diff --git a/+adi/+AD7190/Rx.m b/+adi/+AD7190/Rx.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4352afb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/+adi/+AD7190/Rx.m
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+classdef Rx < adi.common.Rx & adi.common.RxTx ...
+ & adi.AD719x.Base
+ % AD7190 Precision ADC Class
+ % adi.AD7190.Rx Receives data from the AD7190 ADC
+ % The adi.AD7190.Rx System object is a signal source that can receive
+ % data from the AD7190.
+ %
+ % `rx = adi.AD7190.Rx;`
+ % `rx = adi.AD7190.Rx('serial:COM18,230400');`
+ %
+ % `AD7190 DataSheet`_
+ properties (Nontunable, Hidden)
+ channel_names = {'voltage0', 'voltage1','voltage2','voltage3'};
+ end
+ methods
+ %% Constructor
+ function obj = Rx(varargin)
+ obj = obj@adi.AD719x.Base('ad7190','ad7190',varargin{:});
+ end
+ end
+ end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/+adi/+AD7192/Rx.m b/+adi/+AD7192/Rx.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..42febd4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/+adi/+AD7192/Rx.m
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+classdef Rx < adi.common.Rx & adi.common.RxTx ...
+ & adi.AD719x.Base
+ % AD7192 Precision ADC Class
+ % adi.AD7192.Rx Receives data from the AD7192 ADC
+ % The adi.AD7192.Rx System object is a signal source that can receive
+ % data from the AD7192.
+ %
+ % `rx = adi.AD7192.Rx;`
+ % `rx = adi.AD7192.Rx('serial:COM18,230400');`
+ %
+ % `AD7192 DataSheet`_
+ properties (Nontunable, Hidden)
+ channel_names = {'voltage0', 'voltage1','voltage2','voltage3'};
+ end
+ methods
+ %% Constructor
+ function obj = Rx(varargin)
+ obj = obj@adi.AD719x.Base('ad7192','ad7192',varargin{:});
+ end
+ end
+ end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/+adi/+AD7193/Rx.m b/+adi/+AD7193/Rx.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a0ce0e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/+adi/+AD7193/Rx.m
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+classdef Rx < adi.common.Rx & adi.common.RxTx ...
+ & adi.AD719x.Base
+ % AD7193 Precision ADC Class
+ % adi.AD7193.Rx Receives data from the AD7193 ADC
+ % The adi.AD7193.Rx System object is a signal source that can receive
+ % data from the AD7193.
+ %
+ % `rx = adi.AD7193.Rx;`
+ % `rx = adi.AD7193.Rx('serial:COM18,230400');`
+ %
+ % `AD7193 Datasheet `_
+ properties (Nontunable, Hidden)
+ channel_names = {'voltage0', 'voltage1','voltage2','voltage3','voltage4','voltage5','voltage6','voltage7'};
+ end
+ methods
+ %% Constructor
+ function obj = Rx(varargin)
+ obj = obj@adi.AD719x.Base('ad7193','ad7193',varargin{:});
+ end
+ end
+ end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/+adi/+AD7194/Rx.m b/+adi/+AD7194/Rx.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..45b0ab8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/+adi/+AD7194/Rx.m
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+classdef Rx < adi.common.Rx & adi.common.RxTx ...
+ & adi.AD719x.Base
+ % AD7194 Precision ADC Class
+ % adi.AD7194.Rx Receives data from the AD7194 ADC
+ % The adi.AD7194.Rx System object is a signal source that can receive
+ % data from the AD7194.
+ %
+ % `rx = adi.AD7194.Rx;`
+ % `rx = adi.AD7194.Rx('serial:COM18,230400');`
+ %
+ % `AD7194 Datasheet `_
+ properties (Nontunable, Hidden)
+ channel_names = {'voltage0', 'voltage1','voltage2','voltage3','voltage4','voltage5','voltage6','voltage7','voltage8','voltage9','voltage10','voltage11','voltage12','voltage13','voltage14','voltage15'};
+ end
+ methods
+ %% Constructor
+ function obj = Rx(varargin)
+ obj = obj@adi.AD719x.Base('ad7194','ad7194',varargin{:});
+ end
+ end
+ end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/+adi/+AD7195/Rx.m b/+adi/+AD7195/Rx.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a7c4e53
--- /dev/null
+++ b/+adi/+AD7195/Rx.m
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+classdef Rx < adi.common.Rx & adi.common.RxTx ...
+ & adi.AD719x.Base
+ % AD7195 Precision ADC Class
+ % adi.AD7195.Rx Receives data from the AD7195 ADC
+ % The adi.AD7195.Rx System object is a signal source that can receive
+ % data from the AD7195.
+ %
+ % `rx = adi.AD7195.Rx;`
+ % `rx = adi.AD7195.Rx('serial:COM18,230400');`
+ %
+ % `AD7195 Datasheet `_
+ properties (Nontunable, Hidden)
+ channel_names = {'voltage0', 'voltage1','voltage2','voltage3'};
+ end
+ methods
+ %% Constructor
+ function obj = Rx(varargin)
+ obj = obj@adi.AD719x.Base('ad7195','ad7195',varargin{:});
+ end
+ end
+ end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/+adi/Contents.m b/+adi/Contents.m
index e912239..c2d5536 100644
--- a/+adi/Contents.m
+++ b/+adi/Contents.m
@@ -34,4 +34,3 @@
% AD5791 - DAC
% AD7124_4 - ADC
% AD7124_8 - ADC
-% AD7124_8 - ADC
diff --git a/docs/source/index.rst b/docs/source/index.rst
index 2b2fcb8..fdd4066 100644
--- a/docs/source/index.rst
+++ b/docs/source/index.rst
@@ -59,4 +59,8 @@ The following have device-specific implementations in MATLAB and Simulink. In ge
"AD7124-8", "Zedboard", "Yes", "No", "ADI (2021b)"
"AD4052", "SDP-K1", "Yes", "No", "ADI (2021b)"
"AD4170", "SDP-K1", "Yes", "No", "ADI (2021b)"
+ "AD7190", "SDP-K1", "Yes", "No", "ADI (2021b)"
+ "AD7192", "SDP-K1", "Yes", "No", "ADI (2021b)"
+ "AD7193", "SDP-K1", "Yes", "No", "ADI (2021b)"
+ "AD7194", "SDP-K1", "Yes", "No", "ADI (2021b)"
+ "AD7195", "SDP-K1", "Yes", "No", "ADI (2021b)"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/examples/ad719x_DataCapture.m b/examples/ad719x_DataCapture.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f04d0cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/ad719x_DataCapture.m
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+%% Script for capturing and displaying a continuous set of samples from a
+%% connected AD719x board
+% Instantiate the system object
+rx = adi.AD7193.Rx();
+rx.uri = 'serial:COM12,230400,8n1n';
+% Samples per frame cannot exceed 500 if all 16 channels need to be captured on ad7194
+rx.SamplesPerFrame = 400;
+rx.EnabledChannels = [1];
+% Capture data
+data = rx();
+enabledChannels = size(data,2);
+for i = 1:enabledChannels
+ subplot(enabledChannels, 1, i);
+ plot(data(1:rx.SamplesPerFrame, i));
+ title("Channel " + num2str(rx.EnabledChannels(i)));
+% Delete the system object
\ No newline at end of file