diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
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api.video API client generator
-[api.video](https://api.video/) is the video infrastructure for product builders. Lightning fast video APIs for integrating, scaling, and managing on-demand & low latency live streaming features in your app.
+:memo: **TODO**: PROJECT NAME :memo:
+[api.video](https://api.video) is the video infrastructure for product builders. Lightning fast
+video APIs for integrating, scaling, and managing on-demand & low latency live streaming features in
+your app.
+> **Note**
+> This is generated by the api.video template.
+> Unfornately, it is not over yet, to complete the `README.md`, you have to:
+> - update the github badge of the banner to this repository :arrow_double_up:
+> - update project name :arrow_up:
+> - add information about this repository in this `README.md`
+> - update the `Table of contents`
+> - update FAQ `issues` URL :arrow_double_down:
+> - be sure that there isn't any TODO left in this `README.md`
+> - delete this note
# Table of contents
+- [Table of contents](#table-of-contents)
- [Project description](#project-description)
- [Getting started](#getting-started)
- - [Requirements](#requirements)
- - [Usage](#usage)
+ - [Installation](#installation)
+ - [Code sample](#code-sample)
- [Documentation](#documentation)
- - [Supported languages](#supported-languages)
- - [Template files](#template-files)
- - [Configuration files](#configuration-files)
- - [Generator sub-class](#generator-sub-class)
- - [Development](#development)
- - [Configuration](#configuration)
- - [CLI](#cli)
- - [File](#file)
-- [Contribution](#contribution)
+- [Dependencies](#dependencies)
+- [FAQ](#faq)
# Project description
-API client generation tool based on [OpenAPI Generator](https://github.com/OpenAPITools/openapi-generator). Generates client source code in several languages based on [mustache templates](https://mustache.github.io/).
+This library is :memo: **TODO**
# Getting started
-## Requirements
+## Installation
+:memo: **TODO**
+## Code sample
+:memo: **TODO**
+# Documentation
+:memo: **TODO**
+# Dependencies
+We are using external library
-- Java 1.8+
-- Maven
+| Plugin | README |
+| ------ | ------ |
+| :memo: **TODO** [Link to project]() | **TODO** [Link to README]() |
-## Usage
+# Sample application
-To generate an API client:
+:memo: **TODO**
-mvn package -P [profile]
+# FAQ
-To see the list of available profiles, see the "profile" column in the table of [supported languages](#supported-languages).
-# Documentation
-## Supported languages
-| Language | Profile | CI tests | CI package release | Repository |
-| Java | java | :white_check_mark: | :white_check_mark: | [java-api-client](https://github.com/apivideo/api.video-java-client) |
-| Android | android | :white_check_mark: | :white_check_mark: | [android-api-client](https://github.com/apivideo/api.video-android-client) |
-| Android | android-uploader | :white_check_mark: | :white_check_mark: | [android-video-uploader](https://github.com/apivideo/api.video-android-uploader) |
-| NodeJs/Typescript | nodejs | :white_check_mark: | :white_check_mark: | [nodejs-api-client](https://github.com/apivideo/api.video-nodejs-client) |
-| Php | php | :white_check_mark: | - | [php-api-client](https://github.com/apivideo/api.video-php-client) |
-| C# | csharp | :white_check_mark: | :white_check_mark: | [csharp-api-client](https://github.com/apivideo/api.video-csharp-client) |
-| Go | go | :white_check_mark: | - | [go-api-client](https://github.com/apivideo/api.video-go-client) |
-| Python | python | :white_check_mark: | :white_check_mark: | [python-api-client](https://github.com/apivideo/api.video-python-client) |
-| Swift5 | swift5 | :white_check_mark: | :white_check_mark: | [ios-api-client](https://github.com/apivideo/api.video-ios-client) |
-| Swift5 | swift5-uploader | :white_check_mark: | :white_check_mark: | [ios-video-uploader](https://github.com/apivideo/api.video-ios-uploader) |
-| Documentation | documentation | - | - | [documentation](https://github.com/apivideo/api.video-documentation) |
-## Template files
-Mustache template files can be found in `templates/[profile]`.
-Templates are based on default OpenAPI Generator [templates](https://github.com/OpenAPITools/openapi-generator/tree/master/modules/openapi-generator/src/main/resources).
-## Configuration files
-Each target language has it's own configuration file located at `config/[profile].yaml`.
-apiPackage: video.api.client.api.clients # API files output folder
-modelPackage: folder.subfolder.subsubfolder # model output folder
- page.mustache:
- folder: src/main/java/video/api/client/api/models
- destinationFilename: Page.java
- ApiVideoAuthInterceptor.mustache:
- folder: src/main/java/video/api/client/api/auth
- destinationFilename: ApiVideoAuthInterceptor.java
- EmptyArrayFixTypeAdapterFactory.mustache:
- folder: src/main/java/video/api/client/api
- destinationFilename: EmptyArrayFixTypeAdapterFactory.java
- UploadChunkRequestBody.mustache:
- folder: src/main/java/video/api/client/api/upload
- destinationFilename: UploadChunkRequestBody.java
- UploadProgressListener.mustache:
- folder: src/main/java/video/api/client/api/upload
- destinationFilename: UploadProgressListener.java
- ApiVideoClient.mustache:
- folder: src/main/java/video/api/client
- destinationFilename: ApiVideoClient.java
- pagination.md.mustache:
- folder: docs
- destinationFilename: Pagination.md
- post-generate.sh:
- destinationFilename: post-generate.sh
-> - https://openapi-generator.tech/docs/globals/
-> - https://openapi-generator.tech/docs/configuration/
-> - https://openapi-generator.tech/docs/customization#user-defined-templates
-> - https://github.com/OpenAPITools/openapi-generator/blob/master/modules/openapi-generator/src/main/java/org/openapitools/codegen/DefaultCodegen.java#L106-L111
-## Generator sub-class
-Some target language require tweaks that can't be done through the config file or the templates. In this case, a subclass of the generator is created at `apivideo-generator/src/main/java/video/api/client/generator/[pascal-case-profile].java`.
-## Development
-We recommend the usage of a dedicated [Java IDE](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_integrated_development_environments#Java) to work on the development of this project.
-Especially if you want to tweak one of the language specific `Codegen` written in `Java` you'll need to navigate through the class hierarchy.
-### Configuration
-A `CodegenConfigurator` instance is built from configurations coming from:
- - the `CLI`
- - a `yml` configuration file.
-This `CodegenConfigurator` is then turned into a `ClientOptInput` (via the `toClientOptInput` method) to be fed to a `Generator`.
-> __This is when our custom codegen, which implements `CodegenConfig` interface is involved.__
-The generation is actually done by the `generate` method of the `DefaultGenerator` class.
-This method will mainly :
-- `processUserDefinedTemplates`
-- `generateModels` given the list of `files` and available `models`
-- `generateApis` given the list of `files` and available `operations`
-- `generateSupportingFiles` given available `models` and `operations`
-#### CLI
-The profile configuration is first read from `pom.xml`, see java for example :
- java
- java
- video.api.client.generator.Java
- ./post-generate.sh
-When generating a client with the following command:
-mvn package -P [profile]
-Internally the `generate` command of the `openapi-generator-cli` run with the following options:
- oas_apivideo.yaml
- ${generatorName}
- ${project.basedir}/templates/${folder}
- ${project.basedir}/config/${folder}.yaml
-#### File
-The `yml` config file -- is loaded in the `CodegenConfigurator` class via the `fromFile` method.
-> A class which manages the contextual configuration for code generation.
-> This includes configuring the generator, templating, and the workflow which orchestrates these.
-> This helper also enables the deserialization of `GeneratorSettings` via application-specific Jackson JSON usage (see `DynamicSettings`.
-Each entry under the `files` key of the `yml` configuration file is used to build a `TemplateDefinition` object.
-If not specified otherwise the file is treated as a `SupportingFile`.
+If you have any questions, ask us in the [community](https://community.api.video) or
+use [issues](:memo: **TODO** URL to this github project issues).