###What? The point of this project is to enable easy synchronization between any 2 directories, as automatically as possible.
###Why? Over time i realized i'm relying to much on ITunes to synchronize my music, because the concept is convenient. But then I thought "what happens when i replace my IPod with some other player?" This is why i'm writing this, to allow the same level of fun synchronization, for non-apple products.
- Write simple code that compares between directories:
- comparing files with same name by data/hash (whichever is faster).
- adding missing files to dest directory.
- src directory may be hierarchical and the sync process flattens it.
- printing files in dest but not in src and allowing basic actions (delete/ignore).
- printing changed files and allowing basic actions (prefer this/other).
- support mp3 format for smarter comparison and diff display
- design a nice looking web page to manage the sync more interactively and more easily.
- restful api, obviously
- flask with Google's "material"
- popping diffs and stuff like that.
- manage a db for faster, more efficient work. (TinyDB maybe?)
- make it run as a process and identify insertion of new media and then popping a question if a sync is required.
- support more music formats (wav etc.)
- support non-music formats for more general usages.