- The Effect. Econometrics, Causality, and Coding with Dr. HK (Nick Huntington-Klein)
- Econometrics, Causality, and Coding with Dr. HK (Nick Huntington-Klein)
- Causal Inference -- Online Lectures (M.Sc/PhD Level) (Ben Elsner)
- Visualization, Identification, and Estimation in the Linear Panel Event-Study Design (Jesse Shapiro, Christian Hansen)
- Applied Methods PhD Course (Paul Goldsmith-Pinkham, 2021)
- DiD Reading Group (Taylor Wright) и Other DiD Seminars
- Introduction to Econometrics (Ivan A. Canay, 2021)
- Topics in Econometric Theory (Ivan A. Canay, 2021)
- Mastering Mostly Harmless Econometrics (Alberto Abadie, Joshua Angrist, and Christopher Walters, 2020)
- Cross-Section Econometrics (Alberto Abadie, Joshua Angrist, Christopher Walters, 2017)
- Time Series Econometrics (James H. Stock and Mark W. Watson, 2015)
- Сross-Section Econometrics (Alberto Abadie and Joshua Angrist, 2014)
- Time Series Econometrics (Giorgio Primiceri and Frank Schorfheide, 2013)
- Cross-section Econometrics (Guido Imbens and Jeffrey Wooldridge, 2012)
- Time-Series Econometrics (James H. Stock and Mark W. Watson, 2010)
- Cross-Section Econometrics (Jeffrey Wooldridge and Guido Imbens, 2009)