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Robot Framework


These tests are written robot framework is a language wrapper over python. They run on the orchestration manager which has SSH access to all the remote hosts.


  • On orchestrator:
    • apt-get install python2-pip
    • pip install pyyaml
    • pip install robotframework
    • pip install robotframework-sshlibrary


  • Make sure:
    • all remote hosts are running Ubuntu 16.04 or newer
    • variables are configured in environment.yaml; for empty values, surround with single quotes ('); if you need to reference a path relative to dt-testing-framework, use _ROOTDIR
    • all hosts have a name prefix and, optionally, a name suffix; the prefix is followed by a sequential index starting with 1 which is followed by a suffix (e.g. test-host1-x, test-host2-x for prefix test-host and suffix -x); prefixes and suffixes are common to all other hosts that belong to the same group.
  • Install public SSH key ssh-config/ on the orchestration manager and all the other remote hosts:
    • ssh-copy-id -i ssh-config/ ${HOST}


../run-robot [-d|--debug] [-h|--help] [-o|--output-dir $output_directory] [-t|--test $test_name]


robot [-h|--help] [-d|--outputdir $output_directory] [-t|--test $test_name] robot-framework/tests.robot

$output_directory can be any directory with read & write permissions (defaults to: ./output) and after run it has the following structure:

. +
  |- log.html                                                                            : Log containing debug information for last run test cases
  |- output.xml                                                                          : Same debug log in XML format; used by Robot internally
  |- report.html                                                                         : A report specifying which tests have passed and which have failed
  |- Test-Case-1-Testing-Framework-Works +                                               : Directory containing test case 1 information
  |                       |- Test-Case-1-Testing-Framework-Works.log                     : Log collected with rsyslog
  |                       `- Test-Case-1-Testing-Framework-Works.rla                     : Log-analyzer result
  |                       `- Test-Case-1-Testing-Framework-Works.rsa                     : State-analyzer result
  |- Test-Case-2-Remote-Hosts-Are-Linux-Distributions +                                  : Directory containing test case 2 information
  |                             |- Test-Case-2-Remote-Hosts-Are-Linux-Distributions.log  : Log collected with rsyslog
  |                             `- Test-Case-2-Remote-Hosts-Are-Linux-Distributions.rla  : Log-analyzer result
  |                             `- Test-Case-2-Remote-Hosts-Are-Linux-Distributions.rsa  : State-analyzer result
  `- ...
  • $test_name can have the following values:
    • Test-Case-1-Testing-Framework-Works
    • Test-Case-2-Remote-Hosts-Are-Linux-Distributions

Development sources

Extension of the Robot framework would require changes to the following source files:

File Description
../environment.yaml global variables that are used in keywords
resources/filesystem_management.robot keywords related to filesystem management
resources/general.robot general or miscellaneous keywords
resources/host_management.robot keywords related to filesystem management
resources/logging.robot log-processing keywords
resources/process_management.robot keywords that handle processes
resources/service_management.robot keywords that handle services
resources/ssh_connectivity.robot keywords that handle SSH connections
tests.robot the implementations of the actual test cases

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