- fetchArea ⇒
Get area. Check out the API docs for this endpoint here
- fetchUserAreas ⇒
Get user areas. Check out the API docs for this endpoint here
- deleteArea ⇒
Deletes an area Check out the API docs for this endpoint here
- createArea ⇒
Create new area. Check out the API docs for this endpoint here
- updateArea ⇒
Update area. Check out the API docs for this endpoint here
- fetchPosts ⇒
Fetchs posts from wordpress API.
- fetchAllCollections
Retrieve all collections from a user Check out the API docs for this endpoint here
- fetchCollection
Retrieve a specific collection Check out the API docs for this endpoint here
- createCollection
Create a new collection associated to the authenticated user Check out the API docs for this endpoint here
- deleteCollection
Delete an existing collection associated to the authenticated user Check out the API docs for this endpoint here
- updateCollection
Update an existing collection associataed to the authenticated user Check out the API docs for this endpoint here
- addResourceToCollection
Add a resource to the collection Check out the API docs for this endpoint here
- removeResourceFromCollection
Remove resource from collection Check out the API docs for this endpoint here
- contactUs ⇒
Sends a contact form including a topic, email address, and a message. Check out the API docs for this endpoint here
- fetchDashboards ⇒
Fetchs dashboards according to params. Check out the API docs for this endpoint here
- fetchDashboard ⇒
fetchs data for a specific dashboard. Check out the API docs for this endpoint here
- createDashboard ⇒
Creates a dashboard with the provided data. This fetch needs authentication. Check out the API docs for this endpoint here
- updateDashboard ⇒
Updates a specified dashboard with the provided data. This fetch needs authentication. Check out the API docs for this endpoint here
- deleteDashboard ⇒
Deletes a specified dashboard. This fetch needs authentication. Check out the API docs for this endpoint here
- cloneDashboard ⇒
Clones a topic to convert it into a dashboard based on topic's data. This fetch needs authentication. Check out the API docs for this endpoint here
- fetchDatasets ⇒
Fetchs datasets according to params. Check out the API docs for this endpoint here
- fetchDataset ⇒
Fetches a dataset by id. Check out the API docs for this endpoint here
- fetchDatasetTags ⇒
Get dataset tags. Check out the API docs for this endpoint here
- deleteDataset ⇒
Deletes a specified dataset. This fetch needs authentication. Check out the API docs for this endpoint here
- createDataset ⇒
Create a Dataset. Check out the API docs for this endpoint here
- updateDataset ⇒
Update a Dataset. Check out the API docs for this endpoint here
- updateDatasetTags ⇒
Update dataset tags. Check out the API docs for this endpoint here
- createMetadata ⇒
Creates a metadata object in the specified dataset. This methods requires authentication. Check out the API docs for this endpoint here
- updateMetadata ⇒
Updates a metadata object in the specified dataset. This methods requires authentication. Check out the API docs for this endpoint here
- fetchFavourites
Retrieve all favourites items of the user Check out the API docs for this endpoint here
- createFavourite
Creates a new favourite item attached to the current user Check out the API docs for this endpoint here
- deleteFavourite
Deletes an existing favourite item attached to the current user Check out the API docs for this endpoint here
- fetchFields ⇒
Fetches fields for a specific dataset. Check out the API docs for this endpoint here
- fetchGeostore ⇒
Fetches Geostore Check out the API docs for this endpoint here
- createGeostore
Create a Geostore Check out the API docs for this endpoint here
- fetchCountries ⇒
Fetch countries Check out the API docs for this endpoint here
- fetchCountry
Get country
- fetchAllTags
Get all tags. Check out the API docs for this endpoint here
- fetchInferredTags
Get inferred tags. Check out the API docs for this endpoint here
- countDatasetView
Send a request to count a view to the dataset. Check out the API docs for this endpoint here
- fetchMostViewedDatasets ⇒
Get the list of most viewed datasets. Check out the API docs for this endpoint here
- fetchMostFavoritedDatasets
Get the list of most favourited datasets. Check out the API docs for this endpoint here
- fetchSimilarDatasets
Fetch similar datasets. Check out the API docs for this endpoint here
- fetchLayers ⇒
Fetchs layers according to params. Check out the API docs for this endpoint here
- fetchLayer ⇒
Fetches a layer according to widget id and params. Check out the API docs for this endpoint here
- deleteLayer ⇒
Deletes a specified layer. This fetch needs authentication. Check out the API docs for this endpoint here
- fetchPartners ⇒
Fetchs partners according to params.
- fetchPartner ⇒
fetchs data for a specific partnet.
- fetchQuery
Send GET request to /query Check out the API docs for this endpoint here
- fetchStaticPage ⇒
Fetchs content of a specific page.
- fetchSubscriptions
Get Subscriptions Check out the API docs for this endpoint here
- createSubscriptionToArea
Creates a subscription for an area Check out the API docs for this endpoint here
- updateSubscriptionToArea
Update Subscription Check out the API docs for this endpoint here
- fetchSubscription
Get Subscription Check out the API docs for this endpoint here
- deleteSubscription ⇒
Deletes a subscription Check out the API docs for this endpoint here
- fetchTool ⇒
Fetchs a specific tool.
- fetchTopics ⇒
Fetches topics according to params. Check out the API docs for this endpoint here
- fetchTopic ⇒
Fetches data for a specific topic. Check out the API docs for this endpoint here
- createTopic ⇒
Creates a topic with the provided data. This fetch needs authentication. Check out the API docs for this endpoint here
- updateTopic ⇒
Updates a specified topic with the provided data. This fetch needs authentication. Check out the API docs for this endpoint here
- deleteTopic ⇒
Deletes a specified topic. This fetch needs authentication. Check out the API docs for this endpoint here
- loginUser ⇒
Logs in a user based on the email + password combination Check out the API docs for this endpoint here
- forgotPassword ⇒
This function sends a request to reset the user's password. It generates a token to be used in resetPassword Check out the API docs for this endpoint here
- registerUser ⇒
Register a new user based on the email + password combination Check out the API docs for this endpoint here
- resetPassword ⇒
Resets the user's password. Needs the token hosted in the email sent in forgotPassword NOTE:this is NOT implemented in the API to be done from the app. right now the only way it's through the email link pointing to Control Tower. Check out the API docs for this endpoint here
- uploadPhoto
Upload user photo
- fetchWidgets
Fetch widgets according to params. Check out the API docs for this endpoint here
- fetchWidget
Fetches data for a specific widget. Check out the API docs for this endpoint here
- deleteWidget
Deletes a specified widget. This fetch needs authentication. Check out the API docs for this endpoint here
- updateWidget
Updates data for the widget provided. Check out the API docs for this endpoint here
- createWidget
Creates a new widget. Check out the API docs for this endpoint here
- fetchWidgetMetadata
Fetches the metadata associated to the widget provided. Check out the API docs for this endpoint here
- updateWidgetMetadata
Updates the metadata for the widget provided. Check out the API docs for this endpoint here
- createWidgetMetadata
Creates the metadata for the widget provided. Check out the API docs for this endpoint here
- getBandNames() ⇒
Return the names of the bands
- getBandStatsInfo(bandName) ⇒
Return the statistical information of a band
- getChartInfo(widgetEditor) ⇒
Return the ChartInfo object for a raster chart
Get area. Check out the API docs for this endpoint here
Kind: global constant
Param | Type | Description |
id | String |
Area id. |
params | Object |
Request paremeters. |
headers | Object |
Request headers. |
Get user areas. Check out the API docs for this endpoint here
Kind: global constant
Param | Type | Description |
token | String |
user's token. |
Deletes an area Check out the API docs for this endpoint here
Kind: global constant
Param | Type | Description |
areaId | String |
ID of the area that will be deleted |
token | String |
User token |
Create new area. Check out the API docs for this endpoint here
Kind: global constant
Param | Type | Description |
name | String |
geostore | String |
Geostore ID |
token | String |
user's token |
Update area. Check out the API docs for this endpoint here
Kind: global constant
Param | Type | Description |
id | String |
name | String |
Name of the new area |
token | String |
user's token. |
geostore | String |
Geostore ID |
Fetchs posts from wordpress API.
Kind: global constant
Returns: Array.<Object>
- array of parsed posts.
Param | Type | Description |
params | Object |
params sent to the API. |
headers | Object |
headers sent to the API. |
Retrieve all collections from a user Check out the API docs for this endpoint here
Kind: global constant
Param | Type | Description |
token | String |
User's token |
params | Object |
Request optional parameters |
Retrieve a specific collection Check out the API docs for this endpoint here
Kind: global constant
Param | Type | Description |
token | String |
User's token |
collectionId | String |
Id of the collection we are asking for. |
params | Object |
Request parameters |
Create a new collection associated to the authenticated user Check out the API docs for this endpoint here
Kind: global constant
Param | Type | Description |
token | String |
User's token |
data | Object |
collection data |
Delete an existing collection associated to the authenticated user Check out the API docs for this endpoint here
Kind: global constant
Param | Type | Description |
token | String |
User's token |
collectionId | String |
Id of the collection to be removed |
Update an existing collection associataed to the authenticated user Check out the API docs for this endpoint here
Kind: global constant
Param | Type | Description |
token | String |
User's token |
collectionId | String |
Id of the collection to be edited |
data | Object |
Data to be updated |
Add a resource to the collection Check out the API docs for this endpoint here
Kind: global constant
Param | Type | Description |
token | String |
User's token |
collectionId | String |
Id of the collection to be edited |
resource | Object |
Resource to be addded to the collection |
Remove resource from collection Check out the API docs for this endpoint here
Kind: global constant
Param | Type | Description |
token | String |
User's token |
collectionId | String |
Id of the collection to be edited |
resource | Object |
Resource to be removed from the collection |
Sends a contact form including a topic, email address, and a message. Check out the API docs for this endpoint here
Kind: global constant
Param | Type | Description |
params | Object |
Request paremeters to API. |
Fetchs dashboards according to params. Check out the API docs for this endpoint here
Kind: global constant
Returns: Array.<Object>
- array of serialized dashboards.
Param | Type | Description |
params | Object |
Request paremeters to API. |
headers | Object |
Request headers to API. |
fetchs data for a specific dashboard. Check out the API docs for this endpoint here
Kind: global constant
Returns: Object
- serialized specified dashboard.
Param | Type | Description |
id | String |
dashboard id. |
Creates a dashboard with the provided data. This fetch needs authentication. Check out the API docs for this endpoint here
Kind: global constant
Returns: Object
- serialized created dashboard.
Param | Type | Description |
body | Object |
data provided to create the new dashboard. |
token | String |
user's token. |
Updates a specified dashboard with the provided data. This fetch needs authentication. Check out the API docs for this endpoint here
Kind: global constant
Returns: Object
- serialized dashboard with updated data
Param | Type | Description |
id | String |
dashboard ID to be updated. |
body | Object |
data provided to update the dashboard. |
token | String |
user's token |
Deletes a specified dashboard. This fetch needs authentication. Check out the API docs for this endpoint here
Kind: global constant
Returns: Object
- fetch response.
Param | Type | Description |
id | String |
dashboard ID to be deleted. |
token | String |
user's token. |
Clones a topic to convert it into a dashboard based on topic's data. This fetch needs authentication. Check out the API docs for this endpoint here
Kind: global constant
Returns: Object
- serialized dashboard cloned based on the ID topic.
Param | Type | Description |
id | String |
topic ID to be cloned. |
token | String |
user's token. |
Fetchs datasets according to params. Check out the API docs for this endpoint here
Kind: global constant
Returns: Array
- Array of serialized datasets.
be included in the response or not.
Param | Type | Description |
params | Object |
Request paremeters. |
headers | Object |
Request headers. |
_meta | boolean |
Boolean flag indicating whether the meta object should |
Fetches a dataset by id. Check out the API docs for this endpoint here
Kind: global constant
Returns: Object
- serialized specified dataset.
Param | Type | Description |
id | String |
dataset id. |
params | Object |
params sent to the API. |
Get dataset tags. Check out the API docs for this endpoint here
Kind: global constant
Param | Type | Description |
datasetId | String |
dataset id. |
params | Object |
params sent to the API. |
Deletes a specified dataset. This fetch needs authentication. Check out the API docs for this endpoint here
Kind: global constant
Returns: Object
- fetch response.
Param | Type | Description |
id | String |
dataset ID to be deleted. |
token | String |
user's token. |
Create a Dataset. Check out the API docs for this endpoint here
Kind: global constant
Param | Type | Description |
token | String |
user's token. |
params | Object |
params sent to the API. |
headers | Object |
headers sent to the API. |
Update a Dataset. Check out the API docs for this endpoint here
Kind: global constant
Param | Type | Description |
id | String |
dataset id. |
token | String |
user's token. |
params | Object |
params sent to the API. |
Update dataset tags. Check out the API docs for this endpoint here
Kind: global constant
Param | Type | Description |
datasetId | String |
dataset id. |
tags | Array.<Object> |
user's token. |
token | String |
user's token. |
usePatch | boolean |
user's token. |
Creates a metadata object in the specified dataset. This methods requires authentication. Check out the API docs for this endpoint here
Kind: global constant
Returns: Object
- serialized metadata object.
Param | Type | Description |
datasetId | String |
dataset ID where the metadata will be attached |
params | Object |
metadata object |
token | String |
user's token. |
Updates a metadata object in the specified dataset. This methods requires authentication. Check out the API docs for this endpoint here
Kind: global constant
Returns: Object
- serialized metadata object.
Param | Type | Description |
datasetId | String |
dataset ID where the metadata will be attached |
params | Object |
metadata object |
token | String |
user's token. |
Retrieve all favourites items of the user Check out the API docs for this endpoint here
Kind: global constant
Param | Type | Description |
token | String |
User's token |
Creates a new favourite item attached to the current user Check out the API docs for this endpoint here
Kind: global constant
Param | Type | Description |
token | String |
User's token |
options | Object |
resourceId - Id of the resource, resourceType - resource's type (can be dataset, layer or widget) |
Deletes an existing favourite item attached to the current user Check out the API docs for this endpoint here
Kind: global constant
Param | Type | Description |
token | String |
User's token |
resourceId | String |
Id of the resource |
Fetches fields for a specific dataset. Check out the API docs for this endpoint here
Kind: global constant
Returns: Object
- array of dataset fields.
Param | Type | Description |
url | String |
URL to get fields. |
Fetches Geostore Check out the API docs for this endpoint here
Kind: global constant
Returns: Object
- serialized geostore object.
Param | Type | Description |
id | String |
geostore ID. |
Create a Geostore Check out the API docs for this endpoint here
Kind: global constant
Param | Type | Description |
geojson | Object |
Geojson with your geometry |
Fetch countries Check out the API docs for this endpoint here
Get country
Kind: global constant
Param | Type |
iso | String |
Get all tags. Check out the API docs for this endpoint here
Kind: global constant
Param | Type | Description |
params | Object |
Request parameters to API. |
Get inferred tags. Check out the API docs for this endpoint here
Kind: global constant
Param | Type | Description |
params | Object |
Request parameters to API. |
Send a request to count a view to the dataset. Check out the API docs for this endpoint here
Kind: global constant
Param | Type | Description |
datasetId | String |
Dataset ID |
token | String |
User token |
params | Object |
Request parameters to API. |
Get the list of most viewed datasets. Check out the API docs for this endpoint here
Kind: global constant
Returns: Promise.<Array.<string>>
- List of sorted ids
Param | Type | Description |
params | Object |
Request parameters to API. |
Get the list of most favourited datasets. Check out the API docs for this endpoint here
Kind: global constant
Param | Type | Description |
params | Object |
Request parameters to API. |
Fetch similar datasets. Check out the API docs for this endpoint here
Kind: global constant
Param | Type | Description |
params | Object |
Request parameters to API. |
withAncestors | boolean |
Flag indicating whether tags' ancestors should be considered or not |
Fetchs layers according to params. Check out the API docs for this endpoint here
Kind: global constant
Returns: Array.<Object>
- array of serialized layers.
Param | Type | Description |
params | Object |
params sent to the API. |
headers | Object |
headers sent to the API. |
_meta | boolean |
should meta be in response or not |
Fetches a layer according to widget id and params. Check out the API docs for this endpoint here
Kind: global constant
Returns: Array.<Object>
- - serialized specific layer.
Param | Type | Description |
id | String |
layer id. |
params | Object |
params sent to the API. |
Deletes a specified layer. This fetch needs authentication. Check out the API docs for this endpoint here
Kind: global constant
Returns: Object
- fetch response.
Param | Type | Description |
layerId | String |
layer ID to be deleted. |
datasetId | String |
dataset ID to be deleted. |
token | String |
user's token. |
Fetchs partners according to params.
Kind: global constant
Returns: Array.<Object>
- array of serialized partners.
Param | Type | Description |
params | Object |
params sent to the API. |
fetchs data for a specific partnet.
Kind: global constant
Returns: Object
- serialized specified partnet.
Param | Type | Description |
id | String |
partnet id. |
Send GET request to /query Check out the API docs for this endpoint here
Kind: global constant
Param | Type | Description |
token | String |
token User's token |
sql | * |
mandatory parameter |
params | Object |
request paremeters to API. |
Fetchs content of a specific page.
Kind: global constant
Returns: Array.<Object>
- page content serialized.
Param | Type | Description |
id | String |
id of the page to fetch. |
Get Subscriptions Check out the API docs for this endpoint here
Kind: global constant
Param | Type | Description |
token | String |
User's token |
params | Object |
request paremeters to API. |
Creates a subscription for an area Check out the API docs for this endpoint here
Kind: global constant
Param | Type |
options | Object |
Update Subscription Check out the API docs for this endpoint here
Kind: global constant
Param | Type |
subscriptionId | String |
datasets | * |
datasetsQuery | * |
user | Object |
language | String |
areaId | String |
Get Subscription Check out the API docs for this endpoint here
Kind: global constant
Param | Type | Description |
subscriptionId | String |
token | String |
User's token |
Deletes a subscription Check out the API docs for this endpoint here
Kind: global constant
Param | Type | Description |
subscriptionId | String |
of the subscription that will be deleted |
token | Strign |
User's token |
Fetchs a specific tool.
Kind: global constant
Returns: Array.<Object>
- tool serialized.
Param | Type | Description |
id | String |
tool id. |
Fetches topics according to params. Check out the API docs for this endpoint here
Kind: global constant
Returns: Array.<Object>
- array of serialized topics.
Param | Type | Description |
params | Object |
params sent to the API. |
headers- | Object |
headers sent to the API. |
Fetches data for a specific topic. Check out the API docs for this endpoint here
Kind: global constant
Returns: Object
- serialized specified topic.
Param | Type | Description |
id | String |
topic id. |
Creates a topic with the provided data. This fetch needs authentication. Check out the API docs for this endpoint here
Kind: global constant
Returns: Object
- serialized created topic.
Param | Type | Description |
body | Object |
data provided to create the new topic. |
token | String |
user's token. |
Updates a specified topic with the provided data. This fetch needs authentication. Check out the API docs for this endpoint here
Kind: global constant
Returns: Object
- serialized topic with updated data
Param | Type | Description |
id | String |
topic ID to be updated. |
body | Object |
data provided to update the topic. |
token | String |
user's token |
Deletes a specified topic. This fetch needs authentication. Check out the API docs for this endpoint here
Kind: global constant
Returns: Object
- fetch response.
Param | Type | Description |
id | String |
topic ID to be deleted. |
token | String |
user's token. |
Logs in a user based on the email + password combination Check out the API docs for this endpoint here
Kind: global constant
Param | Type |
options | Object |
This function sends a request to reset the user's password. It generates a token to be used in resetPassword Check out the API docs for this endpoint here
Kind: global constant
Param | Type |
options | Object |
Register a new user based on the email + password combination Check out the API docs for this endpoint here
Kind: global constant
Param | Type |
options | Object |
Resets the user's password. Needs the token hosted in the email sent in forgotPassword NOTE:this is NOT implemented in the API to be done from the app. right now the only way it's through the email link pointing to Control Tower. Check out the API docs for this endpoint here
Kind: global constant
Param | Type |
options | Object |
Upload user photo
Kind: global constant
Param | Type | Description |
file | Blob |
file data |
user | Object |
Fetch widgets according to params. Check out the API docs for this endpoint here
Kind: global constant
Param | Type | Description |
params | Object |
params sent to the API. |
headers | Object |
headers used in the request |
_meta | boolean |
flag indicating whether meta information should be included in the response or not |
Fetches data for a specific widget. Check out the API docs for this endpoint here
Kind: global constant
Param | Type | Description |
id | String |
widget id. |
params | Object |
params sent to the API. |
Deletes a specified widget. This fetch needs authentication. Check out the API docs for this endpoint here
Kind: global constant
Param | Type | Description |
widgetId | String |
widget ID to be deleted. |
datasetId | String |
dataset ID. |
token | String |
user's token. |
Updates data for the widget provided. Check out the API docs for this endpoint here
Kind: global constant
Param | Type | Description |
widget | Object |
widget data. |
token | string |
user's token. |
Creates a new widget. Check out the API docs for this endpoint here
Kind: global constant
Param | Type | Description |
widget | Object |
widget data. |
datasetId | string |
Dataset ID the widget belongs to. |
token | string |
user's token. |
Fetches the metadata associated to the widget provided. Check out the API docs for this endpoint here
Kind: global constant
Param | Type | Description |
widgetId | string |
widget data. |
datasetId | string |
Dataset ID the widget belongs to. |
token | string |
user's token. |
params | Object |
request parameters. |
Updates the metadata for the widget provided. Check out the API docs for this endpoint here
Kind: global constant
Param | Type | Description |
widget | Object |
widget data. |
datasetId | string |
Dataset ID the widget belongs to. |
metadata | Object |
metadata to be updated. |
token | string |
user's token. |
Creates the metadata for the widget provided. Check out the API docs for this endpoint here
Kind: global constant
Param | Type | Description |
widgetId | string |
widget id. |
datasetId | string |
Dataset ID the widget belongs to. |
metadata | Object |
metadata to be updated. |
token | string |
user's token. |
Return the names of the bands
Return the statistical information of a band
Kind: global function
Param | Type | Description |
bandName | string |
Name of the band |
Return the ChartInfo object for a raster chart
Kind: global function
Param | Type | Description |
widgetEditor | object |
Store object |