All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See Conventional Commits for commit guidelines.
4.3.2 (2019-09-16)
- Add info to express error handler logger type (#1557) (3e1d26c)
- LocalStrategy authenticates without username (#1560) (2b258fd), closes #1559
4.3.1 (2019-09-09)
- Fix regression in transport commons (#1551) (ed9e934)
- Omit standard protocol ports from the default hostname (#1543) (ef16d29)
- Use long-timeout for JWT expiration timers (#1552) (65637ec)
4.3.0 (2019-08-27)
- Only remove token on NotAuthenticated error in authentication client and handle error better (#1525) (13a8758)
4.3.0-pre.4 (2019-08-22)
- Fix auth publisher mistake (08bad61)
4.3.0-pre.3 (2019-08-19)
- Expire and remove authenticated real-time connections (#1512) (2707c33)
- Update all dependencies (7d53a00)
- Use WeakMap to connect socket to connection (#1509) (64807e3)
4.3.0-pre.2 (2019-08-02)
- @feathersjs/adapter-commons:
id is non-nullable (#1468) (43ec802) - Add getEntityId to JWT strategy and fix legacy Socket authentication (#1488) (9a3b324)
- Add method to reliably get default authentication service (#1470) (e542cb3)
- Do not error in authentication client on logout (#1473) (8211b98)
- Improve Params typing (#1474) (54a3aa7)
4.3.0-pre.1 (2019-07-11)
Note: Version bump only for package feathers
4.0.0-pre.5 (2019-07-10)
- Fix feathers-memory dependency that did not get updated (9422b13)
- Remove unnecessary top level export files in @feathersjs/express (#1442) (73c3fb2)
4.0.0-pre.4 (2019-07-05)
- @feathersjs/adapter-commons: remove data from
arguments (#1426) (fd54ae9) - @feathersjs/express: allow middleware arrays (#1421) (b605ab8)
- @feathersjs/express: replace
(#1429) (44542e9) - Clean up hooks code (#1407) (f25c88b)
- Fix @feathersjs/feathers typings http import (abbc07b)
- Fix OpenCollective link (28888a1)
- Improve transport-commons types (#1396) (f9d8536)
- Updated typings for ServiceMethods (#1409) (b5ee7e2)
- adapter-commons: add
to AdapterService (#1431) (e688851) - Add hook-less methods and service option types to adapter-commons (#1433) (857f54a)
4.0.0-pre.3 (2019-06-01)
- Make oAuth paths more consistent and improve authentication client (#1377) (adb2543)
- Set authenticated: true after successful authentication (#1367) (9918cff)
- Typings fix and improvements. (#1364) (515b916)
- Update dependencies and fix tests (#1373) (d743a7f)
4.0.0-pre.2 (2019-05-15)
- Throw NotAuthenticated on token verification errors (#1357) (e0120df)
- typescript: finally should be optional (#1350) (f439a9e)
- Add fallback for legacy socket authenticate event (#1356) (61b1056)
- Correctly read the oauth strategy config (#1349) (9abf314)
- Fix versioning tests. Closes #1346 (dd519f6)
- Use
export =
in TypeScript definitions (#1285) (12d0f4b)
4.0.0-pre.1 (2019-05-08)
- Add registerPublisher alias for .publish (#1302) (98fe8f8)
- Always require strategy parameter in authentication (#1327) (d4a8021)
- Bring back params.authenticated (#1317) (a0ffd5e)
- Do not log as errors below a 500 response (#1256) (33fd0e4)
- Guard against null in client side logout function (#1319) (fa7f057)
- Handle error oAuth redirect in authentication client (#1307) (12d48ee)
- Improve authentication parameter handling (#1333) (6e77204)
- Improve oAuth option handling and usability (#1335) (adb137d)
- Merge httpStrategies and authStrategies option (#1308) (afa4d55)
- Rename jwtStrategies option to authStrategies (#1305) (4aee151)
- Update version number check (53575c5)
- Updated HooksObject typings (#1300) (b28058c)
- Add params.headers to all transports when available (#1303) (ebce79b)
- Change and *JWT methods to *accessToken (#1304) (5ac826b)
- express use service.methods (#945) (3f0b1c3)
4.0.0-pre.0 (2019-04-21)
- Add test to make sure different id in adapter query works (#1165) (0ba4580)
- Add whitelist and filter support to common adapter service (#1132) (df1daaa)
- Added path and method in to express request for passport (#1112) (afa1cb4)
- Authentication core improvements (#1260) (c5dc7a2)
- Catch connection initialization errors (#1043) (4f9acd6)
- Compare socket event data using lodash's isEqual instead of indexOf (#1061) (f706db3)
- Do not inherit app object from Object prototype (#1153) (ed8c2e4)
- Fix AdapterService multi option when set to true (#1134) (40402fc)
- Improve JWT authentication option handling (#1261) (31b956b)
- make codeclimate conform to rule of three (#1076) (0a2ce87)
- Make Mocha a proper devDependency for every repository (#1053) (9974803)
- More robust parsing of mongodb connection string. Use new url parser. (#1002) (74b31df)
- Normalize params to object even when it is falsy (#1012) (af97818)
- Only merge authenticated property on update (8a564f7)
- reduce authentication connection hook complexity and remove unnecessary checks (fa94b2f)
- support a secretProvider (#1063) (9da26ad)
- Support Logger swallowing (#995) (5b3b37e), closes /
- Throw error in
when query parameter is unknown (#1131) (cd1a183) - Update 401.html (#983) (cec6bae)
- Update 404.html (#984) (72132d1)
- Update adapter common tests (#1135) (8166dda)
- Update adapter common tests to check for falsy (#1140) (2856722)
- Update adapter tests to not rely on error instance (#1202) (6885e0e)
- Update all dependencies to latest (#1206) (e51e0f6)
- adapter-commons: Keep Symbols when filtering a query (#1141) (c9f55d8)
- authentication: Fall back when is not the application when emitting events (#1185) (6a534f0)
- chore: Add .npmignore to adapter-commons (8e129d8)
- chore: Properly configure and run code linter (#1092) (fd3fc34)
- chore: Remove CLI and generators that belong in their own repositories (#1091) (e894ac8)
- compile-task: on windows machine (#60) (617e0a4)
- docs/new-features: syntax highlighting (#347) (4ab7c95)
- knex: Fix knex + sql server issues when using authentication generator (#257) (8f8f75f)
- package: update @feathersjs/commons to version 2.0.0 (#31) (c1ef5b1)
- package: update @feathersjs/commons to version 2.0.0 (#692) (ca665ab)
- package: update config to version 3.0.0 (#1100) (c9f4b42)
- use minimal RegExp matching for better performance (#977) (3ca7e97)
- package: update @feathersjs/commons to version 2.0.0 (#45) (9e82595)
- package: update @feathersjs/commons to version 2.0.0 (#84) (78ed39c)
- package: update debug to version 3.0.0 (#2) (7e19603)
- package: update debug to version 3.0.0 (#22) (0b62606)
- package: update debug to version 3.0.0 (#30) (baf7a00)
- package: update debug to version 3.0.0 (#31) (902ddf5)
- package: update debug to version 3.0.0 (#31) (f23d617)
- package: update debug to version 3.0.0 (#45) (2391434)
- package: update debug to version 3.0.0 (#45) (9b9bde5)
- package: update debug to version 3.0.0 (#555) (f788804)
- package: update debug to version 3.0.0 (#59) (fedcf06)
- package: update debug to version 3.0.0 (#61) (6f5009c)
- package: update debug to version 3.0.0 (#83) (49f1de9)
- package: update debug to version 3.0.0 (#86) (fd1bb6b)
- package: update debug to version 3.0.1 (#46) (f8ada69)
- package: update generator-feathers to version 1.0.3 (#81) (0c66bc5)
- package: update generator-feathers to version 1.0.5 (#83) (229caba)
- package: update generator-feathers to version 1.0.6 (#86) (7ae8e56)
- package: update generator-feathers to version 1.1.0 (#93) (f393e4c)
- package: update generator-feathers to version 1.1.1 (#95) (3279ba9)
- package: update generator-feathers to version 1.2.0 (#96) (8eb5674)
- package: update generator-feathers to version 1.2.10 (#115) (c1db2b2)
- package: update generator-feathers to version 1.2.11 (#116) (bba6550)
- package: update generator-feathers to version 1.2.12 (#119) (e5c737d)
- package: update generator-feathers to version 1.2.2 (#98) (ee629e3), closes #97
- package: update generator-feathers to version 1.2.3 (#99) (b6cf361)
- package: update generator-feathers to version 1.2.4 (#101) (2182fef)
- package: update generator-feathers to version 1.2.5 (#104) (295f6aa)
- package: update generator-feathers to version 1.2.6 (#106) (66125dc)
- package: update generator-feathers to version 1.2.9 (#110) (17e55dc)
- package: update generator-feathers to version 2.0.0 (#126) (eff6627)
- package: update generator-feathers to version 2.1.0 (#128) (b712355)
- package: update generator-feathers to version 2.1.1 (#129) (1f91c0b)
- package: update generator-feathers to version 2.2.0 (#130) (308ad0b)
- package: update generator-feathers to version 2.3.0 (#131) (7894807)
- package: update generator-feathers to version 2.3.1 (#132) (c3e3187)
- package: update generator-feathers to version 2.4.0 (#137) (1645d2e)
- package: update generator-feathers to version 2.4.1 (#140) (e5a5f7c)
- package: update generator-feathers to version 2.4.4 (#151) (3dcd480)
- package: update generator-feathers to version 2.5.2 (#155) (493ca4b)
- package: update generator-feathers to version 2.5.3 (#156) (ef570a8)
- package: update generator-feathers to version 2.5.4 (#158) (787f30c)
- package: update generator-feathers to version 2.5.5 (#159) (bbd1b29)
- package: update generator-feathers to version 2.5.6 (#161) (cb72a5c)
- package: update generator-feathers to version 2.6.0 (#164) (6212ec9)
- package: update generator-feathers-plugin to version 0.11.0 (#105) (d40bb75)
- package: update generator-feathers-plugin to version 0.12.1 (#112) (f374e01)
- package: update generator-feathers-plugin to version 1.0.0 (#134) (ee905b0)
- package: update jsonwebtoken to version 8.0.0 (#567) (6811626)
- package: update ms to version 2.0.0 (#509) (7e4b0b6)
- package: update passport to version 0.4.0 (#558) (dcb14a5)
- package: update passport-jwt to version 4.0.0 (#58) (77a3800)
- package: update to version 2.0.0 (#75) (d4a4b71)
- package: update yeoman-environment to version 2.0.0 (#89) (2355652)
- package: update yeoman-generator to version 2.0.0 (#279) (4f38e8b)
- package: update yeoman-generator to version 2.0.0 (#46) (7071095)
- package: update yeoman-generator to version 3.0.0 (#374) (acdbbca)
- package: Move adapter tests into their own module (#1164) (dcc1e6b)
- drop support for Node.js 0.10 (#48) (3f7555a)
- @feathers/cli: introduce option to choose jest for tests instead of mocha (#1057) (1356a1c)
- @feathersjs/authentication-oauth (#1299) (656bae7)
- Add authentication through oAuth redirect to authentication client (#1301) (35d8043)
- Add AuthenticationBaseStrategy and make authentication option handling more explicit (#1284) (2667d92)
- Add TypeScript definitions (#1275) (9dd6713)
- Added generators for feathers-objection & feathers-cassandra (#1010) (c8b27d0)
- Allow registering a service at the root level (#1115) (c73d322)
- Allow to skip sending service events (#1270) (b487bbd)
- Authentication v3 client (#1240) (65b43bd)
- Authentication v3 core server implementation (#1205) (1bd7591)
- Authentication v3 Express integration (#1218) (82bcfbe)
- Authentication v3 local authentication (#1211) (0fa5f7c)
- Common database adapter utilities and test suite (#1130) (17b3dc8)
- Make custom query for oAuth authentication (#1124) (5d43e3c)
- Remove (hook, next) signature and SKIP support (#1269) (211c0f8)
- Support params symbol to skip authenticate hook (#1296) (d16cf4d)
- Rewrite for authentication v3
- Update authentication strategies for @feathersjs/authentication v3
- package: Removes adapter tests from @feathersjs/adapter-commons
- Move database adapter utilities from @feathersjs/commons into its own module
- This module no longer supports Node.js 0.10