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343 lines (293 loc) · 6.5 KB

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343 lines (293 loc) · 6.5 KB
  • Generated modules, what are we skipping in them and why? [ This list is incomplete and gets out of date quickly. However, I'm leaving it here as some of it is correct and useful. ]


    • five skipped function (take,drop,replicate, scanr, splitAt) are total functions but Coq can't prove easily these are defined in prelude.v
    • one skipped is concatMap, mapped to Coq's flat_map (should we do this?)
    • rest are all partial functions


    • fromJust (partial) Data/Function
    • fix_ is partial


    • read/show instances

Control/Monad - three partial functions - two functions need alternative

Data/OldList - 4 partial functions - 9 not obviously total functions - 10 bugs/unimplemented stuff - 10 relies on one of the above Data/Traversable - 9 instances can't do due to issue 9: - 3 failure from other modules (functor for product/sum/dual) - 2 out of scope (array, generics) - 1 partial (applicative ziplist) - 2 type class instances refer to same class - issue with type inference Data/Void - skip 5 instances for classes we don't support (Show, Read, Data)

GHC/Base - FAM instances for types with variables - prelude types and functions replaced with Coq versions - IO - partial functions (until) - unboxed types - Alternative/MonadPlus

Control/Monad/Fail - IO instance

Data/Foldable - need Alternative/MonadPlus - partial functions

Data/Functor/Identity - hash_compose, a helper function for Coercible type class - several type class instances (Foldable, Traversible) implicitly skipped

Control/Applicative - skip ZipList because its Applicative instance is coinductive (using repeat)

Data/Functor/Classes - skip read and show instances

Control/Arrow - needs information about Control/Category class

Control/Category - skip Data.Type.Coercion - skip Data.Type.Equality

Data/Either - map Either type to Coq's sum

Data/Proxy - kinds for Proxy/KProxy - preamble needs to import GHC.Base so that == is in scope

Data/BiFunctor - skip GHC.Generics instances

  • What stops these modules from being generated?
  • Data/Type/Equality functional dependencies

  • GHC/Char

  • GHC/Num

  • GHC/Real

  • Data/Bits Lots of unboxed types in these modules for primitive numeric types. Better to adapt by hand since we need to map the operations to Coq library ones anyways.

  • GHC/Unicode I'm removing this from base. It relies on a bunch of C functions that we don't have, so it is not worth including. This also means we shouldn't generate Data.Char, which only has functions that wrap the unicode definitions.

  • GHC/Enum Lots of primitive types.

  • What features/modules are missing from Base?
  • Partial modules


  • Modules that support imperative features

Control.Concurrent Control.Concurrent.Chan Control.Concurrent.MVar Control.Concurrent.QSem Control.Concurrent.QSemN Control.Exception Control.Exception.Base Control.Monad.IO.Class Control.Monad.ST Control.Monad.ST.Lazy Control.Monad.ST.Lazy.Safe Control.Monad.ST.Lazy.Unsafe Control.Monad.ST.Safe Control.Monad.ST.Strict Control.Monad.ST.Unsafe Control.Monad.Zip Data.IORef Data.Ix Data.STRef Data.STRef.Lazy Data.STRef.Strict Foreign.C Foreign.C.Error Foreign.C.String Foreign.C.Types Foreign.Concurrent Foreign.ForeignPtr Foreign.ForeignPtr.Safe Foreign.ForeignPtr.Unsafe Foreign.Marshal Foreign.Marshal.Alloc Foreign.Marshal.Array Foreign.Marshal.Error Foreign.Marshal.Pool Foreign.Marshal.Safe Foreign.Marshal.Unsafe Foreign.Marshal.Utils Foreign.Ptr Foreign.Safe Foreign.StablePtr Foreign.Storable GHC.Arr GHC.Conc GHC.Conc.IO GHC.Conc.Signal GHC.Conc.Sync GHC.Conc.Windows GHC.ConsoleHandler GHC.IO GHC.IO.Buffer GHC.IO.BufferedIO GHC.IO.Device GHC.IO.Encoding GHC.IO.Encoding.CodePage GHC.IO.Encoding.CodePage.API GHC.IO.Encoding.CodePage.Table GHC.IO.Encoding.Failure GHC.IO.Encoding.Iconv GHC.IO.Encoding.Latin1 GHC.IO.Encoding.Types GHC.IO.Encoding.UTF16 GHC.IO.Encoding.UTF32 GHC.IO.Encoding.UTF8 GHC.IO.Exception GHC.IO.FD GHC.IO.Handle GHC.IO.Handle.FD GHC.IO.Handle.Internals GHC.IO.Handle.Lock GHC.IO.Handle.Text GHC.IO.Handle.Types GHC.IO.IOMode GHC.IO.Unsafe GHC.IOArray GHC.IORef GHC.MVar GHC.Environment GHC.Event GHC.ExecutionStack GHC.ExecutionStack.Internal GHC.PArr GHC.Pack GHC.Profiling GHC.Ptr GHC.RTS.Flags GHC.ST GHC.STRef GHC.Stack GHC.Stack.CCS GHC.Stack.Types GHC.Stable GHC.StaticPtr System.CPUTime GHC.Storable GHC.TopHandler GHC.Windows System.Console.GetOpt System.Environment System.Exit System.IO System.IO.Error System.IO.Unsafe System.Info System.Mem System.Mem.StableName System.Mem.Weak System.Posix.Internals System.Posix.Types System.Timeout GHC.Stats

  • marshalling/unmarshalling

GHC.Read GHC.Show Text.Printf

  • "empty" or deprecated modules

GHC.Constants Control.Monad.Instances Data.Kind -- completely ignored

  • Modules that wrap GHC language features not found in Coq.

Data.Type.Coercion Data.Coerce

Data.Data Data.Dynamic Data.Typeable Data.Unique


GHC.Fingerprint GHC.Fingerprint.Type

GHC.Foreign GHC.ForeignPtr GHC.GHCi GHC.Generics



Type.Reflection Type.Reflection.Unsafe Unsafe.Coerce

  • What are these?

GHC.Desugar GHC.Exception

  • Modules with features we haven't implemented yet

  • All other modules

X Control.Applicative X Control.Arrow X Control.Category X Control.Monad X Data.Bifoldable X Data.Bifunctor X Data.Bitraversable X Data.Bits X Data.Bool X Data.Char Data.Complex -- needs floating point X Data.Either X Data.Eq Data.Fixed X Data.Foldable X Data.Function X Data.Functor X Data.Functor.Classes X Data.Functor.Compose X Data.Functor.Const X Data.Functor.Identity X Data.Functor.Product X Data.Functor.Sum Data.Int X Data.List X Data.List.NonEmpty -- partial functions aren't really partial, :| constructor X Data.Maybe X Data.Monoid X Data.Ord X Data.Proxy Data.Ratio X Data.Semigroup Data.String X Data.Traversable X Data.Tuple Data.Type.Bool -- type families X Data.Type.Equality Data.Version X Data.Void Data.Word X GHC.Base X GHC.Char X GHC.Enum GHC.Float GHC.Float.ConversionUtils GHC.Float.RealFracMethods GHC.Int X GHC.List GHC.Natural -- needs unboxed ints X GHC.Num X GHC.OldList GHC.OverloadedLabels -- needs symbol X GHC.Real GHC.Records GHC.TypeLits -- needs type families GHC.TypeNats -- needs type families X GHC.Unicode GHC.Word Numeric.Natural -- unboxed ints Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP Text.ParserCombinators.ReadPrec Text.Read Text.Read.Lex Text.Show Text.Show.Functions