diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index dc7b03ed..b814cbc1 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
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Modern flat design framework for the web — inspired by Duolingo design system.
+[![npm version](https://img.shields.io/npm/v/flatifycss)](https://www.npmjs.com/package/flatifycss)
+[![Packagist Prerelease](https://img.shields.io/packagist/v/amir2mi/flatifycss)](https://packagist.org/packages/amir2mi/flatifycss)
+[![CSS Gzip size](https://img.badgesize.io/https:/raw.githubusercontent.com/amir2mi/flatifycss/master/dist/css/flatify-min.css?compression=gzip&label=CSS%20Gzip)](https://github.com/amir2mi/flatifycss/blob/master/dist/css/flatify-min.css)
+[![CSS Brotli size](https://img.badgesize.io/https:/raw.githubusercontent.com/amir2mi/flatifycss/master/dist/css/flatify-min.css?compression=brotli&label=CSS%20Brotli)](https://github.com/amir2mi/flatifycss/blob/master/dist/css/flatify-min.css)
+[![JS Gzip size](https://img.badgesize.io/https:/raw.githubusercontent.com/amir2mi/flatifycss/master/dist/js/flatify-min.js?label=JS%20Gzip&compression=gzip)](https://github.com/amir2mi/flatifycss/blob/master/dist/js/flatify-min.js)
+[![JS Brotli size](https://img.badgesize.io/https:/raw.githubusercontent.com/amir2mi/flatifycss/master/dist/js/flatify-min.js?label=JS%20Brotli&compression=brotli)](https://github.com/amir2mi/flatifycss/blob/master/dist/js/flatify-min.js)
+# Getting stated
+FlatifyCSS is available for users in many ways, you can install it using package managers, directly from CDN, or even downloading [lastest project archive](https://github.com/amir2mi/flatifycss/archive/master.zip).
+## CDN
+Here is [jsDelivr](https://www.jsdelivr.com/), you can add FlatifyCSS just with a single line of code:
+## Package managers
+You can include FlatifyCSS in your project with npm, yarn or composer:
+### npm
+npm install flatifycss
+### Yarn
+yarn add flatifycss
+### Composer
+composer require amir2mi/flatifycss
+## Contents
+After installing FlatifyCSS with package managers or downloading the archive file there is a folder called `/dist`, where compiled CSS, JS and their map files are there, inside this folder these files are provided:
+### CSS
+CSS files come with some options, files with `-noprefix` suffix, do not have [PostCSS Autoprefixer](https://github.com/postcss/autoprefixer), while `-min` means this file is minified and `-rtl` is the special file for languages like Arabic, Persian, Hebrew, etc which direction is right to left.
+### JS
+Note that FlatifyCSS needs [Popperjs](https://popper.js.org/) for dropdowns and popovers, but this library is not included inside the JavaScript file of FlatifyCSS, so it is up to you to include it inside your webpage.
+## Development
+FlatifyCSS is written in Sass, which we compile to CSS & JavaScript using Gulp, to use Gulp, we need to install it globally with `npm i gulp-cli -g`, then run `npm install` in the root directory of FlatifyCSS.
+If everything is okay, we can run `gulp` in the root directory to compile the stylesheet and JavaScript file, read more about FlatifyCSS's Gulp tasks [here](https://amir2mi.github.io/flatifycss/docs/overview/development#gulp).