title | layout | comment |
Development Guide |
essay |
How to develop this site |
The following guide is an overview on how to update the site for each particular element. Many of these tasks require that you have an account on [GitHub][GITHUB]. Tasks are grouped below according to where you should edit the site: on the [master GitHub repository]({{ site.links.github }}) or your personal fork, or on your local machine.
The site is tested on
Travis CI using
[HTMLProofer][HTMLPROOFER], which automatically checks the site for
errors. The [.travis.yml
][TRAVISYML] file contains everything
required to build the site. Note that if the instructions below and
the [.travis.yml
][TRAVISYML] are not synced then the build outlined
in the [travis.yml
][TRAVISYML] should be used.
Several common tasks can be accomplished on [GitHub][GITHUB] by editing files in-place. Doing so will automatically fork the repository to your [GitHub][GITHUB] account and submit a pull request to update the [master GitHub repository]({{ site.links.github }}) with your content.
To add a new phase field code to the list of codes on the front page,
follow the [submission instructions]({{ site.baseurl
}}/submit_a_new_code) on the main site. [Jekyll][JEKYLL] will
automatically rebuild the site after codes.yaml
is edited.
To add a new workshop edit the [workshop.yaml
]({{ site.links.github
}}/blob/nist-pages/_data/workshops.yaml) file. The following fields need to
be included for each entry.
- name: "Phase Field Methods Workshop I"
date: "Jan 9-10, 2015"
href: http://planitpurple.northwestern.edu/event/474167/xJDsFEfb
number: 1
contact: mailto:[email protected]
description: >-
Workshop held at Northwestern University to discuss code
collaboration in phase field modelling.
- name: contact organizer
type: email
href: "mailto:[email protected]?subject=First Phase Field Methods Workshop"
- name: Download PDF
type: file_download
href: "{{ site.baseurl }}/docs/CHiMaD_PhaseFieldWorkshop.pdf"
For each of the icon_links
, the type
field must correspond to a
Materialize icon.
To add a new page create the page as a Markdown file directly on
[GitHub]({{ site.links.github }}). For example, click "Create new
file" on [GitHub]({{ site.links.github }}) called my-page.md
and add
the contents
layout: basic
# My Phase Field Page
Something about phase field ...
Submit a pull request on [GitHub]({{ site.links.github }}) and this
page will appear under .../chimad-phase-field/test-page
after the
pull-request is merged.
Some tasks involve adding new files or rebuilding existing ones. These are best done on your local machine, on a clone of your fork of the [master GitHub repository]({{ site.links.github }}). You are encouraged to serve a local version of the site for testing before pushing your commits and issuing a pull request.
The site uses the [Jekyll][JEKYLL] static web site generator. To build the environment required to serve the site, use the following commands.
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install ruby nodejs
$ sudo gem install jekyll jekyll-coffeescript
Then clone your fork of the GitHub repository.
$ git clone https://github.com/your_GitHub_account/chimad-phase-field.git
$ cd chimad-phase-field
$ jekyll serve
At this point [Jekyll][JEKYLL] should be serving the site. Go to
or the link [Jekyll][JEKYLL] provides on the terminal, to view the
To build the Hexbin, a Python environment is required. To setup the environment use [Conda][CONDA].
$ wget https://repo.continuum.io/miniconda/Miniconda3-latest-Linux-x86_64.sh -O miniconda.sh
$ bash miniconda.sh -b -p $HOME/miniconda
$ export PATH="$HOME/miniconda/bin:$PATH"
$ conda update conda
$ conda create -n test-environment python=3
Create an environment with the required packages
$ source activate test-environment
$ conda install -n test-environment pillow numpy
$ conda install progressbar2
Update the data in the [hexbin.yaml
]({{ site.links.github
}}/blob/nist-pages/_data/hexbin.yaml) file. The following format is
used for each entry.
- image: http://www.mem.drexel.edu/ysun/files/density.png
url: http://www.mem.drexel.edu/ysun/Solidification.htm
title: Solidification Simulation
description: >-
Phase-Field Simulation of Solidification (Collaborator:
Prof. Christoph Beckermann, University of Iowa)
The url
field is the page that describes the image or the work
associated with the image. After updating rebuild the Hexbin.
$ make hexbin
[Jekyll][JEKYLL] should automatically update the site.
A lot of the site is built using Jupyter Notebooks. To render the notebooks as HTML, first generate the Python environment outlined above, and then install Jupyter.
$ source activate test-environment
$ conda install -n test-environment jupyter
Make a new notebook or edit an existing one and then rebuild the notebook HTML.
$ make notebooks
This should automatically generate the HTML and [Jekyll][JEKYLL] will
render it on the site. For example, a notebook in the base directory
named my_notebook.ipynb
will be rendered at
To add a new benchmark problem include a notebook describing the new
problem and then link to it via the [benchmarks.yaml
site.links.github }}/blob/nist-pages/_data/benchmarks.yaml) file with
the following fields.
- title: Spinodal Decomposition
url: "benchmarks/benchmark1.ipynb/"
description: Test the diffusion of a solute in a matrix.
image: http://www.comsol.com/model/image/2054/big.png
The site can be tested at the command line using [HTMLProofer][HTMLPROOFER]. This validates the generated HTML output. First install [HTMLProofer][HTMLPROOFER].
$ sudo gem install html-proofer
Make fresh builds of all the notebooks to check that they can be built.
$ find . -name "*.ipynb" -type f -not -path "*/.ipynb_checkpoints/*" -exec touch {} \;
$ make notebooks
Make a fresh Hexbin to check its build process.
$ touch data/hexbin.yaml
$ make hexbin
Use [HTMLProofer][HTMLPROOFER] to check the site.
$ jekyll build -d ./_site/chimad-phase-field && htmlproofer --allow-hash-href --empty-alt-ignore --checks-to-ignore ImageCheck ./_site
Note that the images are not checked for valid HTML and for links as
the images that are auto-generated by Jupyter which seems to break
HTML guidelines (no alt tag for example). Also note that the rendered
HTML needs to be written to ./_site/chimad-phase-field
rather than
for [HTMLProofer][HTMLProofer] to check the internal links
[TRAVISYML]: {{ site.links.github }}/blob/nist-pages/.travis.yml [CONDA]: http://conda.pydata.org/docs/index.html [JEKYLL]: https://jekyllrb.com [GITHUB]: https://github.com [HTMLPROOFER]: https://github.com/gjtorikian/html-proofer
An instance of this Web site is hosted at
The community page
supports dynamic additions using Google
Forms. Google Forms stores the data in a Google Docs spreadsheet. The
link for the spreadsheet is stored in the [_config.yaml
site.links.github }}/blob/nist-pages/_config.yml) file under
. Currently the following fields are required in the
form with the exact string matches.
- Name
- "Bio (one or two sentences)"
- Email
- "Home Page"
- "Twitter Handle"
- "GitHub Handle"
- "Other Links"
The main site is hosted on Pages.nist.gov, which provides the build.log for the Jekyll build.