If you want to use Trixi for your own research, you might be interested in a new physics model that's not already included in Trixi.jl. In this tutorial, we will implement the cubic conservation law
in a periodic domain in one space dimension. In Trixi.jl, such a mathematical model
is encoded as a subtype of Trixi.AbstractEquations
Let's start by creating a module (in the REPL, in a file, in a Jupyter notebook, ...).
That ensures that we can re-create struct
s defined therein without having to
restart Julia.
module CubicConservationLaw
using Trixi
struct CubicEquation <: Trixi.AbstractEquations{1 #= number of spatial dimensions =#,
1 #= number of primary variables, i.e. scalar =#}
end # module
We create CubicEquation
as an empty struct
since we do not use any parameters
for this equation. Other models could bundle arbitrary parameters, e.g., the
ideal gas constant for the compressible Euler equations.
From here on, the following code snippets should be written inside the module
The complete code can be found at the end.
Next, we define the physical flux f(u) = u^3
using the calling structure
used in Trixi.jl.
Trixi.flux(u, orientation, equation::CubicEquation) = u.^3
In Trixi.jl, the conserved variables u
are usually passed as SVector
s of variables
at a single physical location. Hence, we must use u.^3
instead of the scalar
operation u^3
That's already enough to run a simple simulation with a standard DGSEM discretization
using the non-dissipative central flux at interfaces. This code is written outside
of our new module
# Create a simulation setup
import .CubicConservationLaw
using Trixi
using OrdinaryDiffEq
equation = CubicConservationLaw.CubicEquation()
initial_condition_sine(x, t, equation::CubicConservationLaw.CubicEquation) = SVector(sinpi(x[1]))
mesh = mesh = TreeMesh(-1.0, 1.0, # min/max coordinates
solver = DGSEM(3 #= polynomial degree =#, flux_central)
semi = SemidiscretizationHyperbolic(mesh, equation, initial_condition_sine, solver)
# Create ODE problem with given time span
tspan = (0.0, 0.09)
ode = semidiscretize(semi, tspan)
We wrap the return value of the initial_condition_sine
inside an SVector
since that's the approach
used in Trixi.jl also for systems of equations. We need to index the spatial coordinate x[1]
since it is an SVector
with one component. In multiple space dimensions, all spatial coordinates
are passed together.
The ode
is an ODEProblem
from the SciML/DifferentialEquations ecosystem.
Thus, we can solve this ODE numerically using any time integration method,
e.g., SSPRK43
from OrdinaryDiffEq.jl.
Before, we set up a [callback](@ref callbacks-id) to summarize the simulation setup.
summary_callback = SummaryCallback()
callbacks = CallbackSet(summary_callback)
# OrdinaryDiffEq's `solve` method evolves the solution in time and executes the passed callbacks
sol = solve(ode, SSPRK43(),
save_everystep=false, callback=callbacks, maxiters=1e5);
# Print the timer summary
That's it, you ran your first simulation using your new equation with Trixi! Now, we can plot the solution at the final time using Plots.jl.
You can already see that discontinuities will develop and oscillations start to occur around steep parts of the wave. That's expected from our central discretization. To avoid these issues, we need to use dissipative numerical fluxes (approximate Riemann solvers) at interfaces.
Thus, we add a Godunov's flux for our cubic equation. That is easy for this equation
since the wave speed f'(u) = 3u^2
is always non-negative.
@inline Trixi.flux_godunov(u_ll, u_rr, orientation, equation::CubicEquation) = flux(u_ll, orientation, equation)
Let's run the example again but with a dissipative numerical flux at interfaces.
will recreate the semidiscretization we used before and only change
selected parameters, in this case the solver
# A new setup with dissipation
semi = remake(semi, solver=DGSEM(3, flux_godunov))
ode = semidiscretize(semi, tspan)
sol = solve(ode, SSPRK43(),
save_everystep=false, callback=callbacks, maxiters=1e5);
You can see that there are fewer oscillations, in particular around steep edges. Now let's increase the final time (and also the spatial resolution).
# A larger final time: Nonclassical shocks develop (you can even increase the refinement to 12)
semi = remake(semi, mesh=TreeMesh(-1.0, 1.0, initial_refinement_level=8, n_cells_max=10^5))
ode = semidiscretize(semi, (0.0, 0.5))
sol = solve(ode, SSPRK43(),
save_everystep=false, callback=callbacks, maxiters=1e5);
You can observe that nonclassical shocks develop and are stable under grid refinement,
e.g. for initial_refinement_level=12
. In this case, these nonclassical shocks
can be avoided by using an entropy-dissipative semidiscretization. Thus, we need
to define an entropy-conservative numerical flux
@inline function Trixi.flux_ec(u_ll, u_rr, orientation, equation::CubicEquation)
return SVector(0.25 * (u_ll[1]^3 + u_ll[1]^2 * u_rr[1] + u_ll[1] * u_rr[1]^2 + u_rr[1]^3))
and use a VolumeIntegralFluxDifferencing
instead of the standard
in the DGSEM.
# Let's use a provably entropy-dissipative semidiscretization
semi = remake(semi, solver=DGSEM(3, flux_godunov, VolumeIntegralFluxDifferencing(flux_ec)))
ode = semidiscretize(semi, (0.0, 0.5))
sol = solve(ode, SSPRK43(),
save_everystep=false, callback=callbacks, maxiters=1e5);
Possible next steps could be
- to define
Trixi.max_abs_speeds(u, equations::CubicEquation) = 3 * u[1]^2
to use CFL_based time step control via a [StepsizeCallback
][@ref] - to define quantities of interest like
Trixi.entropy(u, equations::CubicEquation) = u[1]^2
and integrate them in a simulation using theAnalysisCallback
- to experiment with shock-capturing volume integrals
and adaptive mesh refinementAMRCallback
To sum up, here is the complete code that we used (without the SummaryCallback
since that creates a lot of unnecessary output in the doctests of this tutorial).
# Define new physics
module CubicConservationLaw
using Trixi
struct CubicEquation <: Trixi.AbstractEquations{1 #= number of spatial dimensions =#,
1 #= number of primary variables, i.e. scalar =#}
@inline Trixi.flux(u, orientation, equation::CubicEquation) = u.^3
Trixi.varnames(_, ::CubicEquation) = ("scalar",)
@inline Trixi.flux_godunov(u_ll, u_rr, orientation, equation::CubicEquation) = flux(u_ll, orientation, equation)
@inline function Trixi.flux_ec(u_ll, u_rr, orientation, equation::CubicEquation)
return SVector(0.25 * (u_ll[1]^3 + u_ll[1]^2 * u_rr[1] + u_ll[1] * u_rr[1]^2 + u_rr[1]^3))
end # module
# Create a simulation setup
import .CubicConservationLaw
using Trixi
using OrdinaryDiffEq
using Plots
equation = CubicConservationLaw.CubicEquation()
initial_condition_sine(x, t, equation::CubicConservationLaw.CubicEquation) = SVector(sinpi(x[1]))
mesh = mesh = TreeMesh(-1.0, 1.0, # min/max coordinates
solver = DGSEM(3 #= polynomial degree =#, flux_central)
semi = SemidiscretizationHyperbolic(mesh, equation, initial_condition_sine, solver)
# Create ODE problem with given time span
tspan = (0.0, 0.1)
ode = semidiscretize(semi, tspan)
# OrdinaryDiffEq's `solve` method evolves the solution in time and executes the passed callbacks
sol = solve(ode, SSPRK43(), save_everystep=false);
# A new setup with dissipation
semi = remake(semi, solver=DGSEM(3, flux_godunov))
ode = semidiscretize(semi, tspan)
sol = solve(ode, SSPRK43(), save_everystep=false);
# A larger final time: Nonclassical shocks develop (you can even increase the refinement to 12)
semi = remake(semi, mesh=TreeMesh(-1.0, 1.0, initial_refinement_level=8, n_cells_max=10^5))
ode = semidiscretize(semi, (0.0, 0.5))
sol = solve(ode, SSPRK43(), save_everystep=false);
# Let's use a provably entropy-dissipative semidiscretization
semi = remake(semi, solver=DGSEM(3, flux_godunov, VolumeIntegralFluxDifferencing(flux_ec)))
ode = semidiscretize(semi, (0.0, 0.5))
sol = solve(ode, SSPRK43(), save_everystep=false);
# output
Plot{Plots.GRBackend() n=1}