## order of priotity
ANSIBLE_CONFIG="path/to/my/file.conf" # environment variable
ansible.cfg # current directory
~/.ansible.cfg # home directory
/etc/ansible/ansible.cfg # global configuration
It's a way of grouping tasks/processes that will be executed on several servers.
apt install ansible
ansible --version
ansile --list-hosts <name_resourse_list|pattern>
ansible -m ping all
ansible-playbook </path/to/playbook_file.yml> [-K] # -K ask for privilege scalation password
[--check] -> dry-run to check our playbooks
[--tags|--skip-tags] <name_tag> -> execute the tasks with the same name_tag
ansible -m setup <inventory_group|server_entry> # variables|meta-data created during the interaction with a server
ansible-galaxy -> search how to use "ROLES"
ansible-vault create secret-variables.yml # create encrypted data file
ansible-vault edit secret-variables.yml
ansible-playbook <app.yml> --ask-vault-pass # prompt for password