The pool operator initiates the process by creating a registry profile. (see README/Scripts/Create Profile)
A strategy needs to be deployed. This can be done by anyone. (see README/Scripts/Deploy the strategy)
Superfluid needs to allow the strategy to create super apps on Superfluid.
Initialization parameters need to be defined: bool useRegistryAnchor
, bool metadataRequired
, address passportDecoder
, address superfluidHost
, address allocationSuperToken
, uint64 registrationStartTime
, uint64 registrationEndTime
, uint64 allocationStartTime
, uint64 allocationEndTime
, uint256 minPassportScore
, and uint256 initialSuperAppBalance
The pool operator defines pool parameters used to call createPoolWithCustomStrategy
function on the Allo contract.
Parameters include:
bytes32 _profileId
: created in the first step
address _strategy
: created in the second step
bytes memory _initStrategyData
: encoded initialize parameters, see step 4
address _token
: Pool Token (matching token)
uint256 _amount
: 0 - match amount, not needed at this point
Metadata memory _metadata
: consider uploading to IPFS for additional details.
address[] memory _managers
: Pool Manager Address Array
The pool operator calls the createPoolWithCustomStrategy
function on the Allo contract (0x1133eA7Af70876e64665ecD07C0A0476d09465a1) to create the pool.
bytes32 _profileId,
address _strategy,
bytes memory _initStrategyData,
address _token,
uint256 _amount,
Metadata memory _metadata,
address[] memory _managers
) external payable returns (uint256 poolId);
This can be done by a script, see: README/Scripts/Create a pool
Anyone can fund the pool with the allowed super token (_token) to pre-fund the recipients super apps with the initialSuperAppBalance
. This can be done by a simple token transfer to the strategy.