Direct control over ADALM1000 functionality can be accomplished using the implemented USB control transfers, a synchronous and slow communication endpoint accessible regardless of the configuration of the device.
The M1K implements many control transfers, including the following:
- 0x17 - read a number of bytes from the ADM1177 hot-swap controller
- 0x50 - set a GPIO pin low
- 0x51 - set a GPIO pin high
- 0x91 - get a GPIO input pin value
- 0x53 - set device mode
- 0x59 - set potentiometer state
M1K pinmappings are described below.
IO Name | Net Name | Net Description | Pin ID |
PA0 | PIO0 | user DIO 0 | 0 |
PA1 | PIO1 | user DIO 1 | 1 |
PA2 | PIO2 | user DIO 2 | 2 |
PA3 | PIO3 | user DIO 3 | 3 |
PB0 | UA11-IN0 | 50Ω from ChA to 2v5 | 32 |
PB1 | UA11-IN1 | 50Ω from ChA to GND | 33 |
PB2 | UA11-IN2 | ChA close voltage sense loop | 34 |
PB3 | UA11-IN3 | ChA connect output | 35 |
PB5 | UB11-IN0 | 50Ω from ChB to 2v5 | 37 |
PB6 | UB11-IN1 | 50Ω from ChB to GND | 38 |
PB7 | UB11-IN2 | ChB close voltage sense loop | 39 |
PB8 | UB11-IN3 | ChB connect output | 40 |
PB17 | PWR_ENABLE | turn on power for analog components | 49 |
PB19 | SWMODE-A | ChA switch SVMI - SIMV | 51 |
PB20 | SWMODE-B | ChB switch SVMI - SIMV | 52 |
Note that Pixelpulse2 and LibSMU use many of the above control transfers to configure device state during normal operation. As such, using these control transfers while streaming data may not produce the expected results.
import pysmu
s = pysmu.Smu()
ser = s.serials[0]
# set PIO1 high
s.ctrl_transfer(ser, 0x40, 0x51, 1, 0, 0, 0, 100)
# get state of PIO0
print s.ctrl_transfer(ser, 0xc0, 0x91, 0, 0, 0, 1, 100)
# set PIO1 low
s.ctrl_transfer(ser, 0x40, 0x50, 1, 0, 0, 0, 100)
# get state of PIO0
print s.ctrl_transfer(ser, 0xc0, 0x91, 0, 0, 0, 1, 100)
Javascript currently does not support reading parameters from the M1K via control transfer.
// set PIO1 high, then low again
session.devices[0].ctrl_transfer(0x51, 1, 0);
session.devices[0].ctrl_transfer(0x50, 1, 0);