks to Sense Direction. You also gain the Courtly Graces and Streetwise skill feats. Prerequisites Shieldmarshal Dedication Frequency once per hour You volunteered for a controversial experimental procedure to install clockwork prosthetic eyes. These eyes relay what you see to shieldmarshal headquarters, which consolidates and analyzes environmental data—Bronzetime/Surgetime probabilities, pressure, temperature, wind, and so on—and feeds them back to you. The Ironmaster periodically reviews the information archives in their ongoing efforts to root out police corruption. When you use your Consolidated Overlay Panopticon, you supercharge the prosthetic eyes; for the next minute, you gain darkvision and low-light vision, and you gain a +1 status bonus to visual Perception checks. Even when the prosthetic eyes aren't supercharged, you retain your normal vision Prerequisites Shieldmarshal Dedication Frequency once per 10 minutes Trigger You take damage from a critical hit. Gritting your teeth through the pain, you position yourself to counterattack. You gain resistance to the damage from the critical hit equal to half your level. As long as you're still conscious after the attack, you can Interact to reload a weapon you currently wield or Stand. You gain a +1 circumstance bonus on the next Strike you make against the creature who critically hit you, provided you make it before the end of your next turn. Prerequisites Shieldmarshal Dedication Frequency once per round You understand the need for law enforcement doctrine to adapt to the ever-changing innovations in technology and arcana. Your training in special weapons and tactics give you access to unusual techniques to respond to clockwork- and magic-related crimes. You apply special additives to a loaded firearm. On your next Strike with that firearm before the end of your turn, you deal an additional @Damage[2d6[untyped]] damage if the target is a construct, and you can treat the ammunition as your choice of cold iron or adamantine. At 18th level, this additional damage increases to 3d6, and you can choose to instead treat the ammunition as orichalcum. Nature provides many creatures weapons for hunting and defense, but few are as common and simple as the claw. Whether for climbing, catching, or rending, claws are an indispensable tool for any limbed denizen of the wild. Humanoid species with these weapons often take pride in such a gift, developing clawed combat into an art. Catfolk of southern Tian Xia are particularly adept at fighting with their claws. They call their style the Knives of Valash and prioritize rapid strikes mixed with sharp grapples to pin a foe in place. The style's practitioners, sometimes called Knives themselves, patrol the wilds honing their skills against the many dangers there. Once an acolyte rises sufficiently in rank, they're sent out across Golarion to explore and \"sharpen their claws.\" Those who perfect their art over the years often return to Tian Xia to teach the next generation of the style. Prerequisites permanent unarmed claw or talon attack (such as one granted by your ancestry or a graft) You've practiced the art of fighting with your natural claws, hooking them into prey and thrashing at targets surrounding you. You gain the following two actions, which let you assume specific stances to strike more effectively with your claws. Claw Stance Effect You extend the claws in your hands and focus your attention to take down single targets. The only Strikes you can make are frenzied claw unarmed attacks. These deal 1d6 slashing damage, are in the brawling group, and have the agile, finesse, grapple, unarmed, and versatile piercing traits. Talon Stance Effect You sway in a loose stance that lets you sweep in wide arcs with the claws on your feet. The only Strikes you can make are spinning talon unarmed attacks. These deal @Damage 1d8 slashing damage, are in the brawling group, and have the finesse, sweep, and unarmed traits. You don't need a free hand to use spinning talon strikes. Prerequisites Clawdancer Dedication Trigger A creature attempts to Escape while you have them grappled or restrained. You hook into the target, pulling yourself forward and rending flesh. Shift into claw stance if you aren't in it already, then make a frenzied claw Strike against the triggering creature. Prerequisites Clawdancer Dedication Requirements You are in claw stance and have two open hands. With a burst of speed, you leap into the air, slashing with your hands. You Leap, and if you end your movement adjacent to an enemy, you make two frenzied claw unarmed strikes against it. Apply your multiple attack penalty to these Strikes normally. If both Strikes miss, you fall Prone at the end of your Leap. Prerequisites Clawdancer Dedication Trigger A creature attempts to Strike you while it's flanking you. Your long clawed legs let you catch enemies to either side. You shift to talon stance if you weren't in it already. If the Strike misses, you can make a spinning talon Strike against any creature flanking you. Prerequisites Clawdancer Dedication Requirements Your last action was a successful frenzied claw or spinning talon Strike. You twist your claw, breaking off a piece in your target. The shard deals 1d6 persistent bleed damage. This increases to 2d6 if your unarmed attacks deal three weapon damage dice, such as under a greater striking rune, and 3d6 if they deal four weapon damage dice. Prerequisites Clawdancer Dedication, trained in Acrobatics You cartwheel on your claws, dancing over your foes. You shift into claw stance and Tumble Through. If you moved through an enemy’s space, you can Grapple it. Prerequisites Clawdancer Dedication Requirements You are in claw stance and have Grabbed a creature. You hold your prey's defensive limbs in place with your claws while delivering a swift kick to their unprotected sides. Shift to talon stance and make two spinning talon Strikes against the grabbed creature. Apply your multiple attack penalty to these Strikes normally. You then release the grabbed creature. Prerequisites Clawdancer Dedication Requirements You're prone. You flare your legs around, using the momentum to both lash out and return to a standing position. You enter talon stance if you weren't in it already, make a spinning talon Strike against an enemy in reach, and then Stand. You don't take the -2 circumstance penalty for attacking while prone, and your Stand action doesn't trigger reactions. You can spend two actions using Spinning Stand to make two spinning talon Strikes instead of one; these Strikes must be against separate targets. Prerequisites Clawdancer Dedication Requirements You are in claw stance and have two open hands. You rake into your opponent with two claws, cutting into their muscle and depriving them of needed strength. Make two frenzied claw attacks against the same target, increasing the multiple attack penalty normally. If both attacks hit, the target must succeed at a Fortitude save against your class DC or be enfeebled 2 for 1 round; if it critically fails, it's instead enfeebled 2 for 1 minute. Prerequisites Clawdancer Dedication Access catfolk ancestry Frequency once per hour Trigger You attempt a basic Reflex save. You fluidly move between stances in the process of dodging. Roll the save twice and take the higher result. If you were in claw stance, you shift to talon stance, and vice versa. Prerequisites Clawdancer Dedication Trigger A creature within your reach uses a move action or leaves a square during a move action it's using. Learning from nature's predators has taught you how to keep your prey close. Make a claw or talon unarmed Strike on the triggering creature. If it's a critical hit and the trigger is a move action, disrupt that action. If it hits and the creature left a square adjacent to you, you can Step into that square. Prerequisites Clawdancer Dedication Requirements Your previous action was a successful spinning talon Strike against an adjacent foe. You use the power of your leg lashing out to spring off your foe and leap toward another, your talon descending in a crescent. You Leap, which doesn't trigger reactions from the enemy you struck. If you land within melee reach of an enemy, you can choose to make a spinning talon Strike against them. Prerequisites Clawdancer Dedication Requirements You're in either claw stance or talon stance. You fluidly shift between your two stances. You use the unarmed attack associated with your current clawdancer stance, then switch into the other stance (if you're in claw stance, make a frenzied claw Strike and then shift to talon stance, or vice versa). Prerequisites Clawdancer Dedication Your body is a varied and deadly weapon. When you critically hit a target with your claw or talon, you can apply a critical specialization effect based on the stance you're in. For claw stance, apply the knife weapon group's effect. For talon stance, apply the axe group's effect. These effects are in addition to the claw's or talon's normal critical specialization effect if you apply it. Prerequisites Clawdancer Dedication Requirements You're in either claw stance or talon stance. You lash out with your clawed limbs like a beast that has fallen upon its first meal in days, then back off to see your handiwork. Strike three times, with your multiple attack penalty increasing as normal. After each attack that hits and deals damage, you can Step. Rarity Uncommon Ostillis are amorphous organisms that combine characteristics of both plants and animals. Typically found in subterranean environments, they can share a symbiotic arrangement with surkis. When a magic-gathering node on a surki's body is damaged or absent, an ostilli is placed on it like a bandage, and after several weeks, the creature fully fuses with its host and becomes a makeshift node, accumulating the magical nourishment that the surki needs to survive. With training, surkis—and increasingly, members of other species—can direct these tiny symbiotes to a variety of magical feats. Prerequisites trained in Arcana or Nature Access surki ancestry You've bonded with an attached symbiote known as an ostilli. You can bond with only one ostilli at a time since the symbiote emits low-frequency magical pulses that repel other ostillis. You become trained in Ostilli Lore; if you were already trained, you become an expert. The ostilli is a Tiny creature grafted to your body. Like other grafts, it has no Hit Points or Speeds of its own and can't be targeted separately. It can't be removed and dies when you do; in the event of your demise and resurrection, you can bond to a new ostilli during a week of downtime, though you lose any abilities granted by your ostilli bond during that time. Your ostilli is obvious, unless you attempt to cover it with clothing or armor. In such a case, an onlooker can determine you're bonded to an ostilli with a successful Nature, Perception, or Surki Lore check against your Deception DC. Your ostilli must be visible for you to use any of the actions it grants. Your ostilli is constantly siphoning ambient magic from the surroundings, granting you the @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.SN3sVsU7rD2eBfkf]{Repel Ambient Magic} and @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.dwA0wfUaRf4aT0eB]{Spit Ambient Magic} actions. @Embed[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.PlD0eY5fo50Wluva inline] @Embed[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.E13vR5nYbeo95nRC inline] @Embed[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.oZLRpBqlzFxvf33I inline] @Embed[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.uNop7UN5OQX951l1 inline] @Embed[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.ohdWRVK6CNXSkETG inline] @Embed[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.u9n11htt3dtT6CfW inline] @Embed[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.tnjXAYaYHO13jvMr inline] @Embed[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.hga6Cq7gW6rL16Ra inline] @Embed[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.p1JxtebE9egaeTrC inline] @Embed[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.vOM48z8wO5Mfp9IK inline] @Embed[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.11mW5dOCpwROjyV9 inline] Rarity Uncommon Many civilizations throughout history have benefited from a symbiotic relationship with insects. A community might raise insects for certain byproducts, such as a bee's honey or a spider's silk, or tame larger versions of common species as mounts. Some even take this harmony to the extreme and willingly host a swarm of insects inside their bodies. Because of their unusual arrangement, swarmkeepers tend to live solitary lives, or at least as solitary as you can be as a host of thousands. When dealing with those who might be squeamish of their abilities, some swarmkeepers wear straw skeps, backpack-like boxes often employed by beekeepers as a kind of social camouflage. Such items might even be used to house additional insects if their swarm grows too big to fit inside their body. Swarmkeepers can add new capabilities to their swarms. For some, this means incorporating many different species of insects into their swarm, making even mortal enemies in nature work together. Others selectively cultivate one kind of insect precious to them into various morphs that give the swarm new capabilities. Prerequisites trained in Nature Your body has become a symbiotic hive for a swarm of crawling insects. You can emit your swarm using the @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.E48YTUyreo1kc9GM]{Swarm Forth} action, and you can use the @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.k6ML9SPMxaGJyjqO]{Bite and Sting} action while your swarm is outside your body to command it to attack. Your deep connection to your swarm precludes you from also having an animal companion, though if an ability allows you to have more than one animal companion (such as the beastmaster archetype), you can count your swarm as one. You're immune to any damage from your swarm, and during your daily preparations you can anoint up to five willing creatures with a concoction made from your pheromones to grant them immunity as well. While outside your body, your swarm is Large and has a Speed of 15 feet and a climb Speed of 15 feet. It can occupy the same space as other creatures. While outside your body, the swarm can be attacked. It uses your statistics for defenses but is immune to grappled, @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.j91X7x0XSomq8d60]{Prone}, @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.VcDeM8A5oI6VqhbM]{Restrained}, and mental effects that target only a specific number of creatures. The swarm has resistance equal to your level to physical damage and weakness equal to your level to area and splash damage. Any damage that would be dealt to the swarm is dealt to you instead, though you take damage only once from any ability that includes both you and the swarm in the area of effect (though you take the greater amount of damage). @Embed[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.KrF4qD1pvQthG3v8 inline hr=false] @Embed[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.mwPOOTtELS4X7reC inline hr=false] @Embed[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.9aea3IysGvjKY5tT inline hr=false] @Embed[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.yLZWUZHI5SHfwL7E inline] @Embed[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.mG6Qo8e8TSIiwR9l inline] @Embed[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.0fPboxvg8rbi65mf inline] @Embed[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.F4LlHjLjubbBkWRT inline hr=false] @Embed[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.vD1TCRWtubijBGEP inline] @Embed[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.IGY2DVHTEWmTbfYV inline] @Embed[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.DjB7wElO9HkKMnzI inline] According to folklore, the thlipit martial art began with a wager. A group of bored tripkees looking for a little sport devised a game of using their tongues to gather fruit out of nearby trees. As the competition wore on and the bets escalated, the contestants began snatching falling fruit in midair and even using their tongues to push away the competition. While the names of the original competitors vary between tellings, all agree that the contest ended with a particularly magnificent tongue flick, landing an overripe mango squarely upon a losing bettor's head. No matter the origin, variants of the game and the martial art it spawned have become mainstays in tripkee society. In contrast to other fighting styles, thlipit doesn't stand on ceremony or rigid discipline. Practitioners refer to themselves as contestants and play off the forms and moves as mere exercises or games. Despite this veneer of frivolity, thlipit can be just as dangerous in the mouth of an adept as any other weapon. Thlipit combines fluid movements reminiscent of whip fighting with the leverage of a wrestler's stance. It favors quick smacks, brief grabs, and short throws. Friend, foe, and the contestant themselves always remain in motion. Moves are often exaggerated to play up stylish elements for spectators or lure brash opponents into attacking early. No formal schools exist to teach thlipit. Many tripkees are familiar with the style from childhood games, even if they haven't developed the physicality to be considered a true contestant. Self-directed instruction remains common, though aspiring contestants will seek out veterans and ask to be taken on as apprentices. Even though this sort of self-directed instruction happens frequently, a veteran contestant will still occasionally take on a student or two to pass along particular forms or styles. Though thlipit originated with tripkees, tripkee migration to Vidrian and other population centers has exposed other peoples to the sport. Most notably, thlipit has become popular with the recent generation of iruxi youth, who have adapted it for use with a tail rather than a tongue. Though not every move is possible with a tail, they have added their own innovations to the style. Additional Feats 4th @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.rTkr1EqpAN6YtnAh]{Lunge}; 6th @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.39CqlOzlHjEhh0E4]{Slam Down}; 12th @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.yTh9QwAf0hadP91j]{Crashing Slam} Prerequisites You have a long prehensile tongue or a tail. At the GM's discretion, similar flexible appendages, such as tentacles, can be used to qualify instead. Grueling practice has strengthened your tongue or tail to the point where it's become a formidable weapon. You gain a lash melee unarmed attack that is in the flail weapon group, deals @Damage[1d4[bludgeoning]] damage, and has the grapple and reach traits. The attack can be performed with any appendages you used to qualify for this feat. @Embed[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.nYhkODez1r49LTXj inline] @Embed[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.9O7DLcXVXpwLVXI6 inline hr=false] @Embed[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.dtkOVLILY8Ywl90I inline] @Embed[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.YKPaD42aJf2C5V3B inline hr=false] @Embed[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.6qIiczSzuOmp0yRx inline] @Embed[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.GjcAvxbJ6PgD2Lsi inline] @Embed[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.4bxAxvC2YYuM4Mwy inline hr=false] @Embed[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.zdiSJlNFG7NhKHke inline hr=false] @Embed[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.74MnTnoqSveet8Sy inline] @Embed[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.iMeXYpghydBEt2Q6 inline hr=false] @Embed[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.iqUYhZNcixYw0xUW inline hr=false] Rarity Rare You're a werecreature, a humanoid doomed by an ancient primal curse to transform into an animal or an animalhumanoid hybrid under the light of the full moon. You might be a \"true werecreature,\" born to werecreature parents; you might have found yourself afflicted with the primal curse after surviving the bite of another werecreature; or you might have been transformed into a werecreature by powerful magic, perhaps even willingly. Although humanoids with the ability to transform into animals aren't universally feared, they're looked on with terror in many places because of a confusion with werecreatures or other threats. With the curse both spreading infectiously and robbing the afflicted control of their actions, those suspected of being werecreatures can rarely live in peace. While many werecreatures have little control over their own transformations, formal training or an exceptionally strong will has enabled you to exert a degree of mastery over the beast that rages within you, allowing you not only to assume your bestial shape at will but also retain your own mind while doing so. In many cases, this results in being able to prevent spreading the curse as well. This mastery is more common in societies that embrace or accept werecreatures, such as Ulfen countries in northern Avistan and communities of beastkin, wherever they can be found. Requirements You were born into a lineage of true werecreatures or were afflicted with the curse of the werecreature. You're a werecreature, able to shift between your humanoid shape, an animal shape, and a monstrous hybrid of the two. You gain the beast and werecreature traits. Choose your werecreature type from the table below. Once chosen, this can't be changed. You gain the @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.AmP0qu7c5dlBSath]{Toughness} feat but also a weakness to silver equal to half your level. You gain the @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.34E7k2YRcsOU5uyl]{Change Shape} action. On the night of the full moon, you automatically use Change Shape to assume your hybrid shape, and you can't voluntarily activate or dismiss Change Shape until sunrise. Special If you're a beastkin, you can use unarmed attacks from your hybrid shape while you're in your werecreature hybrid shape. These forms are otherwise separate. @Embed[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.7sI2tb0XRvAKmz2o inline hr=false] @Embed[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.CJHvU61UpOpgPtSa inline hr=false] @Embed[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.GDYy2HaaTAEWRfGQ inline hr=false] @Embed[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.L9pd3yyjVK0rgiDc inline hr=false] @Embed[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.eClTKWfhyv2lFrwC inline hr=false] @Embed[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.6RDMR41SGsBBVqcA inline hr=false] @Embed[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.t7SlYWC4M2JcgwRM inline hr=false] @Embed[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.a57EppvkRS1x3OFs inline hr=false] @Embed[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.St2pWABnDri2n1FO inline hr=false] @Embed[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.Mq6wjHaaqBnfScYe inline hr=false] @Embed[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.vtohCw7HNaCmcWyf inline hr=false] @Embed[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.PcayTyfEv6s9wRfN inline hr=false] @Embed[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.oHRCNciSjIBz4xqe inline hr=false] @Embed[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.rAUNZfiulXh4zcm6 inline hr=false] @Embed[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.pog3LJUEhSeGikl3 inline hr=false] @Embed[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.IlygXZqCaeB9X30e inline hr=false] @Embed[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.Rzr6VIRaPEomi9E4 inline hr=false] @Embed[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.UXuwSoU09MUB7rNV inline hr=false] @Embed[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.nwHYTpyreUgvxh1z inline hr=false] @Embed[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.5oifNocjSTR9PdRy inline hr=false] @Embed[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.tCKme98RHrTZ8QdS inline hr=false] @Embed[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.1qvN6vznehBjV6ml inline hr=false] @Embed[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.tVqU3Ro0WPuAbCre inline hr=false] @Embed[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.95VqyEvnxcee8XBS inline hr=false] @Embed[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.QA4IJbtW1NoYJY9M inline hr=false] @Embed[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.jIL0dobpVmCrmSj1 inline hr=false] Wild beasts of all kinds can be found outside of the cities and villages of Golarion, and many possess remarkable abilities that help them survive, even thrive. From the capacity to fight through deadly wounds to the production of painful electric jolts, the multitude of the world's beasts presents a staggering array of diversity in form. Through rigorous training of your body, the meticulous study of treatises on wildlife, or by spending a large portion of your life among them, you have learned to adopt the martial techniques of many beasts. Some of these are a matter of simple mimicry, while others are impressive displays of primal magic. The style of wild mimicry is believed to have been created long ago in the Realm of the Mammoth Lords. Hunters took on the aspects of local prehistoric beasts to better stalk and kill them for survival. In this constant struggle against nature, quick adaptation is key. In more recent decades, whether through convergent development or by adherents showcasing their techniques as they travel, wild mimicry has been found all across Golarion, from the Valashmai Jungle in Tian Xia to the coasts of Droon in southern Garund to anywhere large numbers of beasts can be encountered. Additional Feats 4th @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.cg816q76S5otM7yD]{Animal Empathy}, @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.bf7NCeKqDClaqhTR]{Crane Stance}, @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.DqD7htz8Sd1dh3BT]{Gorilla Stance}, @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.VCjAlOvjNvFJOsG5]{Tiger Stance}, @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.AN9jY1JVcU20Qdw6]{Wolf Stance}; 8th @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.S14S52HjszTgIy4l]{Crane Flutter}, @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.nRjyyDulHnP5OewA]{Gorilla Pound}, @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.6J2ZSGNsXPKPcJGV]{Tiger Slash}, @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.uJpghjJtNbqKUxRd]{Wolf Drag} Prerequisites trained in Nature Fighting in the wilds has honed your understanding of the unique abilities many creatures have. You're trained in Wild Mimic Lore, a special Lore skill that can be used only to Recall Knowledge about creatures to learn their abilities. If you have legendary proficiency in Nature, you gain expert proficiency in Wild Mimic Lore, but you can't increase your proficiency in Wild Mimic Lore by any other means. When you succeed at a Wild Mimic Lore to Recall Knowledge, you gain a +1 circumstance bonus to your saving throws against the next attack or ability that the subject of your Recall Knowledge targets you with. @Embed[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.P10KdjTbRcgXG0JM inline hr=false] @Embed[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.9gEVyUjYrDLUWieq inline hr=false] @Embed[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.20JPwspLZ0r28Jnf inline hr=false] @Embed[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.sif4YKLU414BBNis inline] @Embed[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.sdDOkl7IZZ0o0dix inline] @Embed[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.tZLixgaZKeWwPXKW inline] @Embed[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.KnaKxKP3eCUcCZC7 inline hr=false] @Embed[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.1DIuPtx7FEm7F7WE inline] @Embed[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.vwOU1t8Fd5dDEYia inline] @Embed[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.2LvdYMXTIRkTQO42 inline hr=false] @Embed[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.wlBDcATuqTwjOIY2 inline hr=false] Nature provided wings to certain creatures to help them soar above predators or reach food hanging from tall trees or the side of a cliff. When those graced with wings no longer have to depend on flight for survival, their appendages can be turned to a different use: combat. In addition to granting strategic elevation over foes, wings provide a variety of combat advantages. Winged warriors are found independently among several ancestries. While awakened animals seem able to use these techniques as if by instinct, tengu of the Inner Sea region are the most commonly seen practitioners of this fighting style. Naval and pirate crews in the Shackles particularly value a tengu's skill at boarding actions. Warriors able to take flight, even temporarily, can often name their price when joining a crew on the Fever Sea. Despite the ranged armaments available on most ships, many sailors are hard-pressed to defend against skilled aerial assailants. Even those who develop wings later in life, like certain surkis and those with grafted wings, can learn the fighting style of a winged warrior. Although it's a long path, many of the techniques involved are reinvented, rediscovered, and even updated by individual warriors. Prerequisites you have permanent wings (such as from an ancestry or graft) Through rigorous training, you have strengthened your wings, granting you enough thrust to gain additional altitude. When you make a horizontal @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.d5I6018Mci2SWokk]{Leap}, increase the distance by 10 feet up to a maximum of your Speed. Any fly Speed granted by ancestry feats and other permanent wings increases by 5 feet. @Embed[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.cJNRNyZbwVofYiUS inline] @Embed[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.riQ8sn3Gpbr3LdtR inline] @Embed[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.HXjDDIannDMNxMIz inline hr=false] @Embed[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.QgfrfzQAtzgwAgtQ inline hr=false] @Embed[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.fxkByzNBsYOcyYp8 inline] @Embed[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.IfoxFY9kzP4KG9gi inline hr=false] @Embed[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.wvpDbFZZ9I8aAtmg inline hr=false] @Embed[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.DUpcEx0yMHGSU6o5 inline hr=false] @Embed[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.G3NBWaItq6oLEJxx inline hr=false] @Embed[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.2DrvFmrHzHLWS8UD inline hr=false] @Embed[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.rkViV16nuFbm6hPj inline hr=false] @Embed[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.F2VR4FPL2HdbzfXL inline hr=false] @Embed[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.4PdWIMjSHRTPekAl inline hr=false] @Embed[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.D1uVM4fif8Y0FYu1 inline hr=false] Play during your turn. Select yourself or an ally within reach. The target regains [[/r (1d8+8)[healing]]]{1d8+8 Hit Points}. If you are 7th level or higher, the target regains [[/r (2d8+16)[healing]]]{2d8+16 Hit Points}. If you are 12th level or higher, the target regains [[/r (3d8+24)[healing]]]{3d8+24 Hit Points}. Play during your turn. Select yourself or an ally within reach. The target regains @Damage[(1d8+8)[healing]] Hit Points. If you are 7th level or higher, the target regains @Damage[ (2d8+16)[healing]] Hit Points. If you are 12th level or higher, the target regains @Damage[(3d8+24)[healing]] Hit Points. In this release, the system implemented the following system wide rules changes: Removal of Alignment Alignment has been removed from the system. Alignment that had been set before on actors is still in actor data in the form of inert traits. These traits are not displayed on the sheet until a module adds the traits back. The PF2e Legacy Data module does this, and smaller modules can easily do this. You can also do this without a module by simnply registering the four alignment traits in the system homebrew settings menu as actor traits. Evil fiends and good celestials have had the unholy or holy trait added to them. NPC strikes that dealt evil or good damage have been converted to deal spirit damage with the unholy or holy trait. Removal of Spell Schools Seven of the eight spell schools have been removed: Abjuration, conjuration, divination, enchantment, evocation, necromancy, and transmutation have been removed from spells, feats, equipment, and the like. Illusion is still a trait used in the remaster rules and has been kept. Removal of Spell Components Spell components (verbal, somatic, material) have been removed from all spells. If a spell had a verbal component it gained the concentrate trait. If the spell had a somatic component it gained the manipulate trait. As a general rule, all spells now require speaking. This general rule is modified by the new 'subtle' trait. Several languages have been renamed. In this release, the system implemented the following system wide rules changes: Removal of Alignment Alignment has been removed from the system. Alignment that had been set before on actors is still in actor data in the form of inert traits. These traits are not displayed on the sheet until a module adds the traits back. The PF2e Legacy Data module does this, and smaller modules can easily do this. You can also do this without a module by simply registering the four alignment traits in the system homebrew settings menu as actor traits. Evil fiends and good celestials have had the unholy or holy trait added to them. NPC strikes that dealt evil or good damage have been converted to deal spirit damage with the unholy or holy trait. Removal of Spell Schools Seven of the eight spell schools have been removed: Abjuration, conjuration, divination, enchantment, evocation, necromancy, and transmutation have been removed from spells, feats, equipment, and the like. Illusion is still a trait used in the remaster rules and has been kept. Removal of Spell Components Spell components (verbal, somatic, material) have been removed from all spells. If a spell had a verbal component it gained the concentrate trait. If the spell had a somatic component it gained the manipulate trait. As a general rule, all spells now require speaking. This general rule is modified by the new 'subtle' trait. Several languages have been renamed. Objects can be given a semblance of life through the use of rituals or other strange magic, turning them into animated objects. These objects move, work, and fight based on the commands given to them by their creators, who usually set them on guard duty or have them perform menial labor. Suits of animated armor might serve as guardians, but sometimes high-end martial academies use them as training partners. They're most often found in wizards' laboratories and ancient dungeons. The animated armor reduces all damage it takes by 9. However, after a critical hit that deals damage, or after its HP drops below 10, its construct armor breaks. Its AC drops to 13 and it no longer reduces damage by 9. A basilisk is an eight-legged reptile that can turn creatures to stone just by looking at them. Foul-tempered and tough, boars are far more dangerous than domesticated pigs. These omnivorous mammals are hunted heavily because their meat is considered a delicacy. Boars are most likely to attack humanoids in self-defense or during their mating season in the winter months, when the males grow an extra inch of tissue to protect their organs as they fight off rivals. In some cultures, boars are trained to become much more aggressive for use as war beasts and guardians. When such boars escape back into the wild, they can become true terrors of the region. When the boar is reduced to 0 Hit Points, it can use its reaction to remain conscious with 1 Hit Point, but it gains the @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.Yl48xTdMh3aeQYL2]{Wounded 1} condition (or increases its wounded value by 1 if it already has that condition). It can't use this ability at wounded 3. The boar Strides twice and then makes a tusk Strike. As long as it moved at least 20 feet, it gains a +2 circumstance bonus to its attack roll. Water elementals roam the endless oceans of the Plane of Water. They can be brought to the world with summoning magic or through natural disasters like floods or hurricanes. Though water elementals can be very destructive, they aren't always malicious. Just as water can bring life to those in need, its waves can pound shores and its rains flood cities. Water elementals are similarly difficult to predict. Brine sharks take forms resembling sharks made entirely of water and are fierce, but among the weaker water elementals. They often slip into mortal oceans, competing with natural predators or even joining schools of flesh and blood sharks. When the wight deals damage to a living creature with its claw or dagger Strike, the wight regains 2 Hit Points and the target must succeed at a @Check[fortitude|dc:17] save or take 2 damage that can't be healed. The wight can use corrupting spite multiple times, but a single creature can't take more than 8 unhealable damage. Each full night of rest heals 2 of the unhealable damage, and a full day of bed rest increases the recovery to 4 of the unhealable damage. When the wight deals damage to a living creature with its claw or dagger Strike, the wight regains @Damage[2[void,healing]|shortLabel] Hit Points and the target must succeed at a @Check[fortitude|dc:17] save or take 2 damage that can't be healed. The wight can use corrupting spite multiple times, but a single creature can't take more than 8 unhealable damage. Each full night of rest heals 2 of the unhealable damage, and a full day of bed rest increases the recovery to 4 of the unhealable damage. Activate A Interact Elixirs of life accelerate a living creature's natural healing processes and immune system. Upon drinking this elixir, you regain [[/r 1d6[healing]]] Hit Points and gain +1 item bonus to saving throws against diseases and poisons for 10 minutes. @UUID[]{Effect: Elixir of Life (Minor)} Activate A Interact Elixirs of life accelerate a living creature's natural healing processes and immune system. Upon drinking this elixir, you regain @Damage[1d6[healing]] Hit Points and gain +1 item bonus to saving throws against diseases and poisons for 10 minutes. @UUID[]{Effect: Elixir of Life (Minor)} Azarketis, also known as Low Azlanti or gillmen, can be found all over Golarion, with a particularly high concentration around Absalom and the Inner Sea. Descendants of the ancient Azlanti, the azarketis survived the cataclysm of Earthfall by fleeing into the sea, where they were warped into amphibious forms by the alghollthu, the alien architects of Absalom's terrible demise. Generally found on the coast, azarketis favor life near a major body of water, as keeping their skin hydrated is a biological requirement. Though most azarketis live relatively peaceful lives of fishing or farming, they sometimes need to defend their homes against hostile forces, and some leave their communities to become adventurers. The following statistics may be used to represent commonly encountered azarketis. The average azarketi citizen in Absalom makes a living fishing or catching crabs. The deep harbor floor beneath the city docks is covered with traps left by the azarketis, who use individual glyphs to mark one crabber's trap from the other. This small, bladed weapon is held in one hand and used to stab a creature in close combat. It can also be thrown. A sack can hold up to 8 Bulk worth of items. A sack containing 2 Bulk or less can be worn on the body, usually tucked into a belt. You can carry a sack with one hand, but must use two hands to transfer items in and out. Azarketi must regularly submerge themselves in water to rehydrate their water-acclimated skin. After the first 24 hours outside of water, they gain a -1 status penalty to Fortitude saves as their skin cracks and their gills become painful. After 48 hours, they struggle to breathe air and begin to suffocate until returned to water. While submerged in water, an azarketi crab catcher gains a +2 circumstance bonus on their Stealth check, indicated above. Requirements The azarketi crab catcher is swimming Trigger The azarketi crab catcher is targeted with an attack and can see the attacker Effect The azarketi crab catcher gains a +2 circumstance bonus to AC against the triggering attack. After the attack, they Swim 5 feet. Azarketis, also known as Low Azlanti or gillmen, can be found all over Golarion, with a particularly high concentration around Absalom and the Inner Sea. Descendants of the ancient Azlanti, the azarketis survived the cataclysm of Earthfall by fleeing into the sea, where they were warped into amphibious forms by the alghollthu, the alien architects of Absalom's terrible demise. Generally found on the coast, azarketis favor life near a major body of water, as keeping their skin hydrated is a biological requirement. Though most azarketis live relatively peaceful lives of fishing or farming, they sometimes need to defend their homes against hostile forces, and some leave their communities to become adventurers. The following statistics may be used to represent commonly encountered azarketis. Azarketis with more adventurous spirits often learn the art of sailing and join the crew of a ship. Such sailors get to enjoy their time above deck while also having near-constant access to large bodies of water. Ship captains also appreciate having azarketis on board, as they're able to easily scrape barnacles off the hull, check the rudder, and help patch any leaks. Though they have a talent for swimming more than sailing, they've earned a reputation as lucky to have on board. Azarketis, also known as Low Azlanti or gillmen, can be found all over Golarion, with a particularly high concentration around Absalom and the Inner Sea. Descendants of the ancient Azlanti, the azarketis survived the cataclysm of Earthfall by fleeing into the sea, where they were warped into amphibious forms by the alghollthu, the alien architects of Absalom's terrible demise. Generally found on the coast, azarketis favor life near a major body of water, as keeping their skin hydrated is a biological requirement. Though most azarketis live relatively peaceful lives of fishing or farming, they sometimes need to defend their homes against hostile forces, and some leave their communities to become adventurers. The following statistics may be used to represent commonly encountered azarketis. The most ambitious and capable azarketis become tide tamers, learning how to speak with aquatic animals and even train the strongest of these creatures to help defend their territory. Tide tamers act as guardians for their communities, scouts at sea and on the shore, or even entertainers for land-bound people's amusement. They're generally found with one or more aquatic allies whom they've befriended. Several serve alongside Absalom's Wave Riders as scouts, animal interlocutors, and guides. This three-pronged, spear-like weapon typically has a 4-foot shaft. Like a spear, it can be wielded with one hand or thrown. Sometimes referred to as an alley bow by rogues or ruffians, this small crossbow fires small bolts that are sometimes used to deliver poison to the target. It's small enough to be shot one-handed, but it still requires two hands to load. This leather armor is reinforced with metal studs and sometimes small metal plates, providing most of the flexibility of leather armor with more robust protection. Azarketi must regularly submerge themselves in water to rehydrate their water-acclimated skin. After the first 24 hours outside of water, they gain a -1 status penalty to Fortitude saves as their skin cracks and their gills become painful. After 48 hours, they struggle to breathe air and begin to suffocate until returned to water. An azarketi tide tamer can speak with animals that have the aquatic or amphibious trait. While submerged in water, an azarketi tide tamer gains a +2 circumstance bonus on their Stealth check, indicated above. While submerged in water, an azarketi tide tamer takes advantage of the shifting tides to increase the deadliness of their attacks. They deal [[/r 2d8]] additional damage on a successful weapon Strike while they are underwater. By setting ambushes and traps in concealing countryside, such as forests and mountains, bandits waylay travelers and plunder their valuables before disappearing back to their wilderness hideouts. Many bandits seek only to steal and release their victims alive, though a few prefer to leave no witnesses. Some criminals are the desperate who have no option but to break the law to survive, while others choose a life of crime for thrills, forming gangs or underworld guilds that specialize in certain illegal ventures. Tendrils of darkness curl out from your fingertips and race through the air. You deal 2d4 void damage and [[/r (@item.level)[bleed]]] damage to living creatures in the line. Each living creature in the line must attempt a Fortitude save. Critical Success The creature is unaffected. Success The creature takes half the void damage and no persistent bleed damage. Failure The creature takes full damage. Critical Failure The creature takes double void damage and double persistent bleed damage. Heightened (+1) The void damage increases by 2d4, and the persistent bleed damage increases by 1. Tendrils of darkness curl out from your fingertips and race through the air. You deal 2d4 void damage and @Damage[(@item.level)[bleed]] damage to living creatures in the line. Each living creature in the line must attempt a Fortitude save. Critical Success The creature is unaffected. Success The creature takes half the void damage and no persistent bleed damage. Failure The creature takes full damage. Critical Failure The creature takes double void damage and double persistent bleed damage. Heightened (+1) The void damage increases by 2d4, and the persistent bleed damage increases by 1. You splash a glob of acid that splatters your target and nearby creatures. Make a spell attack. If you hit, you deal 1d6 acid damage plus 1 splash acid damage. On a critical success, the target also takes [[/r (ceil(@item.level/2))[persistent,acid]]] damage. Heightened (3rd) The initial damage increases to 2d6, and the persistent damage increases to 2. Heightened (5th) The initial damage increases to 3d6, the persistent damage increases to 3, and the splash damage increases to 2. Heightened (7th) The initial damage increases to 4d6, the persistent damage increases to 4, and the splash damage increases to 3. Heightened (9th) The initial damage increases to 5d6, the persistent damage increases to 5, and the splash damage increases to 4. You splash a glob of acid that splatters your target and nearby creatures. Make a spell attack. If you hit, you deal 1d6 acid damage plus 1 splash acid damage. On a critical success, the target also takes @Damage[(ceil(@item.level/2))[persistent,acid]] damage. Heightened (3rd) The initial damage increases to 2d6, and the persistent damage increases to 2. Heightened (5th) The initial damage increases to 3d6, the persistent damage increases to 3, and the splash damage increases to 2. Heightened (7th) The initial damage increases to 4d6, the persistent damage increases to 4, and the splash damage increases to 3. Heightened (9th) The initial damage increases to 5d6, the persistent damage increases to 5, and the splash damage increases to 4. A small ball of flame appears in the palm of your hand, and you lash out with it either in melee or at range. Make a spell attack roll against your target's AC. This is normally a ranged attack, but you can also make a melee attack against a creature in your unarmed reach. On a success, you deal 2d4 fire damage. On a critical success, the target takes double damage and @Damage[(@item.level)d4[persistent,fire]] damage. Heightened (+1) Increase the damage by 1d4 and the persistent damage on a critical hit by 1d4. A small ball of flame appears in the palm of your hand, and you lash out with it either in melee or at range. Make a spell attack roll against your target's AC. This is normally a ranged attack, but you can also make a melee attack against a creature in your unarmed reach. On a success, you deal 2d4 fire damage. On a critical success, the target takes double damage and @Damage[(@item.level)d4[persistent,fire]] damage. Heightened (+1) Increase the damage by 1d4 and the persistent damage on a critical hit by 1d4. A healing potion is a vial of a ruby-red liquid that imparts a tingling sensation as the drinker's wounds heal rapidly. When you drink a healing potion, you regain [[/r 1d8[healing]]] Hit Points. A healing potion is a vial of a ruby-red liquid that imparts a tingling sensation as the drinker's wounds heal rapidly. When you drink a healing potion, you regain @Damage[1d8[healing]] Hit Points. Activate 1 (manipulate) This thin, black liquid imparts a bone-deep chill while rapidly repairing an undead creature's physical or spiritual form. When you dash oil of unlife onto an undead creature, or a living creature with void healing, the oil absorbs quickly into its body, and the creature regains [[/r (2d8+5)[healing]]]{2d8+5 Hit Points}. You can pour oil of unlife on an incorporeal undead; in this case, the creature absorbs the oil into itself. Activate 1 (manipulate) This thin, black liquid imparts a bone-deep chill while rapidly repairing an undead creature's physical or spiritual form. When you dash oil of unlife onto an undead creature, or a living creature with void healing, the oil absorbs quickly into its body, and the creature regains @Damage[(2d8+5)[healing]] Hit Points. You can pour oil of unlife on an incorporeal undead; in this case, the creature absorbs the oil into itself. Activate A Interact Elixirs of life accelerate a living creature's natural healing processes and immune system. Upon drinking this elixir, you regain [[/r 1d6[healing]]] Hit Points and gain +1 item bonus to saving throws against diseases and poisons for 10 minutes. @UUID[]{Effect: Elixir of Life (Minor)} Activate A Interact Elixirs of life accelerate a living creature's natural healing processes and immune system. Upon drinking this elixir, you regain @Damage[1d6[healing]] Hit Points and gain +1 item bonus to saving throws against diseases and poisons for 10 minutes. @UUID[]{Effect: Elixir of Life (Minor)} Activate A Interact Elixirs of life accelerate a living creature's natural healing processes and immune system. Upon drinking this elixir, you regain [[/r 1d6[healing]]]{1d6 Hit Points} and gain +1 item bonus to saving throws against diseases and poisons for 10 minutes. @UUID[]{Effect: Elixir of Life (Minor)} Activate A Interact Elixirs of life accelerate a living creature's natural healing processes and immune system. Upon drinking this elixir, you regain @Damage[1d6[healing]] Hit Points and gain +1 item bonus to saving throws against diseases and poisons for 10 minutes. @UUID[]{Effect: Elixir of Life (Minor)} You splash a glob of acid that splatters your target and nearby creatures. Make a spell attack. If you hit, you deal 1d6 acid damage plus 1 splash acid damage. On a critical success, the target also takes [[/r (ceil(@item.level/2))[persistent,acid]]] damage. Heightened (3rd) The initial damage increases to 2d6, and the persistent damage increases to 2. Heightened (5th) The initial damage increases to 3d6, the persistent damage increases to 3, and the splash damage increases to 2. Heightened (7th) The initial damage increases to 4d6, the persistent damage increases to 4, and the splash damage increases to 3. Heightened (9th) The initial damage increases to 5d6, the persistent damage increases to 5, and the splash damage increases to 4. You splash a glob of acid that splatters your target and nearby creatures. Make a spell attack. If you hit, you deal 1d6 acid damage plus 1 splash acid damage. On a critical success, the target also takes @Damage[(ceil(@item.level/2))[persistent,acid]] damage. Heightened (3rd) The initial damage increases to 2d6, and the persistent damage increases to 2. Heightened (5th) The initial damage increases to 3d6, the persistent damage increases to 3, and the splash damage increases to 2. Heightened (7th) The initial damage increases to 4d6, the persistent damage increases to 4, and the splash damage increases to 3. Heightened (9th) The initial damage increases to 5d6, the persistent damage increases to 5, and the splash damage increases to 4. Tendrils of darkness curl out from your fingertips and race through the air. You deal 2d4 void damage and [[/r (@item.level)[bleed]]] damage to living creatures in the line. Each living creature in the line must attempt a Fortitude save. Critical Success The creature is unaffected. Success The creature takes half the void damage and no persistent bleed damage. Failure The creature takes full damage. Critical Failure The creature takes double void damage and double persistent bleed damage. Heightened (+1) The void damage increases by 2d4, and the persistent bleed damage increases by 1. Tendrils of darkness curl out from your fingertips and race through the air. You deal 2d4 void damage and @Damage[(@item.level)[bleed]] damage to living creatures in the line. Each living creature in the line must attempt a Fortitude save. Critical Success The creature is unaffected. Success The creature takes half the void damage and no persistent bleed damage. Failure The creature takes full damage. Critical Failure The creature takes double void damage and double persistent bleed damage. Heightened (+1) The void damage increases by 2d4, and the persistent bleed damage increases by 1. A healing potion is a vial of a ruby-red liquid that imparts a tingling sensation as the drinker's wounds heal rapidly. When you drink a healing potion, you regain [[/r (2d8+5)[healing]]]{2d8+5 Hit Points}. A healing potion is a vial of a ruby-red liquid that imparts a tingling sensation as the drinker's wounds heal rapidly. When you drink a healing potion, you regain @Damage[(2d8+5)[healing]] Hit Points. You shoot a blazing ray of light tinged with holy energy. Make a ranged spell attack. The ray deals 5d6 fire damage. If the target is a fiend or undead, you deal an extra 5d6 spirit damage. If the light passes through an area of magical darkness or targets a creature affected by magical darkness, searing light attempts to counteract the darkness. If you need to determine whether the light passes through an area of darkness, draw a line between yourself and the spell's target Critical Success The target takes double fire damage, as well as double spirit damage if a fiend or undead. Success The target takes full damage Heightened (+1) The fire damage increases by 2d6, and the spirit damage against fiends and undead increases by 2d6. [[/r ((@item.level*2)-1)d6[spirit]]]{Leveled Spirit Damage} You shoot a blazing ray of light tinged with holy energy. Make a ranged spell attack. The ray deals 5d6 fire damage. If the target is a fiend or undead, you deal an extra 5d6 spirit damage. If the light passes through an area of magical darkness or targets a creature affected by magical darkness, searing light attempts to counteract the darkness. If you need to determine whether the light passes through an area of darkness, draw a line between yourself and the spell's target Critical Success The target takes double fire damage, as well as double spirit damage if a fiend or undead. Success The target takes full damage Heightened (+1) The fire damage increases by 2d6, and the spirit damage against fiends and undead increases by 2d6. A healing potion is a vial of a ruby-red liquid that imparts a tingling sensation as the drinker's wounds heal rapidly. When you drink a healing potion, you regain [[/r (2d8+5)[healing]]]{2d8+5 Hit Points}. A healing potion is a vial of a ruby-red liquid that imparts a tingling sensation as the drinker's wounds heal rapidly. When you drink a healing potion, you regain @Damage[(2d8+5)[healing]] Hit Points. Illusory pain wracks the target, dealing 2d4 mental damage and 1d4 persistent mental damage. The target must attempt a Will save. Critical Success The target is unaffected. Success The target takes full initial damage but no persistent damage, and the spell ends immediately. Failure The target takes full initial and persistent damage, and the target is @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.fesd1n5eVhpCSS18]{Sickened 1}. If the target recovers from being Sickened, the persistent damage ends and the spell ends. Critical Failure As failure, but the target is @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.fesd1n5eVhpCSS18]{Sickened 2}. Heightened (+1) The damage increases by 2d4 and the persistent damage by 1d4. [[/r (@item.level)d4[persistent,mental]]]{Leveled Persistent Mental Damage} Illusory pain wracks the target, dealing 2d4 mental damage and @Damage[(@item.level)d4[persistent,mental]] damage. The target must attempt a Will save. Critical Success The target is unaffected. Success The target takes full initial damage but no persistent damage, and the spell ends immediately. Failure The target takes full initial and persistent damage, and the target is @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.fesd1n5eVhpCSS18]{Sickened 1}. If the target recovers from being Sickened, the persistent damage ends and the spell ends. Critical Failure As failure, but the target is @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.fesd1n5eVhpCSS18]{Sickened 2}. Heightened (+1) The damage increases by 2d4 and the persistent damage by 1d4. You shroud your hands in a crackling field of lightning. Make a melee spell attack roll. On a hit, the target takes 2d12 electricity damage. If the target is wearing metal armor or is made of metal, you gain a +1 circumstance bonus to your attack roll with shocking grasp, and the target also takes 1d4 persistent electricity damage on a hit. On a critical hit, double the initial damage, but not the persistent damage. Heightened (+1) The damage increases by 1d12, and the persistent electricity damage increases by 1. [[/r (1d4+(@item.level)-1)[persistent,electricity]]]{Leveled Persistent Electricity Damage} You shroud your hands in a crackling field of lightning. Make a melee spell attack roll. On a hit, the target takes 2d12 electricity damage. If the target is wearing metal armor or is made of metal, you gain a +1 circumstance bonus to your attack roll with shocking grasp, and the target also takes @Damage[(1d4+(@item.level)-1)[persistent,electricity]] damage on a hit. On a critical hit, double the initial damage, but not the persistent damage. Heightened (+1) The damage increases by 1d12, and the persistent electricity damage increases by 1. A healing potion is a vial of a ruby-red liquid that imparts a tingling sensation as the drinker's wounds heal rapidly. When you drink a healing potion, you regain [[/r (2d8+5)[healing]]]{2d8+5 Hit Points}. A healing potion is a vial of a ruby-red liquid that imparts a tingling sensation as the drinker's wounds heal rapidly. When you drink a healing potion, you regain @Damage[(2d8+5)[healing]]. Activate A Interact Elixirs of life accelerate a living creature's natural healing processes and immune system. Upon drinking this elixir, you regain [[/r 1d6[healing]]]{1d6 Hit Points} and gain +1 item bonus to saving throws against diseases and poisons for 10 minutes. @UUID[]{Effect: Elixir of Life (Minor)} Activate A Interact Elixirs of life accelerate a living creature's natural healing processes and immune system. Upon drinking this elixir, you regain @Damage[1d6[healing]] Hit Points and gain +1 item bonus to saving throws against diseases and poisons for 10 minutes. @UUID[]{Effect: Elixir of Life (Minor)} A healing potion is a vial of a ruby-red liquid that imparts a tingling sensation as the drinker's wounds heal rapidly. When you drink a healing potion, you regain [[/r 1d8[healing]]]{1d8 Hit Points}. A healing potion is a vial of a ruby-red liquid that imparts a tingling sensation as the drinker's wounds heal rapidly. When you drink a healing potion, you regain @Damage[1d8[healing]] Hit Points. These clean, white gloves never show signs of blood, even when used to stitch up wounds or treat other ailments. They give you a +1 item bonus to Medicine checks. Activate A Interact Frequency once per day Effect You can soothe the wounds of a willing, living, adjacent creature, restoring [[/r (2d6+7)[healing]]]{2d6+7 Hit Points} to that creature. This is a vitality healing effect. You can't harm undead with this healing. These clean, white gloves never show signs of blood, even when used to stitch up wounds or treat other ailments. They give you a +1 item bonus to Medicine checks. Activate A Interact Frequency once per day Effect You can soothe the wounds of a willing, living, adjacent creature, restoring @Damage[(2d6+7)[healing]] Hit Points to that creature. This is a vitality healing effect. You can't harm undead with this healing. A healing potion is a vial of a ruby-red liquid that imparts a tingling sensation as the drinker's wounds heal rapidly. When you drink a healing potion, you regain [[/r 1d8[healing]]]{1d8 Hit Points}. A healing potion is a vial of a ruby-red liquid that imparts a tingling sensation as the drinker's wounds heal rapidly. When you drink a healing potion, you regain @Damage[1d8[healing]] Hit Points. Activate A Interact Elixirs of life accelerate a living creature's natural healing processes and immune system. Upon drinking this elixir, you regain [[/r 1d6[healing]]]{1d6 Hit Points} and gain +1 item bonus to saving throws against diseases and poisons for 10 minutes. @UUID[]{Effect: Elixir of Life (Minor)} Activate A Interact Elixirs of life accelerate a living creature's natural healing processes and immune system. Upon drinking this elixir, you regain @Damage[1d6[healing]]{1d6 Hit Points} and gain +1 item bonus to saving throws against diseases and poisons for 10 minutes. @UUID[]{Effect: Elixir of Life (Minor)} Activate A Interact Elixirs of life accelerate a living creatures natural healing processes and immune system. Upon drinking this elixir, you regain [[/r (3d6+6)[healing]]]{3d6+6 Hit Points} and gain +1 item bonus to saving throws against diseases and poisons for 10 minutes. @UUID[]{Effect: Elixir of Life (Lesser)} Activate A Interact Elixirs of life accelerate a living creatures natural healing processes and immune system. Upon drinking this elixir, you regain @Damage[(3d6+6)[healing]] Hit Points and gain +1 item bonus to saving throws against diseases and poisons for 10 minutes. @UUID[]{Effect: Elixir of Life (Lesser)} A healing potion is a vial of a ruby-red liquid that imparts a tingling sensation as the drinker's wounds heal rapidly. When you drink a healing potion, you regain [[/r 1d8[healing]]]{1d8 Hit Points}. A healing potion is a vial of a ruby-red liquid that imparts a tingling sensation as the drinker's wounds heal rapidly. When you drink a healing potion, you regain @Damage[1d8[healing]] Hit Points. You splash a glob of acid that splatters your target and nearby creatures. Make a spell attack. If you hit, you deal 1d6 acid damage plus 1 splash acid damage. On a critical success, the target also takes [[/r (ceil(@item.level/2))[persistent,acid]]] damage. Heightened (3rd) The initial damage increases to 2d6, and the persistent damage increases to 2. Heightened (5th) The initial damage increases to 3d6, the persistent damage increases to 3, and the splash damage increases to 2. Heightened (7th) The initial damage increases to 4d6, the persistent damage increases to 4, and the splash damage increases to 3. Heightened (9th) The initial damage increases to 5d6, the persistent damage increases to 5, and the splash damage increases to 4. You splash a glob of acid that splatters your target and nearby creatures. Make a spell attack. If you hit, you deal 1d6 acid damage plus 1 splash acid damage. On a critical success, the target also takes @Damage[(ceil(@item.level/2))[persistent,acid]] damage. Heightened (3rd) The initial damage increases to 2d6, and the persistent damage increases to 2. Heightened (5th) The initial damage increases to 3d6, the persistent damage increases to 3, and the splash damage increases to 2. Heightened (7th) The initial damage increases to 4d6, the persistent damage increases to 4, and the splash damage increases to 3. Heightened (9th) The initial damage increases to 5d6, the persistent damage increases to 5, and the splash damage increases to 4. Requirements The vloriak rusted a metal item with its tongue this turn Effect The vloriak attempts a tongue Strike on the same target it just attacked. If it hits, it deals no damage as it licks away the rust and heals [[/r 2d6[healing]]] Hit Points (or [[/r 4d6[healing]]] Hit Points if the Strike was a critical hit). It can't Lick Rust on its next turn. Requirements The vloriak rusted a metal item with its tongue this turn Effect The vloriak attempts a tongue Strike on the same target it just attacked. If it hits, it deals no damage as it licks away the rust and heals @Damage[2d6[healing]] Hit Points (or @Damage[4d6[healing]] Hit Points if the Strike was a critical hit). It can't Lick Rust on its next turn. Granted by @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.e36Z2t6tLdW3RUzZ]{Elemental Gift} Choose an element when you Cast the Spell. The target gains the benefit of that element as described below, and this spell gains that trait's element. Granted by @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.e36Z2t6tLdW3RUzZ]{Elemental Gift} An elemental force fills your target, granting the target the swiftness of air, the ruggedness of earth, the sting of fire, or the flexibility of water, depending on which element you choose. Choose an element when you Cast the Spell. The target gains the benefit of that element as described below, and this spell gains that trait's element. Granted by @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.e36Z2t6tLdW3RUzZ]{Elemental Gift} An elemental force fills your target, granting the target the swiftness of air, the ruggedness of earth, the sting of fire, or the flexibility of water, depending on which element you choose. Choose an element when you Cast the Spell. The target gains the benefit of that element as described below, and this spell gains that trait's element. Granted by @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.e36Z2t6tLdW3RUzZ]{Elemental Gift} An elemental force fills your target, granting the target the swiftness of air, the ruggedness of earth, the sting of fire, or the flexibility of water, depending on which element you choose. Choose an element when you Cast the Spell. The target gains the benefit of that element as described below, and this spell gains that trait's element. Granted by @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.e36Z2t6tLdW3RUzZ]{Elemental Gift} An elemental force fills your target, granting the target the swiftness of air, the ruggedness of earth, the sting of fire, or the flexibility of water, depending on which element you choose. Choose an element when you Cast the Spell. The target gains the benefit of that element as described below, and this spell gains that trait's element. Granted by @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.B8aCUMCHCIMUCEVK]{Elemental Motion} You call upon your element to propel you, improving your Speed depending on your element. Granted by @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.lV8FkHZtzZu7Cy6j]{Evolution Surge}. You flood your eidolon with power, creating a temporary evolution in your eidolon's capabilities. Choose one of the following effects: Heightened (3rd) Add the following options to the list of effects you can choose: Heightened (5th) Add the options from the 3rd-rank version and the following options to the list of effects you can choose: Granted by @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.lV8FkHZtzZu7Cy6j]{Evolution Surge} You flood your eidolon with power, creating a temporary evolution in your eidolon's capabilities. Choose one of the following effects: Granted by @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.lV8FkHZtzZu7Cy6j]{Evolution Surge} You flood your eidolon with power, creating a temporary evolution in your eidolon's capabilities. Choose one of the following effects: Heightened (3rd) Add the following options to the list of effects you can choose: Granted by @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.lV8FkHZtzZu7Cy6j]{Evolution Surge} You flood your eidolon with power, creating a temporary evolution in your eidolon's capabilities. Choose one of the following effects: Heightened (5th) Add the options from the 3rd-rank version and the following options to the list of effects you can choose: Granted by @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.lV8FkHZtzZu7Cy6j]{Evolution Surge} You flood your eidolon with power, creating a temporary evolution in your eidolon's capabilities. Choose one of the following effects: Heightened (5th) Add the options from the 3rd-rank version and the following options to the list of effects you can choose: Granted by @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.lV8FkHZtzZu7Cy6j]{Evolution Surge} You flood your eidolon with power, creating a temporary evolution in your eidolon's capabilities. Choose one of the following effects: Heightened (3rd) Add the following options to the list of effects you can choose: Granted by @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.lV8FkHZtzZu7Cy6j]{Evolution Surge} You flood your eidolon with power, creating a temporary evolution in your eidolon's capabilities. Choose one of the following effects: Granted by @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.lV8FkHZtzZu7Cy6j]{Evolution Surge} You flood your eidolon with power, creating a temporary evolution in your eidolon's capabilities. Choose one of the following effects: Granted by @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.lV8FkHZtzZu7Cy6j]{Evolution Surge} You flood your eidolon with power, creating a temporary evolution in your eidolon's capabilities. Choose one of the following effects: Granted by @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.CLThxp8Qf43IQ3Sb]{Extract Poison} With the lightest touch, you can siphon the poison from an object and save it for your own later use, making an assassin's blade or politician's wine less deadly while you become all the more so. Attempt a counteract check against one poison you're aware of on or in an object you touch. If you successfully counteract the poison, you negate the object's toxicity and transfer the poison into a weapon you are holding, coating the weapon with a simple but powerful poison. On your next successful attack with that weapon before the end of your next turn, you add 1d6 poison damage per level of the poison you counteracted. On a critically failed attack roll, you lose the extracted poison from your weapon as normal. Note: Set the level of this effect to the level of extracted poison to get the correct damage. Granted by @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.yRf59eFtZ50cGlem]{Fortifying Brew} Each guest gains temporary Hit Points. On a critical success, guests also gain a +2 status bonus to saves against disease, fear, and poison effects. Granted by @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.kF0rs9mCPvJGfAZE]{Fortissimo Composition} Increase the status bonus from the composition to +2 (+3 on a critical success). Granted by @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.IxhGEKl63R4QBvkj]{Frostbite} The target gains weakness to bludgeoning equal to the spell rank. Granted by @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.SDkIFrrO1PsE02Kd]{Shifting Form} You gain one of the following abilities of your choice. Granted by casting @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.SDkIFrrO1PsE02Kd]{Shifting Form} and choosing to gain a pair of claws. Granted by casting @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.SDkIFrrO1PsE02Kd]{Shifting Form} and choosing to gain a climb speed equal to half your Speed. Granted by casting @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.SDkIFrrO1PsE02Kd]{Shifting Form} and choosing to gain darkvision. Granted by casting @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.SDkIFrrO1PsE02Kd]{Shifting Form} and choosing to gain scent 60 feet (imprecise). Granted by casting @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.SDkIFrrO1PsE02Kd]{Shifting Form} and choosing to gain a 20-foot status bonus to your Speed. Granted by casting @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.SDkIFrrO1PsE02Kd]{Shifting Form} and choosing to gain a swim speed equal to half your Speed. Granted by @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.s3abwDbTV43pGFFW]{Shillelagh} The target grows vines and leaves, brimming with primal energy. The target becomes a +1 striking weapon while in your hands, gaining a +1 item bonus to attack rolls and increasing the number of weapon damage dice to two. Additionally, as long as you are on your home plane, attacks you make with the target against aberrations, extraplanar creatures, and undead increase the number of weapon damage dice to three. Granted by @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.gIdDLrbswTV3OBJy]{Silence} The target makes no sound, preventing creatures from noticing it using hearing alone. The target can't use sonic attacks, nor can it use actions with the auditory trait. This prevents it from casting spells due to the magical words involved in casting, with the exception of subtle spells. Heightened (4th) The spell creates an aura in a 10-foot emanation around the touched creature, silencing all sound in or passing through it. While within the aura, creatures are subject to the same effects as the target. Granted by @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.xM35hJacTM1BSXUl]{Silver's Refrain} Your weapon and unarmed attacks are treated as silver. Granted by @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.wLWMswY7aBHEFTRb]{Snake Fangs} You gain a fangs unarmed attack. They're a finesse, grapple, unarmed attack that deals piercing damage and extra poison damage. Granted by @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.LrhTFHUtSS9ahogL]{Traveler's Transit} You gain either a climb Speed or a swim Speed. The Speed is equal to your land Speed. Heightened (5th) You can choose to gain a fly Speed. Granted by @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.LrhTFHUtSS9ahogL]{Traveler's Transit}. You gain a climb speed equal to your land speed. Granted by @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.LrhTFHUtSS9ahogL]{Traveler's Transit}. You gain a fly speed equal to your land speed. Granted by @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.LrhTFHUtSS9ahogL]{Traveler's Transit}. You gain a swim speed equal to your land speed. Granted by @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.EAYViUegegttJF1u]{Tremorsense} You gain tremorsense as an imprecise sense with a range of 30 feet. Granted by @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.ddKBoCjmSyPSHcws]{Unusual Anatomy} You gain resistance to precision damage and resistance to extra damage from critical hits, and you gain darkvision. Granted by @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.f0Z5mqGA6Yu79B8x]{Uplifting Overture} When you later use the Aid reaction, you can roll Performance instead of the normal skill check, and if you roll a failure, you get a success instead. If you are legendary in Performance, you automatically critically succeed. Granted by @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.V8wXOsoejQhe6CyG]{Vapor Form} The target gains resistance 8 to physical damage and is immune to precision damage. The target also gains a fly Speed of 10 feet. You call upon your muse to greatly increase the benefits you provide with your courageous anthem, rallying anthem, or song of strength composition. If your next action is to cast one of these compositions, attempt a Performance check. The DC is usually the highest Will DC of the composition's targets, but the GM can assign a different DC based on the circumstances. The effect of your composition depends on the result of your check. Critical Success The status bonus from your composition increases to +3. Success The status bonus from your composition increases to +2. Failure Your composition provides only its normal bonus of +1, but you don't spend the Focus Point for casting this spell. You call upon your muse to greatly increase the benefits you provide with your courageous anthem, rallying anthem, or song of strength composition. If your next action is to cast one of these compositions, attempt a @Check[performance|against:will] check. The DC is usually the highest Will DC of the composition's targets, but the GM can assign a different DC based on the circumstances. The effect of your composition depends on the result of your check. @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spell-effects.Item.rAW5o8MjjuIhYhLg]{Spell Effect: Fortissimo Composition} Trucos de composición
\n Trucos de composición
+ "description": "\n
"Dogged Will": {
"name": "Dogged Will",
@@ -897,7 +897,7 @@
"Druidic Order": {
"name": "Orden druídica",
- "description": "
+ "description": "\n
"Fifth Doctrine (Cloistered Cleric)": {
"name": "Quinta doctrina (Clérigo de clausura)",
- "description": "\n
+ "description": "\n
"Final Doctrine (Cloistered Cleric)": {
"name": "Doctrina final (clérigo de clausura)",
- "description": "\n
+ "description": "\n
"First Doctrine (Cloistered Cleric)": {
"name": "Primera doctrina (Clérigo de clausura)",
- "description": "\n
+ "description": "\n
"Fourth Doctrine (Cloistered Cleric)": {
"name": "Cuarta doctrina (Clérigo de clausura)",
- "description": " Trucos hexagonales
\n Trucos de maleficio
+ "name": "Ventaja del cazador",
+ "description": "\n
"Hybrid Study": {
"name": "Estudio híbrido",
@@ -1725,8 +1725,8 @@
"description": "\n
+ "description": "\n
"Mutagenist": {
"name": "Mutagenista",
@@ -1921,7 +1921,7 @@
"Natural Reflexes": {
"name": "Reflejos Naturales",
- "description": "\n
+ "description": "\n
"Second Doctrine (Cloistered Cleric)": {
"name": "Segunda doctrina (Clérigo de clausura)",
- "description": "\n
+ "description": "\n
"Third Doctrine (Cloistered Cleric)": {
"name": "Tercera doctrina (Clérigo de clausura)",
- "description": " @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.classfeatures.Item.6zo2PJGYoig7nFpR] {Field Discovery} Nivel 5
\n @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.classfeatures.Item.LlZ5R50z9j8jysZL] {Perpetual Infusions} Nivel 7
\n @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.classfeatures.Item.JOdbVu14phvdjhaY] {Perpetual Potency} Nivel 11
\n @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.classfeatures.Item.tnqyQrhrZeDtDvcO] {Greater Field Discovery} Nivel 13
\n @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.classfeatures.Item.3R19zS7gERhEX87F] {Perpetual Perfection} Nivel 17
\n Hechizos intensificadores
\n Trucos
\n Potenciación de conjuros
\n Trucos
\n \n
"Patron's Gift": {
- "name": "Regalo del patrón",
- "description": " Intercambio de hechizos en tu repertorio
\n Cómo intercambiar conjuros en tu repertorio
\n Iniciar beneficio
\n Beneficio de Adepto
\n Intensificar la vulnerabilidad
\n Beneficio Paragon
+ "description": "
"action->Vulnerable to Stone to Flesh": {
"name": "Vulnerable to Stone to Flesh",
diff --git a/translation/en/actors/pathfinder-monster-core.json b/translation/en/actors/pathfinder-monster-core.json
index ed81ed79b..dcf379a87 100644
--- a/translation/en/actors/pathfinder-monster-core.json
+++ b/translation/en/actors/pathfinder-monster-core.json
@@ -2171,7 +2171,7 @@
"action->Wail": {
"name": "Wail",
- "description": "
+ "description": "\n \n\n\nNPC Level \nMinimum \n+2 Bonus \nNPC Level \nMinimum \n+2 Bonus \n\n \n1 \n1 gp \n2 gp \n11 \n70 gp \n140 gp \n\n \n2 \n1 gp, 8 sp \n3gp, 6sp \n12 \n100 gp \n200 gp \n\n \n3 \n3 gp \n6 gp \n13 \n150 gp \n300 gp \n\n \n4 \n5 gp \n10 gp \n14 \n225 gp \n450 gp \n\n \n5 \n8 gp \n16 gp \n15 \n325 gp \n650 gp \n\n \n6 \n12 gp, 5 sp \n25 gp \n16 \n500 gp \n1,000 gp \n\n \n7 \n18 gp \n36 gp \n17 \n750 gp \n1,500 gp \n\n \n8 \n25 gp \n50 gp \n18 \n1,200 gp \n2,400 gp \n\n \n9 \n35 gp \n70 gp \n19 \n2,000 gp \n4,000 gp \n\n \n\n10 \n50 gp \n100 gp \n20 \n3,500 gp \n7,000 gp \n
+ "description": "
"action->Necrotic Field": {
"name": "Necrotic Field",
diff --git a/translation/en/compendium/ancestryfeatures.json b/translation/en/compendium/ancestryfeatures.json
index 49c86f193..5d1dba1c6 100644
--- a/translation/en/compendium/ancestryfeatures.json
+++ b/translation/en/compendium/ancestryfeatures.json
@@ -41,6 +41,10 @@
"name": "Blunt Snout",
"description": "
\nReading a Bloodline Entry
Reading a Bloodline Entry
Revolutionary Armor Modifications
\nRevolutionary Construct Modifications
\nRevoluitionary Weapon Modifications
+ "description": "Revolutionary Armor Modifications
Revolutionary Construct Modifications
Revolutionary Weapon Modifications
"Ripple in the Deep": {
"name": "Ripple in the Deep",
@@ -2428,6 +2428,10 @@
"name": "Silence in Snow",
"description": "Swapping Spells In Your Repertoire
+ "description": "Hardness HP BT 3 12 6
"Exploration Lens (Detecting)": {
"name": "Exploration Lens (Detecting)",
@@ -6401,7 +6417,7 @@
"Fear Gem": {
"name": "Fear Gem",
- "description": "Hardness HP BT 3 12 6
+ "Silvanshee Collar": {
+ "name": "Silvanshee Collar",
+ "description": "\n \n\n\nHardness \nHP \nBT \n\n \n\n10 \n60 \n30 \nSilver Items
@@ -16473,7 +16511,7 @@
"Staff of Sun Wukong": {
"name": "Staff of Sun Wukong",
- "description": "\n \n\n\nSilver Items \nHardness \nHP \nBT \n\n \nThin Items \n \n \n \n\n \nLow-grade \n3 \n12 \n6 \n\n \nStandard-grade \n5 \n20 \n10 \n\n \nHigh-grade \n8 \n32 \n16 \n\n \nItems \n \n \n \n\n \nLow-grade \n5 \n20 \n10 \n\n \nStandard-grade \n7 \n28 \n14 \n\n \nHigh-grade \n10 \n40 \n20 \n\n \nStructure \n \n \n \n\n \nLow-grade \n10 \n40 \n20 \n\n \nStandard-grade \n14 \n56 \n28 \n\n \n\nHigh-grade \n20 \n80 \n40 \n
+ },
"Stance: Ironblood Stance": {
"name": "Stance: Ironblood Stance",
"description": "
+ "description": "
"prerequisites": [
"value": "trained in Medicine"
@@ -19024,7 +19007,7 @@
"Lotus Above the Wind": {
"name": "Lotus Above the Wind",
- "description": "
\nEmotional Focus
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.dkuY22d3yLUBcqhq]{Cathartic Mage Dedication} Feat 2
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.fVP8jX7yRUpyrcVO]{Basic Cathartic Spellcasting} Feat 4
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.yqMBLt0GUTwiqnZT]{Cathartic Focus Spell} Feat 4
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.kQfqJLpKOPORq7I6]{Work Yourself Up} Feat 8
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.IZFw3Do0kBdgwZX0]{Expert Cathartic Spellcasting} Feat 12
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.zybYSfeM0PLPpAaa]{Infectious Emotions} Feat 12
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.5NWZct5OvSiVvMn8]{Master Cathartic Spellcasting} Feat 18
Emotional Focus
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.dkuY22d3yLUBcqhq]{Cathartic Mage Dedication} Feat 2
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.fVP8jX7yRUpyrcVO]{Basic Cathartic Spellcasting} Feat 4
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.yqMBLt0GUTwiqnZT]{Cathartic Focus Spell} Feat 4
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.kQfqJLpKOPORq7I6]{Work Yourself Up} Feat 8
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.IZFw3Do0kBdgwZX0]{Expert Cathartic Spellcasting} Feat 12
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.zybYSfeM0PLPpAaa]{Infectious Emotions} Feat 12
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.5NWZct5OvSiVvMn8]{Master Cathartic Spellcasting} Feat 18
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.MNArjo5Z5LUYITQm]{Celebrity Dedication} Feat 2
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.Btu0tA6SEBS6K1hE]{Never Tire} Feat 4
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.gOHBzx5Rqa6TZcrm]{Mesmerizing Gaze} Feat 6
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.N0gJ4Q69nslbdXHg]{Command Attention} Feat 10
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.MNArjo5Z5LUYITQm]{Celebrity Dedication} Feat 2
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.Btu0tA6SEBS6K1hE]{Never Tire} Feat 4
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.13bMIkqXpKt9pxAm]{You're an Embarrassment!} Feat 4
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.gOHBzx5Rqa6TZcrm]{Mesmerizing Gaze} Feat 6
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.7SwpVfxSkPMPMazJ]{Feeling Your Oats} Feat 6
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.AHchBBO8lXCCuVxT]{Grudging Compliment} Feat 7
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.P092yzkGN4UYYVXB]{Statement Strut} Feat 8
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.PfnlKlLuqKOOhLyK]{Big Debut} Feat 10
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.N0gJ4Q69nslbdXHg]{Command Attention} Feat 10
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.arnSyCl9XfN1qviJ]{Acknowledge Fan} Feat 12
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.4M5zIlJ8EvjQDtg9]{Dandy Dedication} Feat 2
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.jzflcD1XnBp2bSZI]{Distracting Flattery} Feat 4
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.7jqBwXq9jVsghCva]{Gossip Lore} Feat 4
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.e6s2nIvlTycuzlR9]{Fabricated Connections} Feat 7
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.wqhxZwB1TR8fvpHP]{Party Crasher} Feat 7
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.4M5zIlJ8EvjQDtg9]{Dandy Dedication} Feat 2
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.jzflcD1XnBp2bSZI]{Distracting Flattery} Feat 4
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.7jqBwXq9jVsghCva]{Gossip Lore} Feat 4
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.0ptK0blZehF3ABha]{Tut-Tut} Feat 4
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.1MZ4WNoNoJ4jj5Z0]{Cutting Flattery} Feat 5
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.7SwpVfxSkPMPMazJ]{Feeling Your Oats} Feat 6
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.e6s2nIvlTycuzlR9]{Fabricated Connections} Feat 7
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.wqhxZwB1TR8fvpHP]{Party Crasher} Feat 7
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.P092yzkGN4UYYVXB]{Statement Strut} Feat 8
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.r72qcTupGzyRDiGe]{Duelist Dedication} Feat 2
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.5op3m0gwZjL4udit]{Duelist's Challenge} Feat 4
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.zytTsipimVTmPc5U]{Selfless Parry} Feat 8
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.gHHnMCBi1gvG5wTL]{Student of the Dueling Arts} Feat 12
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.r72qcTupGzyRDiGe]{Duelist Dedication} Feat 2
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.5op3m0gwZjL4udit]{Duelist's Challenge} Feat 4
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.0ptK0blZehF3ABha]{Tut-Tut} Feat 4
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.9xcvJn3lWXwbkU52]{Watch This!} Feat 6
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.zytTsipimVTmPc5U]{Selfless Parry} Feat 8
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.gHHnMCBi1gvG5wTL]{Student of the Dueling Arts} Feat 12
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.Dm0YMEvSY0qg0jA0]{Gladiator Dedication} Feat 2
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.mwZzcwYVcTvxbXDl]{Fancy Moves} Feat 4
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.KrYvJ5n06yHCipCZ]{Play to the Crowd} Feat 4
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.1wTXeBrYU6BVEEOn]{Stage Fighting} Feat 4
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.SOG0yVNtiDsaNbIO]{Performative Weapons Training} Feat 6
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.SfBXPmADMFiZIBQt]{Call Your Shot} Feat 8
+ "text": "@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.Dm0YMEvSY0qg0jA0]{Gladiator Dedication} Feat 2
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.mwZzcwYVcTvxbXDl]{Fancy Moves} Feat 4
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.KrYvJ5n06yHCipCZ]{Play to the Crowd} Feat 4
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.1wTXeBrYU6BVEEOn]{Stage Fighting} Feat 4
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.SOG0yVNtiDsaNbIO]{Performative Weapons Training} Feat 6
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.SfBXPmADMFiZIBQt]{Call Your Shot} Feat 8
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.CL43gGiErw5FUtFQ]{Living for the Applause} Feat 8
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.PfnlKlLuqKOOhLyK]{Big Debut} Feat 10
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.MYzRfNExDYp25rro]{Marshal Dedication} Feat 2
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@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.bvOsJNeI0ewvQsFa]{Inspiring Marshal Stance} Feat 4
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.zbnL5OP4zVaNFcq8]{Snap Out Of It!} Feat 4
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.fJwsZM6WXwP8EStV]{Strategist Stance} Feat 4
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.4Y7wKFogGB0LZ5ZA]{Steel Yourself!} Feat 4
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.a9zzu4kb7vstq0HQ]{Cadence Call} Feat 6
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.df4cBV3qZn3qNUmP]{Rallying Charge} Feat 6
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@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.tlqz29fgp45bjSg6]{Know Your Enemy} Feat 8
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.cU5NdcwnMkFQNPjh]{To Battle!} Feat 8
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.UpnXrLhJZ06HTaJh]{Form Up!} Feat 10
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.7x1r2w7C7A4Uy7wG]{Topple Foe} Feat 10
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.KYF9e4oeSjHKgbwM]{Coordinated Charge} Feat 12
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.HX67CcR59JO2RJXI]{General's Gambit} Feat 12
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.4dQcLroKQ13QYIT3]{Tactical Cadence} Feat 14
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.2FJwXMTJycSZY80Q]{Target of Opportunity} Feat 14
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.MYzRfNExDYp25rro]{Marshal Dedication} Feat 2
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.OqqytsF2RIjB0EPR]{Devrin's Cunning Stance} Feat 4
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.R7c4PyTNkZb0yvoT]{Dread Marshal Stance} Feat 4
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.bvOsJNeI0ewvQsFa]{Inspiring Marshal Stance} Feat 4
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.zbnL5OP4zVaNFcq8]{Snap Out Of It!} Feat 4
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.fJwsZM6WXwP8EStV]{Strategist Stance} Feat 4
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.4Y7wKFogGB0LZ5ZA]{Steel Yourself!} Feat 4
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.a9zzu4kb7vstq0HQ]{Cadence Call} Feat 6
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.df4cBV3qZn3qNUmP]{Rallying Charge} Feat 6
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.E7eceezD3NDmBVBb]{Back To Back} Feat 8
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.tlqz29fgp45bjSg6]{Know Your Enemy} Feat 8
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.cU5NdcwnMkFQNPjh]{To Battle!} Feat 8
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.UpnXrLhJZ06HTaJh]{Form Up!} Feat 10
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.7x1r2w7C7A4Uy7wG]{Topple Foe} Feat 10
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.KYF9e4oeSjHKgbwM]{Coordinated Charge} Feat 12
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.HX67CcR59JO2RJXI]{General's Gambit} Feat 12
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.4dQcLroKQ13QYIT3]{Tactical Cadence} Feat 14
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@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.zn7arorE3VJLNYsb]{Martial Artist Dedication} Feat 2
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.m0ot9Qydb9SYWHis]{Follow-Up Strike} Feat 6
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@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.C3zKTQecexSbezhT]{Grievous Blow} Feat 8
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.S450JMWfF90oOcv9]{Path of Iron} Feat 14
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.S450JMWfF90oOcv9]{Echoing Violence} Feat 20
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.zn7arorE3VJLNYsb]{Martial Artist Dedication} Feat 2
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.m0ot9Qydb9SYWHis]{Follow-Up Strike} Feat 6
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.GIr0i1ucWnMSLwJo]{Adamantine Body}Feat 8
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.C3zKTQecexSbezhT]{Grievous Blow} Feat 8
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.S450JMWfF90oOcv9]{Path of Iron} Feat 14
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.DaW1Ugz0a24jhWLY]{Echoing Violence}Feat 18
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.l1eCHNahsBb7rUkT]{Pirate Dedication} Feat 2
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@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.wpqKltAoJjRQgWow]{Rope Runner} Feat 4
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.TzBP8yiZQHNhei1V]{Walk the Plank} Feat 8
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.l1eCHNahsBb7rUkT]{Pirate Dedication} Feat 2
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@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.wpqKltAoJjRQgWow]{Rope Runner} Feat 4
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.dbGocwZV9vJslbgC]{Broadside Buckos} Feat 4
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.1MZ4WNoNoJ4jj5Z0]{Cutting Flattery} Feat 5
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@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.TzBP8yiZQHNhei1V]{Walk the Plank} Feat 8
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.WSndnu3scUYWmbki]{Hook 'Em} Feat 10
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@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.6CE1nVGxt192AUGk]{Scout's Charge} Feat 4
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.KOf6kmwAZaUJSDW9]{Terrain Scout} Feat 4
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.hE6fchGuHuPIeKlO]{Fleeting Shadow} Feat 6
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.elbj75qsUerbM725]{Scout's Speed} Feat 6
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.jvQoupE76OeUpjZp]{Scout's Pounce} Feat 10
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@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.6CE1nVGxt192AUGk]{Scout's Charge} Feat 4
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.KOf6kmwAZaUJSDW9]{Terrain Scout} Feat 4
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.hE6fchGuHuPIeKlO]{Fleeting Shadow} Feat 6
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.0IVnIC6gQUdQyM8b]{Rebel's Map} Feat 6
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.elbj75qsUerbM725]{Scout's Speed} Feat 6
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.jvQoupE76OeUpjZp]{Scout's Pounce} Feat 10
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.Tqarg0W2YEUfgEsn]{Starlit Sentinel Dedication} Feat 2
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.AizxNcCJIEuXDj4a]{Special Sentinel Technique} Feat 4
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.SWkeel82rdttxUD3]{Majestic Proclamation} Feat 8
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.GrKurXVdm5lJkE2q]{Blade of the Heart} Feat 10
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.lCE4VYWM2HRPHocD]{Desperate Wish} Feat 12
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.RtqMWOyfNoruyoxK]{Sentinel's Orbit} Feat 14
+ "text": "@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.Tqarg0W2YEUfgEsn]{Starlit Sentinel Dedication}Feat 2
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.AizxNcCJIEuXDj4a]{Special Sentinel Technique}Feat 4
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.SWkeel82rdttxUD3]{Majestic Proclamation}Feat 8
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.GrKurXVdm5lJkE2q]{Blade of the Heart} Feat 10
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.lCE4VYWM2HRPHocD]{Desperate Wish} Feat 12
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.RtqMWOyfNoruyoxK]{Sentinel's Orbit} Feat 14
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@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.RlhvppSmQRqL2RUe]{Quick Fix} Feat 4
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.PTXZ2C3AV8tZf0iX]{Deeper Dabbler} Feat 8
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.uPikeCzrTrgzEJT8]{Talismanic Sage} Feat 14
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.1t5479E6bdvFs4E7]{Talisman Dabbler Dedication} Feat 2
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.RlhvppSmQRqL2RUe]{Quick Fix} Feat 4
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.PTXZ2C3AV8tZf0iX]{Deeper Dabbler} Feat 8
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.uPikeCzrTrgzEJT8]{Talismanic Sage} Feat 14
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.uqIiSDbv80TbRwTQ]{Vigilante Dedication} Feat 2
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@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.rAbfuZ1mc3lUYH41]{Minion Guise} Feat 4
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.vKzAIJuyr9SU2JzU]{Safe House} Feat 4
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.rNPeOwFZE5Ma18JJ]{Social Purview} Feat 4
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@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.EwCDbWg8yPxDWF4a]{Stunning Appearance} Feat 16
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@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.rAbfuZ1mc3lUYH41]{Minion Guise} Feat 4
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.vKzAIJuyr9SU2JzU]{Safe House} Feat 4
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.rNPeOwFZE5Ma18JJ]{Social Purview} Feat 4
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.qg8TlLJRgvjzW9YK]{Startling Appearance} Feat 6
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.v1PtAazmEFhTp6fZ]{Quick Change} Feat 7
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@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.hPfqQpiq6W8RPCxz]{It Was Me All Along!} Feat 14
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.EwCDbWg8yPxDWF4a]{Stunning Appearance} Feat 16
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@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.g8ZMeg1YFg9WZj3I]{Second Shield} Feat 6
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.QcyaUiea6fp8c17U]{Into the Fray} Feat 8
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@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.j9Rp4fOZIxizyvYy]{Viking Weapon Familiarity} Feat 4
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.g8ZMeg1YFg9WZj3I]{Second Shield} Feat 6
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.QcyaUiea6fp8c17U]{Into the Fray} Feat 8
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@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.FzUe8oKad59VRDjQ]{Stone Blood} Feat 6
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@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.n4755xLnUbsKYfUM]{Statue} Feat 8
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.vVrh7RrvAztGwKRv]{Rocky Flesh} Feat 10
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@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.81jhTqJ4xLJvcZcr]{Stoney Skin} Feat 4
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.CSa7v4MtbiA3FI0c]{Stoney Deflection} Feat 6
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.vw0wHIqSP03XYT00]{Ore Fists} Feat 8
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.Ce9z0Bc6wHkR5lDh]{Stonebane} Feat 10
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@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.qV6EuOI3UJYIL6xa]{Consolidated Overlay Panopticon}Feat 4
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@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.gVx6ZbeNBhxdGECB]{Talon Sweep} Feat 4
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@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.XlagOGG88w6D3G3Z]{Wheeling Grab} Feat 6
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.RGkuVy1EmCbKjLPj]{Hindquarter Kick} Feat 6
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@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.rEbCScbo8DS6bRiC]{Tear Tendons} Feat 8
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@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.Nf9awfRtyjzLaeXW]{Hunting Snag} Feat 10
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.PEw6PEGHSfbMI9Is]{Springboard} Feat 10
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.EOLcbk2ennj55eAS]{Claw and Talon Flow} Feat 12
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.E1Xl8YSvhAJMlDod]{Precise Hooks} Feat 14
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.fyN2LDuaFXzZTboA]{Storm of Claws} Feat 16
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@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.PlD0eY5fo50Wluva]{Soothing Pulse} Feat 4
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.E13vR5nYbeo95nRC]{Tactile Magic Feedback} Feat 4
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.oZLRpBqlzFxvf33I]{Versatile Mutation} Feat 4
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@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.ohdWRVK6CNXSkETG]{Deflecting Pulse} Feat 6
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.u9n11htt3dtT6CfW]{Propulsive Mutation} Feat 6
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.tnjXAYaYHO13jvMr]{Chaining Mutation} Feat 8
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.hga6Cq7gW6rL16Ra]{Deadly Mutation} Feat 8
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.p1JxtebE9egaeTrC]{Spell Swallow} Feat 10
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.vOM48z8wO5Mfp9IK]{Spraying Mutation} Feat 10
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.11mW5dOCpwROjyV9]{Cellular Reconstruction} Feat 12
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.a3YLHiWsfAFeFVYO]{Swarmkeeper Dedication} Feat 2
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.KrF4qD1pvQthG3v8]{Aphet Flash} Feat 4
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.mwPOOTtELS4X7reC]{Pyre Ant Sting} Feat 4
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.9aea3IysGvjKY5tT]{Weaver's Web} Feat 4
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.yLZWUZHI5SHfwL7E]{Distracting Bites} Feat 6
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.mG6Qo8e8TSIiwR9l]{Mobile Swarm} Feat 6
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.0fPboxvg8rbi65mf]{Carried with the Swarm} Feat 8
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.F4LlHjLjubbBkWRT]{Sportlebore Choke} Feat 8
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.vD1TCRWtubijBGEP]{Veil of Bugs} Feat 10
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.IGY2DVHTEWmTbfYV]{Buzzing Death Cicadas} Feat 12
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.DjB7wElO9HkKMnzI]{Expanded Swarm} Feat 14
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.LKHfdSmIg8ZNWDyc]{Thlipit Contestant Dedication} Feat 2
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.nYhkODez1r49LTXj]{Fly Swat} Feat 4
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.9O7DLcXVXpwLVXI6]{Lassoing Lash} Feat 4
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.dtkOVLILY8Ywl90I]{Powerful Lash} Feat 6
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.YKPaD42aJf2C5V3B]{Snap Falling Fruit} Feat 6
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.6qIiczSzuOmp0yRx]{Levered Swing} Feat 8
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.GjcAvxbJ6PgD2Lsi]{Slurp Up} Feat 8
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.4bxAxvC2YYuM4Mwy]{Tail Guard} Feat 8
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.zdiSJlNFG7NhKHke]{Slingshot Maneuver} Feat 10
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.74MnTnoqSveet8Sy]{Reflexive Grapple} Feat 12
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.iMeXYpghydBEt2Q6]{Spinning Release} Feat 14
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.iqUYhZNcixYw0xUW]{Whirling Clobber} Feat 16
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.AfreuohzCrdqJdRt]{Werecreature Dedication} Feat 2
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.7sI2tb0XRvAKmz2o]{Animal Fleetness} Feat 4
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.CJHvU61UpOpgPtSa]{Beastkin Resilience} Feat 4
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.GDYy2HaaTAEWRfGQ]{Feral Senses} Feat 4
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.L9pd3yyjVK0rgiDc]{Antler Rush} Feat 6
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.eClTKWfhyv2lFrwC]{Bear Hug} Feat 6
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.6RDMR41SGsBBVqcA]{Death Roll} Feat 6
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.t7SlYWC4M2JcgwRM]{Echolocation} Feat 6
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.a57EppvkRS1x3OFs]{Fearful Symmetry} Feat 6
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.St2pWABnDri2n1FO]{Feeding Frenzy} Feat 6
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.Mq6wjHaaqBnfScYe]{Pack Attack} Feat 6
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.vtohCw7HNaCmcWyf]{Plague Rat} Feat 6
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.PcayTyfEv6s9wRfN]{Cornered Animal} Feat 8
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.oHRCNciSjIBz4xqe]{Feral Mending} Feat 8
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.rAUNZfiulXh4zcm6]{Terrifying Transformation} Feat 8
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.pog3LJUEhSeGikl3]{You Don't Smell Right} Feat 8
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.IlygXZqCaeB9X30e]{Dire Growth} Feat 10
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.Rzr6VIRaPEomi9E4]{Feral Lunge} Feat 10
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.UXuwSoU09MUB7rNV]{Feral Scramble} Feat 10
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.nwHYTpyreUgvxh1z]{Feral Toss} Feat 10
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.5oifNocjSTR9PdRy]{Touch of Lunacy} Feat 10
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.tCKme98RHrTZ8QdS]{Pouncing Transformation} Feat 12
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.1qvN6vznehBjV6ml]{Undying Beast} Feat 12
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.tVqU3Ro0WPuAbCre]{Wings of the Moon} Feat 12
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.95VqyEvnxcee8XBS]{Scarred Hide} Feat 14
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.QA4IJbtW1NoYJY9M]{Rapid Hybridization} Feat 14
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.jIL0dobpVmCrmSj1]{Force of Nature} Feat 16
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.U9mK9TXbGriGeMOW]{Wild Mimic Dedication} Feat 4
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.P10KdjTbRcgXG0JM]{Ferocity Mimicry} Feat 4
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.9gEVyUjYrDLUWieq]{Rend Mimicry} Feat 4
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.20JPwspLZ0r28Jnf]{Electrogenesis} Feat 6
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.sif4YKLU414BBNis]{Primal Proportions} Feat 6
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.sdDOkl7IZZ0o0dix]{Wild Speech} Feat 6
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.tZLixgaZKeWwPXKW]{Environmental Adaptability} Feat 8
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.KnaKxKP3eCUcCZC7]{Petrifying Gaze Mimicry} Feat 10
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.1DIuPtx7FEm7F7WE]{Trample Mimicry} Feat 10
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.vwOU1t8Fd5dDEYia]{Roar Mimicry} Feat 12
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.2LvdYMXTIRkTQO42]{Pounce Mimicry} Feat 14
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.wlBDcATuqTwjOIY2]{Emergency Regeneration} Feat 16
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.c3JnbVKag8I19OA1]{Winged Warrior Dedication} Feat 4
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.cJNRNyZbwVofYiUS]{Battering Wings} Feat 4
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.riQ8sn3Gpbr3LdtR]{Gusting Spell} Feat 4
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.HXjDDIannDMNxMIz]{Wing Bounce} Feat 4
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.QgfrfzQAtzgwAgtQ]{Sunbird Glare} Feat 6
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.fxkByzNBsYOcyYp8]{Feathered Flechettes} Feat 6
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.IfoxFY9kzP4KG9gi]{Pluck from the Sky} Feat 8
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.wvpDbFZZ9I8aAtmg]{Wing Shove} Feat 8
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.DUpcEx0yMHGSU6o5]{Falcon Swoop} Feat 10
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.G3NBWaItq6oLEJxx]{Redirecting Draft} Feat 10
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.2DrvFmrHzHLWS8UD]{Smooth Hover} Feat 12
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.rkViV16nuFbm6hPj]{Thunderous Landing} Feat 12
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.F2VR4FPL2HdbzfXL]{Bombing Run} Feat 14
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.4PdWIMjSHRTPekAl]{Cratering Drop} Feat 14
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.D1uVM4fif8Y0FYu1]{Sonic Strafe} Feat 16
\nRules changes
+ "text": "Rules changes
diff --git a/translation/en/compendium/menace-under-otari-bestiary.json b/translation/en/compendium/menace-under-otari-bestiary.json
index 9a3a27327..589c4593d 100644
--- a/translation/en/compendium/menace-under-otari-bestiary.json
+++ b/translation/en/compendium/menace-under-otari-bestiary.json
@@ -1,24 +1,6 @@
"label": "menace-under-otari-bestiary",
"entries": {
- "Animated Armor (BB)": {
- "name": "Animated Armor (BB)",
- "acDetails": "(13 after construct armor breaks), construct armor",
- "publicNotes": "
- "Spell Effect: Elemental Gift (Air)": {
- "name": "Spell Effect: Elemental Gift (Air)",
- "description": "\n
- },
- "Spell Effect: Elemental Gift (Earth)": {
- "name": "Spell Effect: Elemental Gift (Earth)",
- "description": "\n
- },
- "Spell Effect: Elemental Gift (Fire)": {
- "name": "Spell Effect: Elemental Gift (Fire)",
- "description": "\n
- },
- "Spell Effect: Elemental Gift (Water)": {
- "name": "Spell Effect: Elemental Gift (Water)",
- "description": "\n
- },
"Spell Effect: Elemental Motion": {
"name": "Spell Effect: Elemental Motion",
"description": "
@@ -934,38 +918,6 @@
"name": "Spell Effect: Evolution Surge",
"description": "\n
- "Spell Effect: Evolution Surge (Amphibious)": {
- "name": "Spell Effect: Evolution Surge (Amphibious)",
- "description": "\n
- },
- "Spell Effect: Evolution Surge (Climb)": {
- "name": "Spell Effect: Evolution Surge (Climb)",
- "description": "
- },
- "Spell Effect: Evolution Surge (Fly)": {
- "name": "Spell Effect: Evolution Surge (Fly)",
- "description": "
- },
- "Spell Effect: Evolution Surge (Huge)": {
- "name": "Spell Effect: Evolution Surge (Huge)",
- "description": "
- },
- "Spell Effect: Evolution Surge (Large)": {
- "name": "Spell Effect: Evolution Surge (Large)",
- "description": "
- },
- "Spell Effect: Evolution Surge (Scent)": {
- "name": "Spell Effect: Evolution Surge (Scent)",
- "description": "\n
- },
- "Spell Effect: Evolution Surge (Sight)": {
- "name": "Spell Effect: Evolution Surge (Sight)",
- "description": "\n
- },
- "Spell Effect: Evolution Surge (Speed)": {
- "name": "Spell Effect: Evolution Surge (Speed)",
- "description": "\n
- },
"Spell Effect: Extract Poison": {
"name": "Spell Effect: Extract Poison",
"description": "
- "Spell Effect: Shifting Form (Claws)": {
- "name": "Spell Effect: Shifting Form (Claws)",
- "description": "
Critical Success The status bonus from your composition increases to +3.
\nSuccess The status bonus from your composition increases to +2.
\nFailure Your composition provides only its normal bonus of +1, but you don't spend the Focus Point for casting this spell.
" }, "Foul Miasma": { "name": "Foul Miasma", @@ -4348,7 +4348,7 @@ }, "Luminous Stardust Healing": { "name": "Luminous Stardust Healing", - "description": "You scatter twinkling sparks from your sentinel weapon, replenishing your allies' fighting spirit and driving out evil. The target regains 16 Hit Points. If they were affected by a possession effect, you attempt to counteract the effect, casting out the possessing entity on a success and preventing them from possessing the target again for 1 week. If you fail, the entity is immune to being cast out by this spell for 1 week, though you can still heal the target as normal.
Heightened +1 The amount of healing increases by 8.
", + "description": "You scatter twinkling sparks from your sentinel weapon, replenishing your allies' fighting spirit and driving out evil. The target regains 16 Hit Points. If they were affected by a possession effect, you attempt to counteract the effect, casting out the possessing entity on a success and preventing them from possessing the target again for 1 week. If you fail, the entity is immune to being cast out by this spell for 1 week, though you can still heal the target as normal.
Heightened (+1) The amount of healing increases by 8.
", "target": "1 creature" }, "Lure Dream": { @@ -5525,7 +5525,7 @@ }, "Punishing Winds": { "name": "Punishing Winds", - "description": "Violent winds and a powerful downdraft fill the area, forming a cyclone. All flying creatures in the area descend 40 feet. The entire area is greater difficult terrain for Flying creatures, and difficult terrain for creatures on the ground or Climbing. Any creature that ends its turn Flying within the area descends 20 feet. Any creature pushed into a surface by this spell's winds takes bludgeoning damage as though it had fallen.
\nThe squares at the outside vertical edges of the cylinder prevent creatures from leaving. These squares are greater difficult terrain, and a creature attempting to push through must succeed at an Athletics check or Acrobatics check to Maneuver in Flight against your spell DC to get through. A creature that fails ends its current action but can try again.
" + "description": "Area (continued) 30-foot-radius, 100-foot-tall cylinder
Violent winds and a powerful downdraft fill the area, forming a cyclone. All flying creatures in the area descend 40 feet. The entire area is greater difficult terrain for Flying creatures, and difficult terrain for creatures on the ground or Climbing. Any creature that ends its turn Flying within the area descends 20 feet. Any creature pushed into a surface by this spell's winds takes bludgeoning damage as though it had fallen.
\nThe squares at the outside vertical edges of the cylinder prevent creatures from leaving. These squares are greater difficult terrain, and a creature attempting to push through must succeed at an Athletics check or Acrobatics check to Maneuver in Flight against your spell DC to get through. A creature that fails ends its current action but can try again.
" }, "Purify Soul Path": { "name": "Purify Soul Path", @@ -6432,7 +6432,18 @@ }, "Shining Starlight Attack": { "name": "Shining Starlight Attack", - "description": "Area varies (see below)
You brandish your sentinel weapon, summoning the image of your constellation above your head. The constellation then releases a powerful blast that deals 2d10 damage to all enemies in either a 30-foot line or 15-foot cone, with a basic save against your arcane spell DC. Enemies that critically fail are dazzled until the start of your next turn. The damage type, traits, area, and saving throw are determined by your zodiac constellation (see below).
Heightened +1 The damage increases by 1d10.
Constellation | Attack (Area, Save, Damage Type; Traits) |
Underworld Dragon | Volcanic vents (line, Reflex, fire) |
Ogre | Wild club swing (cone, Fortitude, bludgeoning) |
Swordswoman | Falling blades of light (line, Reflex, piercing) |
Forest Dragon | Swarm of insects (cone, Fortitude, poison) |
Sea Dragon | Pressurized seawater (line, Reflex, piercing; water trait) |
Blossom | Storming petals and pollen (line, Fortitude; poison, plant, wood) |
Swallow | Wing gust (cone, Reflex, slashing; air) |
Dog | A biting dog (line, Reflex, slashing) |
Ox | A trampling ox (line, Reflex, bludgeoning) |
Sky Dragon | Draconic lightning (line, Reflex, electricity) |
Sovereign Dragon | Psychic roar (cone, Will, mental) |
Archer | Hail of silver arrows (piercing, cone, Reflex) |
Area varies (see below)
You brandish your sentinel weapon, summoning the image of your constellation above your head. The constellation then releases a powerful blast that deals 2d10 damage to all enemies in either a @Template[type:line|distance:30] or @Template[type:cone|distance:15], with a basic save against your arcane spell DC. Enemies that critically fail are @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.TkIyaNPgTZFBCCuh]{Dazzled} until the start of your next turn. The damage type, traits, area, and saving throw are determined by your zodiac constellation (see below).
Heightened (+1) The damage increases by 1d10.
Constellation | Attack (Area, Save, Damage Type; Traits) |
Underworld Dragon | Volcanic vents (line, Reflex, fire) |
Ogre | Wild club swing (cone, Fortitude, bludgeoning) |
Swordswoman | Falling blades of light (line, Reflex, piercing) |
Forest Dragon | Swarm of insects (cone, Fortitude, poison) |
Sea Dragon | Pressurized seawater (line, Reflex, piercing; water trait) |
Blossom | Storming petals and pollen (line, Fortitude; poison, plant, wood) |
Swallow | Wing gust (cone, Reflex, slashing; air) |
Dog | A biting dog (line, Reflex, slashing) |
Ox | A trampling ox (line, Reflex, bludgeoning) |
Sky Dragon | Draconic lightning (line, Reflex, electricity) |
Sovereign Dragon | Psychic roar (cone, Will, mental) |
Archer | Hail of silver arrows (piercing, cone, Reflex) |
The \"Song of Silver\" was an enchanted song used by the Silver Ravens to battle diabolic forces. You pull from select verses to temporarily replicate some of the legendary song's benefits, albeit on a much smaller scale.
\nWeapon and unarmed attacks by allies in the area are treated as silver. In addition, this spell automatically attempts to counteract any @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.VlNcjmYyu95vOUe8]{Translocate} cast by a devil within the area or cast by a devil attempting to enter the area using dimension door. If a devil attempts to enter the area using dimension door and the spell is counteracted, the devil remains where it started.
" + "description": "The \"Song of Silver\" was an enchanted song used by the Silver Ravens to battle diabolic forces. You pull from select verses to temporarily replicate some of the legendary song's benefits, albeit on a much smaller scale.
\nWeapon and unarmed attacks by allies in the area are treated as silver. In addition, this spell automatically attempts to counteract any @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.VlNcjmYyu95vOUe8]{Translocate} cast by a devil within the area or cast by a devil attempting to enter the area using dimension door. If a devil attempts to enter the area using dimension door and the spell is counteracted, the devil remains where it started.
\n@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spell-effects.Item.2W4qAipPVlapaWbc]{Spell Effect: Silver's Refrain}
" }, "Sky Laughs at Waves": { "name": "Sky Laughs at Waves", @@ -7390,7 +7401,7 @@ }, "Tempest Form": { "name": "Tempest Form", - "description": "Your body becomes fluid to better suit your surroundings. Choose whether to become air, water, or mist. The spell gains the air trait if you choose air or mist, and the water trait if you choose water or mist. You become amorphous, as does your armor. You lose any item bonus to AC and use your proficiency bonus for unarmored defense to determine your AC. You also gain resistance 10 to physical damage and become immune to precision damage. You can slip through tiny cracks and don't need to breathe. You can't cast spells, activate items, or use actions that have the attack or manipulate trait, except those granted by this spell. You also gain the following effects based on your form.
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spell-effects.Item.mKw9WvqnhaUsPvvy]{Spell Effect: Tempest Form}
Heightened (+2) Increase the resistance by 5 and the electricity damage from the charged water form by 1.
" + "description": "Your body becomes fluid to better suit your surroundings. Choose whether to become air, water, or mist. The spell gains the air trait if you choose air or mist, and the water trait if you choose water or mist. You become amorphous, as does your armor. You lose any item bonus to AC and use your proficiency bonus for unarmored defense to determine your AC. You also gain resistance 10 to physical damage and become immune to precision damage. You can slip through tiny cracks and don't need to breathe. You can't cast spells, activate items, or use actions that have the attack or manipulate trait, except those granted by this spell. You also gain the following effects based on your form.
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spell-effects.Item.mKw9WvqnhaUsPvvy]{Spell Effect: Tempest Form}
Heightened (+2) Increase the resistance by 5 and the electricity damage from the charged water form by 1.
" }, "Tempest Surge": { "name": "Tempest Surge", @@ -7880,7 +7891,7 @@ }, "Uplifting Overture": { "name": "Uplifting Overture", - "description": "Your performance makes allies feel they can succeed at anything. This counts as having prepared to Aid your ally on a skill check of your choice. When you later use the Aid reaction, you can roll Performance instead of the normal skill check, and if you roll a failure, you get a success instead. If you are legendary in Performance, you automatically critically succeed.
\nThe GM might rule that you can't use this ability if the act of encouraging your ally would interfere with the skill check (such as a check to @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.VMozDqMMuK5kpoX4]{Sneak} quietly or maintain a disguise).
", + "description": "Your performance makes allies feel they can succeed at anything. This counts as having prepared to Aid your ally on a skill check of your choice. When you later use the Aid reaction, you can roll Performance instead of the normal skill check, and if you roll a failure, you get a success instead. If you are legendary in Performance, you automatically critically succeed.
\nThe GM might rule that you can't use this ability if the act of encouraging your ally would interfere with the skill check (such as a check to @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.VMozDqMMuK5kpoX4]{Sneak} quietly or maintain a disguise).
\n@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spell-effects.Item.ITErgFRfydm1xmnW]{Spell Effect: Uplifting Overture}
", "target": "1 ally" }, "Vacuum": { @@ -8284,7 +8295,7 @@ }, "Wild Winds Stance": { "name": "Wild Winds Stance", - "description": "You take on the stance of the flowing winds, sending out waves of energy at a distance. You can make wind crash unarmed Strikes as ranged Strikes against targets within 30 feet. These deal 1d6 bludgeoning damage; are in the brawling group; and have the agile, nonlethal, propulsive, and unarmed traits. Wind crash Strikes ignore @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.kingmaker-features.Item.tWS8aMCyeGKcnFh1]{Concealement} and all cover.
\nWhile in wild winds stance, you gain a +2 circumstance bonus to AC against ranged attacks.
\n@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feat-effects.Item.eeAlh6edygcZIz9c]{Stance: Wild Winds Stance}
" + "description": "You take on the stance of the flowing winds, sending out waves of energy at a distance. You can make wind crash unarmed Strikes as ranged Strikes against targets within 30 feet. These deal 1d6 bludgeoning damage; are in the brawling group; and have the agile, nonlethal, propulsive, and unarmed traits. Wind crash Strikes ignore @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.DmAIPqOBomZ7H95W]{Concealment} and all cover.
\nWhile in wild winds stance, you gain a +2 circumstance bonus to AC against ranged attacks.
\n@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feat-effects.Item.eeAlh6edygcZIz9c]{Stance: Wild Winds Stance}
" }, "Wildfire": { "name": "Wildfire", diff --git a/translation/en/dictionary.json b/translation/en/dictionary.json index 0e1ac1423..fc95044f6 100644 --- a/translation/en/dictionary.json +++ b/translation/en/dictionary.json @@ -180,6 +180,7 @@ "pathfinder #203: shepherd of decay": "Pathfinder #203: Shepherd of Decay", "pathfinder #204: stage fright": "Pathfinder #204: Stage Fright", "pathfinder #205: singer, stalker, skinsaw man": "Pathfinder #205: Singer, Stalker, Skinsaw Man", + "pathfinder #206: bring the house down": "Pathfinder #206: Bring the House Down", "pathfinder abomination vaults hardcover compilation": "Pathfinder Abomination Vaults Hardcover Compilation", "pathfinder abomination vaults player's guide": "Pathfinder Abomination Vaults Player's Guide", "pathfinder advanced player's guide": "Pathfinder Advanced Player's Guide", @@ -281,6 +282,7 @@ "pathfinder society scenario #5-15: cleansing the flame": "Pathfinder Society Scenario #5-15: Cleansing the Flame", "pathfinder society scenario #5-20: the rakshasa's court": "Pathfinder Society Scenario #5-20: The Rakshasa's Court", "pathfinder society scenario #6-00: salt of the ocean": "Pathfinder Society Scenario #6-00: Salt of the Ocean", + "pathfinder society scenario #6-04: an enkindled carnival": "Pathfinder Society Scenario #6-04: An Enkindled Carnival", "pathfinder society special #3-98: expedition into pallid peril": "Pathfinder Society Special #3-98: Expedition Into Pallid Peril", "pathfinder special: fumbus!": "Pathfinder Special: Fumbus!", "pathfinder stolen fate player's guide": "Pathfinder Stolen Fate Player's Guide", diff --git a/translation/en/en.json b/translation/en/en.json index a7d2d9d5e..7e9da7bc7 100644 --- a/translation/en/en.json +++ b/translation/en/en.json @@ -1222,6 +1222,7 @@ "fatigued": "fatigued", "fear-effects": "fear effects", "fleeing": "fleeing", + "fortune-effects": "fortune effects", "frightened": "frightened", "ghost-touch": "ghost touch", "glass": "glass", @@ -4268,6 +4269,7 @@ "TraitDescriptionOrc": "A creature with this trait is a member of the orc ancestry. These green-skinned people tend to have darkvision. A weapon with this trait is a weapon which orcs craft and use.", "TraitDescriptionOread": "A type of geniekin descended from a being from the Plane of Earth.", "TraitDescriptionOverflow": "Powerful impulses temporarily overdraw the energy of your kinetic gate. When you use an impulse that has the overflow trait, your kinetic aura deactivates until you revitalize it (typically with Channel Elements). Extinguishing your element this severely is taxing, and consequently, you can use only one overflow impulse per round, even if you reactivate your kinetic gate.", + "TraitDescriptionPalinthanos": "When a cosmic event like Godsrain disturbs all that exists, the River of Souls sometimes flows backward for a brief moment, literally, from the shockwave. Unwilling and confused souls that are forced back far enough can have the agonizing experience of enduring death in reversed time. Some of these souls manage to re-enter the river once the flow returns to normal, but those who are stranded on the metaphorical shores of the living can become palinthanos: powerful undead born from their reversed demise who struggle futilely until their predestined banishment back to the River.", "TraitDescriptionParry": "This weapon can be used defensively to block attacks. While wielding this weapon, if your proficiency with it is trained or better, you can spend a single action to position your weapon defensively, gaining a +1 circumstance bonus to AC until the start of your next turn.", "TraitDescriptionPeachwood": "Peachwood weapons have a particularly auburn tinge to them when under direct sunlight. Peachwood is treated as duskwood for any undead creatures' resistances or weaknesses related to duskwood (allowing a peachwood weapon to bypass a jiang-shi's resistance, for example). In addition, peachwood weapons bypass a small portion of the resistances of any undead creature. Strikes with a peachwood weapon treat an undead's resistances against physical damage as 2 lower for standard-grade peachwood, and 4 lower for high-grade.", "TraitDescriptionPersonaFlirt": "The public perceives you as the most romantic of the group, and you may be thought of as a seducer or vapid pretender who gets by on their looks and brings nothing of value to the party.", @@ -4644,6 +4646,7 @@ "TraitOread": "Oread", "TraitOverflow": "Overflow", "TraitPaaridar": "Paaridar", + "TraitPalinthanos": "Palinthanos", "TraitParry": "Parry", "TraitPersonaFlirt": "Persona: Flirt", "TraitPersonaGuardian": "Persona: Guardian", @@ -5712,7 +5715,7 @@ "pacifying": { "Name": "Pacifying" }, - "quickstrike": { + "speed": { "Name": "Quickstrike", "Note": "While wielding a quickstrike weapon, you gain the @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.nlCjDvLMf2EkV2dl]{Quickened} condition, but you can use the additional action granted only to make a Strike with the etched weapon." }, diff --git a/translation/en/re-en.json b/translation/en/re-en.json index f9cfd2f91..e6466bf85 100644 --- a/translation/en/re-en.json +++ b/translation/en/re-en.json @@ -1540,8 +1540,7 @@ "Y": "y" } }, - "Basic": { - "Label": "Basic", + "Basics": { "Level": { "Hint": "An optional level for the aura, to be used to set the level of the effects it transmits", "Label": "Level" @@ -1583,6 +1582,7 @@ }, "General": { "Add": "Add", + "Basics": "Basics", "Brackets": "Brackets", "CriticalBehavior": { "false": "1x Damage on Crit", @@ -1611,6 +1611,12 @@ "Outcome": "Outcome", "Text": "Text Content", "Title": "Title" + }, + "TokenImage": { + "Ring": { + "Label": "Dynamic Ring", + "ScaleCorrection": "Scale Correction" + } } }, "RuleElement": { @@ -1829,6 +1835,9 @@ "Weave": "To Weave", "Woodworking": "Woodworking" }, + "SpecificLore": { + "Herbalism": "Herbalism Lore" + }, "SpecificRule": { "Acrobat": { "AcrobatDedication": { @@ -1902,12 +1911,12 @@ "Description": "Add the listed conditions to those you can choose for an invigorating elixir you create to counteract:", "Label": "Improved Invigorating Elixir", "Mental": { - "Label": "Physical Invigoration", - "Conditions": "@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.XgEqL1kFApUbl5Z2]{Blinded}, @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.9PR9y0bi4JPKnHPR]{Deafened}, @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.4D2KBtexWXa6oUMR]{Drained}, @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.6uEgoh53GbXuHpTF]{Paralyzed}, @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.xYTAsEpcJE1Ccni3]{Slowed}" - }, - "Physical": { "Label": "Mental Invigoration", "Conditions": "@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.yblD8fOR1J8rDwEQ]{Confused}, controlled, @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.sDPxOjQ9kx2RZE8D]{Fleeing}, @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.TBSHQspnbcqxsmjL]{Frightened}, @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.6uEgoh53GbXuHpTF]{Paralyzed}, @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.xYTAsEpcJE1Ccni3]{Slowed}." + }, + "Physical": { + "Label": "Physical Invigoration", + "Conditions": "@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.XgEqL1kFApUbl5Z2]{Blinded}, @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.9PR9y0bi4JPKnHPR]{Deafened}, @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.4D2KBtexWXa6oUMR]{Drained}, @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.6uEgoh53GbXuHpTF]{Paralyzed}, @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.xYTAsEpcJE1Ccni3]{Slowed}" } }, "ResearchField": { @@ -2141,6 +2150,21 @@ "ToggleLabel": "Spirit Rage" }, "Superstition": { + "RagingResistance": { + "Prompt": "Select associated magical traditions.", + "ResistanceLabels": { + "ArcaneAndOccult": "Arcane and Occult spells", + "ArcaneAndPrimal": "Arcane and Primal spells", + "DivineAndOccult": "Divine and Occult spells", + "DivineAndPrimal": "Divine and Primal spells" + }, + "Traditions": { + "ArcaneAndOccult": "Arcane and Occult", + "ArcaneAndPrimal": "Arcane and Primal", + "DivineAndOccult": "Divine and Occult", + "DivineAndPrimal": "Divine and Primal" + } + }, "TargetingCaster": "Witnessed target casting a spell" } }, @@ -2228,7 +2252,7 @@ "Anger": { "Activation": "If you're @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.kWc1fhmv9LBiTuei]{Grabbed}, @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.eIcWbB5o3pP6OIMe]{Immobilized}, or @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.VcDeM8A5oI6VqhbM]{Restrained}, you can attempt to @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.SkZAQRkLLkmBQNB9]{Escape}. If you succeed, the creature or hazard imposing the condition on you (if applicable) takes force damage equal to your level.", "Description": "Your destructive wrath allows you to harm your foes but causes you pain in the process.", - "Fallout": " You become @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.HL2l2VRSaQHu9lUw]{fatigued }until you Settle your Emotions.", + "Fallout": "You become @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.HL2l2VRSaQHu9lUw]{Fatigued} until you Settle your Emotions.", "Fervor": "When you Cast a Spell from your spell slots, if the spell deals damage and doesn't have a duration, you gain a status bonus to that spell's damage equal to the spell's rank. Spell: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.jsWthW1Qy6tg3SwD]{Draw Ire}", "Focus": "@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.UGJzJRJDoonfWqqI]{Athletic Rush}", "Label": "Anger", @@ -2238,7 +2262,7 @@ "Activation": "If you're @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.AdPVz7rbaVSRxHFg]{Fascinated} or @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.e1XGnhKNSQIm5IXg]{Stupefied}, you can attempt an additional save to end the effect if it allowed a save.", "Description": "Your powerful sense of wonderment can be infectious and distracting.", "Fallout": "You become @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.AJh5ex99aV6VTggg]{Off-Guard} until you Settle your Emotions.", - "Fervor": " When you cast a spell, choose one creature that was hit by your spell attack roll or that failed its saving throw, if any. That creature becomes fascinated with you until the end of its next turn. It's then temporarily immune to this fervor effect for 1 hour. Spell: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.0qaqksrGGDj74HXE]{Revealing Light}", + "Fervor": "When you cast a spell, choose one creature that was hit by your spell attack roll or that failed its saving throw, if any. That creature becomes fascinated with you until the end of its next turn. It's then temporarily immune to this fervor effect for 1 hour. Spell: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.0qaqksrGGDj74HXE]{Revealing Light}", "Focus": "@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.zul5cBTfr7NXHBZf]{Dazzling Flash (doesn't require a religious symbol)", "Label": "Awe", "Trigger": "You or an ally within 30 feet critically succeeds on an attack roll against an enemy's AC or a skill check against one of an enemy's DCs." @@ -2320,6 +2344,11 @@ "CelestialResistance": { "Prompt": "Select a type of energy associated with your bloodline." }, + "Centaur": { + "MentorOfLegends": { + "Description": "In addition to its normal effects, the spell also grants temporary Hit Points equal to half your level. You can't cast this spell on yourself." + } + }, "Champion": { "AuraOfFaith": { "Toggle": "First Strike against an unholy creature this round" @@ -2416,6 +2445,73 @@ "Label": "Clan Weapon", "Prompt": "Select a clan weapon." }, + "ClassFeatures": { + "SpellRepertoire": { + "bard": { + "PartOne": "The collection of spells you can cast is called your spell repertoire. At 1st level, you learn two 1st-rank occult spells of your choice and five occult cantrips of your choice. You choose these from the common spells from the occult list or from other occult spells to which you have access. You can cast any spell in your spell repertoire by using a spell slot of an appropriate spell rank.", + "PartTwo": "You add to this spell repertoire as you increase in level. Each time you get a spell slot (see the Bard Spells per Day table), you add a spell to your spell repertoire of the same rank. At 2nd level, you select another 1st-rank spell; at 3rd level, you select two 2nd-rank spells, and so on. When you add spells, you might add a higher-rank version of a spell you already have, so you can cast a heightened version of that spell.", + "PartThree": "Though you gain them at the same rate, your spell slots and the spells in your spell repertoire are separate. If a feat or other ability adds a spell to your spell repertoire, it wouldn't give you another spell slot, and vice versa.", + "SpellSwapping": "As you gain new spells in your repertoire, you might want to replace some of the spells you previously learned. Each time you gain a level and learn new spells, you can swap out one of your old spells for a different spell of the same rank. This spell can be a cantrip. You can also swap out spells by retraining during downtime." + }, + "oracle": { + "PartOne": "The collection of spells you can cast is called your spell repertoire. At 1st level, you learn two 1st-rank divine spells of your choice and five divine cantrips of your choice. You choose these from the common spells on the divine list or from other divine spells to which you have access. You can cast any spell in your spell repertoire by using a spell slot of an appropriate spell rank.", + "PartTwo": "You add to this spell repertoire as you increase in level. Each time you get a spell slot (see the Oracle Spells per Day table), you add a spell to your spell repertoire of the same rank. At 2nd level, you select another 1st-rank spell; at 3rd level, you select two 2nd-rank spells, and so on. When you add spells, you might add a higher-rank version of a spell you already have, so you can cast a heightened version of that spell.", + "PartThree": "Your spell slots and the spells in your spell repertoire are separate. If a feat or other ability adds a spell to your spell repertoire, it wouldn't give you another spell slot, and vice versa.", + "SpellSwapping": "As you gain new spells in your repertoire, you might want to replace some of the spells you previously learned. Each time you gain a level and learn new spells, you can swap out one of your old spells for a different spell of the same rank. This spell can be a cantrip. You can also swap out spells by retraining during downtime." + }, + "psychic": { + "PartOne": "The collection of spells you can cast is called your spell repertoire. At 1st level, you learn one 1st-level occult spell of your choice and three occult cantrips of your choice. You choose these from the common spells from the occult list or from other occult spells to which you have access. You can cast any spell in your spell repertoire by using a spell slot of an appropriate spell level. Your choice of conscious mind also grants you additional spells in your repertoire, starting with an additional 1st-level spell and two cantrips listed in your conscious mind, which you cast as psi cantrips.", + "PartTwo": "You add to this spell repertoire as you increase in level. Each time you get a spell slot (see the Psychic Spells per Day table), you add a spell to your spell repertoire of the same level. At 2nd level, you select another 1st-level spell; at 3rd level, you select one 2nd-level spell, and so on. When you add spells, you might add a higher-level version of a spell you already have, so you can cast a heightened version of that spell. Your conscious mind also adds additional spells to your repertoire as you gain spells of higher levels.", + "PartThree": "Though you gain them at the same rate, your spell slots and the spells in your spell repertoire are separate. If a feat or other ability adds a spell to your spell repertoire, such as the spells you gain from your conscious mind, it wouldn't give you another spell slot, and vice versa.", + "SpellSwapping": "As you gain new spells in your repertoire, you might want to replace some of the spells you previously learned. Each time you gain a level and learn new spells, you can swap out one of your old spells for a different spell of the same level. This spell can be a cantrip. You can also swap out spells by retraining during downtime." + }, + "sorcerer": { + "PartOne": "The collection of spells you can cast is called your spell repertoire. At 1st level, you learn two 1st-rank spells of your choice and four cantrips of your choice, as well as an additional spell and cantrip from your bloodline. You choose these from the common spells from the tradition corresponding to your bloodline, or from other spells from that tradition to which you have access. You can cast any spell in your spell repertoire by using a spell slot of an appropriate spell rank.", + "PartTwo": "You add to this spell repertoire as you increase in level. Each time you get a spell slot (see the Sorcerer Spells per Day table above), you add a spell to your spell repertoire of the same rank. When you gain a new rank of spells, your first new spell is always the sorcerous gift spell for that rank that's listed in your bloodline, but you can choose the other spells. At 2nd level, you select another 1st-rank spell; at 3rd level, you gain a new spell from your bloodline and two other 2nd-rank spells, and so on. When you add spells, you might select a higher-rank version of a spell you already know so that you can cast a heightened version of that spell.", + "PartThree": "Though you gain them at the same rate, your spell slots and the spells in your spell repertoire are separate. If a feat or other ability adds a spell to your spell repertoire, it wouldn't give you another spell slot or vice versa.", + "SpellSwapping": "As you gain new spells in your spell repertoire, you might want to replace some of the spells you previously learned. Each time you gain a level and learn new spells, you can swap out one of your old spells for a different spell of the same rank. This spell can be a cantrip, but you can't swap out bloodline spells. You can also swap out spells by retraining during downtime." + }, + "SpellSwapping": "**Swapping Spells in Your Repertoire**", + "summoner": { + "PartOne": "The collection of spells you can cast is called your spell repertoire. At 1st level, you learn two 1st-level spells of your choice and five cantrips of your choice. You choose these from the common spells from the tradition corresponding to your eidolon, or from other spells from that tradition to which you have access. You can cast any spell in your spell repertoire by using a spell slot of an appropriate spell level. Your spell slots and the spells in your spell repertoire are separate. If a feat or other ability adds a spell to your spell repertoire, it doesn't give you another spell slot, and vice versa.", + "PartTwo": "You add to this spell repertoire as you increase in level. Each time you get a spell slot (see Table 2–4: Summoner Spells per Day), you add a spell of the same level to your spell repertoire. At 2nd level, you select another 1st-level spell. At 3rd level, you add the first 2nd-level spell to your repertoire. At 4th level you gain your second and your spell repertoire reaches its maximum size of five spells.", + "PartThree": "At 5th level, in addition to adding two 3rd-level spells to your repertoire, you lose your lowest level of spell slots. Any time you lose a level of spell slots, you lose two spells in your repertoire as well. These can come from spells you already know or out of the number of new spells you're learning. On levels in which you don't change your spell slots, you can swap out multiple spells, as described below.", + "SpellSwapping": "As you gain new spells in your repertoire, you might want to replace some of the spells you previously learned. Each time you gain a level and learn new spells, you can swap out one of your old spells for a different spell of the same level. If it's a level at which you lose a set of lower-level slots, you can replace the two in either order. You can also instead swap a cantrip. You can also swap out spells by retraining during downtime." + } + }, + "WeaponExpertise": { + "champion": { + "Description": "You've dedicated yourself to learning the intricacies of your weapons. Your proficiency ranks for simple weapons, martial weapons, and unarmed attacks increase to expert." + }, + "investigator": { + "Description": "You've dedicated yourself to learning the intricacies of your weapons. Your proficiency ranks for simple weapons, martial weapons, and unarmed attacks increase to expert." + }, + "druid": { + "Description": "You've improved your combat skill. Your proficiency rank for simple weapons and unarmed attacks increases to expert." + }, + "kineticist": { + "Description": "You've improved your combat skill. Your proficiency rank for simple weapons and unarmed attacks increase to expert." + }, + "magus": { + "Description": "You've dedicated yourself to learning the intricacies of your weapons. Your proficiency ranks for simple weapons, martial weapons, and unarmed attacks increase to expert." + }, + "oracle": { + "Description": "You've dedicated yourself to learning the intricacies of your weapons. Your proficiency ranks for simple weapons, martial weapons, and unarmed attacks increase to expert." + }, + "sorcerer": { + "Description": "You've improved your combat skill. Your proficiency ranks for simple weapons and unarmed attacks increase to expert." + }, + "swashbuckler": { + "Description": "You've dedicated yourself to learning the intricacies of your weapons. Your proficiency ranks for simple weapons, martial weapons, and unarmed attacks increase to expert. You gain access to the critical specialization effects of all weapons for which you have expert proficiency." + }, + "witch": { + "Description": "Through sheer experience, you've improved your technique with your weapons. Your proficiency ranks for simple weapons and unarmed attacks increase to expert." + }, + "wizard": { + "Description": "Through sheer experience, you've improved your technique with your weapons. Your proficiency ranks for simple weapons and unarmed attacks increase to expert." + } + } + }, "Cleric": { "CastigatingWeapon": { "Note": "After you deal spirit damage due to Divine Castigation, your weapon or unarmed Strikes gain your holy or unholy trait and deal additional spirit damage until the end of your turn. @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feat-effects.Item.BTI4obxa5UmNltyU]{Effect: Castigating Weapon}" @@ -2777,6 +2873,9 @@ } }, "Equipment": { + "AlchemistGoggles": { + "RollOptionLabel": "Failed Strike with an alchemical bomb" + }, "AmphisbaenaHandwraps": { "TwinVenomStrikeLabel": "Amphisbaena Handwraps - Twin Venom Strike" }, @@ -2821,6 +2920,9 @@ "Poison": "Orange (Poison)", "Void": "Pink (Void)" }, + "CaressOfTheGreatSerpent": { + "SerpentsKiss": "Serpent's Kiss" + }, "ChaliceOfJustice": { "SipOfJustice": { "Note": "Whenever you critically hit an unholy creature with the chalice of justice, the creature is @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.xYTAsEpcJE1Ccni3]{Slowed 1} for 1 round." @@ -2842,6 +2944,9 @@ "PouncingWhirlUsedLabel": "Chimera Flail - Pouncing Whirl Used", "StrideHalfLabel": "Chimera Flail - Stride at least half your Speed" }, + "CloakOfWavesAndClouds": { + "CutAirAndSea": "Cut Air and Sea" + }, "ConstrictingMeteor": { "CoilingChainLabel": "Constricting Meteor - Coiling Chain" }, @@ -2945,6 +3050,9 @@ "TacticiansHelm": { "ReactiveStrikeNote": "On a successful @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.KAVf7AmRnbCAHrkT]{Reactive Strike}, add one charge: @UUID[]{Effect: Tactician's Helm Charges}" }, + "UnholyPlate": { + "Note": "On a critical hit with the horns, the target must succeed at a @Check[fortitude|dc:30] or become @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.4D2KBtexWXa6oUMR]{Drained 1} (or @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.4D2KBtexWXa6oUMR]{Drained 2} on a critical failure)." + }, "UnholyWater": { "Note": "Can damage only creatures with the holy trait." }, @@ -2969,6 +3077,11 @@ "PromptLevel": "Select the level of your Spirit Remnant" } }, + "FamiliarSage": { + "LightningRingsOvercharge": { + "Prompt": "Did the Familiar Sage cast a spell with the air or electricity trait this turn?" + } + }, "FanesFourberie": { "Prompt": "Treat Cards as darts or daggers?" }, @@ -3011,6 +3124,9 @@ "Forager": { "Note": "While using Survival to Subsist, if you roll any result worse than a success, you get a success. You can also provide for multiple creatures." }, + "IntensifiedElementStance": { + "RollOptionLabel": "Intensified Element Stance — Damage vs. Constructs" + }, "KnowItAll": { "Bard": "When you succeed at a check to Recall Knowledge, you gain additional information or context. When you critically succeed at a check to Recall Knowledge, you get additional information or context or can ask an additional follow-up question (the GM chooses which).", "Thaumaturge": "Having heard every rumor or story in the book, you know that if you've heard of something in the first place, you've probably heard about it at length. When you succeed at a check to Recall Knowledge, you gain additional information or context about the given topic. When you critically succeed at a check to Recall Knowledge, at the GM's discretion, you might gain even more additional information or context than normal." @@ -3030,7 +3146,7 @@ }, "YoureNext": { "Rogue": "After downing a foe, you menace another. Attempt to @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.2u915NdUyQan6uKF]{Demoralize} a creature within 60 feet, with a +2 circumstance bonus. If you have legendary proficiency in Intimidation, you can use this as a free action with the same trigger.", - "Swashbuckler": "After downing a foe, you promise another that you’re coming after them next. Attempt an Intimidation check with a +2 circumstance bonus to @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.2u915NdUyQan6uKF]{Demoralize} a single creature that you can see and that can see you. If you’re legendary in Intimidation, you can use this as a free action with the same trigger.", + "Swashbuckler": "After downing a foe, you promise another that you're coming after them next. Attempt an Intimidation check with a +2 circumstance bonus to @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.2u915NdUyQan6uKF]{Demoralize} a single creature that you can see and that can see you. If you're legendary in Intimidation, you can use this as a free action with the same trigger.", "Trigger": "You reduce an enemy to 0 Hit Points." } }, @@ -3565,6 +3681,14 @@ }, "Spellstrike": { "RechargeNote": "You recharge your Spellstrike when you cast a conflux spell that takes at least 1 action to cast." + }, + "UnfurlingBrocade": { + "QiInfusedFabric": { + "Label": "Qi-Infused Fabric" + } + }, + "UnsheathingTheSwordLight": { + "Note": "Countless copies of your sword, made of light, fall around you, dealing @Damage[(2*{item|flags.pf2e.rulesSelections.unsheathingTheSwordLight})[@item.system.damage.damageType]|options:area-damage,damage:material:cold-iron,damage:material:silver] damage to each creature within a @Template[type:emanation|distance:10] of the target, excluding you and the target of the Spellstrike." } }, "MantleOfTheUnwaveringHeart": { @@ -3719,6 +3843,11 @@ "Mindmoppet": { "BrokenShell": "Shell is Broken" }, + "Minotaur": { + "SiphonTorment": { + "Description": "The target creature gains temporary Hit Points equal to your level" + } + }, "Modifier": { "Bonus": "Bonus", "Penalty": "Penalty" @@ -4343,7 +4472,7 @@ "Fey": "Either you gain a +2 status bonus to Performance checks for 1 round, or you can become @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.DmAIPqOBomZ7H95W]{Concealed} for 1 round. Such obvious concealment can't be used to @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.XMcnh4cSI32tljXa]{Hide}", "Genie": "Your spellcasting warps reality and distracts your foes. Either you gain a +1 status bonus to Deception checks for 1 round, or a target takes a -1 status penalty to Perception for 1 round.", "Hag": "You deal @Damage[(4*@item.level)[mental]] damage (@Check[will|basic|against:spell] save) to the first creature that deals damage to you before the end of your next turn; if no creature damages you in that time, you consume that spite to gain temporary Hit Points at the beginning of your next turn equal to the spell's rank. These temporary Hit Points last until the beginning of your following turn.", - "Harrow": "You become enveloped in possibility, represented as multiple versions of yourself from your possible futures overlaid on each other. You gain @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.DmAIPqOBomZ7H95W]{Concealement} for 1 round, but can't use the concealment to @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.XMcnh4cSI32tljXa]{Hide}.", + "Harrow": "You become enveloped in possibility, represented as multiple versions of yourself from your possible futures overlaid on each other. You gain @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.DmAIPqOBomZ7H95W]{Concealment} for 1 round, but can't use the concealment to @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.XMcnh4cSI32tljXa]{Hide}.", "Imperial": "Until the start of your next turn, you gain your choice of either a +1 status bonus to AC or to saving throws.", "Nymph": "Nymph grace accentuates your movements and distracts your foes, either granting you a +1 status bonus to Diplomacy checks for 1 round or imposing a -1 status penalty on one target's Will saves for 1 round.", "Phoenix": "The primal fire of life and death flows through you or one target. Choose to have either you or a target of the spell gain temporary Hit Points equal to the spell's rank for 1 round, or to have a target of the spell take @Damage[@item.level[fire]] damage (if the spell already deals initial fire damage, combine this with the spell's initial damage before determining weaknesses and resistances).", @@ -4641,7 +4770,7 @@ "ReachSpell": "If the next action you use is to Cast a Spell that has a range, increase that spell's range by 30 feet. As is standard for increasing spell ranges, if the spell normally has a range of touch, you extend its range to 30 feet.", "Remediate": "If your next action is to use your divine font to cast a 3-action heal or harm spell, you can harness the residual energy to counterbalance opposing forces. In addition to its normal effects, you use your heal or harm spell to attempt to counteract one divine effect in the spell's area.", "ReverberatingSpell": "The spell deals an additional @Damage[1d8[sonic]] damage and all creatures who fail their save against the spell are @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.9PR9y0bi4JPKnHPR]{Deafened} for 1 round. Targets who critically fail their saves against this spell are instead deafened for 1 minute. The spell gains the sonic trait.", - "RockslideSpell": "(@item.rank) 5-foot squares in the area equal to the spell rank become difficult terrain for 1 round. These squares must be on the ground, and the entire area of difficult terrain must be contiguous. The spell gains the earth trait.", + "RockslideSpell": "A number of 5-foot squares in the area equal to the spell rank become difficult terrain for 1 round. These squares must be on the ground, and the entire area of difficult terrain must be contiguous. The spell gains the earth trait.", "SafeguardSpell": "If the next action you take is to Cast a Spell with an area, you aren't affected by the spell even if you are within the area.", "ScintillatingSpell": "If your next action is to Cast a Spell that doesn't have the darkness trait, has no duration, and requires creatures to attempt a Reflex save, the spell explodes in a spray of scintillating lights, in addition to its other effects. Each creature that failed its Reflex save against the spell is @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.TkIyaNPgTZFBCCuh]{Dazzled} for 1 round, and those who critically failed are instead @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.XgEqL1kFApUbl5Z2]{Blinded} for 1 round.", "SecondaryDetonationArray": "If your next action is to Cast a Spell that deals damage, has no duration, and affects an area, a glowing magic circle appears in a @Template[burst|distance:5] within that area. At the beginning of your next turn, the circle detonates, dealing @Damage[(@item.level)d6[force]] damage to all creatures within the circle, with a @Check[reflex|against:spell]. If the spell dealt a different type of damage, the circle deals @Damage[(@item.level)d6[@actor.flags.pf2e.spellshape.arrayDamage]]{this type of damage instead} (or one type of your choice if the spell could deal multiple types of damage)", @@ -4722,6 +4851,20 @@ "WolfJaws": "Wolf Jaws" } }, + "StarlitSentinel": { + "Constellation": { + "Archer": "Archer", + "Blossom": "Blossom", + "Ogre": "Ogre", + "Ox": "Ox", + "Prompt": "Choose a constellation", + "Swallow": "Swallow", + "Swordswoman": "Swordswoman" + }, + "StarlitTransformation": { + "BoltsOfStarlight": "Bolts of Starlight" + } + }, "SteadyBalance": { "Note": "If you roll a success using the Balance action, you get a critical success instead." }, From 66bad4e29845b0766b6e1697ed54db64848185ec Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Agustin AllendeYou're a shaggy, dark-furred kholo capable of making some truly uncanny sounds. You can cast the figment cantrip as an occult innate spell at will. A cantrip is heightened to a spell rank equal to half your level rounded up. In addition, you gain a +1 circumstance bonus to checks to @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.GkmbTGfg8KcgynOA]{Create a Diversion} and Impersonate when using only your voice.
" + "description": "You're a shaggy, dark-furred kholo capable of making some truly uncanny sounds. You can cast the @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.0zU8CPejjQFnhZFI]{Figment} cantrip as an occult innate spell at will. A cantrip is heightened to a spell rank equal to half your level rounded up. In addition, you gain a +1 circumstance bonus to checks to @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.GkmbTGfg8KcgynOA]{Create a Diversion} and Impersonate when using only your voice.
" }, "Woodland Elf": { "name": "Elfo silvano", From d846529de7a160677ab3cbee2f33be52b4c36a95 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Agustin AllendeThough the zodiac is known throughout Tian Xia for subtly watching over the continent, sometimes the 12 constellations find more direct action necessary. When a grave threat arises, a zodiac constellation might shine on an everyday student or worker, granting them the power to transform into a powerful alter ego to repel those threats. Though most of these starlit sentinels act covertly when the world is asleep, some become well known either as urban legends or outright celebrities, though usually only as their alter ego. Some might find themselves pulled between the dual pressures of an unassuming civilian identity working in a market by day, and the defender of that same market from rampaging oni or qi-stealing jiang-shi under the light of the stars. Due to a quartet of well-known female sentinels operating out of Goka, many have come to believe that the zodiac chooses only girls as its champions, but the heavens care little for such mortal concerns and are equally likely to grant their power to those of any gender. Starlit sentinels are rare, even in Tian Xia, and individual sentinels are unique; a new sentinel empowered by a given constellation won't awaken as long as the previous sentinel of that constellation is active.
Though the zodiac is known throughout Tian Xia for subtly watching over the continent, sometimes the 12 constellations find more direct action necessary. When a grave threat arises, a zodiac constellation might shine on an everyday student or worker, granting them the power to transform into a powerful alter ego to repel those threats. Though most of these starlit sentinels act covertly when the world is asleep, some become well known either as urban legends or outright celebrities, though usually only as their alter ego. Some might find themselves pulled between the dual pressures of an unassuming civilian identity working in a market by day, and the defender of that same market from rampaging oni or qi-stealing jiang-shi under the light of the stars. Due to a quartet of well-known female sentinels operating out of Goka, many have come to believe that the zodiac chooses only girls as its champions, but the heavens care little for such mortal concerns and are equally likely to grant their power to those of any gender. Starlit sentinels are rare, even in Tian Xia, and individual sentinels are unique; a new sentinel empowered by a given constellation won't awaken as long as the previous sentinel of that constellation is active.
You've been chosen by one of the constellations of the Tian Xia zodiac. You gain a transformation seal: a mundane-seeming item of light Bulk, such as a ring, brooch, or key, that has the arcane trait. If your seal is ever lost or destroyed, you can gain a replacement by spending 1 week of downtime in introspection to reconnect with your constellation. You, and only you, can transform into your sentinel form by Activating the seal.
Activate—@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.M4ALaFXoQDJGxSsI]{Starlit Transformation} 1 (arcane)
Frequency once per hour
Effect Light swirls around you, transforming your armor, clothing, and a single weapon in your possession into a specific alternate outfit. While your equipment might look dramatically different, it functions as normal. If someone attempts to discern your identity, they must use a @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.BlAOM2X92SI6HMtJ]{Seek} action to attempt a Perception check against your Deception DC, as if you were using the @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.AJstokjdG6iDjVjE]{Impersonate} action. Your Deception DC against such attempts is 20 + your proficiency modifier instead of the normal DC. Unlike with Impersonate, you don't have to attempt a Deception check to interact with someone to conceal your identity—a check happens only if someone else specifically tries to uncover it. You remain in your sentinel form for 10 minutes or until you use Starlit Transformation again to change back to your normal form.
While you're in sentinel form, your transformed weapon shines with starlight and gains a +1 status bonus to damage rolls with the weapon. You can fling bolts of starlight from your weapon with a Strike action, using your melee attack modifier with the weapon. These bolts deal 1d4 force damage, have a range of 60 feet, are affected by your weapon runes, and have the arcane and force traits.
You can channel the power of your constellation into a unique technique. You gain either the @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.1H3T9UwxW44Y0YaS]{Luminous Stardust Healing} or @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.yuhhRjqBzFgkKYrq]{Shining Starlight Attack} focus spell, which you can cast only in sentinel form. When you gain this feat, decide a name for your technique, which becomes the spell's incantation.
If you don't already have one, you gain a focus pool of 1 Focus Point, which you can Refocus by spending 10 minutes outside of your sentinel form to reflect on the values of your constellation. Starlit sentinel focus spells are arcane spells. You become trained in spell attack modifier and spell DC, and your spellcasting ability for these spells is Charisma.
Special You can take this feat a second time, gaining the focus spell that you didn't gain the first time.
Requirements You're in your sentinel form.
You announce your name to your enemies, bringing your constellation to bear in a blinding display. Attempt to @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.2u915NdUyQan6uKF]{Demoralize} all enemies within 30 feet. Demoralize loses the auditory trait and gains the visual trait when used this way. In addition to the regular effects of Demoralize, enemies become @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.TkIyaNPgTZFBCCuh]{Dazzled} for 1 minute on a successful check (and also @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.XgEqL1kFApUbl5Z2]{Blinded} for 1 round on a critical success).
You can use Majestic Proclamation as a single action if your previous action was @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.M4ALaFXoQDJGxSsI]{Starlit Transformation}.
The bonds of the heart are stronger than any steel, more powerful than any magic. You plunge your transformed weapon into the heart of a willing adjacent ally, where it phases harmlessly into their body. As you pull the weapon out, your ally's heart inscribes one of the following weapon property runes on your weapon: @UUID[]{Corrosive}, @UUID[]{Flaming}, @UUID[]{Frost}, @UUID[]{Shock}, @UUID[]{Thundering}, or @UUID[]{Vitalizing}. The first time you use Blade of the Heart with a given ally, the GM should decide which rune best represents your shared relationship (such as elegant frost for a respected mentor or brash thundering for a boisterous sparring partner); thereafter, each time you use Blade of the Heart with that ally, you draw the same rune. This rune lasts for as long as you remain in sentinel form and counts toward your maximum limit of runes as normal.
At 16th level, you draw the greater version of the rune instead.
You call out a desperate wish to the stars to save a friend. You gain @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.Hnc7eGi7vyZenAIm]{Breath of Life} as an innate arcane spell, which you can cast once per day only while in sentinel form. Interceding in such a direct way temporarily exhausts your constellation's magic, causing you to revert from your sentinel form once the spell is cast.
Just as your constellation traverses the sky, so too can you. When in your sentinel form, you gain a fly Speed equal to your land Speed or 20 feet, whichever is higher.
" }, "Sterling Dynamo": { "name": "Dinamo esterlina", @@ -900,6 +900,46 @@ "Temporary Items": { "name": "Temporary Items", "text": "Several archetypes allow you to prepare temporary items. Much like the infused items created by alchemists, these temporary items last only a short time before becoming useless. Examples include temporary scrolls created by the scroll trickster and temporary weapons, armor, or adventuring gear created by the @UUID[.rlKxNuq1obXe3m5J]{Scrounger}.
Temporary items are clearly not up to the same quality as other items, so they typically can't be sold. If an ability doesn't list how long a temporary item lasts, the item lasts until the next time you make your daily preparations. Any effect created by a temporary item also ends at that time if it hasn't already (unless it's a permanent effect).
" + }, + "Stonebound": { + "name": "Stonebound", + "text": "A stonebound is a devoted sentinel who draws on the power of the earth and stone to protect their people.
While stonebound are most commonly found in dwarven enclaves, the practice of binding oneself to the nature of stone is found in the mountains of Garund, Vudra, Arcadia, and in various Darklands communities. A person who binds themselves to stone becomes more resilient to damage, capable of surviving for longer than their unbound counterparts, and often gains a deeper understanding of stone beyond mere knowledge.
Historians theorize that this technique originated in Orv and spread from there. The practice of binding to stone is most common where elemental power, especially the essence of earth, is the strongest. This practice has begun to spread to Belkzen, throughout the Darklands, and across the deserts of northern Garund. Most recently, the Martial Mineral Masters in Quain have adopted the technique for their new dojo and flour mill. The most famous stonebound public figure is Sorrina Westyr, Spellmaster for the Pathfinder Society, who spent a decade in the Elemental Plane of Earth.
You bind yourself to the very essence of stone. You become trained in Plane of Earth Lore and learn the Terran language. If you are already trained in Plane of Earth Lore, you become trained in a skill of your choice. If you already speak Terran, you learn a common language of your choice. Increase your maximum Hit Points by your level.
Special You cannot select another dedication feat until you have gained two other feats from the stonebound archetype.
Prerequisites Stonebound Dedication
Your body becomes infused with elemental earth. You gain the @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.ihN8gkHSdPG9Trte]{Adopted Ancestry} feat and gain a 1st level oread ancestry feat as a bonus feat, ignoring the limitations of the lineage trait. When you gain new ancestry feats, you can select oread feats in addition to feats allowed by your ancestry and heritage.
Prerequisites Stonebound Dedication
You learn to call a powerful guardian of earth and stone to your side. You can cast @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.lpT6LotUaQPfinjj]{Summon Elemental} as an innate primal spell once per day, and can only summon elementals with the earth trait. This spell is automatically heightened to half your level rounded up.
Prerequisites Stonebound Dedication
Your blood becomes thick and sluggish, but no less effective at oxygenating your cells. You can selectively stop your bleeding with ease. Reduce the DC of flat checks to stop persistent bleed damage from 15 to 10, and you can use a single action that has the concentrate trait to gain an early flat check without physically binding the wounds. You recover from the drained condition twice as quickly as normal.
Prerequisites Stonebound Dedication
You've learned to manifest your connection to stone by conjuring it to your side. You gain @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.zA0jNIBRgLsyTpbm]{Scatter Scree} as a primal innate cantrip. At 8th level, you gain @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.vh1RpbWfqdNC4L3P]{One with Stone} as a primal innate spell once per day. At 10th level, you gain @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.McnPlLFvKtQVXNcG]{Shape Stone} as a primal innate spell once per day. At 12th level, you gain @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.kOa055FIrO9Smnya]{Wall of Stone} as a primal innate spell once per day.
Prerequisites Stonebound Dedication
Your body and equipment appear to be made of stone as you hold perfectly still. Until the next time you act, you appear to be a statue and do not need to eat, drink, or breathe, but you are @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.AJh5ex99aV6VTggg]{Off-Guard}. Your Deception DC to pass as a statue is equal to 10 + your proficiency bonus (do not apply any other bonuses, penalties, or modifiers).
Prerequisites Stonebound Dedication
Your flesh takes on the hardness of stone. You gain resistance to physical damage (except adamantine) equal to your number of class feats from the Stonebound archetype.
Prerequisites Stonebound Dedication
Your body becomes living stone. You don't need to eat or drink and need only 6 hours of rest to feel well rested. You must still rest at least 8 hours and spend 1 hour of preparation to regain resources usable only a limited number of times per day, such as spell slots. You gain a +2 circumstance bonus to saving throws against diseases, poisons, and effects that would cause the @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.6uEgoh53GbXuHpTF]{Paralyzed} or @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.dfCMdR4wnpbYNTix]{Stunned} conditions. When you roll a successful saving throw against a disease or poison, you get a critical success instead.
" + }, + "Stone Brawler": { + "name": "Stone Brawler", + "text": "Stone brawlers learn to encase themselves in temporary, magical rock that empowers their unarmed strikes and defends their bodies. Their relationship to stone is often transactional, and they call on the resilient material for utilitarian purposes. Most stone brawlers view rock as a tool to be utilized in the heat of battle, much as a fencer values their sword or a wizard their magic.
The practice of conjuring stone is most common where resources are scarce, such as Belkzen, the Lands of the Linnorm Kings, or within the Darklands, where the value and resilience of stone is well known.
Prerequisites Constitution +2
You've learned to call the primal power of elemental stone to your aid. You gain the @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.k5S2a2a6o2GS5l01]{Stonestrike Stance} action.
Special You cannot select another dedication feat until you have gained two other feats from the stone brawler archetype.
Prerequisites Stone Brawler Dedication
Your skin takes on the hardness of stone. You gain resistance to physical damage (except adamantine) equal to your number of class feats from the Stone Brawler archetype.
Special You cannot select another dedication feat until you have gained two other feats from the stone brawler archetype.
Prerequisites Stone Brawler Dedication
Requirements You are in Stonestrike Stance.
You gather the resiliency of stone to block attacks against you. You gain a +2 circumstance bonus to AC and to any defenses against being Shoved or Tripped until the beginning of your next turn.
Prerequisites Stone Brawler Dedication
When you enter the Stonestrike Stance, your fists appear to be covered with veins of unrefined ore. Your stonestrike attacks count as cold iron and silver when determining weaknesses and bypassing resistances.
Prerequisites Stone Brawler Dedication
Your stonestrike attacks deal 1d6 additional damage against constructs, creatures with the earth trait, and earthen objects, such as a stone door.
Prerequisites Stone Brawler Dedication
You imbue your unarmed strikes with one of the strongest metals. Your stonestrike attacks are treated as adamantine.
" + }, + "Shieldmarshal": { + "name": "Shieldmarshal", + "text": "Rarity Uncommon
Gunplay isn't enough to uphold Alkenstar's laws; when firearms are readily available to criminals and the corrupt, relying solely on firepower isn't always the best approach to law enforcement. To stay ahead in their never-ending war against crime and espionage, Alkenstar's elite shieldmarshals instead refine their skills of marksmanship and situational awareness into a potent blend of operational acumen and special tactics. Shieldmarshals study forensics, engineering, law, and etiquette to navigate the city's volatile conditions and politics; advanced lessons include specialized training to deal with criminals using technology as well as tactical analysis for maneuvering in congested urban environments.
You've undergone specialized training to help you keep the peace in Alkenstar's sprawling streets. Urban operations are dreadfully complex endeavors; closed doors and high walls conceal suspects and belligerents, while every alley and corridor could be a fatal funnel. As a shieldmarshal, you overcome these complexities by reducing and adapting to uncertain elements. You methodically observe your surroundings, make swift decisions, and actualize best practices to pacify hostiles, rescue hostages, and otherwise meet overall mission objectives.
Your elite shieldmarshal training makes you equally at home in the squalor of Smokeside and the splendor of Skyside. You're intimately familiar with the city's labyrinthine streets and statutes. You become trained in Society; if you were already trained, you become an expert in Society instead. In urban environments, you can attempt Society checks to Sense Direction. You also gain the Courtly Graces and Streetwise skill feats.
Prerequisites Shieldmarshal Dedication
Frequency once per hour
You volunteered for a controversial experimental procedure to install clockwork prosthetic eyes. These eyes relay what you see to shieldmarshal headquarters, which consolidates and analyzes environmental data—Bronzetime/Surgetime probabilities, pressure, temperature, wind, and so on—and feeds them back to you. The Ironmaster periodically reviews the information archives in their ongoing efforts to root out police corruption. When you use your Consolidated Overlay Panopticon, you supercharge the prosthetic eyes; for the next minute, you gain darkvision and low-light vision, and you gain a +1 status bonus to visual Perception checks. Even when the prosthetic eyes aren't supercharged, you retain your normal vision
Prerequisites Shieldmarshal Dedication
Frequency once per 10 minutes
Trigger You take damage from a critical hit.
Gritting your teeth through the pain, you position yourself to counterattack. You gain resistance to the damage from the critical hit equal to half your level. As long as you're still conscious after the attack, you can Interact to reload a weapon you currently wield or Stand. You gain a +1 circumstance bonus on the next Strike you make against the creature who critically hit you, provided you make it before the end of your next turn.
Prerequisites Shieldmarshal Dedication
Frequency once per round
You understand the need for law enforcement doctrine to adapt to the ever-changing innovations in technology and arcana. Your training in special weapons and tactics give you access to unusual techniques to respond to clockwork- and magic-related crimes. You apply special additives to a loaded firearm. On your next Strike with that firearm before the end of your turn, you deal an additional @Damage[2d6[untyped]] damage if the target is a construct, and you can treat the ammunition as your choice of cold iron or adamantine. At 18th level, this additional damage increases to 3d6, and you can choose to instead treat the ammunition as orichalcum.
" + }, + "Clawdancer": { + "name": "Clawdancer", + "text": "Nature provides many creatures weapons for hunting and defense, but few are as common and simple as the claw. Whether for climbing, catching, or rending, claws are an indispensable tool for any limbed denizen of the wild. Humanoid species with these weapons often take pride in such a gift, developing clawed combat into an art.
Catfolk of southern Tian Xia are particularly adept at fighting with their claws. They call their style the Knives of Valash and prioritize rapid strikes mixed with sharp grapples to pin a foe in place. The style's practitioners, sometimes called Knives themselves, patrol the wilds honing their skills against the many dangers there. Once an acolyte rises sufficiently in rank, they're sent out across Golarion to explore and \"sharpen their claws.\" Those who perfect their art over the years often return to Tian Xia to teach the next generation of the style.
Prerequisites permanent unarmed claw or talon attack (such as one granted by your ancestry or a graft)
You've practiced the art of fighting with your natural claws, hooking them into prey and thrashing at targets surrounding you. You gain the following two actions, which let you assume specific stances to strike more effectively with your claws.
Claw Stance
(stance)Effect You extend the claws in your hands and focus your attention to take down single targets. The only Strikes you can make are frenzied claw unarmed attacks. These deal 1d6 slashing damage, are in the brawling group, and have the agile, finesse, grapple, unarmed, and versatile piercing traits.
Talon Stance
(stance)Effect You sway in a loose stance that lets you sweep in wide arcs with the claws on your feet. The only Strikes you can make are spinning talon unarmed attacks. These deal @Damage 1d8 slashing damage, are in the brawling group, and have the finesse, sweep, and unarmed traits. You don't need a free hand to use spinning talon strikes.
Prerequisites Clawdancer Dedication
Trigger A creature attempts to Escape while you have them grappled or restrained.
You hook into the target, pulling yourself forward and rending flesh. Shift into claw stance if you aren't in it already, then make a frenzied claw Strike against the triggering creature.
Prerequisites Clawdancer Dedication
Requirements You are in claw stance and have two open hands.
With a burst of speed, you leap into the air, slashing with your hands. You Leap, and if you end your movement adjacent to an enemy, you make two frenzied claw unarmed strikes against it. Apply your multiple attack penalty to these Strikes normally. If both Strikes miss, you fall Prone at the end of your Leap.
Prerequisites Clawdancer Dedication
Trigger A creature attempts to Strike you while it's flanking you.
Your long clawed legs let you catch enemies to either side. You shift to talon stance if you weren't in it already. If the Strike misses, you can make a spinning talon Strike against any creature flanking you.
Prerequisites Clawdancer Dedication
Requirements Your last action was a successful frenzied claw or spinning talon Strike.
You twist your claw, breaking off a piece in your target. The shard deals 1d6 persistent bleed damage. This increases to 2d6 if your unarmed attacks deal three weapon damage dice, such as under a greater striking rune, and 3d6 if they deal four weapon damage dice.
Prerequisites Clawdancer Dedication, trained in Acrobatics
You cartwheel on your claws, dancing over your foes. You shift into claw stance and Tumble Through. If you moved through an enemy’s space, you can Grapple it.
Prerequisites Clawdancer Dedication
Requirements You are in claw stance and have Grabbed a creature.
You hold your prey's defensive limbs in place with your claws while delivering a swift kick to their unprotected sides. Shift to talon stance and make two spinning talon Strikes against the grabbed creature. Apply your multiple attack penalty to these Strikes normally. You then release the grabbed creature.
Prerequisites Clawdancer Dedication
Requirements You're prone.
You flare your legs around, using the momentum to both lash out and return to a standing position. You enter talon stance if you weren't in it already, make a spinning talon Strike against an enemy in reach, and then Stand. You don't take the -2 circumstance penalty for attacking while prone, and your Stand action doesn't trigger reactions. You can spend two actions using Spinning Stand to make two spinning talon Strikes instead of one; these Strikes must be against separate targets.
Prerequisites Clawdancer Dedication
Requirements You are in claw stance and have two open hands.
You rake into your opponent with two claws, cutting into their muscle and depriving them of needed strength. Make two frenzied claw attacks against the same target, increasing the multiple attack penalty normally. If both attacks hit, the target must succeed at a Fortitude save against your class DC or be enfeebled 2 for 1 round; if it critically fails, it's instead enfeebled 2 for 1 minute.
Prerequisites Clawdancer Dedication
Access catfolk ancestry
Frequency once per hour
Trigger You attempt a basic Reflex save.
You fluidly move between stances in the process of dodging. Roll the save twice and take the higher result. If you were in claw stance, you shift to talon stance, and vice versa.
Prerequisites Clawdancer Dedication
Trigger A creature within your reach uses a move action or leaves a square during a move action it's using.
Learning from nature's predators has taught you how to keep your prey close. Make a claw or talon unarmed Strike on the triggering creature. If it's a critical hit and the trigger is a move action, disrupt that action. If it hits and the creature left a square adjacent to you, you can Step into that square.
Prerequisites Clawdancer Dedication
Requirements Your previous action was a successful spinning talon Strike against an adjacent foe.
You use the power of your leg lashing out to spring off your foe and leap toward another, your talon descending in a crescent. You Leap, which doesn't trigger reactions from the enemy you struck. If you land within melee reach of an enemy, you can choose to make a spinning talon Strike against them.
Prerequisites Clawdancer Dedication
Requirements You're in either claw stance or talon stance.
You fluidly shift between your two stances. You use the unarmed attack associated with your current clawdancer stance, then switch into the other stance (if you're in claw stance, make a frenzied claw Strike and then shift to talon stance, or vice versa).
Prerequisites Clawdancer Dedication
Your body is a varied and deadly weapon. When you critically hit a target with your claw or talon, you can apply a critical specialization effect based on the stance you're in. For claw stance, apply the knife weapon group's effect. For talon stance, apply the axe group's effect. These effects are in addition to the claw's or talon's normal critical specialization effect if you apply it.
Prerequisites Clawdancer Dedication
Requirements You're in either claw stance or talon stance.
You lash out with your clawed limbs like a beast that has fallen upon its first meal in days, then back off to see your handiwork. Strike three times, with your multiple attack penalty increasing as normal. After each attack that hits and deals damage, you can Step.
" + }, + "Ostilli Host": { + "name": "Ostilli Host", + "text": "Rarity Uncommon
Ostillis are amorphous organisms that combine characteristics of both plants and animals. Typically found in subterranean environments, they can share a symbiotic arrangement with surkis. When a magic-gathering node on a surki's body is damaged or absent, an ostilli is placed on it like a bandage, and after several weeks, the creature fully fuses with its host and becomes a makeshift node, accumulating the magical nourishment that the surki needs to survive. With training, surkis—and increasingly, members of other species—can direct these tiny symbiotes to a variety of magical feats.
Prerequisites trained in Arcana or Nature
Access surki ancestry
You've bonded with an attached symbiote known as an ostilli. You can bond with only one ostilli at a time since the symbiote emits low-frequency magical pulses that repel other ostillis. You become trained in Ostilli Lore; if you were already trained, you become an expert.
The ostilli is a Tiny creature grafted to your body. Like other grafts, it has no Hit Points or Speeds of its own and can't be targeted separately. It can't be removed and dies when you do; in the event of your demise and resurrection, you can bond to a new ostilli during a week of downtime, though you lose any abilities granted by your ostilli bond during that time. Your ostilli is obvious, unless you attempt to cover it with clothing or armor. In such a case, an onlooker can determine you're bonded to an ostilli with a successful Nature, Perception, or Surki Lore check against your Deception DC. Your ostilli must be visible for you to use any of the actions it grants.
Your ostilli is constantly siphoning ambient magic from the surroundings, granting you the @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.SN3sVsU7rD2eBfkf]{Repel Ambient Magic} and @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.dwA0wfUaRf4aT0eB]{Spit Ambient Magic} actions.
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" + }, + "Swarmkeeper": { + "name": "Swarmkeeper", + "text": "Rarity Uncommon
Many civilizations throughout history have benefited from a symbiotic relationship with insects. A community might raise insects for certain byproducts, such as a bee's honey or a spider's silk, or tame larger versions of common species as mounts. Some even take this harmony to the extreme and willingly host a swarm of insects inside their bodies. Because of their unusual arrangement, swarmkeepers tend to live solitary lives, or at least as solitary as you can be as a host of thousands. When dealing with those who might be squeamish of their abilities, some swarmkeepers wear straw skeps, backpack-like boxes often employed by beekeepers as a kind of social camouflage. Such items might even be used to house additional insects if their swarm grows too big to fit inside their body.
Swarmkeepers can add new capabilities to their swarms. For some, this means incorporating many different species of insects into their swarm, making even mortal enemies in nature work together. Others selectively cultivate one kind of insect precious to them into various morphs that give the swarm new capabilities.
Prerequisites trained in Nature
Your body has become a symbiotic hive for a swarm of crawling insects. You can emit your swarm using the @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.E48YTUyreo1kc9GM]{Swarm Forth} action, and you can use the @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.k6ML9SPMxaGJyjqO]{Bite and Sting} action while your swarm is outside your body to command it to attack. Your deep connection to your swarm precludes you from also having an animal companion, though if an ability allows you to have more than one animal companion (such as the beastmaster archetype), you can count your swarm as one. You're immune to any damage from your swarm, and during your daily preparations you can anoint up to five willing creatures with a concoction made from your pheromones to grant them immunity as well.
While outside your body, your swarm is Large and has a Speed of 15 feet and a climb Speed of 15 feet. It can occupy the same space as other creatures. While outside your body, the swarm can be attacked. It uses your statistics for defenses but is immune to grappled, @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.j91X7x0XSomq8d60]{Prone}, @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.VcDeM8A5oI6VqhbM]{Restrained}, and mental effects that target only a specific number of creatures. The swarm has resistance equal to your level to physical damage and weakness equal to your level to area and splash damage. Any damage that would be dealt to the swarm is dealt to you instead, though you take damage only once from any ability that includes both you and the swarm in the area of effect (though you take the greater amount of damage).
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" + }, + "Thlipit Contestant": { + "name": "Thlipit Contestant", + "text": "According to folklore, the thlipit martial art began with a wager. A group of bored tripkees looking for a little sport devised a game of using their tongues to gather fruit out of nearby trees. As the competition wore on and the bets escalated, the contestants began snatching falling fruit in midair and even using their tongues to push away the competition. While the names of the original competitors vary between tellings, all agree that the contest ended with a particularly magnificent tongue flick, landing an overripe mango squarely upon a losing bettor's head.
No matter the origin, variants of the game and the martial art it spawned have become mainstays in tripkee society. In contrast to other fighting styles, thlipit doesn't stand on ceremony or rigid discipline. Practitioners refer to themselves as contestants and play off the forms and moves as mere exercises or games. Despite this veneer of frivolity, thlipit can be just as dangerous in the mouth of an adept as any other weapon.
Thlipit combines fluid movements reminiscent of whip fighting with the leverage of a wrestler's stance. It favors quick smacks, brief grabs, and short throws. Friend, foe, and the contestant themselves always remain in motion. Moves are often exaggerated to play up stylish elements for spectators or lure brash opponents into attacking early.
No formal schools exist to teach thlipit. Many tripkees are familiar with the style from childhood games, even if they haven't developed the physicality to be considered a true contestant. Self-directed instruction remains common, though aspiring contestants will seek out veterans and ask to be taken on as apprentices. Even though this sort of self-directed instruction happens frequently, a veteran contestant will still occasionally take on a student or two to pass along particular forms or styles.
Though thlipit originated with tripkees, tripkee migration to Vidrian and other population centers has exposed other peoples to the sport. Most notably, thlipit has become popular with the recent generation of iruxi youth, who have adapted it for use with a tail rather than a tongue. Though not every move is possible with a tail, they have added their own innovations to the style.
Additional Feats 4th @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.rTkr1EqpAN6YtnAh]{Lunge}; 6th @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.39CqlOzlHjEhh0E4]{Slam Down}; 12th @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.yTh9QwAf0hadP91j]{Crashing Slam}
Prerequisites You have a long prehensile tongue or a tail. At the GM's discretion, similar flexible appendages, such as tentacles, can be used to qualify instead.
Grueling practice has strengthened your tongue or tail to the point where it's become a formidable weapon. You gain a lash melee unarmed attack that is in the flail weapon group, deals @Damage[1d4[bludgeoning]] damage, and has the grapple and reach traits. The attack can be performed with any appendages you used to qualify for this feat.
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" + }, + "Werecreature": { + "name": "Werecreature", + "text": "Rarity Rare
You're a werecreature, a humanoid doomed by an ancient primal curse to transform into an animal or an animalhumanoid hybrid under the light of the full moon. You might be a \"true werecreature,\" born to werecreature parents; you might have found yourself afflicted with the primal curse after surviving the bite of another werecreature; or you might have been transformed into a werecreature by powerful magic, perhaps even willingly.
Although humanoids with the ability to transform into animals aren't universally feared, they're looked on with terror in many places because of a confusion with werecreatures or other threats. With the curse both spreading infectiously and robbing the afflicted control of their actions, those suspected of being werecreatures can rarely live in peace.
While many werecreatures have little control over their own transformations, formal training or an exceptionally strong will has enabled you to exert a degree of mastery over the beast that rages within you, allowing you not only to assume your bestial shape at will but also retain your own mind while doing so. In many cases, this results in being able to prevent spreading the curse as well. This mastery is more common in societies that embrace or accept werecreatures, such as Ulfen countries in northern Avistan and communities of beastkin, wherever they can be found.
Requirements You were born into a lineage of true werecreatures or were afflicted with the curse of the werecreature.
You're a werecreature, able to shift between your humanoid shape, an animal shape, and a monstrous hybrid of the two. You gain the beast and werecreature traits. Choose your werecreature type from the table below.
Once chosen, this can't be changed. You gain the @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.AmP0qu7c5dlBSath]{Toughness} feat but also a weakness to silver equal to half your level. You gain the @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.34E7k2YRcsOU5uyl]{Change Shape} action. On the night of the full moon, you automatically use Change Shape to assume your hybrid shape, and you can't voluntarily activate or dismiss Change Shape until sunrise.
Special If you're a beastkin, you can use unarmed attacks from your hybrid shape while you're in your werecreature hybrid shape. These forms are otherwise separate.
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" + }, + "Wild Mimic": { + "name": "Wild Mimic", + "text": "Wild beasts of all kinds can be found outside of the cities and villages of Golarion, and many possess remarkable abilities that help them survive, even thrive. From the capacity to fight through deadly wounds to the production of painful electric jolts, the multitude of the world's beasts presents a staggering array of diversity in form. Through rigorous training of your body, the meticulous study of treatises on wildlife, or by spending a large portion of your life among them, you have learned to adopt the martial techniques of many beasts. Some of these are a matter of simple mimicry, while others are impressive displays of primal magic.
The style of wild mimicry is believed to have been created long ago in the Realm of the Mammoth Lords. Hunters took on the aspects of local prehistoric beasts to better stalk and kill them for survival. In this constant struggle against nature, quick adaptation is key. In more recent decades, whether through convergent development or by adherents showcasing their techniques as they travel, wild mimicry has been found all across Golarion, from the Valashmai Jungle in Tian Xia to the coasts of Droon in southern Garund to anywhere large numbers of beasts can be encountered.
Additional Feats 4th @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.cg816q76S5otM7yD]{Animal Empathy}, @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.bf7NCeKqDClaqhTR]{Crane Stance}, @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.DqD7htz8Sd1dh3BT]{Gorilla Stance}, @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.VCjAlOvjNvFJOsG5]{Tiger Stance}, @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.AN9jY1JVcU20Qdw6]{Wolf Stance}; 8th @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.S14S52HjszTgIy4l]{Crane Flutter}, @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.nRjyyDulHnP5OewA]{Gorilla Pound}, @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.6J2ZSGNsXPKPcJGV]{Tiger Slash}, @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.uJpghjJtNbqKUxRd]{Wolf Drag}
Prerequisites trained in Nature
Fighting in the wilds has honed your understanding of the unique abilities many creatures have. You're trained in Wild Mimic Lore, a special Lore skill that can be used only to Recall Knowledge about creatures to learn their abilities. If you have legendary proficiency in Nature, you gain expert proficiency in Wild Mimic Lore, but you can't increase your proficiency in Wild Mimic Lore by any other means. When you succeed at a Wild Mimic Lore to Recall Knowledge, you gain a +1 circumstance bonus to your saving throws against the next attack or ability that the subject of your Recall Knowledge targets you with.
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" + }, + "Winged Warrior": { + "name": "Winged Warrior", + "text": "Nature provided wings to certain creatures to help them soar above predators or reach food hanging from tall trees or the side of a cliff. When those graced with wings no longer have to depend on flight for survival, their appendages can be turned to a different use: combat. In addition to granting strategic elevation over foes, wings provide a variety of combat advantages.
Winged warriors are found independently among several ancestries. While awakened animals seem able to use these techniques as if by instinct, tengu of the Inner Sea region are the most commonly seen practitioners of this fighting style. Naval and pirate crews in the Shackles particularly value a tengu's skill at boarding actions. Warriors able to take flight, even temporarily, can often name their price when joining a crew on the Fever Sea. Despite the ranged armaments available on most ships, many sailors are hard-pressed to defend against skilled aerial assailants.
Even those who develop wings later in life, like certain surkis and those with grafted wings, can learn the fighting style of a winged warrior. Although it's a long path, many of the techniques involved are reinvented, rediscovered, and even updated by individual warriors.
Prerequisites you have permanent wings (such as from an ancestry or graft)
Through rigorous training, you have strengthened your wings, granting you enough thrust to gain additional altitude. When you make a horizontal @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.d5I6018Mci2SWokk]{Leap}, increase the distance by 10 feet up to a maximum of your Speed. Any fly Speed granted by ancestry feats and other permanent wings increases by 5 feet.
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" } } }, @@ -1624,7 +1664,7 @@ }, "Healing Prayer": { "name": "Healing Prayer", - "text": "Play during your turn.
\nSelect yourself or an ally within reach. The target regains [[/r (1d8+8)[healing]]]{1d8+8 Hit Points}. If you are 7th level or higher, the target regains [[/r (2d8+16)[healing]]]{2d8+16 Hit Points}. If you are 12th level or higher, the target regains [[/r (3d8+24)[healing]]]{3d8+24 Hit Points}.
" + "text": "Play during your turn.
Select yourself or an ally within reach. The target regains @Damage[(1d8+8)[healing]] Hit Points. If you are 7th level or higher, the target regains @Damage[ (2d8+16)[healing]] Hit Points. If you are 12th level or higher, the target regains @Damage[(3d8+24)[healing]] Hit Points.
" }, "Make Way!": { "name": "Make Way!", @@ -1765,7 +1805,7 @@ }, "Rules and Languages": { "name": "Reglas e idiomas", - "text": "In this release, the system implemented the following system wide rules changes:
Removal of Alignment Alignment has been removed from the system. Alignment that had been set before on actors is still in actor data in the form of inert traits. These traits are not displayed on the sheet until a module adds the traits back. The PF2e Legacy Data module does this, and smaller modules can easily do this. You can also do this without a module by simnply registering the four alignment traits in the system homebrew settings menu as actor traits.
Evil fiends and good celestials have had the unholy or holy trait added to them. NPC strikes that dealt evil or good damage have been converted to deal spirit damage with the unholy or holy trait.
Removal of Spell Schools Seven of the eight spell schools have been removed: Abjuration, conjuration, divination, enchantment, evocation, necromancy, and transmutation have been removed from spells, feats, equipment, and the like. Illusion is still a trait used in the remaster rules and has been kept.
Removal of Spell Components Spell components (verbal, somatic, material) have been removed from all spells. If a spell had a verbal component it gained the concentrate trait. If the spell had a somatic component it gained the manipulate trait. As a general rule, all spells now require speaking. This general rule is modified by the new 'subtle' trait.
Several languages have been renamed.
In this release, the system implemented the following system wide rules changes:
Removal of Alignment Alignment has been removed from the system. Alignment that had been set before on actors is still in actor data in the form of inert traits. These traits are not displayed on the sheet until a module adds the traits back. The PF2e Legacy Data module does this, and smaller modules can easily do this. You can also do this without a module by simply registering the four alignment traits in the system homebrew settings menu as actor traits.
Evil fiends and good celestials have had the unholy or holy trait added to them. NPC strikes that dealt evil or good damage have been converted to deal spirit damage with the unholy or holy trait.
Removal of Spell Schools Seven of the eight spell schools have been removed: Abjuration, conjuration, divination, enchantment, evocation, necromancy, and transmutation have been removed from spells, feats, equipment, and the like. Illusion is still a trait used in the remaster rules and has been kept.
Removal of Spell Components Spell components (verbal, somatic, material) have been removed from all spells. If a spell had a verbal component it gained the concentrate trait. If the spell had a somatic component it gained the manipulate trait. As a general rule, all spells now require speaking. This general rule is modified by the new 'subtle' trait.
Several languages have been renamed.
Access Tian Xia origin
You've studied the routes by which qi flows through the body. The needles stored in your healer's tools can manipulate its flow and improve health when applied to specific meridian points. You spend a day studying an ally to attempt a @Check[medicine] check to improve their qi against a standard DC for your ally's level. The ally is then immune to all uses of Acupuncturist for 1 week.
Critical Success You grant your ally the choice of a +2 circumstance bonus to one downtime activity skill check within the next week, or the ability to roll twice on their next saving throw within the next week against an affliction and take the higher result; this is a fortune effect.
\nSuccess You grant your ally a +1 circumstance bonus to one downtime activity skill check within the next week.
\nCritical Failure Your ally takes a –1 circumstance penalty to all downtime activity skill checks within the next week.
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feat-effects.Item.fHM9xvCBWrBqcDQY]{Effect: Acupuncturist}
", + "description": "Access Tian Xia origin
You've studied the routes by which qi flows through the body. The needles stored in your healer's tools can manipulate its flow and improve health when applied to specific meridian points. You spend a day studying an ally to attempt a @Check[medicine] check to improve their qi against a standard DC for your ally's level. The ally is then immune to all uses of Acupuncturist for 1 week.
Critical Success You grant your ally the choice of a +2 circumstance bonus to one downtime activity skill check within the next week, or the ability to roll twice on their next saving throw within the next week against an affliction and take the higher result; this is a fortune effect.
\nSuccess You grant your ally a +1 circumstance bonus to one downtime activity skill check within the next week.
\nCritical Failure Your ally takes a –1 circumstance penalty to all downtime activity skill checks within the next week.
\n@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feat-effects.Item.fHM9xvCBWrBqcDQY]{Effect: Acupuncturist}
", "prerequisites": [ { "value": "trained in Medicine" @@ -221,7 +218,7 @@ }, "Adamantine Body": { "name": "Adamantine Body", - "description": "Trigger An attack or effect would deal damage to you.
With your strong will and even stronger body, you shrug off an otherwise devastating blow. You gain resistance equal to 2 + half your level against all damage from the triggering attack or effect.
@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feat-effects.Item.ReqVLQUQy7Y91IiB]{Effect: Adamantine Body}
", + "description": "Trigger An attack or effect would deal damage to you.
With your strong will and even stronger body, you shrug off an otherwise devastating blow. You gain resistance equal to 2 + half your level against all damage from the triggering attack or effect.
", "prerequisites": [ { "value": "Martial Artist Dedication" @@ -1061,7 +1058,7 @@ }, "Align Qi": { "name": "Align Qi", - "description": "Frequency once per hour
\nTrigger You Cast a Spell that has the monk trait.
he power of your qi soothes your wounds and energizes you for battle. You @Damage[(@actor.abilities.wis.mod + @actor.level)[healing]]{regain Hit Points} equal to your level plus your Wisdom modifier.
", + "description": "Frequency once per hour
\nTrigger You Cast a Spell that has the monk trait.
The power of your qi soothes your wounds and energizes you for battle. You @Damage[(@actor.abilities.wis.mod + @actor.level)[healing]]{regain Hit Points} equal to your level plus your Wisdom modifier.
", "prerequisites": [ { "value": "Qi Spells" @@ -4213,7 +4210,7 @@ "description": "Your light cleanses souls of fear. When you use @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.ITWUi1r8Z7EtChkB]{Flash of Grandeur}, the attacker is also @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.AJh5ex99aV6VTggg]{Off-Guard} for 1 round.
", "prerequisites": [ { - "value": "grandeur case" + "value": "grandeur cause" } ] }, @@ -4936,7 +4933,7 @@ }, "Celestial Cacophony": { "name": "Celestial Cacophony", - "description": "Access Tian Xia origin
Your weapon contains a detonation chamber that launches fireworks, sparklers, and black powder pellets that sizzle, twist, and scatter on the ground in a cacophonous manner liable to annoy the entire Celestial Court. All creatures in a @Template[type:cone|distance:15] extending from your innovation take @Damage[(ceil(@actor.level/2)-3)d4[fire]] damage and @Damage[(ceil(@actor.level/2)-3)d4[sonic]] damage with a basic Fortitude save against your class DC; both the fire and sonic damage increase by 1d4 at 14th level and every 2 levels thereafter. The area affected by the cone becomes difficult terrain until the start of your next turn. Creatures moving through this area must succeed at a @Check[reflex|against:class] save against your class DC or take @Damage[2d4[persistent,fire]] damage.
\nUnstable Function You rattle your weapon violently to make it belch out even more pyrotechnics. Add the unstable trait to Celestial Cacophony. The area increases to a 30-foot cone, and all damage dice increase from d4s to d8s.
", + "description": "Access Tian Xia origin
Your weapon contains a detonation chamber that launches fireworks, sparklers, and black powder pellets that sizzle, twist, and scatter on the ground in a cacophonous manner liable to annoy the entire Celestial Court. All creatures in a @Template[type:cone|distance:15] extending from your innovation take @Damage[(floor(@actor.level/2)-3)d4[fire],(floor(@actor.level/2)-3)d4[sonic]|options:area-damage] damage with a @Check[fortitude|against:inventor|basic] save against your class DC; both the fire and sonic damage increase by 1d4 at 14th level and every 2 levels thereafter. The area affected by the cone becomes difficult terrain until the start of your next turn. Creatures moving through this area must succeed at a @Check[reflex|against:inventor] save against your class DC or take @Damage[2d4[persistent,fire]] damage.
\nUnstable Function You rattle your weapon violently to make it belch out even more pyrotechnics. Add the unstable trait to Celestial Cacophony. The area increases to a 30-foot cone, and all damage dice increase from d4s to d8s.
", "prerequisites": [ { "value": "weapon innovation" @@ -6878,9 +6875,6 @@ "prerequisites": [ { "value": "Dedicación Dandy o Dedicación Pirata" - }, - { - "value": "entrenado en intimidación" } ] }, @@ -8153,7 +8147,7 @@ }, "Distant Waterbird's Poise": { "name": "Distant Waterbird's Poise", - "description": "Trigger You hit a target with a Spellstrike.
You flow around your foe, using the magic of your attack to carry you away. You @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.d5I6018Mci2SWokk]{Leap}, @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.2HJ4yuEFY1Cast4h]{High Jump}, or @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.JUvAvruz7yRQXfz2]{Long Jump}, and this movement doesn't trigger reactions from the creature you hit. If you High Jump or Long Jump, you don't have to perform the initial Stride (nor do you fall if you don't Stride 10 feet).
\nThe lightness of your steps persists after the jump, granting you the ability to land on or walk on the surface of water or other liquids until the end of your next turn.
", + "description": "Trigger You hit a target with a @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.QDW9H8XLIjuW2fE4]{Spellstrike}.
You flow around your foe, using the magic of your attack to carry you away. You @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.d5I6018Mci2SWokk]{Leap}, @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.2HJ4yuEFY1Cast4h]{High Jump}, or @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.JUvAvruz7yRQXfz2]{Long Jump}, and this movement doesn't trigger reactions from the creature you hit. If you High Jump or Long Jump, you don't have to perform the initial Stride (nor do you fall if you don't Stride 10 feet).
\nThe lightness of your steps persists after the jump, granting you the ability to land on or walk on the surface of water or other liquids until the end of your next turn.
", "prerequisites": [ { "value": "aloof firmament hybrid study" @@ -10038,15 +10032,7 @@ }, "Emotionless": { "name": "Sin emociones", - "description": "El mal funcionamiento de sus procesadores emocionales le dificulta sentir emociones fuertes. Obtienes un bonificador de circunstancia +1 a las tiradas de salvación contra efectos de emoción y miedo. Si obtienes un éxito en una tirada de salvación contra un efecto de emoción o miedo, obtendrás un éxito crítico.
", - "rules": { - "0": { - "label": "Sin emociones (frente a efectos de emoción y miedo)" - }, - "1": { - "text": "Cuando obtienes un éxito en una salvación contra un efecto de emoción o miedo, obtienes un éxito crítico." - } - } + "description": "El mal funcionamiento de sus procesadores emocionales le dificulta sentir emociones fuertes. Obtienes un bonificador de circunstancia +1 a las tiradas de salvación contra efectos de emoción y miedo. Si obtienes un éxito en una tirada de salvación contra un efecto de emoción o miedo, obtendrás un éxito crítico.
" }, "Empathetic Plea": { "name": "Súplica empática", @@ -10220,7 +10206,7 @@ }, "Energy Fortification": { "name": "Energy Fortification", - "description": "Access Minkai or Forest of Spirits origin
You learn Minkaian traditions about the void and know how to manipulate the five elements to fortify vitality and void energies in the body. When you Prepare Elemental Medicine, you can choose to use Occultism instead of the usual skills. If you do, the medicine also grants the recipient resistance 2 and weakness 2 based on the element you chose. A wood, earth, or water elemental medicine grants resistance to void damage and weakness to vitality damage, and a living recipient loses its immunity to vitality damage for the duration. A fire or metal elemental medicine grants resistance to vitality damage and weakness to void damage, and an undead recipient loses its immunity to void damage for the duration.
\nIf you're a master in Occultism, increase the resistance and weakness to 4. If you're legendary, instead increase them to 8.
", + "description": "Access Minkai or Forest of Spirits origin
You learn Minkaian traditions about the void and know how to manipulate the five elements to fortify vitality and void energies in the body. When you @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.NMbOfl885pn0Yzu9]{Prepare Elemental Medicine}, you can choose to use @Check[occultism] instead of the usual skills. If you do, the medicine also grants the recipient resistance 2 and weakness 2 based on the element you chose. A wood, earth, or water elemental medicine grants resistance to void damage and weakness to vitality damage, and a living recipient loses its immunity to vitality damage for the duration. A fire or metal elemental medicine grants resistance to vitality damage and weakness to void damage, and an undead recipient loses its immunity to void damage for the duration.
\nIf you're a master in Occultism, increase the resistance and weakness to 4. If you're legendary, instead increase them to 8.
", "prerequisites": [ { "value": "Prepare Elemental Medicine" @@ -11831,9 +11817,6 @@ "prerequisites": [ { "value": "Dedicación de celebridades o dedicación dandy" - }, - { - "value": "entrenado en el engaño" } ] }, @@ -12370,7 +12353,7 @@ }, "Five-Gods Ram": { "name": "Five-Gods Ram", - "description": "Requirements You're in Rushing Goat Stance.
You attack in an unceasing flurry of charging headbutts. Stride or Climb and then make a ramming horn Strike. If the Strike is successful, you immediately push the target back 10 feet, then Stride or Climb and make a second ramming horn Strike against them. If the second Strike is successful, you immediately knock the target @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.j91X7x0XSomq8d60]{Prone}, but if the second Strike is a failure or if you're unable to complete all the required actions, you become @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.dfCMdR4wnpbYNTix]{Stunned 1}. Both Strikes count toward your multiple attack penalty, but the penalty doesn't increase until you've made both of them.
", + "description": "Requirements You're in @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.BQWGOK0lVmljCunm]{Rushing Goat Stance}.
You attack in an unceasing flurry of charging headbutts. Stride or Climb and then make a ramming horn Strike. If the Strike is successful, you immediately push the target back 10 feet, then Stride or Climb and make a second ramming horn Strike against them. If the second Strike is successful, you immediately knock the target @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.j91X7x0XSomq8d60]{Prone}, but if the second Strike is a failure or if you're unable to complete all the required actions, you become @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.dfCMdR4wnpbYNTix]{Stunned 1}.
\nBoth Strikes count toward your multiple attack penalty, but the penalty doesn't increase until you've made both of them.
", "prerequisites": [ { "value": "Rushing Goat Stance" @@ -12653,7 +12636,7 @@ }, "Fluttering Distraction": { "name": "Fluttering Distraction", - "description": "Trigger An enemy attempts a ranged or melee Strike against an ally within 30 feet.
\nRequirements You're wielding two fans, one in each hand.
You're trained in snapping and fluttering your fans to draw the eyes of observers around you. You manipulate your fans to create a distraction. The enemy must roll its attack twice and take the lower result.
", + "description": "Trigger An enemy attempts a ranged or melee Strike against an ally within 30 feet.
\nRequirements You're wielding two fans, one in each hand.
You're trained in snapping and fluttering your fans to draw the eyes of observers around you. You manipulate your fans to create a distraction. The enemy must roll its attack twice and take the lower result.
\n@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feat-effects.Item.1aMjsd08O2v5TNG2]{Effect: Fluttering Distraction}
", "prerequisites": [ { "value": "Fan Dancer Dedication" @@ -12662,7 +12645,7 @@ }, "Fluttering Misdirection": { "name": "Fluttering Misdirection", - "description": "You've trained in drawing the eyes of your audience to specific aspects of your performance through the careful manipulation of your fans and body. While wielding a fan, you can snap open, flutter, or otherwise manipulate the fan to briefly distract observers around you, giving you and adjacent allies a constant +1 circumstance bonus to Stealth checks to secretly Conceal an Object and to Thievery checks to @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.RDXXE7wMrSPCLv5k]{Steal} or Palm an Object.
", + "description": "You've trained in drawing the eyes of your audience to specific aspects of your performance through the careful manipulation of your fans and body. While wielding a fan, you can snap open, flutter, or otherwise manipulate the fan to briefly distract observers around you, giving you and adjacent allies a constant +1 circumstance bonus to Stealth checks to secretly @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.qVNVSmsgpKFGk9hV]{Conceal an Object} and to Thievery checks to @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.RDXXE7wMrSPCLv5k]{Steal} or @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.ijZ0DDFpMkWqaShd]{Palm an Object}.
", "prerequisites": [ { "value": "Fan Dancer Dedication" @@ -13029,7 +13012,7 @@ }, "Form of the Dragon": { "name": "Form of the Dragon", - "description": "You can briefly transform into a paragon of your draconic ancestry. You can cast @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.5c692cCcTDXjSEzk]{Dragon Form} as an 8th-rank innate spell once per day. This spell has the same tradition as your draconic exemplar. When you cast this innate spell, you must transform into your draconic exemplar. However, if you have the Arcane Dragonblood, Divine Dragonblood, Occult Dragonkin, or Primal Dragonblood lineage feat, you can instead choose any dragon of that tradition.
" + "description": "You can briefly transform into a paragon of your draconic ancestry. You can cast @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.5c692cCcTDXjSEzk]{Dragon Form} as an 8th-rank innate spell once per day. This spell has the same tradition as your draconic exemplar. When you cast this innate spell, you must transform into your draconic exemplar. However, if you have the @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.oqWclVuvEOh7R5og]{Arcane Dragonblood}, @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.axDwTLGN32Qfv0SD]{Divine Dragonblood}, @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.4xP7rC0gmEb66bAY]{Occult Dragonblood}, or @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.XAsPe0mfxfQpgvCR]{Primal Dragonblood} lineage feat, you can instead choose any dragon of that tradition.
" }, "Formation Master": { "name": "Maestro de formación", @@ -13632,7 +13615,7 @@ }, "Geobukseon Retaliation": { "name": "Geobukseon Retaliation", - "description": "Access Tian Xia origin
\nTrigger You would take damage.
Your armor has a retractable spike-covered shell reminiscent of Hwanggot's heavily armored geobukseon, or \"turtle ships.\" The shell unfolds across your body, giving you a +4 circumstance bonus to AC and resistance 2 to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage until the end of your next turn. Spiked chains propelled by small bursts of black powder also erupt from the shell, dealing 3d4 piercing damage plus 2 persistent fire damage (basic Reflex save against your class DC) to all creatures in a @Template[type:emanation|distance:5].
", + "description": "Access Tian Xia origin
\nTrigger You would take damage.
Your armor has a retractable spike-covered shell reminiscent of Hwanggot's heavily armored geobukseon, or \"turtle ships.\" The shell unfolds across your body, giving you a +4 circumstance bonus to AC and resistance 2 to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage until the end of your next turn. Spiked chains propelled by small bursts of black powder also erupt from the shell, dealing @Damage[3d4[piercing],2[persistent,fire]|options:area-damage] damage (@Check[reflex|against:inventor|basic] save against your class DC) to all creatures in a @Template[type:emanation|distance:5].
", "prerequisites": [ { "value": "armor innovation" @@ -14880,7 +14863,7 @@ }, "Guardian Lion Roar": { "name": "Guardian Lion Roar", - "description": "Your innovation is augmented with plates shaped to resemble the gaping maws of guardian lions, which you can energize to expel a stream of sonic energy reminiscent of a lion's powerful roar. All creatures in a @Template[type:line|distance:20] from your innovation take @Damage[(ceil(@actor.level/2)-2)d8[sonic]] damage with a @Check[fortitude|against:class|basic] against your class DC. Creatures that fail this save become @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.AJh5ex99aV6VTggg]{Off-Guard} for 1 round. The damage from this effect increases by 1d8 at 10th level and every 2 levels thereafter.
\nUnstable Function You press concealed switches in the guardian lions' plates, extending their reach and power. Add the unstable trait to Guardian Lion Roar. The range of your roar increases to a @Template[type:line|distance:60]. Creatures that succeed (but not critically succeed) at their save also become off-guard for 1 round. On a critical failure when attempting the flat check for this unstable action, you take sonic damage equal to your level instead of fire damage.
Special If your innovation is a minion, it can take this action rather than you.
", + "description": "Your innovation is augmented with plates shaped to resemble the gaping maws of guardian lions, which you can energize to expel a stream of sonic energy reminiscent of a lion's powerful roar. All creatures in a @Template[type:line|distance:20] from your innovation take @Damage[(floor(@actor.level/2)-2)d8[sonic]|options:area-damage] damage with a @Check[fortitude|against:inventor|basic] against your class DC. Creatures that fail this save become @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.AJh5ex99aV6VTggg]{Off-Guard} for 1 round. The damage from this effect increases by 1d8 at 10th level and every 2 levels thereafter.
\nUnstable Function You press concealed switches in the guardian lions' plates, extending their reach and power. Add the unstable trait to Guardian Lion Roar. The range of your roar increases to a @Template[type:line|distance:60]. Creatures that succeed (but not critically succeed) at their save also become off-guard for 1 round. On a critical failure when attempting the flat check for this unstable action, you take sonic damage equal to your level instead of fire damage.
Special If your innovation is a minion, it can take this action rather than you.
", "prerequisites": [ { "value": "armor, construct, or weapon innovation" @@ -17091,7 +17074,7 @@ }, "Intensified Element Stance": { "name": "Intensified Element Stance", - "description": "Access Tian Xia origin
\nRequirements You were the recipient of elemental medicine (see Prepare Elemental Medicine) during your last daily preparations.
\nYou expend the elemental medicine in your body to empower your attacks, though you can't consume any more elemental medicine until the next day. While in Intensified Element Stance, your strikes and damaging spells deal an additional 1d6 damage against certain creatures, depending on the type of elemental medicine you expended. If the person who crafted the elemental medicine expended was legendary in the skill they used, increase this damage to 2d6.
Access Tian Xia origin
\nRequirements You were the recipient of elemental medicine (see @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.NMbOfl885pn0Yzu9]{Prepare Elemental Medicine}) during your last daily preparations.
You expend the elemental medicine in your body to empower your attacks, though you can't consume any more elemental medicine until the next day. While in Intensified Element Stance, your strikes and damaging spells deal an additional 1d6 damage against certain creatures, depending on the type of elemental medicine you expended. If the person who crafted the elemental medicine expended was legendary in the skill they used, increase this damage to 2d6.
Your qi, dancing ever diligently toward cultivation, eludes the grasp of the world's muck and mire. When you cast your adapt self or athletic rush focus spells, you ignore difficult terrain until the end of your next turn.
", + "description": "Your qi, dancing ever diligently toward cultivation, eludes the grasp of the world's muck and mire. When you cast your @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.GUnw9YXaW3YyaCAU]{Adapt Self} or @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.UGJzJRJDoonfWqqI]{Athletic Rush} focus spells, you ignore difficult terrain until the end of your next turn.
", "prerequisites": [ { "value": "Immortal Lightness" @@ -19396,7 +19379,7 @@ }, "Majestic Proclamation": { "name": "Majestic Proclamation", - "description": "Requirements You're in your sentinel form.
You announce your name to your enemies, bringing your constellation to bear in a blinding display. Attempt to @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.2u915NdUyQan6uKF]{Demoralize} all enemies within 30 feet. Demoralize loses the auditory trait and gains the visual trait when used this way. In addition to the regular effects of Demoralize, enemies become @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.TkIyaNPgTZFBCCuh]{Dazzled} for 1 minute on a successful check (and also @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.XgEqL1kFApUbl5Z2]{Blinded} for 1 round on a critical success).
\nYou can use Majestic Proclamation as a single action if your previous action was Starlit Transformation.
", + "description": "Requirements You're in your sentinel form.
You announce your name to your enemies, bringing your constellation to bear in a blinding display. Attempt to @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.2u915NdUyQan6uKF]{Demoralize} all enemies within 30 feet. Demoralize loses the auditory trait and gains the visual trait when used this way. In addition to the regular effects of Demoralize, enemies become @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.TkIyaNPgTZFBCCuh]{Dazzled} for 1 minute on a successful check (and also @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.XgEqL1kFApUbl5Z2]{Blinded} for 1 round on a critical success).
\nYou can use Majestic Proclamation as a single action if your previous action was @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.M4ALaFXoQDJGxSsI]{Starlit Transformation}.
", "prerequisites": [ { "value": "Starlit Sentinel Dedication" @@ -20145,7 +20128,7 @@ }, "Meditate On This!": { "name": "Meditate On This!", - "description": "Access Tian Xia origin
You meditate to alter your qi, coloring it with your resentment and anger. Until the start of your next turn, whenever you hit a creature with an unarmed Strike, or an adjacent creature deals piercing, slashing, or bleed damage to you, the creature that you hit or that damaged you must attempt a Will save against your class DC. The creature is then temporarily immune for 1 minute.
Critical Success The creature is unaffected.
\nSuccess The creature is @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.TBSHQspnbcqxsmjL]{Frightened 1}.
\nFailure The creature is @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.TBSHQspnbcqxsmjL]{Frightened 2}.
\nCritical Failure The creature is @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.TBSHQspnbcqxsmjL]{Frightened 3} and @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.sDPxOjQ9kx2RZE8D]{Fleeing} until the end of its next turn.
", + "description": "Access Tian Xia origin
You meditate to alter your qi, coloring it with your resentment and anger. Until the start of your next turn, whenever you hit a creature with an unarmed Strike, or an adjacent creature deals piercing, slashing, or bleed damage to you, the creature that you hit or that damaged you must attempt a @Check[will|against:barbarian] save against your class DC. The creature is then temporarily immune for 1 minute.
Critical Success The creature is unaffected.
\nSuccess The creature is @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.TBSHQspnbcqxsmjL]{Frightened 1}.
\nFailure The creature is @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.TBSHQspnbcqxsmjL]{Frightened 2}.
\nCritical Failure The creature is @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.TBSHQspnbcqxsmjL]{Frightened 3} and @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.sDPxOjQ9kx2RZE8D]{Fleeing} until the end of its next turn.
", "prerequisites": [ { "value": "trained in Medicine or Tian Xia Lore" @@ -20259,7 +20242,16 @@ }, "Mentor of Legends": { "name": "Mentor of Legends", - "description": "You're an extraordinary teacher, capable of inspiring your students to amazing feats of athletics and ingenuity. Once per day, you can cast @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.KqvqNAfGIE5a9wSv]{Heroism} as an innate divine spell; in addition to its normal effects, the spell also grants temporary Hit Points equal to half your level. You can't cast this spell on yourself.
" + "description": "You're an extraordinary teacher, capable of inspiring your students to amazing feats of athletics and ingenuity. Once per day, you can cast @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.KqvqNAfGIE5a9wSv]{Heroism} as an innate divine spell; in addition to its normal effects, the spell also grants temporary Hit Points equal to half your level. You can't cast this spell on yourself.
\n@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feat-effects.Item.jw5uOE1sJ9o9bUEb]{Effect: Mentor of Legends}
", + "rules": { + "2": { + "value": { + "1": { + "text": "@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feat-effects.Item.jw5uOE1sJ9o9bUEb]{Effect: Mentor of Legends}" + } + } + } + } }, "Merciful Elixir": { "name": "Elixir Compasivo", @@ -20668,7 +20660,7 @@ }, "Momentous Charge": { "name": "Momentous Charge", - "description": "Requirements You're in Rushing Goat Stance.
You rush into your enemies with great and reckless force. You Climb, Stride, or @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.d5I6018Mci2SWokk]{Leap}, then make a ramming horn Strike. On a success, the target of the Strike is pushed up to 10 feet directly away from you. On a critical success, the target is also @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.dfCMdR4wnpbYNTix]{Stunned 1}.
", + "description": "Requirements You're in @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.BQWGOK0lVmljCunm]{Rushing Goat Stance}.
You rush into your enemies with great and reckless force. You @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.pprgrYQ1QnIDGZiy]{Climb}, Stride, or @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.d5I6018Mci2SWokk]{Leap}, then make a ramming horn Strike. On a success, the target of the Strike is pushed up to 10 feet directly away from you. On a critical success, the target is also @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.dfCMdR4wnpbYNTix]{Stunned 1}.
", "prerequisites": [ { "value": "Rushing Goat Stance" @@ -21782,7 +21774,7 @@ }, "Oil Fire": { "name": "Oil Fire", - "description": "Requirements You have a foe @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.kWc1fhmv9LBiTuei]{Grabbed}.
Your armor includes flame-resistant gauntlets with oil-filled finger joints. These joints can split apart, dousing your opponent in flammable oil and then igniting it. The opponent must attempt a @Check[reflex|against:class] save against your class DC.
Critical Success The grab ends.
\nSuccess The grab ends, and the target takes 1 persistent fire damage.
\nFailure The target takes persistent fire damage equal to half your level.
\nCritical Failure The target takes persistent fire damage equal to your level.
", + "description": "Requirements You have a foe @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.kWc1fhmv9LBiTuei]{Grabbed}.
Your armor includes flame-resistant gauntlets with oil-filled finger joints. These joints can split apart, dousing your opponent in flammable oil and then igniting it. The opponent must attempt a @Check[reflex|against:inventor] save against your class DC.
Critical Success The grab ends.
\nSuccess The grab ends, and the target takes @Damage[1[persistent,fire]] damage.
\nFailure The target takes @Damage[(floor(@actor.level/2))[persistent,fire]] damage equal to half your level.
\nCritical Failure The target takes @Damage[(@actor.level)[persistent,fire]] damage equal to your level.
", "prerequisites": [ { "value": "armor innovation" @@ -21901,7 +21893,7 @@ }, "Oni Form": { "name": "Oni Form", - "description": "Your horns flash briefly as you grow in size and ferocity. Your size increases to Large, and you're @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.i3OJZU2nk64Df3xm]{Clumsy 1}. This doesn't change your Speed, reach, or other statistics except as noted here. Your worn equipment automatically resizes to suit your new form, though it immediately returns to its original size if it leaves your possession.
\nThis form is the same age and body type as your true form and has roughly analogous physical traits, such as hair color. Using Oni Form counts as creating a disguise for the @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.AJstokjdG6iDjVjE]{Impersonate} use of Deception.
\nYou can Sustain your Oni Form for up to 10 minutes, though you must then spend at least 10 minutes in your natural form before using Oni Form again.
\n@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feat-effects.8iLsH0McVDbPGMJ3]{Effect: Oni Form}
" + "description": "Your horns flash briefly as you grow in size and ferocity. Your size increases to Large, and you're @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.i3OJZU2nk64Df3xm]{Clumsy 1}. This doesn't change your Speed, reach, or other statistics except as noted here. Your worn equipment automatically resizes to suit your new form, though it immediately returns to its original size if it leaves your possession.
\nThis form is the same age and body type as your true form and has roughly analogous physical traits, such as hair color. Using Oni Form counts as creating a disguise for the @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.AJstokjdG6iDjVjE]{Impersonate} use of Deception.
\nYou can Sustain your Oni Form for up to 10 minutes, though you must then spend at least 10 minutes in your natural form before using Oni Form again.
" }, "Oni Rampage": { "name": "Oni Rampage", @@ -22629,7 +22621,7 @@ }, "Peony's Flourish": { "name": "Peony's Flourish", - "description": "Requirements You're wielding two fans, one in each hand.
As you spin around and create wide arching circles with your fans, you manifest a mosaic of peonies that confuses your enemies. Stride twice and then attempt a Performance check against the Will DC of each creature you passed adjacent to.
Critical Success The creature is @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.dfCMdR4wnpbYNTix]{Stunned 3} and @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.TkIyaNPgTZFBCCuh]{Dazzled} for as long as they're stunned.
\nSuccess The creature is @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.dfCMdR4wnpbYNTix]{Stunned 1} and dazzled for 1 round.
\nFailure The creature is dazzled for 1 round.
\nCritical Failure The creature is unaffected and temporarily immune to further uses of Peony's Flourish for 24 hours.
", + "description": "Requirements You're wielding two fans, one in each hand.
As you spin around and create wide arching circles with your fans, you manifest a mosaic of peonies that confuses your enemies. Stride twice and then attempt a @Check[performance|defense:will] check against the Will DC of each creature you passed adjacent to.
Critical Success The creature is @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.dfCMdR4wnpbYNTix]{Stunned 3} and @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.TkIyaNPgTZFBCCuh]{Dazzled} for as long as they're stunned.
\nSuccess The creature is @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.dfCMdR4wnpbYNTix]{Stunned 1} and dazzled for 1 round.
\nFailure The creature is dazzled for 1 round.
\nCritical Failure The creature is unaffected and temporarily immune to further uses of Peony's Flourish for 24 hours.
", "prerequisites": [ { "value": "Fan Dancer Dedication" @@ -23008,7 +23000,7 @@ }, "Phoenix's Flight": { "name": "Phoenix's Flight", - "description": "Requirements You're adjacent to or sharing the same space as your familiar.
You and your familiar learn the secrets of elemental fire, allowing you to merge together to become a legendary creature—a phoenix. You can cast monstrosity form as an innate occult spell once per day, except you can transform only into a phoenix, and your familiar must be adjacent to you before you Cast the Spell. When you Cast the Spell, your familiar merges into your form. While transformed, you gain the @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.XotRIv6tKRtuAGAF]{Blazing Conflagration} action.
", + "description": "Requirements You're adjacent to or sharing the same space as your familiar.
You and your familiar learn the secrets of elemental fire, allowing you to merge together to become a legendary creature—a phoenix. You can cast @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.8AMvNVOUEtxBCDvJ]{Monstrosity Form} as an innate occult spell once per day, except you can transform only into a phoenix, and your familiar must be adjacent to you before you Cast the Spell. When you Cast the Spell, your familiar merges into your form. While transformed, you gain the @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.XotRIv6tKRtuAGAF]{Blazing Conflagration} action.
", "prerequisites": [ { "value": "Familiar Sage Dedication" @@ -23757,7 +23749,12 @@ }, "Prepare Elemental Medicine": { "name": "Prepare Elemental Medicine", - "description": "Access Tian Xia origin
You diagnose your patient, then prepare and administer a dose of elemental medicine to a creature. Healer's tools contain basic ingredients for crafting elemental medicine, though you might also need to gather more potent ingredients from your environment. The medicine's effects last 24 hours, and no character can benefit from more than one elemental medicine at a time. Attempt a Crafting, Herbalism Lore, or Medicine check against a standard DC of the recipient's level (in the case of especially wellknown or obscure afflictions, the GM should apply an adjustment to lower or increase the DC, respectively). As the minute qualities of the patient's condition can change on a day-to-day basis, you must attempt a new check to prepare elemental medicine each day you treat a patient, even if the affliction you're treating doesn't change. You can diagnose and treat up to 6 creatures during your daily preparations, making a separate check for each patient.
Critical Success You accurately diagnose your patient. The GM decides the elemental imbalance causing the patient's symptoms (which elements, as well as whether it's in excess or deficiency) and then, using the information from the Pei Zing Elemental Associations table, notifies you what element of medicine is needed to remedy it. With this information, you then accurately identify the elemental property of a given ingredient, and then use it to prepare an excellent elemental medicine that grants the recipient a +2 circumstance bonus to saves against the affliction.
\nSuccess As critical success, but the bonus is +1.
\nFailure You fail to diagnose your patient. The GM doesn't tell you what elemental imbalance is causing the patient's symptoms, and therefore, you can't prepare an elemental medicine.
\nCritical Failure You misdiagnose your patient. The GM decides the elemental imbalance causing the patient's symptoms and then tells you a different, false diagnosis or notifies you that the elemental ingredient you're attempting to treat the symptoms with is actually incorrect. Either way, your mistaken treatment imposes a –1 circumstance penalty to saves against the affliction.
" + "description": "Access Tian Xia origin
You diagnose your patient, then prepare and administer a dose of elemental medicine to a creature. @UUID[]{Healer's tools} contain basic ingredients for crafting elemental medicine, though you might also need to gather more potent ingredients from your environment. The medicine's effects last 24 hours, and no character can benefit from more than one elemental medicine at a time. Attempt a @Check[crafting], @Check[herbalism-lore], or @Check[medicine] check against a standard DC of the recipient's level (in the case of especially wellknown or obscure afflictions, the GM should apply an adjustment to lower or increase the DC, respectively). As the minute qualities of the patient's condition can change on a day-to-day basis, you must attempt a new check to prepare elemental medicine each day you treat a patient, even if the affliction you're treating doesn't change. You can diagnose and treat up to 6 creatures during your daily preparations, making a separate check for each patient.
Critical Success You accurately diagnose your patient. The GM decides the elemental imbalance causing the patient's symptoms (which elements, as well as whether it's in excess or deficiency) and then, using the information from the Pei Zing Elemental Associations table, notifies you what element of medicine is needed to remedy it. With this information, you then accurately identify the elemental property of a given ingredient, and then use it to prepare an excellent elemental medicine that grants the recipient a +2 circumstance bonus to saves against the affliction.
\nSuccess As critical success, but the bonus is +1.
\nFailure You fail to diagnose your patient. The GM doesn't tell you what elemental imbalance is causing the patient's symptoms, and therefore, you can't prepare an elemental medicine.
\nCritical Failure You misdiagnose your patient. The GM decides the elemental imbalance causing the patient's symptoms and then tells you a different, false diagnosis or notifies you that the elemental ingredient you're attempting to treat the symptoms with is actually incorrect. Either way, your mistaken treatment imposes a –1 circumstance penalty to saves against the affliction.
\n@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feat-effects.Item.ZqEOsqnGFLI2ob9m]{Effect: Prepare Elemental Medicine}
", + "prerequisites": [ + { + "value": "trained in Crafting, Herbalism Lore, or Medicine" + } + ] }, "Prepare Papers": { "name": "preparar documentos", @@ -23991,7 +23988,7 @@ }, "Protective Pose": { "name": "Protective Pose", - "description": "Access Tian Xia origin
\nRequirements You and your eidolon are within 30 feet of one another.
Many physical poses can fortify one's health, but some poses need more than one body to accomplish. As you and your eidolon pose in tandem, you each channel qi into a protective barrier in a 30-emanation until the start of your next turn. Creatures within range of either you or you eidolon gain resistance to your choice of acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic damage equal to half your level. In addition, any Medicine check targeting a creature with this resistance gets a +1 status bonus (or a +2 status bonus if you're a master in Medicine).
", + "description": "Access Tian Xia origin
\nRequirements You and your eidolon are within 30 feet of one another.
Many physical poses can fortify one's health, but some poses need more than one body to accomplish. As you and your eidolon pose in tandem, you each channel qi into a protective barrier in a @Template[type:emanation|distance:30] until the start of your next turn. Creatures within range of either you or you eidolon gain resistance to your choice of acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic damage equal to half your level. In addition, any Medicine check targeting a creature with this resistance gets a +1 status bonus (or a +2 status bonus if you're a master in Medicine).
\n@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feat-effects.Item.qIPl31SfvT993Lyz]{Effect: Protective Pose}
", "prerequisites": [ { "value": "trained in Medicine" @@ -24195,7 +24192,7 @@ }, "Pushing Wind": { "name": "Pushing Wind", - "description": "Requirements You're wielding a fan.
As you spin and glide your fans alongside your allies, you kick up a mild wind that gently carries you all forward. So long as you're holding a fan, you and allies who start their turn in a 30- foot aura emanating around you gain a +5-foot circumstance bonus to land Speed for 1 round; you also gain this bonus to your fly Speed if you possess one, but it can't grant you the ability to fly if you wouldn't otherwise be able to.
\nAdditionally, the air impedes the movements of your foes. While holding a fan, the area in a 10-foot aura emanating around you is difficult terrain for all enemies.
", + "description": "Requirements You're wielding a fan.
As you spin and glide your fans alongside your allies, you kick up a mild wind that gently carries you all forward. So long as you're holding a fan, you and allies who start their turn in a 30- foot aura emanating around you gain a +5-foot circumstance bonus to land Speed for 1 round; you also gain this bonus to your fly Speed if you possess one, but it can't grant you the ability to fly if you wouldn't otherwise be able to.
\n@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feat-effects.Item.AOqlEOF3Q7w9XYFp]{Effect: Pushing Wind}
\nAdditionally, the air impedes the movements of your foes. While holding a fan, the area in a 10-foot aura emanating around you is difficult terrain for all enemies.
", "prerequisites": [ { "value": "Fan Dancer Dedication" @@ -26839,7 +26836,7 @@ }, "Scattering in Spring": { "name": "Scattering in Spring", - "description": "Trigger An enemy within your reach targets you with a melee attack, and you're aware of the attack.
\nRequirements You're in Twisting Petal Stance.
You evade an incoming attack by twisting your enemy's tactics in your favor. You gain a +2 circumstance bonus to AC against the triggering attack. If the attack misses you, you can immediately attempt a @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.QNAVeNKtHA0EUw4X]{Feint} or @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.7blmbDrQFNfdT731]{Shove} against the triggering attacker; if you roll a success, you get a critical success instead.
", + "description": "Trigger An enemy within your reach targets you with a melee attack, and you're aware of the attack.
\nRequirements You're in @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.VN6Cws7BBta81AQ9]{Twisting Petal Stance}.
You evade an incoming attack by twisting your enemy's tactics in your favor. You gain a +2 circumstance bonus to AC against the triggering attack. If the attack misses you, you can immediately attempt a @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.QNAVeNKtHA0EUw4X]{Feint} or @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.7blmbDrQFNfdT731]{Shove} against the triggering attacker; if you roll a success, you get a critical success instead.
", "prerequisites": [ { "value": "Twisting Petal Stance" @@ -28431,7 +28428,7 @@ }, "Silk Bracelet": { "name": "Silk Bracelet", - "description": "Access Tian Xia origin
Taking inspiration from Desna's image as a giant silk moth in Tian Xia, you've attached a bracelet to your innovation that generates ultra-strong silk strands mixed with venom. You can unleash this substance as part of an attack. Make a melee Strike. If it hits, the target takes damage from the Strike as normal and must attempt a Fortitude save against your class DC with the following effects.
Critical Success The target is unaffected.
\nSuccess The silk imposes a –10 foot status penalty to all the target's Speeds for 1 round.
\nFailure As success, and the target takes an additional @Damage[(ternary(gte(@actor.level,18),3,ternary(gte(@actor.level,12),2,1)))d4[persistent,poison]] damage. The poison damage increases to 2d4 at 12th level and 3d4 at 18th level.
\nCritical Failure As failure, and the target is @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.eIcWbB5o3pP6OIMe]{Immobilized} until the end of their next turn.
\n@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feat-effects.Item.RmJ5qosNpE8DUX2a]{Effect: Silk Bracelet}
Special If your innovation is a minion, it can take this action rather than you.
", + "description": "Access Tian Xia origin
Taking inspiration from Desna's image as a giant silk moth in Tian Xia, you've attached a bracelet to your innovation that generates ultra-strong silk strands mixed with venom. You can unleash this substance as part of an attack. Make a melee Strike. If it hits, the target takes damage from the Strike as normal and must attempt a @Check[fortitude|against:inventor] save against your class DC with the following effects.
Critical Success The target is unaffected.
\nSuccess The silk imposes a –10 foot status penalty to all the target's Speeds for 1 round.
\n@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feat-effects.Item.RmJ5qosNpE8DUX2a]{Effect: Silk Bracelet}
\nFailure As success, and the target takes an additional @Damage[(floor(@actor.level/6))d4[persistent,poison]] damage. The poison damage increases to 2d4 at 12th level and 3d4 at 18th level.
\nCritical Failure As failure, and the target is @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.eIcWbB5o3pP6OIMe]{Immobilized} until the end of their next turn.
Special If your innovation is a minion, it can take this action rather than you.
", "prerequisites": [ { "value": "armor, construct, or weapon innovation" @@ -28509,7 +28506,16 @@ }, "Siphon Torment": { "name": "Siphon Torment", - "description": "Your progenitors suffered greatly at the hands of a curse, a fate you willingly take upon yourself rather than let fall upon others. Once per day, you can cast @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.5OcZ3HBkrRFhSWCz]{Claim Curse} as an innate divine spell. When you do, the target creature gains temporary Hit Points equal to your level.
" + "description": "Your progenitors suffered greatly at the hands of a curse, a fate you willingly take upon yourself rather than let fall upon others. Once per day, you can cast @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.5OcZ3HBkrRFhSWCz]{Claim Curse} as an innate divine spell. When you do, the target creature gains temporary Hit Points equal to your level.
\n@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feat-effects.Item.cmwlVYHtp3a1OipU]{Effect: Siphon Torment}
", + "rules": { + "2": { + "value": { + "1": { + "text": "@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feat-effects.Item.cmwlVYHtp3a1OipU]{Effect: Siphon Torment}" + } + } + } + } }, "Siphoning Touch": { "name": "Toque de sifón", @@ -29267,7 +29273,7 @@ }, "Solidarity": { "name": "Solidarity", - "description": "Frequency once per 10 minutes
You bestow some of your own life energies to mend damage. You touch a non-magical object of 2 Bulk or less, or a magical object of 1 Bulk or less, and you @Damage[(2*@actor.level)[healing]]{restore Hit Points} to the target equal to twice your level}. You lose as many Hit Points as the target regained. This direct transfer of vitality means that no effects apply that would increase the Hit Points the target regains or decrease the Hit Points you lose. This transfer also ignores any temporary Hit Points you or the target have. You can't reduce your Hit Points below 1 using Solidarity. You can't replace lost pieces or repair an object that has been completely destroyed.
Special If you have the @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.LKkX8Ft92u0ax6Yh]{Minuscule Mentee} feat, you can use Solidarity to heal your familiar.
", + "description": "Frequency once per 10 minutes
You bestow some of your own life energies to mend damage. You touch a non-magical object of 2 Bulk or less, or a magical object of 1 Bulk or less, and you @Damage[(2*@actor.level)[healing]]{restore Hit Points} to the target equal to twice your level. You lose as many Hit Points as the target regained. This direct transfer of vitality means that no effects apply that would increase the Hit Points the target regains or decrease the Hit Points you lose. This transfer also ignores any temporary Hit Points you or the target have. You can't reduce your Hit Points below 1 using Solidarity. You can't replace lost pieces or repair an object that has been completely destroyed.
Special If you have the @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.LKkX8Ft92u0ax6Yh]{Minuscule Mentee} feat, you can use Solidarity to heal your familiar.
", "prerequisites": [ { "value": "tsukumogami poppet heritage" @@ -29511,7 +29517,7 @@ }, "Special Sentinel Technique": { "name": "Special Sentinel Technique", - "description": "You can channel the power of your constellation into a unique technique. You gain either the luminous stardust healing or shining starlight attack focus spell, which you can cast only in sentinel form. When you gain this feat, decide a name for your technique, which becomes the spell's incantation.
\nIf you don't already have one, you gain a focus pool of 1 Focus Point, which you can Refocus by spending 10 minutes outside of your sentinel form to reflect on the values of your constellation. Starlit sentinel focus spells are arcane spells. You become trained in spell attack modifier and spell DC, and your spellcasting ability for these spells is Charisma.
Special You can take this feat a second time, gaining the focus spell that you didn't gain the first time.
", + "description": "You can channel the power of your constellation into a unique technique. You gain either the @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.1H3T9UwxW44Y0YaS]{Luminous Stardust Healing} or @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.yuhhRjqBzFgkKYrq]{Shining Starlight Attack} focus spell, which you can cast only in sentinel form. When you gain this feat, decide a name for your technique, which becomes the spell's incantation.
\nIf you don't already have one, you gain a focus pool of 1 Focus Point, which you can Refocus by spending 10 minutes outside of your sentinel form to reflect on the values of your constellation. Starlit sentinel focus spells are arcane spells. You become trained in spell attack modifier and spell DC, and your spellcasting ability for these spells is Charisma.
Special You can take this feat a second time, gaining the focus spell that you didn't gain the first time.
", "prerequisites": [ { "value": "Starlit Sentinel Dedication" @@ -31607,7 +31613,7 @@ }, "Sweeping Fan Redirection": { "name": "Sweeping Fan Redirection", - "description": "Requirements You're wielding two fans, one in each hand.
You can redirect ammunition back at the creature that fired it with sweeping gusts of wind. When Sweeping Fan Block prevents an attack from hitting you, instead of recovering the ammunition, you can make a ranged Strike against the triggering target using the normal attack bonus and damage of your fans as part of the same reaction. You also apply any special effects the ammunition might have.
", + "description": "Requirements You're wielding two fans, one in each hand.
You can redirect ammunition back at the creature that fired it with sweeping gusts of wind. When @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.dY8LGT6KDcGy93GY]{Sweeping Fan Block} prevents an attack from hitting you, instead of recovering the ammunition, you can make a ranged Strike against the triggering target using the normal attack bonus and damage of your fans as part of the same reaction. You also apply any special effects the ammunition might have.
", "prerequisites": [ { "value": "Fan Dancer Dedication" @@ -32173,7 +32179,7 @@ }, "Temperature Adjustment": { "name": "Temperature Adjustment", - "description": "Access Hwanggot origin
You learn Hwan temperature classifications for the elements—wood and water are cold elements, while fire, earth, and metal are hot elements. When you Prepare Elemental Medicine, you can alter the environmental effects on the recipient's body. If you created hot elemental medicine, the recipient ignores the effects of severe cold while the medicine lasts. If you created cold elemental medicine, the recipient ignores the effects of severe heat while the medicine lasts.
", + "description": "Access Hwanggot origin
You learn Hwan temperature classifications for the elements—wood and water are cold elements, while fire, earth, and metal are hot elements. When you @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.NMbOfl885pn0Yzu9]{Prepare Elemental Medicine}, you can alter the environmental effects on the recipient's body. If you created hot elemental medicine, the recipient ignores the effects of severe cold while the medicine lasts. If you created cold elemental medicine, the recipient ignores the effects of severe heat while the medicine lasts.
", "prerequisites": [ { "value": "master in Crafting, Herbalism Lore, or Medicine" @@ -32483,7 +32489,7 @@ }, "The Bitter Scholar's Promotion": { "name": "The Bitter Scholar's Promotion", - "description": "Tian Xia's shining cities belie its empires' long shadow of death, darkened by thousands of years of suffering and injustice. You pursue immortality not through tuft-hunting with Heaven's dragons or their imperial brats; yours is the power to crack its corrupt wheel, for you can now release the ghost gates to expedite the dead's revenge at being cheated of their fates.
\nYou cease aging and, regardless of your actual existential state, now register as an undead to effects that can detect undead (such as lifesense or spiritsense).
\nIn addition, you learn @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.c3b6LdLlQDPngNIb]{Create Undead} rituals for gashadokuro, jiangshi, and shui gui. On a success with one of these rituals, you gain the effects of a critical success instead.
", + "description": "Tian Xia's shining cities belie its empires' long shadow of death, darkened by thousands of years of suffering and injustice. You pursue immortality not through tuft-hunting with Heaven's dragons or their imperial brats; yours is the power to crack its corrupt wheel, for you can now release the ghost gates to expedite the dead's revenge at being cheated of their fates.
\nYou cease aging and, regardless of your actual existential state, now register as an undead to effects that can detect undead (such as lifesense or spiritsense).
\nIn addition, you learn @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.c3b6LdLlQDPngNIb]{Create Undead} rituals for @UUID[]{Gashadokuro}, @UUID[]{Jiang-shi}, and @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.lost-omens-tian-xia-world-guide.Actor.k5f4vITTc7mclQzH]{Shui Gui}. On a success with one of these rituals, you gain the effects of a critical success instead.
", "prerequisites": [ { "value": "Ghost-Path Epiphany" @@ -32596,7 +32602,7 @@ }, "Thlipit Contestant Dedication": { "name": "Thlipit Contestant Dedication", - "description": "Grueling practice has strengthened your tongue or tail to the point where it's become a formidable weapon. You gain a lash melee unarmed attack that is in the flail weapon group, deals @Damage[1d4[bludgeoning]] damage, and has the grapple and reach traits. The attack can be performed with any appendages you used to qualify for this feat.
", + "description": "Grueling practice has strengthened your tongue or tail to the point where it's become a formidable weapon. You gain a lash melee unarmed attack that is in the flail weapon group, deals @Damage[1d4[bludgeoning]] damage, and has the grapple and reach traits. The attack can be performed with any appendages you used to qualify for this feat.
\n@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.journals.JournalEntry.vx5FGEG34AxI2dow.JournalEntryPage.hK0lWWhPqiplWuRl]{Thlipit Contestant}
", "prerequisites": [ { "value": "You have a long prehensile tongue or a tail. At the GM's discretion, similar flexible appendages, such as tentacles, can be used to qualify instead." @@ -32696,7 +32702,7 @@ }, "Three Pecks of Dew": { "name": "Three Pecks of Dew", - "description": "At this stage of cultivation, your body is as much spirit as flesh. While still fettered to the physical realm, your form flourishes without needing conventional food or drink, and your natural healing now rivals that brought by scalpel and suture.
\nYou become sanctified with the holy trait. When you perform the Subsist downtime activity, you can use Occultism for the skill check (instead of the skills normally associated with your environment). If you do so, this activity gains the vitality trait as you subsist on ambient qi within your environment's dew-laden air and create shelter from solidified emanations of qi.
\nAdditionally, when you Refocus, you can also Treat Wounds at the same time. If you do so, you can use Occultism for checks to @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.1kGNdIIhuglAjIp9]{Treat Wounds} and disregard the need for a healer's kit; this activity gains the vitality trait as you circulate healing qi through your own body or transfuse your ally with healing qi.
", + "description": "At this stage of cultivation, your body is as much spirit as flesh. While still fettered to the physical realm, your form flourishes without needing conventional food or drink, and your natural healing now rivals that brought by scalpel and suture.
\nYou become sanctified with the holy trait. When you perform the Subsist downtime activity, you can use Occultism for the skill check (instead of the skills normally associated with your environment). If you do so, this activity gains the vitality trait as you subsist on ambient qi within your environment's dew-laden air and create shelter from solidified emanations of qi.
\nAdditionally, when you Refocus, you can also @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.1kGNdIIhuglAjIp9]{Treat Wounds} at the same time. If you do so, you can use Occultism for checks to Treat Wounds and disregard the need for a @UUID[]{Healer's Toolkit}; this activity gains the vitality trait as you circulate healing qi through your own body or transfuse your ally with healing qi.
", "prerequisites": [ { "value": "Cultivator Dedication" @@ -33819,7 +33825,7 @@ }, "Twirl Through": { "name": "Twirl Through", - "description": "You sweep across the battlefield in a fluttering of movement honed from years of coordinating perfectly spaced movements alongside fellow dancers. When you attempt to @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.21WIfSu7Xd7uKqV8]{Tumble Through} an enemy's space, you can use Performance instead of Acrobatics.
", + "description": "You sweep across the battlefield in a fluttering of movement honed from years of coordinating perfectly spaced movements alongside fellow dancers. When you attempt to @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.21WIfSu7Xd7uKqV8]{Tumble Through} an enemy's space, you can use [[/act tumble-through skill=performance]]{Performance} instead of Acrobatics.
", "prerequisites": [ { "value": "Fan Dancer Dedication" @@ -33828,7 +33834,7 @@ }, "Twirling Strike": { "name": "Twirling Strike", - "description": "Requirements You're wielding a fan.
Your fans, one raised up alongside your head and the other alongside your hip, become a blur as you twirl across the battlefield. Attempt to @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.21WIfSu7Xd7uKqV8]{Tumble Through} an enemy's space using Performance; on a success, you can make a melee Strike against the enemy with a fan you're wielding at any point during the movement. On a critical success, the enemy is @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.AJh5ex99aV6VTggg]{Off-Guard} against this attack.
", + "description": "Requirements You're wielding a fan.
Your fans, one raised up alongside your head and the other alongside your hip, become a blur as you twirl across the battlefield. Attempt to @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.21WIfSu7Xd7uKqV8]{Tumble Through} an enemy's space using [[/act tumble-through skill=performance]]{Performance}; on a success, you can make a melee Strike against the enemy with a fan you're wielding at any point during the movement. On a critical success, the enemy is @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.AJh5ex99aV6VTggg]{Off-Guard} against this attack.
", "prerequisites": [ { "value": "Fan Dancer Dedication" @@ -34523,7 +34529,7 @@ }, "Unsheathing the Sword-Light": { "name": "Unsheathing the Sword-Light", - "description": "Requirements Your Spellstrike is charged, and you're wielding a one-handed weapon in the sword group.
Honed through 10,000 battles, your sword's mere light can shatter ambitions and break armies. Make a melee Spellstrike with a sword, with a spell that isn't a cantrip or focus spell. Countless copies of your sword, made of light, fall around you, dealing damage equal to double the spell's rank to each creature within a @Template[type:emanation|distance:10] of the target, excluding you and the target of the Spellstrike. The damage is of the same type dealt by your sword Strike and is treated as cold iron and silver.
", + "description": "Requirements Your @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.QDW9H8XLIjuW2fE4]{Spellstrike} is charged, and you're wielding a one-handed weapon in the sword group.
Honed through 10,000 battles, your sword's mere light can shatter ambitions and break armies. Make a melee Spellstrike with a sword, with a spell that isn't a cantrip or focus spell. Countless copies of your sword, made of light, fall around you, dealing damage equal to double the spell's rank to each creature within a @Template[type:emanation|distance:10] of the target, excluding you and the target of the Spellstrike. The damage is of the same type dealt by your sword Strike and is treated as cold iron and silver.
", "prerequisites": [ { "value": "aloof firmament hybrid study" @@ -34887,7 +34893,7 @@ }, "Vermillion Threads": { "name": "Vermillion Threads", - "description": "Trigger You use Arcane Cascade.
Your Arcane Cascade sends threads to the four directions, creating a web of strings dyed by your skill and your enemies' blood. The web fills a @Template[type:burst|distance:15] centered on you and is difficult terrain. You can ignore the difficult terrain, and the strings can support your weight, allowing you to walk on them as though you were benefiting from @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.A2JfEKe6BZcTG1S8]{Fly}.
\nThe web lasts for 1 minute but ends early if your Arcane Cascade ends or you leave the web.
\nIf you Cast a Spell from a spell slot while in the web, the strings glow red until the beginning of your next turn, dealing damage equal to the spell's rank to any creature other than you that moves through the web. The damage occurs at the end of the creature's movement, with a @Check[reflex|against:spell|basic] against your spell DC. A creature can take this damage only once each round.
", + "description": "Trigger You use @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.HbejhIywqIufrmVM]{Arcane Cascade}.
Your Arcane Cascade sends threads to the four directions, creating a web of strings dyed by your skill and your enemies' blood. The web fills a @Template[type:burst|distance:15] centered on you and is difficult terrain. You can ignore the difficult terrain, and the strings can support your weight, allowing you to walk on them as though you were benefiting from @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.A2JfEKe6BZcTG1S8]{Fly}.
\nThe web lasts for 1 minute but ends early if your Arcane Cascade ends or you leave the web.
\nIf you Cast a Spell from a spell slot while in the web, the strings glow red until the beginning of your next turn, dealing damage equal to the spell's rank to any creature other than you that moves through the web. The damage occurs at the end of the creature's movement, with a @Check[reflex|against:spell|basic] against your spell DC. A creature can take this damage only once each round.
", "prerequisites": [ { "value": "Arcane Cascade" @@ -35395,7 +35401,7 @@ }, "Wake of Devastation": { "name": "Wake of Devastation", - "description": "Requirements You're in Kaiju Stance.
Like a kaiju, you leave a trail of destruction in your wake. Your shattering earth attacks gain the razing trait. Whenever you succeed with a shattering earth attack while standing on the ground, the earth buckles under the force of the blow, and all the squares beneath you become difficult terrain. Whenever you critically succeed with a shattering earth attack against a creature standing on the ground in an area of difficult terrain, you pummel the creature into the earth; they become @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.eIcWbB5o3pP6OIMe]{Immobilized} until they succeed at an @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.SkZAQRkLLkmBQNB9]{Escape} attempt against your class DC.
", + "description": "Requirements You're in @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.RwOGkOLCalt4sqz6]{Kaiju Stance}.
Like a kaiju, you leave a trail of destruction in your wake. Your shattering earth attacks gain the razing trait. Whenever you succeed with a shattering earth attack while standing on the ground, the earth buckles under the force of the blow, and all the squares beneath you become difficult terrain.
\nWhenever you critically succeed with a shattering earth attack against a creature standing on the ground in an area of difficult terrain, you pummel the creature into the earth; they become @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.eIcWbB5o3pP6OIMe]{Immobilized} until they succeed at an @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.SkZAQRkLLkmBQNB9]{Escape} attempt against your class DC.
", "prerequisites": [ { "value": "Kaiju Stance" @@ -36029,7 +36035,7 @@ }, "Whirling in the Summer Storm": { "name": "Whirling in the Summer Storm", - "description": "Requirements You're in Twisting Petal Stance.
Your hands move in a hypnotic and distracting flurry that throws your foes off-balance before you cast them away with a violent pirouette. You Step. Then each enemy within your reach must attempt a Will save against the higher of your class DC or your Deception DC; on a failure, they're @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.AJh5ex99aV6VTggg]{Off-Guard} to melee attacks from you and your allies until the end of your next turn. Then, @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.7blmbDrQFNfdT731]{Shove} up to three adjacent enemies; each Shove counts toward your multiple attack penalty, but you don't increase your penalty until after you've resolved all the Shove attempts.
", + "description": "Requirements You're in @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.VN6Cws7BBta81AQ9]{Twisting Petal Stance}.
Your hands move in a hypnotic and distracting flurry that throws your foes off-balance before you cast them away with a violent pirouette.
\nYou Step. Then each enemy within your reach must attempt a @Check[will] save against the higher of your class DC or your Deception DC; on a failure, they're @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.AJh5ex99aV6VTggg]{Off-Guard} to melee attacks from you and your allies until the end of your next turn. Then, @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.7blmbDrQFNfdT731]{Shove} up to three adjacent enemies; each Shove counts toward your multiple attack penalty, but you don't increase your penalty until after you've resolved all the Shove attempts.
", "prerequisites": [ { "value": "Twisting Petal Stance" @@ -36138,7 +36144,7 @@ }, "Wild Mimic Dedication": { "name": "Wild Mimic Dedication", - "description": "Fighting in the wilds has honed your understanding of the unique abilities many creatures have. You're trained in Wild Mimic Lore, a special Lore skill that can be used only to Recall Knowledge about creatures to learn their abilities. If you have legendary proficiency in Nature, you gain expert proficiency in Wild Mimic Lore, but you can't increase your proficiency in Wild Mimic Lore by any other means. When you succeed at a Wild Mimic Lore to Recall Knowledge, you gain a +1 circumstance bonus to your saving throws against the next attack or ability that the subject of your Recall Knowledge targets you with.
", + "description": "Fighting in the wilds has honed your understanding of the unique abilities many creatures have. You're trained in Wild Mimic Lore, a special Lore skill that can be used only to Recall Knowledge about creatures to learn their abilities. If you have legendary proficiency in Nature, you gain expert proficiency in Wild Mimic Lore, but you can't increase your proficiency in Wild Mimic Lore by any other means. When you succeed at a Wild Mimic Lore to Recall Knowledge, you gain a +1 circumstance bonus to your saving throws against the next attack or ability that the subject of your Recall Knowledge targets you with.
\n@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.journals.JournalEntry.vx5FGEG34AxI2dow.JournalEntryPage.l4isOHQIdkrWLch0]{Wild Mimic}
", "prerequisites": [ { "value": "trained in Nature" @@ -36340,7 +36346,7 @@ }, "Winged Warrior Dedication": { "name": "Winged Warrior Dedication", - "description": "Through rigorous training, you have strengthened your wings, granting you enough thrust to gain additional altitude. When you make a horizontal @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.d5I6018Mci2SWokk]{Leap}, increase the distance by 10 feet up to a maximum of your Speed. Any fly Speed granted by ancestry feats and other permanent wings increases by 5 feet.
", + "description": "Through rigorous training, you have strengthened your wings, granting you enough thrust to gain additional altitude. When you make a horizontal @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.d5I6018Mci2SWokk]{Leap}, increase the distance by 10 feet up to a maximum of your Speed. Any fly Speed granted by ancestry feats and other permanent wings increases by 5 feet.
\n@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.journals.JournalEntry.vx5FGEG34AxI2dow.JournalEntryPage.uewu2vWQluT8Jyf1]{Winged Warrior}
", "prerequisites": [ { "value": "you have permanent wings (such as from an ancestry or graft)" @@ -36425,7 +36431,7 @@ }, "Wisteria-and-Peony Reunion": { "name": "Wisteria-and-Peony Reunion", - "description": "Trigger You Cast a focus spell.
Your roots of qi stand firm, shaking off pains and aches like the returning flowers and leaves shed during winter's snow. You regain Hit Points equal to your level plus the maximum number of Focus Points in your focus pool.
", + "description": "Frequency once per hour
\nTrigger You Cast a focus spell.
Your roots of qi stand firm, shaking off pains and aches like the returning flowers and leaves shed during winter's snow. You @Damage[(@actor.level + @actor.system.resources.focus.max)[healing,vitality]]{regain Hit Points} equal to your level plus the maximum number of Focus Points in your focus pool.
", "prerequisites": [ { "value": "Cultivator Dedication" @@ -36583,7 +36589,7 @@ }, "World-Breaking Footfall": { "name": "World-Breaking Footfall", - "description": "Requirements You are in Kaiju Stance and are touching the ground.
You slam the ground and unleash a fearsome roar, sending broken shards of earth flying in all directions. The ground in a @Template[type:emanation|distance:20] around you becomes difficult terrain, or greater difficult terrain if it was already difficult terrain. All other creatures within the emanation take 7d6 bludgeoning damage with a @Check[reflex|against:class|basic] save against your class DC. You then can't use World-breaking Footfall for [[/r 1d4 #Recharge World-Breaking Footfall]].
", + "description": "Requirements You are in @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.RwOGkOLCalt4sqz6]{Kaiju Stance} and are touching the ground.
You slam the ground and unleash a fearsome roar, sending broken shards of earth flying in all directions. The ground in a @Template[type:emanation|distance:20] around you becomes difficult terrain, or greater difficult terrain if it was already difficult terrain. All other creatures within the emanation take @Damage[7d6[bludgeoning]|options:area-damage] damage with a @Check[reflex|against:monk|basic] save against your class DC. You then can't use World-breaking Footfall for [[/r 1d4 #Recharge World-Breaking Footfall]].
", "prerequisites": [ { "value": "Kaiju Stance" @@ -36721,7 +36727,7 @@ }, "Xidao Sea Mine Drop": { "name": "Xidao Sea Mine Drop", - "description": "Access Tian Xia origin
You've rigged your armor innovation with a gizmo that can safely synthesize two sea mines a day, holding them in a protected compartment. You must be submerged in water to use this action, and the mines only detonate if they're underwater.
\nYou off-load a mine onto an unoccupied square within your reach. The mine is primed to explode when a Small or larger creature moves into its square, or when you Interact to Activate your gizmo's remote detonation button, which explodes a single mine up to 50 feet away. As a 1-minute activity, you can hide a mine. Creatures can detect a hidden mine as they would any trap or hazard, using your Craft DC as the Stealth DC. If you don't Conceal the mine, its position is obvious.
\nAny creature in a @Template[type:emanation|distance:5] around the mine when it detonates takes @Damage[ceil(@actor.level/2)d4[bludgeoning]] damage and @Damage[1d4[piercing]], with a @Check[reflex|against:class|basic] against your class DC. The bludgeoning damage of your mines increases by 1d4 at 8th level and every 2 levels thereafter. Any mines that haven't detonated when you make your daily preparations become inert and harmless.
\nUnstable Function You push the safety limits of your gizmo, forcing it to synthesize and launch additional sea mines, exceeding the daily limit. Add the unstable trait to Xidao Sea Mine Drop. You create up to 3 additional sea mines that you can immediately deploy in different unoccupied spaces up to 30 feet away.
", + "description": "Access Tian Xia origin
You've rigged your armor innovation with a gizmo that can safely synthesize two sea mines a day, holding them in a protected compartment. You must be submerged in water to use this action, and the mines only detonate if they're underwater.
\nYou off-load a mine onto an unoccupied square within your reach. The mine is primed to explode when a Small or larger creature moves into its square, or when you Interact to Activate your gizmo's remote detonation button, which explodes a single mine up to 50 feet away. As a 1-minute activity, you can hide a mine. Creatures can detect a hidden mine as they would any trap or hazard, using your Craft DC as the Stealth DC. If you don't Conceal the mine, its position is obvious.
\nAny creature in a @Template[type:emanation|distance:5] around the mine when it detonates takes @Damage[ceil(@actor.level/2)d4[bludgeoning],1d4[piercing]|options:area-damage] damage, with a @Check[reflex|against:inventor|basic] against your class DC. The bludgeoning damage of your mines increases by 1d4 at 8th level and every 2 levels thereafter. Any mines that haven't detonated when you make your daily preparations become inert and harmless.
\nUnstable Function You push the safety limits of your gizmo, forcing it to synthesize and launch additional sea mines, exceeding the daily limit. Add the unstable trait to Xidao Sea Mine Drop. You create up to 3 additional sea mines that you can immediately deploy in different unoccupied spaces up to 30 feet away.
", "prerequisites": [ { "value": "Diving Armor" @@ -36766,12 +36772,12 @@ "name": "You're So Cute!", "description": "You know how to put on the charm, doing playful tricks to win favor. You are trained in Performance and gain the @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.xqAdXRd2gSQcqp5E]{Impressive Performance} feat. When performing for humanoids, you gain a +1 circumstance bonus to @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.OX4fy22hQgUHDr0q]{Make an Impression} with Performance.
" }, - "You're an Embarrassment": { - "name": "Eres una vergüenza", - "description": "Desencadenante Un aliado dentro de 30 pies falla una tirada de salvación de Voluntad contra un efecto de incapacitación.
\nAlgunos Firebrands no pueden soportar que sus aliados arruinen su momento, y tú no eres diferente. Tu fuerte y contundente condena de un aliado que sucumbe a un efecto de incapacitación le da una segunda oportunidad de impresionarte y librarse del efecto. Tu aliado vuelve a tirar la tirada de salvación de Voluntad desencadenante con una circunstancia +1.prima. Independientemente del resultado de la salvación, tu aliado es temporalmente inmune a ¡Eres una vergüenza! durante 10 minutos.
\n@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feat-effects.Item.zUvicEXd4OgCZ1cO]{Effect: You're an Embarrassment}
", + "You're an Embarrassment!": { + "name": "You're an Embarrassment!", + "description": "Trigger An ally within 30 feet fails a Will saving throw against an incapacitation effect.
\nSome Firebrands can't stand it when their allies are ruining their moment, and you're no different. Your loud and forceful condemnation of an ally succumbing to an incapacitation effect gives them a second chance to impress you and shake off the effect. Your ally rerolls the triggering Will saving throw with a +1 circumstance bonus. Regardless of the result of the save, your ally is temporarily immune to You're an Embarrassment! for 10 minutes.
\n@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feat-effects.Item.zUvicEXd4OgCZ1cO]{Effect: You're an Embarrassment}
", "prerequisites": [ { - "value": "Arquetipo de celebridad" + "value": "Celebrity Archetype" } ] }, From 3724b7d840b029b8531c2454b3bfa47dddf58889 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Agustin AllendeYou're a philosopher of the sword who codifies your study of qinggong along principles arcane and martial. Your blade teaches morality and immortality, and you illustrate its lessons with an academician's rigor. Through your training, you've learned to move about with grace and create opportunity to strike foes.
\nYou gain the @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.LQw0yIMDUJJkq1nD]{Cat Fall} general feat, though you benefit from it only as long as you aren't using a shield and are wearing light or no armor.
\nWhile in Arcane Cascade stance, your steps become even lighter, giving you the benefits of the Quick Jump general feat. When you Fly, @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.d5I6018Mci2SWokk]{Leap}, @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.2HJ4yuEFY1Cast4h]{High Jump}, or @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.JUvAvruz7yRQXfz2]{Long Jump} while in that stance, your movement doesn't trigger reactions. If you take one of these actions, the next Strike you make before the end of your turn with a one-handed weapon in the sword group has greater damage from Arcane Cascade. Increase the extra damage to 4; increase it to 6 if you have weapon specialization, or to 8 if you have greater weapon specialization. You must have your other hand completely free; the extra damage doesn't apply if you have a free-hand weapon or other item in that hand, even if you would normally be able to use the hand for other things.
\nConflux Spell@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.2C0ftvzTwYgzb3Qt]{Sky Laughs at Waves}
" + "description": "You're a philosopher of the sword who codifies your study of qinggong along principles arcane and martial. Your blade teaches morality and immortality, and you illustrate its lessons with an academician's rigor. Through your training, you've learned to move about with grace and create opportunity to strike foes.
\nYou gain the @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.LQw0yIMDUJJkq1nD]{Cat Fall} general feat, though you benefit from it only as long as you aren't using a shield and are wearing light or no armor.
\nWhile in @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.HbejhIywqIufrmVM]{Arcane Cascade} stance, your steps become even lighter, giving you the benefits of the @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.ZBhvJ9O8MvBFAlhq]{Quick Jump} general feat. When you Fly, @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.d5I6018Mci2SWokk]{Leap}, @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.2HJ4yuEFY1Cast4h]{High Jump}, or @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.JUvAvruz7yRQXfz2]{Long Jump} while in that stance, your movement doesn't trigger reactions. If you take one of these actions, the next Strike you make before the end of your turn with a one-handed weapon in the sword group has greater damage from Arcane Cascade. Increase the extra damage to 4; increase it to 6 if you have weapon specialization, or to 8 if you have greater weapon specialization. You must have your other hand completely free; the extra damage doesn't apply if you have a free-hand weapon or other item in that hand, even if you would normally be able to use the hand for other things.
\nConflux Spell @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.2C0ftvzTwYgzb3Qt]{Sky Laughs at Waves}
" }, "Amulet": { "name": "Amuleto", @@ -612,7 +612,7 @@ }, "Catharsis Emotion": { "name": "Catharsis Emotion", - "description": "Catharsis Trigger The event or conditions you must meet to take your Catharsis reaction.
\nCatharsis Activation The benefit when you use Catharsis.
\nEmotional Fervor Benefits you gain for 3 rounds after you use Catharsis. This entry also lists a spell you're able to cast while in your emotional fervor. You must expend a spell slot to cast it. This slot most be of at least the spell's level, and the spell is automatically heightened to the level of slot you expended.
\nEmotional Fallout The effect you experience when your emotional fervor ends.
\nFocus Spell The focus spell you gain if you select the Cathartic Focus Spell archetype feat.
" + "description": "Catharsis Trigger The event or conditions you must meet to take your Catharsis reaction.
\nCatharsis Activation The benefit when you use Catharsis.
\nEmotional Fervor Benefits you gain for 3 rounds after you use Catharsis. This entry also lists a spell you're able to cast while in your emotional fervor. You must expend a spell slot to cast it. This slot most be of at least the spell's rank, and the spell is automatically heightened to the rank of slot you expended.
\nEmotional Fallout The effect you experience when your emotional fervor ends.
\nFocus Spell The focus spell you gain if you select the Cathartic Focus Spell archetype feat.
" }, "Cause": { "name": "Cause", @@ -2428,6 +2428,10 @@ "name": "Silencio en la nieve", "description": "Un frío tremendo fue el preludio de la aparición de tu patrón en las profundidades del solsticio de invierno o en un pico helado del fin del mundo. Tu patrón podría ser una saga invernal, un\nyai de hielo u otro espíritu del frío, pero una cosa está clara cómo el hielo: su poder no debe ser subestimado.
\nLista de conjuros primigenia
\nHabilidad de patrón Naturaleza
\nLección del frío invierno Tu patrón te enseñó de primera mano el poder del invierno sometiéndote a la escarcha y la nieve. Aprendes el truco de maleficio @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.MraZBLJ4Be3ogmWL]{hielo aferrante} y tu familiar aprende @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.g8QqHpv2CWDwmIm1]{ráfaga de viento}.
\nFamiliar de escarcha congeladora Tu familiar es frío al tacto, y su aliento siempre es visible. Cuando Lanzas o Mantienes un maleficio, puedes hacer que se forme hielo en una explosión de 5 pies (1,5 m) centrada en una casilla del espacio de tu familiar. Dichas casillas\nson terreno difícil hasta el inicio de tu siguiente turno.
" }, + "Simple Weapon Expertise": { + "name": "Simple Weapon Expertise", + "description": "Training and magic improved your weapon technique. Your proficiency rank for simple weapons and unarmed attacks increases to expert.
" + }, "Singular Expertise": { "name": "Experiencia singular", "description": "Tienes especial experiencia con pistolas y ballestas, lo que te otorga una mayor competencia con ellas y la capacidad de causar más daño. Obtienes una bonificación de circunstancia +1 a las tiradas de daño con armas de fuego y ballestas.
\nEste intenso enfoque en armas de fuego y ballestas te impide alcanzar las mismas alturas con otras armas. Tu competencia con ataques desarmados y con armas distintas de armas de fuego y ballestas no puede ser superior a la del entrenamiento, incluso si obtienes unhabilidad que aumentaría tu competencia en una o más armas para igualar tu competencia más alta con armas (como las dotes de experiencia con armas que tienen muchos ancestros). Si tienes dominio de armas de pistolero, el límite es experto, y si tienes leyenda de pistolero, el límite es maestro.
" @@ -2460,6 +2464,10 @@ "name": "Mezcla De Conjuros", "description": "Teorizas que los espacios para hechizos son una abreviatura de una energía subyacente que impulsa todos los lanzamientos de hechizos, y has encontrado una manera de modificar la jerarquía de los espacios para hechizos, combinándolos para alimentar hechizos más poderosos.
\nDurante tus preparativos diarios, puedes intercambiar dos espacios de hechizo del mismo rango de hechizo por un espacio de hechizo adicional de hasta 2 rangos de hechizo más altos que los espacios de hechizo intercambiados. Puedes intercambiar tantos espacios para hechizos como tengas disponibles. Espacios de hechizos de bonificacióndebe ser de un rango de hechizo que normalmente puedas lanzar, y cada espacio de hechizo adicional debe ser de un rango de hechizo diferente. También puedes intercambiar cualquier espacio de hechizo por dos trucos adicionales, aunque no puedes intercambiar más de un espacio de hechizo a la vez por trucos adicionales de esta manera.
" }, + "Spell Repertoire": { + "name": "Spell Repertoire", + "description": "Bard The collection of spells you can cast is called your spell repertoire. At 1st level, you learn two 1st-rank occult spells of your choice and five occult cantrips of your choice. You choose these from the common spells from the occult list or from other occult spells to which you have access. You can cast any spell in your spell repertoire by using a spell slot of an appropriate spell rank.
You add to this spell repertoire as you increase in level. Each time you get a spell slot (see the Bard Spells per Day table), you add a spell to your spell repertoire of the same rank. At 2nd level, you select another 1st-rank spell; at 3rd level, you select two 2nd-rank spells, and so on. When you add spells, you might add a higher-rank version of a spell you already have, so you can cast a heightened version of that spell.
Though you gain them at the same rate, your spell slots and the spells in your spell repertoire are separate. If a feat or other ability adds a spell to your spell repertoire, it wouldn't give you another spell slot, and vice versa.
Swapping Spells in Your Repertoire
As you gain new spells in your repertoire, you might want to replace some of the spells you previously learned. Each time you gain a level and learn new spells, you can swap out one of your old spells for a different spell of the same rank. This spell can be a cantrip. You can also swap out spells by retraining during downtime.
Oracle The collection of spells you can cast is called your spell repertoire. At 1st level, you learn two 1st-rank divine spells of your choice and five divine cantrips of your choice. You choose these from the common spells on the divine list or from other divine spells to which you have access. You can cast any spell in your spell repertoire by using a spell slot of an appropriate spell rank.
You add to this spell repertoire as you increase in level. Each time you get a spell slot (see the Oracle Spells per Day table), you add a spell to your spell repertoire of the same rank. At 2nd level, you select another 1st-rank spell; at 3rd level, you select two 2nd-rank spells, and so on. When you add spells, you might add a higher-rank version of a spell you already have, so you can cast a heightened version of that spell.
Your spell slots and the spells in your spell repertoire are separate. If a feat or other ability adds a spell to your spell repertoire, it wouldn't give you another spell slot, and vice versa.
Swapping Spells in Your Repertoire
As you gain new spells in your repertoire, you might want to replace some of the spells you previously learned. Each time you gain a level and learn new spells, you can swap out one of your old spells for a different spell of the same rank. This spell can be a cantrip. You can also swap out spells by retraining during downtime.
Psychic The collection of spells you can cast is called your spell repertoire. At 1st level, you learn one 1st-rank occult spell of your choice and three occult cantrips of your choice. You choose these from the common spells from the occult list or from other occult spells to which you have access. You can cast any spell in your spell repertoire by using a spell slot of an appropriate spell rank. Your choice of conscious mind also grants you additional spells in your repertoire, starting with an additional 1st-rabk spell and two cantrips listed in your conscious mind, which you cast as psi cantrips.
You add to this spell repertoire as you increase in level. Each time you get a spell slot (see Table 2), you add a spell to your spell repertoire of the same level. At 2nd level, you select another 1st-rank spell; at 3rd level, you select one 2nd-level spell, and so on. When you add spells, you might add a higher-rank version of a spell you already have, so you can cast a heightened version of that spell. Your conscious mind also adds additional spells to your repertoire as you gain spells of higher levels.
Though you gain them at the same rate, your spell slots and the spells in your spell repertoire are separate. If a feat or other ability adds a spell to your spell repertoire, such as the spells you gain from your conscious mind, it wouldn't give you another spell slot, and vice versa.
Swapping Spells in Your Repertoire
As you gain new spells in your repertoire, you might want to replace some of the spells you previously learned. Each time you gain a level and learn new spells, you can swap out one of your old spells for a different spell of the same rank. This spell can be a cantrip. You can also swap out spells by retraining during downtime.
Sorcerer The collection of spells you can cast is called your spell repertoire. At 1st level, you learn two 1st-rank spells of your choice and four cantrips of your choice, as well as an additional spell and cantrip from your bloodline. You choose these from the common spells from the tradition corresponding to your bloodline, or from other spells from that tradition to which you have access. You can cast any spell in your spell repertoire by using a spell slot of an appropriate spell rank.
You add to this spell repertoire as you increase in level. Each time you get a spell slot (see the Sorcerer Spells per Day table above), you add a spell to your spell repertoire of the same rank. When you gain a new rank of spells, your first new spell is always the sorcerous gift spell for that rank that's listed in your bloodline, but you can choose the other spells. At 2nd level, you select another 1st-rank spell; at 3rd level, you gain a new spell from your bloodline and two other 2nd-rank spells, and so on. When you add spells, you might select a higher-rank version of a spell you already know so that you can cast a heightened version of that spell.
Though you gain them at the same rate, your spell slots and the spells in your spell repertoire are separate. If a feat or other ability adds a spell to your spell repertoire, it wouldn't give you another spell slot or vice versa.
Swapping Spells in Your Repertoire
As you gain new spells in your spell repertoire, you might want to replace some of the spells you previously learned. Each time you gain a level and learn new spells, you can swap out one of your old spells for a different spell of the same rank. This spell can be a cantrip, but you can't swap out bloodline spells. You can also swap out spells by retraining during downtime.
Summoner The collection of spells you can cast is called your spell repertoire. At 1st level, you learn two 1st-rank spells of your choice and five cantrips of your choice. You choose these from the common spells from the tradition corresponding to your eidolon, or from other spells from that tradition to which you have access. You can cast any spell in your spell repertoire by using a spell slot of an appropriate spell rank. Your spell slots and the spells in your spell repertoire are separate. If a feat or other ability adds a spell to your spell repertoire, it doesn't give you another spell slot, and vice versa.
You add to this spell repertoire as you increase in level. Each time you get a spell slot (see Table 2–4: Summoner Spells per Day), you add a spell of the same rank to your spell repertoire. At 2nd level, you select another 1st-rank spell. At 3rd level, you add the first 2nd-rank spell to your repertoire. At 4th level you gain your second and your spell repertoire reaches its maximum size of five spells.
At 5th level, in addition to adding two 3rd-rank spells to your repertoire, you lose your lowest rank of spell slots. Any time you lose a rank of spell slots, you lose two spells in your repertoire as well. These can come from spells you already know or out of the number of new spells you're learning. On levels in which you don't change your spell slots, you can swap out multiple spells, as described below.
Swapping Spells in Your Repertoire
As you gain new spells in your repertoire, you might want to replace some of the spells you previously learned. Each time you gain a level and learn new spells, you can swap out one of your old spells for a different spell of the same rank. If it's a rank at which you lose a set of lower-rank slots, you can replace the two in either order. You can also instead swap a cantrip. You can also swap out spells by retraining during downtime.
At 6th level and every even level thereafter, you can swap out any number of your spells for different spells of a rank you can cast. When you do, you must keep at least one spell you can cast with your lowest rank of spell slots so you don't end up with slots you can't use. For instance, at 6th level you would need to keep at least one 2nd-rank spell, but all your other spells could be 3rd rank.
" + }, "Spell Repertoire (Bard)": { "name": "Repertorio de conjuros (bardo)", "description": "La colección de conjuros que puedes lanzar se denomina tu repertorio de conjuros. A nivel, aprendes 2 conjuros ocultistas de nivel a tu elección y 5 trucos ocultistas también a tu\nelección. Los puedes elegir de entre los conjuros comunes de la lista de ocultismo u otros conjuros ocultistas a los que tienes acceso. Puedes lanzar cualquier conjuro de tu repertorio utilizando un espacio de conjuros de un rango de conjuro apropiado. Vas incrementando tu repertorio de conjuros conforme subes de nivel.
\nCada vez que obtienes un espacio de conjuro (ver la tabla Conjuros de bardo por día) añades un conjuro del mismo nivel a tu repertorio. A 2.º nivel, seleccionas otro conjuro de nivel; a nivel, seleccionas 2 conjuros de 2.º nivel y así sucesivamente. Cuando añades conjuros, puedes añadir una versión de nivel superior de un conjuro que ya tienes, para poder lanzar una versión potenciada del mismo.
\nAunque los obtienes al mismo ritmo, tus espacios de conjuro y los conjuros de tu repertorio van por separado. Si una dote u otra aptitud añade un conjuro a tu repertorio, no te concede otro\nespacio de conjuros y viceversa.
\nConforme obtienes nuevos conjuros en tu repertorio, podría interesarte reemplazar algunos de los que has aprendido previamente. Cada vez que subes de nivel y aprendes nuevos conjuros,\npuedes intercambiar uno de tus viejos conjuros por otro diferente del mismo nivel. Dicho conjuro puede ser un truco. También puedes intercambiar conjuros reconvirtiéndolos durante el tiempo libre.
" @@ -2712,7 +2720,7 @@ }, "Unfurling Brocade": { "name": "Unfurling Brocade", - "description": "You disdain others' reliance on crude contrivances of iron, instead favoring the elegance of fabric, with thread and brocade your panoply. Your mastery of qinggong allows qi-infused fabric to tear flesh, bind blades, and pierce steel.
\nYou can create a special weapon, qi-infused fabric, by Interacting to grip a length of cloth of 1 Bulk or less and filling it with your qi. If you Interact to draw the object, you can do this as part of that action. For most unfurling brocade magi, this item is a scarf, sash, ribbon, or a similarly voluminous article of worn clothing, such as long sleeves. You can use the fabric as a bladed scarf. Unlike a normal bladed scarf, you have the option to wield the fabric in one hand instead of two. Its damage die is d4 if held in one hand. If you're wearing handwraps of mighty blows, you can apply any of its runes to the fabric, provided those runes could be added to a bladed scarf. This begins when you wield the fabric and ends when you cease doing so.
\nWhile in Arcane Cascade stance, the magical energy flowing through your fabric partially animates it to accomplish an even greater range of tricks.
If you critically succeed at an Athletics check to @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.Dt6B1slsBy8ipJu9]{Disarm}, you can spend a single action immediately afterward to flick your fabric, causing the disarmed object to fall to the ground in your space rather than in your opponent's.
Your fabric gains the grapple trait. If you succeed at an Athletics check to @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.PMbdMWc2QroouFGD]{Grapple} using your fabric, you can spend a single action immediately afterward to pull the creature 5 feet toward you.
When you attempt to @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.ge56Lu1xXVFYUnLP]{Trip} a foe using your fabric, the target can be two sizes larger than you instead of one.
Conflux Spell@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.JIphJbkWHndtFk72]{Home Among Mulberry Leaves}
" + "description": "You disdain others' reliance on crude contrivances of iron, instead favoring the elegance of fabric, with thread and brocade your panoply. Your mastery of qinggong allows qi-infused fabric to tear flesh, bind blades, and pierce steel.
\nYou can create a special weapon, qi-infused fabric, by Interacting to grip a length of cloth of 1 Bulk or less and filling it with your qi. If you Interact to draw the object, you can do this as part of that action. For most unfurling brocade magi, this item is a scarf, sash, ribbon, or a similarly voluminous article of worn clothing, such as long sleeves. You can use the fabric as a @UUID[]{Bladed Scarf}. Unlike a normal bladed scarf, you have the option to wield the fabric in one hand instead of two. Its damage die is d4 if held in one hand. If you're wearing @UUID[]{Handwraps of Mighty Blows}, you can apply any of its runes to the fabric, provided those runes could be added to a bladed scarf. This begins when you wield the fabric and ends when you cease doing so.
\nWhile in @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.HbejhIywqIufrmVM]{Arcane Cascade} stance, the magical energy flowing through your fabric partially animates it to accomplish an even greater range of tricks.
If you critically succeed at an Athletics check to @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.Dt6B1slsBy8ipJu9]{Disarm}, you can spend a single action immediately afterward to flick your fabric, causing the disarmed object to fall to the ground in your space rather than in your opponent's.
Your fabric gains the grapple trait. If you succeed at an Athletics check to @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.PMbdMWc2QroouFGD]{Grapple} using your fabric, you can spend a single action immediately afterward to pull the creature 5 feet toward you.
When you attempt to @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.ge56Lu1xXVFYUnLP]{Trip} a foe using your fabric, the target can be two sizes larger than you instead of one.
Conflux Spell @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.JIphJbkWHndtFk72]{Home Among Mulberry Leaves}
" }, "Unimpeded Journey": { "name": "Viaje sin trabas", From ddf30864d4752a19be46e2fce44f5e240bc1bd61 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Agustin AllendeYou gain resistance equal to 2 + half your level against all damage from the triggering attack or effect.
" + "description": "Granted by @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.GIr0i1ucWnMSLwJo]{Adamantine Body}
\nYou gain resistance equal to 2 + half your level against all damage from the triggering attack or effect.
" }, "Effect: Aldori Parry": { "name": "Efecto: Parada Aldori", @@ -88,15 +88,6 @@ "name": "Efecto: tiro de asistencia", "description": "Otorgado por @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.UiQbjeqBUFjUtgUR]{Assisting Shot} si alcanzas el objetivo.
\nLa siguiente criatura, además de ti, que ataque al mismo objetivo antes del comienzo de tu siguiente turno obtiene un bono de circunstancia +1 en su tirada.
" }, - "Effect: Assisting Shot (Critical Hit)": { - "name": "Efecto: Disparo de asistencia (golpe crítico)", - "description": "Otorgado por @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.UiQbjeqBUFjUtgUR]{Assisting Shot} si das un golpe crítico al objetivo.
\nLa siguiente criatura, además de ti, que ataque al mismo objetivo antes del comienzo de tu siguiente turno obtiene un bono de circunstancia +2 en su tirada.
", - "rules": { - "0": { - "label": "Tiro de asistencia" - } - } - }, "Effect: Augment Senses": { "name": "Efecto: aumentar los sentidos", "description": "Hasta el inicio de tu siguiente turno, no puedes ser flanqueado.
" @@ -164,12 +155,7 @@ }, "Effect: Azarketi Purification": { "name": "Efecto: Purificación Azarketi", - "description": "Concedido por @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.u94fcPT5Oukqzql5]{Azarketi Purification}
", - "rules": { - "0": { - "label": "Purificación de Azarketi (frente a salvaciones continuas contra venenos que ya están en tu cuerpo)" - } - } + "description": "Concedido por @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.u94fcPT5Oukqzql5]{Azarketi Purification}
" }, "Effect: Battle Medicine Immunity": { "name": "Efecto: Inmunidad a la medicina de batalla", @@ -193,7 +179,7 @@ }, "Effect: Blade of the Heart": { "name": "Effect: Blade of the Heart", - "description": "Granted @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.GrKurXVdm5lJkE2q]{Blade of the Heart}
\nYou plunge your transformed weapon into the heart of a willing adjacent ally, where it phases harmlessly into their body. As you pull the weapon out, your ally's heart inscribes one of the following weapon property runes on your weapon: corrosive, flaming, frost, shock, thundering, or vitalizing.
\nAt 16th level, you draw the greater version of the rune instead.
" + "description": "Granted @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.GrKurXVdm5lJkE2q]{Blade of the Heart}
\nYour transformed weapon gains one of the following weapon property runes on your weapon: corrosive, flaming, frost, shock, thundering, or vitalizing.
\nAt 16th level, you draw the greater version of the rune instead.
" }, "Effect: Blessed Armament": { "name": "Effect: Blessed Armament", @@ -219,10 +205,6 @@ "name": "Efecto: Bon Mot", "description": "Concedido por @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.0GF2j54roPFIDmXf]{Bon Mot}
\nEstás distraído y recibes una penalización de estado de -2 a Percepción y salvación de Voluntad durante 1 minuto.
\nPuedes finalizar el efecto antes de tiempo con una respuesta a tu Bon Mot. Esto puede ser una acción única que tenga el rasgo de concentración o una acción de habilidad adecuada para enmarcar su respuesta. El DJ determina qué acciones de habilidad califican, aunque debe realizar al menos 1 acción. Normalmente, la réplica necesita utilizar unAcción de habilidad basada en el carisma lingüístico.
" }, - "Effect: Bon Mot (Critical Success)": { - "name": "Efecto: Bon Mot (éxito crítico)", - "description": "Concedido por @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.0GF2j54roPFIDmXf]{Bon Mot}
\nEstás distraído y sufres una penalización de estado de -3 a Percepción y salvación de Voluntad durante 1 minuto.
\nPuedes finalizar el efecto antes de tiempo con una respuesta a tu Bon Mot. Esto puede ser una acción única que tenga el rasgo de concentración o una acción de habilidad adecuada para enmarcar su respuesta. El DJ determina qué acciones de habilidad califican, aunque debe realizar al menos 1 acción. Normalmente, la réplica necesita utilizar unAcción de habilidad basada en el carisma lingüístico.
" - }, "Effect: Bone Spikes": { "name": "Efecto: Púas de hueso", "description": "Puedes realizar ataques desarmados con púas de hueso, que causan 1d6 de daño perforante y tienen los rasgos versátiles S y de barrido.
" @@ -705,6 +687,10 @@ "name": "Efecto: Magia de sangre elemental (propia)", "description": "Concedido por @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.classfeatures.Item.RXRnJcG4XSabZ35a]{Bloodline: Elemental}
\nObtienes un bonificador de estado +1 a las pruebas de Intimidación durante 1 asalto.
" }, + "Effect: Elemental Bulwark": { + "name": "Effect: Elemental Bulwark", + "description": "Granted by @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.IUVzB39pRVyBFOEx]{Elemental Bulwark}
\nYou gain resistance against the triggering damage.
" + }, "Effect: Elementalist Dedication": { "name": "Efecto: Dedicación elementalista", "description": "Concedido por @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.tx9pkrpmtqe4FnvS]{Elementalist Dedication}
\nCada día, cuando haces tus preparativos diarios, puedes sintonizarte con un elemento de tu elección de tu filosofía elemental. Obtienes una resistencia equivalente a la mitad de tu nivel (mínimo 1 resistencia) contra el daño infligido por efectos con tu rasgo elemental sintonizado. Esta sintonía dura hasta la próxima vez que hagas tus preparativos diarios.
" @@ -805,6 +791,10 @@ "name": "Efecto: colmillos venenosos", "description": "Concedido por @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.IY86Kvopp4ACuQsw]{Envenom Fangs}
\nEnvenenas tus colmillos. Si el siguiente golpe de colmillos que realizas antes del final de tu siguiente turno golpea e inflige daño, el golpe inflige 1d6 de daño por veneno adicional. En caso de fallo crítico, el veneno se desperdicia como es normal.
" }, + "Effect: Eternal Torch": { + "name": "Effect: Eternal Torch", + "description": "Granted by @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.MRT8BGiIiVYfVcXh]{Eternal Torch}
\nYou create a torch-like flame. If you create a flame on a weapon, you still need to use it as an improvised weapon to attack with the flame, just as with a torch.
" + }, "Effect: Exalted Reaction (Desecrator)": { "name": "Effect: Exalted Reaction (Desecrator)", "description": "Granted by @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.classfeatures.Item.8YIA0jh64Ecz0TG6]{Desecration}
\nEach enemy in your champion's aura takes a –1 status penalty to attack rolls against you.
" @@ -856,7 +846,7 @@ }, "Effect: Familiar's Resolve": { "name": "Effect: Familiar's Resolve", - "description": "Granted by @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.BQ50m0Jb9qyoPchi]{Familiar's Resolve}
\nYou or an ally within 30 feet gain a +2 status bonus to saving throws against effects that would cause you to be doomed or frightened for 1 round. At 14th level, you or an ally gain a +3 status bonus to saving throws against these effects instead.
" + "description": "Granted by @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.BQ50m0Jb9qyoPchi]{Familiar's Resolve}
\nYou gain a status bonus to saving throws against effects that would cause you to be @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.3uh1r86TzbQvosxv]{Doomed} or @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.TBSHQspnbcqxsmjL]{Frightened}.
" }, "Effect: Favorable Winds": { "name": "Efecto: Vientos Favorables", @@ -906,6 +896,10 @@ "name": "Efecto: Tempo de flota", "description": "Tú y todos los aliados dentro de un radio de 30 pies obtienen una bonificación de estado de +10 pies a todas las velocidades durante 1 minuto.
" }, + "Effect: Fluttering Distraction": { + "name": "Effect: Fluttering Distraction", + "description": "Granted by @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.hOImeMiRPIRKPPXY]{Fluttering Distraction}
\nThe enemy must roll its attack twice and take the lower result.
" + }, "Effect: Forcible Energy": { "name": "Efecto: Energía abrumadora", "description": "Concedido por @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.UJafwv306v75Syy7]{Energía abrumadora}
\nEl objetivo obtiene debilidad 5 al ácido, frío, electricidad, fuego o daño sónico.
" @@ -956,6 +950,10 @@ "name": "Efecto: Magia de sangre de genio", "description": "Concedido por @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.classfeatures.Item.tYOMBiH3HbViNWwn]{Bloodline: Genie}
\nO obtienes un bonificador de estado de +1 a las pruebas de Engaño durante 1 asalto, o un objetivo sufre un penalizador de estado de -1 a Percepción durante 1 asalto.
" }, + "Effect: Geobukseon Retaliation": { + "name": "Effect: Geobukseon Retaliation", + "description": "Granted by @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.WcvscJpQhbTiefwn]{Geobukseon Retaliation}
\nYou gain a +4 circumstance bonus to AC and resistance 2 to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage.
" + }, "Effect: Ghost Strike": { "name": "Efecto: Golpe fantasma", "description": "Concedido por @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.pM0g4ColXTiQ3gTa]{Ghost Strike}
\nEl arma obtiene los efectos de la runa de propiedad de toque fantasma. En el nivel 10, puedes aplicar este efecto a dos armas en lugar de una.
" @@ -1315,6 +1313,10 @@ "name": "Efecto: Magia que da vida", "description": "Obtienes una cantidad de puntos de vida temporales igual a la mitad de tu nivel (mínimo 1) que duran hasta el final de tu siguiente turno.
" }, + "Effect: Lightning Armillary": { + "name": "Effect: Lightning Armillary", + "description": "Granted by @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.familiar-abilities.Item.zwWgHjcU0iZ6gUDY]{Lightning Armillary}
\nYour weapon or hand deals an additional 1d6 electricity damage, or 1d8 electricity damage.
" + }, "Effect: Living Fortification": { "name": "Efecto: Fortificación Viviente", "description": "Colocas tu arma a la defensiva, obteniendo una bonificación de circunstancia +1 a la CA hasta el comienzo de tu siguiente turno.
" @@ -1446,6 +1448,10 @@ "name": "Effect: Mental Balm", "description": "Granted by @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.pEFcWRYiWLSjxvkW]{Mental Balm}
\nYou or one ally within 30 feet gains a +2 status bonus to Will saves against emotion effects for 1 minute.
" }, + "Effect: Mentor of Legends": { + "name": "Effect: Mentor of Legends", + "description": "Granted by @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.JBjRGWVtVaxLckfH]{Mentor of Legends}
\nThe target gains temporary Hit Points equal to half your level.
" + }, "Effect: Metallic Skin": { "name": "Efecto: Piel Metálica", "description": "Fortaleces tus resistencias naturales con metal elemental, cubriendo tu piel con metal grueso. Obtienes una bonificación de estado de +2 a la CA y una resistencia de 10 al daño físico (excepto Adamantita), pero sufres una penalización de -10 pies a la velocidad. Si recibes daño de fuego mientras esta habilidad está activa, hasta el final de tu siguiente turno, infliges un @Damage[2d6[fire]] daño adicional con todos tus golpes cuerpo a cuerpo desarmados.
" @@ -1665,6 +1671,10 @@ "name": "Effect: Premonition of Clarity", "description": "Granted by @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.2h8a6pKhXTXwpJjP]{Premonition of Clarity}
\nReroll the triggering saving throw with a +2 circumstance bonus.
" }, + "Effect: Prepare Elemental Medicine": { + "name": "Effect: Prepare Elemental Medicine", + "description": "Granted by @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.NMbOfl885pn0Yzu9]{Prepare Elemental Medicine}
\nThe recipient is granted a circumstance bonus to saves against an affliction, or a –1 circumstance penalty on a critical failure.
\nIf you have @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.qaiwbAb1PaKrZ2O0]{Energy Fortification} and use Occultism to Prepare Elemental Medicine, the recipient gains resistance and weakness to vitality damage and void damage based on the element you chose.
" + }, "Effect: Prevailing Position": { "name": "Efecto: Posición predominante", "description": "Concedido por @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.Xw7qG0SHepXx24vl]{Prevailing Position}
\nDejas la postura en la que estabas, ganando un bonificador de circunstancia +4 a la tirada de salvación desencadenante o a tu CA contra el ataque desencadenante.
" @@ -1712,6 +1722,10 @@ } } }, + "Effect: Protective Pose": { + "name": "Effect: Protective Pose", + "description": "Granted by @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.A9WrbBCCdYsmdKGv]{Protective Pose}
\nCreatures gain resistance to your choice of acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic damage equal to half your level.
" + }, "Effect: Protective Spirit Mask": { "name": "Efecto: Máscara de espíritu protector", "description": "Obtienes un bono de circunstancia +1 a la CA hasta el inicio del siguiente turno del lanzador.
\nConcedido por: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.nn7DiYYWinsSYrZy]{Protective Spirit Mask}
" @@ -1740,6 +1754,10 @@ "name": "Efecto: ¡Haz retroceder a los muertos!", "description": "La criatura obtiene un bono de circunstancia +2 a las salvaciones contra efectos originados por muertos vivientes.
" }, + "Effect: Pushing Wind": { + "name": "Effect: Pushing Wind", + "description": "Granted by @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.GxkTe4VM7u26uZGI]{Pushing Wind}
\nYou gain a +5-foot circumstance bonus to land Speed.
" + }, "Effect: Radiant Circuitry": { "name": "Efecto: Circuito Radiante", "description": "Concedido por @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.2XmdYW8OsAvjGDG3]{Radiant Circuitry} .
" @@ -1950,6 +1968,10 @@ "name": "Effect: Silk Bracelet", "description": "Granted by @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.bI0PWJ4c3AOcFDWN]{Silk Bracelet}
\nThe silk imposes a –10 foot status penalty to all the target's Speeds for 1 round
" }, + "Effect: Siphon Torment": { + "name": "Effect: Siphon Torment", + "description": "Granted by @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.XdicxD5jMJ8JSVqk]{Siphon Torment}
\nThe target gains temporary Hit Points equal to your level.
" + }, "Effect: Skillful Mentor Boon (PFS)": { "name": "Efecto: Bendición del mentor hábil (PFS)", "description": "Efecto Mientras trabajas con aliados Pathfinder menos experimentados, brindas consejos vitales para perfeccionar las habilidades de tus colegas más nuevos. Para cualquier PJ que se beneficie de un aumento de nivel y cuyos niveles sean más bajos que el tuyo, aumentas el modificador del aumento de nivel a las pruebas de habilidad a 2.
\nNormal Un aumento de nivel aumenta los modificadores de prueba de habilidad de un PJ en 1.
\nEspecial Un PC sólo puedebeneficiarse de dos bendiciones de mentor.
", @@ -2018,7 +2040,7 @@ }, "Effect: Starlit Transformation": { "name": "Effect: Starlit Transformation", - "description": "Granted by @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.M4ALaFXoQDJGxSsI]{Starlit Transformation}
" + "description": "Granted by @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.M4ALaFXoQDJGxSsI]{Starlit Transformation}
\nYour weapon gains a +1 status bonus to damage rolls. You can fling bolts of starlight from your weapon with a Strike action, using your melee attack modifier with the weapon. These bolts deal 1d4 force damage and have the arcane and force traits.
" }, "Effect: Stone Body": { "name": "Efecto: Cuerpo de Piedra", @@ -2437,6 +2459,10 @@ "name": "Postura: Postura inspiradora del mariscal", "description": "Concedido por @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.bvOsJNeI0ewvQsFa]{Inspiring Marshal Stance} .
\nEl aura de tu mariscal te otorga a ti y a tus aliados una bonificación de estado +1 a las tiradas de ataque y salvaciones contra efectos mentales.
" }, + "Stance: Intensified Element Stance": { + "name": "Stance: Intensified Element Stance", + "description": "Granted by @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.qOGD3K8VlQAAjsWy]{Intensified Element Stance}
\nYour Strikes and damaging spells deal an additional 1d6 damage against certain creatures, depending on the type of elemental medicine expended. If the person who crafted the elemental medicine expended was legendary in the skill they used, increased this damage to 2d6.
Earth acid damage against water creatures
Fire fire damage against metal creatures and constructs that are primarily metallic
Metal electricity damage against wood or plant creatures and constructs primarily made of wood or plant matter
Water sonic damage against fire creatures
Wood cold damage against earth creatures and constructs that are primarily made of rock or earth
Concedido por @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.x9cYkB8DrUBBwqJd]{Ironblood Stance}
\nEntras en la postura de hierro impenetrable, negándote a ceder ante cualquier golpe. Puedes realizar ataques desarmados con barrido de hierro. Estos causan 1d8 de daño contundente; están en el grupo de pelea; y tiene los rasgos no letal, parada, barrido y desarmado.
\nMientras estás en Posición Sangre de Hierro, obtienes resistencia 2 a todo el daño. La resistencia aumenta a 3 en el nivel 12, a 4 en el nivel 16 y a 5 en el nivel 20.
\n@UUID[]{Effect: Parry}
" @@ -2580,6 +2606,10 @@ "name": "Stance: Strategist Stance", "description": "Granted by @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.fJwsZM6WXwP8EStV]{Strategist Stance}
\nYour marshal's aura grants you and allies a +1 status bonus to Reflex saving throws
" }, + "Stance: Stretching Reach": { + "name": "Stance: Stretching Reach", + "description": "Granted by @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.1yXmi6vKae6J1A0L]{Stretching Reach}
\nWhile in this stance, when you wield a melee weapon that requires two hands and doesn't have reach, the weapon gains a reach of 10 feet.
" + }, "Stance: Stumbling Stance": { "name": "Postura: postura del borracho", "description": "Concedido por @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.7FRYyKXDKjGoANYj]{Stumbling Stance}
\nEntras en una postura aparentemente desenfocada que imita los movimientos de los ebrios: balanceándose, zigzagueando, dejando falsas aberturas y distrayendo a tus enemigos de tus verdaderos movimientos. Mientras estás en esta postura, obtienes un bonificador de circunstancia +1 a las pruebas de Engaño a @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.QNAVeNKtHA0EUw4X]{Feint}.
\nLos únicos golpes que puedes realizar son ataques desarmados con balanceo y tropiezo. Estos causan 1d8 de daño contundente; estan en elgrupo de pelea; y tener rasgos ágiles, traidores, sutiles, no letales y desarmados. Si un enemigo te golpea con un golpe cuerpo a cuerpo mientras estás en esta postura, quedará desprevenido ante el siguiente golpe que hagas contra él antes del final de tu siguiente turno.
" @@ -2610,7 +2640,7 @@ }, "Stance: Twisting Petal Stance": { "name": "Stance: Twisting Petal Stance", - "description": "Granted by @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.VN6Cws7BBta81AQ9]{Twisting Petal Stance}
\nour body moves like a petal twisting on the wind, confounding your opponents while using their energy against them. You can make gale blossom strikes that deal 1d6 slashing damage. These strikes are in the brawling group and have the agile, finesse, nonlethal, shove, and unarmed traits. While in Twisting Petal Stance, you gain a +1 circumstance bonus to Athletics checks to @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.7blmbDrQFNfdT731]{Shove} and a +2 circumstance bonus to your Fortitude DC to avoid being Shoved. You also gain a +1 circumstance bonus to Deception checks to @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.QNAVeNKtHA0EUw4X]{Feint} and a +2 circumstance bonus to your Perception DC to resist an opponent's Feint attempt.
" + "description": "Granted by @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.VN6Cws7BBta81AQ9]{Twisting Petal Stance}
\nYour body moves like a petal twisting on the wind, confounding your opponents while using their energy against them. You can make gale blossom strikes that deal 1d6 slashing damage. These strikes are in the brawling group and have the agile, finesse, nonlethal, shove, and unarmed traits. While in Twisting Petal Stance, you gain a +1 circumstance bonus to Athletics checks to @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.7blmbDrQFNfdT731]{Shove} and a +2 circumstance bonus to your Fortitude DC to avoid being Shoved. You also gain a +1 circumstance bonus to Deception checks to @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.QNAVeNKtHA0EUw4X]{Feint} and a +2 circumstance bonus to your Perception DC to resist an opponent's Feint attempt.
" }, "Stance: Vitality-Manipulation Stance": { "name": "Postura: Postura de manipulación de la vitalidad", From 061dded48a298243b0c11347706c2d647bd9356f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Agustin AllendeRequirements You're transformed into phoenix form by the monstrosity form spell granted by this feat
Effect You dismiss phoenix form while a fiery corona erupts from you as searing light. Each creature in a @Template[type:burst|distance:10] takes @Damage[16d6[fire]] damage with a @Check[fortitude|against:spell|basic] save against your spell DC; creatures that critically fail are @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.XgEqL1kFApUbl5Z2]{Blinded} for 1 round. You gain 8d6 temporary Hit Points. At 18th level and again at 20th level, the burst deals an additional 2d6 fire damage, and you gain an additional 1d6 temporary Hit Points.
" + "description": "Requirements You're transformed into phoenix form by the monstrosity form spell granted by this feat
Effect You dismiss phoenix form while a fiery corona erupts from you as searing light. Each creature in a @Template[type:burst|distance:10] takes @Damage[max(16,(2*(floor(@actor.level/2))))d6[fire]|options:area-damage] damage with a @Check[fortitude|against:spell|basic] save against your spell DC; creatures that critically fail are @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.XgEqL1kFApUbl5Z2]{Blinded} for 1 round. You gain 8d6 temporary Hit Points. At 18th level and again at 20th level, the burst deals an additional 2d6 fire damage, and you gain an additional 1d6 temporary Hit Points.
" }, "Blizzard Evasion": { "name": "Evasión de la tormenta de nieve", @@ -357,14 +357,6 @@ "name": "Dazzle Seeker", "description": "Trigger A creature attempts a flat check to target you due to you being @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.DmAIPqOBomZ7H95W]{Oculto} from it
\nEffect You flash your bright scales in the creature's eyes, making it hard for them to pinpoint your exact location. The creature must roll the flat check twice and take the worse result.
" }, - "De-Animating Gestures (False)": { - "name": "Gestos desanimadores (falso)", - "description": "Usted designa una sola construcción dentro de 30 pies que puede ver u oír. La construcción se convierte en @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.nlCjDvLMf2EkV2dl] {Acelerado 1} durante 1 minuto y es temporalmente inmune a esta habilidad durante 24 horas. Puede usar su acción adicional sólo para dar zancadas o golpear.
" - }, - "De-Animating Gestures (True)": { - "name": "Gestos desanimadores (verdadero)", - "description": "Usted designa una sola construcción dentro de 30 pies que puede ver u oír. La construcción es @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.xYTAsEpcJE1Ccni3] {Lentificado 1} durante 1 minuto.
" - }, "Death Drone": { "name": "Death Drone", "description": "The cicadas in your swarm make a droning sound that stimulates a fear response. Each creature within your swarm's space takes @Damage[6d4[mental]] damage and must attempt a @Check[type:will|dc:resolve(@actor.system.attributes.classOrSpellDC.value)] save against your class DC or spell DC, whichever is higher.
Critical Success The creature is unaffected.
\nSuccess The creatures takes half damage.
\nFailure The creature takes full damage, is @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.TBSHQspnbcqxsmjL]{Asustado 1}, and takes a –2 circumstance penalty to Perception checks that require hearing.
\nCritical Failure The creature takes double damage, is @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.TBSHQspnbcqxsmjL]{Asustado 2}, and is @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.9PR9y0bi4JPKnHPR]{Ensordecido} until the start of your next turn.
" @@ -473,10 +465,6 @@ "name": "Drape Ambient Magic", "description": "Frequency once per round
Effect Your ostilli turns clear as it converts its stored magic into a bubble of refracting light around you. You become @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.iU0fEDdBp3rXpTMC]{Escondido} to all creatures until the end of your turn. If you Strike a creature, that creature is @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.AJh5ex99aV6VTggg]{Desprevenido} against that attack, and you then become observed.
" }, - "Dream Research": { - "name": "Investigación de sueños", - "description": "Desencadenante Te quedas dormido a 5 millas de Xarwin Manor.
\nFrecuencia una vez cada 12 horas
\nMientras duermes, experimentas sueños que rayan en las pesadillas. En estos sueños, tu mente se aleja de tu alma y todo lo que sabes se siente como si estuviera siendo arrastrado a los lugares oscuros entre las estrellas para ser devorado. Durante el sueño, puedes concentrarte en un tema de investigación.has desbloqueado y no has investigado completamente. Si elige un tema para el cual la parte ya ha descubierto todos los umbrales de investigación, puede cambiar inmediatamente a un tema diferente.
\nLa habilidad que usas y la CD para la prueba dependen del tema, como se detalla en el lugar de Dreams de ese tema. Si no estás soñando dentro de los terrenos de la mansión, el vínculo espiritual con la malevolencia se reduce y sufres una penalización de estado de -2 a la prueba.
\nÉxito crítico Obtienes 2 RP.
\nÉxito Obtienes 1 RP.
\nFallo crítico Miras demasiado lejos en la malevolencia, que nota tu intento. Logras romper el vínculo mental justo antes de perder algunos recuerdos debido a su apetito voraz. Aumenta tu valor de condición de malevolencia en 1.
" - }, "Drifter's Wake": { "name": "Estela del vagabundo", "description": "Te desplazas por el campo de batalla, derribando enemigos a medida que avanzas. Das zancadas y puedes golpear hasta tres veces en cualquier punto durante tu movimiento. Cada ataque debe apuntar a un enemigo diferente y debe realizarse con un arma de fuego de una mano, una ballesta, un arma cuerpo a cuerpo o un ataque sin armas. Cada ataque cuenta para tu penalización por ataque múltiple, pero tu penalización por ataque múltiple no aumenta hasta que hayas realizado todos tus ataques. Tu movimiento no provoca reacciones.
" @@ -909,10 +897,6 @@ "name": "Golpe Maestro", "description": "Activa Tu golpe golpea a una criatura @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.AJh5ex99aV6VTggg] {Desprevenido} y causa daño.
\nEl objetivo intenta una salvación @Check[type:fortitude|dc:resolve(@actor.system.proficiencies.classDCs.rogue.dc)] contra tu clase DC. Luego se vuelve temporalmente inmune a tu Master Strike durante 1 día.
\nÉxito crítico El objetivo no se ve afectado.
\nÉxito El objetivo es @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.MIRkyAjyBeXivMa7]{Debilitado 2} hasta el final de tu siguiente turno.
\nFallo El objetivo es @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.6uEgoh53GbXuHpTF] {Paralizado} durante 4 rondas.
\nFallo crítico El objetivo queda paralizado durante 4 asaltos, noqueado @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.fBnFDH2MTzgFijKf] {Inconsciente} durante 2 horas o asesinado (tu elección).
" }, - "Mesmerizing Performance": { - "name": "Rendimiento fascinante", - "description": "Requisitos La última acción del compañero fue una prueba de rendimiento exitosa de @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.EEDElIyin4z60PXx] {Perform} . El compañero mantiene su desempeño para cautivar a un solo objetivo dentro de 30 pies que fue testigo de su desempeño exitoso. El objetivo debe intentar una salvación de Voluntad.
\nÉxito El objetivo no se ve afectado y es temporalmente inmune durante 1 hora.
\nFracaso El objetivo es @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.AdPVz7rbaVSRxHFg] {Fascinado} por el compañero para su siguiente acción y luego es temporalmente inmune durante 1 hora.
\nFallo crítico El objetivo queda fascinado por el compañero durante 1 ronda. Mientras permanece fascinado, no sabe reaccionar.
" - }, "Mighty Rage": { "name": "Furia Poderosa", "description": "Desencadenante Utilizas la acción de entrar en @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.Ah5g9pDwWF9b9VW9] {Furia} en tu turno.
\nUtiliza una acción con el rasgo de furia. Alternativamente, puedes incrementar las acciones de la furia desencadenante a 2 para, en su lugar, utilizar una actividad de 2 acciones con el rasgo furia.
" @@ -1355,7 +1339,7 @@ }, "Starlit Transformation": { "name": "Starlit Transformation", - "description": "Frequency once per hour
Effects Light swirls around you, transforming your armor, clothing, and a single weapon in your possession into a specific alternate outfit. While your equipment might look dramatically different, it functions as normal. If someone attempts to discern your identity, they must use a @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.BlAOM2X92SI6HMtJ]{Seek} action to attempt a Perception check against your Deception DC, as if you were using the @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.AJstokjdG6iDjVjE]{Impersonate} action. Your Deception DC against such attempts is 20 + your proficiency modifier instead of the normal DC. Unlike with Impersonate, you don't have to attempt a Deception check to interact with someone to conceal your identity—a check happens only if someone else specifically tries to uncover it. You remain in your sentinel form for 10 minutes or until you use Starlit Transformation again to change back to your normal form.
\nWhile you're in sentinel form, your transformed weapon shines with starlight and gains a +1 status bonus to damage rolls with the weapon. You can fling bolts of starlight from your weapon with a Strike action, using your melee attack modifier with the weapon. These bolts deal @Damage[1d4[force]] damage, have a range of 60 feet, are affected by your weapon runes, and have the arcane and force traits.
" + "description": "Frequency once per hour
Effect Light swirls around you, transforming your armor, clothing, and a single weapon in your possession into a specific alternate outfit. While your equipment might look dramatically different, it functions as normal. If someone attempts to discern your identity, they must use a @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.BlAOM2X92SI6HMtJ]{Seek} action to attempt a Perception check against your Deception DC, as if you were using the @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.AJstokjdG6iDjVjE]{Impersonate} action. Your Deception DC against such attempts is 20 + your proficiency modifier instead of the normal DC. Unlike with Impersonate, you don't have to attempt a Deception check to interact with someone to conceal your identity—a check happens only if someone else specifically tries to uncover it. You remain in your sentinel form for 10 minutes or until you use Starlit Transformation again to change back to your normal form.
\nWhile you're in sentinel form, your transformed weapon shines with starlight and gains a +1 status bonus to damage rolls with the weapon. You can fling bolts of starlight from your weapon with a Strike action, using your melee attack modifier with the weapon. These bolts deal 1d4 force damage, have a range of 60 feet, are affected by your weapon runes, and have the arcane and force traits.
" }, "Steal": { "name": "Sustraer", @@ -1628,5 +1612,9 @@ "converter": "translateSource", "path": "system.publication.title" } + }, + "folders": { + "Basic Actions": "Basic Actions", + "Skill Actions": "Skill Actions" } } \ No newline at end of file From ecf62780916555e3bf11c1e31d9a349558c9ae13 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Agustin AllendeRequirements Falrok is adjacent to the corpse of a creature that died within the last hour.
\nEffect Falrok devours a chunk of the corpse and regains [[/r 8d6[healing]]] Hit Points.
\nHe can regain Hit Points from any given corpse only once.
" + "description": "Requirements Falrok is adjacent to the corpse of a creature that died within the last hour.
Effect Falrok devours a chunk of the corpse and regains @Damage[8d6[healing]] Hit Points.
\nHe can regain Hit Points from any given corpse only once.
" }, "action->Ghast Fever": { "name": "Ghast Fever", From 0099f4d51deff2c047e40b35d23994b5328c0bd0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Agustin AllendeTu hocico pequeño y romo y tu sistema sinusal laberíntico te hacen resistente a los fenómenos que asaltan la nariz. Cuando realizas una tirada de salvación contra amenazas inhaladas (como venenos inhalados) y efectos olfativos (como el hedor de xulgath), obtienes el resultado un grado de éxito mejor que el resultado de tu tirada.
" }, + "Change Shape": { + "name": "Change Shape", + "description": "As a kitsune, you gain the @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.34E7k2YRcsOU5uyl]{Change Shape} ability.
" + }, "Clan Dagger": { "name": "Daga del clan", "description": "Obtienes un @UUID[] {clan dagger} de tu clan gratis, tal como te lo dieron al nacer. Vender esta daga es un tabú terrible y te granjeará el desdén de otros enanos.
" From c1ed4bae19f89f4ec76c5793ee71e7e0fe435d94 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Agustin AllendeLa criatura sufre un penalizador de estado de -4 a las pruebas de Atletismo para Nadar.
" }, + "Effect: Bloodletting": { + "name": "Effect: Bloodletting", + "description": "Father Skinsaw gains 40 temporary hit points.
" + }, "Effect: Bloodline Magic": { "name": "Efecto: Magia de línea de sangre", "description": "La criatura obtiene un bonificador de estado +1 a las pruebas de Engaño.
" @@ -323,6 +327,10 @@ "name": "Efecto: Consumir Alma", "description": "El obcisidaemon elige uno de los siguientes efectos.
\nPotenciar hechizo El obcisidaemon obtiene una bonificación de estado +2 a la CD de sus hechizos y a las tiradas de ataque de hechizos hasta el final de su siguiente turno.
\nPotenciar arma El arma del obcisidaemon obtiene los efectos de una runa mayor de fuego, mayor escarcha, mayor shock o herida hasta el final de su siguiente turno.
" }, + "Effect: Consumed by Bloodlust": { + "name": "Effect: Consumed by Bloodlust", + "description": "Blackfingers gains a +2 status bonus to attacks and damage with his dagger, but is @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.e1XGnhKNSQIm5IXg]{Stupefied 2}.
" + }, "Effect: Countered by Fire": { "name": "Efecto: contrarrestado por fuego", "description": "La criatura sufre una penalización de circunstancia de -1 a las tiradas de ataque y CA, y su ataque con mandíbulas no causa daño eléctrico.
" @@ -1329,6 +1337,10 @@ "name": "Efecto: Avivar al Ferviente (Gran Atormentador)", "description": "Cada aliado que escucha la llamada obtiene una bonificación de estado de +4 a las tiradas de ataque y de daño, una bonificación de estado de +2 a las tiradas de salvación y sufre una penalización de estado de -2 a la CA. Los aliados afectados deben usar al menos una de sus acciones para atacar en cada ronda, si pueden (incluso si eso significa atacar a un aliado, un objeto o el aire).
\nLa duración del efecto se ha establecido en la duración promedio de [[/br 2d4 #rounds]] {2d4 rounds} . Establezca la duración en el valor correcto cuando elSe añade el efecto.
" }, + "Effect: Surge Forward": { + "name": "Effect: Surge Forward", + "description": "You take a –1 circumstance penalty to your next skill check to overcome a task during the Dreaded Downpour event. On a critical failure this penalty is –2.
" + }, "Effect: Surgical Rend": { "name": "Efecto: Desgarro Quirúrgico", "description": "Hasta que la criatura recupere sus puntos de vida máximos, cerrando así la herida, los golpes contra la criatura infligen 1d6 de daño de precisión adicional.
" From 66c38ee85495fda54be36a2c7360fcb096e380ae Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Agustin AllendeFrequency twice per day
Effect Nemesis waves a limb or shoots a sinister glance at a single creature they can see who is within 120 feet. That creature's mind is ravaged, and they must attempt a @Check[type:will|dc:33] save.
Critical Success The creature is unaffected.
\nSuccess The creature takes @Damage[7d6[mental]] damage.
\nFailure The creature takes @Damage[14d6[mental]] damage and is @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.yblD8fOR1J8rDwEQ]{Confuso} for 1 minute.
\nCritical Failure The creature takes @Damage[21d6[mental]] damage and is @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.dfCMdR4wnpbYNTix]{Aturdido 3}; when they recover from being stunned, they're confused for 1 minute.
" }, "(Nemesis) Resilient": { - "name": "(Nemesis) Resilient" + "name": "(Nemesis) Resilient", + "description": "Choose Fortitude, Reflex, or Will. When Nemesis rolls a success on the chosen save, they get a critical success instead.
" }, "(Nymph Queen) Change Shape": { "name": "(Reina ninfa) Cambiar de forma", @@ -762,6 +763,22 @@ "name": "(Ravener) Críticos viciosos", "description": "El cuervo trata una tirada de ataque como un golpe crítico con una tirada de 19 o 20, siempre y cuando la tirada de ataque haya sido un éxito. Además, cada vez que el cuervo realiza un golpe crítico con uno de sus golpes, el objetivo debe superar una salvación @Check[type:fortitude|dc:|name:Vicious Criticals] o obtener la condición @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.4D2KBtexWXa6oUMR]{Drenado 1}. Si el objetivo ya tiene un valor drenado mayor que 0, su valor drenado aumenta en 1, hasta un máximo de 4.
\nCada vez que se aplica el cuervodrena a una criatura de esta manera, su alma guardiana gana 5 puntos de vida.
" }, + "(Risen Nemesis) Euphoric Cackle": { + "name": "(Risen Nemesis) Euphoric Cackle", + "description": "Trigger A creature the Risen Nemesis can observe critically fails an attack or save
Effect The Risen Nemesis revels and gains 20 temporary Hit Points that last for 24 hours. They cannot use Euphoric Cackle again for [[/br 1d4 #rounds]]{1d4 rounds}.
" + }, + "(Risen Nemesis) Fixated Obsession": { + "name": "(Risen Nemesis) Fixated Obsession", + "description": "Frequency once per day
Effect The Risen Nemesis expresses a vengeful interest in a target within 30 feet. The creature must succeed at a @Check[will|dc:42] save or become @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.fesd1n5eVhpCSS18]{Sickened 1} for 1 minute (@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.fesd1n5eVhpCSS18]{Sickened 2} on a critical failure). On failure or critical failure, the Risen Nemesis also gains a +2 status bonus on Strikes and damage rolls against the target until the target or the Risen Nemesis dies, whichever comes first.
" + }, + "(Risen Nemesis) Indignant Curse": { + "name": "(Risen Nemesis) Indignant Curse", + "description": "Trigger The Risen Nemesis critically fails a save
Effect The Risen Nemesis curses the creature who created the triggering effect with bad luck by sneering or shouting a cutting insult. The triggering creature must attempt a @Check[will|dc:42] save. On failure, the Risen Nemesis can reroll the triggering roll and take the better result of the two (a fortune effect); the cursed creature must make their next d20 roll twice and take the worse result (a misfortune effect).
" + }, + "(Risen Nemesis) Pained Retribution": { + "name": "(Risen Nemesis) Pained Retribution", + "description": "The Risen Nemesis demands the PCs see how they have wronged them. All PCs within @Template[type:emanation|distance:30]{30 feet} of the Risen Nemesis must attempt a @Check[will|dc:42] save. Regardless of the outcome, the PCs become temporarily immune to this ability for 24 hours. On failure, the PCs are @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.VcDeM8A5oI6VqhbM]{Restrained} by invisible chains of guilt that only they can see (@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.SkZAQRkLLkmBQNB9]{Escape} DC 42). On a critical failure, the PC is also @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.xYTAsEpcJE1Ccni3]{Slowed 1} for 1 minute as they hesitate from a guilty conscience.
" + }, "(Secret Society) Connected": { "name": "(Sociedad secreta) Conectado", "description": "El miembro de la sociedad secreta tiene numerosas conexiones, especialmente dentro del amplio grupo de clases sociales de las que la sociedad recluta, pero se extiende más allá a través de amistades, extorsión y otras formas de influencia. Siempre que se encuentre con un personaje de un asentamiento donde la sociedad secreta tiene influencia, el miembro de la sociedad secreta puede intentar una prueba de Sociedad con una CD fácil para el nivel del personaje encontrado si ese personaje es miembro del grupo demográfico del que proviene.reclutas de la sociedad secreta y una CD difícil o superior para otros personajes.
" From bcfaefee07aefe5615be403b17ae7e502559323b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Agustin AllendeConcedido por @UUID[]{Aeon Stone (Pearly White Spindle)}
\nEl poder resonante te otorga resistencia 1 al daño anulado.
" }, + "Effect: Alchemist Goggles": { + "name": "Effect: Alchemist Goggles", + "description": "Granted by @UUID[]{Alchemist Goggles}
\nWhen making Strikes with alchemical bombs, you ignore lesser cover.
" + }, "Effect: Alloy Orb (Exquisite High-Grade)": { "name": "Efecto: Orbe de aleación (exquisito de Alta calidad)", "description": "Concedido por @UUID[]{Alloy Orb (Exquisite High-Grade)}
\nCuando activas el orbe de aleación , selecciona Adamantita, hierro frío o plata del amanecer. El arma fijada funciona como el material elegido.
" @@ -545,6 +549,10 @@ "name": "Efecto: Blanqueamiento con Hierro frío (moderado)", "description": "Concedido por @UUID[]{Cold Iron Blanch (Moderate)}
" }, + "Effect: Command Bravery": { + "name": "Effect: Command Bravery", + "description": "Granted by @UUID[]{Warleader's Bulwark}
\nYou gain a +2 status bonus to saves against fear effects.
" + }, "Effect: Conduct Energy": { "name": "Efecto: conducir energía", "description": "Concedido por @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.BKnN9la3WNrRgZ6n]{Conduct Energy}
\nCanalizas energía en tu arma. El arma causa 1 daño adicional por dado de daño del arma hasta el comienzo de tu siguiente turno. Este tipo de daño coincide con el rasgo de la acción o hechizo que lo desencadena. Si tu acción o hechizo desencadenante tenía múltiples rasgos elegibles, seleccionas uno de esos rasgos.
" @@ -809,21 +817,9 @@ "name": "Efecto: Lente de fulcro esmeralda (tiro de salvación)", "description": "Concedido por @UUID[]{Emerald Fulcrum Lens}
\nObtienes una bonificación de +2 por objeto a las tiradas de salvación contra magia.
" }, - "Effect: Energized Cartridge (Acid)": { - "name": "Efecto: Cartucho energizado (ácido)", - "description": "Para el siguiente golpe, la munición disparada desde el arma fijada se transforma en ácido, causando daño por ácido en lugar de su daño habitual, así como @Damage[1d6[persistent,acid]] daño en un golpe crítico.
" - }, - "Effect: Energized Cartridge (Cold)": { - "name": "Efecto: Cartucho energizado (frío)", - "description": "Para el siguiente golpe, la munición disparada desde el arma fijada se transforma en hielo, causando daño por frío en lugar de su daño habitual, así como @Damage[1d6[persistent,cold]] daño en un golpe crítico.
" - }, - "Effect: Energized Cartridge (Electricity)": { - "name": "Efecto: Cartucho Energizado (Electricidad)", - "description": "Para el siguiente golpe, la munición disparada desde el arma fijada se transforma en electricidad, causando daño eléctrico en lugar de su daño habitual, así como @Damage[1d6[persistent,electricity]] daño en un golpe crítico.
" - }, - "Effect: Energized Cartridge (Fire)": { - "name": "Efecto: Cartucho energizado (Fuego)", - "description": "Para el siguiente golpe, la munición disparada desde el arma fijada se transforma en fuego, causando daño por fuego en lugar de su daño habitual, así como @Damage[1d6[persistent,fire]] daño en un golpe crítico.
" + "Effect: Energized Cartridge": { + "name": "Effect: Energized Cartridge", + "description": "Granted by @UUID[]{Energized Cartridge}
\nThe ammunition fired from the affixed weapon transforms into your choice of acid, cold, electricity, or fire, dealing damage of the appropriate energy type instead of its usual damage as well as 1d6 persistent damage of the same type on a critical hit.
" }, "Effect: Energizing Lattice": { "name": "Efecto: Enrejado Energizante", @@ -1515,6 +1511,10 @@ "name": "Efecto: Forma animal de runa con colmillos mayores", "description": "Te transformas en un animal Pequeño o Mediano que empuña el arma con colmillos en sus fauces; el animal coincide con el animal con el que estás más estrechamente asociado (un hombre lagarto se convertiría en un lagarto, un kitsune en un zorro, un bárbaro con instinto de ciervo en un ciervo, etc.) o un lobo si no se aplica ningún animal específico. Mientras estás en esta forma, puedes atacar con el arma con colmillos aunque no tengas manos. Sin embargo, sólo puedes atacar con el arma con colmillos y no tienes manos ni elcapacidad para sostener objetos. Para los efectos que dependen de cuántas manos estás usando para sostener el objeto, como el rasgo de dos manos, estás sosteniendo el arma con las dos manos. Puedes descartar este efecto y finaliza automáticamente si sueltas el arma con colmillos (ya sea por tu propia voluntad o no).
\nEn forma animal, obtienes visión en condiciones de poca luz, olor impreciso hasta un alcance de 30 pies y una bonificación de objeto de +10 pies a tu velocidad.
" }, + "Effect: Malleable Clay": { + "name": "Effect: Malleable Clay", + "description": "Granted by @UUID[]{Malleable Clay}
\nThe affixed weapon gains the versatile bludgeoning, versatile piercing, and versatile slashing weapon traits for the triggering Strike and all other attacks.
" + }, "Effect: Malleable Mixture (Greater)": { "name": "Efecto: Mezcla Maleable (Mayor)", "description": "Concedido por @UUID[]{Malleable Mixture (Greater)}
\nObtienes una bonificación de elemento +3 a tu CD de Fortaleza y Reflejos contra intentos de agarrarte, empujarte o derribarte durante 10 minutos.
" @@ -1567,6 +1567,10 @@ "name": "Efecto: Trampa de roca de barro (éxito)", "description": "La criatura sufre una penalización de circunstancia de -5 pies a su Velocidad durante 1 minuto o hasta que Escapa (CD 27).
" }, + "Effect: Mummified Bat": { + "name": "Effect: Mummified Bat", + "description": "Granted by @UUID[]{Mummified Bat}
\nIf you have the Blind-Fight feat, you gain imprecise echolocation with a range of 30 feet.
" + }, "Effect: Nimbus Breath": { "name": "Efecto: Aliento de Nimbo", "description": "Concedido por @UUID[]{Nimbus Breath}
\nObtienes resistencia 5 a la electricidad y obtienes una velocidad de vuelo igual a tu velocidad terrestre o 20, lo que sea mayor.
" @@ -1898,6 +1902,10 @@ "name": "Efecto: Poción de natación (mayor)", "description": "Concedido por @UUID[]{Potion of Swimming (Greater)}
" }, + "Effect: Predator's Claw": { + "name": "Effect: Predator's Claw", + "description": "Granted by @UUID[]{Predator's Claw}
\nThe triggering attack gains the weapon's critical specialization effect.
" + }, "Effect: Prepared Camouflage Suit": { "name": "Efecto: Traje de camuflaje preparado", "description": "Esta malla liviana se adapta fácilmente sobre armaduras livianas. El traje está diseñado para incorporar la flora local y el desorden del suelo en la malla para ayudarle a integrarse perfectamente con el entorno. Debido a la naturaleza abrasiva de los materiales utilizados, este artículo no es adecuado para personajes sin armadura. Puedes preparar el traje para usarlo en tu entorno actual mediante una actividad de exploración que dure al menos 10 minutos, pero a veces más si los materiales son difíciles de encontrar o elEl entorno es lo suficientemente inusual como para justificar una dificultad adicional a la hora de preparar un camuflaje que pueda mezclarse con él de forma consistente.
\nUn traje preparado de esta manera te otorga una bonificación de +1 por objeto a las pruebas de Sigilo mientras intentas Esconderte o Escabullirte en el entorno específico para el que ha sido preparado. El traje se puede utilizar de esta manera hasta que descanses por la noche, aunque no otorga el beneficio si no estás en el entorno adecuado. El GM podría dictaminar que algunosLos entornos son lo suficientemente inusuales como para que no puedas crear un traje de camuflaje apropiado para el entorno.
" @@ -2043,6 +2051,10 @@ "name": "Efecto: Cristal de escarcha - Arma (mayor)", "description": "Concedido por @UUID[]{Rime Crystal (Major)}
\nDespués de lanzar un hechizo de frío activando el cristal , tus golpes con el arma causan 1d8 de daño de frío adicional hasta el final de tu siguiente turno.
" }, + "Effect: Rolling Flight": { + "name": "Effect: Rolling Flight", + "description": "Granted by @UUID[]{Heavenly Rolling Flames}
\nYou gain a fly Speed of 20 feet.
" + }, "Effect: Rovagug's Mud": { "name": "Efecto: Barro de Rovagug", "description": "Concedido por @UUID[]{Rovagug's Mud} , @UUID[]{Rovagug's Mud (Greater)}
\nTienes una bonificación de elemento +2 a las tiradas de salvación contra efectos de incapacitación.
" @@ -2639,6 +2651,10 @@ "name": "Efecto: Incensario de la Revelación (Moderado)", "description": "Concedido por @UUID[] {Thurible of Revelation (Moderate)}
" }, + "Effect: Tiger Menuki": { + "name": "Effect: Tiger Menuki", + "description": "Granted by @UUID[]{Tiger Menuki}
\nThe weapon gains the forceful and sweep traits on the triggering Strike and all other Strikes.
" + }, "Effect: Tome of Restorative Cleansing (Greater)": { "name": "Efecto: Tomo de limpieza restauradora (mayor)", "description": "Concedido por @UUID[] {Tome of Restorative Cleansing (Greater)}
\nLa criatura gana 3d8 puntos de vida temporales.
" @@ -2689,7 +2705,7 @@ }, "Effect: Tricky Liniment": { "name": "Effect: Tricky Liniment", - "description": "Granted by @UUID[]{Salve of Slipperiness}
\nYou are granted a +2 item bonus to Acrobatics checks to Escape or to Squeeze.
" + "description": "Granted by @UUID[]{Tricky Liniment}
\nYou are granted a +2 item bonus to Acrobatics checks to Escape or to Squeeze.
" }, "Effect: Trinity Geode - Armor": { "name": "Efecto: Geoda de Trinidad - Armadura", @@ -2733,6 +2749,10 @@ } } }, + "Effect: Twist the Skeins of Fate": { + "name": "Effect: Twist the Skeins of Fate", + "description": "Granted by @UUID[]{Prognostic Veil}
\nThe ally gains a status bonus to the saving throw or attack roll equal to the value of your @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.zXZjC8HLaRoLR17U]{Cursebound} condition.
" + }, "Effect: Ugly Cute's Gift": { "name": "Efecto: Regalo de Ugly Cute", "description": "El regalo de Ugly Cute obtiene las ventajas de una runa de propiedad @UUID[] {Ghost Touch} y causa 2 daños de fuerza adicionales con un golpe exitoso.
" @@ -2844,10 +2864,6 @@ "name": "Efecto: Estatuilla protectora - Arma", "description": "Otorgado por @UUID[] {Warding Statuette} y @UUID[] {Warding Statuette (Greater)}
\nLa criatura obtiene una bonificación de estado +1 a la CA hasta el comienzo de tu siguiente turno.
" }, - "Effect: Warleader's Bulwark": { - "name": "Effect: Warleader's Bulwark", - "description": "Granted by @UUID[]{Breastplate of Command}
" - }, "Effect: Watery Form": { "name": "Effect: Watery Form", "description": "Granted by @UUID[]{Orm Choker}
\nYou gain a swim Speed of 45 feet, and you gain a +4 circumstance bonus to Stealth checks in water.
" From b1115181493a610e5ba8bc6dfb329b4e8caab806 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Agustin AllendeEffect Your familiar flies around and around an adjacent ally's weapon or hand, dissolving into multiple rings of lightning. Until the beginning of your next turn, the affected weapon or unarmed attack deals an additional @Damage[1d6[electricity]] damage, or @Damage[1d8[electricity]] damage if you Cast a Spell with the air or electricity trait this turn. Your familiar remains in lightning ring form, preventing it from being targeted or taking any actions.
" + "description": "Effect Your familiar flies around and around an adjacent ally's weapon or hand, dissolving into multiple rings of lightning. Until the beginning of your next turn, the affected weapon or unarmed attack deals an additional 1d6 electricity damage, or 1d8 electricity damage if you Cast a Spell with the air or electricity trait this turn. Your familiar remains in lightning ring form, preventing it from being targeted or taking any actions.
\n@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feat-effects.Item.QVk0oRgc1pRwhG7U]{Effect: Lightning Armillary}
" }, "Lightning Needles": { "name": "Lightning Needles", - "description": "Requirements You Cast a Spell that had the air or electricity traits this turn;
Effect Your familiar absorbs excess electrical charge and unleashes a @Template[type:emanation|distance:5] of static electricity that flows into creatures' meridians. Creatures in the emanation that fail a @Check[fortitude|against:spell] save against your spell DC become clumsy 1 until the end of their next turn. If a creature is soaked or standing over or in water inside the emanation, it also takes @Damage[1d4[persistent,electricity]] damage on a failed save.
" + "description": "Requirements You Cast a Spell that had the air or electricity traits this turn;
Effect Your familiar absorbs excess electrical charge and unleashes a @Template[type:emanation|distance:5] of static electricity that flows into creatures' meridians. Creatures in the emanation that fail a @Check[fortitude] save against your spell DC become @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.i3OJZU2nk64Df3xm]{Clumsy 1} until the end of their next turn. If a creature is soaked or standing over or in water inside the emanation, it also takes @Damage[1d4[persistent,electricity]] damage on a failed save.
" }, "Luminous": { "name": "Luminoso", From 82ce0b559062363a8211698784a955bdbd3bb359 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Agustin AllendeActivate A (manipulate)
\nA healing potion is a vial of a ruby-red liquid that imparts a tingling sensation as the drinker's wounds heal rapidly. When you drink a healing potion, you regain [[/r 1d8[healing]]]{1d8 Hit Points}.
" + "description": "Activate A (manipulate)
A healing potion is a vial of a ruby-red liquid that imparts a tingling sensation as the drinker's wounds heal rapidly. When you drink a healing potion, you regain @Damage[1d8[healing]] Hit Points.
" }, "armor->Leather Armor": { "name": "Leather Armor", @@ -3811,7 +3811,7 @@ }, "feat->Bon Mot": { "name": "Bon Mot", - "description": "You launch an insightful quip at a foe, distracting them. Choose a foe within 30 feet and roll a Diplomacy check against the target's Will DC.
\nCritical Success The target is distracted and takes a -3 status penalty to Perception and Will saves for 1 minute.
\n@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feat-effects.Item.CtrZFI3RV0yPNzTv]{Effect: Bon Mot (Critical Success)}
\nThe target can end the effect early with a retort to your Bon Mot. This can either be a single action that has the concentrate trait or an appropriate skill action to frame their retort. The GM determines which skill actions qualify, though they must take at least 1 action. Typically, the retort needs to use a linguistic Charisma-based skill action.
\nSuccess As critical success, but the penalty is -2.
\n@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feat-effects.Item.GoSls6SKCFmSoDxT]{Effect: Bon Mot}
\nCritical Failure Your quip is atrocious. You take the same penalty an enemy would take had you succeeded. This ends after 1 minute or if you issue another Bon Mot and succeed.
" + "description": "You launch an insightful quip at a foe, distracting them. Choose a foe within 30 feet and roll a Diplomacy check against the target's Will DC.
Critical Success The target is distracted and takes a –3 status penalty to Perception and Will saves for 1 minute.
\nThe target can end the effect early with a retort to your Bon Mot. This can either be a single action that has the concentrate trait or an appropriate skill action to frame their retort. The GM determines which skill actions qualify, though they must take at least 1 action. Typically, the retort needs to use a linguistic Charisma-based skill action.
\nSuccess As critical success, but the penalty is –2.
\nCritical Failure Your quip is atrocious. You take the same penalty an enemy would take had you succeeded. This ends after 1 minute or if you issue another Bon Mot and succeed.
\n@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feat-effects.Item.GoSls6SKCFmSoDxT]{Effect: Bon Mot}
" }, "feat->Cat Fall": { "name": "Cat Fall", @@ -3826,7 +3826,7 @@ }, "consumable->Healing Potion (Minor)": { "name": "Healing Potion (Minor)", - "description": "Activate A (manipulate)
\nA healing potion is a vial of a ruby-red liquid that imparts a tingling sensation as the drinker's wounds heal rapidly. When you drink a healing potion, you regain [[/r 1d8[healing]]]{1d8 Hit Points}.
" + "description": "Activate A (manipulate)
A healing potion is a vial of a ruby-red liquid that imparts a tingling sensation as the drinker's wounds heal rapidly. When you drink a healing potion, you regain @Damage[1d8[healing]] Hit Points.
" }, "consumable->Mesmerizing Opal": { "name": "Mesmerizing Opal", @@ -4025,7 +4025,7 @@ }, "feat->Bon Mot": { "name": "Bon Mot", - "description": "You launch an insightful quip at a foe, distracting them. Choose a foe within 30 feet and roll a Diplomacy check against the target's Will DC.
\nCritical Success The target is distracted and takes a -3 status penalty to Perception and Will saves for 1 minute.
\n@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feat-effects.Item.CtrZFI3RV0yPNzTv]{Effect: Bon Mot (Critical Success)}
\nThe target can end the effect early with a retort to your Bon Mot. This can either be a single action that has the concentrate trait or an appropriate skill action to frame their retort. The GM determines which skill actions qualify, though they must take at least 1 action. Typically, the retort needs to use a linguistic Charisma-based skill action.
\nSuccess As critical success, but the penalty is -2.
\n@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feat-effects.Item.GoSls6SKCFmSoDxT]{Effect: Bon Mot}
\nCritical Failure Your quip is atrocious. You take the same penalty an enemy would take had you succeeded. This ends after 1 minute or if you issue another Bon Mot and succeed.
" + "description": "You launch an insightful quip at a foe, distracting them. Choose a foe within 30 feet and roll a Diplomacy check against the target's Will DC.
Critical Success The target is distracted and takes a –3 status penalty to Perception and Will saves for 1 minute.
\nThe target can end the effect early with a retort to your Bon Mot. This can either be a single action that has the concentrate trait or an appropriate skill action to frame their retort. The GM determines which skill actions qualify, though they must take at least 1 action. Typically, the retort needs to use a linguistic Charisma-based skill action.
\nSuccess As critical success, but the penalty is –2.
\nCritical Failure Your quip is atrocious. You take the same penalty an enemy would take had you succeeded. This ends after 1 minute or if you issue another Bon Mot and succeed.
\n@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feat-effects.Item.GoSls6SKCFmSoDxT]{Effect: Bon Mot}
" }, "feat->Cat Fall": { "name": "Cat Fall", @@ -4044,7 +4044,7 @@ }, "consumable->Healing Potion (Minor)": { "name": "Healing Potion (Minor)", - "description": "Activate A (manipulate)
\nA healing potion is a vial of a ruby-red liquid that imparts a tingling sensation as the drinker's wounds heal rapidly. When you drink a healing potion, you regain [[/r 1d8[healing]]]{1d8 Hit Points}.
" + "description": "Activate A (manipulate)
A healing potion is a vial of a ruby-red liquid that imparts a tingling sensation as the drinker's wounds heal rapidly. When you drink a healing potion, you regain @Damage[1d8[healing]] Hit Points.
" }, "consumable->Mesmerizing Opal": { "name": "Mesmerizing Opal", @@ -5959,7 +5959,7 @@ }, "consumable->Healing Potion (Minor)": { "name": "Healing Potion (Minor)", - "description": "Activate A (manipulate)
\nA healing potion is a vial of a ruby-red liquid that imparts a tingling sensation as the drinker's wounds heal rapidly. When you drink a healing potion, you regain [[/r 1d8[healing]]]{1d8 Hit Points}.
" + "description": "Activate A (manipulate)
A healing potion is a vial of a ruby-red liquid that imparts a tingling sensation as the drinker's wounds heal rapidly. When you drink a healing potion, you regain @Damage[1d8[healing]] Hit Points.
" } } }, @@ -6191,7 +6191,7 @@ }, "spell->Phantom Pain": { "name": "Phantom Pain", - "description": "Illusory pain wracks the target, dealing 2d4 mental damage and [[/r (@item.level)d4[persistent,mental]]] damage. The target must attempt a Will save.
\nCritical Success The target is unaffected.
\nSuccess The target takes full initial damage but no persistent damage, and the spell ends immediately.
\nFailure The target takes full initial and persistent damage, and the target is @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.fesd1n5eVhpCSS18]{Sickened 1}. If the target recovers from being Sickened, the persistent damage ends and the spell ends.
\nCritical Failure As failure, but the target is @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.fesd1n5eVhpCSS18]{Sickened 2}.
\nHeightened (+1) The damage increases by 2d4 and the persistent damage by 1d4.
", + "description": "Illusory pain wracks the target, dealing 2d4 mental damage and @Damage[(@item.level)d4[persistent,mental]] damage. The target must attempt a Will save.
Critical Success The target is unaffected.
\nSuccess The target takes full initial damage but no persistent damage, and the spell ends immediately.
\nFailure The target takes full initial and persistent damage, and the target is @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.fesd1n5eVhpCSS18]{Sickened 1}. If the target recovers from being Sickened, the persistent damage ends and the spell ends.
\nCritical Failure As failure, but the target is @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.fesd1n5eVhpCSS18]{Sickened 2}.
Heightened (+1) The damage increases by 2d4 and the persistent damage by 1d4.
", "target": "1 creature" }, "spell->Dispel Magic": { @@ -6209,11 +6209,11 @@ }, "consumable->Elixir of Life (Minor)": { "name": "Elixir of Life (Minor)", - "description": "Activate A (manipulate)
\nElixirs of life accelerate a living creature's natural healing processes and immune system. Upon drinking this elixir, you regain [[/r 1d6[healing]]]{1d6 Hit Points} and gain +1 item bonus to saving throws against diseases and poisons for 10 minutes.
\n@UUID[]{Effect: Elixir of Life (Minor)}
" + "description": "Activate A (manipulate)
Elixirs of life accelerate a living creature's natural healing processes and immune system. Upon drinking this elixir, you regain @Damage[1d6[healing]] Hit Points and gain +1 item bonus to saving throws against diseases and poisons for 10 minutes.
\n@UUID[]{Effect: Elixir of Life (Minor)}
" }, "consumable->Healing Potion (Minor)": { "name": "Healing Potion (Minor)", - "description": "Activate A (manipulate)
\nA healing potion is a vial of a ruby-red liquid that imparts a tingling sensation as the drinker's wounds heal rapidly. When you drink a healing potion, you regain [[/r 1d8[healing]]]{1d8 Hit Points}.
" + "description": "Activate A (manipulate)
A healing potion is a vial of a ruby-red liquid that imparts a tingling sensation as the drinker's wounds heal rapidly. When you drink a healing potion, you regain @Damage[1d8[healing]] Hit Points.
" }, "equipment->Maestro's Instrument (Lesser) (flute)": { "name": "Maestro's Instrument (Lesser) (flute)", @@ -9230,7 +9230,7 @@ }, "consumable->Elixir of Life (Minor)": { "name": "Elixir of Life (Minor)", - "description": "Activate A (manipulate)
\nElixirs of life accelerate a living creature's natural healing processes and immune system. Upon drinking this elixir, you regain [[/r 1d6[healing]]]{1d6 Hit Points} and gain +1 item bonus to saving throws against diseases and poisons for 10 minutes.
\n@UUID[]{Effect: Elixir of Life (Minor)}
" + "description": "Activate A (manipulate)
Elixirs of life accelerate a living creature's natural healing processes and immune system. Upon drinking this elixir, you regain @Damage[1d6[healing]] Hit Points and gain +1 item bonus to saving throws against diseases and poisons for 10 minutes.
\n@UUID[]{Effect: Elixir of Life (Minor)}
" }, "weapon->Crossbow": { "name": "Crossbow", @@ -9553,7 +9553,7 @@ }, "consumable->Elixir of Life (Minor)": { "name": "Elixir of Life (Minor)", - "description": "Activate A (manipulate)
\nElixirs of life accelerate a living creature's natural healing processes and immune system. Upon drinking this elixir, you regain [[/r 1d6[healing]]]{1d6 Hit Points} and gain +1 item bonus to saving throws against diseases and poisons for 10 minutes.
\n@UUID[]{Effect: Elixir of Life (Minor)}
" + "description": "Activate A (manipulate)
Elixirs of life accelerate a living creature's natural healing processes and immune system. Upon drinking this elixir, you regain @Damage[1d6[healing]] Hit Points and gain +1 item bonus to saving throws against diseases and poisons for 10 minutes.
\n@UUID[]{Effect: Elixir of Life (Minor)}
" } } }, @@ -9645,7 +9645,7 @@ }, "consumable->Elixir of Life (Lesser)": { "name": "Elixir of Life (Lesser)", - "description": "Activate A (manipulate)
\nElixirs of life accelerate a living creatures natural healing processes and immune system. Upon drinking this elixir, you regain [[/r (3d6+6)[healing]]]{3d6+6 Hit Points} and gain +1 item bonus to saving throws against diseases and poisons for 10 minutes.
\n@UUID[]{Effect: Elixir of Life (Lesser)}
" + "description": "Activate A (manipulate)
Elixirs of life accelerate a living creatures natural healing processes and immune system. Upon drinking this elixir, you regain @Damage[(3d6+6)[healing]] Hit Points and gain +1 item bonus to saving throws against diseases and poisons for 10 minutes.
\n@UUID[]{Effect: Elixir of Life (Lesser)}
" }, "treasure->Gold Pieces": { "name": "Gold Pieces" @@ -10580,7 +10580,7 @@ }, "consumable->Healing Potion (Minor)": { "name": "Healing Potion (Minor)", - "description": "Activate A (manipulate)
\nA healing potion is a vial of a ruby-red liquid that imparts a tingling sensation as the drinker's wounds heal rapidly. When you drink a healing potion, you regain [[/r 1d8[healing]]]{1d8 Hit Points}.
" + "description": "Activate A (manipulate)
A healing potion is a vial of a ruby-red liquid that imparts a tingling sensation as the drinker's wounds heal rapidly. When you drink a healing potion, you regain @Damage[1d8[healing]] Hit Points.
" }, "consumable->Marvelous Miniature (Ladder)": { "name": "Marvelous Miniature (Ladder)", @@ -10839,7 +10839,7 @@ }, "consumable->Healing Potion (Lesser)": { "name": "Healing Potion (Lesser)", - "description": "Activate A (manipulate)
\nA healing potion is a vial of a ruby-red liquid that imparts a tingling sensation as the drinker's wounds heal rapidly. When you drink a healing potion, you regain [[/r (2d8+5)[healing]]]{2d8+5 Hit Points}.
" + "description": "Activate A (manipulate)
A healing potion is a vial of a ruby-red liquid that imparts a tingling sensation as the drinker's wounds heal rapidly. When you drink a healing potion, you regain @Damage[(2d8+5)[healing]] Hit Points.
" }, "consumable->Invisibility Potion": { "name": "Invisibility Potion", From ea5b73d1f368383692017726dff7b88c92abba11 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Agustin AllendeA los objetos se les puede dar una apariencia de vida mediante el uso de rituales u otra magia extraña, convirtiéndolos en objetos animados. Estos objetos se mueven, trabajan y luchan según las órdenes que les dan sus creadores, quienes generalmente los ponen en guardia o les hacen realizar trabajos de baja categoría.
\nLas armaduras animadas pueden servir como guardianes, pero a veces las academias marciales de alto nivel los utilizan como compañeros de entrenamiento. Se encuentran con mayor frecuencia en los laboratorios de los magos.y mazmorras antiguas.
", - "tokenName": "Armadura animada", - "items": { - "strike-melee->Longsword": { - "name": "espada larga" - }, - "strike-melee->Armored Fist": { - "name": "Puño blindado" - }, - "action->Construct Armor": { - "name": "Construir armadura", - "description": "La armadura animada reduce todo el daño que recibe en 9. Sin embargo, después de un golpe crítico que causa daño, o después de que su HP cae por debajo de 10, su armadura construida se rompe. Su CA baja a 13 y ya no reduce el daño en 9.
" - } - } - }, "Basilisk (BB)": { "name": "Basilisco (BB)", "publicNotes": "Un basilisco es un reptil de ocho patas que puede convertir criaturas en piedra con solo mirarlas.
", @@ -37,24 +19,6 @@ } } }, - "Boar (BB)": { - "name": "Jabalí (BB)", - "publicNotes": "De mal genio y duros, los jabalíes son mucho más peligrosos que los cerdos domesticados. Estos mamíferos omnívoros son cazados intensamente porque su carne se considera un manjar. Es más probable que los jabalíes ataquen a los humanoides en defensa propia o durante su temporada de apareamiento en los meses de invierno, cuando a los machos les crece una pulgada extra de tejido para proteger sus órganos mientras luchan contra sus rivales. En algunas culturas, los jabalíes son entrenados para volverse mucho más agresivos y usarlos como bestias de guerra y guardianes. cuando talLos jabalíes regresan a la naturaleza y pueden convertirse en verdaderos terrores de la región.
", - "tokenName": "Jabali", - "items": { - "strike-melee->Tusk": { - "name": "Colmillo" - }, - "action->Ferocity": { - "name": "Ferocity", - "description": "La etiquetaCuando el jabalí se reduce a 0 Puntos de Vida, puede usar su reacción para permanecer consciente con 1 Punto de Vida, pero gana la condición @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.Yl48xTdMh3aeQYL2]{Herido 1} (o aumenta su valor de herido en 1 si ya tiene esa condición). No puede usar esta habilidad en herido 3.
" - }, - "action->Boar Charge": { - "name": "Carga de jabalí", - "description": "El jabalí da dos zancadas y luego realiza un golpe con un colmillo. Mientras se haya movido al menos 20 pies, obtiene un bonificador de circunstancia +2 a su tirada de ataque.
" - } - } - }, "Brine Shark (BB)": { "name": "Tiburón de salmuera (BB)", "publicNotes": "Los elementales de agua deambulan por los infinitos océanos del Plano del Agua. Pueden traerse al mundo mediante magia de invocación o mediante desastres naturales como inundaciones o huracanes. Aunque los elementales del agua pueden ser muy destructivos, no siempre son maliciosos. Así como el agua puede dar vida a quienes la necesitan, sus olas pueden golpear las costas y sus lluvias inundar las ciudades. Los elementales del agua son igualmente difíciles de predecir.
\nTiburones salmuera, feroces pero entre las aguas más débileselementales, toman formas que se asemejan a tiburones hechos enteramente de agua. Cuando se encuentran, generalmente están solos o siguiendo las órdenes de un lanzador de hechizos que los convocó a este plano.
", @@ -2064,7 +2028,7 @@ }, "action->Corrupting Spite": { "name": "Corrupting Spite", - "description": "When the wight deals damage to a living creature with its claw or dagger Strike, the wight regains 2 Hit Points and the target must succeed at a @Check[fortitude|dc:17] save or take 2 damage that can't be healed. The wight can use corrupting spite multiple times, but a single creature can't take more than 8 unhealable damage.
\nEach full night of rest heals 2 of the unhealable damage, and a full day of bed rest increases the recovery to 4 of the unhealable damage.
" + "description": "When the wight deals damage to a living creature with its claw or dagger Strike, the wight regains @Damage[2[void,healing]|shortLabel] Hit Points and the target must succeed at a @Check[fortitude|dc:17] save or take 2 damage that can't be healed. The wight can use corrupting spite multiple times, but a single creature can't take more than 8 unhealable damage.
\nEach full night of rest heals 2 of the unhealable damage, and a full day of bed rest increases the recovery to 4 of the unhealable damage.
" } } }, From f61b04d2bdfa71a00743a0a4dfddf241f1ac5848 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Agustin AllendeAzarketis, también conocido como Bajo Azlanti o hombres branquiales, se puede encontrar en todo Golarion, con una concentración particularmente alta alrededor de Absalom y el Mar Interior. Descendientes de los antiguos Azlanti, los azarketis sobrevivieron al cataclismo de Earthfall huyendo al mar, donde fueron transformados en formas anfibias por los alghollthu, los arquitectos alienígenas de la terrible desaparición de Absalom. Los azarketis, que generalmente se encuentran en la costa, prefieren la vida cerca de una masa de agua importante, ya que mantienen su piel.hidratarse es un requisito biológico. Aunque la mayoría de los azarketis viven vidas relativamente pacíficas dedicadas a la pesca o la agricultura, a veces necesitan defender sus hogares contra fuerzas hostiles y algunos abandonan sus comunidades para convertirse en aventureros. Las siguientes estadísticas pueden usarse para representar azarketis que se encuentran comúnmente.
\nEl ciudadano azarketi promedio en Absalom se gana la vida pescando o capturando cangrejos. El profundo suelo del puerto debajo de los muelles de la ciudad está cubierto de trampas dejadas porlos azarketis, que utilizan glifos individuales para diferenciar las trampas de un cangrejero de la otra.
", - "items": { - "weapon->Dagger": { - "name": "Dagger", - "description": "This small, bladed weapon is held in one hand and used to stab a creature in close combat. It can also be thrown.
" - }, - "equipment->Crab Cage": { - "name": "jaula de cangrejo" - }, - "backpack->Sack": { - "name": "Sack", - "description": "A sack can hold up to 8 Bulk worth of items. A sack containing 2 Bulk or less can be worn on the body, usually tucked into a belt. You can carry a sack with one hand, but must use two hands to transfer items in and out.
" - }, - "strike-ranged->Dagger": [ - { - "name": "Dagger", - "id": "nFxNDxHPYmc47Mlx" - }, - { - "name": "Dagger", - "id": "AWKTmRlR5ZVNFq1A" - } - ], - "action->Hydration": { - "name": "Hidratación", - "description": "Los Azarketi deben sumergirse regularmente en agua para rehidratar su piel aclimatada al agua. Después de las primeras 24 horas fuera del agua, obtienen una penalización de estado de -1 a las salvaciones de Fortaleza a medida que su piel se agrieta y sus branquias se vuelven dolorosas. Después de 48 horas, luchan por respirar aire y comienzan a asfixiarse hasta que regresan al agua.
", - "rules": { - "1": { - "label": "Pasó 24 horas fuera del agua" - } - } - }, - "action->Submerged Stealth": { - "name": "Sigilo sumergido", - "description": "Mientras está sumergido en agua, un cazador de cangrejos azarketi obtiene un bonificador de circunstancia +2 a su prueba de Sigilo, indicado anteriormente.
" - }, - "action->Swim Away": { - "name": "Nadar lejos", - "description": "Requisitos El cazador de cangrejos azarketi está nadando
\nDesencadenante El cazador de cangrejos azarketi es el objetivo de un ataque y puede ver al atacante
\nEfecto El cazador de cangrejos azarketi obtiene un bonificador de circunstancia +2 a la CA contra el ataque desencadenante. Después del ataque, nadan 5 pies.
" - }, - "lore->Underwater Lore": { - "name": "Historia submarina" - } - } - }, "Azarketi Sailor": { "name": "Marinero Azarketi", "publicNotes": "Azarketis, también conocido como Bajo Azlanti o hombres branquiales, se puede encontrar en todo Golarion, con una concentración particularmente alta alrededor de Absalom y el Mar Interior. Descendientes de los antiguos Azlanti, los azarketis sobrevivieron al cataclismo de Earthfall huyendo al mar, donde fueron transformados en formas anfibias por los alghollthu, los arquitectos alienígenas de la terrible desaparición de Absalom. Los azarketis, que generalmente se encuentran en la costa, prefieren la vida cerca de una masa de agua importante, ya que mantienen su piel.hidratarse es un requisito biológico. Aunque la mayoría de los azarketis viven vidas relativamente pacíficas dedicadas a la pesca o la agricultura, a veces necesitan defender sus hogares contra fuerzas hostiles y algunos abandonan sus comunidades para convertirse en aventureros. Las siguientes estadísticas pueden usarse para representar azarketis que se encuentran comúnmente.
\nLos Azarketis con espíritu más aventurero suelen aprender el arte de navegar y unirse a la tripulación de un barco. Estos marineros disfrutan de su tiempo en cubierta mientrastambién tiene acceso casi constante a grandes masas de agua. Los capitanes de barco también aprecian tener azarketis a bordo, ya que pueden raspar fácilmente los percebes del casco, comprobar el timón y ayudar a tapar cualquier fuga. Aunque tienen más talento para nadar que para navegar, se han ganado la reputación de tener suerte a bordo.
", @@ -737,66 +690,6 @@ } } }, - "Azarketi Tide Tamer": { - "name": "Domador de mareas de Azarketi", - "publicNotes": "Azarketis, también conocido como Bajo Azlanti o hombres branquiales, se puede encontrar en todo Golarion, con una concentración particularmente alta alrededor de Absalom y el Mar Interior. Descendientes de los antiguos Azlanti, los azarketis sobrevivieron al cataclismo de Earthfall huyendo al mar, donde fueron transformados en formas anfibias por los alghollthu, los arquitectos alienígenas de la terrible desaparición de Absalom. Los azarketis, que generalmente se encuentran en la costa, prefieren la vida cerca de una masa de agua importante, ya que mantienen su piel.hidratarse es un requisito biológico. Aunque la mayoría de los azarketis viven vidas relativamente pacíficas dedicadas a la pesca o la agricultura, a veces necesitan defender sus hogares contra fuerzas hostiles y algunos abandonan sus comunidades para convertirse en aventureros. Las siguientes estadísticas pueden usarse para representar azarketis que se encuentran comúnmente.
\nLos azarketis más ambiciosos y capaces se convierten en domadores de mareas, aprenden a hablar con los animales acuáticos e incluso entrenan a las criaturas más fuertes paraayudar a defender su territorio. Los domadores de mareas actúan como guardianes de sus comunidades, exploradores en el mar y en la costa, o incluso animadores para la diversión de la gente en tierra firme. Generalmente se encuentran con uno o más aliados acuáticos de los que se han hecho amigos. Varios sirven junto a los Jinetes de las Olas de Absalom como exploradores, interlocutores animales y guías.
", - "items": { - "weapon->Trident": { - "name": "Trident", - "description": "This three-pronged, spear-like weapon typically has a 4-foot shaft. Like a spear, it can be wielded with one hand or thrown.
" - }, - "weapon->Hand Crossbow": { - "name": "Hand Crossbow", - "description": "Sometimes referred to as an alley bow by rogues or ruffians, this small crossbow fires small bolts that are sometimes used to deliver poison to the target. It's small enough to be shot one-handed, but it still requires two hands to load.
" - }, - "armor->Studded Leather Armor": { - "name": "Studded Leather Armor", - "description": "This leather armor is reinforced with metal studs and sometimes small metal plates, providing most of the flexibility of leather armor with more robust protection.
" - }, - "strike-ranged->Trident": [ - { - "name": "Trident", - "id": "RoENPeDeCIhLDS5H" - }, - { - "name": "Trident", - "id": "4E5jd0bmls7oDWHu" - } - ], - "strike-ranged->Hand Crossbow": { - "name": "Ballesta de mano" - }, - "action->Hydration": { - "name": "Hidratación", - "description": "Los Azarketi deben sumergirse regularmente en agua para rehidratar su piel aclimatada al agua. Después de las primeras 24 horas fuera del agua, obtienen una penalización de estado de -1 a las salvaciones de Fortaleza a medida que su piel se agrieta y sus branquias se vuelven dolorosas. Después de 48 horas, luchan por respirar aire y comienzan a asfixiarse hasta que regresan al agua.
", - "rules": { - "1": { - "label": "Pasó 24 horas fuera del agua" - } - } - }, - "action->Speaker of the Oceans": { - "name": "Portavoz de los Océanos", - "description": "Un domador de mareas azarketi puede hablar con animales que tienen el rasgo acuático o anfibio.
" - }, - "action->Submerged Stealth": { - "name": "Sigilo sumergido", - "description": "Mientras está sumergido en agua, un domador de mareas azarketi obtiene un bonificador de circunstancia +2 a su prueba de Sigilo, indicado anteriormente.
" - }, - "action->Aquatic Predator": { - "name": "Depredador acuático", - "description": "Mientras está sumergido en el agua, un domador de mareas azarketi aprovecha los cambios de marea para aumentar la letalidad de sus ataques. Infligen [[/r 2d8]] daño adicional con un golpe de arma exitoso mientras están bajo el agua.
", - "rules": { - "0": { - "label": "El Azarketi está bajo el agua" - } - } - }, - "lore->Underwater Lore": { - "name": "Historia submarina" - } - } - }, "Bandit": { "name": "Bandido", "publicNotes": "Al establecer emboscadas y trampas en campos ocultos, como bosques y montañas, los bandidos asaltan a los viajeros y saquean sus objetos de valor antes de desaparecer de regreso a sus escondites en el desierto. Muchos bandidos sólo buscan robar y liberar vivas a sus víctimas, aunque algunos prefieren no dejar testigos.
\nAlgunos delincuentes son personas desesperadas que no tienen otra opción que violar la ley para sobrevivir, mientras que otros eligen una vida delictiva en busca de emociones, formandopandillas o gremios del hampa que se especializan en ciertas empresas ilegales.
", @@ -1751,7 +1644,7 @@ }, "spell->Grim Tendrils": { "name": "Grim Tendrils", - "description": "Tendrils of darkness curl out from your fingertips and race through the air. You deal 2d4 void damage and [[/r (@item.level)[bleed]]] damage to living creatures in the line. Each living creature in the line must attempt a Fortitude save.
\nCritical Success The creature is unaffected.
\nSuccess The creature takes half the void damage and no persistent bleed damage.
\nFailure The creature takes full damage.
\nCritical Failure The creature takes double void damage and double persistent bleed damage.
\nHeightened (+1) The void damage increases by 2d4, and the persistent bleed damage increases by 1.
" + "description": "Tendrils of darkness curl out from your fingertips and race through the air. You deal 2d4 void damage and @Damage[(@item.level)[bleed]] damage to living creatures in the line. Each living creature in the line must attempt a Fortitude save.
Critical Success The creature is unaffected.
\nSuccess The creature takes half the void damage and no persistent bleed damage.
\nFailure The creature takes full damage.
\nCritical Failure The creature takes double void damage and double persistent bleed damage.
Heightened (+1) The void damage increases by 2d4, and the persistent bleed damage increases by 1.
" }, "spell->Guidance": { "name": "Guidance", @@ -1922,7 +1815,7 @@ }, "spell->Acid Splash": { "name": "Acid Splash", - "description": "You splash a glob of acid that splatters your target and nearby creatures. Make a spell attack. If you hit, you deal 1d6 acid damage plus 1 splash acid damage. On a critical success, the target also takes [[/r (ceil(@item.level/2))[persistent,acid]]] damage.
\nHeightened (3rd) The initial damage increases to 2d6, and the persistent damage increases to 2.
\nHeightened (5th) The initial damage increases to 3d6, the persistent damage increases to 3, and the splash damage increases to 2.
\nHeightened (7th) The initial damage increases to 4d6, the persistent damage increases to 4, and the splash damage increases to 3.
\nHeightened (9th) The initial damage increases to 5d6, the persistent damage increases to 5, and the splash damage increases to 4.
", + "description": "You splash a glob of acid that splatters your target and nearby creatures. Make a spell attack. If you hit, you deal 1d6 acid damage plus 1 splash acid damage. On a critical success, the target also takes @Damage[(ceil(@item.level/2))[persistent,acid]] damage.
Heightened (3rd) The initial damage increases to 2d6, and the persistent damage increases to 2.
\nHeightened (5th) The initial damage increases to 3d6, the persistent damage increases to 3, and the splash damage increases to 2.
\nHeightened (7th) The initial damage increases to 4d6, the persistent damage increases to 4, and the splash damage increases to 3.
\nHeightened (9th) The initial damage increases to 5d6, the persistent damage increases to 5, and the splash damage increases to 4.
", "target": "1 creature" }, "spell->Daze": { @@ -2076,7 +1969,7 @@ }, "spell->Produce Flame": { "name": "Produce Flame", - "description": "A small ball of flame appears in the palm of your hand, and you lash out with it either in melee or at range. Make a spell attack roll against your target's AC. This is normally a ranged attack, but you can also make a melee attack against a creature in your unarmed reach.
\nOn a success, you deal 2d4 fire damage. On a critical success, the target takes double damage and @Damage[(@item.level)d4[persistent,fire]] damage.
\nHeightened (+1) Increase the damage by 1d4 and the persistent damage on a critical hit by 1d4.
", + "description": "A small ball of flame appears in the palm of your hand, and you lash out with it either in melee or at range. Make a spell attack roll against your target's AC. This is normally a ranged attack, but you can also make a melee attack against a creature in your unarmed reach.
\nOn a success, you deal 2d4 fire damage. On a critical success, the target takes double damage and @Damage[(@item.level)d4[persistent,fire]] damage.
Heightened (+1) Increase the damage by 1d4 and the persistent damage on a critical hit by 1d4.
", "target": "1 creature" }, "spell->Sanctuary": { @@ -3920,7 +3813,7 @@ }, "consumable->Oil of Unlife (Lesser)": { "name": "Oil of Unlife (Lesser)", - "description": "Activate 1 (manipulate)
\nThis thin, black liquid imparts a bone-deep chill while rapidly repairing an undead creature's physical or spiritual form. When you dash oil of unlife onto an undead creature, or a living creature with void healing, the oil absorbs quickly into its body, and the creature regains [[/r (2d8+5)[healing]]]{2d8+5 Hit Points}. You can pour oil of unlife on an incorporeal undead; in this case, the creature absorbs the oil into itself.
" + "description": "Activate 1 (manipulate)
This thin, black liquid imparts a bone-deep chill while rapidly repairing an undead creature's physical or spiritual form. When you dash oil of unlife onto an undead creature, or a living creature with void healing, the oil absorbs quickly into its body, and the creature regains @Damage[(2d8+5)[healing]] Hit Points. You can pour oil of unlife on an incorporeal undead; in this case, the creature absorbs the oil into itself.
" }, "consumable->Void Salts": { "name": "Void Salts", From 869c63a5bd6acfb3495ab999951bb436570d8da0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Agustin AllendeYou splash a glob of acid that splatters your target and nearby creatures. Make a spell attack. If you hit, you deal 1d6 acid damage plus 1 splash acid damage. On a critical success, the target also takes [[/r (ceil(@item.level/2))[persistent,acid]]] damage.
\nHeightened (3rd) The initial damage increases to 2d6, and the persistent damage increases to 2.
\nHeightened (5th) The initial damage increases to 3d6, the persistent damage increases to 3, and the splash damage increases to 2.
\nHeightened (7th) The initial damage increases to 4d6, the persistent damage increases to 4, and the splash damage increases to 3.
\nHeightened (9th) The initial damage increases to 5d6, the persistent damage increases to 5, and the splash damage increases to 4.
", + "description": "You splash a glob of acid that splatters your target and nearby creatures. Make a spell attack. If you hit, you deal 1d6 acid damage plus 1 splash acid damage. On a critical success, the target also takes @Damage[(ceil(@item.level/2))[persistent,acid]] damage.
Heightened (3rd) The initial damage increases to 2d6, and the persistent damage increases to 2.
\nHeightened (5th) The initial damage increases to 3d6, the persistent damage increases to 3, and the splash damage increases to 2.
\nHeightened (7th) The initial damage increases to 4d6, the persistent damage increases to 4, and the splash damage increases to 3.
\nHeightened (9th) The initial damage increases to 5d6, the persistent damage increases to 5, and the splash damage increases to 4.
", "target": "1 creature" }, "spell->Detect Magic": { @@ -3113,7 +3113,7 @@ }, "spell->Grim Tendrils": { "name": "Grim Tendrils", - "description": "Tendrils of darkness curl out from your fingertips and race through the air. You deal 2d4 void damage and [[/r (@item.level)[bleed]]] damage to living creatures in the line. Each living creature in the line must attempt a Fortitude save.
\nCritical Success The creature is unaffected.
\nSuccess The creature takes half the void damage and no persistent bleed damage.
\nFailure The creature takes full damage.
\nCritical Failure The creature takes double void damage and double persistent bleed damage.
\nHeightened (+1) The void damage increases by 2d4, and the persistent bleed damage increases by 1.
" + "description": "Tendrils of darkness curl out from your fingertips and race through the air. You deal 2d4 void damage and @Damage[(@item.level)[bleed]] damage to living creatures in the line. Each living creature in the line must attempt a Fortitude save.
Critical Success The creature is unaffected.
\nSuccess The creature takes half the void damage and no persistent bleed damage.
\nFailure The creature takes full damage.
\nCritical Failure The creature takes double void damage and double persistent bleed damage.
Heightened (+1) The void damage increases by 2d4, and the persistent bleed damage increases by 1.
" }, "spell->Soothe": { "name": "Soothe", @@ -4277,7 +4277,7 @@ }, "spell->Searing Light": { "name": "La etiquetaYou shoot a blazing ray of light tinged with holy energy. Make a ranged spell attack. The ray deals 5d6 fire damage. If the target is a fiend or undead, you deal an extra 5d6 spirit damage.
\nIf the light passes through an area of magical darkness or targets a creature affected by magical darkness, searing light attempts to counteract the darkness. If you need to determine whether the light passes through an area of darkness, draw a line between yourself and the spell's target
\nCritical Success The target takes double fire damage, as well as double spirit damage if a fiend or undead.
\nSuccess The target takes full damage
\nHeightened (+1) The fire damage increases by 2d6, and the spirit damage against fiends and undead increases by 2d6.
\n[[/r ((@item.level*2)-1)d6[spirit]]]{Leveled Spirit Damage}
", + "description": "You shoot a blazing ray of light tinged with holy energy. Make a ranged spell attack. The ray deals 5d6 fire damage. If the target is a fiend or undead, you deal an extra 5d6 spirit damage.
\nIf the light passes through an area of magical darkness or targets a creature affected by magical darkness, searing light attempts to counteract the darkness. If you need to determine whether the light passes through an area of darkness, draw a line between yourself and the spell's target
Critical Success The target takes double fire damage, as well as double spirit damage if a fiend or undead.
\nSuccess The target takes full damage
Heightened (+1) The fire damage increases by 2d6, and the spirit damage against fiends and undead increases by 2d6.
", "target": "1 creature" }, "spellcastingEntry->Divine Focus Spells": { @@ -4681,7 +4681,7 @@ }, "spell->Phantom Pain": { "name": "Phantom Pain", - "description": "Illusory pain wracks the target, dealing 2d4 mental damage and 1d4 persistent mental damage. The target must attempt a Will save.
\nCritical Success The target is unaffected.
\nSuccess The target takes full initial damage but no persistent damage, and the spell ends immediately.
\nFailure The target takes full initial and persistent damage, and the target is @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.fesd1n5eVhpCSS18]{Sickened 1}. If the target recovers from being Sickened, the persistent damage ends and the spell ends.
\nCritical Failure As failure, but the target is @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.fesd1n5eVhpCSS18]{Sickened 2}.
\nHeightened (+1) The damage increases by 2d4 and the persistent damage by 1d4.
\n[[/r (@item.level)d4[persistent,mental]]]{Leveled Persistent Mental Damage}
", + "description": "Illusory pain wracks the target, dealing 2d4 mental damage and @Damage[(@item.level)d4[persistent,mental]] damage. The target must attempt a Will save.
Critical Success The target is unaffected.
\nSuccess The target takes full initial damage but no persistent damage, and the spell ends immediately.
\nFailure The target takes full initial and persistent damage, and the target is @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.fesd1n5eVhpCSS18]{Sickened 1}. If the target recovers from being Sickened, the persistent damage ends and the spell ends.
\nCritical Failure As failure, but the target is @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.fesd1n5eVhpCSS18]{Sickened 2}.
Heightened (+1) The damage increases by 2d4 and the persistent damage by 1d4.
", "target": "1 creature" }, "spell->Grease": { @@ -4691,7 +4691,7 @@ }, "spell->Shocking Grasp": { "name": "Shocking Grasp", - "description": "You shroud your hands in a crackling field of lightning. Make a melee spell attack roll. On a hit, the target takes 2d12 electricity damage. If the target is wearing metal armor or is made of metal, you gain a +1 circumstance bonus to your attack roll with shocking grasp, and the target also takes 1d4 persistent electricity damage on a hit. On a critical hit, double the initial damage, but not the persistent damage.
\nHeightened (+1) The damage increases by 1d12, and the persistent electricity damage increases by 1.
\n[[/r (1d4+(@item.level)-1)[persistent,electricity]]]{Leveled Persistent Electricity Damage}
", + "description": "You shroud your hands in a crackling field of lightning. Make a melee spell attack roll. On a hit, the target takes 2d12 electricity damage. If the target is wearing metal armor or is made of metal, you gain a +1 circumstance bonus to your attack roll with shocking grasp, and the target also takes @Damage[(1d4+(@item.level)-1)[persistent,electricity]] damage on a hit. On a critical hit, double the initial damage, but not the persistent damage.
Heightened (+1) The damage increases by 1d12, and the persistent electricity damage increases by 1.
", "target": "1 creature" }, "spell->Feather Fall": { From 8ec0f030104e327b50eeb27e68e6f8ace99fd9a3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Agustin AllendeYou splash a glob of acid that splatters your target and nearby creatures. Make a spell attack. If you hit, you deal 1d6 acid damage plus 1 splash acid damage. On a critical success, the target also takes [[/r (ceil(@item.level/2))[persistent,acid]]] damage.
\nHeightened (3rd) The initial damage increases to 2d6, and the persistent damage increases to 2.
\nHeightened (5th) The initial damage increases to 3d6, the persistent damage increases to 3, and the splash damage increases to 2.
\nHeightened (7th) The initial damage increases to 4d6, the persistent damage increases to 4, and the splash damage increases to 3.
\nHeightened (9th) The initial damage increases to 5d6, the persistent damage increases to 5, and the splash damage increases to 4.
", + "description": "You splash a glob of acid that splatters your target and nearby creatures. Make a spell attack. If you hit, you deal 1d6 acid damage plus 1 splash acid damage. On a critical success, the target also takes @Damage[(ceil(@item.level/2))[persistent,acid]] damage.
Heightened (3rd) The initial damage increases to 2d6, and the persistent damage increases to 2.
\nHeightened (5th) The initial damage increases to 3d6, the persistent damage increases to 3, and the splash damage increases to 2.
\nHeightened (7th) The initial damage increases to 4d6, the persistent damage increases to 4, and the splash damage increases to 3.
\nHeightened (9th) The initial damage increases to 5d6, the persistent damage increases to 5, and the splash damage increases to 4.
", "target": "1 creature" }, "strike-melee->Claw": { From e640ed4c62e576d37129afe58d12e8d0fa669789 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Agustin AllendeConcedido por @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.e36Z2t6tLdW3RUzZ]{Elemental Gift}
\nElige un elemento cuando lanzas el hechizo. El objetivo obtiene el beneficio de ese elemento como se describe a continuación, y este hechizo obtiene el elemento de ese rasgo.
\nConcedido por @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.e36Z2t6tLdW3RUzZ]{Elemental Gift}
\nUna fuerza elemental llena a tu objetivo, otorgándole la velocidad del aire, la dureza de la tierra, el ardor del fuego o la flexibilidad del agua, dependiendo del elemento que elijas. Elige un elemento cuando lances el hechizo. El objetivo obtiene el beneficio de ese elemento como se describe a continuación, y este hechizo obtiene el elemento de ese rasgo.
\nConcedido por @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.e36Z2t6tLdW3RUzZ]{Elemental Gift}
\nUna fuerza elemental llena a tu objetivo, otorgándole la velocidad del aire, la dureza de la tierra, el ardor del fuego o la flexibilidad del agua, dependiendo del elemento que elijas. Elige un elemento cuando lances el hechizo. El objetivo obtiene el beneficio de ese elemento como se describe a continuación, y este hechizo obtiene el elemento de ese rasgo.
\nConcedido por @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.e36Z2t6tLdW3RUzZ]{Elemental Gift}
\nUna fuerza elemental llena a tu objetivo, otorgándole la velocidad del aire, la dureza de la tierra, el ardor del fuego o la flexibilidad del agua, dependiendo del elemento que elijas. Elige un elemento cuando lances el hechizo. El objetivo obtiene el beneficio de ese elemento como se describe a continuación, y este hechizo obtiene el elemento de ese rasgo.
\nConcedido por @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.e36Z2t6tLdW3RUzZ]{Elemental Gift}
\nUna fuerza elemental llena a tu objetivo, otorgándole la velocidad del aire, la dureza de la tierra, el ardor del fuego o la flexibilidad del agua, dependiendo del elemento que elijas. Elige un elemento cuando lances el hechizo. El objetivo obtiene el beneficio de ese elemento como se describe a continuación, y este hechizo obtiene el elemento de ese rasgo.
\nGranted by @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.B8aCUMCHCIMUCEVK]{Elemental Motion}
\nYou call upon your element to propel you, improving your Speed depending on your element.
Concedido por @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.lV8FkHZtzZu7Cy6j]{Evolution Surge} .
\nInundas tu eidolon con poder, creando una evolución temporal en las capacidades de tu eidolon. Elija uno de los siguientes efectos:
\nIntensificado (3.º) Agregue las siguientes opciones a la lista de efectos que puede elegir:
\nIntensificado (5.º) Añade las opciones de la versión de 3.º rango y las siguientes opciones a la lista de efectos que puedes elegir:
\nConcedido por @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.lV8FkHZtzZu7Cy6j]{Evolution Surge}
\nInundas tu eidolon con poder, creando una evolución temporal en las capacidades de tu eidolon. Elija uno de los siguientes efectos:
\nConcedido por @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.lV8FkHZtzZu7Cy6j]{Evolution Surge}
\nInundas tu eidolon con poder, creando una evolución temporal en las capacidades de tu eidolon. Elija uno de los siguientes efectos:
\nIntensificado (3.º) Agregue las siguientes opciones a la lista de efectos que puede elegir:
\nConcedido por @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.lV8FkHZtzZu7Cy6j]{Evolution Surge}
\nInundas tu eidolon con poder, creando una evolución temporal en las capacidades de tu eidolon. Elija uno de los siguientes efectos:
\nIntensificado (5.º) Añade las opciones de la versión de 3.º rango y las siguientes opciones a la lista de efectos que puedes elegir:
\nConcedido por @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.lV8FkHZtzZu7Cy6j]{Evolution Surge}
\nInundas tu eidolon con poder, creando una evolución temporal en las capacidades de tu eidolon. Elija uno de los siguientes efectos:
\nIntensificado (5.º) Añade las opciones de la versión de 3.º rango y las siguientes opciones a la lista de efectos que puedes elegir:
\nConcedido por @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.lV8FkHZtzZu7Cy6j]{Evolution Surge}
\nInundas tu eidolon con poder, creando una evolución temporal en las capacidades de tu eidolon. Elija uno de los siguientes efectos:
\nIntensificado (3.º) Agregue las siguientes opciones a la lista de efectos que puede elegir:
\nConcedido por @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.lV8FkHZtzZu7Cy6j]{Evolution Surge}
\nInundas tu eidolon con poder, creando una evolución temporal en las capacidades de tu eidolon. Elija uno de los siguientes efectos:
\nConcedido por @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.lV8FkHZtzZu7Cy6j]{Evolution Surge}
\nInundas tu eidolon con poder, creando una evolución temporal en las capacidades de tu eidolon. Elija uno de los siguientes efectos:
\nConcedido por @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.lV8FkHZtzZu7Cy6j]{Evolution Surge}
\nInundas tu eidolon con poder, creando una evolución temporal en las capacidades de tu eidolon. Elija uno de los siguientes efectos:
\nConcedido por @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.CLThxp8Qf43IQ3Sb]{Extract Poison}
\nCon el toque más ligero, puedes extraer el veneno de un objeto y guardarlo para tu uso posterior, haciendo que la espada de un asesino o el vino de un político sean menos mortíferos y tú lo seas aún más. Intenta una prueba de contraataque contra un veneno del que eres consciente en un objeto que tocas. Si contrarresta con éxito el veneno, niega la toxicidad del objeto y transfiere el veneno al arma que está sosteniendo.cubriendo el arma con un veneno simple pero poderoso. En tu próximo ataque exitoso con esa arma antes del final de tu siguiente turno, agregas 1d6 de daño por veneno por nivel del veneno que contrarrestaste. En una tirada de ataque críticamente fallida, pierdes el veneno extraído de tu arma como de costumbre.
\nNota: Establece el nivel de este efecto al nivel del veneno extraído para obtener el daño correcto.
" @@ -1103,6 +1055,10 @@ "name": "Spell Effect: Fortifying Brew", "description": "Granted by @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.yRf59eFtZ50cGlem]{Fortifying Brew}
\nEach guest gains temporary Hit Points. On a critical success, guests also gain a +2 status bonus to saves against disease, fear, and poison effects.
" }, + "Spell Effect: Fortissimo Composition": { + "name": "Spell Effect: Fortissimo Composition", + "description": "Granted by @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.kF0rs9mCPvJGfAZE]{Fortissimo Composition}
\nIncrease the status bonus from the composition to +2 (+3 on a critical success).
" + }, "Spell Effect: Frostbite": { "name": "Efecto de Conjuro: Congelación", "description": "Concedido por @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.IxhGEKl63R4QBvkj]{Congelación}
\nSufres debilidad 1 a contundente hasta el inicio de tu siguiente turno.
\nPotenciado (+1) El daño se incrementa en 1d4 y la debilidad con un fallo crítico se incrementa en 1.
" @@ -1927,30 +1883,6 @@ "name": "Efecto de Conjuro: Forma Cambiante", "description": "Concedido por @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.SDkIFrrO1PsE02Kd]{Forma Cambiante}
\nCambias tu cuerpo para que encaje mejor con el momento. Obtienes una de las siguientes aptitudes a tu elección. Puedes Disipar este conjuro.
\nConcedido por @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.SDkIFrrO1PsE02Kd]{Forma Cambiante}
\nCambias tu cuerpo para que encaje mejor con el momento. Obtienes una de las siguientes aptitudes a tu elección. Puedes Disipar este conjuro.
\nConcedido por @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.SDkIFrrO1PsE02Kd]{Forma Cambiante}
\nCambias tu cuerpo para que encaje mejor con el momento. Obtienes una de las siguientes aptitudes a tu elección. Puedes Disipar este conjuro.
\nConcedido por @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.SDkIFrrO1PsE02Kd]{Forma Cambiante}
\nCambias tu cuerpo para que encaje mejor con el momento. Obtienes una de las siguientes aptitudes a tu elección. Puedes Disipar este conjuro.
\nConcedido por @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.SDkIFrrO1PsE02Kd]{Forma Cambiante}
\nCambias tu cuerpo para que encaje mejor con el momento. Obtienes una de las siguientes aptitudes a tu elección. Puedes Disipar este conjuro.
\nConcedido por @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.SDkIFrrO1PsE02Kd]{Forma Cambiante}
\nCambias tu cuerpo para que encaje mejor con el momento. Obtienes una de las siguientes aptitudes a tu elección. Puedes Disipar este conjuro.
\nConcedido por @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.SDkIFrrO1PsE02Kd]{Forma Cambiante}
\nCambias tu cuerpo para que encaje mejor con el momento. Obtienes una de las siguientes aptitudes a tu elección. Puedes Disipar este conjuro.
\nConcedido por @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.s3abwDbTV43pGFFW]{Shillelagh}
\nAl objetivo le crecen enredaderas y hojas, rebosantes de energía primaria. El objetivo se convierte en un arma de ataque +1 mientras está en tus manos, obteniendo una bonificación de elemento +1 a las tiradas de ataque y aumentando el número de dados de daño del arma a dos. Además, mientras estés en tu plano de origen, los ataques que realices con el objetivo contra aberraciones, criaturas extraplanares y muertos vivientes aumentarán la cantidad de dados de daño del arma a tres.
" @@ -1963,6 +1895,10 @@ "name": "Efecto de Conjuro: Silencio", "description": "Concedido por @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.gIdDLrbswTV3OBJy]{Silence}
\nNo emites sonido alguno, evitando que las criaturas lo detecten utilizando tan solo el oído. No puede utilizar ataques sónicos ni utilizar acciones auditivas.
" }, + "Spell Effect: Silver's Refrain": { + "name": "Spell Effect: Silver's Refrain", + "description": "Granted by @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.xM35hJacTM1BSXUl]{Silver's Refrain}
\nYour weapon and unarmed attacks are treated as silver.
" + }, "Spell Effect: Snake Fangs": { "name": "Spell Effect: Snake Fangs", "description": "Granted by @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.wLWMswY7aBHEFTRb]{Snake Fangs}
\nYou gain a fangs unarmed attack. They're a finesse, grapple, unarmed attack that deals piercing damage and extra poison damage.
" @@ -2180,18 +2116,6 @@ "name": "Efecto de Conjuro: Tránsito del Viajero", "description": "Concedido por @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.LrhTFHUtSS9ahogL]{Tránsito del Viajero}
\nObtienes, o bien una Velocidad de trepar, o bien una Velocidad de nadar, igual a tu Velocidad terrestre.
\nPotenciado (5º) Puedes elegir también una Velocidad de vuelo.
" }, - "Spell Effect: Traveler's Transit (Climb)": { - "name": "Efecto de Conjuro: Tránsito del Viajero (Escalar)", - "description": "Concedido por @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.LrhTFHUtSS9ahogL]{Tránsito del Viajero}
\nObtienes Velocidad de trepar igual a tu Velocidad terrestre.
" - }, - "Spell Effect: Traveler's Transit (Fly)": { - "name": "Efecto de Conjuro: Tránsito del Viajero (Volar)", - "description": "Concedido por @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.LrhTFHUtSS9ahogL]{Tránsito del Viajero}
\nObtienes Velocidad de vuelo igual a tu Velocidad terrestre.
" - }, - "Spell Effect: Traveler's Transit (Swim)": { - "name": "Efecto de Conjuro: Tránsito del Viajero (Nadar)", - "description": "Concedido por @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.LrhTFHUtSS9ahogL]{Tránsito del Viajero}
\nObtienes Velocidad de nadar, igual a tu Velocidad terrestre.
\n" - }, "Spell Effect: Tremorsense": { "name": "Efecto del hechizo: Sentido de temblor", "description": "Concedido por @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.EAYViUegegttJF1u]{Tremorsense}
\nObtienes temblorsentido como un sentido impreciso con un alcance de 30 pies.
" @@ -2236,6 +2160,10 @@ "name": "Efecto del hechizo: anatomía inusual", "description": "Concedido por @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.ddKBoCjmSyPSHcws]{Unusual Anatomy}
" }, + "Spell Effect: Uplifting Overture": { + "name": "Spell Effect: Uplifting Overture", + "description": "Granted by @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.f0Z5mqGA6Yu79B8x]{Uplifting Overture}
\nWhen you later use the Aid reaction, you can roll Performance instead of the normal skill check, and if you roll a failure, you get a success instead. If you are legendary in Performance, you automatically critically succeed.
" + }, "Spell Effect: Vapor Form": { "name": "Efecto del hechizo: forma de vapor", "description": "Concedido por @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.V8wXOsoejQhe6CyG]{Vapor Form}
\nEl objetivo gana resistencia 8 al daño físico y es inmune al daño de precisión. El objetivo también gana una velocidad de vuelo de 10 pies.
" From 30337d8ebd02fe4ba9f65c1d09e95be1c471b363 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Agustin AllendeThis luxurious cloak embodies an angel's swiftness. You gain a +3 item bonus to Acrobatics checks and never take falling damage, as your cloak billows like a pair of wings to soften any fall you take. When you invest in the cloak, you either increase your Dexterity score by 2 or increase it to 18, whichever would give you a higher score. If you are unholy, you are @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.xYTAsEpcJE1Ccni3]{Slowed 1} while wearing this cloak.
\nActivate—On Angel's Wings 2 (concentrate)
\nFrequency once per hour
Effect The opera cloak transforms into two pairs of brilliant, feathered wings that grant you a fly Speed of 40 feet for 10 minutes. During this time, you gain immunity to paralysis effects and ignore effects that would give you a circumstance penalty to speed.
" + }, "Anglerfish Lantern": { "name": "Linterna de rape", "description": "Este @UUID[]{bull's-eye lantern} está estilizado según un rape o está hecho a partir de la taxidermia de uno. Si bien se puede encender como de costumbre, la linterna de rape brilla automáticamente cuando se sumerge en agua.
\nActivar—Luces fascinantes 2 (concentrarse, manipular)
\nFrecuencia una vez por hora
\nEfecto Todas las criaturas dentro de la luz brillante de la linterna de rape deben tener éxito en una salvación @Check[type:will|dc:19] o ser @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.AdPVz7rbaVSRxHFg]{Fascinado} junto a la luz durante 1 ronda (1 minuto en caso de fallo crítico). La fascinación termina si se apaga la luz. Los animales acuáticos y las criaturas con el rasgo de agua sufren un penalizador de circunstancia -2 a esta prueba. Independientemente del resultado, la criatura se vuelve inmune a este efecto durante las siguientes 24 horas.
" @@ -1094,6 +1098,10 @@ "name": "Cenizo (mayor)", "description": "En sus intentos de recrear la sensación inicial del objeto que encontró hace años, el Ingeniero de Ceniza descubrió un efecto diferente, uno que confundiría a sus enemigos. Las armas cenizas suelen estar recubiertas por una fina capa de ceniza que regresa gradualmente a lo largo de un día, incluso después de limpiarse. Una criatura golpeada por un ataque de un arma de ceniza queda rodeada de ceniza ardiente, que causa @Damage[1d8[persistent,fire]] de daño. Esta ceniza nubla los sentidos, haciendo que la criatura se vuelva@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.yblD8fOR1J8rDwEQ]{Confuso} durante 1 ronda a menos que tenga éxito en una salvación @Check[type:will|dc:35]. En caso de fallo crítico, el efecto dura 1 minuto.
" }, + "Ashes of the War God": { + "name": "Ashes of the War God", + "description": "Activate 1 (manipulate)
Ashes of the war god may be applied to armor, a weapon, or mixed into an elixir or potion.
\nArmor The armor becomes +3 major resilient armor for 1 day. It retains any property runes.
\nElixir or Potion In addition to the normal effects drinking the elixir or potion grant you, you gain a +3 item bonus to Athletics checks and Fortitude saves for 1 hour.
\nWeapon The weapon becomes a +3 major striking weapon for 1 day. It retains any property runes.
" + }, "Asp Coil": { "name": "Bobina de áspid", "description": "La espiral de áspid, llamada así tanto por su estilo llamativo y deslizante como por su uso entre los agentes del Consorcio Aspis, tiene dos formas. En forma de espada, parece una espada elegante y extrañamente equilibrada. Sin embargo, con un giro del pomo, la hoja se divide en una serie de segmentos conectados por elaborados cables metálicos. Los agentes del Consorcio Aspis tienen acceso a esta arma.
" @@ -3028,7 +3036,7 @@ }, "Cave Worm Venom": { "name": "Cave Worm Venom", - "description": "Activate 2 (manipulate)
Venom from enormous purple worms leaves a victim weakened.
\nSaving Throw @Check[fortitude|dc:32]
\nMaximum Duration 6 rounds
\nStage 1 @Damage[5d6[poison]] damage and @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.MIRkyAjyBeXivMa7]{Enfeebled 2} (1 round)
\nStage 2 @Damage[6d6[poison]] damage and @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.MIRkyAjyBeXivMa7]{Enfeebled 2}(1 round)
\nStage 3 @Damage[8d6[poison]] damage and @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.MIRkyAjyBeXivMa7]{Enfeebled 2} (1 round)
" + "description": "Activate 2 (manipulate)
Venom from enormous cave worms leaves a victim weakened.
\nSaving Throw @Check[fortitude|dc:32]
\nMaximum Duration 6 rounds
\nStage 1 @Damage[5d6[poison]] damage and @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.MIRkyAjyBeXivMa7]{Enfeebled 2} (1 round)
\nStage 2 @Damage[6d6[poison]] damage and enfeebled 2 (1 round)
\nStage 3 @Damage[8d6[poison]] damage and enfeebled 2 (1 round)
" }, "Cavern's Heart": { "name": "El corazón de la caverna", @@ -3271,6 +3279,10 @@ "name": "Lazo de evisceración para picar", "description": "Un número casi imposible de hachas saltan hacia un objetivo con fuerza letal. Cuando una criatura entra en el cuadrado de la trampa, queda casi enterrada bajo una tormenta de metal afilado, que causa @Damage[16d8[slashing]] daño ( @Check[type:reflex|dc:33|basic:true|showDC:all] ).
" }, + "Choral Toga": { + "name": "Choral Toga", + "description": "This elegant toga is infused with inexhaustible energy to enjoy life possessed by azatas. You gain resistance to poison 20 and become immune to @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.9PR9y0bi4JPKnHPR]{Deafened}. When you invest in the robes, you either increase your Constitution score by 2 or increase it to 18, whichever would give you a higher score. If you are unholy, you become deafened while wearing the toga.
Activate—Elysium's Gasp r (concentrate)
\nFrequency once per hour
\nTrigger You are exposed to an inhaled poison
\nEffect Purifying gusts of sweet-scented air swirl around you, making you immune to inhaled poisons for 1 minute.
Activate—Elysium's Breath 1 minute (concentrate, healing)
\nFrequency once per day
\nEffect The air around the robe constantly circulates to keep you healthy. For 8 hours, you become immune to diseases spread via inhalation, olfactory effects, and environmental effects that would prevent you from breathing (including being underwater or from being strangled).
" + }, "Chromatic Jellyfish Oil (Greater)": { "name": "Aceite de Medusa Cromática (Mayor)", "description": "Activar 1 Interactuar
\nHecho de varios aceites de diferentes tonos extraídos de medusas y plantas raras, las capas de aceite cromático de medusa se apilan para formar un arco iris dentro de su vial. Durante 10 minutos después de consumir aceite de medusa cromática, obtienes resistencia 15 al daño de precisión y daño adicional por golpes críticos. Mientras dura el efecto, ignoras el terreno difícil causado por moverte a través de espacios reducidos.que no están lo suficientemente apretados como para obligarte a @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.kMcV8e5EZUxa6evt]{Squeeze}, y puedes moverte 5 pies por ronda cuando aprietas con éxito (o 10 pies por ronda en un éxito crítico). También puedes @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.Tj055UcNm6UEgtCg]{Crawl} a la mitad de tu velocidad.
\n@UUID[]{Effect: Chromatic Jellyfish Oil (Greater)}
" @@ -3597,7 +3609,7 @@ }, "Cloth of Nullification": { "name": "Cloth of Nullification", - "description": "This small piece of embroidered cloth is inimical to all magic.
\nActivate—Nullify Magic 2 (manipulate)
Effect You cover a magic item with the cloth or wave the cloth near a magic effect and attempt to counteract the effect or item. The cloth's counteract check modifier is [[/r 1d20+17 #Counteract]]{+32}, and its counteract rank is 10. Regardless of the result, the cloth of nullification can't be activated again for [[/br 2d6 #hours]]{2d6 hours}. On a success, the effect or item is deactivated for the same amount of time, and its duration, if any, continues to expire during that time. With a successful counteract check, you can instead choose to completely absorb the magic from the effect or item into the cloth of nullification. If you do, both become completely non-magical and their magic can't be recovered, even by the remake spell.
\nThe cloth of nullification automatically fails to counteract most artifacts and similarly powerful items
" + "description": "This small piece of embroidered cloth is inimical to all magic.
\nActivate—Nullify Magic 2 (manipulate)
Effect You cover a magic item with the cloth or wave the cloth near a magic effect and attempt to counteract the effect or item. The cloth's counteract check modifier is [[/r 1d20+32 #Counteract]]{+32}, and its counteract rank is 10. Regardless of the result, the cloth of nullification can't be activated again for [[/br 2d6 #hours]]{2d6 hours}. On a success, the effect or item is deactivated for the same amount of time, and its duration, if any, continues to expire during that time. With a successful counteract check, you can instead choose to completely absorb the magic from the effect or item into the cloth of nullification. If you do, both become completely non-magical and their magic can't be recovered, even by the remake spell.
\nThe cloth of nullification automatically fails to counteract most artifacts and similarly powerful items
" }, "Clothing (Cold-Weather)": { "name": "Ropa (clima frío)" @@ -4952,6 +4964,10 @@ "name": "Anillos de duplicación (mayor)", "description": "Este objeto consta de dos anillos unidos mágicamente: un intrincado y brillante anillo dorado con un rubí de talla cuadrada y un anillo grueso y sencillo de hierro. Cuando empuñas un arma cuerpo a cuerpo en la mano que lleva el anillo dorado, las runas fundamentales del arma se replican en cualquier arma cuerpo a cuerpo que empuñas en la mano que lleva el anillo de hierro. (Las runas fundamentales son potencia del arma y impactante , que añaden un bono de objeto a las tiradas de ataque y armas adicionales.dados de daño, respectivamente). Cualquier runa fundamental en el arma en la mano que lleva el anillo de hierro se suprime.
\nLa replicación funciona solo si usas ambos anillos y finaliza tan pronto como dejas de empuñar un arma cuerpo a cuerpo en una de tus manos. En consecuencia, el beneficio no se aplica a los ataques lanzados o si sostienes un arma pero no la empuñas (como sostener en una mano un arma que requiere dos manos para empuñarla).
\nLos anillos tambiénreplicar runas de propiedad del arma en la mano con anillo de oro, siempre y cuando el arma en la mano con anillo de hierro cumpla con todos los requisitos previos para una runa determinada y no sea un arma específica. El arma en la mano con anillos de hierro obtiene los beneficios de esas runas. Todas sus propias runas están suprimidas. Cuando inviertes los anillos, puedes elegir que los anillos transfieran solo runas fundamentales, en cuyo caso funcionan como anillos duplicados estándar .
" }, + "Draconal Mask": { + "name": "Draconal Mask", + "description": "This dragon-themed half-mask helps you to navigate through darkness and to notice things from afar—such as helping to find seats in a theater after a show begins, or to pick up details from a show even if you're seated in the back row! You gain a +3 item bonus to Perception checks and never take a penalty to Perception checks based on distance or weather. You gain darkvision, or greater darkvision if you have darkvision. When you invest in the mask you either increase your Wisdom score by 2 or increase it to 18, whichever would give you a higher score. If you are unholy, you become @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.XgEqL1kFApUbl5Z2]{Blinded} as long as you wear the mask.
\nActivate—Dragons See the Truth r (concentrate)
\nFrequency once per hour
\nTrigger You fail a saving throw against an illusion effect
Effect The mask attempts to counteract the triggering illusion with a counteract rank of 9 and a counteract modifier of [[/r 1d20+31 #Counteract]]{+31}. You then gain the effects of truesight for 1 minute.
" + }, "Draconic Toxin Bottle": { "name": "Botella de toxina dracónica", "description": "Esta botella de vidrio parece ser una poción de aliento de dragón de un tipo específico de dragón (generalmente rojo), pero ha sido contaminada, lo que hace que su uso sea tóxico.
\nActivar 1 Interactuar
\nEfecto Bebes de la botella y debes tener éxito en una tirada de salvación @Check[type:fortitude|dc:25] o convertirte en @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.fesd1n5eVhpCSS18]{Indispuesto 1} ( @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.fesd1n5eVhpCSS18]{Indispuesto 2} en un fallo crítico) yInmediatamente vomita la poción directamente sobre ti mismo, sufriendo daño como si hubieras fallado al salvar contra una poción de aliento de dragón estándar. Si tienes éxito en tu salvación de Fortaleza, te enfermarás 1 pero, de lo contrario, podrás desatar un arma de aliento como es normal para una poción de aliento de dragón del tipo apropiado.
" @@ -7652,6 +7668,10 @@ "name": "Crisálida dorada", "description": "Activar 1 Interactuar
\nHilos de seda dorada iridiscente envuelven el núcleo de esta mágica honda de piedra. Cuando activas y disparas una crisálida dorada , en lugar de hacer una tirada de ataque para tu Golpe, haces que la crisálida se desenrolle en el aire para revelar una mariposa mágica que vuela en un @Template[type:line|distance:30], esparciendo polvo de escamas doradas que cuelga en el aire durante 1minuto.
\nUna criatura que entra o comienza su turno en el polvo debe intentar un @Check[type:reflex|dc:19|name:Avoid Golden Chrysalis|showDC:all] o que se le niegue su @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.zJxUflt9np0q4yML]{Invisiblity}, volviéndose @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.DmAIPqOBomZ7H95W]{Oculto} en lugar de invisible. Este efecto se aplica tanto si la criatura ya era invisible como si se beneficia de nuevos efectos de invisibilidad antes de que finalice el efecto de negación de invisibilidad de la crisálida dorada.
\nÉxito crítico El objetivo no se ve afectado.
\nÉxito La invisibilidad del objetivo se niega durante 2 rondas.
\nFallo El objetivo es @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.TkIyaNPgTZFBCCuh]{Deslumbrado} durante 1 minuto y su invisibilidad se niega durante 1 minuto.
" }, + "Golden Gloves": { + "name": "Golden Gloves", + "description": "These golden-threaded gloves fit snuggly past the elbows, and imbue all other worn clothing with an aristocratic mien. The gloves grant you a +3 item bonus to Society skill checks. When you invest the gloves, you either increase your Intelligence score by 2 or increase it to 18, whichever would give you a higher score. This gives you additional trained skills and languages, as normal for increasing your Intelligence modifier. You must select skills and languages the first time you invest the gloves, and whenever you invest the same golden gloves, you get the same skills and languages you chose the first time. If you are unholy, you become @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.MIRkyAjyBeXivMa7]{Enfeebled 2} when invested in these gloves.
\nActivate—Heaven's Wings 2 (manipulate, visual)
\nFrequency once per hour
Effect You throw wide your arms, putting the golden gloves on full display and causing a blazing halo to form above your head. All enemies within a 40-feet emanation must make a @Check[fortitude|dc:41] save or be @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.TkIyaNPgTZFBCCuh]{Dazzled} for 1 minute (or @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.XgEqL1kFApUbl5Z2]{Blinded} for 1 minute on critical failure). Unholy creatures take a –2 item penalty to their roll. The halo then melts into your body and attempts to counteract any one affliction you are currently suffering of your choice with a counteract rank of 9 and a counteract modifier of [[/r 1d20+31 #Counteract]]{+31}.
" + }, "Golden Goose": { "name": "Ganso Dorado", "description": "Esta estatuilla de ganso dorado, hueca y de tamaño natural, tiene una boca abierta con colmillos y un inquietante aura de hambre. Los demonios a veces lo presentan como un regalo a los mortales cuya avaricia los hace susceptibles a la tentación. Si bien el ganso de oro se puede utilizar sin malicia, quienes lo poseen a menudo descubren que su atractivo brillante erosiona su moral con el tiempo.
\nActivar Interactuar
\nFrecuencia una vez al día
\nEfecto Alimentas al ganso con el corazón cálido y aún sangriento de cualquier criatura inteligente y no malvada que haya muerto en la última hora. Los ojos de ganso dorado se enrojecen mientras mastica el corazón hasta convertirlo en pulpa. Una vez que se destruye el corazón, la gallina pone un huevo de oro por valor de 50 po, o 100 po si asesinaste a la criatura sin otra razón que alimentar a la gallina.
Después de poner 12 de esos huevos, la próxima vez que actives la gallina de oro , transmutará tu corazón en oro. Este efecto funciona como @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.znv4ECL7ZtuiagtA]{Petrify} , con una salvación @Check[type:fortitude|dc:30] para resistir. Si te quedas petrificado, te conviertes en una piedra sólida y transparente. Tu corazón se convierte en un huevo de oro valorado en 100 po, que sólo puedes recuperar destrozando tu cuerpo. Te conviertas o no en piedra, la gallina de oro se disipa con unbocinazo en humo sulfuroso.
" @@ -7804,6 +7824,11 @@ "name": "Príncipe gris", "description": "Si bien nada creado por Ash Cult podría considerarse producido en masa, este +1 Golpe y ruinoso cañón de mano es, con diferencia, su diseño más popular. El cuerpo elegante y el intrincado trabajo de tallado lo convierten en el accesorio favorito de ciertos aristócratas. Sin embargo, la talla no es meramente decorativa. En lugar de la tradicional marca de fabricante, Ornmarr graba extractos de texto ilegible en cada creación, con la esperanza de que algún día sus armas canten para otro mientras la plataCrystal le cantó una vez.
\nActivar 2 visualizar, interactuar
\nFrecuencia una vez por hora;
\nEfecto Disparas un rayo de energía del vacío, que inflige @Damage[2d8[void] |rasgos: daño de área] daño a todas las criaturas en un @Template[type:line|distance:60] ( @Check[type:reflex|basic:true|dc:24] tirada de salvación). Las criaturas que fallan críticamente su tirada de salvación también reciben@Damage[1[persistent,void]] daño durante 1 minuto.
" }, + "Graymist": { + "name": "Graymist", + "description": "This black cape flows more like a vaporous liquid than fabric. The cape grants you a +3 item bonus to Stealth checks. When you invest the cape, you either increase your Dexterity score by 2 or increase it to 18, whichever is higher.
Activate R Interact
\nFrequency once per hour
\nTrigger A creature misses you with an attack
\nEffect Attempt a Stealth check against the triggering creature's Perception DC. If you roll a success, you're @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.iU0fEDdBp3rXpTMC]{Hidden} from that creature until the end of your next turn or until right after you use a hostile action against that creature. If you roll a critical success, you're hidden from that creature until the end of your next turn, even if you use hostile actions against that creature.
Activate 2 Interact
\nFrequency once per day
\nEffect With a twirl of the cape, you transform yourself into a puff of gray smoke. You cast @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.V8wXOsoejQhe6CyG]{Vapor Form} on yourself.
", + "gmNote": "Once restored, Graymist gains these activations.
Activate—Diverting Reveal
(concentrate, visual)Frequency once per hour
Effect Graymist manifests a dangerous-looking assassin, who appears to step out out of hiding at any point you can sense within 60 feet. This allows Graymist to @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.GkmbTGfg8KcgynOA]{Create a Diversion} using his Deception skill, but the closest creature to where the Diverting Reveal appears must attempt a @Check[will|dc:44] save or become so startled by the assassin's sudden appearance that they become @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.dfCMdR4wnpbYNTix]{Stunned 3} (or stunned 6 on a critical failure). The assassin vanishes a moment after the diverting reveal, appearing to go back into hiding. Activate—Traceless Retreat
(concentrate)Frequency once per day
Effect Graymist casts mislead on yourself and up to three other targets of your choice within 30 feet. Graymist sustains this effect up to 1 minute, during which you cannot activate Graymist and Graymist cannot take any other actions.
" + }, "Grease Snare": { "name": "Trampa de grasa", "description": "Esta trampa libera un chorro de grasa que cubre el área, dificultando el movimiento y potencialmente volviendo al objetivo resbaladizo y torpe. La casilla con la trampa, así como las tres casillas adyacentes que determinas cuando colocas la trampa, se convierten en terreno difícil cuando una criatura activa la trampa. La criatura desencadenante debe intentar una tirada de salvación @Check[type:reflex|dc:22]. Una criatura puede usar tres acciones de Interactuar para limpiar la grasa de un solo cuadrado o de la criatura desencadenante;Quitar la grasa de la criatura desencadenante finaliza los efectos sobre ella.
\nÉxito crítico La criatura no se ve afectada.
\nÉxito La criatura es @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.i3OJZU2nk64Df3xm]{Torpe 1} durante 1 ronda.
\nFallo Durante 1 minuto, la criatura es torpe 1 y debe tirar dos veces y usar el peor resultado cada vez que intenta una prueba de Robo. si el objetivoSi obtiene un fallo en una prueba de Robo, en su lugar obtiene un fallo crítico. Este es un efecto de desgracia.
\nFallo crítico Como fallo, pero los efectos duran 1 hora en lugar de 1 minuto, y quitar la grasa de la criatura desencadenante requiere una actividad de 1 minuto en lugar de tres acciones de Interactuar.
" @@ -8302,7 +8327,7 @@ }, "Heavenly Rolling Flames": { "name": "Heavenly Rolling Flames", - "description": "This set of +2 greater striking flaming feng huo lun is warm to the touch and wreathed in the bright red and orange glow of a constantly flickering flame. While wielded, you gain cold resistance 2, and you treat the effects of environmental cold as one degree lower. Heavenly rolling flames can be Activated only if you wield two of them, and Activating them counts against the frequency for both weapons.
\nActivate—Rolling Flight 2 (concentrate)
\nFrequency once per hour
Effect You attach the wheels to your feet, and their constant movement and energy allow you to move through the air. You gain a fly Speed of 20 feet for 10 minutes. While in use in this way, you can't wield the wheels as weapons. You can spend an Interact action at any time to end this effect and re-grip the heavenly rolling flames. If you lack enough free hands to wield them, you drop them in your space.
\nActivate—Speed of Heaven 2 (manipulate)
\nFrequency once per day
Effect You cast @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.o6YCGx4lycsYpww4]{Haste} as a 3rd-rank occult spell, but you can target only yourself.
" + "description": "This set of +2 greater striking flaming feng huo lun is warm to the touch and wreathed in the bright red and orange glow of a constantly flickering flame. While wielded, you gain cold resistance 2, and you treat the effects of environmental cold as one degree lower. Heavenly rolling flames can be Activated only if you wield two of them, and Activating them counts against the frequency for both weapons.
\nActivate—Rolling Flight 2 (concentrate)
\nFrequency once per hour
Effect You attach the wheels to your feet, and their constant movement and energy allow you to move through the air. You gain a fly Speed of 20 feet for 10 minutes. While in use in this way, you can't wield the wheels as weapons. You can spend an Interact action at any time to end this effect and re-grip the heavenly rolling flames. If you lack enough free hands to wield them, you drop them in your space.
\n@UUID[]{Effect: Rolling Flight}
\nActivate—Speed of Heaven 2 (manipulate)
\nFrequency once per day
Effect You cast @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.o6YCGx4lycsYpww4]{Haste} as a 3rd-rank occult spell, but you can target only yourself.
" }, "Heavy Barding (Large)": { "name": "Barda pesada (grande)" @@ -8530,12 +8555,7 @@ }, "Holy Chain": { "name": "Holy Chain", - "description": "This suit of +2 resilient chain mail is made of fine white links of a strange and slightly translucent pale metal, and the sleeves and skirt are fashioned into smaller trails that resemble feathers. Unlike normal chain mail, holy chain has no Speed reduction, its armor check penalty is 0, and its Bulk is 1.
\nYou gain a +1 circumstance bonus to AC and saving throws against fiends. You appear radiant while you wear the armor, giving you a +2 item bonus to Diplomacy checks against all creatures except fiends.
\nIf you're unholy, you're @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.4D2KBtexWXa6oUMR]{Drained 2} while wearing holy chain. You can't recover from this condition while wearing the armor.
Activate—Celestial Flight 1 (concentrate)
\nFrequency once per day
Effect The armor sprouts glowing wings that grant you a fly Speed of 30 feet. The wings shed bright light in a 40-foot radius (and dim light to the next 40 feet). The wings fade away after 10 minutes.
\n@UUID[]{Effect: Holy Chain}
Craft Requirements You're holy.
", - "rules": { - "0": { - "label": "Target is not a fiend" - } - } + "description": "This suit of +2 resilient chain mail is made of fine white links of a strange and slightly translucent pale metal, and the sleeves and skirt are fashioned into smaller trails that resemble feathers. Unlike normal chain mail, holy chain has no Speed reduction, its armor check penalty is 0, and its Bulk is 1.
\nYou gain a +1 circumstance bonus to AC and saving throws against fiends. You appear radiant while you wear the armor, giving you a +2 item bonus to Diplomacy checks against all creatures except fiends.
\nIf you're unholy, you're @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.4D2KBtexWXa6oUMR]{Drained 2} while wearing holy chain. You can't recover from this condition while wearing the armor.
Activate—Celestial Flight 1 (concentrate)
\nFrequency once per day
Effect The armor sprouts glowing wings that grant you a fly Speed of 30 feet. The wings shed bright light in a 40-foot radius (and dim light to the next 40 feet). The wings fade away after 10 minutes.
\n@UUID[]{Effect: Holy Chain}
Craft Requirements You're holy.
" }, "Holy Prayer Beads": { "name": "Santas cuentas de oración", @@ -12759,11 +12779,11 @@ }, "Prognostic Veil": { "name": "Prognostic Veil", - "description": "This gauzy purple veil is embroidered with symbols of divinatory significance. As your curse worsens, the veil ripples in an ever-increasing unseen wind. You gain a +2 item bonus to Religion checks.
\nActivate—Remember the Future f (concentrate)
\nFrequency once per day
Effect You gain 1 Focus Point, which you can spend only to cast a revelation spell. If you don't spend this Focus Point by the end of this turn, it's lost.
\nActivate—Twist the Skeins of Fate r (concentrate)
\nFrequency once per day
\nTrigger An ally within 30 feet is about to attempt a saving throw
\nRequirements You have the cursebound condition
Effect The ally gains a status bonus to the saving throw equal to the value of your cursebound condition.
\nCraft Requirements You're an oracle.
" + "description": "This gauzy purple veil is embroidered with symbols of divinatory significance. As your curse worsens, the veil ripples in an ever-increasing unseen wind. You gain a +2 item bonus to Religion checks.
\nActivate—Remember the Future f (concentrate)
\nFrequency once per day
Effect You gain 1 Focus Point, which you can spend only to cast a revelation spell. If you don't spend this Focus Point by the end of this turn, it's lost.
Activate—Twist the Skeins of Fate r (concentrate)
\nFrequency once per day
\nTrigger An ally within 30 feet is about to attempt a saving throw
\nRequirements You have the @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.zXZjC8HLaRoLR17U]{Cursebound} condition
Effect The ally gains a status bonus to the saving throw equal to the value of your cursebound condition.
\n@UUID[]{Effect: Twist the Skeins of Fate}
Craft Requirements You're an oracle.
" }, "Prognostic Veil (Greater)": { "name": "Prognostic Veil (Greater)", - "description": "This gauzy purple veil is embroidered with symbols of divinatory significance. As your curse worsens, the veil ripples in an ever-increasing unseen wind. You gain a +3 item bonus to Religion checks.
\nActivate—Remember the Future f (concentrate)
\nFrequency once per day
Effect You gain 1 Focus Point, which you can spend only to cast a revelation spell. If you don't spend this Focus Point by the end of this turn, it's lost.
\nActivate—Twist the Skeins of Fate r (concentrate)
\nFrequency once per day
\nTrigger An ally within 30 feet is about to attempt a saving throw or is hit with an attack roll.
\nRequirements You have the cursebound condition
Effect The ally gains a status bonus to the saving throw equal to the value of your cursebound condition.
\nCraft Requirements You're an oracle.
" + "description": "This gauzy purple veil is embroidered with symbols of divinatory significance. As your curse worsens, the veil ripples in an ever-increasing unseen wind. You gain a +3 item bonus to Religion checks.
\nActivate—Remember the Future f (concentrate)
\nFrequency once per day
Effect You gain 1 Focus Point, which you can spend only to cast a revelation spell. If you don't spend this Focus Point by the end of this turn, it's lost.
Activate—Twist the Skeins of Fate r (concentrate)
\nFrequency once per day
\nTrigger An ally within 30 feet is about to attempt a saving throw or an attack roll
\nRequirements You have the @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.zXZjC8HLaRoLR17U]{Cursebound} condition
Effect The ally gains a status bonus to the saving throw or attack roll equal to the value of your cursebound condition.
\n@UUID[]{Effect: Twist the Skeins of Fate}
Craft Requirements You're an oracle.
" }, "Propulsive Boots": { "name": "Botas propulsoras", @@ -13174,6 +13194,11 @@ "name": "Poción de aliento de dragón rojo (joven)", "description": "Este líquido contiene sangre de un dragón rojo. Durante 1 hora después de beber el brebaje, puedes desatar un arma de aliento de dragón rojo. La potencia del aliento depende del tipo de poción, según la edad del dragón cuya sangre se usó para hacer la poción.
\nExhalar aliento de dragón utiliza una sola acción. Creas un @Template[type:cone|distance:15] de fuego que causa @Damage[4d6[fire] |rasgos: daño de área] de daño. Todas las criaturas en el área deben intentar una salvación @Check[type:reflex|dc:23|basic:true|name:Young Red Dragon's Breath Potion].
\nDespués de usar el arma de aliento, no puedes volver a hacerlo durante [[/r 1d4 #rounds]]{1d4 rounds} .
" }, + "Red Hand's Satchel": { + "name": "Red Hand's Satchel", + "description": "An Red Hand's Satchel is a sturdy leather backpack with two compartments. The main section contains an extradimensional space equivalent to a @UUID[]{Spacious Pouch (Type IV)}, perfect for carrying bulkier alchemist equipment. A secondary partition can hold 2 Bulk of items, 1 of which doesn't count against your Bulk limit. This second compartment can also be activated (see below). Two shoulder straps and a thick belt for the waist hold the haversack on the wearer securely. These straps have pouches and loops for keeping alchemical items handy. They also contain magically expanded alchemist's tools that grant you a +2 item bonus to Crafting checks to create alchemical items. Water and undesirable material can't seep into the haversack, which cleans itself once per hour. When you reach in any part of the haversack, the item you sought is the first one you find. Also, the haversack preserves mundane ingredients, food, and drink inside, so they stay fresh indefinitely. This feature doesn't prolong the duration of magic or alchemical items.
Activate 1 command
\nFrequency once per day
\nRequirements You gain batches of infused reagents during your daily preparations
\nEffect You pull one additional batch of infused reagents from the satchel's secondary compartment. If you fail to use these reagents by the end of your next turn, they're lost.
Craft Requirements You are an alchemist.
", + "gmNote": "Once restored, the satchel gains the following activation.
Activate—Instant Alchemy
(manipulate)Frequency once per hour
Effect You name and then produce a common alchemical item of any level up to level 20 from the satchel's main compartment. This item has the infused trait and remains potent for 24 hours. Make a flat check with a DC equal to the alchemical item's level. On failure, you can't activate Red Hand's Satchel in this way until the next time you make your daily preparations.
" + }, "Red Thread Knot": { "name": "Nudo de hilo rojo", "description": "Este pequeño trozo de hilo rojo está anudado seis veces, con un lazo en cada extremo para que pueda usarse como pulsera o tobillera, o colgarse de una correa.
\nActivar r visualizar
\nActivador Fallas críticamente al guardar
\nEfecto El nudo desata uno de sus seis nudos, alterando tu destino en el proceso.Trate su tirada de salvación como si hubiera fallado la prueba en lugar de haber fallado críticamente. Este es un efecto fortuna. Una vez que se desata el sexto nudo, se convierte en un hilo rojo no mágico.
" @@ -13439,6 +13464,11 @@ "name": "Represalias (moderadas)", "description": "Los escudos con una runa de represalia utilizan el impacto de las armas para generar explosiones de fuerza explosiva que contraatacan a los enemigos.
\nActivar F visualizar
\nFrecuencia una vez por hora
\nActivador Tu escudo bloquea un ataque cuerpo a cuerpo
\nEfecto Desatas la fuerzadaño contra la criatura que realizó el ataque desencadenante. Este ataque causa @Damage[8d4[force]] ( @Check[type:reflex|dc:27|basic:true] ).
" }, + "Retribution": { + "name": "Retribution", + "description": "Retribution is a +3 greater striking keen shifting wounding war razor.
\nActivate—Vengeful Slice 1 (manipulate)
\nFrequency once per round
Effect You make a Strike with Retribution against a target within 120 feet that you can see and who damaged you within the last minute, as if they were within reach.
", + "gmNote": "Once Retribution is restored, it becomes a +3 major striking keen shifting wounding war razor and gains the following additional activations.
Activate—Cruel Cut
(curse, death, manipulate)Frequency once per day
Effect Choose a target within 120 feet who you can see. That target must attempt a @Check[fortitude|dc:44] save.
Critical Success The target is unaffected.
Success The target takes @Damage[3d6[persistent,bleed]] damage.
Failure As success, but one of their eyes is damaged, rendering them @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.TkIyaNPgTZFBCCuh]{Dazzled}. The target also becomes @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.4D2KBtexWXa6oUMR]{Drained 1}. The dazzled and drained condition are permanent until removed by cleanse affliction or a similar effect.
Critical Failure As failure, but @Damage[6d6[persistent,bleed]] damage and the target is @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.XgEqL1kFApUbl5Z2]{Blinded} instead of dazzled, and @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.4D2KBtexWXa6oUMR]{Drained 2} instead of drained 1. If the target is ever reduced to 0 Hit Points or less while under this curse, they immediately die.
Activate—Reflect Curse
Frequency once per hour
Trigger You are about to attempt a saving throw against a curse
Effect If you succeed or critically succeed against the curse, it is reflected back to its source and it does not affect you; the source must then attempt a saving throw against the curse.
" + }, "Retribution Axe": { "name": "Hacha De Represalia", "description": "La hoja de esta +1 gran hacha tiene el diseño de un cráneo humano.
\nCada vez que una criatura te daña con un ataque, el cráneo cambia su apariencia para parecerse a la cara de esa criatura. Obtienes un bono de circunstancia +2 a tu próxima tirada de daño contra esa criatura antes del final de tu siguiente turno.
\nDebido a que la cara cambia de forma cada vez que recibes daño, obtienes daño adicional solo si atacas alcriatura que te dañó más recientemente.
", @@ -14043,6 +14073,10 @@ "name": "Saco de fruta podrida", "description": "Activar 1 Golpe
\nCada uno de estos sencillos sacos contiene suficiente fruta podrida para proporcionar a un hongo leshy raciones para 1 semana, junto con racimos de piedras para ayudar a exprimir los jugos de la fruta. Cuando golpeas a una criatura con un saco de fruta podrida, el saco se consume mientras la criatura sufre @Damage[1d4[bludgeoning]] daño y debe intentar una salvación @Check[type:fortitude|dc:15]. En caso de fallo, la criatura@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.fesd1n5eVhpCSS18]{Indispuesto 1} . El incremento de alcance de un saco de fruta podrida arrojado es de 20 pies.
" }, + "Sacred Valkyrie Helm": { + "name": "Sacred Valkyrie Helm", + "description": "Lightning crackles from the wings flanking this helm, which is emblazoned with images of valkyries in the service of benevolent deities. You gain a +3 item bonus to Athletics checks and gain electricity resistance 20. When you invest in the helm, you either increase your Strength score by 2 or increase it to 18, whichever would give you a higher score. If you are unholy, you become @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.4D2KBtexWXa6oUMR]{Drained 2} as long as you wear the helm.
\nActivate—Path of the Pegasus 10 minutes (concentrate)
\nFrequency once per day
Effect The sacred valkyrie helm casts interplanar teleport to your specifications. When you start this activation, each creature you target with this spell mounts a conjured pegasus who then carries them through reality to arrive at the specified location; each affected creature experiences the 10-minute activation as a kaleidoscopic ride through strange worlds and realities atop a pegasus's back.
\nActivate—Storm's Arms 2 (concentrate, manipulate)
\nFrequency once per day
Effect The helm casts a 9th-rank weapon storm to your specifications. At your option, all damage caused by this spell is electricity damage—in this option, the duplicated weapons created by the spell appear to be made of lightning.
" + }, "Saddlebags": { "name": "Alforjas", "description": "las alforjas vienen por parejas. Cada una puede contener hasta Impedimenta 3 en objetos, pero la primera Impedimenta 1 de objetos en cada una no cuenta contra el límite de Impedimenta de tu montura. El valor de Impedimenta que se da es para unas alforjas puestas en una montura. Si las llevas tú o las llevas guardadas, cuentan como Impedimenta 1 en lugar de ligera.
" @@ -14149,11 +14183,11 @@ }, "Sanguine Pendant": { "name": "Sanguine Pendant", - "description": "This clear crystal pendant contains a drop of blood from a sorcerer that expands and contracts as you cast spells. A sanguine pendant is associated with a specific sorcerer bloodline, and only sorcerers with that bloodline can invest this item. This item gains the trait matching the tradition of that bloodline. The pendant grants a +2 item bonus to both of your bloodline skills.
\nActivate—Blood's Call f (concentrate)
\nFrequency once per day
Effect You gain 1 Focus Point, which you can spend only to cast a bloodline spell. If you don't spend this Focus Point by the end of this turn, it's lost.
\nCraft Requirements You're a sorcerer with the associated bloodline.
" + "description": "This clear crystal pendant contains a drop of blood from a sorcerer that expands and contracts as you cast spells. A sanguine pendant is associated with a specific sorcerer bloodline, and only sorcerers with that bloodline can invest this item. This item gains the trait matching the tradition of that bloodline. The pendant grants a +2 item bonus to both of your bloodline skills.
Activate—Blood's Call f (concentrate)
\nFrequency once per day
Effect You gain 1 Focus Point, which you can spend only to cast a bloodline spell. If you don't spend this Focus Point by the end of this turn, it's lost.
Craft Requirements You're a sorcerer with the associated bloodline.
" }, "Sanguine Pendant (Greater)": { "name": "Sanguine Pendant (Greater)", - "description": "This clear crystal pendant contains a drop of blood from a sorcerer that expands and contracts as you cast spells. A sanguine pendant is associated with a specific sorcerer bloodline, and only sorcerers with that bloodline can invest this item. This item gains the trait matching the tradition of that bloodline. The pendant grants a +3 item bonus to both of your bloodline skills.
\nActivate—Blood's Call f (concentrate)
\nFrequency once per day
Effect You gain 1 Focus Point, which you can spend only to cast a bloodline spell. If you don't spend this Focus Point by the end of this turn, it's lost.
\nCraft Requirements You're a sorcerer with the associated bloodline.
" + "description": "This clear crystal pendant contains a drop of blood from a sorcerer that expands and contracts as you cast spells. A sanguine pendant is associated with a specific sorcerer bloodline, and only sorcerers with that bloodline can invest this item. This item gains the trait matching the tradition of that bloodline. The pendant grants a +3 item bonus to both of your bloodline skills.
Activate—Blood's Call f (concentrate)
\nFrequency once per day
Effect You gain 1 Focus Point, which you can spend only to cast a bloodline spell. If you don't spend this Focus Point by the end of this turn, it's lost.
Craft Requirements You're a sorcerer with the associated bloodline.
" }, "Sanitizing Pin": { "name": "Pin de desinfección", @@ -14218,11 +14252,11 @@ }, "Sash of Prowess": { "name": "Sash of Prowess", - "description": "This humble sash can be worn around the waist or across the chest. A sash of prowess often bears a coloration or a pattern that represents the monastery in which you trained but can also sport religious symbology, such as the open hand of Irori. You gain a +2 item bonus to Acrobatics and Athletics skill checks.
\nActivate—Effortless Mastery f (concentrate)
\nFrequency once per day
\nTrigger You succeed at an Acrobatics or Athletics skill check
Effect You critically succeed instead.
\nActivate—Reserves of Inner Strength f (concentrate)
\nFrequency once per day
Effect You gain 1 Focus Point, which you can spend only to cast a qi spell. If you don't spend this Focus Point by the end of this turn, it's lost.
\nCraft Requirements You're a monk who can cast qi spells.
" + "description": "This humble sash can be worn around the waist or across the chest. A sash of prowess often bears a coloration or a pattern that represents the monastery in which you trained but can also sport religious symbology, such as the open hand of Irori. You gain a +2 item bonus to Acrobatics and Athletics skill checks.
Activate—Effortless Mastery f (concentrate)
\nFrequency once per day
\nTrigger You succeed at an Acrobatics or Athletics skill check
Effect You critically succeed instead.
Activate—Reserves of Inner Strength f (concentrate)
\nFrequency once per day
Effect You gain 1 Focus Point, which you can spend only to cast a qi spell. If you don't spend this Focus Point by the end of this turn, it's lost.
Craft Requirements You're a monk who can cast qi spells.
" }, "Sash of Prowess (Greater)": { "name": "Sash of Prowess (Greater)", - "description": "This humble sash can be worn around the waist or across the chest. A sash of prowess often bears a coloration or a pattern that represents the monastery in which you trained but can also sport religious symbology, such as the open hand of Irori. You gain a +3 item bonus to Acrobatics and Athletics skill checks.
\nActivate—Effortless Mastery f (concentrate)
\nFrequency once per day
\nTrigger You succeed at an Acrobatics or Athletics skill check
Effect You critically succeed instead.
\nActivate—Reserves of Inner Strength f (concentrate)
\nFrequency once per day
Effect You gain 1 Focus Point, which you can spend only to cast a qi spell. If you don't spend this Focus Point by the end of this turn, it's lost.
\nCraft Requirements You're a monk who can cast qi spells.
" + "description": "This humble sash can be worn around the waist or across the chest. A sash of prowess often bears a coloration or a pattern that represents the monastery in which you trained but can also sport religious symbology, such as the open hand of Irori. You gain a +3 item bonus to Acrobatics and Athletics skill checks.
Activate—Effortless Mastery f (concentrate)
\nFrequency once per day
\nTrigger You succeed at an Acrobatics or Athletics skill check
Effect You critically succeed instead.
\nActivate—Reserves of Inner Strength f (concentrate)
\nFrequency once per day
Effect You gain 1 Focus Point, which you can spend only to cast a qi spell. If you don't spend this Focus Point by the end of this turn, it's lost.
Craft Requirements You're a monk who can cast qi spells.
" }, "Saurian Spike": { "name": "Espiga sauria", @@ -14969,6 +15003,10 @@ "name": "Escudo del hilandero de seda", "description": "Este escudo extrañamente peludo se asemeja al abdomen de una araña. Su lado defensivo está cubierto de finos pelos y dos pequeñas hileras sobresalen de la parte inferior de su borde. Las hileras sirven como +2 púas de escudo más llamativas .
\nActivar 1 Comando
\nFrecuencia una vez al día
\nEfecto Animas el escudo del hilandero de seda. Ocho patas de araña brotan del borde del escudo, lo que te otorga una velocidad de ascenso de 25 pies hasta el final de tu siguiente turno. Además, las hileras se animan y producen seda durante 1 minuto. Golpe de escudo exitoso. Los golpes realizados con el escudo del hilandero de seda durante este tiempo enredan al objetivo en seda. El objetivo sufre una penalización de circunstancia de -10 pies a su Velocidad durante 1 asalto. Si tu golpe fue un golpe crítico, el objetivo se vuelve@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.eIcWbB5o3pP6OIMe]{Inmovilizado} durante 1 ronda. Independientemente, el objetivo puede intentar Escapar (CD 30) para finalizar el efecto antes de tiempo.
\n@UUID[]{Effect: Silkspinner's Shield (Animated Strike)}
\n@UUID[]{Effect: Silkspinner's Shield (Climb)}
\nDureza | \nHP | \nBT | \n
10 | \n60 | \n30 | \n
A silvanshee collar appears as a collar of prismatic cloth affixed with a tiny bell, but once worn on the body or affixed to your hair, a Tiny cat wearing a similar (but non-magical) collar appears at your feet. This cat is similar to a silvanshee agathion, but its stats are determined as if you gained the @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.6yPrvbSDaa8glLjn]{Pet} general feat. When you first invest the collar, you must name your silvanshee pet, then build its statistics as detailed in the Pet general feat. The silvanshee has a name (chosen by you) and a unique personality. Whenever you invest the same silvanshee collar, the silvanshee who appears is the same one you named and chose the first time. If you already have a pet, familiar, or other companion that uses the Pet feat, that pet can change its shape as an action to appear as a silvanshee agathion at will (while perhaps retaining some of your pet's cosmetic traits at your option), but this doesn't otherwise alter your existing pet's statistics.
\nAs long as you wear the silvanshee collar, you gain a +3 item bonus to Performance checks and a +2 circumstance bonus to Gather Information. When you invest it, you either increase your Charisma score by 2 or increase it to 18, whichever would give you a higher score. If you are unholy, you become @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.i3OJZU2nk64Df3xm]{Clumsy 2} as long as you wear the collar.
\nActivate—Awww! r (concentrate, fortune, visual)
\nFrequency once per hour
\nTrigger You fail on an attempt to Lie or @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.OX4fy22hQgUHDr0q]{Make an Impression}
\nRequirements Your pet can observe you
Effect Your pet does something distracting or adorable at the precise moment you failed, allowing you to reroll the failed check and to use the result of your choice as the actual result.
" + }, "Silver Chunk": { "name": "Trozo de plata", "description": "Las armas de plata son una pesadilla para criaturas que van desde diablos a hombres lobo. Los objetos de plata son menos duraderos que los de acero y los de baja calidad suelen estar simplemente chapados en plata.
\nObjetos de plata | \nDureza | \nPG | \nUR | \n
Objetos delgados | \n\n | \n | \n |
Baja calidad | \n3 | \n12 | \n6 | \n
Calidad normal | \n5 | \n20 | \n10 | \n
Alta calidad | \n8 | \n32 | \n16 | \n
Objetos | \n\n | \n | \n |
Baja calidad\n | \n5 | \n20 | \n10 | \n
Calidad normal\n | \n7 | \n28 | \n14 | \n
Alta calidad | \n10 | \n40 | \n20 | \n
Estructuras | \n\n | \n | \n |
Baja calidad\n | \n10 | \n40 | \n20 | \n
Calidad normal\n | \n14 | \n56 | \n28 | \n
Alta calidad | \n20 | \n80 | \n40 | \n
Also known as Ruyi Bang, this +3 major striking greater extending grievous bo staff is a legendary artifact wielded by the Monkey King, Sun Wukong. Unlike normal bo staves, the Staff of Sun Wukong is made of solid iron with two brilliant gold bands at either end.
\nActivate—Meteor Slam 1 (concentrate, manipulate)
\nFrequency once per day
Effect You extend the staff with the force of a meteor, dealing @Damage[10d10[bludgeoning]] damage to a single creature within 120 feet and making it @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.MIRkyAjyBeXivMa7]{Enfeebled 1} for 1 day. All other creatures within 10 feet of the target (except the staff's wielder) take @Damage[8d10[sonic]] damage (@Check[reflex|dc:43|basic] save).
\nActivate—Close at Hand f
Effect It's said that Sun Wukong tucked this magical staff behind his ear during his travels. When not in use, the Staff of Sun Wukong shrinks to the size and weight of a needle or toothpick, making it highly concealable (+4 circumstance bonus to Stealth checks to hide it from sight). In this form, the item has negligible Bulk. You can Activate this ability again to return the staff to its normal size.
\nActivate—Cloud Somersault 1 (manipulate)
Effect You use the shapeshifting capabilities of this relic to propel yourself great distances. You @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.d5I6018Mci2SWokk]{Leap} up to 50 feet in any direction.
Destruction Despite being made of iron and gold, mundane heat sources can't damage the Staff of Sun Wukong. Magical fire similarly has no effect on this relic. The only way to destroy this item is to expose it to the intense heat of a specific volcano in the depths of the Songil Sea (though which volcano remains shrouded in myth).
" + "description": "Also known as Ruyi Bang, this +3 major striking greater extending grievous bo staff is a legendary artifact wielded by the Monkey King, Sun Wukong. Unlike normal bo staves, the Staff of Sun Wukong is made of solid iron with two brilliant gold bands at either end.
\nActivate—Meteor Slam 1 (concentrate, manipulate)
\nFrequency once per day
Effect You extend the staff with the force of a meteor, dealing @Damage[10d10[bludgeoning]] damage to a single creature within 120 feet and making it @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.MIRkyAjyBeXivMa7]{Enfeebled 1} for 1 day. All other creatures within 10 feet of the target (except the staff's wielder) take @Damage[8d10[sonic]|options:area-damage] damage (@Check[reflex|dc:43|basic] save).
\nActivate—Close at Hand f
Effect It's said that Sun Wukong tucked this magical staff behind his ear during his travels. When not in use, the Staff of Sun Wukong shrinks to the size and weight of a needle or toothpick, making it highly concealable (+4 circumstance bonus to Stealth checks to hide it from sight). In this form, the item has negligible Bulk. You can Activate this ability again to return the staff to its normal size.
\nActivate—Cloud Somersault 1 (manipulate)
Effect You use the shapeshifting capabilities of this relic to propel yourself great distances. You @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.d5I6018Mci2SWokk]{Leap} up to 50 feet in any direction.
Destruction Despite being made of iron and gold, mundane heat sources can't damage the Staff of Sun Wukong. Magical fire similarly has no effect on this relic. The only way to destroy this item is to expose it to the intense heat of a specific volcano in the depths of the Songil Sea (though which volcano remains shrouded in myth).
" }, "Staff of Water": { "name": "Bastón de agua", @@ -17364,9 +17402,9 @@ "Tankard owned by Cayden Cailean": { "name": "Jarra propiedad de Cayden Cailean" }, - "Taper of Santification": { - "name": "Taper of Santification", - "description": "Activate 1 (manipulate)
This thin golden candle bears the symbol of a specific deity emblazoned on its surface, surrounded by the iconography of that deity's faith. A taper of sanctification must be dedicated to a deity who can be sanctified to holy or unholy, and has the corresponding trait. If the deity's sanctification lists both options, the crafter must choose one when the candle is made.
\nOnce lit, this candle burns for 1 hour, and it can't be extinguished. When a willing creature spends the full hour within 10 feet of the lit candle engaging in prayer to the deity, that creature's Strikes gain the holy or unholy trait (as appropriate for the candle) until the next time that creature makes their daily preparations. During this time, the creature is bound by the deity's anathema. If they violate anathema, they lose the benefit of the taper of sanctification. A holy creature can't benefit from an unholy taper of sanctification, nor can an unholy creature benefit from a holy one.
" + "Taper of Sanctification": { + "name": "Taper of Sanctification", + "description": "Activate 1 (manipulate)
This thin golden candle bears the symbol of a specific deity emblazoned on its surface, surrounded by the iconography of that deity's faith. A taper of sanctification must be dedicated to a deity who can be sanctified to holy or unholy, and has the corresponding trait. If the deity's sanctification lists both options, the crafter must choose one when the candle is made.
\nOnce lit, this candle burns for 1 hour, and it can't be extinguished. When a willing creature spends the full hour within 10 feet of the lit candle engaging in prayer to the deity, that creature's Strikes gain the holy or unholy trait (as appropriate for the candle) until the next time that creature makes their daily preparations. During this time, the creature is bound by the deity's anathema. If they violate anathema, they lose the benefit of the taper of sanctification. A holy creature can't benefit from an unholy taper of sanctification, nor can an unholy creature benefit from a holy one.
" }, "Tar Rocket Snare": { "name": "Trampa de cohetes de alquitrán", @@ -18349,7 +18387,7 @@ }, "Tricky Liniment": { "name": "Tricky Liniment", - "description": "Activate A (manipulate)
This greenish, persistent grease can be applied to armor to make it extremely slippery for 8 hours, granting the wearer a +2 item bonus to Acrobatics checks to @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.SkZAQRkLLkmBQNB9]{Escape} or to @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.kMcV8e5EZUxa6evt]{Squeeze}.
\n@UUID[]{Effect: Salve of Slipperiness}
" + "description": "Activate A (manipulate)
This greenish, persistent grease can be applied to armor to make it extremely slippery for 8 hours, granting the wearer a +2 item bonus to Acrobatics checks to @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.SkZAQRkLLkmBQNB9]{Escape} or to @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.kMcV8e5EZUxa6evt]{Squeeze}.
\n@UUID[]{Effect: Tricky Liniment}
" }, "Tricky Pick": { "name": "Elección complicada", @@ -18516,7 +18554,7 @@ }, "Twisting Gale": { "name": "Twisting Gale", - "description": "This +2 greater striking impactful sansetsukon is made of metal colored pale blue that echoes howling winds when swung and emits the force of a storm when it connects.
\nActivate—Sonic Gale r (concentrate, force, magical)
\nTrigger You critically hit with the twisting gale
\nFrequency once per 10 minutes
Effect The energy of your follow-through erupts from your opponent in a wave of concussive energy. You deal sonic damage equal to your normal Strike damage with the twisting gale in a @Template[cone|distance:30] behind your target. Creatures in the area, not including your target, must attempt a @Check[fortitude|against:class|basic].
" + "description": "This +2 greater striking impactful sansetsukon is made of metal colored pale blue that echoes howling winds when swung and emits the force of a storm when it connects.
\nActivate—Sonic Gale r (concentrate, force, magical)
\nTrigger You critically hit with the twisting gale
\nFrequency once per 10 minutes
Effect The energy of your follow-through erupts from your opponent in a wave of concussive energy. You deal sonic damage equal to your normal Strike damage with the twisting gale in a @Template[cone|distance:30] behind your target. Creatures in the area, not including your target, must attempt a @Check[fortitude|against:class|basic] save against your class DC.
" }, "Twisting Twine (Greater)": { "name": "Twisting Twine (Greater)", @@ -18613,7 +18651,7 @@ }, "Unholy Plate": { "name": "Unholy Plate", - "description": "Crafted from black iron, this crude suit of +2 resilient full plate is designed to make you look like a horned demon with your face peering out of the screaming maw of the beast.
\nWhile wearing the armor, you can attack with the helmet's horns. They're a martial melee weapon with the effects of a +2 weapon potency rune. They deal @Damage[2d8[piercing]] damage and have the deadly d12 and unholy traits. On a critical hit with the horns, the target must succeed at a @Check[fortitude|dc:30] or become @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.4D2KBtexWXa6oUMR]{Drained 1} (or @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.4D2KBtexWXa6oUMR]{Drained 2} on a critical failure). The horns can't be etched with any runes.
\nIf you're holy, you're @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.4D2KBtexWXa6oUMR]{Drained 2} and can't recover from this condition while wearing unholy plate.
Activate—Demonic Slip 2 (concentrate)
\nFrequency once per day
Effect You cast @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.VlNcjmYyu95vOUe8]{Translocate}.
Craft Requirements You're unholy; supply one casting of translocate.
" + "description": "Crafted from black iron, this crude suit of +2 resilient full plate is designed to make you look like a horned demon with your face peering out of the screaming maw of the beast.
\nWhile wearing the armor, you can attack with the helmet's horns. They're a martial melee weapon with the effects of a +2 weapon potency rune. They deal 2d8 piercing damage and have the deadly d12 and unholy traits. On a critical hit with the horns, the target must succeed at a @Check[fortitude|dc:30] or become @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.4D2KBtexWXa6oUMR]{Drained 1} (or @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.4D2KBtexWXa6oUMR]{Drained 2} on a critical failure). The horns can't be etched with any runes.
\nIf you're holy, you're @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.4D2KBtexWXa6oUMR]{Drained 2} and can't recover from this condition while wearing unholy plate.
Activate—Demonic Slip 2 (concentrate)
\nFrequency once per day
Effect You cast @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.VlNcjmYyu95vOUe8]{Translocate}.
Craft Requirements You're unholy; supply one casting of translocate.
" }, "Unholy Water": { "name": "Agua Sacrílega", @@ -19006,6 +19044,10 @@ "name": "Ala de buitre", "description": "Activar A Lanzar un hechizo
\nEste abanico de plumas de buitre se dispersa con una ráfaga de viento antinatural. Si este catalizador se usa para lanzar un hechizo @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.J7Y7tl0bbdz7TcCc]{Enfeeble} que ha sido aumentado al menos al nivel 5, en lugar de apuntar a una sola criatura, lanzas el hechizo en un cono de 30 pies de área. No haces una tirada de ataque con hechizo, sino que afectas a todas las criaturas dentro del área con el efecto dehechizo normalmente tendría en un golpe. Esto significa que las criaturas dentro del área deben intentar una salvación de Fortaleza para determinar si están debilitadas.
" }, + "Vyre's Bliss": { + "name": "Vyre's Bliss", + "description": "Activate 1 (manipulate)
Vyre's Bliss is a toxin that looks and tastes like fine wine.
\nSaving Throw @Check[fortitude|dc:43]
\nMaximum Duration 24 hours
\nStage 1 @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.AJh5ex99aV6VTggg]{Off-Guard} and @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.e1XGnhKNSQIm5IXg]{Stupefied 1} (1 round)
\nStage 2 off-guard, @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.i3OJZU2nk64Df3xm]{Clumsy 1}, and @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.e1XGnhKNSQIm5IXg]{Stupefied 2} (1 round)
\nStage 3 off-guard, @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.i3OJZU2nk64Df3xm]{Clumsy 2}, and @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.e1XGnhKNSQIm5IXg]{Stupefied 3} (1 round)
\nStage 4 clumsy 2, stupefied 3, and @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.fBnFDH2MTzgFijKf]{Unconscious} (8 hours)
" + }, "Waffle Iron": { "name": "Plancha para gofres", "description": "Este juego de platos de metal con bisagras tiene tachuelas en el interior de cada plato para proporcionar una textura a los pasteles que cocinas con ellos. Se vierte la masa en los platos, se cierra el dispositivo y se coloca en el fuego o en la estufa para cocinar.
" @@ -19869,27 +19911,11 @@ }, "Warleader's Bulwark": { "name": "Warleader's Bulwark", - "description": "This +1 resilient breastplate is made from shining bronze overlaid with reinforcing golden panels emblazoned with images of loyal soldiers. Wearing this breastplate grants you a commanding aura. You gain a +2 item bonus to Diplomacy checks, but you take a -2 item penalty to Stealth checks to @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.XMcnh4cSI32tljXa]{Hide} and @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.VMozDqMMuK5kpoX4]{Sneak} and Deception checks to @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.AJstokjdG6iDjVjE]{Impersonate}.
Activate—Command Bravery 1 (concentrate)
\nFrequency once per day
Effect You grant allies within 100 feet a +2 status bonus to saves against fear effects for 1 minute. When you activate this ability, each affected ally who's frightened reduces their frightened value by 1.
", - "rules": { - "1": { - "label": "Warleader's Bulwark (Hide, Sneak)" - }, - "2": { - "label": "Warleader's Bulwark (Impersonate)" - } - } + "description": "This +1 resilient breastplate is made from shining bronze overlaid with reinforcing golden panels emblazoned with images of loyal soldiers. Wearing this breastplate grants you a commanding aura. You gain a +2 item bonus to Diplomacy checks, but you take a -2 item penalty to Stealth checks to @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.XMcnh4cSI32tljXa]{Hide} and @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.VMozDqMMuK5kpoX4]{Sneak} and Deception checks to @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.AJstokjdG6iDjVjE]{Impersonate}.
Activate—Command Bravery 1 (concentrate)
\nFrequency once per day
Effect You grant allies within 100 feet a +2 status bonus to saves against fear effects for 1 minute. When you activate this ability, each affected ally who's @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.TBSHQspnbcqxsmjL]{Frightened} reduces their frightened value by 1.
\n@UUID[]{Effect: Command Bravery}
" }, "Warleader's Bulwark (Greater)": { "name": "Warleader's Bulwark (Greater)", - "description": "This +2 resilient breastplate is made from shining bronze overlaid with reinforcing golden panels emblazoned with images of loyal soldiers. Wearing this breastplate grants you a commanding aura. You gain a +3 item bonus to Diplomacy checks, but you take a -3 item penalty to Stealth checks to @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.XMcnh4cSI32tljXa]{Hide} and @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.VMozDqMMuK5kpoX4]{Sneak} and Deception checks to @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.AJstokjdG6iDjVjE]{Impersonate}.
Activate—Command Bravery 1 (concentrate)
\nFrequency once per day
Effect You grant allies within 100 feet a +2 status bonus to saves against fear effects for 1 minute. When you activate this ability, each affected ally who's frightened reduces their frightened value by 1.
", - "rules": { - "1": { - "label": "Warleader's Bulwark (Hide, Sneak)" - }, - "2": { - "label": "Warleader's Bulwark (Impersonate)" - } - } + "description": "This +2 resilient breastplate is made from shining bronze overlaid with reinforcing golden panels emblazoned with images of loyal soldiers. Wearing this breastplate grants you a commanding aura. You gain a +3 item bonus to Diplomacy checks, but you take a -3 item penalty to Stealth checks to @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.XMcnh4cSI32tljXa]{Hide} and @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.VMozDqMMuK5kpoX4]{Sneak} and Deception checks to @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.AJstokjdG6iDjVjE]{Impersonate}.
Activate—Command Bravery 1 (concentrate)
\nFrequency once per day
Effect You grant allies within 100 feet a +2 status bonus to saves against fear effects for 1 minute. When you activate this ability, each affected ally who's @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.TBSHQspnbcqxsmjL]{Frightened} reduces their frightened value by 1.
\n@UUID[]{Effect: Command Bravery}
" }, "Warning Snare": { "name": "Trampa De Lazo De Aviso", @@ -20091,6 +20117,11 @@ "name": "Silbato de llamada", "description": "Un silbido de llamada parece ser un simple silbato de latón. Cambia ligeramente de apariencia dependiendo del tipo de criatura con la que está en sintonía, representando pequeños grabados de pezuñas, patrones de plumas, garras u otros motivos apropiados.
\nActivar 10 minutos (Interactuar)
\nEfecto Tocas el silbato en diferentes tonos en elpresencia de un compañero u otra criatura aliada dispuesta a ser tu montura. Al final de los 10 minutos, el silbato está en sintonía con esa criatura. El silbato se puede sintonizar solo con una criatura a la vez, pero puedes sintonizarlo con una nueva con otra activación de 10 minutos.
\nActivar 2 Interactuar
\nFrecuencia una vez al día
Efecto Tocas el silbato y la criatura con la que está sintonizado se teletransporta instantáneamente desde una distancia de hasta 1 milla a un espacio desocupado a 30 pies de ti. El silbido no tiene efecto si la criatura sintonizada está muerta, en otro plano o fuera del alcance.
" }, + "White Cleome's Eye": { + "name": "White Cleome's Eye", + "description": "Delicate engravings of spiders and cleomes decorate the silver cover of this magnifying loupe.
\nAnything viewed through these thin spectacles looks crisp and clear, and the earpieces accentuate sounds around you. You gain a +3 item bonus to Perception checks.
\nActivate 1 envision
\nFrequency once per hour
Effect The spectacles key in on someone to show you their social cues in perfect clarity. Choose a creature you can see. You gain a +4 item bonus on Perception checks you make to use @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.1xRFPTFtWtGJ9ELw]{Sense Motive} against that creature. This benefit lasts until you Activate the item again in this way. If you're an investigator, you can use this activation as part of the action you take to @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.m0f2B7G9eaaTmhFL]{Devise a Stratagem} or @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.xTK2zsWFyxSJvYbX]{Pursue a Lead}, and you can do the latter even though you can't see the creature. You must choose the same creature you chose for Devise a Stratagem or Pursue a Lead.
", + "gmNote": "Once restored, White Cleome's Eye gains the following additional activations.
Activate—Look to the Past 1 minute (concentrate, manipulate)
Frequency once per day
Effect You twist White Cleome's Eye in a clockwise rotation, allowing you to peer back in time, causing it to cast a 9th-rank @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.rsZ5c0AUyywe5yoK]{Retrocognition} spell.
Activate—Relive the Past
(concentrate, manipulate)Frequency once per day
Effect You twist White Cleome's Eye in a counter-clockwise rotation, allowing you to experience previous events that impacted an object you are touching, causing White Cleome's Eye to cast a 9th-rank @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.5LYi9Efs6cko4GGL]{Object Reading} spell.
" + }, "Wide landscape by an expert": { "name": "Amplio paisaje por un experto." }, From b4bf0e54fffecc63324d8205f82b906201117ca3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Agustin AllendeYou scatter twinkling sparks from your sentinel weapon, replenishing your allies' fighting spirit and driving out evil. The target regains 16 Hit Points. If they were affected by a possession effect, you attempt to counteract the effect, casting out the possessing entity on a success and preventing them from possessing the target again for 1 week. If you fail, the entity is immune to being cast out by this spell for 1 week, though you can still heal the target as normal.
Heightened +1 The amount of healing increases by 8.
", + "description": "You scatter twinkling sparks from your sentinel weapon, replenishing your allies' fighting spirit and driving out evil. The target regains 16 Hit Points. If they were affected by a possession effect, you attempt to counteract the effect, casting out the possessing entity on a success and preventing them from possessing the target again for 1 week. If you fail, the entity is immune to being cast out by this spell for 1 week, though you can still heal the target as normal.
Heightened (+1) The amount of healing increases by 8.
", "target": "1 creature" }, "Lure Dream": { @@ -6432,7 +6432,18 @@ }, "Shining Starlight Attack": { "name": "Shining Starlight Attack", - "description": "Area varies (see below)
You brandish your sentinel weapon, summoning the image of your constellation above your head. The constellation then releases a powerful blast that deals 2d10 damage to all enemies in either a 30-foot line or 15-foot cone, with a basic save against your arcane spell DC. Enemies that critically fail are dazzled until the start of your next turn. The damage type, traits, area, and saving throw are determined by your zodiac constellation (see below).
Heightened +1 The damage increases by 1d10.
Constellation | Attack (Area, Save, Damage Type; Traits) |
Underworld Dragon | Volcanic vents (line, Reflex, fire) |
Ogre | Wild club swing (cone, Fortitude, bludgeoning) |
Swordswoman | Falling blades of light (line, Reflex, piercing) |
Forest Dragon | Swarm of insects (cone, Fortitude, poison) |
Sea Dragon | Pressurized seawater (line, Reflex, piercing; water trait) |
Blossom | Storming petals and pollen (line, Fortitude; poison, plant, wood) |
Swallow | Wing gust (cone, Reflex, slashing; air) |
Dog | A biting dog (line, Reflex, slashing) |
Ox | A trampling ox (line, Reflex, bludgeoning) |
Sky Dragon | Draconic lightning (line, Reflex, electricity) |
Sovereign Dragon | Psychic roar (cone, Will, mental) |
Archer | Hail of silver arrows (piercing, cone, Reflex) |
Area varies (see below)
You brandish your sentinel weapon, summoning the image of your constellation above your head. The constellation then releases a powerful blast that deals 2d10 damage to all enemies in either a @Template[type:line|distance:30] or @Template[type:cone|distance:15], with a basic save against your arcane spell DC. Enemies that critically fail are @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.TkIyaNPgTZFBCCuh]{Dazzled} until the start of your next turn. The damage type, traits, area, and saving throw are determined by your zodiac constellation (see below).
Heightened (+1) The damage increases by 1d10.
Constellation | Attack (Area, Save, Damage Type; Traits) |
Underworld Dragon | Volcanic vents (line, Reflex, fire) |
Ogre | Wild club swing (cone, Fortitude, bludgeoning) |
Swordswoman | Falling blades of light (line, Reflex, piercing) |
Forest Dragon | Swarm of insects (cone, Fortitude, poison) |
Sea Dragon | Pressurized seawater (line, Reflex, piercing; water trait) |
Blossom | Storming petals and pollen (line, Fortitude; poison, plant, wood) |
Swallow | Wing gust (cone, Reflex, slashing; air) |
Dog | A biting dog (line, Reflex, slashing) |
Ox | A trampling ox (line, Reflex, bludgeoning) |
Sky Dragon | Draconic lightning (line, Reflex, electricity) |
Sovereign Dragon | Psychic roar (cone, Will, mental) |
Archer | Hail of silver arrows (piercing, cone, Reflex) |
The ecorche over-stresses its leg muscles for a massive jump. It loses 20 HP and Leaps up to 120 feet in any direction. If its next action is a Strike or Flaying Flurry, it doesn't fall until after that action.
" + "description": "The ecorche over-stresses its leg muscles for a massive jump. It loses @Damage[20[untyped]] HP and Leaps up to 120 feet in any direction. If its next action is a Strike or Flaying Flurry, it doesn't fall until after that action.
" }, "action->Tear Skin": { "name": "Tear Skin", From 7cb4a63ce6cb0df803caafcdded3ea7aa3f2c764 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Agustin AllendeTienes una fuerte conexión con las bestias y siempre sientes que las entiendes (y ellas a ti) mejor que tu propia gente. Representas a los animales de la Naturaleza, con un poderoso compañero animal a tu lado.
\nHabilidad de orden Atletismo
\nDote de druida @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.f2Pl5dWEL9ZvEyI1] {Compañero animal}
\nConjuro de la orden @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.Zmh4ynfnCtwKeAYl] {Curar animal} Pág. 382
\nAnatema Cometer crueldades sin sentido contra los animales o matarlos innecesariamente (esto no evita que te puedas defender de ellos o que los sacrifiques limpiamente para obtener comida).
" + "description": "Tienes una fuerte conexión con las bestias y siempre sientes que las entiendes (y ellas a ti) mejor que tu propia gente. Representas a los animales de la Naturaleza, con un poderoso compañero animal a tu lado.
\nHabilidad de orden Atletismo
\nDote de druida @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.f2Pl5dWEL9ZvEyI1]{Compañero animal}
\nConjuro de orden @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.Zmh4ynfnCtwKeAYl]{Curar animal}
\nAnatema Cometer crueldades sin sentido contra los animales o matarlos innecesariamente (esto no evita que te puedas defender de ellos o que los sacrifiques limpiamente para obtener comida).
" }, "Antimagic Plating": { "name": "Revestimiento antimagia", "description": "Ya sea que hayas usado alguna adaptación inteligente del skymetal que niega la magia conocido como noqual o hayas creado protecciones mágicas de tu propio diseño, has fortalecido tu armadura contra la magia. Mientras llevas la armadura, obtienes un bonificador de circunstancia +1 a todas las tiradas de salvación contra hechizos y a la CA contra hechizos. Contra hechizos que apuntan directamente a la armadura (como calentar metal), en su lugar obtienes una bonificación de circunstancia +4 a todas las tiradas de salvación y a la CA.
" }, "Arcane Bond": { - "name": "Vínculo Arcano", - "description": "Colocas parte de tu poder mágico en un objeto vinculado. Cada día, cuando preparas tus hechizos, puedes designar un solo objeto que posees como tu objeto vinculado. Suele ser un elemento asociado con el lanzamiento de hechizos, como una varita, un anillo o un bastón, pero eres libre de designar un arma u otro elemento. Obtienes la acción gratuita @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.v82XtjAVN4ffgVVR] {Drain Bonded Item}.
" + "name": "Vínculo arcano", + "description": "Sitúas parte de tu poder mágico en un objeto vinculado. Cada día, cuando preparas tus conjuros, puedes designar un solo objeto en tu posesión como objeto vinculado. Se trata típicamente de un objeto asociado con el lanzamiento de conjuros, como una varita, anillo o bastón, pero eres libre de designar un arma u otro objeto. Obtienes la acción gratuita @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.v82XtjAVN4ffgVVR]{Drenar objeto vinculado}.
" }, "Arcane Cascade": { "name": "Cascada Arcana", "description": "Después de ejercer magia, puedes adoptar una postura especial para que tus ataques sean más efectivos.
\n@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.HbejhIywqIufrmVM] {Arcane Cascade}
" }, "Arcane School": { - "name": "Escuela Arcana", - "description": "La mayoría de los magos adquieren su conocimiento de los hechizos en una institución educativa formal, como el Arcanamirium o el Magaambya. En el nivel 1, eliges tu escuela arcana, que te otorga habilidades mágicas.
\nObtienes hechizos y espacios para hechizos adicionales del plan de estudios impartido en la escuela a la que asististe. Las escuelas arcanas se describen en detalle en la página 198. Algunos magos siguen la escuela de la teoría mágica unificada, que intenta forjar una nueva escuela medianteestudiar de forma independiente y extraer información de una multitud de textos y tutores. Aunque un mago con este enfoque carece del enfoque de una formación formal, tiene mayor flexibilidad.
" + "name": "Escuela arcana", + "description": "La mayoría de magos adquiere su conocimiento de conjuros de una institución educativa formal, como el Arcanamirio o Magaambya. A nivel, eliges tu escuela arcana, que te concede\naptitudes mágicas.
\nObtienes conjuros y espacios de conjuro adicionales derivados del currículo que se enseña en la escuela a la que asistes. Algunos magos siguen la Escuela de la Teoría Mágica Unificada, que intenta forjar una nueva escuela estudiando de forma independiente y extrayendo información de una multitud de textos y de tutores. Aunque un mago con esta aproximación carece del enfoque del entrenamiento formal, tiene una flexibilidad mayor.
" }, "Arcane Spellcasting (Magus)": { "name": "Lanzamiento de hechizos arcanos (mago)", @@ -147,15 +147,15 @@ }, "Arcane Thesis": { "name": "Tesis Arcana", - "description": "Durante tus estudios para convertirte en un mago de pleno derecho, elaboraste una tesis de investigación mágica única. Obtienes un beneficio especial dependiendo del tema de investigación de tu tesis. Los temas de tesis arcanos presentados en este libro se encuentran a continuación; Su tesis específica probablemente tenga un título mucho más largo y técnico como \"Sobre los métodos de interpolación de hechizos y la génesis de una nueva comprensión de los componentes básicos de la magia\".
" + "description": "Durante tus estudios para convertirte en mago, redactaste una tesis de investigación mágica única. Obtienes un beneficio especial dependiendo del tema de investigación de la misma. Los temas de las tesis arcanas presentados en este libro figuran a continuación; tu tesis específica probablemente tenga un título más largo y técnico como por ejemplo \"Acerca de los Métodos de Interpolación de Conjuros y la Génesis de una Nueva Comprensión de\nlos Cimientos de la Magia\".
" }, "Archwizard's Spellcraft": { - "name": "Conocimiento De Conjuros De Archimago", - "description": "Controlas la magia arcana más potente y puedes lanzar un hechizo de poder verdaderamente increíble. Obtienes un único espacio para hechizos de décimo rango y puedes preparar un hechizo en ese espacio usando el lanzamiento de hechizos de mago. A diferencia de otros espacios para hechizos, no puedes usar espacios de décimo rango con habilidades que te den más espacios para hechizos o que te permitan lanzar hechizos sin gastar espacios para hechizos. No obtienes más hechizos de décimo rango a medida que subes de nivel, pero puedes tomar la hazaña @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.tP26mgaFPpr6df1i] {Archwizard's Might} para ganar un segundo espacio.
" + "name": "Conocimiento de conjuros de archimago", + "description": "Tienes a tus órdenes la magia arcana más poderosa y puedes lanzar un conjuro de un poder auténticamente sensacional. Obtienes un solo espacio de conjuro de 10.º rango en el que puedes preparar un conjuro utilizando lanzamiento de conjuros de mago. A diferencia de otros espacios de conjuro, no puedes utilizar los espacios de 10.º rango con aptitudes que te conceden más espacios de conjuro o que te permiten lanzar conjuros sin gastar espacios de conjuro. No obtienes más conjuros de 10.º rango cuando subes de nivel, pero puedes adquirir la dote @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.tP26mgaFPpr6df1i]{Poder del archimago} para obtener un segundo espacio.
" }, "Armor Expertise": { - "name": "Experiencia en armaduras", - "description": "Has pasado tanto tiempo con una armadura que sabes aprovechar al máximo su protección. Tus niveles de competencia para armaduras ligeras, medias y pesadas, así como para defensa sin armadura, aumentan a experto. Obtienes los efectos de especialización en armadura de armadura media y pesada.
" + "name": "Experiencia en armadura", + "description": "Has pasado tanto tiempo con una armadura puesta que sabes cómo sacar el máximo partido de la protección que te ofrece. Tus rangos de competencia para las armaduras ligera, intermedia y pesada, así como para la defensa sin armadura, se incrementan a rango experto. Obtienes los efectos de especialización en armadura para las armaduras intermedias y pesadas.
" }, "Armor Innovation": { "name": "Innovación en armaduras", @@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ }, "Armor Mastery": { "name": "Maestría en armadura", - "description": "Tu habilidad con la armadura mejora aún más. Tus niveles de competencia para armaduras ligeras, medias y pesadas, así como para defensa sin armadura, aumentan hasta dominar.
" + "description": "Barbarian Your training and rage deepen your connection to your armor. Your proficiency ranks for light armor, medium armor, and unarmored defense increase to master.
Champion Your skill with armor improves, helping you avoid more blows. Your proficiency ranks for light, medium, and heavy armor, as well as for unarmored defense, increase to master.
\nGuerrero Tu habilidad con la armadura mejora aún más. Tus rangos de competencia para las armaduras ligera, intermedia y pesada, así como para la defensa sin armadura, se incrementan a rango maestro.
" }, "Armor of Fury": { "name": "Armadura De Furia", @@ -207,8 +207,8 @@ "description": "Las fuerzas bélicas te llenan de poder físico y conocimiento táctico, con el objetivo de que puedas defender la gloria del combate, luchar para mejorar el mundo, prepararte contra la necesidad del conflicto o soportar la inevitabilidad de la guerra. Podrías recurrir a deidades como Gorum, Iomedae, Rovagug, el Jinete de Guerra Szuriel, la Reina de la Noche Eiseth, el dios Vudrani Diomazul y otros, o podrías encontrar poder en el interminable conflicto entre los ejércitos del Cielo y el Infierno. , el elementalAviones, los Dioses Exteriores o incluso los espíritus colectivos de aquellos que lucharon en guerras a lo largo de los siglos.
\nBeneficio misterioso
\nNo eres ajeno a las trampas de la guerra. Estás entrenado con armaduras medias y pesadas. En el nivel 13, si obtienes el rasgo de clase de experiencia en armadura ligera, también obtienes competencia experta en estas armaduras.
\nElige un grupo de armas que encarne tu misterio. Estás capacitado entodas las armas marciales de ese grupo. En el nivel 11, si obtienes la característica de clase de experiencia en armas, también obtienes competencia experta en armas marciales en tu grupo elegido y te entrenas en armas avanzadas en ese grupo.
\nHabilidad entrenada Atletismo
\nTruco concedido @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.TVKNbcgTee19PXZR] {Shield}
\nHechizos de revelación
Dominios relacionados poder, celo
\n@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feat-effects.Item.pQ3EjUm1lZW9t3el] {Effect: Curse of the Hero's Burden}
\nProsperas mientras la adrenalina fluye y tu vida depende de tu podersolo, pero mantener la destreza de batalla colectiva de las edades dentro de ti deja tu cuerpo debilitado después de una pelea. Hueles levemente a acero y sangre, no importa cómo intentes eliminar o enmascarar el olor, pareces más musculoso de lo que realmente eres y escuchas el leve choque y el clamor de la batalla en la distancia en todo momento.
\nTu cuerpo languidece cuando no estás causando daño a tus enemigos. Recibes una penalización de estado de -2 a CA ytiradas de salvación, pero cada vez que realizas un Golpe, puedes suspender estas penalizaciones hasta el inicio de tu siguiente turno.
\nLa tensión del conflicto desgasta tu cuerpo, aunque obtengas vitalidad gracias a él. Realizar un Golpe reduce la penalización de tu maldición menor a -1 en lugar de suspenderla por completo. Obtienes una bonificación de estado de +2 a las tiradas de daño con armas y sin armas. También obtienes una curación rápida equivalente a la mitad de tu nivel mientras estás en unencuentro de combate no trivial.
\nTu cuerpo demuestra ser capaz de realizar hazañas verdaderamente heroicas, pero hacerlo interfiere con tu concentración mental. La curación rápida de tu maldición moderada es igual a tu nivel y su bonificación de daño es +6. Obtienes una bonificación de estado de +1 a las tiradas de ataque con arma y desarmado, pero eres @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.e1XGnhKNSQIm5IXg] {Anonadado 2}.
" }, "Battle Hardened": { - "name": "endurecido en batalla", - "description": "Tu experiencia en la batalla te ayuda a protegerte contra la magia y las toxinas por igual. Tu rango de competencia para las salvaciones de Fortaleza aumenta para dominar. Cuando obtienes un éxito en una salvación de Fortaleza, obtienes un éxito crítico.
" + "name": "Endurecido en combate", + "description": "Tu experiencia en batalla te ayuda a protegerte tanto contra la magia como contra las toxinas. Tu rango de competencia para las salvaciones de Fortaleza se incrementa a maestro. Cuando obtienes un éxito en una salvación de Fortaleza, en su lugar obtienes un éxito crítico.
" }, "Battledancer": { "name": "bailarín de batalla", @@ -216,7 +216,7 @@ }, "Battlefield Surveyor": { "name": "Topógrafo del campo de batalla", - "description": "Ya sea haciendo un balance de un ejército enemigo o simplemente haciendo guardia, eres excelente observando a tus enemigos. Tu rango de competencia en Percepción aumenta hasta llegar a dominar. Además, obtienes un bonificador +2 de circunstancia a las pruebas de iniciativa de Percepción, lo que te hace reaccionar más rápido durante el combate.
" + "description": "Ya se trate de evaluar un ejército enemigo o simplemente de montar guardia, sobresales en observar a tus enemigos. Tu rango de competencia para Percepción se incrementa a maestro. Además, obtienes un bonificador +2 por circunstancia a las pruebas de Percepción para la iniciativa, haciendo que seas más rápido en reaccionar durante el combate.
" }, "Bell": { "name": "Campana", @@ -596,7 +596,7 @@ }, "Bravery": { "name": "Valentía", - "description": "Después de haber enfrentado innumerables enemigos y el caos de la batalla, has aprendido a mantenerte firme frente al miedo. Tu rango de competencia para Will Saves aumenta a experto. Cuando obtienes un éxito en una salvación de Voluntad contra un efecto de miedo, obtienes un éxito crítico. Además, cada vez que obtengas la condición @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.TBSHQspnbcqxsmjL] {Asustado}, reduce su valor en 1.
" + "description": "Habiéndote enfrentado a incontables enemigos y al caos de la batalla, has aprendido a mantenerte firme frente al miedo, Tu rango de competencia para las salvaciones de Voluntad se\nincrementa a experto. Cuando consigues un éxito en una salvación de Voluntad contra un efecto de miedo, en su lugar obtienes un éxito crítico. Además, cada vez que se te inflige el estado @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.conditionitems.Item.TBSHQspnbcqxsmjL]{asustado} reduces en 1 su valor.
" }, "Breakthrough Innovation": { "name": "Innovación revolucionaria", @@ -651,16 +651,16 @@ "description": "Tu conexión cada vez más profunda con tu mente te otorga más poder para alimentar tus amperios psi. Aumenta la cantidad de puntos de enfoque en tu grupo de enfoque en 1. Esta habilidad no cambia la cantidad de puntos de enfoque que recuperas cuando @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.OSefkMgojBLqmRDh] {Refocus} . Como es normal, esta habilidad no puede aumentar el tamaño de tu grupo de concentración por encima de 3 puntos.
" }, "Cleric Spellcasting": { - "name": "Lanzamiento de hechizos de clérigo", - "description": "Tu deidad te otorga el poder de lanzar hechizos divinos. Eres un lanzador de hechizos y puedes lanzar hechizos de la tradición divina usando la actividad Lanzar un hechizo. Como clérigo, tus cánticos generalmente invocan a tu deidad y a sus poderosos sirvientes por su nombre o título, mientras que tus gestos van seguidos de símbolos sagrados u otras representaciones de tu deidad.
\nEn el nivel 1, puedes preparar dos hechizos de rango y cinco trucos cada mañana a partir de los hechizos comunes dela lista de hechizos divinos o de otros hechizos divinos a los que obtienes acceso y aprendes a través de Aprender un hechizo. Los hechizos preparados permanecen disponibles para ti hasta que los lances o hasta que los prepares nuevamente. La cantidad de hechizos que puedes preparar cada día se llama espacios para hechizos.
\nA medida que aumentas de nivel como clérigo, aumenta el número de hechizos que puedes preparar cada día, al igual que el rango más alto de hechizo que puedes lanzar, como se muestra en la tabla Hechizos de clérigo por día anterior.
\nAlgunos de tus hechizos requieren que intentes un ataque de hechizo para ver qué tan efectivos son o que tus enemigos hagan tiradas contra la CD de tu hechizo (normalmente intentando una tirada de salvación). Dado que tu atributo clave es la Sabiduría, tu modificador de ataque de hechizo y la CD de tu hechizo usan tu modificador de Sabiduría.
\nCuando obtienes espacios para hechizos de segundo rango y superiores, puedes llenar esos espacios con versiones más potentes de hechizos de rango inferior.Esto aumenta el rango del hechizo, elevándolo para que coincida con el espacio del hechizo. Muchos hechizos tienen mejoras específicas cuando se elevan a ciertos rangos.
\nAlgunos de tus hechizos son trucos. Un truco es un tipo especial de hechizo que no utiliza espacios para hechizos. Puedes lanzar un truco a voluntad, cualquier número de veces al día. Un truco siempre se eleva automáticamente a la mitad de tu nivel redondeado hacia arriba; esto suele ser igual al rango más espacio para hechizos de clérigo que tienes. Por ejemplo, como clérigo de primer nivel, tus trucos son hechizos de primer rango, y como clérigo de quinto nivel, tus trucos son hechizos de tercer rango.
" + "name": "Lanzamiento de conjuros de clérigo", + "description": "Tu dios te concede el poder de lanzar conjuros divinos. Eres un lanzador de conjuros, y puedes lanzar conjuros de la tradición divina utilizando la actividad Lanzar un conjuro. Como\nclérigo, tus cánticos suelen invocar a tu dios y a sus sirvientes más poderosos por su nombre o por su título, mientras que tus gestos son seguidos por símbolos sagrados u otras representaciones de tu dios.
\nA nivel, cada mañana puedes preparar 2 conjuros de rango y 5 trucos de entre los conjuros comunes de la lista de conjuros divinos o de otros conjuros divinos a los\nque obtienes acceso y aprendes vía Aprender un conjuro. Los conjuros preparados permanecen disponibles hasta que los lanzas o hasta que preparas conjuros de nuevo. El número de conjuros que puedes preparar cada día se denomina tus espacios de conjuro.
\nConforme subes de nivel como clérigo, el número de conjuros que puedes preparar cada día aumenta, así como el rango superior de conjuro que puedes lanzar, tal y como se indica en la tabla Conjuros de clérigo por día.
\nAlgunos de tus conjuros requieren que hagas un ataque de conjuro para ver lo efectivos que son o que tus enemigos tiren contra tu CD de conjuros (típicamente haciendo una tirada de\nsalvación). Como quiera que tu atributo clave es la Sabiduría, tu modificador al ataque de conjuros y tu CD de conjuros utilizan tu modificador por Sabiduría.
\nCuando obtienes espacios de conjuro de 2.º rango y superior, puedes rellenarlos con versiones más potentes de conjuros de rango más bajo. Esto incrementa el rango del conjuro, potenciándolo para que encaje con el espacio de conjuro. Muchos conjuros obtienen mejoras específicas cuando se potencian a ciertos rangos.
\nAlgunos de tus conjuros se denominan trucos. Un truco es un tipo especial de conjuro que no utiliza espacios de conjuro. Puedes lanzar un truco a voluntad, todas las veces que quieras al día. Un truco se potencia automáticamente a la mitad de tu nivel redondeado hacia arriba, lo que suele ser igual al máximo rango de espacios de conjuro de clérigo de que dispones. Por ejemplo, como clérigo de rango, tus trucos son conjuros de rango, y como clérigo de 5.º nivel, tus trucos\nson conjuros de rango.
" }, "Cloistered Cleric": { "name": "Clérigo de clausura", - "description": "Eres un clérigo con sotana, que se centra en la magia divina y en la conexión con los dominios de tu dios.
\nPrimera Doctrina (1.ª): Obtienes la dote de clérigo @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.hT4INKGtly4QY8KN] {Iniciado de un dominio} (pág 121).
\nSegunda Doctrina (3.ª): tu rango de competencia para las salvaciones de Fortaleza se incrementa a experto.
\nTercera Doctrina (7º): tus rangos de competencia para el modificador al ataque de conjuros y las CD de conjuros se incrementan a rango experto.
\nCuarta Doctrina (11º): obtienes competencia a rango experto con el arma predilecta de tu dios, las armas sencillas y los ataques sin armas. Cuando obtienes un éxito crítico en una tirada de ataque utilizando el arma predilecta de tu dios, aplicas el efecto de especialización crítica de la misma; puedes utilizar tu CD de conjuros en lugar de tu CD de clase.
\nQuinta Doctrina (15º): tus rangos de competencia para el modificador al ataque de conjuros y las CD de conjuros se incrementan a rango maestro.
\nDoctrina final (19º): tus rangos de competencia para el modificador al ataque de conjuros y las CD de conjuros se incrementan a rango legendario.
" + "description": "Eres un clérigo con sotana, que se centra en la magia divina y en la conexión con los dominios de tu dios.
\nPrimera Doctrina (1.º): Obtienes la dote de clérigo @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.hT4INKGtly4QY8KN]{Iniciado de un dominio}.
\nSegunda Doctrina (3.º): tu rango de competencia para las salvaciones de Fortaleza se incrementa a experto.
\nTercera Doctrina (7.º): tus rangos de competencia para el modificador al ataque de conjuros y las CD de conjuros se incrementan a rango experto.
\nCuarta Doctrina (11.º): obtienes competencia a rango experto con el arma predilecta de tu dios, las armas sencillas y los ataques sin armas. Cuando obtienes un éxito crítico en una tirada de ataque utilizando el arma predilecta de tu dios, aplicas el efecto de especialización crítica de la misma; puedes utilizar tu CD de conjuros en lugar de tu CD de clase.
\nQuinta Doctrina (15.º): tus rangos de competencia para el modificador al ataque de conjuros y las CD de conjuros se incrementan a rango maestro.
\nDoctrina final (19.º): tus rangos de competencia para el modificador al ataque de conjuros y las CD de conjuros se incrementan a rango legendario.
" }, "Combat Flexibility": { "name": "Flexibilidad de combate", - "description": "Puedes preparar tus tácticas para adaptarlas a diferentes situaciones. Cuando haces tus preparativos diarios, obtienes una dote de luchador de nivel 8 o inferior para la que cumples los requisitos previos y que aún no tienes. Puedes usar esa hazaña hasta tus próximos preparativos diarios.
" + "description": "Puedes preparar tus tácticas de forma que encajen en diferentes situaciones. Cuando llevas a cabo tus preparativos diarios, obtienes una dote de guerrero de 8.º nivel o menor, para la que cumples los prerrequisitos y que no tenías antes. Puedes utilizar dicha dote hasta tus siguientes preparativos diarios.
" }, "Complete Reconfiguration": { "name": "Reconfiguración completa", @@ -844,12 +844,12 @@ "description": "Your mystery offers you strange access to spells typically reserved for more conventional worshippers. Choose one deity who grants one of your mystery's granted domains. Add up to three cleric spells of your choice granted by that deity to your spell list, and to your spell repertoire as soon as you can cast spells of the appropriate rank.
" }, "Divine Defense": { - "name": "Defensa Divina", - "description": "Tu entrenamiento y tu deidad te protegen de cualquier daño. Tu rango de competencia en defensa sin armadura aumenta a experto.
" + "name": "Defensa divina", + "description": "Tu entrenamiento y tu dios te protegen del daño. Tu rango de competencia para la defensa sin armadura se incrementa a experto.
" }, "Divine Font": { "name": "Fuente Divina", - "description": "A través de la bendición de tu deidad, obtienes hechizos adicionales que canalizan la fuerza vital llamada vitalidad o su contrafuerza, el vacío. Cuando preparas tus hechizos cada día, puedes preparar hechizos @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.rfZpqmj0AIIdkVIs] {Heal} o @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.wdA52JJnsuQWeyqz] {Harm} adicionales, dependiendo de tu deidad. El hechizo de fuente divina que proporciona tu deidad aparece en la entrada Fuente divina de tu deidad; Si ambos aparecen en la lista, puedes elegir entre curar o dañar. Una vez que elijas, no podrás cambiar tuopción salvo la intervención divina.
\nFuente de curación: Obtienes 4 espacios para hechizos adicionales cada día en tu rango más alto de espacios para hechizos de clérigo. Sólo puedes preparar hechizos de curación en estos espacios. En el nivel 5, el número de espacios adicionales aumenta a 5, y en el nivel 15, el número total de espacios adicionales aumenta a 6.
\nFuente dañina: Obtienes 4 espacios de hechizo adicionales cada día en tu nivel más alto.rango de espacios para hechizos de clérigo. Sólo puedes preparar hechizos dañinos en estos espacios. En el nivel 5, el número de espacios adicionales aumenta a 5, y en el nivel 15, el número total de espacios adicionales aumenta a 6.
" + "description": "Mediante la bendición de tu dios, obtienes conjuros adicionales que canalizan, o bien la fuerza vital llamada vitalidad, o bien su contraria, el vacío. Cuando preparas tus conjuros cada día, puedes preparar juros adicionales de @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.rfZpqmj0AIIdkVIs]{curar} o de @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.wdA52JJnsuQWeyqz]{dañar}, dependiendo de tu dios. El conjuro de fuente divina que te proporciona tu dios está indicado en la entrada Fuente divina de tu dios; si se indican ambos, puedes elegir entre curar y dañar. Una vez eliges, no puedes cambiar lo elegido salvo intervención divina.
\nFuente curativa: obtienes 4 espacios de conjuro adicionales cada día a tu rango mayor de espacios de conjuro de clérigo. En dichos espacios tan solo puedes preparar conjuros de curar. A 5.º nivel, el número de espacios adicionales se incrementa a 5 y, a 15.º nivel, el número total de espacios adicionales se incrementa a 6.
\nFuente dañina: obtienes 4 espacios de conjuro adicionales cada día a tu rango mayor de espacios de conjuro de clérigo. En dichos espacios tan solo puedes preparar conjuros de dañar. A 5.º nivel, el número de espacios adicionales se incrementa a 5 y, a 15.º nivel, el número total de espacios adicionales se incrementa a 6.
" }, "Divine Will": { "name": "Voluntad Divina", @@ -888,8 +888,8 @@ "description": "Convocas la furia de un poderoso dragón, que te permite manifestar aptitudes increíbles. Quizá tu cultura adora la majestad dracónica, obtuviste tu conexión bebiendo sangre de dragón o bañándote en ella o después de ver cómo un dragón merodeador arrasaba tu poblado. Selecciona un tipo de dragón de la Tabla 3-4: Instintos de dragón, para que sea el tipo de tu instinto de dragón. Los dragones cromáticos tienden a ser malignos mientras que los dragones metálicos tienden a ser buenos.
\n\nDragón | \nTipo | \nArma de aliento | \n
Azul | \nCromático | \nLínea de electricidad | \n
Blanco | \nCromático | \nCono de frío | \n
Bronze | \nMetálico | \nLínea de electricidad | \n
Cobre | \nMetálico | \nLínea de ácido | \n
Negro | \nCromático | \nLínea de ácido | \n
Oro | \nMetálico | \nCono de fuego | \n
Oropel | \nMetálico | \nCono de fuego | \n
Plata | \nMetálico | \nCono de frío | \n
Rojo | \nCromático | \nCono de Fuego | \n
Verde | \nCromático | \nCono de veneno | \n
Dejar pasar un insulto personal contra ti es anatema para tu instinto. Elige si tu personaje respeta o aborrece a tu tipo de dragón. Si lo respetas, desafiar a dicho dragón es anatema y, si lo aborreces, no derrotar a ese tipo de dragón si te lo cruzas es anatema.
\n\nEstando en furia puedes incrementar de 2 a 4 el daño adicional debido a la furia y cambiar tu tipo de daño para que encaje con el del arma de aliento de tu dragón en lugar del tipo de daño de tu arma o ataque sin armas. Si lo haces, tu acción de entrar en furia obtiene los rasgos arcano y evocación, así como el rasgo que encaja con el tipo de daño.
\n\nCuando utilizas furia dracónica incrementas de 4 a 8 el daño adicional debido a la furia. Si dispones de especialización mayor en un arma, en su lugar incrementas de 2 a 16 el daño debido a la furia cuando utilizas furia dracónica.
\n\nResistes el daño perforante y el tipo de daño del arma de aliento de tu dragón.
" }, "Druid Spellcasting": { - "name": "Lanzamiento de hechizos druida", - "description": "El poder del mundo salvaje fluye a través de ti. Eres un lanzador de conjuros y puedes lanzar hechizos de la tradición primordial usando la actividad @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.aBQ8ajvEBByv45yz] {Cast a Spell}. Como druida, tus encantamientos para lanzar hechizos pueden ser súplicas al entorno que te rodea o la invocación de antiguos votos; tus manos pueden balancearse como sauces o curvarse en forma de garras mientras tus gestos dirigen tu magia. En el nivel 1, puedes preparar dos hechizos de primer rango y cinco trucos cada mañana a partir de los hechizos comunes.en la lista de hechizos primarios, o de otros hechizos primarios a los que obtienes acceso y aprendes a través de Aprender un hechizo. Los hechizos preparados permanecen disponibles para ti hasta que los lances o hasta que los prepares nuevamente. La cantidad de hechizos que puedes preparar cada día se llama espacios para hechizos.
\nA medida que aumentas de nivel como druida, aumenta el número de hechizos que puedes preparar cada día, al igual que el rango más alto de hechizo que puedes lanzar, como se muestra en la tabla de Hechizos de druida por día.
\nAlgunos de tus hechizos requieren que intentes un ataque de hechizo para ver qué tan efectivos son, o que tus enemigos hagan una tirada contra la CD de tu hechizo (generalmente intentando una tirada de salvación). Dado que tu atributo clave es la Sabiduría, tu modificador de ataque de hechizo y la CD de tu hechizo usan tu modificador de Sabiduría.
\nCuando obtienes espacios para hechizos de segundo rango y superiores, puedes llenar esos espacios con versiones más potentes de hechizos de rango inferior.Esto aumenta el rango del hechizo, elevándolo para que coincida con el espacio del hechizo. Muchos hechizos tienen mejoras específicas cuando se elevan a ciertos rangos.
\nAlgunos de tus hechizos son trucos. Un truco es un tipo especial de hechizo que no utiliza espacios para hechizos. Puedes lanzar un truco a voluntad, cualquier número de veces al día. Un truco siempre se eleva automáticamente a la mitad de tu nivel redondeado hacia arriba; esto suele ser igual al rango más alto deespacio para hechizos de druida que tienes. Por ejemplo, como druida de primer nivel, tus trucos son hechizos de primer rango y los de un druida de quinto nivel son de tercer rango.
" + "name": "Lanzamiento de conjuros de druida", + "description": "El poder de las tierras vírgenes fluye a través de ti. Eres un lanzador de conjuros y puedes lanzar los de la tradición primigenia utilizando la actividad @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.aBQ8ajvEBByv45yz]{Lanzar un conjuro}. Como druida, tus encantamientos para lanzar conjuros podrían ser apelaciones al entorno que te rodea o la\ninvocación de antiguos votos; tus manos podrían moverse como las ramas de un sauce o curvarse en forma de garra mientras tus gestos dirigen tu magia.
\nA nivel, cada mañana puedes preparar 2 conjuros de rango y 5 trucos de los conjuros comunes de la lista primigenia o de otros conjuros primigenios a los que obtienes acceso y aprendes vía Aprender un conjuro. Los conjuros preparados permanecen disponibles hasta que los lanzas o hasta que preparas conjuros de nuevo. El número de conjuros que puedes preparar cada día se denomina tus espacios de conjuro.
\nConforme subes de nivel como druida, el número de conjuros que puedes preparar cada día aumenta, así como el rango superior de conjuros que puedes lanzar.
\nAlgunos de tus conjuros requieren que hagas un ataque de conjuro para ver lo efectivos que son, o que tus enemigos tiren contra tu CD de conjuros (típicamente mediante una tirada de\nsalvación). Como quiera que tu atributo clave es la Sabiduría, tu modificador al ataque de conjuros y tu CD de conjuros utilizan tu modificador por Sabiduría.
\nCuando obtienes espacios de conjuro de 2.º rango y superior, puedes rellenarlos con versiones más potentes de conjuros de rango más bajo. Esto incrementa el rango del conjuro, potenciándolo\npara que encaje con el espacio de conjuro. Muchos conjuros obtienen mejoras específicas cuando se potencian a ciertos rangos.
\nAlgunos de tus conjuros se denominan trucos. Un truco es un tipo especial de conjuro que no utiliza espacios de conjuro. Puedes lanzar un truco a voluntad, todas las veces que quieras al día. Un truco se potencia siempre automáticamente a la mitad de tu nivel redondeado hacia arriba; esto suele ser igual al rango mayor de espacio de conjuro de druida que tienes. Por ejemplo, como druida de nivel, tus trucos son conjuros de rango, y los de un druida de 5.º nivel son conjuros de 3.º.
" }, "Druid Weapon Expertise": { "name": "Experiencia Con Las Armas De Druida", @@ -897,7 +897,7 @@ }, "Druidic Order": { "name": "Orden druídica", - "description": "Al convertirte en druida te alineas con una orden druídica, que te concede una dote de clase, un conjuro de orden (ver más abajo) y una habilidad adicional a rango entrenado, vinculada con\ntu orden. Si bien siempre serás miembro de tu orden inicial, no es inaudito que un druida decida estudiar con otras órdenes en busca de una mayor comprensión del mundo natural y los PJs\ndruidas son de los que más se suelen prestar a mezclar los poderes de diferentes órdenes.
\nLos conjuros de orden son un tipo de conjuro de foco. Cuesta 1 Punto de Foco lanzar un conjuro de foco y empiezas con una reserva de 1 Punto de Foco. Repones tu reserva de foco durante tus preparativos diarios y puedes recuperar 1 Punto de Foco invirtiendo 10 minutos y utilizando la actividad Reenfocar para entrar en comunión con los espíritus de la Naturaleza locales o atender a las tierras vírgenes de alguna otra forma compatible con tu orden.
\nLos conjuros de foco se potencian automáticamente a la mitad de tu nivel redondeado hacia arriba, de forma muy parecida a los trucos. Los conjuros de foco no requieren espacios de\nconjuro, y no se pueden lanzar utilizando espacios de conjuro. Ciertas dotes te conceden más conjuros de foco. El máximo de Puntos de Foco que tu reserva puede albergar es igual al número de conjuros de foco de que dispones, pero nunca puede ser mayor que 3 puntos.
\nHabilidad de orden Obtienes el rango entrenado en la habilidad indicada. Si ya estás entrenado en dicha habilidad, obtienes el rango entrenado en una habilidad diferente, a tu elección.
\nDote de druida Obtienes esta dote de druida de nivel como dote adicional.
\nConjuro de orden Obtienes automáticamente el conjuro de orden indicado a nivel.
\nAnatema Añade este anatema a los de todos los druidas.
\n@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.classfeatures.Item.NdeFvIXdHwKYLiUj]{Orden de la llama}
\n@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.classfeatures.Item.fKTewWlYgFuhl4KA]{Orden de la piedra}
\n@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.classfeatures.Item.FuUXyv2yBs7zRgqT]{Orden de la onda}
" + "description": "Al convertirte en druida te alineas con una orden druídica, que te concede una dote de clase, un conjuro de orden (ver más abajo) y una habilidad adicional a rango entrenado, vinculada con\ntu orden. Si bien siempre serás miembro de tu orden inicial, no es inaudito que un druida decida estudiar con otras órdenes en busca de una mayor comprensión del mundo natural y los PJs\ndruidas son de los que más se suelen prestar a mezclar los poderes de diferentes órdenes.
\nLos conjuros de orden son un tipo de conjuro de foco. Cuesta 1 Punto de Foco lanzar un conjuro de foco y empiezas con una reserva de 1 Punto de Foco. Repones tu reserva de foco durante tus preparativos diarios y puedes recuperar 1 Punto de Foco invirtiendo 10 minutos y utilizando la actividad Reenfocar para entrar en comunión con los espíritus de la Naturaleza locales o atender a las tierras vírgenes de alguna otra forma compatible con tu orden.
\nLos conjuros de foco se potencian automáticamente a la mitad de tu nivel redondeado hacia arriba, de forma muy parecida a los trucos. Los conjuros de foco no requieren espacios de\nconjuro, y no se pueden lanzar utilizando espacios de conjuro. Ciertas dotes te conceden más conjuros de foco. El máximo de Puntos de Foco que tu reserva puede albergar es igual al número de conjuros de foco de que dispones, pero nunca puede ser mayor que 3 puntos.
\nHabilidad de orden Obtienes el rango entrenado en la habilidad indicada. Si ya estás entrenado en dicha habilidad, obtienes el rango entrenado en una habilidad diferente, a tu elección.
\nDote de druida Obtienes esta dote de druida de nivel como dote adicional.
\nConjuro de orden Obtienes automáticamente el conjuro de orden indicado a nivel.
\nAnatema Añade este anatema a los de todos los druidas.
\n@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.classfeatures.Item.NdeFvIXdHwKYLiUj]{Orden de la llama}
\n@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.classfeatures.Item.fKTewWlYgFuhl4KA]{Orden de la piedra}
\n@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.classfeatures.Item.FuUXyv2yBs7zRgqT]{Orden de la onda}
" }, "Dynamic Weighting": { "name": "Ponderación dinámica", @@ -1021,8 +1021,8 @@ "description": "Ejecutas tus movimientos finales con un estilo espectacular, agregando efectos especiales a tus remates. Si un golpe que realizas como parte de un remate golpea a un enemigo, agregas uno de los siguientes efectos al golpe, dependiendo del estilo de tu espadachín.
\nTu tesis postula que la práctica mágica de crear hechizos se puede realizar de forma más eficiente alterando variables y parámetros a medida que se lanzan, imitando a los magos de antaño que tenían que elaborar sus propios hechizos. Esto le permite un acceso eficiente a varios efectos de forma de hechizo.
\nObtienes una dote de mago de forma de hechizo de nivel 1 de tu elección. A partir del nivel 4, durante tus preparativos diarios, puedes obtener una dote de mago de forma de hechizo de tu elección.que tiene un requisito de nivel de no más de la mitad de tu nivel, el cual puedes usar hasta tus próximos preparativos diarios.
" + "name": "Moldeo de conjuros experimental", + "description": "Tu tesis postula que la práctica mágica del moldeo de conjuros se puede realizar de forma más eficiente alterando variables y parámetros conforme lanzas, imitando a los magos de hace mucho, que tenían que trabajar sus propios conjuros. Eso te permite un acceso eficaz a diversos efectos de moldeo de conjuros.
\nObtienes una dote de mago de moldeo de conjuros de nivel a tu elección. Empezando a 4.º nivel, durante tus preparativos diarios, puedes obtener una dote de mago de moldeo de conjuros a tu elección con un requisito de nivel no superior a la mitad de tu nivel, que puedes utilizar hasta tus siguientes preparativos diarios.
" }, "Expert Overdrive": { "name": "Sobremarcha experta", @@ -1030,7 +1030,7 @@ }, "Expert Spellcaster": { "name": "Lanzador de conjuros experto", - "description": "Bardo Tus técnicas mágicas se hacen más fuertes. Tus rangos de competencia para los modificadores al ataque de conjuros y las CD de conjuros aumentan a experto.
\nDruida Tu dominio de las fuerzas primarias se ha profundizado, potenciando tus hechizos. Tu competencia se clasifica para el modificador de ataque de hechizos y el aumento de DC de hechizos a experto.
\nMagus Tu comprensión fundamental deLa magia mejora, haciendo que tus hechizos sean más difíciles de resistir. Tu rango de competencia para las tiradas de ataque de hechizos arcanos y la CD de los hechizos aumentan a experto.
\nOráculo La complejidad de tu poder divino se ha vuelto más clara con el tiempo. Tu rango de competencia para las tiradas de ataque con hechizos divinos y la CD de los hechizos aumenta a experto.
\nPsíquico La autorreflexión te ha aportado un mayor conocimiento deusted mismo y, con él, el poder psíquico. Tu rango de competencia para las tiradas de ataque de hechizos ocultos y la CD de los hechizos aumentan a experto.
\nHechicero Tu magia inherente responde fácil y poderosamente a tus órdenes. Tus rangos de competencia para las tiradas de ataque con hechizos y las CD de hechizos para hechizos de la tradición de tu línea de sangre aumentan a experto.
\nInvocador Como tu conexión con tuEl eidolon se profundiza, el poder de tus hechizos aumenta. Tus rangos de competencia para las tiradas de ataque con hechizos y las CD de hechizos para hechizos de la tradición de tu eidolon aumentan a experto.
\nBrujo Has aprendido a controlar mejor el poder que te ha otorgado tu\npatrón. Tu rango de competencia para tu modificador a los ataques de conjuro y tu CD de conjuros se incrementa a experto
\nAsistente Práctica extendidade lo arcano ha mejorado tus capacidades. Tu competencia se clasifica para el modificador de ataque de hechizos y el aumento de DC de hechizos a experto.
" + "description": "Bardo Tus técnicas mágicas se hacen más fuertes. Tus rangos de competencia para los modificadores al ataque de conjuros y las CD de conjuros aumentan a experto.
\nDruida Tu dominio de las fuerzas primigenias se ha hecho más profundo, potenciando tus conjuros. Tu rango de competencia para tu modificador a los ataques de conjuro y tu CD de conjuros se incrementan a experto.
\nMagus Tu comprensión fundamental deLa magia mejora, haciendo que tus hechizos sean más difíciles de resistir. Tu rango de competencia para las tiradas de ataque de hechizos arcanos y la CD de los hechizos aumentan a experto.
\nOráculo La complejidad de tu poder divino se ha vuelto más clara con el tiempo. Tu rango de competencia para las tiradas de ataque con hechizos divinos y la CD de los hechizos aumenta a experto.
\nPsíquico La autorreflexión te ha aportado un mayor conocimiento deusted mismo y, con él, el poder psíquico. Tu rango de competencia para las tiradas de ataque de hechizos ocultos y la CD de los hechizos aumentan a experto.
\nHechicero Tu magia inherente responde fácil y poderosamente a tus órdenes. Tus rangos de competencia para las tiradas de ataque con hechizos y las CD de hechizos para hechizos de la tradición de tu línea de sangre aumentan a experto.
\nInvocador Como tu conexión con tuEl eidolon se profundiza, el poder de tus hechizos aumenta. Tus rangos de competencia para las tiradas de ataque con hechizos y las CD de hechizos para hechizos de la tradición de tu eidolon aumentan a experto.
\nBrujo Has aprendido a controlar mejor el poder que te ha otorgado tu\npatrón. Tu rango de competencia para tu modificador a los ataques de conjuro y tu CD de conjuros se incrementa a experto
\nMago La práctica extendida de las artes arcanas ha mejorado tus capacidades. Tu rango de competencia para tu modificador a los ataques de conjuro y tu CD de conjuros se incrementa a experto.
" }, "Expert Strikes": { "name": "Golpes Expertos", @@ -1118,12 +1118,12 @@ "description": "Tu rango de competencia para las salvaciones de Fortaleza se incrementa a maestro. Cuando consigues un éxito en una salvación de Fortaleza, en su lugar consigues un éxito crítico.
" }, "Fighter Expertise": { - "name": "Experiencia en combate", - "description": "Tus técnicas practicadas te han hecho aún más formidable. Tu rango de competencia para tu clase de luchador DC aumenta a experto.
" + "name": "Experiencia de guerrero", + "description": "Has practicado tus técnicas para hacerlas aún más formidables. Tu rango de competencia para tu CD de la clase guerrero aumenta a experto.
" }, "Fighter Weapon Mastery": { - "name": "Dominio de las armas de combate", - "description": "Las horas dedicadas a entrenar con tus armas preferidas, aprender y desarrollar nuevas técnicas de combate te han hecho particularmente efectivo con las armas que eliges. Elige un grupo de armas. Tu rango de competencia aumenta para dominar las armas simples, las armas marciales y los ataques sin armas de ese grupo, y para ser experto en las armas avanzadas de ese grupo. Obtienes acceso a los efectos críticos de especialización de todas las armas y ataques desarmados que dominas.competencia.
" + "name": "Maestría con las armas de guerrero", + "description": "Las horas pasadas entrenando con tus armas predilectas, aprendiendo y desarrollando nuevas técnicas de combate, te han hecho particularmente efectivo con las armas que prefieres. Elige un grupo de armas. Tu rango de competencia se incrementa a maestro con las armas sencillas, las armas marciales y los ataques sin arma de dicho grupo, y a experto con las armas avanzadas de dicho grupo. Obtienes acceso a los efectos de especialización crítica de todas las armas y ataques sin arma para los que tienes competencia a rango maestro.
" }, "Final Doctrine": { "name": "Doctrina final", @@ -1200,7 +1200,7 @@ }, "Fortitude Expertise": { "name": "Experiencia en Fortaleza", - "description": "Bardo Tu constitución física se ha vuelto más recia a lo largo de tus\naventuras. Tu rango de competencia para las salvaciones de Fortaleza se incrementa a experto.
\nDruida Las aventuras han hecho que tu físico sea más resistente. Tu rango de competencia para los ahorros de Fortaleza aumenta a experto.
" + "description": "Bardo Tu constitución física se ha vuelto más recia a lo largo de tus\naventuras. Tu rango de competencia para las salvaciones de Fortaleza se incrementa a experto.
\nDruida Las aventuras te han hecho físicamente más resistente. Tu\nrango de competencia para las salvaciones de Fortaleza se incrementa a experto.
" }, "Fortress of Will": { "name": "Fortaleza de la voluntad", @@ -1424,12 +1424,12 @@ "description": "Tu capacidad para eludir el peligro es incomparable. Tu rango de competencia para las salvaciones de reflejos aumenta a legendario. Cuando obtienes un fallo crítico en una salvación de Reflejos, en su lugar obtienes un fallo. Cuando fallas en una salvación de Reflejos contra un efecto dañino, recibes la mitad del daño.
" }, "Improved Familiar Attunement": { - "name": "Sintonización Mejorada De Familiar", - "description": "Durante mucho tiempo has sostenido que ajustar la magia que une a un mago y su familiar puede mejorar la conexión mística y producir mejores resultados, en comparación con el vínculo seguro pero genérico que la mayoría de los magos usan actualmente. Has formado ese pacto con tu familiar, obteniendo más ventajas que la mayoría de los magos. Obtienes la hazaña del mago @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.bcxIg7wi8ZAhvhOD] {Familiar}. Tu familiar obtiene una habilidad adicional y obtiene una habilidad adicional cuando alcanzas los niveles 6, 12 y 18.
\nTu conexión con tu familiar altera tu característica de clase de vínculo arcano para que almacene tu energía mágica en tu familiar, en lugar de en un objeto que posees; También obtienes la acción gratuita Drenar Familiar en lugar de @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.v82XtjAVN4ffgVVR] {Drain Bonded Item} . Drain Familiar se puede usar en cualquier momento en que una habilidad te permita usar Drain Bonded Item y funciona de manera idéntica, excepto que extraes magia de tu familiar en lugar de un objeto.
" + "name": "Sintonización mejorada de familiar", + "description": "Llevas tiempo sosteniendo que sintonizar la magia que une un mago a su familiar puede mejorar la conexión mística y generar resultados mayores, comparado con el vínculo seguro\npero genérico que la mayoría de los magos utiliza de forma habitual. Has cerrado un pacto de ese tipo con tu familiar, obteniendo más ventajas de él que la mayoría de los magos. Obtienes la dote de mago @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.bcxIg7wi8ZAhvhOD]{Familiar}. Tu familiar obtiene una aptitud adicional, y otra cuando llegas a los niveles 6.º, 12.º y 18.º.
\nTu conexión con tu familiar altera tu rasgo de clase vínculo arcano de forma que almacenas tu energía mágica en tu familiar en lugar de en un objeto de tu propiedad; también obtienes la acción gratuita Drenar familiar en lugar de @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.v82XtjAVN4ffgVVR]{Drenar objeto vinculado}. Drenar familiar se puede utilizar en cualquier momento en el que una aptitud te permitiría utilizar Drenar objeto vinculado y funciona igual, excepto que extraes la magia de tu familiar en lugar de extraerla de un objeto.
" }, "Improved Flexibility": { "name": "Flexibilidad mejorada", - "description": "Tu amplia experiencia te brinda una capacidad aún mayor para adaptarte a los desafíos de cada día. Cuando usas la flexibilidad de combate, puedes obtener dos hazañas de luchador en lugar de una. Si bien la primera hazaña aún debe ser de nivel 8 o inferior, la segunda hazaña puede ser de hasta el nivel 14 y puedes usar la primera hazaña para cumplir los requisitos previos de la segunda hazaña. Debes cumplir con todos los requisitos previos de las hazañas.
" + "description": "Tu extensa experiencia te concede una aptitud aún mayor para adaptarte a los desafíos de cada día. Cuando usas flexibilidad de combate, puedes obtener dos dotes de guerrero en\nlugar de una. Si bien la primera dote tiene que seguir siendo de 8.º nivel o inferior, la segunda puede ser hasta de 14.º nivel, y puedes utilizar la primera para cumplir los prerrequisitos de la segunda. Tienes que cumplir todos los prerrequisitos de la dote.
" }, "Impulses": { "name": "Impulsos", @@ -1586,7 +1586,7 @@ }, "Leaf Order": { "name": "Orden de: Hoja", - "description": "Adoras la abundancia de la Naturaleza, actuando como jardinero y como custodio de las tierras vírgenes. Con tu familiar leshy a tu lado, ayudas a que las áreas vuelvan a crecer después de un desastre o de una expansión negligente y vuelves la flora contra quienes abusarían de ella.
\nHabilidad de orden Diplomacia
\nDote de druida @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.7y1BCJLrdk9mKXlc] {Familiar leshy}
\nConjuro de la orden @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.vQuwLqtFFYt0K15N]{Cornucópia} (pág. 382)
\nAnatema Cometer crueldades sin sentido contra las plantas u hongos o matarlos innecesariamente (esto no impide que te puedas defender de ellos o que los coseches para sobrevivir).
" + "description": "Adoras la abundancia de la Naturaleza, actuando como jardinero y como custodio de las tierras vírgenes. Con tu familiar leshy a tu lado, ayudas a que las áreas vuelvan a crecer después de un desastre o de una expansión negligente y vuelves la flora contra quienes abusarían de ella.
\nHabilidad de orden Diplomacia
\nDote de druida @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.7y1BCJLrdk9mKXlc]{Familiar leshy}
\nConjuro de orden @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.vQuwLqtFFYt0K15N]{Cornucópia}
\nAnatema Cometer crueldades sin sentido contra las plantas u hongos o matarlos innecesariamente (esto no impide que te puedas defender de ellos o que los coseches para sobrevivir).
" }, "Legendary Armor": { "name": "Armadura Legendaria", @@ -1598,7 +1598,7 @@ }, "Legendary Spellcaster": { "name": "Lanzador de conjuros legendario", - "description": "Bardo Tu dominio de la magia es de lo que están hechas las leyendas.\nTus rangos de competencia para los modificadores al ataque de conjuros y las CD de conjuros aumentan a legendario.
\nDruida Has desarrollado una relación incomparable con la magia de la naturaleza. Tu competencia se clasifica para el modificador de ataque de hechizos y el aumento de DC de hechizos a legendario.
\nOráculo Puedes aprovecharpoder divino a un nivel que pocos otros pueden igualar. Tus rangos de competencia para las tiradas de ataque con hechizos divinos y la CD de los hechizos aumentan a legendario.
\nPsíquico A medida que tu entrenamiento alcanza su punto máximo, comprendes no sólo tu propia mente, sino también el inconsciente colectivo del que surge todo poder psíquico. Tus rangos de competencia para las tiradas de ataque de hechizos ocultos y la CD de los hechizos aumentan a legendario.
\nHechicero Demuestras un talento prodigioso para lanzar hechizos. Tus rangos de competencia para las tiradas de ataque con hechizos y las CD de hechizos para hechizos de la tradición de tu línea de sangre aumentan a legendario.
\nBrujo Has perfeccionado el dominio de la magia que te proporciona tu patrón. Tus rangos de competencia para tus modificadores a los ataques de conjuros y tu CD de conjuros se incrementan a experto.
\nMago Eres un lanzador de conjuros consumado, que combina teoría arcana y hechicería práctica. Tu competencia se clasifica para el modificador de ataque de hechizos y el aumento de DC de hechizos a legendario.
" + "description": "Bardo Tu dominio de la magia es de lo que están hechas las leyendas.\nTus rangos de competencia para los modificadores al ataque de conjuros y las CD de conjuros aumentan a legendario.
\nDruida Has desarrollado una relación sin paralelo con la magia de la\nNaturaleza. Tus rangos de competencia para tus modificadores a los ataques de conjuro y tu CD de conjuros se incrementan a experto.
\nOráculo Puedes aprovecharpoder divino a un nivel que pocos otros pueden igualar. Tus rangos de competencia para las tiradas de ataque con hechizos divinos y la CD de los hechizos aumentan a legendario.
\nPsíquico A medida que tu entrenamiento alcanza su punto máximo, comprendes no sólo tu propia mente, sino también el inconsciente colectivo del que surge todo poder psíquico. Tus rangos de competencia para las tiradas de ataque de hechizos ocultos y la CD de los hechizos aumentan a legendario.
\nHechicero Demuestras un talento prodigioso para lanzar hechizos. Tus rangos de competencia para las tiradas de ataque con hechizos y las CD de hechizos para hechizos de la tradición de tu línea de sangre aumentan a legendario.
\nBrujo Has perfeccionado el dominio de la magia que te proporciona tu patrón. Tus rangos de competencia para tus modificadores a los ataques de conjuros y tu CD de conjuros se incrementan a experto.
\nMago Eres un lanzador de conjuros consumado, mezclando tanto la teoría arcana como el lanzamiento de conjuros práctico. Tus rangos de competencia para tus modificadores a los ataques de conjuro y tu CD de conjuros se incrementan a experto.
" }, "Lesson of Bargains": { "name": "Lección de gangas", @@ -1706,7 +1706,7 @@ }, "Magical Fortitude": { "name": "Fortaleza mágica", - "description": "Oráculo, Hechicero, Mago El poder mágico ha mejorado la resistencia de tu cuerpo. Tu rango de competencia para los ahorros de Fortaleza aumenta a experto.
\nBruja El poder de tu patrón aumenta tu resistencia física. Tu rango de competencia para las salvaciones de Fortaleza se incrementa a experto.
" + "description": "Oráculo, Hechicero, Mago El poder mágico ha mejorado la resiliencia de tu cuerpo. Tu rango de competencia para las salvaciones de Fortaleza se incrementa a experto.
\nBruja El poder de tu patrón aumenta tu resistencia física. Tu rango de competencia para las salvaciones de Fortaleza se incrementa a experto.
" }, "Magnum Opus": { "name": "Obra maestra", @@ -1738,7 +1738,7 @@ }, "Master Spellcaster": { "name": "Lanzador de conjuros maestro", - "description": "Bardo Pulsas los hilos de la magia como si fueran las cuerdas de un\narpa. Tus rangos de competencia para los modificadores al ataque de conjuros y las CD de conjuros aumentan a maestro.
\nDruida La magia primordial responde a tus órdenes. Tu competencia se clasifica para el modificador de ataque de hechizos y el aumento de DC de hechizos para dominar.
\nMagus Fortificas tus hechizos con destreza magistral.Tu competencia se clasifica para las tiradas de ataque de hechizos arcanos y la CD de los hechizos aumenta para dominar.
\nOráculo Realmente entiendes el profundo y complejo poder divino dentro de tu misterio. Tus rangos de competencia para las tiradas de ataque con hechizos divinos y la CD de los hechizos aumentan para dominarlos.
\nPsíquico Has obtenido acceso a los rincones más profundos de tu propia mente. Su competencia se clasifica paraLas tiradas de ataque de hechizos ocultos y la CD de los hechizos aumentan para dominar.
\nHechicero Has logrado dominar la magia en tu sangre. Tus rangos de competencia para las tiradas de ataque con hechizos y las CD de hechizos para hechizos de la tradición de tu línea de sangre aumentan hasta dominar.
\nInvocador Tu conexión con tu eidolon es lo suficientemente fuerte como para otorgarte dominio sobre los hechizos asociados. SuLos rangos de competencia para las tiradas de ataque de hechizos y las CD de hechizos de la tradición de tu eidolon aumentan hasta dominar.
\nBrujo Has alcanzado la maestría en la magia de tu patrón. Tus rangos de competencia para tu modificador a los ataques de conjuro y tu CD de conjuros se incrementan a experto.
\nMago Tienes una habilidad superlativa para lanzar hechizos. Tu competencia se clasifica para el modificador de ataque con hechizos yhechizo de aumento de DC para dominar.
" + "description": "Bardo Pulsas los hilos de la magia como si fueran las cuerdas de un\narpa. Tus rangos de competencia para los modificadores al ataque de conjuros y las CD de conjuros aumentan a maestro.
\nDruidaLa magia primigenia responde a tus órdenes. Tu rango de competencia para tu modificador a los ataques de conjuro y tu CD de conjuros se incrementan a experto.
\nMagus Fortificas tus hechizos con destreza magistral.Tu competencia se clasifica para las tiradas de ataque de hechizos arcanos y la CD de los hechizos aumenta para dominar.
\nOráculo Realmente entiendes el profundo y complejo poder divino dentro de tu misterio. Tus rangos de competencia para las tiradas de ataque con hechizos divinos y la CD de los hechizos aumentan para dominarlos.
\nPsíquico Has obtenido acceso a los rincones más profundos de tu propia mente. Su competencia se clasifica paraLas tiradas de ataque de hechizos ocultos y la CD de los hechizos aumentan para dominar.
\nHechicero Has logrado dominar la magia en tu sangre. Tus rangos de competencia para las tiradas de ataque con hechizos y las CD de hechizos para hechizos de la tradición de tu línea de sangre aumentan hasta dominar.
\nInvocador Tu conexión con tu eidolon es lo suficientemente fuerte como para otorgarte dominio sobre los hechizos asociados. SuLos rangos de competencia para las tiradas de ataque de hechizos y las CD de hechizos de la tradición de tu eidolon aumentan hasta dominar.
\nBrujo Has alcanzado la maestría en la magia de tu patrón. Tus rangos de competencia para tu modificador a los ataques de conjuro y tu CD de conjuros se incrementan a experto.
\nMago Tienes a tus órdenes una aptitud mágica superlativa. Tus rangos\nde competencia para tu modificador a los ataques de conjuro y tu CD de conjuros se incrementan a experto.
" }, "Master Strike": { "name": "Golpe Maestro", @@ -1868,8 +1868,8 @@ "description": "Tu furia se intensifica y te permite llevar a cabo explosiones de acción. Tu nivel de competencia para tu CD de la clase bárbaro se incrementa hasta experto.
\nObtienes la acción gratuita @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.74iat04PtfG8gn2Q] {Furia poderosa}.
" }, "Miraculous Spell": { - "name": "Conjuro Milagroso", - "description": "Eres exaltado por tu deidad y obtienes hechizos realmente increíbles. Obtienes un único espacio para hechizos de décimo rango y puedes preparar un hechizo en ese espacio usando el lanzamiento de hechizos de clérigo. A diferencia de otros espacios para hechizos, no puedes usar espacios de 10 rangos con habilidades que te den más espacios para hechizos o que te permitan lanzar hechizos sin gastar espacios para hechizos. No obtienes más hechizos de décimo rango a medida que subes de nivel, pero puedes tomar la hazaña @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.QDjpZKOrWIV1G8XJ] {Maker of Miracles} para ganar un segundo espacio.
" + "name": "Conjuro milagroso", + "description": "Has sido exaltado por tu dios y obtienes conjuros auténticamente sensacionales. Obtienes un solo espacio de conjuro de 10.º rango y puedes preparar en él un conjuro utilizando lanzamiento\nde conjuros de clérigo. A diferencia de otros espacios de conjuro, no puedes utilizar espacios de 10.º rango con aptitudes que te conceden más espacios de conjuro o que te permiten lanzar conjuros sin gastar espacios de conjuro. No obtienes más conjuros de 10.º rango conforme subes de nivel, pero puedes adquirir la dote @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.QDjpZKOrWIV1G8XJ]{Obrador de milagros} para conseguir un segundo\nespacio de conjuro.
" }, "Mirror": { "name": "Espejo", @@ -2164,12 +2164,12 @@ "description": "A chill runs through your spine as danger strikes, giving you a hair's more time to dodge or cover yourself. Your proficiency rank for Reflex saves increases to expert.
" }, "Primal Hierophant": { - "name": "Hierofante Primigenio", - "description": "Controlas las fuerzas más potentes de la magia primaria y puedes lanzar un hechizo de poder verdaderamente increíble. Obtienes un único espacio para hechizos de décimo rango y puedes preparar un hechizo en ese espacio usando el lanzamiento de hechizos de druida. A diferencia de otros espacios para hechizos, no puedes usar espacios de 10 rangos con habilidades que te den más espacios para hechizos o que te permitan lanzar hechizos sin gastar espacios para hechizos. No obtienes más hechizos de décimo rango a medida que subes de nivel, pero puedes realizar la hazaña @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.Chu6s3xVnpOB64GH] {Hierophant's Power} para ganar un segundo.ranura.
" + "name": "Hierofante primigenio", + "description": "Tienes a tus órdenes las fuerzas más poderosas de la magia primigenia y puedes lanzar un conjuro de un poder auténticamente increíble. Obtienes un solo espacio de conjuro de 10.º rango en el que puedes preparar un conjuro utilizando lanzamiento de conjuros de druida. A diferencia de otros espacios de conjuro, no puedes utilizar espacios de 10.º rango con aptitudes que te conceden más espacios de conjuro o que te permiten lanzar conjuros sin gastar espacios de conjuro. No obtienes más conjuros de 10.º rango conforme subes de nivel, pero puedes adquirir la dote @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.Chu6s3xVnpOB64GH]{Poder del hierofante} para obtener un segundo espacio.
" }, "Prodigious Will": { "name": "Voluntad prodigiosa", - "description": "Tu mente es simplemente demasiado compleja y sofisticada para ser manipulada. Tu rango de competencia para las salvaciones de Will aumenta hasta dominar. Cuando obtienes un éxito en una salvación de Voluntad, obtienes un éxito crítico.
" + "description": "Tu mente es simplemente demasiado compleja y sofisticada como para poderla manipular. Tu rango de competencia para las salvaciones de Voluntad se incrementa a maestro. Cuando consigues un éxito en una salvación de Fortaleza, en su lugar consigues un éxito crítico.
" }, "Psi Cantrips and Amps": { "name": "Trucos psi y amplificadores", @@ -2260,8 +2260,8 @@ "description": "Tus investigaciones sobre la naturaleza alquímica del universo te han llevado a centrarte en un campo particular de investigación. Es posible que tengas un título de un instituto científico, mantengas correspondencia con otros investigadores en tu campo o trabajes como un genio solitario. Elija un campo de investigación.
\nSu campo de investigación agrega una serie de fórmulas a su libro de fórmulas; estos son sus elementos distintivos. Cuando utilice un lote de reactivos infundidos para crear sus elementos distintivos usando tecnología avanzadaAlquimia, creas tres elementos en lugar de dos. Cada vez que subas de nivel, podrás intercambiar uno de tus elementos característicos por otra fórmula de tu libro de fórmulas. Este nuevo elemento de firma debe estar en la lista de posibles elementos de firma de su campo de investigación.
" }, "Resolute Faith": { - "name": "Fe resuelta", - "description": "La creencia proporciona un baluarte contra los pensamientos insidiosos. Tu rango de competencia para las salvaciones de Will aumenta hasta dominar. Cuando obtienes un éxito en una salvación de Voluntad, obtienes un éxito crítico.
" + "name": "Fe resoluta", + "description": "Tus creencias te proporcionan un baluarte contra los pensamientos insidiosos. Tu rango de competencia para las salvaciones de Voluntad se incrementa a maestro. Cuando consigues un éxito en una salvación de Fortaleza, en su lugar consigues un éxito crítico.
" }, "Resolve": { "name": "Resolución", @@ -2325,12 +2325,12 @@ "description": "With an eye for incoming danger, you masterfully keep yourself out of harm's way. Your proficiency rank for Reflex saves increases to master. When you roll a success on a Reflex save, you get a critical success instead.
" }, "School of Ars Grammatica": { - "name": "Escuela de Ars Grammatica", - "description": "Runas y protecciones, números y letras: sustentan toda la magia, lo que los convierte en el tema lógico para un mago que estudia las fuerzas fundamentales. Quizás estudiaste en la Escuela de Hechizos de la Sociedad Pathfinder o en una institución similar, pero ya sea que estés uniendo tus palabras con magia para obligar a otros, lanzando protecciones alrededor de tu taller o desestabilizando la estructura misma de los hechizos de un oponente, conoces esta sencilla escuela. lleva un poder elegante.
\nPlan de estudios
\nHechizos escolares inicial: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.lY9fOk1qBDDhBT8s] {Protective Wards} ; avanzado: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.4LSf04FFvDgMyDk6] {Rune of Observation}
" + "name": "Escuela del Arte Gramática", + "description": "Runas y custodias, números y letras; forman la base de toda la magia, convirtiéndolos en el tema lógico de un mago que estudia las fuerzas fundamentales. Quizás has estudiado en la Escuela de Conjuros de la Sociedad Pathfinder o una institución similar, pero tanto si entrelazas tus palabras con magia para obligar a otros, como si colocas custodias alrededor de tu taller, como si desestabilizas la propia estructura de los conjuros de un oponente, sabes que esta modesta escuela lleva consigo un elegante poder
\nConjuros de escuela inicial: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.lY9fOk1qBDDhBT8s]{Custodias protectoras}; avanzado: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.4LSf04FFvDgMyDk6]{Runa de observación}
" }, "School of Battle Magic": { "name": "Escuela de Magia de Batalla", - "description": "La magia es poder, y siempre hay quienes usarán el poder para el arte de la batalla. Es posible que hayas estudiado en el ejército de una nación al borde de la guerra: Cheliax y Andoran tal vez, o Geb y Nex. Invocas energías arremolinadas que pueden arrasar tanto con soldados como con ejércitos, mientras te aseguras de no descuidar las contramedidas arcanas por complicaciones tácticas comunes o los escudos y defensas que mantienen con vida a los combatientes en el campo de batalla.
\nPlan de estudios
\nHechizos escolares inicial: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.Hu38hoAUSYeFpkVa] {Force Bolt} ; avanzado: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.LoBjvguamA12iyW0] {Energy Absorption}
" + "description": "La magia es poder y siempre hay quienes utilizan dicho poder para el arte de la guerra. Puedes haber estudiado en el ejército de una nación al borde de la guerra: quizá Cheliax y Andoran, o Geb y Nex. Convocas energías giratorias que pueden devastar tanto a soldados como ejércitos, mientras te aseguras de no olvidarte de las contramedidas arcanas para las complicaciones tácticas más comunes, o los escudos y las defensas que mantienen vivos a los combatientes en el campo de batalla.
\nConjuros de escuela inicial: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.Hu38hoAUSYeFpkVa]{Rayo de fuerza} ; avanzado: @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.LoBjvguamA12iyW0]{Absorción de energía}
" }, "School of Civic Wizardry": { "name": "Escuela de Magia Cívica", @@ -2461,8 +2461,8 @@ "description": "Tienes potenciadores en tu armadura que aumentan tu velocidad. Obtienes una bonificación de estado de +5 pies a tu velocidad, que aumenta a una bonificación de estado de +10 pies cuando estás bajo los efectos de Overdrive.
" }, "Spell Blending": { - "name": "Mezcla De Conjuros", - "description": "Teorizas que los espacios para hechizos son una abreviatura de una energía subyacente que impulsa todos los lanzamientos de hechizos, y has encontrado una manera de modificar la jerarquía de los espacios para hechizos, combinándolos para alimentar hechizos más poderosos.
\nDurante tus preparativos diarios, puedes intercambiar dos espacios de hechizo del mismo rango de hechizo por un espacio de hechizo adicional de hasta 2 rangos de hechizo más altos que los espacios de hechizo intercambiados. Puedes intercambiar tantos espacios para hechizos como tengas disponibles. Espacios de hechizos de bonificacióndebe ser de un rango de hechizo que normalmente puedas lanzar, y cada espacio de hechizo adicional debe ser de un rango de hechizo diferente. También puedes intercambiar cualquier espacio de hechizo por dos trucos adicionales, aunque no puedes intercambiar más de un espacio de hechizo a la vez por trucos adicionales de esta manera.
" + "name": "Mezcla de conjuros", + "description": "Tienes la teoría de que los espacios de conjuro son una especie de taquigrafía para una energía subyacente que potencia todo lanzamiento de conjuros, y has encontrado la forma de\nmanipular la jerarquía de dichos espacios, combinándolos para potenciar conjuros más poderosos.
\nDurante tus preparativos diarios, puedes intercambiar 2 espacios de conjuro del mismo rango por un espacio de conjuro adicional de hasta 2 rangos de conjuro superior a los intercambiados. Podrás intercambiar tantos espacios de conjuro como tengas disponibles. Los espacios de conjuro adicionales tienen que ser de un rango que puedes lanzar normalmente y cada uno\nde ellos debe ser de un rango diferente. También puedes intercambiar cualquier espacio de conjuro por 2 trucos adicionales, aunque de esta manera no puedes intercambiar a la vez más de\n1 espacio de conjuros por trucos adicionales.
" }, "Spell Repertoire": { "name": "Spell Repertoire", @@ -2489,8 +2489,8 @@ "description": "La colección de hechizos que puedes lanzar se llama repertorio de hechizos. En el primer nivel, aprendes dos hechizos de primer rango de tu elección y cinco trucos de tu elección. Los eliges entre los hechizos comunes de la tradición correspondiente a tu eidolon, o entre otros hechizos de esa tradición a los que tienes acceso. Puedes lanzar cualquier hechizo de tu repertorio de hechizos utilizando un espacio de hechizo de un rango de hechizo apropiado. Tus espacios para hechizos y los hechizos de tu repertorio de hechizos sonseparado. Si una dote u otra habilidad agrega un hechizo a tu repertorio de hechizos, no te da otro espacio para hechizos, y viceversa.
\nAgregas hechizos a este repertorio a medida que aumentas de nivel. Cada vez que obtienes un espacio para hechizo (ver Tabla 2-4: Hechizos de invocador por día), agregas un hechizo del mismo rango a tu repertorio de hechizos. En el nivel 2, seleccionas otro hechizo de rango 1. En el 3er nivel, agregas el primer hechizo de 2do rango a tu repertorio. En el 4to nivel obtienes tu segundoy tu repertorio de hechizos alcanza su tamaño máximo de cinco hechizos.
\nEn el nivel 5, además de agregar dos hechizos de 3er rango a tu repertorio, pierdes tu rango más bajo de espacios para hechizos. Cada vez que pierdes un rango de espacios para hechizos, también pierdes dos hechizos en tu repertorio. Estos pueden provenir de hechizos que ya conoces o de la cantidad de hechizos nuevos que estás aprendiendo. En los niveles en los que no cambias tus espacios para hechizos, puedes intercambiar varios hechizos, como se describeabajo.
\nA medida que obtengas nuevos hechizos en tu repertorio, es posible que desees reemplazar algunos de los hechizos que aprendiste anteriormente. Cada vez que subes de nivel y aprendes nuevos hechizos, puedes cambiar uno de tus hechizos antiguos por uno diferente del mismo rango. Si es un nivel en el que pierdes un conjunto de espacios de rango inferior, puedes reemplazar los dos en cualquier orden. También puedes intercambiar un truco. También puedes intercambiarhechizos mediante el reentrenamiento durante el tiempo de inactividad.
\nEn el nivel 6 y en cada nivel par posterior, puedes intercambiar cualquier número de tus hechizos por diferentes hechizos de un nivel que puedas lanzar. Cuando lo hagas, debes conservar al menos un hechizo que puedas lanzar con tu rango más bajo de espacios para hechizos para no terminar con espacios que no puedas usar. Por ejemplo, en el nivel 6 necesitarías conservar al menos un hechizo de segundo rango, pero todos los demás hechizos podrían ser de nivel 3.
" }, "Spell Substitution": { - "name": "Sustitución De Conjuros", - "description": "No aceptas el hecho de que una vez que los hechizos están preparados, no se pueden cambiar hasta tus próximos preparativos diarios, y has descubierto un atajo que te permite sustituir los que preparaste originalmente con nuevos hechizos.
\nPuedes dedicar 10 minutos a vaciar uno de tus espacios para hechizos preparados y preparar un hechizo diferente de tu libro de hechizos en su lugar. Si te interrumpen durante dicho intercambio, el hechizo original permanece preparado y aún se puede lanzar. PuedeInténtalo nuevamente para cambiar el hechizo más tarde, pero debes comenzar el proceso nuevamente.
" + "name": "Sustitución de conjuros", + "description": "No aceptas el hecho de que una vez los conjuros han sido preparados, no los puedes cambiar hasta tus siguientes preparativos diarios, y has descubierto un atajo que te permite sustituir por nuevos conjuros los que preparaste originalmente.
\nPuedes invertir 10 minutos en vaciar uno de tus espacios de conjuro preparados y en su lugar preparar uno diferente a partir de tu libro de conjuros. Si te interrumpen durante el cambio, el conjuro original sigue preparado y sigue pudiéndose lanzar. Más tarde puedes intentar de nuevo el intercambio, pero debes iniciar el proceso otra vez.
" }, "Spellstrike": { "name": "Golpe de hechizo", @@ -2518,8 +2518,8 @@ "description": "You're fascinated by molds and fungi, and you understand the important role they play in the continued health of ecosystems. This interest often puts you at odds with local communities, who view molds and fungi as something to be eradicated, rather than nurtured.
\nYou're trained in Intimidation. You also gain the Leshy Familiar druid feat, but you must create a fungus leshy. You gain the mushroom patch order spell. Committing wanton cruelty to molds or fungi, killing molds or fungi unnecessarily, or interfering with the natural processes of decay, is anathema to your order. This doesn't prevent you from defending yourself against fungi or molds or from harvesting fungi or molds for sustenance.
\nOrder Skill Crafting
\nDruid Feat @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.7y1BCJLrdk9mKXlc]{Leshy Familiar}
\nOrder Spell @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.xCfOskoogDf9LBlD]{Mushroom Patch}
\nAnathema Committing wanton cruelty to molds or fungi, killing molds or fungi unnecessarily, or interfering with the natural processes of decay, is anathema to your order. This doesn't prevent you from defending yourself against fungi or molds or from harvesting fungi or molds for sustenance.
\nSpecial: The spore order is a variant of the leaf order. If you have the spore order, you count as a member of the leaf order, and you qualify for leaf order feats.
" }, "Staff Nexus": { - "name": "Nexo del personal", - "description": "Su tesis sostiene que la adopción temprana e intensa de bastones desde los primeros días de estudio puede crear un vínculo simbiótico entre el lanzador de hechizos y el bastón, permitiéndoles crear magia notable juntos. Has formado esa conexión con un bastón improvisado que construiste y estás listo para infundir mayor poder a cualquier bastón que encuentres.
\nComienzas a jugar con un bastón improvisado de tu propia invención. Tiene el rasgo mágico y contiene un truco y unHechizo de primer rango, ambos de tu libro de hechizos. Durante tus preparativos diarios, puedes gastar un hechizo para otorgarle al bastón una cantidad de cargas igual al rango de ese hechizo, que se disipan después de 24 horas. Mientras sostienes el bastón, puedes lanzar los hechizos que contiene. El hechizo de primer rango consume 1 carga, pero el truco no requiere cargas.
\nPuedes convertir tu bastón improvisado en cualquier otro tipo de bastón mágico por el costo habitual del nuevo bastón, agregando los dos hechizos.originalmente elegiste al bastón que creas. Este bastón obtiene cargos al prepararlo junto con los hechizos gastados.
\nEn el nivel 8, puedes gastar dos hechizos en lugar de uno al preparar cualquier bastón, agregando cargas adicionales iguales a los rangos combinados de los hechizos gastados. En el nivel 16, puedes gastar hasta un total de tres hechizos para agregar cargas al bastón, agregando cargas adicionales iguales a los rangos combinados de los tres hechizos.
" + "name": "Nexo de bastón", + "description": "Tu tesis sostiene que la adopción temprana e intensa de los bastones desde los primeros días de estudio puede crear un vínculo simbiótico entre el lanzador de conjuros y el bastón,\npermitiéndoles crear juntos una magia más notable. Has formado una conexión de ese tipo con un bastón improvisado de tu creación, y estas listo para infundir cualquier bastón con el\nque te encuentras con un poder mayor.
\nEmpiezas el juego con un bastón improvisado de tu propia invención. Tiene el rasgo mágico y contiene un truco y un conjuro de rango, ambos de tu libro de conjuros. Durante tus\npreparativos diarios, puedes gastar un conjuro para conceder al bastón tantas cargas como el rango de dicho conjuro, que se disipan a las 24 horas. Mientras empuñas el bastón, puedes Lanzar los conjuros que contiene. El conjuro de rango consume 1 carga, pero el truco no requiere cargas.
\nPuedes Elaborar tu bastón improvisado, convirtiéndolo en cualquier tipo de bastón mágico al precio normal del nuevo bastón, añadiendo los dos conjuros elegidos originalmente al bastón Elaborado. Dicho bastón obtiene cargas debido a su preparación además de los conjuros\ngastados.
\nA 8.º nivel, puedes gastar dos conjuros en lugar de uno mientras preparas cualquier bastón, añadiendo tantas cargas adicionales como los rangos combinados de los conjuros gastados. A 16.º nivel, puedes gastar hasta un total de tres conjuros para añadir cargas al bastón, añadiendo\ntantas cargas adicionales como los rangos combinados de los conjuros gastados.
" }, "Starless Shadow": { "name": "Sombra sin estrellas", @@ -2535,7 +2535,7 @@ }, "Storm Order": { "name": "Orden de: Tormenta", - "description": "Tanto si naciste durante una tempestad como si sobreviviste a un rayo caído de un cielo nocturno despejado, ahora llevas en tu corazón la furia de la tormenta, canalizando el trueno con un efecto terroríficamente destructivo y cabalgando los vientos a través del aire.
\nHabilidad de orden Acrobacias
\nDote de druida @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.UpEjRfQkCJCruAfb] {Nacido de la tormenta}
\nConjuro de la orden @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.ho1jSoYKrHUNnM90]{Oleada de tempestad} (pág. 382)
\nAnatema contaminar el aire, permitir que quienes causan una fuerte contaminación del aire o cambios climáticos se vayan de rositas (esto no te obliga a actuar contra un daño al medio ambiente meramente potencial ni a sacrificarte contra un enemigo obviamente superior).
" + "description": "Tanto si naciste durante una tempestad como si sobreviviste a un rayo caído de un cielo nocturno despejado, ahora llevas en tu corazón la furia de la tormenta, canalizando el trueno con un efecto terroríficamente destructivo y cabalgando los vientos a través del aire.
\nHabilidad de orden Acrobacias
\nDote de druida @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.UpEjRfQkCJCruAfb]{Nacido de la tormenta}
\nConjuro de orden @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.ho1jSoYKrHUNnM90]{Oleada de tempestad}
\nAnatema contaminar el aire, permitir que quienes causan una fuerte contaminación del aire o cambios climáticos se vayan de rositas (esto no te obliga a actuar contra un daño al medio ambiente meramente potencial ni a sacrificarte contra un enemigo obviamente superior).
" }, "Strained Metabolism": { "name": "Metabolismo tenso", @@ -2599,7 +2599,7 @@ }, "Tempered Reflexes": { "name": "Reflejos templados", - "description": "Los reflejos practicados te permitirán encontrar seguridad incluso frente a explosiones catastróficas. Tu rango de competencia para las salvaciones de reflejos aumenta hasta dominar. Cuando obtienes un éxito en una salvación de Reflejos, obtienes un éxito crítico.
" + "description": "Unos reflejos practicados te permiten encontrar la seguridad, incluso frente a explosiones cataclísmicas. Tu rango de competencia para las salvaciones de Reflejos se incrementa a maestro. Cuando obtienes un éxito en una salvación de Reflejos, en su lugar obtienes un éxito crítico.
" }, "Tempest": { "name": "Tempestad", @@ -2740,7 +2740,7 @@ }, "Untamed Order": { "name": "Orden Indómita", - "description": "La llamada salvaje e incontrolable del mundo natural recorre tu cuerpo. Podrías haber sido criado por un animal salvaje o haber llegado a rechazar los artificios de las ciudades tras haber crecido en una de ellas. Ahora, la magia primigenia te concede la aptitud de revestir la forma de una criatura salvaje.
\nHabilidad de orden Intimidación
\nDote de druida @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.VaIHQzOE5ibmbtqU] {Forma indómita}
\nConjuro de la orden @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.0xR9vrt6uDFl0Umo] {Forma salvaje}
\nAnatema Verte completamente domesticado por las tentaciones de la civilización (esto no te impide comprar o utilizar comida procesada ni permanecer en una ciudad durante una aventura, pero nunca puedes llegarte a basar en dichas conveniencias ni fijar tu residencia permanente en uno de esos lugares).
" + "description": "La llamada salvaje e incontrolable del mundo natural recorre tu cuerpo. Podrías haber sido criado por un animal salvaje o haber llegado a rechazar los artificios de las ciudades tras haber crecido en una de ellas. Ahora, la magia primigenia te concede la aptitud de revestir la forma de una criatura salvaje.
\nHabilidad de orden Intimidación
\nDote de druida @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.VaIHQzOE5ibmbtqU]{Forma indómita}
\nConjuro de orden @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.0xR9vrt6uDFl0Umo]{Forma salvaje}
\nAnatema Verte completamente domesticado por las tentaciones de la civilización (esto no te impide comprar o utilizar comida procesada ni permanecer en una ciudad durante una aventura, pero nunca puedes llegarte a basar en dichas conveniencias ni fijar tu residencia permanente en uno de esos lugares).
" }, "Verdant Core Deviant Classification": { "name": "Verdant Core Deviant Classification", @@ -2748,7 +2748,7 @@ }, "Versatile Legend": { "name": "Leyenda versátil", - "description": "Eres casi incomparable con cualquier arma. Tu rango de competencia para armas simples, armas marciales y ataques sin armas aumenta a legendario, y tu rango de competencia para armas avanzadas aumenta a maestro. Tu rango de competencia para tu clase de luchador DC aumenta hasta dominar.
" + "description": "Eres prácticamente inigualable con cualquier arma. Tus rangos de competencia con las armas sencillas, las marciales y los ataques sin armas se incrementan a legendario y tu rango de competencia con las armas avanzadas se incrementa a maestro. Tu rango de competencia para tu CD de la clase guerrero aumenta a maestro.
" }, "Versatile Vials": { "name": "Versatile Vials", @@ -2784,7 +2784,7 @@ }, "Warpriest": { "name": "Sacerdote de guerra", - "description": "Te has entrenado en las doctrinas más militantes de tu Iglesia, centrándote tanto en los conjuros como en la batalla.
\nPrimera doctrina (1.ª):
tienes competencia a rango entrenado en armadura ligera e intermedia y competencia a rango experto en las salvaciones de Fortaleza. Obtienes la dote general @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.jM72TjJ965jocBV8] {Bloqueo con el escudo} (pág. 253), una reacción para reducir el daño mediante un escudo. Si el arma predilecta de tu dios es un arma sencilla o un ataque sin armas, obtienes la dote de clérigo @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.DfLkIIg2reyYW3a8] {Simplicidad mortal} (pág. 128). A nivel, si obtienes el rasgo de clase @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.classfeatures.Item.0mJTp4LdEHBLInoe] {Defensa divina}, también obtienes competencia a rango experto con las armaduras ligeras e intermedias.
\nSegunda doctrina (3º): estás entrenado en armas marciales.
\nTercera doctrina (7º): obtienes competencia a rango experto con el arma predilecta de tu dios, las armas marciales, las armas sencillas y los ataques sin armas. Cuando obtienes un éxito crítico en una tirada de ataque utilizando el arma predilecta de tu dios, aplicas el efecto de especialización crítica de la misma; puedes utilizar tu CD de conjuros en lugar de tu CD de clase.
\nCuarta doctrina (11º): tus rangos de competencia para el modificador al ataque de conjuros y las CD de conjuros se incrementan a rango experto.
\nQuinta doctrina (15º): tu rango de competencia para las salvaciones de Fortaleza se incrementa a maestro. Cuando consigues un éxito en una salvación de Fortaleza, en su lugar consigues un éxito crítico.
\nDoctrina final (19º): obtienes competencia a rango maestro con el arma predilecta de tu dios, tu modificador al ataque de conjuros y tu CD de conjuro.
" + "description": "Te has entrenado en las doctrinas más militantes de tu Iglesia, centrándote tanto en los conjuros como en la batalla.
\nPrimera doctrina (1.º): tienes competencia a rango entrenado en armadura ligera e intermedia y competencia a rango experto en las salvaciones de Fortaleza. Obtienes la dote general @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.jM72TjJ965jocBV8]{Bloqueo con el escudo}, una reacción para reducir el daño mediante un escudo. Si el arma predilecta de tu dios es un arma sencilla o un ataque sin armas, obtienes la dote de clérigo @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.DfLkIIg2reyYW3a8]{Simplicidad mortal}. A nivel, si obtienes el rasgo de clase @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.classfeatures.Item.0mJTp4LdEHBLInoe]{Defensa divina}, también obtienes competencia a rango experto con las armaduras ligeras e intermedias.
\nSegunda doctrina (3.º): estás entrenado en armas marciales.
\nTercera doctrina (7.º): obtienes competencia a rango experto con el arma predilecta de tu dios, las armas marciales, las armas sencillas y los ataques sin armas. Cuando obtienes un éxito crítico en una tirada de ataque utilizando el arma predilecta de tu dios, aplicas el efecto de especialización crítica de la misma; puedes utilizar tu CD de conjuros en lugar de tu CD de clase.
\nCuarta doctrina (11.º): tus rangos de competencia para el modificador al ataque de conjuros y las CD de conjuros se incrementan a rango experto.
\nQuinta doctrina (15.º): tu rango de competencia para las salvaciones de Fortaleza se incrementa a maestro. Cuando consigues un éxito en una salvación de Fortaleza, en su lugar consigues un éxito crítico.
\nDoctrina final (19.º): obtienes competencia a rango maestro con el arma predilecta de tu dios, tu modificador al ataque de conjuros y tu CD de conjuro.
" }, "Warrior": { "name": "Combatiente", @@ -2833,7 +2833,7 @@ }, "Weapon Expertise": { "name": "Experiencia con las armas", - "description": "Campeón, Investigador, Oráculo, Mago Te has dedicado a aprender las complejidades de tus armas. Tus rangos de competencia para armas simples, armas marciales y ataques desarmados aumentan a experto.
\nDruida Has mejorado tu habilidad de combate. Tu rango de competencia para armas simples y ataques desarmados aumenta a experto.
\nHechicero Entrenamiento yLa magia mejoró tu técnica con el arma. Tu rango de competencia para armas simples y ataques desarmados aumenta a experto.
\nInvocador El entrenamiento y la magia mejoraron tu técnica con el arma. Tu rango de competencia para armas simples y ataques desarmados aumenta a experto. ( Nota: esto se llama Experiencia en armas simples en Secretos de la magia )
\nBrujo, Mago A través de la experiencia, has mejorado tu técnica con tus armas. Tus rangos de competencia para las armas sencillas y los ataques sin arma aumentan a experto.
" + "description": "Campeón, Investigador, Oráculo, Mago Te has dedicado a aprender las complejidades de tus armas. Tus rangos de competencia para armas simples, armas marciales y ataques desarmados aumentan a experto.
\nDruida Has mejorado tu habilidad de combate. Tu rango de competencia para los ataques con las armas sencillas y los ataques sin armas se incrementa a experto.
\nHechicero Entrenamiento yLa magia mejoró tu técnica con el arma. Tu rango de competencia para armas simples y ataques desarmados aumenta a experto.
\nInvocador El entrenamiento y la magia mejoraron tu técnica con el arma. Tu rango de competencia para armas simples y ataques desarmados aumenta a experto. ( Nota: esto se llama Experiencia en armas simples en Secretos de la magia )
\nBrujo, Mago A través de la experiencia, has mejorado tu técnica con tus armas. Tus rangos de competencia para las armas sencillas y los ataques sin arma aumentan a experto.
" }, "Weapon Expertise (Swashbuckler)": { "name": "Experiencia en armas (espadachín)", @@ -2844,8 +2844,8 @@ "description": "Tu innovación es un arma de apariencia imposible aumentada por numerosos mecanismos inusuales. Comienza con las mismas estadísticas que un arma simple o marcial común de nivel 0 de tu elección, u otra arma simple o marcial de nivel 0 a la que tengas acceso. En su lugar, puedes usar las estadísticas de un arma marcial o simple común de primer nivel de tu elección, u otra arma marcial o simple de primer nivel a la que tengas acceso, pero debes pagar el precio monetario del arma. UnAl arma de innovación se le pueden agregar runas fundamentales y de propiedad de la misma manera que a un arma ordinaria. Debido a las características únicas de tu innovación, todos excepto tú no están entrenados en ella, incluso si normalmente estarían entrenados (o mejor) en armas simples o marciales. Si usas la acción Overdrive, puedes optar por cambiar el daño adicional de Overdrive a daño por fuego. Elija una modificación de arma inicial para aplicarla a su innovación, ya sea entre las siguientes o entre otrasmodificaciones iniciales del arma a las que tienes acceso. Estas modificaciones otorgan rasgos de arma adicionales, a veces con habilidades adicionales. Una modificación podría darle a tu arma el rasgo versátil con un tipo de daño que el arma ya podría causar, ya sea desde su tipo de daño base o desde un rasgo versátil existente. En ese caso, si seleccionas esa modificación, puedes optar por darle al arma el rasgo versátil para un tipo de daño diferente: contundente, perforante o cortante.
\nHas aprendido técnicas de lucha que se aplican a todos los armamentos y has desarrollado una habilidad incomparable con tus armas favoritas. Tus rangos de competencia para armas simples, armas marciales y ataques desarmados aumentan hasta dominar. Tu rango de competencia para armas avanzadas aumenta a experto.
\nPuedes seleccionar un grupo de armas y aumentar tus rangos de competencia a legendarios para todas las armas simples, armas marciales y ataques desarmados en ese grupo de armas.y dominar todas las armas avanzadas de ese grupo de armas.
" + "name": "Leyenda con las armas", + "description": "Has aprendido técnicas de lucha que se aplican a todos los armamentos y has desarrollado una habilidad sin paralelo con tus armas predilectas. Tus rangos de competencia para las armas sencillas, las marciales y los ataques sin arma se incrementan a experto. Tu rango de competencia para las armas avanzadas aumenta a experto.
\nPuedes seleccionar un grupo de armas e incrementar tu rango de competencia a legendario para todas las armas sencillas, marciales y ataques sin armas en dicho grupo, y a rango maestro\npara todas las armas avanzadas de dicho grupo.
" }, "Weapon Mastery": { "name": "Weapon Mastery", @@ -2914,8 +2914,8 @@ "description": "Utilizando tu familiar como conducto, tu patrón te proporciona el poder de lanzar conjuros. Eres un lanzador de conjuros que puedes lanzar los de la tradición de tu patrón, mediante la\nactividad Lanzar un conjuro. Como brujo, cuando lanzas conjuros tus encantamientos podrían rimar, tus gestos podrían ser tan sencillos como señalar ominosamente con el dedo o hacer\nun complejo signo popular y tu familiar podría incluso hacerse eco de tus palabras o movimientos ligeramente conforme se activa la magia de tu patrón.
\nA nivel, cada mañana puedes preparar hasta 2 conjuros de rango y 5 trucos a partir de los conjuros que tu familiar conoce. Los conjuros preparados permanecen disponibles hasta que los lanzas o hasta que preparas conjuros de nuevo. El número de conjuros que puedes preparar cada día se denomina tus espacios de conjuro.
\nConforme subes de nivel como brujo, el número de conjuros que puedes preparar cada día se incrementa, así como el rango mayor de conjuro que puedes lanzar, tal y como se indica en la tabla Conjuros de brujo por día.
\nAlgunos de tus conjuros requieren que hagas un ataque de conjuros para ver lo efectivos que son, o que tus enemigos tiren contra tu CD de conjuros (típicamente mediante una tirada de salvación). Como quiera que tu atributo clave es la Inteligencia, tu modificador a los ataques de conjuro y tu CD de conjuros utilizan tu modificador por Inteligencia.
\nCuando obtienes espacios de conjuro de 2.º rango y superior, puedes rellenar dichos espacios con versiones más potentes de tus conjuros de rango inferior. Esto incrementa el rango del conjuro, potenciándolo para que encaje con el espacio de conjuro. Muchos conjuros obtienen mejoras específicas cuando se potencian a ciertos rangos.
\nAlgunos de tus conjuros se denominan trucos. Un truco es un tipo especial de conjuro que no utiliza espacios de conjuro. Puedes lanzar un truco a voluntad, todas las veces que quieras al día. Un truco se potencia siempre de forma automática a la mitad de tu nivel redondeado hacia arriba; esto suele ser igual al rango mayor de espacio de conjuro de brujo de que dispones. Por ejemplo, como brujo de nivel, tus trucos son conjuros de rango y como brujo de 5.º nivel, tus trucos son conjuros de rango.
" }, "Wizard Spellcasting": { - "name": "Lanzamiento de hechizos del mago", - "description": "A través del estudio y la práctica dedicados, puedes construir hechizos con rigor académico dando forma a la magia arcana. Eres un lanzador de hechizos y puedes lanzar hechizos de la tradición arcana utilizando la actividad Lanzar un hechizo. Como mago, cuando lanzas hechizos, tus encantamientos probablemente especifican exactamente qué fuerzas invocas y cómo darles forma, y tus gestos dan forma y dirigen con precisión tu magia mientras círculos de runas arcanas cobran vida.
\nEn el nivel 1, puedesprepara hasta dos hechizos de 1er rango y cinco trucos cada mañana a partir de los hechizos de tu libro de hechizos (ver más abajo), así como un truco curricular adicional y un hechizo curricular adicional de cada rango que puedas lanzar desde tu escuela arcana. Los hechizos preparados permanecen disponibles para ti hasta que los lances o hasta que los prepares nuevamente. La cantidad de hechizos que puedes preparar se llama espacios para hechizos.
\nA medida que aumentas de nivel como mago, el número de hechizos que puedes prepararCada día aumenta, al igual que el rango más alto de hechizo que puedes lanzar, como se muestra en la tabla Hechizos de mago por día.
\nAlgunos de tus hechizos requieren que intentes un ataque de hechizo para ver qué tan efectivos son, o que tus enemigos hagan una tirada contra la CD de tu hechizo (normalmente intentando una tirada de salvación). Dado que tu atributo clave es la Inteligencia, tu modificador de ataque de hechizo y la CD de tu hechizo usan tu modificador de Inteligencia. Los detalles sobre el cálculo de estas estadísticas aparecen en la página 403.
\nCuando obtienes espacios para hechizos de segundo rango y superiores, puedes llenar esos espacios con versiones más potentes de hechizos de rango inferior. Esto aumenta el rango del hechizo, elevándolo para que coincida con el espacio del hechizo. Muchos hechizos tienen mejoras específicas cuando se elevan a ciertos rangos.
\nAlgunos de tus hechizos son trucos. Un truco es un tipo especial de hechizo que no utilizaespacios para hechizos. Puedes lanzar un truco a voluntad, cualquier número de veces al día. Un truco siempre se eleva automáticamente a la mitad de tu nivel redondeado hacia arriba; esto suele ser igual al rango más alto de espacio para hechizos de mago que tienes. Por ejemplo, como mago de primer nivel, tus trucos son hechizos de primer rango, y como mago de quinto nivel, tus trucos son hechizos de tercer rango.
\nCada hechizo arcano tiene una versión escrita, que registras en tu archivo personalizado.libro de encantamientos. Comienzas con un libro de hechizos por valor de 10 sp o menos, que recibes gratis y debes estudiar cada día para preparar tus hechizos. La forma y el nombre de tu libro de hechizos dependen de ti. Podría ser un tomo mohoso encuadernado en cuero o una variedad de delgados discos de metal conectados a un anillo de latón; su nombre podría ser esotérico, como El Tomo de las sombras silenciosas o algo más académico, como Aplicaciones pirománticas avanzadas de la teoría elemental de Jalmeri .
\nEl libro de hechizos contiene tu elección entre 10 trucos arcanos y cinco hechizos arcanos de primer rango. Puedes elegirlos entre los hechizos comunes de la lista de hechizos arcanos o entre otros hechizos arcanos a los que tengas acceso. También añades dos hechizos de 1er rango del plan de estudios de tu escuela arcana (excepto en el caso de la escuela de teoría mágica unificada, como se describe en esa escuela).
\nCada vez que subes de nivel, añades dos hechizos arcanos a tu libro de hechizos, decualquier rango de hechizo para el cual tengas espacios para hechizos, elegidos entre hechizos comunes de tu tradición u otros a los que tengas acceso y aprendas a través de Aprender un hechizo. Cuando obtienes espacios para hechizos de un nuevo rango, también agregas un hechizo adicional del plan de estudios de tu escuela (a menos que sea la escuela de teoría mágica unificada).
" + "name": "Lanzamiento de conjuros del mago", + "description": "A través del estudio dedicado y de la práctica, puedes construir conjuros con rigor académico dando forma a la magia arcana. Eres un lanzador de conjuros y puedes lanzarlos de la tradición\narcana utilizando la actividad Lanzar un conjuro. Como mago, cuando lanzas conjuros, es probable que tus encantamientos especifiquen exactamente a qué fuerzas recurres y cómo las moldeas, y tus gestos dan forma y dirigen de forma precisa tu magia mientras círculos de runas arcanas cobran vida.
\nA nivel, puedes preparar hasta dos conjuros de rango y cinco trucos cada mañana de los que tienes en tu libro (ver a continuación), además de un truco adicional por currículo y un conjuro adicional por currículo de cada rango que puedes lanzar de tu escuela arcana. Los conjuros preparados permanecen disponibles hasta que los lanzas o hasta que preparas conjuros de nuevo. El número de conjuros que puedes preparar se denomina tus espacios de conjuro.
\nConforme subes de nivel como mago, el número de conjuros que puedes preparar cada día se incrementa, así como el rango superior de conjuro que puedes lanzar, tal y como se indica en la tabla Conjuros de mago. Algunos de tus conjuros requieren que hagas un ataque de conjuro para ver lo efectivos que son, o que tus enemigos tiren contra tu CD de conjuros (típicamente haciendo una tirada de salvación). Como quiera que tu atributo clave es la Inteligencia, tu modificador a los ataques de conjuro y tu CD de conjuros utilizan tu modificador por Inteligencia.
\nCuando obtienes espacios de conjuro de 2.º rango y superior, puedes rellenarlos con versiones más potentes de conjuros de rango más bajo. Esto incrementa el rango de conjuro, potenciándolo para que encaje con el espacio de conjuro. Muchos conjuros obtienen mejoras específicas cuando se potencian a ciertos rangos.
\nAlgunos de tus conjuros se denominan trucos. Un truco es un tipo especial de conjuro que no utiliza espacios de conjuro. Puedes lanzar un truco a voluntad, todas las veces que quieras al día.\nUn truco se potencia siempre automáticamente a la mitad de tu nivel redondeado hacia arriba; esto suele ser igual al rango mayor de espacios de conjuro de mago de que dispones. Por ejemplo, cuando eres un mago de nivel, tus trucos son conjuros de rango, y cuando eres un mago de 5.º nivel, tus trucos son conjuros de rango.
\nCada conjuro arcano tiene una versión escrita, que anotas en tu libro de conjuros personalizado. Empiezas con un libro de conjuros que vale 10 pp o menos, que obtienes gratis y que debes estudiar cada día para preparar tus conjuros. La forma y el nombre de tu libro de conjuros quedan a tu elección. Podría tratarse de un tomo mohoso encuadernado en cuero, o de un surtido de finos discos de metal conectados por una anilla de bronce; su nombre podría ser esotérico, como por ejemplo el Tomo de las Sombras Silenciosas o algo más académico como Aplicaciones Pirománticas Avanzadas de la Teoría Elemental Jalmeri.
\nEl libro de conjuros contiene 10 trucos arcanos y 5 conjuros arcanos de rango a elegir por ti. Los eliges de entre los conjuros comunes de la lista de conjuros arcanos o de otros conjuros arcanos a los que puedes tener acceso. También añades dos conjuros de rango del currículo de tu escuela arcana (excepto en el caso de la Escuela de la Teoría Mágica Unificada, tal y como se describe en dicha escuela).
\nCada vez que subes de nivel, añades estos conjuros arcanos a tu libro, de cualquier rango que puedes lanzar, elegidos de entre los conjuros comunes de tu tradición o de otros a los que obtienes acceso y aprendes vía Aprender un conjuro. Cuando obtienes espacios de conjuro de un nuevo rango, también añades un conjuro adicional del currículo de tu escuela (a menos que se trate de la escuela de la teoría mágica unificada).
" }, "Wizard Weapon Expertise": { "name": "Experiencia Con Armas De Mago", From e575f79031b4f2d9b0a55d98d71c665a592ba595 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Agustin AllendeTu @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.IAjvwqgiDr3qGYxY]{Himno valeroso} emite un chillido discordante que imbuye los ataques de tus aliados con potentes reverberaciones sónicas. Tus aliados no se ven afectados por tu himno valeroso, y sus Golpes con armas y ataques sin armas infligen 1d6 daño sónico adicional.
", "prerequisites": [ { - "value": "Himno valeroso" + "value": "Himno Valeroso" } ] }, From a4d4458add2527476d267e4474f3993563587adb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Agustin AllendeYou're a philosopher of the sword who codifies your study of qinggong along principles arcane and martial. Your blade teaches morality and immortality, and you illustrate its lessons with an academician's rigor. Through your training, you've learned to move about with grace and create opportunity to strike foes.
\nYou gain the @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.LQw0yIMDUJJkq1nD]{Cat Fall} general feat, though you benefit from it only as long as you aren't using a shield and are wearing light or no armor.
\nWhile in @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.HbejhIywqIufrmVM]{Arcane Cascade} stance, your steps become even lighter, giving you the benefits of the @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.ZBhvJ9O8MvBFAlhq]{Quick Jump} general feat. When you Fly, @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.d5I6018Mci2SWokk]{Leap}, @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.2HJ4yuEFY1Cast4h]{High Jump}, or @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.JUvAvruz7yRQXfz2]{Long Jump} while in that stance, your movement doesn't trigger reactions. If you take one of these actions, the next Strike you make before the end of your turn with a one-handed weapon in the sword group has greater damage from Arcane Cascade. Increase the extra damage to 4; increase it to 6 if you have weapon specialization, or to 8 if you have greater weapon specialization. You must have your other hand completely free; the extra damage doesn't apply if you have a free-hand weapon or other item in that hand, even if you would normally be able to use the hand for other things.
\nConflux Spell @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.2C0ftvzTwYgzb3Qt]{Sky Laughs at Waves}
" + "description": "You're a philosopher of the sword who codifies your study of qinggong along principles arcane and martial. Your blade teaches morality and immortality, and you illustrate its lessons with an academician's rigor. Through your training, you've learned to move about with grace and create opportunity to strike foes.
\nYou gain the @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.feats-srd.Item.LQw0yIMDUJJkq1nD]{Cat Fall} general feat, though you benefit from it only as long as you aren't using a shield and are wearing light or no armor.
\nWhile in Arcane Cascade stance, your steps become even lighter, giving you the benefits of the Quick Jump general feat. When you Fly, @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.d5I6018Mci2SWokk]{Leap}, @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.2HJ4yuEFY1Cast4h]{High Jump}, or @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.JUvAvruz7yRQXfz2]{Long Jump} while in that stance, your movement doesn't trigger reactions. If you take one of these actions, the next Strike you make before the end of your turn with a one-handed weapon in the sword group has greater damage from Arcane Cascade. Increase the extra damage to 4; increase it to 6 if you have weapon specialization, or to 8 if you have greater weapon specialization. You must have your other hand completely free; the extra damage doesn't apply if you have a free-hand weapon or other item in that hand, even if you would normally be able to use the hand for other things.
\nConflux Spell@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.2C0ftvzTwYgzb3Qt]{Sky Laughs at Waves}
" }, "Amulet": { "name": "Amuleto", @@ -612,7 +612,7 @@ }, "Catharsis Emotion": { "name": "Catharsis Emotion", - "description": "Catharsis Trigger The event or conditions you must meet to take your Catharsis reaction.
\nCatharsis Activation The benefit when you use Catharsis.
\nEmotional Fervor Benefits you gain for 3 rounds after you use Catharsis. This entry also lists a spell you're able to cast while in your emotional fervor. You must expend a spell slot to cast it. This slot most be of at least the spell's rank, and the spell is automatically heightened to the rank of slot you expended.
\nEmotional Fallout The effect you experience when your emotional fervor ends.
\nFocus Spell The focus spell you gain if you select the Cathartic Focus Spell archetype feat.
" + "description": "Catharsis Trigger The event or conditions you must meet to take your Catharsis reaction.
\nCatharsis Activation The benefit when you use Catharsis.
\nEmotional Fervor Benefits you gain for 3 rounds after you use Catharsis. This entry also lists a spell you're able to cast while in your emotional fervor. You must expend a spell slot to cast it. This slot most be of at least the spell's level, and the spell is automatically heightened to the level of slot you expended.
\nEmotional Fallout The effect you experience when your emotional fervor ends.
\nFocus Spell The focus spell you gain if you select the Cathartic Focus Spell archetype feat.
" }, "Cause": { "name": "Cause", @@ -2720,7 +2720,7 @@ }, "Unfurling Brocade": { "name": "Unfurling Brocade", - "description": "You disdain others' reliance on crude contrivances of iron, instead favoring the elegance of fabric, with thread and brocade your panoply. Your mastery of qinggong allows qi-infused fabric to tear flesh, bind blades, and pierce steel.
\nYou can create a special weapon, qi-infused fabric, by Interacting to grip a length of cloth of 1 Bulk or less and filling it with your qi. If you Interact to draw the object, you can do this as part of that action. For most unfurling brocade magi, this item is a scarf, sash, ribbon, or a similarly voluminous article of worn clothing, such as long sleeves. You can use the fabric as a @UUID[]{Bladed Scarf}. Unlike a normal bladed scarf, you have the option to wield the fabric in one hand instead of two. Its damage die is d4 if held in one hand. If you're wearing @UUID[]{Handwraps of Mighty Blows}, you can apply any of its runes to the fabric, provided those runes could be added to a bladed scarf. This begins when you wield the fabric and ends when you cease doing so.
\nWhile in @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.HbejhIywqIufrmVM]{Arcane Cascade} stance, the magical energy flowing through your fabric partially animates it to accomplish an even greater range of tricks.
If you critically succeed at an Athletics check to @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.Dt6B1slsBy8ipJu9]{Disarm}, you can spend a single action immediately afterward to flick your fabric, causing the disarmed object to fall to the ground in your space rather than in your opponent's.
Your fabric gains the grapple trait. If you succeed at an Athletics check to @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.PMbdMWc2QroouFGD]{Grapple} using your fabric, you can spend a single action immediately afterward to pull the creature 5 feet toward you.
When you attempt to @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.ge56Lu1xXVFYUnLP]{Trip} a foe using your fabric, the target can be two sizes larger than you instead of one.
Conflux Spell @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.JIphJbkWHndtFk72]{Home Among Mulberry Leaves}
" + "description": "You disdain others' reliance on crude contrivances of iron, instead favoring the elegance of fabric, with thread and brocade your panoply. Your mastery of qinggong allows qi-infused fabric to tear flesh, bind blades, and pierce steel.
\nYou can create a special weapon, qi-infused fabric, by Interacting to grip a length of cloth of 1 Bulk or less and filling it with your qi. If you Interact to draw the object, you can do this as part of that action. For most unfurling brocade magi, this item is a scarf, sash, ribbon, or a similarly voluminous article of worn clothing, such as long sleeves. You can use the fabric as a bladed scarf. Unlike a normal bladed scarf, you have the option to wield the fabric in one hand instead of two. Its damage die is d4 if held in one hand. If you're wearing handwraps of mighty blows, you can apply any of its runes to the fabric, provided those runes could be added to a bladed scarf. This begins when you wield the fabric and ends when you cease doing so.
\nWhile in Arcane Cascade stance, the magical energy flowing through your fabric partially animates it to accomplish an even greater range of tricks.
If you critically succeed at an Athletics check to @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.Dt6B1slsBy8ipJu9]{Disarm}, you can spend a single action immediately afterward to flick your fabric, causing the disarmed object to fall to the ground in your space rather than in your opponent's.
Your fabric gains the grapple trait. If you succeed at an Athletics check to @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.PMbdMWc2QroouFGD]{Grapple} using your fabric, you can spend a single action immediately afterward to pull the creature 5 feet toward you.
When you attempt to @UUID[Compendium.pf2e.actionspf2e.Item.ge56Lu1xXVFYUnLP]{Trip} a foe using your fabric, the target can be two sizes larger than you instead of one.
Conflux Spell@UUID[Compendium.pf2e.spells-srd.Item.JIphJbkWHndtFk72]{Home Among Mulberry Leaves}
" }, "Unimpeded Journey": { "name": "Viaje sin trabas",