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Analog Devices MSDK

License Agreement

© Copyright (C) 2022 Maxim Integrated Products, Inc., All rights Reserved.

This software is protected by copyright laws of the United States and of foreign countries. This material may also be protected by patent laws and technology transfer regulations of the United States and of foreign countries. This software is furnished under a license agreement and/or a nondisclosure agreement and may only be used or reproduced in accordance with the terms of those agreements. Dissemination of this information to any party or parties not specified in the license agreement and/or nondisclosure agreement is expressly prohibited.

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.


Except as contained in this notice, the name of Maxim Integrated Products, Inc. shall not be used except as stated in the Maxim Integrated Products, Inc. Branding Policy.

The mere transfer of this software does not imply any licenses of trade secrets, proprietary technology, copyrights, patents, trademarks, maskwork rights, or any other form of intellectual property whatsoever. Maxim Integrated Products, Inc. retains all ownership rights.

Final Copyright

Final Software License Agreement


The Maxim Microcontrollers SDK (MSDK), now a part of Analog Devices, contains tools and resources to develop firmware for the MAX-series of microcontrollers. This includes register files, peripheral drivers, system startup files, documentation, various utilities, third-party libraries, IDE support files, and a toolchain.

The following development environments are supported:

  • Command-line development
  • Eclipse
  • Visual Studio Code
  • IAR
  • Keil

This repository contains the latest source code of the MSDK and is used for development. It does not contain the MSDK toolchain, which is a separate collection of programs used to build, program, and debug the contents of this repo on hardware.

The full MSDK is available via an Automatic Installer, which pulls from the latest release tag of this repo and packages it alongside the toolchain.

Users who would like to retrieve the bleeding-edge development copies of the MSDK resources can pull them from this repository. See Developing from the Repo.


Automatic Installer

The MSDK is available via an automatic installer for the platforms below. The automatic installer will retrieve the latest release version of this repository and the latest toolchain for your OS.

  • Windows 10

  • Ubuntu Linux

    • This file must be made executable before it can be run. Use the command chmod +x Alternatively, set “Allow executing as program” in the Ubuntu GUI.
  • MacOS

Cloning the Github Repo

This repo can be cloned to obtain the latest development copies of the MSDK source code.

  1. First, you'll need to set up an SSH key for your Github account. See the Github Docs on SSH for instructions.

  2. Once you've set up an SSH key for your account, you can clone this repository with the command:

    git clone --recurse [email protected]:Analog-Devices-MSDK/msdk.git

The source code in the repo can now be copied elsewhere, but if you'd like to set it up for "in-place" development you'll also need to perform a few manual steps to link the toolchain. See Developing from the Repo.

Developing from the Repo

The Github repo contains source code only. In order to develop on it directly the toolchain must be made available at the same file-paths as the full MSDK installation. The easiest way to do this is to retrieve the toolchain with the automatic installer and then create symbolic links. This section walks through the process.

  1. Install the toolchain via the Automatic Installer for your OS if you haven't already.

    At minimum, install the components:

    • GNU RISC-V Embedded GCC
    • GNU Tools for ARM Embedded Processors
    • Open On-Chip Debugger
    • MSYS2 (if you're on Windows 10)

    If you've already installed the MSDK, run the MaintenanceTool program to ensure these components are selected and updated to the latest version.

  2. Clone the Github repository to an accessible location without any spaces in its filepath. See Cloning the Github Repo.

  3. Create symbolic directory links to link the toolchain at the expected locations.

    On Windows:

    • Open a command prompt as administrator.

    • cd into the cloned location of the Github repo from step 2.

    • Run the following commands. If you installed the MSDK to a non-default location in step 1, change C:\MaximSDK to point to the location you chose.

      mklink /D Tools\GNUTools C:\MaximSDK\Tools\GNUTools
      mklink /D Tools\OpenOCD C:\MaximSDK\Tools\OpenOCD
      mklink /D Tools\MSYS2 C:\MaximSDK\Tools\MSYS2
      mklink /D Tools\xPack C:\MaximSDK\Tools\xPack

      Example output:

      C:\Users\Username\repos\msdk>mklink /D Tools\GNUTools C:\MaximSDK\Tools\GNUTools
      symbolic link created for Tools\GNUTools <<===>> C:\MaximSDK\Tools\GNUTools
      C:\Users\Username\repos\msdk>mklink /D Tools\OpenOCD C:\MaximSDK\Tools\OpenOCD
      symbolic link created for Tools\OpenOCD <<===>> C:\MaximSDK\Tools\OpenOCD
      C:\Users\Username\repos\msdk>mklink /D Tools\MSYS2 C:\MaximSDK\Tools\MSYS2
      symbolic link created for Tools\MSYS2 <<===>> C:\MaximSDK\Tools\MSYS2
      C:\Users\Username\repos\msdk>mklink /D Tools\xPack C:\MaximSDK\Tools\xPack
      symbolic link created for Tools\xPack <<===>> C:\MaximSDK\Tools\xPack

    On Linux/MacOS:

    • Open a terminal

    • cd into the cloned location of the Github repo from step 2.

    • Run the following commands. If you installed the MSDK to a non-default location in step 1, change ~\MaximSDK to point to the location you chose.

      ln -s ~/MaximSDK/Tools/GNUTools Tools/GNUTools
      ln -s ~/MaximSDK/Tools/OpenOCD Tools/OpenOCD
      ln -s ~/MaximSDK/Tools/xPack Tools/xPack

      You can use ls -la Tools to verify the links have been created successfully.

      Example output:

      username@machine:~/repos/msdk$ ln -s ~/MaximSDK/Tools/GNUTools Tools/GNUTools
      username@machine:~/repos/msdk$ ln -s ~/MaximSDK/Tools/OpenOCD Tools/OpenOCD
      username@machine:~/repos/msdk$ ln -s ~/MaximSDK/Tools/xPack Tools/xPack
      username@machine:~/repos/msdk$ ls -la Tools
      total 20
      drwxr-xr-x 5 username username 4096 Oct  4 16:32 .
      drwxr-xr-x 9 username username 4096 Oct  4 16:29 ..
      drwxr-xr-x 2 username username 4096 Oct  4 16:29 BitmapConverter
      drwxr-xr-x 2 username username 4096 Oct  4 16:29 Bluetooth
      lrwxrwxrwx 1 username username   40 Oct  4 16:32 GNUTools -> /home/username/MaximSDK/Tools/GNUTools
      lrwxrwxrwx 1 username username   39 Oct  4 16:32 OpenOCD -> /home/username/MaximSDK/Tools/OpenOCD
      drwxr-xr-x 6 username username 4096 Oct  4 16:29 SBT
      lrwxrwxrwx 1 username username   37 Oct  4 16:32 xPack -> /home/username/MaximSDK/Tools/xPack
  4. The MSDK now contains a virtual copy of the toolchain at the correct locations. Some additional setup may be required to use it depending on your chosen development environment. See Setup below.

Completing the Installation on MacOS

On MacOS, some additional missing packages must be manually installed via Homebrew.

For non-M1 platforms:

  1. Follow the instructions on the Homebrew home page to install Homebrew on your system.

  2. Then, open a terminal and run the command...

    brew install libusb-compat libftdi hidapi libusb

For M1 platforms:

You must use a Rosetta terminal to install Homebrew:

  1. Open a terminal and update Rosetta.

    softwareupdate --install-rosetta --agree-to-license
  2. Close the terminal.

  3. Run a new terminal in Rosetta:

    1. Go to Finder > Applications and find your Terminal

    2. Right-Click Terminal and Duplicate it. Rename it to "Terminal i386".

    3. Rich-Click "Terminal i386" > Get Info > Enable "Open using Rosetta"

    4. Launch the new "Terminal i386" and type arch to verify that it says i386 now.

  4. From your Rosetta terminal follow the instructions on the Homebrew home page to install Homebrew on your system.

  5. Run the command...

    brew install libusb-compat libftdi hidapi libusb


The setup guides below demonstrate how to configure supported development environments for use with this repository. It assumes a successful installation.

Visual Studio Code

All example projects in the MSDK come pre-configured with Visual Studio Code project folders that are managed by the VSCode-Maxim repository. They can be found in the .vscode sub-folder of each example, and include local copies of the VSCode-Maxim documentation.

The setup procedure is exactly the same as a standard VSCode-Maxim installation (instructions here), except on step 9 "MAXIM_PATH" can be set to the location of this repository instead of the release version of the MSDK.

See Usage from the VSCode-Maxim readme for more details on using the projects once setup is complete.


Eclipse itself should be launched with the Tools/Eclipse/cdt/eclipse(.bat/.sh) script, which will set MAXIM_PATH and a few other environment variables for use with the release version of the MSDK by default. Therefore, there are two options for using Eclipse with the MSDK development repository:

Option 1 - Project Settings

  1. Import or open a project in your Eclipse workspace.

  2. Right click on the project and select Properties.

  3. Navigate to C/C++ Build -> Environment.

  4. Add a new environment variable. Set:

    • Name: MAXIM_PATH

    • Value: Installed location of this repository. Ex: C:\Users\JCarter3\repos\msdk.

    • Select "Add to all configurations"

  5. Ensure the "Replace native environment with the specified one" option is selected.

  6. Hit "Apply" -> "Apply and Close".

  7. Clean the project.

The project is now configured for use with the MSDK development repo, and subsequent builds will load the latest development resources.

Option 2 - Edit setenv

  1. Locate the setenv.bat script that can be found in the root directory of the release MSDK installation.

  2. (Optional, recommended) Copy the setenv.bat file to a backup called setenv-release.bat. This backup file can be used to revert back to the original if needed.

  3. Open the setenv.bat script in a text editor.

  4. Change the line

    set MAXIM_PATH=%CD%

    to set MAXIM_PATH to the installed location of this repository. For example:

    set MAXIM_PATH=C:\Users\Username\repos\msdk

Note: This will configure all Eclipse sessions to load resources from the development repo.

Command-line Setup

This section assumes some familiarity with basic terminal concepts such as your system's Path and environment variables. Since there are such wide variety of terminal applications and Operating Systems, these instructions are intentionally left somewhat generic.

However, an example .bashrc file is provided below that can be referenced for most Unix systems. Simply copy and paste the entries below into your shell's startup script and edit MAXIM_PATH to the installed location of this repository.

# ~/.bashrc

# Set MAXIM_PATH environment variable
export MAXIM_PATH=#changeme!

# Add Arm Embedded GCC to path (v10.3)
export ARM_GCC_ROOT=$MAXIM_PATH/Tools/GNUTools/10.3

# Add xPack RISC-V GCC to path (v10.2)
export XPACK_GCC_ROOT=$MAXIM_PATH/Tools/xPack/riscv-none-embed-gcc/10.2.0-1.2

# Add OpenOCD to path

More generic instructions can be found below. These instructions will use Unix syntax unless a step is targeted specifically at Windows.

  1. Create a new environment variable on your system called MAXIM_PATH. Set its value to the installed location of this repository.

  2. Add the following entries to your system's path:

    • $MAXIM_PATH/Tools/GNUTools/10.3/bin
    • $MAXIM_PATH/Tools/xPack/riscv-none-embed-gcc/10.2.0-1.2/bin
    • $MAXIM_PATH/Tools/OpenOCD
  3. (Windows only) Add the following entry to your system's path:

    • %MAXIM_PATH%/Tools/MSYS2/usr/bin
  4. Restart your shell, and verify the tools are accessible with the following commands:

    1. Arm Embedded GCC:

      $ arm-none-eabi-gcc -v
      Using built-in specs.
      # ... Lots of other info will be printed here...
      Supported LTO compression algorithms: zlib
      gcc version 10.3.1 20210824 (release) (GNU Arm Embedded Toolchain 10.3-2021.10)
    2. xPack RISC-V GCC:

      $ riscv-none-embed-gcc -v
      Using built-in specs.
      # ... Lots of other info will be printed here...
      Supported LTO compression algorithms: zlib
      gcc version 10.2.0 (xPack GNU RISC-V Embedded GCC x86_64)
    3. OpenOCD

      $ openocd -v
      Open On-Chip Debugger 0.11.0+dev-g56a818e4c (2022-07-19-19:00)
      Licensed under GNU GPL v2
      For bug reports, read

      Note: The automatic installer should have installed OpenOCD dependencies. Should any missing package errors get thrown on this command they can be resolved by installing the missing packages manually.

      On linux:

      sudo apt-get install libusb-1.0 libusb-0.1 libhidapi-libusb0 libhidapi-hidraw0

      On MacOS with Homebrew

      brew install libusb-compat libftdi hidapi libusb
    4. GNU Make

      $ make -v
      GNU Make 4.3
      Built for x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
      Copyright (C) 1988-2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
      License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <>
      This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
      There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.

      Make should also have been installed by the automatic installer. If Make is not available, install it with your package manager.

      On linux:

      sudo apt-get install make

      On MacOS with Homebrew

      brew install make

Usage Quick-Start

Following a successful installation and setup, additional documentation on usage can be found below:


Contributions to the MSDK are welcome. See for guidelines.