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Default Schema Attributes

Default schemas are provided for both Active Directory and OpenLDAP that contain attribute name mappings and converters against commonly used attributes and object types. Below is a reference for the mappings and their converters that can be used when generating queries and returning data from LDAP.

Active Directory Schema

Exchange Schema

OpenLDAP Schema

The Active Directory Schema

AD User Types

These are typical LDAP user objects.

  • Type: LdapObjectType::USER
  • Filter: (&(objectClass=user)(objectCategory=person))
LdapTools Name LDAP Attribute Value Type Description
accountExpirationDate accountExpires `\DateTime false`
badPasswordCount badPwdCount int The number of bad password attempts
city l string The city for the user account
company company string The company for the user account
country c string The country for the user account
created whenCreated \DateTime The date the account was created
department department string The department for the user account
description description string The description for the user account
disabled userAccountControl bool Whether or not the account is disabled
displayName displayName string The display name for the account
division division string The user's division
dn dn string The full distinguished name of the user
emailAddress mail string The user's email address
employeeId employeeId string The user's employee ID
employeeNumber employeeNumber int The user's employee number
enabled userAccountControl bool Whether or not the account is enabled
exchangeAlias mailNickname string The user's exchange alias
exchangeHideFromGAL msExchHideFromAddressLists bool Whether the user should be hidden from the address list
exchangeMailboxDatabase homeMDB string The database name where the user's mailbox is located
exchangeMailboxGuid msExchMailboxGUID string The user's mailbox GUID
exchangePolicyRBAC msExchRBACPolicyLink string The name of the assigned RBAC policy
exchangePolicyActiveSync msExchMobileMailboxPolicyLink string The name of the assigned ActiveSync policy
exchangePolicyRetention msExchMailboxTemplateLink string The name of the assigned retention policy
exchangeSendOnBehalfOf publicDelegates array All of the users that can send-on-behalf of this user
exchangeSmtpAddresses proxyAddresses array All of the user's assigned SMTP addresses
exchangeDefaultSmtpAddress proxyAddresses string The user's default SMTP address
fax facsimileTelephoneNumber string The user's fax phone number
firstName givenName string The user's first name
groups memberOf array The group names the user belongs to (not recursive)
guid objectGuid string The user's GUID
homeDirectory homeDirectory string The user's home directory path (ie. the UNC path)
homeDrive homeDrive string The user's home drive letter (ie. "H:")
homePage wWWHomePage string The user's home page as a URL
homePhone homePhone string The user's home telephone number
initials initials string The initials that represent part of the user's name (ie. middle initial)
ipPhone ipPhone string The user's IP telephone number
lastName sn string The user's last name
locked lockoutTime bool Whether or not the user's account is locked out
lockedDate lockoutTime `\DateTime false`
logonWorkstations userWorkstations array The system names the user is allowed to login to
manager manager string The common name of the user's manager
middleName middleName string A name in addition to the user's first/last name (ie. middle name)
mobilePhone mobile string The user's mobile phone number
modified whenChanged \DateTime The date when the account was last modified
notes info string Any additional information/notes for the user
office physicalDeliveryOfficeName string The user's office name
organization o string The user's organization name
otherFaxes otherFacsimileTelephoneNumber array Additional fax telephone numbers for the user
otherHomePhones otherHomePhone array Additional home telephone numbers for the user
otherIpPhones otherIpPhone array Additional IP telephone numbers for the user
otherPagers otherPager array Additional pager numbers for the user
otherPhoneNumbers otherTelephoneNumber array Additional telephone numbers for the user
password unicodePwd string The user's password (can only be created or modified)
passwordIsReversible userAccountControl bool Whether the password is reversible
passwordLastSet pwdLastSet \DateTime The date the password was last set
passwordMustChange pwdLastSet bool Whether the password must change on next login
passwordNeverExpires userAccountControl bool Whether the password is set to never expire
pager pager string The user's pager number
phoneNumber telephoneNumber string The user's primary telephone number
poBox postOfficeBox string The user's PO box number
primaryGroup primaryGroupID string The user's primary group (typically Domain Users)
profilePath profilePath string The user's profile path (ie. \some\path)
scriptPath scriptPath string The user's login script (ie. \server\scripts\login.bat)
servicePrincipalNames servicePrincipalName array All of the user's SPNs (ie ['SQLservice\']
sid objectSid string The user's SID (security identifier)
smartCardRequired userAccountControl bool Whether or not the user must use a smart card
state st string The user's state (ie. WI)
streetAddress streetAddress string The user's street address
title title string The user's title (ie. Systems Administrator)
trustedForAllDelegation userAccountControl bool Whether the account is trusted for delegation
trustedForAnyAuthDelegation userAccountControl bool Whether the account is trusted for any auth delegation
username sAMAccountName string The user's username
upn userPrincipalName string The user's user principal name (ie. [email protected])
zipCode postalCode string The user's zip code

AD Group Types

These are typical LDAP group objects.

  • Type: LdapObjectType::GROUP
  • Filter: (objectClass=group)
LdapTools Name LDAP Attribute Value Type Description
accountName sAMAccountName string The account name of the group
created whenCreated \DateTime The date the group was created
description description string The description of the group
displayName displayName string The display name for the group
dn dn string The full distinguished name of the group
emailAddress mail string The group's email address
exchangeAddressBookFlags msExchAddressBookFlags int
exchangeAlias mailNickname string The group's exchange alias
exchangeHideFromGAL msExchHideFromAddressLists bool Whether the group should be hidden from the address list
exchangeInternalOnly msExchRequireAuthToSendTo bool Whether the group requires authentication to send to it
exchangeSmtpAddresses proxyAddresses array All of the group's assigned SMTP addresses
exchangeDefaultSmtpAddress proxyAddresses string The group's default SMTP address
groups memberOf array The group names the group belongs to (not recursive)
guid objectGuid string The group's GUID
managedBy managedBy string The common name for who the group is managed by
members member array All of the members of the group (not recursive)
modified whenChanged \DateTime The date when the group was last modified
name cn string The common name (RDN) of the group
notes info string Any additional information/notes for the group
scopeDomainLocal groupType bool Whether or not the group's scope is domain local
scopeGlobal groupType bool Whether or not the group's scope is global
scopeUniversal groupType bool Whether or not the group's scope is universal
sid objectSid string The group's SID (security identifier)
typeBuiltin groupType bool Whether or not this is builtin group
typeDistribution groupType bool Whether or not this is a distribution group
typeSecurity groupType bool Whether or not this is a security group

AD Computer Types

These are typical LDAP computer objects.

  • Type: LdapObjectType::COMPUTER
  • Filter: (objectCategory=computer)
LdapTools Name LDAP Attribute Value Type Description
accountName sAMAccountName string The account name of the computer
created whenCreated \DateTime The date the computer object was created
description description string The description of the computer
disabled userAccountControl bool Whether or not the computer object is disabled
displayName displayName string The display name for the computer
dn dn string The full distinguished name of the computer
dnsHostName dNSHostName string The fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the computer
enabled userAccountControl bool Whether or not the computer object is enabled
groups memberOf array The group names the computer belongs to (not recursive)
guid objectGuid string The computer's GUID
location location string The location of the computer (such as office name)
modified whenModified \DateTime The date the computer was last modified
name cn string The common name (RDN) of the computer
notes info string Any additional information/notes for the computer
os operatingSystem string The operating system name for the computer object
osServicePack operatingSystemServicePack string The name of the operating system service pack
osVersion operatingSystemVersion string The operating system version number (ie. 6.0)
sid objectSid string The computer's SID (Security Identifier)
trustedForAllDelegation userAccountControl bool Whether the computer is trusted for delegation
trustedForAnyAuthDelegation userAccountControl bool Whether the computer is trusted for any auth delegation

AD Contact Types

These are typical LDAP contact objects.

  • Type: LdapObjectType::CONTACT
  • Filter: (objectCategory=contact)
LdapTools Name LDAP Attribute Value Type Description
created whenCreated \DateTime The date the contact was created
description description string The description of the contact
displayName displayName string The display name for the contact
dn dn string The full distinguished name of the contact
emailAddress mail string The contact's email address
exchangeAlias mailNickname string The contact's exchange alias
exchangeHideFromGAL msExchHideFromAddressLists bool Whether the contact should be hidden from the address list
exchangeSmtpAddresses proxyAddresses array All of the contact's assigned SMTP addresses
exchangeDefaultSmtpAddress proxyAddresses string The contact's default SMTP address
firstName givenName string The contact's first name
groups memberOf array The group names the contact belongs to (not recursive)
guid objectGuid string The contact's GUID
lastName sn string The contact's last name
manager manager string The common name of the contact's manager
modified whenModified \DateTime The date the contact was last modified
notes info string Any additional information/notes for the contact
phoneNumber telephoneNumber string The contact's telephone number
sid objectSid string The contact's SID (Security Identifier)

AD OU Types

These are typical LDAP OU objects.

  • Type: LdapObjectType::OU
  • Filter: (objectCategory=organizationalUnit)
LdapTools Name LDAP Attribute Value Type Description
city l string The OU's city name
country c string The OU's country name
created whenCreated \DateTime When date the OU was created
description description string The description of the OU
dn dn string The full distinguished name of the OU
gpoLinks gPLink GPOLink[] All of the GPOs linked to this OU
gpoInheritanceBlocked gpOptions bool Whether or not GPO inheritance is blocked for this OU
guid objectGuid string The OU's GUID
modified whenModified \DateTime The date the OU was last modified
name ou string The common name (RDN) for the OU
sid objectSid string The OU's SID (Security Identifier)
state st string The OU's state name
streetAddress streetAddress string The OU's street address
zipCode postalCode string The OU's zip code

AD Container Types

These are typical LDAP Container objects.

  • Type: LdapObjectType::CONTAINER
  • Filter: (objectCategory=container)
LdapTools Name LDAP Attribute Value Type Description
created whenCreated \DateTime The date the container was created
description description string The description of the container
dn dn string The full distinguished name of the container
guid objectGuid string The container's GUID
modified whenModified \DateTime The date the container was last modified
name cn string The common name (RDN) for the container

AD Password Settings Objects Types

These are Password Settings Objects, also known as PSOs. They can be used with the type name PSO.

  • Filter: (objectClass=msDS-PasswordSettings)
LdapTools Name LDAP Attribute Value Type Description
appliesTo msDS-PSOAppliesTo array All of the group/user names this PSO is applied to
created whenCreated \DateTime The date the PSO was created
description description string The description of the PSO
dn distinguishedName string The full distinguished name of the PSO
guid objectGuid string The PSO's GUID
lockoutDuration msDS-LockoutDuration \LdapTools\Utilities\ADTimeSpan Lockout duration time span
lockoutObservationWindow msDS-LockoutObservationWindow \LdapTools\Utilities\ADTimeSpan Lockout observation window time span
lockoutThreshold msDS-LockoutThreshold int Number of attempts before the account is locked
maximumPasswordAge msDS-MaximumPasswordAge \LdapTools\Utilities\ADTimeSpan Max password age time span
minimumPasswordAge msDS-MinimumPasswordAge \LdapTools\Utilities\ADTimeSpan Min password age time span
minimumPasswordLength msDS-MinimumPasswordLength int Min password length
modified whenChanged \DateTime The date the PSO was last modified
name cn string The common name (RDN) for the PSO
passwordComplexity msDS-PasswordComplexityEnabled bool Whether or not password complexity is enabled
passwordHistoryLength msDS-PasswordHistoryLength int The number of previous passwords that cannot be used
passwordReversibleEncryption msDS-PasswordReversibleEncryptionEnabled bool Whether the password can be decrypted
precedence msDS-PasswordSettingsPrecedence int The precedence (lower value == higher rank) of this PSO
sid objectSid string The PSO's SID (Security Identifier)

AD Deleted Objects Types

These are deleted objects that reside in the AD Recycle Bin.

  • Type: LdapObjectType::DELETED
  • Filter: (&(isDeleted=TRUE)(lastKnownParent=*))
LdapTools Name LDAP Attribute Value Type Description
created whenCreated \DateTime The date when the object was created
description description string The description of the deleted object
dn distinguishedName string The full distinguished name of the deleted object
firstName givenName string The first name of the deleted object (if any)
guid objectGuid string The deleted object's GUID
isDeleted isDeleted bool Whether the object is deleted
lastName sn string The last name of the deleted object (if any)
lastKnownLocation lastKnownParent string The DN of the last known location (ie. ou=foo,dc=example,dc=com)
lastKnownName lastKnownRdn string The last known name (RDN) for the deleted object
modified whenChanged \DateTime The date the deleted object was last modified
name cn string The current name (RDN) of the deleted object
schemaType objectClass string The LdpaTools schema type of the object (ie. user, group, computer, etc)
sid objectSid string The deleted object's SID (Security Identifier)
upn userPrincipalName string The user principal name of the deleted object (if any)

The Exchange Schema

Exchange Server Types

These are Exchange Servers.

  • Type: LdapObjectType::EXCHANGE_SERVER
  • Filter: (&(objectClass=msExchExchangeServer)(serverRole=*))
LdapTools Name LDAP Attribute Value Type Description
name cn string The common name (RDN) of the exchange server
created whenCreated \DateTime The date the exchange server object was created
guid objectGuid string The exchange server's GUID
modified whenModified \DateTime The date the exchange server was last modified
roles msExchCurrentServerRoles array All of the role names for the exchange server
sid objectSid string The exchange server's SID (Security Identifier)
version serialNumber string The friendly Exchange version name (ie. Exchange 2013 RTM)

Exchange Database Types

These are Exchange Databases.

  • Type: LdapObjectType::EXCHANGE_DATABASE
  • Filter: (objectClass=msExchMDB)
LdapTools Name LDAP Attribute Value Type Description
name cn string The common name (RDN) of the exchange database
created whenCreated \DateTime The date the exchange database was created
guid objectGuid string The exchange database's GUID
isBeingRestored msexchdatabasebeingrestored bool Whether the database is currently being restored
modified whenModified \DateTime The date the exchange database was last modified
mountOnStartup msexchedboffline bool Whether or not the database should be mounted on startup
sid objectSid string The exchange database's SID (Security Identifier)

Exchange Mailbox User Types

These are mailbox user accounts. They extend the AD User type, so all attributes available there are available here along with the attributes below.

  • Type: LdapObjectType::EXCHANGE_MAILBOX_USER
  • Filter: (&(objectClass=user)(objectCategory=person)(msExchMailboxGUID=*))
LdapTools Name LDAP Attribute Value Type Description
activeSyncEnabled msExchOmaAdminWirelessEnable bool Whether or not ActiveSync is enabled
activeSyncPushEnabled msExchOmaAdminWirelessEnable bool Whether or not ActiveSync Push is enabled
activeSyncPolicy msExchMobileMailboxPolicyLink string The Active Sync policy name
alias mailNickname string The Exchange Mailbox alias
archiveDatabase msExchArchiveDatabaseLink string The Archive Database name
archiveGuid msExchArchiveGUID string The GUID for the Mailbox archive
archiveHardQuota msExchArchiveQuota int The hard quota for the archive
archiveName msExchArchiveName string The archive name
archiveWarnQuota msExchArchiveWarnQuota int The warning quota for the archive
calendarLoggingDisabled msExchELCMailboxFlags bool Whether calendar logging is disabled
calendarLoggingEnabled msExchELCMailboxFlags bool Whether calendar logging is enabled
defaultSmtpAddress proxyAddresses string The default SMTP address for the mailbox
hideFromAddressBooks msExchHideFromAddressLists bool Whether or not to hide the mailbox from the address books
isArchiveDatabaseValid msExchELCMailboxFlags bool Whether or not the archive DB is considered valid
language msExchUserCulture string The language (ie en-us) for the mailbox
litigationDate msexchLitigationHoldDate \DateTime The datetime for litigation hold
litigationEnabled msExchELCMailboxFlags bool Whether or not litigation is enabled
litigationOwner msexchLitigationHoldOwner string The litigation owner name
mailboxDatabase homeMDB string The name of the database where the mailbox resides
mailboxDisabled msExchUserAccountControl bool Whether or not the mailbox is disabled
mailboxGuid msExchMailboxGUID string The GUID of the mailbox
mailboxSecurity msExchMailboxSecurityDescriptor SecurityDescriptor The mailbox security permissions
mailboxServer msExchHomeServerName string The name of the exchange server where the mailbox resides
mailTips msExchSenderHintTranslations string
mrmEnabled msExchELCMailboxFlags bool Whether or not message records management is enabled
omaEnabled msExchOmaAdminWirelessEnable bool Whether or not OMA is enabled
owaForDevicesEnabled msExchOmaAdminWirelessEnable bool Whether or not OWA for devices is enabled
quotaSizeWarning mDBStorageQuota int The quota size warning for the mailbox
quotaSizeProhibitSend mDBOverQuotaLimit int The quota size to limit sends at
quotaSizeProhibitAll mDBOverHardQuotaLimit int The quota size to limit all actions at
rbacPolicy msExchRBACPolicyLink string The RBAC policy name
retentionEnabled msExchELCMailboxFlags bool Whether or not retention is enabled
retentionPolicy msExchMailboxTemplateLink string The retention policy name
recipientDisplayType msExchRecipientDisplayType string The recipient display type
recipientPolicies msExchPoliciesIncluded array The recipient policy names for the mailbox
recipientTypeDetails msExchRecipientTypeDetails string The recipient type details
sendOnBehalfOf publicDelegates array The users allowed to send-on-behalf of this mailbox
showInAddressBooks showInAddressBook array The address book names where this mailbox should appear
singleItemRecoveryEnabled msExchELCMailboxFlags bool Whether or not single item recovery is enabled
smtpAddresses proxyAddresses array All of the SMTP addresses for the mailbox
useDefaultQuota mDBUseDefaults bool Whether or not the mailbox should use the default quota limits

Exchange Contact Types

These are Exchange mail-enabled contact objects.

  • Type: LdapObjectType::EXCHANGE_CONTACT
  • Filter: (&(objectCategory=contact)(msExchRecipientDisplayType=6))
LdapTools Name LDAP Attribute Value Type Description
alias mailNickname string The contact's exchange alias
hideFromAddressBook msExchHideFromAddressLists bool Whether the contact should be hidden from the address list
smtpAddresses proxyAddresses array All of the contact's assigned SMTP addresses
defaultSmtpAddress proxyAddresses string The contact's default SMTP address
recipientPolicies msExchPoliciesIncluded array The recipient policy names for the contact
showInAddressBooks showInAddressBook array The address book names where this contact should appear

Exchange Recipient Policy Types

These are Exchange Recipient policies.

  • Filter: (objectClass=msExchRecipientPolicy)
LdapTools Name LDAP Attribute Value Type Description
name cn string The common name (RDN) of the recipient policy
created whenCreated \DateTime The date the recipient policy was created
guid objectGuid string The recipient policy's GUID
modified whenModified \DateTime The date the recipient policy was last modified
sid objectSid string The recipient policy's SID (Security Identifier

Exchange ActiveSync Policy Types

These are Exchange ActiveSync policies.

  • Filter: (objectClass=msExchMobileMailboxPolicy)
LdapTools Name LDAP Attribute Value Type Description
name cn string The common name (RDN) of the ActiveSync policy
created whenCreated \DateTime The date the ActiveSync policy was created
guid objectGuid string The ActiveSync policy's GUID
modified whenModified \DateTime The date the ActiveSync policy was last modified
passwordHistoryLimit msExchMobileDeviceNumberOfPreviousPasswordsDisallowed int Password history limit
sid objectSid string The ActiveSync policy's SID (Security Identifier)

Exchange RBAC Policy Type

These are Exchange RBAC policies.

  • Type: LdapObjectType::EXCHANGE_RBAC_POLICY
  • Filter: (objectClass=msExchRBACPolicy)
LdapTools Name LDAP Attribute Value Type Description
name cn string The common name (RDN) of the RBAC policy
created whenCreated \DateTime The date the RBAC policy was created
guid objectGuid string The RBAC policy's GUID
modified whenModified \DateTime The date the RBAC policy was last modified
sid objectSid string The RBAC policy's SID (Security Identifier)

Exchange Transport Rule Types

These are Exchange Transport Rules.

  • Filter: (objectClass=msExchTransportRule)
LdapTools Name LDAP Attribute Value Type Description
name cn string The common name (RDN) of the transport rule
created whenCreated \DateTime The date the transport rule was created
guid objectGuid string The transport rule's GUID
modified whenModified \DateTime The date the transport rule was last modified
sid objectSid string The transport rule's SID (Security Identifier)

Exchange DAG Types

This represents an Exchange DAG.

  • Type: LdapObjectType::EXCHANGE_DAG
  • Filter: (objectClass=msExchMDBAvailabilityGroup)
LdapTools Name LDAP Attribute Value Type Description
name cn string The common name (RDN) of the DAG
created whenCreated \DateTime The date the DAG was created
guid objectGuid string The DAG's GUID
modified whenModified \DateTime The date the DAG was last modified
sid objectSid string The DAG's SID (Security Identifier)

Exchange OWA Types

These are the Exchange OWA instances.

  • Type: LdapObjectType::EXCHANGE_OWA
  • Filter: (objectClass=msExchOWAVirtualDirectory)
LdapTools Name LDAP Attribute Value Type Description
name cn string The common name (RDN) of the OWA object
created whenCreated \DateTime The date the OWA object was created
guid objectGuid string The OWA's GUID
modified whenModified \DateTime The date the OWA object was last modified
sid objectSid string The OWA's SID (Security Identifier)
url msExchInternalHostname string The URL of the OWA instance

The OpenLDAP Schema

OpenLDAP User Types

These are typical LDAP user objects.

  • Type: LdapObjectType::USER
  • Filter: (objectClass=inetOrgPerson)
LdapTools Name LDAP Attribute Value Type
city l string
company company string
country country string
created createTimestamp \DateTime
department department string
description description string
dn dn string
emailAddress mail string
employeeNumber employeeNumber int
fax facsimileTelephoneNumber string
firstName givenName string
groups memberOf array
homeDirectory homeDirectory string
homePhone homePhone string
initials initials string
lastName sn string
middleName middleName string
modified modifyTimestamp \DateTime
mobilePhone mobile string
organization o string
password password string
pager pager string
phoneNumber telephoneNumber string
poBox postOfficeBox string
state st string
streetAddress streetAddress string
title title string
username uid string
zipCode postalCode string

OpenLDAP Group Types

These are typical LDAP group objects.

  • Type: LdapObjectType::GROUP
  • Filter: (objectClass=groupOfUniqueNames)
LdapTools Name LDAP Attribute Value Type
created createTimestamp \DateTime
description description string
displayName displayName string
dn dn string
members uniqueMembers array
modified modifyTimestamp \DateTime
name cn string

OpenLDAP OU Types

These are typical LDAP OU objects.

  • Type: LdapObjectType::OU
  • Filter: (objectClass=organizationalUnit)
LdapTools Name LDAP Attribute Value Type
created createTimestamp \DateTime
dn dn string
modified modifyTimestamp \DateTime
name ou string