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Activating hint floating window crashes treesitter #104

simonlearnscoding opened this issue Dec 6, 2023 · 7 comments

Activating hint floating window crashes treesitter #104

simonlearnscoding opened this issue Dec 6, 2023 · 7 comments


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It started happening since a recent update it seems, it took me quite a while to figure out why hydra started crashing my treesitter, as I've figured out, having a float hint window appear was what crashed it.

steps to reproduce:

this is my treesitter config:

-- Treesitter
return {

dependencies = 'nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter-textobjects',
version = false, -- last release is way too old and doesn't work on Windows
build = ":TSUpdate",
event = 'VeryLazy',
init = function(plugin)
cmd = { "TSUpdateSync", "TSUpdate", "TSInstall" },
keys = {
{ "", desc = "Increment selection" },
{ "", desc = "Decrement selection", mode = "x" },

config = function()
  require('nvim-treesitter.configs').setup {

    ensure_installed = {
    -- Autoinstall languages that are not installed. Defaults to false (but you can change for yourself!)
    auto_install = false,
    highlight = { enable = true },
    indent = { enable = true },

    modules = {},        -- Add modules configuration here if needed
    ignore_install = {}, -- List of parsers to ignore installing

    sync_install = false, -- Whether to install missing parsers synchronously (blocking)

    incremental_selection = {
      enable = true,
      keymaps = {
        init_selection = "<C-space>",
        node_incremental = "<C-space>",
        scope_incremental = false,
        node_decremental = "<bs>",

    textobjects = {
      highlight = {
        enable = true,
        additional_vim_regex_highlighting = false,
      select = {
        enable = true,

        -- Automatically jump forward to textobj, similar to targets.vim
        lookahead = true,

        keymaps = {
          -- You can use the capture groups defined in textobjects.scm
          ["af"] = "@function.outer",
          ["if"] = "@function.inner",
          ["ac"] = "@class.outer",
          -- You can optionally set descriptions to the mappings (used in the desc parameter of
          -- nvim_buf_set_keymap) which plugins like which-key display
          ["ic"] = { query = "@class.inner", desc = "Select inner part of a class region" },
          -- You can also use captures from other query groups like `locals.scm`
          ["as"] = { query = "@scope", query_group = "locals", desc = "Select language scope" },
        move = {
          enable = true,
          set_jumps = true, -- whether to set jumps in the jumplist
          goto_next_start = {
            ["]f"] = "@function.outer",
            ["]c"] = { query = "@class.outer", desc = "Next class start" },
            -- You can use regex matching (i.e. lua pattern) and/or pass a list in a "query" key to group multiple queires.
            ["]o"] = "@loop.*",
            -- ["]o"] = { query = { "@loop.inner", "@loop.outer" } }
            -- You can pass a query group to use query from `queries/<lang>/<query_group>.scm file in your runtime path.
            -- Below example nvim-treesitter's `locals.scm` and `folds.scm`. They also provide highlights.scm and indent.scm.
            ["]s"] = { query = "@scope", query_group = "locals", desc = "Next scope" },
            ["]z"] = { query = "@fold", query_group = "folds", desc = "Next fold" },
          goto_next_end = {
            ["]F"] = "@function.outer",
            ["]C"] = "@class.outer",
          goto_previous_start = {
            ["[f"] = "@function.outer",
            ["[c"] = "@class.outer",
          goto_previous_end = {
            ["[F"] = "@function.outer",
            ["[C"] = "@class.outer",
          -- Below will go to either the start or the end, whichever is closer.
          -- Use if you want more granular movements
          -- Make it even more gradual by adding multiple queries and regex.
          goto_next = {
            ["]i"] = "@conditional.outer",
          goto_previous = {
            ["[i"] = "@conditional.outer",
      -- If you set this to `true` (default is `false`) then any textobject is
      -- extended to include preceding or succeeding whitespace. Succeeding
      -- whitespace has priority in order to act similarly to eg the built-in
      -- `ap`.
      -- Can also be a function which gets passed a table with the keys
      -- * query_string: eg '@function.inner'
      -- * selection_mode: eg 'v'
      -- and should return true of false
      include_surrounding_whitespace = true,



this was the hydra config:

return {
dependencies = {
config = function()
local Hydra = require('hydra')
local hint = [[
f: Next Function Body c: Next Class Start
F: Prev Function Body C: Prev Class Start
?: Next if() g: Prev Function Def
r: Next return R: Prev return
v: Next Attribute V: Prev Attribute
p: Next Parameter P: Prev Parameter
K: Prev Block J: Next Block
=: Assignment
q: Quit

  -- hint = {
  --   type = 'statusline'
  -- },
  name = 'Text Objects',
  config = {

    -- on_enter =
    --     function()
    --       vim.cmd('SymbolsOutline')
    --     end,

    color = 'pink',
    invoke_on_body = true,
    hint = {
      position = 'bottom-right',
      border = 'rounded'
  mode = { 'n', 'x' },
  body = '<leader>a', -- Replace '<leader>t' with your preferred prefix
  heads = {

    { '<leader>q', nil,                                                                                           { exit = true, nowait = true } },
    { 'q',         nil,                                                                                           { exit = true, nowait = true } },
    { 'a',         'a',                                                                                           { exit = true, nowait = true } },
    { 'I',         'I',                                                                                           { exit = true, nowait = true } },
    { 'A',         'A',                                                                                           { exit = true, nowait = true } },
    { 'o',         'o',                                                                                           { exit = true, nowait = true } },
    { 'O',         'O',                                                                                           { exit = true, nowait = true } },
    { 'v',         ':lua require"nvim-treesitter.textobjects.move".goto_next_start("@attribute.inner")<CR>',      { desc = 'Next Function Start' } },
    { 'V',         ':lua require"nvim-treesitter.textobjects.move".goto_previous_start("@attribute.inner")<CR>',  { desc = 'Next Function Start' } },
    -- { '/',         ':lua require"nvim-treesitter.textobjects.move".goto_next_start("@comment.inner")<CR>',         { desc = 'Next Function Start' } },
    -- { 'a',         ':lua require"nvim-treesitter.textobjects.move".goto_next_start("@attribute.inner")<CR>',       { desc = 'Next Function Start' } },

    { '[',         ':lua require"nvim-treesitter.textobjects.move".goto_previous_start("@block.outer")<CR>',      { desc = 'Next Function Start' } },

    { ']',         ':lua require"nvim-treesitter.textobjects.move".goto_next_start("@block.inner")<CR>',          { desc = 'Next Function Start' } },

    { '=',         ':lua require"nvim-treesitter.textobjects.move".goto_next_start("@assignment.inner")<CR>',     { desc = 'Next Function Start' } },
    -- { 'j',         'j',                                                                                            { silent = true } },
    -- { 'k',         'k', },
    -- { 'p',         'p', },
    -- { 'l',         'l', },
    -- { 'h',         'h', },
    -- { '/',         '/', },
    -- { 'y',         'y', },
    { 'F',         ':lua require"nvim-treesitter.textobjects.move".goto_previous_start("@assignment.inner")<CR>', { desc = 'Last Function Start' } },
    { 'g',         ':lua require"nvim-treesitter.textobjects.move".goto_next_start("@function.outer")<CR>',       { desc = 'Next Function Start' } },
    -- { 'G',         ':lua require"nvim-treesitter.textobjects.move".goto_previous_start("@function.outer")<CR>',    { desc = 'Last Function Start' } },
    { 'f',         ':lua require"nvim-treesitter.textobjects.move".goto_next_start("@function.inner")<CR>',       { desc = 'Next Function Start' } },
    { 'c',         ':lua require"nvim-treesitter.textobjects.move".goto_next_start("@class.inner")<CR>',          { desc = 'Next Function End' } },
    { 'C',         ':lua require"nvim-treesitter.textobjects.move".goto_previous_start("@class.inner")<CR>',      { desc = 'Next Class Start' } },
    { 'gg',        'gg',                                                                                          { desc = 'Next Class Start' } },
    { '?',         ':lua require"nvim-treesitter.textobjects.move".goto_next_start("@conditional.inner")<CR>',    { desc = 'Next if()' } },
    { 'r',         ':lua require"nvim-treesitter.textobjects.move".goto_next_start("@return.outer")<CR>',         { desc = 'Next if()' } },
    { 'R',         ':lua require"nvim-treesitter.textobjects.move".goto_previous_start("@return.outer")<CR>',     { desc = 'Previous if()' } },
    { 'P',         ':lua require"nvim-treesitter.textobjects.move".goto_previous_start("@parameter.inner")<CR>',  { desc = 'Previous if()' } },
    { 'p',         ':lua require"nvim-treesitter.textobjects.move".goto_next_start("@parameter.inner")<CR>',      { desc = 'Next if()' } },
    { 'K',         ':lua require"nvim-treesitter.textobjects.move".goto_previous_start("@block.inner")<CR>',      { desc = 'Previous if()' } },
    { 'J',         ':lua require"nvim-treesitter.textobjects.move".goto_next_start("@block.inner")<CR>',          { desc = 'Next if()' } },
    -- Add more heads as needed


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Can confirm this is happening to me.

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I ended up just removing the hint floating window as a workaround for now

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Confirmed breaks on neovim 0.10+

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Greesb commented Dec 12, 2024

Still happening, are there any plan for a fix for this issue ?

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@Greesb this repo is no longer maintained from what i can tell, i created a copy of this issue in the community maintained fork here. if you are able to create a minimal reproducible example there i think it would help debugging. i wasn't able to produce one unfortunately (at least not consistently...).

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Greesb commented Dec 12, 2024

@Greesb this repo is no longer maintained from what i can tell, i created a copy of this issue in the community maintained fork here. if you are able to create a minimal reproducible example there i think it would help debugging. i wasn't able to produce one unfortunately (at least not consistently...).

Yeah i saw your fork afterwards, with the issue already fixed so i now use the fork instead. Thanks!

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ah, just to clarify i haven't contributed to the fork, i just created a copy of this issue in that repo. I still run into treesitter issues in the fork, but i'm glad to hear it's working for you!

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