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Outreach |
We presented GloBAM at the following events |
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GloBAM consortium, Biodiversa+ & Squarefish (2023) The GloBAM project - Monitoring, understanding & forecasting global biomass flows of aerial migrants. 6 July 2023. Animated movie. https://youtu.be/BjQQeXGvYc4
Weisshaupt N (2022) Beneficios y retos de usar ciencia ciudadana con radares meteorológicos en estudios de migración. Delta Birding Festival, Ebro delta, Catalonia, Spain, 24 September 2022. Invited talk. https://youtu.be/qrxpl2yBP-o
Kranstauber B (2022) Seasonal differences essential for accurate bird migration forecasts for conservation and flight safety. Netherlands Annual Ecology Meeting, Lunteren, The Netherlands, 20-21 September 2022. Accepted talk.
Shamoun-Baranes J (2022) Migration through the troposphere. Netherlands Annual Ecology Meeting, Lunteren, The Netherlands, 20-21 September 2022. Invited talk.
Haest B, Schmid B, Hertner F, Kleger D, Sapir N, Werber Y, Liechti F (2022) Simultaneous monitoring of the aerial biomass flow of insects, birds and bats. World Biodiversity Forum, Davos, Switzerland, 26 June – 1 July 2022. Accepted talk.
Shamoun-Baranes J (2022) Towards a data-infrastructure for monitoring and forecasting migration. World Biodiversity Forum, Davos, Switzerland, 26 June – 1 July 2022. Accepted talk.
Weisshaupt N (2022) Polarimetric echo classification for high-resolution aerofaunal analyses. World Biodiversity Forum, Davos, Switzerland, 26 June – 1 July 2022. Accepted talk.
Bauer S, Shamoun-Baranes J (2022) Global movements under global changes. 3nd International Radar Aeroecology Conference, Davos, Switzerland, 25-26 June 2022. Invited talk.
Bradarić M (2022) On the radar: offshore wind turbine curtailment informed by nocturnal bird migration predictions. 3nd International Radar Aeroecology Conference, Davos, Switzerland, 25-26 June 2022. Accepted talk.
Desmet P (2022) CROW: Visualize bird migration in your browser. 3nd International Radar Aeroecology Conference, Davos, Switzerland, 25-26 June 2022. Poster.
Dokter AM (2022) Macro-demography of North America’s migratory birds. 3nd International Radar Aeroecology Conference, Davos, Switzerland, 25-26 June 2022. Accepted talk.
Farnsworth A (2022) From data to action: BirdCast perspectives on transforming bird migration science to conservation planning. 3nd International Radar Aeroecology Conference, Davos, Switzerland, 25-26 June 2022. Accepted talk.
Haest B (2022) Spatiotemporal movements of insects across Europe, quantified using a vertical-looking radar network. 3nd International Radar Aeroecology Conference, Davos, Switzerland, 25-26 June 2022. Accepted talk.
Haest B (2022) Climatic drivers of Bracken Cave (USA) bat migration phenology and demography. 3nd International Radar Aeroecology Conference, Davos, Switzerland, 25-26 June 2022. Poster.
Hoekstra B (2022) Fireworks disturbance across bird communities. 3nd International Radar Aeroecology Conference, Davos, Switzerland, 25-26 June 2022. Accepted talk.
Lippert F (2022) Integrating deep learning with mechanistic modeling for spatio-temporal migration forecasts based on weather radar networks. 3nd International Radar Aeroecology Conference, Davos, Switzerland, 25-26 June 2022. Accepted talk.
Koistinen J (2022) Bin-based polarimetric echo classification for spatially flexible aeroecological purposes in combination with citizen science. 3nd International Radar Aeroecology Conference, Davos, Switzerland, 25-26 June 2022. Accepted talk.
Kranstauber B (2022) Incorporating seasonal differences in phenology is essential for accurate bird migration forecasts. 3nd International Radar Aeroecology Conference, Davos, Switzerland, 25-26 June 2022. Accepted talk.
Nussbaumer R (2022) Aerial and terrestrial biomass flows of migratory birds across the US. 3nd International Radar Aeroecology Conference, Davos, Switzerland, 25-26 June 2022. Accepted talk.
Liechti F (2022) Recent achievements and future challenges in radar ornithology. 3nd International Radar Aeroecology Conference, Davos, Switzerland, 25-26 June 2022. Invited talk.
van Erp J (2022) Identifying fine-scale flight behaviour in 2D bird radar tracks: marine thermal soaring on the North Sea. 3nd International Radar Aeroecology Conference, Davos, Switzerland, 25-26 June 2022. Accepted talk.
Weisshaupt N (2022) The impact of hydrometeors on bird migration as observed by various remote sensing systems. 3nd International Radar Aeroecology Conference, Davos, Switzerland, 25-26 June 2022. Poster.
Weisshaupt N (2022) Dealiasing of radial velocities based on interleaved dual-PRF measurements and bin-based polarimetric echo classification. 3nd International Radar Aeroecology Conference, Davos, Switzerland, 25-26 June 2022. Poster.
Schmid B, Nussbaumer R, Dokter AM (2022) Quantitative monitoring of migratory birds: novel perspectives using radar and citizen science. Bird Numbers 2022, Lucerne, Switzerland, 4-8 April 2022. Accepted talk.
Kranstauber B (2021) The application of weather radar for monitoring bird migrations and local movement. BOUsci21, 24-25 November 2021. Accepted talk.
Weisshaupt N (2021) Synergies between citizen science and weather radar research. Developments in monitoring science, BOUsci21, 24-25 November 2021. Accepted talk.
Kranstauber B (2021) Interactions of animals with their environment. IMPRS: The challenges of big data - From biologists to becoming data scientists, Germany, 11-13 October 2021. Invited talk.
Haest B, Bauer S, Liechti F on behalf of entire MoveInEurope team (2021) MoveInEurope: Quantifying insect biomass and activity patterns across Europe through a network of vertical-looking radars. British Ecological Society Quantitative SIG Annual Meeting, 31 August - 2 September 2021. Accepted talk.
Shamoun-Baranes J (2021) How birds interact with and connect aerial, terrestrial and aquatic environments. NWO Life, virtual conference, 26-28 May 2021. Invited talk.
Shamoun-Baranes J (2021) How radar aeroecology can contribute to flight safety. World Birdstrike Association, virtual conference, 13-14 January 2021. Invited talk.
Weisshaupt N (2020) Kaukokartoitus lintututkimuksessa (Remote sensing in ornithological research). Monthly meeting of Pohjois-Pohjanmaan lintutieteellinen yhdistys, PPLY (North Ostrobothnian ornithological society), Finland, 14 October 2020. Invited talk.
Bauer S on behalf of entire GloBAM team (2020) Monitoring, understanding and forecasting global biomass flows of aerial migrants. [World Biodiversity Forum 2020]({% post_url 2020-02-27-wbf-davos %}), Davos, Switzerland, 23-28 February 2020. Invited talk.
Kranstauber B (2020) Observing and modeling regional migratory patterns of birds using meteorological radar. Netherlands Annual Ecology Meeting, Lunteren, The Netherlands, 11-12 February 2020. Accepted talk.
Nilsson C (2019) Radar data reveals bird flight behavior on local to continental scales. Linnaeus University, Kalmar, Sweden, 5 November 2019. Invited seminar.
Farnsworth A, Lostanlen V, Salamon J, Horton KG, Van Doren B, Dokter AM, Nilsson C, Kelling S, Bello JP (2019) Automating Acoustic Monitoring of Nocturnally Migrating Birds: BirdVox and the Integration of Citizen Science and Radar Data to Enhance Evolving Paradigms. AGU Fall Meeting 2019 (AGU 100), San Francisco, United States, 9-13 December 2019. Invited talk.
Dokter AM (2019) Analyzing long-term changes in nocturnal bird migration using the NEXRAD weather radar archive. Cloud Forum 2019, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, United States, 8 November 2019. Invited talk.
Bauer S, Shamoun-Baranes J, Nilsson C, Farnsworth A, Kelly J, Reynolds D, Dokter AM, Krauel J, Pettersson L, Horton KG, Chapman J (2019) The grand challenges of migration ecology that radar aeroecology can answer. [2nd International Radar Aeroecology Conference]({% post_url 2019-10-28-irac %}), Zhengzhou, China, 21-24 September 2019. Invited talk.
Desmet P, Dokter AM, Spaaks JH, Van Hoey S, Veen L, Verlinden L, Nilsson C, Haase G, Leijnse H, Farnsworth A, Bouten W, Shamoun‐Baranes J (2019) bioRad: biological analysis and visualization of weather radar data. 2nd International Radar Aeroecology Conference, Zhengzhou, China, 21-24 September 2019. Invited talk. http://bit.ly/biorad-irac2019
Dokter AM (2019) Decline and population dynamics of North America's migratory avifauna. 2nd International Radar Aeroecology Conference, Zhengzhou, China, 21-24 September 2019. Invited talk.
Dokter AM (2019) Detecting population changes in birds and insects with radar: challenges and insights from the US. 2nd International Radar Aeroecology Conference, Nanjing, China, 20 September 2019. Invited talk at pre-conference workshop.
Farnsworth A, Horton KG, Nilsson C, Van Doren B, Dokter AM, Moscardi C, Dobler G (2019) "You've Got A New Light Shining In Your Eyes:" applications of weather surveillance radar to study behavioral ecology of nocturnally migrating birds in photo polluted skies. 2nd International Radar Aeroecology Conference, Zhengzhou, China, 21-24 September 2019. Invited talk.
Horton KG, La Sorte FA, Sheldon D, Lin T-Y, Winner K, Bernstein G, Maji S, Hochachka W, Farnsworth A (2019) Phenology of nocturnal avian migration has shifted at the continental scale. 2nd International Radar Aeroecology Conference, Zhengzhou, China, 21-24 September 2019. Invited talk.
Liechti F (2019) New insights from monitoring local bird and insect movements year round by dedicated bird radar. 2nd International Radar Aeroecology Conference, Beijing, China, 21-24 September 2019. Invited talk at post-conference workshop.
Liechti F (2019) Small scale radar can provide deep insight into aerial animal movements. 2nd International Radar Aeroecology Conference, Zhengzhou, China, 21-24 September 2019. Invited talk.
Nilsson C, Dokter AM, Verlinden L, Shamoun‐Baranes J, Schmid B, Desmet P, Bauer S, Chapman J, Alves JA, Stepanian PM, Sapir N, Wainwright C, Boos M, Górska A, Menz MHM, Rodrigues P, Leijnse H, Zehtindjiev P, Brabant R, Haase G, Weisshaupt N, Ciach M, Liechti F (2019) Revealing patterns of nocturnal migration using the European weather radar network. 2nd International Radar Aeroecology Conference, Zhengzhou, China, 21-24 September 2019. Invited talk.
Shamoun-Baranes J (2019) Coping with a dynamic aerial environment. 2nd International Radar Aeroecology Conference, Zhengzhou, China, 21-24 September 2019. Invited talk.
Sheldon D, Lin T-Y, Winner K, Bernstein G, Mittal A, Dokter AM, Horton KG, Nilsson C, Van Doren B, Farnsworth A, La Sorte FA, Maji S (2019) MistNet: Measuring historical bird migration in the US using archived weather radar data and convolutional neural networks. 2nd International Radar Aeroecology Conference, Zhengzhou, China, 21-24 September 2019. Invited talk.
Nilsson C (2019) Blowin’ in the wind: Migratory flight and wind. European Ornithologists Union 2019 Conference, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 26-30 August 2019. Invited talk at special session.
Shamoun-Baranes J, Chapman J, Desmet P, Farnsworth A, Koistinen J, Bauer S (2019) Towards monitoring, understanding and forecasting Global Biomass flows of Aerial Migrations (GloBAM). European Ornithologists Union 2019 Conference, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 26-30 August 2019. Accepted talk.
Dokter AM, Rosenberg KV, Blancher PJ, Sauer JR, Smith AC, Smith PA, Stanton JC, Panjabi A, Helft L, Parr M, Marra PM (2019) Decline and survival of North America’s migratory Avifauna determined by a weather radar network. American Ornithological Society 2019 Annual Meeting, Anchorage, Alaska, United States, 26 June 2019. Symposium talk.
Bauer S, Desmet P, Koistinen J, Farnsworth A, Shamoun-Baranes J (2019) Towards monitoring, understanding and forecasting global biomass flows of aerial migrants. [BioDivERsa kick-off meeting and stakeholder workshop]({% post_url 2019-05-20-biodiversa-kick-off-meeting %}), Helsinki, Finland, 14-16 May 2019. Invited talk.
Desmet P (2019) How to manage and publish biodiversity data. BioDivERsa kick-off meeting and stakeholder workshop, Helsinki, Finland, 14-16 May 2019. Invited talk. http://bit.ly/biodivscen-talk