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intro |
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Home |
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excerpt |
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assets/images/critic2_logo.png |
Critic2 Logo |
Critic2 |
Analysis of the results of quantum chemical calculations in molecules and solids. Critic2 implements crystallographic computations, input and output format conversion, Bader analysis, critical point search, NCI plots, and much, much more. |
/critic2/ |
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btn--light-outline |
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excerpt |
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assets/images/aggao2_efit.png |
E-V curves |
Gibbs2 |
Calculation of thermodynamic properties of periodic solids as a function of temperature and pressure in the quasiharmonic approximation. |
/gibbs2/ |
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btn--light-outline |
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excerpt |
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assets/images/refdata.png |
Tripeptide |
Reference data |
Repository of reference data for quantum chemistry. |
/refdata/ |
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btn--light-outline |
image_path |
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title |
excerpt |
url |
btn_label |
btn_class |
assets/images/devnotes_coffee.jpg |
Coffee |
Development notes |
/devnotes/ |
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excerpt |
url |
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assets/images/coursenotes_writing.jpg |
Coffee |
Course notes |
/coursenotes/ |
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btn--light-outline |
{% include feature_row_local id="intro" type="center" %}
{% include feature_row_local id="row_all" %}