Andreas Nuyts
- STLC: Simply typed
- Chapter 23-24:
- Term variables
x : Bool
- Type (operator) variables
- Term variables
- Dependent type systems
- Types are "first class citizens"
- Type of types
(as in Agda,Type
would be more logical) - Type variables
X : Set
are special case of term variables
Goal of this chapter:
- background information to help you to use DTT
Not the goal of this chapter:
- prove metatheorems about DTT (termination, consistency, decidability of typing, ...)
- understand how to implement a proof-assistant
- Dependently typed languages are programming languages
- Simple types: catch simple errors at compile time (e.g. no bool when number is expected)
- Dependent types: More subtle
Type List A
in TAPL:
nil : List A
cons : A -> List A -> List A
Three-element list: cons a1 (cons a2 (cons a3 nil))
Analyzing/using lists:
isnil : List A -> Bool
head : List A -> A
tail : List A -> List A
Problem: head nil
and tail nil
are not defined (stuck terms).
Possible solution:
fold : B -> (A -> B -> B) -> List A -> B
fold nilB consB nil = nilB
fold nilB consB (cons a as) = consB a (fold nilB consB as)
is total- but maybe we know that
is non-empty and we want itshead
Vectors are lists of given length:
data Vec (A : Set) : Nat -> Set where
nil : Vec 0
cons : {n : Nat} -> A -> Vec A n -> Vec A (suc n)
Compute head
when length is nonzero (i.e. successor of something):
head : {n : Nat} -> Vec A (suc n) -> A
head (cons a as) = a
tail : {n : Nat} -> Vec A (suc n) -> Vec A n
tail (cons a as) = as
No clauses for nil
since head nil
and tail nil
are ill-typed.
- Dependent type theory is a constructive logic.
- Constructive: a proposition can only be asserted by providing evidence
- Proposition
is made up of logical connectives (and, or, not, implication, …). - The type
Proof A
of evidence needed to assertA
is defined by induction.
Proof (A ∧ B) = Proof A × Proof B
Γ |– a : Proof A
Γ |– b : Proof B
Γ |– (a, b) : Proof A × Proof B
= Proof (A ∧ B)
Proof (∃ (x : A) . P(x)) = Σ (x : A) . Proof (P(x))
Γ |– a : A
Γ |– p : Proof(P(a))
Γ |– (a, p) : Σ (x : A) . Proof (P(x))
= Proof (∃ (x : A) . P(x))
Note: Agda notation Σ[ x ∈ A ] Proof (P(x))
- Above, we had
Proof : MathProp -> Set
- Actually, we define
MathProp = Set
Proof : MathProp -> Set Proof A = A
A ∧ B = A × B
- So propositions are types
- This correspondence is called the Curry-Howard correspondence.
"If A implies (B or C), then (A and not B) implies C"
can be written as:
taut : {A B C : Set} -> (A -> B ⊎ C) -> (A × (B -> ⊥) -> C)
and proven as follows:
taut f (a , notb) with f a
taut f (a , notb) | inl b with notb b
taut f (a , notb) | inl b | ()
taut f (a , notb) | inr c = c
Property of constructive logic:
If for each x ∈ X
, there exists some y ∈ Y
such that P x y
then there is a function f : X -> Y
such that for each x ∈ X
, we have P x (f x)
property : {X Y : Set} {P : X -> Y -> Set} ->
((x : X) -> Σ[ y ∈ Y ] P x y) ->
Σ[ f ∈ (X -> Y) ] ((x : X) -> P x (f x))
property p = ( λ x -> proj₁ (p x) , λ x -> proj₂ (p x) )
_!!_ : List A -> Nat -> A
cons a as !! 0 = a
cons a as !! suc n = as !! n
- Undefined for empty list
- Undefined when index out of bounds
- Use length-indexed vector type
- Provide evidence that index is within bounds
_!!_ : {n : Nat} -> Vec A n -> (Σ[ i ∈ Nat ] (i < n)) -> A
nil !! (i , ())
cons a as !! (0 , _) = a
cons a as !! (suc n , p) = as !! (n , decrement< p)
where decrement< : {m n : Nat} -> (suc m < suc n) -> (m < n)
- Absurd clause for the empty list:
i < 0
is absurd, so use absurd pattern()
- no right-hand-side.
We can use DTT/Agda as a metatheory for the formalization of another language:
- object/internal language: the one we want to formalize.
- e.g. Untyped/typed arithmetic, ULC, STLC, Web assembly, ...
- metalanguage/metatheory: DTT / Agda / set theory / ...
- Language confusion:
- internal types vs metatypes
- internal terms vs metaterms
- internal judgements vs metajudgements
- ...
Thanks to (meta)type dependency, we can consider a (meta)type of internal derivations,
parametrized by an internal context, term and type:
IDeriv : ICtx -> ITerm -> IType -> Set
Now IDeriv Γ t T
can be read as
- the metatype of internal derivations
- the metaproposition "The internal judgement
Γ ⊢ t : T
is derivable"- evidence (inhabitant) is a derivation tree.
Agda mixfix notation to write Γ ⊢ t ∈ T
instead of IDeriv Γ t T
_⊢_∈_ : ICtx -> ITerm -> IType -> Set
_⊢_∈_ = IDeriv
- Derivation trees are generated by inference rules
is a datatype (inductive type)- constructors are inference rules
- Proofs by induction on a derivation, are:
- Agda functions taking argument of type
- Proceed by case distinction on the outer inference rule.
- Agda functions taking argument of type
This part
- is not essential to work with DTT
- is included to clarify how DTT relates to other extensions of STLC
- in particular and
(ch 23-24)
- in particular and
DTT arises by extending STLC with 3 features.
- We can extend with any subset of these features ->
2^3 = 8
possibilities -> Corners of the Lambda-cube. - Each feature introduces a new lambda-abstraction rule, creating a new class of functions.
STLC has lambda-abstraction for functions sending terms to terms:
Γ, x : A ⊢ b : B
Γ ⊢ λ(x : A).b : A -> B
The other abstraction rules have types/type operators as input and/or output.
- Kinds classify types & type operators.
T :: K
(double colon) meansT
has kindK
.- Kind of types is called
, e.g.Bool :: *
Sending types/type operators to types/type operators:
Γ, X :: K ⊢ T :: K'
Γ ⊢ Λ(X :: K).T : K -> K'
The kind of the above lambda-abstraction is the function kind K -> K'
A program of type State S A
is a program that computes a value of type A
using a single mutable variable of type S
but is otherwise pure.
State :: * -> * -> *
State = Λ(S :: *).Λ(A :: *).(S -> S × A)
so State S A = S -> S × A
- input: initial state
- output: final state & return value
Derivation tree:
S :: *, A :: * ⊢ A :: *
----------------------- :
S :: *, A :: * ⊢ S :: * :
----------------------- ----------------------------------
S :: *, A :: * ⊢ S :: * S :: *, A :: * ⊢ S × A :: *
S :: *, A :: * ⊢ S -> S × A :: *
S :: * ⊢ Λ(A :: *).(S -> S × A) :: * -> *
⊢ Λ(S :: *).Λ(A :: *).(S -> S × A) :: * -> * -> *
Subtle difference between Λ
and ->
Λ(S :: *)
andΛ(A :: *)
indicate thatState
itself takes two argumentsS
of kind*
.- The function type
S -> ...
indicates that the elements ofState S A
take an argument of typeS
Sending types/type operators so terms:
Γ, X :: K ⊢ b : B
Γ ⊢ Λ(X :: K).b : ∀(X :: K).B
- Important: type
can mention type variableX
. - The type of the above lambda-abstraction is the universal type
∀(X :: K).B
, which universally quantifies over the kindK
Polymorphic list operations:
nil : ∀(X :: *).List X
cons : ∀(X :: *).X -> List X -> List X
isnil : ∀(X :: *).List X -> Bool
Polymorphic identity function:
id : ∀(X :: *).X -> X
id = Λ(X :: *).λ(x : X).x
- STLC + polymorphic functions = System F a.k.a. the polymorphic lambda-calculus (TAPL ch 23)
- Only kind is
- Only kind is
- STLC + polymorphic functions + type operators = System Fω (TAPL ch 30)
- Other kinds
Sending terms x
to types P(x)
Γ, x : A ⊢ T :: K
Γ ⊢ λ(x : A).T :: A -> K
The kind of a dependent type is a function kind, whose domain is merely a type.
Due to type dependency, the usual term-to-term lambda-abstraction from the STLC can actually create dependent functions:
Γ, x : A ⊢ T :: K
Γ, x : A ⊢ t : T
Γ ⊢ λ(x : A).t : Π(x : A).T
Agda notations for Π(x : A).T
(x : A) -> T
∀(x : A) -> T
∀ x -> T
when the domainA
can be inferred
When T
does not depend on x
, write A -> T
Vec :: * -> Nat -> *
sends terms n : Nat
types Vec A n :: *
Could even define Vec
Vec :: * -> Nat -> *
Vec A 0 = Unit
Vec A (suc n) = A × Vec A n
Note: type argument of Vec
requires the existence of type operators.
STLC + type dependency is called:
- λΠ-calculus (because we now have Π-types)
- logical framework (LF):
P :: A -> *
can be regarded as a predicate onA
satisfies the predicate if there is a proof (inhabitant) ofP(x)
DTT requires:
- type operators
- polymorphic functions
- dependent types
This is called the Calculus of Constructions, one flavour of DTT.
We can now abolish type/kind distinction.
- Rename
, known as the universe.
- Goal = provide spec of DTT to help you use Agda
- Goal ≠ metatheoretical study of DTT
We consider MLTT (Martin-Löf type theory), one flavour of DTT.
STLC: contexts & types defined by a simple grammar.
- Contexts mention types
- Types mention terms, including variables
- -> Scope matters
- -> Typing matters
- -> Need context & type judgements
Judgement forms:
Γ ctx
is a well-formed context, -
Γ ⊢ T type
is a well-formed type in contextΓ
, -
Γ ⊢ t : T
is a well-typed term of typeT
in contextΓ
Under the Curry-Howard correspondence, the latter two judgements may also be read as:
Γ ⊢ T type
is a well-formed proposition in contextΓ
, -
Γ ⊢ t : T
- The propositionT
is true in contextΓ
, as is evident from the well-formed prooft
Note: Impossible to assert T
without providing evidence.
Γ ⊢ T type
does not mean: "Γ
is a well-formed context andT
is a well-formed type in contextΓ
." -
Γ ⊢ T type
does not mean: "IfΓ
is a well-formed context thenT
is a well-formed type in contextΓ
." -
Γ ⊢ T type
nothing (it is bogus, neither true nor false) if
is not a well-formed context, -
is a well-formed type in contextΓ
" ifΓ
is a well-formed context. (Note that the condition thatΓ
be well-formed, is now outside of the quotes: the condition is not part of the meaning of the judgement, but must be satisfied for the judgement to be utterable.)
- Contexts are lists of typed variables
- (Nameless representation of variables) Contexts are lists of types.
Which variables can appear where?
- Read derivation bottom-up
- Start from empty context
- Add variable when moving under binder
- So order of variables is meaningful!
- Binder should be type-checked in its context
- So each variable's type can depend on all previously bound variables (those to its left).
Ø ctx
Γ ctx (presupposed)
Γ ⊢ T type
Γ, x : T ctx
Note: Γ ctx
will often be omitted as it is implied by utterability of Γ ⊢ T type
Output type may depend on the input value.
zeroes : (n : Nat) -> Vec Nat n
zeroes 0 = nil
zeroes (suc n) = cons 0 (zeroes n)
Γ ctx (presupposed)
Γ ⊢ T1 type (presupposed)
Γ, x : T1 ⊢ T2 type
Γ ⊢ Π(x : T1).T2 type
e.g. Vec Nat n
depends on n
Agda notations for Π(x : A).T
(x : A) -> T
∀(x : A) -> T
∀ x -> T
when the domainA
can be inferred
When T
does not depend on x
, write A -> T
Domain T1
and codomain T2
may or may not be Set
(or built from Set
so the above function type encompasses all features of the Lambda-cube:
- Ordinary non-dependent term-level functions, e.g.
iszero : Nat -> Bool
, - Polymorphic functions, e.g.
id : (X : Set) -> X -> X
, - Type operators, e.g.
State : Set -> Set -> Set
, - Dependent types, e.g.
Vec Bool : Nat -> Set
, - Dependent term-level functions, e.g.
zeroes : (n : Nat) -> Vec Nat n
The abstraction rule looks quite familiar, of course with adapted type:
Γ ctx (presupposed)
Γ ⊢ T1 type (presupposed)
Γ, x : T1 ⊢ T2 type (presupposed)
Γ, x : T1 ⊢ t : T2
Γ ⊢ λ(x : T1).t : Π(x : T1).T2
Often, we omit the type label on the binder and simply write λx.t
Some possible Agda notations are:
λ(x : T1) -> t
λ x -> t
can be inferred)
Γ ctx (presupposed)
Γ ⊢ T1 type (presupposed)
Γ, x : T1 ⊢ T2 type (presupposed)
Γ ⊢ f : Π(x : T1).T2
Γ ⊢ t : T1
Γ ⊢ f t : [x ↦ t]T2
We now know enough to derive well-formedness of the type of cons
, which is
cons : (X : Set) -> X -> List X -> List X
Recall that A -> B
is syntactic sugar for (x : A) -> B
where B
does not depend on x
It is derived as follows:
X : Set, x : X, xs : List X ⊢ X : Set
X : Set, x : X, xs : List X ⊢ X type
X : Set, x : X, xs : List X ⊢ List X type
---------------------------- :
X : Set, x : X ⊢ X : Set :
---------------------------- :
X : Set, x : X ⊢ X type :
---------------------------- :
X : Set, x : X ⊢ List X type :
X : Set, x : X ⊢ List X -> List X type
----------------- :
X : Set ⊢ X : Set :
----------------- :
X : Set ⊢ X type :
---------- ------------------------------------
⊢ Set type X : Set ⊢ X -> List X -> List X type
⊢ (X : Set) -> X -> List X -> List X type
Agda has a feature called implicit arguments.
- Merely for usability
- Usually absent in theoretical presentations of DTT
- Can omit implicit arguments in abstractions & applications. Agda will infer them.
- For function types:
{x : T1} -> T2
∀ {x : T1} -> T2
∀ {x} -> T2
can be inferred)
- For abstraction:
λ {x : T1} -> t
λ {x} -> t
can be inferred)t
(infer the abstraction altogether)
- For application:
f {t}
f {x = t}
(use valuet
for argumentx
takes multiple implicit arguments)f
(when the argument can be inferred)
Only works if Agda is able to infer the given arguments. E.g. if I declare addition of natural numbers with implicit arguments:
_+_ : {x y : Nat} -> Nat
and then write _+_ : Nat
, leaving the operands implicit, then Agda will have a hard time inferring these.
Conversely, if I define zeroes
with an implicit argument:
zeroes : {n : Nat} -> Vec Nat n
and then write zeroes : Vec Nat 3
is required, then Agda will infer that I mean zeroes {3}
Implicit arguments:
- are usable thanks to type dependency
- can be regarded separately from type dependency.
- Pair types: binary product, indexed by metatheoretic set/type
I = {0, 1}
- Tuple types:
-ary product, indexed by metatheoretic set/typeI = {0, 1, ..., n}
- Record types:
-ary product, indexed by a metatheoretic set/type of field namesI = L
Constructing a pair/tuple/record:
- Assign to each metatheoretic index
i ∈ I
a termtᵢ : Tᵢ
Projection from a pair/tuple/record:
Choose a metatheoretic index
i ∈ I
and getprojᵢ t : Tᵢ
. -
Π(i : I).T i
-ary product, indexed by internal typeI
.- Construct
λ(i : I).t i
: assign to each internal indexi : I
a termt i : T i
- Project from
f : Π(i : I).T i
: choose internal indexi : I
and getf i : T i
- Construct
Some authors confusingly call the Π-type the dependent product type.
A better name would be the "internal-ary" product type because what changes w.r.t. the binary product type T₁ × T₂
is not dependency of Tᵢ
on i
, but the arity.
- Calculus: Product of always the same number = a power.
- Type theory: Product of always the same type = non-dependent function type
I -> T
. (Called exponential object in category theory)
Pairs whose second component's type depends on their first component's value.
List A = Σ(n : Nat).Vec A n
Three-element list:
(3, cons a1 (cons a2 (cons a3 nil)) ) : Σ(n : Nat).Vec A n
where indeed the second component has type Vec A 3
Γ ctx (presupposed)
Γ ⊢ T1 type (presupposed)
Γ, x : T1 ⊢ T2 type
Γ ⊢ Σ(x : T1).T2 type
(Similar to Π-type)
Alternatively denoted (x : T1) × T2
. When T2
does not depend on x
, we simply write T1 × T2
Agda notation: Σ[ x ∈ T1 ] T2
(with that exact usage of whitespace).
First component will be substituted into the type of the second component:
Γ ctx (presupposed)
Γ ⊢ T1 type (presupposed)
Γ, x : T1 ⊢ T2 type (presupposed)
Γ ⊢ t1 : T1
Γ ⊢ t2 : [x ↦ t1]T2
Γ ⊢ (t1 , t2) : Σ(x : T1).T2
First projection:
Γ ctx (presupposed)
Γ ⊢ T1 type (presupposed)
Γ, x : T1 ⊢ T2 type (presupposed)
Γ ⊢ p : Σ(x : T1).T2
Γ ⊢ fst p : T1
For the second projection, we substitute the first projection into the type:
Γ ctx (presupposed)
Γ ⊢ T1 type (presupposed)
Γ, x : T1 ⊢ T2 type (presupposed)
Γ ⊢ p : Σ(x : T1).T2
Γ ⊢ snd p : [x ↦ fst p]T2
- Sum type
T₁ + T₂
, also called coproduct, disjoint union or tagged union.- Agda notation:
T₁ ⊎ T₂
. - Binary coproduct indexed by metatheoretic set/type
I = {0, 1}
- Agda notation:
- Variant type: coproduct indexed by metatheoretic set/type of labels/tags
I = L
- Choose a metatheoretic index
i ∈ I
and provide a termt : Tᵢ
Elimination (create function B -> C
where B
is sum/variant):
Case analysis on the tag.
Create, for every metatheoretic tag
i ∈ I
, a functionfᵢ : Tᵢ -> C
. -
Σ(i : I).T i
-ary coproduct, indexed by internal typeI
- Choose an internal index
i : I
and provide a termt : T i
Elimination (Σ(i : I).T i) -> C
- Case analysis on the tag.
- Create, for every internal tag
i : I
, a functionf i : T i -> C
. - Wrapped up in a single dependent function
f : Π(i : I).T i -> C
. (Currying)
Some authors confusingly call the Σ-type the dependent sum type.
A better name would be the "internal-ary" sum type because what changes w.r.t. the binary sum type T₁ + T₂
is not dependency of Tᵢ
on i
, but the arity.
- Calculus: Sum of always the same number = a product.
- Type theory: Coproduct of always the same type = non-dependent pair type
I × T
. (Called exponential object in category theory)
Generalizations of non-dependent pair type A × B
- Σ-type generalizes non-dependent pair type (introduces dependency).
- Record type (
-ary). - Dependent record type (both).
To specify a dependent record type with n
fields in context Γ
, we need to provide:
a metatheoretic list of field names
, …,lₙ
(not a set; the order is important), -
for each field
, a typeTᵢ
in contextΓ, x₁ : T₁, ..., xᵢ₋₁ : Tᵢ₋₁
Then in order to inhabit that record type, we need to provide:
- for each field
, a termtᵢ : [x₁ ↦ t₁, ..., xᵢ₋₁ ↦ tᵢ₋₁]Tᵢ
From a tuple p
of the dependent record type, we can extract a component p.lᵢ
of type [x₁ ↦ p.l₁, ..., xᵢ₋₁ ↦ p.lᵢ₋₁]Tᵢ
An example is the type of monoids, definable in Agda:
record Monoid : Set₁ where
constructor mkMonoid
Carrier : Set
mempty : Carrier
_<>_ : Carrier -> Carrier -> Carrier
lunit : {x : Carrier} -> mempty <> x ≡ x
runit : {x : Carrier} -> x <> mempty ≡ x
assoc : {x y z : Carrier} -> ((x <> y) <> z) ≡ (x <> (y <> z))
Each field's type is allowed to refer to the values of the previous fields.
When we create an instance, we first have to decide upon the carrier. This carrier will then be substituted into the types of all the following fields.
Conversely, given a monoid instance
, the neutral elementm .mempty
will have typem .Carrier
. -
Record types can be desugared to nested product types
Dependent record types can be desugared to nested Σ-types. For instance, the
type would desugar toΣ(Carrier : Set).Σ(mempty : Carrier).{!etcetera!}
Regardless of what variables are in scope, the universe exists:
Γ ctx
Γ ⊢ Set type
There are introduction rules corresponding to all type formation rules, e.g.:
Γ ctx (presupposed) Γ ctx (presupposed)
Γ ⊢ A type Γ ⊢ A : Set
Γ ⊢ B type Γ ⊢ B : Set
------------------- ~> -------------------
Γ ⊢ A × B type Γ ⊢ A × B : Set
Then there is a rule asserting that every element of Set
is, in fact, a type:
Γ ctx (presupposed)
Γ ⊢ T : Set
Γ ⊢ El T type
The operation El
is generally omitted, i.e. we generally write T
instead of El T
. In Agda, El
is always omitted.
Agda supports data type declarations. E.g.:
data List (A : Set) : Set where
nil : List A
cons : A -> List A -> List A
- data type declarations are usually not considered part of DTT
- rather, they extend the system with additional inference rules:
Formation rule:
Γ ctx (presupposed)
Γ ⊢ A type
Γ ⊢ List A type
Γ ctx (presupposed)
Γ ⊢ A type (presupposed)
Γ ⊢ nil : List A
Γ ctx (presupposed)
Γ ⊢ A type (presupposed)
Γ ⊢ a : A
Γ ⊢ as : List A
Γ ⊢ cons a as : List A
Elimination rule, a.k.a. dependent eliminator (see course notes).
- In Agda, we usually do not use dependent eliminators directly.
- Instead, Agda features an (in practice) much more powerful pattern matching system that is (or should be) non-straightforwardly desugarable to applications of dependent eliminators.
For now, we refer to the overview sheet.
If t : Vec A (2 + 3)
and we need ? : Vec A 5
, can we use t
More generally, if t : T1
and we need ? : T2
, which we know is equal, can we use t
- What does it mean for types to be equal?
- Types depend on terms, so: What does it mean for terms to be equal?
Nice properties to have:
Equality should be an equivalence relation, i.e. reflexive, symmetric and transitive,
Equality should be a congruence, i.e. respected by any operation our language provides,
If one term reduces to another, then they should be regarded as equal,
If two terms of the same pair/tuple/record type have equal projections, then they should be regarded as equal,
If two terms
of the same function type are pointwise equal, i.e.f1 x
equalsf2 x
is a fresh variable in the functions' domain, then they should be regarded as equal, -
If it is assumed in the context that two terms are equal, then they should be regarded as equal,
More generally, if it can be proven from the context that two terms are equal, then they should be regarded as equal.
We can start by remarking that it is hard to have (6) without having (7).
Indeed, if context Γ
proves t1 ≡ t2
, i.e. Γ ⊢ e : t1 ≡ t2
(where e
is the proof)
then any judgement Γ, x : t1 ≡ t2 ⊢ J
can be substituted to become Γ ⊢ [x ↦ e]J
Now in the extended context, we have the assumption, so according to (6) we expect that t1
and t2
will be equal. But it would be problematic if substitution (which can be triggered by function application) were to break equality. So t1
and t2
should also be equal in context Γ
Now property (7) seems a bit strong and in fact it is: Equality relation generated by (roughly) the above requirements, which we will call propositional equality, is undecidable.
t : T1
and we need? : T2
, which we know is equal, can we uset
Answer: No, not in general, not if you want type-checking to be algorithmic.
However, we do not want to give up on the earlier question:
t : Vec A (2 + 3)
and we need? : Vec A 5
, can we uset
which does not rely on properties (6) and (7).
Equality relation generated by properties 1-5 is decidable and even has computable normal forms.
This relation is called judgemental or definitional equality.
Added to the type system in the form of two additional judgement forms:
Γ ⊢ t1 = t2 : T
- Termst1
of typeT
are judgementally equal.This presupposes
Γ ⊢ t1 : T
andΓ ⊢ t2 : T
, and hence alsoΓ ⊢ T type
andΓ ctx
. -
Γ ⊢ T1 = T2 type
- TypesT1
are judgementally equal.This presupposes
Γ ⊢ T1 type
andΓ ⊢ T2 type
and hence alsoΓ ctx
A positive answer to our second question is ensured by the conversion rule, which allows us to coerce terms between judgementally equal types:
Γ ⊢ t : T1
Γ ⊢ T1 = T2 type
Γ ⊢ t : T2
Equality should be an equivalence relation, i.e. reflexive, symmetric and transitive.
Γ ⊢ T1 = T2 type ---------------- ... Γ ⊢ T2 = T1 type
Equality should be a congruence, i.e. respected by any operation our language provides.
For every inference rule for types/terms, add equality preservation rule, e.g.
Γ ⊢ a = a' : A Γ ⊢ as = as' : List A --------------------- Γ ⊢ cons a as = cons a' as' : List A
In particular, counterpart for the
rule:Γ ⊢ T = T' : Set ---------------- Γ ⊢ El T = El T' type
If one term reduces to another, then they should be regarded as equal.
For every redex (reducible expression), there is a so-called β-rule expressing that the redex (called β-redex) is equal to its reduced form, e.g.
Γ, x : T1 ⊢ t2 : T2 Γ ⊢ t1 : T1 ------------------- Γ ⊢ (λx.t2) t1 = [x ↦ t1]t2 : [x ↦ t1]T2
If two terms of the same pair/tuple/record type have equal projections, then they should be regarded as equal.
For the Σ-type and every user-defined record-type, there is a so-called η-rule expressing that the record is equal to its η-expansion, which is the pair/tuple/record of all its projections:
Γ ⊢ p : Σ(x : T1).T2 -------------------- Γ ⊢ p = (fst p , snd p) : Σ(x : T1).T2
In the standard library, the unit type is defined as a record type with zero fields. The η-law then expresses that any term of that type is equal to
. -
If two terms
of the same function type are pointwise equal, i.e.f1 x
equalsf2 x
is a fresh variable in the functions' domain, then they should be regarded as equal.Similarly, there is an η-rule for the function type:
Γ ⊢ f : Π(x : T1).T2 -------------------- Γ ⊢ f = λx.(f x) : Π(x : T1).T2
These 5 collections of rules generate the judgemental equality relation.
If we use a term t : T1
in a hole ? : T2
, then Agda will check whether the conversion rule from §5.1 applies, i.e. whether Γ ⊢ T1 = T2 type
- If yes, then the usage is accepted.
- If no, then Agda will issue a type error, typically mentioning inequality of corresponding subterms of
- Judgemental equality is a judgement,
- Propositional equality is a proposition, i.e. a type.
Can be declared as indexed data type in Agda:
data _≡_ {A : Set} (x : A) : (y : A) → Set where
instance refl : x ≡ x
(If you wonder why x
appears before the colon and y
appears after it: Variables introduced before the colon are parameters of the type family. They are chosen once and remain the same throughout the data type declaration. An example of a parameter is the element type A
in Vec A n
. The variables after the colon are indices of the type family and can be determined by individual constructors. An example of an index is the length index n
in Vec A n
, which is 0
for nil
and suc n
for cons
. For the propositional equality type, the refl
constructor determines that one hand of the equation must be equal to the other, so at least one hand of the equation must be treated as an index.)
Data types extend DTT.
Γ ⊢ T type
Γ ⊢ t1 : T
Γ ⊢ t2 : T
Γ ⊢ t1 ≡ t2 type
Γ ⊢ T type
Γ ⊢ t : T
Γ ⊢ refl : t ≡ t
Judgemental equality implies propositional equality. Indeed, assume Γ ⊢ t1 = t2 : T
--------------- (assumption) (presupposed)
Γ ⊢ t1 = t1 : T Γ ⊢ t1 = t2 : T Γ ⊢ t1 : T
-------------------------------------- ------------------
Γ ⊢ (t1 ≡ t1) = (t1 ≡ t2) : T Γ ⊢ refl : t1 ≡ t1
Γ ⊢ refl : t1 ≡ t2
Alternative explanation:
- Due to the conversion rule, types do not distinguish between judgementally equal terms.
- Thus, types do not speak about syntactic terms, but about terms up to judgemental equality.
proves that any term - considered up to judgemental equality - is propositionally equal to itself.t1
are the same up to judgemental equality, hencerefl
Propositional equality should satisfy property (2):
Equality should be a congruence, i.e. respected by any operation our language provides,
This is expressed by the dependent eliminator, called the J-rule (see course notes).
In Agda: use pattern matching instead.
Remarkably, with these few rules, propositional equality satisfies most of the desired properties:
Reflexivity is proven by
. Symmetry and transitivity are provable by pattern matching. -
Congruence is proven by pattern matching.
If one term reduces to another, then they are judgementally equal and hence, by the conversion rule, propositionally equal.
For pair, tuple and record types with a finite number of components, we can prove that records with equal fields are equal by pattern matching on each of the componentwise equality proofs.
For tuple and record types with an infinite number of components (e.g. infinite streams), we need to postulate this property without proof.
For functions, we also need to postulate that pointwise equality implies equality, a property called function extensionality:
postulate funext : {A : Set} {B : A -> Set} {f1 f2 : (x : A) -> B x} (p : (x : A) -> f1 x ≡ f2 x) -> f1 ≡ f2
- Postulate an element of a type -> Postulate that a proposition has a proof.
- Logically: this asserts the proposition.
- Seen as a program, the postulate has no definition and does not compute.
- Programs involving postulates can get stuck.
If it is assumed in the context that two terms are equal, then they should be regarded as equal:
Γ, w : t1 ≡ t2, Δ ⊢ w : t1 ≡ t2
If it can be proven from the context that two terms are equal, then they should be regarded as equal.
For propositional equality, this property is tautological:
Γ ⊢ p : t1 ≡ t2
Just like STLC (TAPL ch 12), dependent type theory satisfies a normalization result:
Closed well-typed terms reduce to values (of the same type) in a finite number of steps.
For programming:
- Programs terminate without errors.
For proving:
- Closed propositional equality proofs
⊢ e : t1 ≡ t2
reduce to⊢ refl : t1 ≡ t2
, well-typedness of which implies thatt1
are actually judgementally equal. - Closed proofs of falsity
⊢ e : ⊥
reduce to a value⊢ v : ⊥
. Since⊥
has zero constructors, there are no values of type⊥
, so there cannot be any closed proofs of falsity. So DTT is consistent: we cannot prove falsity without making any assumptions.
List concatenation:
_++_ : {X : Set} -> List X -> List X -> List X
nil ++ ys = ys
(cons x xs) ++ ys = cons x (xs ++ ys)
Definition of _++_
refers to itself.
This way we can write diverging definitions:
_+++_ : {X : Set} -> List X -> List X -> List X
xs +++ ys = xs +++ ys
Can prove falsity:
undefined : ⊥
undefined = undefined
To keep programs terminating and to keep Agda (reasonably) consistent, there is a termination checker.
Approves of a self-referencing program if there is one argument that is always smaller in recursive calls than in the parent call. For _++_
: first argument. This guarantees termination:
cons 1 (cons 2 (cons 3 (nil))) ++ cons 4 nil
= cons 1 ( cons 2 (cons 3 (nil)) ++ cons 4 nil )
= cons 1 (cons 2 ( cons 3 (nil) ++ cons 4 nil ))
= cons 1 (cons 2 (cons 3 ( nil ++ cons 4 nil )))
= cons 1 (cons 2 (cons 3 (cons 4 nil)))
(See course notes)
(See course notes)