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How to branch (approach1: don’t bother, for Proj1)
- No branches. Everyone checks out and commits to main
- Consider not branching for proj1:
- divide things up into lots of small files
- everyone commit and pull at high frequency (many times per day)
- Why that’s a good idea
- You current code base may be soot small to sctured
- Also, this fail often enough to show you why version control is so important
Each branch is an experiment with a new feature.
- When a team branches, they are promising that you will come back with some new cool feature.
- When the team comes back to main, people expect to see that promise delivered.
- Code it thoroughly vetted before being merged
- Good for large scale, not-so-fast, distributed development
- E.g.
Beware gitflow hell
Git flow tips
- Good when
- When you run an large, slow open-source project.
- Everyone can contribute
- You’ll need to be able to check every single line of code,
- because well you can’t trust people contributing.
- When you have a lot of junior developers.
- you want to have a way to check their work closely
- When you have an established product.
- So branches are small changes, bounded by something much larger
- When you run an large, slow open-source project.
- Not so good when
- When you are just starting up.
- Chances are you want to create a minimal viable product quickly.
- Doing pull requests creates a huge bottleneck that slows the whole team down dramatically
- When you need to iterate quickly.
- When you work mostly with senior developers
- Who moslty don’t mess things up
- When you are just starting up.
(used at Google,Facebook, Amazon: https://trunkbaseddevelopment.com)
Developers collaborate on code in a single branch called “trunk” (*), resist any pressure to create other long-lived development branches. Avoids merge hell, do not break the build, and live happily ever after.
(*) master, in Git nomenclature
Very short lived feature branches: one person over a couple of days (max). Much build automat before merging into main
Merge hell or trunk-based? You decide. Compare this to above:
- README.md - landing page for GitHub repository web page
- Zenodo doi badge
- License badge
- Test suite badge
- Code coverage badge
- LICENSE.md - license for repository
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oHNKTlz1lps
- https://choosealicense.com/
- Understand what a real Apache-license project looks like
- .gitignore - used to ignore files from being committed to the repository
- .gitattributes - used to provide per-repository settings for all developers
- .github Folder - provide issues template, pull request template, and README.md
- requirements.txt: things to install first
- INSTALL.md: install instructions more complex than requirements.txt
15 real-time operating systems 2018, 2020
Why is the Zephyr operating syste,s succeeding so well?
- Perception of open governance (no one owns it)
- So you can contribute, without anyone ever locking away your work
- AND you can get everyone else’s contributions
- Do you use source control?
- Can you make a build in one step?
- Do you make daily builds?
- (Do you build, test, deploy one each commit to main?)
- Do you have a bug database?
- Do you fix bugs before writing new code?
- Do you have an up-to-date schedule?
- (Is there a stable branch from which releases can be cut at any time?)
- Do you have a spec? Can code be verified?
- Do programmers have quiet working conditions?
- Do you use the best tools money can buy?
- (Are programmers free to choose the best tools for the job?)
- Do you have testers?
- (Is testing the team's responsibility?)
- Do new candidates write code during their interview?
- Do you do hallway usability testing?
Joel Spolsky is a software developer living in New York City. He is the CEO and co-founder of Stack Overflow, a network of Q&A sites. He also co-founded Fog Creek Software, a software company, and incubator based in New York City. See a 2019 update https://medium.com/meshify/an-updated-joel-test-for-2019-fc732ad24dc6