GOV.UK Frontend release v1.1.1
This release contains bug fixes to the details, tabs and date-input components.
In particular there is a bug fix for the details component that could cause accessibility issues.
🔧 Fixes:
Update details behaviour to remove margin-bottom for all elements
(PR #900) -
Update internal padding of tab content in the tabs component
(PR #886) -
Fixes an issue where clicking the revealed content in browsers that do not
support the native details element causes the details element to collapse.
(PR #912) -
Fixes an issue where clicking the revealed content within a details element
toggles the aria-expanded attribute on the summary element and the aria-hidden
attribute on the content element, causing them to get out of sync with the
visible state of the component.
(PR #912) -
Fixes an issue where it's not possible to make any field that does not have
the name ‘year’ use any other width than 2 characters
(PR #908) -
Fix undefined class displaying in date input
(PR #913)