- Determine how the various modules should appear in the UI
- Taking inspiration from Blender and other slicers
- Material viewer/creator/editor
- Printer creator/editor
- Slice profiles creator/editor
- User profile/settings viewer/editor
- Add keyboard shortcuts
- Undo & Redo
- Camera WASD
- Camera Numpad Controls like Blender
- Click detection in renderer
- Drag objects
- Dark, Light
- Detect system theme
- Create custom themes, store as toml
- Object groups
- Build plate texture
- Optimize rendering pipeline
- Figure out a way to test the sliced images
- Implement way more tests
- Write more tests and maybe try to optimize
- Create a project file type .egg
- Provide the option of embedding the mesh data in the egg or referencing it as a separate
fishfile- This could allow for really neat and data efficient things
- Provide the option of embedding the mesh data in the egg or referencing it as a separate
- 3MF
- 3MF
- CTB?
- Figure out appimage
- And automatic building of them