- Brian McCallister
- Steven Schlansker
- Matthew Hall
- Artem Prigoda
- Marnick L'Eau
- Henning Schmiedehausen
- Martin Traverso
- Jax Law
- Thomas Dudziak
- maniax, for finding a nasty bug in named parameter substitution
- Robert Sfeir, for batch processing feature requests
- Henry Yandell, for
clause expansion feature request - Patrick Burleson, for showing that
should extendRuntimeException
- Thomas Risberg, for the Spring
wrapping code - Simone Gianni, for finding and solving a nasty
bug - Fred Deschenes
- Markus Spann, lots of improvements (char sequence support, SqlScript lexer/parser, ResultIterable etc)
- Ali Shakiba (@shakiba), jdbi JPA
- Jayson Minard (@apatrida)
- Alex Harin