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Dev.Coding Standard PHP Pi

Taiwen Jiang edited this page Aug 7, 2013 · 14 revisions

Selected PHP Coding Standard for Pi Engine

Check full version for details.


  • Indentation MUST consist of 4 spaces, not tabs.
  • Maximum line length is 80 characters, no exceeding of 120 characters.
  • All PHP files MUST use the Unix LF (linefeed) line ending.
  • All PHP files MUST end with a single blank line.
  • The closing ?> tag MUST be omitted from files containing only PHP.


  • When a string is literal, the apostrophe \`` or single quote '` SHOULD be used.
  • Variable substitution SHOULD use the form $greeting = "Hello ${name}, welcome back!";.


  • When concatenating strings with the "." operator, each successive line SHOULD be padded with white space such that the "." operator is aligned under the "=" operator:
$sql = "SELECT {{id}}, {{name}} FROM {{people}} "
     . "WHERE {{name}} = 'Susan' "
     . "ORDER BY {{name}} ASC ";
  • Multi-line indexed arrays with first element on a new line: it MUST be padded at one indentation level greater than the line containing the array declaration, and all successive lines MUST have the same indentation and use a trailing comma for the last item in the array; the closing paren MUST be on a line by itself at the same indentation level as the line containing the array declaration:
$sampleArray = array(
    1, 2, 3, 'Zend', 'Studio',
    $a, $b, $c,
    56.44, $d, 500,
$sampleArray = array(
    'firstKey'  => 'firstValue',
    'secondKey' => 'secondValue',
  • Multi-line indexed arrays with first element on the same line: each successive line MUST be padded with spaces such that the beginning of each line is aligned with the initial element of the array:
$sampleArray = array(1, 2, 3, 'Zend', 'Studio',
                     $a, $b, $c,
                     56.44, $d, 500);
$sampleArray = array('firstKey'  => 'firstValue',
                     'secondKey' => 'secondValue');
  • Namespaces and classes with multi-line implements keywords, pad those lines by one indentation level.
class ClassName extends ParentClass implements
    // constants, properties, methods
  • Function/method definition with multi-line argument list with first element on new line: the first item in the list MUST be on the next line, and there MUST be only one interface per line.
class ClassName
    public function aVeryLongMethodName(
        ClassTypeHint $arg1,
        array $arg3 = []
    ) {
        // method body
  • Function/method definition with multi-line argument list with first element on the same line
class Foo
    public function bar($arg1, $arg2, $arg3,
        $arg4, $arg5, $arg6
    ) {
        // all contents of function
        // must be indented four spaces

Closure definitions:

  • Space MUST NOT be inserted between the "function" keyword and the opening parenthesis for the arguments.
  • A space MUST be added between any "use" statement and the opening parenthesis for its arguments.
  • Closures MUST retain the initial brace on the same line in which they are defined.
 * Opening brace:
$foo = function($x)
    // WRONG
$foo = function($x) {
    // RIGHT
 * Use statement declaration
$foo = function($x) use($y) {
    // WRONG
$foo = function($x) use ($y) {
    // RIGHT
 * Indentation
$foo = array_map(function($x) {
return strtolower($x);
}, $array);
$foo = array_map(function($x) {
    // RIGHT
    return strtolower($x);
}, $array);

Function/method usage

  • Function arguments MUST be separated by a single trailing space after the comma delimiter.

if, elseif and else

  • All if, elseif or else statements MUST use braces.

  • if and elseif constructs MUST have a single space before the opening parenthesis and a single space after the closing parenthesis.

  • For if and elseif, the opening brace MUST be written on the same line as the conditional statement.

if ($a != 2) {
    $a = 2;
  • For multi-line if and elseif, break the line prior to a logic operator, and pad the line such that it aligns under the first character of the conditional clause. The closing paren in the conditional will then be placed on a line with the opening brace, with one space separating the two, at an indentation level equivalent to the opening control statement.
if (($a == $b)
    && ($b == $c)
    || (Foo::CONST == $d)
) {
    $a = $d;


  • switch statement MUST have a single space before the opening parenthesis and after the closing parenthesis.

  • Content under each case statement MUST be indented using an additional four spaces.

switch ($numPeople) {
    case 1:
    case 2:
  • The construct default MAY be omitted from a switch statement, but the code MUST contain a comment indicating deliberate omission in such cases.

Inline Documentation

  • All documentation blocks ("docblocks") MUST be compatible with the phpDocumentor format.

  • All class files MUST contain a "file-level" docblock at the top of each file and a "class-level" docblock immediately above each class.

  • "file-level" docblock contains phpDocumentor tags at a minimum:

 * Pi Engine (
 * @link for the Pi Engine source repository
 * @copyright Copyright (c) Pi Engine (
 * @license New BSD License
  • "class-level" docblock contains phpDocumentor tags at a minimum:
 * Short description for class
 * Long description for class (if any)...
 * Sample code:
 * <code>
 *   $someCodeForUseExample;
 * </code>
 * @author    [Author Name] <[author_email_address]>
  • Every function/method MUST have a docblock that contains at a minimum:

    • A description of the function
    • All of the arguments
    • All of the possible return values (even void)
  • Use @throws for all known exception classes:

@throws exceptionclass [description]
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