+Overall guidance on contributing to a PyAnsys library appears in the
+Contributing topic
+in the PyAnsys developer’s guide. Ensure that you are thoroughly familiar
+with this guide before attempting to contribute to the Allie Flowkit Python.
+The following contribution information is specific to the Allie Flowkit Python.
+Clone the repository
+To clone and install the latest Allie Flowkit Python release in development mode, run
+these commands:
+git clone https://github.com/ansys/allie-flowkit-python/
+cd allie-flowkit-python
+python -m pip install --upgrade pip
+pip install -e .
+Adhere to code style
+Allie Flowkit Python follows the PEP8 standard as outlined in PEP 8 in the PyAnsys Developer’s Guide and implements style checking using pre-commit.
+To ensure your code meets minimum code styling standards, run these commands:
+pip install pre-commit
+pre-commit run --all-files
+You can also install this as a pre-commit hook by running this command:
+Run the tests
+Prior to running the tests, you must run this command to install the test dependencies:
+pip install -e .[tests]
+To run the tests, navigate to the root directory of the repository and run this command:
+Build the documentation
+Prior to building the documentation, you must run this command to install the documentation dependencies:
+To build the documentation, run the following commands:
+cd doc
+# On linux
+make html
+# On windows
+./make.bat html
+The documentation is built in the docs/_build/html directory.