- core: make sure getAttribute is configurable (48e64797)
- nartc
This was a version bump only, there were no code changes.
- core: expose rendered output with the component ref (f4bc584)
- nartc
- core: add dummy getAttribute fn to rendererNode for ssr (1a37c1a)
- nartc
- cannon: bump three 172 (126b126)
- core: bump three 172 (fbb1531)
- postprocessing: bump three 172 (28de882)
- rapier: bump three 172 (580972f)
- soba: bump three 172 (ef5655a)
- core: loosen instanceof check (b7650b2)
- core: null check first before isTexture (ebd3c3a)
- soba: dispose texture on environment cube destroyed (4a23c73)
- nartc
- soba: add isReady getter for animation api to help with type-narrow (3ca940d)
- nartc
- postprocessing: ngtp tone mapping selector (e816059)
- nartc
- core: add parent directive for special attach case (7f78a4c)
- core: make sure previousAttach exists before invoking (b5d3ae6)
- core: adjust NgtRouterOutlet to make a new env injector with parent (ae16c92)
- core: move resolve parent to the directive itself (0ec724a)
- postprocessing: update tonemapping to not use CONVOLUTION (a6a7567)
- postprocessing: export name for tone mapping (abe0100)
- nartc
- soba: adjust injectGLTF generics (41b95c4)
- nartc
- core: get parent in removeChild from parentNode; do not remove children if oldChild is scene (2807f68)
- soba: move makeDefault up for controls (9d05d0c)
- nartc
- core: check against previous args and do nothing if they're the same references (d24c136)
- core: use custom equality fn for parameters (3c0cdfe)
- nartc
- core: null check remove call (065efff)
- nartc
- core: check for lS.parent before calling untracked on it (b4bf14d)
- soba: setPoints should receive optional mid in quadratic bezier line (909b27c)
- soba: bind offset to position on pivot controls instead of effect (c4128ed)
- nartc
- cannon: remove standalone: true (b5e56e7)
- cannon: remove unnecessary untracked (de8a3e9)
- core: remove standalone true (0a38f33)
- core: remove unnecessary untracked (a837583)
- postprocessing: remove standalone true (195ea58)
- rapier: remove standalone true (fa304b9)
- rapier: remove unnecessary untracked (f994937)
- soba: remove standalone true (f894178)
- soba: remove unnecessary untracked (5a976ef)
- nartc
- core: adjust versions for generator (746039b)
- nartc
⚠️ core: remove NgtObjectEventsHostDirective short-cut (0ab2a6e)- core: promote core/testing to stable (d6c5421)
⚠️ rapier: remove deprecated properties (be09add)- repo: migrate nx and angular (f91595c)
- repo: bump peer deps (21a5f61)
⚠️ soba: remove ngtspivotcontrols export from controls entry point (0db0b1e)
- core: routed scene should work (6e76304)
- soba: set up an effect for setting position of gizmo instead (05ad6dc)
- rapier: remove
from physics options - core: use host directive
explicitly - soba: use
entry point
- nartc
- repo: bump peer deps on angular (4027049)
- core: make sure camera and dpr is set correctly initially (ae5ec13)
- nartc
- cannon: clean up cannon usages (23f00ca)
- postprocessing: adjust postprocessing usages (da5de36)
- postprocessing: make sure effect w/ ngt-primitive are disposed (e8510b9)
- rapier: adjust rapier effect usages (3fcd150)
- soba: adjust abstractions (5aa1b0c)
- soba: adjust cameras (6b61706)
- soba: controls (a88606b)
- soba: gizmos (03dcfb8)
- soba: loaders (b4690fc)
- soba: materials (affed6c)
- soba: misc (bf543ca)
- soba: staging (3c18936)
- nartc
- core: deprecate outputs and inputs shortcut for ObjectEvents. Never worked (576eeaa)
- soba: explicit outputs for object events on rounded box (81ac40c)
- nartc
- soba: apply objectEvents as host directive to RoundedBox (8cffded)
- nartc
- soba: restart portal before render when priority changes in MeshPortalMaterial (55b3258)
- nartc
- nartc
- soba: dummy (ed2fb54)
- nartc
- nartc
- soba: default blend to 0 for MeshPortalMaterial (daa64e4)
- nartc
- soba: export new animations types as public api (00dd7db)
- nartc
- soba: adjust injectAnimations to be more relaxed with animation clip typing (cca8a12)
- nartc
- soba: add NgtsMeshPortalMaterial (use pmndrs/vanilla) (2baa76a)
- core: adjust NgtAttachable type to accept string | number array (for index) (447c3e1)
- soba: add default params for injectFBO (2f2a551)
- nartc
- cannon: bump peer dep to three 170 (3a09692)
- core: bump peer dependency to three 170 (7493d8c)
- postprocessing: bump peer dep to three 170 (694ca85)
- rapier: bump peer dep to three 170 (b41385a)
- soba: bump peer dep to three 170 and three csm to <6.3.0 (52b81f6)
- nartc
- soba: address peer deps on three csm (0f155ad)
- nartc
- nartc
- core: upgrade ngxtension (with changes to resize) (07f1f1e)
- nartc
- core: remove as const from object events inputs/outputs (f539c80)
- nartc
- core: adjust internal types (dae630f)
- rapier: deprecate erp; add contactNaturalFrequency (189be32)
- soba: add injectFBX (8a6c79a)
- core: expose inputs and outputs array for NgtObjectEvents (6d3e0ed)
- nartc
- core: check for uuid before comparing uuid in instance store (8e1617a)
- core: use DOM_PARENT constant for ngt_dom_parent (800bc6d)
- nartc
- plugin: bump generators versions (572477d)
- rapier: do not track entire options object in rigid body colliders options (8c7915a)
- soba: bump dependencies version (1c9b7cb)
- nartc
- soba: add preload (8387f21)
- core: use findIndex instead of indexOf in instance add new object (0ae843f)
- soba: use textGeometry in effect for text3d (eaa2d17)
- nartc
- use ngxtension (f785e1d)
- add select to storeApi (9d5da39)
- adjust migration (04d2924)
- core: generate core (e1cf6c7)
- core: upgrade nx (c3bbc46)
- core: add experience generation (beta) (650eb26)
- core: update nx (27ca571)
- core: bump three 0.156 (3f847ef)
- core: update nx (3e55988)
- core: update ngxtension (f3bbd0c)
- core: add selection api (NgtSelection and NgtSelect) (b3c2071)
- core: add hexify pipe to convert various color values to hex-number (0xRRGGBBAA format) (0f2c63a)
- core: add NgtObjectEvents directive to pass-through pointer event system (e0b575f)
- core: add injectNonNullish$ (2eec63b)
- core: allow raycast to accept null and assign () => null for null raycasting (44b24e8)
- core: init nativescript entry point (413a60c)
- core: first nativescript entry point release (8864e0b)
- plugin: update init-soba generator to add metadata.json (6009ca0)
- plugin: update plugin to the latest (b13ef25)
- plugin: add soba generator (591e95a)
- plugin: wip gltf generator (08a7baa)
- postprocessing: add outline effect and demo (30f70ba)
- postprocessing: add n8ao as an entry point; add tonemapping (7c73755)
- rapier: add rapier (ff76de7)
- rapier: add rapier (#54)
⚠️ rapier: support fallback content when physics fails to load RAPIER wasm (8f336df)- soba: add instances (e118791)
- soba: gizmo (8ac565c)
- soba: allow set global decoder path (cbe0cc4)
- soba: point material (c57dcea)
- soba: add scale factor calculation for pivot controls (1d00903)
- soba: add pivot controls (2729b57)
- soba: add billboard (91c51cf)
- soba: add NgtsMask (a60e3b7)
- soba: add transform controls (faf6867)
- soba: gen gizmos entry; move PivotControls and TransformControls into gizmos (9e82df2)
- soba: add gizmo helpers (f99d043)
- migration migrates all the times (83ca9c6)
- make sure to install ngxtension (6ee16a7)
- adjust version of ngxtension (7c5b54a)
- only get state if it's available (33aa00f)
⚠️ cannon: unwrapafterNextRender
(676aa16)- cannon: update peer deps (fc7ab35)
- cannon: remove autoEffect in physics (7ecfb3f)
- cannon: clean up physics (f8973c4)
- core: make sure renderer work correctly for two DOMs elements that might contain THREE children (b1987ba)
- core: only proceed with append logic for DOMs if render state is available (5a56e6d)
- core: adjust createAttachFn positional type arguments (b65fe57)
- core: adjust experience generator (fad08f6)
- core: adjust generator sourceRoot (701b7c9)
- core: adjust tsqueyr usage for generator (2d16772)
- core: make sure escape template tag for generation (6a702d6)
- core: use correct syntax for substitution generate files (4194370)
- core: adjust template for experience component to include angular-three imports (1249f0f)
- core: force standalone for experience generation (2b4c9fa)
- core: rename assertInjectionContext to assertInjector (79c68aa)
- core: update type for afterAttach (3b01ce5)
- core: clean up ngt ref (1125c86)
- core: fix core type for loader (9c741ea)
- core: adjust nested effects (59f0dda)
- core: update package target to build plugin last (1bf5884)
- core: adjust import for selection (b118e47)
- core: change the way NgtSelect works (50f0cea)
- core: simplify NgtSelection API with exposing single method update (9fce320)
- core: return early if there is namespace during createElement (610d56f)
- core: comment out update matrix automatically (2f813fa)
- core: use noinfer for TData on loader's onLoad (536aa05)
- core: account for when parent is null in removeChild (08c27e5)
- core: double check for falsy parent in removeChild (5f1a36d)
- core: adjust removeChild logic to get THREE parent first before getting renderer parent (d97d48d)
- core: bail if parent is null in removeChild but do clean up if there's internal child (2691fd0)
- core: call signal for parent() in remove child (ca711d7)
- core: handle NgtAttachFunction for ngt-value as well (b1d1006)
- core: adjust onLoad parameter type (fd37f28)
- core: use optional chaining for localState parent since it can be null (5eff54a)
- core: assert any for $event (7b54fae)
- core: use onReady event from Canvas NS (93dafef)
- core: set size for gl in native (a560270)
- core: optional chaining on renderer state as it can be null during nullifying state of previous object downstream (f42a9fe)
- core: clean up NgtObjectEvents; do not use afterNextRender in injectObjectEvents (1fcf43a)
⚠️ core: unwrapafterNextRender
(d57d1cc)- core: adjust add soba generator to remove dup three mesh bvh peerdep (c3b68e2)
- core: adjust loader to bail on only falsy url when multiple urls are passed in (67a6d2c)
- core: update peer deps (ef92608)
- core: ensure three native events (w/ EventDispatcher) work properly (2a0edd6)
- core: assign intermediate ref to the parent store for non-three instance during applyProps (6fb9294)
- core: add output emitter ref utilities (1457ce7)
- core: make sure add method is available before calling (92af0e9)
- core: use effect directly for selection (19cd21e)
- core: clean up loader; remove allowSignalWrites in injectLoader (3c074c5)
- core: clean up args; (86d31aa)
- core: add geometryStamp to ngt instance (2cf9113)
- core: adjust object events; remove afterNextRender (63d6e74)
- core: remove autoEffect in canvas (94834a6)
- core: clean up portal; remove autoEffect (6ad06e1)
- core: add geometryStamp and updateGeometryStamp to types (4c730bb)
- core: check setClearAlpha before calling (33ba160)
- plugin: change init logic for geenrating experience (8a14c89)
- plugin: miss a typo (994eb99)
- plugin: trim the template when in append experience mode (2fccad0)
- plugin: fix peer dependencies prompt for add-soba (07eca89)
- plugin: only add metadata json path to vscode settings if it's not there (cafcf51)
- plugin: try using esnext (2600c9e)
- plugin: adjust add-soba generator to make sure all peer deps are installed properly (caf58a6)
- plugin: add missing peer dep to collection (3d6362c)
- plugin: bump threejs version (18b9a9e)
- postprocessing: update peer deps (4d5ee21)
- postprocessing: remove afterNextRender and autoEffect (4d0918d)
- rapier: clean up framestepper; remove afterNextRender and autoEffect (0e27857)
- rapier: auto colliders should still work if physicsColliders is false BUT colliders is set (07ecec0)
- rapier: clean up rapier (9cda37b)
- repo: align peer dependencies ranges to better control them (bcebf76)
- soba: extend InstancedBufferAttribute (e39cdb2)
- soba: attempt to use args for instanced buffer attribute (6862a07)
- soba: reverse occlusion logic in HTML (17c5123)
- soba: use texture params for progressive light maps (72fef8c)
- soba: ensure default intensity for accumulative shadows is taking legacy lights into account (89f060f)
- soba: add content projection for orbit controls (8a6526c)
- soba: clean up cube camera (ce60420)
- soba: make fbo return a Signal instead of NgtInjectedRef (6160a2e)
- soba: clean up trail texture (e8a94c2)
- soba: make ngtsTrail return a Signal instead of NgtInjectedRef (5d30c3a)
- soba: match MeshTransmissionMaterial with Drei (0d09a28)
- soba: clean up animations (90545c6)
- soba: clean up sampler (d7426b7)
- soba: use valid angular for caustics (70f4f32)
- soba: adjust type for all attach input to NgtAttachable (02bbc13)
- soba: rename directive selectors to camel case instead of kebab (ce1d543)
- soba: adjust contact shadows (aa3d022)
- soba: fix options type for helper (f8f93a5)
- soba: adjust type for gltfloader onLoad and allows preLoad to pass in onLoad (7d0ad62)
- soba: attempt to use commonjs with loadEsmModule (78060c0)
- soba: another attempt to load injectGLTF (02ccc26)
- soba: test gltf generator (8d4c75d)
- soba: remove gltf generator (gonna make a separate CLI instead) (ab1603a)
- soba: another attempt with gltf generator using node-three-gltf (5095308)
- soba: remove gltf generator again (08dbc31)
⚠️ soba: unwrapafterNextRender
(537be01)⚠️ soba: unwrapafterNextRender
, andinjectSurfaceSampler
(0599c1a)⚠️ soba: unwrapafterNextRender
(47dba57)- soba: clean up
(c52b925) ⚠️ soba: unwrapafterNextRender
(c325c92)- soba: update peer deps (92e0e05)
- soba: adjust orbit controls event type (877d006)
- soba: add attach input to prism geometry (dc83f8b)
- soba: bump pmndrs/vanilla version (2599568)
- soba: add preload and clear to injectEnvironment (395d6bf)
- soba: track parent nonObjects before creating decal (0091a6f)
- soba: clean up sampler; use computed instead of setting signals in effect (f5262bc)
- soba: also register nonObjects() for center (so geometries can be taken into account) (71d4c2c)
- soba: clean up environment; use effect more effectively (no pun) (a8e2966)
- soba: clean up sampler even more (88fbae4)
- soba: clean up a lot of afterNextRender / autoEffect (d41fc91)
- soba: clean up sampler returning the computed directly (f33136c)
- soba: fix type for viewcube (749b97b)
- cannon: adjust injectBody (be14df8)
- core: use VCR from canvas element instead of host (f739b89)
- core: nullify the ngt_dom_parent for HTML component (57c0568)
- core: use DebugNode instead of getDebugNode (7f39e5c)
- core: remove unnecessary untracked in noZoneRender (af5e8c6)
- core: clean up canvas and portal (709d259)
- core: improve hexify performance with internal instance cache (8290542)
- soba: adjust shader material to not spread on uniforms (bbd747f)
- soba: extract THREE.REVISION to a constant (c6a253c)
- soba: simplify contact shadows; multiply frames to workaround race cond (224ef16)
- soba: simplify render texture template (7a9c2be)
- soba: use raycast=null instead of nullRaycast (c92c021)
- rapier: in order to support fallback content, physics content
- cannon: This is considered a breaking change because of change
- core: this is considered a breaking change because of timing
- soba: this is considered a breaking change because of timing
- soba: this is considered a breaking change because of timing
- soba: this is considered a breaking change because of timing
⚠️ soba: unwrapafterNextRender
- Chau Tran
- nartc
2.0.0-beta.41 (2023-10-04)
- rapier: add rapier (ff76de7)
2.0.0-beta.40 (2023-09-27)
- core: fix core type for loader (9c741ea)
2.0.0-beta.39 (2023-09-26)
2.0.0-beta.38 (2023-09-22)
- core: clean up ngt ref (1125c86)
- soba: clean up animations (90545c6)
- soba: clean up cube camera (ce60420)
- soba: clean up sampler (d7426b7)
- soba: clean up trail texture (e8a94c2)
- soba: make fbo return a Signal instead of NgtInjectedRef (6160a2e)
- soba: make ngtsTrail return a Signal instead of NgtInjectedRef (5d30c3a)
- soba: match MeshTransmissionMaterial with Drei (0d09a28)
- soba: use valid angular for caustics (70f4f32)
- soba: update storybook (089da91)
2.0.0-beta.37 (2023-09-19)
- only get state if it's available (33aa00f)
2.0.0-beta.36 (2023-09-18)
2.0.0-beta.35 (2023-09-18)
- adjust version of ngxtension (7c5b54a)
2.0.0-beta.34 (2023-09-18)
- make sure to install ngxtension (6ee16a7)
2.0.0-beta.33 (2023-09-18)
- migration migrates all the times (83ca9c6)
2.0.0-beta.32 (2023-09-18)
2.0.0-beta.31 (2023-09-18)
2.0.0-beta.30 (2023-09-15)
- use ngxtension (f785e1d)
2.0.0-beta.29 (2023-09-09)
- core: bump three 0.156 (3f847ef)
- soba: adjust lightings on some stories (fb7f24b)
- soba: remove useLegacyLights from accumulative shadows story (909f661)
2.0.0-beta.28 (2023-09-08)
- core: update type for afterAttach (3b01ce5)
- soba: add content projection for orbit controls (8a6526c)
- soba: add mesh transmission material story (b138255)
2.0.0-beta.27 (2023-09-06)
- core: rename assertInjectionContext to assertInjector (79c68aa)
- soba: ensure default intensity for accumulative shadows is taking legacy lights into account (89f060f)
- soba: use texture params for progressive light maps (72fef8c)
2.0.0-beta.26 (2023-08-30)
- core: force standalone for experience generation (2b4c9fa)
2.0.0-beta.25 (2023-08-29)
- core: adjust template for experience component to include angular-three imports (1249f0f)
2.0.0-beta.24 (2023-08-29)
- core: use correct syntax for substitution generate files (4194370)
2.0.0-beta.23 (2023-08-29)
- core: make sure escape template tag for generation (6a702d6)
2.0.0-beta.22 (2023-08-29)
- core: adjust tsqueyr usage for generator (2d16772)
2.0.0-beta.21 (2023-08-29)
- core: adjust generator sourceRoot (701b7c9)
2.0.0-beta.20 (2023-08-29)
- core: adjust experience generator (fad08f6)
2.0.0-beta.19 (2023-08-29)
- core: add experience generation (beta) (650eb26)
2.0.0-beta.18 (2023-08-28)
- soba: gizmo (8ac565c)
- soba: reverse occlusion logic in HTML (17c5123)
- more on aviator (aea07c6)
2.0.0-beta.17 (2023-08-23)
- core: adjust createAttachFn positional type arguments (b65fe57)
- adjust sandbox app component (15b0a27)
2.0.0-beta.16 (2023-08-16)
- plugin: update init-soba generator to add metadata.json (6009ca0)
2.0.0-beta.15 (2023-08-16)
- add skydiving example (88e5121)
2.0.0-beta.14 (2023-08-15)
- soba: attempt to use args for instanced buffer attribute (6862a07)
2.0.0-beta.13 (2023-08-15)
- soba: extend InstancedBufferAttribute (e39cdb2)
2.0.0-beta.12 (2023-08-15)
- soba: add instances (e118791)
2.0.0-beta.11 (2023-08-15)
- core: upgrade nx (c3bbc46)
- core: only proceed with append logic for DOMs if render state is available (5a56e6d)
2.0.0-beta.10 (2023-08-15)
- core: make sure renderer work correctly for two DOMs elements that might contain THREE children (b1987ba)
2.0.0-beta.9 (2023-08-15)
- core: generate core (e1cf6c7)