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Pascal-TUC language specification

This is the official(duh) specification for the language that is recognized, tokenized, and parsed by ptucc; it stems, as its name suggests, from Pascal and TUC. As you might imagine by Pascal we mean the programming language but I'll leave the origins of TUC inside a mystery of strawberry flavored cloud for the informed reader to smell and poke in order to find its mysterious, yet woeful origins.

This guide will outline and define the specification of the said language in the best way possible; if you think you found any discrepancies do let me know...but since this is a playground language chances are slim for someone bothering doing that.

Program definition

Each valid ptuc program will be comprised out of a number of lexical units that are laid out based on the syntax rules defined in this specification. Both lexical units and syntax rules will be thoroughly described in the following sections.

Lexical units

The valid ptuc lexical can be categorised in the following distinct classes:

  • keywords
  • identifiers
  • integer positive constants
  • real positive constants
  • boolean constants
  • constant strings
  • operators
  • macros
  • modules
  • white-spaces
  • comments

Each of the above will be explained in its own section below; additionally it has to be noted that ptuc is a case-sensitive language thus for example FOR is not the same as for.


The keywords are reserved words that cannot be used for any-other purpose besides the one that's bestowed to them by the language. The complete keyword list for ptuc is as follows:

and array boolean char begin div do
else for end function goto if integer
var mod not of or while procedure
program real repeat to result return then
until downto use module


The identifiers are used for variable, function and procedure names and must start by a _, _, lower or upper case character and can be followed by one or more alphanumeric as well as -, _ characters. Additionally identifiers cannot have the a value that is equal to one of the ptuc's keywords. So based on the previous rules valid identifier values would be: variable, x, x_19, _19y, _y and incorrect values would be: for, 1x, if and so on.

Integer positive constants

Each integer positive constant is comprised out of one or more decimal digits without having any surplus starting zeros (0). In turn valid examples are: 0, 43, 12311, 3, 11000011; invalid examples are: 0001, 001.

Real positive constants

Each real positive constant is comprised out of mandatory integer and fraction parts while optionally having an exponent part. The integer part is comprised out of at least one or more decimal digits without surplus starting zeros (0). The fraction part is comprised out one dot (.) followed by at least one or more decimal digits. Finally the exponent is comprised out of the case-insensitive exponent sign (E, e), an optional sign +, - as well as at least one or more decimal digits without any surplus starting zeros (0). Valid examples are: 432.0, 100.000, 4.2e1, 0.42e+2, 0.50E-2, 5144.012e-3; invalid examples are 00432.0, 100.0e-0001.

Boolean constants

The boolean constants depict the values of the boolean true (logical true) and false (logical false).

Constant strings

The constant strings are comprised out of a sequence of normal or escape characters. Normal characters are defined as all the special and alphanumeric characters not including backslash (\\) the single (') and double (") quote characters. Escape characters start with a backslash (\\) and the ones supported are outlines in the following table.

Escape Character Description
\n newline character
\t tab character
\r return to line start
\\ backslash character
\' ' single quote
\" " double quote

Constant strings are allowed to be multi-line without including any additional newline characters than the ones present already. Valid constant strings would be: "a", "\t", '\'', "abc", "Hello world!\n" "Item:\t\"Laser Printer\"\nPrice:\t$142\n"; invalid ones would include ""car", 'pizza''


The allowed operators of ptuc are shown in the following table.

Category Contains
arithmetic operators +, -, *, /, div, mod
relational operators =, <>, <, <=, >, >=
logic operators and, or, not, &&, ||, !
sign operators +, -
assignment operator :=
casting operator (<data-type>)

The precise function of each operator is shown in the following table.

Operator Description
+ addition
- subtraction
* multiplication
/, div division result
mod modulo result
= equal with
> less than
< greater than
<> not equal with
>= greater or equal with
<= less or equal with
and, && logical and
or, || logical or
not, ! logical not
(<data-type>) cast to (<data-type>)


The allowed delimiters of ptuc are the following: begin, end, ;, (, ), ,, [, ], :=, :, ..


Thankfully in ptuc we have baked some elementary macro sweetness; that means that we can macros albeit very basic ones. In ptuc macros are processed as lexical units that means when a valid macro name is encountered as an identifier during our lexical analysis it is replaced by the value of that macro. Macros can be defined anywhere in the file, but they need to be defined in their own line; thus we have the constraint of "one macro per line". Macros in ptuc have the following syntax:

@defmacro <identifier> <string>

Additionally in ptuc, we can have macro redefinition; that means when we have two different definitions of a said macro its value is equal to the one of the most recent definition at the time of each replacement. So based on the above this is perfectly legal:

@defmacro N 10
(* do stuff *)
n_value := N; (* N here would be replaced by 10 *)
(* do more stuff *)
@defmacro N 100
n_value := N; (* N here would replaced by 100 *)


Again ptuc has baked some (very) elementary module support; each module is included using use keyword followed by a valid identifier which serves as its name. Additionally the file that contains that module must be of the same filename as that particular module with the extension .ptuc. That means that if we have a module called nice it is expected to be contained inside nice.ptuc. Modules can be included at the top of the file before the program keyword and each one is separated by a semicolon ;.

Inside each module we have a keyword module followed by an identifier which has the same value as the one used when including it. The body of the module is contained between begin and end keywords. At the end a dot . is expected to indicate the end of the file.

Modules can contain declarations but not orphan statements; that means inside a module we can have one or more type, function, procedure and variable declarations. A difference between a program and a module is that all declarations end with a semicolon ;, even the last one -- which is not the case in the main program.

A valid module would be the following:

module nice
       intfunc = function(n: integer) : integer;
       string = array of char;
   var f: integer;

   procedure eval(prompt: string; f: intfunc; val: integer);
       writeString('('); writeInteger(val); writeString(')=');

This module could be included as

use nice;

Skipped elements

Besides the previously mentioned lexical units a ptuc program might also contain some elements that meant to be ignored. That basically means that while they are valid, parsed and tokenized correctly we just discard the output. These elements in ptuc are the following:

  • while-spaces
  • single/multi-line comments


These are basically sequences that are comprised out of at least one or more space ( ), tab (\t), line feed (\n) or carriage return (\r) characters.


In ptuc we support two (2) types of comments; these are

  • single-line comments
  • multi-line comments

Their only essential difference as their name suggests is that the former is able to comment a single line whereas the latter can comment an arbitrary large number of lines. Single-line comments start with // and discard the contents of that line up to the first line feed (\n) character encountered. Multi-line comments start with (* and consume everything (including special characters) until their matching reverse pair: *) is read. Nested multi-line comments are not supported.

Syntax rules

Now we will describe the syntax rules which comprise the correct ordering of the lexical units that are generated by the lexer. This section is segmented in the following sections

  • Program
  • Data-Types
  • Variables
  • Sub-programs
  • Default sub-programs
  • Expressions
  • Statements


Each valid ptuc program can be inside a file with an extension .ptuc and is comprised out of the its main procedure which can contain one or more sub-programs (functions, procedures). The main procedure has the following layout:

  • program header
  • declarations (optional)
  • main body

These are separated by a semicolon ;. One semicolon is required for each separate declaration, so if we have both variables and sub-program declarations we would have an equal number of semicolons each one separating these structural units.

Program header

Each ptuc program has a header which has the following syntax:

program <identifier>;

Where <identifier> is a valid identifier as defined previously and indicates the program name; its followed by a semicolon. A valid program header would be the following:

program foo;


Declarations mat be empty of include one or more different declarations of variables, named-types or sub-programs in any order, although it has to be noted that you cannot use something that has not been declared previously than the place of usage.

Main body

The main body is comprised out of a complex statement and ends with a dot (.). This is the only case that a complex statement is allowed to end with a dot (.).

Simple Example

A complete and simple example of a valid ptuc program is the following:

program foo;
    x: integer;
    x := 1+2;


In ptuc we have baked in support for four (4) basic data-types, which are the following:

Data-type name Description
integer integer numbers
boolean logic values
char characters
real real numbers

Additionally ptuc has support for the following non-scalar types (e.g. arrays)

  • array [n] of T: one-dimensional arrays that are comprised out of n elements of type T; n must be a positive constant integer and T a valid basic or named-type. A valid example would be: array [5] of integer.
  • array [n]...[k] of T: multi-dimensional arrays that are comprised out of elements of type T; n...k must be positive constant integers and T a valid basic or named-type. A valid example would be: array [5][10] of char.
  • array of T: arrays that are of unknown number of elements of type T; T must be a valid basic or named-type. A valid example would be: array of real.
  • function (paramList) : Treturn: function prototype with a defined signature; that means that we know beforehand the types of both its arguments as well as its return type. All types must be valid basic or named-types. A valid example would be: function(x, y: integer; z: char): char.

It has to be noted that when using tables the subscript index value must be again a positive integer constant, so assuming f is an array of a valid type T then we can do f[1] but not f[-1].


As we previously mentioned besides basic data-types, we have baked in support for custom data-types which can be used as an abbreviation; much like C's typedef. These types can be declared as follows:

    <identifier> = T

Which basically lets us use <identifier> in place of T; this is really handy as it lets us write fewer code by providing "shortcuts" such as:

    str = array of char;

So instead of just writing array of char we can just use as str. This can be taken further into functions:

    vec = array [3] of real;
    f = function(vec: vector): vector;


Variables declaration in ptuc start with the keyword var and are followed by at least one or more comma separated identifiers ending with a colon : and a valid type. We can have chained variable declarations of the same or different type inside the same var but each one is separated with a semicolon ;. A valid example would be:

(* first var, showning chained variables *)
var i: integer;
    f, x: real;
    s: array[10] of char;

   more stuff before main begin

(* we can have more than one var *)
var c: real;
    string: array of char;


In ptuc sub-programs have two flavors:

  • procedures
  • functions

Each sub-program is a structural unit and is comprised out of the following:

  • sub-program header
  • declarations: a sub-program like the main program can contain one or more sub-programs which are local to that particular sub-program and cannot be accessed outside of it.
  • sub-program body

These are separated again by a semicolon ;. One semicolon is required for each separate declaration, so if we have both variables and sub-program declarations we would have an equal number of semicolons each one separating these structural units.

Sub-program header

The sub-program header contains the sub-program type (function, procedure), its name, its arguments (if any) and depending whether it is a procedure or function its return type. It has to be noted that the program name must be followed by a left (() and right ()) parenthesis pair inside which the arguments are placed (if any).

So for example these headers are valid:

function foo() : integer
procedure proc()

While these are not

function foo : integer
procedure proc


Declarations mat be empty of include one or more different declarations of variables, named-types or sub-programs in any order, although it has to be noted that you cannot use something that has not been declared previously than the place of usage. Contrary to the main procedure declarations the ones made inside a sub-programs can only be used by itself and their defined sub-programs (if any).

Sub-program body

The sub-program body is comprised out of a complex statement and ends with a semicolon (;).

Default sub-programs

We baked into ptuc the support of some predefined support, hence these functions are global and one can access them anywhere in the program. These function headers are the following:

Reading basic types (from stdin):

  • readInteger(): integer
  • readReal(): real
  • readString(): array of char

Writing basic types (to stdout):

  • writeInteger(n: integer)
  • writeReal(n: real)
  • writeString(s: array of char)


In a programming language expressions are arguably the most important part. Basic expression types are constants, variables of any type and function/procedure calls. More complex expressions can be created by using operators and or parentheses.

In particular the ptuc operators are split into two categories, the ones that take one (1) argument (e.g. not) and the ones that take two (2) arguments (such as =). The operators that have one argument are placed in front of their argument (using prefix notation) but are defined afterwards (using postfix notation). Operators that take two (2) arguments are always types in between their arguments (using infix notation). Decomposition and parsing happens in a left-to-right fashion.

To avoid syntax ambiguities the table below defines the precedence of each operator as well as their arguments and the notation used. The operators are categorized in groups based on their relative precedence. The higher a group is in the table the higher its precedence, hence Logical not has the highest precedence and Logicalor the lowest. The full precedence table follows.

Operators Description No. of arguments Associativity
not, ! Logical not operators 1 prefix, right
+, - Numeric sign operators 1 prefix, right
(<data-type>) Casting operator 1 prefix, right
*, /, div, mod Arithmetic operators (minus ones below) 2 infix, left
+, - Addition/Subtraction operators 2 infix, left
=, <>, <, >, <=, >= Relational operators 2 infix, left
and, && Logical and operators 2 infix, left
or, || Logical or operators 2 infix, left

Some valid examples of expression are the following:

-a                      (* negative of a *)
a + b * (b / a)         (* arithmetic expression *)
4 + 50.0*x / 2.456      (* arithmetic expression *)
(a+1) mod cube(b+3)     (* addition operator, function call *)
a + (a <> b)            (* logic and relational expressions *)
a[1] + b[k]*2           (* arithmetic and relational operators *)
15.7e-2 * (real) 45     (* arithmetic expression with casting *)

It has to be noted that function calls when used in conjunction with an operator (such as addition (+) or assignment (:=)) they should be treated as expressions instead of statements. So for example the following

a := f()        (* function call *)
b := cube(b+3)  (* another function call *)

Should be perfectly valid.


In ptuc we support statement which again as expressions have two formats, simple and complex. All statements are considered simple besides the one statement that is explicitly named as complex.

Complex statement

Each complex statement is comprised one or more simple statements; each statement is separated with the next by a semicolon (;). These statement are encapsulated in begin and end keywords. A valid example would be:

(* start a complex statement *)
    (* have more simple statements *)
    x := 1;
    y := 2

Notice that the last statement in each complex command does not have a semicolon (;); this is by design and intentional.

Simple statements

Simple statements are all other statements that our language can have.

Assign statement

The assign statement is responsible for assigning to a variable v and expression expr and has the following syntax:

v := expr

Special function assign statement (result)

Inside functions we can have a special assignment, which assigns an expression to the special result variable. It has the following syntax: result := expr, where expr is a valid expression.

if-then-else statement

The known if-then-else statement has the following syntax: if e then s_1 else s_2 where e is an expression and s_{1,2} are simple of complex statements.

for statement

The for loop statement has the following syntax: for v := e_1 to e_2 do s (increments e_1 up to e_2) or for v:= e_1 downto e_2 do s (decrements e_1 up to e_2) where v is a variable, e_{1,2} are expressions and s a simple or complex statement.

while statement

The while loop statement has the following syntax in: while e do s where e is an expression and s a simple or complex statement.

repeat until statement

The repeat-until loop statement has the following syntax: repeat s until e where s is a simple or complex statement and e a valid expression.

label statement

The label statement defines a block of code that would be executed if we used a goto statement to jump to it. The label statement has the following syntax: l: s where s is a simple or complex statement.

goto statement

The goto statement is used to do unconditional jumps to labels placed within our code, hence goto has the following syntax: goto l where l a valid label inside the same structural unit goto was called.

return statement

The return statement is responsible when executed to terminate the function/procedure it is called from. Depending on whether it is called from main, procedure or a function different things happen. Let examine each case separately

  • main: if we call return inside our main procedure then our program terminates. No return value is expected and thus has no arguments.

  • procedure: if we call return inside a procedure we have the immediate return of the procedure that the statement was executed within. No return value is expected and has no argument.

  • function: if we call return inside a function we have the immediate return of the function that the statement was executed within. In the case of functions we expect to have a return value of type T; thus we can have a simple return, which returns the current value of result otherwise we can also return an expression, thus result expr would be perfectly valid within a function as long as it returns the same type T.

function/procedure call statement

Function/Procedure call statement is comprised out of the single call of the function/procedure f while also followed by its arguments (if any) that are treated as expressions; thus it has the following reference format:

f(expr_1, expr_2, ..., expr_n)

Where f the function name and expr_{1...n} its arguments as expressions.

In case we call the function in a statement alone when the function/procedure itself is treated as a statement, thus the following should be perfectly valid.

function_call(a, b); (* statement, while a,b are expressions *)
proc_call(d, c);     (* another statement, while d, c are expressions *)

Mapping ptuc to c rules

This section will outline the mapping of the ptuc syntax to its C equivalent. Unfortunately ptuc cannot be compiled using c89 but only c99 (1999) and c11 (2011); explaining these is certainly out this specification context so you should read up the C standards in question for more details. It has to be noted that when mentioning C from now on I am referencing to a version of C >= c99.

Mapping constants and types

The types of ptuc can be easily mapped into their respective C equivalents; details on how to map the basic types supported in ptuc are shown in the table below.

ptuc type mapped C type
integer int
boolean bool
char char
real double
array [n_1]...[n_k] of T T[n_1]...[n_k]
array of T T*
function (a_1: T_1; ... a_k: T_k) : Treturn Treturn (*)(T_1 a_1, ..., T_k a_k)

Notes: T above refers to the data-type of that lexical unit; similarly Treturn refers to the data-type that is returned by that construct (i.e. a function).

Actual ptuc constants, say for example positive constant integers (and the others) can be mapped using the above table as a reference quite trivially.

Mapping of structural units

A structural unit can contain optionally variable, function and procedure declarations alongside with the mandatory main function body. The main structural unit is mapped to a respective .c file which contains all the said declarations as well as the main function that contains the aforementioned logic.

Mapping named-types

In ptuc a named type of the following structure:

    foo = T;

can be mapped in C using:

typedef T foo

Special care should be taken when handling array-based named types, for example

    foo = array[n] of T

This should be mapped in C as follows:

typedef T foo[n]

Mapping variables to types

Additionally, a variable of type in ptuc can be mapped in C as shown below.

The following ptuc variable declaration segment:

    myfoo, mybar: T;

Would be mapped in C as follows:

T myfoo, mybar;

Mapping routines

As we know ptuc has two (2) types of subprograms, namely functions and procedures. Their only significant differences as shown above is that a function can have a return value of type T and a special variable called result that can store the return result. On the other hand procedures have no return type nor the result variable.

This makes mapping to C easy, as C does not discriminate its function types so ptuc procedures are mapped to void C functions as is shown below.

The following ptuc procedure:

foo(x_1: T_1; ...; x_n: T_n)

Would be mapped in C as follows:

foo(T_1 x_1, ..., T_n x_n)

On the other hand ptuc functions are mapped with C functions that return their T type as is shown again below.

The following ptuc function:

foo(x_1, x_2: T_1; ...; x_n: T_n): Treturn

Would be mapped in C as follows:

foo(T_1 x_1, T_1 x_2, ..., T_n x_n)

Mapping program statements

These are basically the same as in C with a few exceptions and that's why there are differences in the operators that perform a particular operation; a good example is the assignment operator as in C is = and in ptuc is :=. I am sure that you can easily discern how to map basic ptuc operations to their C equivalent...

Mapping built-in functions

As we previously noted ptuc has some predefined "standard" functions that can be easily implemented using C wrappers; in this specification I'll give you the suggested function that you have to wrap around the function in order to perform the desired action in ptuc but not the actual implementation.

ptuc call C wrapper
readString(): array of char fgets
readInteger(): integer strtol casted to int
readReal(): real strtod without cast
writeString(s: array of char) printf
writeInteger(n: integer) printf
writeReal(n: real) printf

Please note that, while for example I indicate the printf as a suitable wrapper for all write functions you will have to provide the correct printing format in printf in order to successfully print in the desired format.