Make sure you have the required information gathered
- Your Chain ID and Matchmaking Token from the Dragonchain Console
- See the lesson on General Preparation to learn how to register your chain if you haven't
- The “endpoint URL” for your installation:
- This will either be a domain name (http://example.com) or
- Your server’s public IP address (
- If following the Linode tutorial, your endpoint will be http://yourserveripaddress
- The port number to use on your server
- Unless you KNOW you need a different port, just use 30000 here
- Your Chain ID and Matchmaking Token from the Dragonchain Console
Connect to your VPS or VM using Git Bash or your terminal
- If following the Linode tutorial, copy and paste the "ssh root@..." command you saved from the Networking tab
Follow the instructions in the dedicated repository for the installer here to be sure you're using the latest version: https://github.com/Dragonchain-Community/dragonchain-uvn-installer/blob/master/README.md
If you have any trouble with this installation process, join us on the Dragonchain telegram and ask for assistance. We'll be around and happy to help!
Happy noding!