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Merge pull request facebook#79 from eerpini/whistler_vendor_swaps
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Whistler vendor swaps
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eerpini authored Sep 20, 2023
2 parents d5216e4 + 0014072 commit a9aae54
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Showing 8 changed files with 23,055 additions and 14,732 deletions.
3,072 changes: 3,072 additions & 0 deletions arista/platform/meru800bfa/config/bcm_config

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

25,262 changes: 12,631 additions & 12,631 deletions arista/platform/meru800bfa/config/whistler_platform_mapping.json

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

2,048 changes: 1,024 additions & 1,024 deletions arista/platform/meru800bfa/config/whistler_port_profile_mapping.csv

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

2,048 changes: 1,024 additions & 1,024 deletions arista/platform/meru800bfa/config/whistler_static_mapping.csv

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

3,073 changes: 3,073 additions & 0 deletions arista/platform/meru800bfa/scripts/SocPropertiesP1.csv

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

2,049 changes: 2,049 additions & 0 deletions arista/platform/meru800bfa/scripts/Trace_whistler_1.0_Ramon3ToOSFP-800G.csv

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

230 changes: 177 additions & 53 deletions arista/platform/meru800bfa/scripts/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -24,17 +24,25 @@

# Variables to control the behavior for this script.
# Existing mappings at a port level are not replaced if preserveExistingMappings=True
preserveExistingMappings = True
preserveExistingMappings = False
# Logical port base in the SDK for fabric ports.
fabricPortBase = 0
# Whistler has two Ramon3 ASICs with 512x100G serdes on each ASIC.
numAsics = 2
# Total number of fabric ports assuming that each fabric serdes is enumerated as a
# separate port.
numFabricPorts = 128 * 8
# Print debug information
debug = False
numNifPorts = 0
# Number of fabric serdes cores per ASIC.
numFabricSerdesCoresPerAsic = 64
# Number of serdes per serdes core. Peregrine 8x100G serdes core on R3.
numSerdesPerCore = 8
# Total serdes in the system
numSystemSerdes = numFabricSerdesCoresPerAsic * numAsics * numSerdesPerCore
# Since each front panel slot has 8 lanes, total front panel ports is :
numFrontPanelPorts = numSystemSerdes // 8
# Total number of fabric ports assuming that each fabric serdes is enumerated as a
# separate port.
numFabricPorts = numSystemSerdes

# Assuming 100G lanes, number of lanes required by each supported port profile.
numLanesFromSupportedProfile = {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -136,47 +144,117 @@ def getFabricPortMapping( portId, serdesCore, frontPanelPort, firstSerdesCoreLan
fabricFrontPanelMap[ row[ 0 ] ] = row[ 1: ]

# Map ASIC physical rx and tx serdes/lanes to front panel slot, lane.
asicSerdesToFrontPanelMap = []
# Map front panel port to ASIC physical rx and tx serdes.
# X/Y => {chipId, rxPhysicalLane, txPhysicalLane}
frontPanelToAsicSerdesMap = {}
# Map ASIC logical lanes to physical rx and tx serdes/lanes.
asicLogicalLaneToSerdesMap = []
# Map ASIC physical rx and tx serdes/lanes to logical lanes.
asicSerdesToLogicalLaneMap = []
for asic in range( numAsics ):
asicSerdesToFrontPanelMap.append( { "rx" : {}, "tx" : {} } )
asicSerdesToLogicalLaneMap.append( { "rx" : {}, "tx" : {} } )
asicLogicalLaneToSerdesMap.append( {} )

# On whistler each serdes is a port, we cannot derive the lane maps just by parsing
# the system side serdes to line side lane mapping information.
# For now we will just use the pre-generated lane mapping CSV to map logical lanes to
# rx, tx physical lanes. We can then look up the system serdes id (which would be the
# rx, tx physical lane) to map it to a front panel slot and lane.
# The result of all this is that unlike Viper, on Whistler, the front panel lane will
# not always match the ASIC logical lane.
with open( "SocPropertiesP1.csv" ) as fh:
for line in fh:
if line.startswith( "chipId" ):
chipId, propKey, propVal = line.rstrip().split( "," )
if not propKey.startswith( "lane_to" ):
chipId = int( chipId )
logicalLane = int( propKey.removeprefix( "lane_to_serdes_map_fabric_lane" ) )
rxPhysicalSerdes = 0
txPhysicalSerdes = 0
for physicalSerdes in propVal.rstrip().split( ":" ):
if physicalSerdes.startswith( "rx" ):
rxPhysicalSerdes = int( physicalSerdes.removeprefix( "rx" ) )
elif physicalSerdes.startswith( "tx" ):
txPhysicalSerdes = int( physicalSerdes.removeprefix( "tx" ) )
assert False
# We should only see one line per logical lane per chip
assert logicalLane not in asicLogicalLaneToSerdesMap[ chipId ]
asicLogicalLaneToSerdesMap[ chipId ][ logicalLane ] = {}
asicLogicalLaneToSerdesMap[ chipId ][ logicalLane ][ "rx" ] = rxPhysicalSerdes
asicLogicalLaneToSerdesMap[ chipId ][ logicalLane ][ "tx" ] = txPhysicalSerdes
asicSerdesToLogicalLaneMap[ chipId ][ "rx" ][ rxPhysicalSerdes ] = logicalLane
asicSerdesToLogicalLaneMap[ chipId ][ "tx" ][ txPhysicalSerdes ] = logicalLane

# Map system side physical serdes to front panel OSFP slot and lane.
with open( "Trace_whistler_1.0_Ramon3ToOSFP-800G.csv" ) as fh:
for line in fh:
if line.startswith( "System" ):
chipId, physicalSerdesId, frontPanelSlot, frontPanelLane, _, direction, polaritySwap = line.rstrip().split(",")
chipId = int( chipId )
physicalSerdesId = int( physicalSerdesId )
frontPanelSlot = int( frontPanelSlot )
frontPanelLane = int( frontPanelLane )
assert chipId < numAsics
asicSerdesToFrontPanelMap[ chipId ][ direction ][ physicalSerdesId ] = ( frontPanelSlot,
frontPanelLane, polaritySwap )
frontPanelPortStrKey = f"{frontPanelSlot}/{frontPanelLane}"
if frontPanelPortStrKey not in frontPanelToAsicSerdesMap:
frontPanelToAsicSerdesMap[ frontPanelPortStrKey ] = {}
frontPanelToAsicSerdesMap[ frontPanelPortStrKey ][ "chipId" ] = chipId
frontPanelToAsicSerdesMap[ frontPanelPortStrKey ][ direction ] = physicalSerdesId

# Append the fabric ports.
# Each serdes is described as a fabric port, so the enumeration here is somewhat
# different from the NIF ports.
assert len( fabricFrontPanelMap ) == numFabricPorts
for portId in range( numFabricPorts ):
frontPanelPort = str( portId + 1 )
frontPanelInfo = fabricFrontPanelMap[ frontPanelPort ]
portId += fabricPortBase
portStr = str( portId )
frontPanelSlot = ( ( portId ) // 8 ) + 1
assert str( frontPanelSlot ) == frontPanelInfo[ 3 ]
serdesCoreLane = int( frontPanelInfo[ 11 ] )
frontPanelLane = ( portId % 8 )
assert str( frontPanelLane + 1 ) == frontPanelInfo[ 4 ]
if portStr in platMapping[ 'ports' ] and preserveExistingMappings:
supportedProfiles = [ '36', '37', ]
serdesCore = frontPanelInfo[ 8 ]
serdesCore = f"BC{serdesCore}"
frontPanelPort = f"fab1/{frontPanelSlot}"
portMapping = getFabricPortMapping( portId=portId, serdesCore=serdesCore,
frontPanelPort=frontPanelPort, firstFrontPanelLane=frontPanelLane,
supportedProfiles=supportedProfiles )
platMapping[ 'ports' ][ portStr ] = portMapping
if debug:
print( portMapping )
for asicId in range( numAsics ):
fabricPortBase = ( asicId * numFabricSerdesCoresPerAsic * numSerdesPerCore )
for fabSerdesCore in range( numFabricSerdesCoresPerAsic ):
port = fabSerdesCore * numSerdesPerCore
for serdes in range( numSerdesPerCore ):
# Globally unique logical port Id
logicalPortId = port + fabricPortBase
portStr = str( logicalPortId )
if portStr in platMapping[ 'ports' ] and preserveExistingMappings:
supportedProfiles = [ '36', '37', ]
serdesCore = f"BC{fabSerdesCore}"
# Since each serdes is a port, "port" is the logical lane on the ASIC side
# Map from port, which is the logicalLane to physical rx and tx lanes and
# then map those to front panel slot and lane.
rxPhysicalLane = asicLogicalLaneToSerdesMap[ asicId ][ port ][ "rx" ]
txPhysicalLane = asicLogicalLaneToSerdesMap[ asicId ][ port ][ "tx" ]
frontPanelSlot, frontPanelLane, _ = asicSerdesToFrontPanelMap[ asicId ][ "rx" ][
rxPhysicalLane ]
frontPanelSlotComp, frontPanelLaneComp, _ = asicSerdesToFrontPanelMap[ asicId ][
"tx" ][ txPhysicalLane ]
assert frontPanelSlot == frontPanelSlotComp
assert frontPanelLane == frontPanelLaneComp
frontPanelPort = f"fab1/{frontPanelSlot}"
portMapping = getFabricPortMapping( portId=logicalPortId, serdesCore=serdesCore,
frontPanelPort=frontPanelPort, firstFrontPanelLane=frontPanelLane,
firstSerdesCoreLane=serdes, supportedProfiles=supportedProfiles )
platMapping[ 'ports' ][ portStr ] = portMapping
if debug:
print( portMapping )
port += 1

# Append the chips enumeration.
# Serdes cores is a superset of octet cores required for fabric and front panel
# ports.
platMapping[ "chips" ] = []
serdesCores = max( numNifPorts, numFabricPorts//8 ) // numAsics
for core in range( serdesCores ):
for core in range( numFabricSerdesCoresPerAsic ):
platMapping[ "chips" ].append( OrderedDict(
"name": f"BC{core}",
"type" : 1,
"physicalID": core
} ) )
numFrontPanelPorts = 128
for port in range( numFrontPanelPorts ):
frontPanelSlot = port + 1
platMapping[ "chips" ].append( OrderedDict(
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -226,6 +304,7 @@ def getFabricPortMapping( portId, serdesCore, frontPanelPort, firstSerdesCoreLan
with open( "whistler_platform_mapping.json", "w") as fh:
fh.write( json_out )

bcmConfigFh = open( "bcm_config", "w" )
with open( "whistler_static_mapping.csv", "w" ) as fh:
# Description of attributes for front panel serdes in the order of their
# occurence.
Expand All @@ -252,37 +331,82 @@ def getFabricPortMapping( portId, serdesCore, frontPanelPort, firstSerdesCoreLan
# Z_TX_POLARITY_SWAP : bool, is polarity swapped for tx trace.
# Z_RX_POLARITY_SWAP : bool, is polarity swapped for rx trace.
for portId in range( numFabricPorts ):
frontPanelPort = str( portId + 1 )
frontPanelInfo = fabricFrontPanelMap[ frontPanelPort ]
portId += fabricPortBase
portStr = str( portId )
frontPanelSlot = ( ( portId ) // 8 ) + 1
assert str( frontPanelSlot ) == frontPanelInfo[ 3 ]
serdesCoreLane = int( frontPanelInfo[ 11 ] )
physicalLane = int( frontPanelInfo[ 9 ] )
frontPanelLane = ( portId % 8 )
assert str( frontPanelLane + 1 ) == frontPanelInfo[ 4 ]
# Ramon ID, 0,1
chipId = int( frontPanelInfo[ 5 ] )
serdesCore = frontPanelInfo[ 8 ]
frontPanelSlot = ( portId // 8 ) + 1
frontPanelLane = portId % 8
frontPanelPortStrKey = f"{frontPanelSlot}/{frontPanelLane}"
chipId = frontPanelToAsicSerdesMap[ frontPanelPortStrKey ][ "chipId" ]
rxPhysicalLane = frontPanelToAsicSerdesMap[ frontPanelPortStrKey ][ "rx" ]
txPhysicalLane = frontPanelToAsicSerdesMap[ frontPanelPortStrKey ][ "tx" ]
logicalLane = asicSerdesToLogicalLaneMap[ chipId ][ "rx" ][ rxPhysicalLane ]
assert logicalLane == asicSerdesToLogicalLaneMap[ chipId ][ "tx" ][ txPhysicalLane ]
serdesCore = logicalLane // 8

_frontPanelSlot, _frontPanelLane, rxPolSwap = asicSerdesToFrontPanelMap[ chipId ][ "rx" ][
rxPhysicalLane ]
assert frontPanelSlot == _frontPanelSlot
assert frontPanelLane == _frontPanelLane
_frontPanelSlot, _frontPanelLane, txPolSwap = asicSerdesToFrontPanelMap[ chipId ][ "tx" ][
txPhysicalLane ]
assert frontPanelSlot == _frontPanelSlot
assert frontPanelLane == _frontPanelLane
rxPolSwap = rxPolSwap[ 0 ]
txPolSwap = txPolSwap[ 0 ]
if rxPolSwap == "Y":
rxPolSwapProp = "1"
elif rxPolSwap == "N":
rxPolSwapProp = "0"
assert False
if txPolSwap == "Y":
txPolSwapProp = "1"
elif txPolSwap == "N":
txPolSwapProp = "0"
assert False
asicCoreType = "R3_FE"
laneMapType = "fabric"
polaritySwapType = "fabric"
# BCM soc properties for lane maps and polarity swaps.
# NOTE : Currently this only generates
f"\"lane_to_serdes_map_{laneMapType}_lane{logicalLane}.BCM8886X.{chipId}\": \"rx{rxPhysicalLane}:tx{txPhysicalLane}\",\n" )
f"\"phy_rx_polarity_flip_{polaritySwapType}{logicalLane}.BCM8886X.{chipId}\": \"{rxPolSwapProp}\",\n" )
f"\"phy_tx_polarity_flip_{polaritySwapType}{logicalLane}.BCM8886X.{chipId}\": \"{txPolSwapProp}\",\n" )

with open( "whistler_port_profile_mapping.csv", "w" ) as fh:
fabricPortBase = 0
# Description of fields in the order of their appearance:
# Global PortID : Global port ID across all ASICs in the system.
# Logical_PortID : Logical port ID used in the bcm soc properties.
# Port_Name : Port name used in the platform mapping.
# Attached_CoreId : CoreId on ASIC that the port is attached to.
# Attached_Core_PortID : Core local portID assigned to this port.
# NOTE : For Fabric ports, there is no core binding, the corresponding
# Attached_CoreId and Attached_Core_PortID can be left empty.
fabSupportedProfiles = '-'.join( numLanesFromSupportedProfile.keys() )
asicLogicalPortId = {}
asicGlobalPortId = {}
# FBOSS assigns a range of 2k ports to each NPU, we will only use the first 512
# IDs from this space.
fabricPortsPerAsic = 2048
for asicId in range( numAsics ):
asicLogicalPortId[ asicId ] = 0
asicGlobalPortId[ asicId ] = ( fabricPortsPerAsic * asicId )
for portId in range( numFabricPorts ):
portId += fabricPortBase
frontPanelSlot = ( ( portId ) // 8 ) + 1
frontPanelPortType = "fab"
portStrPrefix = f"{frontPanelPortType}1/{frontPanelSlot}"
subPort = ( portId % 8 ) + 1
frontPanelSlot = ( portId // 8 ) + 1
frontPanelLane = portId % 8
frontPanelPortStrKey = f"{frontPanelSlot}/{frontPanelLane}"
chipId = frontPanelToAsicSerdesMap[ frontPanelPortStrKey ][ "chipId" ]
portStrPrefix = f"fab1/{frontPanelSlot}"
subPort = frontPanelLane + 1
portStr = f"{portStrPrefix}/{subPort}"
fh.write( f"{portId},{portStr},{fabSupportedProfiles},,\n" )
fh.write( f"{asicGlobalPortId[chipId]},{asicLogicalPortId[chipId]},{portStr},{fabSupportedProfiles},,\n" )
asicLogicalPortId[ chipId ] += 1
asicGlobalPortId[ chipId ] += 1

Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -197,6 +197,11 @@ def getFabricPortMapping( portId, serdesCore, frontPanelPort, firstLane,
asicSerdesMappings = []
for asic in range( numAsics ):
asicSerdesMappings.append( {} )
# For Viper, since each serdes core maps to a single OSFP port, we can figure out the
# lanes from reverse mapping the line side lane to the system side serdes lane.
# This also means that the logical lanes on the ASIC side always match the OSFP front
# panel lanes. The lane maps tell us how a logical lane maps to rx, tx physical
# lanes.
with open( "AsicToXcvrTraceInfoP1.csv" ) as fh:
for line in fh:
if line.startswith( "System" ):
Expand Down

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