These notes and accompanying OCaml source code take a hands-on approach in introducing fundamental programming language concepts.
You will need to install:
- opam: the package manager for OCaml. Follow instructions here:
- ocaml: the language we use as host for implementing our interpreters. Follow the instructions here:
- menhir: the lexer and parser generator. Just type
opam install menhir
- ounit: the unit testing library. Just type
opam install ounit2
- dune: the standard build system for OCaml. Just type
opam install dune
This is a two step process. First you build and install the parser, then you build and run the interpreters.
In the folder src/parser_plaf, type the following
# dune build
# dune install
In the folder src/let/lib, type the following
# dune utop
If you get error "Error: Unbound module MenhirLib.LexerUtil", try opam upgrade menhir
If you get "Error: Version 3.2 of dune is not supported.", try opam upgrade dune