- fix bug in Shiny app reading in data
- modify SPR circle plot used in the Shiny app.
- add option to specify scales for axes in plotSize
- modify plotTarg function and add features
- 'absel' fitting routine has been coded in cpp with major improvement in speed
- Shiny applications have now been added to the package. Launch the applications using the
function: e.g.,Shiny("LBSPR")
- the relative spawning stock biomass (SSB) is now calculated and reported in the simulation model
- modified the plotSim function so that it now produces several plots including SSB/SSB0 to yield and spr plot
- split functions in functions.r into separate r files
- updated the vignette
- added packages required by the Shiny applications as dependencies
- fixed minor bug in standard error calculation
- fixed bug in plotEsts when F/M estimates are high
The LBSPR package has now been released on CRAN!
See http://adrianhordyk.github.io/LBSPR for information and examples that describe the package.