A common thing in Vulkan is copying image data to the GPU to sample from it in a shader (e.g. for texturing objects). Often that image data is coming from a file stored on disk (e.g. in KTX format) and needs to be moved from the host to the device.
Depending on the memory setup of the implementation, this requires uploading the image data to a host visible buffer and then copying it over to a device local buffer to make it usable as an image in a shader. This also requires multiple image transitions (barriers). This is commonly referred to as "staging".
In some scenarios like streaming image data from disk, this way of uploading image data may come with drawbacks like added memory requirements and unnecessary copies. These may result in negative effects like memory swapping or stuttering.
The VK_EXT_host_image_copy
extension aims to improve this by providing a direct way of moving image data from host memory to/from the device without having to go through such a staging process. It also simplifies the image transition process.
A staged upload usually has to first perform a CPU copy of data to a GPU-visible buffer and then uses the GPU to convert that data into the optimal format. A host-image copy does the copy and conversion using the CPU alone. In many circumstances this can actually be faster than the staged approach even though the GPU is not involved in the transfer. |
The VK_EXT_host_image_copy
extension needs to be enabled at device level. Depending on the Vulkan version you target, additional extensions might need to be enabled. See the extension and version dependencies of the extension spec for details.
In addition to the extension(s) you also need to enable the hostImageCopy
for the extension structure:
VkPhysicalDeviceHostImageCopyFeaturesEXT host_image_copy_features{};
host_image_copy_features.hostImageCopy = VK_TRUE;
// Chain into device creation
Even though all image formats that support sampling need to support host image copies, other image formats may not. So it’s always a good idea to check for host image copy support for the image format that you want to copy to. This is done by checking if the VK_FORMAT_FEATURE_2_HOST_IMAGE_TRANSFER_BIT_EXT
bit is set:
VkFormat image_format = VK_FORMAT_...;
VkFormatProperties3 format_properties_3{};
format_properties_3.sType = VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_FORMAT_PROPERTIES_3_KHR;
// Properties3 need to be chained into Properties2
VkFormatProperties2 format_properties_2{};
format_properties_2.sType = VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_FORMAT_PROPERTIES_2;
format_properties_2.pNext = &format_properties_3;
// Get format properties for the select image format
vkGetPhysicalDeviceFormatProperties2(physical_device, image_format, &format_properties_2);
if ((format_properties_3.optimalTilingFeatures & VK_FORMAT_FEATURE_2_HOST_IMAGE_TRANSFER_BIT_EXT) == 0)
// Fallback to a different format or use other means of uploading data
The target of our copy will be a device local image in optimal tiling format. Setting this up is not much different than with other ways of uploading image data:
VkImageCreateInfo imageCreateInfo = vkb::initializers::image_create_info();
imageCreateInfo.imageType = VK_IMAGE_TYPE_2D;
imageCreateInfo.format = image_format;
imageCreateInfo.mipLevels = 1;
imageCreateInfo.arrayLayers = 1;
imageCreateInfo.samples = VK_SAMPLE_COUNT_1_BIT;
imageCreateInfo.tiling = VK_IMAGE_TILING_OPTIMAL;
imageCreateInfo.sharingMode = VK_SHARING_MODE_EXCLUSIVE;
imageCreateInfo.initialLayout = VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_UNDEFINED;
imageCreateInfo.extent = {texture.width, texture.height, 1};
VK_CHECK(vkCreateImage(get_device().get_handle(), &imageCreateInfo, nullptr, &texture.image));
// Bind memory
The only differences compared to staging are the usage flags. We no longer need the VK_IMAGE_USAGE_TRANSFER_DST_BIT
flag and replace it with VK_IMAGE_USAGE_HOST_TRANSFER_BIT_EXT
to let the implementation know that we’ll be using host image copies.
Using staging you’d have to submit multiple barriers. One that transitions the image as a destination for transfers and, after doing the copy, another one that transitions to the image to a shader read layout so it can be sampled in e.g. a fragment shader. These barriers then need to be submitted to a queue using a command buffer.
simplifies this process in two ways: First you only need one transition for the final usage layout (e.g. shader read), second you can do that transition on the host without having to setup and issue a command buffer using the vkTransitionImageLayoutEXT
So for copying host memory to a device image all you need is this single barrier call:
VkHostImageLayoutTransitionInfoEXT host_image_layout_transition_info{};
host_image_layout_transition_info.sType = VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_HOST_IMAGE_LAYOUT_TRANSITION_INFO_EXT;
host_image_layout_transition_info.image = texture.image;
host_image_layout_transition_info.oldLayout = VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_UNDEFINED;
host_image_layout_transition_info.newLayout = VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_SHADER_READ_ONLY_OPTIMAL;
host_image_layout_transition_info.subresourceRange = subresource_range;
is the one that device image was created with initially, newLayout
is the actual usage layout of the image after the copy operation.
If the selected image format supports host copies we can copy image data from host memory to the device image like this:
// Setup host to image copy
VkMemoryToImageCopyEXT memory_to_image_copy{};
memory_to_image_copy.sType = VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_MEMORY_TO_IMAGE_COPY_EXT;
memory_to_image_copy.imageSubresource.aspectMask = VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_COLOR_BIT;
memory_to_image_copy.imageSubresource.mipLevel = 0;
memory_to_image_copy.imageSubresource.baseArrayLayer = 0;
memory_to_image_copy.imageSubresource.layerCount = 1;
memory_to_image_copy.imageExtent.width = image_width;
memory_to_image_copy.imageExtent.height = image_height;
memory_to_image_copy.imageExtent.depth = 1;
memory_to_image_copy.pHostPointer = host_memory_address;
// Issue the copy
VkCopyMemoryToImageInfoEXT copy_memory_info{};
copy_memory_info.dstImage = texture.image;
copy_memory_info.dstImageLayout = VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_SHADER_READ_ONLY_OPTIMAL;
copy_memory_info.regionCount = static_cast<uint32_t>(memory_to_image_copies.size());
copy_memory_info.pRegions = &memory_to_image_copy;
vkCopyMemoryToImageEXT(device, ©_memory_info);
points to the source data in host memory. So for e.g. copying multiple mip levels one would setup multiple VkMemoryToImageCopyEXT
elements and offset pHostPointer
to point at the start of each mip level in host memory. That makes it very easy to copy from arbitrary locations in host memory, no matter if data is tightly packed or stored behind different addresses.
The sample is a variation of the texture loading api sample and replaces the staging approach for uploading an image with a host image copy. Looking at both samples is an easy way of comparing the two approaches and how much easier things get when using host image copies.
Aside from the use-case shown in this sample, the VK_EXT_host_image_copy
extension also can do image copies to host memory and image to image copies on the host. All these can simplify image copies and help reduce memory requirements and improve performance.