diff --git a/.nojekyll b/.nojekyll new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e69de29bb2 diff --git a/CNAME b/CNAME new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..4307d5835c --- /dev/null +++ b/CNAME @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +go.anx.io diff --git a/chroma/style.css b/chroma/style.css new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b275a7e4f6 --- /dev/null +++ b/chroma/style.css @@ -0,0 +1,87 @@ +/* Background */ .bg { ; -moz-tab-size: 4; -o-tab-size: 4; tab-size: 4 } +/* PreWrapper */ .chroma { ; -moz-tab-size: 4; -o-tab-size: 4; tab-size: 4; } +/* LineNumbers targeted by URL anchor */ .chroma .ln:target { background-color: #e5e5e5 } +/* LineNumbersTable targeted by URL anchor */ .chroma .lnt:target { background-color: #e5e5e5 } +/* Other */ .chroma .x { } +/* Error */ .chroma .err { } +/* CodeLine */ .chroma .cl { } +/* LineTableTD */ .chroma .lntd { vertical-align: top; padding: 0; margin: 0; border: 0; } +/* LineTable */ .chroma .lntable { border-spacing: 0; padding: 0; margin: 0; border: 0; } +/* LineHighlight */ .chroma .hl { background-color: #e5e5e5 } +/* LineNumbersTable */ .chroma .lnt { white-space: pre; user-select: none; margin-right: 0.4em; padding: 0 0.4em 0 0.4em;color: #7f7f7f } +/* LineNumbers */ .chroma .ln { white-space: pre; user-select: none; margin-right: 0.4em; padding: 0 0.4em 0 0.4em;color: #7f7f7f } +/* Line */ .chroma .line { display: flex; } +/* Keyword */ .chroma .k { color: #008000; font-weight: bold } +/* KeywordConstant */ .chroma .kc { color: #008000; font-weight: bold } +/* KeywordDeclaration */ .chroma .kd { color: #008000; font-weight: bold } +/* KeywordNamespace */ .chroma .kn { color: #008000; font-weight: bold } +/* KeywordPseudo */ .chroma .kp { color: #008000 } +/* KeywordReserved */ .chroma .kr { color: #008000; font-weight: bold } +/* KeywordType */ .chroma .kt { color: #b00040 } +/* Name */ .chroma .n { } +/* NameAttribute */ .chroma .na { color: #7d9029 } +/* NameBuiltin */ .chroma .nb { color: #008000 } +/* NameBuiltinPseudo */ .chroma .bp { } +/* NameClass */ .chroma .nc { color: #0000ff; font-weight: bold } +/* NameConstant */ .chroma .no { color: #880000 } +/* NameDecorator */ .chroma .nd { color: #aa22ff } +/* NameEntity */ .chroma .ni { color: #999999; font-weight: bold } +/* NameException */ .chroma .ne { color: #d2413a; font-weight: bold } +/* NameFunction */ .chroma .nf { color: #0000ff } +/* NameFunctionMagic */ .chroma .fm { } +/* NameLabel */ .chroma .nl { color: #a0a000 } +/* NameNamespace */ .chroma .nn { color: #0000ff; font-weight: bold } +/* NameOther */ .chroma .nx { } +/* NameProperty */ .chroma .py { } +/* NameTag */ .chroma .nt { color: #008000; font-weight: bold } +/* NameVariable */ .chroma .nv { color: #19177c } +/* NameVariableClass */ .chroma .vc { } +/* NameVariableGlobal */ .chroma .vg { } +/* NameVariableInstance */ .chroma .vi { } +/* NameVariableMagic */ .chroma .vm { } +/* Literal */ .chroma .l { } +/* LiteralDate */ .chroma .ld { } +/* LiteralString */ .chroma .s { color: #ba2121 } +/* LiteralStringAffix */ .chroma .sa { color: #ba2121 } +/* LiteralStringBacktick */ .chroma .sb { color: #ba2121 } +/* LiteralStringChar */ .chroma .sc { color: #ba2121 } +/* LiteralStringDelimiter */ .chroma .dl { color: #ba2121 } +/* LiteralStringDoc */ .chroma .sd { color: #ba2121; font-style: italic } +/* LiteralStringDouble */ .chroma .s2 { color: #ba2121 } +/* LiteralStringEscape */ .chroma .se { color: #bb6622; font-weight: bold } +/* LiteralStringHeredoc */ .chroma .sh { color: #ba2121 } +/* LiteralStringInterpol */ .chroma .si { color: #bb6688; font-weight: bold } +/* LiteralStringOther */ .chroma .sx { color: #008000 } +/* LiteralStringRegex */ .chroma .sr { color: #bb6688 } +/* LiteralStringSingle */ .chroma .s1 { color: #ba2121 } +/* LiteralStringSymbol */ .chroma .ss { color: #19177c } +/* LiteralNumber */ .chroma .m { color: #666666 } +/* LiteralNumberBin */ .chroma .mb { color: #666666 } +/* LiteralNumberFloat */ .chroma .mf { color: #666666 } +/* LiteralNumberHex */ .chroma .mh { color: #666666 } +/* LiteralNumberInteger */ .chroma .mi { color: #666666 } +/* LiteralNumberIntegerLong */ .chroma .il { color: #666666 } +/* LiteralNumberOct */ .chroma .mo { color: #666666 } +/* Operator */ .chroma .o { color: #666666 } +/* OperatorWord */ .chroma .ow { color: #aa22ff; font-weight: bold } +/* Punctuation */ .chroma .p { } +/* Comment */ .chroma .c { color: #408080; font-style: italic } +/* CommentHashbang */ .chroma .ch { color: #408080; font-style: italic } +/* CommentMultiline */ .chroma .cm { color: #408080; font-style: italic } +/* CommentSingle */ .chroma .c1 { color: #408080; font-style: italic } +/* CommentSpecial */ .chroma .cs { color: #408080; font-style: italic } +/* CommentPreproc */ .chroma .cp { color: #bc7a00 } +/* CommentPreprocFile */ .chroma .cpf { color: #bc7a00 } +/* Generic */ .chroma .g { } +/* GenericDeleted */ .chroma .gd { color: #a00000 } +/* GenericEmph */ .chroma .ge { font-style: italic } +/* GenericError */ .chroma .gr { color: #ff0000 } +/* GenericHeading */ .chroma .gh { color: #000080; font-weight: bold } +/* GenericInserted */ .chroma .gi { color: #00a000 } +/* GenericOutput */ .chroma .go { color: #888888 } +/* GenericPrompt */ .chroma .gp { color: #000080; font-weight: bold } +/* GenericStrong */ .chroma .gs { font-weight: bold } +/* GenericSubheading */ .chroma .gu { color: #800080; font-weight: bold } +/* GenericTraceback */ .chroma .gt { color: #0044dd } +/* GenericUnderline */ .chroma .gl { text-decoration: underline } +/* TextWhitespace */ .chroma .w { color: #bbbbbb } diff --git a/e5e/README.md/index.html b/e5e/README.md/index.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..2ff0dea64b --- /dev/null +++ b/e5e/README.md/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,136 @@ + + + + go.anx.io/e5e - go-e5e + + + + + + + + + +


+ + + + The highest tagged major version is v2. + +



PkgGoDev +Build Status +codecov +Go Report Card


go-e5e is a support library to help Go developers build Anexia e5e functions.




With a correctly configured Go toolchain:

1go get -u go.anx.io/e5e

Getting started

 1package main
+ 2
+ 3import (
+ 4	"runtime"
+ 5	
+ 6	"go.anx.io/e5e"
+ 7)
+ 8
+ 9type SumEventData struct {
+10	A int `json:"a"`
+11	B int `json:"b"`
+14type SumEvent struct {
+15	e5e.Event
+16	Data SumEventData `json:"data,omitempty"`
+19// Using a custom `e5e.Context` class is optional and only needed to access the `Data` attribute on the
+20// context. This attribute may be used to get the return value of an authorizer function, for example. If access
+21// to the `Data` attribute is not needed, the `e5e.Context` type can be used on the entrypoint directly.
+23type SumContextData struct {
+24	AuthKey string `json:"auth_key"`
+27type SumContext struct {
+28	e5e.Context
+29	Data SumContextData `json:"data,omitempty"`
+32type entrypoints struct{}
+34func (f *entrypoints) MyEntrypoint(event SumEvent, context SumContext) (e5e.Result, error) {
+35	return e5e.Result{
+36		Status: 200,
+37		ResponseHeaders: map[string]string{
+38			"x-custom-response-header": "This is a custom response header",
+39		},
+40		Data: map[string]interface{}{
+41			"sum": event.Data.A + event.Data.B,
+42			"version": runtime.Version(),
+43		},
+44	}, nil
+47func main() {
+48	e5e.Start(&entrypoints{})

List of developers

+ + +
+ + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/e5e/README.md@v1.2.0/index.html b/e5e/README.md@v1.2.0/index.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f782deb6ee --- /dev/null +++ b/e5e/README.md@v1.2.0/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,123 @@ + + + + go.anx.io/e5e - go-e5e + + + + + + + + + +


+ + + + The highest tagged major version is v2. + +



PkgGoDev +Build Status +codecov +Go Report Card


go-e5e is a support library to help Go developers build Anexia e5e functions.




With a correctly configured Go toolchain:

1go get -u go.anx.io/e5e

Getting started

 1package main
+ 2
+ 3import (
+ 4	"runtime"
+ 5	
+ 6	"go.anx.io/e5e"
+ 7)
+ 8
+ 9type SumData struct {
+10	A int `json:"a"`
+11	B int `json:"b"`
+14type SumEvent struct {
+15	e5e.Event
+16	Data SumData `json:"data"`
+19type entrypoints struct{}
+21func (f *entrypoints) MyEntrypoint(event SumEvent, context e5e.Context) (e5e.Result, error) {
+22	return e5e.Result{
+23		Status: 200,
+24		ResponseHeaders: map[string]string{
+25			"x-custom-response-header": "This is a custom response header",
+26		},
+27		Data: map[string]interface{}{
+28			"sum": event.Data.A + event.Data.B,
+29			"version": runtime.Version(),
+30		},
+31	}, nil
+34func main() {
+35	e5e.Start(&entrypoints{})

List of developers

+ + +
+ + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/e5e/README.md@v1.2.1/index.html b/e5e/README.md@v1.2.1/index.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..2ff0dea64b --- /dev/null +++ b/e5e/README.md@v1.2.1/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,136 @@ + + + + go.anx.io/e5e - go-e5e + + + + + + + + + +


+ + + + The highest tagged major version is v2. + +



PkgGoDev +Build Status +codecov +Go Report Card


go-e5e is a support library to help Go developers build Anexia e5e functions.




With a correctly configured Go toolchain:

1go get -u go.anx.io/e5e

Getting started

 1package main
+ 2
+ 3import (
+ 4	"runtime"
+ 5	
+ 6	"go.anx.io/e5e"
+ 7)
+ 8
+ 9type SumEventData struct {
+10	A int `json:"a"`
+11	B int `json:"b"`
+14type SumEvent struct {
+15	e5e.Event
+16	Data SumEventData `json:"data,omitempty"`
+19// Using a custom `e5e.Context` class is optional and only needed to access the `Data` attribute on the
+20// context. This attribute may be used to get the return value of an authorizer function, for example. If access
+21// to the `Data` attribute is not needed, the `e5e.Context` type can be used on the entrypoint directly.
+23type SumContextData struct {
+24	AuthKey string `json:"auth_key"`
+27type SumContext struct {
+28	e5e.Context
+29	Data SumContextData `json:"data,omitempty"`
+32type entrypoints struct{}
+34func (f *entrypoints) MyEntrypoint(event SumEvent, context SumContext) (e5e.Result, error) {
+35	return e5e.Result{
+36		Status: 200,
+37		ResponseHeaders: map[string]string{
+38			"x-custom-response-header": "This is a custom response header",
+39		},
+40		Data: map[string]interface{}{
+41			"sum": event.Data.A + event.Data.B,
+42			"version": runtime.Version(),
+43		},
+44	}, nil
+47func main() {
+48	e5e.Start(&entrypoints{})

List of developers

+ + +
+ + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/e5e/index.html b/e5e/index.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..2ff0dea64b --- /dev/null +++ b/e5e/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,136 @@ + + + + go.anx.io/e5e - go-e5e + + + + + + + + + +


+ + + + The highest tagged major version is v2. + +



PkgGoDev +Build Status +codecov +Go Report Card


go-e5e is a support library to help Go developers build Anexia e5e functions.




With a correctly configured Go toolchain:

1go get -u go.anx.io/e5e

Getting started

 1package main
+ 2
+ 3import (
+ 4	"runtime"
+ 5	
+ 6	"go.anx.io/e5e"
+ 7)
+ 8
+ 9type SumEventData struct {
+10	A int `json:"a"`
+11	B int `json:"b"`
+14type SumEvent struct {
+15	e5e.Event
+16	Data SumEventData `json:"data,omitempty"`
+19// Using a custom `e5e.Context` class is optional and only needed to access the `Data` attribute on the
+20// context. This attribute may be used to get the return value of an authorizer function, for example. If access
+21// to the `Data` attribute is not needed, the `e5e.Context` type can be used on the entrypoint directly.
+23type SumContextData struct {
+24	AuthKey string `json:"auth_key"`
+27type SumContext struct {
+28	e5e.Context
+29	Data SumContextData `json:"data,omitempty"`
+32type entrypoints struct{}
+34func (f *entrypoints) MyEntrypoint(event SumEvent, context SumContext) (e5e.Result, error) {
+35	return e5e.Result{
+36		Status: 200,
+37		ResponseHeaders: map[string]string{
+38			"x-custom-response-header": "This is a custom response header",
+39		},
+40		Data: map[string]interface{}{
+41			"sum": event.Data.A + event.Data.B,
+42			"version": runtime.Version(),
+43		},
+44	}, nil
+47func main() {
+48	e5e.Start(&entrypoints{})

List of developers

+ + +
+ + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/e5e/v2/README.md/index.html b/e5e/v2/README.md/index.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..91b824fda4 --- /dev/null +++ b/e5e/v2/README.md/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,119 @@ + + + + go.anx.io/e5e/v2 - go-e5e + + + + + + + + + +


+ + +



PkgGoDev +Build Status +codecov +Go Report Card


go-e5e is a support library to help Go developers build Anexia e5e functions.




With a correctly configured Go toolchain:

1go get -u go.anx.io/e5e/v2

Getting started

 1package main
+ 2
+ 3import (
+ 4	"context"
+ 5	
+ 6	"go.anx.io/e5e/v2"
+ 7)
+ 8
+ 9type SumData struct {
+10	A int `json:"a"`
+11	B int `json:"b"`
+14func Sum(ctx context.Context, r e5e.Request[SumData, any]) (*e5e.Result, error) {
+15	result := r.Data().A + r.Data().B
+16	return &e5e.Result{
+17		Status: 200,
+18		ResponseHeaders: map[string]string{
+19			"x-custom-response-header": "This is a custom response header",
+20		},
+21		Data: result,
+22	}, nil
+25func main() {
+26	e5e.AddHandlerFunc("Sum", Sum)
+27	e5e.Start(context.Background())

List of developers

+ + + + + +
+ + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/e5e/v2/README.md@chore/SIANXSVC-1214-replace-codecov/index.html b/e5e/v2/README.md@chore/SIANXSVC-1214-replace-codecov/index.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..12f9d596dc --- /dev/null +++ b/e5e/v2/README.md@chore/SIANXSVC-1214-replace-codecov/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,118 @@ + + + + go.anx.io/e5e/v2 - go-e5e + + + + + + + + + +


+ + +



PkgGoDev +Build Status +Go Report Card


go-e5e is a support library to help Go developers build Anexia e5e functions.




With a correctly configured Go toolchain:

1go get -u go.anx.io/e5e/v2

Getting started

 1package main
+ 2
+ 3import (
+ 4	"context"
+ 5	
+ 6	"go.anx.io/e5e/v2"
+ 7)
+ 8
+ 9type SumData struct {
+10	A int `json:"a"`
+11	B int `json:"b"`
+14func Sum(ctx context.Context, r e5e.Request[SumData, any]) (*e5e.Result, error) {
+15	result := r.Data().A + r.Data().B
+16	return &e5e.Result{
+17		Status: 200,
+18		ResponseHeaders: map[string]string{
+19			"x-custom-response-header": "This is a custom response header",
+20		},
+21		Data: result,
+22	}, nil
+25func main() {
+26	e5e.AddHandlerFunc("Sum", Sum)
+27	e5e.Start(context.Background())

List of developers

+ + + + + +
+ + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/e5e/v2/README.md@feature/SIANXSVC-1222-add-binary-file-api/index.html b/e5e/v2/README.md@feature/SIANXSVC-1222-add-binary-file-api/index.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..1981a8738b --- /dev/null +++ b/e5e/v2/README.md@feature/SIANXSVC-1222-add-binary-file-api/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,119 @@ + + + + go.anx.io/e5e/v2 - go-e5e + + + + + + + + + +


+ + +



PkgGoDev +Build Status +codecov +Go Report Card


go-e5e is a support library to help Go developers build Anexia e5e functions.




With a correctly configured Go toolchain:

1go get -u go.anx.io/e5e/v2

Getting started

 1package main
+ 2
+ 3import (
+ 4	"context"
+ 5	
+ 6	"go.anx.io/e5e/v2"
+ 7)
+ 8
+ 9type SumData struct {
+10	A int `json:"a"`
+11	B int `json:"b"`
+14func Sum(ctx context.Context, r e5e.Request[SumData, any]) (*e5e.Result, error) {
+15	result := r.Data().A + r.Data().B
+16	return &e5e.Result{
+17		Status: 200,
+18		ResponseHeaders: map[string]string{
+19			"x-custom-response-header": "This is a custom response header",
+20		},
+21		Data: result,
+22	}, nil
+25func main() {
+26	e5e.AddHandlerFunc("Sum", Sum)
+27	e5e.Start(context.Background())

List of developers

+ + + + + +
+ + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/e5e/v2/README.md@main/index.html b/e5e/v2/README.md@main/index.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..9ccabb3650 --- /dev/null +++ b/e5e/v2/README.md@main/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,119 @@ + + + + go.anx.io/e5e/v2 - go-e5e + + + + + + + + + +


+ + +



PkgGoDev +Build Status +codecov +Go Report Card


go-e5e is a support library to help Go developers build Anexia e5e functions.




With a correctly configured Go toolchain:

1go get -u go.anx.io/e5e/v2

Getting started

 1package main
+ 2
+ 3import (
+ 4	"context"
+ 5	
+ 6	"go.anx.io/e5e/v2"
+ 7)
+ 8
+ 9type SumData struct {
+10	A int `json:"a"`
+11	B int `json:"b"`
+14func Sum(ctx context.Context, r e5e.Request[SumData, any]) (*e5e.Result, error) {
+15	result := r.Data().A + r.Data().B
+16	return &e5e.Result{
+17		Status: 200,
+18		ResponseHeaders: map[string]string{
+19			"x-custom-response-header": "This is a custom response header",
+20		},
+21		Data: result,
+22	}, nil
+25func main() {
+26	e5e.AddHandlerFunc("Sum", Sum)
+27	e5e.Start(context.Background())

List of developers

+ + + + + +
+ + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/e5e/v2/README.md@v2.0.0/index.html b/e5e/v2/README.md@v2.0.0/index.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..1d655a57d2 --- /dev/null +++ b/e5e/v2/README.md@v2.0.0/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,119 @@ + + + + go.anx.io/e5e/v2 - go-e5e + + + + + + + + + +


+ + +



PkgGoDev +Build Status +codecov +Go Report Card


go-e5e is a support library to help Go developers build Anexia e5e functions.




With a correctly configured Go toolchain:

1go get -u go.anx.io/e5e/v2

Getting started

 1package main
+ 2
+ 3import (
+ 4	"context"
+ 5	
+ 6	"go.anx.io/e5e/v2"
+ 7)
+ 8
+ 9type SumData struct {
+10	A int `json:"a"`
+11	B int `json:"b"`
+14func Sum(ctx context.Context, r e5e.Request[SumData, any]) (*e5e.Result, error) {
+15	result := r.Data().A + r.Data().B
+16	return &e5e.Result{
+17		Status: 200,
+18		ResponseHeaders: map[string]string{
+19			"x-custom-response-header": "This is a custom response header",
+20		},
+21		Data: result,
+22	}, nil
+25func main() {
+26	e5e.AddHandlerFunc("Sum", Sum)
+27	e5e.Start(context.Background())

List of developers

+ + + + + +
+ + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/e5e/v2/README.md@v2.0.1/index.html b/e5e/v2/README.md@v2.0.1/index.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..91b824fda4 --- /dev/null +++ b/e5e/v2/README.md@v2.0.1/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,119 @@ + + + + go.anx.io/e5e/v2 - go-e5e + + + + + + + + + +


+ + +



PkgGoDev +Build Status +codecov +Go Report Card


go-e5e is a support library to help Go developers build Anexia e5e functions.




With a correctly configured Go toolchain:

1go get -u go.anx.io/e5e/v2

Getting started

 1package main
+ 2
+ 3import (
+ 4	"context"
+ 5	
+ 6	"go.anx.io/e5e/v2"
+ 7)
+ 8
+ 9type SumData struct {
+10	A int `json:"a"`
+11	B int `json:"b"`
+14func Sum(ctx context.Context, r e5e.Request[SumData, any]) (*e5e.Result, error) {
+15	result := r.Data().A + r.Data().B
+16	return &e5e.Result{
+17		Status: 200,
+18		ResponseHeaders: map[string]string{
+19			"x-custom-response-header": "This is a custom response header",
+20		},
+21		Data: result,
+22	}, nil
+25func main() {
+26	e5e.AddHandlerFunc("Sum", Sum)
+27	e5e.Start(context.Background())

List of developers

+ + + + + +
+ + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/e5e/v2/index.html b/e5e/v2/index.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..91b824fda4 --- /dev/null +++ b/e5e/v2/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,119 @@ + + + + go.anx.io/e5e/v2 - go-e5e + + + + + + + + + +


+ + +



PkgGoDev +Build Status +codecov +Go Report Card


go-e5e is a support library to help Go developers build Anexia e5e functions.




With a correctly configured Go toolchain:

1go get -u go.anx.io/e5e/v2

Getting started

 1package main
+ 2
+ 3import (
+ 4	"context"
+ 5	
+ 6	"go.anx.io/e5e/v2"
+ 7)
+ 8
+ 9type SumData struct {
+10	A int `json:"a"`
+11	B int `json:"b"`
+14func Sum(ctx context.Context, r e5e.Request[SumData, any]) (*e5e.Result, error) {
+15	result := r.Data().A + r.Data().B
+16	return &e5e.Result{
+17		Status: 200,
+18		ResponseHeaders: map[string]string{
+19			"x-custom-response-header": "This is a custom response header",
+20		},
+21		Data: result,
+22	}, nil
+25func main() {
+26	e5e.AddHandlerFunc("Sum", Sum)
+27	e5e.Start(context.Background())

List of developers

+ + + + + +
+ + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/go-anxcloud/README.md/index.html b/go-anxcloud/README.md/index.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f60e7f2760 --- /dev/null +++ b/go-anxcloud/README.md/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,379 @@ + + + + go.anx.io/go-anxcloud - Go Client for the Anexia API + + + + + + + + + +


+ + +

Documentation +codecov


Go Client for the Anexia API


Go SDK for interacting with the Anexia Engine API.




To use the SDK, just add go.anx.io/go-anxcloud <version> to your Go module.


Getting started


Before using the SDK you should familiarize yourself with the Anexia Engine API.


The library is used in our terraform provider, check it out if you want some examples how to use it.




Below is a short example using the new generic client in this package. Not all APIs can already be used with it, but we are working on that. +Find more examples in the docs (linked to docs for +main branch, not the latest (or any) release).

 1package main
+ 2
+ 3import (
+ 4	"context"
+ 5	"log"
+ 6
+ 7	"go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/api"
+ 8	apiTypes "go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/api/types"
+ 9	"go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/client"
+11	// apis usable with the generic client have their own package in a location analog to this
+12	lbaasv1 "go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/apis/lbaas/v1"
+15func main() {
+16	apiClient, err := api.NewAPI(
+17		api.WithClientOptions(
+18			// Get auth token from ANEXIA_TOKEN environment variable.
+19			// The boolean parameter specifies if the environment variable should be unset.
+20			client.TokenFromEnv(false),
+21		),
+22	)
+23	if err != nil {
+24		log.Fatalf("Error creating ANX API client: %v", err)
+25	}
+27	// let's list LBaaS backends of a known LoadBalancer
+28	frontend := lbaasv1.Frontend{
+29		LoadBalancer: &lbaasv1.LoadBalancer{Identifier: "285b954fdf2a449c8fdae01cc6074025"},
+30	}
+32	var frontends apiTypes.ObjectChannel
+33	err = apiClient.List(context.TODO(), &frontend,
+34		// Listing can be done with either a page iterator or a channel, we use a channel here.
+35		api.ObjectChannel(&frontends),
+37		// Most APIs only give a very small subset when listing resources, add this flag to
+38		// get all attributes, at the cost of doing lots of API requests.
+39		api.FullObjects(true),
+40	)
+41	if err != nil {
+42		log.Fatalf("Error listing backends for LoadBalancer '%v': %v", frontend.LoadBalancer.Identifier, err)
+43	}
+45	for retriever := range frontends {
+46		// reinitialise frontend every loop to reset pointers and avoid potential overwriting of data in the next loop
+47		var frontend lbaasv1.Frontend
+48		if err := retriever(&frontend); err != nil {
+49			log.Fatalf("Error retrieving Frontend: %v", err)
+50		}
+52		log.Printf("Got Frontend named '%v' with mode '%v'", frontend.Name, frontend.Mode)
+53	}

This new generic client will one day be the only client in go-anxcloud. The legacy API-specific clients are deprecated and will be removed in the +go-anxcloud release following the one with all APIs go-anxcloud supports usable with the generic client (so if the generic client in 0.5.0 supports +at least everything there is another client for in go-anxcloud, 0.6.0 will drop the API-specific clients).

+ +
 1package main
+ 2
+ 3import (
+ 4	"context"
+ 5	"fmt"
+ 6	"time"
+ 7
+ 8	anexia "go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg"
+ 9	"go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/client"
+10	"go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/vsphere/provisioning/vm"
+13func main() {
+14	vlan := "<ID of the VLAN the VM should have access to>"
+15	location := "<ID of the location the VM should be in>"
+17	// Create client using the auth token in environment variable ANEXIA_TOKEN and do not unset the environment variable.
+18	c, err := client.New(client.AuthFromEnv(false))
+19	if err != nil {
+20		panic(fmt.Sprintf("could not create client: %v", err))
+21	}
+23	// Get some API.
+24	provisioning := anexia.NewAPI(c).VSphere().Provisioning()
+26	// Time out after 30 minutes. Yes it really takes that long sometimes.
+27	ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 30*time.Minute)
+28	// Look for a free ip in the given VLAN. This IP is not reserved for you so better be quick.
+29	ips, err := provisioning.IPs().GetFree(ctx, location, vlan)
+30	defer cancel()
+31	if err != nil {
+32		panic(fmt.Sprintf("provisioning vm failed: %v", err))
+33	}
+34	if len(ips) < 1 {
+35		panic(fmt.Sprintf("no IPs left for testing in vlan"))
+36	}
+38	// Create a NIC for the VM and connect it to the VLAN.
+39	networkInterfaces := []vm.Network{{NICType: "vmxnet3", IPs: []string{ips[0].Identifier}, VLAN: vlan}}
+40	// Create the definition of the new VM. The ID you see here is Flatcar.
+41	definition := vm.NewAPI(c).NewDefinition(location, "template", "44b38284-6adb-430e-b4a4-1553e29f352f", "developersfirstvm", 2, 2048, 10, networkInterfaces)
+42	definition.SSH = "<your SSH pub key>"
+44	// Provision the VM.
+45	provisionResponse, err := provisioning.VM().Provision(ctx, definition)
+46	if err != nil {
+47		panic(fmt.Sprintf("provisioning vm failed: %v", err))
+48	}
+50	// Wait for the VM to be ready.
+51	_, err = provisioning.Progress().AwaitCompletion(ctx, provisionResponse.Identifier)
+52	if err != nil {
+53		panic(fmt.Sprintf("waiting for VM provisioning failed: %v", err))
+54	}
+ +
+ + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/go-anxcloud/README.md@SYSENG-1511/update-go-anx-io-location/index.html b/go-anxcloud/README.md@SYSENG-1511/update-go-anx-io-location/index.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d2db796d3f --- /dev/null +++ b/go-anxcloud/README.md@SYSENG-1511/update-go-anx-io-location/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,379 @@ + + + + go.anx.io/go-anxcloud - Go Client for the Anexia API + + + + + + + + + +


+ + +

Documentation +codecov


Go Client for the Anexia API


Go SDK for interacting with the Anexia Engine API.




To use the SDK, just add go.anx.io/go-anxcloud <version> to your Go module.


Getting started


Before using the SDK you should familiarize yourself with the Anexia Engine API.


The library is used in our terraform provider, check it out if you want some examples how to use it.




Below is a short example using the new generic client in this package. Not all APIs can already be used with it, but we are working on that. +Find more examples in the docs (linked to docs for +main branch, not the latest (or any) release).

 1package main
+ 2
+ 3import (
+ 4	"context"
+ 5	"log"
+ 6
+ 7	"go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/api"
+ 8	apiTypes "go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/api/types"
+ 9	"go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/client"
+11	// apis usable with the generic client have their own package in a location analog to this
+12	lbaasv1 "go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/apis/lbaas/v1"
+15func main() {
+16	apiClient, err := api.NewAPI(
+17		api.WithClientOptions(
+18			// Get auth token from ANEXIA_TOKEN environment variable.
+19			// The boolean parameter specifies if the environment variable should be unset.
+20			client.TokenFromEnv(false),
+21		),
+22	)
+23	if err != nil {
+24		log.Fatalf("Error creating ANX API client: %v", err)
+25	}
+27	// let's list LBaaS backends of a known LoadBalancer
+28	frontend := lbaasv1.Frontend{
+29		LoadBalancer: &lbaasv1.LoadBalancer{Identifier: "285b954fdf2a449c8fdae01cc6074025"},
+30	}
+32	var frontends apiTypes.ObjectChannel
+33	err = apiClient.List(context.TODO(), &frontend,
+34		// Listing can be done with either a page iterator or a channel, we use a channel here.
+35		api.ObjectChannel(&frontends),
+37		// Most APIs only give a very small subset when listing resources, add this flag to
+38		// get all attributes, at the cost of doing lots of API requests.
+39		api.FullObjects(true),
+40	)
+41	if err != nil {
+42		log.Fatalf("Error listing backends for LoadBalancer '%v': %v", frontend.LoadBalancer.Identifier, err)
+43	}
+45	for retriever := range frontends {
+46		// reinitialise frontend every loop to reset pointers and avoid potential overwriting of data in the next loop
+47		var frontend lbaasv1.Frontend
+48		if err := retriever(&frontend); err != nil {
+49			log.Fatalf("Error retrieving Frontend: %v", err)
+50		}
+52		log.Printf("Got Frontend named '%v' with mode '%v'", frontend.Name, frontend.Mode)
+53	}

This new generic client will one day be the only client in go-anxcloud. The legacy API-specific clients are deprecated and will be removed in the +go-anxcloud release following the one with all APIs go-anxcloud supports usable with the generic client (so if the generic client in 0.5.0 supports +at least everything there is another client for in go-anxcloud, 0.6.0 will drop the API-specific clients).

+ +
 1package main
+ 2
+ 3import (
+ 4	"context"
+ 5	"fmt"
+ 6	"time"
+ 7
+ 8	anexia "go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg"
+ 9	"go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/client"
+10	"go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/vsphere/provisioning/vm"
+13func main() {
+14	vlan := "<ID of the VLAN the VM should have access to>"
+15	location := "<ID of the location the VM should be in>"
+17	// Create client using the auth token in environment variable ANEXIA_TOKEN and do not unset the environment variable.
+18	c, err := client.New(client.AuthFromEnv(false))
+19	if err != nil {
+20		panic(fmt.Sprintf("could not create client: %v", err))
+21	}
+23	// Get some API.
+24	provisioning := anexia.NewAPI(c).VSphere().Provisioning()
+26	// Time out after 30 minutes. Yes it really takes that long sometimes.
+27	ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 30*time.Minute)
+28	// Look for a free ip in the given VLAN. This IP is not reserved for you so better be quick.
+29	ips, err := provisioning.IPs().GetFree(ctx, location, vlan)
+30	defer cancel()
+31	if err != nil {
+32		panic(fmt.Sprintf("provisioning vm failed: %v", err))
+33	}
+34	if len(ips) < 1 {
+35		panic(fmt.Sprintf("no IPs left for testing in vlan"))
+36	}
+38	// Create a NIC for the VM and connect it to the VLAN.
+39	networkInterfaces := []vm.Network{{NICType: "vmxnet3", IPs: []string{ips[0].Identifier}, VLAN: vlan}}
+40	// Create the definition of the new VM. The ID you see here is Flatcar.
+41	definition := vm.NewAPI(c).NewDefinition(location, "template", "44b38284-6adb-430e-b4a4-1553e29f352f", "developersfirstvm", 2, 2048, 10, networkInterfaces)
+42	definition.SSH = "<your SSH pub key>"
+44	// Provision the VM.
+45	provisionResponse, err := provisioning.VM().Provision(ctx, definition)
+46	if err != nil {
+47		panic(fmt.Sprintf("provisioning vm failed: %v", err))
+48	}
+50	// Wait for the VM to be ready.
+51	_, err = provisioning.Progress().AwaitCompletion(ctx, provisionResponse.Identifier)
+52	if err != nil {
+53		panic(fmt.Sprintf("waiting for VM provisioning failed: %v", err))
+54	}
+ +
+ + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/go-anxcloud/README.md@SYSENG-1670/make-vm-nics-updatable/index.html b/go-anxcloud/README.md@SYSENG-1670/make-vm-nics-updatable/index.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..10932f864f --- /dev/null +++ b/go-anxcloud/README.md@SYSENG-1670/make-vm-nics-updatable/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,379 @@ + + + + go.anx.io/go-anxcloud - Go Client for the Anexia API + + + + + + + + + +


+ + +

Documentation +codecov


Go Client for the Anexia API


Go SDK for interacting with the Anexia Engine API.




To use the SDK, just add go.anx.io/go-anxcloud <version> to your Go module.


Getting started


Before using the SDK you should familiarize yourself with the Anexia Engine API.


The library is used in our terraform provider, check it out if you want some examples how to use it.




Below is a short example using the new generic client in this package. Not all APIs can already be used with it, but we are working on that. +Find more examples in the docs (linked to docs for +main branch, not the latest (or any) release).

 1package main
+ 2
+ 3import (
+ 4	"context"
+ 5	"log"
+ 6
+ 7	"go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/api"
+ 8	apiTypes "go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/api/types"
+ 9	"go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/client"
+11	// apis usable with the generic client have their own package in a location analog to this
+12	lbaasv1 "go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/apis/lbaas/v1"
+15func main() {
+16	apiClient, err := api.NewAPI(
+17		api.WithClientOptions(
+18			// Get auth token from ANEXIA_TOKEN environment variable.
+19			// The boolean parameter specifies if the environment variable should be unset.
+20			client.TokenFromEnv(false),
+21		),
+22	)
+23	if err != nil {
+24		log.Fatalf("Error creating ANX API client: %v", err)
+25	}
+27	// let's list LBaaS backends of a known LoadBalancer
+28	frontend := lbaasv1.Frontend{
+29		LoadBalancer: &lbaasv1.LoadBalancer{Identifier: "285b954fdf2a449c8fdae01cc6074025"},
+30	}
+32	var frontends apiTypes.ObjectChannel
+33	err = apiClient.List(context.TODO(), &frontend,
+34		// Listing can be done with either a page iterator or a channel, we use a channel here.
+35		api.ObjectChannel(&frontends),
+37		// Most APIs only give a very small subset when listing resources, add this flag to
+38		// get all attributes, at the cost of doing lots of API requests.
+39		api.FullObjects(true),
+40	)
+41	if err != nil {
+42		log.Fatalf("Error listing backends for LoadBalancer '%v': %v", frontend.LoadBalancer.Identifier, err)
+43	}
+45	for retriever := range frontends {
+46		// reinitialise frontend every loop to reset pointers and avoid potential overwriting of data in the next loop
+47		var frontend lbaasv1.Frontend
+48		if err := retriever(&frontend); err != nil {
+49			log.Fatalf("Error retrieving Frontend: %v", err)
+50		}
+52		log.Printf("Got Frontend named '%v' with mode '%v'", frontend.Name, frontend.Mode)
+53	}

This new generic client will one day be the only client in go-anxcloud. The legacy API-specific clients are deprecated and will be removed in the +go-anxcloud release following the one with all APIs go-anxcloud supports usable with the generic client (so if the generic client in 0.5.0 supports +at least everything there is another client for in go-anxcloud, 0.6.0 will drop the API-specific clients).

+ +
 1package main
+ 2
+ 3import (
+ 4	"context"
+ 5	"fmt"
+ 6	"time"
+ 7
+ 8	anexia "go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg"
+ 9	"go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/client"
+10	"go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/vsphere/provisioning/vm"
+13func main() {
+14	vlan := "<ID of the VLAN the VM should have access to>"
+15	location := "<ID of the location the VM should be in>"
+17	// Create client using the auth token in environment variable ANEXIA_TOKEN and do not unset the environment variable.
+18	c, err := client.New(client.AuthFromEnv(false))
+19	if err != nil {
+20		panic(fmt.Sprintf("could not create client: %v", err))
+21	}
+23	// Get some API.
+24	provisioning := anexia.NewAPI(c).VSphere().Provisioning()
+26	// Time out after 30 minutes. Yes it really takes that long sometimes.
+27	ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 30*time.Minute)
+28	// Look for a free ip in the given VLAN. This IP is not reserved for you so better be quick.
+29	ips, err := provisioning.IPs().GetFree(ctx, location, vlan)
+30	defer cancel()
+31	if err != nil {
+32		panic(fmt.Sprintf("provisioning vm failed: %v", err))
+33	}
+34	if len(ips) < 1 {
+35		panic(fmt.Sprintf("no IPs left for testing in vlan"))
+36	}
+38	// Create a NIC for the VM and connect it to the VLAN.
+39	networkInterfaces := []vm.Network{{NICType: "vmxnet3", IPs: []string{ips[0].Identifier}, VLAN: vlan}}
+40	// Create the definition of the new VM. The ID you see here is Flatcar.
+41	definition := vm.NewAPI(c).NewDefinition(location, "template", "44b38284-6adb-430e-b4a4-1553e29f352f", "developersfirstvm", 2, 2048, 10, networkInterfaces)
+42	definition.SSH = "<your SSH pub key>"
+44	// Provision the VM.
+45	provisionResponse, err := provisioning.VM().Provision(ctx, definition)
+46	if err != nil {
+47		panic(fmt.Sprintf("provisioning vm failed: %v", err))
+48	}
+50	// Wait for the VM to be ready.
+51	_, err = provisioning.Progress().AwaitCompletion(ctx, provisionResponse.Identifier)
+52	if err != nil {
+53		panic(fmt.Sprintf("waiting for VM provisioning failed: %v", err))
+54	}
+ +
+ + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/go-anxcloud/README.md@SYSENG-867/cleanup-workflows-follow-up/index.html b/go-anxcloud/README.md@SYSENG-867/cleanup-workflows-follow-up/index.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..0bd7b2f50f --- /dev/null +++ b/go-anxcloud/README.md@SYSENG-867/cleanup-workflows-follow-up/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,379 @@ + + + + go.anx.io/go-anxcloud - Go Client for the Anexia API + + + + + + + + + +


+ + +

Documentation +codecov


Go Client for the Anexia API


Go SDK for interacting with the Anexia Engine API.




To use the SDK, just add go.anx.io/go-anxcloud <version> to your Go module.


Getting started


Before using the SDK you should familiarize yourself with the Anexia Engine API.


The library is used in our terraform provider, check it out if you want some examples how to use it.




Below is a short example using the new generic client in this package. Not all APIs can already be used with it, but we are working on that. +Find more examples in the docs (linked to docs for +main branch, not the latest (or any) release).

 1package main
+ 2
+ 3import (
+ 4	"context"
+ 5	"log"
+ 6
+ 7	"go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/api"
+ 8	apiTypes "go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/api/types"
+ 9	"go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/client"
+11	// apis usable with the generic client have their own package in a location analog to this
+12	lbaasv1 "go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/apis/lbaas/v1"
+15func main() {
+16	apiClient, err := api.NewAPI(
+17		api.WithClientOptions(
+18			// Get auth token from ANEXIA_TOKEN environment variable.
+19			// The boolean parameter specifies if the environment variable should be unset.
+20			client.TokenFromEnv(false),
+21		),
+22	)
+23	if err != nil {
+24		log.Fatalf("Error creating ANX API client: %v", err)
+25	}
+27	// let's list LBaaS backends of a known LoadBalancer
+28	frontend := lbaasv1.Frontend{
+29		LoadBalancer: lbaasv1.LoadBalancer{Identifier: "285b954fdf2a449c8fdae01cc6074025"},
+30	}
+32	var frontends apiTypes.ObjectChannel
+33	err = apiClient.List(context.TODO(), &frontend,
+34		// Listing can be done with either a page iterator or a channel, we use a channel here.
+35		api.ObjectChannel(&frontends),
+37		// Most APIs only give a very small subset when listing resources, add this flag to
+38		// get all attributes, at the cost of doing lots of API requests.
+39		api.FullObjects(true),
+40	)
+41	if err != nil {
+42		log.Fatalf("Error listing backends for LoadBalancer '%v': %v", frontend.LoadBalancer.Identifier, err)
+43	}
+45	for retriever := range frontends {
+46		// reinitialise frontend every loop to reset pointers and avoid potential overwriting of data in the next loop
+47		var frontend lbaasv1.Frontend
+48		if err := retriever(&frontend); err != nil {
+49			log.Fatalf("Error retrieving Frontend: %v", err)
+50		}
+52		log.Printf("Got Frontend named '%v' with mode '%v'", frontend.Name, frontend.Mode)
+53	}

This new generic client will one day be the only client in go-anxcloud. The legacy API-specific clients are deprecated and will be removed in the +go-anxcloud release following the one with all APIs go-anxcloud supports usable with the generic client (so if the generic client in 0.5.0 supports +at least everything there is another client for in go-anxcloud, 0.6.0 will drop the API-specific clients).

+ +
 1package main
+ 2
+ 3import (
+ 4	"context"
+ 5	"fmt"
+ 6	"time"
+ 7
+ 8	anexia "go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg"
+ 9	"go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/client"
+10	"go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/vsphere/provisioning/vm"
+13func main() {
+14	vlan := "<ID of the VLAN the VM should have access to>"
+15	location := "<ID of the location the VM should be in>"
+17	// Create client using the auth token in environment variable ANEXIA_TOKEN and do not unset the environment variable.
+18	c, err := client.New(client.AuthFromEnv(false))
+19	if err != nil {
+20		panic(fmt.Sprintf("could not create client: %v", err))
+21	}
+23	// Get some API.
+24	provisioning := anexia.NewAPI(c).VSphere().Provisioning()
+26	// Time out after 30 minutes. Yes it really takes that long sometimes.
+27	ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 30*time.Minute)
+28	// Look for a free ip in the given VLAN. This IP is not reserved for you so better be quick.
+29	ips, err := provisioning.IPs().GetFree(ctx, location, vlan)
+30	defer cancel()
+31	if err != nil {
+32		panic(fmt.Sprintf("provisioning vm failed: %v", err))
+33	}
+34	if len(ips) < 1 {
+35		panic(fmt.Sprintf("no IPs left for testing in vlan"))
+36	}
+38	// Create a NIC for the VM and connect it to the VLAN.
+39	networkInterfaces := []vm.Network{{NICType: "vmxnet3", IPs: []string{ips[0].Identifier}, VLAN: vlan}}
+40	// Create the definition of the new VM. The ID you see here is Flatcar.
+41	definition := vm.NewAPI(c).NewDefinition(location, "template", "44b38284-6adb-430e-b4a4-1553e29f352f", "developersfirstvm", 2, 2048, 10, networkInterfaces)
+42	definition.SSH = "<your SSH pub key>"
+44	// Provision the VM.
+45	provisionResponse, err := provisioning.VM().Provision(ctx, definition)
+46	if err != nil {
+47		panic(fmt.Sprintf("provisioning vm failed: %v", err))
+48	}
+50	// Wait for the VM to be ready.
+51	_, err = provisioning.Progress().AwaitCompletion(ctx, provisionResponse.Identifier)
+52	if err != nil {
+53		panic(fmt.Sprintf("waiting for VM provisioning failed: %v", err))
+54	}
+ +
+ + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/go-anxcloud/README.md@SYSENG-867/cleanup-workflows-test-labeling/index.html b/go-anxcloud/README.md@SYSENG-867/cleanup-workflows-test-labeling/index.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..96acbb2855 --- /dev/null +++ b/go-anxcloud/README.md@SYSENG-867/cleanup-workflows-test-labeling/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,379 @@ + + + + go.anx.io/go-anxcloud - Go Client for the Anexia API + + + + + + + + + +


+ + +

Documentation +codecov


Go Client for the Anexia API


Go SDK for interacting with the Anexia Engine API.




To use the SDK, just add go.anx.io/go-anxcloud <version> to your Go module.


Getting started


Before using the SDK you should familiarize yourself with the Anexia Engine API.


The library is used in our terraform provider, check it out if you want some examples how to use it.




Below is a short example using the new generic client in this package. Not all APIs can already be used with it, but we are working on that. +Find more examples in the docs (linked to docs for +main branch, not the latest (or any) release).

 1package main
+ 2
+ 3import (
+ 4	"context"
+ 5	"log"
+ 6
+ 7	"go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/api"
+ 8	apiTypes "go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/api/types"
+ 9	"go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/client"
+11	// apis usable with the generic client have their own package in a location analog to this
+12	lbaasv1 "go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/apis/lbaas/v1"
+15func main() {
+16	apiClient, err := api.NewAPI(
+17		api.WithClientOptions(
+18			// Get auth token from ANEXIA_TOKEN environment variable.
+19			// The boolean parameter specifies if the environment variable should be unset.
+20			client.TokenFromEnv(false),
+21		),
+22	)
+23	if err != nil {
+24		log.Fatalf("Error creating ANX API client: %v", err)
+25	}
+27	// let's list LBaaS backends of a known LoadBalancer
+28	frontend := lbaasv1.Frontend{
+29		LoadBalancer: lbaasv1.LoadBalancer{Identifier: "285b954fdf2a449c8fdae01cc6074025"},
+30	}
+32	var frontends apiTypes.ObjectChannel
+33	err = apiClient.List(context.TODO(), &frontend,
+34		// Listing can be done with either a page iterator or a channel, we use a channel here.
+35		api.ObjectChannel(&frontends),
+37		// Most APIs only give a very small subset when listing resources, add this flag to
+38		// get all attributes, at the cost of doing lots of API requests.
+39		api.FullObjects(true),
+40	)
+41	if err != nil {
+42		log.Fatalf("Error listing backends for LoadBalancer '%v': %v", frontend.LoadBalancer.Identifier, err)
+43	}
+45	for retriever := range frontends {
+46		// reinitialise frontend every loop to reset pointers and avoid potential overwriting of data in the next loop
+47		var frontend lbaasv1.Frontend
+48		if err := retriever(&frontend); err != nil {
+49			log.Fatalf("Error retrieving Frontend: %v", err)
+50		}
+52		log.Printf("Got Frontend named '%v' with mode '%v'", frontend.Name, frontend.Mode)
+53	}

This new generic client will one day be the only client in go-anxcloud. The legacy API-specific clients are deprecated and will be removed in the +go-anxcloud release following the one with all APIs go-anxcloud supports usable with the generic client (so if the generic client in 0.5.0 supports +at least everything there is another client for in go-anxcloud, 0.6.0 will drop the API-specific clients).

+ +
 1package main
+ 2
+ 3import (
+ 4	"context"
+ 5	"fmt"
+ 6	"time"
+ 7
+ 8	anexia "go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg"
+ 9	"go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/client"
+10	"go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/vsphere/provisioning/vm"
+13func main() {
+14	vlan := "<ID of the VLAN the VM should have access to>"
+15	location := "<ID of the location the VM should be in>"
+17	// Create client using the auth token in environment variable ANEXIA_TOKEN and do not unset the environment variable.
+18	c, err := client.New(client.AuthFromEnv(false))
+19	if err != nil {
+20		panic(fmt.Sprintf("could not create client: %v", err))
+21	}
+23	// Get some API.
+24	provisioning := anexia.NewAPI(c).VSphere().Provisioning()
+26	// Time out after 30 minutes. Yes it really takes that long sometimes.
+27	ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 30*time.Minute)
+28	// Look for a free ip in the given VLAN. This IP is not reserved for you so better be quick.
+29	ips, err := provisioning.IPs().GetFree(ctx, location, vlan)
+30	defer cancel()
+31	if err != nil {
+32		panic(fmt.Sprintf("provisioning vm failed: %v", err))
+33	}
+34	if len(ips) < 1 {
+35		panic(fmt.Sprintf("no IPs left for testing in vlan"))
+36	}
+38	// Create a NIC for the VM and connect it to the VLAN.
+39	networkInterfaces := []vm.Network{{NICType: "vmxnet3", IPs: []string{ips[0].Identifier}, VLAN: vlan}}
+40	// Create the definition of the new VM. The ID you see here is Flatcar.
+41	definition := vm.NewAPI(c).NewDefinition(location, "template", "44b38284-6adb-430e-b4a4-1553e29f352f", "developersfirstvm", 2, 2048, 10, networkInterfaces)
+42	definition.SSH = "<your SSH pub key>"
+44	// Provision the VM.
+45	provisionResponse, err := provisioning.VM().Provision(ctx, definition)
+46	if err != nil {
+47		panic(fmt.Sprintf("provisioning vm failed: %v", err))
+48	}
+50	// Wait for the VM to be ready.
+51	_, err = provisioning.Progress().AwaitCompletion(ctx, provisionResponse.Identifier)
+52	if err != nil {
+53		panic(fmt.Sprintf("waiting for VM provisioning failed: %v", err))
+54	}
+ +
+ + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/go-anxcloud/README.md@SYSENG-867/cleanup-workflows/index.html b/go-anxcloud/README.md@SYSENG-867/cleanup-workflows/index.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3915362173 --- /dev/null +++ b/go-anxcloud/README.md@SYSENG-867/cleanup-workflows/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,379 @@ + + + + go.anx.io/go-anxcloud - Go Client for the Anexia API + + + + + + + + + +


+ + +

Documentation +codecov


Go Client for the Anexia API


Go SDK for interacting with the Anexia Engine API.




To use the SDK, just add go.anx.io/go-anxcloud <version> to your Go module.


Getting started


Before using the SDK you should familiarize yourself with the Anexia Engine API.


The library is used in our terraform provider, check it out if you want some examples how to use it.




Below is a short example using the new generic client in this package. Not all APIs can already be used with it, but we are working on that. +Find more examples in the docs (linked to docs for +main branch, not the latest (or any) release).

 1package main
+ 2
+ 3import (
+ 4	"context"
+ 5	"log"
+ 6
+ 7	"go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/api"
+ 8	apiTypes "go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/api/types"
+ 9	"go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/client"
+11	// apis usable with the generic client have their own package in a location analog to this
+12	lbaasv1 "go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/apis/lbaas/v1"
+15func main() {
+16	apiClient, err := api.NewAPI(
+17		api.WithClientOptions(
+18			// Get auth token from ANEXIA_TOKEN environment variable.
+19			// The boolean parameter specifies if the environment variable should be unset.
+20			client.TokenFromEnv(false),
+21		),
+22	)
+23	if err != nil {
+24		log.Fatalf("Error creating ANX API client: %v", err)
+25	}
+27	// let's list LBaaS backends of a known LoadBalancer
+28	frontend := lbaasv1.Frontend{
+29		LoadBalancer: lbaasv1.LoadBalancer{Identifier: "285b954fdf2a449c8fdae01cc6074025"},
+30	}
+32	var frontends apiTypes.ObjectChannel
+33	err = apiClient.List(context.TODO(), &frontend,
+34		// Listing can be done with either a page iterator or a channel, we use a channel here.
+35		api.ObjectChannel(&frontends),
+37		// Most APIs only give a very small subset when listing resources, add this flag to
+38		// get all attributes, at the cost of doing lots of API requests.
+39		api.FullObjects(true),
+40	)
+41	if err != nil {
+42		log.Fatalf("Error listing backends for LoadBalancer '%v': %v", frontend.LoadBalancer.Identifier, err)
+43	}
+45	for retriever := range frontends {
+46		// reinitialise frontend every loop to reset pointers and avoid potential overwriting of data in the next loop
+47		var frontend lbaasv1.Frontend
+48		if err := retriever(&frontend); err != nil {
+49			log.Fatalf("Error retrieving Frontend: %v", err)
+50		}
+52		log.Printf("Got Frontend named '%v' with mode '%v'", frontend.Name, frontend.Mode)
+53	}

This new generic client will one day be the only client in go-anxcloud. The legacy API-specific clients are deprecated and will be removed in the +go-anxcloud release following the one with all APIs go-anxcloud supports usable with the generic client (so if the generic client in 0.5.0 supports +at least everything there is another client for in go-anxcloud, 0.6.0 will drop the API-specific clients).

+ +
 1package main
+ 2
+ 3import (
+ 4	"context"
+ 5	"fmt"
+ 6	"time"
+ 7
+ 8	anexia "go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg"
+ 9	"go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/client"
+10	"go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/vsphere/provisioning/vm"
+13func main() {
+14	vlan := "<ID of the VLAN the VM should have access to>"
+15	location := "<ID of the location the VM should be in>"
+17	// Create client using the auth token in environment variable ANEXIA_TOKEN and do not unset the environment variable.
+18	c, err := client.New(client.AuthFromEnv(false))
+19	if err != nil {
+20		panic(fmt.Sprintf("could not create client: %v", err))
+21	}
+23	// Get some API.
+24	provisioning := anexia.NewAPI(c).VSphere().Provisioning()
+26	// Time out after 30 minutes. Yes it really takes that long sometimes.
+27	ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 30*time.Minute)
+28	// Look for a free ip in the given VLAN. This IP is not reserved for you so better be quick.
+29	ips, err := provisioning.IPs().GetFree(ctx, location, vlan)
+30	defer cancel()
+31	if err != nil {
+32		panic(fmt.Sprintf("provisioning vm failed: %v", err))
+33	}
+34	if len(ips) < 1 {
+35		panic(fmt.Sprintf("no IPs left for testing in vlan"))
+36	}
+38	// Create a NIC for the VM and connect it to the VLAN.
+39	networkInterfaces := []vm.Network{{NICType: "vmxnet3", IPs: []string{ips[0].Identifier}, VLAN: vlan}}
+40	// Create the definition of the new VM. The ID you see here is Flatcar.
+41	definition := vm.NewAPI(c).NewDefinition(location, "template", "44b38284-6adb-430e-b4a4-1553e29f352f", "developersfirstvm", 2, 2048, 10, networkInterfaces)
+42	definition.SSH = "<your SSH pub key>"
+44	// Provision the VM.
+45	provisionResponse, err := provisioning.VM().Provision(ctx, definition)
+46	if err != nil {
+47		panic(fmt.Sprintf("provisioning vm failed: %v", err))
+48	}
+50	// Wait for the VM to be ready.
+51	_, err = provisioning.Progress().AwaitCompletion(ctx, provisionResponse.Identifier)
+52	if err != nil {
+53		panic(fmt.Sprintf("waiting for VM provisioning failed: %v", err))
+54	}
+ +
+ + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/go-anxcloud/README.md@add-ds-res-based/index.html b/go-anxcloud/README.md@add-ds-res-based/index.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..238742c10a --- /dev/null +++ b/go-anxcloud/README.md@add-ds-res-based/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,318 @@ + + + + go.anx.io/go-anxcloud - Go Client for the Anexia API + + + + + + + + + +


+ + +



Go Client for the Anexia API


Go SDK for interacting with the Anexia multi purpose API.




To use the SDK, just add github.com/anexia-it/go-anxcloud <version> to your Go module.


Getting started


Before using the SDK you should familiarize yourself with the API. See here for more info. +I you crave for an example, take a look at the terraform provider for this project




The following code shows how to create a VM. To be able to do that you need to set the environment variable ANEXIA_TOKEN to your access token. +Afterwards you can run the following.

 1package main
+ 2
+ 3import (
+ 4	"context"
+ 5	"fmt"
+ 6	"time"
+ 7
+ 8	anexia "github.com/anexia-it/go-anxcloud/pkg"
+ 9	"github.com/anexia-it/go-anxcloud/pkg/client"
+10	"github.com/anexia-it/go-anxcloud/pkg/vsphere/provisioning/vm"
+13func main() {
+14	vlan := "<ID of the VLAN the VM should have access to>"
+15	location := "<ID of the location the VM should be in>"
+17	// Create client from environment variables, do not unset env afterwards.
+18	c, err := client.New(client.AuthFromEnv(false))
+19	if err != nil {
+20		panic(fmt.Sprintf("could not create client: %v", err))
+21	}
+23	// Get some API.
+24	provisioning := anexia.NewAPI(c).VSphere().Provisioning()
+26	// Time out after 30 minutes. Yes it really takes that long sometimes.
+27	ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 30*time.Minute)
+28	// Look for a free ip in the given VLAN. This IP is not reserved for you so better be quick.
+29	ips, err := provisioning.IPs().GetFree(ctx, location, vlan)
+30	defer cancel()
+31	if err != nil {
+32		panic(fmt.Sprintf("provisioning vm failed: %v", err))
+33	}
+34	if len(ips) < 1 {
+35		panic(fmt.Sprintf("no IPs left for testing in vlan"))
+36	}
+38	// Create a NIC for the VM and connect it to the VLAN.
+39	networkInterfaces := []vm.Network{{NICType: "vmxnet3", IPs: []string{ips[0].Identifier}, VLAN: vlan}}
+40	// Create the definition of the new VM. The ID you see here is Flatcar.
+41	definition := vm.NewAPI(c).NewDefinition(location, "template", "44b38284-6adb-430e-b4a4-1553e29f352f", "developersfirstvm", 2, 2048, 10, networkInterfaces)
+42	definition.SSH = "<your SSH pub key>"
+44	// Provision the VM.
+45	provisionResponse, err := provisioning.VM().Provision(ctx, definition)
+46	if err != nil {
+47		panic(fmt.Sprintf("provisioning vm failed: %v", err))
+48	}
+50	// Wait for the VM to be ready.
+51	_, err = provisioning.Progress().AwaitCompletion(ctx, provisionResponse.Identifier)
+52	if err != nil {
+53		panic(fmt.Sprintf("waiting for VM provisioning failed: %v", err))
+54	}
+ + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/go-anxcloud/README.md@add-ipam-reserve-specific/index.html b/go-anxcloud/README.md@add-ipam-reserve-specific/index.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a3fa823097 --- /dev/null +++ b/go-anxcloud/README.md@add-ipam-reserve-specific/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,379 @@ + + + + go.anx.io/go-anxcloud - Go Client for the Anexia API + + + + + + + + + +


+ + +

Documentation +codecov


Go Client for the Anexia API


Go SDK for interacting with the Anexia Engine API.




To use the SDK, just add go.anx.io/go-anxcloud <version> to your Go module.


Getting started


Before using the SDK you should familiarize yourself with the Anexia Engine API.


The library is used in our terraform provider, check it out if you want some examples how to use it.




Below is a short example using the new generic client in this package. Not all APIs can already be used with it, but we are working on that. +Find more examples in the docs (linked to docs for +main branch, not the latest (or any) release).

 1package main
+ 2
+ 3import (
+ 4	"context"
+ 5	"log"
+ 6
+ 7	"go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/api"
+ 8	apiTypes "go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/api/types"
+ 9	"go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/client"
+11	// apis usable with the generic client have their own package in a location analog to this
+12	lbaasv1 "go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/apis/lbaas/v1"
+15func main() {
+16	apiClient, err := api.NewAPI(
+17		api.WithClientOptions(
+18			// Get auth token from ANEXIA_TOKEN environment variable.
+19			// The boolean parameter specifies if the environment variable should be unset.
+20			client.TokenFromEnv(false),
+21		),
+22	)
+23	if err != nil {
+24		log.Fatalf("Error creating ANX API client: %v", err)
+25	}
+27	// let's list LBaaS backends of a known LoadBalancer
+28	frontend := lbaasv1.Frontend{
+29		LoadBalancer: &lbaasv1.LoadBalancer{Identifier: "285b954fdf2a449c8fdae01cc6074025"},
+30	}
+32	var frontends apiTypes.ObjectChannel
+33	err = apiClient.List(context.TODO(), &frontend,
+34		// Listing can be done with either a page iterator or a channel, we use a channel here.
+35		api.ObjectChannel(&frontends),
+37		// Most APIs only give a very small subset when listing resources, add this flag to
+38		// get all attributes, at the cost of doing lots of API requests.
+39		api.FullObjects(true),
+40	)
+41	if err != nil {
+42		log.Fatalf("Error listing backends for LoadBalancer '%v': %v", frontend.LoadBalancer.Identifier, err)
+43	}
+45	for retriever := range frontends {
+46		// reinitialise frontend every loop to reset pointers and avoid potential overwriting of data in the next loop
+47		var frontend lbaasv1.Frontend
+48		if err := retriever(&frontend); err != nil {
+49			log.Fatalf("Error retrieving Frontend: %v", err)
+50		}
+52		log.Printf("Got Frontend named '%v' with mode '%v'", frontend.Name, frontend.Mode)
+53	}

This new generic client will one day be the only client in go-anxcloud. The legacy API-specific clients are deprecated and will be removed in the +go-anxcloud release following the one with all APIs go-anxcloud supports usable with the generic client (so if the generic client in 0.5.0 supports +at least everything there is another client for in go-anxcloud, 0.6.0 will drop the API-specific clients).

+ +
 1package main
+ 2
+ 3import (
+ 4	"context"
+ 5	"fmt"
+ 6	"time"
+ 7
+ 8	anexia "go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg"
+ 9	"go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/client"
+10	"go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/vsphere/provisioning/vm"
+13func main() {
+14	vlan := "<ID of the VLAN the VM should have access to>"
+15	location := "<ID of the location the VM should be in>"
+17	// Create client using the auth token in environment variable ANEXIA_TOKEN and do not unset the environment variable.
+18	c, err := client.New(client.AuthFromEnv(false))
+19	if err != nil {
+20		panic(fmt.Sprintf("could not create client: %v", err))
+21	}
+23	// Get some API.
+24	provisioning := anexia.NewAPI(c).VSphere().Provisioning()
+26	// Time out after 30 minutes. Yes it really takes that long sometimes.
+27	ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 30*time.Minute)
+28	// Look for a free ip in the given VLAN. This IP is not reserved for you so better be quick.
+29	ips, err := provisioning.IPs().GetFree(ctx, location, vlan)
+30	defer cancel()
+31	if err != nil {
+32		panic(fmt.Sprintf("provisioning vm failed: %v", err))
+33	}
+34	if len(ips) < 1 {
+35		panic(fmt.Sprintf("no IPs left for testing in vlan"))
+36	}
+38	// Create a NIC for the VM and connect it to the VLAN.
+39	networkInterfaces := []vm.Network{{NICType: "vmxnet3", IPs: []string{ips[0].Identifier}, VLAN: vlan}}
+40	// Create the definition of the new VM. The ID you see here is Flatcar.
+41	definition := vm.NewAPI(c).NewDefinition(location, "template", "44b38284-6adb-430e-b4a4-1553e29f352f", "developersfirstvm", 2, 2048, 10, networkInterfaces)
+42	definition.SSH = "<your SSH pub key>"
+44	// Provision the VM.
+45	provisionResponse, err := provisioning.VM().Provision(ctx, definition)
+46	if err != nil {
+47		panic(fmt.Sprintf("provisioning vm failed: %v", err))
+48	}
+50	// Wait for the VM to be ready.
+51	_, err = provisioning.Progress().AwaitCompletion(ctx, provisionResponse.Identifier)
+52	if err != nil {
+53		panic(fmt.Sprintf("waiting for VM provisioning failed: %v", err))
+54	}
+ +
+ + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/go-anxcloud/README.md@decode-prefix-vlans/index.html b/go-anxcloud/README.md@decode-prefix-vlans/index.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b611d11dd7 --- /dev/null +++ b/go-anxcloud/README.md@decode-prefix-vlans/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,379 @@ + + + + go.anx.io/go-anxcloud - Go Client for the Anexia API + + + + + + + + + +


+ + +

Documentation +codecov


Go Client for the Anexia API


Go SDK for interacting with the Anexia Engine API.




To use the SDK, just add go.anx.io/go-anxcloud <version> to your Go module.


Getting started


Before using the SDK you should familiarize yourself with the Anexia Engine API.


The library is used in our terraform provider, check it out if you want some examples how to use it.




Below is a short example using the new generic client in this package. Not all APIs can already be used with it, but we are working on that. +Find more examples in the docs (linked to docs for +main branch, not the latest (or any) release).

 1package main
+ 2
+ 3import (
+ 4	"context"
+ 5	"log"
+ 6
+ 7	"go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/api"
+ 8	apiTypes "go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/api/types"
+ 9	"go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/client"
+11	// apis usable with the generic client have their own package in a location analog to this
+12	lbaasv1 "go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/apis/lbaas/v1"
+15func main() {
+16	apiClient, err := api.NewAPI(
+17		api.WithClientOptions(
+18			// Get auth token from ANEXIA_TOKEN environment variable.
+19			// The boolean parameter specifies if the environment variable should be unset.
+20			client.TokenFromEnv(false),
+21		),
+22	)
+23	if err != nil {
+24		log.Fatalf("Error creating ANX API client: %v", err)
+25	}
+27	// let's list LBaaS backends of a known LoadBalancer
+28	frontend := lbaasv1.Frontend{
+29		LoadBalancer: &lbaasv1.LoadBalancer{Identifier: "285b954fdf2a449c8fdae01cc6074025"},
+30	}
+32	var frontends apiTypes.ObjectChannel
+33	err = apiClient.List(context.TODO(), &frontend,
+34		// Listing can be done with either a page iterator or a channel, we use a channel here.
+35		api.ObjectChannel(&frontends),
+37		// Most APIs only give a very small subset when listing resources, add this flag to
+38		// get all attributes, at the cost of doing lots of API requests.
+39		api.FullObjects(true),
+40	)
+41	if err != nil {
+42		log.Fatalf("Error listing backends for LoadBalancer '%v': %v", frontend.LoadBalancer.Identifier, err)
+43	}
+45	for retriever := range frontends {
+46		// reinitialise frontend every loop to reset pointers and avoid potential overwriting of data in the next loop
+47		var frontend lbaasv1.Frontend
+48		if err := retriever(&frontend); err != nil {
+49			log.Fatalf("Error retrieving Frontend: %v", err)
+50		}
+52		log.Printf("Got Frontend named '%v' with mode '%v'", frontend.Name, frontend.Mode)
+53	}

This new generic client will one day be the only client in go-anxcloud. The legacy API-specific clients are deprecated and will be removed in the +go-anxcloud release following the one with all APIs go-anxcloud supports usable with the generic client (so if the generic client in 0.5.0 supports +at least everything there is another client for in go-anxcloud, 0.6.0 will drop the API-specific clients).

+ +
 1package main
+ 2
+ 3import (
+ 4	"context"
+ 5	"fmt"
+ 6	"time"
+ 7
+ 8	anexia "go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg"
+ 9	"go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/client"
+10	"go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/vsphere/provisioning/vm"
+13func main() {
+14	vlan := "<ID of the VLAN the VM should have access to>"
+15	location := "<ID of the location the VM should be in>"
+17	// Create client using the auth token in environment variable ANEXIA_TOKEN and do not unset the environment variable.
+18	c, err := client.New(client.AuthFromEnv(false))
+19	if err != nil {
+20		panic(fmt.Sprintf("could not create client: %v", err))
+21	}
+23	// Get some API.
+24	provisioning := anexia.NewAPI(c).VSphere().Provisioning()
+26	// Time out after 30 minutes. Yes it really takes that long sometimes.
+27	ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 30*time.Minute)
+28	// Look for a free ip in the given VLAN. This IP is not reserved for you so better be quick.
+29	ips, err := provisioning.IPs().GetFree(ctx, location, vlan)
+30	defer cancel()
+31	if err != nil {
+32		panic(fmt.Sprintf("provisioning vm failed: %v", err))
+33	}
+34	if len(ips) < 1 {
+35		panic(fmt.Sprintf("no IPs left for testing in vlan"))
+36	}
+38	// Create a NIC for the VM and connect it to the VLAN.
+39	networkInterfaces := []vm.Network{{NICType: "vmxnet3", IPs: []string{ips[0].Identifier}, VLAN: vlan}}
+40	// Create the definition of the new VM. The ID you see here is Flatcar.
+41	definition := vm.NewAPI(c).NewDefinition(location, "template", "44b38284-6adb-430e-b4a4-1553e29f352f", "developersfirstvm", 2, 2048, 10, networkInterfaces)
+42	definition.SSH = "<your SSH pub key>"
+44	// Provision the VM.
+45	provisionResponse, err := provisioning.VM().Provision(ctx, definition)
+46	if err != nil {
+47		panic(fmt.Sprintf("provisioning vm failed: %v", err))
+48	}
+50	// Wait for the VM to be ready.
+51	_, err = provisioning.Progress().AwaitCompletion(ctx, provisionResponse.Identifier)
+52	if err != nil {
+53		panic(fmt.Sprintf("waiting for VM provisioning failed: %v", err))
+54	}
+ +
+ + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/go-anxcloud/README.md@dependabot/go_modules/golang.org/x/crypto-0.20.0/index.html b/go-anxcloud/README.md@dependabot/go_modules/golang.org/x/crypto-0.20.0/index.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a7463591bb --- /dev/null +++ b/go-anxcloud/README.md@dependabot/go_modules/golang.org/x/crypto-0.20.0/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,379 @@ + + + + go.anx.io/go-anxcloud - Go Client for the Anexia API + + + + + + + + + +


+ + +

Documentation +codecov


Go Client for the Anexia API


Go SDK for interacting with the Anexia Engine API.




To use the SDK, just add go.anx.io/go-anxcloud <version> to your Go module.


Getting started


Before using the SDK you should familiarize yourself with the Anexia Engine API.


The library is used in our terraform provider, check it out if you want some examples how to use it.




Below is a short example using the new generic client in this package. Not all APIs can already be used with it, but we are working on that. +Find more examples in the docs (linked to docs for +main branch, not the latest (or any) release).

 1package main
+ 2
+ 3import (
+ 4	"context"
+ 5	"log"
+ 6
+ 7	"go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/api"
+ 8	apiTypes "go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/api/types"
+ 9	"go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/client"
+11	// apis usable with the generic client have their own package in a location analog to this
+12	lbaasv1 "go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/apis/lbaas/v1"
+15func main() {
+16	apiClient, err := api.NewAPI(
+17		api.WithClientOptions(
+18			// Get auth token from ANEXIA_TOKEN environment variable.
+19			// The boolean parameter specifies if the environment variable should be unset.
+20			client.TokenFromEnv(false),
+21		),
+22	)
+23	if err != nil {
+24		log.Fatalf("Error creating ANX API client: %v", err)
+25	}
+27	// let's list LBaaS backends of a known LoadBalancer
+28	frontend := lbaasv1.Frontend{
+29		LoadBalancer: &lbaasv1.LoadBalancer{Identifier: "285b954fdf2a449c8fdae01cc6074025"},
+30	}
+32	var frontends apiTypes.ObjectChannel
+33	err = apiClient.List(context.TODO(), &frontend,
+34		// Listing can be done with either a page iterator or a channel, we use a channel here.
+35		api.ObjectChannel(&frontends),
+37		// Most APIs only give a very small subset when listing resources, add this flag to
+38		// get all attributes, at the cost of doing lots of API requests.
+39		api.FullObjects(true),
+40	)
+41	if err != nil {
+42		log.Fatalf("Error listing backends for LoadBalancer '%v': %v", frontend.LoadBalancer.Identifier, err)
+43	}
+45	for retriever := range frontends {
+46		// reinitialise frontend every loop to reset pointers and avoid potential overwriting of data in the next loop
+47		var frontend lbaasv1.Frontend
+48		if err := retriever(&frontend); err != nil {
+49			log.Fatalf("Error retrieving Frontend: %v", err)
+50		}
+52		log.Printf("Got Frontend named '%v' with mode '%v'", frontend.Name, frontend.Mode)
+53	}

This new generic client will one day be the only client in go-anxcloud. The legacy API-specific clients are deprecated and will be removed in the +go-anxcloud release following the one with all APIs go-anxcloud supports usable with the generic client (so if the generic client in 0.5.0 supports +at least everything there is another client for in go-anxcloud, 0.6.0 will drop the API-specific clients).

+ +
 1package main
+ 2
+ 3import (
+ 4	"context"
+ 5	"fmt"
+ 6	"time"
+ 7
+ 8	anexia "go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg"
+ 9	"go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/client"
+10	"go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/vsphere/provisioning/vm"
+13func main() {
+14	vlan := "<ID of the VLAN the VM should have access to>"
+15	location := "<ID of the location the VM should be in>"
+17	// Create client using the auth token in environment variable ANEXIA_TOKEN and do not unset the environment variable.
+18	c, err := client.New(client.AuthFromEnv(false))
+19	if err != nil {
+20		panic(fmt.Sprintf("could not create client: %v", err))
+21	}
+23	// Get some API.
+24	provisioning := anexia.NewAPI(c).VSphere().Provisioning()
+26	// Time out after 30 minutes. Yes it really takes that long sometimes.
+27	ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 30*time.Minute)
+28	// Look for a free ip in the given VLAN. This IP is not reserved for you so better be quick.
+29	ips, err := provisioning.IPs().GetFree(ctx, location, vlan)
+30	defer cancel()
+31	if err != nil {
+32		panic(fmt.Sprintf("provisioning vm failed: %v", err))
+33	}
+34	if len(ips) < 1 {
+35		panic(fmt.Sprintf("no IPs left for testing in vlan"))
+36	}
+38	// Create a NIC for the VM and connect it to the VLAN.
+39	networkInterfaces := []vm.Network{{NICType: "vmxnet3", IPs: []string{ips[0].Identifier}, VLAN: vlan}}
+40	// Create the definition of the new VM. The ID you see here is Flatcar.
+41	definition := vm.NewAPI(c).NewDefinition(location, "template", "44b38284-6adb-430e-b4a4-1553e29f352f", "developersfirstvm", 2, 2048, 10, networkInterfaces)
+42	definition.SSH = "<your SSH pub key>"
+44	// Provision the VM.
+45	provisionResponse, err := provisioning.VM().Provision(ctx, definition)
+46	if err != nil {
+47		panic(fmt.Sprintf("provisioning vm failed: %v", err))
+48	}
+50	// Wait for the VM to be ready.
+51	_, err = provisioning.Progress().AwaitCompletion(ctx, provisionResponse.Identifier)
+52	if err != nil {
+53		panic(fmt.Sprintf("waiting for VM provisioning failed: %v", err))
+54	}
+ +
+ + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/go-anxcloud/README.md@dependabot/go_modules/tools/github.com/golangci/golangci-lint-1.56.2/index.html b/go-anxcloud/README.md@dependabot/go_modules/tools/github.com/golangci/golangci-lint-1.56.2/index.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..01be45bb60 --- /dev/null +++ b/go-anxcloud/README.md@dependabot/go_modules/tools/github.com/golangci/golangci-lint-1.56.2/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,379 @@ + + + + go.anx.io/go-anxcloud - Go Client for the Anexia API + + + + + + + + + +


+ + +

Documentation +codecov


Go Client for the Anexia API


Go SDK for interacting with the Anexia Engine API.




To use the SDK, just add go.anx.io/go-anxcloud <version> to your Go module.


Getting started


Before using the SDK you should familiarize yourself with the Anexia Engine API.


The library is used in our terraform provider, check it out if you want some examples how to use it.




Below is a short example using the new generic client in this package. Not all APIs can already be used with it, but we are working on that. +Find more examples in the docs (linked to docs for +main branch, not the latest (or any) release).

 1package main
+ 2
+ 3import (
+ 4	"context"
+ 5	"log"
+ 6
+ 7	"go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/api"
+ 8	apiTypes "go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/api/types"
+ 9	"go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/client"
+11	// apis usable with the generic client have their own package in a location analog to this
+12	lbaasv1 "go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/apis/lbaas/v1"
+15func main() {
+16	apiClient, err := api.NewAPI(
+17		api.WithClientOptions(
+18			// Get auth token from ANEXIA_TOKEN environment variable.
+19			// The boolean parameter specifies if the environment variable should be unset.
+20			client.TokenFromEnv(false),
+21		),
+22	)
+23	if err != nil {
+24		log.Fatalf("Error creating ANX API client: %v", err)
+25	}
+27	// let's list LBaaS backends of a known LoadBalancer
+28	frontend := lbaasv1.Frontend{
+29		LoadBalancer: &lbaasv1.LoadBalancer{Identifier: "285b954fdf2a449c8fdae01cc6074025"},
+30	}
+32	var frontends apiTypes.ObjectChannel
+33	err = apiClient.List(context.TODO(), &frontend,
+34		// Listing can be done with either a page iterator or a channel, we use a channel here.
+35		api.ObjectChannel(&frontends),
+37		// Most APIs only give a very small subset when listing resources, add this flag to
+38		// get all attributes, at the cost of doing lots of API requests.
+39		api.FullObjects(true),
+40	)
+41	if err != nil {
+42		log.Fatalf("Error listing backends for LoadBalancer '%v': %v", frontend.LoadBalancer.Identifier, err)
+43	}
+45	for retriever := range frontends {
+46		// reinitialise frontend every loop to reset pointers and avoid potential overwriting of data in the next loop
+47		var frontend lbaasv1.Frontend
+48		if err := retriever(&frontend); err != nil {
+49			log.Fatalf("Error retrieving Frontend: %v", err)
+50		}
+52		log.Printf("Got Frontend named '%v' with mode '%v'", frontend.Name, frontend.Mode)
+53	}

This new generic client will one day be the only client in go-anxcloud. The legacy API-specific clients are deprecated and will be removed in the +go-anxcloud release following the one with all APIs go-anxcloud supports usable with the generic client (so if the generic client in 0.5.0 supports +at least everything there is another client for in go-anxcloud, 0.6.0 will drop the API-specific clients).

+ +
 1package main
+ 2
+ 3import (
+ 4	"context"
+ 5	"fmt"
+ 6	"time"
+ 7
+ 8	anexia "go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg"
+ 9	"go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/client"
+10	"go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/vsphere/provisioning/vm"
+13func main() {
+14	vlan := "<ID of the VLAN the VM should have access to>"
+15	location := "<ID of the location the VM should be in>"
+17	// Create client using the auth token in environment variable ANEXIA_TOKEN and do not unset the environment variable.
+18	c, err := client.New(client.AuthFromEnv(false))
+19	if err != nil {
+20		panic(fmt.Sprintf("could not create client: %v", err))
+21	}
+23	// Get some API.
+24	provisioning := anexia.NewAPI(c).VSphere().Provisioning()
+26	// Time out after 30 minutes. Yes it really takes that long sometimes.
+27	ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 30*time.Minute)
+28	// Look for a free ip in the given VLAN. This IP is not reserved for you so better be quick.
+29	ips, err := provisioning.IPs().GetFree(ctx, location, vlan)
+30	defer cancel()
+31	if err != nil {
+32		panic(fmt.Sprintf("provisioning vm failed: %v", err))
+33	}
+34	if len(ips) < 1 {
+35		panic(fmt.Sprintf("no IPs left for testing in vlan"))
+36	}
+38	// Create a NIC for the VM and connect it to the VLAN.
+39	networkInterfaces := []vm.Network{{NICType: "vmxnet3", IPs: []string{ips[0].Identifier}, VLAN: vlan}}
+40	// Create the definition of the new VM. The ID you see here is Flatcar.
+41	definition := vm.NewAPI(c).NewDefinition(location, "template", "44b38284-6adb-430e-b4a4-1553e29f352f", "developersfirstvm", 2, 2048, 10, networkInterfaces)
+42	definition.SSH = "<your SSH pub key>"
+44	// Provision the VM.
+45	provisionResponse, err := provisioning.VM().Provision(ctx, definition)
+46	if err != nil {
+47		panic(fmt.Sprintf("provisioning vm failed: %v", err))
+48	}
+50	// Wait for the VM to be ready.
+51	_, err = provisioning.Progress().AwaitCompletion(ctx, provisionResponse.Identifier)
+52	if err != nil {
+53		panic(fmt.Sprintf("waiting for VM provisioning failed: %v", err))
+54	}
+ +
+ + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/go-anxcloud/README.md@dependabot/go_modules/tools/golang.org/x/tools-0.18.0/index.html b/go-anxcloud/README.md@dependabot/go_modules/tools/golang.org/x/tools-0.18.0/index.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..997cdaf590 --- /dev/null +++ b/go-anxcloud/README.md@dependabot/go_modules/tools/golang.org/x/tools-0.18.0/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,379 @@ + + + + go.anx.io/go-anxcloud - Go Client for the Anexia API + + + + + + + + + +


+ + +

Documentation +codecov


Go Client for the Anexia API


Go SDK for interacting with the Anexia Engine API.




To use the SDK, just add go.anx.io/go-anxcloud <version> to your Go module.


Getting started


Before using the SDK you should familiarize yourself with the Anexia Engine API.


The library is used in our terraform provider, check it out if you want some examples how to use it.




Below is a short example using the new generic client in this package. Not all APIs can already be used with it, but we are working on that. +Find more examples in the docs (linked to docs for +main branch, not the latest (or any) release).

 1package main
+ 2
+ 3import (
+ 4	"context"
+ 5	"log"
+ 6
+ 7	"go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/api"
+ 8	apiTypes "go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/api/types"
+ 9	"go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/client"
+11	// apis usable with the generic client have their own package in a location analog to this
+12	lbaasv1 "go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/apis/lbaas/v1"
+15func main() {
+16	apiClient, err := api.NewAPI(
+17		api.WithClientOptions(
+18			// Get auth token from ANEXIA_TOKEN environment variable.
+19			// The boolean parameter specifies if the environment variable should be unset.
+20			client.TokenFromEnv(false),
+21		),
+22	)
+23	if err != nil {
+24		log.Fatalf("Error creating ANX API client: %v", err)
+25	}
+27	// let's list LBaaS backends of a known LoadBalancer
+28	frontend := lbaasv1.Frontend{
+29		LoadBalancer: &lbaasv1.LoadBalancer{Identifier: "285b954fdf2a449c8fdae01cc6074025"},
+30	}
+32	var frontends apiTypes.ObjectChannel
+33	err = apiClient.List(context.TODO(), &frontend,
+34		// Listing can be done with either a page iterator or a channel, we use a channel here.
+35		api.ObjectChannel(&frontends),
+37		// Most APIs only give a very small subset when listing resources, add this flag to
+38		// get all attributes, at the cost of doing lots of API requests.
+39		api.FullObjects(true),
+40	)
+41	if err != nil {
+42		log.Fatalf("Error listing backends for LoadBalancer '%v': %v", frontend.LoadBalancer.Identifier, err)
+43	}
+45	for retriever := range frontends {
+46		// reinitialise frontend every loop to reset pointers and avoid potential overwriting of data in the next loop
+47		var frontend lbaasv1.Frontend
+48		if err := retriever(&frontend); err != nil {
+49			log.Fatalf("Error retrieving Frontend: %v", err)
+50		}
+52		log.Printf("Got Frontend named '%v' with mode '%v'", frontend.Name, frontend.Mode)
+53	}

This new generic client will one day be the only client in go-anxcloud. The legacy API-specific clients are deprecated and will be removed in the +go-anxcloud release following the one with all APIs go-anxcloud supports usable with the generic client (so if the generic client in 0.5.0 supports +at least everything there is another client for in go-anxcloud, 0.6.0 will drop the API-specific clients).

+ +
 1package main
+ 2
+ 3import (
+ 4	"context"
+ 5	"fmt"
+ 6	"time"
+ 7
+ 8	anexia "go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg"
+ 9	"go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/client"
+10	"go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/vsphere/provisioning/vm"
+13func main() {
+14	vlan := "<ID of the VLAN the VM should have access to>"
+15	location := "<ID of the location the VM should be in>"
+17	// Create client using the auth token in environment variable ANEXIA_TOKEN and do not unset the environment variable.
+18	c, err := client.New(client.AuthFromEnv(false))
+19	if err != nil {
+20		panic(fmt.Sprintf("could not create client: %v", err))
+21	}
+23	// Get some API.
+24	provisioning := anexia.NewAPI(c).VSphere().Provisioning()
+26	// Time out after 30 minutes. Yes it really takes that long sometimes.
+27	ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 30*time.Minute)
+28	// Look for a free ip in the given VLAN. This IP is not reserved for you so better be quick.
+29	ips, err := provisioning.IPs().GetFree(ctx, location, vlan)
+30	defer cancel()
+31	if err != nil {
+32		panic(fmt.Sprintf("provisioning vm failed: %v", err))
+33	}
+34	if len(ips) < 1 {
+35		panic(fmt.Sprintf("no IPs left for testing in vlan"))
+36	}
+38	// Create a NIC for the VM and connect it to the VLAN.
+39	networkInterfaces := []vm.Network{{NICType: "vmxnet3", IPs: []string{ips[0].Identifier}, VLAN: vlan}}
+40	// Create the definition of the new VM. The ID you see here is Flatcar.
+41	definition := vm.NewAPI(c).NewDefinition(location, "template", "44b38284-6adb-430e-b4a4-1553e29f352f", "developersfirstvm", 2, 2048, 10, networkInterfaces)
+42	definition.SSH = "<your SSH pub key>"
+44	// Provision the VM.
+45	provisionResponse, err := provisioning.VM().Provision(ctx, definition)
+46	if err != nil {
+47		panic(fmt.Sprintf("provisioning vm failed: %v", err))
+48	}
+50	// Wait for the VM to be ready.
+51	_, err = provisioning.Progress().AwaitCompletion(ctx, provisionResponse.Identifier)
+52	if err != nil {
+53		panic(fmt.Sprintf("waiting for VM provisioning failed: %v", err))
+54	}
+ +
+ + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/go-anxcloud/README.md@feature/generic-api-lbaas-improvements/index.html b/go-anxcloud/README.md@feature/generic-api-lbaas-improvements/index.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ee5d9598ea --- /dev/null +++ b/go-anxcloud/README.md@feature/generic-api-lbaas-improvements/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,379 @@ + + + + go.anx.io/go-anxcloud - Go Client for the Anexia API + + + + + + + + + +


+ + +

Documentation +codecov


Go Client for the Anexia API


Go SDK for interacting with the Anexia multi purpose API.




To use the SDK, just add github.com/anexia-it/go-anxcloud <version> to your Go module.


Getting started


Before using the SDK you should familiarize yourself with the API. See here for more info. +I you crave for an example, take a look at the terraform provider for this project




Below is a short example using the new generic client in this package. Not all APIs can already be used with it, but we are working on that. +Find more examples in the docs (linked to docs for +main branch, not the latest (or any) release).

 1package main
+ 2
+ 3import (
+ 4	"context"
+ 5	"log"
+ 6
+ 7	"github.com/anexia-it/go-anxcloud/pkg/api"
+ 8	apiTypes "github.com/anexia-it/go-anxcloud/pkg/api/types"
+ 9	"github.com/anexia-it/go-anxcloud/pkg/client"
+11	// apis usable with the generic client have their own package in a location analog to this
+12	lbaasv1 "github.com/anexia-it/go-anxcloud/pkg/apis/lbaas/v1"
+15func main() {
+16	apiClient, err := api.NewAPI(
+17		api.WithClientOptions(
+18			// Get auth token from ANEXIA_TOKEN environment variable.
+19			// The boolean parameter specifies if the environment variable should be unset.
+20			client.TokenFromEnv(false),
+21		),
+22	)
+23	if err != nil {
+24		log.Fatalf("Error creating ANX API client: %v", err)
+25	}
+27	// let's list LBaaS backends of a known LoadBalancer
+28	frontend := lbaasv1.Frontend{
+29		LoadBalancer: lbaasv1.LoadBalancer{Identifier: "285b954fdf2a449c8fdae01cc6074025"},
+30	}
+32	var frontends apiTypes.ObjectChannel
+33	err = apiClient.List(context.TODO(), &frontend,
+34		// Listing can be done with either a page iterator or a channel, we use a channel here.
+35		api.ObjectChannel(&frontends),
+37		// Most APIs only give a very small subset when listing resources, add this flag to
+38		// get all attributes, at the cost of doing lots of API requests.
+39		api.FullObjects(true),
+40	)
+41	if err != nil {
+42		log.Fatalf("Error listing backends for LoadBalancer '%v': %v", frontend.LoadBalancer.Identifier, err)
+43	}
+45	for retriever := range frontends {
+46		// reinitialise frontend every loop to reset pointers and avoid potential overwriting of data in the next loop
+47		var frontend lbaasv1.Frontend
+48		if err := retriever(&frontend); err != nil {
+49			log.Fatalf("Error retrieving Frontend: %v", err)
+50		}
+52		log.Printf("Got Frontend named '%v' with mode '%v'", frontend.Name, frontend.Mode)
+53	}

This new generic client will one day be the only client in go-anxcloud. The legacy API-specific clients are deprecated and will be removed in the +go-anxcloud release following the one with all APIs go-anxcloud supports usable with the generic client (so if the generic client in 0.5.0 supports +at least everything there is another client for in go-anxcloud, 0.6.0 will drop the API-specific clients).

+ +
 1package main
+ 2
+ 3import (
+ 4	"context"
+ 5	"fmt"
+ 6	"time"
+ 7
+ 8	anexia "github.com/anexia-it/go-anxcloud/pkg"
+ 9	"github.com/anexia-it/go-anxcloud/pkg/client"
+10	"github.com/anexia-it/go-anxcloud/pkg/vsphere/provisioning/vm"
+13func main() {
+14	vlan := "<ID of the VLAN the VM should have access to>"
+15	location := "<ID of the location the VM should be in>"
+17	// Create client using the auth token in environment variable ANEXIA_TOKEN and do not unset the environment variable.
+18	c, err := client.New(client.AuthFromEnv(false))
+19	if err != nil {
+20		panic(fmt.Sprintf("could not create client: %v", err))
+21	}
+23	// Get some API.
+24	provisioning := anexia.NewAPI(c).VSphere().Provisioning()
+26	// Time out after 30 minutes. Yes it really takes that long sometimes.
+27	ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 30*time.Minute)
+28	// Look for a free ip in the given VLAN. This IP is not reserved for you so better be quick.
+29	ips, err := provisioning.IPs().GetFree(ctx, location, vlan)
+30	defer cancel()
+31	if err != nil {
+32		panic(fmt.Sprintf("provisioning vm failed: %v", err))
+33	}
+34	if len(ips) < 1 {
+35		panic(fmt.Sprintf("no IPs left for testing in vlan"))
+36	}
+38	// Create a NIC for the VM and connect it to the VLAN.
+39	networkInterfaces := []vm.Network{{NICType: "vmxnet3", IPs: []string{ips[0].Identifier}, VLAN: vlan}}
+40	// Create the definition of the new VM. The ID you see here is Flatcar.
+41	definition := vm.NewAPI(c).NewDefinition(location, "template", "44b38284-6adb-430e-b4a4-1553e29f352f", "developersfirstvm", 2, 2048, 10, networkInterfaces)
+42	definition.SSH = "<your SSH pub key>"
+44	// Provision the VM.
+45	provisionResponse, err := provisioning.VM().Provision(ctx, definition)
+46	if err != nil {
+47		panic(fmt.Sprintf("provisioning vm failed: %v", err))
+48	}
+50	// Wait for the VM to be ready.
+51	_, err = provisioning.Progress().AwaitCompletion(ctx, provisionResponse.Identifier)
+52	if err != nil {
+53		panic(fmt.Sprintf("waiting for VM provisioning failed: %v", err))
+54	}
+ +
+ + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/go-anxcloud/README.md@github-actions-refactor-2/index.html b/go-anxcloud/README.md@github-actions-refactor-2/index.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3073e0332c --- /dev/null +++ b/go-anxcloud/README.md@github-actions-refactor-2/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,379 @@ + + + + go.anx.io/go-anxcloud - Go Client for the Anexia API + + + + + + + + + +


+ + +

Documentation +codecov


Go Client for the Anexia API


Go SDK for interacting with the Anexia Engine API.




To use the SDK, just add go.anx.io/go-anxcloud <version> to your Go module.


Getting started


Before using the SDK you should familiarize yourself with the Anexia Engine API.


The library is used in our terraform provider, check it out if you want some examples how to use it.




Below is a short example using the new generic client in this package. Not all APIs can already be used with it, but we are working on that. +Find more examples in the docs (linked to docs for +main branch, not the latest (or any) release).

 1package main
+ 2
+ 3import (
+ 4	"context"
+ 5	"log"
+ 6
+ 7	"go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/api"
+ 8	apiTypes "go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/api/types"
+ 9	"go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/client"
+11	// apis usable with the generic client have their own package in a location analog to this
+12	lbaasv1 "go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/apis/lbaas/v1"
+15func main() {
+16	apiClient, err := api.NewAPI(
+17		api.WithClientOptions(
+18			// Get auth token from ANEXIA_TOKEN environment variable.
+19			// The boolean parameter specifies if the environment variable should be unset.
+20			client.TokenFromEnv(false),
+21		),
+22	)
+23	if err != nil {
+24		log.Fatalf("Error creating ANX API client: %v", err)
+25	}
+27	// let's list LBaaS backends of a known LoadBalancer
+28	frontend := lbaasv1.Frontend{
+29		LoadBalancer: lbaasv1.LoadBalancer{Identifier: "285b954fdf2a449c8fdae01cc6074025"},
+30	}
+32	var frontends apiTypes.ObjectChannel
+33	err = apiClient.List(context.TODO(), &frontend,
+34		// Listing can be done with either a page iterator or a channel, we use a channel here.
+35		api.ObjectChannel(&frontends),
+37		// Most APIs only give a very small subset when listing resources, add this flag to
+38		// get all attributes, at the cost of doing lots of API requests.
+39		api.FullObjects(true),
+40	)
+41	if err != nil {
+42		log.Fatalf("Error listing backends for LoadBalancer '%v': %v", frontend.LoadBalancer.Identifier, err)
+43	}
+45	for retriever := range frontends {
+46		// reinitialise frontend every loop to reset pointers and avoid potential overwriting of data in the next loop
+47		var frontend lbaasv1.Frontend
+48		if err := retriever(&frontend); err != nil {
+49			log.Fatalf("Error retrieving Frontend: %v", err)
+50		}
+52		log.Printf("Got Frontend named '%v' with mode '%v'", frontend.Name, frontend.Mode)
+53	}

This new generic client will one day be the only client in go-anxcloud. The legacy API-specific clients are deprecated and will be removed in the +go-anxcloud release following the one with all APIs go-anxcloud supports usable with the generic client (so if the generic client in 0.5.0 supports +at least everything there is another client for in go-anxcloud, 0.6.0 will drop the API-specific clients).

+ +
 1package main
+ 2
+ 3import (
+ 4	"context"
+ 5	"fmt"
+ 6	"time"
+ 7
+ 8	anexia "go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg"
+ 9	"go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/client"
+10	"go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/vsphere/provisioning/vm"
+13func main() {
+14	vlan := "<ID of the VLAN the VM should have access to>"
+15	location := "<ID of the location the VM should be in>"
+17	// Create client using the auth token in environment variable ANEXIA_TOKEN and do not unset the environment variable.
+18	c, err := client.New(client.AuthFromEnv(false))
+19	if err != nil {
+20		panic(fmt.Sprintf("could not create client: %v", err))
+21	}
+23	// Get some API.
+24	provisioning := anexia.NewAPI(c).VSphere().Provisioning()
+26	// Time out after 30 minutes. Yes it really takes that long sometimes.
+27	ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 30*time.Minute)
+28	// Look for a free ip in the given VLAN. This IP is not reserved for you so better be quick.
+29	ips, err := provisioning.IPs().GetFree(ctx, location, vlan)
+30	defer cancel()
+31	if err != nil {
+32		panic(fmt.Sprintf("provisioning vm failed: %v", err))
+33	}
+34	if len(ips) < 1 {
+35		panic(fmt.Sprintf("no IPs left for testing in vlan"))
+36	}
+38	// Create a NIC for the VM and connect it to the VLAN.
+39	networkInterfaces := []vm.Network{{NICType: "vmxnet3", IPs: []string{ips[0].Identifier}, VLAN: vlan}}
+40	// Create the definition of the new VM. The ID you see here is Flatcar.
+41	definition := vm.NewAPI(c).NewDefinition(location, "template", "44b38284-6adb-430e-b4a4-1553e29f352f", "developersfirstvm", 2, 2048, 10, networkInterfaces)
+42	definition.SSH = "<your SSH pub key>"
+44	// Provision the VM.
+45	provisionResponse, err := provisioning.VM().Provision(ctx, definition)
+46	if err != nil {
+47		panic(fmt.Sprintf("provisioning vm failed: %v", err))
+48	}
+50	// Wait for the VM to be ready.
+51	_, err = provisioning.Progress().AwaitCompletion(ctx, provisionResponse.Identifier)
+52	if err != nil {
+53		panic(fmt.Sprintf("waiting for VM provisioning failed: %v", err))
+54	}
+ +
+ + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/go-anxcloud/README.md@github-actions-refactor/index.html b/go-anxcloud/README.md@github-actions-refactor/index.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..1dc9ba1f5f --- /dev/null +++ b/go-anxcloud/README.md@github-actions-refactor/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,379 @@ + + + + go.anx.io/go-anxcloud - Go Client for the Anexia API + + + + + + + + + +


+ + +

Documentation +codecov


Go Client for the Anexia API


Go SDK for interacting with the Anexia Engine API.




To use the SDK, just add go.anx.io/go-anxcloud <version> to your Go module.


Getting started


Before using the SDK you should familiarize yourself with the Anexia Engine API.


The library is used in our terraform provider, check it out if you want some examples how to use it.




Below is a short example using the new generic client in this package. Not all APIs can already be used with it, but we are working on that. +Find more examples in the docs (linked to docs for +main branch, not the latest (or any) release).

 1package main
+ 2
+ 3import (
+ 4	"context"
+ 5	"log"
+ 6
+ 7	"go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/api"
+ 8	apiTypes "go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/api/types"
+ 9	"go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/client"
+11	// apis usable with the generic client have their own package in a location analog to this
+12	lbaasv1 "go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/apis/lbaas/v1"
+15func main() {
+16	apiClient, err := api.NewAPI(
+17		api.WithClientOptions(
+18			// Get auth token from ANEXIA_TOKEN environment variable.
+19			// The boolean parameter specifies if the environment variable should be unset.
+20			client.TokenFromEnv(false),
+21		),
+22	)
+23	if err != nil {
+24		log.Fatalf("Error creating ANX API client: %v", err)
+25	}
+27	// let's list LBaaS backends of a known LoadBalancer
+28	frontend := lbaasv1.Frontend{
+29		LoadBalancer: &lbaasv1.LoadBalancer{Identifier: "285b954fdf2a449c8fdae01cc6074025"},
+30	}
+32	var frontends apiTypes.ObjectChannel
+33	err = apiClient.List(context.TODO(), &frontend,
+34		// Listing can be done with either a page iterator or a channel, we use a channel here.
+35		api.ObjectChannel(&frontends),
+37		// Most APIs only give a very small subset when listing resources, add this flag to
+38		// get all attributes, at the cost of doing lots of API requests.
+39		api.FullObjects(true),
+40	)
+41	if err != nil {
+42		log.Fatalf("Error listing backends for LoadBalancer '%v': %v", frontend.LoadBalancer.Identifier, err)
+43	}
+45	for retriever := range frontends {
+46		// reinitialise frontend every loop to reset pointers and avoid potential overwriting of data in the next loop
+47		var frontend lbaasv1.Frontend
+48		if err := retriever(&frontend); err != nil {
+49			log.Fatalf("Error retrieving Frontend: %v", err)
+50		}
+52		log.Printf("Got Frontend named '%v' with mode '%v'", frontend.Name, frontend.Mode)
+53	}

This new generic client will one day be the only client in go-anxcloud. The legacy API-specific clients are deprecated and will be removed in the +go-anxcloud release following the one with all APIs go-anxcloud supports usable with the generic client (so if the generic client in 0.5.0 supports +at least everything there is another client for in go-anxcloud, 0.6.0 will drop the API-specific clients).

+ +
 1package main
+ 2
+ 3import (
+ 4	"context"
+ 5	"fmt"
+ 6	"time"
+ 7
+ 8	anexia "go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg"
+ 9	"go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/client"
+10	"go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/vsphere/provisioning/vm"
+13func main() {
+14	vlan := "<ID of the VLAN the VM should have access to>"
+15	location := "<ID of the location the VM should be in>"
+17	// Create client using the auth token in environment variable ANEXIA_TOKEN and do not unset the environment variable.
+18	c, err := client.New(client.AuthFromEnv(false))
+19	if err != nil {
+20		panic(fmt.Sprintf("could not create client: %v", err))
+21	}
+23	// Get some API.
+24	provisioning := anexia.NewAPI(c).VSphere().Provisioning()
+26	// Time out after 30 minutes. Yes it really takes that long sometimes.
+27	ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 30*time.Minute)
+28	// Look for a free ip in the given VLAN. This IP is not reserved for you so better be quick.
+29	ips, err := provisioning.IPs().GetFree(ctx, location, vlan)
+30	defer cancel()
+31	if err != nil {
+32		panic(fmt.Sprintf("provisioning vm failed: %v", err))
+33	}
+34	if len(ips) < 1 {
+35		panic(fmt.Sprintf("no IPs left for testing in vlan"))
+36	}
+38	// Create a NIC for the VM and connect it to the VLAN.
+39	networkInterfaces := []vm.Network{{NICType: "vmxnet3", IPs: []string{ips[0].Identifier}, VLAN: vlan}}
+40	// Create the definition of the new VM. The ID you see here is Flatcar.
+41	definition := vm.NewAPI(c).NewDefinition(location, "template", "44b38284-6adb-430e-b4a4-1553e29f352f", "developersfirstvm", 2, 2048, 10, networkInterfaces)
+42	definition.SSH = "<your SSH pub key>"
+44	// Provision the VM.
+45	provisionResponse, err := provisioning.VM().Provision(ctx, definition)
+46	if err != nil {
+47		panic(fmt.Sprintf("provisioning vm failed: %v", err))
+48	}
+50	// Wait for the VM to be ready.
+51	_, err = provisioning.Progress().AwaitCompletion(ctx, provisionResponse.Identifier)
+52	if err != nil {
+53		panic(fmt.Sprintf("waiting for VM provisioning failed: %v", err))
+54	}
+ +
+ + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/go-anxcloud/README.md@lbaas-add-state/index.html b/go-anxcloud/README.md@lbaas-add-state/index.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e26b87e8f3 --- /dev/null +++ b/go-anxcloud/README.md@lbaas-add-state/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,319 @@ + + + + go.anx.io/go-anxcloud - Go Client for the Anexia API + + + + + + + + + +


+ + +

Documentation +codecov


Go Client for the Anexia API


Go SDK for interacting with the Anexia multi purpose API.




To use the SDK, just add github.com/anexia-it/go-anxcloud <version> to your Go module.


Getting started


Before using the SDK you should familiarize yourself with the API. See here for more info. +I you crave for an example, take a look at the terraform provider for this project




The following code shows how to create a VM. To be able to do that you need to set the environment variable ANEXIA_TOKEN to your access token. +Afterwards you can run the following.

 1package main
+ 2
+ 3import (
+ 4	"context"
+ 5	"fmt"
+ 6	"time"
+ 7
+ 8	anexia "github.com/anexia-it/go-anxcloud/pkg"
+ 9	"github.com/anexia-it/go-anxcloud/pkg/client"
+10	"github.com/anexia-it/go-anxcloud/pkg/vsphere/provisioning/vm"
+13func main() {
+14	vlan := "<ID of the VLAN the VM should have access to>"
+15	location := "<ID of the location the VM should be in>"
+17	// Create client from environment variables, do not unset env afterwards.
+18	c, err := client.New(client.AuthFromEnv(false))
+19	if err != nil {
+20		panic(fmt.Sprintf("could not create client: %v", err))
+21	}
+23	// Get some API.
+24	provisioning := anexia.NewAPI(c).VSphere().Provisioning()
+26	// Time out after 30 minutes. Yes it really takes that long sometimes.
+27	ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 30*time.Minute)
+28	// Look for a free ip in the given VLAN. This IP is not reserved for you so better be quick.
+29	ips, err := provisioning.IPs().GetFree(ctx, location, vlan)
+30	defer cancel()
+31	if err != nil {
+32		panic(fmt.Sprintf("provisioning vm failed: %v", err))
+33	}
+34	if len(ips) < 1 {
+35		panic(fmt.Sprintf("no IPs left for testing in vlan"))
+36	}
+38	// Create a NIC for the VM and connect it to the VLAN.
+39	networkInterfaces := []vm.Network{{NICType: "vmxnet3", IPs: []string{ips[0].Identifier}, VLAN: vlan}}
+40	// Create the definition of the new VM. The ID you see here is Flatcar.
+41	definition := vm.NewAPI(c).NewDefinition(location, "template", "44b38284-6adb-430e-b4a4-1553e29f352f", "developersfirstvm", 2, 2048, 10, networkInterfaces)
+42	definition.SSH = "<your SSH pub key>"
+44	// Provision the VM.
+45	provisionResponse, err := provisioning.VM().Provision(ctx, definition)
+46	if err != nil {
+47		panic(fmt.Sprintf("provisioning vm failed: %v", err))
+48	}
+50	// Wait for the VM to be ready.
+51	_, err = provisioning.Progress().AwaitCompletion(ctx, provisionResponse.Identifier)
+52	if err != nil {
+53		panic(fmt.Sprintf("waiting for VM provisioning failed: %v", err))
+54	}
+ + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/go-anxcloud/README.md@lbaasv2-cs/index.html b/go-anxcloud/README.md@lbaasv2-cs/index.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..5638b4fc06 --- /dev/null +++ b/go-anxcloud/README.md@lbaasv2-cs/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,379 @@ + + + + go.anx.io/go-anxcloud - Go Client for the Anexia API + + + + + + + + + +


+ + +

Documentation +codecov


Go Client for the Anexia API


Go SDK for interacting with the Anexia Engine API.




To use the SDK, just add go.anx.io/go-anxcloud <version> to your Go module.


Getting started


Before using the SDK you should familiarize yourself with the Anexia Engine API.


The library is used in our terraform provider, check it out if you want some examples how to use it.




Below is a short example using the new generic client in this package. Not all APIs can already be used with it, but we are working on that. +Find more examples in the docs (linked to docs for +main branch, not the latest (or any) release).

 1package main
+ 2
+ 3import (
+ 4	"context"
+ 5	"log"
+ 6
+ 7	"go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/api"
+ 8	apiTypes "go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/api/types"
+ 9	"go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/client"
+11	// apis usable with the generic client have their own package in a location analog to this
+12	lbaasv1 "go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/apis/lbaas/v1"
+15func main() {
+16	apiClient, err := api.NewAPI(
+17		api.WithClientOptions(
+18			// Get auth token from ANEXIA_TOKEN environment variable.
+19			// The boolean parameter specifies if the environment variable should be unset.
+20			client.TokenFromEnv(false),
+21		),
+22	)
+23	if err != nil {
+24		log.Fatalf("Error creating ANX API client: %v", err)
+25	}
+27	// let's list LBaaS backends of a known LoadBalancer
+28	frontend := lbaasv1.Frontend{
+29		LoadBalancer: &lbaasv1.LoadBalancer{Identifier: "285b954fdf2a449c8fdae01cc6074025"},
+30	}
+32	var frontends apiTypes.ObjectChannel
+33	err = apiClient.List(context.TODO(), &frontend,
+34		// Listing can be done with either a page iterator or a channel, we use a channel here.
+35		api.ObjectChannel(&frontends),
+37		// Most APIs only give a very small subset when listing resources, add this flag to
+38		// get all attributes, at the cost of doing lots of API requests.
+39		api.FullObjects(true),
+40	)
+41	if err != nil {
+42		log.Fatalf("Error listing backends for LoadBalancer '%v': %v", frontend.LoadBalancer.Identifier, err)
+43	}
+45	for retriever := range frontends {
+46		// reinitialise frontend every loop to reset pointers and avoid potential overwriting of data in the next loop
+47		var frontend lbaasv1.Frontend
+48		if err := retriever(&frontend); err != nil {
+49			log.Fatalf("Error retrieving Frontend: %v", err)
+50		}
+52		log.Printf("Got Frontend named '%v' with mode '%v'", frontend.Name, frontend.Mode)
+53	}

This new generic client will one day be the only client in go-anxcloud. The legacy API-specific clients are deprecated and will be removed in the +go-anxcloud release following the one with all APIs go-anxcloud supports usable with the generic client (so if the generic client in 0.5.0 supports +at least everything there is another client for in go-anxcloud, 0.6.0 will drop the API-specific clients).

+ +
 1package main
+ 2
+ 3import (
+ 4	"context"
+ 5	"fmt"
+ 6	"time"
+ 7
+ 8	anexia "go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg"
+ 9	"go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/client"
+10	"go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/vsphere/provisioning/vm"
+13func main() {
+14	vlan := "<ID of the VLAN the VM should have access to>"
+15	location := "<ID of the location the VM should be in>"
+17	// Create client using the auth token in environment variable ANEXIA_TOKEN and do not unset the environment variable.
+18	c, err := client.New(client.AuthFromEnv(false))
+19	if err != nil {
+20		panic(fmt.Sprintf("could not create client: %v", err))
+21	}
+23	// Get some API.
+24	provisioning := anexia.NewAPI(c).VSphere().Provisioning()
+26	// Time out after 30 minutes. Yes it really takes that long sometimes.
+27	ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 30*time.Minute)
+28	// Look for a free ip in the given VLAN. This IP is not reserved for you so better be quick.
+29	ips, err := provisioning.IPs().GetFree(ctx, location, vlan)
+30	defer cancel()
+31	if err != nil {
+32		panic(fmt.Sprintf("provisioning vm failed: %v", err))
+33	}
+34	if len(ips) < 1 {
+35		panic(fmt.Sprintf("no IPs left for testing in vlan"))
+36	}
+38	// Create a NIC for the VM and connect it to the VLAN.
+39	networkInterfaces := []vm.Network{{NICType: "vmxnet3", IPs: []string{ips[0].Identifier}, VLAN: vlan}}
+40	// Create the definition of the new VM. The ID you see here is Flatcar.
+41	definition := vm.NewAPI(c).NewDefinition(location, "template", "44b38284-6adb-430e-b4a4-1553e29f352f", "developersfirstvm", 2, 2048, 10, networkInterfaces)
+42	definition.SSH = "<your SSH pub key>"
+44	// Provision the VM.
+45	provisionResponse, err := provisioning.VM().Provision(ctx, definition)
+46	if err != nil {
+47		panic(fmt.Sprintf("provisioning vm failed: %v", err))
+48	}
+50	// Wait for the VM to be ready.
+51	_, err = provisioning.Progress().AwaitCompletion(ctx, provisionResponse.Identifier)
+52	if err != nil {
+53		panic(fmt.Sprintf("waiting for VM provisioning failed: %v", err))
+54	}
+ +
+ + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/go-anxcloud/README.md@main/index.html b/go-anxcloud/README.md@main/index.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..4de2e4b8d5 --- /dev/null +++ b/go-anxcloud/README.md@main/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,379 @@ + + + + go.anx.io/go-anxcloud - Go Client for the Anexia API + + + + + + + + + +


+ + +

Documentation +codecov


Go Client for the Anexia API


Go SDK for interacting with the Anexia Engine API.




To use the SDK, just add go.anx.io/go-anxcloud <version> to your Go module.


Getting started


Before using the SDK you should familiarize yourself with the Anexia Engine API.


The library is used in our terraform provider, check it out if you want some examples how to use it.




Below is a short example using the new generic client in this package. Not all APIs can already be used with it, but we are working on that. +Find more examples in the docs (linked to docs for +main branch, not the latest (or any) release).

 1package main
+ 2
+ 3import (
+ 4	"context"
+ 5	"log"
+ 6
+ 7	"go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/api"
+ 8	apiTypes "go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/api/types"
+ 9	"go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/client"
+11	// apis usable with the generic client have their own package in a location analog to this
+12	lbaasv1 "go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/apis/lbaas/v1"
+15func main() {
+16	apiClient, err := api.NewAPI(
+17		api.WithClientOptions(
+18			// Get auth token from ANEXIA_TOKEN environment variable.
+19			// The boolean parameter specifies if the environment variable should be unset.
+20			client.TokenFromEnv(false),
+21		),
+22	)
+23	if err != nil {
+24		log.Fatalf("Error creating ANX API client: %v", err)
+25	}
+27	// let's list LBaaS backends of a known LoadBalancer
+28	frontend := lbaasv1.Frontend{
+29		LoadBalancer: &lbaasv1.LoadBalancer{Identifier: "285b954fdf2a449c8fdae01cc6074025"},
+30	}
+32	var frontends apiTypes.ObjectChannel
+33	err = apiClient.List(context.TODO(), &frontend,
+34		// Listing can be done with either a page iterator or a channel, we use a channel here.
+35		api.ObjectChannel(&frontends),
+37		// Most APIs only give a very small subset when listing resources, add this flag to
+38		// get all attributes, at the cost of doing lots of API requests.
+39		api.FullObjects(true),
+40	)
+41	if err != nil {
+42		log.Fatalf("Error listing backends for LoadBalancer '%v': %v", frontend.LoadBalancer.Identifier, err)
+43	}
+45	for retriever := range frontends {
+46		// reinitialise frontend every loop to reset pointers and avoid potential overwriting of data in the next loop
+47		var frontend lbaasv1.Frontend
+48		if err := retriever(&frontend); err != nil {
+49			log.Fatalf("Error retrieving Frontend: %v", err)
+50		}
+52		log.Printf("Got Frontend named '%v' with mode '%v'", frontend.Name, frontend.Mode)
+53	}

This new generic client will one day be the only client in go-anxcloud. The legacy API-specific clients are deprecated and will be removed in the +go-anxcloud release following the one with all APIs go-anxcloud supports usable with the generic client (so if the generic client in 0.5.0 supports +at least everything there is another client for in go-anxcloud, 0.6.0 will drop the API-specific clients).

+ +
 1package main
+ 2
+ 3import (
+ 4	"context"
+ 5	"fmt"
+ 6	"time"
+ 7
+ 8	anexia "go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg"
+ 9	"go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/client"
+10	"go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/vsphere/provisioning/vm"
+13func main() {
+14	vlan := "<ID of the VLAN the VM should have access to>"
+15	location := "<ID of the location the VM should be in>"
+17	// Create client using the auth token in environment variable ANEXIA_TOKEN and do not unset the environment variable.
+18	c, err := client.New(client.AuthFromEnv(false))
+19	if err != nil {
+20		panic(fmt.Sprintf("could not create client: %v", err))
+21	}
+23	// Get some API.
+24	provisioning := anexia.NewAPI(c).VSphere().Provisioning()
+26	// Time out after 30 minutes. Yes it really takes that long sometimes.
+27	ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 30*time.Minute)
+28	// Look for a free ip in the given VLAN. This IP is not reserved for you so better be quick.
+29	ips, err := provisioning.IPs().GetFree(ctx, location, vlan)
+30	defer cancel()
+31	if err != nil {
+32		panic(fmt.Sprintf("provisioning vm failed: %v", err))
+33	}
+34	if len(ips) < 1 {
+35		panic(fmt.Sprintf("no IPs left for testing in vlan"))
+36	}
+38	// Create a NIC for the VM and connect it to the VLAN.
+39	networkInterfaces := []vm.Network{{NICType: "vmxnet3", IPs: []string{ips[0].Identifier}, VLAN: vlan}}
+40	// Create the definition of the new VM. The ID you see here is Flatcar.
+41	definition := vm.NewAPI(c).NewDefinition(location, "template", "44b38284-6adb-430e-b4a4-1553e29f352f", "developersfirstvm", 2, 2048, 10, networkInterfaces)
+42	definition.SSH = "<your SSH pub key>"
+44	// Provision the VM.
+45	provisionResponse, err := provisioning.VM().Provision(ctx, definition)
+46	if err != nil {
+47		panic(fmt.Sprintf("provisioning vm failed: %v", err))
+48	}
+50	// Wait for the VM to be ready.
+51	_, err = provisioning.Progress().AwaitCompletion(ctx, provisionResponse.Identifier)
+52	if err != nil {
+53		panic(fmt.Sprintf("waiting for VM provisioning failed: %v", err))
+54	}
+ +
+ + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/go-anxcloud/README.md@migrate-test-resources/index.html b/go-anxcloud/README.md@migrate-test-resources/index.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..2522a6bb64 --- /dev/null +++ b/go-anxcloud/README.md@migrate-test-resources/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,379 @@ + + + + go.anx.io/go-anxcloud - Go Client for the Anexia API + + + + + + + + + +


+ + +

Documentation +codecov


Go Client for the Anexia API


Go SDK for interacting with the Anexia Engine API.




To use the SDK, just add go.anx.io/go-anxcloud <version> to your Go module.


Getting started


Before using the SDK you should familiarize yourself with the Anexia Engine API.


The library is used in our terraform provider, check it out if you want some examples how to use it.




Below is a short example using the new generic client in this package. Not all APIs can already be used with it, but we are working on that. +Find more examples in the docs (linked to docs for +main branch, not the latest (or any) release).

 1package main
+ 2
+ 3import (
+ 4	"context"
+ 5	"log"
+ 6
+ 7	"go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/api"
+ 8	apiTypes "go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/api/types"
+ 9	"go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/client"
+11	// apis usable with the generic client have their own package in a location analog to this
+12	lbaasv1 "go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/apis/lbaas/v1"
+15func main() {
+16	apiClient, err := api.NewAPI(
+17		api.WithClientOptions(
+18			// Get auth token from ANEXIA_TOKEN environment variable.
+19			// The boolean parameter specifies if the environment variable should be unset.
+20			client.TokenFromEnv(false),
+21		),
+22	)
+23	if err != nil {
+24		log.Fatalf("Error creating ANX API client: %v", err)
+25	}
+27	// let's list LBaaS backends of a known LoadBalancer
+28	frontend := lbaasv1.Frontend{
+29		LoadBalancer: &lbaasv1.LoadBalancer{Identifier: "285b954fdf2a449c8fdae01cc6074025"},
+30	}
+32	var frontends apiTypes.ObjectChannel
+33	err = apiClient.List(context.TODO(), &frontend,
+34		// Listing can be done with either a page iterator or a channel, we use a channel here.
+35		api.ObjectChannel(&frontends),
+37		// Most APIs only give a very small subset when listing resources, add this flag to
+38		// get all attributes, at the cost of doing lots of API requests.
+39		api.FullObjects(true),
+40	)
+41	if err != nil {
+42		log.Fatalf("Error listing backends for LoadBalancer '%v': %v", frontend.LoadBalancer.Identifier, err)
+43	}
+45	for retriever := range frontends {
+46		// reinitialise frontend every loop to reset pointers and avoid potential overwriting of data in the next loop
+47		var frontend lbaasv1.Frontend
+48		if err := retriever(&frontend); err != nil {
+49			log.Fatalf("Error retrieving Frontend: %v", err)
+50		}
+52		log.Printf("Got Frontend named '%v' with mode '%v'", frontend.Name, frontend.Mode)
+53	}

This new generic client will one day be the only client in go-anxcloud. The legacy API-specific clients are deprecated and will be removed in the +go-anxcloud release following the one with all APIs go-anxcloud supports usable with the generic client (so if the generic client in 0.5.0 supports +at least everything there is another client for in go-anxcloud, 0.6.0 will drop the API-specific clients).

+ +
 1package main
+ 2
+ 3import (
+ 4	"context"
+ 5	"fmt"
+ 6	"time"
+ 7
+ 8	anexia "go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg"
+ 9	"go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/client"
+10	"go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/vsphere/provisioning/vm"
+13func main() {
+14	vlan := "<ID of the VLAN the VM should have access to>"
+15	location := "<ID of the location the VM should be in>"
+17	// Create client using the auth token in environment variable ANEXIA_TOKEN and do not unset the environment variable.
+18	c, err := client.New(client.AuthFromEnv(false))
+19	if err != nil {
+20		panic(fmt.Sprintf("could not create client: %v", err))
+21	}
+23	// Get some API.
+24	provisioning := anexia.NewAPI(c).VSphere().Provisioning()
+26	// Time out after 30 minutes. Yes it really takes that long sometimes.
+27	ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 30*time.Minute)
+28	// Look for a free ip in the given VLAN. This IP is not reserved for you so better be quick.
+29	ips, err := provisioning.IPs().GetFree(ctx, location, vlan)
+30	defer cancel()
+31	if err != nil {
+32		panic(fmt.Sprintf("provisioning vm failed: %v", err))
+33	}
+34	if len(ips) < 1 {
+35		panic(fmt.Sprintf("no IPs left for testing in vlan"))
+36	}
+38	// Create a NIC for the VM and connect it to the VLAN.
+39	networkInterfaces := []vm.Network{{NICType: "vmxnet3", IPs: []string{ips[0].Identifier}, VLAN: vlan}}
+40	// Create the definition of the new VM. The ID you see here is Flatcar.
+41	definition := vm.NewAPI(c).NewDefinition(location, "template", "44b38284-6adb-430e-b4a4-1553e29f352f", "developersfirstvm", 2, 2048, 10, networkInterfaces)
+42	definition.SSH = "<your SSH pub key>"
+44	// Provision the VM.
+45	provisionResponse, err := provisioning.VM().Provision(ctx, definition)
+46	if err != nil {
+47		panic(fmt.Sprintf("provisioning vm failed: %v", err))
+48	}
+50	// Wait for the VM to be ready.
+51	_, err = provisioning.Progress().AwaitCompletion(ctx, provisionResponse.Identifier)
+52	if err != nil {
+53		panic(fmt.Sprintf("waiting for VM provisioning failed: %v", err))
+54	}
+ +
+ + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/go-anxcloud/README.md@syseng-1210/wip-deepcopy-generator/index.html b/go-anxcloud/README.md@syseng-1210/wip-deepcopy-generator/index.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..54e70424e5 --- /dev/null +++ b/go-anxcloud/README.md@syseng-1210/wip-deepcopy-generator/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,379 @@ + + + + go.anx.io/go-anxcloud - Go Client for the Anexia API + + + + + + + + + +


+ + +

Documentation +codecov


Go Client for the Anexia API


Go SDK for interacting with the Anexia Engine API.




To use the SDK, just add go.anx.io/go-anxcloud <version> to your Go module.


Getting started


Before using the SDK you should familiarize yourself with the Anexia Engine API.


The library is used in our terraform provider, check it out if you want some examples how to use it.




Below is a short example using the new generic client in this package. Not all APIs can already be used with it, but we are working on that. +Find more examples in the docs (linked to docs for +main branch, not the latest (or any) release).

 1package main
+ 2
+ 3import (
+ 4	"context"
+ 5	"log"
+ 6
+ 7	"go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/api"
+ 8	apiTypes "go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/api/types"
+ 9	"go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/client"
+11	// apis usable with the generic client have their own package in a location analog to this
+12	lbaasv1 "go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/apis/lbaas/v1"
+15func main() {
+16	apiClient, err := api.NewAPI(
+17		api.WithClientOptions(
+18			// Get auth token from ANEXIA_TOKEN environment variable.
+19			// The boolean parameter specifies if the environment variable should be unset.
+20			client.TokenFromEnv(false),
+21		),
+22	)
+23	if err != nil {
+24		log.Fatalf("Error creating ANX API client: %v", err)
+25	}
+27	// let's list LBaaS backends of a known LoadBalancer
+28	frontend := lbaasv1.Frontend{
+29		LoadBalancer: lbaasv1.LoadBalancer{Identifier: "285b954fdf2a449c8fdae01cc6074025"},
+30	}
+32	var frontends apiTypes.ObjectChannel
+33	err = apiClient.List(context.TODO(), &frontend,
+34		// Listing can be done with either a page iterator or a channel, we use a channel here.
+35		api.ObjectChannel(&frontends),
+37		// Most APIs only give a very small subset when listing resources, add this flag to
+38		// get all attributes, at the cost of doing lots of API requests.
+39		api.FullObjects(true),
+40	)
+41	if err != nil {
+42		log.Fatalf("Error listing backends for LoadBalancer '%v': %v", frontend.LoadBalancer.Identifier, err)
+43	}
+45	for retriever := range frontends {
+46		// reinitialise frontend every loop to reset pointers and avoid potential overwriting of data in the next loop
+47		var frontend lbaasv1.Frontend
+48		if err := retriever(&frontend); err != nil {
+49			log.Fatalf("Error retrieving Frontend: %v", err)
+50		}
+52		log.Printf("Got Frontend named '%v' with mode '%v'", frontend.Name, frontend.Mode)
+53	}

This new generic client will one day be the only client in go-anxcloud. The legacy API-specific clients are deprecated and will be removed in the +go-anxcloud release following the one with all APIs go-anxcloud supports usable with the generic client (so if the generic client in 0.5.0 supports +at least everything there is another client for in go-anxcloud, 0.6.0 will drop the API-specific clients).

+ +
 1package main
+ 2
+ 3import (
+ 4	"context"
+ 5	"fmt"
+ 6	"time"
+ 7
+ 8	anexia "go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg"
+ 9	"go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/client"
+10	"go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/vsphere/provisioning/vm"
+13func main() {
+14	vlan := "<ID of the VLAN the VM should have access to>"
+15	location := "<ID of the location the VM should be in>"
+17	// Create client using the auth token in environment variable ANEXIA_TOKEN and do not unset the environment variable.
+18	c, err := client.New(client.AuthFromEnv(false))
+19	if err != nil {
+20		panic(fmt.Sprintf("could not create client: %v", err))
+21	}
+23	// Get some API.
+24	provisioning := anexia.NewAPI(c).VSphere().Provisioning()
+26	// Time out after 30 minutes. Yes it really takes that long sometimes.
+27	ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 30*time.Minute)
+28	// Look for a free ip in the given VLAN. This IP is not reserved for you so better be quick.
+29	ips, err := provisioning.IPs().GetFree(ctx, location, vlan)
+30	defer cancel()
+31	if err != nil {
+32		panic(fmt.Sprintf("provisioning vm failed: %v", err))
+33	}
+34	if len(ips) < 1 {
+35		panic(fmt.Sprintf("no IPs left for testing in vlan"))
+36	}
+38	// Create a NIC for the VM and connect it to the VLAN.
+39	networkInterfaces := []vm.Network{{NICType: "vmxnet3", IPs: []string{ips[0].Identifier}, VLAN: vlan}}
+40	// Create the definition of the new VM. The ID you see here is Flatcar.
+41	definition := vm.NewAPI(c).NewDefinition(location, "template", "44b38284-6adb-430e-b4a4-1553e29f352f", "developersfirstvm", 2, 2048, 10, networkInterfaces)
+42	definition.SSH = "<your SSH pub key>"
+44	// Provision the VM.
+45	provisionResponse, err := provisioning.VM().Provision(ctx, definition)
+46	if err != nil {
+47		panic(fmt.Sprintf("provisioning vm failed: %v", err))
+48	}
+50	// Wait for the VM to be ready.
+51	_, err = provisioning.Progress().AwaitCompletion(ctx, provisionResponse.Identifier)
+52	if err != nil {
+53		panic(fmt.Sprintf("waiting for VM provisioning failed: %v", err))
+54	}
+ +
+ + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/go-anxcloud/README.md@syseng-1358/automatic-resource-tagging-2/index.html b/go-anxcloud/README.md@syseng-1358/automatic-resource-tagging-2/index.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6d0d766f1a --- /dev/null +++ b/go-anxcloud/README.md@syseng-1358/automatic-resource-tagging-2/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,379 @@ + + + + go.anx.io/go-anxcloud - Go Client for the Anexia API + + + + + + + + + +


+ + +

Documentation +codecov


Go Client for the Anexia API


Go SDK for interacting with the Anexia Engine API.




To use the SDK, just add go.anx.io/go-anxcloud <version> to your Go module.


Getting started


Before using the SDK you should familiarize yourself with the Anexia Engine API.


The library is used in our terraform provider, check it out if you want some examples how to use it.




Below is a short example using the new generic client in this package. Not all APIs can already be used with it, but we are working on that. +Find more examples in the docs (linked to docs for +main branch, not the latest (or any) release).

 1package main
+ 2
+ 3import (
+ 4	"context"
+ 5	"log"
+ 6
+ 7	"go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/api"
+ 8	apiTypes "go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/api/types"
+ 9	"go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/client"
+11	// apis usable with the generic client have their own package in a location analog to this
+12	lbaasv1 "go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/apis/lbaas/v1"
+15func main() {
+16	apiClient, err := api.NewAPI(
+17		api.WithClientOptions(
+18			// Get auth token from ANEXIA_TOKEN environment variable.
+19			// The boolean parameter specifies if the environment variable should be unset.
+20			client.TokenFromEnv(false),
+21		),
+22	)
+23	if err != nil {
+24		log.Fatalf("Error creating ANX API client: %v", err)
+25	}
+27	// let's list LBaaS backends of a known LoadBalancer
+28	frontend := lbaasv1.Frontend{
+29		LoadBalancer: lbaasv1.LoadBalancer{Identifier: "285b954fdf2a449c8fdae01cc6074025"},
+30	}
+32	var frontends apiTypes.ObjectChannel
+33	err = apiClient.List(context.TODO(), &frontend,
+34		// Listing can be done with either a page iterator or a channel, we use a channel here.
+35		api.ObjectChannel(&frontends),
+37		// Most APIs only give a very small subset when listing resources, add this flag to
+38		// get all attributes, at the cost of doing lots of API requests.
+39		api.FullObjects(true),
+40	)
+41	if err != nil {
+42		log.Fatalf("Error listing backends for LoadBalancer '%v': %v", frontend.LoadBalancer.Identifier, err)
+43	}
+45	for retriever := range frontends {
+46		// reinitialise frontend every loop to reset pointers and avoid potential overwriting of data in the next loop
+47		var frontend lbaasv1.Frontend
+48		if err := retriever(&frontend); err != nil {
+49			log.Fatalf("Error retrieving Frontend: %v", err)
+50		}
+52		log.Printf("Got Frontend named '%v' with mode '%v'", frontend.Name, frontend.Mode)
+53	}

This new generic client will one day be the only client in go-anxcloud. The legacy API-specific clients are deprecated and will be removed in the +go-anxcloud release following the one with all APIs go-anxcloud supports usable with the generic client (so if the generic client in 0.5.0 supports +at least everything there is another client for in go-anxcloud, 0.6.0 will drop the API-specific clients).

+ +
 1package main
+ 2
+ 3import (
+ 4	"context"
+ 5	"fmt"
+ 6	"time"
+ 7
+ 8	anexia "go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg"
+ 9	"go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/client"
+10	"go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/vsphere/provisioning/vm"
+13func main() {
+14	vlan := "<ID of the VLAN the VM should have access to>"
+15	location := "<ID of the location the VM should be in>"
+17	// Create client using the auth token in environment variable ANEXIA_TOKEN and do not unset the environment variable.
+18	c, err := client.New(client.AuthFromEnv(false))
+19	if err != nil {
+20		panic(fmt.Sprintf("could not create client: %v", err))
+21	}
+23	// Get some API.
+24	provisioning := anexia.NewAPI(c).VSphere().Provisioning()
+26	// Time out after 30 minutes. Yes it really takes that long sometimes.
+27	ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 30*time.Minute)
+28	// Look for a free ip in the given VLAN. This IP is not reserved for you so better be quick.
+29	ips, err := provisioning.IPs().GetFree(ctx, location, vlan)
+30	defer cancel()
+31	if err != nil {
+32		panic(fmt.Sprintf("provisioning vm failed: %v", err))
+33	}
+34	if len(ips) < 1 {
+35		panic(fmt.Sprintf("no IPs left for testing in vlan"))
+36	}
+38	// Create a NIC for the VM and connect it to the VLAN.
+39	networkInterfaces := []vm.Network{{NICType: "vmxnet3", IPs: []string{ips[0].Identifier}, VLAN: vlan}}
+40	// Create the definition of the new VM. The ID you see here is Flatcar.
+41	definition := vm.NewAPI(c).NewDefinition(location, "template", "44b38284-6adb-430e-b4a4-1553e29f352f", "developersfirstvm", 2, 2048, 10, networkInterfaces)
+42	definition.SSH = "<your SSH pub key>"
+44	// Provision the VM.
+45	provisionResponse, err := provisioning.VM().Provision(ctx, definition)
+46	if err != nil {
+47		panic(fmt.Sprintf("provisioning vm failed: %v", err))
+48	}
+50	// Wait for the VM to be ready.
+51	_, err = provisioning.Progress().AwaitCompletion(ctx, provisionResponse.Identifier)
+52	if err != nil {
+53		panic(fmt.Sprintf("waiting for VM provisioning failed: %v", err))
+54	}
+ +
+ + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/go-anxcloud/README.md@syseng-679/vsphere-api/index.html b/go-anxcloud/README.md@syseng-679/vsphere-api/index.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..2dc6051153 --- /dev/null +++ b/go-anxcloud/README.md@syseng-679/vsphere-api/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,379 @@ + + + + go.anx.io/go-anxcloud - Go Client for the Anexia API + + + + + + + + + +


+ + +

Documentation +codecov


Go Client for the Anexia API


Go SDK for interacting with the Anexia Engine API.




To use the SDK, just add go.anx.io/go-anxcloud <version> to your Go module.


Getting started


Before using the SDK you should familiarize yourself with the Anexia Engine API.


The library is used in our terraform provider, check it out if you want some examples how to use it.




Below is a short example using the new generic client in this package. Not all APIs can already be used with it, but we are working on that. +Find more examples in the docs (linked to docs for +main branch, not the latest (or any) release).

 1package main
+ 2
+ 3import (
+ 4	"context"
+ 5	"log"
+ 6
+ 7	"go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/api"
+ 8	apiTypes "go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/api/types"
+ 9	"go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/client"
+11	// apis usable with the generic client have their own package in a location analog to this
+12	lbaasv1 "go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/apis/lbaas/v1"
+15func main() {
+16	apiClient, err := api.NewAPI(
+17		api.WithClientOptions(
+18			// Get auth token from ANEXIA_TOKEN environment variable.
+19			// The boolean parameter specifies if the environment variable should be unset.
+20			client.TokenFromEnv(false),
+21		),
+22	)
+23	if err != nil {
+24		log.Fatalf("Error creating ANX API client: %v", err)
+25	}
+27	// let's list LBaaS backends of a known LoadBalancer
+28	frontend := lbaasv1.Frontend{
+29		LoadBalancer: lbaasv1.LoadBalancer{Identifier: "285b954fdf2a449c8fdae01cc6074025"},
+30	}
+32	var frontends apiTypes.ObjectChannel
+33	err = apiClient.List(context.TODO(), &frontend,
+34		// Listing can be done with either a page iterator or a channel, we use a channel here.
+35		api.ObjectChannel(&frontends),
+37		// Most APIs only give a very small subset when listing resources, add this flag to
+38		// get all attributes, at the cost of doing lots of API requests.
+39		api.FullObjects(true),
+40	)
+41	if err != nil {
+42		log.Fatalf("Error listing backends for LoadBalancer '%v': %v", frontend.LoadBalancer.Identifier, err)
+43	}
+45	for retriever := range frontends {
+46		// reinitialise frontend every loop to reset pointers and avoid potential overwriting of data in the next loop
+47		var frontend lbaasv1.Frontend
+48		if err := retriever(&frontend); err != nil {
+49			log.Fatalf("Error retrieving Frontend: %v", err)
+50		}
+52		log.Printf("Got Frontend named '%v' with mode '%v'", frontend.Name, frontend.Mode)
+53	}

This new generic client will one day be the only client in go-anxcloud. The legacy API-specific clients are deprecated and will be removed in the +go-anxcloud release following the one with all APIs go-anxcloud supports usable with the generic client (so if the generic client in 0.5.0 supports +at least everything there is another client for in go-anxcloud, 0.6.0 will drop the API-specific clients).

+ +
 1package main
+ 2
+ 3import (
+ 4	"context"
+ 5	"fmt"
+ 6	"time"
+ 7
+ 8	anexia "go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg"
+ 9	"go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/client"
+10	"go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/vsphere/provisioning/vm"
+13func main() {
+14	vlan := "<ID of the VLAN the VM should have access to>"
+15	location := "<ID of the location the VM should be in>"
+17	// Create client using the auth token in environment variable ANEXIA_TOKEN and do not unset the environment variable.
+18	c, err := client.New(client.AuthFromEnv(false))
+19	if err != nil {
+20		panic(fmt.Sprintf("could not create client: %v", err))
+21	}
+23	// Get some API.
+24	provisioning := anexia.NewAPI(c).VSphere().Provisioning()
+26	// Time out after 30 minutes. Yes it really takes that long sometimes.
+27	ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 30*time.Minute)
+28	// Look for a free ip in the given VLAN. This IP is not reserved for you so better be quick.
+29	ips, err := provisioning.IPs().GetFree(ctx, location, vlan)
+30	defer cancel()
+31	if err != nil {
+32		panic(fmt.Sprintf("provisioning vm failed: %v", err))
+33	}
+34	if len(ips) < 1 {
+35		panic(fmt.Sprintf("no IPs left for testing in vlan"))
+36	}
+38	// Create a NIC for the VM and connect it to the VLAN.
+39	networkInterfaces := []vm.Network{{NICType: "vmxnet3", IPs: []string{ips[0].Identifier}, VLAN: vlan}}
+40	// Create the definition of the new VM. The ID you see here is Flatcar.
+41	definition := vm.NewAPI(c).NewDefinition(location, "template", "44b38284-6adb-430e-b4a4-1553e29f352f", "developersfirstvm", 2, 2048, 10, networkInterfaces)
+42	definition.SSH = "<your SSH pub key>"
+44	// Provision the VM.
+45	provisionResponse, err := provisioning.VM().Provision(ctx, definition)
+46	if err != nil {
+47		panic(fmt.Sprintf("provisioning vm failed: %v", err))
+48	}
+50	// Wait for the VM to be ready.
+51	_, err = provisioning.Progress().AwaitCompletion(ctx, provisionResponse.Identifier)
+52	if err != nil {
+53		panic(fmt.Sprintf("waiting for VM provisioning failed: %v", err))
+54	}
+ +
+ + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/go-anxcloud/README.md@syseng-728/cancel-object-channel/index.html b/go-anxcloud/README.md@syseng-728/cancel-object-channel/index.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..40b600c4d2 --- /dev/null +++ b/go-anxcloud/README.md@syseng-728/cancel-object-channel/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,319 @@ + + + + go.anx.io/go-anxcloud - Go Client for the Anexia API + + + + + + + + + +


+ + +

Documentation +codecov


Go Client for the Anexia API


Go SDK for interacting with the Anexia multi purpose API.




To use the SDK, just add github.com/anexia-it/go-anxcloud <version> to your Go module.


Getting started


Before using the SDK you should familiarize yourself with the API. See here for more info. +I you crave for an example, take a look at the terraform provider for this project




The following code shows how to create a VM. To be able to do that you need to set the environment variable ANEXIA_TOKEN to your access token. +Afterwards you can run the following.

 1package main
+ 2
+ 3import (
+ 4	"context"
+ 5	"fmt"
+ 6	"time"
+ 7
+ 8	anexia "github.com/anexia-it/go-anxcloud/pkg"
+ 9	"github.com/anexia-it/go-anxcloud/pkg/client"
+10	"github.com/anexia-it/go-anxcloud/pkg/vsphere/provisioning/vm"
+13func main() {
+14	vlan := "<ID of the VLAN the VM should have access to>"
+15	location := "<ID of the location the VM should be in>"
+17	// Create client from environment variables, do not unset env afterwards.
+18	c, err := client.New(client.AuthFromEnv(false))
+19	if err != nil {
+20		panic(fmt.Sprintf("could not create client: %v", err))
+21	}
+23	// Get some API.
+24	provisioning := anexia.NewAPI(c).VSphere().Provisioning()
+26	// Time out after 30 minutes. Yes it really takes that long sometimes.
+27	ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 30*time.Minute)
+28	// Look for a free ip in the given VLAN. This IP is not reserved for you so better be quick.
+29	ips, err := provisioning.IPs().GetFree(ctx, location, vlan)
+30	defer cancel()
+31	if err != nil {
+32		panic(fmt.Sprintf("provisioning vm failed: %v", err))
+33	}
+34	if len(ips) < 1 {
+35		panic(fmt.Sprintf("no IPs left for testing in vlan"))
+36	}
+38	// Create a NIC for the VM and connect it to the VLAN.
+39	networkInterfaces := []vm.Network{{NICType: "vmxnet3", IPs: []string{ips[0].Identifier}, VLAN: vlan}}
+40	// Create the definition of the new VM. The ID you see here is Flatcar.
+41	definition := vm.NewAPI(c).NewDefinition(location, "template", "44b38284-6adb-430e-b4a4-1553e29f352f", "developersfirstvm", 2, 2048, 10, networkInterfaces)
+42	definition.SSH = "<your SSH pub key>"
+44	// Provision the VM.
+45	provisionResponse, err := provisioning.VM().Provision(ctx, definition)
+46	if err != nil {
+47		panic(fmt.Sprintf("provisioning vm failed: %v", err))
+48	}
+50	// Wait for the VM to be ready.
+51	_, err = provisioning.Progress().AwaitCompletion(ctx, provisionResponse.Identifier)
+52	if err != nil {
+53		panic(fmt.Sprintf("waiting for VM provisioning failed: %v", err))
+54	}
+ + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/go-anxcloud/README.md@syseng-923/ipam-generic-client/index.html b/go-anxcloud/README.md@syseng-923/ipam-generic-client/index.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..65a9705127 --- /dev/null +++ b/go-anxcloud/README.md@syseng-923/ipam-generic-client/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,379 @@ + + + + go.anx.io/go-anxcloud - Go Client for the Anexia API + + + + + + + + + +


+ + +

Documentation +codecov


Go Client for the Anexia API


Go SDK for interacting with the Anexia Engine API.




To use the SDK, just add go.anx.io/go-anxcloud <version> to your Go module.


Getting started


Before using the SDK you should familiarize yourself with the Anexia Engine API.


The library is used in our terraform provider, check it out if you want some examples how to use it.




Below is a short example using the new generic client in this package. Not all APIs can already be used with it, but we are working on that. +Find more examples in the docs (linked to docs for +main branch, not the latest (or any) release).

 1package main
+ 2
+ 3import (
+ 4	"context"
+ 5	"log"
+ 6
+ 7	"go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/api"
+ 8	apiTypes "go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/api/types"
+ 9	"go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/client"
+11	// apis usable with the generic client have their own package in a location analog to this
+12	lbaasv1 "go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/apis/lbaas/v1"
+15func main() {
+16	apiClient, err := api.NewAPI(
+17		api.WithClientOptions(
+18			// Get auth token from ANEXIA_TOKEN environment variable.
+19			// The boolean parameter specifies if the environment variable should be unset.
+20			client.TokenFromEnv(false),
+21		),
+22	)
+23	if err != nil {
+24		log.Fatalf("Error creating ANX API client: %v", err)
+25	}
+27	// let's list LBaaS backends of a known LoadBalancer
+28	frontend := lbaasv1.Frontend{
+29		LoadBalancer: lbaasv1.LoadBalancer{Identifier: "285b954fdf2a449c8fdae01cc6074025"},
+30	}
+32	var frontends apiTypes.ObjectChannel
+33	err = apiClient.List(context.TODO(), &frontend,
+34		// Listing can be done with either a page iterator or a channel, we use a channel here.
+35		api.ObjectChannel(&frontends),
+37		// Most APIs only give a very small subset when listing resources, add this flag to
+38		// get all attributes, at the cost of doing lots of API requests.
+39		api.FullObjects(true),
+40	)
+41	if err != nil {
+42		log.Fatalf("Error listing backends for LoadBalancer '%v': %v", frontend.LoadBalancer.Identifier, err)
+43	}
+45	for retriever := range frontends {
+46		// reinitialise frontend every loop to reset pointers and avoid potential overwriting of data in the next loop
+47		var frontend lbaasv1.Frontend
+48		if err := retriever(&frontend); err != nil {
+49			log.Fatalf("Error retrieving Frontend: %v", err)
+50		}
+52		log.Printf("Got Frontend named '%v' with mode '%v'", frontend.Name, frontend.Mode)
+53	}

This new generic client will one day be the only client in go-anxcloud. The legacy API-specific clients are deprecated and will be removed in the +go-anxcloud release following the one with all APIs go-anxcloud supports usable with the generic client (so if the generic client in 0.5.0 supports +at least everything there is another client for in go-anxcloud, 0.6.0 will drop the API-specific clients).

+ +
 1package main
+ 2
+ 3import (
+ 4	"context"
+ 5	"fmt"
+ 6	"time"
+ 7
+ 8	anexia "go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg"
+ 9	"go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/client"
+10	"go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/vsphere/provisioning/vm"
+13func main() {
+14	vlan := "<ID of the VLAN the VM should have access to>"
+15	location := "<ID of the location the VM should be in>"
+17	// Create client using the auth token in environment variable ANEXIA_TOKEN and do not unset the environment variable.
+18	c, err := client.New(client.AuthFromEnv(false))
+19	if err != nil {
+20		panic(fmt.Sprintf("could not create client: %v", err))
+21	}
+23	// Get some API.
+24	provisioning := anexia.NewAPI(c).VSphere().Provisioning()
+26	// Time out after 30 minutes. Yes it really takes that long sometimes.
+27	ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 30*time.Minute)
+28	// Look for a free ip in the given VLAN. This IP is not reserved for you so better be quick.
+29	ips, err := provisioning.IPs().GetFree(ctx, location, vlan)
+30	defer cancel()
+31	if err != nil {
+32		panic(fmt.Sprintf("provisioning vm failed: %v", err))
+33	}
+34	if len(ips) < 1 {
+35		panic(fmt.Sprintf("no IPs left for testing in vlan"))
+36	}
+38	// Create a NIC for the VM and connect it to the VLAN.
+39	networkInterfaces := []vm.Network{{NICType: "vmxnet3", IPs: []string{ips[0].Identifier}, VLAN: vlan}}
+40	// Create the definition of the new VM. The ID you see here is Flatcar.
+41	definition := vm.NewAPI(c).NewDefinition(location, "template", "44b38284-6adb-430e-b4a4-1553e29f352f", "developersfirstvm", 2, 2048, 10, networkInterfaces)
+42	definition.SSH = "<your SSH pub key>"
+44	// Provision the VM.
+45	provisionResponse, err := provisioning.VM().Provision(ctx, definition)
+46	if err != nil {
+47		panic(fmt.Sprintf("provisioning vm failed: %v", err))
+48	}
+50	// Wait for the VM to be ready.
+51	_, err = provisioning.Progress().AwaitCompletion(ctx, provisionResponse.Identifier)
+52	if err != nil {
+53		panic(fmt.Sprintf("waiting for VM provisioning failed: %v", err))
+54	}
+ +
+ + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/go-anxcloud/README.md@upgrade-go-1.20/index.html b/go-anxcloud/README.md@upgrade-go-1.20/index.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d49268d9fb --- /dev/null +++ b/go-anxcloud/README.md@upgrade-go-1.20/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,379 @@ + + + + go.anx.io/go-anxcloud - Go Client for the Anexia API + + + + + + + + + +


+ + +

Documentation +codecov


Go Client for the Anexia API


Go SDK for interacting with the Anexia Engine API.




To use the SDK, just add go.anx.io/go-anxcloud <version> to your Go module.


Getting started


Before using the SDK you should familiarize yourself with the Anexia Engine API.


The library is used in our terraform provider, check it out if you want some examples how to use it.




Below is a short example using the new generic client in this package. Not all APIs can already be used with it, but we are working on that. +Find more examples in the docs (linked to docs for +main branch, not the latest (or any) release).

 1package main
+ 2
+ 3import (
+ 4	"context"
+ 5	"log"
+ 6
+ 7	"go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/api"
+ 8	apiTypes "go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/api/types"
+ 9	"go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/client"
+11	// apis usable with the generic client have their own package in a location analog to this
+12	lbaasv1 "go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/apis/lbaas/v1"
+15func main() {
+16	apiClient, err := api.NewAPI(
+17		api.WithClientOptions(
+18			// Get auth token from ANEXIA_TOKEN environment variable.
+19			// The boolean parameter specifies if the environment variable should be unset.
+20			client.TokenFromEnv(false),
+21		),
+22	)
+23	if err != nil {
+24		log.Fatalf("Error creating ANX API client: %v", err)
+25	}
+27	// let's list LBaaS backends of a known LoadBalancer
+28	frontend := lbaasv1.Frontend{
+29		LoadBalancer: &lbaasv1.LoadBalancer{Identifier: "285b954fdf2a449c8fdae01cc6074025"},
+30	}
+32	var frontends apiTypes.ObjectChannel
+33	err = apiClient.List(context.TODO(), &frontend,
+34		// Listing can be done with either a page iterator or a channel, we use a channel here.
+35		api.ObjectChannel(&frontends),
+37		// Most APIs only give a very small subset when listing resources, add this flag to
+38		// get all attributes, at the cost of doing lots of API requests.
+39		api.FullObjects(true),
+40	)
+41	if err != nil {
+42		log.Fatalf("Error listing backends for LoadBalancer '%v': %v", frontend.LoadBalancer.Identifier, err)
+43	}
+45	for retriever := range frontends {
+46		// reinitialise frontend every loop to reset pointers and avoid potential overwriting of data in the next loop
+47		var frontend lbaasv1.Frontend
+48		if err := retriever(&frontend); err != nil {
+49			log.Fatalf("Error retrieving Frontend: %v", err)
+50		}
+52		log.Printf("Got Frontend named '%v' with mode '%v'", frontend.Name, frontend.Mode)
+53	}

This new generic client will one day be the only client in go-anxcloud. The legacy API-specific clients are deprecated and will be removed in the +go-anxcloud release following the one with all APIs go-anxcloud supports usable with the generic client (so if the generic client in 0.5.0 supports +at least everything there is another client for in go-anxcloud, 0.6.0 will drop the API-specific clients).

+ +
 1package main
+ 2
+ 3import (
+ 4	"context"
+ 5	"fmt"
+ 6	"time"
+ 7
+ 8	anexia "go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg"
+ 9	"go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/client"
+10	"go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/vsphere/provisioning/vm"
+13func main() {
+14	vlan := "<ID of the VLAN the VM should have access to>"
+15	location := "<ID of the location the VM should be in>"
+17	// Create client using the auth token in environment variable ANEXIA_TOKEN and do not unset the environment variable.
+18	c, err := client.New(client.AuthFromEnv(false))
+19	if err != nil {
+20		panic(fmt.Sprintf("could not create client: %v", err))
+21	}
+23	// Get some API.
+24	provisioning := anexia.NewAPI(c).VSphere().Provisioning()
+26	// Time out after 30 minutes. Yes it really takes that long sometimes.
+27	ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 30*time.Minute)
+28	// Look for a free ip in the given VLAN. This IP is not reserved for you so better be quick.
+29	ips, err := provisioning.IPs().GetFree(ctx, location, vlan)
+30	defer cancel()
+31	if err != nil {
+32		panic(fmt.Sprintf("provisioning vm failed: %v", err))
+33	}
+34	if len(ips) < 1 {
+35		panic(fmt.Sprintf("no IPs left for testing in vlan"))
+36	}
+38	// Create a NIC for the VM and connect it to the VLAN.
+39	networkInterfaces := []vm.Network{{NICType: "vmxnet3", IPs: []string{ips[0].Identifier}, VLAN: vlan}}
+40	// Create the definition of the new VM. The ID you see here is Flatcar.
+41	definition := vm.NewAPI(c).NewDefinition(location, "template", "44b38284-6adb-430e-b4a4-1553e29f352f", "developersfirstvm", 2, 2048, 10, networkInterfaces)
+42	definition.SSH = "<your SSH pub key>"
+44	// Provision the VM.
+45	provisionResponse, err := provisioning.VM().Provision(ctx, definition)
+46	if err != nil {
+47		panic(fmt.Sprintf("provisioning vm failed: %v", err))
+48	}
+50	// Wait for the VM to be ready.
+51	_, err = provisioning.Progress().AwaitCompletion(ctx, provisionResponse.Identifier)
+52	if err != nil {
+53		panic(fmt.Sprintf("waiting for VM provisioning failed: %v", err))
+54	}
+ +
+ + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/go-anxcloud/README.md@v0.1.0/index.html b/go-anxcloud/README.md@v0.1.0/index.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..03f6b6134a --- /dev/null +++ b/go-anxcloud/README.md@v0.1.0/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,254 @@ + + + + go.anx.io/go-anxcloud - anxcloud + + + + + + + + + +


+ + +



go client for anexia engine

+ +
+ + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/go-anxcloud/README.md@v0.2.0/index.html b/go-anxcloud/README.md@v0.2.0/index.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d50106e7ae --- /dev/null +++ b/go-anxcloud/README.md@v0.2.0/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,254 @@ + + + + go.anx.io/go-anxcloud - anxcloud + + + + + + + + + +


+ + +



go client for anexia engine

+ +
+ + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/go-anxcloud/README.md@v0.3.0/index.html b/go-anxcloud/README.md@v0.3.0/index.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..53c3b206e9 --- /dev/null +++ b/go-anxcloud/README.md@v0.3.0/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,254 @@ + + + + go.anx.io/go-anxcloud - anxcloud + + + + + + + + + +


+ + +



go client for anexia engine

+ +
+ + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/go-anxcloud/README.md@v0.3.1/index.html b/go-anxcloud/README.md@v0.3.1/index.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..4572f4dedc --- /dev/null +++ b/go-anxcloud/README.md@v0.3.1/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,254 @@ + + + + go.anx.io/go-anxcloud - anxcloud + + + + + + + + + +


+ + +



go client for anexia engine

+ +
+ + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/go-anxcloud/README.md@v0.3.10/index.html b/go-anxcloud/README.md@v0.3.10/index.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..84c5415d72 --- /dev/null +++ b/go-anxcloud/README.md@v0.3.10/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,318 @@ + + + + go.anx.io/go-anxcloud - Go Client for the Anexia API + + + + + + + + + +


+ + +



Go Client for the Anexia API


Go SDK for interacting with the Anexia multi purpose API.




To use the SDK, just add github.com/anexia-it/go-anxcloud <version> to your Go module.


Getting started


Before using the SDK you should familiarize yourself with the API. See here for more info. +I you crave for an example, take a look at the terraform provider for this project




The following code shows how to create a VM. To be able to do that you need to set the environment variable ANEXIA_TOKEN to your access token. +Afterwards you can run the following.

 1package main
+ 2
+ 3import (
+ 4	"context"
+ 5	"fmt"
+ 6	"time"
+ 7
+ 8	anexia "github.com/anexia-it/go-anxcloud/pkg"
+ 9	"github.com/anexia-it/go-anxcloud/pkg/client"
+10	"github.com/anexia-it/go-anxcloud/pkg/vsphere/provisioning/vm"
+13func main() {
+14	vlan := "<ID of the VLAN the VM should have access to>"
+15	location := "<ID of the location the VM should be in>"
+17	// Create client from environment variables, do not unset env afterwards.
+18	c, err := client.New(client.AuthFromEnv(false))
+19	if err != nil {
+20		panic(fmt.Sprintf("could not create client: %v", err))
+21	}
+23	// Get some API.
+24	provisioning := anexia.NewAPI(c).VSphere().Provisioning()
+26	// Time out after 30 minutes. Yes it really takes that long sometimes.
+27	ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 30*time.Minute)
+28	// Look for a free ip in the given VLAN. This IP is not reserved for you so better be quick.
+29	ips, err := provisioning.IPs().GetFree(ctx, location, vlan)
+30	defer cancel()
+31	if err != nil {
+32		panic(fmt.Sprintf("provisioning vm failed: %v", err))
+33	}
+34	if len(ips) < 1 {
+35		panic(fmt.Sprintf("no IPs left for testing in vlan"))
+36	}
+38	// Create a NIC for the VM and connect it to the VLAN.
+39	networkInterfaces := []vm.Network{{NICType: "vmxnet3", IPs: []string{ips[0].Identifier}, VLAN: vlan}}
+40	// Create the definition of the new VM. The ID you see here is Flatcar.
+41	definition := vm.NewAPI(c).NewDefinition(location, "template", "44b38284-6adb-430e-b4a4-1553e29f352f", "developersfirstvm", 2, 2048, 10, networkInterfaces)
+42	definition.SSH = "<your SSH pub key>"
+44	// Provision the VM.
+45	provisionResponse, err := provisioning.VM().Provision(ctx, definition)
+46	if err != nil {
+47		panic(fmt.Sprintf("provisioning vm failed: %v", err))
+48	}
+50	// Wait for the VM to be ready.
+51	_, err = provisioning.Progress().AwaitCompletion(ctx, provisionResponse.Identifier)
+52	if err != nil {
+53		panic(fmt.Sprintf("waiting for VM provisioning failed: %v", err))
+54	}
+ + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/go-anxcloud/README.md@v0.3.11/index.html b/go-anxcloud/README.md@v0.3.11/index.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..038ed610b7 --- /dev/null +++ b/go-anxcloud/README.md@v0.3.11/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,318 @@ + + + + go.anx.io/go-anxcloud - Go Client for the Anexia API + + + + + + + + + +


+ + +



Go Client for the Anexia API


Go SDK for interacting with the Anexia multi purpose API.




To use the SDK, just add github.com/anexia-it/go-anxcloud <version> to your Go module.


Getting started


Before using the SDK you should familiarize yourself with the API. See here for more info. +I you crave for an example, take a look at the terraform provider for this project




The following code shows how to create a VM. To be able to do that you need to set the environment variable ANEXIA_TOKEN to your access token. +Afterwards you can run the following.

 1package main
+ 2
+ 3import (
+ 4	"context"
+ 5	"fmt"
+ 6	"time"
+ 7
+ 8	anexia "github.com/anexia-it/go-anxcloud/pkg"
+ 9	"github.com/anexia-it/go-anxcloud/pkg/client"
+10	"github.com/anexia-it/go-anxcloud/pkg/vsphere/provisioning/vm"
+13func main() {
+14	vlan := "<ID of the VLAN the VM should have access to>"
+15	location := "<ID of the location the VM should be in>"
+17	// Create client from environment variables, do not unset env afterwards.
+18	c, err := client.New(client.AuthFromEnv(false))
+19	if err != nil {
+20		panic(fmt.Sprintf("could not create client: %v", err))
+21	}
+23	// Get some API.
+24	provisioning := anexia.NewAPI(c).VSphere().Provisioning()
+26	// Time out after 30 minutes. Yes it really takes that long sometimes.
+27	ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 30*time.Minute)
+28	// Look for a free ip in the given VLAN. This IP is not reserved for you so better be quick.
+29	ips, err := provisioning.IPs().GetFree(ctx, location, vlan)
+30	defer cancel()
+31	if err != nil {
+32		panic(fmt.Sprintf("provisioning vm failed: %v", err))
+33	}
+34	if len(ips) < 1 {
+35		panic(fmt.Sprintf("no IPs left for testing in vlan"))
+36	}
+38	// Create a NIC for the VM and connect it to the VLAN.
+39	networkInterfaces := []vm.Network{{NICType: "vmxnet3", IPs: []string{ips[0].Identifier}, VLAN: vlan}}
+40	// Create the definition of the new VM. The ID you see here is Flatcar.
+41	definition := vm.NewAPI(c).NewDefinition(location, "template", "44b38284-6adb-430e-b4a4-1553e29f352f", "developersfirstvm", 2, 2048, 10, networkInterfaces)
+42	definition.SSH = "<your SSH pub key>"
+44	// Provision the VM.
+45	provisionResponse, err := provisioning.VM().Provision(ctx, definition)
+46	if err != nil {
+47		panic(fmt.Sprintf("provisioning vm failed: %v", err))
+48	}
+50	// Wait for the VM to be ready.
+51	_, err = provisioning.Progress().AwaitCompletion(ctx, provisionResponse.Identifier)
+52	if err != nil {
+53		panic(fmt.Sprintf("waiting for VM provisioning failed: %v", err))
+54	}
+ + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/go-anxcloud/README.md@v0.3.12/index.html b/go-anxcloud/README.md@v0.3.12/index.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..25b85dc0ed --- /dev/null +++ b/go-anxcloud/README.md@v0.3.12/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,318 @@ + + + + go.anx.io/go-anxcloud - Go Client for the Anexia API + + + + + + + + + +


+ + +



Go Client for the Anexia API


Go SDK for interacting with the Anexia multi purpose API.




To use the SDK, just add github.com/anexia-it/go-anxcloud <version> to your Go module.


Getting started


Before using the SDK you should familiarize yourself with the API. See here for more info. +I you crave for an example, take a look at the terraform provider for this project




The following code shows how to create a VM. To be able to do that you need to set the environment variable ANEXIA_TOKEN to your access token. +Afterwards you can run the following.

 1package main
+ 2
+ 3import (
+ 4	"context"
+ 5	"fmt"
+ 6	"time"
+ 7
+ 8	anexia "github.com/anexia-it/go-anxcloud/pkg"
+ 9	"github.com/anexia-it/go-anxcloud/pkg/client"
+10	"github.com/anexia-it/go-anxcloud/pkg/vsphere/provisioning/vm"
+13func main() {
+14	vlan := "<ID of the VLAN the VM should have access to>"
+15	location := "<ID of the location the VM should be in>"
+17	// Create client from environment variables, do not unset env afterwards.
+18	c, err := client.New(client.AuthFromEnv(false))
+19	if err != nil {
+20		panic(fmt.Sprintf("could not create client: %v", err))
+21	}
+23	// Get some API.
+24	provisioning := anexia.NewAPI(c).VSphere().Provisioning()
+26	// Time out after 30 minutes. Yes it really takes that long sometimes.
+27	ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 30*time.Minute)
+28	// Look for a free ip in the given VLAN. This IP is not reserved for you so better be quick.
+29	ips, err := provisioning.IPs().GetFree(ctx, location, vlan)
+30	defer cancel()
+31	if err != nil {
+32		panic(fmt.Sprintf("provisioning vm failed: %v", err))
+33	}
+34	if len(ips) < 1 {
+35		panic(fmt.Sprintf("no IPs left for testing in vlan"))
+36	}
+38	// Create a NIC for the VM and connect it to the VLAN.
+39	networkInterfaces := []vm.Network{{NICType: "vmxnet3", IPs: []string{ips[0].Identifier}, VLAN: vlan}}
+40	// Create the definition of the new VM. The ID you see here is Flatcar.
+41	definition := vm.NewAPI(c).NewDefinition(location, "template", "44b38284-6adb-430e-b4a4-1553e29f352f", "developersfirstvm", 2, 2048, 10, networkInterfaces)
+42	definition.SSH = "<your SSH pub key>"
+44	// Provision the VM.
+45	provisionResponse, err := provisioning.VM().Provision(ctx, definition)
+46	if err != nil {
+47		panic(fmt.Sprintf("provisioning vm failed: %v", err))
+48	}
+50	// Wait for the VM to be ready.
+51	_, err = provisioning.Progress().AwaitCompletion(ctx, provisionResponse.Identifier)
+52	if err != nil {
+53		panic(fmt.Sprintf("waiting for VM provisioning failed: %v", err))
+54	}
+ + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/go-anxcloud/README.md@v0.3.13/index.html b/go-anxcloud/README.md@v0.3.13/index.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..740b409aed --- /dev/null +++ b/go-anxcloud/README.md@v0.3.13/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,318 @@ + + + + go.anx.io/go-anxcloud - Go Client for the Anexia API + + + + + + + + + +


+ + +



Go Client for the Anexia API


Go SDK for interacting with the Anexia multi purpose API.




To use the SDK, just add github.com/anexia-it/go-anxcloud <version> to your Go module.


Getting started


Before using the SDK you should familiarize yourself with the API. See here for more info. +I you crave for an example, take a look at the terraform provider for this project




The following code shows how to create a VM. To be able to do that you need to set the environment variable ANEXIA_TOKEN to your access token. +Afterwards you can run the following.

 1package main
+ 2
+ 3import (
+ 4	"context"
+ 5	"fmt"
+ 6	"time"
+ 7
+ 8	anexia "github.com/anexia-it/go-anxcloud/pkg"
+ 9	"github.com/anexia-it/go-anxcloud/pkg/client"
+10	"github.com/anexia-it/go-anxcloud/pkg/vsphere/provisioning/vm"
+13func main() {
+14	vlan := "<ID of the VLAN the VM should have access to>"
+15	location := "<ID of the location the VM should be in>"
+17	// Create client from environment variables, do not unset env afterwards.
+18	c, err := client.New(client.AuthFromEnv(false))
+19	if err != nil {
+20		panic(fmt.Sprintf("could not create client: %v", err))
+21	}
+23	// Get some API.
+24	provisioning := anexia.NewAPI(c).VSphere().Provisioning()
+26	// Time out after 30 minutes. Yes it really takes that long sometimes.
+27	ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 30*time.Minute)
+28	// Look for a free ip in the given VLAN. This IP is not reserved for you so better be quick.
+29	ips, err := provisioning.IPs().GetFree(ctx, location, vlan)
+30	defer cancel()
+31	if err != nil {
+32		panic(fmt.Sprintf("provisioning vm failed: %v", err))
+33	}
+34	if len(ips) < 1 {
+35		panic(fmt.Sprintf("no IPs left for testing in vlan"))
+36	}
+38	// Create a NIC for the VM and connect it to the VLAN.
+39	networkInterfaces := []vm.Network{{NICType: "vmxnet3", IPs: []string{ips[0].Identifier}, VLAN: vlan}}
+40	// Create the definition of the new VM. The ID you see here is Flatcar.
+41	definition := vm.NewAPI(c).NewDefinition(location, "template", "44b38284-6adb-430e-b4a4-1553e29f352f", "developersfirstvm", 2, 2048, 10, networkInterfaces)
+42	definition.SSH = "<your SSH pub key>"
+44	// Provision the VM.
+45	provisionResponse, err := provisioning.VM().Provision(ctx, definition)
+46	if err != nil {
+47		panic(fmt.Sprintf("provisioning vm failed: %v", err))
+48	}
+50	// Wait for the VM to be ready.
+51	_, err = provisioning.Progress().AwaitCompletion(ctx, provisionResponse.Identifier)
+52	if err != nil {
+53		panic(fmt.Sprintf("waiting for VM provisioning failed: %v", err))
+54	}
+ + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/go-anxcloud/README.md@v0.3.14/index.html b/go-anxcloud/README.md@v0.3.14/index.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..11e149cbd8 --- /dev/null +++ b/go-anxcloud/README.md@v0.3.14/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,318 @@ + + + + go.anx.io/go-anxcloud - Go Client for the Anexia API + + + + + + + + + +


+ + +



Go Client for the Anexia API


Go SDK for interacting with the Anexia multi purpose API.




To use the SDK, just add github.com/anexia-it/go-anxcloud <version> to your Go module.


Getting started


Before using the SDK you should familiarize yourself with the API. See here for more info. +I you crave for an example, take a look at the terraform provider for this project




The following code shows how to create a VM. To be able to do that you need to set the environment variable ANEXIA_TOKEN to your access token. +Afterwards you can run the following.

 1package main
+ 2
+ 3import (
+ 4	"context"
+ 5	"fmt"
+ 6	"time"
+ 7
+ 8	anexia "github.com/anexia-it/go-anxcloud/pkg"
+ 9	"github.com/anexia-it/go-anxcloud/pkg/client"
+10	"github.com/anexia-it/go-anxcloud/pkg/vsphere/provisioning/vm"
+13func main() {
+14	vlan := "<ID of the VLAN the VM should have access to>"
+15	location := "<ID of the location the VM should be in>"
+17	// Create client from environment variables, do not unset env afterwards.
+18	c, err := client.New(client.AuthFromEnv(false))
+19	if err != nil {
+20		panic(fmt.Sprintf("could not create client: %v", err))
+21	}
+23	// Get some API.
+24	provisioning := anexia.NewAPI(c).VSphere().Provisioning()
+26	// Time out after 30 minutes. Yes it really takes that long sometimes.
+27	ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 30*time.Minute)
+28	// Look for a free ip in the given VLAN. This IP is not reserved for you so better be quick.
+29	ips, err := provisioning.IPs().GetFree(ctx, location, vlan)
+30	defer cancel()
+31	if err != nil {
+32		panic(fmt.Sprintf("provisioning vm failed: %v", err))
+33	}
+34	if len(ips) < 1 {
+35		panic(fmt.Sprintf("no IPs left for testing in vlan"))
+36	}
+38	// Create a NIC for the VM and connect it to the VLAN.
+39	networkInterfaces := []vm.Network{{NICType: "vmxnet3", IPs: []string{ips[0].Identifier}, VLAN: vlan}}
+40	// Create the definition of the new VM. The ID you see here is Flatcar.
+41	definition := vm.NewAPI(c).NewDefinition(location, "template", "44b38284-6adb-430e-b4a4-1553e29f352f", "developersfirstvm", 2, 2048, 10, networkInterfaces)
+42	definition.SSH = "<your SSH pub key>"
+44	// Provision the VM.
+45	provisionResponse, err := provisioning.VM().Provision(ctx, definition)
+46	if err != nil {
+47		panic(fmt.Sprintf("provisioning vm failed: %v", err))
+48	}
+50	// Wait for the VM to be ready.
+51	_, err = provisioning.Progress().AwaitCompletion(ctx, provisionResponse.Identifier)
+52	if err != nil {
+53		panic(fmt.Sprintf("waiting for VM provisioning failed: %v", err))
+54	}
+ + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/go-anxcloud/README.md@v0.3.15/index.html b/go-anxcloud/README.md@v0.3.15/index.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3bdba96cea --- /dev/null +++ b/go-anxcloud/README.md@v0.3.15/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,318 @@ + + + + go.anx.io/go-anxcloud - Go Client for the Anexia API + + + + + + + + + +


+ + +



Go Client for the Anexia API


Go SDK for interacting with the Anexia multi purpose API.




To use the SDK, just add github.com/anexia-it/go-anxcloud <version> to your Go module.


Getting started


Before using the SDK you should familiarize yourself with the API. See here for more info. +I you crave for an example, take a look at the terraform provider for this project




The following code shows how to create a VM. To be able to do that you need to set the environment variable ANEXIA_TOKEN to your access token. +Afterwards you can run the following.

 1package main
+ 2
+ 3import (
+ 4	"context"
+ 5	"fmt"
+ 6	"time"
+ 7
+ 8	anexia "github.com/anexia-it/go-anxcloud/pkg"
+ 9	"github.com/anexia-it/go-anxcloud/pkg/client"
+10	"github.com/anexia-it/go-anxcloud/pkg/vsphere/provisioning/vm"
+13func main() {
+14	vlan := "<ID of the VLAN the VM should have access to>"
+15	location := "<ID of the location the VM should be in>"
+17	// Create client from environment variables, do not unset env afterwards.
+18	c, err := client.New(client.AuthFromEnv(false))
+19	if err != nil {
+20		panic(fmt.Sprintf("could not create client: %v", err))
+21	}
+23	// Get some API.
+24	provisioning := anexia.NewAPI(c).VSphere().Provisioning()
+26	// Time out after 30 minutes. Yes it really takes that long sometimes.
+27	ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 30*time.Minute)
+28	// Look for a free ip in the given VLAN. This IP is not reserved for you so better be quick.
+29	ips, err := provisioning.IPs().GetFree(ctx, location, vlan)
+30	defer cancel()
+31	if err != nil {
+32		panic(fmt.Sprintf("provisioning vm failed: %v", err))
+33	}
+34	if len(ips) < 1 {
+35		panic(fmt.Sprintf("no IPs left for testing in vlan"))
+36	}
+38	// Create a NIC for the VM and connect it to the VLAN.
+39	networkInterfaces := []vm.Network{{NICType: "vmxnet3", IPs: []string{ips[0].Identifier}, VLAN: vlan}}
+40	// Create the definition of the new VM. The ID you see here is Flatcar.
+41	definition := vm.NewAPI(c).NewDefinition(location, "template", "44b38284-6adb-430e-b4a4-1553e29f352f", "developersfirstvm", 2, 2048, 10, networkInterfaces)
+42	definition.SSH = "<your SSH pub key>"
+44	// Provision the VM.
+45	provisionResponse, err := provisioning.VM().Provision(ctx, definition)
+46	if err != nil {
+47		panic(fmt.Sprintf("provisioning vm failed: %v", err))
+48	}
+50	// Wait for the VM to be ready.
+51	_, err = provisioning.Progress().AwaitCompletion(ctx, provisionResponse.Identifier)
+52	if err != nil {
+53		panic(fmt.Sprintf("waiting for VM provisioning failed: %v", err))
+54	}
+ + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/go-anxcloud/README.md@v0.3.16/index.html b/go-anxcloud/README.md@v0.3.16/index.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c1fa2c47b2 --- /dev/null +++ b/go-anxcloud/README.md@v0.3.16/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,318 @@ + + + + go.anx.io/go-anxcloud - Go Client for the Anexia API + + + + + + + + + +


+ + +



Go Client for the Anexia API


Go SDK for interacting with the Anexia multi purpose API.




To use the SDK, just add github.com/anexia-it/go-anxcloud <version> to your Go module.


Getting started


Before using the SDK you should familiarize yourself with the API. See here for more info. +I you crave for an example, take a look at the terraform provider for this project




The following code shows how to create a VM. To be able to do that you need to set the environment variable ANEXIA_TOKEN to your access token. +Afterwards you can run the following.

 1package main
+ 2
+ 3import (
+ 4	"context"
+ 5	"fmt"
+ 6	"time"
+ 7
+ 8	anexia "github.com/anexia-it/go-anxcloud/pkg"
+ 9	"github.com/anexia-it/go-anxcloud/pkg/client"
+10	"github.com/anexia-it/go-anxcloud/pkg/vsphere/provisioning/vm"
+13func main() {
+14	vlan := "<ID of the VLAN the VM should have access to>"
+15	location := "<ID of the location the VM should be in>"
+17	// Create client from environment variables, do not unset env afterwards.
+18	c, err := client.New(client.AuthFromEnv(false))
+19	if err != nil {
+20		panic(fmt.Sprintf("could not create client: %v", err))
+21	}
+23	// Get some API.
+24	provisioning := anexia.NewAPI(c).VSphere().Provisioning()
+26	// Time out after 30 minutes. Yes it really takes that long sometimes.
+27	ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 30*time.Minute)
+28	// Look for a free ip in the given VLAN. This IP is not reserved for you so better be quick.
+29	ips, err := provisioning.IPs().GetFree(ctx, location, vlan)
+30	defer cancel()
+31	if err != nil {
+32		panic(fmt.Sprintf("provisioning vm failed: %v", err))
+33	}
+34	if len(ips) < 1 {
+35		panic(fmt.Sprintf("no IPs left for testing in vlan"))
+36	}
+38	// Create a NIC for the VM and connect it to the VLAN.
+39	networkInterfaces := []vm.Network{{NICType: "vmxnet3", IPs: []string{ips[0].Identifier}, VLAN: vlan}}
+40	// Create the definition of the new VM. The ID you see here is Flatcar.
+41	definition := vm.NewAPI(c).NewDefinition(location, "template", "44b38284-6adb-430e-b4a4-1553e29f352f", "developersfirstvm", 2, 2048, 10, networkInterfaces)
+42	definition.SSH = "<your SSH pub key>"
+44	// Provision the VM.
+45	provisionResponse, err := provisioning.VM().Provision(ctx, definition)
+46	if err != nil {
+47		panic(fmt.Sprintf("provisioning vm failed: %v", err))
+48	}
+50	// Wait for the VM to be ready.
+51	_, err = provisioning.Progress().AwaitCompletion(ctx, provisionResponse.Identifier)
+52	if err != nil {
+53		panic(fmt.Sprintf("waiting for VM provisioning failed: %v", err))
+54	}
+ + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/go-anxcloud/README.md@v0.3.17/index.html b/go-anxcloud/README.md@v0.3.17/index.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..7db0c62df5 --- /dev/null +++ b/go-anxcloud/README.md@v0.3.17/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,318 @@ + + + + go.anx.io/go-anxcloud - Go Client for the Anexia API + + + + + + + + + +


+ + +



Go Client for the Anexia API


Go SDK for interacting with the Anexia multi purpose API.




To use the SDK, just add github.com/anexia-it/go-anxcloud <version> to your Go module.


Getting started


Before using the SDK you should familiarize yourself with the API. See here for more info. +I you crave for an example, take a look at the terraform provider for this project




The following code shows how to create a VM. To be able to do that you need to set the environment variable ANEXIA_TOKEN to your access token. +Afterwards you can run the following.

 1package main
+ 2
+ 3import (
+ 4	"context"
+ 5	"fmt"
+ 6	"time"
+ 7
+ 8	anexia "github.com/anexia-it/go-anxcloud/pkg"
+ 9	"github.com/anexia-it/go-anxcloud/pkg/client"
+10	"github.com/anexia-it/go-anxcloud/pkg/vsphere/provisioning/vm"
+13func main() {
+14	vlan := "<ID of the VLAN the VM should have access to>"
+15	location := "<ID of the location the VM should be in>"
+17	// Create client from environment variables, do not unset env afterwards.
+18	c, err := client.New(client.AuthFromEnv(false))
+19	if err != nil {
+20		panic(fmt.Sprintf("could not create client: %v", err))
+21	}
+23	// Get some API.
+24	provisioning := anexia.NewAPI(c).VSphere().Provisioning()
+26	// Time out after 30 minutes. Yes it really takes that long sometimes.
+27	ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 30*time.Minute)
+28	// Look for a free ip in the given VLAN. This IP is not reserved for you so better be quick.
+29	ips, err := provisioning.IPs().GetFree(ctx, location, vlan)
+30	defer cancel()
+31	if err != nil {
+32		panic(fmt.Sprintf("provisioning vm failed: %v", err))
+33	}
+34	if len(ips) < 1 {
+35		panic(fmt.Sprintf("no IPs left for testing in vlan"))
+36	}
+38	// Create a NIC for the VM and connect it to the VLAN.
+39	networkInterfaces := []vm.Network{{NICType: "vmxnet3", IPs: []string{ips[0].Identifier}, VLAN: vlan}}
+40	// Create the definition of the new VM. The ID you see here is Flatcar.
+41	definition := vm.NewAPI(c).NewDefinition(location, "template", "44b38284-6adb-430e-b4a4-1553e29f352f", "developersfirstvm", 2, 2048, 10, networkInterfaces)
+42	definition.SSH = "<your SSH pub key>"
+44	// Provision the VM.
+45	provisionResponse, err := provisioning.VM().Provision(ctx, definition)
+46	if err != nil {
+47		panic(fmt.Sprintf("provisioning vm failed: %v", err))
+48	}
+50	// Wait for the VM to be ready.
+51	_, err = provisioning.Progress().AwaitCompletion(ctx, provisionResponse.Identifier)
+52	if err != nil {
+53		panic(fmt.Sprintf("waiting for VM provisioning failed: %v", err))
+54	}
+ + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/go-anxcloud/README.md@v0.3.18/index.html b/go-anxcloud/README.md@v0.3.18/index.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..941e03e569 --- /dev/null +++ b/go-anxcloud/README.md@v0.3.18/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,318 @@ + + + + go.anx.io/go-anxcloud - Go Client for the Anexia API + + + + + + + + + +


+ + +



Go Client for the Anexia API


Go SDK for interacting with the Anexia multi purpose API.




To use the SDK, just add github.com/anexia-it/go-anxcloud <version> to your Go module.


Getting started


Before using the SDK you should familiarize yourself with the API. See here for more info. +I you crave for an example, take a look at the terraform provider for this project




The following code shows how to create a VM. To be able to do that you need to set the environment variable ANEXIA_TOKEN to your access token. +Afterwards you can run the following.

 1package main
+ 2
+ 3import (
+ 4	"context"
+ 5	"fmt"
+ 6	"time"
+ 7
+ 8	anexia "github.com/anexia-it/go-anxcloud/pkg"
+ 9	"github.com/anexia-it/go-anxcloud/pkg/client"
+10	"github.com/anexia-it/go-anxcloud/pkg/vsphere/provisioning/vm"
+13func main() {
+14	vlan := "<ID of the VLAN the VM should have access to>"
+15	location := "<ID of the location the VM should be in>"
+17	// Create client from environment variables, do not unset env afterwards.
+18	c, err := client.New(client.AuthFromEnv(false))
+19	if err != nil {
+20		panic(fmt.Sprintf("could not create client: %v", err))
+21	}
+23	// Get some API.
+24	provisioning := anexia.NewAPI(c).VSphere().Provisioning()
+26	// Time out after 30 minutes. Yes it really takes that long sometimes.
+27	ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 30*time.Minute)
+28	// Look for a free ip in the given VLAN. This IP is not reserved for you so better be quick.
+29	ips, err := provisioning.IPs().GetFree(ctx, location, vlan)
+30	defer cancel()
+31	if err != nil {
+32		panic(fmt.Sprintf("provisioning vm failed: %v", err))
+33	}
+34	if len(ips) < 1 {
+35		panic(fmt.Sprintf("no IPs left for testing in vlan"))
+36	}
+38	// Create a NIC for the VM and connect it to the VLAN.
+39	networkInterfaces := []vm.Network{{NICType: "vmxnet3", IPs: []string{ips[0].Identifier}, VLAN: vlan}}
+40	// Create the definition of the new VM. The ID you see here is Flatcar.
+41	definition := vm.NewAPI(c).NewDefinition(location, "template", "44b38284-6adb-430e-b4a4-1553e29f352f", "developersfirstvm", 2, 2048, 10, networkInterfaces)
+42	definition.SSH = "<your SSH pub key>"
+44	// Provision the VM.
+45	provisionResponse, err := provisioning.VM().Provision(ctx, definition)
+46	if err != nil {
+47		panic(fmt.Sprintf("provisioning vm failed: %v", err))
+48	}
+50	// Wait for the VM to be ready.
+51	_, err = provisioning.Progress().AwaitCompletion(ctx, provisionResponse.Identifier)
+52	if err != nil {
+53		panic(fmt.Sprintf("waiting for VM provisioning failed: %v", err))
+54	}
+ + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/go-anxcloud/README.md@v0.3.19/index.html b/go-anxcloud/README.md@v0.3.19/index.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3c890d3138 --- /dev/null +++ b/go-anxcloud/README.md@v0.3.19/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,318 @@ + + + + go.anx.io/go-anxcloud - Go Client for the Anexia API + + + + + + + + + +


+ + +



Go Client for the Anexia API


Go SDK for interacting with the Anexia multi purpose API.




To use the SDK, just add github.com/anexia-it/go-anxcloud <version> to your Go module.


Getting started


Before using the SDK you should familiarize yourself with the API. See here for more info. +I you crave for an example, take a look at the terraform provider for this project




The following code shows how to create a VM. To be able to do that you need to set the environment variable ANEXIA_TOKEN to your access token. +Afterwards you can run the following.

 1package main
+ 2
+ 3import (
+ 4	"context"
+ 5	"fmt"
+ 6	"time"
+ 7
+ 8	anexia "github.com/anexia-it/go-anxcloud/pkg"
+ 9	"github.com/anexia-it/go-anxcloud/pkg/client"
+10	"github.com/anexia-it/go-anxcloud/pkg/vsphere/provisioning/vm"
+13func main() {
+14	vlan := "<ID of the VLAN the VM should have access to>"
+15	location := "<ID of the location the VM should be in>"
+17	// Create client from environment variables, do not unset env afterwards.
+18	c, err := client.New(client.AuthFromEnv(false))
+19	if err != nil {
+20		panic(fmt.Sprintf("could not create client: %v", err))
+21	}
+23	// Get some API.
+24	provisioning := anexia.NewAPI(c).VSphere().Provisioning()
+26	// Time out after 30 minutes. Yes it really takes that long sometimes.
+27	ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 30*time.Minute)
+28	// Look for a free ip in the given VLAN. This IP is not reserved for you so better be quick.
+29	ips, err := provisioning.IPs().GetFree(ctx, location, vlan)
+30	defer cancel()
+31	if err != nil {
+32		panic(fmt.Sprintf("provisioning vm failed: %v", err))
+33	}
+34	if len(ips) < 1 {
+35		panic(fmt.Sprintf("no IPs left for testing in vlan"))
+36	}
+38	// Create a NIC for the VM and connect it to the VLAN.
+39	networkInterfaces := []vm.Network{{NICType: "vmxnet3", IPs: []string{ips[0].Identifier}, VLAN: vlan}}
+40	// Create the definition of the new VM. The ID you see here is Flatcar.
+41	definition := vm.NewAPI(c).NewDefinition(location, "template", "44b38284-6adb-430e-b4a4-1553e29f352f", "developersfirstvm", 2, 2048, 10, networkInterfaces)
+42	definition.SSH = "<your SSH pub key>"
+44	// Provision the VM.
+45	provisionResponse, err := provisioning.VM().Provision(ctx, definition)
+46	if err != nil {
+47		panic(fmt.Sprintf("provisioning vm failed: %v", err))
+48	}
+50	// Wait for the VM to be ready.
+51	_, err = provisioning.Progress().AwaitCompletion(ctx, provisionResponse.Identifier)
+52	if err != nil {
+53		panic(fmt.Sprintf("waiting for VM provisioning failed: %v", err))
+54	}
+ + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/go-anxcloud/README.md@v0.3.2/index.html b/go-anxcloud/README.md@v0.3.2/index.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..2c7001ccd2 --- /dev/null +++ b/go-anxcloud/README.md@v0.3.2/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,254 @@ + + + + go.anx.io/go-anxcloud - anxcloud + + + + + + + + + +


+ + +



go client for anexia engine

+ +
+ + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/go-anxcloud/README.md@v0.3.20/index.html b/go-anxcloud/README.md@v0.3.20/index.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f7d0a30f03 --- /dev/null +++ b/go-anxcloud/README.md@v0.3.20/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,318 @@ + + + + go.anx.io/go-anxcloud - Go Client for the Anexia API + + + + + + + + + +


+ + +



Go Client for the Anexia API


Go SDK for interacting with the Anexia multi purpose API.




To use the SDK, just add github.com/anexia-it/go-anxcloud <version> to your Go module.


Getting started


Before using the SDK you should familiarize yourself with the API. See here for more info. +I you crave for an example, take a look at the terraform provider for this project




The following code shows how to create a VM. To be able to do that you need to set the environment variable ANEXIA_TOKEN to your access token. +Afterwards you can run the following.

 1package main
+ 2
+ 3import (
+ 4	"context"
+ 5	"fmt"
+ 6	"time"
+ 7
+ 8	anexia "github.com/anexia-it/go-anxcloud/pkg"
+ 9	"github.com/anexia-it/go-anxcloud/pkg/client"
+10	"github.com/anexia-it/go-anxcloud/pkg/vsphere/provisioning/vm"
+13func main() {
+14	vlan := "<ID of the VLAN the VM should have access to>"
+15	location := "<ID of the location the VM should be in>"
+17	// Create client from environment variables, do not unset env afterwards.
+18	c, err := client.New(client.AuthFromEnv(false))
+19	if err != nil {
+20		panic(fmt.Sprintf("could not create client: %v", err))
+21	}
+23	// Get some API.
+24	provisioning := anexia.NewAPI(c).VSphere().Provisioning()
+26	// Time out after 30 minutes. Yes it really takes that long sometimes.
+27	ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 30*time.Minute)
+28	// Look for a free ip in the given VLAN. This IP is not reserved for you so better be quick.
+29	ips, err := provisioning.IPs().GetFree(ctx, location, vlan)
+30	defer cancel()
+31	if err != nil {
+32		panic(fmt.Sprintf("provisioning vm failed: %v", err))
+33	}
+34	if len(ips) < 1 {
+35		panic(fmt.Sprintf("no IPs left for testing in vlan"))
+36	}
+38	// Create a NIC for the VM and connect it to the VLAN.
+39	networkInterfaces := []vm.Network{{NICType: "vmxnet3", IPs: []string{ips[0].Identifier}, VLAN: vlan}}
+40	// Create the definition of the new VM. The ID you see here is Flatcar.
+41	definition := vm.NewAPI(c).NewDefinition(location, "template", "44b38284-6adb-430e-b4a4-1553e29f352f", "developersfirstvm", 2, 2048, 10, networkInterfaces)
+42	definition.SSH = "<your SSH pub key>"
+44	// Provision the VM.
+45	provisionResponse, err := provisioning.VM().Provision(ctx, definition)
+46	if err != nil {
+47		panic(fmt.Sprintf("provisioning vm failed: %v", err))
+48	}
+50	// Wait for the VM to be ready.
+51	_, err = provisioning.Progress().AwaitCompletion(ctx, provisionResponse.Identifier)
+52	if err != nil {
+53		panic(fmt.Sprintf("waiting for VM provisioning failed: %v", err))
+54	}
+ + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/go-anxcloud/README.md@v0.3.21/index.html b/go-anxcloud/README.md@v0.3.21/index.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c65d6987b9 --- /dev/null +++ b/go-anxcloud/README.md@v0.3.21/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,318 @@ + + + + go.anx.io/go-anxcloud - Go Client for the Anexia API + + + + + + + + + +


+ + +



Go Client for the Anexia API


Go SDK for interacting with the Anexia multi purpose API.




To use the SDK, just add github.com/anexia-it/go-anxcloud <version> to your Go module.


Getting started


Before using the SDK you should familiarize yourself with the API. See here for more info. +I you crave for an example, take a look at the terraform provider for this project




The following code shows how to create a VM. To be able to do that you need to set the environment variable ANEXIA_TOKEN to your access token. +Afterwards you can run the following.

 1package main
+ 2
+ 3import (
+ 4	"context"
+ 5	"fmt"
+ 6	"time"
+ 7
+ 8	anexia "github.com/anexia-it/go-anxcloud/pkg"
+ 9	"github.com/anexia-it/go-anxcloud/pkg/client"
+10	"github.com/anexia-it/go-anxcloud/pkg/vsphere/provisioning/vm"
+13func main() {
+14	vlan := "<ID of the VLAN the VM should have access to>"
+15	location := "<ID of the location the VM should be in>"
+17	// Create client from environment variables, do not unset env afterwards.
+18	c, err := client.New(client.AuthFromEnv(false))
+19	if err != nil {
+20		panic(fmt.Sprintf("could not create client: %v", err))
+21	}
+23	// Get some API.
+24	provisioning := anexia.NewAPI(c).VSphere().Provisioning()
+26	// Time out after 30 minutes. Yes it really takes that long sometimes.
+27	ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 30*time.Minute)
+28	// Look for a free ip in the given VLAN. This IP is not reserved for you so better be quick.
+29	ips, err := provisioning.IPs().GetFree(ctx, location, vlan)
+30	defer cancel()
+31	if err != nil {
+32		panic(fmt.Sprintf("provisioning vm failed: %v", err))
+33	}
+34	if len(ips) < 1 {
+35		panic(fmt.Sprintf("no IPs left for testing in vlan"))
+36	}
+38	// Create a NIC for the VM and connect it to the VLAN.
+39	networkInterfaces := []vm.Network{{NICType: "vmxnet3", IPs: []string{ips[0].Identifier}, VLAN: vlan}}
+40	// Create the definition of the new VM. The ID you see here is Flatcar.
+41	definition := vm.NewAPI(c).NewDefinition(location, "template", "44b38284-6adb-430e-b4a4-1553e29f352f", "developersfirstvm", 2, 2048, 10, networkInterfaces)
+42	definition.SSH = "<your SSH pub key>"
+44	// Provision the VM.
+45	provisionResponse, err := provisioning.VM().Provision(ctx, definition)
+46	if err != nil {
+47		panic(fmt.Sprintf("provisioning vm failed: %v", err))
+48	}
+50	// Wait for the VM to be ready.
+51	_, err = provisioning.Progress().AwaitCompletion(ctx, provisionResponse.Identifier)
+52	if err != nil {
+53		panic(fmt.Sprintf("waiting for VM provisioning failed: %v", err))
+54	}
+ + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/go-anxcloud/README.md@v0.3.22/index.html b/go-anxcloud/README.md@v0.3.22/index.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d1f91be5c7 --- /dev/null +++ b/go-anxcloud/README.md@v0.3.22/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,318 @@ + + + + go.anx.io/go-anxcloud - Go Client for the Anexia API + + + + + + + + + +


+ + +



Go Client for the Anexia API


Go SDK for interacting with the Anexia multi purpose API.




To use the SDK, just add github.com/anexia-it/go-anxcloud <version> to your Go module.


Getting started


Before using the SDK you should familiarize yourself with the API. See here for more info. +I you crave for an example, take a look at the terraform provider for this project




The following code shows how to create a VM. To be able to do that you need to set the environment variable ANEXIA_TOKEN to your access token. +Afterwards you can run the following.

 1package main
+ 2
+ 3import (
+ 4	"context"
+ 5	"fmt"
+ 6	"time"
+ 7
+ 8	anexia "github.com/anexia-it/go-anxcloud/pkg"
+ 9	"github.com/anexia-it/go-anxcloud/pkg/client"
+10	"github.com/anexia-it/go-anxcloud/pkg/vsphere/provisioning/vm"
+13func main() {
+14	vlan := "<ID of the VLAN the VM should have access to>"
+15	location := "<ID of the location the VM should be in>"
+17	// Create client from environment variables, do not unset env afterwards.
+18	c, err := client.New(client.AuthFromEnv(false))
+19	if err != nil {
+20		panic(fmt.Sprintf("could not create client: %v", err))
+21	}
+23	// Get some API.
+24	provisioning := anexia.NewAPI(c).VSphere().Provisioning()
+26	// Time out after 30 minutes. Yes it really takes that long sometimes.
+27	ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 30*time.Minute)
+28	// Look for a free ip in the given VLAN. This IP is not reserved for you so better be quick.
+29	ips, err := provisioning.IPs().GetFree(ctx, location, vlan)
+30	defer cancel()
+31	if err != nil {
+32		panic(fmt.Sprintf("provisioning vm failed: %v", err))
+33	}
+34	if len(ips) < 1 {
+35		panic(fmt.Sprintf("no IPs left for testing in vlan"))
+36	}
+38	// Create a NIC for the VM and connect it to the VLAN.
+39	networkInterfaces := []vm.Network{{NICType: "vmxnet3", IPs: []string{ips[0].Identifier}, VLAN: vlan}}
+40	// Create the definition of the new VM. The ID you see here is Flatcar.
+41	definition := vm.NewAPI(c).NewDefinition(location, "template", "44b38284-6adb-430e-b4a4-1553e29f352f", "developersfirstvm", 2, 2048, 10, networkInterfaces)
+42	definition.SSH = "<your SSH pub key>"
+44	// Provision the VM.
+45	provisionResponse, err := provisioning.VM().Provision(ctx, definition)
+46	if err != nil {
+47		panic(fmt.Sprintf("provisioning vm failed: %v", err))
+48	}
+50	// Wait for the VM to be ready.
+51	_, err = provisioning.Progress().AwaitCompletion(ctx, provisionResponse.Identifier)
+52	if err != nil {
+53		panic(fmt.Sprintf("waiting for VM provisioning failed: %v", err))
+54	}
+ + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/go-anxcloud/README.md@v0.3.23/index.html b/go-anxcloud/README.md@v0.3.23/index.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..792ce2120a --- /dev/null +++ b/go-anxcloud/README.md@v0.3.23/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,318 @@ + + + + go.anx.io/go-anxcloud - Go Client for the Anexia API + + + + + + + + + +


+ + +



Go Client for the Anexia API


Go SDK for interacting with the Anexia multi purpose API.




To use the SDK, just add github.com/anexia-it/go-anxcloud <version> to your Go module.


Getting started


Before using the SDK you should familiarize yourself with the API. See here for more info. +I you crave for an example, take a look at the terraform provider for this project




The following code shows how to create a VM. To be able to do that you need to set the environment variable ANEXIA_TOKEN to your access token. +Afterwards you can run the following.

 1package main
+ 2
+ 3import (
+ 4	"context"
+ 5	"fmt"
+ 6	"time"
+ 7
+ 8	anexia "github.com/anexia-it/go-anxcloud/pkg"
+ 9	"github.com/anexia-it/go-anxcloud/pkg/client"
+10	"github.com/anexia-it/go-anxcloud/pkg/vsphere/provisioning/vm"
+13func main() {
+14	vlan := "<ID of the VLAN the VM should have access to>"
+15	location := "<ID of the location the VM should be in>"
+17	// Create client from environment variables, do not unset env afterwards.
+18	c, err := client.New(client.AuthFromEnv(false))
+19	if err != nil {
+20		panic(fmt.Sprintf("could not create client: %v", err))
+21	}
+23	// Get some API.
+24	provisioning := anexia.NewAPI(c).VSphere().Provisioning()
+26	// Time out after 30 minutes. Yes it really takes that long sometimes.
+27	ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 30*time.Minute)
+28	// Look for a free ip in the given VLAN. This IP is not reserved for you so better be quick.
+29	ips, err := provisioning.IPs().GetFree(ctx, location, vlan)
+30	defer cancel()
+31	if err != nil {
+32		panic(fmt.Sprintf("provisioning vm failed: %v", err))
+33	}
+34	if len(ips) < 1 {
+35		panic(fmt.Sprintf("no IPs left for testing in vlan"))
+36	}
+38	// Create a NIC for the VM and connect it to the VLAN.
+39	networkInterfaces := []vm.Network{{NICType: "vmxnet3", IPs: []string{ips[0].Identifier}, VLAN: vlan}}
+40	// Create the definition of the new VM. The ID you see here is Flatcar.
+41	definition := vm.NewAPI(c).NewDefinition(location, "template", "44b38284-6adb-430e-b4a4-1553e29f352f", "developersfirstvm", 2, 2048, 10, networkInterfaces)
+42	definition.SSH = "<your SSH pub key>"
+44	// Provision the VM.
+45	provisionResponse, err := provisioning.VM().Provision(ctx, definition)
+46	if err != nil {
+47		panic(fmt.Sprintf("provisioning vm failed: %v", err))
+48	}
+50	// Wait for the VM to be ready.
+51	_, err = provisioning.Progress().AwaitCompletion(ctx, provisionResponse.Identifier)
+52	if err != nil {
+53		panic(fmt.Sprintf("waiting for VM provisioning failed: %v", err))
+54	}
+ + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/go-anxcloud/README.md@v0.3.24/index.html b/go-anxcloud/README.md@v0.3.24/index.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..48e9ff34e1 --- /dev/null +++ b/go-anxcloud/README.md@v0.3.24/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,318 @@ + + + + go.anx.io/go-anxcloud - Go Client for the Anexia API + + + + + + + + + +


+ + +



Go Client for the Anexia API


Go SDK for interacting with the Anexia multi purpose API.




To use the SDK, just add github.com/anexia-it/go-anxcloud <version> to your Go module.


Getting started


Before using the SDK you should familiarize yourself with the API. See here for more info. +I you crave for an example, take a look at the terraform provider for this project




The following code shows how to create a VM. To be able to do that you need to set the environment variable ANEXIA_TOKEN to your access token. +Afterwards you can run the following.

 1package main
+ 2
+ 3import (
+ 4	"context"
+ 5	"fmt"
+ 6	"time"
+ 7
+ 8	anexia "github.com/anexia-it/go-anxcloud/pkg"
+ 9	"github.com/anexia-it/go-anxcloud/pkg/client"
+10	"github.com/anexia-it/go-anxcloud/pkg/vsphere/provisioning/vm"
+13func main() {
+14	vlan := "<ID of the VLAN the VM should have access to>"
+15	location := "<ID of the location the VM should be in>"
+17	// Create client from environment variables, do not unset env afterwards.
+18	c, err := client.New(client.AuthFromEnv(false))
+19	if err != nil {
+20		panic(fmt.Sprintf("could not create client: %v", err))
+21	}
+23	// Get some API.
+24	provisioning := anexia.NewAPI(c).VSphere().Provisioning()
+26	// Time out after 30 minutes. Yes it really takes that long sometimes.
+27	ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 30*time.Minute)
+28	// Look for a free ip in the given VLAN. This IP is not reserved for you so better be quick.
+29	ips, err := provisioning.IPs().GetFree(ctx, location, vlan)
+30	defer cancel()
+31	if err != nil {
+32		panic(fmt.Sprintf("provisioning vm failed: %v", err))
+33	}
+34	if len(ips) < 1 {
+35		panic(fmt.Sprintf("no IPs left for testing in vlan"))
+36	}
+38	// Create a NIC for the VM and connect it to the VLAN.
+39	networkInterfaces := []vm.Network{{NICType: "vmxnet3", IPs: []string{ips[0].Identifier}, VLAN: vlan}}
+40	// Create the definition of the new VM. The ID you see here is Flatcar.
+41	definition := vm.NewAPI(c).NewDefinition(location, "template", "44b38284-6adb-430e-b4a4-1553e29f352f", "developersfirstvm", 2, 2048, 10, networkInterfaces)
+42	definition.SSH = "<your SSH pub key>"
+44	// Provision the VM.
+45	provisionResponse, err := provisioning.VM().Provision(ctx, definition)
+46	if err != nil {
+47		panic(fmt.Sprintf("provisioning vm failed: %v", err))
+48	}
+50	// Wait for the VM to be ready.
+51	_, err = provisioning.Progress().AwaitCompletion(ctx, provisionResponse.Identifier)
+52	if err != nil {
+53		panic(fmt.Sprintf("waiting for VM provisioning failed: %v", err))
+54	}
+ + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/go-anxcloud/README.md@v0.3.25/index.html b/go-anxcloud/README.md@v0.3.25/index.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..cc00f0ed7b --- /dev/null +++ b/go-anxcloud/README.md@v0.3.25/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,318 @@ + + + + go.anx.io/go-anxcloud - Go Client for the Anexia API + + + + + + + + + +


+ + +



Go Client for the Anexia API


Go SDK for interacting with the Anexia multi purpose API.




To use the SDK, just add github.com/anexia-it/go-anxcloud <version> to your Go module.


Getting started


Before using the SDK you should familiarize yourself with the API. See here for more info. +I you crave for an example, take a look at the terraform provider for this project




The following code shows how to create a VM. To be able to do that you need to set the environment variable ANEXIA_TOKEN to your access token. +Afterwards you can run the following.

 1package main
+ 2
+ 3import (
+ 4	"context"
+ 5	"fmt"
+ 6	"time"
+ 7
+ 8	anexia "github.com/anexia-it/go-anxcloud/pkg"
+ 9	"github.com/anexia-it/go-anxcloud/pkg/client"
+10	"github.com/anexia-it/go-anxcloud/pkg/vsphere/provisioning/vm"
+13func main() {
+14	vlan := "<ID of the VLAN the VM should have access to>"
+15	location := "<ID of the location the VM should be in>"
+17	// Create client from environment variables, do not unset env afterwards.
+18	c, err := client.New(client.AuthFromEnv(false))
+19	if err != nil {
+20		panic(fmt.Sprintf("could not create client: %v", err))
+21	}
+23	// Get some API.
+24	provisioning := anexia.NewAPI(c).VSphere().Provisioning()
+26	// Time out after 30 minutes. Yes it really takes that long sometimes.
+27	ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 30*time.Minute)
+28	// Look for a free ip in the given VLAN. This IP is not reserved for you so better be quick.
+29	ips, err := provisioning.IPs().GetFree(ctx, location, vlan)
+30	defer cancel()
+31	if err != nil {
+32		panic(fmt.Sprintf("provisioning vm failed: %v", err))
+33	}
+34	if len(ips) < 1 {
+35		panic(fmt.Sprintf("no IPs left for testing in vlan"))
+36	}
+38	// Create a NIC for the VM and connect it to the VLAN.
+39	networkInterfaces := []vm.Network{{NICType: "vmxnet3", IPs: []string{ips[0].Identifier}, VLAN: vlan}}
+40	// Create the definition of the new VM. The ID you see here is Flatcar.
+41	definition := vm.NewAPI(c).NewDefinition(location, "template", "44b38284-6adb-430e-b4a4-1553e29f352f", "developersfirstvm", 2, 2048, 10, networkInterfaces)
+42	definition.SSH = "<your SSH pub key>"
+44	// Provision the VM.
+45	provisionResponse, err := provisioning.VM().Provision(ctx, definition)
+46	if err != nil {
+47		panic(fmt.Sprintf("provisioning vm failed: %v", err))
+48	}
+50	// Wait for the VM to be ready.
+51	_, err = provisioning.Progress().AwaitCompletion(ctx, provisionResponse.Identifier)
+52	if err != nil {
+53		panic(fmt.Sprintf("waiting for VM provisioning failed: %v", err))
+54	}
+ + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/go-anxcloud/README.md@v0.3.26/index.html b/go-anxcloud/README.md@v0.3.26/index.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..66b8d4b3ab --- /dev/null +++ b/go-anxcloud/README.md@v0.3.26/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,318 @@ + + + + go.anx.io/go-anxcloud - Go Client for the Anexia API + + + + + + + + + +


+ + +



Go Client for the Anexia API


Go SDK for interacting with the Anexia multi purpose API.




To use the SDK, just add github.com/anexia-it/go-anxcloud <version> to your Go module.


Getting started


Before using the SDK you should familiarize yourself with the API. See here for more info. +I you crave for an example, take a look at the terraform provider for this project




The following code shows how to create a VM. To be able to do that you need to set the environment variable ANEXIA_TOKEN to your access token. +Afterwards you can run the following.

 1package main
+ 2
+ 3import (
+ 4	"context"
+ 5	"fmt"
+ 6	"time"
+ 7
+ 8	anexia "github.com/anexia-it/go-anxcloud/pkg"
+ 9	"github.com/anexia-it/go-anxcloud/pkg/client"
+10	"github.com/anexia-it/go-anxcloud/pkg/vsphere/provisioning/vm"
+13func main() {
+14	vlan := "<ID of the VLAN the VM should have access to>"
+15	location := "<ID of the location the VM should be in>"
+17	// Create client from environment variables, do not unset env afterwards.
+18	c, err := client.New(client.AuthFromEnv(false))
+19	if err != nil {
+20		panic(fmt.Sprintf("could not create client: %v", err))
+21	}
+23	// Get some API.
+24	provisioning := anexia.NewAPI(c).VSphere().Provisioning()
+26	// Time out after 30 minutes. Yes it really takes that long sometimes.
+27	ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 30*time.Minute)
+28	// Look for a free ip in the given VLAN. This IP is not reserved for you so better be quick.
+29	ips, err := provisioning.IPs().GetFree(ctx, location, vlan)
+30	defer cancel()
+31	if err != nil {
+32		panic(fmt.Sprintf("provisioning vm failed: %v", err))
+33	}
+34	if len(ips) < 1 {
+35		panic(fmt.Sprintf("no IPs left for testing in vlan"))
+36	}
+38	// Create a NIC for the VM and connect it to the VLAN.
+39	networkInterfaces := []vm.Network{{NICType: "vmxnet3", IPs: []string{ips[0].Identifier}, VLAN: vlan}}
+40	// Create the definition of the new VM. The ID you see here is Flatcar.
+41	definition := vm.NewAPI(c).NewDefinition(location, "template", "44b38284-6adb-430e-b4a4-1553e29f352f", "developersfirstvm", 2, 2048, 10, networkInterfaces)
+42	definition.SSH = "<your SSH pub key>"
+44	// Provision the VM.
+45	provisionResponse, err := provisioning.VM().Provision(ctx, definition)
+46	if err != nil {
+47		panic(fmt.Sprintf("provisioning vm failed: %v", err))
+48	}
+50	// Wait for the VM to be ready.
+51	_, err = provisioning.Progress().AwaitCompletion(ctx, provisionResponse.Identifier)
+52	if err != nil {
+53		panic(fmt.Sprintf("waiting for VM provisioning failed: %v", err))
+54	}
+ + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/go-anxcloud/README.md@v0.3.27/index.html b/go-anxcloud/README.md@v0.3.27/index.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..dca50a22ee --- /dev/null +++ b/go-anxcloud/README.md@v0.3.27/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,318 @@ + + + + go.anx.io/go-anxcloud - Go Client for the Anexia API + + + + + + + + + +


+ + +



Go Client for the Anexia API


Go SDK for interacting with the Anexia multi purpose API.




To use the SDK, just add github.com/anexia-it/go-anxcloud <version> to your Go module.


Getting started


Before using the SDK you should familiarize yourself with the API. See here for more info. +I you crave for an example, take a look at the terraform provider for this project




The following code shows how to create a VM. To be able to do that you need to set the environment variable ANEXIA_TOKEN to your access token. +Afterwards you can run the following.

 1package main
+ 2
+ 3import (
+ 4	"context"
+ 5	"fmt"
+ 6	"time"
+ 7
+ 8	anexia "github.com/anexia-it/go-anxcloud/pkg"
+ 9	"github.com/anexia-it/go-anxcloud/pkg/client"
+10	"github.com/anexia-it/go-anxcloud/pkg/vsphere/provisioning/vm"
+13func main() {
+14	vlan := "<ID of the VLAN the VM should have access to>"
+15	location := "<ID of the location the VM should be in>"
+17	// Create client from environment variables, do not unset env afterwards.
+18	c, err := client.New(client.AuthFromEnv(false))
+19	if err != nil {
+20		panic(fmt.Sprintf("could not create client: %v", err))
+21	}
+23	// Get some API.
+24	provisioning := anexia.NewAPI(c).VSphere().Provisioning()
+26	// Time out after 30 minutes. Yes it really takes that long sometimes.
+27	ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 30*time.Minute)
+28	// Look for a free ip in the given VLAN. This IP is not reserved for you so better be quick.
+29	ips, err := provisioning.IPs().GetFree(ctx, location, vlan)
+30	defer cancel()
+31	if err != nil {
+32		panic(fmt.Sprintf("provisioning vm failed: %v", err))
+33	}
+34	if len(ips) < 1 {
+35		panic(fmt.Sprintf("no IPs left for testing in vlan"))
+36	}
+38	// Create a NIC for the VM and connect it to the VLAN.
+39	networkInterfaces := []vm.Network{{NICType: "vmxnet3", IPs: []string{ips[0].Identifier}, VLAN: vlan}}
+40	// Create the definition of the new VM. The ID you see here is Flatcar.
+41	definition := vm.NewAPI(c).NewDefinition(location, "template", "44b38284-6adb-430e-b4a4-1553e29f352f", "developersfirstvm", 2, 2048, 10, networkInterfaces)
+42	definition.SSH = "<your SSH pub key>"
+44	// Provision the VM.
+45	provisionResponse, err := provisioning.VM().Provision(ctx, definition)
+46	if err != nil {
+47		panic(fmt.Sprintf("provisioning vm failed: %v", err))
+48	}
+50	// Wait for the VM to be ready.
+51	_, err = provisioning.Progress().AwaitCompletion(ctx, provisionResponse.Identifier)
+52	if err != nil {
+53		panic(fmt.Sprintf("waiting for VM provisioning failed: %v", err))
+54	}
+ + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/go-anxcloud/README.md@v0.3.28/index.html b/go-anxcloud/README.md@v0.3.28/index.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..5a1a6acf2d --- /dev/null +++ b/go-anxcloud/README.md@v0.3.28/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,318 @@ + + + + go.anx.io/go-anxcloud - Go Client for the Anexia API + + + + + + + + + +


+ + +



Go Client for the Anexia API


Go SDK for interacting with the Anexia multi purpose API.




To use the SDK, just add github.com/anexia-it/go-anxcloud <version> to your Go module.


Getting started


Before using the SDK you should familiarize yourself with the API. See here for more info. +I you crave for an example, take a look at the terraform provider for this project




The following code shows how to create a VM. To be able to do that you need to set the environment variable ANEXIA_TOKEN to your access token. +Afterwards you can run the following.

 1package main
+ 2
+ 3import (
+ 4	"context"
+ 5	"fmt"
+ 6	"time"
+ 7
+ 8	anexia "github.com/anexia-it/go-anxcloud/pkg"
+ 9	"github.com/anexia-it/go-anxcloud/pkg/client"
+10	"github.com/anexia-it/go-anxcloud/pkg/vsphere/provisioning/vm"
+13func main() {
+14	vlan := "<ID of the VLAN the VM should have access to>"
+15	location := "<ID of the location the VM should be in>"
+17	// Create client from environment variables, do not unset env afterwards.
+18	c, err := client.New(client.AuthFromEnv(false))
+19	if err != nil {
+20		panic(fmt.Sprintf("could not create client: %v", err))
+21	}
+23	// Get some API.
+24	provisioning := anexia.NewAPI(c).VSphere().Provisioning()
+26	// Time out after 30 minutes. Yes it really takes that long sometimes.
+27	ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 30*time.Minute)
+28	// Look for a free ip in the given VLAN. This IP is not reserved for you so better be quick.
+29	ips, err := provisioning.IPs().GetFree(ctx, location, vlan)
+30	defer cancel()
+31	if err != nil {
+32		panic(fmt.Sprintf("provisioning vm failed: %v", err))
+33	}
+34	if len(ips) < 1 {
+35		panic(fmt.Sprintf("no IPs left for testing in vlan"))
+36	}
+38	// Create a NIC for the VM and connect it to the VLAN.
+39	networkInterfaces := []vm.Network{{NICType: "vmxnet3", IPs: []string{ips[0].Identifier}, VLAN: vlan}}
+40	// Create the definition of the new VM. The ID you see here is Flatcar.
+41	definition := vm.NewAPI(c).NewDefinition(location, "template", "44b38284-6adb-430e-b4a4-1553e29f352f", "developersfirstvm", 2, 2048, 10, networkInterfaces)
+42	definition.SSH = "<your SSH pub key>"
+44	// Provision the VM.
+45	provisionResponse, err := provisioning.VM().Provision(ctx, definition)
+46	if err != nil {
+47		panic(fmt.Sprintf("provisioning vm failed: %v", err))
+48	}
+50	// Wait for the VM to be ready.
+51	_, err = provisioning.Progress().AwaitCompletion(ctx, provisionResponse.Identifier)
+52	if err != nil {
+53		panic(fmt.Sprintf("waiting for VM provisioning failed: %v", err))
+54	}
+ + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/go-anxcloud/README.md@v0.3.3/index.html b/go-anxcloud/README.md@v0.3.3/index.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..fe24b986a9 --- /dev/null +++ b/go-anxcloud/README.md@v0.3.3/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,254 @@ + + + + go.anx.io/go-anxcloud - anxcloud + + + + + + + + + +


+ + +



go client for anexia engine

+ +
+ + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/go-anxcloud/README.md@v0.3.4/index.html b/go-anxcloud/README.md@v0.3.4/index.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..5efb441a3f --- /dev/null +++ b/go-anxcloud/README.md@v0.3.4/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,254 @@ + + + + go.anx.io/go-anxcloud - anxcloud + + + + + + + + + +


+ + +



go client for anexia engine

+ +
+ + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/go-anxcloud/README.md@v0.3.5/index.html b/go-anxcloud/README.md@v0.3.5/index.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..fbd20d48b6 --- /dev/null +++ b/go-anxcloud/README.md@v0.3.5/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,318 @@ + + + + go.anx.io/go-anxcloud - Go Client for the Anexia API + + + + + + + + + +


+ + +



Go Client for the Anexia API


Go SDK for interacting with the Anexia multi purpose API.




To use the SDK, just add github.com/anexia-it/go-anxcloud <version> to your Go module.


Getting started


Before using the SDK you should familiarize yourself with the API. See here for more info. +I you crave for an example, take a look at the terraform provider for this project




The following code shows how to create a VM. To be able to do that you need to set the environment variable ANEXIA_TOKEN to your access token. +Afterwards you can run the following.

 1package main
+ 2
+ 3import (
+ 4	"context"
+ 5	"fmt"
+ 6	"time"
+ 7
+ 8	anexia "github.com/anexia-it/go-anxcloud/pkg"
+ 9	"github.com/anexia-it/go-anxcloud/pkg/client"
+10	"github.com/anexia-it/go-anxcloud/pkg/vsphere/provisioning/vm"
+13func main() {
+14	vlan := "<ID of the VLAN the VM should have access to>"
+15	location := "<ID of the location the VM should be in>"
+17	// Create client from environment variables, do not unset env afterwards.
+18	c, err := client.New(client.AuthFromEnv(false))
+19	if err != nil {
+20		panic(fmt.Sprintf("could not create client: %v", err))
+21	}
+23	// Get some API.
+24	provisioning := anexia.NewAPI(c).VSphere().Provisioning()
+26	// Time out after 30 minutes. Yes it really takes that long sometimes.
+27	ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 30*time.Minute)
+28	// Look for a free ip in the given VLAN. This IP is not reserved for you so better be quick.
+29	ips, err := provisioning.IPs().GetFree(ctx, location, vlan)
+30	defer cancel()
+31	if err != nil {
+32		panic(fmt.Sprintf("provisioning vm failed: %v", err))
+33	}
+34	if len(ips) < 1 {
+35		panic(fmt.Sprintf("no IPs left for testing in vlan"))
+36	}
+38	// Create a NIC for the VM and connect it to the VLAN.
+39	networkInterfaces := []vm.Network{{NICType: "vmxnet3", IPs: []string{ips[0].Identifier}, VLAN: vlan}}
+40	// Create the definition of the new VM. The ID you see here is Flatcar.
+41	definition := vm.NewAPI(c).NewDefinition(location, "template", "44b38284-6adb-430e-b4a4-1553e29f352f", "developersfirstvm", 2, 2048, 10, networkInterfaces)
+42	definition.SSH = "<your SSH pub key>"
+44	// Provision the VM.
+45	provisionResponse, err := provisioning.VM().Provision(ctx, definition)
+46	if err != nil {
+47		panic(fmt.Sprintf("provisioning vm failed: %v", err))
+48	}
+50	// Wait for the VM to be ready.
+51	_, err = provisioning.Progress().AwaitCompletion(ctx, provisionResponse.Identifier)
+52	if err != nil {
+53		panic(fmt.Sprintf("waiting for VM provisioning failed: %v", err))
+54	}
+ + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/go-anxcloud/README.md@v0.3.6/index.html b/go-anxcloud/README.md@v0.3.6/index.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..446ba35b16 --- /dev/null +++ b/go-anxcloud/README.md@v0.3.6/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,318 @@ + + + + go.anx.io/go-anxcloud - Go Client for the Anexia API + + + + + + + + + +


+ + +



Go Client for the Anexia API


Go SDK for interacting with the Anexia multi purpose API.




To use the SDK, just add github.com/anexia-it/go-anxcloud <version> to your Go module.


Getting started


Before using the SDK you should familiarize yourself with the API. See here for more info. +I you crave for an example, take a look at the terraform provider for this project




The following code shows how to create a VM. To be able to do that you need to set the environment variable ANEXIA_TOKEN to your access token. +Afterwards you can run the following.

 1package main
+ 2
+ 3import (
+ 4	"context"
+ 5	"fmt"
+ 6	"time"
+ 7
+ 8	anexia "github.com/anexia-it/go-anxcloud/pkg"
+ 9	"github.com/anexia-it/go-anxcloud/pkg/client"
+10	"github.com/anexia-it/go-anxcloud/pkg/vsphere/provisioning/vm"
+13func main() {
+14	vlan := "<ID of the VLAN the VM should have access to>"
+15	location := "<ID of the location the VM should be in>"
+17	// Create client from environment variables, do not unset env afterwards.
+18	c, err := client.New(client.AuthFromEnv(false))
+19	if err != nil {
+20		panic(fmt.Sprintf("could not create client: %v", err))
+21	}
+23	// Get some API.
+24	provisioning := anexia.NewAPI(c).VSphere().Provisioning()
+26	// Time out after 30 minutes. Yes it really takes that long sometimes.
+27	ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 30*time.Minute)
+28	// Look for a free ip in the given VLAN. This IP is not reserved for you so better be quick.
+29	ips, err := provisioning.IPs().GetFree(ctx, location, vlan)
+30	defer cancel()
+31	if err != nil {
+32		panic(fmt.Sprintf("provisioning vm failed: %v", err))
+33	}
+34	if len(ips) < 1 {
+35		panic(fmt.Sprintf("no IPs left for testing in vlan"))
+36	}
+38	// Create a NIC for the VM and connect it to the VLAN.
+39	networkInterfaces := []vm.Network{{NICType: "vmxnet3", IPs: []string{ips[0].Identifier}, VLAN: vlan}}
+40	// Create the definition of the new VM. The ID you see here is Flatcar.
+41	definition := vm.NewAPI(c).NewDefinition(location, "template", "44b38284-6adb-430e-b4a4-1553e29f352f", "developersfirstvm", 2, 2048, 10, networkInterfaces)
+42	definition.SSH = "<your SSH pub key>"
+44	// Provision the VM.
+45	provisionResponse, err := provisioning.VM().Provision(ctx, definition)
+46	if err != nil {
+47		panic(fmt.Sprintf("provisioning vm failed: %v", err))
+48	}
+50	// Wait for the VM to be ready.
+51	_, err = provisioning.Progress().AwaitCompletion(ctx, provisionResponse.Identifier)
+52	if err != nil {
+53		panic(fmt.Sprintf("waiting for VM provisioning failed: %v", err))
+54	}
+ + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/go-anxcloud/README.md@v0.3.7/index.html b/go-anxcloud/README.md@v0.3.7/index.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..7b8c3a3a62 --- /dev/null +++ b/go-anxcloud/README.md@v0.3.7/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,318 @@ + + + + go.anx.io/go-anxcloud - Go Client for the Anexia API + + + + + + + + + +


+ + +



Go Client for the Anexia API


Go SDK for interacting with the Anexia multi purpose API.




To use the SDK, just add github.com/anexia-it/go-anxcloud <version> to your Go module.


Getting started


Before using the SDK you should familiarize yourself with the API. See here for more info. +I you crave for an example, take a look at the terraform provider for this project




The following code shows how to create a VM. To be able to do that you need to set the environment variable ANEXIA_TOKEN to your access token. +Afterwards you can run the following.

 1package main
+ 2
+ 3import (
+ 4	"context"
+ 5	"fmt"
+ 6	"time"
+ 7
+ 8	anexia "github.com/anexia-it/go-anxcloud/pkg"
+ 9	"github.com/anexia-it/go-anxcloud/pkg/client"
+10	"github.com/anexia-it/go-anxcloud/pkg/vsphere/provisioning/vm"
+13func main() {
+14	vlan := "<ID of the VLAN the VM should have access to>"
+15	location := "<ID of the location the VM should be in>"
+17	// Create client from environment variables, do not unset env afterwards.
+18	c, err := client.New(client.AuthFromEnv(false))
+19	if err != nil {
+20		panic(fmt.Sprintf("could not create client: %v", err))
+21	}
+23	// Get some API.
+24	provisioning := anexia.NewAPI(c).VSphere().Provisioning()
+26	// Time out after 30 minutes. Yes it really takes that long sometimes.
+27	ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 30*time.Minute)
+28	// Look for a free ip in the given VLAN. This IP is not reserved for you so better be quick.
+29	ips, err := provisioning.IPs().GetFree(ctx, location, vlan)
+30	defer cancel()
+31	if err != nil {
+32		panic(fmt.Sprintf("provisioning vm failed: %v", err))
+33	}
+34	if len(ips) < 1 {
+35		panic(fmt.Sprintf("no IPs left for testing in vlan"))
+36	}
+38	// Create a NIC for the VM and connect it to the VLAN.
+39	networkInterfaces := []vm.Network{{NICType: "vmxnet3", IPs: []string{ips[0].Identifier}, VLAN: vlan}}
+40	// Create the definition of the new VM. The ID you see here is Flatcar.
+41	definition := vm.NewAPI(c).NewDefinition(location, "template", "44b38284-6adb-430e-b4a4-1553e29f352f", "developersfirstvm", 2, 2048, 10, networkInterfaces)
+42	definition.SSH = "<your SSH pub key>"
+44	// Provision the VM.
+45	provisionResponse, err := provisioning.VM().Provision(ctx, definition)
+46	if err != nil {
+47		panic(fmt.Sprintf("provisioning vm failed: %v", err))
+48	}
+50	// Wait for the VM to be ready.
+51	_, err = provisioning.Progress().AwaitCompletion(ctx, provisionResponse.Identifier)
+52	if err != nil {
+53		panic(fmt.Sprintf("waiting for VM provisioning failed: %v", err))
+54	}
+ + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/go-anxcloud/README.md@v0.3.8/index.html b/go-anxcloud/README.md@v0.3.8/index.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..4831ec32d0 --- /dev/null +++ b/go-anxcloud/README.md@v0.3.8/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,318 @@ + + + + go.anx.io/go-anxcloud - Go Client for the Anexia API + + + + + + + + + +


+ + +



Go Client for the Anexia API


Go SDK for interacting with the Anexia multi purpose API.




To use the SDK, just add github.com/anexia-it/go-anxcloud <version> to your Go module.


Getting started


Before using the SDK you should familiarize yourself with the API. See here for more info. +I you crave for an example, take a look at the terraform provider for this project




The following code shows how to create a VM. To be able to do that you need to set the environment variable ANEXIA_TOKEN to your access token. +Afterwards you can run the following.

 1package main
+ 2
+ 3import (
+ 4	"context"
+ 5	"fmt"
+ 6	"time"
+ 7
+ 8	anexia "github.com/anexia-it/go-anxcloud/pkg"
+ 9	"github.com/anexia-it/go-anxcloud/pkg/client"
+10	"github.com/anexia-it/go-anxcloud/pkg/vsphere/provisioning/vm"
+13func main() {
+14	vlan := "<ID of the VLAN the VM should have access to>"
+15	location := "<ID of the location the VM should be in>"
+17	// Create client from environment variables, do not unset env afterwards.
+18	c, err := client.New(client.AuthFromEnv(false))
+19	if err != nil {
+20		panic(fmt.Sprintf("could not create client: %v", err))
+21	}
+23	// Get some API.
+24	provisioning := anexia.NewAPI(c).VSphere().Provisioning()
+26	// Time out after 30 minutes. Yes it really takes that long sometimes.
+27	ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 30*time.Minute)
+28	// Look for a free ip in the given VLAN. This IP is not reserved for you so better be quick.
+29	ips, err := provisioning.IPs().GetFree(ctx, location, vlan)
+30	defer cancel()
+31	if err != nil {
+32		panic(fmt.Sprintf("provisioning vm failed: %v", err))
+33	}
+34	if len(ips) < 1 {
+35		panic(fmt.Sprintf("no IPs left for testing in vlan"))
+36	}
+38	// Create a NIC for the VM and connect it to the VLAN.
+39	networkInterfaces := []vm.Network{{NICType: "vmxnet3", IPs: []string{ips[0].Identifier}, VLAN: vlan}}
+40	// Create the definition of the new VM. The ID you see here is Flatcar.
+41	definition := vm.NewAPI(c).NewDefinition(location, "template", "44b38284-6adb-430e-b4a4-1553e29f352f", "developersfirstvm", 2, 2048, 10, networkInterfaces)
+42	definition.SSH = "<your SSH pub key>"
+44	// Provision the VM.
+45	provisionResponse, err := provisioning.VM().Provision(ctx, definition)
+46	if err != nil {
+47		panic(fmt.Sprintf("provisioning vm failed: %v", err))
+48	}
+50	// Wait for the VM to be ready.
+51	_, err = provisioning.Progress().AwaitCompletion(ctx, provisionResponse.Identifier)
+52	if err != nil {
+53		panic(fmt.Sprintf("waiting for VM provisioning failed: %v", err))
+54	}
+ + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/go-anxcloud/README.md@v0.3.9/index.html b/go-anxcloud/README.md@v0.3.9/index.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..98b6de7f83 --- /dev/null +++ b/go-anxcloud/README.md@v0.3.9/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,318 @@ + + + + go.anx.io/go-anxcloud - Go Client for the Anexia API + + + + + + + + + +


+ + +



Go Client for the Anexia API


Go SDK for interacting with the Anexia multi purpose API.




To use the SDK, just add github.com/anexia-it/go-anxcloud <version> to your Go module.


Getting started


Before using the SDK you should familiarize yourself with the API. See here for more info. +I you crave for an example, take a look at the terraform provider for this project




The following code shows how to create a VM. To be able to do that you need to set the environment variable ANEXIA_TOKEN to your access token. +Afterwards you can run the following.

 1package main
+ 2
+ 3import (
+ 4	"context"
+ 5	"fmt"
+ 6	"time"
+ 7
+ 8	anexia "github.com/anexia-it/go-anxcloud/pkg"
+ 9	"github.com/anexia-it/go-anxcloud/pkg/client"
+10	"github.com/anexia-it/go-anxcloud/pkg/vsphere/provisioning/vm"
+13func main() {
+14	vlan := "<ID of the VLAN the VM should have access to>"
+15	location := "<ID of the location the VM should be in>"
+17	// Create client from environment variables, do not unset env afterwards.
+18	c, err := client.New(client.AuthFromEnv(false))
+19	if err != nil {
+20		panic(fmt.Sprintf("could not create client: %v", err))
+21	}
+23	// Get some API.
+24	provisioning := anexia.NewAPI(c).VSphere().Provisioning()
+26	// Time out after 30 minutes. Yes it really takes that long sometimes.
+27	ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 30*time.Minute)
+28	// Look for a free ip in the given VLAN. This IP is not reserved for you so better be quick.
+29	ips, err := provisioning.IPs().GetFree(ctx, location, vlan)
+30	defer cancel()
+31	if err != nil {
+32		panic(fmt.Sprintf("provisioning vm failed: %v", err))
+33	}
+34	if len(ips) < 1 {
+35		panic(fmt.Sprintf("no IPs left for testing in vlan"))
+36	}
+38	// Create a NIC for the VM and connect it to the VLAN.
+39	networkInterfaces := []vm.Network{{NICType: "vmxnet3", IPs: []string{ips[0].Identifier}, VLAN: vlan}}
+40	// Create the definition of the new VM. The ID you see here is Flatcar.
+41	definition := vm.NewAPI(c).NewDefinition(location, "template", "44b38284-6adb-430e-b4a4-1553e29f352f", "developersfirstvm", 2, 2048, 10, networkInterfaces)
+42	definition.SSH = "<your SSH pub key>"
+44	// Provision the VM.
+45	provisionResponse, err := provisioning.VM().Provision(ctx, definition)
+46	if err != nil {
+47		panic(fmt.Sprintf("provisioning vm failed: %v", err))
+48	}
+50	// Wait for the VM to be ready.
+51	_, err = provisioning.Progress().AwaitCompletion(ctx, provisionResponse.Identifier)
+52	if err != nil {
+53		panic(fmt.Sprintf("waiting for VM provisioning failed: %v", err))
+54	}
+ + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/go-anxcloud/README.md@v0.4.0/index.html b/go-anxcloud/README.md@v0.4.0/index.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6b1b1b3550 --- /dev/null +++ b/go-anxcloud/README.md@v0.4.0/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,379 @@ + + + + go.anx.io/go-anxcloud - Go Client for the Anexia API + + + + + + + + + +


+ + +

Documentation +codecov


Go Client for the Anexia API


Go SDK for interacting with the Anexia Engine API.




To use the SDK, just add go.anx.io/go-anxcloud <version> to your Go module.


Getting started


Before using the SDK you should familiarize yourself with the Anexia Engine API.


The library is used in our terraform provider, check it out if you want some examples how to use it.




Below is a short example using the new generic client in this package. Not all APIs can already be used with it, but we are working on that. +Find more examples in the docs (linked to docs for +main branch, not the latest (or any) release).

 1package main
+ 2
+ 3import (
+ 4	"context"
+ 5	"log"
+ 6
+ 7	"go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/api"
+ 8	apiTypes "go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/api/types"
+ 9	"go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/client"
+11	// apis usable with the generic client have their own package in a location analog to this
+12	lbaasv1 "go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/apis/lbaas/v1"
+15func main() {
+16	apiClient, err := api.NewAPI(
+17		api.WithClientOptions(
+18			// Get auth token from ANEXIA_TOKEN environment variable.
+19			// The boolean parameter specifies if the environment variable should be unset.
+20			client.TokenFromEnv(false),
+21		),
+22	)
+23	if err != nil {
+24		log.Fatalf("Error creating ANX API client: %v", err)
+25	}
+27	// let's list LBaaS backends of a known LoadBalancer
+28	frontend := lbaasv1.Frontend{
+29		LoadBalancer: lbaasv1.LoadBalancer{Identifier: "285b954fdf2a449c8fdae01cc6074025"},
+30	}
+32	var frontends apiTypes.ObjectChannel
+33	err = apiClient.List(context.TODO(), &frontend,
+34		// Listing can be done with either a page iterator or a channel, we use a channel here.
+35		api.ObjectChannel(&frontends),
+37		// Most APIs only give a very small subset when listing resources, add this flag to
+38		// get all attributes, at the cost of doing lots of API requests.
+39		api.FullObjects(true),
+40	)
+41	if err != nil {
+42		log.Fatalf("Error listing backends for LoadBalancer '%v': %v", frontend.LoadBalancer.Identifier, err)
+43	}
+45	for retriever := range frontends {
+46		// reinitialise frontend every loop to reset pointers and avoid potential overwriting of data in the next loop
+47		var frontend lbaasv1.Frontend
+48		if err := retriever(&frontend); err != nil {
+49			log.Fatalf("Error retrieving Frontend: %v", err)
+50		}
+52		log.Printf("Got Frontend named '%v' with mode '%v'", frontend.Name, frontend.Mode)
+53	}

This new generic client will one day be the only client in go-anxcloud. The legacy API-specific clients are deprecated and will be removed in the +go-anxcloud release following the one with all APIs go-anxcloud supports usable with the generic client (so if the generic client in 0.5.0 supports +at least everything there is another client for in go-anxcloud, 0.6.0 will drop the API-specific clients).

+ +
 1package main
+ 2
+ 3import (
+ 4	"context"
+ 5	"fmt"
+ 6	"time"
+ 7
+ 8	anexia "go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg"
+ 9	"go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/client"
+10	"go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/vsphere/provisioning/vm"
+13func main() {
+14	vlan := "<ID of the VLAN the VM should have access to>"
+15	location := "<ID of the location the VM should be in>"
+17	// Create client using the auth token in environment variable ANEXIA_TOKEN and do not unset the environment variable.
+18	c, err := client.New(client.AuthFromEnv(false))
+19	if err != nil {
+20		panic(fmt.Sprintf("could not create client: %v", err))
+21	}
+23	// Get some API.
+24	provisioning := anexia.NewAPI(c).VSphere().Provisioning()
+26	// Time out after 30 minutes. Yes it really takes that long sometimes.
+27	ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 30*time.Minute)
+28	// Look for a free ip in the given VLAN. This IP is not reserved for you so better be quick.
+29	ips, err := provisioning.IPs().GetFree(ctx, location, vlan)
+30	defer cancel()
+31	if err != nil {
+32		panic(fmt.Sprintf("provisioning vm failed: %v", err))
+33	}
+34	if len(ips) < 1 {
+35		panic(fmt.Sprintf("no IPs left for testing in vlan"))
+36	}
+38	// Create a NIC for the VM and connect it to the VLAN.
+39	networkInterfaces := []vm.Network{{NICType: "vmxnet3", IPs: []string{ips[0].Identifier}, VLAN: vlan}}
+40	// Create the definition of the new VM. The ID you see here is Flatcar.
+41	definition := vm.NewAPI(c).NewDefinition(location, "template", "44b38284-6adb-430e-b4a4-1553e29f352f", "developersfirstvm", 2, 2048, 10, networkInterfaces)
+42	definition.SSH = "<your SSH pub key>"
+44	// Provision the VM.
+45	provisionResponse, err := provisioning.VM().Provision(ctx, definition)
+46	if err != nil {
+47		panic(fmt.Sprintf("provisioning vm failed: %v", err))
+48	}
+50	// Wait for the VM to be ready.
+51	_, err = provisioning.Progress().AwaitCompletion(ctx, provisionResponse.Identifier)
+52	if err != nil {
+53		panic(fmt.Sprintf("waiting for VM provisioning failed: %v", err))
+54	}
+ +
+ + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/go-anxcloud/README.md@v0.4.1/index.html b/go-anxcloud/README.md@v0.4.1/index.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3da0152d04 --- /dev/null +++ b/go-anxcloud/README.md@v0.4.1/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,379 @@ + + + + go.anx.io/go-anxcloud - Go Client for the Anexia API + + + + + + + + + +


+ + +

Documentation +codecov


Go Client for the Anexia API


Go SDK for interacting with the Anexia Engine API.




To use the SDK, just add go.anx.io/go-anxcloud <version> to your Go module.


Getting started


Before using the SDK you should familiarize yourself with the Anexia Engine API.


The library is used in our terraform provider, check it out if you want some examples how to use it.




Below is a short example using the new generic client in this package. Not all APIs can already be used with it, but we are working on that. +Find more examples in the docs (linked to docs for +main branch, not the latest (or any) release).

 1package main
+ 2
+ 3import (
+ 4	"context"
+ 5	"log"
+ 6
+ 7	"go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/api"
+ 8	apiTypes "go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/api/types"
+ 9	"go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/client"
+11	// apis usable with the generic client have their own package in a location analog to this
+12	lbaasv1 "go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/apis/lbaas/v1"
+15func main() {
+16	apiClient, err := api.NewAPI(
+17		api.WithClientOptions(
+18			// Get auth token from ANEXIA_TOKEN environment variable.
+19			// The boolean parameter specifies if the environment variable should be unset.
+20			client.TokenFromEnv(false),
+21		),
+22	)
+23	if err != nil {
+24		log.Fatalf("Error creating ANX API client: %v", err)
+25	}
+27	// let's list LBaaS backends of a known LoadBalancer
+28	frontend := lbaasv1.Frontend{
+29		LoadBalancer: lbaasv1.LoadBalancer{Identifier: "285b954fdf2a449c8fdae01cc6074025"},
+30	}
+32	var frontends apiTypes.ObjectChannel
+33	err = apiClient.List(context.TODO(), &frontend,
+34		// Listing can be done with either a page iterator or a channel, we use a channel here.
+35		api.ObjectChannel(&frontends),
+37		// Most APIs only give a very small subset when listing resources, add this flag to
+38		// get all attributes, at the cost of doing lots of API requests.
+39		api.FullObjects(true),
+40	)
+41	if err != nil {
+42		log.Fatalf("Error listing backends for LoadBalancer '%v': %v", frontend.LoadBalancer.Identifier, err)
+43	}
+45	for retriever := range frontends {
+46		// reinitialise frontend every loop to reset pointers and avoid potential overwriting of data in the next loop
+47		var frontend lbaasv1.Frontend
+48		if err := retriever(&frontend); err != nil {
+49			log.Fatalf("Error retrieving Frontend: %v", err)
+50		}
+52		log.Printf("Got Frontend named '%v' with mode '%v'", frontend.Name, frontend.Mode)
+53	}

This new generic client will one day be the only client in go-anxcloud. The legacy API-specific clients are deprecated and will be removed in the +go-anxcloud release following the one with all APIs go-anxcloud supports usable with the generic client (so if the generic client in 0.5.0 supports +at least everything there is another client for in go-anxcloud, 0.6.0 will drop the API-specific clients).

+ +
 1package main
+ 2
+ 3import (
+ 4	"context"
+ 5	"fmt"
+ 6	"time"
+ 7
+ 8	anexia "go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg"
+ 9	"go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/client"
+10	"go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/vsphere/provisioning/vm"
+13func main() {
+14	vlan := "<ID of the VLAN the VM should have access to>"
+15	location := "<ID of the location the VM should be in>"
+17	// Create client using the auth token in environment variable ANEXIA_TOKEN and do not unset the environment variable.
+18	c, err := client.New(client.AuthFromEnv(false))
+19	if err != nil {
+20		panic(fmt.Sprintf("could not create client: %v", err))
+21	}
+23	// Get some API.
+24	provisioning := anexia.NewAPI(c).VSphere().Provisioning()
+26	// Time out after 30 minutes. Yes it really takes that long sometimes.
+27	ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 30*time.Minute)
+28	// Look for a free ip in the given VLAN. This IP is not reserved for you so better be quick.
+29	ips, err := provisioning.IPs().GetFree(ctx, location, vlan)
+30	defer cancel()
+31	if err != nil {
+32		panic(fmt.Sprintf("provisioning vm failed: %v", err))
+33	}
+34	if len(ips) < 1 {
+35		panic(fmt.Sprintf("no IPs left for testing in vlan"))
+36	}
+38	// Create a NIC for the VM and connect it to the VLAN.
+39	networkInterfaces := []vm.Network{{NICType: "vmxnet3", IPs: []string{ips[0].Identifier}, VLAN: vlan}}
+40	// Create the definition of the new VM. The ID you see here is Flatcar.
+41	definition := vm.NewAPI(c).NewDefinition(location, "template", "44b38284-6adb-430e-b4a4-1553e29f352f", "developersfirstvm", 2, 2048, 10, networkInterfaces)
+42	definition.SSH = "<your SSH pub key>"
+44	// Provision the VM.
+45	provisionResponse, err := provisioning.VM().Provision(ctx, definition)
+46	if err != nil {
+47		panic(fmt.Sprintf("provisioning vm failed: %v", err))
+48	}
+50	// Wait for the VM to be ready.
+51	_, err = provisioning.Progress().AwaitCompletion(ctx, provisionResponse.Identifier)
+52	if err != nil {
+53		panic(fmt.Sprintf("waiting for VM provisioning failed: %v", err))
+54	}
+ +
+ + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/go-anxcloud/README.md@v0.4.2/index.html b/go-anxcloud/README.md@v0.4.2/index.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..cc19ca5ebb --- /dev/null +++ b/go-anxcloud/README.md@v0.4.2/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,379 @@ + + + + go.anx.io/go-anxcloud - Go Client for the Anexia API + + + + + + + + + +


+ + +

Documentation +codecov


Go Client for the Anexia API


Go SDK for interacting with the Anexia Engine API.




To use the SDK, just add go.anx.io/go-anxcloud <version> to your Go module.


Getting started


Before using the SDK you should familiarize yourself with the Anexia Engine API.


The library is used in our terraform provider, check it out if you want some examples how to use it.




Below is a short example using the new generic client in this package. Not all APIs can already be used with it, but we are working on that. +Find more examples in the docs (linked to docs for +main branch, not the latest (or any) release).

 1package main
+ 2
+ 3import (
+ 4	"context"
+ 5	"log"
+ 6
+ 7	"go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/api"
+ 8	apiTypes "go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/api/types"
+ 9	"go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/client"
+11	// apis usable with the generic client have their own package in a location analog to this
+12	lbaasv1 "go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/apis/lbaas/v1"
+15func main() {
+16	apiClient, err := api.NewAPI(
+17		api.WithClientOptions(
+18			// Get auth token from ANEXIA_TOKEN environment variable.
+19			// The boolean parameter specifies if the environment variable should be unset.
+20			client.TokenFromEnv(false),
+21		),
+22	)
+23	if err != nil {
+24		log.Fatalf("Error creating ANX API client: %v", err)
+25	}
+27	// let's list LBaaS backends of a known LoadBalancer
+28	frontend := lbaasv1.Frontend{
+29		LoadBalancer: lbaasv1.LoadBalancer{Identifier: "285b954fdf2a449c8fdae01cc6074025"},
+30	}
+32	var frontends apiTypes.ObjectChannel
+33	err = apiClient.List(context.TODO(), &frontend,
+34		// Listing can be done with either a page iterator or a channel, we use a channel here.
+35		api.ObjectChannel(&frontends),
+37		// Most APIs only give a very small subset when listing resources, add this flag to
+38		// get all attributes, at the cost of doing lots of API requests.
+39		api.FullObjects(true),
+40	)
+41	if err != nil {
+42		log.Fatalf("Error listing backends for LoadBalancer '%v': %v", frontend.LoadBalancer.Identifier, err)
+43	}
+45	for retriever := range frontends {
+46		// reinitialise frontend every loop to reset pointers and avoid potential overwriting of data in the next loop
+47		var frontend lbaasv1.Frontend
+48		if err := retriever(&frontend); err != nil {
+49			log.Fatalf("Error retrieving Frontend: %v", err)
+50		}
+52		log.Printf("Got Frontend named '%v' with mode '%v'", frontend.Name, frontend.Mode)
+53	}

This new generic client will one day be the only client in go-anxcloud. The legacy API-specific clients are deprecated and will be removed in the +go-anxcloud release following the one with all APIs go-anxcloud supports usable with the generic client (so if the generic client in 0.5.0 supports +at least everything there is another client for in go-anxcloud, 0.6.0 will drop the API-specific clients).

+ +
 1package main
+ 2
+ 3import (
+ 4	"context"
+ 5	"fmt"
+ 6	"time"
+ 7
+ 8	anexia "go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg"
+ 9	"go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/client"
+10	"go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/vsphere/provisioning/vm"
+13func main() {
+14	vlan := "<ID of the VLAN the VM should have access to>"
+15	location := "<ID of the location the VM should be in>"
+17	// Create client using the auth token in environment variable ANEXIA_TOKEN and do not unset the environment variable.
+18	c, err := client.New(client.AuthFromEnv(false))
+19	if err != nil {
+20		panic(fmt.Sprintf("could not create client: %v", err))
+21	}
+23	// Get some API.
+24	provisioning := anexia.NewAPI(c).VSphere().Provisioning()
+26	// Time out after 30 minutes. Yes it really takes that long sometimes.
+27	ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 30*time.Minute)
+28	// Look for a free ip in the given VLAN. This IP is not reserved for you so better be quick.
+29	ips, err := provisioning.IPs().GetFree(ctx, location, vlan)
+30	defer cancel()
+31	if err != nil {
+32		panic(fmt.Sprintf("provisioning vm failed: %v", err))
+33	}
+34	if len(ips) < 1 {
+35		panic(fmt.Sprintf("no IPs left for testing in vlan"))
+36	}
+38	// Create a NIC for the VM and connect it to the VLAN.
+39	networkInterfaces := []vm.Network{{NICType: "vmxnet3", IPs: []string{ips[0].Identifier}, VLAN: vlan}}
+40	// Create the definition of the new VM. The ID you see here is Flatcar.
+41	definition := vm.NewAPI(c).NewDefinition(location, "template", "44b38284-6adb-430e-b4a4-1553e29f352f", "developersfirstvm", 2, 2048, 10, networkInterfaces)
+42	definition.SSH = "<your SSH pub key>"
+44	// Provision the VM.
+45	provisionResponse, err := provisioning.VM().Provision(ctx, definition)
+46	if err != nil {
+47		panic(fmt.Sprintf("provisioning vm failed: %v", err))
+48	}
+50	// Wait for the VM to be ready.
+51	_, err = provisioning.Progress().AwaitCompletion(ctx, provisionResponse.Identifier)
+52	if err != nil {
+53		panic(fmt.Sprintf("waiting for VM provisioning failed: %v", err))
+54	}
+ +
+ + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/go-anxcloud/README.md@v0.4.3/index.html b/go-anxcloud/README.md@v0.4.3/index.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c8792906c1 --- /dev/null +++ b/go-anxcloud/README.md@v0.4.3/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,379 @@ + + + + go.anx.io/go-anxcloud - Go Client for the Anexia API + + + + + + + + + +


+ + +

Documentation +codecov


Go Client for the Anexia API


Go SDK for interacting with the Anexia Engine API.




To use the SDK, just add go.anx.io/go-anxcloud <version> to your Go module.


Getting started


Before using the SDK you should familiarize yourself with the Anexia Engine API.


The library is used in our terraform provider, check it out if you want some examples how to use it.




Below is a short example using the new generic client in this package. Not all APIs can already be used with it, but we are working on that. +Find more examples in the docs (linked to docs for +main branch, not the latest (or any) release).

 1package main
+ 2
+ 3import (
+ 4	"context"
+ 5	"log"
+ 6
+ 7	"go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/api"
+ 8	apiTypes "go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/api/types"
+ 9	"go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/client"
+11	// apis usable with the generic client have their own package in a location analog to this
+12	lbaasv1 "go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/apis/lbaas/v1"
+15func main() {
+16	apiClient, err := api.NewAPI(
+17		api.WithClientOptions(
+18			// Get auth token from ANEXIA_TOKEN environment variable.
+19			// The boolean parameter specifies if the environment variable should be unset.
+20			client.TokenFromEnv(false),
+21		),
+22	)
+23	if err != nil {
+24		log.Fatalf("Error creating ANX API client: %v", err)
+25	}
+27	// let's list LBaaS backends of a known LoadBalancer
+28	frontend := lbaasv1.Frontend{
+29		LoadBalancer: lbaasv1.LoadBalancer{Identifier: "285b954fdf2a449c8fdae01cc6074025"},
+30	}
+32	var frontends apiTypes.ObjectChannel
+33	err = apiClient.List(context.TODO(), &frontend,
+34		// Listing can be done with either a page iterator or a channel, we use a channel here.
+35		api.ObjectChannel(&frontends),
+37		// Most APIs only give a very small subset when listing resources, add this flag to
+38		// get all attributes, at the cost of doing lots of API requests.
+39		api.FullObjects(true),
+40	)
+41	if err != nil {
+42		log.Fatalf("Error listing backends for LoadBalancer '%v': %v", frontend.LoadBalancer.Identifier, err)
+43	}
+45	for retriever := range frontends {
+46		// reinitialise frontend every loop to reset pointers and avoid potential overwriting of data in the next loop
+47		var frontend lbaasv1.Frontend
+48		if err := retriever(&frontend); err != nil {
+49			log.Fatalf("Error retrieving Frontend: %v", err)
+50		}
+52		log.Printf("Got Frontend named '%v' with mode '%v'", frontend.Name, frontend.Mode)
+53	}

This new generic client will one day be the only client in go-anxcloud. The legacy API-specific clients are deprecated and will be removed in the +go-anxcloud release following the one with all APIs go-anxcloud supports usable with the generic client (so if the generic client in 0.5.0 supports +at least everything there is another client for in go-anxcloud, 0.6.0 will drop the API-specific clients).

+ +
 1package main
+ 2
+ 3import (
+ 4	"context"
+ 5	"fmt"
+ 6	"time"
+ 7
+ 8	anexia "go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg"
+ 9	"go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/client"
+10	"go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/vsphere/provisioning/vm"
+13func main() {
+14	vlan := "<ID of the VLAN the VM should have access to>"
+15	location := "<ID of the location the VM should be in>"
+17	// Create client using the auth token in environment variable ANEXIA_TOKEN and do not unset the environment variable.
+18	c, err := client.New(client.AuthFromEnv(false))
+19	if err != nil {
+20		panic(fmt.Sprintf("could not create client: %v", err))
+21	}
+23	// Get some API.
+24	provisioning := anexia.NewAPI(c).VSphere().Provisioning()
+26	// Time out after 30 minutes. Yes it really takes that long sometimes.
+27	ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 30*time.Minute)
+28	// Look for a free ip in the given VLAN. This IP is not reserved for you so better be quick.
+29	ips, err := provisioning.IPs().GetFree(ctx, location, vlan)
+30	defer cancel()
+31	if err != nil {
+32		panic(fmt.Sprintf("provisioning vm failed: %v", err))
+33	}
+34	if len(ips) < 1 {
+35		panic(fmt.Sprintf("no IPs left for testing in vlan"))
+36	}
+38	// Create a NIC for the VM and connect it to the VLAN.
+39	networkInterfaces := []vm.Network{{NICType: "vmxnet3", IPs: []string{ips[0].Identifier}, VLAN: vlan}}
+40	// Create the definition of the new VM. The ID you see here is Flatcar.
+41	definition := vm.NewAPI(c).NewDefinition(location, "template", "44b38284-6adb-430e-b4a4-1553e29f352f", "developersfirstvm", 2, 2048, 10, networkInterfaces)
+42	definition.SSH = "<your SSH pub key>"
+44	// Provision the VM.
+45	provisionResponse, err := provisioning.VM().Provision(ctx, definition)
+46	if err != nil {
+47		panic(fmt.Sprintf("provisioning vm failed: %v", err))
+48	}
+50	// Wait for the VM to be ready.
+51	_, err = provisioning.Progress().AwaitCompletion(ctx, provisionResponse.Identifier)
+52	if err != nil {
+53		panic(fmt.Sprintf("waiting for VM provisioning failed: %v", err))
+54	}
+ +
+ + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/go-anxcloud/README.md@v0.4.4/index.html b/go-anxcloud/README.md@v0.4.4/index.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..fbb61d04a4 --- /dev/null +++ b/go-anxcloud/README.md@v0.4.4/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,379 @@ + + + + go.anx.io/go-anxcloud - Go Client for the Anexia API + + + + + + + + + +


+ + +

Documentation +codecov


Go Client for the Anexia API


Go SDK for interacting with the Anexia Engine API.




To use the SDK, just add go.anx.io/go-anxcloud <version> to your Go module.


Getting started


Before using the SDK you should familiarize yourself with the Anexia Engine API.


The library is used in our terraform provider, check it out if you want some examples how to use it.




Below is a short example using the new generic client in this package. Not all APIs can already be used with it, but we are working on that. +Find more examples in the docs (linked to docs for +main branch, not the latest (or any) release).

 1package main
+ 2
+ 3import (
+ 4	"context"
+ 5	"log"
+ 6
+ 7	"go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/api"
+ 8	apiTypes "go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/api/types"
+ 9	"go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/client"
+11	// apis usable with the generic client have their own package in a location analog to this
+12	lbaasv1 "go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/apis/lbaas/v1"
+15func main() {
+16	apiClient, err := api.NewAPI(
+17		api.WithClientOptions(
+18			// Get auth token from ANEXIA_TOKEN environment variable.
+19			// The boolean parameter specifies if the environment variable should be unset.
+20			client.TokenFromEnv(false),
+21		),
+22	)
+23	if err != nil {
+24		log.Fatalf("Error creating ANX API client: %v", err)
+25	}
+27	// let's list LBaaS backends of a known LoadBalancer
+28	frontend := lbaasv1.Frontend{
+29		LoadBalancer: lbaasv1.LoadBalancer{Identifier: "285b954fdf2a449c8fdae01cc6074025"},
+30	}
+32	var frontends apiTypes.ObjectChannel
+33	err = apiClient.List(context.TODO(), &frontend,
+34		// Listing can be done with either a page iterator or a channel, we use a channel here.
+35		api.ObjectChannel(&frontends),
+37		// Most APIs only give a very small subset when listing resources, add this flag to
+38		// get all attributes, at the cost of doing lots of API requests.
+39		api.FullObjects(true),
+40	)
+41	if err != nil {
+42		log.Fatalf("Error listing backends for LoadBalancer '%v': %v", frontend.LoadBalancer.Identifier, err)
+43	}
+45	for retriever := range frontends {
+46		// reinitialise frontend every loop to reset pointers and avoid potential overwriting of data in the next loop
+47		var frontend lbaasv1.Frontend
+48		if err := retriever(&frontend); err != nil {
+49			log.Fatalf("Error retrieving Frontend: %v", err)
+50		}
+52		log.Printf("Got Frontend named '%v' with mode '%v'", frontend.Name, frontend.Mode)
+53	}

This new generic client will one day be the only client in go-anxcloud. The legacy API-specific clients are deprecated and will be removed in the +go-anxcloud release following the one with all APIs go-anxcloud supports usable with the generic client (so if the generic client in 0.5.0 supports +at least everything there is another client for in go-anxcloud, 0.6.0 will drop the API-specific clients).

+ +
 1package main
+ 2
+ 3import (
+ 4	"context"
+ 5	"fmt"
+ 6	"time"
+ 7
+ 8	anexia "go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg"
+ 9	"go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/client"
+10	"go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/vsphere/provisioning/vm"
+13func main() {
+14	vlan := "<ID of the VLAN the VM should have access to>"
+15	location := "<ID of the location the VM should be in>"
+17	// Create client using the auth token in environment variable ANEXIA_TOKEN and do not unset the environment variable.
+18	c, err := client.New(client.AuthFromEnv(false))
+19	if err != nil {
+20		panic(fmt.Sprintf("could not create client: %v", err))
+21	}
+23	// Get some API.
+24	provisioning := anexia.NewAPI(c).VSphere().Provisioning()
+26	// Time out after 30 minutes. Yes it really takes that long sometimes.
+27	ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 30*time.Minute)
+28	// Look for a free ip in the given VLAN. This IP is not reserved for you so better be quick.
+29	ips, err := provisioning.IPs().GetFree(ctx, location, vlan)
+30	defer cancel()
+31	if err != nil {
+32		panic(fmt.Sprintf("provisioning vm failed: %v", err))
+33	}
+34	if len(ips) < 1 {
+35		panic(fmt.Sprintf("no IPs left for testing in vlan"))
+36	}
+38	// Create a NIC for the VM and connect it to the VLAN.
+39	networkInterfaces := []vm.Network{{NICType: "vmxnet3", IPs: []string{ips[0].Identifier}, VLAN: vlan}}
+40	// Create the definition of the new VM. The ID you see here is Flatcar.
+41	definition := vm.NewAPI(c).NewDefinition(location, "template", "44b38284-6adb-430e-b4a4-1553e29f352f", "developersfirstvm", 2, 2048, 10, networkInterfaces)
+42	definition.SSH = "<your SSH pub key>"
+44	// Provision the VM.
+45	provisionResponse, err := provisioning.VM().Provision(ctx, definition)
+46	if err != nil {
+47		panic(fmt.Sprintf("provisioning vm failed: %v", err))
+48	}
+50	// Wait for the VM to be ready.
+51	_, err = provisioning.Progress().AwaitCompletion(ctx, provisionResponse.Identifier)
+52	if err != nil {
+53		panic(fmt.Sprintf("waiting for VM provisioning failed: %v", err))
+54	}
+ +
+ + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/go-anxcloud/README.md@v0.4.5/index.html b/go-anxcloud/README.md@v0.4.5/index.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..7645c043a8 --- /dev/null +++ b/go-anxcloud/README.md@v0.4.5/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,379 @@ + + + + go.anx.io/go-anxcloud - Go Client for the Anexia API + + + + + + + + + +


+ + +

Documentation +codecov


Go Client for the Anexia API


Go SDK for interacting with the Anexia Engine API.




To use the SDK, just add go.anx.io/go-anxcloud <version> to your Go module.


Getting started


Before using the SDK you should familiarize yourself with the Anexia Engine API.


The library is used in our terraform provider, check it out if you want some examples how to use it.




Below is a short example using the new generic client in this package. Not all APIs can already be used with it, but we are working on that. +Find more examples in the docs (linked to docs for +main branch, not the latest (or any) release).

 1package main
+ 2
+ 3import (
+ 4	"context"
+ 5	"log"
+ 6
+ 7	"go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/api"
+ 8	apiTypes "go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/api/types"
+ 9	"go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/client"
+11	// apis usable with the generic client have their own package in a location analog to this
+12	lbaasv1 "go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/apis/lbaas/v1"
+15func main() {
+16	apiClient, err := api.NewAPI(
+17		api.WithClientOptions(
+18			// Get auth token from ANEXIA_TOKEN environment variable.
+19			// The boolean parameter specifies if the environment variable should be unset.
+20			client.TokenFromEnv(false),
+21		),
+22	)
+23	if err != nil {
+24		log.Fatalf("Error creating ANX API client: %v", err)
+25	}
+27	// let's list LBaaS backends of a known LoadBalancer
+28	frontend := lbaasv1.Frontend{
+29		LoadBalancer: lbaasv1.LoadBalancer{Identifier: "285b954fdf2a449c8fdae01cc6074025"},
+30	}
+32	var frontends apiTypes.ObjectChannel
+33	err = apiClient.List(context.TODO(), &frontend,
+34		// Listing can be done with either a page iterator or a channel, we use a channel here.
+35		api.ObjectChannel(&frontends),
+37		// Most APIs only give a very small subset when listing resources, add this flag to
+38		// get all attributes, at the cost of doing lots of API requests.
+39		api.FullObjects(true),
+40	)
+41	if err != nil {
+42		log.Fatalf("Error listing backends for LoadBalancer '%v': %v", frontend.LoadBalancer.Identifier, err)
+43	}
+45	for retriever := range frontends {
+46		// reinitialise frontend every loop to reset pointers and avoid potential overwriting of data in the next loop
+47		var frontend lbaasv1.Frontend
+48		if err := retriever(&frontend); err != nil {
+49			log.Fatalf("Error retrieving Frontend: %v", err)
+50		}
+52		log.Printf("Got Frontend named '%v' with mode '%v'", frontend.Name, frontend.Mode)
+53	}

This new generic client will one day be the only client in go-anxcloud. The legacy API-specific clients are deprecated and will be removed in the +go-anxcloud release following the one with all APIs go-anxcloud supports usable with the generic client (so if the generic client in 0.5.0 supports +at least everything there is another client for in go-anxcloud, 0.6.0 will drop the API-specific clients).

+ +
 1package main
+ 2
+ 3import (
+ 4	"context"
+ 5	"fmt"
+ 6	"time"
+ 7
+ 8	anexia "go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg"
+ 9	"go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/client"
+10	"go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/vsphere/provisioning/vm"
+13func main() {
+14	vlan := "<ID of the VLAN the VM should have access to>"
+15	location := "<ID of the location the VM should be in>"
+17	// Create client using the auth token in environment variable ANEXIA_TOKEN and do not unset the environment variable.
+18	c, err := client.New(client.AuthFromEnv(false))
+19	if err != nil {
+20		panic(fmt.Sprintf("could not create client: %v", err))
+21	}
+23	// Get some API.
+24	provisioning := anexia.NewAPI(c).VSphere().Provisioning()
+26	// Time out after 30 minutes. Yes it really takes that long sometimes.
+27	ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 30*time.Minute)
+28	// Look for a free ip in the given VLAN. This IP is not reserved for you so better be quick.
+29	ips, err := provisioning.IPs().GetFree(ctx, location, vlan)
+30	defer cancel()
+31	if err != nil {
+32		panic(fmt.Sprintf("provisioning vm failed: %v", err))
+33	}
+34	if len(ips) < 1 {
+35		panic(fmt.Sprintf("no IPs left for testing in vlan"))
+36	}
+38	// Create a NIC for the VM and connect it to the VLAN.
+39	networkInterfaces := []vm.Network{{NICType: "vmxnet3", IPs: []string{ips[0].Identifier}, VLAN: vlan}}
+40	// Create the definition of the new VM. The ID you see here is Flatcar.
+41	definition := vm.NewAPI(c).NewDefinition(location, "template", "44b38284-6adb-430e-b4a4-1553e29f352f", "developersfirstvm", 2, 2048, 10, networkInterfaces)
+42	definition.SSH = "<your SSH pub key>"
+44	// Provision the VM.
+45	provisionResponse, err := provisioning.VM().Provision(ctx, definition)
+46	if err != nil {
+47		panic(fmt.Sprintf("provisioning vm failed: %v", err))
+48	}
+50	// Wait for the VM to be ready.
+51	_, err = provisioning.Progress().AwaitCompletion(ctx, provisionResponse.Identifier)
+52	if err != nil {
+53		panic(fmt.Sprintf("waiting for VM provisioning failed: %v", err))
+54	}
+ +
+ + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/go-anxcloud/README.md@v0.4.6/index.html b/go-anxcloud/README.md@v0.4.6/index.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ab06f89779 --- /dev/null +++ b/go-anxcloud/README.md@v0.4.6/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,379 @@ + + + + go.anx.io/go-anxcloud - Go Client for the Anexia API + + + + + + + + + +


+ + +

Documentation +codecov


Go Client for the Anexia API


Go SDK for interacting with the Anexia Engine API.




To use the SDK, just add go.anx.io/go-anxcloud <version> to your Go module.


Getting started


Before using the SDK you should familiarize yourself with the Anexia Engine API.


The library is used in our terraform provider, check it out if you want some examples how to use it.




Below is a short example using the new generic client in this package. Not all APIs can already be used with it, but we are working on that. +Find more examples in the docs (linked to docs for +main branch, not the latest (or any) release).

 1package main
+ 2
+ 3import (
+ 4	"context"
+ 5	"log"
+ 6
+ 7	"go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/api"
+ 8	apiTypes "go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/api/types"
+ 9	"go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/client"
+11	// apis usable with the generic client have their own package in a location analog to this
+12	lbaasv1 "go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/apis/lbaas/v1"
+15func main() {
+16	apiClient, err := api.NewAPI(
+17		api.WithClientOptions(
+18			// Get auth token from ANEXIA_TOKEN environment variable.
+19			// The boolean parameter specifies if the environment variable should be unset.
+20			client.TokenFromEnv(false),
+21		),
+22	)
+23	if err != nil {
+24		log.Fatalf("Error creating ANX API client: %v", err)
+25	}
+27	// let's list LBaaS backends of a known LoadBalancer
+28	frontend := lbaasv1.Frontend{
+29		LoadBalancer: lbaasv1.LoadBalancer{Identifier: "285b954fdf2a449c8fdae01cc6074025"},
+30	}
+32	var frontends apiTypes.ObjectChannel
+33	err = apiClient.List(context.TODO(), &frontend,
+34		// Listing can be done with either a page iterator or a channel, we use a channel here.
+35		api.ObjectChannel(&frontends),
+37		// Most APIs only give a very small subset when listing resources, add this flag to
+38		// get all attributes, at the cost of doing lots of API requests.
+39		api.FullObjects(true),
+40	)
+41	if err != nil {
+42		log.Fatalf("Error listing backends for LoadBalancer '%v': %v", frontend.LoadBalancer.Identifier, err)
+43	}
+45	for retriever := range frontends {
+46		// reinitialise frontend every loop to reset pointers and avoid potential overwriting of data in the next loop
+47		var frontend lbaasv1.Frontend
+48		if err := retriever(&frontend); err != nil {
+49			log.Fatalf("Error retrieving Frontend: %v", err)
+50		}
+52		log.Printf("Got Frontend named '%v' with mode '%v'", frontend.Name, frontend.Mode)
+53	}

This new generic client will one day be the only client in go-anxcloud. The legacy API-specific clients are deprecated and will be removed in the +go-anxcloud release following the one with all APIs go-anxcloud supports usable with the generic client (so if the generic client in 0.5.0 supports +at least everything there is another client for in go-anxcloud, 0.6.0 will drop the API-specific clients).

+ +
 1package main
+ 2
+ 3import (
+ 4	"context"
+ 5	"fmt"
+ 6	"time"
+ 7
+ 8	anexia "go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg"
+ 9	"go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/client"
+10	"go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/vsphere/provisioning/vm"
+13func main() {
+14	vlan := "<ID of the VLAN the VM should have access to>"
+15	location := "<ID of the location the VM should be in>"
+17	// Create client using the auth token in environment variable ANEXIA_TOKEN and do not unset the environment variable.
+18	c, err := client.New(client.AuthFromEnv(false))
+19	if err != nil {
+20		panic(fmt.Sprintf("could not create client: %v", err))
+21	}
+23	// Get some API.
+24	provisioning := anexia.NewAPI(c).VSphere().Provisioning()
+26	// Time out after 30 minutes. Yes it really takes that long sometimes.
+27	ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 30*time.Minute)
+28	// Look for a free ip in the given VLAN. This IP is not reserved for you so better be quick.
+29	ips, err := provisioning.IPs().GetFree(ctx, location, vlan)
+30	defer cancel()
+31	if err != nil {
+32		panic(fmt.Sprintf("provisioning vm failed: %v", err))
+33	}
+34	if len(ips) < 1 {
+35		panic(fmt.Sprintf("no IPs left for testing in vlan"))
+36	}
+38	// Create a NIC for the VM and connect it to the VLAN.
+39	networkInterfaces := []vm.Network{{NICType: "vmxnet3", IPs: []string{ips[0].Identifier}, VLAN: vlan}}
+40	// Create the definition of the new VM. The ID you see here is Flatcar.
+41	definition := vm.NewAPI(c).NewDefinition(location, "template", "44b38284-6adb-430e-b4a4-1553e29f352f", "developersfirstvm", 2, 2048, 10, networkInterfaces)
+42	definition.SSH = "<your SSH pub key>"
+44	// Provision the VM.
+45	provisionResponse, err := provisioning.VM().Provision(ctx, definition)
+46	if err != nil {
+47		panic(fmt.Sprintf("provisioning vm failed: %v", err))
+48	}
+50	// Wait for the VM to be ready.
+51	_, err = provisioning.Progress().AwaitCompletion(ctx, provisionResponse.Identifier)
+52	if err != nil {
+53		panic(fmt.Sprintf("waiting for VM provisioning failed: %v", err))
+54	}
+ +
+ + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/go-anxcloud/README.md@v0.5.0/index.html b/go-anxcloud/README.md@v0.5.0/index.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6ddfae51cc --- /dev/null +++ b/go-anxcloud/README.md@v0.5.0/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,379 @@ + + + + go.anx.io/go-anxcloud - Go Client for the Anexia API + + + + + + + + + +


+ + +

Documentation +codecov


Go Client for the Anexia API


Go SDK for interacting with the Anexia Engine API.




To use the SDK, just add go.anx.io/go-anxcloud <version> to your Go module.


Getting started


Before using the SDK you should familiarize yourself with the Anexia Engine API.


The library is used in our terraform provider, check it out if you want some examples how to use it.




Below is a short example using the new generic client in this package. Not all APIs can already be used with it, but we are working on that. +Find more examples in the docs (linked to docs for +main branch, not the latest (or any) release).

 1package main
+ 2
+ 3import (
+ 4	"context"
+ 5	"log"
+ 6
+ 7	"go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/api"
+ 8	apiTypes "go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/api/types"
+ 9	"go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/client"
+11	// apis usable with the generic client have their own package in a location analog to this
+12	lbaasv1 "go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/apis/lbaas/v1"
+15func main() {
+16	apiClient, err := api.NewAPI(
+17		api.WithClientOptions(
+18			// Get auth token from ANEXIA_TOKEN environment variable.
+19			// The boolean parameter specifies if the environment variable should be unset.
+20			client.TokenFromEnv(false),
+21		),
+22	)
+23	if err != nil {
+24		log.Fatalf("Error creating ANX API client: %v", err)
+25	}
+27	// let's list LBaaS backends of a known LoadBalancer
+28	frontend := lbaasv1.Frontend{
+29		LoadBalancer: lbaasv1.LoadBalancer{Identifier: "285b954fdf2a449c8fdae01cc6074025"},
+30	}
+32	var frontends apiTypes.ObjectChannel
+33	err = apiClient.List(context.TODO(), &frontend,
+34		// Listing can be done with either a page iterator or a channel, we use a channel here.
+35		api.ObjectChannel(&frontends),
+37		// Most APIs only give a very small subset when listing resources, add this flag to
+38		// get all attributes, at the cost of doing lots of API requests.
+39		api.FullObjects(true),
+40	)
+41	if err != nil {
+42		log.Fatalf("Error listing backends for LoadBalancer '%v': %v", frontend.LoadBalancer.Identifier, err)
+43	}
+45	for retriever := range frontends {
+46		// reinitialise frontend every loop to reset pointers and avoid potential overwriting of data in the next loop
+47		var frontend lbaasv1.Frontend
+48		if err := retriever(&frontend); err != nil {
+49			log.Fatalf("Error retrieving Frontend: %v", err)
+50		}
+52		log.Printf("Got Frontend named '%v' with mode '%v'", frontend.Name, frontend.Mode)
+53	}

This new generic client will one day be the only client in go-anxcloud. The legacy API-specific clients are deprecated and will be removed in the +go-anxcloud release following the one with all APIs go-anxcloud supports usable with the generic client (so if the generic client in 0.5.0 supports +at least everything there is another client for in go-anxcloud, 0.6.0 will drop the API-specific clients).

+ +
 1package main
+ 2
+ 3import (
+ 4	"context"
+ 5	"fmt"
+ 6	"time"
+ 7
+ 8	anexia "go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg"
+ 9	"go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/client"
+10	"go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/vsphere/provisioning/vm"
+13func main() {
+14	vlan := "<ID of the VLAN the VM should have access to>"
+15	location := "<ID of the location the VM should be in>"
+17	// Create client using the auth token in environment variable ANEXIA_TOKEN and do not unset the environment variable.
+18	c, err := client.New(client.AuthFromEnv(false))
+19	if err != nil {
+20		panic(fmt.Sprintf("could not create client: %v", err))
+21	}
+23	// Get some API.
+24	provisioning := anexia.NewAPI(c).VSphere().Provisioning()
+26	// Time out after 30 minutes. Yes it really takes that long sometimes.
+27	ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 30*time.Minute)
+28	// Look for a free ip in the given VLAN. This IP is not reserved for you so better be quick.
+29	ips, err := provisioning.IPs().GetFree(ctx, location, vlan)
+30	defer cancel()
+31	if err != nil {
+32		panic(fmt.Sprintf("provisioning vm failed: %v", err))
+33	}
+34	if len(ips) < 1 {
+35		panic(fmt.Sprintf("no IPs left for testing in vlan"))
+36	}
+38	// Create a NIC for the VM and connect it to the VLAN.
+39	networkInterfaces := []vm.Network{{NICType: "vmxnet3", IPs: []string{ips[0].Identifier}, VLAN: vlan}}
+40	// Create the definition of the new VM. The ID you see here is Flatcar.
+41	definition := vm.NewAPI(c).NewDefinition(location, "template", "44b38284-6adb-430e-b4a4-1553e29f352f", "developersfirstvm", 2, 2048, 10, networkInterfaces)
+42	definition.SSH = "<your SSH pub key>"
+44	// Provision the VM.
+45	provisionResponse, err := provisioning.VM().Provision(ctx, definition)
+46	if err != nil {
+47		panic(fmt.Sprintf("provisioning vm failed: %v", err))
+48	}
+50	// Wait for the VM to be ready.
+51	_, err = provisioning.Progress().AwaitCompletion(ctx, provisionResponse.Identifier)
+52	if err != nil {
+53		panic(fmt.Sprintf("waiting for VM provisioning failed: %v", err))
+54	}
+ +
+ + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/go-anxcloud/README.md@v0.5.1/index.html b/go-anxcloud/README.md@v0.5.1/index.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b35e0b147e --- /dev/null +++ b/go-anxcloud/README.md@v0.5.1/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,379 @@ + + + + go.anx.io/go-anxcloud - Go Client for the Anexia API + + + + + + + + + +


+ + +

Documentation +codecov


Go Client for the Anexia API


Go SDK for interacting with the Anexia Engine API.




To use the SDK, just add go.anx.io/go-anxcloud <version> to your Go module.


Getting started


Before using the SDK you should familiarize yourself with the Anexia Engine API.


The library is used in our terraform provider, check it out if you want some examples how to use it.




Below is a short example using the new generic client in this package. Not all APIs can already be used with it, but we are working on that. +Find more examples in the docs (linked to docs for +main branch, not the latest (or any) release).

 1package main
+ 2
+ 3import (
+ 4	"context"
+ 5	"log"
+ 6
+ 7	"go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/api"
+ 8	apiTypes "go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/api/types"
+ 9	"go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/client"
+11	// apis usable with the generic client have their own package in a location analog to this
+12	lbaasv1 "go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/apis/lbaas/v1"
+15func main() {
+16	apiClient, err := api.NewAPI(
+17		api.WithClientOptions(
+18			// Get auth token from ANEXIA_TOKEN environment variable.
+19			// The boolean parameter specifies if the environment variable should be unset.
+20			client.TokenFromEnv(false),
+21		),
+22	)
+23	if err != nil {
+24		log.Fatalf("Error creating ANX API client: %v", err)
+25	}
+27	// let's list LBaaS backends of a known LoadBalancer
+28	frontend := lbaasv1.Frontend{
+29		LoadBalancer: lbaasv1.LoadBalancer{Identifier: "285b954fdf2a449c8fdae01cc6074025"},
+30	}
+32	var frontends apiTypes.ObjectChannel
+33	err = apiClient.List(context.TODO(), &frontend,
+34		// Listing can be done with either a page iterator or a channel, we use a channel here.
+35		api.ObjectChannel(&frontends),
+37		// Most APIs only give a very small subset when listing resources, add this flag to
+38		// get all attributes, at the cost of doing lots of API requests.
+39		api.FullObjects(true),
+40	)
+41	if err != nil {
+42		log.Fatalf("Error listing backends for LoadBalancer '%v': %v", frontend.LoadBalancer.Identifier, err)
+43	}
+45	for retriever := range frontends {
+46		// reinitialise frontend every loop to reset pointers and avoid potential overwriting of data in the next loop
+47		var frontend lbaasv1.Frontend
+48		if err := retriever(&frontend); err != nil {
+49			log.Fatalf("Error retrieving Frontend: %v", err)
+50		}
+52		log.Printf("Got Frontend named '%v' with mode '%v'", frontend.Name, frontend.Mode)
+53	}

This new generic client will one day be the only client in go-anxcloud. The legacy API-specific clients are deprecated and will be removed in the +go-anxcloud release following the one with all APIs go-anxcloud supports usable with the generic client (so if the generic client in 0.5.0 supports +at least everything there is another client for in go-anxcloud, 0.6.0 will drop the API-specific clients).

+ +
 1package main
+ 2
+ 3import (
+ 4	"context"
+ 5	"fmt"
+ 6	"time"
+ 7
+ 8	anexia "go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg"
+ 9	"go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/client"
+10	"go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/vsphere/provisioning/vm"
+13func main() {
+14	vlan := "<ID of the VLAN the VM should have access to>"
+15	location := "<ID of the location the VM should be in>"
+17	// Create client using the auth token in environment variable ANEXIA_TOKEN and do not unset the environment variable.
+18	c, err := client.New(client.AuthFromEnv(false))
+19	if err != nil {
+20		panic(fmt.Sprintf("could not create client: %v", err))
+21	}
+23	// Get some API.
+24	provisioning := anexia.NewAPI(c).VSphere().Provisioning()
+26	// Time out after 30 minutes. Yes it really takes that long sometimes.
+27	ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 30*time.Minute)
+28	// Look for a free ip in the given VLAN. This IP is not reserved for you so better be quick.
+29	ips, err := provisioning.IPs().GetFree(ctx, location, vlan)
+30	defer cancel()
+31	if err != nil {
+32		panic(fmt.Sprintf("provisioning vm failed: %v", err))
+33	}
+34	if len(ips) < 1 {
+35		panic(fmt.Sprintf("no IPs left for testing in vlan"))
+36	}
+38	// Create a NIC for the VM and connect it to the VLAN.
+39	networkInterfaces := []vm.Network{{NICType: "vmxnet3", IPs: []string{ips[0].Identifier}, VLAN: vlan}}
+40	// Create the definition of the new VM. The ID you see here is Flatcar.
+41	definition := vm.NewAPI(c).NewDefinition(location, "template", "44b38284-6adb-430e-b4a4-1553e29f352f", "developersfirstvm", 2, 2048, 10, networkInterfaces)
+42	definition.SSH = "<your SSH pub key>"
+44	// Provision the VM.
+45	provisionResponse, err := provisioning.VM().Provision(ctx, definition)
+46	if err != nil {
+47		panic(fmt.Sprintf("provisioning vm failed: %v", err))
+48	}
+50	// Wait for the VM to be ready.
+51	_, err = provisioning.Progress().AwaitCompletion(ctx, provisionResponse.Identifier)
+52	if err != nil {
+53		panic(fmt.Sprintf("waiting for VM provisioning failed: %v", err))
+54	}
+ +
+ + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/go-anxcloud/README.md@v0.5.2/index.html b/go-anxcloud/README.md@v0.5.2/index.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..91f2709fcb --- /dev/null +++ b/go-anxcloud/README.md@v0.5.2/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,379 @@ + + + + go.anx.io/go-anxcloud - Go Client for the Anexia API + + + + + + + + + +


+ + +

Documentation +codecov


Go Client for the Anexia API


Go SDK for interacting with the Anexia Engine API.




To use the SDK, just add go.anx.io/go-anxcloud <version> to your Go module.


Getting started


Before using the SDK you should familiarize yourself with the Anexia Engine API.


The library is used in our terraform provider, check it out if you want some examples how to use it.




Below is a short example using the new generic client in this package. Not all APIs can already be used with it, but we are working on that. +Find more examples in the docs (linked to docs for +main branch, not the latest (or any) release).

 1package main
+ 2
+ 3import (
+ 4	"context"
+ 5	"log"
+ 6
+ 7	"go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/api"
+ 8	apiTypes "go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/api/types"
+ 9	"go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/client"
+11	// apis usable with the generic client have their own package in a location analog to this
+12	lbaasv1 "go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/apis/lbaas/v1"
+15func main() {
+16	apiClient, err := api.NewAPI(
+17		api.WithClientOptions(
+18			// Get auth token from ANEXIA_TOKEN environment variable.
+19			// The boolean parameter specifies if the environment variable should be unset.
+20			client.TokenFromEnv(false),
+21		),
+22	)
+23	if err != nil {
+24		log.Fatalf("Error creating ANX API client: %v", err)
+25	}
+27	// let's list LBaaS backends of a known LoadBalancer
+28	frontend := lbaasv1.Frontend{
+29		LoadBalancer: lbaasv1.LoadBalancer{Identifier: "285b954fdf2a449c8fdae01cc6074025"},
+30	}
+32	var frontends apiTypes.ObjectChannel
+33	err = apiClient.List(context.TODO(), &frontend,
+34		// Listing can be done with either a page iterator or a channel, we use a channel here.
+35		api.ObjectChannel(&frontends),
+37		// Most APIs only give a very small subset when listing resources, add this flag to
+38		// get all attributes, at the cost of doing lots of API requests.
+39		api.FullObjects(true),
+40	)
+41	if err != nil {
+42		log.Fatalf("Error listing backends for LoadBalancer '%v': %v", frontend.LoadBalancer.Identifier, err)
+43	}
+45	for retriever := range frontends {
+46		// reinitialise frontend every loop to reset pointers and avoid potential overwriting of data in the next loop
+47		var frontend lbaasv1.Frontend
+48		if err := retriever(&frontend); err != nil {
+49			log.Fatalf("Error retrieving Frontend: %v", err)
+50		}
+52		log.Printf("Got Frontend named '%v' with mode '%v'", frontend.Name, frontend.Mode)
+53	}

This new generic client will one day be the only client in go-anxcloud. The legacy API-specific clients are deprecated and will be removed in the +go-anxcloud release following the one with all APIs go-anxcloud supports usable with the generic client (so if the generic client in 0.5.0 supports +at least everything there is another client for in go-anxcloud, 0.6.0 will drop the API-specific clients).

+ +
 1package main
+ 2
+ 3import (
+ 4	"context"
+ 5	"fmt"
+ 6	"time"
+ 7
+ 8	anexia "go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg"
+ 9	"go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/client"
+10	"go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/vsphere/provisioning/vm"
+13func main() {
+14	vlan := "<ID of the VLAN the VM should have access to>"
+15	location := "<ID of the location the VM should be in>"
+17	// Create client using the auth token in environment variable ANEXIA_TOKEN and do not unset the environment variable.
+18	c, err := client.New(client.AuthFromEnv(false))
+19	if err != nil {
+20		panic(fmt.Sprintf("could not create client: %v", err))
+21	}
+23	// Get some API.
+24	provisioning := anexia.NewAPI(c).VSphere().Provisioning()
+26	// Time out after 30 minutes. Yes it really takes that long sometimes.
+27	ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 30*time.Minute)
+28	// Look for a free ip in the given VLAN. This IP is not reserved for you so better be quick.
+29	ips, err := provisioning.IPs().GetFree(ctx, location, vlan)
+30	defer cancel()
+31	if err != nil {
+32		panic(fmt.Sprintf("provisioning vm failed: %v", err))
+33	}
+34	if len(ips) < 1 {
+35		panic(fmt.Sprintf("no IPs left for testing in vlan"))
+36	}
+38	// Create a NIC for the VM and connect it to the VLAN.
+39	networkInterfaces := []vm.Network{{NICType: "vmxnet3", IPs: []string{ips[0].Identifier}, VLAN: vlan}}
+40	// Create the definition of the new VM. The ID you see here is Flatcar.
+41	definition := vm.NewAPI(c).NewDefinition(location, "template", "44b38284-6adb-430e-b4a4-1553e29f352f", "developersfirstvm", 2, 2048, 10, networkInterfaces)
+42	definition.SSH = "<your SSH pub key>"
+44	// Provision the VM.
+45	provisionResponse, err := provisioning.VM().Provision(ctx, definition)
+46	if err != nil {
+47		panic(fmt.Sprintf("provisioning vm failed: %v", err))
+48	}
+50	// Wait for the VM to be ready.
+51	_, err = provisioning.Progress().AwaitCompletion(ctx, provisionResponse.Identifier)
+52	if err != nil {
+53		panic(fmt.Sprintf("waiting for VM provisioning failed: %v", err))
+54	}
+ +
+ + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/go-anxcloud/README.md@v0.5.3/index.html b/go-anxcloud/README.md@v0.5.3/index.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a237febee1 --- /dev/null +++ b/go-anxcloud/README.md@v0.5.3/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,379 @@ + + + + go.anx.io/go-anxcloud - Go Client for the Anexia API + + + + + + + + + +


+ + +

Documentation +codecov


Go Client for the Anexia API


Go SDK for interacting with the Anexia Engine API.




To use the SDK, just add go.anx.io/go-anxcloud <version> to your Go module.


Getting started


Before using the SDK you should familiarize yourself with the Anexia Engine API.


The library is used in our terraform provider, check it out if you want some examples how to use it.




Below is a short example using the new generic client in this package. Not all APIs can already be used with it, but we are working on that. +Find more examples in the docs (linked to docs for +main branch, not the latest (or any) release).

 1package main
+ 2
+ 3import (
+ 4	"context"
+ 5	"log"
+ 6
+ 7	"go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/api"
+ 8	apiTypes "go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/api/types"
+ 9	"go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/client"
+11	// apis usable with the generic client have their own package in a location analog to this
+12	lbaasv1 "go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/apis/lbaas/v1"
+15func main() {
+16	apiClient, err := api.NewAPI(
+17		api.WithClientOptions(
+18			// Get auth token from ANEXIA_TOKEN environment variable.
+19			// The boolean parameter specifies if the environment variable should be unset.
+20			client.TokenFromEnv(false),
+21		),
+22	)
+23	if err != nil {
+24		log.Fatalf("Error creating ANX API client: %v", err)
+25	}
+27	// let's list LBaaS backends of a known LoadBalancer
+28	frontend := lbaasv1.Frontend{
+29		LoadBalancer: lbaasv1.LoadBalancer{Identifier: "285b954fdf2a449c8fdae01cc6074025"},
+30	}
+32	var frontends apiTypes.ObjectChannel
+33	err = apiClient.List(context.TODO(), &frontend,
+34		// Listing can be done with either a page iterator or a channel, we use a channel here.
+35		api.ObjectChannel(&frontends),
+37		// Most APIs only give a very small subset when listing resources, add this flag to
+38		// get all attributes, at the cost of doing lots of API requests.
+39		api.FullObjects(true),
+40	)
+41	if err != nil {
+42		log.Fatalf("Error listing backends for LoadBalancer '%v': %v", frontend.LoadBalancer.Identifier, err)
+43	}
+45	for retriever := range frontends {
+46		// reinitialise frontend every loop to reset pointers and avoid potential overwriting of data in the next loop
+47		var frontend lbaasv1.Frontend
+48		if err := retriever(&frontend); err != nil {
+49			log.Fatalf("Error retrieving Frontend: %v", err)
+50		}
+52		log.Printf("Got Frontend named '%v' with mode '%v'", frontend.Name, frontend.Mode)
+53	}

This new generic client will one day be the only client in go-anxcloud. The legacy API-specific clients are deprecated and will be removed in the +go-anxcloud release following the one with all APIs go-anxcloud supports usable with the generic client (so if the generic client in 0.5.0 supports +at least everything there is another client for in go-anxcloud, 0.6.0 will drop the API-specific clients).

+ +
 1package main
+ 2
+ 3import (
+ 4	"context"
+ 5	"fmt"
+ 6	"time"
+ 7
+ 8	anexia "go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg"
+ 9	"go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/client"
+10	"go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/vsphere/provisioning/vm"
+13func main() {
+14	vlan := "<ID of the VLAN the VM should have access to>"
+15	location := "<ID of the location the VM should be in>"
+17	// Create client using the auth token in environment variable ANEXIA_TOKEN and do not unset the environment variable.
+18	c, err := client.New(client.AuthFromEnv(false))
+19	if err != nil {
+20		panic(fmt.Sprintf("could not create client: %v", err))
+21	}
+23	// Get some API.
+24	provisioning := anexia.NewAPI(c).VSphere().Provisioning()
+26	// Time out after 30 minutes. Yes it really takes that long sometimes.
+27	ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 30*time.Minute)
+28	// Look for a free ip in the given VLAN. This IP is not reserved for you so better be quick.
+29	ips, err := provisioning.IPs().GetFree(ctx, location, vlan)
+30	defer cancel()
+31	if err != nil {
+32		panic(fmt.Sprintf("provisioning vm failed: %v", err))
+33	}
+34	if len(ips) < 1 {
+35		panic(fmt.Sprintf("no IPs left for testing in vlan"))
+36	}
+38	// Create a NIC for the VM and connect it to the VLAN.
+39	networkInterfaces := []vm.Network{{NICType: "vmxnet3", IPs: []string{ips[0].Identifier}, VLAN: vlan}}
+40	// Create the definition of the new VM. The ID you see here is Flatcar.
+41	definition := vm.NewAPI(c).NewDefinition(location, "template", "44b38284-6adb-430e-b4a4-1553e29f352f", "developersfirstvm", 2, 2048, 10, networkInterfaces)
+42	definition.SSH = "<your SSH pub key>"
+44	// Provision the VM.
+45	provisionResponse, err := provisioning.VM().Provision(ctx, definition)
+46	if err != nil {
+47		panic(fmt.Sprintf("provisioning vm failed: %v", err))
+48	}
+50	// Wait for the VM to be ready.
+51	_, err = provisioning.Progress().AwaitCompletion(ctx, provisionResponse.Identifier)
+52	if err != nil {
+53		panic(fmt.Sprintf("waiting for VM provisioning failed: %v", err))
+54	}
+ +
+ + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/go-anxcloud/README.md@v0.6.0/index.html b/go-anxcloud/README.md@v0.6.0/index.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..2b5587fca4 --- /dev/null +++ b/go-anxcloud/README.md@v0.6.0/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,379 @@ + + + + go.anx.io/go-anxcloud - Go Client for the Anexia API + + + + + + + + + +


+ + +

Documentation +codecov


Go Client for the Anexia API


Go SDK for interacting with the Anexia Engine API.




To use the SDK, just add go.anx.io/go-anxcloud <version> to your Go module.


Getting started


Before using the SDK you should familiarize yourself with the Anexia Engine API.


The library is used in our terraform provider, check it out if you want some examples how to use it.




Below is a short example using the new generic client in this package. Not all APIs can already be used with it, but we are working on that. +Find more examples in the docs (linked to docs for +main branch, not the latest (or any) release).

 1package main
+ 2
+ 3import (
+ 4	"context"
+ 5	"log"
+ 6
+ 7	"go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/api"
+ 8	apiTypes "go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/api/types"
+ 9	"go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/client"
+11	// apis usable with the generic client have their own package in a location analog to this
+12	lbaasv1 "go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/apis/lbaas/v1"
+15func main() {
+16	apiClient, err := api.NewAPI(
+17		api.WithClientOptions(
+18			// Get auth token from ANEXIA_TOKEN environment variable.
+19			// The boolean parameter specifies if the environment variable should be unset.
+20			client.TokenFromEnv(false),
+21		),
+22	)
+23	if err != nil {
+24		log.Fatalf("Error creating ANX API client: %v", err)
+25	}
+27	// let's list LBaaS backends of a known LoadBalancer
+28	frontend := lbaasv1.Frontend{
+29		LoadBalancer: &lbaasv1.LoadBalancer{Identifier: "285b954fdf2a449c8fdae01cc6074025"},
+30	}
+32	var frontends apiTypes.ObjectChannel
+33	err = apiClient.List(context.TODO(), &frontend,
+34		// Listing can be done with either a page iterator or a channel, we use a channel here.
+35		api.ObjectChannel(&frontends),
+37		// Most APIs only give a very small subset when listing resources, add this flag to
+38		// get all attributes, at the cost of doing lots of API requests.
+39		api.FullObjects(true),
+40	)
+41	if err != nil {
+42		log.Fatalf("Error listing backends for LoadBalancer '%v': %v", frontend.LoadBalancer.Identifier, err)
+43	}
+45	for retriever := range frontends {
+46		// reinitialise frontend every loop to reset pointers and avoid potential overwriting of data in the next loop
+47		var frontend lbaasv1.Frontend
+48		if err := retriever(&frontend); err != nil {
+49			log.Fatalf("Error retrieving Frontend: %v", err)
+50		}
+52		log.Printf("Got Frontend named '%v' with mode '%v'", frontend.Name, frontend.Mode)
+53	}

This new generic client will one day be the only client in go-anxcloud. The legacy API-specific clients are deprecated and will be removed in the +go-anxcloud release following the one with all APIs go-anxcloud supports usable with the generic client (so if the generic client in 0.5.0 supports +at least everything there is another client for in go-anxcloud, 0.6.0 will drop the API-specific clients).

+ +
 1package main
+ 2
+ 3import (
+ 4	"context"
+ 5	"fmt"
+ 6	"time"
+ 7
+ 8	anexia "go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg"
+ 9	"go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/client"
+10	"go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/vsphere/provisioning/vm"
+13func main() {
+14	vlan := "<ID of the VLAN the VM should have access to>"
+15	location := "<ID of the location the VM should be in>"
+17	// Create client using the auth token in environment variable ANEXIA_TOKEN and do not unset the environment variable.
+18	c, err := client.New(client.AuthFromEnv(false))
+19	if err != nil {
+20		panic(fmt.Sprintf("could not create client: %v", err))
+21	}
+23	// Get some API.
+24	provisioning := anexia.NewAPI(c).VSphere().Provisioning()
+26	// Time out after 30 minutes. Yes it really takes that long sometimes.
+27	ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 30*time.Minute)
+28	// Look for a free ip in the given VLAN. This IP is not reserved for you so better be quick.
+29	ips, err := provisioning.IPs().GetFree(ctx, location, vlan)
+30	defer cancel()
+31	if err != nil {
+32		panic(fmt.Sprintf("provisioning vm failed: %v", err))
+33	}
+34	if len(ips) < 1 {
+35		panic(fmt.Sprintf("no IPs left for testing in vlan"))
+36	}
+38	// Create a NIC for the VM and connect it to the VLAN.
+39	networkInterfaces := []vm.Network{{NICType: "vmxnet3", IPs: []string{ips[0].Identifier}, VLAN: vlan}}
+40	// Create the definition of the new VM. The ID you see here is Flatcar.
+41	definition := vm.NewAPI(c).NewDefinition(location, "template", "44b38284-6adb-430e-b4a4-1553e29f352f", "developersfirstvm", 2, 2048, 10, networkInterfaces)
+42	definition.SSH = "<your SSH pub key>"
+44	// Provision the VM.
+45	provisionResponse, err := provisioning.VM().Provision(ctx, definition)
+46	if err != nil {
+47		panic(fmt.Sprintf("provisioning vm failed: %v", err))
+48	}
+50	// Wait for the VM to be ready.
+51	_, err = provisioning.Progress().AwaitCompletion(ctx, provisionResponse.Identifier)
+52	if err != nil {
+53		panic(fmt.Sprintf("waiting for VM provisioning failed: %v", err))
+54	}
+ +
+ + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/go-anxcloud/README.md@v0.6.1/index.html b/go-anxcloud/README.md@v0.6.1/index.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..cae4076093 --- /dev/null +++ b/go-anxcloud/README.md@v0.6.1/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,379 @@ + + + + go.anx.io/go-anxcloud - Go Client for the Anexia API + + + + + + + + + +


+ + +

Documentation +codecov


Go Client for the Anexia API


Go SDK for interacting with the Anexia Engine API.




To use the SDK, just add go.anx.io/go-anxcloud <version> to your Go module.


Getting started


Before using the SDK you should familiarize yourself with the Anexia Engine API.


The library is used in our terraform provider, check it out if you want some examples how to use it.




Below is a short example using the new generic client in this package. Not all APIs can already be used with it, but we are working on that. +Find more examples in the docs (linked to docs for +main branch, not the latest (or any) release).

 1package main
+ 2
+ 3import (
+ 4	"context"
+ 5	"log"
+ 6
+ 7	"go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/api"
+ 8	apiTypes "go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/api/types"
+ 9	"go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/client"
+11	// apis usable with the generic client have their own package in a location analog to this
+12	lbaasv1 "go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/apis/lbaas/v1"
+15func main() {
+16	apiClient, err := api.NewAPI(
+17		api.WithClientOptions(
+18			// Get auth token from ANEXIA_TOKEN environment variable.
+19			// The boolean parameter specifies if the environment variable should be unset.
+20			client.TokenFromEnv(false),
+21		),
+22	)
+23	if err != nil {
+24		log.Fatalf("Error creating ANX API client: %v", err)
+25	}
+27	// let's list LBaaS backends of a known LoadBalancer
+28	frontend := lbaasv1.Frontend{
+29		LoadBalancer: &lbaasv1.LoadBalancer{Identifier: "285b954fdf2a449c8fdae01cc6074025"},
+30	}
+32	var frontends apiTypes.ObjectChannel
+33	err = apiClient.List(context.TODO(), &frontend,
+34		// Listing can be done with either a page iterator or a channel, we use a channel here.
+35		api.ObjectChannel(&frontends),
+37		// Most APIs only give a very small subset when listing resources, add this flag to
+38		// get all attributes, at the cost of doing lots of API requests.
+39		api.FullObjects(true),
+40	)
+41	if err != nil {
+42		log.Fatalf("Error listing backends for LoadBalancer '%v': %v", frontend.LoadBalancer.Identifier, err)
+43	}
+45	for retriever := range frontends {
+46		// reinitialise frontend every loop to reset pointers and avoid potential overwriting of data in the next loop
+47		var frontend lbaasv1.Frontend
+48		if err := retriever(&frontend); err != nil {
+49			log.Fatalf("Error retrieving Frontend: %v", err)
+50		}
+52		log.Printf("Got Frontend named '%v' with mode '%v'", frontend.Name, frontend.Mode)
+53	}

This new generic client will one day be the only client in go-anxcloud. The legacy API-specific clients are deprecated and will be removed in the +go-anxcloud release following the one with all APIs go-anxcloud supports usable with the generic client (so if the generic client in 0.5.0 supports +at least everything there is another client for in go-anxcloud, 0.6.0 will drop the API-specific clients).

+ +
 1package main
+ 2
+ 3import (
+ 4	"context"
+ 5	"fmt"
+ 6	"time"
+ 7
+ 8	anexia "go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg"
+ 9	"go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/client"
+10	"go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/vsphere/provisioning/vm"
+13func main() {
+14	vlan := "<ID of the VLAN the VM should have access to>"
+15	location := "<ID of the location the VM should be in>"
+17	// Create client using the auth token in environment variable ANEXIA_TOKEN and do not unset the environment variable.
+18	c, err := client.New(client.AuthFromEnv(false))
+19	if err != nil {
+20		panic(fmt.Sprintf("could not create client: %v", err))
+21	}
+23	// Get some API.
+24	provisioning := anexia.NewAPI(c).VSphere().Provisioning()
+26	// Time out after 30 minutes. Yes it really takes that long sometimes.
+27	ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 30*time.Minute)
+28	// Look for a free ip in the given VLAN. This IP is not reserved for you so better be quick.
+29	ips, err := provisioning.IPs().GetFree(ctx, location, vlan)
+30	defer cancel()
+31	if err != nil {
+32		panic(fmt.Sprintf("provisioning vm failed: %v", err))
+33	}
+34	if len(ips) < 1 {
+35		panic(fmt.Sprintf("no IPs left for testing in vlan"))
+36	}
+38	// Create a NIC for the VM and connect it to the VLAN.
+39	networkInterfaces := []vm.Network{{NICType: "vmxnet3", IPs: []string{ips[0].Identifier}, VLAN: vlan}}
+40	// Create the definition of the new VM. The ID you see here is Flatcar.
+41	definition := vm.NewAPI(c).NewDefinition(location, "template", "44b38284-6adb-430e-b4a4-1553e29f352f", "developersfirstvm", 2, 2048, 10, networkInterfaces)
+42	definition.SSH = "<your SSH pub key>"
+44	// Provision the VM.
+45	provisionResponse, err := provisioning.VM().Provision(ctx, definition)
+46	if err != nil {
+47		panic(fmt.Sprintf("provisioning vm failed: %v", err))
+48	}
+50	// Wait for the VM to be ready.
+51	_, err = provisioning.Progress().AwaitCompletion(ctx, provisionResponse.Identifier)
+52	if err != nil {
+53		panic(fmt.Sprintf("waiting for VM provisioning failed: %v", err))
+54	}
+ +
+ + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/go-anxcloud/README.md@v0.6.2/index.html b/go-anxcloud/README.md@v0.6.2/index.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f60e7f2760 --- /dev/null +++ b/go-anxcloud/README.md@v0.6.2/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,379 @@ + + + + go.anx.io/go-anxcloud - Go Client for the Anexia API + + + + + + + + + +


+ + +

Documentation +codecov


Go Client for the Anexia API


Go SDK for interacting with the Anexia Engine API.




To use the SDK, just add go.anx.io/go-anxcloud <version> to your Go module.


Getting started


Before using the SDK you should familiarize yourself with the Anexia Engine API.


The library is used in our terraform provider, check it out if you want some examples how to use it.




Below is a short example using the new generic client in this package. Not all APIs can already be used with it, but we are working on that. +Find more examples in the docs (linked to docs for +main branch, not the latest (or any) release).

 1package main
+ 2
+ 3import (
+ 4	"context"
+ 5	"log"
+ 6
+ 7	"go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/api"
+ 8	apiTypes "go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/api/types"
+ 9	"go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/client"
+11	// apis usable with the generic client have their own package in a location analog to this
+12	lbaasv1 "go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/apis/lbaas/v1"
+15func main() {
+16	apiClient, err := api.NewAPI(
+17		api.WithClientOptions(
+18			// Get auth token from ANEXIA_TOKEN environment variable.
+19			// The boolean parameter specifies if the environment variable should be unset.
+20			client.TokenFromEnv(false),
+21		),
+22	)
+23	if err != nil {
+24		log.Fatalf("Error creating ANX API client: %v", err)
+25	}
+27	// let's list LBaaS backends of a known LoadBalancer
+28	frontend := lbaasv1.Frontend{
+29		LoadBalancer: &lbaasv1.LoadBalancer{Identifier: "285b954fdf2a449c8fdae01cc6074025"},
+30	}
+32	var frontends apiTypes.ObjectChannel
+33	err = apiClient.List(context.TODO(), &frontend,
+34		// Listing can be done with either a page iterator or a channel, we use a channel here.
+35		api.ObjectChannel(&frontends),
+37		// Most APIs only give a very small subset when listing resources, add this flag to
+38		// get all attributes, at the cost of doing lots of API requests.
+39		api.FullObjects(true),
+40	)
+41	if err != nil {
+42		log.Fatalf("Error listing backends for LoadBalancer '%v': %v", frontend.LoadBalancer.Identifier, err)
+43	}
+45	for retriever := range frontends {
+46		// reinitialise frontend every loop to reset pointers and avoid potential overwriting of data in the next loop
+47		var frontend lbaasv1.Frontend
+48		if err := retriever(&frontend); err != nil {
+49			log.Fatalf("Error retrieving Frontend: %v", err)
+50		}
+52		log.Printf("Got Frontend named '%v' with mode '%v'", frontend.Name, frontend.Mode)
+53	}

This new generic client will one day be the only client in go-anxcloud. The legacy API-specific clients are deprecated and will be removed in the +go-anxcloud release following the one with all APIs go-anxcloud supports usable with the generic client (so if the generic client in 0.5.0 supports +at least everything there is another client for in go-anxcloud, 0.6.0 will drop the API-specific clients).

+ +
 1package main
+ 2
+ 3import (
+ 4	"context"
+ 5	"fmt"
+ 6	"time"
+ 7
+ 8	anexia "go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg"
+ 9	"go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/client"
+10	"go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/vsphere/provisioning/vm"
+13func main() {
+14	vlan := "<ID of the VLAN the VM should have access to>"
+15	location := "<ID of the location the VM should be in>"
+17	// Create client using the auth token in environment variable ANEXIA_TOKEN and do not unset the environment variable.
+18	c, err := client.New(client.AuthFromEnv(false))
+19	if err != nil {
+20		panic(fmt.Sprintf("could not create client: %v", err))
+21	}
+23	// Get some API.
+24	provisioning := anexia.NewAPI(c).VSphere().Provisioning()
+26	// Time out after 30 minutes. Yes it really takes that long sometimes.
+27	ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 30*time.Minute)
+28	// Look for a free ip in the given VLAN. This IP is not reserved for you so better be quick.
+29	ips, err := provisioning.IPs().GetFree(ctx, location, vlan)
+30	defer cancel()
+31	if err != nil {
+32		panic(fmt.Sprintf("provisioning vm failed: %v", err))
+33	}
+34	if len(ips) < 1 {
+35		panic(fmt.Sprintf("no IPs left for testing in vlan"))
+36	}
+38	// Create a NIC for the VM and connect it to the VLAN.
+39	networkInterfaces := []vm.Network{{NICType: "vmxnet3", IPs: []string{ips[0].Identifier}, VLAN: vlan}}
+40	// Create the definition of the new VM. The ID you see here is Flatcar.
+41	definition := vm.NewAPI(c).NewDefinition(location, "template", "44b38284-6adb-430e-b4a4-1553e29f352f", "developersfirstvm", 2, 2048, 10, networkInterfaces)
+42	definition.SSH = "<your SSH pub key>"
+44	// Provision the VM.
+45	provisionResponse, err := provisioning.VM().Provision(ctx, definition)
+46	if err != nil {
+47		panic(fmt.Sprintf("provisioning vm failed: %v", err))
+48	}
+50	// Wait for the VM to be ready.
+51	_, err = provisioning.Progress().AwaitCompletion(ctx, provisionResponse.Identifier)
+52	if err != nil {
+53		panic(fmt.Sprintf("waiting for VM provisioning failed: %v", err))
+54	}
+ +
+ + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/go-anxcloud/index.html b/go-anxcloud/index.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f60e7f2760 --- /dev/null +++ b/go-anxcloud/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,379 @@ + + + + go.anx.io/go-anxcloud - Go Client for the Anexia API + + + + + + + + + +


+ + +

Documentation +codecov


Go Client for the Anexia API


Go SDK for interacting with the Anexia Engine API.




To use the SDK, just add go.anx.io/go-anxcloud <version> to your Go module.


Getting started


Before using the SDK you should familiarize yourself with the Anexia Engine API.


The library is used in our terraform provider, check it out if you want some examples how to use it.




Below is a short example using the new generic client in this package. Not all APIs can already be used with it, but we are working on that. +Find more examples in the docs (linked to docs for +main branch, not the latest (or any) release).

 1package main
+ 2
+ 3import (
+ 4	"context"
+ 5	"log"
+ 6
+ 7	"go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/api"
+ 8	apiTypes "go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/api/types"
+ 9	"go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/client"
+11	// apis usable with the generic client have their own package in a location analog to this
+12	lbaasv1 "go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/apis/lbaas/v1"
+15func main() {
+16	apiClient, err := api.NewAPI(
+17		api.WithClientOptions(
+18			// Get auth token from ANEXIA_TOKEN environment variable.
+19			// The boolean parameter specifies if the environment variable should be unset.
+20			client.TokenFromEnv(false),
+21		),
+22	)
+23	if err != nil {
+24		log.Fatalf("Error creating ANX API client: %v", err)
+25	}
+27	// let's list LBaaS backends of a known LoadBalancer
+28	frontend := lbaasv1.Frontend{
+29		LoadBalancer: &lbaasv1.LoadBalancer{Identifier: "285b954fdf2a449c8fdae01cc6074025"},
+30	}
+32	var frontends apiTypes.ObjectChannel
+33	err = apiClient.List(context.TODO(), &frontend,
+34		// Listing can be done with either a page iterator or a channel, we use a channel here.
+35		api.ObjectChannel(&frontends),
+37		// Most APIs only give a very small subset when listing resources, add this flag to
+38		// get all attributes, at the cost of doing lots of API requests.
+39		api.FullObjects(true),
+40	)
+41	if err != nil {
+42		log.Fatalf("Error listing backends for LoadBalancer '%v': %v", frontend.LoadBalancer.Identifier, err)
+43	}
+45	for retriever := range frontends {
+46		// reinitialise frontend every loop to reset pointers and avoid potential overwriting of data in the next loop
+47		var frontend lbaasv1.Frontend
+48		if err := retriever(&frontend); err != nil {
+49			log.Fatalf("Error retrieving Frontend: %v", err)
+50		}
+52		log.Printf("Got Frontend named '%v' with mode '%v'", frontend.Name, frontend.Mode)
+53	}

This new generic client will one day be the only client in go-anxcloud. The legacy API-specific clients are deprecated and will be removed in the +go-anxcloud release following the one with all APIs go-anxcloud supports usable with the generic client (so if the generic client in 0.5.0 supports +at least everything there is another client for in go-anxcloud, 0.6.0 will drop the API-specific clients).

+ +
 1package main
+ 2
+ 3import (
+ 4	"context"
+ 5	"fmt"
+ 6	"time"
+ 7
+ 8	anexia "go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg"
+ 9	"go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/client"
+10	"go.anx.io/go-anxcloud/pkg/vsphere/provisioning/vm"
+13func main() {
+14	vlan := "<ID of the VLAN the VM should have access to>"
+15	location := "<ID of the location the VM should be in>"
+17	// Create client using the auth token in environment variable ANEXIA_TOKEN and do not unset the environment variable.
+18	c, err := client.New(client.AuthFromEnv(false))
+19	if err != nil {
+20		panic(fmt.Sprintf("could not create client: %v", err))
+21	}
+23	// Get some API.
+24	provisioning := anexia.NewAPI(c).VSphere().Provisioning()
+26	// Time out after 30 minutes. Yes it really takes that long sometimes.
+27	ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 30*time.Minute)
+28	// Look for a free ip in the given VLAN. This IP is not reserved for you so better be quick.
+29	ips, err := provisioning.IPs().GetFree(ctx, location, vlan)
+30	defer cancel()
+31	if err != nil {
+32		panic(fmt.Sprintf("provisioning vm failed: %v", err))
+33	}
+34	if len(ips) < 1 {
+35		panic(fmt.Sprintf("no IPs left for testing in vlan"))
+36	}
+38	// Create a NIC for the VM and connect it to the VLAN.
+39	networkInterfaces := []vm.Network{{NICType: "vmxnet3", IPs: []string{ips[0].Identifier}, VLAN: vlan}}
+40	// Create the definition of the new VM. The ID you see here is Flatcar.
+41	definition := vm.NewAPI(c).NewDefinition(location, "template", "44b38284-6adb-430e-b4a4-1553e29f352f", "developersfirstvm", 2, 2048, 10, networkInterfaces)
+42	definition.SSH = "<your SSH pub key>"
+44	// Provision the VM.
+45	provisionResponse, err := provisioning.VM().Provision(ctx, definition)
+46	if err != nil {
+47		panic(fmt.Sprintf("provisioning vm failed: %v", err))
+48	}
+50	// Wait for the VM to be ready.
+51	_, err = provisioning.Progress().AwaitCompletion(ctx, provisionResponse.Identifier)
+52	if err != nil {
+53		panic(fmt.Sprintf("waiting for VM provisioning failed: %v", err))
+54	}
+ +
+ + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/go-cloudlog/README.md/index.html b/go-cloudlog/README.md/index.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..8df9e3d98a --- /dev/null +++ b/go-cloudlog/README.md/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,111 @@ + + + + go.anx.io/go-cloudlog - go-cloudlog + + + + + + + + + +


+ + + + The highest tagged major version is v2. + +



GoDoc +Build Status +codecov +Go Report Card


go-cloudlog is a client library for Anexia CloudLog.


Currently it only provides to push events to CloudLog.




With a correctly configured Go toolchain:

1go get -u github.com/anexia-it/go-cloudlog


 1package main
+ 2
+ 3import cloudlog "github.com/anexia-it/go-cloudlog"
+ 4
+ 5func main() {
+ 6
+ 7  // Init CloudLog client
+ 8  client, err := cloudlog.NewCloudLog("index", "token")
+ 9  if err != nil {
+10    panic(err)
+11  }
+13  // Push simple message
+14  client.PushEvent("My first CloudLog event")
+16  // Push document as map
+17  logger.PushEvent(map[string]interface{}{
+18	"timestamp": time.Now(),
+19	"user":      "test",
+20	"severity":  1,
+21	"message":   "My first CloudLog event",
+22  })
+24  // Push document as map
+25  type Document struct {
+26	Timestamp uint64 `cloudlog:"timestamp"`
+27	User      string `cloudlog:"user"`
+28	Severity  int    `cloudlog:"severity"`
+29	Message   string `cloudlog:"message"`
+30  }
+31  logger.PushEvent(&Document{
+32 	Timestamp: 1495171849463,
+33	User:      "test",
+34	Severity:  1,
+35	Message:   "My first CloudLog event",
+36  })
+ + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/go-cloudlog/README.md@v2.0.0/index.html b/go-cloudlog/README.md@v2.0.0/index.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..8df9e3d98a --- /dev/null +++ b/go-cloudlog/README.md@v2.0.0/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,111 @@ + + + + go.anx.io/go-cloudlog - go-cloudlog + + + + + + + + + +


+ + + + The highest tagged major version is v2. + +



GoDoc +Build Status +codecov +Go Report Card


go-cloudlog is a client library for Anexia CloudLog.


Currently it only provides to push events to CloudLog.




With a correctly configured Go toolchain:

1go get -u github.com/anexia-it/go-cloudlog


 1package main
+ 2
+ 3import cloudlog "github.com/anexia-it/go-cloudlog"
+ 4
+ 5func main() {
+ 6
+ 7  // Init CloudLog client
+ 8  client, err := cloudlog.NewCloudLog("index", "token")
+ 9  if err != nil {
+10    panic(err)
+11  }
+13  // Push simple message
+14  client.PushEvent("My first CloudLog event")
+16  // Push document as map
+17  logger.PushEvent(map[string]interface{}{
+18	"timestamp": time.Now(),
+19	"user":      "test",
+20	"severity":  1,
+21	"message":   "My first CloudLog event",
+22  })
+24  // Push document as map
+25  type Document struct {
+26	Timestamp uint64 `cloudlog:"timestamp"`
+27	User      string `cloudlog:"user"`
+28	Severity  int    `cloudlog:"severity"`
+29	Message   string `cloudlog:"message"`
+30  }
+31  logger.PushEvent(&Document{
+32 	Timestamp: 1495171849463,
+33	User:      "test",
+34	Severity:  1,
+35	Message:   "My first CloudLog event",
+36  })
+ + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/go-cloudlog/index.html b/go-cloudlog/index.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..8df9e3d98a --- /dev/null +++ b/go-cloudlog/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,111 @@ + + + + go.anx.io/go-cloudlog - go-cloudlog + + + + + + + + + +


+ + + + The highest tagged major version is v2. + +



GoDoc +Build Status +codecov +Go Report Card


go-cloudlog is a client library for Anexia CloudLog.


Currently it only provides to push events to CloudLog.




With a correctly configured Go toolchain:

1go get -u github.com/anexia-it/go-cloudlog


 1package main
+ 2
+ 3import cloudlog "github.com/anexia-it/go-cloudlog"
+ 4
+ 5func main() {
+ 6
+ 7  // Init CloudLog client
+ 8  client, err := cloudlog.NewCloudLog("index", "token")
+ 9  if err != nil {
+10    panic(err)
+11  }
+13  // Push simple message
+14  client.PushEvent("My first CloudLog event")
+16  // Push document as map
+17  logger.PushEvent(map[string]interface{}{
+18	"timestamp": time.Now(),
+19	"user":      "test",
+20	"severity":  1,
+21	"message":   "My first CloudLog event",
+22  })
+24  // Push document as map
+25  type Document struct {
+26	Timestamp uint64 `cloudlog:"timestamp"`
+27	User      string `cloudlog:"user"`
+28	Severity  int    `cloudlog:"severity"`
+29	Message   string `cloudlog:"message"`
+30  }
+31  logger.PushEvent(&Document{
+32 	Timestamp: 1495171849463,
+33	User:      "test",
+34	Severity:  1,
+35	Message:   "My first CloudLog event",
+36  })
+ + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/go-cloudlog/v2/README.md/index.html b/go-cloudlog/v2/README.md/index.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d9f6c86083 --- /dev/null +++ b/go-cloudlog/v2/README.md/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,108 @@ + + + + go.anx.io/go-cloudlog/v2 - go-cloudlog + + + + + + + + + +


+ + +



GoDoc +Build Status +codecov +Go Report Card


go-cloudlog is a client library for Anexia CloudLog.


Currently it only provides to push events to CloudLog.




With a correctly configured Go toolchain:

1go get -u github.com/anexia-it/go-cloudlog


 1package main
+ 2
+ 3import cloudlog "github.com/anexia-it/go-cloudlog"
+ 4
+ 5func main() {
+ 6
+ 7  // Init CloudLog client
+ 8  client, err := cloudlog.NewCloudLog("index", "token")
+ 9  if err != nil {
+10    panic(err)
+11  }
+13  // Push simple message
+14  client.PushEvent("My first CloudLog event")
+16  // Push document as map
+17  logger.PushEvent(map[string]interface{}{
+18	"timestamp": time.Now(),
+19	"user":      "test",
+20	"severity":  1,
+21	"message":   "My first CloudLog event",
+22  })
+24  // Push document as map
+25  type Document struct {
+26	Timestamp uint64 `cloudlog:"timestamp"`
+27	User      string `cloudlog:"user"`
+28	Severity  int    `cloudlog:"severity"`
+29	Message   string `cloudlog:"message"`
+30  }
+31  logger.PushEvent(&Document{
+32 	Timestamp: 1495171849463,
+33	User:      "test",
+34	Severity:  1,
+35	Message:   "My first CloudLog event",
+36  })
+ + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/go-cloudlog/v2/README.md@master/index.html b/go-cloudlog/v2/README.md@master/index.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d1ae15a614 --- /dev/null +++ b/go-cloudlog/v2/README.md@master/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,107 @@ + + + + go.anx.io/go-cloudlog/v2 - go-cloudlog + + + + + + + + + +


+ + +



GoDoc +Build Status +codecov +Go Report Card


go-cloudlog is a client library for Anexia CloudLog.




With a correctly configured Go toolchain:

1go get -u github.com/anexia-it/go-cloudlog


 1package main
+ 2
+ 3import cloudlog "github.com/anexia-it/go-cloudlog"
+ 4
+ 5func main() {
+ 6
+ 7  // Init CloudLog client
+ 8  client, err := cloudlog.NewCloudLog("index", "token")
+ 9  if err != nil {
+10    panic(err)
+11  }
+13  // Push simple message
+14  client.PushEvent("My first CloudLog event")
+16  // Push document as map
+17  logger.PushEvent(map[string]interface{}{
+18	"timestamp": time.Now(),
+19	"user":      "test",
+20	"severity":  1,
+21	"message":   "My first CloudLog event",
+22  })
+24  // Push document as map
+25  type Document struct {
+26	Timestamp uint64 `cloudlog:"timestamp"`
+27	User      string `cloudlog:"user"`
+28	Severity  int    `cloudlog:"severity"`
+29	Message   string `cloudlog:"message"`
+30  }
+31  logger.PushEvent(&Document{
+32 	Timestamp: 1495171849463,
+33	User:      "test",
+34	Severity:  1,
+35	Message:   "My first CloudLog event",
+36  })
+ + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/go-cloudlog/v2/README.md@v2.0.1/index.html b/go-cloudlog/v2/README.md@v2.0.1/index.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..2f3cbca331 --- /dev/null +++ b/go-cloudlog/v2/README.md@v2.0.1/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,108 @@ + + + + go.anx.io/go-cloudlog/v2 - go-cloudlog + + + + + + + + + +


+ + +



GoDoc +Build Status +codecov +Go Report Card


go-cloudlog is a client library for Anexia CloudLog.


Currently it only provides to push events to CloudLog.




With a correctly configured Go toolchain:

1go get -u github.com/anexia-it/go-cloudlog


 1package main
+ 2
+ 3import cloudlog "github.com/anexia-it/go-cloudlog"
+ 4
+ 5func main() {
+ 6
+ 7  // Init CloudLog client
+ 8  client, err := cloudlog.NewCloudLog("index", "token")
+ 9  if err != nil {
+10    panic(err)
+11  }
+13  // Push simple message
+14  client.PushEvent("My first CloudLog event")
+16  // Push document as map
+17  logger.PushEvent(map[string]interface{}{
+18	"timestamp": time.Now(),
+19	"user":      "test",
+20	"severity":  1,
+21	"message":   "My first CloudLog event",
+22  })
+24  // Push document as map
+25  type Document struct {
+26	Timestamp uint64 `cloudlog:"timestamp"`
+27	User      string `cloudlog:"user"`
+28	Severity  int    `cloudlog:"severity"`
+29	Message   string `cloudlog:"message"`
+30  }
+31  logger.PushEvent(&Document{
+32 	Timestamp: 1495171849463,
+33	User:      "test",
+34	Severity:  1,
+35	Message:   "My first CloudLog event",
+36  })
+ + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/go-cloudlog/v2/README.md@v2.0.2/index.html b/go-cloudlog/v2/README.md@v2.0.2/index.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d9f6c86083 --- /dev/null +++ b/go-cloudlog/v2/README.md@v2.0.2/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,108 @@ + + + + go.anx.io/go-cloudlog/v2 - go-cloudlog + + + + + + + + + +


+ + +



GoDoc +Build Status +codecov +Go Report Card


go-cloudlog is a client library for Anexia CloudLog.


Currently it only provides to push events to CloudLog.




With a correctly configured Go toolchain:

1go get -u github.com/anexia-it/go-cloudlog


 1package main
+ 2
+ 3import cloudlog "github.com/anexia-it/go-cloudlog"
+ 4
+ 5func main() {
+ 6
+ 7  // Init CloudLog client
+ 8  client, err := cloudlog.NewCloudLog("index", "token")
+ 9  if err != nil {
+10    panic(err)
+11  }
+13  // Push simple message
+14  client.PushEvent("My first CloudLog event")
+16  // Push document as map
+17  logger.PushEvent(map[string]interface{}{
+18	"timestamp": time.Now(),
+19	"user":      "test",
+20	"severity":  1,
+21	"message":   "My first CloudLog event",
+22  })
+24  // Push document as map
+25  type Document struct {
+26	Timestamp uint64 `cloudlog:"timestamp"`
+27	User      string `cloudlog:"user"`
+28	Severity  int    `cloudlog:"severity"`
+29	Message   string `cloudlog:"message"`
+30  }
+31  logger.PushEvent(&Document{
+32 	Timestamp: 1495171849463,
+33	User:      "test",
+34	Severity:  1,
+35	Message:   "My first CloudLog event",
+36  })
+ + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/go-cloudlog/v2/index.html b/go-cloudlog/v2/index.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d9f6c86083 --- /dev/null +++ b/go-cloudlog/v2/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,108 @@ + + + + go.anx.io/go-cloudlog/v2 - go-cloudlog + + + + + + + + + +


+ + +



GoDoc +Build Status +codecov +Go Report Card


go-cloudlog is a client library for Anexia CloudLog.


Currently it only provides to push events to CloudLog.




With a correctly configured Go toolchain:

1go get -u github.com/anexia-it/go-cloudlog


 1package main
+ 2
+ 3import cloudlog "github.com/anexia-it/go-cloudlog"
+ 4
+ 5func main() {
+ 6
+ 7  // Init CloudLog client
+ 8  client, err := cloudlog.NewCloudLog("index", "token")
+ 9  if err != nil {
+10    panic(err)
+11  }
+13  // Push simple message
+14  client.PushEvent("My first CloudLog event")
+16  // Push document as map
+17  logger.PushEvent(map[string]interface{}{
+18	"timestamp": time.Now(),
+19	"user":      "test",
+20	"severity":  1,
+21	"message":   "My first CloudLog event",
+22  })
+24  // Push document as map
+25  type Document struct {
+26	Timestamp uint64 `cloudlog:"timestamp"`
+27	User      string `cloudlog:"user"`
+28	Severity  int    `cloudlog:"severity"`
+29	Message   string `cloudlog:"message"`
+30  }
+31  logger.PushEvent(&Document{
+32 	Timestamp: 1495171849463,
+33	User:      "test",
+34	Severity:  1,
+35	Message:   "My first CloudLog event",
+36  })
+ + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/index.html b/index.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ab89fa8762 --- /dev/null +++ b/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,65 @@ + + + + + go.anx.io - go packages by Anexia + + + + + + + + +

+ go.anx.io - go packages by Anexia +


Hello world!


This website lists a collection of our Go packages, making them available via our vanity URL.


There might be more packages not added to this website, looking at our GitHub +is a good way to find all of them (the link filters for things written in Go).

+ +


+ + Go Client for the Anexia API + + +
+ +


+ + Support library to help Go developers build Anexia e5e functions + + +
+ + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/static/Anexia_Logo_RGB.svg b/static/Anexia_Logo_RGB.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..843cc251dd --- /dev/null +++ b/static/Anexia_Logo_RGB.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/static/fonts/fira-sans-v11-latin-700.eot b/static/fonts/fira-sans-v11-latin-700.eot new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..37b7a5e31f Binary files /dev/null and b/static/fonts/fira-sans-v11-latin-700.eot differ diff --git a/static/fonts/fira-sans-v11-latin-700.svg b/static/fonts/fira-sans-v11-latin-700.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..eb522e3218 --- /dev/null +++ b/static/fonts/fira-sans-v11-latin-700.svg @@ -0,0 +1,328 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/static/fonts/fira-sans-v11-latin-700.ttf b/static/fonts/fira-sans-v11-latin-700.ttf new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..4227efcc7c Binary files /dev/null and b/static/fonts/fira-sans-v11-latin-700.ttf differ diff --git a/static/fonts/fira-sans-v11-latin-700.woff b/static/fonts/fira-sans-v11-latin-700.woff new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..7d310b00c4 Binary files /dev/null and b/static/fonts/fira-sans-v11-latin-700.woff differ diff --git a/static/fonts/fira-sans-v11-latin-700.woff2 b/static/fonts/fira-sans-v11-latin-700.woff2 new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..74096323d8 Binary files /dev/null and b/static/fonts/fira-sans-v11-latin-700.woff2 differ diff --git a/static/fonts/fira-sans-v11-latin-italic.eot b/static/fonts/fira-sans-v11-latin-italic.eot new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..59dc13a137 Binary files /dev/null and b/static/fonts/fira-sans-v11-latin-italic.eot differ diff --git a/static/fonts/fira-sans-v11-latin-italic.svg b/static/fonts/fira-sans-v11-latin-italic.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..55ceba89b2 --- /dev/null +++ b/static/fonts/fira-sans-v11-latin-italic.svg @@ -0,0 +1,340 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/static/fonts/fira-sans-v11-latin-italic.ttf b/static/fonts/fira-sans-v11-latin-italic.ttf new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3695261979 Binary files /dev/null and b/static/fonts/fira-sans-v11-latin-italic.ttf differ diff --git a/static/fonts/fira-sans-v11-latin-italic.woff b/static/fonts/fira-sans-v11-latin-italic.woff new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..7e1d9ef761 Binary files /dev/null and b/static/fonts/fira-sans-v11-latin-italic.woff differ diff --git a/static/fonts/fira-sans-v11-latin-italic.woff2 b/static/fonts/fira-sans-v11-latin-italic.woff2 new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..069b9402b0 Binary files /dev/null and b/static/fonts/fira-sans-v11-latin-italic.woff2 differ diff --git a/static/fonts/fira-sans-v11-latin-regular.eot b/static/fonts/fira-sans-v11-latin-regular.eot new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b9cc18fb17 Binary files /dev/null and b/static/fonts/fira-sans-v11-latin-regular.eot differ diff --git a/static/fonts/fira-sans-v11-latin-regular.svg b/static/fonts/fira-sans-v11-latin-regular.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..1e520978de --- /dev/null +++ b/static/fonts/fira-sans-v11-latin-regular.svg @@ -0,0 +1,330 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/static/fonts/fira-sans-v11-latin-regular.ttf b/static/fonts/fira-sans-v11-latin-regular.ttf new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..8ad68a6e72 Binary files /dev/null and b/static/fonts/fira-sans-v11-latin-regular.ttf differ diff --git a/static/fonts/fira-sans-v11-latin-regular.woff b/static/fonts/fira-sans-v11-latin-regular.woff new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..dfa72751e1 Binary files /dev/null and b/static/fonts/fira-sans-v11-latin-regular.woff differ diff --git a/static/fonts/fira-sans-v11-latin-regular.woff2 b/static/fonts/fira-sans-v11-latin-regular.woff2 new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ad3d10e663 Binary files /dev/null and b/static/fonts/fira-sans-v11-latin-regular.woff2 differ diff --git a/static/style.css b/static/style.css new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..914f8d690e --- /dev/null +++ b/static/style.css @@ -0,0 +1,353 @@ +/* generated by https://google-webfonts-helper.herokuapp.com/fonts/fira-sans?subsets=latin */ +/* fira-sans-regular - latin */ +@font-face { + font-family: 'Fira Sans'; + font-style: normal; + font-weight: 400; + src: url('/static/fonts/fira-sans-v11-latin-regular.eot'); /* IE9 Compat Modes */ + src: local(''), + url('/static/fonts/fira-sans-v11-latin-regular.eot?#iefix') format('embedded-opentype'), /* IE6-IE8 */ + url('/static/fonts/fira-sans-v11-latin-regular.woff2') format('woff2'), /* Super Modern Browsers */ + url('/static/fonts/fira-sans-v11-latin-regular.woff') format('woff'), /* Modern Browsers */ + url('/static/fonts/fira-sans-v11-latin-regular.ttf') format('truetype'), /* Safari, Android, iOS */ + url('/static/fonts/fira-sans-v11-latin-regular.svg#FiraSans') format('svg'); /* Legacy iOS */ +} +/* fira-sans-italic - latin */ +@font-face { + font-family: 'Fira Sans'; + font-style: italic; + font-weight: 400; + src: url('/static/fonts/fira-sans-v11-latin-italic.eot'); /* IE9 Compat Modes */ + src: local(''), + url('/static/fonts/fira-sans-v11-latin-italic.eot?#iefix') format('embedded-opentype'), /* IE6-IE8 */ + url('/static/fonts/fira-sans-v11-latin-italic.woff2') format('woff2'), /* Super Modern Browsers */ + url('/static/fonts/fira-sans-v11-latin-italic.woff') format('woff'), /* Modern Browsers */ + url('/static/fonts/fira-sans-v11-latin-italic.ttf') format('truetype'), /* Safari, Android, iOS */ + url('/static/fonts/fira-sans-v11-latin-italic.svg#FiraSans') format('svg'); /* Legacy iOS */ +} +/* fira-sans-700 - latin */ +@font-face { + font-family: 'Fira Sans'; + font-style: normal; + font-weight: 700; + src: url('/static/fonts/fira-sans-v11-latin-700.eot'); /* IE9 Compat Modes */ + src: local(''), + url('/static/fonts/fira-sans-v11-latin-700.eot?#iefix') format('embedded-opentype'), /* IE6-IE8 */ + url('/static/fonts/fira-sans-v11-latin-700.woff2') format('woff2'), /* Super Modern Browsers */ + url('/static/fonts/fira-sans-v11-latin-700.woff') format('woff'), /* Modern Browsers */ + url('/static/fonts/fira-sans-v11-latin-700.ttf') format('truetype'), /* Safari, Android, iOS */ + url('/static/fonts/fira-sans-v11-latin-700.svg#FiraSans') format('svg'); /* Legacy iOS */ +} + +html { + padding: 0; + margin: 0; +} + +body { + font-family: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif; + font-size: 16px; + font-variant-numeric: lining-nums; + color: #696969; + background: #002d6e; + + max-width: 60em; + padding: 40px; + padding-top: 30px; + margin: auto; + + line-height: 1.2em; +} + +body.mainpage { + max-width: 500px; +} + +body > header { + background-image: url(Anexia_Logo_RGB.svg); + background-repeat: no-repeat; + background-size: auto 45px; + background-color: #002d6e; + color: white; + + min-height: 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