Markdown is a document syntax that allows writing documents in plain text that can be converted to HTML or other format. The following section contains some help about authoring the markdown format.
Basics about markdown markdown basics
Sometimes you might find a guide to markdown and some formating in it won't work with That is becasue the tool used for supports Gruber's markdown syntax and not all the extensions that exist.
Both absolute and relative links work. You can add a link in
to foo/
with either [click this absolute link](/foo/
or [click this relative link](
. Relative links assist in movig directories of pages
around since a whole subdirectory can be moved and if all the pages in
it have relative links then those will not break. Absolute links
assist in moving pages around since the links on a single page do not
break if a single page is moved.
You can put static files in the same directory structure. If the page
has an image tag like

, this will get rendered as
Only .md
(markdown) files will be treated like pages. Everything
else is won't get rendered like a page (fancy headers, etc).
Inside of your .md
files, you can add some front-matter. For example,
if you want the title in the browser tab and breadcrumbs to be different from
whatever is in the content of the page, you could do:
title: This is the title that I like in the browser tab
# This is the title that gets displayed as an H1 on the page.
Bacon ipsum dolor sit amet...
The first H1 tag will be used as the name of the page in navigtion.
Use the following css are already in the CSS used by the arxiv-docs pages.
To clear a float use a single #
(an empty header) on its own line.
Note that more than one class can be applied to an image.
- make an image 100% width of content area :
- make an image 60% width of content area (100% on mobile) and center it:
- make a small thumbnail image:
- add a grey border:
- float an image left and make it 50% width:
- float an image right and make it 50% width:
- place two images side by side, each 50% width of content area (will stack at 100% width on mobile), with borders:
{.mkd-img-left .mkd-img-border}
{.mkd-img-left .mkd-img-border}
The following styles will be automatically applied to any ordered lists, or ordered lists within a blockquote, on your page. A normal ordered list will produce a condensed list of items separated horizontally by some padding and a red bullet. Enclosing the ordered list within a blockquote will produce a 2-column list of bordered items with box shadows. Stacks to a single column on mobile.
1. item goes here
1. another item here
1. final list item
> 1. item goes here
> 1. another item here
> 1. final list item
The following styles will be automatically applied to any unordered lists within a blockquote on your page.
> - First item
> - This is a second item
> - Third item here
Use the following styles to add a subtle box-shadow around some content.
> This content will appear in a blockquote.
> So will this line. Be sure to add a carrot to each line in a blockquote even...
> ... blank lines.
See mkdocs-material additional CSS
Currently using custom nav bar config: Change the nav by editing /source/
mkdocs-material which
is theme for mkdocs. For information about customizing themes, CSS or
JS see:
See mkdocs-material/customization
Redirect from inside mkdocs can be done with HTML pages. Mkdocs will pass through .html files unchanged.
Say you wanted to redirect from /xyz.html to /about/donate.html, then put this
at source/xyz.html
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="1; url=/about/donate.html">
window.location.href = "/about/donate.html"
If you are not redirected automatically, follow the <a href='/about/donate.html'>link</a>
Note that the URL to redirect to should be relative if it is in mkdocs
but if it is not in mkdocs, it should be absolute. That is, for -> use a relative URL of
. But for a URL outside of like -> you need to use the full URL with the
Redirects from /about to /about/index.html are handled by GCP buckets that are served as a static web site. See
To get a directory to redirect, ex. /corr/subjectclasses -> you need to create the directory and put an index.html that will do the redirect.
Redirects from to are handled by javascript in
As of 2022-09 the macro plugin for mkdocs is disabled and this should not be a problem. It was difficult to track down so I'm leaving this in.
When using mkdocs and the macros plug in you can get a stack grace
with a Jinja error like message "Missing end of comment tag". This is
often due to LaTeX or code samples with text like {% raw %} "{{?}}" {% endraw %}
See the mkdocs-macros docs for several ways to work around this.