This changelog describes changes after version 1.4.2.
Updated the collection to match validated patterns.
- Moved playbooks into playbooks folder so that playbooks may be called from namespace.collection.playbook syntax.
- Updated Ansible Lint config.
- Playbook names have changed.
- Playbook paths have changed.
- Playbooks now reference role by FQRN.
Moved playbooks into playbooks folder and updated dependency versions.
- Moved playbooks into playbooks folder so that playbooks may be called from namespace.collection.playbook syntax.
- Updated dependency versions.
- Playbook paths have changed.
Added VM blueprints and simple VNET role.
- Added a VNET role to provide an example of simple VNET creation.
- Readme updates
- Added and removed playbooks to account for role changes.
- Removed OS-specific playbook and role tasks and created a generic VM creation model based on VM blueprints.
Added the release changelog.
- Required Ansible Lint rule for change logs.