- Navigate to your project folder
- Open terminal from the folder and run:
pip install pipenv
pipenv install flask pymysql flask-bcrypt
pipenv shell
python3 server.py
- Create an account
- If necessary, resources on healthy bodybuilding diets and daily exercise videos are available for reference
- Start taking note of your exercise
- And keep track of your nutrition
- Calculate your BFP
- Developed a modern web-based note-taking application using Python, Flask, MySQL, Jinja, HTML, and CSS for the fitness industry.
- The application allows users to take notes of their exercise sets and reps, including the exercise name and maximum lifting weight.
- The save button stores the data in the database and displays the notes ordered by muscle group on the right side.
- The application allows users to enter the nutrition details of each meal, including meal type, total calories, and protein.
- Users can add as many meals as they want, and the data will be saved in the database.
- Using SQL, the application processes the saved data to calculate the total protein intake of the day, which is displayed below the target protein intake set by the user.
- This feature helps users to monitor and adjust their nutrition intake to support their fitness goals.
- The application includes an integrated fitness API that allows users to calculate their body fat percentage (BFP).
- The result displays below the set target BFP, and a BFP chart allows users to compare their results.
- The main page of the application includes an integrated YouTube API that allows users to search for exercise videos.
- The application also includes a fitness receipts API, which allows users to search for healthy recipes that show nutrition details and protein per serving.
- These additional features enhance the user experience and provide users with more information to support their fitness goals.
- Implemented security measures such as password hashing using bcrypt and email validation using Python’s class method to ensure user privacy, protection, and validation for registration and logging-in
- User can also add, update their profile picture and profile’s information.