End goal: working and stable application that interprets UI inside csd file. And can work in several modes:
- UI and csd
- UI only for debug
- csd only for csound by-pass
steps to complete:
add atomic examples for all UIs and see that they work and updated properly:
- by user
- by outside actions (change of the state)
create several classes for CsdProcessor:
- CsdSynth - for Midi to Audio
- CsdEffect - for Audio to Audio
- CsdMidi - for Midi to Midi
- CsdParse - for Audio to Midi
derive them from CsdProcessor. make CsdProcessor to semi interface with processBuffer as virtual function
define which type of Csd to use by Csound command line arguments: presence of dac or adc or M flags
Color modifiers:
- color name
- [modifier]-name, where modifier = [dark, darker, darkest, light, lighter, lightest]
- interpolation: "color-1/color-2/percentage" - mix between colors
Custom palette configurable from inits
memory to persist some state:
save: file: ... state: [var1, var2, var3] save-settings: bool
should persist the vars between calls
presets: [directory]
presets are loaded from directories
UI to load presets (some menu)
UI for default settings set it in config wheather to show it and in which style (menu, separate tab)
Structure of the inits:
- window size
- title
- memory
- presets
- ui-refresh-rate-hz
- audio:
- input
- output
- midi input
- midi output
New widgets:
- menu
- modal menu
- histogram / graph for array input (useful to show spectrum or audio)
- histogra / graph for array output (useful to write spectrum or audio)
- file input:
- input files or tables:
- as directory
- as drag and drop field
- file output to to show files as graphs
- modal window to show alerts
- centered knob with [-1, 1] range. Useful for pans (maybe also slider)
(button, toggle, group) - define with Drawable button (maybe use icons of circle: full and hollow) -
background image, add it to board. any panel should be able to print background image
optionals for style properties with proper inheritance rules:
- colors inherit from previous levels
- secondary color if missing equals to primary color
- properties of panels/groups:
- background
- background-image
- border
- pads should have modifier of weather inherit or not maybe special name
actions on widgets to modify appearance from Csound:
- widget can have ref - unique name
- widget listens for state change on the special channels: ref-name.property
- possible properties:
- active/disabled: bool
- show/hide: bool
- increment: int/float
- toggle
- click - on change
- those properties become auxilliary UI-state. just use the same Model.State structure for updates
actions without value: useful for clicks and toggles
section in the update state:
update: set: -- set value click: - trigger click on toggle or button increment: to increment on value (set also the wrap: [min, max] values)
shortcut for keyboard+down action, if modifier missing use always down
Docs on the application with description of
- How it works
- how to set different sections: ui, config, csound
- how widgets work
- widgets by type
all channels wildcard: [*]:
- use all channels for csound if wild card is present
- or save persisten all channels if wildcard is present
Goal of the release: make v.0 work as VST plugin
create build target as VST with possible config
VST config should support two modes:
- VST-container for different types of CSD files (like Kontakt it can load synths of different types)
- VST with fixed Csd file and only it's own set of presets
- configs of UI-version
React properly on HOST audio settings and update settings in accord but preserve the type of the Csd (synth, effect, midi, parser)
Special UI settings for VST:
- handle main CSD-change
- preset change
Goal: gather feedback, make it stable
Goal: build for mobiles
- make build of the app for android
Goal: build for mobiles (iOS)
- make build of the app for iOS
Goal: VSTs for mobiles
- make build of VSTs for mobile platforms