From a449f72ba81c7459356aac1c19ee3724222eeb5e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Anton Antonov Date: Tue, 16 Jul 2013 21:36:10 -0400 Subject: [PATCH] Implemented pre-stratification for numerical data. This makes the computations ~2 times faster, but increases the sizes of the trees. Added a option PreStratify to control that functionality, it is False by default. --- AVCDecisionTreeForest.m | 116 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------- 1 file changed, 77 insertions(+), 39 deletions(-) diff --git a/AVCDecisionTreeForest.m b/AVCDecisionTreeForest.m index 5263492e..1e564e4d 100644 --- a/AVCDecisionTreeForest.m +++ b/AVCDecisionTreeForest.m @@ -163,12 +163,16 @@ Mathematica is (C) Copyright 1988-2012 Wolfram Research, Inc. Return[{0, Max[varVals]}] ]; (*h=Min[Differences[Sort[varVals]]];*) - h = (Max[varVals] - Min[varVals])/nStrata; First@SortBy[ Map[{AVCNumericalImpurity[avcTally, #, impFunc], #} &, Range[Min[varVals], Max[varVals], h]], -#[[1]] &] - ]; + ]; +AVCFindBestSplitValueNumerical[avcTally_, 0, impFunc_] := + Block[{varVals}, + varVals = Union[avcTally[[All, 1]]]; + First@SortBy[Map[{AVCNumericalImpurity[avcTally, #, impFunc], #} &, varVals], -#[[1]] &] + ]; Clear[AVCFindBestSplitValue] AVCFindBestSplitValue[avcTally_, varType_, nStrata_Integer, impFunc_] := @@ -179,22 +183,50 @@ Mathematica is (C) Copyright 1988-2012 Wolfram Research, Inc. ] ]; +Clear[Stratify] +Stratify[data : {_?NumberQ ..}, nStrata_Integer] := + Block[{t, min, max, h}, + {min, max} = {Min[data], Max[data]}; + If[min == max, + data, + h = (max - min)/nStrata; + Map[Floor[(# - min)/h]*h + min &, data] + ] + ]; +Stratify[data_, nStrata_Integer] := data; + Clear[AVCSplitSelection] AVCSplitSelection[dataRecs_?MatrixQ, classLabels_?VectorQ, - columnTypes_?VectorQ, axesArg : (All | {_Integer ..}), nStrata_Integer, - impFunc_, {linCombMinRecs_Integer, svdRank_Integer}] := - Block[{avcs, res, axes = axesArg, numAxes, numAvcs, numDataRecs, U, S, V, - numRes = {}}, + columnTypes_?VectorQ, axesArg : (All | {_Integer ..}), + nStrata_Integer, + impFunc_, {linCombMinRecs_Integer, svdRank_Integer}, + preStratifyQ : (True | False)] := + + Block[{avcs, res, axes = axesArg, numAxes, numAvcs, numDataRecs, U, S, V, numRes = {}}, + If[axes === All, axes = Range[1, Dimensions[dataRecs][[2]]] - ]; - (* should we do the AVC before the quantization of the numerical variables? *) - avcs = Map[AVC[dataRecs[[All, #]], classLabels] &, axes]; - res = Table[ - Append[AVCFindBestSplitValue[avcs[[i]], columnTypes[[axes[[i]]]], - nStrata, impFunc], axes[[i]]], {i, Length[axes]}]; + ]; + + If[preStratifyQ, + avcs = + MapThread[ + If[TrueQ[#2 === Number], + AVC[Stratify[dataRecs[[All, #1]], nStrata], classLabels], + AVC[dataRecs[[All, #1]], classLabels]] &, {axes, columnTypes[[axes]]}]; + res = + Table[Append[ + AVCFindBestSplitValue[avcs[[i]], columnTypes[[axes[[i]]]], 0, impFunc], axes[[i]]], {i, Length[axes]}], + (*ELSE*) + (* should we do the AVC before the stratification of the numerical variables? *) + avcs = Map[AVC[dataRecs[[All, #]], classLabels] &, axes]; + res = + Table[Append[ + AVCFindBestSplitValue[avcs[[i]], columnTypes[[axes[[i]]]], nStrata, impFunc], axes[[i]]], {i, Length[axes]}]; + ]; (* select linear combination of numerical variables (axes) using thin SVD *) + If[svdRank > 0 && Dimensions[dataRecs][[1]] > linCombMinRecs, numAxes = Pick[axes, Map[# === Number &, columnTypes[[axes]]]]; If[Length[numAxes] >= svdRank, @@ -202,37 +234,47 @@ Mathematica is (C) Copyright 1988-2012 Wolfram Research, Inc. numAvcs = SortBy[Tally[classLabels], -#[[2]] &]; PRINT["AVCSplitSelection:: splitting class ratio=", - N[numAvcs[[1, 2]]/Total[numAvcs[[All, 2]]]]]; - If[numAvcs[[1, 2]]/Total[numAvcs[[All, 2]]] <= 1/2, + N[numAvcs[[1, 2]]/Length[classLabels]]]; + If[numAvcs[[1, 2]]/Length[classLabels] <= 1/2, numDataRecs = Pick[dataRecs, Map[# == numAvcs[[1, 1]] &, classLabels]], - numDataRecs = Pick[dataRecs, Map[# != numAvcs[[1, 1]] &, classLabels]] + numDataRecs = + Pick[dataRecs, Map[# != numAvcs[[1, 1]] &, classLabels]] ]; - (* check is the set too pure *) + (* check is the one-label subset too pure or too small *) - If[Length[numDataRecs] > 0.1*linCombMinRecs && Length[numDataRecs] > svdRank, - PRINT["AVCSplitSelection:: Dimensions[numDataRecs] = ", Dimensions[numDataRecs]]; + If[Length[numDataRecs] > 0.1*linCombMinRecs && + Length[numDataRecs] > svdRank, + PRINT["AVCSplitSelection:: Dimensions[numDataRecs] = ", + Dimensions[numDataRecs]]; (* find splitting directions using SVD *) PRINT["AVCSplitSelection:: SVD timing", AbsoluteTiming[ (* the union is needed in order to avoid singular matrices *) - + numDataRecs = Union[numDataRecs[[All, numAxes]]]; {U, S, V} = SingularValueDecomposition[numDataRecs, svdRank, Tolerance -> 0.01]; ] ]; - + PRINT["AVCSplitSelection:: Dimensions[V]=", Dimensions[V]]; (* compute the variable columns of the linear combinations *) - + numDataRecs = dataRecs[[All, numAxes]].V; - numAvcs = Map[AVC[numDataRecs[[All, #]], classLabels] &, Range[svdRank]]; - PRINT["AVCSplitSelection:: Length/@numAvcs = ", Length /@ numAvcs]; - numRes = - Table[Append[ - AVCFindBestSplitValue[numAvcs[[i]], Number, nStrata, impFunc], {numAxes, V[[All, i]]}], {i, svdRank}]; + Assert[Dimensions[numDataRecs][[2]] == svdRank]; + If[preStratifyQ, + numAvcs = Map[AVC[Stratify[numDataRecs[[All, #]], nStrata], classLabels] &, Range[svdRank]]; + numRes = + Table[Append[AVCFindBestSplitValue[numAvcs[[i]], Number, 0, impFunc], {numAxes, V[[All, i]]}], {i, svdRank}], + (* ELSE *) + PRINT["AVCSplitSelection:: Dimensions[numDataRecs]=", Dimensions[numDataRecs]]; + numAvcs = Map[AVC[numDataRecs[[All, #]], classLabels] &, Range[svdRank]]; + PRINT["AVCSplitSelection:: Length/@numAvcs = ", Length /@ numAvcs]; + numRes = + Table[Append[AVCFindBestSplitValue[numAvcs[[i]], Number, nStrata, impFunc], {numAxes, V[[All, i]]}], {i, svdRank}] + ]; ]; ]; ]; @@ -256,7 +298,7 @@ Mathematica is (C) Copyright 1988-2012 Wolfram Research, Inc. Clear[BuildDecisionTree] Options[BuildDecisionTree] = {"RandomAxes" -> False, "ImpurityFunction" -> "Gini", "ImpurityThreshold" -> 0, "NumberOfStrata" -> 100, - "LinearCombinations" -> {"MinSize" -> 200, "SVDRank" -> 2}}; + "LinearCombinations" -> {"MinSize" -> 200, "SVDRank" -> 2}, "PreStratify" -> False}; BuildDecisionTree[data_, columnTypes_, level_Integer, Theta_, opts : OptionsPattern[]] := Block[{res, d1, d2, axesArg, randomAxes = OptionValue[BuildDecisionTree, "RandomAxes"], @@ -264,6 +306,7 @@ Mathematica is (C) Copyright 1988-2012 Wolfram Research, Inc. impurityTh = OptionValue[BuildDecisionTree, "ImpurityThreshold"], nStrata = OptionValue[BuildDecisionTree, "NumberOfStrata"], linComb = OptionValue[BuildDecisionTree, "LinearCombinations"], + preStratifyQ = TrueQ[OptionValue[BuildDecisionTree, "PreStratify"]], linCombMinRecs, svdRank}, (* Options handling *) @@ -291,9 +334,7 @@ Mathematica is (C) Copyright 1988-2012 Wolfram Research, Inc. (* Splitting axis and value finding *) - res = AVCSplitSelection[data[[All, 1 ;; -2]], data[[All, -1]], - Most[columnTypes], axesArg, nStrata, - impFunc, {linCombMinRecs, svdRank}]; + res = AVCSplitSelection[data[[All, 1 ;; -2]], data[[All, -1]], Most[columnTypes], axesArg, nStrata, impFunc, {linCombMinRecs, svdRank}, preStratifyQ]; (* Recursive calling *) Which[ @@ -314,7 +355,7 @@ Mathematica is (C) Copyright 1988-2012 Wolfram Research, Inc. True, d1 = Select[data, #[[res[[3]]]] === res[[2]] &]; d2 = Select[data, #[[res[[3]]]] =!= res[[2]] &] - ]; + ]; {Join[ res, {If[MatrixQ[res[[3]], NumberQ], Dot, columnTypes[[res[[3]]]]], Length[data]}], @@ -445,7 +486,7 @@ Mathematica is (C) Copyright 1988-2012 Wolfram Research, Inc. AppendTo[centralizers, {m, qd}] , {i, inds}]; {data, centralizers} - ]; + ]; (* DecisionTreeClassificationSuccess *) @@ -459,17 +500,14 @@ Mathematica is (C) Copyright 1988-2012 Wolfram Research, Inc. (tdata = Select[dataArr, #[[-1]] == lbl &]; guesses = classFunc[dTreeOrForest, Most[#]][[1, 2]] & /@ tdata; guessStats = MapThread[Equal, {guesses, tdata[[All, -1]]}]; - {Count[guessStats, True], Count[guessStats, False]}/ - Length[tdata] // N) + {Count[guessStats, True], Count[guessStats, False]}/Length[tdata] // N) , {lbl, labels}]; - t = MapThread[{{#1, True} -> #2[[1]], {#1, False} -> #2[[ - 2]]} &, {labels, t}]; + t = MapThread[{{#1, True} -> #2[[1]], {#1, False} -> #2[[2]]} &, {labels, t}]; guesses = classFunc[dTreeOrForest, Most[#]][[1, 2]] & /@ dataArr; guessStats = MapThread[Equal, {guesses, dataArr[[All, -1]]}]; Flatten[#, 1] &@ - Join[t, {{All, - True} -> (Count[guessStats, True]/Length[dataArr] // N), {All, - False} -> (Count[guessStats, False]/Length[dataArr] // N)}] + Join[t, {{All, True} -> (Count[guessStats, True]/Length[dataArr] // N), + {All, False} -> (Count[guessStats, False]/Length[dataArr] // N)}] ]; DecisionTreeClassificationSuccess[dTreeOrForest_, dataArr_?MatrixQ, x___] :=