diff --git a/+adi/+AD7944/Rx.m b/+adi/+AD7944/Rx.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cfd6d5d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/+adi/+AD7944/Rx.m
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+classdef Rx < adi.common.Rx & matlabshared.libiio.base & adi.common.Attribute
+ % AD7944 Precision ADC Class
+ % adi.AD7944.Rx Receives data from the AD7944 ADC
+ % The adi.AD7944.Rx System object is a signal source that can receive
+ % data from the AD7944.
+ %
+ % rx = adi.AD7944.Rx;
+ % rx = adi.AD7944.Rx('uri','');
+ %
+ % AD7944 Datasheet
+ properties (Nontunable)
+ % SamplesPerFrame Samples Per Frame
+ % Number of samples per frame, specified as an even positive
+ % integer.
+ SamplesPerFrame = 4096
+ % SampleRate Sample Rate
+ % Baseband sampling rate in Hz, specified as a scalar
+ % in samples per second.
+ SampleRate = 2500000
+ end
+ properties (Dependent)
+ % Voltage
+ % ADC Voltage in mV
+ Voltage
+ % VoltageScale Voltage Scale
+ % ADC Voltage scale.
+ VoltageScale
+ end
+ % Channel names
+ properties (Nontunable, Hidden, Constant)
+ channel_names = {'voltage0-voltage1'}
+ end
+ % isOutput
+ properties (Hidden, Nontunable, Access = protected)
+ isOutput = false
+ end
+ properties (Nontunable, Hidden)
+ Timeout = Inf
+ kernelBuffersCount = 1
+ dataTypeStr = 'uint16'
+ phyDevName = 'ad7944'
+ devName = 'ad7944'
+ end
+ properties (Nontunable, Hidden, Constant)
+ Type = 'Rx'
+ end
+ properties (Hidden, Constant)
+ ComplexData = false
+ end
+ methods
+ %% Constructor
+ function obj = Rx(varargin)
+ obj = obj@matlabshared.libiio.base(varargin{:});
+ obj.enableExplicitPolling = false;
+ obj.EnabledChannels = 1;
+ obj.BufferTypeConversionEnable = true;
+ end
+ %% Check Voltage
+ function rValue = get.Voltage(obj)
+ if obj.ConnectedToDevice
+ rValue = obj.getAttributeRAW('voltage0-voltage1', 'raw', obj.isOutput);
+ else
+ rValue = NaN;
+ end
+ end
+ %% Check Voltage Scale
+ function rValue = get.VoltageScale(obj)
+ if obj.ConnectedToDevice
+ rValue = obj.getAttributeDouble('voltage0-voltage1', 'scale', obj.isOutput);
+ else
+ rValue = NaN;
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ %% API Functions
+ methods (Hidden, Access = protected)
+ function setupInit(~)
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/+adi/+AD7985/Rx.m b/+adi/+AD7985/Rx.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1106f60
--- /dev/null
+++ b/+adi/+AD7985/Rx.m
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+classdef Rx < adi.common.Rx & matlabshared.libiio.base & adi.common.Attribute
+ % AD7985 Precision ADC Class
+ % adi.AD7985.Rx Receives data from the AD7985 ADC
+ % The adi.AD7985.Rx System object is a signal source that can receive
+ % data from the AD7985.
+ %
+ % rx = adi.AD7985.Rx;
+ % rx = adi.AD7985.Rx('uri','');
+ %
+ % AD7985 Datasheet
+ properties (Nontunable)
+ % SamplesPerFrame Samples Per Frame
+ % Number of samples per frame, specified as an even positive
+ % integer.
+ SamplesPerFrame = 4096
+ % SampleRate Sample Rate
+ % Baseband sampling rate in Hz, specified as a scalar
+ % in samples per second.
+ SampleRate = 2500000
+ end
+ properties (Dependent)
+ % Voltage
+ % ADC Voltage in mV
+ Voltage
+ % VoltageScale Voltage Scale
+ % ADC Voltage scale.
+ VoltageScale
+ end
+ % Channel names
+ properties (Nontunable, Hidden, Constant)
+ channel_names = {'voltage0-voltage1'}
+ end
+ % isOutput
+ properties (Hidden, Nontunable, Access = protected)
+ isOutput = false
+ end
+ properties (Nontunable, Hidden)
+ Timeout = Inf
+ kernelBuffersCount = 1
+ dataTypeStr = 'uint16'
+ phyDevName = 'ad7985'
+ devName = 'ad7985'
+ end
+ properties (Nontunable, Hidden, Constant)
+ Type = 'Rx'
+ end
+ properties (Hidden, Constant)
+ ComplexData = false
+ end
+ methods
+ %% Constructor
+ function obj = Rx(varargin)
+ obj = obj@matlabshared.libiio.base(varargin{:});
+ obj.enableExplicitPolling = false;
+ obj.EnabledChannels = 1;
+ obj.BufferTypeConversionEnable = true;
+ end
+ %% Check Voltage
+ function rValue = get.Voltage(obj)
+ if obj.ConnectedToDevice
+ rValue = obj.getAttributeRAW('voltage0-voltage1', 'raw', obj.isOutput);
+ else
+ rValue = NaN;
+ end
+ end
+ %% Check Voltage Scale
+ function rValue = get.VoltageScale(obj)
+ if obj.ConnectedToDevice
+ rValue = obj.getAttributeDouble('voltage0-voltage1', 'scale', obj.isOutput);
+ else
+ rValue = NaN;
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ %% API Functions
+ methods (Hidden, Access = protected)
+ function setupInit(~)
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/+adi/+AD7986/Rx.m b/+adi/+AD7986/Rx.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6f12d42
--- /dev/null
+++ b/+adi/+AD7986/Rx.m
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+classdef Rx < adi.common.Rx & matlabshared.libiio.base & adi.common.Attribute
+ % AD7986 Precision ADC Class
+ % adi.AD7986.Rx Receives data from the AD7986 ADC
+ % The adi.AD7986.Rx System object is a signal source that can receive
+ % data from the AD7986.
+ %
+ % rx = adi.AD7986.Rx;
+ % rx = adi.AD7986.Rx('uri','');
+ %
+ % AD7986 Datasheet
+ properties (Nontunable)
+ % SamplesPerFrame Samples Per Frame
+ % Number of samples per frame, specified as an even positive
+ % integer.
+ SamplesPerFrame = 4096
+ % SampleRate Sample Rate
+ % Baseband sampling rate in Hz, specified as a scalar
+ % in samples per second.
+ SampleRate = 2000000
+ end
+ properties (Dependent)
+ % Voltage
+ % ADC Voltage in mV
+ Voltage
+ % VoltageScale Voltage Scale
+ % ADC Voltage scale.
+ VoltageScale
+ end
+ % Channel names
+ properties (Nontunable, Hidden, Constant)
+ channel_names = {'voltage0-voltage1'}
+ end
+ % isOutput
+ properties (Hidden, Nontunable, Access = protected)
+ isOutput = false
+ end
+ properties (Nontunable, Hidden)
+ Timeout = Inf
+ kernelBuffersCount = 1
+ dataTypeStr = 'int32'
+ phyDevName = 'ad7986'
+ devName = 'ad7986'
+ end
+ properties (Nontunable, Hidden, Constant)
+ Type = 'Rx'
+ end
+ properties (Hidden, Constant)
+ ComplexData = false
+ end
+ methods
+ %% Constructor
+ function obj = Rx(varargin)
+ obj = obj@matlabshared.libiio.base(varargin{:});
+ obj.enableExplicitPolling = false;
+ obj.EnabledChannels = 1;
+ obj.BufferTypeConversionEnable = true;
+ end
+ %% Check Voltage
+ function rValue = get.Voltage(obj)
+ if obj.ConnectedToDevice
+ rValue = obj.getAttributeRAW('voltage0-voltage1', 'raw', obj.isOutput);
+ else
+ rValue = NaN;
+ end
+ end
+ %% Check Voltage Scale
+ function rValue = get.VoltageScale(obj)
+ if obj.ConnectedToDevice
+ rValue = obj.getAttributeDouble('voltage0-voltage1', 'scale', obj.isOutput);
+ else
+ rValue = NaN;
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ %% API Functions
+ methods (Hidden, Access = protected)
+ function setupInit(~)
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/+adi/Contents.m b/+adi/Contents.m
index 044e80c..330a803 100644
--- a/+adi/Contents.m
+++ b/+adi/Contents.m
@@ -14,8 +14,11 @@
% AD4858 - ADC
% AD2S1210 - Resolver-to-Digital Converter
% AD4020 - ADC
+% AD7944 - ADC
+% AD7985 - ADC
+% AD7986 - ADC
% AD5760 - DAC
% AD5780 - DAC
% AD5781 - DAC
% AD5790 - DAC
-% AD5791 - DAC
\ No newline at end of file
+% AD5791 - DAC
diff --git a/CI/doc/SysObjsProps.m b/CI/doc/SysObjsProps.m
index c088b24..059d0b2 100644
--- a/CI/doc/SysObjsProps.m
+++ b/CI/doc/SysObjsProps.m
@@ -9,3 +9,6 @@
% * AD7768
% * AD2S1210
% * AD4020
+% * AD7944
+% * AD7985
+% * AD7986
diff --git a/CI/doc/genhtml.m b/CI/doc/genhtml.m
index 77043be..b12b516 100644
--- a/CI/doc/genhtml.m
+++ b/CI/doc/genhtml.m
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
mfiledir = '..\..\+adi\';
docdir = '..\..\doc\';
-parts = {'AD4630','AD4030','AD463x','AD7768','AD4858','AD2S1210','AD4020'};
+parts = {'AD4630','AD4030','AD463x','AD7768','AD4858','AD2S1210','AD4020','AD7944','AD7985','AD7986'};
trx_files = {'Rx','Base','Tx'};
for ii = 1:numel(parts)
for jj = 1:numel(trx_files)
diff --git a/CI/gen_doc/docs/_pages/index.md b/CI/gen_doc/docs/_pages/index.md
index 2b66df5..8c25530 100644
--- a/CI/gen_doc/docs/_pages/index.md
+++ b/CI/gen_doc/docs/_pages/index.md
@@ -36,3 +36,6 @@ The following have device-specific implementations in MATLAB and Simulink. If a
| AD4858 | Zedboard | Yes | No | ADI (2021b) |
| AD2S1210 | Zedboard | Yes | No | ADI (2021b) |
| AD4020 | Zedboard | Yes | No | ADI (2021b) |
+| AD7944 | Zedboard | Yes | No | ADI (2021b) |
+| AD7985 | Zedboard | Yes | No | ADI (2021b) |
+| AD7986 | Zedboard | Yes | No | ADI (2021b) |
diff --git a/CI/gen_doc/docs/gen_sysobj_doc.m b/CI/gen_doc/docs/gen_sysobj_doc.m
index 3031e69..e56cf10 100644
--- a/CI/gen_doc/docs/gen_sysobj_doc.m
+++ b/CI/gen_doc/docs/gen_sysobj_doc.m
@@ -16,6 +16,9 @@
, {'AD4858', {'Rx'}}...
, {'AD2S1210', {'Rx'}}...
, {'AD4020', {'Rx'}}...
+ , {'AD7944', {'Rx'}}...
+ , {'AD7985', {'Rx'}}...
+ , {'AD7986', {'Rx'}}...
, {'AD5760', {'Tx'}}...
, {'AD5780', {'Tx'}}...
, {'AD5781', {'Tx'}}...
diff --git a/examples/ad7944_DataCapture.m b/examples/ad7944_DataCapture.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..98103bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/ad7944_DataCapture.m
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+%% Script for capturing data from a connected AD7944 board
+% Instantiate the system object
+rx = adi.AD7944.Rx('uri','ip:analog.local');
+% Connect to device and initialize data
+% Retrieve ADC voltage scale
+% Print system object properties
+% Delete the system object