diff --git a/+adi/+AD9361v1/Base.asv b/+adi/+AD9361v1/Base.asv
deleted file mode 100644
index 79bf7e9f..00000000
--- a/+adi/+AD9361v1/Base.asv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-classdef (Abstract, Hidden = true) Base < ...
- adi.common.RxTx & ...
- adi.common.Attribute & ...
- adi.common.DebugAttribute & ...
- matlabshared.libiio.base
- %adi.AD9361.Base Class
- % This class contains shared parameters and methods between TX and RX
- % classes
- properties (Nontunable)
- %SamplesPerFrame Samples Per Frame
- % Number of samples per frame, specified as an even positive
- % integer from 2 to 16,777,216. Using values less than 3660 can
- % yield poor performance.
- SamplesPerFrame = 2^15;
- end
- properties (Nontunable, Logical)
- %EnableCustomFilter Enable Custom Filter
- % Enable use of custom filter file to set SamplingRate,
- % RFBandwidth, and FIR in datapaths
- EnableCustomFilter = false;
- end
- properties (Nontunable)
- %CustomFilterFileName Custom Filter File Name
- % Path to custom filter file created from filter wizard
- CustomFilterFileName = '';
- end
- properties (Abstract)
- %CenterFrequency Center Frequency
- % RF center frequency, specified in Hz as a scalar. The
- % default is 2.4e9. This property is tunable.
- CenterFrequency
- %SamplingRate Sampling Rate
- % Baseband sampling rate in Hz, specified as a scalar
- % from 65105 to 61.44e6 samples per second.
- SamplingRate
- %RFBandwidth RF Bandwidth
- % RF Bandwidth of front-end analog filter in Hz, specified as a
- % scalar from 200 kHz to 56 MHz.
- RFBandwidth
- end
- properties(Nontunable, Hidden)
- Timeout = Inf;
- kernelBuffersCount = 2;
- dataTypeStr = 'int16';
- % phyDevName = 'ad9361-phy';
- % iioDevPHY
- end
- properties (Hidden, Constant)
- ComplexData = true;
- end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/+adi/+AD9361v1/Rx.asv b/+adi/+AD9361v1/Rx.asv
deleted file mode 100644
index ed638dc6..00000000
--- a/+adi/+AD9361v1/Rx.asv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,337 +0,0 @@
-classdef Rx < adi.AD9361v1.Base & ... % adi.AD9361.TuneAGC & ...
- adi.common.Rx
- % adi.AD9361.Rx Receive data from the AD9361 transceiver
- % The adi.AD9361.Rx System object is a signal source that can receive
- % complex data from the AD9361.
- %
- % rx = adi.AD9361.Rx;
- % rx = adi.AD9361.Rx('uri','');
- %
- % AD9361 Datasheet
- %
- % See also adi.FMComms2.Rx, adi.FMComms3.Rx, adi.FMComms5.Rx
- properties
- LibIIOVersion = '1.0';
- end
- properties
- %CenterFrequency Center Frequency
- % RF center frequency, specified in Hz as a scalar. The
- % default is 2.4e9. This property is tunable.
- CenterFrequency = 2.4e9;
- %SamplingRate Sampling Rate
- % Baseband sampling rate in Hz, specified as a scalar
- % from 65105 to 61.44e6 samples per second.
- SamplingRate = 3e6;
- %RFBandwidth RF Bandwidth
- % RF Bandwidth of front-end analog filter in Hz, specified as a
- % scalar from 200 kHz to 56 MHz.
- RFBandwidth = 3e6;
- end
- properties
- %GainControlModeChannel0 Gain Control Mode Channel 0
- % specified as one of the following:
- % 'slow_attack' — For signals with slowly changing power levels
- % 'fast_attack' — For signals with rapidly changing power levels
- % 'manual' — For setting the gain manually with the Gain property
- % 'hybrid' — For configuring hybrid AGC mode
- GainControlModeChannel0 = 'slow_attack';
- %GainChannel0 Gain Channel 0
- % Channel 0 gain, specified as a scalar from -3 dB to 71 dB. The acceptable
- % minimum and maximum gain setting depends on the center
- % frequency.
- GainChannel0 = 10;
- %GainControlModeChannel1 Gain Control Mode Channel 1
- % specified as one of the following:
- % 'slow_attack' — For signals with slowly changing power levels
- % 'fast_attack' — For signals with rapidly changing power levels
- % 'manual' — For setting the gain manually with the Gain property
- % 'hybrid' — For configuring hybrid AGC mode
- GainControlModeChannel1 = 'slow_attack';
- %GainChannel1 Gain Channel 1
- % Channel 1 gain, specified as a scalar from -3 dB to 71 dB. The acceptable
- % minimum and maximum gain setting depends on the center
- % frequency.
- GainChannel1 = 10;
- end
- properties (Nontunable)
- %DigitalLoopbackMode Digital Loopback Mode
- % Option to set digital loopback mode, specified as 0,
- % 1 or 2. Allows either to digitally loopback TX data
- % into the RX path or vice versa.
- % Value | Mode
- % ---------------------------
- % 0 | Disable
- % 1 | Digital TX -> Digital RX
- % 2 | RF RX -> RF TX
- LoopbackMode = 0;
- end
- properties (Nontunable, Logical) % MUST BE NONTUNABLE OR SIMULINK WARNS
- %EnableQuadratureTracking Enable Quadrature Tracking
- % Option to enable quadrature tracking, specified as true or
- % false. When this property is true, IQ imbalance compensation is
- % applied to the input signal.
- EnableQuadratureTracking = true;
- %EnableRFDCTracking Enable RFDC Tracking
- % Option to enable RF DC tracking, specified as true or false.
- % When this property is true, an RF DC blocking filter is applied
- % to the input signal.
- EnableRFDCTracking = true;
- %EnableBasebandDCTracking Enable Baseband DC Tracking
- % Option to enable baseband DC tracking, specified as true or
- % false. When this property is true, a baseband DC blocking
- % filter is applied to the input signal.
- EnableBasebandDCTracking = true;
- end
- properties
- %RFPortSelect RF Port Select
- % 'A_N'
- % 'A_P'
- % 'B_N'
- % 'B_P'
- % 'C_N'
- % 'C_P'
- % 'TX_MONITOR1_2'
- RFPortSelect = 'A_BALANCED';
- end
- properties(Constant, Hidden)
- GainControlModeChannel0Set = matlab.system.StringSet({ ...
- 'manual','fast_attack','slow_attack','hybrid'});
- GainControlModeChannel1Set = matlab.system.StringSet({ ...
- 'manual','fast_attack','slow_attack','hybrid'});
- RFPortSelectSet = matlab.system.StringSet({ ...
- 'A_N', 'A_P', 'B_N', 'B_P', 'C_N', 'C_P',...
- end
- properties (Hidden, Nontunable, Access = protected)
- isOutput = false;
- end
- properties(Nontunable, Hidden, Constant)
- Type = 'Rx';
- end
- properties(Nontunable, Hidden)
- channel_names = {'voltage0','voltage1','voltage2','voltage3'};
- end
- properties (Nontunable, Hidden)
- devName = 'cf-ad9361-lpc';
- end
- methods
- %% Constructor
- function obj = Rx(varargin)
- % coder.allowpcode('plain');
- obj = obj@adi.AD9361v1.Base(varargin{:});
- end
- % Check RFPortSelect
- function set.RFPortSelect(obj, value)
- obj.RFPortSelect = value;
- if obj.ConnectedToDevice
- obj.setAttributeRAW('voltage0','rf_port_select',value,false);
- end
- end
- % Check GainControlModeChannel0
- function set.GainControlModeChannel0(obj, value)
- obj.GainControlModeChannel0 = value;
- if obj.ConnectedToDevice
- id = 'voltage0';
- obj.setAttributeRAW(id,'gain_control_mode',value,false);
- end
- end
- % Check GainControlModeChannel1
- function set.GainControlModeChannel1(obj, value)
- obj.GainControlModeChannel1 = value;
- if obj.ConnectedToDevice
- id = 'voltage1';
- obj.setAttributeRAW(id,'gain_control_mode',value,false);
- end
- end
- % Check GainChannel0
- function set.GainChannel0(obj, value)
- validateattributes( value, { 'double','single' }, ...
- { 'real', 'scalar', 'finite', 'nonnan', 'nonempty', '>=', -3,'<=', 71}, ...
- '', 'Gain');
- assert(mod(value,1)==0, 'Gain must be an integer');
- obj.GainChannel0 = value;
- if obj.ConnectedToDevice && strcmp(obj.GainControlModeChannel0,'manual') %#ok
- id = 'voltage0';
- obj.setAttributeDouble(id,'hardwaregain',value,false);
- end
- end
- % Check GainChannel1
- function set.GainChannel1(obj, value)
- validateattributes( value, { 'double','single' }, ...
- { 'real', 'scalar', 'finite', 'nonnan', 'nonempty', '>=', -3,'<=', 71}, ...
- '', 'Gain');
- assert(mod(value,1)==0, 'Gain must be an integer');
- obj.GainChannel1 = value;
- if obj.ConnectedToDevice && strcmp(obj.GainControlModeChannel1,'manual') %#ok
- id = 'voltage1';
- obj.setAttributeDouble(id,'hardwaregain',value,false);
- end
- end
- % Check EnableQuadratureTracking
- function set.EnableQuadratureTracking(obj, value)
- obj.EnableQuadratureTracking = value;
- if obj.ConnectedToDevice
- id = 'voltage0';
- obj.setAttributeBool(id,'quadrature_tracking_en',value,false);
- end
- end
- % Check EnableRFDCTracking
- function set.EnableRFDCTracking(obj, value)
- obj.EnableRFDCTracking = value;
- if obj.ConnectedToDevice
- id = 'voltage0';
- obj.setAttributeBool(id,'rf_dc_offset_tracking_en',value,false);
- end
- end
- % Check EnableRFDCTracking
- function set.EnableBasebandDCTracking(obj, value)
- obj.EnableBasebandDCTracking = value;
- if obj.ConnectedToDevice
- id = 'voltage0';
- obj.setAttributeBool(id,'bb_dc_offset_tracking_en',value,false);
- end
- end
- % Check CenterFrequency
- function set.CenterFrequency(obj, value)
- if isa(obj,'adi.AD9363.Rx')
- validateattributes( value, { 'double','single' }, ...
- { 'real', 'positive','scalar', 'finite', 'nonnan', 'nonempty','integer','>=',325e6,'<=',3.8e9}, ...
- '', 'CenterFrequency');
- else
- validateattributes( value, { 'double','single' }, ...
- { 'real', 'positive','scalar', 'finite', 'nonnan', 'nonempty','integer','>=',70e6,'<=',6e9}, ...
- '', 'CenterFrequency');
- end
- obj.CenterFrequency = value;
- if obj.ConnectedToDevice
- id = sprintf('altvoltage%d',strcmp(obj.Type,'Tx'));
- obj.setAttributeLongLong(id,'frequency',value,true,4);
- end
- end
- % Check RFBandwidth
- function set.RFBandwidth(obj, value)
- if isa(obj,'adi.AD9363.Rx')
- validateattributes( value, { 'double','single' }, ...
- { 'real', 'positive','scalar', 'finite', 'nonnan', 'nonempty','integer','>=',200e3,'<=',20e6}, ...
- '', 'RFBandwidth');
- else
- validateattributes( value, { 'double','single' }, ...
- { 'real', 'positive','scalar', 'finite', 'nonnan', 'nonempty','integer','>=',200e3,'<=',56e6}, ...
- '', 'RFBandwidth');
- end
- obj.RFBandwidth = value;
- if obj.ConnectedToDevice && ~obj.EnableCustomFilter
- id = 'voltage0';
- obj.setAttributeLongLong(id,'rf_bandwidth',value,strcmp(obj.Type,'Tx'),30);
- end
- end
- % Check SampleRate
- function set.SamplingRate(obj, value)
- if isa(obj,'adi.AD9363.Rx')
- validateattributes( value, { 'double','single' }, ...
- { 'real', 'positive','scalar', 'finite', 'nonnan', 'nonempty','integer','>=',520833,'<=',20e6}, ...
- '', 'SamplesPerFrame');
- else
- validateattributes( value, { 'double','single' }, ...
- { 'real', 'positive','scalar', 'finite', 'nonnan', 'nonempty','integer','>=',520833,'<=',61.44e6}, ...
- '', 'SamplesPerFrame');
- end
- obj.SamplingRate = value;
- if obj.ConnectedToDevice && ~obj.EnableCustomFilter
- id = 'voltage0';
- p = 'sampling_frequency';
- if libisloaded('libad9361')
- calllib('libad9361','ad9361_set_bb_rate',obj.iioDevPHY,int32(value));
- else
- obj.setAttributeLongLong(id,p,value,true,4);
- end
- obj.SamplingRate = double(obj.getAttributeLongLong(id,p,true));
- end
- end
- function set.LoopbackMode(obj, value)
- validateattributes( value, { 'double','single', 'uint32' }, ...
- { 'real', 'nonnegative','scalar', 'finite', 'nonnan', 'nonempty','integer','>=',0,'<=',2}, ...
- '', 'LoopbackMode');
- obj.LoopbackMode = value;
- if obj.ConnectedToDevice
- obj.setDebugAttributeLongLong('loopback',value);
- end
- end
- end
- %% API Functions
- methods (Hidden, Access = protected)
- function setupInit(obj)
- % Write all attributes to device once connected through set
- % methods
- setupLibad9361(obj);
- % Do writes directly to hardware without using set methods.
- % This is required sine Simulink support doesn't support
- % modification to nontunable variables at SetupImpl
- % Gains
- obj.setAttributeRAW('voltage0','gain_control_mode',obj.GainControlModeChannel0,false);
- if obj.channelCount>2
- obj.setAttributeRAW('voltage1','gain_control_mode',obj.GainControlModeChannel1,false);
- end
- if strcmp(obj.GainControlModeChannel0,'manual')
- obj.setAttributeDouble('voltage0','hardwaregain',obj.GainChannel0,false);
- end
- if strcmp(obj.GainControlModeChannel1,'manual') && (obj.channelCount>2)
- obj.setAttributeDouble('voltage1','hardwaregain',obj.GainChannel1,false);
- end
- % Trackings
- obj.setAttributeBool('voltage0','quadrature_tracking_en',obj.EnableQuadratureTracking,false);
- obj.setAttributeBool('voltage0','rf_dc_offset_tracking_en',obj.EnableRFDCTracking,false);
- obj.setAttributeBool('voltage0','bb_dc_offset_tracking_en',obj.EnableBasebandDCTracking,false);
- id = sprintf('altvoltage%d',strcmp(obj.Type,'Tx'));
- obj.setAttributeLongLong(id,'frequency',obj.CenterFrequency ,true,4);
- % Loopback Mode
- obj.setDebugAttributeLongLong('loopback', obj.LoopbackMode);
- % Sample rates and RF bandwidth
- if ~obj.EnableCustomFilter
- if libisloaded('libad9361')
- calllib('libad9361','ad9361_set_bb_rate',obj.iioDevPHY,int32(obj.SamplingRate));
- else
- obj.setAttributeLongLong('voltage0','sampling_frequency',obj.SamplingRate,true,4);
- obj.setAttributeLongLong('voltage0','rf_bandwidth',obj.RFBandwidth ,strcmp(obj.Type,'Tx'));
- end
- else
- writeFilterFile(obj);
- end
- obj.setAttributeRAW('voltage0','rf_port_select',obj.RFPortSelect,false);
- if (obj.CustomAGC)
- % Initialize hardware to reflect debug attribute changes
- obj.WriteDebugAttributes();
- obj.setDebugAttributeBool('initialize',1);
- obj.WriteToRegisters();
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/+adi/+Plutov1/Rx - Copy.m b/+adi/+Plutov1/Rx - Copy.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 2cdf1a85..00000000
--- a/+adi/+Plutov1/Rx - Copy.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
-classdef Rx < adi.common.RxTx & adi.common.Attribute
- properties (Nontunable, Hidden)
- SamplesPerFrame
- end
- % properties(Nontunable, Hidden)
- % kernelBuffersCount
- % dataTypeStr
- % DataTimeout
- % devName
- % end
- %
- % properties (Dependent,Hidden)
- % channelCount
- % end
- properties
- LibIIOVersion = '1.0';
- end
- properties (Hidden, Nontunable, Access = protected)
- isOutput
- end
- properties (Hidden, Constant)
- ComplexData = true;
- end
- properties(Nontunable, Hidden)
- % Timeout = Inf;
- kernelBuffersCount = 2;
- dataTypeStr = 'int16';
- phyDevName = 'ad9361-phy';
- % iioDevPHY
- end
- properties(Nontunable, Hidden, Constant)
- Type = 'Rx';
- end
- properties (Nontunable, Hidden)
- devName = 'cf-ad9361-lpc';
- end
- % methods (Hidden, Access = {?handle})
- % function releaseChanBuffers(obj)
- % end
- %
- % function configureChanBuffers(obj)
- % end
- % end
- properties
- CenterFrequency = 2.4e9;
- end
- properties(Constant, Hidden, Logical)
- %EnableCyclicBuffers Enable Cyclic Buffers
- % Not used for RX
- EnableCyclicBuffers = false;
- end
- methods
- % Check CenterFrequency
- function set.CenterFrequency(obj, value)
- %{
- if isa(obj,'adi.AD9363.Rx')
- validateattributes( value, { 'double','single' }, ...
- { 'real', 'positive','scalar', 'finite', 'nonnan', 'nonempty','integer','>=',325e6,'<=',3.8e9}, ...
- '', 'CenterFrequency');
- else
- validateattributes( value, { 'double','single' }, ...
- { 'real', 'positive','scalar', 'finite', 'nonnan', 'nonempty','integer','>=',70e6,'<=',6e9}, ...
- '', 'CenterFrequency');
- end
- %}
- obj.CenterFrequency = value;
- if obj.ConnectedToDevice
- id = sprintf('altvoltage%d',strcmp(obj.Type,'Tx'));
- obj.setAttributeLongLong(id,'frequency',value,true,4);
- end
- end
- end
- methods (Hidden, Access = protected)
- function setupInit(obj)
- obj.setAttributeLongLong('altvoltage0','frequency',obj.CenterFrequency,true,4);
- end
- end
- methods(Static)
- function Hello(value)
- disp(value);
- end
- end
\ No newline at end of file