From 08af95857527ae6e7568de120afcc3a0ca5edb5c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: IstvanZsSzekely <>
Date: Thu, 5 Dec 2024 12:04:42 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] ad7606x: Updated testbenches (#144)

Signed-off-by: Istvan-Zsolt Szekely <>
 testbenches/project/ad7606x/system_bd.tcl     |  10 +-
 .../project/ad7606x/system_project.tcl        |   8 -
 testbenches/project/ad7606x/      |  21 +-
 .../project/ad7606x/tests/ | 490 +++++++-------
 .../project/ad7606x/tests/ | 404 ++++++------
 .../project/ad7606x/tests/ | 493 +++++++-------
 .../project/ad7606x/tests/  | 610 +++++++++---------
 7 files changed, 1000 insertions(+), 1036 deletions(-)

diff --git a/testbenches/project/ad7606x/system_bd.tcl b/testbenches/project/ad7606x/system_bd.tcl
index e41dc01f..46d20621 100755
--- a/testbenches/project/ad7606x/system_bd.tcl
+++ b/testbenches/project/ad7606x/system_bd.tcl
@@ -54,14 +54,10 @@ create_bd_port -dir O sys_clk
 ad_connect sys_clk sys_cpu_clk
-set BA_AD7606X 0x44A00000
-adi_sim_add_define "AXI_AD7606X_BA=[format "%d" ${BA_AD7606X}]"
-set BA_SPI_REGMAP 0x44A00000
-adi_sim_add_define "SPI_AD7606_REGMAP_BA=[format "%d" ${BA_SPI_REGMAP}]"
 if {$INTF == 0} {
+  set BA_AD7606X 0x44A00000
   set_property offset $BA_AD7606X [get_bd_addr_segs {mng_axi_vip/Master_AXI/SEG_data_axi_ad7606x}]
+  adi_sim_add_define "AXI_AD7606X_BA=[format "%d" ${BA_AD7606X}]"
 } else {
   create_bd_port -dir O spi_clk
   ad_connect spi_clk spi_clkgen/clk_0
@@ -69,7 +65,9 @@ if {$INTF == 0} {
   create_bd_port -dir O ad7606_irq
   ad_connect ad7606_irq spi_ad7606/irq
+  set BA_SPI_REGMAP 0x44A00000
   set_property offset $BA_SPI_REGMAP [get_bd_addr_segs {mng_axi_vip/Master_AXI/spi_ad7606_axi_regmap}]
+  adi_sim_add_define "SPI_AD7606_REGMAP_BA=[format "%d" ${BA_SPI_REGMAP}]"
   set BA_CLKGEN 0x44A70000
   set_property offset $BA_CLKGEN [get_bd_addr_segs {mng_axi_vip/Master_AXI/SEG_data_spi_clkgen}]
diff --git a/testbenches/project/ad7606x/system_project.tcl b/testbenches/project/ad7606x/system_project.tcl
index 49fa4580..651ff7cb 100755
--- a/testbenches/project/ad7606x/system_project.tcl
+++ b/testbenches/project/ad7606x/system_project.tcl
@@ -13,14 +13,6 @@ source "cfgs/${cfg_file}"
 # Set the project name
 set project_name [file rootname $cfg_file]
-# Set project params
-global ad_project_params
-set INTF $ad_project_params(INTF)
-set ADC_N_BITS $ad_project_params(ADC_N_BITS)
-set NUM_OF_SDI $ad_project_params(NUM_OF_SDI)
 #set a default test program
 adi_sim_add_define "TEST_PROGRAM=test_program_si"
diff --git a/testbenches/project/ad7606x/ b/testbenches/project/ad7606x/
index f1c0f5c6..db6083ae 100755
--- a/testbenches/project/ad7606x/
+++ b/testbenches/project/ad7606x/
@@ -60,9 +60,6 @@ module system_tb();
     wire [4:0] num_chs;
-    parameter ADC_N_BITS = 16;
-    localparam NEG_EDGE = 1;
     `TEST_PROGRAM test(
       .adc_config_mode (adc_config_mode),
       .rx_cnvst_n (rx_cnvst_n),
@@ -113,14 +110,14 @@ module system_tb();
   else //serial interface
-      wire                   ad7606_spi_sclk;
-      wire                   ad7606_spi_sdo;
-      wire [`NUM_OF_SDI-1:0] ad7606_spi_sdi;
-      wire                   ad7606_spi_cs;
-      wire                   spi_clk;
-      wire                   adc_busy;
-      wire                   adc_cnvst_n;
-      wire                   ad7606_irq;
+    wire                   ad7606_spi_sclk;
+    wire                   ad7606_spi_sdo;
+    wire [`NUM_OF_SDI-1:0] ad7606_spi_sdi;
+    wire                   ad7606_spi_cs;
+    wire                   spi_clk;
+    wire                   adc_busy;
+    wire                   adc_cnvst_n;
+    wire                   ad7606_irq;
     `TEST_PROGRAM test(
       .spi_clk (spi_clk),
@@ -141,6 +138,6 @@ module system_tb();
       assign adc_busy = adc_cnvst_n;
-    endgenerate
+  endgenerate
diff --git a/testbenches/project/ad7606x/tests/ b/testbenches/project/ad7606x/tests/
index 6c52d67e..0bcedcfb 100755
--- a/testbenches/project/ad7606x/tests/
+++ b/testbenches/project/ad7606x/tests/
@@ -47,12 +47,12 @@ import adi_regmap_common_pkg::*;
 import adi_regmap_dmac_pkg::*;
 import adi_regmap_pwm_gen_pkg::*;
-parameter SIMPLE_STATUS_CRC = 0;
+localparam SIMPLE_STATUS_CRC = 0;
-parameter CH0 = 8'h00 * 4;
-parameter CH1 = 8'h10 * 4;
-parameter CH2 = 8'h20 * 4;
-parameter CH3 = 8'h30 * 4;
+localparam CH0 = 8'h00 * 4;
+localparam CH1 = 8'h10 * 4;
+localparam CH2 = 8'h20 * 4;
+localparam CH3 = 8'h30 * 4;
 program test_program_4ch (
   input         rx_cnvst_n,
@@ -67,82 +67,78 @@ program test_program_4ch (
   input  [15:0] rx_db_o,
   input         sys_clk,
   output        rx_busy,
-  output bit [2:0] adc_config_mode);
+  output logic [2:0] adc_config_mode);
-test_harness_env env;
+  test_harness_env env;
-// --------------------------
-// Wrapper function for AXI read verif
-// --------------------------
-task axi_read_v(
+  // --------------------------
+  // Wrapper function for AXI read verif
+  // --------------------------
+  task axi_read_v(
     input   [31:0]  raddr,
     input   [31:0]  vdata);
-  env.mng.RegReadVerify32(raddr,vdata);
+    env.mng.RegReadVerify32(raddr,vdata);
+  endtask
-task axi_read(
+  task axi_read(
     input   [31:0]  raddr,
     output  [31:0]  data);
-  env.mng.RegRead32(raddr,data);
+    env.mng.RegRead32(raddr,data);
+  endtask
-// --------------------------
-// Wrapper function for AXI write
-// --------------------------
-task axi_write(
-  input [31:0]  waddr,
-  input [31:0]  wdata);
+  // --------------------------
+  // Wrapper function for AXI write
+  // --------------------------
+  task axi_write(
+    input [31:0]  waddr,
+    input [31:0]  wdata);
-  env.mng.RegWrite32(waddr,wdata);
+    env.mng.RegWrite32(waddr,wdata);
+  endtask
-// --------------------------
-// Main procedure
-// --------------------------
-initial begin
+  // --------------------------
+  // Main procedure
+  // --------------------------
+  initial begin
-  //creating environment
-  env = new("AD7606X Environment",
-            `TH.`SYS_CLK.inst.IF,
-            `TH.`DMA_CLK.inst.IF,
-            `TH.`DDR_CLK.inst.IF,
-            `TH.`SYS_RST.inst.IF,
-            `TH.`MNG_AXI.inst.IF,
-            `TH.`DDR_AXI.inst.IF);
+    //creating environment
+    env = new("AD7606X Environment",
+              `TH.`SYS_CLK.inst.IF,
+              `TH.`DMA_CLK.inst.IF,
+              `TH.`DDR_CLK.inst.IF,
+              `TH.`SYS_RST.inst.IF,
+              `TH.`MNG_AXI.inst.IF,
+              `TH.`DDR_AXI.inst.IF);
-  setLoggerVerbosity(ADI_VERBOSITY_NONE);
-  env.start();
+    setLoggerVerbosity(ADI_VERBOSITY_NONE);
-  //asserts all the resets for 100 ns
-  `TH.`SYS_RST.inst.IF.assert_reset;
-  #100
-  `TH.`SYS_RST.inst.IF.deassert_reset;
-  #100
+    env.start();
+    env.sys_reset();
-  sanity_test();
+    sanity_test();
-  #100 adc_config_number_of_channels();
+    #100 adc_config_number_of_channels();
-  #100 adc_config_SIMPLE_test();
+    #100 adc_config_SIMPLE_test();
-  #200 adc_config_CRC_test();
+    #200 adc_config_CRC_test();
-  #200 adc_config_STATUS_test();
+    #200 adc_config_STATUS_test();
-  #200 adc_config_STATUS_CRC_test();
+    #200 adc_config_STATUS_CRC_test();
-  #200 adc_config_SIMPLE_test();
+    #200 adc_config_SIMPLE_test();
-  #100 db_transmission_test();
+    #100 db_transmission_test();
-  env.stop();
+    env.stop();
-  `INFO(("Test Done"), ADI_VERBOSITY_NONE);
-  $finish;
+    `INFO(("Test Done"), ADI_VERBOSITY_NONE);
+    $finish;
+  end
   // fixed data for channels
   bit [(`ADC_N_BITS == 18 ? 17 : 15):0]  tx_ch1 = (`ADC_N_BITS == 18) ? 18'hAB322 : 16'hACCA;
@@ -171,210 +167,211 @@ end
   wire [4:0] num_of_transfers;
   assign num_of_transfers = (`ADC_N_BITS == 16) ? ((adc_config_mode == 0 ? 8 : (adc_config_mode == 1 ? 9 : (adc_config_mode == 2 ? 16 : 17)))) : ((adc_config_mode == 0 || adc_config_mode == 2) ? 16 : 17);
-// Sanity test reg interface
+  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // Sanity test reg interface
+  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-task sanity_test();
+  task sanity_test();
     // check ADC VERSION
     axi_read_v (`AXI_AD7606X_BA + GetAddrs(COMMON_REG_VERSION),
     `INFO(("Sanity Test Done"), ADI_VERBOSITY_LOW);
-// Transfer Counter
-bit [31:0] transfer_cnt;
-assign transfer_cnt = rx_ch_count;
-initial begin
-  while (1) begin
-    @(negedge rx_data_ready);
-    case (transfer_cnt)
-      32'h00000000: tx_data_buf = 16'h0;
-      32'h00000001: begin
-                      if (`ADC_N_BITS == 16) begin
-                        tx_data_buf = tx_ch1;
-                      end else if (`ADC_N_BITS == 18) begin
-                        tx_data_buf = tx_ch1[17:2];
-                      end
-                    end
-      32'h00000002: begin
-                      if ((`ADC_N_BITS == 16) && (adc_config_mode == 2 || adc_config_mode == 3)) begin
-                        tx_data_buf = {8'b0,tx_status_1};
-                      end else if ((`ADC_N_BITS == 16) && (adc_config_mode == 0 || adc_config_mode == 1)) begin
-                        tx_data_buf = tx_ch2;
-                      end
-                      if (`ADC_N_BITS == 18) begin
-                        if (adc_config_mode == 0 || adc_config_mode == 1) begin
-                          tx_data_buf = {tx_ch1[1:0],14'b0};
-                        end else if (adc_config_mode == 2 || adc_config_mode == 3) begin
-                          tx_data_buf = {tx_ch1[1:0],5'b0,tx_status_1};
+  endtask
+  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // Transfer Counter
+  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  bit [31:0] transfer_cnt;
+  assign transfer_cnt = rx_ch_count;
+  initial begin
+    forever begin
+      @(negedge rx_data_ready);
+      case (transfer_cnt)
+        32'h00000000: tx_data_buf = 16'h0;
+        32'h00000001: begin
+                        if (`ADC_N_BITS == 16) begin
+                          tx_data_buf = tx_ch1;
+                        end else if (`ADC_N_BITS == 18) begin
+                          tx_data_buf = tx_ch1[17:2];
-                    end
-      32'h00000003: begin
-                      tx_data_buf = tx_ch3;
-                      if (`ADC_N_BITS == 18) begin
-                        tx_data_buf = tx_ch2[17:2];
-                      end
-                    end
-      32'h00000004: begin
-                      if ((`ADC_N_BITS == 16) && (adc_config_mode == 2 || adc_config_mode == 3)) begin
-                        tx_data_buf = {8'b0,tx_status_2};
-                      end else if ((`ADC_N_BITS == 16) && (adc_config_mode == 0 || adc_config_mode == 1)) begin
-                        tx_data_buf = tx_ch4;
-                      end
-                      if (`ADC_N_BITS == 18) begin
-                        if (adc_config_mode == 0 || adc_config_mode == 1) begin
-                          tx_data_buf = {tx_ch1[1:0],14'b0};
-                        end else if (adc_config_mode == 2 || adc_config_mode == 3) begin
-                          tx_data_buf = {tx_ch1[1:0],5'b0,tx_status_1};
+        32'h00000002: begin
+                        if ((`ADC_N_BITS == 16) && (adc_config_mode == 2 || adc_config_mode == 3)) begin
+                          tx_data_buf = {8'b0,tx_status_1};
+                        end else if ((`ADC_N_BITS == 16) && (adc_config_mode == 0 || adc_config_mode == 1)) begin
+                          tx_data_buf = tx_ch2;
-                      end
-                    end
-      32'h00000005: begin
-                      tx_data_buf = tx_ch5;
-                      if (`ADC_N_BITS == 18) begin
-                        tx_data_buf = tx_ch3[17:2];
-                      end
-                    end
-      32'h00000006: begin
-                      if ((`ADC_N_BITS == 16) && (adc_config_mode == 2 || adc_config_mode == 3)) begin
-                        tx_data_buf = {8'b0,tx_status_3};
-                      end else if ((`ADC_N_BITS == 16) && (adc_config_mode == 0 || adc_config_mode == 1)) begin
-                        tx_data_buf = tx_ch6;
-                      end
-                      if (`ADC_N_BITS == 18) begin
-                        if (adc_config_mode == 0 || adc_config_mode == 1) begin
-                          tx_data_buf = {tx_ch1[1:0],14'b0};
-                        end else if (adc_config_mode == 2 || adc_config_mode == 3) begin
-                          tx_data_buf = {tx_ch1[1:0],5'b0,tx_status_1};
+                        if (`ADC_N_BITS == 18) begin
+                          if (adc_config_mode == 0 || adc_config_mode == 1) begin
+                            tx_data_buf = {tx_ch1[1:0],14'b0};
+                          end else if (adc_config_mode == 2 || adc_config_mode == 3) begin
+                            tx_data_buf = {tx_ch1[1:0],5'b0,tx_status_1};
+                          end
-                    end
-      32'h00000007: begin
-                      tx_data_buf = tx_ch7;
-                      if (`ADC_N_BITS == 18) begin
-                        tx_data_buf = tx_ch4[17:2];
-                      end
-                    end
-      32'h00000008: begin
-                      if ((`ADC_N_BITS == 16) && (adc_config_mode == 2 || adc_config_mode == 3)) begin
-                        tx_data_buf = {8'b0,tx_status_4};
-                      end else if ((`ADC_N_BITS == 16) && (adc_config_mode == 0 || adc_config_mode == 1)) begin
-                        tx_data_buf = tx_ch8;
+        32'h00000003: begin
+                        tx_data_buf = tx_ch3;
+                        if (`ADC_N_BITS == 18) begin
+                          tx_data_buf = tx_ch2[17:2];
+                        end
-                      if (`ADC_N_BITS == 18) begin
-                        if (adc_config_mode == 0 || adc_config_mode == 1) begin
-                          tx_data_buf = {tx_ch1[1:0],14'b0};
-                        end else if (adc_config_mode == 2 || adc_config_mode == 3) begin
-                          tx_data_buf = {tx_ch1[1:0],5'b0,tx_status_1};
+        32'h00000004: begin
+                        if ((`ADC_N_BITS == 16) && (adc_config_mode == 2 || adc_config_mode == 3)) begin
+                          tx_data_buf = {8'b0,tx_status_2};
+                        end else if ((`ADC_N_BITS == 16) && (adc_config_mode == 0 || adc_config_mode == 1)) begin
+                          tx_data_buf = tx_ch4;
+                        end
+                        if (`ADC_N_BITS == 18) begin
+                          if (adc_config_mode == 0 || adc_config_mode == 1) begin
+                            tx_data_buf = {tx_ch1[1:0],14'b0};
+                          end else if (adc_config_mode == 2 || adc_config_mode == 3) begin
+                            tx_data_buf = {tx_ch1[1:0],5'b0,tx_status_1};
+                          end
-                    end
-      32'h00000009: begin
-                      if (`ADC_N_BITS == 18) begin
-                        tx_data_buf = tx_ch5[17:2];
-                      end else begin
-                        tx_data_buf = tx_crc;
+        32'h00000005: begin
+                        tx_data_buf = tx_ch5;
+                        if (`ADC_N_BITS == 18) begin
+                          tx_data_buf = tx_ch3[17:2];
+                        end
-                    end
-      32'h0000000A: begin
-                      if ((`ADC_N_BITS == 16) && (adc_config_mode == 2 || adc_config_mode == 3)) begin
-                        tx_data_buf = {8'b0,tx_status_5};
+        32'h00000006: begin
+                        if ((`ADC_N_BITS == 16) && (adc_config_mode == 2 || adc_config_mode == 3)) begin
+                          tx_data_buf = {8'b0,tx_status_3};
+                        end else if ((`ADC_N_BITS == 16) && (adc_config_mode == 0 || adc_config_mode == 1)) begin
+                          tx_data_buf = tx_ch6;
+                        end
+                        if (`ADC_N_BITS == 18) begin
+                          if (adc_config_mode == 0 || adc_config_mode == 1) begin
+                            tx_data_buf = {tx_ch1[1:0],14'b0};
+                          end else if (adc_config_mode == 2 || adc_config_mode == 3) begin
+                            tx_data_buf = {tx_ch1[1:0],5'b0,tx_status_1};
+                          end
+                        end
-                      if (`ADC_N_BITS == 18) begin
-                        if (adc_config_mode == 0 || adc_config_mode == 1) begin
-                          tx_data_buf = {tx_ch1[1:0],14'b0};
-                        end else if (adc_config_mode == 2 || adc_config_mode == 3) begin
-                          tx_data_buf = {tx_ch1[1:0],5'b0,tx_status_1};
+        32'h00000007: begin
+                        tx_data_buf = tx_ch7;
+                        if (`ADC_N_BITS == 18) begin
+                          tx_data_buf = tx_ch4[17:2];
-                    end
-      32'h0000000B: begin
-                      if (`ADC_N_BITS == 18) begin
-                        tx_data_buf = tx_ch6[17:2];
+        32'h00000008: begin
+                        if ((`ADC_N_BITS == 16) && (adc_config_mode == 2 || adc_config_mode == 3)) begin
+                          tx_data_buf = {8'b0,tx_status_4};
+                        end else if ((`ADC_N_BITS == 16) && (adc_config_mode == 0 || adc_config_mode == 1)) begin
+                          tx_data_buf = tx_ch8;
+                        end
+                        if (`ADC_N_BITS == 18) begin
+                          if (adc_config_mode == 0 || adc_config_mode == 1) begin
+                            tx_data_buf = {tx_ch1[1:0],14'b0};
+                          end else if (adc_config_mode == 2 || adc_config_mode == 3) begin
+                            tx_data_buf = {tx_ch1[1:0],5'b0,tx_status_1};
+                          end
+                        end
-                    end
-      32'h0000000C: begin
-                      if ((`ADC_N_BITS == 16) && (adc_config_mode == 2 || adc_config_mode == 3)) begin
-                        tx_data_buf = {8'b0,tx_status_6};
+        32'h00000009: begin
+                        if (`ADC_N_BITS == 18) begin
+                          tx_data_buf = tx_ch5[17:2];
+                        end else begin
+                          tx_data_buf = tx_crc;
+                        end
-                      if (`ADC_N_BITS == 18) begin
-                        if (adc_config_mode == 0 || adc_config_mode == 1) begin
-                          tx_data_buf = {tx_ch1[1:0],14'b0};
-                        end else if (adc_config_mode == 2 || adc_config_mode == 3) begin
-                          tx_data_buf = {tx_ch1[1:0],5'b0,tx_status_1};
+        32'h0000000A: begin
+                        if ((`ADC_N_BITS == 16) && (adc_config_mode == 2 || adc_config_mode == 3)) begin
+                          tx_data_buf = {8'b0,tx_status_5};
+                        end
+                        if (`ADC_N_BITS == 18) begin
+                          if (adc_config_mode == 0 || adc_config_mode == 1) begin
+                            tx_data_buf = {tx_ch1[1:0],14'b0};
+                          end else if (adc_config_mode == 2 || adc_config_mode == 3) begin
+                            tx_data_buf = {tx_ch1[1:0],5'b0,tx_status_1};
+                          end
-                    end
-      32'h0000000D: begin
-                      if (`ADC_N_BITS == 18) begin
-                        tx_data_buf = tx_ch7[17:2];
+        32'h0000000B: begin
+                        if (`ADC_N_BITS == 18) begin
+                          tx_data_buf = tx_ch6[17:2];
+                        end
-                    end
-      32'h0000000E: begin
-                      if ((`ADC_N_BITS == 16) && (adc_config_mode == 2 || adc_config_mode == 3)) begin
-                        tx_data_buf = {8'b0,tx_status_7};
+        32'h0000000C: begin
+                        if ((`ADC_N_BITS == 16) && (adc_config_mode == 2 || adc_config_mode == 3)) begin
+                          tx_data_buf = {8'b0,tx_status_6};
+                        end
+                        if (`ADC_N_BITS == 18) begin
+                          if (adc_config_mode == 0 || adc_config_mode == 1) begin
+                            tx_data_buf = {tx_ch1[1:0],14'b0};
+                          end else if (adc_config_mode == 2 || adc_config_mode == 3) begin
+                            tx_data_buf = {tx_ch1[1:0],5'b0,tx_status_1};
+                          end
+                        end
-                      if (`ADC_N_BITS == 18) begin
-                        if (adc_config_mode == 0 || adc_config_mode == 1) begin
-                          tx_data_buf = {tx_ch1[1:0],14'b0};
-                        end else if (adc_config_mode == 2 || adc_config_mode == 3) begin
-                          tx_data_buf = {tx_ch1[1:0],5'b0,tx_status_1};
+        32'h0000000D: begin
+                        if (`ADC_N_BITS == 18) begin
+                          tx_data_buf = tx_ch7[17:2];
-                    end
-      32'h0000000F: begin
-                      if (`ADC_N_BITS == 18) begin
-                        tx_data_buf = tx_ch8[17:2];
+        32'h0000000E: begin
+                        if ((`ADC_N_BITS == 16) && (adc_config_mode == 2 || adc_config_mode == 3)) begin
+                          tx_data_buf = {8'b0,tx_status_7};
+                        end
+                        if (`ADC_N_BITS == 18) begin
+                          if (adc_config_mode == 0 || adc_config_mode == 1) begin
+                            tx_data_buf = {tx_ch1[1:0],14'b0};
+                          end else if (adc_config_mode == 2 || adc_config_mode == 3) begin
+                            tx_data_buf = {tx_ch1[1:0],5'b0,tx_status_1};
+                          end
+                        end
-                    end
-      32'h00000010: begin
-                      if ((`ADC_N_BITS == 16) && (adc_config_mode == 2 || adc_config_mode == 3)) begin
-                        tx_data_buf = {8'b0,tx_status_8};
+        32'h0000000F: begin
+                        if (`ADC_N_BITS == 18) begin
+                          tx_data_buf = tx_ch8[17:2];
+                        end
-                      if (`ADC_N_BITS == 18) begin
-                        if (adc_config_mode == 0 || adc_config_mode == 1) begin
-                          tx_data_buf = {tx_ch1[1:0],14'b0};
-                        end else if (adc_config_mode == 2 || adc_config_mode == 3) begin
-                          tx_data_buf = {tx_ch1[1:0],5'b0,tx_status_1};
+        32'h00000010: begin
+                        if ((`ADC_N_BITS == 16) && (adc_config_mode == 2 || adc_config_mode == 3)) begin
+                          tx_data_buf = {8'b0,tx_status_8};
+                        end
+                        if (`ADC_N_BITS == 18) begin
+                          if (adc_config_mode == 0 || adc_config_mode == 1) begin
+                            tx_data_buf = {tx_ch1[1:0],14'b0};
+                          end else if (adc_config_mode == 2 || adc_config_mode == 3) begin
+                            tx_data_buf = {tx_ch1[1:0],5'b0,tx_status_1};
+                          end
-                    end
-      32'h00000011: begin
-                      if ((`ADC_N_BITS == 16) &&  adc_config_mode == 3) begin
-                        tx_data_buf = {8'b0,tx_status_8};
-                      end else if (`ADC_N_BITS == 18 && (adc_config_mode == 1 || adc_config_mode == 3)) begin
-                        tx_data_buf = tx_crc;
+        32'h00000011: begin
+                        if ((`ADC_N_BITS == 16) &&  adc_config_mode == 3) begin
+                          tx_data_buf = {8'b0,tx_status_8};
+                        end else if (`ADC_N_BITS == 18 && (adc_config_mode == 1 || adc_config_mode == 3)) begin
+                          tx_data_buf = tx_crc;
+                        end
-                    end
-    endcase
+        default: ;
+      endcase
+    end
-// Configuration Test
-bit transfer_status = 0;
-bit [31:0] config_CRC = 'h0; // CRC with channel static data setup
-bit [31:0] config_SIMPLE = 'h0; // channel static data setup
-bit [31:0] config_STATUS = 'h0; // channel static data setup + Status header
-bit [31:0] config_STATUS_CRC = 'h0; // CRC with channel static data setup + Status header
-bit [31:0] config_wr_CRC = 'h0; // write request sent result
-bit [31:0] config_wr_SIMPLE = 'h0; // write request sent result
-bit [31:0] config_wr_STATUS = 'h0; // write request sent result
-bit [31:0] config_wr_STATUS_CRC = 'h0; // write request sent result
-bit        ctrl_status_CRC = 'h0; // ctrl_status bit from ADC common core
-bit        ctrl_status_SIMPLE = 'h0; // ctrl_status bit from ADC common core
-bit        ctrl_status_STATUS = 'h0; // ctrl_status bit from ADC common core
-bit        ctrl_status_STATUS_CRC = 'h0; // ctrl_status bit from ADC common core
-task adc_config_SIMPLE_test();
+  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // Configuration Test
+  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  bit transfer_status = 0;
+  bit [31:0] config_CRC = 'h0; // CRC with channel static data setup
+  bit [31:0] config_SIMPLE = 'h0; // channel static data setup
+  bit [31:0] config_STATUS = 'h0; // channel static data setup + Status header
+  bit [31:0] config_STATUS_CRC = 'h0; // CRC with channel static data setup + Status header
+  bit [31:0] config_wr_CRC = 'h0; // write request sent result
+  bit [31:0] config_wr_SIMPLE = 'h0; // write request sent result
+  bit [31:0] config_wr_STATUS = 'h0; // write request sent result
+  bit [31:0] config_wr_STATUS_CRC = 'h0; // write request sent result
+  bit        ctrl_status_CRC = 'h0; // ctrl_status bit from ADC common core
+  bit        ctrl_status_SIMPLE = 'h0; // ctrl_status bit from ADC common core
+  bit        ctrl_status_STATUS = 'h0; // ctrl_status bit from ADC common core
+  bit        ctrl_status_STATUS_CRC = 'h0; // ctrl_status bit from ADC common core
+  task adc_config_SIMPLE_test();
     axi_write(`AXI_AD7606X_BA + GetAddrs(ADC_COMMON_REG_RSTN), `SET_ADC_COMMON_REG_RSTN_RSTN(1'b1)); //ADC common core out of reset
     axi_write(`AXI_AD7606X_BA + GetAddrs(ADC_COMMON_REG_ADC_CONFIG_WR), `SET_ADC_COMMON_REG_ADC_CONFIG_WR_ADC_CONFIG_WR(32'h00002181)); // set static data setup in device's reg 0x21
     axi_read(`AXI_AD7606X_BA + GetAddrs(ADC_COMMON_REG_ADC_CONFIG_WR), config_SIMPLE); // read last config result
@@ -397,9 +394,9 @@ task adc_config_SIMPLE_test();
     axi_write(`AXI_AD7606X_BA + GetAddrs(ADC_COMMON_REG_CNTRL_3), 'h100); // set default
     adc_config_mode = 3'h0;
+  endtask
-task adc_config_CRC_test();
+  task adc_config_CRC_test();
     axi_write(`AXI_AD7606X_BA + GetAddrs(ADC_COMMON_REG_RSTN), `SET_ADC_COMMON_REG_RSTN_RSTN(1'b1)); //ADC common core out of reset
     axi_write(`AXI_AD7606X_BA + GetAddrs(ADC_COMMON_REG_ADC_CONFIG_WR), `SET_ADC_COMMON_REG_ADC_CONFIG_WR_ADC_CONFIG_WR(32'h00002185)); // set CRC and static data setup in device's reg 0x21
     axi_read(`AXI_AD7606X_BA + GetAddrs(ADC_COMMON_REG_ADC_CONFIG_WR), config_CRC); // read last config result
@@ -422,9 +419,9 @@ task adc_config_CRC_test();
     axi_write(`AXI_AD7606X_BA + GetAddrs(ADC_COMMON_REG_CNTRL_3), 'h101); // set default
     adc_config_mode = 3'h1;
+  endtask
-task adc_config_STATUS_test();
+  task adc_config_STATUS_test();
     axi_write(`AXI_AD7606X_BA + GetAddrs(ADC_COMMON_REG_RSTN), `SET_ADC_COMMON_REG_RSTN_RSTN(1'b1)); //ADC common core out of reset
     axi_write(`AXI_AD7606X_BA + GetAddrs(ADC_COMMON_REG_ADC_CONFIG_WR), `SET_ADC_COMMON_REG_ADC_CONFIG_WR_ADC_CONFIG_WR(32'h00002181)); // static data setup in device's reg 0x21
     axi_read(`AXI_AD7606X_BA + GetAddrs(ADC_COMMON_REG_ADC_CONFIG_WR), config_STATUS); // read last config result
@@ -460,9 +457,9 @@ task adc_config_STATUS_test();
     axi_write(`AXI_AD7606X_BA + GetAddrs(ADC_COMMON_REG_CNTRL_3), 'h102); // set default
     adc_config_mode = 3'h2;
+  endtask
-task adc_config_STATUS_CRC_test();
+  task adc_config_STATUS_CRC_test();
     axi_write(`AXI_AD7606X_BA + GetAddrs(ADC_COMMON_REG_RSTN), `SET_ADC_COMMON_REG_RSTN_RSTN(1'b1)); //ADC common core out of reset
     axi_write(`AXI_AD7606X_BA + GetAddrs(ADC_COMMON_REG_ADC_CONFIG_WR), `SET_ADC_COMMON_REG_ADC_CONFIG_WR_ADC_CONFIG_WR(32'h00002185)); // static data and CRC setup in device's reg 0x21
     axi_read(`AXI_AD7606X_BA + GetAddrs(ADC_COMMON_REG_ADC_CONFIG_WR), config_STATUS); // read last config result
@@ -498,27 +495,26 @@ task adc_config_STATUS_CRC_test();
     axi_write(`AXI_AD7606X_BA + GetAddrs(ADC_COMMON_REG_CNTRL_3), 'h103); // set default
     adc_config_mode = 3'h3;
+  endtask
-task adc_config_number_of_channels();
+  task adc_config_number_of_channels();
-   //set HDL config mode
-   // axi_write(`AXI_AD7606X_BA + GetAddrs(ADC_COMMON_REG_CNTRL_3), 'h103); // set default
+    //set HDL config mode
+    // axi_write(`AXI_AD7606X_BA + GetAddrs(ADC_COMMON_REG_CNTRL_3), 'h103); // set default
     adc_config_mode = 3'h4;
+  endtask
-// DB transmission test
-bit [31:0] capp_word;
-task db_transmission_test();
-    #100 transfer_status = 1;
+  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // DB transmission test
+  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  bit [31:0] capp_word;
+  task db_transmission_test();
+    transfer_status = 1;
     // Generate cnvst_n pulse using AXI_PWM_GEN
     axi_write (`AXI_PWMGEN_BA + GetAddrs(AXI_PWM_GEN_REG_RSTN), `SET_AXI_PWM_GEN_REG_RSTN_RESET(1)); // PWM_GEN reset in regmap (ACTIVE HIGH)
@@ -533,6 +529,6 @@ task db_transmission_test();
     // Stop pwm gen
     `INFO(("Axi_pwm_gen stopped"), ADI_VERBOSITY_LOW);
+  endtask
diff --git a/testbenches/project/ad7606x/tests/ b/testbenches/project/ad7606x/tests/
index c99f6408..2613b3bc 100755
--- a/testbenches/project/ad7606x/tests/
+++ b/testbenches/project/ad7606x/tests/
@@ -47,14 +47,14 @@ import adi_regmap_common_pkg::*;
 import adi_regmap_dmac_pkg::*;
 import adi_regmap_pwm_gen_pkg::*;
-parameter SIMPLE_STATUS_CRC = 0;
+localparam SIMPLE_STATUS_CRC = 0;
-parameter CH0 = 8'h00 * 4;
-parameter CH1 = 8'h10 * 4;
-parameter CH2 = 8'h20 * 4;
-parameter CH3 = 8'h30 * 4;
-parameter CH4 = 8'h40 * 4;
-parameter CH5 = 8'h50 * 4;
+localparam CH0 = 8'h00 * 4;
+localparam CH1 = 8'h10 * 4;
+localparam CH2 = 8'h20 * 4;
+localparam CH3 = 8'h30 * 4;
+localparam CH4 = 8'h40 * 4;
+localparam CH5 = 8'h50 * 4;
 program test_program_6ch (
   input         rx_cnvst_n,
@@ -69,81 +69,76 @@ program test_program_6ch (
   input  [15:0] rx_db_o,
   input         sys_clk,
   output        rx_busy,
-  output bit [2:0] adc_config_mode);
+  output logic [2:0] adc_config_mode);
-test_harness_env env;
+  test_harness_env env;
-// --------------------------
-// Wrapper function for AXI read verif
-// --------------------------
-task axi_read_v(
+  // --------------------------
+  // Wrapper function for AXI read verif
+  // --------------------------
+  task axi_read_v(
     input   [31:0]  raddr,
     input   [31:0]  vdata);
-  env.mng.RegReadVerify32(raddr,vdata);
+    env.mng.RegReadVerify32(raddr,vdata);
+  endtask
-task axi_read(
+  task axi_read(
     input   [31:0]  raddr,
     output  [31:0]  data);
-  env.mng.RegRead32(raddr,data);
+    env.mng.RegRead32(raddr,data);
+  endtask
-// --------------------------
-// Wrapper function for AXI write
-// --------------------------
-task axi_write(
-  input [31:0]  waddr,
-  input [31:0]  wdata);
+  // --------------------------
+  // Wrapper function for AXI write
+  // --------------------------
+  task axi_write(
+    input [31:0]  waddr,
+    input [31:0]  wdata);
-  env.mng.RegWrite32(waddr,wdata);
+    env.mng.RegWrite32(waddr,wdata);
+  endtask
-// --------------------------
-// Main procedure
-// --------------------------
-initial begin
+  // --------------------------
+  // Main procedure
+  // --------------------------
+  initial begin
-  //creating environment
-  env = new("AD7616 Environment",
-            `TH.`SYS_CLK.inst.IF,
-            `TH.`DMA_CLK.inst.IF,
-            `TH.`DDR_CLK.inst.IF,
-            `TH.`SYS_RST.inst.IF,
-            `TH.`MNG_AXI.inst.IF,
-            `TH.`DDR_AXI.inst.IF);
+    //creating environment
+    env = new("AD7606X Environment",
+              `TH.`SYS_CLK.inst.IF,
+              `TH.`DMA_CLK.inst.IF,
+              `TH.`DDR_CLK.inst.IF,
+              `TH.`SYS_RST.inst.IF,
+              `TH.`MNG_AXI.inst.IF,
+              `TH.`DDR_AXI.inst.IF);
-  setLoggerVerbosity(6);
-  env.start();
+    setLoggerVerbosity(ADI_VERBOSITY_NONE);
-  //asserts all the resets for 100 ns
-  `TH.`SYS_RST.inst.IF.assert_reset;
-  #100
-  `TH.`SYS_RST.inst.IF.deassert_reset;
-  #100
+    env.start();
+    env.sys_reset();
-  sanity_test();
+    sanity_test();
-  #100 adc_config_number_of_channels();
+    #100 adc_config_number_of_channels();
-  #100 adc_config_SIMPLE_test();
+    #100 adc_config_SIMPLE_test();
-  #200 adc_config_CRC_test();
+    #200 adc_config_CRC_test();
-  #200 adc_config_STATUS_test();
+    #200 adc_config_STATUS_test();
-  #200 adc_config_STATUS_CRC_test();
+    #200 adc_config_STATUS_CRC_test();
-  #200 adc_config_SIMPLE_test();
+    #200 adc_config_SIMPLE_test();
-  #100 db_transmission_test();
+    #100 db_transmission_test();
-  `INFO(("Test Done"), ADI_VERBOSITY_NONE);
+    `INFO(("Test Done"), ADI_VERBOSITY_NONE);
+    $finish;
-  $finish;
+  end
   // fixed data for channels
   bit [(`ADC_N_BITS == 18 ? 17 : 15):0]  tx_ch1 = (`ADC_N_BITS == 18) ? 18'hAB322 : 16'hACCA;
@@ -170,152 +165,150 @@ end
   wire [4:0] num_of_transfers;
   assign num_of_transfers = (`ADC_N_BITS == 16) ? ((adc_config_mode == 0 ? 8 : (adc_config_mode == 1 ? 9 : (adc_config_mode == 2 ? 16 : 17)))) : ((adc_config_mode == 0 || adc_config_mode == 2) ? 16 : 17);
-// Sanity test reg interface
-task sanity_test();
-    // check ADC VERSION
-    axi_read_v (`AXI_AD7606X_BA + GetAddrs(COMMON_REG_VERSION),
-                    `SET_COMMON_REG_VERSION_VERSION('h000a0300));
-    `INFO(("Sanity Test Done."), ADI_VERBOSITY_LOW);
-// Transfer Counter
-bit [31:0] transfer_cnt;
-assign transfer_cnt = rx_ch_count;
-initial begin
-  while (1) begin
-    @(negedge rx_data_ready);
-    case (transfer_cnt)
-      32'h00000000: tx_data_buf = 16'h0;
-      32'h00000001: begin
-                      if (`ADC_N_BITS == 16) begin
-                        tx_data_buf = tx_ch1;
-                      end else if (`ADC_N_BITS == 18) begin
-                        tx_data_buf = tx_ch1[17:2];
-                      end
-                    end
-      32'h00000002: begin
-                      if ((`ADC_N_BITS == 16) && (adc_config_mode == 2 || adc_config_mode == 3)) begin
-                        tx_data_buf = {8'b0,tx_status_1};
-                      end else if ((`ADC_N_BITS == 16) && (adc_config_mode == 0 || adc_config_mode == 1)) begin
-                        tx_data_buf = tx_ch2;
-                      end
-                      if (`ADC_N_BITS == 18) begin
-                        if (adc_config_mode == 0 || adc_config_mode == 1) begin
-                          tx_data_buf = {tx_ch1[1:0],14'b0};
-                        end else if (adc_config_mode == 2 || adc_config_mode == 3) begin
-                          tx_data_buf = {tx_ch1[1:0],5'b0,tx_status_1};
+  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // Sanity test reg interface
+  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  task sanity_test();
+      // check ADC VERSION
+      axi_read_v (`AXI_AD7606X_BA + GetAddrs(COMMON_REG_VERSION),
+                      `SET_COMMON_REG_VERSION_VERSION('h000a0300));
+      `INFO(("Sanity Test Done."), ADI_VERBOSITY_LOW);
+  endtask
+  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // Transfer Counter
+  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  bit [31:0] transfer_cnt;
+  assign transfer_cnt = rx_ch_count;
+  initial begin
+    forever begin
+      @(negedge rx_data_ready);
+      case (transfer_cnt)
+        32'h00000000: tx_data_buf = 16'h0;
+        32'h00000001: begin
+                        if (`ADC_N_BITS == 16) begin
+                          tx_data_buf = tx_ch1;
+                        end else if (`ADC_N_BITS == 18) begin
+                          tx_data_buf = tx_ch1[17:2];
-                    end
-      32'h00000003: begin
-                      tx_data_buf = tx_ch3;
-                      if (`ADC_N_BITS == 18) begin
-                        tx_data_buf = tx_ch2[17:2];
-                      end
-                    end
-      32'h00000004: begin
-                      if ((`ADC_N_BITS == 16) && (adc_config_mode == 2 || adc_config_mode == 3)) begin
-                        tx_data_buf = {8'b0,tx_status_2};
-                      end else if ((`ADC_N_BITS == 16) && (adc_config_mode == 0 || adc_config_mode == 1)) begin
-                        tx_data_buf = tx_ch4;
-                      end
-                      if (`ADC_N_BITS == 18) begin
-                        if (adc_config_mode == 0 || adc_config_mode == 1) begin
-                          tx_data_buf = {tx_ch1[1:0],14'b0};
-                        end else if (adc_config_mode == 2 || adc_config_mode == 3) begin
-                          tx_data_buf = {tx_ch1[1:0],5'b0,tx_status_1};
+        32'h00000002: begin
+                        if ((`ADC_N_BITS == 16) && (adc_config_mode == 2 || adc_config_mode == 3)) begin
+                          tx_data_buf = {8'b0,tx_status_1};
+                        end else if ((`ADC_N_BITS == 16) && (adc_config_mode == 0 || adc_config_mode == 1)) begin
+                          tx_data_buf = tx_ch2;
+                        end
+                        if (`ADC_N_BITS == 18) begin
+                          if (adc_config_mode == 0 || adc_config_mode == 1) begin
+                            tx_data_buf = {tx_ch1[1:0],14'b0};
+                          end else if (adc_config_mode == 2 || adc_config_mode == 3) begin
+                            tx_data_buf = {tx_ch1[1:0],5'b0,tx_status_1};
+                          end
-                    end
-      32'h00000005: begin
-                      tx_data_buf = tx_ch5;
-                      if (`ADC_N_BITS == 18) begin
-                        tx_data_buf = tx_ch3[17:2];
-                      end
-                    end
-      32'h00000006: begin
-                      if ((`ADC_N_BITS == 16) && (adc_config_mode == 2 || adc_config_mode == 3)) begin
-                        tx_data_buf = {8'b0,tx_status_3};
-                      end else if ((`ADC_N_BITS == 16) && (adc_config_mode == 0 || adc_config_mode == 1)) begin
-                        tx_data_buf = tx_ch6;
+        32'h00000003: begin
+                        tx_data_buf = tx_ch3;
+                        if (`ADC_N_BITS == 18) begin
+                          tx_data_buf = tx_ch2[17:2];
+                        end
-                      if (`ADC_N_BITS == 18) begin
-                        if (adc_config_mode == 0 || adc_config_mode == 1) begin
-                          tx_data_buf = {tx_ch1[1:0],14'b0};
-                        end else if (adc_config_mode == 2 || adc_config_mode == 3) begin
-                          tx_data_buf = {tx_ch1[1:0],5'b0,tx_status_1};
+        32'h00000004: begin
+                        if ((`ADC_N_BITS == 16) && (adc_config_mode == 2 || adc_config_mode == 3)) begin
+                          tx_data_buf = {8'b0,tx_status_2};
+                        end else if ((`ADC_N_BITS == 16) && (adc_config_mode == 0 || adc_config_mode == 1)) begin
+                          tx_data_buf = tx_ch4;
+                        end
+                        if (`ADC_N_BITS == 18) begin
+                          if (adc_config_mode == 0 || adc_config_mode == 1) begin
+                            tx_data_buf = {tx_ch1[1:0],14'b0};
+                          end else if (adc_config_mode == 2 || adc_config_mode == 3) begin
+                            tx_data_buf = {tx_ch1[1:0],5'b0,tx_status_1};
+                          end
-                    end
-      32'h00000009: begin
-                      if (`ADC_N_BITS == 18) begin
-                        tx_data_buf = tx_ch5[17:2];
-                      end else begin
-                        tx_data_buf = tx_crc;
+        32'h00000005: begin
+                        tx_data_buf = tx_ch5;
+                        if (`ADC_N_BITS == 18) begin
+                          tx_data_buf = tx_ch3[17:2];
+                        end
-                    end
-      32'h0000000A: begin
-                      if ((`ADC_N_BITS == 16) && (adc_config_mode == 2 || adc_config_mode == 3)) begin
-                        tx_data_buf = {8'b0,tx_status_5};
+        32'h00000006: begin
+                        if ((`ADC_N_BITS == 16) && (adc_config_mode == 2 || adc_config_mode == 3)) begin
+                          tx_data_buf = {8'b0,tx_status_3};
+                        end else if ((`ADC_N_BITS == 16) && (adc_config_mode == 0 || adc_config_mode == 1)) begin
+                          tx_data_buf = tx_ch6;
+                        end
+                        if (`ADC_N_BITS == 18) begin
+                          if (adc_config_mode == 0 || adc_config_mode == 1) begin
+                            tx_data_buf = {tx_ch1[1:0],14'b0};
+                          end else if (adc_config_mode == 2 || adc_config_mode == 3) begin
+                            tx_data_buf = {tx_ch1[1:0],5'b0,tx_status_1};
+                          end
+                        end
-                      if (`ADC_N_BITS == 18) begin
-                        if (adc_config_mode == 0 || adc_config_mode == 1) begin
-                          tx_data_buf = {tx_ch1[1:0],14'b0};
-                        end else if (adc_config_mode == 2 || adc_config_mode == 3) begin
-                          tx_data_buf = {tx_ch1[1:0],5'b0,tx_status_1};
+        32'h00000009: begin
+                        if (`ADC_N_BITS == 18) begin
+                          tx_data_buf = tx_ch5[17:2];
+                        end else begin
+                          tx_data_buf = tx_crc;
-                    end
-      32'h0000000B: begin
-                      if (`ADC_N_BITS == 18) begin
-                        tx_data_buf = tx_ch6[17:2];
+        32'h0000000A: begin
+                        if ((`ADC_N_BITS == 16) && (adc_config_mode == 2 || adc_config_mode == 3)) begin
+                          tx_data_buf = {8'b0,tx_status_5};
+                        end
+                        if (`ADC_N_BITS == 18) begin
+                          if (adc_config_mode == 0 || adc_config_mode == 1) begin
+                            tx_data_buf = {tx_ch1[1:0],14'b0};
+                          end else if (adc_config_mode == 2 || adc_config_mode == 3) begin
+                            tx_data_buf = {tx_ch1[1:0],5'b0,tx_status_1};
+                          end
+                        end
-                    end
-      32'h0000000C: begin
-                      if ((`ADC_N_BITS == 16) && (adc_config_mode == 2 || adc_config_mode == 3)) begin
-                        tx_data_buf = {8'b0,tx_status_6};
+        32'h0000000B: begin
+                        if (`ADC_N_BITS == 18) begin
+                          tx_data_buf = tx_ch6[17:2];
+                        end
-                      if (`ADC_N_BITS == 18) begin
-                        if (adc_config_mode == 0 || adc_config_mode == 1) begin
-                          tx_data_buf = {tx_ch1[1:0],14'b0};
-                        end else if (adc_config_mode == 2 || adc_config_mode == 3) begin
-                          tx_data_buf = {tx_ch1[1:0],5'b0,tx_status_1};
+        32'h0000000C: begin
+                        if ((`ADC_N_BITS == 16) && (adc_config_mode == 2 || adc_config_mode == 3)) begin
+                          tx_data_buf = {8'b0,tx_status_6};
+                        end
+                        if (`ADC_N_BITS == 18) begin
+                          if (adc_config_mode == 0 || adc_config_mode == 1) begin
+                            tx_data_buf = {tx_ch1[1:0],14'b0};
+                          end else if (adc_config_mode == 2 || adc_config_mode == 3) begin
+                            tx_data_buf = {tx_ch1[1:0],5'b0,tx_status_1};
+                          end
-                    end
-    endcase
+        default: ;
+      endcase
+    end
-// Configuration Test
-bit transfer_status = 0;
-bit [31:0] config_CRC = 'h0; // CRC with channel static data setup
-bit [31:0] config_SIMPLE = 'h0; // channel static data setup
-bit [31:0] config_STATUS = 'h0; // channel static data setup + Status header
-bit [31:0] config_STATUS_CRC = 'h0; // CRC with channel static data setup + Status header
-bit [31:0] config_wr_CRC = 'h0; // write request sent result
-bit [31:0] config_wr_SIMPLE = 'h0; // write request sent result
-bit [31:0] config_wr_STATUS = 'h0; // write request sent result
-bit [31:0] config_wr_STATUS_CRC = 'h0; // write request sent result
-bit        ctrl_status_CRC = 'h0; // ctrl_status bit from ADC common core
-bit        ctrl_status_SIMPLE = 'h0; // ctrl_status bit from ADC common core
-bit        ctrl_status_STATUS = 'h0; // ctrl_status bit from ADC common core
-bit        ctrl_status_STATUS_CRC = 'h0; // ctrl_status bit from ADC common core
-task adc_config_SIMPLE_test();
+  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // Configuration Test
+  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  bit transfer_status = 0;
+  bit [31:0] config_CRC = 'h0; // CRC with channel static data setup
+  bit [31:0] config_SIMPLE = 'h0; // channel static data setup
+  bit [31:0] config_STATUS = 'h0; // channel static data setup + Status header
+  bit [31:0] config_STATUS_CRC = 'h0; // CRC with channel static data setup + Status header
+  bit [31:0] config_wr_CRC = 'h0; // write request sent result
+  bit [31:0] config_wr_SIMPLE = 'h0; // write request sent result
+  bit [31:0] config_wr_STATUS = 'h0; // write request sent result
+  bit [31:0] config_wr_STATUS_CRC = 'h0; // write request sent result
+  bit        ctrl_status_CRC = 'h0; // ctrl_status bit from ADC common core
+  bit        ctrl_status_SIMPLE = 'h0; // ctrl_status bit from ADC common core
+  bit        ctrl_status_STATUS = 'h0; // ctrl_status bit from ADC common core
+  bit        ctrl_status_STATUS_CRC = 'h0; // ctrl_status bit from ADC common core
+  task adc_config_SIMPLE_test();
     axi_write(`AXI_AD7606X_BA + GetAddrs(ADC_COMMON_REG_RSTN), `SET_ADC_COMMON_REG_RSTN_RSTN(1'b1)); //ADC common core out of reset
     axi_write(`AXI_AD7606X_BA + GetAddrs(ADC_COMMON_REG_ADC_CONFIG_WR), `SET_ADC_COMMON_REG_ADC_CONFIG_WR_ADC_CONFIG_WR(32'h00002181)); // set static data setup in device's reg 0x21
     axi_read(`AXI_AD7606X_BA + GetAddrs(ADC_COMMON_REG_ADC_CONFIG_WR), config_SIMPLE); // read last config result
@@ -338,9 +331,9 @@ task adc_config_SIMPLE_test();
     axi_write(`AXI_AD7606X_BA + GetAddrs(ADC_COMMON_REG_CNTRL_3), 'h100); // set default
     adc_config_mode = 3'h0;
+  endtask
-task adc_config_CRC_test();
+  task adc_config_CRC_test();
     axi_write(`AXI_AD7606X_BA + GetAddrs(ADC_COMMON_REG_RSTN), `SET_ADC_COMMON_REG_RSTN_RSTN(1'b1)); //ADC common core out of reset
     axi_write(`AXI_AD7606X_BA + GetAddrs(ADC_COMMON_REG_ADC_CONFIG_WR), `SET_ADC_COMMON_REG_ADC_CONFIG_WR_ADC_CONFIG_WR(32'h00002185)); // set CRC and static data setup in device's reg 0x21
     axi_read(`AXI_AD7606X_BA + GetAddrs(ADC_COMMON_REG_ADC_CONFIG_WR), config_CRC); // read last config result
@@ -363,9 +356,9 @@ task adc_config_CRC_test();
     axi_write(`AXI_AD7606X_BA + GetAddrs(ADC_COMMON_REG_CNTRL_3), 'h101); // set default
     adc_config_mode = 3'h1;
+  endtask
-task adc_config_STATUS_test();
+  task adc_config_STATUS_test();
     axi_write(`AXI_AD7606X_BA + GetAddrs(ADC_COMMON_REG_RSTN), `SET_ADC_COMMON_REG_RSTN_RSTN(1'b1)); //ADC common core out of reset
     axi_write(`AXI_AD7606X_BA + GetAddrs(ADC_COMMON_REG_ADC_CONFIG_WR), `SET_ADC_COMMON_REG_ADC_CONFIG_WR_ADC_CONFIG_WR(32'h00002181)); // static data setup in device's reg 0x21
     axi_read(`AXI_AD7606X_BA + GetAddrs(ADC_COMMON_REG_ADC_CONFIG_WR), config_STATUS); // read last config result
@@ -401,9 +394,9 @@ task adc_config_STATUS_test();
     axi_write(`AXI_AD7606X_BA + GetAddrs(ADC_COMMON_REG_CNTRL_3), 'h102); // set default
     adc_config_mode = 3'h2;
+  endtask
-task adc_config_STATUS_CRC_test();
+  task adc_config_STATUS_CRC_test();
     axi_write(`AXI_AD7606X_BA + GetAddrs(ADC_COMMON_REG_RSTN), `SET_ADC_COMMON_REG_RSTN_RSTN(1'b1)); //ADC common core out of reset
     axi_write(`AXI_AD7606X_BA + GetAddrs(ADC_COMMON_REG_ADC_CONFIG_WR), `SET_ADC_COMMON_REG_ADC_CONFIG_WR_ADC_CONFIG_WR(32'h00002185)); // static data and CRC setup in device's reg 0x21
     axi_read(`AXI_AD7606X_BA + GetAddrs(ADC_COMMON_REG_ADC_CONFIG_WR), config_STATUS); // read last config result
@@ -439,10 +432,9 @@ task adc_config_STATUS_CRC_test();
     axi_write(`AXI_AD7606X_BA + GetAddrs(ADC_COMMON_REG_CNTRL_3), 'h103); // set default
     adc_config_mode = 3'h3;
+  endtask
-task adc_config_number_of_channels();
+  task adc_config_number_of_channels();
@@ -450,18 +442,18 @@ task adc_config_number_of_channels();
-   //set HDL config mode
-   // axi_write(`AXI_AD7606X_BA + GetAddrs(ADC_COMMON_REG_CNTRL_3), 'h103); // set default
+    //set HDL config mode
+    // axi_write(`AXI_AD7606X_BA + GetAddrs(ADC_COMMON_REG_CNTRL_3), 'h103); // set default
     adc_config_mode = 3'h4;
+  endtask
-// DB transmission test
-bit [31:0] capp_word;
-task db_transmission_test();
-    #100 transfer_status = 1;
+  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // DB transmission test
+  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  bit [31:0] capp_word;
+  task db_transmission_test();
+    transfer_status = 1;
     // Generate cnvst_n pulse using AXI_PWM_GEN
     axi_write (`AXI_PWMGEN_BA + GetAddrs(AXI_PWM_GEN_REG_RSTN), `SET_AXI_PWM_GEN_REG_RSTN_RESET(1)); // PWM_GEN reset in regmap (ACTIVE HIGH)
@@ -476,6 +468,6 @@ task db_transmission_test();
     // Stop pwm gen
     `INFO(("axi_pwm_gen stopped."), ADI_VERBOSITY_LOW);
+  endtask
diff --git a/testbenches/project/ad7606x/tests/ b/testbenches/project/ad7606x/tests/
index 93d5d69c..df553d99 100755
--- a/testbenches/project/ad7606x/tests/
+++ b/testbenches/project/ad7606x/tests/
@@ -47,16 +47,16 @@ import adi_regmap_common_pkg::*;
 import adi_regmap_dmac_pkg::*;
 import adi_regmap_pwm_gen_pkg::*;
-parameter SIMPLE_STATUS_CRC = 0;
+localparam SIMPLE_STATUS_CRC = 0;
-parameter CH0 = 8'h00 * 4;
-parameter CH1 = 8'h10 * 4;
-parameter CH2 = 8'h20 * 4;
-parameter CH3 = 8'h30 * 4;
-parameter CH4 = 8'h40 * 4;
-parameter CH5 = 8'h50 * 4;
-parameter CH6 = 8'h60 * 4;
-parameter CH7 = 8'h70 * 4;
+localparam CH0 = 8'h00 * 4;
+localparam CH1 = 8'h10 * 4;
+localparam CH2 = 8'h20 * 4;
+localparam CH3 = 8'h30 * 4;
+localparam CH4 = 8'h40 * 4;
+localparam CH5 = 8'h50 * 4;
+localparam CH6 = 8'h60 * 4;
+localparam CH7 = 8'h70 * 4;
 program test_program_8ch (
   input         rx_cnvst_n,
@@ -71,81 +71,76 @@ program test_program_8ch (
   input  [15:0] rx_db_o,
   input         sys_clk,
   output        rx_busy,
-  output bit [2:0] adc_config_mode);
+  output logic [2:0] adc_config_mode);
-test_harness_env env;
+  test_harness_env env;
-// --------------------------
-// Wrapper function for AXI read verif
-// --------------------------
-task axi_read_v(
+  // --------------------------
+  // Wrapper function for AXI read verif
+  // --------------------------
+  task axi_read_v(
     input   [31:0]  raddr,
     input   [31:0]  vdata);
-  env.mng.RegReadVerify32(raddr,vdata);
+    env.mng.RegReadVerify32(raddr,vdata);
+  endtask
-task axi_read(
+  task axi_read(
     input   [31:0]  raddr,
     output  [31:0]  data);
-  env.mng.RegRead32(raddr,data);
+    env.mng.RegRead32(raddr,data);
+  endtask
-// --------------------------
-// Wrapper function for AXI write
-// --------------------------
-task axi_write(
-  input [31:0]  waddr,
-  input [31:0]  wdata);
+  // --------------------------
+  // Wrapper function for AXI write
+  // --------------------------
+  task axi_write(
+    input [31:0]  waddr,
+    input [31:0]  wdata);
-  env.mng.RegWrite32(waddr,wdata);
+    env.mng.RegWrite32(waddr,wdata);
+  endtask
-// --------------------------
-// Main procedure
-// --------------------------
-initial begin
+  // --------------------------
+  // Main procedure
+  // --------------------------
+  initial begin
-  //creating environment
-  env = new("AD7616 Environment",
-            `TH.`SYS_CLK.inst.IF,
-            `TH.`DMA_CLK.inst.IF,
-            `TH.`DDR_CLK.inst.IF,
-            `TH.`SYS_RST.inst.IF,
-            `TH.`MNG_AXI.inst.IF,
-            `TH.`DDR_AXI.inst.IF);
+    //creating environment
+    env = new("AD7606X Environment",
+              `TH.`SYS_CLK.inst.IF,
+              `TH.`DMA_CLK.inst.IF,
+              `TH.`DDR_CLK.inst.IF,
+              `TH.`SYS_RST.inst.IF,
+              `TH.`MNG_AXI.inst.IF,
+              `TH.`DDR_AXI.inst.IF);
-  setLoggerVerbosity(6);
-  env.start();
+    setLoggerVerbosity(ADI_VERBOSITY_NONE);
-  //asserts all the resets for 100 ns
-  `TH.`SYS_RST.inst.IF.assert_reset;
-  #100
-  `TH.`SYS_RST.inst.IF.deassert_reset;
-  #100
+    env.start();
+    env.sys_reset();
-  sanity_test();
+    sanity_test();
-  #100 adc_config_number_of_channels();
+    #100 adc_config_number_of_channels();
-  #100 adc_config_SIMPLE_test();
+    #100 adc_config_SIMPLE_test();
-  #200 adc_config_CRC_test();
+    #200 adc_config_CRC_test();
-  #200 adc_config_STATUS_test();
+    #200 adc_config_STATUS_test();
-  #200 adc_config_STATUS_CRC_test();
+    #200 adc_config_STATUS_CRC_test();
-  #200 adc_config_SIMPLE_test();
+    #200 adc_config_SIMPLE_test();
-  #100 db_transmission_test();
+    #100 db_transmission_test();
-  `INFO(("Test Done"), ADI_VERBOSITY_NONE);
+    `INFO(("Test Done"), ADI_VERBOSITY_NONE);
+    $finish;
-  $finish;
+  end
   // fixed data for channels
   bit [(`ADC_N_BITS == 18 ? 17 : 15):0]  tx_ch1 = (`ADC_N_BITS == 18) ? 18'hAB322 : 16'hACCA;
@@ -174,210 +169,211 @@ end
   wire [4:0] num_of_transfers;
   assign num_of_transfers = (`ADC_N_BITS == 16) ? ((adc_config_mode == 0 ? 8 : (adc_config_mode == 1 ? 9 : (adc_config_mode == 2 ? 16 : 17)))) : ((adc_config_mode == 0 || adc_config_mode == 2) ? 16 : 17);
-// Sanity test reg interface
+  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // Sanity test reg interface
+  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-task sanity_test();
+  task sanity_test();
     // check ADC VERSION
     axi_read_v (`AXI_AD7606X_BA + GetAddrs(COMMON_REG_VERSION),
-    $display("[%t] Sanity Test Done.", $time);
-// Transfer Counter
-bit [31:0] transfer_cnt;
-assign transfer_cnt = rx_ch_count;
-initial begin
-  while (1) begin
-    @(negedge rx_data_ready);
-    case (transfer_cnt)
-      32'h00000000: tx_data_buf = 16'h0;
-      32'h00000001: begin
-                      if (`ADC_N_BITS == 16) begin
-                        tx_data_buf = tx_ch1;
-                      end else if (`ADC_N_BITS == 18) begin
-                        tx_data_buf = tx_ch1[17:2];
-                      end
-                    end
-      32'h00000002: begin
-                      if ((`ADC_N_BITS == 16) && (adc_config_mode == 2 || adc_config_mode == 3)) begin
-                        tx_data_buf = {8'b0,tx_status_1};
-                      end else if ((`ADC_N_BITS == 16) && (adc_config_mode == 0 || adc_config_mode == 1)) begin
-                        tx_data_buf = tx_ch2;
-                      end
-                      if (`ADC_N_BITS == 18) begin
-                        if (adc_config_mode == 0 || adc_config_mode == 1) begin
-                          tx_data_buf = {tx_ch1[1:0],14'b0};
-                        end else if (adc_config_mode == 2 || adc_config_mode == 3) begin
-                          tx_data_buf = {tx_ch1[1:0],5'b0,tx_status_1};
+    `INFO(("Sanity Test Done"), ADI_VERBOSITY_LOW);
+  endtask
+  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // Transfer Counter
+  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  bit [31:0] transfer_cnt;
+  assign transfer_cnt = rx_ch_count;
+  initial begin
+    forever begin
+      @(negedge rx_data_ready);
+      case (transfer_cnt)
+        32'h00000000: tx_data_buf = 16'h0;
+        32'h00000001: begin
+                        if (`ADC_N_BITS == 16) begin
+                          tx_data_buf = tx_ch1;
+                        end else if (`ADC_N_BITS == 18) begin
+                          tx_data_buf = tx_ch1[17:2];
-                    end
-      32'h00000003: begin
-                      tx_data_buf = tx_ch3;
-                      if (`ADC_N_BITS == 18) begin
-                        tx_data_buf = tx_ch2[17:2];
-                      end
-                    end
-      32'h00000004: begin
-                      if ((`ADC_N_BITS == 16) && (adc_config_mode == 2 || adc_config_mode == 3)) begin
-                        tx_data_buf = {8'b0,tx_status_2};
-                      end else if ((`ADC_N_BITS == 16) && (adc_config_mode == 0 || adc_config_mode == 1)) begin
-                        tx_data_buf = tx_ch4;
-                      end
-                      if (`ADC_N_BITS == 18) begin
-                        if (adc_config_mode == 0 || adc_config_mode == 1) begin
-                          tx_data_buf = {tx_ch1[1:0],14'b0};
-                        end else if (adc_config_mode == 2 || adc_config_mode == 3) begin
-                          tx_data_buf = {tx_ch1[1:0],5'b0,tx_status_1};
+        32'h00000002: begin
+                        if ((`ADC_N_BITS == 16) && (adc_config_mode == 2 || adc_config_mode == 3)) begin
+                          tx_data_buf = {8'b0,tx_status_1};
+                        end else if ((`ADC_N_BITS == 16) && (adc_config_mode == 0 || adc_config_mode == 1)) begin
+                          tx_data_buf = tx_ch2;
-                      end
-                    end
-      32'h00000005: begin
-                      tx_data_buf = tx_ch5;
-                      if (`ADC_N_BITS == 18) begin
-                        tx_data_buf = tx_ch3[17:2];
-                      end
-                    end
-      32'h00000006: begin
-                      if ((`ADC_N_BITS == 16) && (adc_config_mode == 2 || adc_config_mode == 3)) begin
-                        tx_data_buf = {8'b0,tx_status_3};
-                      end else if ((`ADC_N_BITS == 16) && (adc_config_mode == 0 || adc_config_mode == 1)) begin
-                        tx_data_buf = tx_ch6;
-                      end
-                      if (`ADC_N_BITS == 18) begin
-                        if (adc_config_mode == 0 || adc_config_mode == 1) begin
-                          tx_data_buf = {tx_ch1[1:0],14'b0};
-                        end else if (adc_config_mode == 2 || adc_config_mode == 3) begin
-                          tx_data_buf = {tx_ch1[1:0],5'b0,tx_status_1};
+                        if (`ADC_N_BITS == 18) begin
+                          if (adc_config_mode == 0 || adc_config_mode == 1) begin
+                            tx_data_buf = {tx_ch1[1:0],14'b0};
+                          end else if (adc_config_mode == 2 || adc_config_mode == 3) begin
+                            tx_data_buf = {tx_ch1[1:0],5'b0,tx_status_1};
+                          end
-                    end
-      32'h00000007: begin
-                      tx_data_buf = tx_ch7;
-                      if (`ADC_N_BITS == 18) begin
-                        tx_data_buf = tx_ch4[17:2];
-                      end
-                    end
-      32'h00000008: begin
-                      if ((`ADC_N_BITS == 16) && (adc_config_mode == 2 || adc_config_mode == 3)) begin
-                        tx_data_buf = {8'b0,tx_status_4};
-                      end else if ((`ADC_N_BITS == 16) && (adc_config_mode == 0 || adc_config_mode == 1)) begin
-                        tx_data_buf = tx_ch8;
+        32'h00000003: begin
+                        tx_data_buf = tx_ch3;
+                        if (`ADC_N_BITS == 18) begin
+                          tx_data_buf = tx_ch2[17:2];
+                        end
-                      if (`ADC_N_BITS == 18) begin
-                        if (adc_config_mode == 0 || adc_config_mode == 1) begin
-                          tx_data_buf = {tx_ch1[1:0],14'b0};
-                        end else if (adc_config_mode == 2 || adc_config_mode == 3) begin
-                          tx_data_buf = {tx_ch1[1:0],5'b0,tx_status_1};
+        32'h00000004: begin
+                        if ((`ADC_N_BITS == 16) && (adc_config_mode == 2 || adc_config_mode == 3)) begin
+                          tx_data_buf = {8'b0,tx_status_2};
+                        end else if ((`ADC_N_BITS == 16) && (adc_config_mode == 0 || adc_config_mode == 1)) begin
+                          tx_data_buf = tx_ch4;
+                        end
+                        if (`ADC_N_BITS == 18) begin
+                          if (adc_config_mode == 0 || adc_config_mode == 1) begin
+                            tx_data_buf = {tx_ch1[1:0],14'b0};
+                          end else if (adc_config_mode == 2 || adc_config_mode == 3) begin
+                            tx_data_buf = {tx_ch1[1:0],5'b0,tx_status_1};
+                          end
-                    end
-      32'h00000009: begin
-                      if (`ADC_N_BITS == 18) begin
-                        tx_data_buf = tx_ch5[17:2];
-                      end else begin
-                        tx_data_buf = tx_crc;
+        32'h00000005: begin
+                        tx_data_buf = tx_ch5;
+                        if (`ADC_N_BITS == 18) begin
+                          tx_data_buf = tx_ch3[17:2];
+                        end
-                    end
-      32'h0000000A: begin
-                      if ((`ADC_N_BITS == 16) && (adc_config_mode == 2 || adc_config_mode == 3)) begin
-                        tx_data_buf = {8'b0,tx_status_5};
+        32'h00000006: begin
+                        if ((`ADC_N_BITS == 16) && (adc_config_mode == 2 || adc_config_mode == 3)) begin
+                          tx_data_buf = {8'b0,tx_status_3};
+                        end else if ((`ADC_N_BITS == 16) && (adc_config_mode == 0 || adc_config_mode == 1)) begin
+                          tx_data_buf = tx_ch6;
+                        end
+                        if (`ADC_N_BITS == 18) begin
+                          if (adc_config_mode == 0 || adc_config_mode == 1) begin
+                            tx_data_buf = {tx_ch1[1:0],14'b0};
+                          end else if (adc_config_mode == 2 || adc_config_mode == 3) begin
+                            tx_data_buf = {tx_ch1[1:0],5'b0,tx_status_1};
+                          end
+                        end
-                      if (`ADC_N_BITS == 18) begin
-                        if (adc_config_mode == 0 || adc_config_mode == 1) begin
-                          tx_data_buf = {tx_ch1[1:0],14'b0};
-                        end else if (adc_config_mode == 2 || adc_config_mode == 3) begin
-                          tx_data_buf = {tx_ch1[1:0],5'b0,tx_status_1};
+        32'h00000007: begin
+                        tx_data_buf = tx_ch7;
+                        if (`ADC_N_BITS == 18) begin
+                          tx_data_buf = tx_ch4[17:2];
-                    end
-      32'h0000000B: begin
-                      if (`ADC_N_BITS == 18) begin
-                        tx_data_buf = tx_ch6[17:2];
+        32'h00000008: begin
+                        if ((`ADC_N_BITS == 16) && (adc_config_mode == 2 || adc_config_mode == 3)) begin
+                          tx_data_buf = {8'b0,tx_status_4};
+                        end else if ((`ADC_N_BITS == 16) && (adc_config_mode == 0 || adc_config_mode == 1)) begin
+                          tx_data_buf = tx_ch8;
+                        end
+                        if (`ADC_N_BITS == 18) begin
+                          if (adc_config_mode == 0 || adc_config_mode == 1) begin
+                            tx_data_buf = {tx_ch1[1:0],14'b0};
+                          end else if (adc_config_mode == 2 || adc_config_mode == 3) begin
+                            tx_data_buf = {tx_ch1[1:0],5'b0,tx_status_1};
+                          end
+                        end
-                    end
-      32'h0000000C: begin
-                      if ((`ADC_N_BITS == 16) && (adc_config_mode == 2 || adc_config_mode == 3)) begin
-                        tx_data_buf = {8'b0,tx_status_6};
+        32'h00000009: begin
+                        if (`ADC_N_BITS == 18) begin
+                          tx_data_buf = tx_ch5[17:2];
+                        end else begin
+                          tx_data_buf = tx_crc;
+                        end
-                      if (`ADC_N_BITS == 18) begin
-                        if (adc_config_mode == 0 || adc_config_mode == 1) begin
-                          tx_data_buf = {tx_ch1[1:0],14'b0};
-                        end else if (adc_config_mode == 2 || adc_config_mode == 3) begin
-                          tx_data_buf = {tx_ch1[1:0],5'b0,tx_status_1};
+        32'h0000000A: begin
+                        if ((`ADC_N_BITS == 16) && (adc_config_mode == 2 || adc_config_mode == 3)) begin
+                          tx_data_buf = {8'b0,tx_status_5};
+                        end
+                        if (`ADC_N_BITS == 18) begin
+                          if (adc_config_mode == 0 || adc_config_mode == 1) begin
+                            tx_data_buf = {tx_ch1[1:0],14'b0};
+                          end else if (adc_config_mode == 2 || adc_config_mode == 3) begin
+                            tx_data_buf = {tx_ch1[1:0],5'b0,tx_status_1};
+                          end
-                    end
-      32'h0000000D: begin
-                      if (`ADC_N_BITS == 18) begin
-                        tx_data_buf = tx_ch7[17:2];
+        32'h0000000B: begin
+                        if (`ADC_N_BITS == 18) begin
+                          tx_data_buf = tx_ch6[17:2];
+                        end
-                    end
-      32'h0000000E: begin
-                      if ((`ADC_N_BITS == 16) && (adc_config_mode == 2 || adc_config_mode == 3)) begin
-                        tx_data_buf = {8'b0,tx_status_7};
+        32'h0000000C: begin
+                        if ((`ADC_N_BITS == 16) && (adc_config_mode == 2 || adc_config_mode == 3)) begin
+                          tx_data_buf = {8'b0,tx_status_6};
+                        end
+                        if (`ADC_N_BITS == 18) begin
+                          if (adc_config_mode == 0 || adc_config_mode == 1) begin
+                            tx_data_buf = {tx_ch1[1:0],14'b0};
+                          end else if (adc_config_mode == 2 || adc_config_mode == 3) begin
+                            tx_data_buf = {tx_ch1[1:0],5'b0,tx_status_1};
+                          end
+                        end
-                      if (`ADC_N_BITS == 18) begin
-                        if (adc_config_mode == 0 || adc_config_mode == 1) begin
-                          tx_data_buf = {tx_ch1[1:0],14'b0};
-                        end else if (adc_config_mode == 2 || adc_config_mode == 3) begin
-                          tx_data_buf = {tx_ch1[1:0],5'b0,tx_status_1};
+        32'h0000000D: begin
+                        if (`ADC_N_BITS == 18) begin
+                          tx_data_buf = tx_ch7[17:2];
-                    end
-      32'h0000000F: begin
-                      if (`ADC_N_BITS == 18) begin
-                        tx_data_buf = tx_ch8[17:2];
+        32'h0000000E: begin
+                        if ((`ADC_N_BITS == 16) && (adc_config_mode == 2 || adc_config_mode == 3)) begin
+                          tx_data_buf = {8'b0,tx_status_7};
+                        end
+                        if (`ADC_N_BITS == 18) begin
+                          if (adc_config_mode == 0 || adc_config_mode == 1) begin
+                            tx_data_buf = {tx_ch1[1:0],14'b0};
+                          end else if (adc_config_mode == 2 || adc_config_mode == 3) begin
+                            tx_data_buf = {tx_ch1[1:0],5'b0,tx_status_1};
+                          end
+                        end
-                    end
-      32'h00000010: begin
-                      if ((`ADC_N_BITS == 16) && (adc_config_mode == 2 || adc_config_mode == 3)) begin
-                        tx_data_buf = {8'b0,tx_status_8};
+        32'h0000000F: begin
+                        if (`ADC_N_BITS == 18) begin
+                          tx_data_buf = tx_ch8[17:2];
+                        end
-                      if (`ADC_N_BITS == 18) begin
-                        if (adc_config_mode == 0 || adc_config_mode == 1) begin
-                          tx_data_buf = {tx_ch1[1:0],14'b0};
-                        end else if (adc_config_mode == 2 || adc_config_mode == 3) begin
-                          tx_data_buf = {tx_ch1[1:0],5'b0,tx_status_1};
+        32'h00000010: begin
+                        if ((`ADC_N_BITS == 16) && (adc_config_mode == 2 || adc_config_mode == 3)) begin
+                          tx_data_buf = {8'b0,tx_status_8};
+                        end
+                        if (`ADC_N_BITS == 18) begin
+                          if (adc_config_mode == 0 || adc_config_mode == 1) begin
+                            tx_data_buf = {tx_ch1[1:0],14'b0};
+                          end else if (adc_config_mode == 2 || adc_config_mode == 3) begin
+                            tx_data_buf = {tx_ch1[1:0],5'b0,tx_status_1};
+                          end
-                    end
-      32'h00000011: begin
-                      if ((`ADC_N_BITS == 16) &&  adc_config_mode == 3) begin
-                        tx_data_buf = {8'b0,tx_status_8};
-                      end else if (`ADC_N_BITS == 18 && (adc_config_mode == 1 || adc_config_mode == 3)) begin
-                        tx_data_buf = tx_crc;
+        32'h00000011: begin
+                        if ((`ADC_N_BITS == 16) &&  adc_config_mode == 3) begin
+                          tx_data_buf = {8'b0,tx_status_8};
+                        end else if (`ADC_N_BITS == 18 && (adc_config_mode == 1 || adc_config_mode == 3)) begin
+                          tx_data_buf = tx_crc;
+                        end
-                    end
-    endcase
+        default: ;
+      endcase
+    end
-// Configuration Test
-bit transfer_status = 0;
-bit [31:0] config_CRC = 'h0; // CRC with channel static data setup
-bit [31:0] config_SIMPLE = 'h0; // channel static data setup
-bit [31:0] config_STATUS = 'h0; // channel static data setup + Status header
-bit [31:0] config_STATUS_CRC = 'h0; // CRC with channel static data setup + Status header
-bit [31:0] config_wr_CRC = 'h0; // write request sent result
-bit [31:0] config_wr_SIMPLE = 'h0; // write request sent result
-bit [31:0] config_wr_STATUS = 'h0; // write request sent result
-bit [31:0] config_wr_STATUS_CRC = 'h0; // write request sent result
-bit        ctrl_status_CRC = 'h0; // ctrl_status bit from ADC common core
-bit        ctrl_status_SIMPLE = 'h0; // ctrl_status bit from ADC common core
-bit        ctrl_status_STATUS = 'h0; // ctrl_status bit from ADC common core
-bit        ctrl_status_STATUS_CRC = 'h0; // ctrl_status bit from ADC common core
-task adc_config_SIMPLE_test();
+  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // Configuration Test
+  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  bit transfer_status = 0;
+  bit [31:0] config_CRC = 'h0; // CRC with channel static data setup
+  bit [31:0] config_SIMPLE = 'h0; // channel static data setup
+  bit [31:0] config_STATUS = 'h0; // channel static data setup + Status header
+  bit [31:0] config_STATUS_CRC = 'h0; // CRC with channel static data setup + Status header
+  bit [31:0] config_wr_CRC = 'h0; // write request sent result
+  bit [31:0] config_wr_SIMPLE = 'h0; // write request sent result
+  bit [31:0] config_wr_STATUS = 'h0; // write request sent result
+  bit [31:0] config_wr_STATUS_CRC = 'h0; // write request sent result
+  bit        ctrl_status_CRC = 'h0; // ctrl_status bit from ADC common core
+  bit        ctrl_status_SIMPLE = 'h0; // ctrl_status bit from ADC common core
+  bit        ctrl_status_STATUS = 'h0; // ctrl_status bit from ADC common core
+  bit        ctrl_status_STATUS_CRC = 'h0; // ctrl_status bit from ADC common core
+  task adc_config_SIMPLE_test();
     axi_write(`AXI_AD7606X_BA + GetAddrs(ADC_COMMON_REG_RSTN), `SET_ADC_COMMON_REG_RSTN_RSTN(1'b1)); //ADC common core out of reset
     axi_write(`AXI_AD7606X_BA + GetAddrs(ADC_COMMON_REG_ADC_CONFIG_WR), `SET_ADC_COMMON_REG_ADC_CONFIG_WR_ADC_CONFIG_WR(32'h00002181)); // set static data setup in device's reg 0x21
     axi_read(`AXI_AD7606X_BA + GetAddrs(ADC_COMMON_REG_ADC_CONFIG_WR), config_SIMPLE); // read last config result
@@ -400,9 +396,9 @@ task adc_config_SIMPLE_test();
     axi_write(`AXI_AD7606X_BA + GetAddrs(ADC_COMMON_REG_CNTRL_3), 'h100); // set default
     adc_config_mode = 3'h0;
+  endtask
-task adc_config_CRC_test();
+  task adc_config_CRC_test();
     axi_write(`AXI_AD7606X_BA + GetAddrs(ADC_COMMON_REG_RSTN), `SET_ADC_COMMON_REG_RSTN_RSTN(1'b1)); //ADC common core out of reset
     axi_write(`AXI_AD7606X_BA + GetAddrs(ADC_COMMON_REG_ADC_CONFIG_WR), `SET_ADC_COMMON_REG_ADC_CONFIG_WR_ADC_CONFIG_WR(32'h00002185)); // set CRC and static data setup in device's reg 0x21
     axi_read(`AXI_AD7606X_BA + GetAddrs(ADC_COMMON_REG_ADC_CONFIG_WR), config_CRC); // read last config result
@@ -425,9 +421,9 @@ task adc_config_CRC_test();
     axi_write(`AXI_AD7606X_BA + GetAddrs(ADC_COMMON_REG_CNTRL_3), 'h101); // set default
     adc_config_mode = 3'h1;
+  endtask
-task adc_config_STATUS_test();
+  task adc_config_STATUS_test();
     axi_write(`AXI_AD7606X_BA + GetAddrs(ADC_COMMON_REG_RSTN), `SET_ADC_COMMON_REG_RSTN_RSTN(1'b1)); //ADC common core out of reset
     axi_write(`AXI_AD7606X_BA + GetAddrs(ADC_COMMON_REG_ADC_CONFIG_WR), `SET_ADC_COMMON_REG_ADC_CONFIG_WR_ADC_CONFIG_WR(32'h00002181)); // static data setup in device's reg 0x21
     axi_read(`AXI_AD7606X_BA + GetAddrs(ADC_COMMON_REG_ADC_CONFIG_WR), config_STATUS); // read last config result
@@ -463,9 +459,9 @@ task adc_config_STATUS_test();
     axi_write(`AXI_AD7606X_BA + GetAddrs(ADC_COMMON_REG_CNTRL_3), 'h102); // set default
     adc_config_mode = 3'h2;
+  endtask
-task adc_config_STATUS_CRC_test();
+  task adc_config_STATUS_CRC_test();
     axi_write(`AXI_AD7606X_BA + GetAddrs(ADC_COMMON_REG_RSTN), `SET_ADC_COMMON_REG_RSTN_RSTN(1'b1)); //ADC common core out of reset
     axi_write(`AXI_AD7606X_BA + GetAddrs(ADC_COMMON_REG_ADC_CONFIG_WR), `SET_ADC_COMMON_REG_ADC_CONFIG_WR_ADC_CONFIG_WR(32'h00002185)); // static data and CRC setup in device's reg 0x21
     axi_read(`AXI_AD7606X_BA + GetAddrs(ADC_COMMON_REG_ADC_CONFIG_WR), config_STATUS); // read last config result
@@ -501,10 +497,9 @@ task adc_config_STATUS_CRC_test();
     axi_write(`AXI_AD7606X_BA + GetAddrs(ADC_COMMON_REG_CNTRL_3), 'h103); // set default
     adc_config_mode = 3'h3;
+  endtask
-task adc_config_number_of_channels();
+  task adc_config_number_of_channels();
@@ -518,13 +513,13 @@ task adc_config_number_of_channels();
    // axi_write(`AXI_AD7606X_BA + GetAddrs(ADC_COMMON_REG_CNTRL_3), 'h103); // set default
     adc_config_mode = 3'h4;
+  endtask
-// DB transmission test
-bit [31:0] capp_word;
-task db_transmission_test();
+  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // DB transmission test
+  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  bit [31:0] capp_word;
+  task db_transmission_test();
     #100 transfer_status = 1;
     // Generate cnvst_n pulse using AXI_PWM_GEN
@@ -542,6 +537,6 @@ task db_transmission_test();
     // Stop pwm gen
     `INFO(("axi_pwm_gen stopped."), ADI_VERBOSITY_LOW);
+  endtask
diff --git a/testbenches/project/ad7606x/tests/ b/testbenches/project/ad7606x/tests/
index ee4d7277..fed5120c 100755
--- a/testbenches/project/ad7606x/tests/
+++ b/testbenches/project/ad7606x/tests/
@@ -100,93 +100,88 @@ program test_program_si (
   input         rx_busy,
   output        rx_cnvst_n);
-test_harness_env env;
+  test_harness_env env;
-// --------------------------
-// Wrapper function for AXI read verify
-// --------------------------
-task axi_read_v(
+  // --------------------------
+  // Wrapper function for AXI read verify
+  // --------------------------
+  task axi_read_v(
     input   [31:0]  raddr,
     input   [31:0]  vdata);
-  env.mng.RegReadVerify32(raddr,vdata);
+    env.mng.RegReadVerify32(raddr,vdata);
+  endtask
-task axi_read(
+  task axi_read(
     input   [31:0]  raddr,
     output  [31:0]  data);
-  env.mng.RegRead32(raddr,data);
+    env.mng.RegRead32(raddr,data);
+  endtask
-// --------------------------
-// Wrapper function for AXI write
-// --------------------------
-task axi_write(
-  input [31:0]  waddr,
-  input [31:0]  wdata);
+  // --------------------------
+  // Wrapper function for AXI write
+  // --------------------------
+  task axi_write(
+    input [31:0]  waddr,
+    input [31:0]  wdata);
-  env.mng.RegWrite32(waddr,wdata);
+    env.mng.RegWrite32(waddr,wdata);
+  endtask
-// --------------------------
-// Main procedure
-// --------------------------
-initial begin
-  //creating environment
-  env = new("AD7616 Environment",
-            `TH.`SYS_CLK.inst.IF,
-            `TH.`DMA_CLK.inst.IF,
-            `TH.`DDR_CLK.inst.IF,
-            `TH.`SYS_RST.inst.IF,
-            `TH.`MNG_AXI.inst.IF,
-            `TH.`DDR_AXI.inst.IF);
-  setLoggerVerbosity(6);
-  env.start();
-  //asserts all the resets for 100 ns
-  `TH.`SYS_RST.inst.IF.assert_reset;
-  #100
-  `TH.`SYS_RST.inst.IF.deassert_reset;
-  #100
-  sanity_test();
+  // --------------------------
+  // Main procedure
+  // --------------------------
+  initial begin
-  #100
+    //creating environment
+    env = new("AD7606X Environment",
+              `TH.`SYS_CLK.inst.IF,
+              `TH.`DMA_CLK.inst.IF,
+              `TH.`DDR_CLK.inst.IF,
+              `TH.`SYS_RST.inst.IF,
+              `TH.`MNG_AXI.inst.IF,
+              `TH.`DDR_AXI.inst.IF);
-  fifo_spi_test();
+    setLoggerVerbosity(ADI_VERBOSITY_NONE);
-  #100
+    env.start();
+    env.sys_reset();
-  offload_spi_test();
+    sanity_test();
-  `INFO(("Test Done"), ADI_VERBOSITY_NONE);
+    #100
-  $finish;
+    fifo_spi_test();
+    #100
-// Sanity test reg interface
+    offload_spi_test();
-task sanity_test();
-  bit [31:0] pcore_version = (`DEFAULT_AXI_SPI_ENGINE_VERSION_VERSION_PATCH)
-                          | (`DEFAULT_AXI_SPI_ENGINE_VERSION_VERSION_MINOR)<<8
-                          | (`DEFAULT_AXI_SPI_ENGINE_VERSION_VERSION_MAJOR)<<16;
-  axi_read_v (`SPI_AD7606_REGMAP_BA + GetAddrs(AXI_SPI_ENGINE_VERSION), pcore_version);
-  axi_write (`SPI_AD7606_REGMAP_BA + GetAddrs(AXI_SPI_ENGINE_SCRATCH), 32'hDEADBEEF);
-  axi_read_v (`SPI_AD7606_REGMAP_BA + GetAddrs(AXI_SPI_ENGINE_SCRATCH), 32'hDEADBEEF);
-  `INFO(("Sanity Test Done"), ADI_VERBOSITY_LOW);
+    `INFO(("Test Done"), ADI_VERBOSITY_NONE);
+    $finish;
-// SPI Engine generate transfer
+  end
-task generate_transfer_cmd(
+  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // Sanity test reg interface
+  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  task sanity_test();
+    bit [31:0] pcore_version = (`DEFAULT_AXI_SPI_ENGINE_VERSION_VERSION_PATCH)
+                            | (`DEFAULT_AXI_SPI_ENGINE_VERSION_VERSION_MINOR)<<8
+                            | (`DEFAULT_AXI_SPI_ENGINE_VERSION_VERSION_MAJOR)<<16;
+    axi_read_v (`SPI_AD7606_REGMAP_BA + GetAddrs(AXI_SPI_ENGINE_VERSION), pcore_version);
+    axi_write (`SPI_AD7606_REGMAP_BA + GetAddrs(AXI_SPI_ENGINE_SCRATCH), 32'hDEADBEEF);
+    axi_read_v (`SPI_AD7606_REGMAP_BA + GetAddrs(AXI_SPI_ENGINE_SCRATCH), 32'hDEADBEEF);
+    `INFO(("Sanity Test Done"), ADI_VERBOSITY_LOW);
+  endtask
+  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // SPI Engine generate transfer
+  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  task generate_transfer_cmd(
    input [7:0] sync_id);
     // assert CSN
@@ -198,50 +193,50 @@ task generate_transfer_cmd(
     // SYNC command to generate interrupt
     axi_write (`SPI_AD7606_REGMAP_BA + GetAddrs(AXI_SPI_ENGINE_CMD_FIFO), (INST_SYNC | sync_id));
     `INFO(("Transfer generation finished."), ADI_VERBOSITY_LOW);
+  endtask
-// IRQ callback
+  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // IRQ callback
+  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-reg [4:0] irq_pending = 0;
-reg [7:0] sync_id = 0;
-initial begin
-  while (1) begin
-    @(posedge ad7606_irq);
-    // read pending IRQs
-    axi_read (`SPI_AD7606_REGMAP_BA + GetAddrs(AXI_SPI_ENGINE_IRQ_PENDING), irq_pending);
-    // IRQ launched by Offload SYNC command
-    if (irq_pending & 5'b10000) begin
-      axi_read (`SPI_AD7606_REGMAP_BA + GetAddrs(AXI_SPI_ENGINE_SYNC_ID), sync_id);
-      `INFO(("Offload SYNC %d IRQ. An offload transfer just finished.", sync_id), ADI_VERBOSITY_LOW);
-    end
-    // IRQ launched by SYNC command
-    if (irq_pending & 5'b01000) begin
-      axi_read (`SPI_AD7606_REGMAP_BA + GetAddrs(AXI_SPI_ENGINE_SYNC_ID), sync_id);
-      `INFO(("SYNC %d IRQ. FIFO transfer just finished.", sync_id), ADI_VERBOSITY_LOW);
-    end
-    // IRQ launched by SDI FIFO
-    if (irq_pending & 5'b00100) begin
-    end
-    // IRQ launched by SDO FIFO
-    if (irq_pending & 5'b00010) begin
-    end
-    // IRQ launched by SDO FIFO
-    if (irq_pending & 5'b00001) begin
+  reg [4:0] irq_pending = 0;
+  reg [7:0] sync_id = 0;
+  initial begin
+    forever begin
+      @(posedge ad7606_irq);
+      // read pending IRQs
+      axi_read (`SPI_AD7606_REGMAP_BA + GetAddrs(AXI_SPI_ENGINE_IRQ_PENDING), irq_pending);
+      // IRQ launched by Offload SYNC command
+      if (irq_pending & 5'b10000) begin
+        axi_read (`SPI_AD7606_REGMAP_BA + GetAddrs(AXI_SPI_ENGINE_SYNC_ID), sync_id);
+        `INFO(("Offload SYNC %d IRQ. An offload transfer just finished.", sync_id), ADI_VERBOSITY_LOW);
+      end
+      // IRQ launched by SYNC command
+      if (irq_pending & 5'b01000) begin
+        axi_read (`SPI_AD7606_REGMAP_BA + GetAddrs(AXI_SPI_ENGINE_SYNC_ID), sync_id);
+        `INFO(("SYNC %d IRQ. FIFO transfer just finished.", sync_id), ADI_VERBOSITY_LOW);
+      end
+      // IRQ launched by SDI FIFO
+      if (irq_pending & 5'b00100) begin
+      end
+      // IRQ launched by SDO FIFO
+      if (irq_pending & 5'b00010) begin
+      end
+      // IRQ launched by SDO FIFO
+      if (irq_pending & 5'b00001) begin
+      end
+      // Clear all pending IRQs
+      axi_write (`SPI_AD7606_REGMAP_BA + GetAddrs(AXI_SPI_ENGINE_IRQ_PENDING), irq_pending);
-    // Clear all pending IRQs
-    axi_write (`SPI_AD7606_REGMAP_BA + GetAddrs(AXI_SPI_ENGINE_IRQ_PENDING), irq_pending);
-// Echo SCLK generation - we need this only if ECHO_SCLK is enabled
+  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // Echo SCLK generation - we need this only if ECHO_SCLK is enabled
+  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   reg     [SDI_PHY_DELAY:0] echo_delay_sclk = {SDI_PHY_DELAY{1'b0}};
   reg     delay_clk = 0;
@@ -251,7 +246,7 @@ end
   // Add an arbitrary delay to the echo_sclk signal
   initial begin
-    while(1) begin
+    forever begin
       @(posedge delay_clk) begin
         echo_delay_sclk <= {echo_delay_sclk, m_rx_sclk};
@@ -259,182 +254,181 @@ end
   assign ad7606_echo_sclk = echo_delay_sclk[SDI_PHY_DELAY-1];
-initial begin
-  while(1) begin
-    #0.5   delay_clk = ~delay_clk;
+  initial begin
+    forever begin
+      #0.5   delay_clk = ~delay_clk;
+    end
-// SDI data generator
+  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // SDI data generator
+  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  wire          end_of_word;
+  wire          rx_sclk_bfm = ad7606_echo_sclk;
+  wire          m_spi_csn_negedge_s;
+  wire          m_spi_csn_int_s = &ad7606_spi_cs;
+  bit           m_spi_csn_int_d = 0;
+  bit   [31:0]  sdi_shiftreg;
+  wire  [31:0]  sdi_shiftreg2;
+  bit   [7:0]   rx_sclk_pos_counter = 0;
+  bit   [7:0]   rx_sclk_neg_counter = 0;
+  bit   [31:0]  sdi_preg[$];
+  bit   [31:0]  sdi_nreg[$];
-wire          end_of_word;
-wire          rx_sclk_bfm = ad7606_echo_sclk;
-wire          m_spi_csn_negedge_s;
-wire          m_spi_csn_int_s = &ad7606_spi_cs;
-bit           m_spi_csn_int_d = 0;
-bit   [31:0]  sdi_shiftreg;
-wire  [31:0]  sdi_shiftreg2;
-bit   [7:0]   rx_sclk_pos_counter = 0;
-bit   [7:0]   rx_sclk_neg_counter = 0;
-bit   [31:0]  sdi_preg[$];
-bit   [31:0]  sdi_nreg[$];
-initial begin
-  while(1) begin
-    @(posedge spi_clk);
-      m_spi_csn_int_d <= m_spi_csn_int_s;
+  initial begin
+    forever begin
+      @(posedge spi_clk);
+        m_spi_csn_int_d <= m_spi_csn_int_s;
+    end
-assign m_spi_csn_negedge_s = ~m_spi_csn_int_s & m_spi_csn_int_d;
-genvar i;
-for (i = 0; i < `NUM_OF_SDI; i++) begin
-  assign ad7606_spi_sdi[i] = sdi_shiftreg[31]; // all SDI lanes got the same data
-assign end_of_word = (CPOL ^ CPHA) ?
-                     (rx_sclk_pos_counter == 32) :
-                     (rx_sclk_neg_counter == 32);
+  assign m_spi_csn_negedge_s = ~m_spi_csn_int_s & m_spi_csn_int_d;
-initial begin
-  while(1) begin
-    @(posedge rx_sclk_bfm or posedge m_spi_csn_negedge_s);
-    if (m_spi_csn_negedge_s) begin
-      rx_sclk_pos_counter <= 8'b0;
-    end else begin
-      rx_sclk_pos_counter <= (rx_sclk_pos_counter == DATA_DLENGTH) ? 0 : rx_sclk_pos_counter+1;
-    end
+  genvar i;
+  for (i = 0; i < `NUM_OF_SDI; i++) begin
+    assign ad7606_spi_sdi[i] = sdi_shiftreg[31]; // all SDI lanes got the same data
-initial begin
-  while(1) begin
-    @(negedge rx_sclk_bfm or posedge m_spi_csn_negedge_s);
-    if (m_spi_csn_negedge_s) begin
-      rx_sclk_neg_counter <= 8'b0;
-    end else begin
-      rx_sclk_neg_counter <= (rx_sclk_neg_counter == DATA_DLENGTH) ? 0 : rx_sclk_neg_counter+1;
+  assign end_of_word = (CPOL ^ CPHA) ?
+                      (rx_sclk_pos_counter == 32) :
+                      (rx_sclk_neg_counter == 32);
+  initial begin
+    forever begin
+      @(posedge rx_sclk_bfm or posedge m_spi_csn_negedge_s);
+      if (m_spi_csn_negedge_s) begin
+        rx_sclk_pos_counter <= 8'b0;
+      end else begin
+        rx_sclk_pos_counter <= (rx_sclk_pos_counter == DATA_DLENGTH) ? 0 : rx_sclk_pos_counter+1;
+      end
-// SDI shift register
-initial begin
-  while(1) begin
-    // synchronization
-    if (CPHA ^ CPOL)
-      @(posedge rx_sclk_bfm or posedge m_spi_csn_negedge_s);
-    else
+  initial begin
+    forever begin
       @(negedge rx_sclk_bfm or posedge m_spi_csn_negedge_s);
-    if ((m_spi_csn_negedge_s) || (end_of_word)) begin
-      // delete the last word at end_of_word
-      if (end_of_word) begin
-        sdi_preg.pop_back();
-        sdi_nreg.pop_back();
-      end
       if (m_spi_csn_negedge_s) begin
-        // NOTE: assuming queue is empty
-        repeat (NUM_OF_WORDS) begin
-          sdi_preg.push_front($urandom);
-          sdi_nreg.push_front($urandom);
-        end
-        #1; // prevent race condition
-        sdi_shiftreg <= (CPOL ^ CPHA) ?
-                        sdi_preg[$] :
-                        sdi_nreg[$];
-        `INFO(("SR 1"), ADI_VERBOSITY_LOW);
+        rx_sclk_neg_counter <= 8'b0;
       end else begin
-        sdi_shiftreg <= (CPOL ^ CPHA) ?
-                        sdi_preg[$] :
-                        sdi_nreg[$];
-        `INFO(("SR 2"), ADI_VERBOSITY_LOW);
+        rx_sclk_neg_counter <= (rx_sclk_neg_counter == DATA_DLENGTH) ? 0 : rx_sclk_neg_counter+1;
-      if (m_spi_csn_negedge_s) @(posedge rx_sclk_bfm); // NOTE: when PHA=1 first shift should be at the second positive edge
-    end else begin /* if ((m_spi_csn_negedge_s) || (end_of_word)) */
-      sdi_shiftreg <= {sdi_shiftreg[30:0], 1'b0};
-// Storing SDI Data for later comparison
-bit         offload_status = 0;
-bit         shiftreg_sampled = 0;
-bit [15:0]  sdi_store_cnt = 'h0;
-bit [31:0]  offload_sdi_data_store_arr [(`NUM_OF_SDI * NUM_OF_TRANSFERS)-1:0];
-bit [31:0]  sdi_fifo_data_store;
-bit [31:0]  sdi_data_store;
-bit [31:0]  sdi_shiftreg2;
-bit [31:0]  sdi_shiftreg_aux;
-bit [31:0]  sdi_shiftreg_aux_old;
-assign sdi_shiftreg2 = {1'b0, sdi_shiftreg[31:1]};
-initial begin
-  while(1) begin
-    @(posedge ad7606_echo_sclk);
-    sdi_data_store <= {sdi_shiftreg[27:0], 4'b0};
-    if (sdi_data_store == 'h0 && shiftreg_sampled == 'h1 && sdi_shiftreg != 'h0) begin
-      shiftreg_sampled <= 'h0;
-      if (offload_status) begin
-          sdi_store_cnt <= sdi_store_cnt + 1;
-      end
-    end else if (shiftreg_sampled == 'h0 && sdi_data_store != 'h0) begin
-      if (offload_status) begin
-        if (`NUM_OF_SDI == 1) begin
-                offload_sdi_data_store_arr[sdi_store_cnt] = sdi_shiftreg;
-        end else if (`NUM_OF_SDI == 2) begin
-                offload_sdi_data_store_arr[0+(2*sdi_store_cnt)] = sdi_shiftreg;
-                offload_sdi_data_store_arr[1+(2*sdi_store_cnt)] = sdi_shiftreg;
-        end else if (`NUM_OF_SDI == 4) begin
-                offload_sdi_data_store_arr[0+(4*sdi_store_cnt)] = sdi_shiftreg;
-                offload_sdi_data_store_arr[1+(4*sdi_store_cnt)] = sdi_shiftreg;
-                offload_sdi_data_store_arr[2+(4*sdi_store_cnt)] = sdi_shiftreg;
-                offload_sdi_data_store_arr[3+(4*sdi_store_cnt)] = sdi_shiftreg;
-        end else if (`NUM_OF_SDI == 8) begin
-                offload_sdi_data_store_arr[0+(8*sdi_store_cnt)] = sdi_shiftreg;
-                offload_sdi_data_store_arr[1+(8*sdi_store_cnt)] = sdi_shiftreg;
-                offload_sdi_data_store_arr[2+(8*sdi_store_cnt)] = sdi_shiftreg;
-                offload_sdi_data_store_arr[3+(8*sdi_store_cnt)] = sdi_shiftreg;
-                offload_sdi_data_store_arr[4+(8*sdi_store_cnt)] = sdi_shiftreg;
-                offload_sdi_data_store_arr[5+(8*sdi_store_cnt)] = sdi_shiftreg;
-                offload_sdi_data_store_arr[6+(8*sdi_store_cnt)] = sdi_shiftreg;
-                offload_sdi_data_store_arr[7+(8*sdi_store_cnt)] = sdi_shiftreg;
+  // SDI shift register
+  initial begin
+    forever begin
+      // synchronization
+      if (CPHA ^ CPOL)
+        @(posedge rx_sclk_bfm or posedge m_spi_csn_negedge_s);
+      else
+        @(negedge rx_sclk_bfm or posedge m_spi_csn_negedge_s);
+      if ((m_spi_csn_negedge_s) || (end_of_word)) begin
+        // delete the last word at end_of_word
+        if (end_of_word) begin
+          sdi_preg.pop_back();
+          sdi_nreg.pop_back();
+        end
+        if (m_spi_csn_negedge_s) begin
+          // NOTE: assuming queue is empty
+          repeat (NUM_OF_WORDS) begin
+            sdi_preg.push_front($urandom);
+            sdi_nreg.push_front($urandom);
-      end else begin
-        sdi_fifo_data_store = sdi_shiftreg;
+          #1; // prevent race condition
+          sdi_shiftreg <= (CPOL ^ CPHA) ?
+                          sdi_preg[$] :
+                          sdi_nreg[$];
+          `INFO(("SR 1"), ADI_VERBOSITY_LOW);
+        end else begin
+          sdi_shiftreg <= (CPOL ^ CPHA) ?
+                          sdi_preg[$] :
+                          sdi_nreg[$];
+          `INFO(("SR 2"), ADI_VERBOSITY_LOW);
+        end
+        if (m_spi_csn_negedge_s) @(posedge rx_sclk_bfm); // NOTE: when PHA=1 first shift should be at the second positive edge
+      end else begin /* if ((m_spi_csn_negedge_s) || (end_of_word)) */
+        sdi_shiftreg <= {sdi_shiftreg[30:0], 1'b0};
-      shiftreg_sampled <= 'h1;
-// Offload Transfer Counter
+  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // Storing SDI Data for later comparison
+  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  bit         offload_status = 0;
+  bit         shiftreg_sampled = 0;
+  bit [15:0]  sdi_store_cnt = 'h0;
+  bit [31:0]  offload_sdi_data_store_arr [(`NUM_OF_SDI * NUM_OF_TRANSFERS)-1:0];
+  bit [31:0]  sdi_fifo_data_store;
+  bit [31:0]  sdi_data_store;
+  bit [31:0]  sdi_shiftreg2;
+  bit [31:0]  sdi_shiftreg_aux;
+  bit [31:0]  sdi_shiftreg_aux_old;
-bit [31:0] offload_transfer_cnt;
+  assign sdi_shiftreg2 = {1'b0, sdi_shiftreg[31:1]};
-initial begin
-  while(1) begin
-    @(posedge shiftreg_sampled && offload_status);
-      offload_transfer_cnt <= offload_transfer_cnt + 'h1;
+  initial begin
+    forever begin
+      @(posedge ad7606_echo_sclk);
+      sdi_data_store <= {sdi_shiftreg[27:0], 4'b0};
+      if (sdi_data_store == 'h0 && shiftreg_sampled == 'h1 && sdi_shiftreg != 'h0) begin
+        shiftreg_sampled <= 'h0;
+        if (offload_status) begin
+            sdi_store_cnt <= sdi_store_cnt + 1;
+        end
+      end else if (shiftreg_sampled == 'h0 && sdi_data_store != 'h0) begin
+        if (offload_status) begin
+          if (`NUM_OF_SDI == 1) begin
+                  offload_sdi_data_store_arr[sdi_store_cnt] = sdi_shiftreg;
+          end else if (`NUM_OF_SDI == 2) begin
+                  offload_sdi_data_store_arr[0+(2*sdi_store_cnt)] = sdi_shiftreg;
+                  offload_sdi_data_store_arr[1+(2*sdi_store_cnt)] = sdi_shiftreg;
+          end else if (`NUM_OF_SDI == 4) begin
+                  offload_sdi_data_store_arr[0+(4*sdi_store_cnt)] = sdi_shiftreg;
+                  offload_sdi_data_store_arr[1+(4*sdi_store_cnt)] = sdi_shiftreg;
+                  offload_sdi_data_store_arr[2+(4*sdi_store_cnt)] = sdi_shiftreg;
+                  offload_sdi_data_store_arr[3+(4*sdi_store_cnt)] = sdi_shiftreg;
+          end else if (`NUM_OF_SDI == 8) begin
+                  offload_sdi_data_store_arr[0+(8*sdi_store_cnt)] = sdi_shiftreg;
+                  offload_sdi_data_store_arr[1+(8*sdi_store_cnt)] = sdi_shiftreg;
+                  offload_sdi_data_store_arr[2+(8*sdi_store_cnt)] = sdi_shiftreg;
+                  offload_sdi_data_store_arr[3+(8*sdi_store_cnt)] = sdi_shiftreg;
+                  offload_sdi_data_store_arr[4+(8*sdi_store_cnt)] = sdi_shiftreg;
+                  offload_sdi_data_store_arr[5+(8*sdi_store_cnt)] = sdi_shiftreg;
+                  offload_sdi_data_store_arr[6+(8*sdi_store_cnt)] = sdi_shiftreg;
+                  offload_sdi_data_store_arr[7+(8*sdi_store_cnt)] = sdi_shiftreg;
+            end
+        end else begin
+          sdi_fifo_data_store = sdi_shiftreg;
+        end
+        shiftreg_sampled <= 'h1;
+      end
+    end
-// Offload SPI Test
+  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // Offload Transfer Counter
+  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  bit [31:0] offload_transfer_cnt;
-bit [31:0] offload_captured_word_arr [(`NUM_OF_SDI * NUM_OF_TRANSFERS) -1 :0];
+  initial begin
+    forever begin
+      @(posedge shiftreg_sampled && offload_status);
+        offload_transfer_cnt <= offload_transfer_cnt + 'h1;
+    end
+  end
-task offload_spi_test();
+  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // Offload SPI Test
+  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  bit [31:0] offload_captured_word_arr [(`NUM_OF_SDI * NUM_OF_TRANSFERS) -1 :0];
+  task offload_spi_test();
     //Configure DMA
     env.mng.RegWrite32(`AD7606X_DMA_BA + GetAddrs(DMAC_CONTROL), `SET_DMAC_CONTROL_ENABLE(1)); // Enable DMA
     env.mng.RegWrite32(`AD7606X_DMA_BA + GetAddrs(DMAC_FLAGS),
@@ -479,67 +473,67 @@ task offload_spi_test();
     end else begin
       `INFO(("Offload Test PASSED"), ADI_VERBOSITY_LOW);
-// FIFO SPI Test
-bit   [31:0]  sdi_fifo_data = 0;
-task fifo_spi_test();
-`ifdef AD7606X_AXI_CLKGEN_BA
-  // Start spi clk generator
-  axi_write (`AD7606X_AXI_CLKGEN_BA + GetAddrs(AXI_CLKGEN_REG_RSTN),
-    );
-  // Configure pwm
-  axi_write (`AXI_PWMGEN_BA + GetAddrs(AXI_PWM_GEN_REG_RSTN), `SET_AXI_PWM_GEN_REG_RSTN_RESET(1)); // PWM_GEN reset in regmap (ACTIVE HIGH)
-  axi_write (`AXI_PWMGEN_BA + GetAddrs(AXI_PWM_GEN_REG_RSTN), `SET_AXI_PWM_GEN_REG_RSTN_LOAD_CONFIG(1)); // load AXI_PWM_GEN configuration
-  `INFO(("axi_pwm_gen started."), ADI_VERBOSITY_LOW);
-  // Enable SPI Engine
-  // Configure the execution module
-  axi_write (`SPI_AD7606_REGMAP_BA + GetAddrs(AXI_SPI_ENGINE_CMD_FIFO), INST_CFG);
-  // Set up the interrupts
-  axi_write (`SPI_AD7606_REGMAP_BA + GetAddrs(AXI_SPI_ENGINE_IRQ_MASK),
-    );
-  #100
-  // Generate a FIFO transaction, write SDO first
-  repeat (NUM_OF_WORDS) begin
-    axi_write (`SPI_AD7606_REGMAP_BA + GetAddrs(AXI_SPI_ENGINE_SDO_FIFO), (16'hDEAD << (DATA_WIDTH - DATA_DLENGTH)));
-  end
+  endtask
+  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // FIFO SPI Test
+  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  bit   [31:0]  sdi_fifo_data = 0;
+  task fifo_spi_test();
+  `ifdef AD7606X_AXI_CLKGEN_BA
+    // Start spi clk generator
+    axi_write (`AD7606X_AXI_CLKGEN_BA + GetAddrs(AXI_CLKGEN_REG_RSTN),
+      );
+  `endif
+    // Configure pwm
+    axi_write (`AXI_PWMGEN_BA + GetAddrs(AXI_PWM_GEN_REG_RSTN), `SET_AXI_PWM_GEN_REG_RSTN_RESET(1)); // PWM_GEN reset in regmap (ACTIVE HIGH)
+    axi_write (`AXI_PWMGEN_BA + GetAddrs(AXI_PWM_GEN_REG_RSTN), `SET_AXI_PWM_GEN_REG_RSTN_LOAD_CONFIG(1)); // load AXI_PWM_GEN configuration
+    `INFO(("axi_pwm_gen started."), ADI_VERBOSITY_LOW);
+    // Enable SPI Engine
+    // Configure the execution module
+    axi_write (`SPI_AD7606_REGMAP_BA + GetAddrs(AXI_SPI_ENGINE_CMD_FIFO), INST_CFG);
+    // Set up the interrupts
+    axi_write (`SPI_AD7606_REGMAP_BA + GetAddrs(AXI_SPI_ENGINE_IRQ_MASK),
+      );
+    #100
+    // Generate a FIFO transaction, write SDO first
+    repeat (NUM_OF_WORDS) begin
+      axi_write (`SPI_AD7606_REGMAP_BA + GetAddrs(AXI_SPI_ENGINE_SDO_FIFO), (16'hDEAD << (DATA_WIDTH - DATA_DLENGTH)));
+    end
-  generate_transfer_cmd(1);
+    generate_transfer_cmd(1);
-  #100
-  wait(sync_id == 1);
-  #100
+    #100
+    wait(sync_id == 1);
+    #100
-  repeat (NUM_OF_WORDS) begin
-    axi_read (`SPI_AD7606_REGMAP_BA + GetAddrs(AXI_SPI_ENGINE_SDI_FIFO_PEEK) , sdi_fifo_data);
-  end
+    repeat (NUM_OF_WORDS) begin
+      axi_read (`SPI_AD7606_REGMAP_BA + GetAddrs(AXI_SPI_ENGINE_SDI_FIFO_PEEK) , sdi_fifo_data);
+    end
-  `INFO(("sdi_fifo_data: %x; sdi_fifo_data_store %x", sdi_fifo_data, sdi_fifo_data_store), ADI_VERBOSITY_LOW);
+    `INFO(("sdi_fifo_data: %x; sdi_fifo_data_store %x", sdi_fifo_data, sdi_fifo_data_store), ADI_VERBOSITY_LOW);
-  if (sdi_fifo_data != sdi_fifo_data_store) begin
-    `ERROR(("Fifo Read Test FAILED"));
-  end else begin
-    `INFO(("Fifo Read Test PASSED"), ADI_VERBOSITY_LOW);
-  end
+    if (sdi_fifo_data != sdi_fifo_data_store) begin
+      `ERROR(("Fifo Read Test FAILED"));
+    end else begin
+      `INFO(("Fifo Read Test PASSED"), ADI_VERBOSITY_LOW);
+    end
+  endtask