Every AQL operations works with POJOs (e.g. MyObject), VelocyPack (VPackSlice) and Json (String).
E.g. get all Simpsons aged 3 or older in ascending order:
ArangoDatabase db = arangoDB.db("myDatabase");
ArangoCollection collection = db.collection("myCollection");
collection.insertDocument(new MyObject("Homer", 38));
collection.insertDocument(new MyObject("Marge", 36));
collection.insertDocument(new MyObject("Bart", 10));
collection.insertDocument(new MyObject("Lisa", 8));
collection.insertDocument(new MyObject("Maggie", 2));
Map<String, Object> bindVars = new HashMap<>();
bindVars.put("age", 3);
ArangoCursor<MyObject> cursor = db.query(query, bindVars, null, MyObject.class);
for(; cursor.hasNext;) {
MyObject obj = cursor.next();
or return the AQL result as VelocyPack:
ArangoCursor<VPackSlice> cursor = db.query(query, bindVars, null, VPackSlice.class);
for(; cursor.hasNext;) {
VPackSlice obj = cursor.next();
Note: The parameter type
in query()
has to match the result of the query, otherwise you get an VPackParserException. E.g. you set type
to BaseDocument
or a POJO and the query result is an array or simple type, you get an VPackParserException caused by VPackValueTypeException: Expecting type OBJECT.