A big thanks to the following individuals for contributing:
Andrew Hutko (early code review)
Marc Chevrier (contributed clang port, build files, json is and as methods, and make_array template implementation.)
Pedro Larroy and the developers of the clearskies_core project (contributed build system for posix systems, adding GCC to list of supported compilers, bug fixes, Android fix)
Cory Fields for fixing warnings about unused variables
Vitaliy Gusev (reported error in json object operator[size_t i])
Alex Merry for reporting errors with "typename" keyword experienced with gcc and providing workaround for gcc 4.8 regex issues.
Ignatov Serguei (reported issues experienced with gcc for 0.95 and 0.96 candidate and helped fix them)
Milan Burda for fix for clang build error
Peter Tissen, for reporting and suggesting a fix for get(name,default_value)
Tom Bass for assistance with clang build errors
Andrey Alifanov and Amit Naik for failing test cases for JSON Path
Yuri Plaksyuk for contributing an extension to JsonPath to allow filter expressions over a single object.
Nikolay Amiantov for fixing compilation errors and warnings by GCC and Clang, adding read support for std::array and, most appreciated, adding Travis CI configuration.
jakalx contributed fix for operator== throws when comparing a string against an empty object
Alexander for contributing fix to jsonpatch::diff
Stefano Sinigardi for contributing workaround for vs2017 platform issue
xezon for proposing decode_csv and encode_csv functions, the ignore_empty_lines option, fixes to mismatched allocator types, and fixes and improvements in string_view code. Also for contributing a refactoring of the basic_json variant as a union.
Vojtech Fried for contributing patches to JSONCONS_DEFINE_LITERAL and to json::as_string to remove warnings
Joshua Pritikin, for reporting gcc ubsan runtime warnings about load of misaligned addresses, and verifying fix
Tobias Hermann, for reporting issue with
not declared inbigint.hpp
, and proposing fix. -
Cebtenzzre, for finding and fixing an issue with conversions on a basic_json value leading to an infinite recursion when the value is a bignum, and for fixing undefined behavior in the bignum class.
massimo morara for reporting numerous issues
Alexander B, for uncovering a bug in how json_parser validated UTF-8 strings.
zhskyy, for contributing FILE and LINE macros removed from JSONCONS_ASSERT if not defined _DEBUG.
soberich, for contributing the jsonpath sum and prod functions, and a proposal for aggregation functions that work outside a filter.
patternoia for fixing the installation script to include copying the jsoncons_ext directory into the installation place
mikewallis for removing redundant macro continuation character in JSONCONS_TYPE_TRAITS
KonstantinPlotnikov for fixing GCC 9.2 warning: ‘class jsoncons::json_exception’ has virtual functions and accessible non-virtual destructor
patternoia, Twan Springeling, Leroy.H.Y and Rodrigo Broggi for providing feedback and helpful suggestions regarding the
convenience macros. -
dvzubarev for contributing suggestions for improving the
implementation. -
David Korczynski for integrating jsoncons into OSS-fuzz and contributing fuzzers
Oleh Derevenko for #244 and #245 to make jsoncons work on QNX Neutrino target.